ManWf l nai.fc iS -J iS sn ! ltr j T 1 M a. J 7 I ' M t - . . axis y xi': ajj'a a is. Abu J, -AW t;- - . ... - . ii mi - - .-f - - , -" - '-i : ' " .r i -r ;0O NO. 28 , . I , v. iu'i . i . , . i. c am .aw attar 1 ' a j a.- v .a a v . w. 1 f M l' lir' Wifk V HI III ,1 I 5a! V1A a05:H IK V A Ft H' liA:.'-:.t.i-,-iti.-:-ii-ti?iil . '-stilt- -.----i v " ' " ' ; -."' i . 1 is iff i;im;i ,i jj i, t . . : " i i..m.r .. ... - k? '-4' For North, Sduth n$ gf ' For (TigSTxSf3 at30P.Mi S i Jf . f or Orltf ft 1 ltilL4EKITia.i I i i r r i nil. 'ffll ! . W. & W. Railroad at 6:30 P.: S i From- 6ini4n -iVftsiBgioniiSd i : 'Hyde count j 70 .. ! . From "WiaiSston Via! ATtmif . -va,M aftaRJttto datetniM WB xi hziir 'iftrbora, leaTMLfi 00 BobmonviIla, Mji La mcnect with lh 10 trfio ctt r snemon, :blnr i3 iniuiuklJLBAHTIJIBfor roar A4UiVmA Ceiliurfi- ItfnMW 40 mm NORFOLK 3t S3 f a !ni lllillnl i fl Ik III U 1 tine traai ouimi-nai K inn's ) H1U 25 t wiwr7 WflUnweBlV7 00 r t JIT re fi "which b ofier at moderate ppcs. . ,' th V. Jc V. BftiliMd w Bock Monet, r '"k tiUti TilWiffiajniton for Sort. i KorfoBk ,iMi.ftiTm A. Wthiii9n sKJliod foe all tr?ar 4w Offeri i hit profeftrionti cnricei k tb aU at of Taxbaro and -rUltiXj.' t ! ;f j . r -j -Tofflcein T. A- McHir8 dxjf tarf oh Main 1 DEBTAK15G GENERALLY. - - , arlorolFnPi ! ; H V! , f a- ,:ui ltjr bejuitfaiiittfct) QtuU. and ca M aiffl iBmT, u wimoux an H4 aArtma:i ror u.le ia toot pelKUborhooil, aend to f 1a cttOs-aBariiJutaupeW3i pati appauM, MQtuiiraMio! eU. i k aieajMi "or piamt, j a bltfod. cli 11 lnanr neart f ULBtXJW-, leoaoMlaiav NlbBECIQRbB HOUSE ' nwwwm nrai mm. ai . ....$1,26 per day TStf. lUoCJaioDe, .".V.V...I.. 8,50 " 'nagk L'A MR3.J. G. CHARLES,! 1 1 f 0M:i?lJoiro. IV. C. . llninp. rmnrrmTS) faa vm-r nartinlari V tItot and health in everr Tor circular- and - almanacs, with body, full jpwwoj?,;. . Juf 12, itfM-adre Bores yeworayy. par- . jf r i HI 'IIS1- LliXH Jim l.niMiiiPii f y ao a-- at 7 K oat Vk. a an w lii. lx -am am - I I i K. " 9 a ay W Jam. 1 1 Addfass, TAYLOR wrcvr "i.T'Jta .t.-i. ' JL: X3 - JCU " 9 eBNKB Graitvtlmi A Sr. Ahdkkw 8t m4k ittna am thTTanrest in the t! latod haaapaciiaaalding ten. carloads f stock, lilye nun a cau. , f juiv m. Howard Pratt. X. Plpsa. TIi fiwl From tnornlrie to mornihf aadtron week to aea. TtLK bum prmts a conoi RtonT tamore lnterea4in6' thin atari tamore lntemtOBif thananv . m i ji. it i l. it nail ina was gnr aeriaeu. buubuiuumu New York City. N. T. tjianYecetatlePills Bate is tikaheinf pwatj remtable ; -no tr . n t'rlcctt. I)nits. , H- ' M. 'WsaWLOaihiar. i j tjlJiP.BBSl:1fik ;v Q A.-(BANXINO DXP1RTMEKT.) Van QMOkfroma . ...9 A. 31 " Tnavrmif H. L. Staton. Jr., W. M. Fipea H. Moms. ; j , wa. lMj. "' ! ' J 6 a?B!lBR: Ai...-iCQMJUliiMWttwatr orr, can tearn ue ezaeicosi.oi any vr. ed line of ADVBTISIM(2 in American New8uaMir-,t0(mr--' -Hrt25o. .own. li It MOTHER SWAN'S Infallible, tasteless, hei e TeriahiieresUeasneas, Price cuuta. ..UP 'c for TV U - H.Ji iiiim; O&t'Jh . ' c;;r:.: . jmm Tts Tnie Supplied at our FctohHhfii-nt NATtimnr r - r - - .