"f" -.' ' - "ff" " mumfn r5P r 1 i 1 ! 1 1 W. & W. lUiLroad at 9:3a iRJJ.' f Hyde comiT OSJ P.H r . For WilJSe$itkjL pinJas on A. k B. Bftftroad at &30 P. M. - 1 i "From Green-nlle, Weshingtoa And Hyde county fcOO-R 1L j From WiUUurtoa vi A. "vU aJ,SteortBt .from v SBwBam-. flBf ' -iB1 aj axlwAwsajfa fl-" AwaAsjBea AJL i " Uthi BMd by tiM foUowinf 8cbedoU Tmrboro. anraff 05 JUthel, - i f 816 KMtt't, . ?S0 tumira 615 WOliuufaMrr 8 06 il i.A ' a 4 tLi. LiiUr UeparbxwBl from wW A. a-l j . -ak. Flag StotioM. Stop on rfsnal oaly. ..ViTWi08a tMi from WBlriMtoffl' chr ialutenHktfO 0& owio, p ' antKcrs U BnMt kb Um 14 trmia a lb W. 1. RUrad forBocky Mwint TIm (pa tnia fewn Tixbor' eooaecta UWtitWmiminton for BorfoUt, iwjrta fc WMbiagtoa ?BaUnd for lt -rtMjtfcw.tt bwsM Toe dmlMMsora MBTTCqoira J. H PJTTX Gol' 8upk. .iiijrWtfifnlifn rt '! i nri Offer hia nrofMdonal tttwibtm to ' U - M u 01 Tarboro aaa ticuuit. yOffiatte T.'JL McNtir'a- One Praeticea in ali tbe fconrta, SUte andJTed-ajral-;-; j ':,' Z8? H. Ai Gnxujr. ' S Domrnx uiiaiax fs TARBORO, n. c. . WH1 imtiM in the Coantiea of Idjrecombe, Halifax and Pitt, - and in thi? Court of Ue First nttdat Pistrict,n4 1b CfrcjlW Inprone ebnrta a BsJelgn. V t4? janiS-ljr D OSSKT BATTLX, . TiXBCCtO' aVXOC JT MOaTSt, H; tS PrmcUeet ia YaC rta oi aUceeoHba' HasfcTn. ' !aJll UMea AJsJla tbreaal wU3PG, aey CUaetiona a specialty. j innum. fbr the nraaaaU in front rooat of aadra Howard's law office, next door to ' iirVore of 8. 8. Na A Co, oa, Mala Bt. Dee. 15. 1881. ,TEB P. (Office to Post Offica3nIldiBr.) ; ; iiPraAl. Innate nTi-ral CoarU. .TtKOBQX HOWASDV tJi O "At; .Jj taid GoMltr At law. TAAoUSv X. Vi. ITTrMatoMla aB tbs Ooarto, BUU s4 fadiraX - H4 W-7f i -- ' ' " - ' 1 ' J. J. KABTOf. Uartin & S.C BHABPB Aftbraeys At? tw. Pracdoa in the Ooorts, 8taie and Federal., de-W21y ; j , AttoraBys-at-l-aw.i aOLtionrta. , pBosnptsbntbBa Sorgeoii (3 Dantistb , TAHDOBO, N. C . eflos twni t ft. a. 1 P- . rwa to 6 p. as." 1 -ETntart door fa tarboro Banao, orar Umt Jtoyater-a4 t , t i . TI IO0.il- CATTtTTf Of iaaaai to Zblitta A fitatob'd tAW'affloa. arm aiww wjial aad wtatatioaaa. a a, w4sjUpBmiVe laaaiaTw.. Battle, Bpa bCo.t 3ftgt falk; JnorATnaWir-was, rweraiwrp. dSl-tni : OPIUM. A Tiwtise en taalr flvnmHKRT FJLS.A. J. vKajfaBos Mscnuiiw.m Bcefey IIcdntC3 - n XX in fall and sncceasfnl And . are prepared to fill all orders for ieet- lngt, Tarns and Cotton Rope, at lowest Orders " addressed to Rocky Mount Becky Mount, N. C, will be promptiymtti edto' L JIAMRSB. BATTUE, - !. - aec'r Sec'yaod April 11, 1B7S-U. ir?nTT"T5l T addraaalnf OXO. PvSOST - SaV I A-.ta--a.dIU, A CO., 1 Bpruce Btreet, Mew -Tork, can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING favJUaericaa II i up i m aw.i' aaWlflO pace-pagapaaapiiiat Mr, bt. . rrwfAM'x wobu arrcup Infcfclttiif flras, harmless, catbafttet for 7 " RfWfTiftB BUtr.iRt i SVf TREES' HAXtwARS, d AairibMr aUtarUl of eery eeeert- Wt 1 W.BID-4Ar-JT PQUABKt W Ml., -o. i wvesBberl88. 