''mi-- :Wicd fofiJfe v - - - - 1 i - : , .. . - i .- i. a - i j ..'4ir?.. - i . - . . 1 S " 4 " ' in lMMvM V()L,1 i For NartH,cSfs1 - rtrAATivillA-t - - .: " i . iAj..onfvin uyae ooray paw x . ju- For Williaxiivflion and joints on A & RTElr a5:)-P: mLJ" 1 v From Noitt? feo W??ia W. It WBiarfWlf Jfl; From Greene,WiantorfMil - FroriS TTiUiaiaAptt vii B-El inaf itt 9:15 A. M. - i OITICB HOtTBS. i -' '- Vil In Money Order an Registered . Letter Dejkrlintia M. to 4 xyt.-5r AnS BmHdlws Ktrtt of erfrt Aeirtoton MOr W,J5IBje KKtiKX euun.n. - r i r rf "T c i - A. JUL. tO o:VAI -C t, i t awfcMW- Offioe oren I constantly between A. M. and fcpopOio Jt flfFem hi! Bttbcd(i M ns of Tarboro and vicinit. Street ; v v , '' . , .' ' . TAHBORO N- C;;.;'.;.? ; . Practices in all Uie Conrte, ;8tate andTed- raL ,8184.. onr WaIl-auMlelllmiCS. IttarBridftt-1 npenedlng all otheryinteh. For tnrbll ity, beauty and economy,, it is without an Amu 4tnH for sawtn yotrrnetehbortiooa, iend tEl vs.. BR 83 Burline Sup,, New York. -r tiTeness, gcfcf Hiwiache. Ghronlo Dljtr-atasaiVaunioat! WioJrferalt4 caused by D- jitiI I'b V? i.' - ,JajTOA3 EXITOmi NOTES. , Dr. Strond's Pills I Th Oil WU-TrlBdrVoiJlMfal, Sftiltli ! rtiuatln Ire Pilltvfor thHT " kr-l m.iooa hBi n 4 : I twfmm m&lLHa taint- A Derfect CUTC I0r I 4' I f-'" v afml filial tnfore heartr. I A PreCwUS SOO ia muuate icniiBw, iw;s 1 I vico and health In rery fibre of tbe body. I J vj-or cbrcnlawanfrtoanacs, with fuU par- rancement of liver, Bowels and Kidneys. mnmMfl ot a diseased LIVER. HPad Breath; faitt in, the Side, sometime the BUB IM ICH TIPTT UK jjlnillHBTWWWmm' . Raeamatism ; general loss of appetite; .Bowels lj.uaaUy costive, sometimes ahcrnatinc with U; Scfcead is troubled with pam, is dull aad htayy. , with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a paissiilseaiation of leaving uiidoBCSOmethinl . Mrli nri M rime sliffht. rfrT COUrtt ' and flushed bee is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken tor consumption; tne pauear nnnan; stf wessness and debility : aerrous, easily stanledt- ftet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists: SDirits are low and despondent. imd, although satisfied that exercise would be bene- : Capt.. W'tTHhefamoris Bwfmmer, loot bis life in tryiog to swim the Ni agara Falls Bapids. - - Bl. TO niora drowning ; 1 65 jjadies ;ajid fobiW. drin who were . Jnjg 'ft&ffi' f,tfc.,iWi?.!f ( iT asii-i.n I tisii. vm ran naraiv sumrnun ud wruiuuc i iWlUte facdktrusta' every n-dyv S-ssdi50e Was yXQ eiaesaaygwr ot uuuyt, lleTwbuo - - 'I" 'M r!"" Address, TAYLOR MFC. CO- a-mintion after death has shown the Urer to bare been extanairely deranfed. Jt sbonld be used by stfl persons, aad young, wbenerer any tot tne above f symptoms appear. Parsons TrnTeUns; or IA-Hns; in Un- the Liver in healthy action, will avoid Address, TAYLOR MFC. CO- rruct CIIFI I IS ALWAYS I I1I--aJUH Jtwtehesting kealtnv lxteaJltiea, by taking a dose occasion m kn the