' - ii Tirfr,,i-,MfcJTtTi-il,ji''-",r--' --v'-jrt firrriiliilltti 'fraraii-rraiii-itJ TffTJiiYa TMf-Lihig-mi-iniBii- iri!!! jmii -''j'rf-''-:-;j-J-'3a,j,iiffii,i' Trnynafyn--rTan- i ' h" list L :. " . " . .. . 1... , : ' . ' , : 1 . I IIIM IKII'I WWlWMWHMMWMIMWWBMMKiy-' -MWllffMMfMi IttavaaaaT Ti n i. . : , :- - . T--" :-. - - '"W-K. .... .' '.'J1 "PWWWMMKWWWMMM fir . .f! f t V xfl i 1 I .tin SITE BE S-DTRE YOTJ AEE'EIGHT HUM 'W NrV'- Vi' 1 HI trA ,i hit 4 m m nji I'll i -j i i 'ii i'w I : T - I u . -NT- 7 J- " j " "! " ' - m f - - - - - - r - - - - " - it'--. it , s i ' t , -, . . . I ! - : : : ma HI, . . f js :s.. . Asm hu nroiesai a af Tarbara nd TlcinitT, v . Office la T. Ji. McNlr'i ;dmLtor o Mala.1 1 TAIIBORQt M,; C. tiee in a the OpurU, 8Ute and Fed- AttOmT-trIj. Will practice la the Counties of Edgecombe, F Int JndielalCiAriot an&in the Ciil aadi a-upmue Court at BalelgB. 4 an!8-ly. ; .A rPracUee. tfJfiWmSWli m. r. Hart.1 PracOee In State and Federal Courta-l Ail6if R B. T. :-t-- TARftORC N.;C. , f , 3 UTPraeJcra is ail fceC)aiii Suit . faderal. , . j ao.6-ly. 1 ' JSOilBRDGEESiSON," ' V .AUorneys-at-Law, TARBORO', N. C. Practice in all Courts. t:Jasla. Li ? K Prompt attention to 1 )-t.CARR.? -j iii8u'rgebn,() Dantist, V 1 " TABBORO, N. C. 'i tOAee boars, I ram a. m 'Oil lp as. aad rasa lUDp.B. ; BTNext door to rrabore Laaier Royster's. . :' l House, OTer vZltornetj-at-Jjaiv, Office aext toPhlilDs &8taton' Law office. Will practice in v a&4 State ConrU. br expi ui uermushm to Judire Kul tm.r at the Supreme L-ourt$ uuaens nauonai ;i j mat tuattn; .ujawie, mi .uoc,,rjor talk; Jna. ArrintoB & Sana,, Petersburg. -Am ALBEMARLE HOUSE . . Cor. BANK A TRADR 8TREET8. - ,- fTabfa Board, afee, A.4..".i Jfa t M r & flPropriefreBS. M I -8T0P AT THE BRYAN -HOUSE, r r8AMPLR Rptnes for: .SOatK COMFgKTS a every j April UlBSSIy . r f. rj T!L GTl JStS - i (Wu Gl3rTTriXlti(Ti ADKawTBaVrft, Thasa Stables are tie Jtereat taaia State, mnA bin A Mnwit Hf 4nldincr IfB I al tnsdi af stock. - OlTe him a-eattr': ( Jaal8yJ Cwo.. Howard Pratt. Tm. JL, Pippsa, Ties Pies (BANK INS DRP1RTMENT.) I 1 Ran open froaa i JL M. to S P. M. Disoput Day, Thcmdat. I. . Draaoroaa ; 3)r. J. H Baker. Qea BowarcL XL IW Staien. Jr., i 1 Pippa Sea. 18-ly. ' -. f DccUTinaIIlp .. a Kg In full and sumieagfnl operation . and irML are prepared to Oil afl orders for Bfaeat : i. Tumaaii fVittoii Kooe. at lowest uricea. Orders J addreeeed to Rocky .Mount Mills; J JyKottBt,N.C; wffl be prompur attend- s" : ii S, V-1--,9ee,i and Treaaurer. i.liAili,XJ8-tf. ; H.'?M V-- ' , GREGORYIOUSE,: . TVa nntrnrr Hotel, known as Brran Houae, Lgastm& aaecatioattoina: aooa- iuainen, will be . j t ,1 t Geo. How aid. ' rtBB In.,.. ,1, i i i, ... ftrniirf TrtaiVrnt- aw a2arUlata Mrtll aa mat Mar Iteaaa. The ae a food u dw bat aa4 caa Waoi4 as ckea. ,U at vac aa cimun uiM aw. Newark MaehlnaCV WaraaOMO. Eaetata ataaca iMaaa, agmaawa.aw T"7r;r.iEAjYou, Wli Want rootl, autrtiU aenU tTarf- 119'' . . . warm. ZjUI Ulumrutioas. I pa 'f fcladlaga, aad bb Taio-.lle f.ataiS foanq la no othar lliiila. 4lm at fijehtH Aba mm mm aw nwf aw I ll ImM la uptaiMmlnlMralioa. jr yea want taaiako ipi nwv7 ia vi. .. eouHiat with waiaci a areas. iaa w. racitTa it, iucubaii a. "AiiafrejaVi UHfflL COOR&IHiS 1UUI1 H flJCrjLDKRS' HCf DWARX, !Pi3NT8, Q1X8, GLASS, AadSaJIdlne M&urloto every dMccitloa J 3 m r sasstfaSfflWff f SVJES OTembr1883. 18.1-T. 8 JJ0ugntMJ ... - ranit-n of iQ Sindi . iedrei COFFHS. GASKETS AND x VM DERTA&IKG GENERALLY. I Patronage solicited. B. 0. OAElijaE. Tarboro, iFb. 26, 1882: ' : 4 H. Gatiia's. Nan's Yelling and 1WW Figured Lawns, Whte GDOdsiiosiery, i-a- ces, Embroideries, Corsels,Dress But ' toiis'and Trim ming Satins. 0 J -i A NICE LINE OF HHaEBS! glovix iioop-siim ilHan8XAPtajDB3 JWAll bought this Spring aod will be old Yerj low. ; y.A r-. ?f i Tarboro, Jan 13-ly. 1- AAAI1U -OSD DKAlJtB rs: Saddles, Bridles. Robes, Whips 1 , H alters, 'Blankets, &c. 4ETOFPOSITE COtTHLT-HOlJSE,- Harina bodzht quiUrK.A. S&er. the man- niacxunng : a r?Pnng: j-w w .