18,1-y. " -t" K" 0"'- t-t- t frbich h fl&rt At moderate prfcea., ; lfc.wf COFFIXS, CASIETS AND IV . ' If la . nr 1 Airooage aoucivea. B. C. CA"R.T.TT;E. Tarbbro, FK 26; 1882:". ' fT. H: Gattih's: TlgixtsJ-aiiJf ces, Embroideries, , CorsetSsDress But tons, and Trim ming Satins. A TUCE rLIHE OF--.. KEIGIE,S53H0ES.' AJTD STAPIE D2Y UCOCX aold very k . T. D. Gatlio tarboro, Jan. IS-Jy. ::a r . m AIACWv 31 tli 4AW JBaAtaB tf. Coddles, Indies: i Robes, SHiips, Halters, uutnms tfc. rpOSITfi COBta7BVi v fTmirina- boncrhs bat Mn&i AJsaAa tba. niacttBiag '-And . reparing- sou tnvnrbu cbargstTlay one wanUn: tne baad-made harness will do well to ciTO me a cell. Umhlt HAWK8As..v...v..U-asdnp. Vacblne aUraias jatJOJiyriMai 3 faayy- ersbee county rights for Edgecombe, Mash and Pitt counties, we offer tothapel .olthe The Cbcaecat Farm rt wteS!-! liable foataosoraer" on C roatavAnd a perfacLr' fore given te-tbeif orders tootaa will nay mm HUDU OJ ua. naylttoaoTl Tarboro, N. C. ., J if ibiaasikaaaaii ant .. i a Jwwia Bikte. Tba CM in Ua T'waeiaiTw Wwatrattwaav M ws,' btadi diaars. aaa aaaar Tiiflww ,i in i MharBiM. Mia a ateht. Ataa SairV i? the V... eataplaM wita ad ia ma atk B prsatmt ar" i ' y A. WlLLIAWSOIJ. -MANUFACTURKK OF mi tow V . . .iir. ltta-rwwi.r atutl, ud ettt bft e plied by wiyoDe. 1 It itot for nl Ia your n1' borhoo J, jtendto mi &.K ISBCS, U irUaut tKwr Tori a Dr. Stronn's-Pil UUKortbi . a apeear corewr unr uom CoinplalnCXez-j alatfaur Miff from nuuanat tatov A pertect pu&r tor Set HeadaciM. CouUpafioa, and Pkyirxia. Bold by leading dnnrtrista. o -SraisB PcWml Plllx lnanrtk&fty appetite, good digestion, reguWHy ct timtem 4 feora remedT for Colds and RheumdtiatA, A pradouboof to delicate female, aoothln and bracing, th sacrTona ytaia,aad Jci!A( Ill iWHil ill liTlM J HA V wro lWJ B For circular . and almanacs, vitb fuH cfKn tienlara, addTtaa Box 660. Ne wTork QtJ . ' the sun ALWAYS I5TEKISTIIQ f rrom morrtngte mortiiar aaad tramwaiek to -waek THE eOSr printo a continued ttory of the IlTea of real man and woman,-and of their deeda, plana, lores, batea, and trooblea. J ThU story is more in romance I Pally, I W. I I tbAAanarex deTtaed.( J (,VbyaJM5c. year: 8nnday (8 pagea), X20 per year ; Week- SIS van NewTork City, N. T. 4 v Batata beJB BSJ' eta. i AAotrclei fill EfrT DSC -.v . :. bVCw-. ai. - - Ja-t PILLS C bsaa aa fraqneatlr aad TTBrf-rfitnrfjj- eaercr.. ya (.wptrlwM ik bwt endeixK rf.Hiw mat. TVat itiaia arhtas Vaiaw aawkabf (t iinMlii BapaaaaodUKtaxtKVlar sad atasdr. It la aot 1 af ivdar a j ustai aaf. It la an Ina-sasa Hi alarowbiattalaattatitria What I aaattayortthwoBaaTfol effect aandaaBaiir' aaataa& waicaw U attaaaxl as laBaaia. Tr3nVVl0ai.ijad t)rittgaaViWir1,niill and r l at, aaAajanadaayJInitML Thtr aha aaanh tna !, a i siawai i naiiai. Hun tPpauataod'aHariawttt taeVhaU inm fmrl IT ar-rhi, af mm ni alilnh aluilil b - iarlalaad tbt - r Sbaara. I tat - ii "T-" -. niwlaKi L-a,, " - -' ----- vmar -. BURNHrWSt1 ;u PAMPHLET mtST BURN HAi BRO Y0RK, PA. TTVerT Aotne