IJvw in healthv action, will avoid ' 1 nil Mr1 Bilious attacks Dirtiness, Nan- 'J5i'i''TTT! if Ci From rtotnla week THE 8 trwirbln- and frenn week tO Tii (7 1 th Uvesf teal iuen prints a continued story of ien and wsfiien, and of tbeic HAS ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF SSS7i Vn'"' rtlrSs-!rtfif K-i' th4s crel1sssU Oibsmiplian't-tDailr, -Mh, OinPQHH i 11 (4toaw)j by maUa montli,rf6.60a 1-1 sntl . I . . W ' 11 ' -l I lf"ll - t- va- vs.., -t w . -.s mm, issues WlsMs stnw Hi llli! IBlUTMUat AIUrHeCU. -i ml . .1 1 . ,. " 1 ! ' X. .S , v xva?. r mv 1 iufcUns!fr isrii i. . nfFpra at moderite nnces. r -.s.-mss.. m.,.i.i. i r?Sir!f ir?r'r' fT TTTEr.-".fli .T Ssmsss-Sn-Sw -V vT- I H I'llll II llirillia sLnlirYI Illl I sL JSB 1 ' ' sslirT PT IWstJi I w"- - . w , - - - 1 4 IX I runi.lilil if " i i. i. . - v.-. fcrnd SmaiMimsS Sl asm III II f i - . . .., .... . I ,1. : , - ITT 9f I IfTrNse srj-e'i ' I'fcesota I - 1 ;ThmMMim bit sOaaaty 3 81 nerve i New York irayy ; Moraitcre8r appear to5,be and scarce this -year. Something must bav Happened to tie'tAi-whcn they were-verj yoong. ! -j tTbe stride, of ,t6e telegraph, opera ZSm&T0 ill tofs has -giYCBenowwd.imriatae to- IQ6 aiSCUSfclOU Ul tuo eaiisuuuiuouh of a postal .telegraph .Rystetn by the 3Bet.wcena -the present i summer wadii2th. jjampafgn for 3oyern6rC be Oli'tB uikving a deaided -:iio toxicaUnt: bereras. ' If Ton hT MtM anytbins; hard ot , digestion, or feet heavy after meals, or sleeps sesaatnignt, aJt aoose anoyou wmo rw Une tusd Doctors' Bins win be saved tlTsr, by always keeplns; the Regulator jay thyPsssaeh ft Wf I she ailmeaLasm txS avouely A m.lt.i-&iv and tossie can a. ill oe one em piacv. i lie rcnavuj um aws uwi aw WMnwrn puh hhum, i TX T PHRFT.T wwoErrABX,E. has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or tide.' ttarecent Pres. jenUoti rthstmeUat.W4, Sara,,!f -' f Tqu see that corn mb,ingr orfefltby f th Stftt with ' bis feresetl omce;for, gut: yfrkvarid; haa itxvmkA j. the sopport-ol the Pesnocrat, p?o;lt district. t There are other men jn too UlOUlUil WUU LiXY J4AUU UlCULUO UUVfJ 1 nt .ill' i. . 'r cstrr it tf it-i' ' -J 11 ' A. w. a'a- mra saSnt-:-l.'t T,S Ms my WiU practice in the Corapties of Edgeconffie, Halifax and Pitt, and in -the Ctonrtal of the f First Judicial District, ndta M rcirosa Supreme CkwirU asRnleigh.. , : ani8-ly. . TiXLBdetOik SQCXT MOnNT N. fJ. Practices ia the CoarU of Kdrecombe Nash. Pitt, Wilaonnd Hallax- COunUes AJao in the Federal and Bnpseate Coortp- y C lllections a specialty, - y -s lll.niti fnr th nMsaMt. hi front rCOW Ot . j unor'a lawofSee next door-to 1?" v. A-r. Uain fit. ePjiarty.f and sottOf them witt-W- ette-t r (The hag monopoly; ;the-"Wes Hon. 'Story.' waiyBTBivi.-niisra. tvucj& if ssiMiigiwi-v. inbentlOOSi ,,when..,wiUi-, inCOtt-, k botrtepoWt of -kM riPWal WSVlS (fieWrd.etAt that time j.-iaa., atudeuts I iXoKririVaAJ ' MatJjiiiiita -t J TJ I i : :U -nnn44So I.." rTI . 1 . . l'W0ll..lht in h toil nf .