- - wsaa a i iaa an i ir arrannon jmn s ift ' t- 'f ARBORO, N. O. ! ; T TT sT ll!a j 1 Nan's Ycilics iBnnttnas in PILLS i iUbt iianm ahBost saaeBftaoaa to aay anrihins linaaawiliiu iliiiiim nr thrimlT-tMii 1ti1 Back r;UBwaon. 1883. 1.1 t. 8. S- n B n N a n i we conld not" e-et notea in tirna or I SXT VT .TTT puDucwaooti fiaa ry &ea epeecn ltetmmo paid Ur, gaflgot mids br-GBDS SL-S. Nash at the Uoth l one.-Aa soon W tb ad iv n-rtfniin V.Viftftw-Wn!hTtn oKrwnf I their seals. h arosd in a bichlT vivi(jii( wiw jn.,"yr 1 1 v L : i . k" ' T,7 C Mil u UBuuWiiiuus luuunuiK J5elore proceeding to tB pleasant task 'of iwarcfini: the hofnors tQ thoe ?wft.WUc4U .!it aAi noa (en Capt er told me than aadfttraw)d.tteBrd bim Repeal Uhfr e taUtoeiitTery' fra tteitlythMJBa !e(wiiy,ytiv)Bgat ,itftfi Jm ;i Atthrfanrt-'I w rraM-1 . . UDOLU aW Ml UaU LUC A-l V . " - oV """II II ' ta wiwn hoBfflps are d!t?n itfw i :Wri for me to adrert to-theTCauses wluch I r.a-fl .mh&wuirrii Ied.tq tho formdmr-of ;.the "Pender T fvfin ilIfna- SohooH r. Girla.". :;.1Sir8.;Pende had n-aj?Aowmyior manyyears, tanq i hd4 tT Batw air removtf' tolBab i -iQLii tv i . ,.nv imV iii J4. TirWn'H v?"py-wiS4 4jiwiwt 'JIWM We Tarboro fooaaertn- taydi LT LUWII BU1II I ' 1 1 ' t ' . ! TT. oooatrr her inflnence for erood had I iTiS-t nir,iBM.oi a Wfttes orawnra to -Mch'IlMoMt'oljaMea the InmkuMut ha4 nSuiiH f h nn loh I ' - . . j . rXvr Y. tir" wantJWientai j 8.u i & and whafm4f thetfAsharacters at her! , m a wi- . hands.'ShtJ hadaithfoDT-tBid'ablTl iora.j t oXbX2m ai. v, i .L..'. ,. :. . - . i r tow aim i ivini wauavw i hi giTiigf ftfflrdightBrs tbeir men I tte oaoJe 0f the tSTna party. I training, and in adorning them ,-with J gide-wmlk, and.aay : 1 fc w unuiiwiiu (ji-uKw-i.! sFeub iStizena? 'i" iwg5 BaT4Jyrwhia one vho ha4Ior so lonrlVmLn H5initlfiaVWhBA oceiipleo; nchl6i pt&mlnentiiad, to-1 Washimrton Vaa a Whigi i whali kood' portantjKJsition in oat society, flman would not bo aWkwT" Iwaa cauea upon, ior reasons iron wnicn i year8 aD(j j thought 'Chin and whanoibtedo, o rernOTe to a I f tfcnk no! that ypeiohaa a keenly felt,- and many of her friends' who had at heart the heat interests of bur sectionboth in an education al and a social point' of yiew. agreed among themaelTes tinstute ' a moVement looking to the eetabliflh- ment of a female school in Tarboro a wrffarufg1 wita is iotbt&uaaoa m irt toot 2'.jLtfg&.i tar anppoaadik ar4 ahafiiotCaia uun, was prewy mccz mora than the JlepubUean ay3beedinclinx)podist,and at specialist inepoted tha d Aid came td the suffaos) bhee h rDortad that fia Tiniaiilii about as, big aa, twnnwit loaf! and mat notiung bull tne most, caeiol treatment would saVe ,Ue foot: ! lir. 1MMM acoorongly procured h ahpo of gtn&tor aocnaa hen amafire la Kiceut lam, A few-weeks ainoi a railroad col Bsionidfione of the roads leading oat iwnwiiira uiui ia bui waenor town. EG remainr were lt' home in good ahape,anda fw daytlTWr the funeral tht aUocneyl th road eallad upon tUwidow effect a tawantj she ! 1L that ima'ia unreasxmarie.n re plied the:tkKawy.9fiTow hvaband waaoTeraxtyj'eaia cJdVjii J -Tea, air.? .0I fAnd Uuna.1 .. .,, ' ' '"Yea? ' 1 1? u:''. ' l Hk renaral hesOtii watW" mm :. i ' " wonll'aS&t hay irvIMai aw UV waHW SlfV Vt fiified bbdy hobblhivuP thiS Cabitol steps. aapporUd by a lanel4 the feather pedestal. referred .YtoMi tii montna after that It wis a Mw thrM thousand VioBirv would b a fair jaflmftaitteaUM sac-) Iflaaei. . 