comfort and prirT, Gaesta JJJcan eojiault any-aJew Torkthtsbd! an. For dress Da. Rahdolph "W, Iliix, New York. f I i f s saa,as.aAA PlMii aUj1- ItesCTea- the : Hearinr -Thrt A'lfa tody absoliita eiM for deafra .This Oil is abstracted from, peeali r naa 'Waiter febark,: ararlft brtUd skAijewai rVchkMsel k. .It -ttrtnea by a Buddhist Priest ab8at ta , vearHUKY. lu enrea were so nnmerons and manv so seem inslyaiaeJoaa;ttxat L. iwmedy waa oe iafly pcoclalnyd, pacr the, entire., enaplra-. It use' became niuxw-jai inat jor pYejr?w years no dealaaaaa existed amorw tboUhl- I among t PTepaiC: nana narrriln Hant cbarrea aure-i s ax per oame. 4t nsApeiorniajd a miracle In my cose. X nave nscnanrthlv'fknea in tny head and hear much better. . i 1 hareljeen ereatly beaeatted. KlMakdawxneas belned . Ai area Pa.inflaVbrSa'a-irll' .-.JJO.'rU "Ua Ttnnea are unq wosuouatue- ana us cu rattTS character abao&iteas the 'writer can personally testify, . both, from- experience aad obeerration. Write al ' once to Haylock A Jenney, 7 Dey Btseet, York, enclosing tlA&d yon willrecelya oy. return . a remedy tiatwill enabieyon Ut hciriike anybodT else. r saVwhoeetairatiye elfectr will .be permanent. V nlH - w u i Tamt dohuz aft 'r-V.Briitnr of -antHe-brriew. -h . iT Tosmjid loain the tnaBa,.aaM sand r ty trrlsCgwtered letter. v : "TT .u8 Halock. Cos' Jftxltagents for America. 7 Dey 8t,NewTrk : i ... ; ;-r kWatsc talrPspnlaf Berur- ' .asBe twe aaesi aExpreaa aaietr : '. . . Onlniana. "The fact Is sir, and yon may stick a 'pin tbera, tliaA thr people of this country ear like ly to be drowned te a flood of lagerL'ber,v. aboated an enthusiastic teetotaler the ether AaFtatottBjearof yonroomered onraekpoad enC That Oerman driak baa struck ns hard it to the second deluge.1 , n "Tsa,tsAa AswaA-Af this beer-drinking boaiaesa JaAbat B gats np kidney troublas as a 'schooner'. leaves behind-tt a wake of furred toagaes, headaches, torpid Uyersr. nausea, ; lays the f ouprratkw Bright' Disease; -This rnekjsMbetj Jact cooants to part thiaw Maries qsiwuibuhti vai POROUS PIJUBTESVaweBAt once mii umwpi$' I dan aooet it, ;feaanrp -uisfB, rioooT:"iriirri :nrnni3wS?. m tJ i lnBM 1 aaa.at -aViCl x - wi. Jrima 8M w.) Claabrl4. K. C . arkawjaai aad1iraa mmy. rjMt -aiJafPOatjald, .-liar .via. aw ld aariHtwaaa i 5 , MX , iCbx-l Majw ,.,-.Ajua, Malaria,! -aadali: 2f hmlll low of-afcwMM: Bawds' tfe,-Wtfe jattrmftna1 with tojul ad bTy. nemorrr mmwiwiifii; It iiA Siihdfiiir tonyilmi i aa ttutmi J o-coauBiptfc; the patient cwmIiimI tet ftld oaiunuic inriini iUa mmn; "f lb Ua xis; spirits e low aad Ammin,i , pwi.iaioal wXii 1 1 hw wewlw waMW b c-, tAlf will wMillywMCiyfcrttdw . yy ktaicxi dimm. rr iway. Smnl, i'bMaabwt aysnttias allwjd mm Jasaaa, batewMS. vaa iKMiau waaa aat tnr of Wsi iiums. - .fTCalwXga ba ad by an paw , M aad yvaac wbanarar any af the abora . altby IVaaalltlasTVy kw daM cociaa.i to kw tbt Li Mr ia A Vmlarta, BUImu a i acno, wiil stoM i ,'Pmwii tli pi Miiom eTSpirin, k. It witf iwrianwi Uk m fim