it -was" -aBK.wnr-rr)a8)W8f . a. .i" a. j ii.mim o fayiiijy isan w wwwwwhwwwwmm fcssr T 1 hi i h m i him i i mm awiiiia i ii uiu ;: 1 xH f Ufe W t W 'III T j . -- rt l:Y;-,f.r' -feTii :-1xx: -rn. ;i"x tr,Tx- x ji U v-: ViJI Ul If VJ U! W U U RP.fiinf!W-lffH-::- 4 i . V- jUi 1 U to -vsS, B Mlifilf MFllf HP: 11 ., a. a a w a. ar . . sssawmaem-. -x. m -m w pa -vr , tt a .sr-a a. aa w a w a a r m . a m - ; a aiTr mam r k i iniai a wm i- r Sf, ITT: ,JJ3WC '80 ' aHJf't!!lifffjaiaKoteta ea Ar Ik aiMSO . " v1;;:::wilaBraiBW FroaTNortK South and Weat Tia t ' tfi r 'IT-' T ' " as i From Wliakaa m JL R. iiail. ;'-toat9rw;i.:Jt - Za Honey Cdtf Registovd In Mailing Department -Si - Qataata'anlaMIQT a at af Tatbota aaaWattwv ..atAXl la til (btCowto, Stwta m&M- rati xwi. , In IfulinffDepartmeiit 'from TO impnetle iatlM CointiM oTKdceeomb tlaU&XftaiFttt, and. in the CoorU of ta , ink fwUeM District, voA la m Circuit a4 ' ' Ajtwacy at taw 1 f. gT5J ocrTriiooT, k. c . TwatiTri li Coart ! Wtewmb T IbrtA lTa,Wtiton4 Saiitot- tmnttM 4ifrUu fJorl and Sapteataoartv i . ' r-jptedrtaaaaapaelrtty. ,i 4 "twiCM fat lk praaaV i fraa at bawwd'a la ,4loorja . fM t&K Na oa! Maia ft ; HaaTUL'lML ; . , : g- V jjt 1 . i-' .oir'iir, . ' - i 1'-. IT .v. 'QAoalafostOaoaBBBaiaf;-) VS ' coaos; ho w akd. Lttuntf ulCooaielorat lav. tTMaM fa alTtba; CourU,uU WW fadaiaL j. j. luxrur. 'f iaetiaa in tba Coa i8aB4 aanL If 4 AJUJft-MS r . v Fractfoa In an Coarta. aadacaa. Prompt attantion to rrr U. I. N. CARK, sntist, fflea koars, j ynwiy.a ii. w - s. Ss!t Aoor taa Jloiua, OTr Laaicr Kojater'a. .;. hy i - y. gr in f3Sea aexk toFhUJpa AStatba'ilaWiSCScft. JTiUpractleala rl and fitta Court. azptaw parmlMBon to Jw fa koi- ta,(thBprsiiM Cooti Oaseaa atloMa aak. f Baleirh; BMtto, Bona A vo., nor- I ! r-aa,ArfiagtB- Baa, ?tanbarj.. , ..-j j M t'W V Ii -"iJ: .. . A to. . .. , . JAMES 1 llJtl tt- II 1, t, r-- W twrttf esq p. row 1 -XU.C04Pa Street JUwr Torkreaa learn the srert - f !r lop awe &ao ADVERTl&tSQ ia AmerUma Vawmpapera: (710Q pomeepainphit5c. aaT:ij CjAM W RU SYRUP IafilUhto, tawtaiaa bamlait, aathartlc; for Priaa 0 v tnl after tbS date, traias lrUT fno a Hau tj tea fouovuif Bobaaiia; aborj?!tt(- Batoal, 160 fiobmoa? iQa, T li KTaraU'a, . 7 8a. waitetacfB arr 8 06 BatbaL lift BobanoaTCle, f 60 JCatt, i ' fM WillPmafa tV 7 00 rj etatfena Stooa iDa1 amir.--': Tba 7 00 a n, train from WiUaaMteft jarfll ETf la Tarbato at 05 a m, aJWip i paa ana; ante connei.Uilha 10 a 4,ob, juumaa tor ttocxj.iiowu. ?kaf aattaia ftaaa Tackorrf aoaw .iiKorloik Sendwm Kailmid aaAfataa. wtiirapototi;' ataoat Jaaaaitma wttarta jfmvOlm At WaAtngtoa XaOvoad foir aB :.ibto Thi ubia ay ba ebtDged at acjr tinae jai awrity or ciromnataaea nmj rtqatra. f. u. rjfflTX, tian. Mpt, All Iafouaa4 raeceoiral operation, and I jtA. infrvpvn to flJi U order for Sheet-J, tSWORS, BLINDS I aa: SiJdlni H tri of trtry deaeriptiaa 0. M Vt IDC llkKkt SQUAKE 1i KOAKOAIl ATX. .' I ; Nf eaibarl! aio.aii J iriiiiiiiUU 1 A"- V 1 ' i UK 4daa offeri jboawm DEBTAKING GESERALlY. :-, . -.' , aar Parottage aolicttad. ; i ,!b.C.CARTT;T.PI. 