J I 'WB,wt ataeJJi;-.w Y i r'TTrTy-- fr'?"p t wtfwtewwytrjJifi' saaaaauearenasap ,aj lae., whim imiii jji, iinftjiijiwia i i ,. " " i i iJp WHnfi Sf wte- : I". -. .... , , . .11 V." i lR. H.T. BASS OSers hia profeato m of Tarboro and tonal mttIcm to 4k citt- !-' d Iclnitv. t 4 t - J fl I nr .U.I.'. ..AnAnUililKAkl Office la T. A. McNalr't drug lortpn Mala TAHBORO. N. C; Prictke la H the Coarts. 8tt ' 0 " ''! Tj Btate wo4 Fed- -4 Llartin A Sharpe, . t rtttloa ia tbe Gcott. StaU'aad Fadaiafe r ; i j cttxiiw ajsov4 1 tliil WmpracHc rlifT and PM hi t CotitiUe of Edrtcotatxv Halifax and jntt aaOlnrtfca 'Canmv.-&tM , 4 Flret Judicial District, azuLia aa CircolVaad VCOIVMK aaW-7 Bnprem Ooarta at RaMgtw riRBoko akntocsr MGturfjIr Ll lh Cai W yaati.'.rHW Wiiaoa sd BallfuHi eoulaa4 - ii lrji Aknfaiiit 1b frnat mod at V mw tral 8.8. VJ oMrttfe T7 ALTER P. "WIUJAMSON VV : ATTORITETJLTA (Offica ia Ppat OflbajBoQAac?) X v i- '-'- ty Practice ia State and fe4elomitU. HART & COOI-Ey, "Attorneys - ett - lUia fraetica in StaU and Faderal Courta. jnlto 1 , . f. i. GEORGE HOWARD, ? $$rfy : Attorney ad Conmeldr at; Law. 2"Pracies ta all tha Coarta, bUU a4 raderaL !:.r;. . : : . .-y- "JNOiLBEDmiOI,fl Attoriieys-at-I-aW. Praetlca In all Courts. Prompt attention to I aasineaa. ; ; r r, r miiW D It. L N. CARR. TABBOBO Office hoars, Irai . ram a to a p. , . , r :' aaPNext door ta Taboro Iaier at Royster'a. i onae, ofer 1 thoo;h. 0ATT1-c. Office next to Phulpa 4e Staton's Law office, wm TtnrfJm in ,mand SUteCourta. Refen by expiejbetnaaaioa ta JadreBaf A a, of the Supreme Court; Citltcna KaSonal Bank, of Kaldglr; Battle, Bona Co, Haa folk; Jna. ArrUgtoa 6 Ron, Fetertbnrf. a31-6m , - r i"" - . . ALBEUDIE nOUOE Cor. BANK: A RAPK SXB3DBTS.UjA Tarboro. N. C. BOARD. TriDsianV., - ! . u ' . j..; a.w w Table BoaH, alone, 8,60 " week ra29 t ; A'ri" -4 ft -stop at; f . THE BRYAtr HOUSE, Tarboro, !N!I i 9-8A31TIje ROOMS f of Drajnmsea. and HOMK COMFORTS la terrpvaOu. April IS 188Sly J:i:l f ' a aI2LVa2 ITS , ST ABLE, Caaaam Sunttu Aaahaw araaara, t , 4 TABBOBOV B. C. Thaaa Stables are the larraat la tba State. and have a capacity of holding ng ten' caMoada of stock. GiTS him a call. . e jantoy Ceo. Howard Pasn. vau'lL Pi; asa,' Tiaa Paaa M, w-aaaalLOaaUar. fc x T)l9 Fajaali3 lawaTkawl'. aV; VV aAlTXl0 DKriRTKEiTJ Baits ooea from ... .... A. XL iot-f. DisoountDay, TmJBanAT. . '!.. ajaa-aaaaV' I . - : . i ." ' : DraaoToaa : ' i -r Dr. J. H. Baker. H Oea' Howard, H. L. Steton. Jr., 1 W. JL Pippen; . H. Morris J T Pea. 18-ly. - y S Bockyinoactfniltj! a RE in full and successful mention, sad .f. are prepared to fill all orders ioe Sheee lnira. Tarns and Cotton Rosa, at lowest Drioa. Orders addressed to Rock .Mount JlUls. . Rocky Mount, N. C- will be ptoaaptly attend-. ed ta.. ij. J; h JAMES 8. BATTLE, ? . . " 8eyaaeTiaauraT. AprilUrlSTS-tL, JW ' ; j4 i ... .. - k The Gregory Hotel, knoweTajf'Bryaa House, n full operation, doing good baiineaa, will be old on favorable tenne. i ; .. ' r Feby, Slst 1888. Ceo. Howakd. 4- 20)99 now t:i UOE. rtkeirnaerarotkebaac. Wtttkymmmmr- ttead aaaTaHUiatas: i w May lUkia. Th.y araMndMtbabait.aadeaabawMMckcaa. AUarjwaf. rmatC CiKalanuiM . Mowark MaohlnaCOn StawarkaCHltO. aaaaiafcaMb asa.kajaiaiaa.S !"7r nEAMYOU. BJ 111 if Wsat . fl . .. Mr ban t sood. a.arratlo ageataararr. . ar ban to aail au - SmM kjaSifc. Tbabaatiatka - ariC4iaaaaMaTT-ai.'l nf liuaa. Mkiii u.u. i toapraav .u j -n aaar, , , , tMMatflajarj wMaaa a atvaa ; saa-w. sacaaw 4 f ' .... t - ir, -A rad BlQdlnit Jatcril oCirery deHHgiloa- 9 KWiltt,8Tt)CK It 3 Bought for jfpash, which b offer at tnodkkie'f ricei ' -1 :---..' . I!-'- -I-rti CCFFHS, C1SIGTS AD CT DEBTAKM6 GEXEniLLY " Patronage aolicited. B. C.'OaEULE.; Tarhoro. Fb. 26. 1882:1 i liA:- t 11 r Hntf s Veilica ac 7 i. - r t a : ; 4a Figured Lawns, Whitej ces, EmDroidleries, ,x V a avwi a ,U1US auuu-HUi"-riling Latins. 