of wtaa, but la a te , ..bTnnaa; baraiaaa. n-TMbm' ia;aatlan, at fcl bawy ftr aMala, or alaaa. aaatBi, takaf aVifaaadyovwwUBSlaWa. la aaal Doctor BOla wmba aantwA jajy ajKnay kawytaa; the Weajalate- . la Aha Itmrnmrnt rsr.wbUmr tba ailaMsMaaT k.t aVMwaJMr' rfc'faiatlW. alt aBoaueTiaj M bataraaro wttb baialaaaa I Vuaia, wtthaot say of the mjunass aftar I Lmr RecawJDr bat baas ia am ia awl 'fcr oaw tirac, aad Laa atti&ad it ia a I to ma aianii ca. - J.'Qu Saoaran,'!, man af Ala. ; aiandai AT liinhaai if Oa Kvsays: Hava darrrcd wpi batil froai b aac af a aaaa aaaay n ainlinaa ".aad Ti,Saj..Wt to tba Dja-J lKafheliia. ddsaadfimbarajr aD wbo ara dav a it irti tat caiy jHa.....7,taaaatnlii, libra. ' 'Bfw V. llaw mw Tawa actual cx- uh.ijv n jthcasaaf " ar Regulator ia i - m mubmi aabsacd to r fe!itBt C-laj-wlek arways -er ia t ailo ATaib tmi -4V lwJa CO. FOB- SAXB'Bt AtX PRCyrV. - CTOP AT " " THE. BRYAU, HOUSE, r r - f 1&-jLM?L&WQta, for and ltlfrirE rWTOBTft iswamrr bartWar. AptU ! MWBiy; . , .. ... -f. . JB Ijbj SalCTT jQaGaEal STuSuBLES. OajurriUn alt 8 AP"W SMfirkTs, These 8taMcBrethe Tartest in the State, aaVinrnc wawpMttyiof hatdinT'tea ftaiSloada ACaaoek i i fibre him a ealU S I a ianl8T K . V ) X K ! a T P e9oaayanv; . Wm. paaaa;ri t t B. Wojldall, CaaUan s i ABTMiarraOim V I rial 1 f m 51 b-.fMJa ila 'biJa waisawas i.Xl U: - Diaoonnt Day, Tbubsdat. L Sr. J. H.' Baker, Geo. Howard, H. L. Staton. Jr., Vf, M-'Pippen, xl. Aioma. aee. -ly. : j J6J 1 .iPB The Hot Rtre&itig Bey- BEEFLBffTTLERS. Establishment, Next Dctt, t i to -Court p?usei Orders by njAilrom jtny pari drV f ; ttate prpmptly-jaitendea to. x ' Will have a supply ofBrsi Beer in season. v- if1 la N. X. foe lite II "IWsaNsf U IxJiVum. An. 4.fMe. )feaeralat- daSa f TawVwY Wlir, VDr vAb. makesaepecialty of Epilepsy, ha wfthoot doubt trsated and cored mora caaes tiaa any otheMfTinr chrsiclan. Hia snceeaa haa aim. pty.beeo astobUbftig t w baVe heard of, cases WI ww n VM th ; ' AMMA VifA-tfn: iiisiiiasi 5?w ywar a- tanuiDfr,- eceeanuuy- enrea by, kinv ; He j bae pnbttsbed a ; work; on tbU disease, which, ha sends with a large hia. wonderful care free tmH Pi O. bottlaaai addreaa. We adviaa anyone aing a eurelo -address r Ab. Mxsisxia, 9A John St., N. Tork By BUILDINO LIME. AGRICULTURAL i .LIME, CARBONATE Of LIME, , u JK.A1H1T, tLANlT PLASTEB. vf i AND MARL, &G fcO. good FtznTiLizcno Aim Vast Catd. eeod for Otcukr. I mmJL k. mm Send tot ICTAMMW "ST. ' .ial..J V a-at,-tV-W -. lOCHESTW B.Y :a - CdtCACQ 11U : ... ' - .. " I ISBW4T.-. ....... ,w.t; 19, 1883 1 T T IT fi-inf a aag of jupa j. r WrtiiciittriMairboalltDQt.'' l?v' Id'lier batbint abit. j ' 0 '; 1 SaMTaaVcjOiwai'wi' tbbQwbt Ml"-' Dartg, jiabtpr Joywniry, - i Qale'a viil janaand aoarmnr : b!" , Ji.1fljL tb tqbdrTgAbk.ber to. . a iiLArsTaSras. ; -, '; .-.-7 ' 'j - ' . " . Cltavil5: .HaiiVaaTl 0 by IS Shet. ' 1 1 rjNwbiBhArrnfferji occurTa4:'At vMoihwa Ottj Friday MnDiBgaa bInehltiewhola town wM ibroww Uto etAtoof ocuaAbntna- lifAsld A-BAmT hKiaVB0id -WAA APr.