'Tarboro, rb. 26,1882: Run's ; Yeillhg- ana CnntiDgs la all oQades. stylc34n X 4 f Gdoosi IstersfrA-a- UC9 ; AAJULAJAI.U.VAjLQa, ! Corsets.Dress But tons, and Trim- . ming-Satins. EIGIiERS, 5H0ES, GL0YU IiCaFSlISW I AHD STAFLB , i: a l m kC a old Tery low. Urwrla. -.f Q3& Tarboro, Jan. 19-ly. . MANUTACTUKIR 0T- , Fine, Hand I aQBMaaaBMawfJaWhAf ; Saddles, -8ridte$&j4mj -ai-POeWTB catvaiswau si... U An war? tn arsi tna a falL- . "T DOUBLE HAKNE83,.. ...,. ..vfao H, Macauna uaraeai at au pneea. - jauny . . '' r 'CbeapartFanatairei1nr ilahM to ret out Of order. BMtkeposta, aad a perfart iafe6 BxiaobKsTO&a atot .Tfa)rt?oM'e riA in tnetr orders: toman-K Mira filled br i. oafla taayTnraorjt : BSaasW, . C WBpraea at, a. ,1 ii-TaaitaWiWaDaiiiH"' maf till II wbtn is Mil mi Maw elaleraal If If ljm f "r B,h- f '" 'h - wartoTn Uluacrattaaa, aa hauaaoaiS ssaaiafs, m ataayyaiaAjHeT ?aas Kind ia ae other BjKu .fclia at ai ni. Also ' 57 88frf,7, ! nTM Iff! L UUal? IUaJ STTI a asi EailKID i, rrt , j i . j .! : V aaajaKw aa.-, aBBBaa aajaaajl RSaBRI sua THaGailin's. Hawbur boasrhtootafr. iUtv fttaen tba nuav! nfaoturinir and eparteg ''wllrbd .aadar - rhari.TlHT one wMrtlnfr 'A fin banmtfaila ?M.Not - ala ika prasent aelalsersatasy if yoa war . . Tall to bm AIiAB AST1NB for ranoratiiur JjroM Wll jCeiliasa. -.It U raoidlr nnul rna rirtlArinltRd bT UTnn If" hot M .V. UMtMMMnunirVUVIUIMIIIh Dr- Strong JKills 4 Taa Old. U-TrtalViaiirftl, Jairuut amaaiaa.t a irr rrrj e aai a . aiiaialai:ij UWBK Ri UMITVLrillB IUT U1B Uf I Derfeet HeadwhejboMapatloB. aad DteialJ 8traaca ttar! PlUaroinH Jeartj j apperae, gooa aigesueiij rcyaianiy 01 loaoovf eta. a. aare remadyjor Calda ind Kheiinaflxra Yiror Fozircalara aail almanaca: 'wlttflnfl Dax- tAnl.U .44-. AJU KT rH f - wsiuwb. iiiii iiiw xow twa x anserj r, ,vvrtoLa, m M' jt T II f-H I f IS1 ALY AYS . i I a. WUII TWTKTlTEaTTTfff. t, Trammorntea to morning and front week to week THE 8 print a oontiauad 11017 of urea at real taea Ad i aaa wama, ana ei tneir alana. lovaa,bte. ana troikbiaa. xtua taaa aar romaaca atory ataaora im that waa arer deriaed. Sabecripttoa i Daily, (4 pages), by aaaO. We. a month, or fffsSO a reSuidai ps), tl JO eart iV New Tor City. H. T. , I ax llft mll DIIIous Complaints - latara faka, iwiw jwaaij f p 'atraagrtpT? ... " 4 7 - ' . v ! t ly rrr : ! ! 4Haaaa.aiwt ; 'ri-15; .ii in. - w.rb,J4aSiamV r is bats so Ireqaenflx aavi sastafaetarfty vx'i u nuns aiausaaap isoaa as tbair tame The l-irrsipnsiiaiii f. Smm avIamoeB of iaaiaaDeihStkh1a say othrT eatharUo mediriaa. TTis domaed a it as aaammr semmhstr'.'-Ita.wat TeawnOyrina-ao telsiomilhiTsshsen wtngaortUamttMrtar-Btorease. 'What t a Um reasoDS for this treat aad growing densadf r-r. HwekB MamdVsiho cH Bnttattaa; master, which, tf allowed to remain, loiraiaths blood, and Ivinn on afjIaravCaQliaad od i WW' 4raU be taken ta tbnsejiketha promt, whea raalitsiBtfaaiaawiaa.'ar Uwy inietioaiaaya. kjB to lesiat sWsias rf - af men iliaiaisas f . ri-. jibJLpostswid, l at l ft J- I "-"1 9r. J. B SBs. I' a-, aunui art trBrt Hv BURNHAM BR0ST0RK.PA ratpirntsta j tr t-v t a .aa . 1: Iiivalici'ts rery'taBeoadod sad Wydcy, A GneaU iCia-eaintaKjaiiy New Tork physician. For circulars, address DaTBAroofral W. Hnx, S7 W. StaStreet. : , new : Torfc; EfcTr,iiLLioru . A A .- U : PoaiaTely . Batorea Xhev Hearing, xinr BDeorrae cure jot "ttrOa tr aetractedl deafaees knowAVt alwtrsrtedfroin ttflUOeclai 15lNffla3-WbiUi 8&srcattt; inttelMaV Baaratndwa JaMarododBel6tbJW- JaryCbineae ery Chinese nsberman knows it; . IUV tSTirejOTrairyeoxiieanng were sueaye uiiiiiaa sjawheuvu, . ( rwre so nnmerooJ-Ttod-iQany I tdsrwaanloa,ta laly proclaimed ove flsa nidverM tl, pate aecplv. Sent, ,chs prVpa M ;any t ,. it 3 i ': -i-.-j , i1HMjiMiiialkmlnU1a M Mia . u i-v.... . -t J . . . Ab-eiiw unearthly notseajin mynaeaa ana better, aaiii ytatTHiiw;WTtAL 1 Myi'desiMss beed a great deal think aouier dohic wua envan. ! . . L viztaea are nnqneaUonable .and ita eat I taaird anitraeter as the'rafflei can tMoytwitifyr-botb m eipenence ana oDeerruion. vnie oaoo v omjuxk et Janaey Dey Street, Sew York, enclosing l and you will receive by t retora a remedy coat win enaoie yon to near me anyooay eise. and wboae eoraji treeffecta will be peraaaaa. 