1 .I 4 i. 1MJ A NICE LINE OF mornm K-i GLOVU lUUvAiaiail, i AHD JSTmB iJMrrtiCOl tar All bought this Spring and will aoH Tery low. 7 ) fiw nri tijttfh Tarboro, Jan. 13-ly. xnSv- C-V Saddles, BriMezf f. Whips, a'erajjoi XB JWTf aJBIlJa5a : Bavfaig bft fJ man- Iwia be :ir hie Mtraetw wui aowutgP!f -i bMteloiiffi! mm 5 1 d up.1 RINULJC. aUsUaOTaa Wvj-tWTTiT TJTf 1 DV IT (3 .a5 and up. Machine Haraeerat sjijaneea. ja7y TTan nnivaaaaJ fmm' B Jr V. J. Weath- ersbee county rights far Edgecombe, Maah and Pitt counties, we oner to tna peppia wi ia The CheaDest Farm Gate ever invented. ' Not ii.ni. tn mt ant of order.1 No saeinr o strain on tae poau, anai a pww Hiun- misehlaTOUs stock. Those who bare hereto . " . . .. . 7.J fore giren in their orders to others wtu aave aiiiniiMiTl f Taiboro', N. 6. 1 XT.TJ M.W sHrfHU a iac ' " etSfajaasMaaaSlMI ft ft 1psy aTfB JshaaSSHHB t'i i. "WW THESIIH IS ALWAYS IBXSBSSllVCf From wiQBntotW xaatnini and from week to reer-TiiicUfr'ttrtnta a, ntinued tory of the llve of real Men wad, iromen. and. erf their deeds, Wans, loveaf hates, and troaklea, . bla story la idorQ interortine than aaT Tomaftee that was erer deyised, Sabactlption -Dailr. i eari 8odmy (8 aLSO pa-jrear ; Weeki Iy(8 pages), 1 per year. . , -, T VgJi "J vwc m nnou, or o.au ft :. T. W. UNOT.ANTI. KfUW? j ; - ew i ore jiaty, bu i.' j r afl to takabaina; w-jhla; hOfita. Li! feMtsanriELL CO., 10 Bprnce Street, Maw Yorlu can learn tba exact cosa-efatnv propoaed tin of ADVEHTlaiWQ In Anterfcaa J Hewspapara; Bioo page-page pamphlet 25c . . ,i . T'f fX gZ hMOTttCM SWXaTS WORM SYBUP 1 iraainwe, wieiees, &armiessL.eauiartte; Jor . i'i !i . m wiTte"W(jWfci full Ii ffhtaav uf ....."" tor: scHEricK? PILLS StariBEtaaViii ilix uJ uttMtocQr pnw 1VlttMMaiat immflnai to mj aartaiac ' V" fcaamiwuB, Tba I nnn una mwilnllj daW "-apvaaBBBqaBnanRBBP , c-tairtio iwnltctnii. I ( nRaf.-iito act Y'- vAcrtrkatefar. it k aa btoraaaatbat baikat -!yfA3ariB7forlaMtbizt)r4ieTars. WQrt -rtiao a ap tsroataadgrowinailmiaBll ? B(TDfrwealOl or. vhieh. if allomklD Wood, aad briaea on MtlmrimjT- 3d ab4rto to tba digcativa a fpetite;adfiTigoeta thai -s In f ataa mdicina of alls bo tafcas Urn OikHaa praaaa " ' " " -tec aa t drogKka t . . ..u,.-mp,., . Ir. "r'-mrltTa'PiTTia- aa cr (Jaaaalaiat "H iaaaa r k. Oenan. ia aant fxco to aO. Aodnas Dr. J. H. iiCBBWCK c BON, nOaetaala, Fa. BURN HAMS PAMPHLET FRCC BY : .-; BURNHAM BR0S,Y0RK,PA. -prtoaey? Gneata t k physician. For khiv ft r Mwar-a. or it tnTsician. cirea Sdre ? DatRixnoua: W. Hnx, W iaJtretVewik. .-ii "ijrtrHfe: world, 2 Bjr Ddward Salppea, LMadkal. Director, TJ. SrAthrmtosHctorialHiatary of the World's great ea risraia, wua spacuneea oi fmvmt v ' cMteetare 1 fnl 'Rxokata' mora interaetin - than action. n oi auaicoa. ainwiu Price only ti.Jt sells everywhera. AGRNT3 lmakitlD0.00permontb, Addreat J.CMe CURDT & Co., Phila. ra.v. aaayJo-juaai ; Alex. H. 4Stephens. TaftaXntabbiMa aaAstatea- laaiirrr&'Sarton. author of Llfe of uen.uaneeeK.' lanatratrav rtpy wcwm, cloth SSecnta. Postage rtamparpaelTed. Not sold by dealers, Catalocue free. iThe moat unique Tartar, ia a literary way to which the trahllc kaa keen treated." DUt Amesicaa, of NasbriHe,,, , m; JNO. B. ALDBK PuVr, raay.l5unU ;18 eaqr SWNewltoraV fSWaat A;wrMTH and' BOiRD for tluaae 1 all Ltn Hve T'oani Jen or ladies la each m. i . la. i . T-r T 1 - nwaAa4DnWi:su u i - 1 1 1 ! jj. u 8ehd foi new'drculara jsontalnlng matter of kr. . FaaabaasLc rn.im Hana Oaima. and. ail other aeataist the Govennt promptly and faithfully atten- dedto. SMaa wnn suunoi' ..W H. WILLS A CO Bax 488, may 15-j unelS r, Washington, D. C. RATIONAL -'STJEaiCAL - INSTXT17TZ. a ipecial and limited visit to Tarboro, N C May zvtn,-1883, -sropping a ;ue i arooro HoteL. r.Tbev will brinsr snrjrical and me- eaanieal appliance, best French 'artificial eves, and eyerythlng neccewarrfor Ihe jfeatment ef sccepted case. . : ; i vi t il Thcv treat no one uaieaa were w an un- 1 II donbtext prospect of trsat Impfovement