1, t ''Xwo , or . tlfthinMdr ahe that miiiuM w tAaaaajaa a. aaac i. ixam j. Avyatrxaaaaaaai n a i? -i" - v, a : i o-";2 i7- v2: ' I man ior ten yean, i hod mafJwao wotua crrow better, tomeumas jaearrwtuie,' tne corn aoctoraeat in Ihii regukr bS3ig ohi the SSmpfoiiffMKiar nheJamwUoatv ly, called it - At hat tha .ufferebe; eame imbued.. wjUi an abciorPWg d- mam wj rut lulu j inspect uw cauaw ui i Veara. ran after him for ten more, and then had t4 chase him down with ahot gnn io'tU'him be- lore n, nuoisuw. i x iyjoaraoppoae that Pm going to aettle.fofthe bare cost of thoe leather and ammunition Y i-JX- lib 'SQTZJ.' i www wnsaoi rwanai u mean . - ,fr: .'lghiiwy thai ojdinaida take to ?stss yip" .kA JLi: fW iLaii W-kL. I Ostrich farms are to be established feti offhis 'ae4naB?apopleotie tictiirJiecIci a HtU ip.attchd:t5-bialiitle toe, rwhechwppdist k souna jane. ,, - b ,w d ws tur. . I used to go around a T good deal with father to his courts. wai 'hisr first born and ;Jl;dn.Teiy: proud' of'1 m ln'.'lhtdajV"' Pooi? iron thesCrew,"of w f evidently tTghtened !or loosened at pleasures :Tbe Senator toteraiaed upon anifritolijengIajad next morning when the rom -doctor to rmn" ahtygj the man of ght deliberately r turned around aDa--eat on nun. Jout ;wny a wen upon the sadT particulars f '""' The corn dodtor was temored "to the : hospital, where, , three mo&ths after,' hs died ta sluw mutc7"aft6f.6aTipg, made a m southweetern Xxa'i The corn crop worts are Terr sat- fit of ufictor fronr all parti of the coun try exoept Edgecosibe,r''i4- ' M Coffee is beins'ertoMirery planted on the Florida Keyi.-. . VbeXMwOitised father, who bAdcione sorEgUchfcir me and wbol ana twwwrleas to id! I .lAwifewhoJoarfes hope which W6uldibe aermaneht mstitti- J the Circuit of fJie1Pirst1ji of the Staitww4faansafacil, the circuit; f Si" Gpoi XfflWy, ' rXTJZ?:nX? la few emiheni maa Uow pro Would win hfs:e 1 f AkAtt- lejiwi f J : ' : . i ; I 'wMaslay HiL "TfWait1-iH "y" also in the federal and Sapiewe Win. ar C Elections a specialty. y? iT-..- rn. ih. nnamL im front roooi . . ii n- nfflei. iut door to pee. 15. 1881. -.- ;.!:-.- H tH UHB U i-l- a , ot! tarroro N. CJ ; i wm MMtMia.tiu Connties of Kdeecombe, Halifax and PlitoP3iIi; a rvui t Rilfiirh llaalS-lT I Goads, Hosiery, La ces, Embroideries, tseTsf Dress J3UI- tons, andujnm-i GLEE'S SH0 AID STAPLE J)RY ill... ioriaetaathashMn ty-toejrwtta.' What r -.odg-frwlna'dnmnil t r ma w s'bOontata ne bms rv t. i CSfromle Saas ttrXlrer.Boweltl :iiamJaaa.ltTere anil wiiaaw riiKffuct npoa Fiw and manr otto fllnwca. rtber tha keatt -aflitrngfltiieniwjtt-e organt MhCfewste '-apeattaVaaw eft vfcjoe to jawwowywm; Tbey aMtavAMt tkAmaSJatoM X aM wSiaai whi h ahontd i ttoanHmMliHMw upaaaiaiwiisa miithhm attarafMsaaVaaai octassi en arswtin ban to reaUt attacks ef M' M' ehatactBc; Dr.Heamek'e Msvawrmke Pine anaoldbraa m g ie. twg Jww, aa annt-cy mau. po ci TfTiyiairr " vyapepaia, n rnaii Oman, is amKie ,all. VMdrcai Dr. ' &6HBNCK 3tMNrvFIMia f ffltwaw. wer aad