1 regret doiag MkKdJrOf j I Zoo. will nerer r tiler cantne Review. YTM T To atold'lDss in the mails, 'ptease end t iiey try Ttegiaierea letter, 'inj; YfewjrentaWAinarloa. t Dey St. New York f58-ry. , . oit iti ii i it I IN K K K K. leaee azajhs PeramlSsr Bwe .a vvnaaaa Thala . waa aiapKaa apa . turret iu.i poyf'o r.''i"-' f C SavHito the ear of rout ebrriered" eotrestsond- ponQ- BBS.- '"riaa uennsD-anns naa nnm ua iwy it is tne aeeona aetuee. ' Ycw,;Imtbeworat JWs. bewrrMtinjl awiiaeSTUI uawapajBBey .nvupsaa, aa a heavy wind raises tha physUaa. bxrhAd-akswlc ml tan" arr "r1-"- . 7'The midnight r i ia I-.i 1. til E- ELotel. SC. eaxe-ava.. a4e4 a'ettj acnooner leaves nsww n waia wi-aiurou Tbls iMlaacboly lact aoooanw n l taa lncTeanng'aaiea ot aanoun-Br vat POROUS PLAStESSrwhlch at once mlt these symptoms 4riea B6. Ask your pb CJtaJxAlBSoDury4K . mas 1 1 t Taiiiwiaaa, Swa "- -P ,,JKrf s iiiu.Teaus s ani' - . ' - gorDrpepala. C.tlvaewdk Ckttili jbaar-i thorn, Jawadloa,"4 UnpiHty of tb: atoqd, Ferr aad 1 e, Malaria,: aad all Diaeaaaa camseA my I- XinrrBaiweIa and Kidaej i bthfto: Or A DISKASED ZXTKSU' w 1 Bad ,Bi wdi r tIa in the Side, tomnimes tbe rlke Shoulder-blade. eat- it, geaeial Iocs of appetite lf diaeaat. bttaeaaea aAre eeaacidSraea btJtjdGdu3H existed, vet ejuauaatkaia&er death has shova the Urer ,M ,n aanaeeaeatamiTeiy aranra. ' .r r. '.i i . - i : It aboald a vaed ky all persona, old, aad yonnc whsamr any of Um aboma ! v If ayaaBtoama appeavr. I TTSTeHiur or TJvlasr 1st TTo aoaJtky Looalitiee. by otkias a dose eccaaioev auy to aeep tae unr m tteeitnr action, win avoid I - wiu uNuutBR uae a gnat or wise, Dai ia avo ia j i ""a e3"av ii i XT Tew mmw oatoai aaytUBs; teaei e aiffoetloB, or feel heary after aiesli, or ale . laaaatai(ht, take a doe and yoawtt be faltered, aa aM;Dootea BIIU win b ad Per, wbaansr fee ail neat Buy be, a thotouaMy suseratBTO ana nsn r be out of place. The remedy is km Aooa ot latorfaro with hnjiass 1 , 'Pf,' r 1 the sower aad asbcacv of CalaaMl ar 1 Quiaiaa. without any efjjss pajariaai aftsr eascta. resttasw aiiaamas urer regulator Has bean ia use la my aunirr fcr soate time, aad I am satisfied It ia a Tahmnat addirlcei to tbe mrdlral srisors. ! J- Cnx Siorm, Goraraor of Ala. Horn. AUxaadar H. atepbena, af Gew aays: Haao derived some benet from tbe ase of Siaimoaa Lirar Rccahuor, aad wish to aire it a. , P asfther tamU - s- . walw tUaf ' tkat awrer faDa to" , XIallwTa." I hare used amay remedies for Dys - Pepsia, Lrrar ArTecsiia aad DebiUcr, bat aerer' ' aava faaad aaythiog to benefit mm to tbe exteat .Simr-.ios U-rmr Kegumtor has. I sent from Mia. aasoui to Georgia for it, and would seed further fer I Bach s medicine, and would advise ail who are tim :, llarly aiiecud to rire it a trial as it seems the only ': 'tains that arrer fails to relieve. . - j -4 Jakiot, ICnneapoUs, Itioa.1 .- - DK K nr. lTaeon says i From actual ei-' erteace m tbe ase of t ;moes,Lircr Regulator ia ar practice I bar bean and am satisfied to use aad prescribe it as a awmatsre atediciae. ctSJ?Tm ear daa Gear.'na, which always baa oa the Wrapper the re4 ZTraoe-JIark BdSoaAmra of k f.p. IXXLEX CO. " r TO9AV BT ALLDRUGGISTS. i aawaii i j V'io. pmi sum .i THE ORYAN HOUSE, Tarboro, N. C. sKTSAJCPLE BOOMS for PnimffltrsT and HOME COMFORTS ia every particular. Apr411318831y. 4 !vi v . CaasKA fta.tTB.ui A fir sStmaaw araaatg, j , Tfliewfsep'ia. . - Tae Stahlai are the larrert in thff 'State, and hava a capacity of holdinir ten car-loads of stock..