(Via.linrv eieTeunt rjmMNrK'0l Urinal f os ino- mi hoilmff towartt ie4 . S 1 l!1JiIjTrT"'jrJ,1?f i n n Ank a, r n TmtllAriin ATlA I . l . . ,1 Tlt.,ii.-.tl K1!.m IUa aavb 1 "uP7x!,w"5o'WTiLf""T rsier 'neat, one 01 we nuDK:swiH:n r;?T; ttt-. fe tdi i vwh J Wan.oi5ifffii f H i-gobfcit Carolina, wat sent to Bartard L a.?IrbaltodtJrO .learcLthe erjytv TUV L. 1 ammilssy turn. M rm AWa iM bTT Z (jlef -l. tJlikA'. WnstVitsyfinit. i I t - ' " " . "a : - I :LtiH-aJoUlJ'3 lira i-u f .! iru.uii.wjiAt, ..:! L -lli.rt l . kILa .li.' T . -r T T ... l-uaix ..y 31' V'ZTi uflwpa riarTaru www proLbjr, nuwytr I it bffihtlrefirWtiOlt Of fthe'liOlr.-i unpwP im viuea,ovitfsi ditided by Mason aci -Dixon s uner wlii th-,ii hnM-i.i riw I .... . i . . . . I . i. . ! . , i i :i w. Jgrernf4tsi4iiaiy obwliBvaialiatrXfte JMortnern ..boys were ea-by a Dig i p a jjepage,. :. 4Wles th tAxal thiday ia:iiofer Ir IcBataBfr wbealhet biiy .ironia .flew mpswrearm. i jj iit Uon feetwee njthe ,f7V. IsiiifiHi of -JPtoamwTwfflicv ahe r1 1 toe Only result was tne wounding sjnw.at f , tiea: tefcilw disryed his partis T&HL Bo&uieriu bna,i una f l tWiing the South wn boys , tktfesi THnicas tbj aofrfPSBtedlasfci W thA Northern bova once. The 11t51tT1 Ji? i .-1" j week, aoax Cahasi and iaother Eng- Itmiversily has changed woDderf ully UpL f or; warj jji . , fearf al eludes. ,and laadisill lMwiffirieta recotrmih.it im ttten, of course, pat attneBame nixniie .beinsr -equal' to Hkvoc- rr. .in .v,fi uujo il iwno uiuijo Hair gtoau uog- wA .HnWd nnthnnmfitt1MM , , r a . ii f X " " . , . . . I tv uuivair- SB-Tim WUK, uvunwiAuK- ELier. a urasesu. uK" " i than likfii a trreatr Knflisll univeraitV. I j.-Ll - xi . r been there l j -n.,. iv, irnn.v.a aoon na or. i a- i p pcini Limes., t ibeWtsavTth rwstl, Ternof.rftf.if. Randidate for Con-4 i 9 t"f. U M tot 'WOdld Hare 'It, D6- lOoitea v , iirttii' lATn&nmina , ir x. vfiiiiim f i ., - .. . w ; a . . . . . Kiteas from dhe; First District neiiY rTZ 'Mll "P-aa;cao5 TTa ll matoa firstf. rn.f ..iwr"1"""'-' "T'1" ?l S Wlwiv IwO OuaTe TOtriare Jrrf r.nT:."!"!:.ff"wyr- -- fofi one- remedy, lie DrompMV, Bentli,,oi. Tartioro Southerner. .This laharaiy, 3rtrr,trmmviiofihire-1naae ' i 2y '"i ,1 IMa 'ilrWiiJwwf lisWrlrffl W TOT.65:-J.avte J ' then went a W steps. Uc, rxDrrr;;.r .Vairri rLj:.. x A? 't rrneWttrinomeht losintrht of ; tyIof the other . fKtMimtiMtL. a sudden borliid iittnt) i . ." '"i' . . . , rasps iiauims. istnuiK w mms euw hii jUqii ill Eflis. ! DEHTAllISa GEXERIIlY. S fc(vl U U ;. w, ft .. i- Patronage solicited. r 'TariSrc Fb. 26,': "a a sswthe esrtent Livae Renilator has. I sent (ram Min- to Genssiasor kv and we3d iendiunher for such a medicine, and would advise all woo are sim- TliflefiA.Jimt. MisepJlsSlfisa. Dr. fW. iyJbn aysi From actaal "ek- Fclas i&QoCelf tn bnghtest jewels in the ' M-9Hao o-cilizatioii The Elizabeth City people out oi po- i . ia t i . a tt iteness eau oeurium Tremens -imuir inv"..! lio ofience inteaded- V f '.! - U ertencein tha4o o Siiroons User Regnsatsr in ssy iniisnsl as re een and ew store ef 8. 