if awdaUIMssawsa, ,wi4,l'W' YtiatadKMaWr. . P.; In ika Sida. anmnmwi Pit ;- Am u xa. tWm ShenklMJilaila. wriatalrf fc ifcacrailT coaave, imaatimri ainraama '" . - .ti head is BoubM wltt pats, avaim aau "wajri raiwasidatable loss oTettawcy, accnsipiiitiw made , in educational - matters,' seizing and utiliziiig ' all the best metli( ajid discarding' and aroid ing all th clap-trap ; and.; jionsense which. ihdTOcaCea, of a mere m- ptMeritpon, met Tiew nlrs-jender turn totTarboro the good work,; and . now . we haye erery cause ior congratulation at the result ' of - our enterprise. , J We look round to ;- see if sits . Jrst. year has borne any- good fruit," ; ant what do we find 1- Why. tnat-neariy snail a htmdredrtwyl 'cheeVrirli snd ready to bear unoonscious t was on tne Otner 'qav-7 oai mmo i 6hrnKaTinS?aar to un Kia eaaa j; Tates and ?3iaf;Hme8 p wjwKaiHi w f A'. ahnnld imrwiftfih tha irnMS. f TK1 the ground of dialogue ; - M Lawyer--How-old are you T Wttpeee--DeTeuli two years. LattXour memory, of cours is not so brilliant and vind as it was ! tfWty Tears aim, isitt i. i U : aa. t. a. aftae-l j - nnB-L iDnt joaow but it uli Iwyerrrotata.Isome cucom stance arbun4i i Vat they were kind and igen Ue tU:t UlW-.t VJi. J.' I TIH IIMI , irmon oT A rrsxAsra s a w l. J T T S52J. . Al US USw) OBUBSa wvaai then as he is now the ttoftt unselfish, hberarmari T eVeiklieW. tToung then, and young now, ui allhat;con RUtate8.igqo41iajlpwabin.(nd Itrae oennesbipi long may heSre. t Col. Dand Outlaw wss a powerrul epeaK- mimi aaahed ho is KncliM aa aitradant f wcariMa aad esMity i aenroos, eawly artdr k cold or bunasci luiwlwn a pneuj oaf ko ' - tssiiaa-M low mmAAc W RswhsiiRili smlifAcsd fttslt trci srsjuldbc ifaej; i ficiiu, yet one cms hai tunioa ftp fcrtU2 a7WWM hw ih. OeneVa BililW society" as a repository fot Bibleai lb is not beoinae of this, howeyer, that traTebra oonlafrom all ! iArge tracts of land in, Texas are fenced with hedges of roses which,' in S fey 'years, chespef thaft wire, rails, ; or lumber, will form al)arriar that neither man npr.beaat can; pass. I JL, younft man sear Bethel An Pitt eountr, K C, went to see his lady love the other "night, and itaysd so kte that the girl's mother brought in 4 dosao eggs and asked blttf to liatch them for her. He left, and declares tlut ho wil mtw caJl agiin-,, , The independent damsels of . Ath ens, Oa., formed a pinater's olub,n which no men were sullered to at tendrThen ft bsxofr tfab was brganixedinvself defence, and t last aopounts. they .were holding a joint session. r , :; , .B;. t.r, ..Tiidens health has beoome so robust that wlreneTer ha goes to the Central Park "a gang" of polioemen hare to surround the obelisk to keep bimiVomwlkiDg)ffwith it 1 1 American girls A 'are ainbitious to marry titled foreigners ars reques ted. to-4akav-JioUostbat tnere are a , nnjnberof bwzonetf iftthe Bank of ngland, UTing onimall salaries and one baronet is a member M 'VJ.i'W t4il I-i J 1 7 A VI II innUW WBH n TXIWBIIUI BIE5JL I 11 - t . 1 iSauM Mask iwiwUIITr23iTitXI12B I.tatoJ,uUire.i of ttpolu'.'' , 1 BimHigiiMiiiHr Liiw rriaa-atsmi iimiiiwiu i m liorrtAT. w 1 -OK t Uf taw. .KMstTTin r i . j - t 1 - " j waaaaceand a. kind as a lad...! . -..