-w charge;-Any newaaijr, o nana-maoe UtDMTUI W WWlw pTStlWI,; IarB; ip. .. t .a f 5-' :- -jt&iKr'i ', -. ft era HaTing tuitlawd frAtt A F. J. Weath ersbee coantfighb) forjgecontbe, Mash and Pitt : annntlaai ai offer to the People of the aame, "ff 2 -'' ;-.4 v . .a am t I MM . X M 1 RaUi fateav flu.?. The Cheapest Farm Gate'ew invented. Rot Liable to gat oat f orderv.Noaajfiag or strain on the postaVada perfect safeguard agaiist jnlscbieTOea stocks Taaa rno hare bereto foragiTen in thelf orders to others will hats themflUedbyas. - maylomnoTl arboto N. C, r--.-x1 : r X'lUiUlUiD U ir ' j -1 in 1ST HST - .-' t'0r. J aa all ISOIi, ii r i Wade fearm ' , : . --i 1 v a Na-aaaajai T a afcaaT I - . : , V' t - 1 wq$R TiUt MbQjb prints a: 0oattnea4 Matf at the on of real nB and -women, aw 6f flurfr oeeos f4 pasree). br naiL.tftL ear; 8undT(8pNre,lJ rj,(S pages), tl per iperywr. r((Tr L W.ENGLAKD,J by addTCMtnjc GXO. T.fSOV i CO. MSpMaaMMiKy New York, can tear the exaex coat of ar BHWWMAd Him ftf tnVT.HTlSIMfi t- 1 f ' 1MOTMIR RlirAJa.,AJItatrMYBfff race i cMts. -r w -jt w rn r-ir r 1 sr? T ' i.f i t '1 T i -I T 'i n .'-3 The Wooderful Effleaoyaf Ir a)aaa u tnqoaatljr aatd Hb4 nt j-ftiw. The r or raMcmay, u at aa inn aaai rcuaaa' rU.7mr, fu.Ui" SJjlMlUllMHjiTayaar. 1 taa t-iskaaajoa to this gnat amdSTOwtncataat Ir. ;t?1backa HauMaraJto POIawantata ana. r.- lr.las-a yet they act wit! ,VaUtt V-joaoai asaeth to the 1satta vmatTr ri 1 1 "ill fliia ian lb ' trtiajactuwinadiciika aC ba taasa In H naa II a lln rwm rtbeajafkmiki ara tasiaa. a Iju taxatajtasks ot disa lr.Jrf -ra1raJ nr. BW C" "a.. (tfcj CMMa.i . ia n50C BURNHAKTS PORNHAM BROYORtVPAr I verr borne comfort and priTacr. Oueats -Suesai eaMsfAaaasai (eaafanrvbTRclaii. Pori vcauv,iaimi ijavaanKan w. iuix, 17 W.fta StreeWew York. . anittAtcMnLEs?r 5 ' St l.i S T Aw TJhc . lra:Tymrnr. n. thrl Piof arraftheWorlifa treai sea 1 WMriwtt iCiitfensioi wavaj at- iagBrS' f,i mZt&:-Jaim!Btte of Woader ful KKptoits caeca ittteresaing thaa Octlool rrice oaiy sks. i aeus eTeryworou. 1 b make U,00 per month.. Address J. O. Me CURSZ Co Phila. Pa. may&-onel5 H. Stenhens. Tfii lifa'of Oils Ulustrlous pa3rJol aid itatea man, by T. H. NortoaT,,autaof :af. ''life of uen. nancoca." uiustratea. raper lu cenis: cloth 25 cents. Pbataee jtampaj receiTed- Net! f TmtaaavaatiM iarto watio which tha sHMAA JlflUiVln. :tjaa sa-ttwn saaaaaav. n iMtmi- Tbn hMbe treatr4-DiiHY'American. of NashTille. ' KJfO-B. A)KN. PuVr, " may 4june 15 18 vaeay atij ew 1 or a. ar i " a a Hv.iiu wiu wAn4 iui m OUO Te young men or ladim in each tamy-::dd8ss P. W. ZKIQLER k. Co., IPhiladelp IphiafPa. maylS-JaDali irr.Ti scaodi ill Ratal for aew circniara aaaisjnmc saadef MP UmwAm99raMciajjjaQM xoey heira. . Pensions, Buntlas, -Paa, Uad Claima. liorae VJlalmA. antr aH others aafbat the Govermcnt promptly and faithfully atten- dadto x Atwresaanw-aampj-T'T- r 1 -yr. h. wills a co., ioxisa, taaytn jrrsatn !5ir.i. avaamaetaa v. u Two argedni from this Old -eat abViahed bid aridfelykBWwoi 'fnatittita' W iailaBtav' ajMt;ijiaiaDHpoiia, ibJ., will tnaka a ipecla aod Rntitad Tint to Tarboro, H C May 2Mbr 1883, atopptng at toe Tarboro HoteL-, Tber wiiminr sarical and cban'Kal appltaisoeay.beat BrenCi artificial ayes, and everything necoeasfry far' the treatment of accepted cage. ' They treat no one an less there is an un doubted prospect "of great improTement or complete reMnrattoo.- . Deformitiea of eit- ry disci iption, foctadhrg Clubfeet, bUeaaaa of tbeWp, srtne and lointa, paralysis, pilea, fistotarWtarrh, : Female aad private dis eases, diseases of the Eye aad ear, ebrocoo disedeftvetc., treated.' ' v."'