- Qve.hbn a ealL r janlSy F ft ii if ' waaoall, UafnleTi . n - 1 g f' .:" . '. ?. : jHISI isnin iflaiw Go, ' (BAHlUflU DKFAKTME5T.) fi oaa , a- v .9 A. M. ta.irF-r it U it,' J it i nil Dr. J. HBaker, t3reo;' HowarcL H. L, Staton, Jr.T $ VfW, 1L Pippen, r T-T Mnrria iOnuWJ3 . . ...... , ' f WlW The JiJotRefreshing Bev-r ; TVa,n ai I A A aaM -ra-a n 1 DI7PD DATTI,a7DC: iff LCaflO, , I Thf Trflfle SlPpllel . atnOlir I ew vwiaao aavtaovs "ax I . '7 I t . Lri-LL i yruera vy uiiui 4ruiu buj pevr pi ,ujs , , State, protnpUtattdeteM WilLhaytf k?,$kp$j of 'SBufck oeeiv ut Benauii.' . i - - 3i IsvN. Tf. for tbi cave of fpileptlo Fits yroot:Anw a. of Afe. Dr. Ab. Messerelei Hate of Lonflrm who I makes apeclalty; of Epilepsy, h-jjrltbont ,iiin!iwaiiuremim camwansiij iiae auo- Of I tf f0 year'a ataodlaz, sccefnny enred ray Mm., He- has ppbluhed a work, on this diseases wiiicti he sends with a1 . . . ' , . , - ... f w I niff woaaerna care iree to any i I w -advise anyone wishing a cur to address Ab. MmbbLb, No; 96 John Bt.,rjTrtotlti ap.s ' . ', I RTTTT.TlTrl. TJ M K, AfHiTOTTTTTTR A T, AAlflll, .. JLiAlNU J"JjAOll!iK, - .r I AND MARL, &0.. &C. - - - 3 UOaurQKTIUSHU Hb ViroTfTHaAP. Rend forrSrrnlara .DdfotC5rcolar3 Point. IT, C 1 - -'-..x.-.'---".1 , , Moa saasai s amom-. t tai'.CiEIgA " i?;d:..rt Send Tof I WlfJtl.1 H HuynrtAJ. I0CHESTIK r. c " i 7. . . . v i m : . z r-i I 2 Lm t I tt - ; . i t i 'ii i oa n a uxa . l 11 a. nn n - IX Bo aead traublea wi m para, n eufl aMr bakTT, ' r Beut UQI IXO Iu aSZUUSTLOa ,IO. JMB r.H'jMefW,i'.i4'ru I ',P,Wjr'!ii0at hpS&SaHa itVAttorneyG ,raflrd WWft? HalZataSdeb.. CWoliniaWff 9oiPS t M , v ,( 1 irjbL:KAffJrW(M f laat MU ak. a u.u. . .4,1. aauaa. H I U ,A "i . , . . . - - - - J . V f . - J. t i I AT i PBS.3i5iS!fl farmer: -?f M Maaaaaaaaa J u to tm.a , nroo ' aVaVaaati w tk AaaeaanaAa r .XHUBBSAT ..Zebuion B- .Vance, Jri basi-been i .waiictv -r. appointed lieutenant in tha Amy, r , ; f i A.senBataonaa opatcb naa, re n ! laae wuaeat excitement Tbuncbtd SeXr rmr trXrWie,A.ti-'- tvV.l'P 't-"f-i 1 t ""rr-". r gtffitX beddedjJyei lbCHP tl.pO&be. meel on je&w. Uie west tuat , tu. fr leitew York wiUi r ,theBe 4lski rf cfae hkd h6g ijfaS fro-q previons conyersations and oth- ew.XCayf. i .4fr LxJ-J. Panjt 1 To . Una we, learn, that Atr.t -frail )eanXar'aihAva Sf7fam. .. . . . ! i -a a a l - t . I i i tax wnEein-3eaieon Monday Txxel aai t a v eaav- eaav 'I prices In -New Tor hate already f fallen oVer-20& tetailera S.' ? i ,i ; i i . Aii.i!r.. .SV-A ..i-.r:. . I I am ui . rau B . .! aai A Uii fer;;Tr I stops, ,,mAimm- " -- - 1 The detin8natS36 rero in- tion tJ the niinnte. hold the vrerossfctiYfi Vt Mormjg tip aimrtrr;.'? it rT V- 7" j isTn? JZSZlt'S i,u yu nptwo of his ownwiyes iieoth day jtndhat ..with dTOamite which their bed. He erioasly injured both and ' strange to 'say has been j arrested. . ; j Mahone is trying to get fhe offi- cial head 'of - Judge Rives. It wjll probably roll in the sawdust Wih Star.- 1 ( . " " ! V Onr erudita contemporary has er ' J xdently overioadithe1 thai ior, and are beyond the reach of erVt . . . .. ... , . I JJ , CiUFfc : ""iS elui aaRcotor'Mhe Atlantic -Vtauaw a aa. awo a w v a a aaa. r wvu win I KTJhe useM artwle, .ujvcie Wrrl4 y.Bawaafirat nffexed.aeY- 1 ,1V "51-,'. pcndLgnaxe & N. C. Kailroad, t President Wnit-1 r:wn not'riryhf and' the TM- Wmliift-tjiiS -.AtVnt-ii ' nrlaltrrenusl-!ei ifp 0ntihal sort of sic uccurauu vai-ui A UBDu auu Ricbardaon have been retained. ! ,Newbern Journal . WerettoJhearWCoLCot- ten aays )d.: Page made one of the best conductors in the State, ; He 1 ia a wholesouleL clerer gentleinan: 1 i-a tl J-il.