or :' tl tmitbia Matx-atwin. TJeformitiea of e Te ry disci lpUoor tacloding Club feet, liiaeaaes nf the- ain. antoe and loiata rjaralyalA pHea, il ilattiia, cartarrh. Female and private dis tlasea, diseases of the Eye and ear, chronic dlaejaes, elc. treateo. . n KSTVome earlyi as tbe visit is limited te the thne stated J For circulars and full particular, addreae y H NATTOSAb 9DSQI0AL ISTTITUIA, matO St ' v j Atlanta, Ga. Thff notRefrdshing Btirv- 1 BEER BOTTLEflS II v IkVVI a l H TWO iiirroaa from thia old establiBhed ouaL - aad eaa be applied by aayoae.T df 'ot4,lMAmft and fcrtdery kaewa ("Inatitute of Atlaata, foraale iny 3" taren andl gnaaWd l fixed bim-tbis LAW LAGER Doctor sRecoi'eBfl It The JiAdSitnV tX ocr: I i Orders by tttl-W of th .1114 State, prompuy auenaea w. Win have s - supply of "iJock Beer in season. ' Tarboro, . C, lApril 18, 1883. ; TARBORO', ;N:jQgBggmijWI88A Pa PjtnasaWc P CS-etlve)aaa : taatsmaal eXUrr, Itad Srasta: Ail lb hd b traubied witk ptia, b anl aad awvytf! i , rw rn i tiimii intif 1 !-- ' QjMQifwaviat( OaatioaW MaaMtluAff bkm doa; s lUfkt, aftajl . rr am eacm t aa aaa awaaa am ts atwiMWI till-1 ta acfeat.E)MWav!. wwannw no aaouity; acrraw, anrf mnm feat coM or bureiac Rneaa frkidr nnfiia' : cf tk ikia aKtoaK aaUja aw loWl dWnoadral. ad. abhouyhMtwIW taairwciw would ha oa- I fry i in faot, Qotrasa ry ntaadr. of tat bora i amiaaii attaad d dkcaaa. an but frw af ifcaai ar daatk baa aboam ika LtTW ItaboaUbai f ai aa: a aeaa ccaaioB. r Livar laVaraaaav aetioa. will nil aaa, Drnwil i. Dapraailoa af SaWw, etc. U WWW. :v.:;:AL Mr, UTHam laaVaC wtioa,' U haatry ajbwy-awaJ fetliaaw ataict,adusMaad7CwiaaniiaTa4 auaC Daatora BOla affl a aara ay alwaya fcaada that BsQlataa -i t2.Wataaa tt altarativ aad toaia ul AaaiasaaiaaiBBa atrarhs out f pUc.- Tba r dy fa aaraalaaa aaa awaawaa faiaaaaaHaaraaaaaiaM mt aaaaaiuay'.j.j-j t-:. ;..;- it .a4s..?. , R ii nnaxT tmrabu, Aadbu aS tba powar aad aaaacy af Ci aW ar Qniaiat, wttaoat aay af tka agamai aftar aaao i aalaa k a wfja"Sar dial far Dm bilky, bat wa A I I&rtaatfeft. aUwaaarashBM ithaaaW a i -jai ., . JafJOW om-atBinetaM eiaate. can't think thia minnte of anythinr better! aba oy ue way, aac a friend. "Irealfy wte ' added, the docturaiag M tefeasSuaho nl for och aea When it U tno lata fru aaa tn aaa t " Wkea BXHSON'S CAPCf NK Pi C tJ8 PLAaU TEB waa placed oa thanMrtetahoaitea yaarf ago the doctor's hope waa realised. Because oltlrmiBiklnal3lrtxlJUw raeld aeaotLand-aure reauBfc thoCaDd-a It iaawupiaetaa; tMaw-acang-ptKtnra oraor mer aaya. lor au anaeuoaa to wmca a ptasm la erer applicable. Price 25 cea - Ia'tba BMd'Ua of tbe gen nine kteut the Nord CAP CINE, 8eabury A Johnson, Chemista, ew a VaiallaMB" alMs Patrasetaa) atakllMkaa waaeat tm M aV jfar tha van vi ..- EDllavtlo rite Front aaa. J.ofMs. Dr. Ab. Kasarrala flate -of London) who) atlan. ceaaTtJraS other Uvtag phyalciaav Hit taMseaaaaaaaiavi ply been atnawhl-g ; wa aaTe aaasd 8of eaaet "i"'" J'mT;'rr Jr: dtoaaaa. which he aenda with a ot nun. at aaa waom. a wwa.a. publis ttaease, which he sends with atef kottleot kia wonderful eurafpae to any P. Wa adTisa anyone wtshlasaaurato 1 r Ab.yaaaaaxa, raxL Ko.' 5 Jol8t.N. Tori a . i a '- t LA TT1 - TTTfTTiT va T.Tii anmfnn.TTmAT. If y lafi'ijiT aaa awaauaa atuatvvaf , :i 'AMU aTAKXi, U.( dtU. . AAfif cnrmi rTn ! SW w aar a ; -a , wi nain a a w L, Axp Tbrt Chxap. Send for CJlrcnJa. UOH BlwS.VEflCIy' 7aSXr. O; r'n is '."ft? Fan to use AliABASTniK I to use t- -1 yonr WaJls OtitlBgW SriTrTdlyJ - .npereaaing aa maer a aasn. i 7Ffr1-ukU. ity. neuty ana econoaiy. at wiuiuui aa America 'Ahead! FOR SALE BY ALU tEAOlHGEAUft lljbfc fob m but mi tbt ttiii. I Addvaas; iTAYLoar asroccn : ii ;-: I-.- " ''' - ' , . ' . .... i .. .. . . : - i h a L:03rr!ll Q ( Cltaimla laaW -i 1 A . . J7aadfaav r-TT-y' V -jLZ -FHty of a in IM SiU, iiiiwii ibaul jJaiSheaMwWa,wilmHa far, I SlaajMJLlKuli lifaf aaa la a ffjaair farfeaw tiau, a .