-M.t; ' . .. djal feeling in the sjocth toward the . southern people, and a, iieersym a una suit, xwjumau ia ji um uvu . sideband he ia i hard horBa.1 knoiir tHm wiiat r tuat aaeHlvadm. Pracaee in 8tate and yederal Courtai mmmm a! ftnmftvs - at r Xoaw, r ractSca in State and Faderal CSwrta. ; mlSm ijfsll BURN HANTS w ago yoi staoied iA Judge B's r- r felt in : feTery rdetBrtDJenC tihs could not hare been so: vncceesfvlly carried m without the co-oper4taoo ii'T7 liiiirmaMi nwrr nmiTti- Several I OI Wliuutf ttuu Kuuiuvwub leuuw j efiht above tyoaaaiten4 4 1 workers The-Domestic Department an ootaiw to i- i . .t.-T. -uat.j l - i l,,. th 'tr iM.-, nsr 9T w Ul LUC UVUOOUWU ilAB V k.l uiiuv TiHiirr IllUUUJt llEUl Timi 4W I - -r A i blessed in haylngr:fmfta peiding! ffrit arid Jast Me1iandrsdruidSrf WwadtWiiiawM eM mwCArnni WrtL flor.TSark. whnM 4?to- TtL'rwAn. WWOa SAt,H i aver ft ' .;n.ui-j 'lewwaa - wanwnr j- - , i utpresenoe' cema not iau to Denent i this ouarter aod ; clear r T fl J4''5v f i i i .vj anyiiaturewith whom t-it1. should I udi toama vtboosand i a rwrwsww UBftuai 'mmk : a t v lbewltter toeaWaaaV tni4t cfaakav tatty w kaap tnt Lrrm aeaunr Witoeeaty.lL suvif you sooqi me to .do it, I wiJL j Aiout twelye , I remsmber! , wfll avoid - "All bough sold Tery low. . n . . i !!: .r i. I . Tf Tan kan liataw avBTtalBBT WBrwJ-aSai-rpwa slMW- ny-ew nnWBjwcpn-j f 4 1 aiAtJiaka doM aadroa wffl ke nttavas. jiswbww. aim wi , tSTPraeitees ia all the doorU.IState aad federal. J " no-ly. . .if'-' -. . XsauLsss t ....... - . ars - i . i .srkTBonnr i. c.v : ja v 2m I Li WWW i I II I .. - .a ia Ul ILLIAMSQU MANUF4.CTUBIR OT dan. edieis Da JUscaHr -WJ jfogtjreet ffew;ok; riiiiiiiiivoiiTTr cc A thrlllfiig Pictorial History of the IVorld's ireat tea FlrhM; wtth specimen of fiival Ar- ebfteetare bt all ages. -A record 'of" Wonder nJ XnloUarrBiorer 4atererthz than fiction 1 Trie eniy saT' It seDseTerrwhere. AGENTS rj always fcMpO tM atheiBbasdl it Far, whatrwjr tha aUaeat' auy be, a iwe.aneTmTW, aau pwrsjatiwei raa$ of pwim ai U links MrTctoiltEE'j 0auNV witkoataBy of tMiJMwaro Biwaeta. A Ckmnw Vwsaia time during the last forty or fifty i m.. Ii7 rvl... DiMi.U la n- a HUUW ibis I ... . . . . - , m I auv ww Mmnpia 'v - - mes4 nj . - ; ? h, i- T . i ew it u, t.a . of Jefferson ustis. wue is ranaraa blyhandaome. His 'Tery 'homely. Xn 8L thsy -wirsJknJwn as "Beauty antt-tnwwaBcr x OrouSd has - beeii trok-nr for the Gorernors inansios,H Wswul look out to sm wbewr i Bro. Shotwell's predictioos are fulfillooV - m ;jTb Goldsbora Bitis usclares for Jodge ilmer or Qo waori The 86uTHnunta has dona tbe same., 1 Hon. D. Wr Vorhees.. of Iodiana, -iZi.'J ...tTlil. Vl VJ I i .iB.AL.ij f-tlf :3'JSJ1 -4 1 fcV W LU11WU MTlBUn V. BUU J. r"" v "rzrp vrr J5.! I p o i, Tii rrv-'r r-r;-; kbirwhirn a Mwamt of clothes. l L re- 7x1 fiaraTt. XMX&Wmm.fm7a& awss but wt . -. 