-vxeo xMWKsau.ia. inicre,'4iw-iiT mrn ilia aair Satraal aaari At wAftArrwfroltiw earth earthji and only tbaratarf wBwmawk antd jiae.newoaw bo-w 91 pig bb jizena 01 wi urutej atAtea,, tha tarryi flW.,!!,IV Toftliaa iWak rU:.ra4afna.w inam. t xi J771Sl7!Ll yp-ITiw l WW J mi in a AingalArmAoaw a j-ihrongb 0; Zayibr,- erf fiichiaxmd; tiu, who had been tying Ai it hotel for tha past two tnonths and who owed Dn Blaeknall a board bill of $120. Tb WMUUIUiacM w J-x . jjia.- limit acTBf at tunes foiled Zaylor in hia attempts to nmp ms Doara ow, ana At iaai Ziay or, exasperated At his failure to eive ibeihahp,dtai bwaj with Vim through deepUid Ami ,0Kal,plf noon in qnesUeo, a etrolling Italian maiiA rtaaa nan san lea n rasa saw i tna ai wiwtri HoteL with , lamra Ivaaeh of ! these UWW MS fi" w little pA-ihkWmJi-lteBtock nail ad 'lu cyny :werti-g on the porch Alone, when Cap! Zaylor I oertd robot tiirarlfe tfeMh btmeh Mi 'HVfir waayi aT nail) off 4he groand.- virv Aiacjuuui tcok the' wageV and-Hha -designing fend tied She .AWnga-tfcAAj k.Hx " - it.. - TW' Midi .Ji tiamWi larvwMJi , uw a.aW!auu gaytMMtt-: r asnga u wan . r-; nw aaa Braco8edwd.'H!h0 doctor rose slowly l 1 1 n, i r ,,1 1 1 1 a laii m uumtuk mrhu from bia soeket. And reliarred of this waiffniL-haahoii unward withtfaarful rapidityr The whole populatio d out in anxight aa Drr BJackflAl went yellmg throagJljaApiAnd tha wiWestex4tnB)i tharfisjqBljf JOTt utterly powerieee to doA7thigAaTeataidetilt andlook on aa ina juuoitnvbie bowl crnai tor .farther aad : teth aaav. lue-siioona earnea nim mi ad aaalejrdon, : ont AcroaaoW (DwSaWO' W WDe ".""7 : 1 ' ' T:r T". . tottowaaBiiixtBair.- ? 01 ""r-'0, .Ti nnoo JIPCbrlrt lTh alt ua fiinfirii ani ovva" them to lessen iheir bouyancy aa that they woold descend with :,their pesaoaa Ipe-gbt. i.ue fsrea .eigne higaar.Andl.nnm tBey w aitxDgetnar oni or reacn. -i-- "--j - -rr TVr aStheW A,a .an .,iU. 1 iwi (. KaJrAyaaroT-aaitrywhen ingickd utr fm the isej, it trrored to be Dr. BlacknalTs f Atonte; iaaAB-A of CbAasf aha oallooaaa. --ifr. Voche-a plaeed Use lock in hia fttwamaad with V. Ma ulr' ( 1U ' otiM Swam . . : t. ; t ft. sQned at itlHy snddenrpdiB - the DeDlewAS loewmHioerit ao com- parish to thtttlATM tne itAi - i .a - . 5 . . ,, - .-- r - . J . a a . ian over the loaaxi has, bAlloona. , He rayed, and weey and ripped Around At a terrible rate, and require tne combined tore of ten men to snbdua him and : look hun CB i 7avlor. the author of iJrtb,miSWjf,,tooJc ad- Tantaee ol i tao Katemimt inodent to toe txscasipn, aiuiropoeg uie jBoiei safe of $15,000 in cash, besides a lot of diamonds; and; Jeiselry l in thmear&:iand jawaA-nedj Dr. Jj-fcu !;inAS Deen ie w ms fate,:AlI5Are b wards the capture of Zaylor. TheAUanfio Hotel has been closed and crape put on thai dootv and the grief strtckeniruests haye departed to their h. DeaojAiioand terSauiSre u.l ALrna ..Jta .fti.-- merxnantBPdirightnes&f adim &wi tfw- "..-.