-am aad at a a haila aaVatiaa to tfc Mln 2a! " " ' ' J.k.. 4TaavCiiaairff Ak. ya. AlaxJbdar H. " laialf if OaU t Haaa-aBhaaV fraa aaaf I " - -'vwc Aasuiaaaz. fM actaal as frw RarulAtor fai astkaad at aar trUAahr TOE AT LAST, 1 TT Af tar Vmg auaf taarrWaJtl a ti Saf Maaaa.it.,-..,. ... hWeR Pat.'attl an Orange eotmary Thysfc. iicr .; clan to a compteniortrtehralMatAatjaua laars OrLl1 "lbrtliaiNdlnouratyo tar a name aaa out on a. miiatara tYlsrifir " I iddreat: 2 .... S ri i..Xl" r uriro riiisr to Tat 0X0.; w turyxaw-oBact. aaa i y L:-ra'a4'JSti' vr.nt a mill, fur m. nuaamnir v , jCSW;i4"-aMTW-aaavj -: '..J--atAMa!ra fQAll-k AapaeayicnTaTOr uwryya, ulating 'ains- lrf U&-Hadaehe. OtMlltluaUOPr WOW oy leaujng ifu??aw .5 Wiwrnye-revawtav ari awrToasi tlSkHsa ! i fl appelgOTOd digtWon.resuiswr-ei uaeew mOQSUeaes,' wnen p ' wum -efiTA sure remedy prldaaiktwttw. hoadnmk Slid laid ' doWll -Off J tbe - a Ti)randJealttttoeTary fdaf t S Tor ceTcatartan 2VA l: ., trunk strBTjB. attri HiihIim aniiwa mrr oou-'-naw lors tyiitT.' WITOBtlJopubBcfiy; reeidentae JLFany Stat. .iJaaertttm, nonHBuppw. . vies aad applications for stamp. .WyH. LM , Attorney, 239 Broadway; NewTark -dty, a :y: -fy "y--' 1: y;.- -.. : . - t . ; : .t.,-: ,; y . : ; y.-; : i j s jv,'V yt, . y: -.! V'-"y - , !.s :.j s"--i;j r: r: rr - O- nrhaiwoirM yaWTeak tWaaaekiM :JOT.aa?a5BeeV;''''r', f-- ind anppoa? tdu .werenmaia a UtUe behkit raatakeakaa'lii! 31 tarMllaaaayaBgiaa fat.amW7 . Jataka yc ckAaaa wltk tkateain! T tktea oat that pilot jafa AnathatwonIwcmldanateh; S i efare ha knew : whether we war freight, Ipraaa, wild or diapatchT . . V TkaVaaid ta ilreraan, call garner: la44n-?ledlathecoaL; And WAfaieaed if aa'd do the same, IaAdmOarklad elhoie. i; Aa4tfce aeadlirat cast aloaa-.thm- TBroogn the aight f the diamalblaek, WlMp-aaaanly there eame tba aeream i! Cawoaoai ontha track! 'iZbtf ahrieiad the mraaaaa. fTheta she goeWi But th engineer sat atm, - i : !: And a woman'a sorrows, Joys, and woes,' Wara taken Ilka a pilL . Wtttfidnt you oat on tha pilot plate? - ! That -was the plae for youf : W " WBiJUn'tyoa try to ayert bar fate;. Asoa aeaated you would dof", plrajinjsaafliowaKii,. JXhat wBiaaCknwut trouble here, - And aawjlatB aeaWronV . ." sia-! Battdaa, y gltodlaf her aataab i ; iA ! foot fatttdngl draw, f " The road wBl pay flte tttauaaad eash, Aad aaa waa aay aaothar ia-4awt'. , - THAT BAD BOY. I nnderaUad yonr m baa got to drinking again like ft fob," wjt the grooery man to tb bad ; boy, as the juuui nun uihi um raoary auu (Out ft handful of dried apples. j The boy ate a dried apple and then made j Bp op a terrible face, and the grocery man asked him what he was trying to ao witn ma raee.: ine dot cans nt bis breath and then paid; ' . ,ay, don't yoo know better than to keen dried acnlea where a bov can get hold of themwben lie has 'got the nrampe? - Yon will kill some one yet. by .aucb.. darn raroloaancM, i I thongbt theairwreweet -dried apt pies, Ht ttjey- were - tot : at a boardiBg hcrow keeper. :" "And they Eiie .me urea. JLAOn t:. won erer i?aroagblolQT1tg darn- earefot' wnettVj-00 have th4 njnxatndaot go bat bob-aleddinii xarBjakwf-viyoa -wui ntre vyoar, f i --ii . -t i -. 1 TijJjavad:ibe mrips l.n he about yoar ntrWJtAV it? Try one of tlM)e picklea in- the jar there; wan'tOttta riryrJaeftarli -ba'-winked 1 U W am ll 'ttMr Dor PW? W l-Wiawre iXWJM lBre.. Tou eaiphy no '"ckle on me,' notJrbenXte -irQ-,.the jaomne. Ma iTi : r: i fc . . jf-w Tl 'fi ii J . rgraaf o Wvmfasmg atrf I torDasa--Jttea'likr.ta bad4iwl9GSjais it' OQ'purpbajs T.'eaa.' tSha "neT bad the zanmpa and didn t Jaow bowj MaaanHtmir a t)icxJiJ Vmta of dfdal fees as if ; tbodritf 1 oaa wm .track lo ta Mttoftbe Jear witb bneJL -Bol abont rja. THe baa been f allern ar goqaftVOTer aisoA Few Tear's dar. I ttsnk it ierrrofffirt for women to tempW eeble ttfede partocs with drtokeVKewyXeai-s ayVo:e atut tnv TRhemT 1 0 ataeaat i I f 1 V uwcatfttttata drinklerwwaa-ny and: let italone.'