1117 in j: w . ' . t a l 11 t w Msvwatsa. . i- r - " Jiut every tnumph uulif-rawrjh;Mrmxmf)i aaaOJaUbed backsrWe are (aledupoB to mourn 1 when 4 fwmtmber (be liberties I tsed Tims U Etq-auit U wm If st Wts Wfae(jorgU fathfr found out son TJohn was . apaxking a laabkr adaitioa o th lealial loiaaca. p j . J. Gi-fBaoa-rt-, Goraraor of Ala. (the 16m M twehjBMftef8 of to, take with.hirfta Hsiasx ipiiet and stir nun t.u. in u j nflHini tiiiH Tear oju- itinninafi. m i mini iiiiwii iiwi i n i ii JiAM-aolT-mfen-TA'Hwj Af? w...1 t-TidHean feTtalnf L .. ii' -i A w.U- ' ii. .? iti" nr.mnni.mnlhnnl ftfliTi . mMM- 1 1 JlK 1uUnhi m nrT.n.Timfi.i mn inHE wslh luvhii i ni tnav vpm i m uiA..TArr.aniPii yHMMpy w ojuhuibu av i w M tv:Ttf i - Trtir. wIiq ro' etdaa. I ionT dten 'BmuAi t.wellianil called out behind the stack I the Weldon Fairbu the $th of lirfmtinedwitJiusmau eure .: i uexooer nexr. uta iiu-w . I - Wla0.wv jpiaia.sra nTjo-jnei9 : ..-.JJjj 'cfc.9lTai SlfiRhans, . ! I .. ... M .. . aa - a - J L l at.., Oottrts, Stsj, aci V evraLv - R MaVw owc-nt-TiTW . T VJlJavwW-.A-iV-J iTT V- Vk fei I 'tloBlirsa Cbnrtr, onjpt ttt8ntfcmW t - t a - - i ;AK, . i i. .:iN IBa V n- f : ..WM lkl KM.mHif t -It f- i . Wl-rJib-imtIr.t-X'ix alactanntf iaaa -repannf; -w ; eharse.A-y one waVtoa'SaV ha-dnade! haewiU dw'Weu-e-gi-aau. . ,. fllKftlJghBA-SetawaiawBKa Itachlne Hare cm at aupr ? Wa v THOO. MfTlaS. Office next to Phliip Stat.; Taw Will i ruuD et SiaLu - ' Taw csxtce. Dractiea la an w-ral arl le Courts. ten t- xoieM twftatet nute isui- S a. wf the Bnoran-a Court i ,... -Natioaal aak. ef Balelgh; Battle, &na ,-Co., Nor; I eik; 'Bw.B-nafton A Bens, reterswrg:. t jaa-4aa; 3 iJJtl't w r.-ft JEfn.f ia.ti 'a y- . r ,i . ' y-s ni.r . 3 - n VkV el K stoaftrwt' ha ISorrii v Sbsir ttE-uTriU Al miu n4 jtae-fn ion. andt are breoared to fill all orders for 8heB. Mt"Wlw-. Cotto Rotfe.kUowBal bricea. : s TiUtatMai gwm,nTMina. P-aiH (UiUUlWMW t -. . . ..( - v I Thfi Ufa of thia ilnstrlona D&triot and statee- DT r. .'orton, author oi -ije oi . Hi-k TUna-rated. - Paoer 10 eentat cloth 25 cents. - Foetaire stamps received. Hot . sold by dealers.' -rta1oee free. (The moat 1 ail i ii?ijiiTc:f -.k C I .. ? e; ine vestare in a liter arr war to which tbe public w been treated.'' Daily American, of NaBh'-illetir , , JMO. B. ALDEN, Pnb'r, , J may5une5 ?:lSTeeey8t.,' Hew.York. . , A MONTH and B0AJ&D for three Bve Tonne men or 'ladies-' in1 efch Address P. W. ZKIGLEK ' So Co uneia I - awMrar-i aa- waaajiwn , ! vcpaia, Livar Affectioa aad- DebiUr. , ,Ti fonnd aaytbiag to beMfit aaa I ?! SiauaoaaJUw RepilBtor ha. Ier BOMCa to Georgia tot it, aad would " mayl5-n 1 ? a39aTarati8lBBSlgBii enheeeonsty-Tlghts ferwOTbe-iUshwad Pttt eeaastaweoitoad tlieQWale ftuie saw aea t-3 i 'CiUaBT OLDIEES I L00I17 l V wsWS fiend fo hew circulars containing matter of WtmfMt tmmrtance to all ez-soldlera or their heirs. Pensions, 3ountlee, Pateata,, ind Claima, Horse Claims, and all others against the JoYermcnt promptly and faithfully attJStf ffl--'Aareas-wlth stamp. , ..'. j t jTjUt-t w amro A CO..Box'B8.