- b : WeTCtxac early, as the viait is limited to tbeUme stated. For circulars and foil particulars, address c ; -n Natiokaxi SnaeiOAi Isi-riTii'rjL malOSU r , ,: .: r. Atlanta, 6a. liAGBR BEER! LAGER BEER . . . i ' .-.ae.V."v.- i I The IJotRetreshind .prana.irtoL aaiea; aoa nonbtea: t .TUU tory nrmpre .Intereatinit than any, rnmatifn thkt wu ivdM Jt.4T L gh an gi : IUI. I m a BBa lit . a. . I 1 1 a-ar hw. TrTifi .1 R -J"Slne amjaaaf 'or Ban. bottUBMaaaaaftatBlatt SJ 1 -iattebaataYidaaaaraMtrvasaa. Thaw aaaav AlaMssaaVa F"N tj lav in tha TJiiitad Rtatra a fn hm! m... . ami Hava iaalait , int 1m I a m Miiaiai I imam ri . a. 3 r j I - r ri ran n r i t, x., yuv i mi s iiwi-jiiyAl"l I IV 1 1 ii Ubblt- l.Sil .riUWaST'.Kl&'iSATr ifVt The Trade SaDctled fit cH .l..-"-rtiatvi!rt!!. f Orders by mail, from any part of th Vwaaaj yavaWraa wawanavw www tar Will have a sopphrc N ! ad an DbwM vela aadKMaeftiH OF1 rniimvT.n MeprtatDi tig eTth skia axictt: Raima aa W aa4 OMHUrj; i MLMMiMUlMMi.taWiei ijaaea aeeemo waee bat few of tca tyiieJ, m It EMM M ' ay , rkabo; action, will in , DlWliai, Wi will avoid' 1 i ill li toalwaya aVlji a . Far. wkaaiiai taa iilm .v k. . 0 ittk Qtaaia, aaa, wttW of tk. ari ato sW.: naantaay of taa aajariam jttoaaW. i Uv lUaaaioHaMataafai'aM la jar Saaa, and I am latwiaa k i a . ' - dtAiT I i to toe i. t ret ofAlaf , Itm-ni, f 3a. araaaafif ftiii ta mmm td Kar"'inav jnd, a:iaa jo gira it a fkalOwJ aaOaaai awaji aaal aianr jian .fcla far Ir- 'Al aw ariaa ta' taa ' A. . Iscatawaa ouM aaad amaar far Mm all who ara aiav-. al as it aecan the car i,Miaa; naa actual ir Regulator ia baa, which ahran a -a - tifff tt . Z Trade-Stark H. miN a m. Attar Lsaf aaa Woatrrjtrailtl asr, IM Ia Braarst elL PatBd an tranee countrr Pbrai- I country Paysi- ter aa Jioa aaa n a aanatlwt rriireB. 1 1 i1Llna-nWThinntli,1af BimmiifcletterJ AnA l.w f 1- w.w r .Jjbj 4i.-i4Z. 1 faiyi aw aaa . awasa-a aaaaj aiw' VaaiaaKas a friend, "I really wishsomebody would Invent T aaTWaaai I aVUWt wxlatavaa awaaaadaBaJ.aa. V ' In oenethlng actually help- wfor such a case I whoa R la too lata tor ale to use ft" aa m a aaaTDa uwv win. was placed-oa taoaaariaet about tea years r","V Kr fmuMAau. rxtJbSffJiaat.atnafclithi.rent la tt, iu af!tinn anil una vonl tK. r.ndii. ta 1 11 aaaai aaaiai aaaaiaaiis s aa awaaasi ssaaai s isaaai aa I ass nasr i i r yaiaar baaatav' 1 1 'u".- - ai bninwaiiiilii J )H ' I- Tifiriaa ottos rapid H4 !ec5SFtJl puSa ICarolina latl March froiUtab, aad ftiew Wcent.fH the4ainTO. that time cadSfieeu. holding aaainaa ua a-w t rtam saanniiaai ai aawaa- awnaui r'l i jork, i -iki . UTUTTTj'T j. Pbrotelaai aMtKMHiatea aXBca 4a Htm far:tko Cairo oi Rpllaptlc rita- From Am. J.ofsfa. Dr. ' Ala Messerele flate of London) makes a specialty ol Epilepsy, has wittbqnt eouDtveacee aaa ear e raore cases taaa any daa. His success haasim-. ply heesate3tfshfcig wbbave heaijS tot eases ofti ea'a.uaitsr, seooavtaUf eared bs hinv Pa shas -rfxiblUbaeV a.-arork oa this dUeaaev whkf budr wit ala bottle of nis wonaenui cure iree 10 any r. u. aaareas. We aflrise iayene wisbutig i dnri to address AbMaaaaaxk, No. 9B Johtf SC, N. Torkv iiirniirfiwijafri Ai niJME. CARBONATE" CF LIME. U RUJinT?AiiiAaTEB.! Oicflom'xtacno JLs Yut Cbxap. i 8a4 f oKitaBlir 1 rEEKCHBaCS., WO- i Tafl fb aae AL AfURTrTS for renovating your; a A i lmns. It Is rapidly snpersedthrall other aThlaVTPor clHrwJatl- mvy Douuj mu uuKt ....... . , 4- w VHB Ity.lPMPty aod'eouuoiyf i It If Wgheat a qasJ; amd can ba applied by aayoiarlf for sale ta your neighborhood, en to Ml an not SEE. U BBUg., aa noriioA: Hup, ev. y m America Ahead! jit TO TTl TOT ""ITI TRT;IT1 .:: ! .. 1!: !:CrV"l?,an r tt Raailte Vtlla for tbejiv- er- AapiSay ear lor Li w cwrpiaitit, Beg - alattof ithaitwwaMaarifvaa L ? . ?eaixy C oWng aad-bradng the nerrous rigac ajnUtcaWW m-erarr Rbae of the body. 4 -Jo eiraulaia and ahnaoacs, wHlrfun papi j Pai-miipwa yn 1 a.rri-.iri nt t..r' - r r " ... s iBVKaplauclI rasidenuo BUte. .DeaertiotNonupport. 