8. Usn & Co, t tTalfl TAKiyf;:4Ht-tti' i " . -7 . . . V i - i w a, tSTrrnfcior-at Lair f-amWLaralaafftaa Cttat and B. a BHASFB . Martin & Saii: Attorney s5- at tv -. i. I : TaaBaer r 4 TT- PractJce tt'tte-'CrJartS.'State an Jeawat deo4r2 f-rrr f f f-1 ' -f: , Attorneysr-ai? t awyr i bosiness. R.LN.CAB r A' 11 n Office buin, irom 9 a. m. till 1 P na " srSexiWossr tsUtaes'-nsevOver THOjDATPt JIilornCT- ate. lAiLbOaW, 0. V 1 I A. black ye does not always? de-r ions user tiegnmaur f l ,i . r i ' : . .i u ind am sasuied ttriise i rb Anrahatl-enfiSB. It may t8 tne 2 yrtakfMsU. eiiaenOFFuu.y.w i-n si ntf .Wrapeer' the- xrd TTSVSMsrrw loigqatwretr Tp VK SEIUK Jt Cwj . taw auatssa-s l i v r ' ., I. lISniflTVIT- -w-.-'J-' "'iril'-1 tl'-U J cii : JLr . of a marfsSnfe to leave a baby ear- 1 ti-i it aeama almoaf nperflnons to say anyuuns; I ? iHttesaagttlbuaepsBand.M.iii lacTTj-mmraaeentTia for tberoiotfciB fsss aadfftreiga s!r: k- "iy ia sa-ei.iy a. ur wi- -'.4S7atlstia'imjss. r-Th ' laic so sWviic. ts tmrtf'nr 'smd steCA Its no ' . "ll. 4 TTn.Tlioro- IN . O- per month: He pays the Operator week8 he regularly visited Boston, tl nrnL-: wynAivirrftriri -1 onr wKfin nnt, awav on these trios he ! ' a 1 . ri b"l Trwii'StT en euactorU7 proven , n . n It I U ll nilUJC. m8 - ; T- , , 4,A:o.wr.r. . r t - - r - - - - v - - . i - r n x i . u.i.mm1 - tiv,nv t.na I " - -t a .1 : i . . , ,- il .ii.v' -vU if? OficaDied birnseu witn uis text dooks a f - L JL1KS ajt "rtlAJJ. UUiWU isiusv v ...a Hang the operators, or rather, Mr. Y MUwtiJr6 BUiwJiniott thecampilS, Orl 1 n----irrr 4. tJillw frm Mow !t : -; - ' -J' " the embezzlement. t aueinsinasvteetaa I' "s .rl&iaViW i A' protrositiOil is on foot to licensri ago in discussing tbe aiue-ox ,an x- i Coine here," he eaid '.to youiig The jury in the case- of ex-Treas urer Polk brought in a jerdict of guilty of embezzlement, fixiogtbe , , l L 1 VT l rwJikA-A&n. AQ J-t n UiJi i penaitTkat mrioti'rWM r'-" S April iftresiy PiJaVv s7rci pHfiethe ?ull:gmotmof J,, L. SB. VBiCrE, . VI' f tf-'TirtrrsriAr. 4 on foot td licensfi &k'o in dweussing the value-of ahear te plvOb., e8, i aid,'' said f Bhetf, pai cipallbythafc derar man'aMhi- Yoi but de&uit ol heart I '-. ... ". .cuiaoauyjoi tne oiuer and; with a sudden bound iutripett to what the, outcome oWBh4.-.tr a-a tore . bio-bit of bark Nett rmornimr, 'young. JNew Ll .n ni,t ua. ohrk- m in ths ,psDire waitea at tne. cnapei aogr i bAnclies likq grapes. - A second tj me a - - " . - - I ua tnea ine Bame experiment wim a rfttgrand to- behold ; but after tne 4MnaTflrrrB fmUnCT fri hrtutlr ihft rTMlnt. V Hampshire boy ey-.143icirf mg tne ( cnauenge , peiore ., iwwis sjMfc, or t9 maka u fall down, he Ipe-, WaSurst in a large, circle then gr3- uafiryliarT'ower ones, to pass rOuod ..I - . - ..... i . . art lanthrosV'Mri'sTay Goold: 'H Wt New Hampshire