-.l maylMttnelS . . ! Washington, D. Ct rt. liu T. Manlieaa. of Oaw ty: Hava derived uai naaeat irom ummm oi ia-iii r Uar JUmilMorv an wwh give " avtaar WaU - r "The only Thlaar that merer falu a BJ1T." f aava wai aBay rcawcha Co Oya- Urar Aflectioa aaO ueoutty. w aenr saa, tD-itna cxicik I atwt ftwM Mia- aad would nd fiirthor ior faMk 4 mad inn, ami would adnsa aHwk arc iim- : Uarfy aficcad to (iftk Kfawiaaieaaawa the only . T." ax. J AHWJtTA yiimwayuB, ! . ! Dr. T.lW2-lIao 'aay Fwai actual a- parieacala the aa of Siamona livar Refulaavia my praaMta I ton bsea aad aot kuisfiad to aaa - aae pwaoriba a aa a. piaaaaWa nwdiciaa, - : .c ' L ' . jaTk oaly th Onanlaa which always' ' ha oa the Wrapper the red X Trade Ma rH aadBtsvaaore of J. H. iECIUQf CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 I ' - "j. guess jl a4 aaa. -: , j nd does she lore you?" : That's what I dnnno, and Tm too 'fraidtoaskhier.n . ! , " 'fWell, 'ybu!d better throw out a few bints to-night and find out. It's no use wearing out boot leather unless you! are going to, marry her; Xliat night ten o caock onn iV . r I AV u,w-vs--a a,- A iMihw tees.' den fbralrlaa wewawttKhwa. wAlca ww a m.a1aarJ "(laf oftx,ndoi)1 wto ' has 'withont isseri ttaJM'w'siMelatt''bnepaT4 SnHha treated and eared more eases the any other Bott)hyleUn;'Hl'seeBesilai sim- inischiwroai stoek.hoeerVho hare hereto- ae F5"JXff?fl2rCM?Hp.r .-J pialeaw; -1 j naTat(u;aBatToamay Uca544)t there.-ttft the Tawple eOTaafteMke- MiW0 om Biran IB Uloir orucra 10 wm ju jut i it ho do unniiiww "- - b - .,,-.,.-. J .Vaa BknalaatlateeaoaeJaW ia. outer "T! . JL i TKEL KElA5 M dvll the ri Tur crtd.corre.porLd-1 IU1 1 r r ' r h.B.tBaaJaairih rwmt Wded-ai city u. I warld. .-'Si I B aairarT. BMMriBi I iwilt IB immy Uluatratioaa, ! rP- asarrn tongues, headaches, torpia nvere, aeaea, ana r tneToanasHon n ongui b sb. i i.lurluil fittin tA .ia Tart . tnBjrta? alna of BEN j Jt S GLVCIVS POKOVSPULTEKS, wWeojt once mitigates the e symptoms. Price 25e Ask your physl- ciAnaboxtlt tfeabmy ot aohnson, vnemws, ioghyrteun; ' usaeeBse'na sim laaUnfahinir : we have heard of eases' 'a- ewnuiug, Bvuessiunyr enw ish tftUahed IS 1 work on thla r . f T il k . a 2 la- . t na eeoosiwiui a wre iooiue tw bate aBrthaW El O-faddresa. afraid address 1 QTWi adTfteJ aijfobd wlsblngiaiiaara ta addreas 'r ib. IfsHSSSLs, No.8 John St,.! Tork.. ; hmaaijasji An ll'iJ 1-j ; BUILDING LIM: AGRJCtJL"nmAl LtH CARBON ATS1 OP trMt,6 KADfrTa ' JUA-ClU rLASTJSK,; . r MAtnoK3nd5a YSsT CSasir.. n4fc.CIrculir.' ' ' Vi I w B4 ff' rtuii h mwxxy m u fraa hu ! lertical Dincaw SKirmf, U. S. M. at. It is stated that judie Jjheapeaks of resigning his seat oa the Sopreme Court bench, t It u tiiflcnlt ta- keep good men on thUbeoehj ' They w overworked and meagrely paid.T I lir. Pugaiat. Sulliran bis 4ooe to selling Hqnor, Haying knoesed out; au sinirle competitors, , be .now pro Ii man j ways h6 upheldfur. jhands I 'elJ in si) Ibtsg thl ktfghest bp wnenneipanaeneouragemeny were poneqt ne.eyet m a P& sorely heededJ "1 Peace to his asMs.' Whig lawyer used to annoy Jobo P. "And nowlyoung ladies, I wills aaj' Jordan by telling- himr tbey'would S word tor you; hope each one of put me up to reply to .hifia. ' I was trAn wiTT e-rt '"to J vom "home with the mnr in-lfv"' afraid of Jude Caldwell: consciousneawrpi ' duty well perf ormr and wheii heod 4he oircoit Itgen ed, for no one will doubt that a clear 1 erally kept out of the court bqase. conscience giTes' s ' light heart and 1 JfldoWaCTetraBd'MrV Satterwaita l