1 vieaand Ucations for tt H. LCd a aaaa. Aaav aal am aaa. STawaV PPM U U U . btW f- Planar, aracuLTimAiVi e;Va-ui.t w w J el ' P"a wSk a w wioiuii efaA ail for Cbtda aad Rlaiana a Medoaa bocavta delicate abaaaiaU STstem. an Broadway, New ark City, N -.i .vi ,vn?aj I nwfcfHNfr!fTha)Mi r-T TE. 'a ,r-s ...... i a i , .. ., t. MTif i -fa fJlidwermfiCoia I . . - aui vwv w y a ia Bat only men and women grown ; . Kobal loekaiaeadrUtciirkdiii ct r No Tabr' bkiMoanTiltArn. at .I am Tcrseaoa r-asir nrrrmn rsrnr . (ToMh afatae-oatfBfc aaaantt. 3 imt & W .THlE'?r 'ifr:a4 iminr.M ThOUefc ibe wtaaoat Ufa of iliaa'a. aaa aara! maniiin. aw. uuu, wyraa; j ax Though deiert tanda were sweet as Bowces,,! I ab nowers coma tug cira. i . . . . . ... . . . . . r i W nnHw.'.V'f ir?-fH '.anfitTi IT i-CiKtnW h'tw.pff.ifcJ! .:c0 j .nOa(3eaaaWfatOlfa ibe - - -' K. ' - - - ' - v X aVa. U J . . .- 5 Mr two amooiTied farivL pati VS"mI1. 1 dleag mwanAaFS! .f - Ot?0nr?; MX.0114VOr- Li-i . . awl- aTafTi.1 . or-a3ftBgca ot tnem as fnkT t'Be.1 wr i f tMTlora in Unei wore ooo sin leap, svhilb tb other Had head gar of a mora dvili-. aea caanteter, nis eyes Demo; snaaea bx an ordinary alouch hat, Sach one carried a been4hrraga4beTolation looking carpet bag, and, waving tba aeduave fiaefcman aside, hej poshed oat of the crowd and abode up Trade street at a brisk pace. Arriving at a grocery-store they purchased enough crackers and cheese to make them a dinner,' aod then proceeded, to , the vacant lot near the Carolina Central depot to enjoyr their' lunch. "They repained about .there until a late hoxuin afthioon(i 5ttid in the meantime were ihtervievtel by aever- ctmoiw J?artteF. a meT nriikftitact nLtLfitartAfc" Vet. a a . n t! I B a ' .V..n nniaraeRAhaarl Kv aar w-r-aan w aVhAw identity fca OHEflMr About th4m J - - ttI. i ' iv-;sTi i ml uvea a hp auiaoiuji xretUT. xuav 4 a - , , a wejV MontaQn. BTlSSlWariea, two 4f& Ibwd o SC IL ' W . J 1. a i . t . . . .- ..-. Jtoe-jTeeraits lEh ne, counties joining iieckienmirg, puTtoe west They gave their names Keva Wm ..... : 1 I AJonon ana' daoet xrcnweu, ana I -A- 1 .1 it. -I... . - i. . ' 1 - "VT 1.L a . -a. ' i. . . . . - . a . a (nous counties of thegjate. Ttuem- selves itmd' M'een Mfcr brethren" aork. Separately, 'bok'rheet at a ber tain poiut about ono a month AO: ctinpare totes and map out planfo future action.' - So' far they have eon-. Verted to the llormon faith 37 men aad women, alx at' flteea of -whom have beeiC Vent toUialTheif best success, aooordiuef to thdr VefJort, has been in Rutberfcrd ani "in Gaar ton counties. - They1 have- 'not jyet done any work ta Cabarru ftpwan or Mecklenburg counties, bat do not. know ho w lone they may lett&ese fieJdi reamm tfctdfj&etE JThtad Work is dona) oiieUnand their presence in any neighborhood is seldom iver known except by botes few whd at tend tbeir tseetinss.' - tWa&iBtle first begins by riding abouba borbood. stooptua? at the nousea for 4nhk wafeai a .aoaal, uLtaiie ha. beqpme prettyx well itcouainted C with Ihe women, the. jveaker ones of jrl arham he selects as lull aobiECta ID1 farma-thflHi. of a jneetimr to be held airH cemoir time - ana -pisce, ana m- titel thenf 4o mMrMUititeifp to the meettnn Ahexarork is etuy, ad tber are aoon porsuaded to on brace the Mormon faith. ISetoM receiving them into the churChrJejTitS hap- edus .oldXr im mtEd XfSWt for tet : totisitt- gtoerlTy Set .at 10 or jlangh con yetiient'creek or pond, in the neigh borbood will answer the purposes o: a pool. It seem almost incredible that ueh heathanismj oao be practio- 1 l eA 4iai kinder onf ; AWT ' Was sih1 in tbfei advanced age of civiltadidd, but these 2 Mormon 'missidi aiie's1 &da)it that this ia their mode of banrism. andxbress Bsujruehat anv lone 8hocJd,iid ftTult an th It.: They held a biptiam-on Dunban's creek, in uth- erlordiqsnntyi !ti Banner irai portett iW the Urfie; j r Speaking o incidenta of their