- JWe have got brain and know wbenwlvwe got enough, but tat when be gets to gemg don't I iiiiV.tlti aniVili4i Ha r!v;a": 1 .VrmiTnr-lir: BAIT.- . J JS BBUlDIf SUVUBT. ZU HI time i gain, l acarea rum BQ.owHaiu head tatned gray in single night. fWbat turner the neavtna naveyou iole to bim nfJw:f5itathaV ijociry au U olihtfuni : T rinivi VOU haven't done ethingypn will regret in after veers. m. Becrret notJira?4 -seKl Tne dot . . . - - v .11 the atove. , orermn wen anBOt i ad t -deatb -wah :-M. 1 ."He ? WOOM LcosBsbxteUe f uWben we bad ;Oompa- anlavaoatn 2m the aofa-jmd snore, and ne -wotua ibbu I wbmbey srlistifle; i? It hurt me -to see ms $rfi and I told her I would - l . .., . l-L -X ' IT I ZSlZZki WA3ktiL-M& la II-aeted aorter impatient, out we iei np , noss me uariiUK- . -1 . v- it H IrelAof As irfJTI A. . - Ca a tr. M a niAbafd Trwm had r toiled 'slowly break pavol'itafuangu sue wouia iei me, abdihe laid if I iwonlda't ; hurt pattrgd ilbeaand I, ioimsed,no to.";TbefAj ijot inyebwniajaolbr 'Prift'T btot mvumjiatiaxuhr er Tisalrighi m taaraa : rr... Mfa aWllT. ' sTi taau -err : l r . ; .4 . . .tx... -.a-iwA Vff V OTSBUbayej MBaT -s,ww ..-W lPiaxirnerwueT-BWjaimnaai a . jTa1, k-fllaactin room. Anxa SaWSr aW table baamenbig P5PW. I Tinnrb to lav BA OUS on. ' T OU Sntrw, aalkndthen we got" fabr wbiakereyiand i ' I . a S .' - - AV-a,- out OO the ' table. I . - . - tbVle and strapped him dowttlo f m IJSSSd lSLm-' Mldtookoff.JhMd z. .. . .. . l.i . UtSS?S!'lR ... - WeProSed Tltonr sleerca 'a iirnnVvl prpeffc wat like-1 1 read tbitViaedical students do wbeneyBtip a 'rhani mil,JybnYl a dide? to see pa look at oa'wbetf he w6ke '.ntiJ T Sursr -hft opebistrnd err-we oegafiito aaua-aoou. -aeaa men; 'BfldThfltt !we beirart taSk mbotit aW'birnA WepotidclDory huts in our' months eooor TYMcea -rrobld otmddfferent, to an ttuuuu JUIUW US, BJia A fojg telHng the other boT about? What , tiMwe bad- catting trp theiast'.toRn totitth, and wben weT baa- taken' oat bU brain, his friend tanne to the dis seeting room -and tdaimed' "the "bodv. CfwBaato ne lega. iookeaonthe teBlehd tflr begafy tnf auiraied aronnd to'getup, bat ftrafcd be wias f aet nad pnHed tti bis Shirt nnder bis7 arms, Iwbarbe"was ;sle4p aaa as ne Degan to more '1 todf an Mdel and in the dimsfight; of the candles, that waa sitting on the .table m ' met bottlee. I 'drewi tbeicidle aWa,8'stummica: and T said'io my bom Do I grt W bad bar ter etitoperi thiBijld daSei tod seejif bedied from irifkmation of tbeitbrh takskvifrona bard d!ritJring,as, "the J3)f oniaid bed.Pa -sbndaere all ! Or-ar when he felt ihe-icicle fng i over feitf bgtwnnikk,rttnd ber said, i Po GodV sake,- rigenilenfen wbat i doee this meftrJ lam not dead. 1 . ;The o&wtotalooked tJ Pa witb astenlsbment, tmd I aaid.1 "Well, "We, bonght yon-forSdead, and tbe ; edro-" net's jury said yon were dead md wr the eternal we aint going to be' fool-' edout of a corpse' when' we'btrryi one are we Doc?" " My chnm 1 said" not if he ' knowed hisself.' and the other students said, '"Of conrsfe be ip dead. - He thinks he is aliTe, bat he died day before ! yesterday,' be fell dead on the street, and his folks said he was a nuisance and they wouldn't claim the corpse and we bought - tbe corpse at the morgue. !:Thea y I drew the icicle across again, and! I id, I don't know about this, doctor, find that blood, follows the cuticle.. Hand me the blood sponge,' please.? Pa began to wiggle around, and we looked at him, and my chum raised bis eyelids,' and looked solemn, ' and pa said. ' ''Hold on gentlemen. Don't cnt into me any more, and ' 1 can explain, this matter. ' This is all a mistake. ' I waa only drnnk." "We went in a-corner and whispered, and pa kept talking all: the time. J !. He said if we would only postpone : the hog killiog ' he could send and " get witnesses to prove that he was -not. uu, vu aw, 'y0""" .1.. Jl t, tv told bin that what he said about being live might