wliat'jgM.wov;, than be sadl. JSvery pleasure win I little ol.them. stnertnougna. reryi v ,T 1 I iTl7JxTZ taste the aireeter and iiinshine highly of bottifrt ibenu . iu i?nmg$ Ww wm bleed- thsy wdl only ttand ap to aim?' T- IkA 'Ua.Vkrv- oA lAtirt a WA ofA 1 TVf 4r,A aMftiVsSi tnAn 1 wkf Bstttr J-lTjfl T MAlgA AXU3 SSA KVUO, IkUU; Map ay-wa. fw. , Sal 1 1 1 mm WUU WlfMff taaS- AVBVlwao. M TonK4nd bright and ar; ready tol Wbyte and dthersv I ehalT Ot writO, J iTH U - rL . tisrw-iglrrT60 s are o- . i . i . j . it..i i im .ail...' i ".innn i jnnni, w bbx tux kltul ui aocneerruiiY ana neartuY tuas uuiv i inoee ww f ub, towuiwi uji j, --TT ' , ,ii ra"L4- which U set Wore you,whateter itl naas4a & may oe. , ':- , : , : ..'6.v.;u t ;i.winiiiniwwwisya-,' - ;i.ZyJ-.riw:t- atIU. Jour teacherseporilxxJkBB Id days; miiLii ' "n. Taf. onnau m-1a ..Trw mmA rurw at I feiSritrrt TfisuT,tli 'world In a afinff 1 t)ly. , 'i J ; another, nave exceuea otners. xoui o-aay A Knowj wes.Woria 7Tt!v.Ii ! tit all know that that is neeessarily; so aling.--Cor- Farnw-Mechanic; ' " 1 'r;?? r?f I .A-a'w rA 4-haa A--irA: A,i4- Inf I .- awaaaw-a-aaw---aa-a-sawa-B-a-a-a-M-a j ftDIIH&IL " ' 1 HVtSJTT IsLUiJ. UU1 V KO KUO Ua.b lU4US .w - - L . i ..mux. . ai ' aw I a ; - I KAfatwSlaa eachiohe deterimthlt timei rrheTragy St o Tbsbopkwm bs two her'rjmall be th head that hall 1eflaW.thXu -wo, 1t9r:;Z fV oontainmg about 7l pages JaanreKJrowTreAoTwoutt WS of worth, the, Ting ,1 fnBS Wm "fVJZTl tt TTtS. natioh was eacsed in tmeynwomau feel that there iasomeihigherpo Weia ot witding o ISss Aislri B-fmd- togain, omea greaAersaccess to ensejablislwir4me;ofl k k. nt,fJn.i thai mie!lw -oUi!i.snJWed-. dttsrs. ssji :f&mft tltiiXilma fcer' Don'fe bury Out talents, but 1 cbanloft ArJ tal 01 "lurkisn narem lrjJis, i i rTi JT5 1 ltf mrt lof ArtUlerT ia Bm.W.nw , . aaa. Whi - I bmavi 14 TtSf TJM I IV ffaA PnnTlTfWI Ul IU1I1I liLIl IT I W. STIV alM B -W " ' mat v airtlvl mierienoediidm sreveompelled by wau, j th guides to ritts sstooa cv,so at. t r. s a smb. . -f. -, k.o'h . j - ; It is BOW thought ' that the new Code wiU Hot be ready at the time rMuired ly la for it tc go inio sf fect "ThS labos upon iX has been gVsspwislly the arrangement ox that at hast yra may a hur troalahd wksure flig'iLrize. Tyery undesira! aV posabbilitiaa The serrios Otttaadral;' took place at St. Eoms Perche per- iTsooidaai fnung W' throw I DT.siajrAiearT, fv "-rirr-T Uesl natipnMOonsanguuuj uw,we ' Vranna and TnlaUfie bSS - nereZ yet andtoey r giving tngratl aaVljfei 4 whollj fOTjtJwOa l 'CttTi iaiactionV ShouLimrlieonle bAiiiaunoralit hfcinouthjtbe eoond of iawsi nbwl HWiWL troubled with their aerrants, SupposMhrha paj they try England. illiftti&Jeai THe rWvrJfl of llockinhan case in thirtnstanoe. A purely ttwe-nBO7eao in iZA . ')1.'i.t tat Ealnnd J 4SriHalndvtwhn 'deauntr. as all I Gruess it wasn't fctuite time mhA kirl th stf vieea hf numbarl Waters faiast do who essay to wrfte' t out.hints;1 ' - - - - rr r.T".. r Ji. r :-. T'T rr , -an- . ' ik-ixui . - - - - - ! of JUo&rusb cnuaren as aomesuo neips i nistory, wit twietBuy farther is going ttr iJ ioisakf 4U osgetv-rch, illmlytiwtu ; -1 inJasts,, & wif v iti '