trip through Enthordford county, they stated tbaV on one occasion tjhey hoeins cotum in a field, got m a con versation with them, and, before, they aoit, they kail f converted i the' Hrol women, toor theaa to a neTgHDrmgJ an4 twtised them RfrJ ibR L10??1?0 TSRTi 1 rmssiocanea'i proceeded, om their war. Wemnrr fcined zZkv the v i a t&a. SCOTD ar rfh mmK.MA ,for -ah: Tha kl a '- ar. - i jPolk ooAc. tfid were tohave left Ifdk? Vriteht for I Spartanbnrg. The ILwX ihembers of their band a.acatteiredthrongh RnthsrCnrrl. (4ajrnn. MriisndsiT I other oonntiea, md are -almoac daUf I a,noirsw1 in wflfltmtrJfir ;Vrrtg.ts.,-A I Tbeir oBerationi are conned aoleti lu tV.o irmwantL nnanid Uaa 3 people,' and we ' in some dbttbt a er Or. not "the RfAsa anffpm im'iW deiigqstttic ieif STdrm'on UHMttV3Bat na toujomL:exvI&2aa.tthat .WgSI &Rl4U?HRtf4 ui ana sorF pjmiS8jonary,,h5wever, and ffiotfWlrJt4e oestifl in Hth&8rjs3e.3 labasroOBred f these 'cTIm Aeiaea.4Atan from, tha CJbar hJCiturtYOtrtr of Jun 2dl, iavihia iectien. ilkaigbt'b Mormon miasioBmrie ajrka for f the JB MeWaWaT.opsjrt4aaXltJ(k4Djnte -a - - - 1 R ta U i a t '-a I. al a , - ... v . . , ' - nanuaay, sxra ajsnau j.thmt BBfary apreaa- yslhaAffarfaoasit dribiriaea. eSong 4bu oaOeaaa oa;poiaiim ,ho aWoiBV?sM sittfawtwaeb m -4ther kaT TTT a ara . V jmm mi ... . . . read he remedy proposed byi! JCWiitaairaw Wd2ettihlr1 okm: UaamioaaAua utariBavtoeaKetr rraaaaasair-1 vti offlflrntMaAy, liUQ&yJaBhd Raarjsaorjesirf naizeai Uih, a ahflt, gnnay Jks fdsndlSar Edjer combe aa well as in WeateraKdrth Carollha. A W6T4 to I He vdse shonld be sufficient2'3 - !Why,4rou snperlatite pa T ahVex- csaimed,-"!. ami. ajtiwry glad to' see you. ' O.Ja oid gentleman waseome- what Rnnerved bl the greeting, but ,he recognized the sealskin cloak in big gnp as the identical piece of property ite had paid for with his bay marav and he aort of -aanat it uo in, hia arms.and planted a kiss, where it wooJ4 do. the most good, with a report mat sounded above the poise of the depot1 Ih a brief space of time' the trotik end its attendantbig- gage were loaded into , the wagon. Jim fif b-unping -OTer ithr hub! bl ilea toward home. ai ""PaVdear: said; the young miss, nrvey ingr xne team -witn a wicn a criucai eyavdwyod fconsider this tlite'ex- " pey If Returned Ue oilman with pusziwi air. -uoiH excel whltBe arren 1 :? i 'consider lti;apon ,teh files' beyond Warretff coa'ntftdni1 the Bath way, mat s what yoa fnean. . u Ob, -no, papa, you don't under- me," ine dasffater explained. "1 a V . 7 a a a V Aaan.(his Lorseand wagoou Do you uiiiiK. : Liier are sominii uo rout think they could .be ' studied apart in tBelSght'-or 'it Bf-mphony oT even, a simple poem, atfd appear as intensely utter to one ba kretariung home as pne csujexpreja,, im- ; ihe, old raan.twiated uneasily in his .seat,' and muttered ' something about tie' behave i used to be used for' Ttfl " express -waeon 'before i he beughtitio dehverporkia, bat the conversation af peaxed to be jtrayeling l Bacu avaoneNnne oirecuoa anaii ne fetohed the horae a. rAtsqunding track oiutbe rotunda, aed tbe. aeterd iolt- ingY !?r, the rp?efi frou prevented ittrtidrremaAkaJ", ', ", : " Un, tnara aa that lovely, and con- sammate ip f'jqreamed tbe return ed collegiate, as they droveup torp door." ana ' Presently 'she. was' lost in The'embrace Tbf Bmb&erbmRR iti spectadea. i ;-; h ejUa M"srtja;:e .ald- mao at the supper-table, as he pipped a piece of better "off the lamp with bis own knife,' "an" hoWd yon like your t3choon" mil . .ia--'Li'.