-ia- t ' i2lL ti '- L anu, wm oe naaaea py mTH, fTh "Memtenfrer" wants tha nett Peatid'ttonyeon Vheld" ' at (dsboroOperaHonsemr wiu seat x,uuu ana vjoiasooro is af cessible by rsjlroads from all sec tions. Besides1" hotel aWnimoda- tiorAihere are superioVigh: Why not let the 'Messenger have its wishT " Y. . . :. . , ,.rr - i. ... - - - .... i- . . bWutiMdAhghter,s. Jul 1 .WW, a4 lot n. r' fWrl mnrl l . b- r e wek.tl4ero. .,'Dr. B, t7iigmt-.'to..! kp . ' ",vi, , ,A . 4ik.M kluxed if he doesn t mprovethefarb whtai MrsTJitckson araTdAigBir ail- ment hia a f or rafJ eeSve! K--VJ s . a rS---iV.rrAli:itAW'iSaa. "wa.t aadiieiibboiseV-my n : t V:. TwifiJ a in i na-a( 1 iraiiti v ni iiri ni man aatzi tUDia .... Tl marv exananatron tooir Place JudgefeljiweaflerijBuch evi- Ji-i-a TTanaid JaiUfteniSrS caaaaior twwldleged, 3T i . ... .- . v - I r. Two or1 three;yeartf jag-'wt overhauled ernaoiea wnat smxiaiics wmu im tainedw Al V . L-iVm-a.A 1-2 L.'ri V'-lV Js ?,yyt Edgebe sl IBrriuit) alia cauuDs ub uui tv ue nur - 000,00(8 ;" ; : , , . , J. , . r That's rierht. keep on seadinfifYour i money, and old ciclhes to fe aathr en. - Oaly seven or eight -miles from ta. j" rw - "i ,i ' ..rr Tl Aarppro tne laormona- are capi favneglQedcfUlI andWpradin . m. - tMttatJa aa-ash . an - " m nMWWffS5il?a lef t ; "AHdVe See i "aUl alsOj.that iliaMi: t8 StonewaU; JackJoh, andi mUUIlUVdUl,iLa in great agony. Francis 7 was Tsusi above'staWefiLJIas no foiindation Cheshire, who .waa.. supenntending iltfcEMii MHLMM S;: prised at the statement thatTthe peo-1 pie btm h6urm sprightly Capt Tom Eyana, of the quug vixr onsiaess quanncauona, aUyforbeetand-wh -Washington Uazette. drink tha enormous sum , of $930,- ;TuesESpmo tiina AgQ A.rjch .old , , -, vUSB Victoria Insane! 1 j ynoot wmltVttrr F lMar-,ul Vi8AiTe elected its domicile in the body, of x1 John Prowtv her" faithfd Scotcher Or Taetdar rsteMMiis oi any land. - 'iLxuia 1 a i rru. ju . aik-- i,ri . 7 jw. l- - Heighf years! He sh6t ' her through ttiki jour paper for six months There her ao much .that ,sbe has .ijfrW, a horrible murder was comMttedVat tfMiWffa d 5 'Rl$?fyt$?- Terrapin Point; inlhe wesWrpart andtW dyrrSsnd 'cant'Wait recent dtt,ruption of Ithia segond all 6t Halifax unjtJBT FVsi44 tffl ySsue comes out, just but- wifely commnmng as so cruel :joecS rmV&m ,tt kxUed AmyMbWUHlnm Sstuera.",! .rtoUU. vrtsej ( Georges has burst forto and destroy-? whohad .-W'.Kriii imm&iA ' lCvti BniitfiJaltlii hermuid. All precautions against Tlatoily I six small -cMIdren yrSSx no ''c ;c. . 1 1 J a ; f?i" . - :-i ui I erTerf J . . -i..t-,:"3 ! I AU but fcooTJudifea fif thatai'of .ta OTlraai-aaaaafroiti -&-atl tiaa tojenow tnatare two inMias. 183? ;4V'i kiei. l I iuw lam rai uuo anuinm' J1A.I3U ' i7Ta awtl thnnaaad inllara- ctnnaa I oi.o ; - ft? at a I 1 T 3 AJlangbier Sf aa,Sarl gult sttttto. irir'fiaLBrivM Hitter laot fnn Kfrrit anAa mnlfv e . a 7 6 . .1 T.n.. I t il,. JI.. : tk. .-WE flbgtAaOttdSedti Xriand'o. taSaet a at ' l x a r w j r t a . ..r t i t i "vt Lv n.rii - i 1 i : MV; tGfeo.'l),' MlIl, son of ;theal- iv y m - u rii .?,tk j Lalxirah Re trnada, Watemcy ,Uit I ftrotiSrB his iiead, passed aroiiid ffi;ov2m::o -ide from the point of entrance. ! j . The ::?et W?U aad is-ab a loss" to,.account . ior his J attempt to r kill hhoaeil.1' Nothing J TZT! M f fThce is one'gentlenian tiri Win ston who has money in' a ,Bichm6nd bank. Ho pays to the State of Vir ginia ; a' tax upoji it,' and has to pay rJLlt credit- He pays a tk on thebgy, : - J ? 