-. j : (Bt Tmiti JPssrs's XmUMtimj ; bStbIb Lt .Vl- Tk. ia. taa iir af aeaatot- who was presenv ataca mat aawjfvw, 7 "tf rsvvj T7r" " "-iVr- Tntawfel'W ir.m.t. W tear And o Bismark he jnjbah- BoaAaBdsefc 1 Anthony and rt,,m f-r-rr: -t.-. - 1 - 3 - namuimui that it waa nearly nair ton before they could recover them- j men," said Isc&BtoimmfS&ftfM I Mmdon. hoot before ibey could recOTer dent pro-tern. : The caiATAc terns Vice- smvnner ap. Peared laAto iieeBleVation and 1 cligwitF. a mtwuiramm iot dtxverH f orityf eta; orrtatiiijr wrifcA cctoplaljita rfWMttbr taleiiti'Jisarir-1 Aijcet.nia, aajaeavvrB t y teA f raatn, i Jwpefff ofAfaen -fa-trabaVtuo On al ne BAadetenrunedtOTnirB-ja A lMitar - litP4iiVchrorti tha suffrage of hia-own conscience, an A hat had pTor eldaawd wl elsaibA. awptarff!iundyjl flhottld be. pl- r-difea ai--r tn JL.thicJrAWM iM&fk'iAi mimMWfWM&xtortm lost iha.hea when cavonA jM ilae ene and yaspet to; !m offi aof,uMonstArj ana BntietnQ-1 member;, for. their - paqiApt j eense ia JwadeciaiiMAai to rjtr iaiheirlianorr taAt they ihad &tt ideeeended te A akisremeiiotir of V: ?.w-WW.H llat - ha tnlrl Uam'UMt, At. a i J f S .t- .m fliers was no on 'whiftri rm iv flwfltion,i WM diapowt, taTfxxM ftefaafe j 7T. -1 -."i.- V Barr was, jsaqoeAtiasuilatj tqaa ; ibe - OMMt- b4aAaW'- nM'tlUiaai iAf of tMaaa WioocopaMop-rlVJAA'W tmJ T-vaiMua W lafBji HGZ tap dntaviihad from Maio(v aad Undiih hia dael 'vitb' fiAxnilLoiil m which, the great toMtefflZtBmt was a vi4k oT-U bawfewM totna of thos ;dAyA, and-hkijled i yvrymtn; aTUtlfeO. vjinec -TaBPA.Cloa l ter aroand hsa nAmcL bat ibey eannoC i yrvamut turn to me eye v oi morw lodgment, as less thAn An archangel fallen. 1 v . Whan b7. reaiaing wito tork, At the corner of MAidea Lane And, Broadway, I use4 i ua .lAnrT wauaAB fi n nai ai mAstmiw Aawt - wb' J . iu..iyrfi a- I Aftefnoow as ha want to and frein his w d&oe. T-a'Sk -a( walking with MlderJdke jdr;,l tractad Attonijon- aa he jaAMedAlogi Asaipeople would aAxtd poM tsj L - , - - -- sum evuv wji tyie uay - a was in uja JAwnnn f Allen Dye, where my uncle, jha, 1 Allen Dodge of Hamilton, waastudy4 I inn hia nvn'AiuilAn --.-l T IJ i vtwwu wm, uuvtbsib i w ixjiuej suuui a naae m waica was cannsel. "I resrafded him with i l i tto .,wwa A.nau . uhuqumi I expression of hia bni?ht.-keenATeAlru ih. Wf t,.j .M4taa.Mi.am. and the gentle, winning Uaud'tAUi yoice. HawAajtttbatwsv? an outoaat from.the circles iin which f BAd once Deen a aadtng figures other lawyerH fnsfld toarh, and, be often founds sfifqult to procure we.ncnsaiu lOAtJaftrtgii tacoetrea imia twrnsis and uaaia. kadea hia eld.Bge, tDio,thtt OnlT afloiet f!r,mA-Ui Arlw.rtW ! . . . T. " 2 . -'; ! - H ouDtaojy 3-; t y v.iau.u- uu u umi gam irQDi pM cent ap,to V9a. P. fw Office to office, until he buying a npe no written wption Becajna Kdent of the Unitadlwiii .imJi-E When-there-was a how for a.-rail-' it aeniSJS Pp,l?TO.?K,,;P,lri to:h.t. JL.BoAd. . ...--ifa i jl mwp c, i.-u rA'. il V"! jvu. aara, wo UBm i.u l "Pn. 'Then we changed the HAme. 1 . AW V ASS ' - , - . -;w . - . hvvv. w.. v.. W-Roadv" iTes."