-Hi ! vveu xnarev-pa,i ow.tou ate ibait i 1 nun Ixxtisidr it."far;too WyOTdyi replied tha TOghte Itt iacmoKatiaiiabnincQablai i :,The girls are so sumptuously rtowiing I meanvntuiL go Rrumsne, so intel A!od4lbe4bajupar4iithe ballB, the no J5he past weeks have been one snbUme harmony.", . , " I a pose sv nervously assented the "bid man - as he ! reached for his third cup half fuE. But how about your books readin,"wnttin , gram mar, rule o' three how about them?' ' "Pa," don't," exdahned'the'daugh ter reproachftilly'Y nhe Voie of three ! grammar T . It is French, and music, and painting, and the 'divine in art that has wade my school' life the ' boa -I mean that hare rendered - it one unbroken, flow-: of rhvthmic bUs the incomparably and exquisitely all bat," :rr T A Th grocery maa and . his wife looked1 hopelessly at each btner actosa tha iablat After, a? lonRBOoieu psose the oiaiaysafa-H6w do you like tSemeuilvmryT1: . a a. a st - ' ai "-V II ' - "fhey are top,utter for anything, gushed the accpmplished young lady, 'tod this plum preserre is pimply poemin itaeiL'l . f , ; Th'6tdRuAbrurUvrnea from 1 1tb-rafebf arid ;wnt out of f the rdotn. Lruynbed mawrtnd ibs tnfiM-ooRtea- flon oB Jehaadlved. That nighB he f Ba4u wifeV albn rttbe eiove ped.aAoaxtlT ioji tteliapC. amthtthe handle of his knife, anal rental "Mariay-me 'W your mother come to the conclusion that boadiofachooTbuainess is too utteuy auhnt tw Httaocj aouense. Ale, an' heroisiderJthat we haven't hired ricfjrbdd 4 ofthkummate years for tjhe pUTpospoT iRikiiSg; ;lcaHoeiji an tia Vgolr g to U stop pat to iui unqaeachable fooh'shneM : Now ai- to w neili IrrrlooB tvii.i Jai. ; J3'a. j Ibf fl-awL-i H soon ' be f e&ctrrely rid f art" vif-' rsa-st .t. ujir hATf e've tins I 1 hf twiated doughnut, you take and dust up-ataira in , less than two sec onds and peel off that fancy gown an put on a caHiker, iantheh come down here and help yom? f mother' wash dishes. T want it distinctly under stood that there ain't crointr to be no more rhymthmie foolishness in this Ubhse BO lonir'a ' vntir BlTlSArlaf iwj'n an your raveiy '.an oanfftnnmate toa a rurming the ranchi ,3Tou hear , me. JUstu . .Alana. was liateniiig. Ex! Mil t-?USfSiu3' f. , .r Bit -Fa BroJt vy Tha wracarymaa Hot m M nouist ta warn stmts :.a althtirtY JaTTUalaln lHtd I . Mf a; awwTaaWrafldwV aj Mat Maw 'jtaairi'i'liaRjs'---1 ) Litit.,1. StitJ-tj .-; !';: -'-"l 1 c"WelL I gftetn I win go to bell i 'i will lee vorJlater" taid the bad boy fejthei ecgeer. as ha held a cracker flower the faucet of a ..syrup keg id ibehsat down on a aoan box bv the ifovet aRdiiroceedd to make a farjeh ' groeeryniari onargeai the ter youVs finished eating' that poem of fried sausage an" that aWohonV rinna,iithM. ntk, aistallon f jevrup i . . What,do,you mean, yoii profane wVetchl'falkibfi' about meeti&fir m6 3a- ter in'Hadesrsaid the indignant gio, ceryman. i eipect ftd pass by the Lhot place where; you, are sizzhng, nd go .to the realms of bhs-, where there 10 una wuuonea rounu oi nappmess, atfd'1mgels,'Rre:pying-1 oh golden aijw, aoiu Btugui uymua ox praise., o i'iWhyV Pa aaya I will surely go to hell, and I thought you would prob ably be there, as it costt something to get to heaven, and you can get to the other place for nothing, tfay, you would be a healthy delegate to visit Heaven, witn a lot of girl angels, wouldn't you, smelling: of frowy but ter, as you always do, and kerosene, and herring, and bar soap, and rotten potatoes, and mouldy cheese. Say, an angel wouldn't stay onj the same gol den street with you, without holding her handkerchief to her nose, and you couldn't get in there, anyway, 'cause you'd want to pay your entrance fee ra trade out of your store.'' ' "aay, you get, out of here, condemn you. xou are getting; sassy. , There is no one more free hearted than I am, said the erocervmn. " ' P . Oh, give us' a iiettdl I am onto you biecer'n a elephant - When thev had; the oyster supper at the church, you gave four pounds of musty crack- ers wilq worms in em, and tuey tas ted of kerosene, and When the sky pilot prayed for those who had gen-s erpusly contributed to the stew, jou raised up your bullet-shaped head as though you wanted them all to know aw '11.