possibly be , true, though we had our doubts. -' "We bad fonndjsucb oases before in onrpracticd east, where men seem to be alive, but it was only temporary. Before we had got them cut np they wei ' dead enoc gb for aH ' practical purposes. ; Then I laid tbe icicle across pa s ab domen, and went on to tell him that even if he was alive it would be bet- for tdm to play that he was dead, be cause he was a nuisance to his family; that they did not want 'bun, and was leumg mm tnaii x ue&tu his life Ume that he was very' ! cruel tO Ilis iitllB abOT - & Orii?lab "llttlB 161- low who was aVtbebs4 of btsf class ia Sanday School and arpet wberever ha wm knowwteCpa; me ana saicb, '-lAooieri' weaee- iase that carving knife off my stomach for it makea me, nervous. v A.ior that I boy of mine, be is the oondamdist lit tie whelp in towml and he isn't no pet anywhere. ' Now, yon let np on this rbssectiDg business, and I will make it alright With you. ! We ield another eonsultation and then -1 told pa that we did not think that it was doing justice to society.to give up a notonous ctrnnxara a.ter. we naapaig i tweaaoiwioiT.anewwfi reform and try 'and lead lifeit wduld be different. td the boys; gentlemen, must dd our duty."3 DocJ ' you dismember thatandT-will attend ,;to the atnmmlck and thai UDner nart of the I ' : -i . body.- He-will" be: dead before we are done witb i him. We must Ire member that society has some-tiaim on us, and not let pur better natures be worked apon by tbe post mortem romises of a dead drunkard. Then took my icicle and begun to, fumb le around: the i atxtomen poruon q P- remains,and toy chnm to rough piece of ice and began to chnm ' took a saw . t hia inrv anf aain nA vnnin catch .. it, i r ,"r if wa wonld tom blmlowbe would "-w j- . - i jn. .n,.- ,AnA; iriT US WM tiuiuaio uiu nuau ,for the body, and that he would nev ec drink another drop so long- as he M-mA . nThon- j whiBnTTKlC: some thought oi uwm w instswear wisn nanu uuwS we were then dissecting, that dissecting, that A again, and then TS7j . would never drink seyeral Wocks away oissec 1J1H B av a wa af i iwctnormtierore we coma ism I . t ... said tbatwaa, alrigbti. pouting merrry ib while tobe kissed J bit idfolded him knd'made I by his own, there were traces of jje 1 1 ( 9 m - 1 - ' . ai fh.. (Ant ,him : ont of hoise and : walked him aronnd hWli ttmr timmi. and left him on- ' ecrr, after be bad Pfom - : 1 ' . . . i ne money w au ina.uicoo him. We told him to stand stui minntea after we had left him, remove the blindfold and go home. We watched him from behind 1 kmiHHf. innKaa ac . me . nanus vu i i . a ..',A.t.-, , ,.lt " " i - - - - far frombcTien H started ff Isiy ing Tbat a pretty ,narrpw. eaSKe, bldmani No more whiskey fw-yptt." I did not see him any rioreGl this morning aad' when Tasked hiavwhere be was ast niht, b abuddered akd said fione of yonr. bu&yiesa,, jButl J wui never annk any more you sbtf told me J wafl worth- ntr' wi m gold. iVTeILrooddaT. That fcb lM nttBflJ5 Mktn4vbei:boy Msk cancna nn a. naaaunn aiairrh i X, Tis Lirn Xriatty. ddht Nae bd l rue nian isat the desk.' 'He is hb.pagelLlhei bey JociiDg oyt Xahoul- mjpr.,i nat m itia iiia? andti Itl ia a Huerosoope. wnat does aaditior .l weigh fdhtthdrecl' pundsv' 'It ia tbe valise of jua editor. ' tn tbe ' liseis.thrrjesockTMdabottJaand boot There is omethincr us bottle. ""Maybe it is araica " for : the editoT's'soTS 'finger. 'Tbe' .book is TtnTiAr'af4a;nt,a Rait " 'ittiAXra got mt tha vaUae by mistake. Per- haps the bottlo. will, get into the dK tor.by mistake. , .;ny.Is , 4fj 1 ijenold the printer.. Me is banting for a pickup of a half. line. ' He' has been buntisg two hours. ' He could have set that line in twenty. ; seconds, but it is a matter of , principle i'witb him never,, to set what he can pick n The printer has a .hard time baa to set type all I night and" pla pedro for the beer' all -day.