'r' "'i'rOT ., Winston Sentinrf, LsV UIAD a nanin LH llirrti IW IB a la I a.m. , a Hrri2VJL,-- V.-T. ' I "e-" "f?. Ji'w". V this double-barrelled taxation, they j 1-70, , jWe regret? ynh1kearn say m obtjerVer of j thdoafli lot Mr. f - iv iii V; ' rnnaf l - r" rr?vT'iTr "r? 7. nfoinislffi? 6f this f Ouilff meh' Of the I State and a general lavonte among: all who knew himlr His death will " u ,uww. : u son of Hdji.B. 'Bi. Bridgets, the pres- idenfrtrf the Wilrttington Weldon" BurPad CDnTi 1 twenty-tnree yearsiage-ne reu 4 yMStiniM that Lisiflious diUase GauaunuHiuu.f3 ihw umuieis ; .nwo . .. - . . rr. .a. tr j M.n BridgtSfs hye ffie; warrnest sympa- o m "H i boro, c ,-w' i a ,o i ..... i - x Ex-Goyi Holdd - - tne iuea oi TmixEa TVii'a in TfiTiW to an intS- W;byi,th attiAtb1Rebuf I I.oril 'ttfTr aT1 rriWo afrtnol Ex-Gror. .H01den has spoken ein- est town ria the. State. -"'Handsoifid . . . . .r,,, ttr all ! T 1 -1. - . . " ! ir-thte r.TJniversity to peri ish.GoyaaysVdeetos I . I., WtsT TAr MrfrtPrSVr that the a dv aiat, aawcK & aaa-Bei w vwvm. : w , i K :s J tl-z- together with-Joidire Settle and oth I oro T tmr ; itrrormrf "for. aenarate schSbr Both faceiahd Ind lliekeito Vw .if.i theoolored f-aummtd ataiT rrnrHOT-allv riWftO.tftd tO mV iW ifATt: f wotildhava i retired from ' the-! campaign.' in -k'-Sra Al arlimAmfm 'ariMr-Abiyi No'fcther official is so ti-ith the: business .i ,,. , , f ,i ' We are told a good one on the t ; " ' i l - man Person pouiity, .sent, ior ecu - tor Tom in great haste. Capt Xj. Vnw that the old fellow had no re- lations: aitdioaidmusad ashewenti mentia traceable ?in the hnef ,tba ""rzz,, r..:i ..... , , Georges now seems to nave unmis fdlAWfK taiably orertaken. good Queen Vii-! uusCTibaHsvcvc aaa.5. 'vvv. , HMiij.s nas leased ous - loai ior sa 'tH&ldinarCih.a deathly whis-1 long time the Queen has ihSulged i Li-it-, j. : .TsiT JTj - ; I . 1 J hra-ww ;f4air.;!TI."i Odltar I jSW v, AniT"hwA SWfj f1?1-1"1- t iiMiTnnrTTmmnsr. i wiiuscimcu im a-v : . ' . mi ferVmjmlW .rTie Shootinaf Affair at waifii fT'.?A' . - - ahnt hv; Mi Willie TAnM.w i fp& Va., fonnerly ofi W atrentpn IP.SicI .aMaatft afcair ing the j day" , Bome. per8QnT not ytf r r' twaa overheard V a uuttibt of, i- rtoealed.!: Iirtlii J exLtiasr.was j-dttnoipi LPe wasb&ncljBariinaaaupe'itlId by add placea iniin tbauthorjtiea.tI Heri)tiTV!diidladv zs.i '.vii: r a- Hevenu- xaesta-j him, i aalirig! him ol panY J X0 . uUB we. learn, that Mrf Jfs replieci that, he ha4 enokpn - r i : . . . . j . . . r - i M .uuiuuiucuuuv leiuxa. arvr n arn . land h. tW , , was rather 'qnafetiotied asked- the? 'spdkefiraan. . vi wmw yvikbuuiUiii who was twic hia size, twno, was his' JW.lAtJiis anoie8ib;er; li r , ..i no. W18 a a--iiar. At this "the obe . ..- - - , rnivrarl him down .. TTA A 1 W 5!nvir;raTE 1GHapgiai1.!?Thebulletr nrnot" rnAmhAw . . -aswa. .u a l ti was ' endeavoriD? to- senar&to tirofni part bl th lhifrb;airiaKng a painiil lrRoiiT xroM,a.. ? Mr. Jenkins, is' weU Iknawn- an4 ia a Mnhew to Mr I rafti' I ' T""t" " -r-"w gouutoui, he . altogether indisposed to gt ibtp diffioultiee, but when crowded'' do like othe bliTO men de; tnd,imself and that jwell. , WhUe we regret tbe occurrence,, we do cot see how he could have done other wise.. j , , .... . j ,1. Ixcitisg Event. ' A private letter from forehead gives ; ua the : information that 04 VV edneeday a . boat contaiuin" sev- cf PsizAe,? I Qe 1 lUcoii. All the . men were throw into-tba waWwttch-was tbe're abodii SPf swpp.alobe tbe coa -a rru - tT " iri DUf Theioldiers. were all ;ahje tq sw and the only person not 'a swimmer . Ilia Wfm.. ; ll al ' , t VTT: V. " P 1U ei I Dut neither eaw them niar heard tLe f .c d8o loud. i j, u iiaicK ;was toe niiw raged the storm. Tlit scene 01 ui the two mil hnnv. nnf! iorAa il oar. , ins. suuauon was each mor- mnt' growing more and mdf(3 I d. brne SmXV whenT S nateiy,- Uapt. Uank Uelf a Jioat came near the rrscene, and rescued aJ the meh. f The affair created a'profound t arrived. Capt Harry Jackson- Df the. Gate City Guards, -presented tion lobk place ia-theban'-rorim A i uauib iwu wnu s-xkj. - j.iio . -DreHoum- ' seen by the S00! ?uests in the hoteLrNewa - Ohserver i- - 'I i i- 7 Tarboro.. A recent visit to this town was a l P" tai eware to. the wriirJ , It can cer tainly lay claim to bein4 the' 'pretti H mi C roncn puuauigs are occupied Dy many mercnanw, ana . sne residences vm favorably wioae of; tl, J:s r . f - "106 JLOlSCOpai CDUrCD ahd Ceme- !.J.rf w a bchaiir, retreat, We here, met the Eeor.,Dr,.J.B i . '-av. ..... the favorable reports from crops. It is estimated that Taiboro does more credit business than any; town oits I J. ......... j, ... Y ' postmaster inr Mr. W P- Williamaori L" uuwtu . un w much- system, and neatness, writs :1 nuemiw Ol.ft WUIUIIUlltV SB IIW UOSl' master. . No other : other.- office, re- !-Ja'"''aa B . I ff n SonrnrtBiisa ispained'to learn i from late dispatches that the taint in the Hanoverian blood and the def mora or less harmless rnaaias. and to, I the time of his death beUeyed that tba soul of the: prince Consort had i ysvul. f 1 MtruSion,oi any jand are, s jeaioas; unrifT i Tn in a Regency. k& wife, mother ani txjueeii, sba-bad contributed ftirieti' to tne glory of womauhood. "We" t)itv her bad.fatel 1 !u" i-" 5 3fIrf priafrl?,r6aSe?aynali faxj NASdiedPrfdayDighr f last wetk, a iroman flgedwarrtrrslAyears M f)a Mea.-tfa!vwels a enaence of haviog received-a very -uuoi etiwanon. "iier Teaiairis" ere X-h 111 ' v r . : "au anemDtea. to. tretfliar. alnt. faoeral oh" Sandaytu. could" not dlypfitweJfe el-'affifjoidtf Ranter ra .. auui ati iiittJetorvlfortJa Gasouna; naar-the Iloanqke ..river. 1Har,v.lmthar s name was iy J. SHearin. ' On a yisit to her Bister Mrt.!i,Vyils6n! n Troviaence, neady two yearsa'gdf Ibenietal; a plani6iehamin Knotjnliparerit gentleman.-yrith ;vho nil;badame nfafuated and.. after- a , short ttime went to live with him at' Fall River. She- safdtheyf werearmm-ier, but be ' nas denied tfiis stafemeht. !ARlrQugh apparettly - a xgenlleinad of taeaos when on bis holidav. he r.rWArl mrr- ly itqbe a.cardei;in,.apJitQXLpJsbat ehs was too proud to give him iip, A. S.,!to.a new raiir,-acd Jheft) she' had child Btillv,bom. ; After eeyeral mqnths f Knotty came, tpWi0iHalifax muDuc.turned out J6bej80iute andcaifdalbuy'nefelecearbadly treated and "starved fais1 " BOpposed wtta and left Her in destttaUonoe !f Pbiladalphere his.fath- .wifa and left hep in desfcifcatlott, June errjJohn Knott. .holdsaaBporisible ' '..11.! l4 TT'. " was delivered," under charitable at tendance, ef another still b'orn "child, on Monday, July I2d, Sndr failed to rally," . t . ; -j ;,, "A Brara Wcmaa. ! i. Commend us to the young, wife of Amos Uidwell, of Otsego LakeyMich. We have nodoub'tas. tp he? devption to the babies and her ability to make . ' a t - m. ; a . ; pres ana puaarngs and put up pre servesj Altlknigh' wedo" not Wiiov the honor , of her acquaintance .ve . feel conhdent . that her ; husband s shirts