-: A-J i T tuai. ue meant you. ai a man can get to heaven on four pounds of musty crackers, done up in a 'paper (hat has be around mackerel, then what's the use oi a man being good, and giviDg sixteen ounces ; to the! pound ? But, there, don't blush and cry. I will use my influence to get your feet onto the golden streets of the New Jerusalem. but you have got to quit stnding those small potatoes to our; house, with a ew big ones on top of the basket. Til tell you' how it was that Pa told me I would go to hell; You sen. Pa has been reading out of an old back number Bible, and Ma and me argued with Lira about getting a new revised edition. We told him that the bid one was all Out of style, and that all the neighbors had the newest cut in Bibles, with dolman sleeve, and gath ered iu the back, and they put on the style over us, and we could not hold up our heads in old last year's bibles. Pa' kicked against it, ! but Anally got Ooe. . I thought I had aa much right to change things in the revised edi tion as the other fellows did in the old one, sol pasted sOine mottoes and patent meaieura aavertiaemcnts ia it i . . ? r "i i . . i after the verses. Pa never reads whole chapter, but reads a verse t ao and skips around.i Before break fast, the other morning, Pa got the new .Bible and started to read the ten C0mmandmenta,and some other things aad tba first thing that Pa struck was, 'Verily, I say unto you, take St Ja cobs oil for rheumatism.' Pa looked over his specs at Ma, and then looked at me, but I had my face covered with my hands, ' sort of pious. Pa said he didn't think it was -just the thing to. put, advertisements in the Bible, but Ma said she didn't know it was any; worse than to have a patent medicine notice- next to Henry Ward Beefeher'a aeraaon in areligious paper. Pa sighed and turned over a few leaves, and read: . "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife nor bis ox, if you love me aa I lore yoa, no kmfe caa cut our love ta two. That last part was; a motto that I got out of a paper of candy. Pa said that the sentiment wis good, but he didn't think therevisera had improved the old commandment very mucn Then Pa turned over jand read : "Take a little wine for the stomach! s sake, and! keep a bottle of Reed's GUt Rdge Tonic on your aids-board, and-yoa ran defy, malaria, chills and fever, , ; i- 4r J -t'i : ' k Pa was hot. He looked at it again, and noticed the tonic, commandment was printed on jailer paper, 'and the corner was tamed up, and Ps'took hold of it, and the paste that I stuck it on with; waa not good, and It come off. and when I saw Pa lav down the Bible, and put his spectacles in th case; and reach for the lire poker, 'I knew be was not going to pray,- and I kkkad out of the window Rod yelled 'dog-figbt,'. and X lit oqi and Pa fol- a . II 1 ,1 lowed me as iar as toe tuae-waiK. aua it was that morning when it was slip pery," and Pa's feet slipped out from under huh, and he stood on his heck, andt slid, around on his ear, and the apecial prbvidence of sleet on the side walk saved me. i Say, do you believe in special providence What was the use tfthstlt-Dirthen.ide:walk, ii iF.WAar.H(3t tO UTCRlnaeriT! - I don't knowyttiing; about special pJrovidcieB, said the grocery man, "but T know you you have got two of your pockets Btuffed with' boneless fajsina.; since yoti have been f1- i1 "7 5. TQ0' P on crotches . fort; T saw him hobbling down this morning; Has Tie sprained IaiamaAtc;'S-;-i-rUiXXO- t Well.I onieMluasjDkkgotBprain- ' ed with all the resk.- Yoa see me and my chum went bobbing, and PaJ said ho supposed he1 used to be the great eat bobber, when be was a boy, lha eTwaa. He said he used to slide down, a hat hat waa Btaeper. than a chdrch. l steeple, "We . asked him to go wiEh ua, intf we went dowti to -that afreet tlmt'goes down to the 3e poC, and we hadtwo afods Jitehed to gether and thf re.TOare aaorioin a lun tf&tojfPA ?.inte4,toi steer, and he got xm the frepV. sled, ,and when' we VhV krnf Lk. aX pthe iedalewedad Wdm "and ae.