said nothing morelr,,. tn vriiJtTlmmwmarr txiti- 4 yery!, generous thai his ViA Jba' deberately tare the challenge tarrie&hia bUCU .. Hi leface. d the ffiltoa rjasBed into too cuapei. anaiji t, n.A,ii aimr.n4 nrn. a day; and accumulating any amount, I the dazed South Carolinian was left pLe(j take his . narration , etna granv ol. lawBurfliu consexjaeuuo ui uio jiair. iutvusu..; w vi .fttju. ., X Know lasa, ouwa wrerara wuu ; adtioft of :the uagrtteui6paWa-V: .'pt Pie.d;,1P; tbe pieces of kiiiei eight and twenty liona, 'and ! TUwivrAWiraiL-- Thev merely PaP :lngt his feet He-then hoimiae that sort of thing his pro TbyarehardldSTnt lheyaereiy wenfcovelf to Boston, playing with- ; oidyionceiin hie life, - had to work all the week; night and the bits of paper in his pocket as he after liaviDg W8ited,a whole night tQt day, including Sunday, for wages on went t In the afternoon he .reappear tt ioQf eajdenly heard some wpodr , Which they 'cdnStfiveTTTo illus- ed but be said noping to nis.nearese craCuirj bebind him, and turning sJ. lLa.-.ai j-J.t.- ira.wAf-- menu aoou. uis vibh. w uotuu, wi I( yields Mr. Gould a! profit of S500 even withi hifl enemy Every day for 9, insion of the Albemarl6 & Kaleiga weMr Hampshire.- 1 : 1 . .V I - i. If . w - - f - - 1 ; fT&ilroad from Tarboro to Rareiah. 1 , i "Come Lj ." .i ' j-V;t' . 'axL- Vr. alikkalludad to the fact that a newjioe bully. ,Unia. WMVft SUMJavo; ;. sava :: - I " T.-;" j f.-,-. aid tm- Mil 5. Figured iiawni; Wliitfe Gooqs, xiosiery , . A-a i i ces, i Embroideries .rfsCTekSInadrsdPsmtarBiKnier- ,asd yet tsy act wnta wonaartul enect npon le lrmr.. Tim clsaiue tbastatuaoU and bowels ol all irritatia matter, which, if allowed to remain. Ive.andaanettier lisasv Ihey dv bealtn -.wrrs.svift 'AwTrnrw StBBCTfli -T 7 - " p . I I . . . , - 1 c... Li-u SBdswnitkt'tMdWeave o1Ka w . If-. r IdvrvA nirinnni tnonev mOuld berasa I'itO XVlChmOnd WOUlU DS PrO DSDiy Dllll U I i rp 4-Vtiaif Via Hnllw r-nncifint As , i Miilnvr Jwvtiaji,ig' - i t . , , , -r , v. t 1 i " i J si . . . I i. i " . s . l' UkL; Imnm on ma nnnt. nn the Kalei"il OL . I i.. ii;. LtU Uk;i.nlr;T Ra. And a Treat Duiueii wtruiti- u xt i ,v'"-. "w-" ir . -x -".7 i bsuh an iub umir gu uvum O , . . - . i - . -1 -1 ..'' .- " i J :il 1 1 . . . : m . iLL I I. J t. here, yourself,' "Meet me half way," said Ehett ' v appetite and clvevwor to the wboiesfjTitem. Tney iHrwfit?'7Ti9-fTaa otn!T?'Ta snoura fcetakenf at jewn,' And ether ep if r n-aba ttbWS. Lm to r y iSSStnr. rmiifufiAsmt 'Slid P eintariB- Erstish: -or ' trfTttTBSSfTW StwtarJ- BURN HAM'S PAMPHLET FREE BY : Corsets;DresssBijt- . IT 1 lIlwX , H.H; sub ri. j? 1 i - tonsandTrrimllI i inform , a nuiurAl . wrr vKma e-M.Vv4ires tlrfiwjta'thC and hava Acapadtx ot'ljoldine fen carJoads 0,."W. W WJ?hDT ' UPZ W " " Ttriirp a;s fbUt is nowertanjTheJnioney dowW Surprised and maddened, the Gwovllojrkaailwfe tVaaaloofeepers. J-SaK I bully rushed at Khett: like anangry I . . , ,-, , I