- a' Wi would like to be' a printer were Jit not for the night, work. , ' , . xs tms a corner loti , mo,; it, is. a towel. It has been serving an ap prenticesmpin a prmting xffice lor four years. -The horses are dragging it away. , A man will take an ax aad v f"iw- it for soap grease. -1 Then be will sell it for trine witti a mpnogram in one ! corner : n'.i:, 'i'f-i, . 1. -. . i '" Has. the printer tobacco? ., He basj out ue wiu out wm juu ko. i n can ries it m the leg of nis y: boot, -. and I wngn n -cnew rw I a..v Ay aC j- w i sounds like a duck diving in the wa- SBr. - xim printer ia a queer- man He is-a fickle person. Sometimes be has terrtttotisidOmrd string but they ar always' Jiis 'dupes.1 Ti you aw a printer do not b v-blsekM smith, or yoo. .will get, fired. . i . i Here we have .a, bosiness manager He' Is bt6wixijaJL of the paper.: He ie paying the pa ' per has entered npon an era .of nn-j precedented prosperity. In a mm-; water, aiid be-witt-deek-a reporter I frhTit- a4rk11a.ra Vaewktinfaavaa. an rnimfvQr 'riaa licked him and he cannot work. lit - Wantoranucrdswpefaris in " for bis salary. , - ff Ji :j f low, 4brole tones-oni father is & SeeHae ieieVitdf: fli isnoi re a? An&&bMiiiijjte& is -riing.r Haw the man swears; He is yatrs.'-t k stmitl a vJt an editqrrTJo: elevators?- ereriroj 1 ? 'iSj' mrmutBai fharrhii Vnea'TiiU'J-' Oh, yes,,when hey w?afirstput, in a; besye.hebai; onhiofc efijMUaJ'' building, and before they, orei ps id band sat fWe are eay. lUckard foi .Krf- -1 y - i ' savedby imMmrt&ti the - Tbis is the man YTuiPiOi & biberodraiIy J bodytrf fnai notice in tbeTpapeR ? jHow prdud J ie fonaits &mt dbnm&i.&mf ntimrtms, is. He is stepping jbighet thana hlii d ita brsjictotjsTi i?ers, seven horse. , Ifhejiad wings he rotd flk iPrdiiLyigT Next yt&ik ffifr papqr "y the man denly, she saw that the man she loved '. is a measly old frauds and the man we anrftdr'wb'dm she would baye wiU notstep'liih: c WBdfieherlifef!ym Here is a valise. It does nit -piVselefaofth4 I ute he will go Up stairs and crude the I months , altfr . its , puuiicanon. v jtus 1 1 editor for leaving his gas burning I 'Old Polksat Home,' was tbe best bx I while be went out to tret a drink of I thine1 he bver wrdte.and IDO.OOd' were tie chadrerVif wo ' believed 1 business j itValways tbe.pqblisher that, makes woaldiall the money. "We grind , bot the im? ur our taew; nm-u t : '. Here we have a knife. - sit belongs to the editor, and is used for t sharp, euing pehcils,"kuung roaches, open- ing champagnejJottLSSxJBdL catting the hearts out of bad men who 4 come into tbe 'office to "whale "reporters. There is blood en ! tbe blacle of the knife, but the editor will icalmly 1 fieM it pffaod then the bladej will; be as clean and brierbt as ever. ! The. knife co3t 7n.and '"T" from London. Conneoticnt. , U ypud are id the editor. It 3 hea stained trlass windows and mahogany stairways. In frontf tae-eaetle-iBparfc Is it not sweet! i The lad in the parkl is the editor's wife. .She wears a cost ly tobe of velvet trimmed i with,, gold lace, and there are pearls and rubies" in her nair. ' ine editor bus : Dn uie - , a. .aw ; i.ttJ -J, il; L'- front steoo amokiug a Havana tngar.; Hia htUerderrr-T5raying witn diamond marbles on the tesselated floor. - The editor can afford' to livej instjrle Ha gets: Beventyknve4 dolr. rars a mpntb.. . , , j I good, perhaps the editor will grve ,t I Cbnatr paidJfoa a amerens i iA -nn w crit thtf ekVa tail off. I onvUecre or havinffniSlunriSkyi and " I said 1 i-. tTat ia a. Tt ' Ir-Die' bmrie 1 hrinted 'on. one edition of Old rr i . .... .. . jf.ii.in.:.! --,-' r and we I.Mnh 1 AthrotaribdeAnd.laMa4! - J ' ' - . . i ntuY nr..y.' r- ... , " . - ed, kr:andlQviiujly mto the.pai8 I beautitol face oi sae giri wuu l cfvenuo "Tjarents, borne ana te' I T.Ze be ingly aroundbis neck And bet 4eP tHTOS bfl hazle eves upraised to bis, he aaw that ani.M the 00 buU Lu v.S ta nr and aronnd tbe I witbbisiavebn. A sensible w n.u r, I V." be ingly around; .his eanane5 u. " kT4 bets esfi W Oviee Irto leert dear. l - . . - 7 a , uiw wwww' ov 1 m-riW while tobe IdssedJ ptwsMJoroeitmeiieia the scalding tearapain :w snuur the! acaldinptears-ol pain to sninrtnn , i - t. j i. : v the 1 v. v -r": ' V7.