-got on atrignt,. Ust 'Haf gdt shut upr between ! j.he two - sled,, and the other, boys behind, thev all run .orr Pa, and one .sled'rmuier caught um m the Ixowsers ieE,andHdrae'id!him oyer the tdippery ice deaf to the bot tom aad the whole iayout run into the street car. and thaannlaa and kicked, and Pa's suspendera bmt ahd Vhen hy chum arid ine got down there,v'Pa was rirMeif Jhd fear, and a boy's hoots ! waa in Psa hii t bosom, and another ;boyiag straddle of Pa's neck,, and pie crowd rushed up from the depot and got Pa out, and began 16 Jell fire,' and 'police,' and he kicked at a boy that was trying to get his sled out of the small of Pa's back, and a policeman came along, and Euthed Pa, aad said, -Go away from ere, ye owld diviL and Jet the b'ys in joy therselfs," and he was going to arrest Pa, when me and my chum told ! al .- mm inat we would take Pa home. Pa said that the hill was not steep - enough for him, or he wouldn't have fell off. He is offul stiff to day, but he says he will go skating with me next wek, and show us how to skate. Pa means well, but he don't realize that he is getting Btiff and kittenr nB he used to be. He is verv kind to me; if I had some fathers I would . have been a broken-back, disfigured angel long ago. ' Don't you think I would?" . r The, groceryman said he was sure of ii, and the boy got out with his boneless raisiris and hia pockets full of lump sugar. J" - A Boy In a Priating Offleo. It seems to be that the chief eud of small boys to talk. Without the ability to say two hours of solid non- panl m an hour, they would pine away and die. One of the came into the SorTHERNKB office the other dav. Said he: i "Is this a printing office ?" "It is." . . "Is what?'' . "A printing office." "What are you doing?'' "Setting type." , t "What are you setting type for?" "For the paper." f "Isthem the things you print pa pers with? 1 - "Ies."; :: .i . . "How long did it take you to learn how to set type?" j WM J CM O. "Qould I learn to set type ?" "I think not." "Why not?" i "You talk too much." "What's this?" "Gol blast your hide, you blamed little imp. You hate knocked that Marl " nil tj n uu "What's an ad!' "Get out of here. I.YoaH pie the wnoie omce presently." . a aaa - .a aa "Where's the pie?" peave here, I say 1 Dad gum ye." The Tcungster saw: danger in the printers eye, and he left . About half a dozen jardi from the office he.stop- ; ped and called back : I'-Don't you want a boy to learn the trade?" 1 , V A flying slug was the answer. Es vii Just Out, Some cf our stores are constantly annoyed by children coming to the hdoor and asked for cards, empty box es, and that sort of things. The ' clerks are -of coorse down on the youngsters and the warfare never ends. The other day a little girt opened a store door And sticking her head in called out : J ' I 'Say, mister, have you any empty boxes?'. j ! No,'.said the clerk not politely. i 'Got any cards V -r.o: .' t- Got any almAnaca ?' f 'No.' . Got any empty bottles?' No.' ' i, 'Got any pictures t" v ,'No.' ..... ' j Got any sense ?' I 'No yes noyes, you misfrale liite wreU-.h, and the clerk flew out the door, bat the youngster was up in the next alley making face at him, aud he came back madder than he had been since his salary was reduced.'"'-'' !-.'' i. The women suffrage law of Utah as approved by. the .Federal Gov ernment under the impression, it is said;' that if the women Voted polyg amy they would be voted out of the Territory. The result has beta that since the days of Prophet Young the Utah women, who are nothing but serfs of the hierarchy,' have- voted solidly for every distinctive feature of the Mormon system. tm L". pi tt ;4 - - .-.i - l -A .. a- T -iff - - -;'! Ar' : : , Vt XiS b'v try ,t UK t,

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