A movement ha been mauguraMd entire line 80 miles in length, has f. i v- Ktiw -r . -. i ii. t . k. - a ati out -.' i . i j r. ' atrna evdif liluo a-uo -- t -' memorial cocirrira.Aru- . , . i,a uDttn nm. ,-r-, T t,,'.,. .un.;i. aJ. !La in liotior of themen'who ufMUf - .L" 7 ,,7".: ,T, prtjaoneuov...T. , tBASKiDKBARTMENT.) a- ii March,d830, Organized the first j!WJ! himseif and ''" BUfel. lMl BaptUona Stip&lS Discount .Day, lHCBsrkaT. i aiao oi ine epot. uo m. mageway,, ou ulib. - y-, wwo . , i 1"i,r.mj:.,fAi .,.... i.:- ront a lAt in ih htatorrof the charoh in J.- f 1. : mti.,ru V-. BhettHnmedutely put bis- foot. , h l"Z , .fiWOWD.lVjAu .f--lbii hia breasf."- , - wXTh &.-x air line from Baleigh- to-Eichmond, , - m umoaaed-New Bamp W4.iPipii j t i - - and will shorten the distance greatly Bbire ,H . ; , Jx uiuveiuoi e i if ' V i. 5. - i' i-.l, , fci. l' f.' v . 1 ilUllU I BURNHAM BJWVPS&PA. DrHJBakei J Ged.fHcardj-rt charcb i to cost about flO; TT rwr UA.a...sW 1 - amvr " "VI ; I 1 TaaTI ; i. . " i t. t ' OfMBfBi Tq xniupnf trill aMACJnr. ... l Befers ettatntfs Iawafiety urn cutis ayourus. by exnieas rjeTmisdcialOindEefiuf e Bnpreme Court : atnkiHaanal Bank, of Baleigh; " Battle, BtmnJi C04 Nor folk, Jno. Amngxon i dolls, fcyafuui&. v . AvtJlCE LINE. OF . . ZHGIaER'S'' shoes, AUD STAPLE DRY w Lfnn 1 won a-A U Wiiio-ht this SnnnK an sTerjff.HB mO'ii 2L ' T7very home "tiomfort andvPriva;j flnests New York physician, "for circulars, address Ua. Kasdoi pu n. uii, 81 W, Itth. Street, jnew 1 orK. Dec.. 18-ly. V :i -il i i V.1 nf. iivau.'nninl. ' Sf.onl.1 .the A, v1 "Nofiuat yet, flaipVKnett 1 ' ine rjasiru uittjuc. uuuicin, . iw iiuiucu hv"""- , 7 1 : . , - n l .a" l. I ..1 trT n n.,u 1 u.a. ru 1 Ttlfll III n . IL. ' r,nni,firiilt;P V.i,nt In Kaleicrh. the Norm, .r , ., . ivoBb aeauiv luiuio, o "j . Afc c d "You f) ia Egypt. The shipping bas cttrriea, j etn busv .LUT-J Ail .--asaaaia . 1 1 1 aopa Agent . for;, the : New York , . am at ais acetion will I Voo ' mnftiiprl thft bnllr Instead of - replying to it like a f tv few cases to London, and there is doubtless eomaaxid'.go'Tiathatpoint. gfeUt'emao,"r went ou RhAt, -yeu L m-eat consternation and alarm in ahe . Virginia, &, Carolina Eailroad toreitup( and flung the pieces in my said New Hampshire,! -with .... i , i i s a a ai I it itniiTTir.'i 1 1 r 1 1 1 r iitt i tHta III 1L4.1U1I iHerald, World, Times, SurTjribune, mgWWW 7! If 3L A.'al ! H..TV!!.U-V tB1ii!,T,,i Scientific American, Harper uroB., t lagton, has mien every Vmnw TO.ilu' Tf : T, -t feh rf-rJiv--tfi ' M Ur .LetlJie tto,,extaadelwto U , 1 "A, ri liliaWm w Dcteoipnllft .a tut. in f nil and successful oberaUdn, and A tsrafamskredto lUl:U orders 4or fiheet- lnKS,Tarna arfd Cotton Hope, atlbwest prices. Orders addressed .to" Rocky Morint ' Mills, Sec'y and Treasurer. 