! ifThenitwe Varied cot Uie t Old )KBBBWlaotM '-Then we toted to extend to the i '-Trs J uxr n - r ." f-' -rrHa l piMjbui interest our; Ad, the PxaAidef wittitieet-lhe Vice-Preaident to Ajjditorto.prto the frT. ton&xuigm. disw.whicfeiSa the I stock went mtowlD9n&:tha x tFtySW! iSbreetMBwa. x f - i ' -i J l1 j L .. i1 1, . ' J , ! i f 4 ; I baryasta in. sioccaakMi, oba wora 4mmmHm2 AdthaialrQa . iiikrr. : i .a an 1 awiaaaiy. mjm-j. . i wn v real attment.lor, rtruUall Jnotr bter, and were'he to oonie England I ahonld notaankto AhanaateAaeh JkJm ma nor IhimJie Added ra xeny.- J4BTXiauiaTisamea Jblooa -bi2& i 4tawel - aA b womAnttha FBeed. He1 for at JTindior Althoj?sh iva sat4 .wAMingiif wow wouia atppa.- aanaimoByT reantiBfJanrotalttatw lolLs-idTa t feast wanaMThaaitalUw way.r He said ha had writtanrid raf ii-ina -leaKssranrp tjx -JBSj'xaaigitii iw lpskm,tLawd tlAaai i - .snuseaaaVI iirW(rMa4 Bat atta4a thfAlar uuwu tb wlile toco jbafajM &e tS M faatir sgiin iir dt lafe tisj WrVTfr-M -oArr in ri Iwnnffhf irfJTuhii :nAu u. tt , rM it, ..i ISmWi laahtehi iliai mi iiimi'uw lat iu -w i QapGtwlvm& M waya forget icialljSwhai? J think 'Lord ' Beohsfield' i Utterly I "m1 HSuiy wm ana nwiwu -pj I deatn, am rmmm, and wwatd gwdly Ig "P bae-oarprotoi.nwtgjfia I of his party; 'baL,! as ha aaya rae - ;,feJ WWiM wa8 qntermd5ribAbla.My Rem - a lniauvannM. i anarn txmia.ii wniarawT . . , y a .a aa f -i--ai -mv " ."T.T" ihZr ZTSthZ S2-K21-rEL-a lioal aJiafiaotsxh : AkatfArUer& lone. Tha poL note ia a larca as a gryamiak. rAAtheithA taudua Uwa, nnv. wmM.. t . - - ' . & L .a .a...aw rftnf1 Pft rWTlf"rt Qnenn) in 1 hour if iinairxiwaii-iiiii wum up tokrtha second jfepWt P&JfoW!ilm out 1 resenting cants. U;AlKniiAb& l?XuS11?n' to 9: the TiWrd. reiirwtiK cent is Alaftnnaaberad upto 9, .aa! eeh ah rfes enda with a cipher. Tbe.note is fgr sumsjess than five IdQUaraXTho poAtoAstwAttbe)ffioa lynfog ha't noUwitt wwehv tlAl" rfaeein PX i .tw., ik. ..4ii a.k..: .i the1 Bimber dollars. VombwotiWial dollars,, number of I of .vtnfa. In lliair rone I MSTJiwaiaauw aur aueiaww w Hn BjlWawstanitbe I postal notes can xe .issued for Buy be pAjAoiato tne PaareiOtt any ume day of the month of tasoe. Tha body I Wh" rd tK p""" ""'fl rT menTpSu hie SureilwSL .n.. i notefrjoriahes . tVa ..samasepuntj. th nnafai arda now in dba. family uwir .. . . tli rTTtiT -ISa TLTsI I why not use thejnotto i fear that wonM ; t droted W wnVnjT?wu peraAnentUBa aa; money. ;1 1T About Maa!f Davjd Datm..- Senalo jDand Davia, Blooanngtott a - Hk, AnbanbeatoM " - a. - a a , Mkuwan tn aaa imt. xnu rwnnnDia gratifying to see ;nat tms esumarjiei pedant Pierce notifled Joha by i fst".j" 6, r i lady baa not lost; any of herAttAch- ment for her Osxouoa Xnends, not she hAS mAde from. Athuibc toFaano. Amonher Mesta m,er ??"Iwt,f Burg, WV. Dist, ffavwbo iwdAa-maaJlra cM lnrt rfnAe xrninff the amenan pnow sngKn w awu &g2& iibn of tha ChicagdlribiinA Wa aannda among tha 'twys , m Waaly u -Ays, mora generoui with inhich ..ty'TXtlfrffil'- m' Wm tbanv JEnghwd ia with ..a-.thA utoot1k: hart. Tha.,$4,000,000 thatEngUsh ondtoj inWrilW:'? i iaa asa rj.ajavT wuiBaauicbir . . ,- vi.f - I J 7: aya-aa-J j need'nt j ?bri y-iv 1 f.: l , 1, .train.l 1 frrain SiyrnA' rrT-Swaot H ua !ady 1 e.ntn aia nasi tci haw - - - - Gen. ShermAB aays he haa found WmMqtogmfiU&amw hy- P9isy aydjajnwilaaiyK.a 4 s. iTha :ianta-uC the.rxLcLfas noi iyaaA-ra Tii irm. amall been and sore toe. w aa t iti tMpaMS' taa-wjl'' t- yT'tBA PAlti mora Sun. ia ovarQL takaa hU Wk. and of VirgbjiAj $200fc ,- awui aaaw-oaUA BW IBWATS them good piokinga. . , 4 . ;- aiJLi2rSfMJKPJUh?.A Bt uBur are at thoyhATetak- 1' ii ' yw auauauiii i Ieatrr dMtcArfiro can be fatSritrbf; at BsWijor km fo?ty aanU a 4ob;" Fifty. ; Mua.fpr.B Qeni U chetpnouajh for 1 AUertonfeBra. that flahwiel doaai !Qa;oi tVv aitntioBBli .'tong thbJ'weak TrfU:haFraddT and Lilhr ltrtrrfirf OiAfr Mhtaiavi asvtbAtM 2aAl of teednT. lmrUmta L -Ka taw 77 lymai a 11 imiaaaj an wrw- i aren OQm raai wera, daUtavatL by ii ...b. w ; ' . -" S!e.ra WW k ST? sP 80- s Bishop KeAne, now in PAltine haa proenred for the- paw ' cathedral i i (whiuuuu, t bv, sv ooraer-SlOufl Cut LXrom tba rock of the garden of Qeth- . ., . r , , . . l I e-. . , '' Southern States donbtM ianow id 1 to gecreta yjoeSb: We learn from thelincolntonPreas that B bloody tragedy ii pendintr in tharfordtonv - A faithTaAf wife And JidwMfriw honsehold., , t 4 , ..... vary fond AmAficaB poetry. From thapra- x teregnlafa t&a draping of their kskirta, ww judge i the wnpresa Stuffs I UiavAaaaMaaaHrA nfuiraaat tul Kaa- va. ' ii. TAa war -on the 'trAde dollAr in 'UJaworh 5hB.liwns ie..B5,"a , nJ-" 01 m df- -tB-JsAlaBBBile their !toiKfinmMA IFZS-?" mv9v w - n , ... . . New I uu tnBlll CO Uen. : There are few Aaericans-North or South -wbo do not cherish av secret or ac- knowledge an opejst Adjniration for Uje chaSteiif nXtSToSntions TRobSLea. HeL the Hare u Cbriatian gnUenan., I' A 'gentle reminder out is Iowa : I CQDaoUclAMon or tne fliafjKMa xne .agr- peoph, .of T'lttm l4t.r Ji --t.r ix.iA.' th 1 atwnaitfw ttus aa.uuio. nun un rT,Tr-r-.. . .." I hTh Des Moias liegiater ralAtea An one of the i two first , senators from Iowa, which, though Old, rich:- I UUJ VS WaMTW Sf W . , - - i f rasinnu ncrce uuauusu afuuj - n -r- ' .a-ai. js tv. teiph of hia appoiatment as I ' -. - Rxmi. Th anral I C y Bogota tM ' Tha geBeral'a geegsapUoaltodieA lutd neveg4 iSduithafc wab6for-tha tha cirfl aarrloa. bomnuasion, tnavSnbt noUltfaUihSftiv- iJ I igtheif ipiAhnnally is t aierA bagateu:totha sunf I bad one tnA5 UQ no giye mm. eo,- -MM TAnMS TatTIU ID HT- prtlMreWftbjaSa xtfangpB; 35. wAaXuar.tlciaaituaea ana hw wbi ana fArmria-rumors ox b year, -wour bV priaaaa, the pnneea of worn-out lSBfiwpeggarav'r!f H i. H f -: 8 -I i . if 1 ii I ii f;: i - - ' " ! e Ten ii a mi, raai i aaan nss , worms, eonaunaue 7::; ; j.Quiarzi.LX.' xtz rnee ao oenia. -

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