-l,l. Zf 7 . -.1- n-J t.- -W.rf VA aim nml' W nve then S3aSate5a?j!S?b "V'a,, ..a 1 i'SfSK.'.SiS , -a, aa. ti a- NO. 23 said. aSaikwiwFtcrfme. yonr wif of yonr sorrowr Tt ie ilothmgi'iarirepKek kia. Sing her tenderly, .w 1 v. ,-un... . ?! 'Lemppie, txj UjnrjmarefL in ruit tboatdmone MgidmBelf Iowry and I Hresrily' Off tby stair wafebear iently it &cbard IrWmsaAandninWe gratti. HetoTloTthe'etfVeforia witri 1 1 i-u- , . -. , wBaaigB(MiHjia" tno ' mes V I a - . r a. .HAtrnrjv Wjeri twas all rign. jxWWtmJeMiS, 2 .MA . I aaaja.aa-aaaaaaaaaaM JdiewhoieJmajame- wnere in company yesterday entered a Woodward avenue car .together' and neveobner were Uiay seated than both mailarMTff fbr4hiturseb'' "i J itl Obi letr me payl'i fdeaxleatonei) H-un, 1 ccdn'tyBof wj, tYTil" T 1 S a. ai as change."'' " re 'Qh, bnt I haVtickets.t '-T 1 A" 4 m a. a .aiae ' a -.' u.J-a uns. yon TOicr-ine1 last usm. ,-But you earn pay ome oahr time. Here- !' ,,s 1 ....i,K. .i ..i, i.., , She was nurnedly searching throngb ' her 'tiortmoanae, but "didn't seem to find anythrng.' ' "' " - ,rl told you JJlfad-J'r.. j - And the seoondonejbegania ajeanb I in a -wild manner, emptying oat pins, needle and buttons, bnt no money. -.v. why Ido1 decTarer gasped 'the fir wtAJ ti ,ysti!aoge8t thing I aver saw,? added 1 the second. t ; 1 , ,u twn - waw at a a a 'I'll ro fAw KaIK flkuMA . man en the seafbpposit and be marcbed ttp,! fumbled' throngh bis pCX&4ts Aad beld out a battered quarter totb drj- yer. ihe latter would not taxe is,nd the man marched oat and1 slid off tba t Ptfttf'TiM IrftHf MWi aoiamii mannaw- I - ny . rang the bell and got off. ;ii : ft-li. song wntrs. Foster was.' a wonder, says Si' -well-kowa, muaioctcaposer. Hewas as well knon( through MJis songs, Jo Americans as, Dickens was throngh bik stbries to the 'ITngnsb; but "was, snows totwyr vary few personally.. Of bis song, Old Dog Tray, 12S00q copies wer sold n the first 1 sold by thpnblkhrs thatCrattssaed armtr Anrl 1iVtft(tlAiaikA SIR. 000 1 as his share of ibis sale. 4 I taU yon Isongs; mar be nnaef a strong pre 1 sme ior aOm neeeasarf of fife, ntet knoaing and often not eariDg wbethi- er it woultj .tqh onf ora notvTbey give bp, a little, money for and. may be like some of Dank's sons, , it ieeS'popitlaiadrtiVeir make A great' deal of .moneyoatof it -lister wfqte a great .maoy negro- ealisav o that prouedfamoaa, and commenciijg with 3amp town Rac58hfi. went steadily I antil be wroteSome yery fine pathetic I aongs.-Stnow'ir to beTAcl That pfiHjpsjine name Folks I at Home; "Tbrt caused 'the error to get afloat fbat .C&fiBty wrotdL tttia? A Bfan' Soy-r Coapotitlonlr 's tit Unn ill H1-Jt ',i 1 - . ,.A. Toung idea of, this ity.xaayait bores him awfully to ;have to. write compositions, and 'he always -wntes them short: We have bblaidea copies of two of his lastly which are no leea-, AioHnrrrAtiUaA frw arit i ham.bearrity. " ! The Fly is domestic, animal' fie is generally fpund:-near tbetsaolaaies can, the fly is a barmless animal, no eighteen Deing lomisnea wxlu aa guvu wajw as the hornet, tber- Sat that flys I jdrmk4 I bate nevef Seen flys that offfo limdra. bnt I kavW hhnefere4.bVpbM re, jne w aiwaysT reauy xur atuyuj an? time day or igbt.jlf ' per - . febriolmst 'ces witbiff it leeti - bf Aim? bles toslayeBrr fly.- WIS- I it a nrv in till 99 hia.- krould. it ; Daitn'mair to kill - 99 CTT'I iKnTkuil Jmn. person,. 3 . tn ? 1 1 . . , s. ... .to That batter is alrisbt,' saida l k board-. wood, that's ilvirfA'MJIrf'ease.'reDlied thr -.nasi r -- ,r; W.jtracter. 3T the1 1 ""ytir)e r, T; ' 1 bo maite n -Juti tvLk Bd? 'Well I am-Tm mbre trouble" they are. 1 'J. 7 i 1

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