are never found w-ithout their 'full'cbniplem.ent qf buttons and tnafr the stockmgs are never' allowed to go oveitSltui'day nighfuiidttrhfcd. He reacft thee.otieluaLons. because such are. the Qualities, of .a. brave Raul true wife. ' Mrs. 5i& well has pro'vet her title5' to that chaTaHef ancT sin handles- th Winchester lifle wfHriait. skill . i and quickness oil a - t ixmtier scout., .aui titci Young Mrs. Bid well tois alone in Tier house -when a neierhbor called and offered Tier" ki insult r"Tjiider sumlar. eirsumstahce? Mrs. O.I Mel- nptto; strikes a tragic attitud; and inf orine the offender that 'a husband s roofj "however lowly, is the temple, of a wife's" honor." Xouhff Mrs.3id- well did not ' dd t Jiis! ' Probably. she had never read Hulwer4 or seen the play of the, "Juady; of Lyon." But after giymg; the rufpaiij proper wain ing Yhich Was unheededj, she eized terj trua'iy Winchester, drew a bead on him and shot him'dcad. . t. All honor to the brav4 Woman ! If she. had, hesitated her 'lif a-, and the life of her. husband.would have been :ir-. -1 !.tri. . ' : " f pignied. one was ine proiectmoi has'' happiness 1 a!s well ' as' her own honor. k- tShe deserves a' suTjStafitlal prooi.that.eyery.true man and' every honest woman in. the nation, applaud her epurage and approve her. act,,, IJM6lflBhi15at9troa.t,, ' rVrA . . i i j .il.i. r i. Robert Lee w aa offered, the. chit f command pi tae army ( jnj ieoi;na declined it. "The "offer was made plori thereccmimendati6nofG:enexal Soott, backed by tne venferTiWer'r. Blairv Sr whoi aonyeyed th teQdtr of the position in er8on.(aIt mdat have taken great, moraL opurags' to decline the hurhest position tc which Tie obnld ever have' obtained" in his modt ambiticnis-dreanrs. a In l8G5the i-tulroftd wlaoh is saw 'called the7 Vir ginia Midland, , and its connections, was mainly owned by JJingliah bond holders.1' After an expert had care fully exatain-ed w"the 1 bonchtfon of tilings the committee of bondncadef s held a meeting and tendered to Geo. Lee the. Presidency of the road .anil its connectionsv under one organizar tidn,' at a' salary of $50,000 a, year, About this tihie'orie of tht5 most pow erful of the Kew York' life insurant cpmpfmies offered Geiu, Lrtrei $10,000 a. year and. a house tiUiJiichniondta iaie nbld of t and build- up . , theix Southern business. " Gen. " Lee de clined both of these 6plMdid 'off eft' to accept a place as teacher1 of South' em jrpung, tner4; at $3,0' 10 r at yeaav Capt., Burrit says that "the uke)j' Beaufort, Xord Johnf anners. andj two 'other English geiillenieh tender ed GenIjeea splendid ' estate lntne We?t Ridings, at-YwkBynielwltlr handsome rental, equal to 25,000 a year, for lif e, iX hfi;ould', acceptoit . ; and Uve upon it , "Karl Spanaar, now Lord. Lieutenant .-of, Ireih eitwle tne tender, wen. -uee,wi.m a cuarm- itsaWmedj-'decIihed tne offer. j ; "The ioat lhas tarOdoer drowned year soo, t'said aimabf ap- proacriingiasi) firthiog pai'tyaDd VP drerdogiheold,gLftieirifl 1 "Great gooesaS' rexrdaiffledthbveia mio,9 bsiulgintotortfi 'JH arf'"nry hOfS intthis' lif6v'iHevwae-lhbe boy on"aha. place; and' besides' (hat h bad tbe.lautWttwitb hirse mgm oigniiy, - triat xnpte gentlemen say fwas beybnd arhhij!! thef ;hadT o?ic: VAtlWffjrewVwsisAs-aJ A)r. Q9-U3 ihn ot '.w y;-'a. kf ! !'.f fl . r rra4M.0Jto Maxiiicatuju VAiaaa aaerataaw.ratara t,(3u. a i. vl X' lit? sts'ti :-'tCV' is "('j'! fT raw i"J'' A. ikiv ' . '. Ir-sVj- : . -' ..... , ...... - -V. . f - , , . i:.,. .-.i j ' "-.' :-',-,., v.. .- -.. - X X-iVY-V-f '" ,'U!AWU1 - . j-jX. - -