1 vWffMrW-lB by addressing $EO. P.ROW U!sss..UiiJELL & CO.. 10 Spruce 8treet, sr. -v-nrir su im the exact -cost .of any proposed llie trf ADVEBTIB ING la .Atesl Newspapers. page-page ysuiit.. Infallible, tatiteless, eathartte; fer' everlBhn. is,ree88B.weriB, constination Priee 25cent,- sum Igr 4 o n and after this date, trains wiU fun on this Road by the following ocneati.e : : IlXaim3-,r.'fcle. . BVXSINO larteiv. uarrali'a. M5 Warfea'tf 25 'Little Creek, 6 SO Betbel, jr . 6 60 K0b2Sae 15 Evett-. 7 85 waiiamst'aarr 8 05 Moasinie. TKbejirtvafvOf am mshingttmJleTifcl YoT4t4l, I T tttWpaaioB adelpnia Times, ) rjj wiiminirtiin. Stfli:-llAlLs?h. Farmer .. i'abaay. otneie' A. '.w m luuini JtsioiasJslveJIeariara n4i Use f OBly aonoiute cure iur uouuu rmyr .i rrhiai.iu ia nisirraasea if uin i p iiwir i . , urui. ht ji. UK IBllaSI Jff? ttZZZrZZZ?HttiSim aneinanic, J&iTT Tatdtt' SentineLi a'Rnddhlgt rTleet SDOUl XUV year w. . i t nfiIf gnoTjers. 1 1 . -And . manav oeemlT - t SrrV- ijMkwAlfMtaVflasavMhieti OBDiraO Ha3 years no aeaineBs niu cjubicu """"sr" " nfciTSle.!Sent, t addrwsatrsrpeT i lal IHVWIlt -ilANCT ACTfjBjai 0;MJ :JS i lf-T,iivtrtltr. iwttlfrdnt experience -an , 1 "-JuuLs 11 lill 11 aJU M I i.Tt.-y lH Jqi uiire bv return a remedy '- ; TTiTlG! . !l havenoui i'iflafM It has unearUHy betteK. j Mm MATlv'TiAneAiiaal. 'detfrjess -helped reat 4 nV.n Kr.trJo will nirA mft. . - uv 1 . , i ... i. . lt virtnes are nnqneguonaoie ana iw eia- :ASD DkaXBj: is: tl-wijl enable yJtt6 hear Uke anyDoay etsc. antus-beee curauvn euecu! will ba nermaneni. SaddhsjBridles, Jlobes, Whips, 2&f-g -m? Halter$, . pianceiS, at. niaFfero avoid loss in the mails, pleasg-sena Jj1HWAsrWx Kefirtered letter. A3 toZWbrHAYLOCK & JENNET;-; i- l' rLate Haylock & Co.) , i Tt.-il. hijii tviit Mr. Hi. A. ffiMr. the ssan-I gbiaazents iof Americx i vej bh a-. "JrCnoTlbe turdea-tis He 8-1: SUAnonerwnUnfc a fin hand-made V '1 niactujri hkmes. wiU do well to give me ; a calL ruii'RIR HARNE88 Machine Harness at su yiw ..ti5aBdap. $25 and up. lanlvy DROWNED ;IN BEER Money orfarmers!! a .. . -a A W--W6Ath- snoutc Havihg purchased from B. & F. Cms.iieg thl VOP"1!?4 atge-tve men njssa:ma, The fact ia irf and yoo mayi stick, a fha Uu.Txrrrle ol tnis ooobu's.ub j v. jA in a flood of laser beerJ UC Uiun uvis o ,r'-- outed an .enthusiastic -teetotaler " w; W , UU vwm" - - n'Llf t4.y 4Vo Anw nrvnnr rnrnerea cuitctuvuu- Ury'righteforJWge r&3& drilik JlU stracttutwd rPBt cOunlUje, e oneryw m 1'" T" I " 1 . . ,, 1 I .' i SI I l TJII. I Hnsiness IS xnai m b " yj - -7- r T 6f4 P- 4 " t -H I S 5 S gfi . ITrtsnhor .Ihe midnight mriaU - IMS 64 Utuevrees BelheLl ' RnKflof1a!a vm ....T . 6 . aa.1 j ,s.li.i stavm Oftte 'SrS. i nTiaTtVpl.Vo Nosaging or strain "T". " yr-- ' Vv rfa Und a nerfect 1 TlMSV- t-l. AkAWiWaaaJia - Tarl . . .. a J -1 I r"ies-' ana tne wore a " , 0 iriaet ju'tronijotli ' before. And 1 '. Ehett had utili- trips fo the best adr , mAot DC.iont.ihA Rill or. It was,ot until tie , hi knocking one of his1 to-her vpftri UttSUrUCCf(iiOTO wia:aJ uaaeivs. iatSeorgia, whei-e l heard ,lhe story, that" Ehett and New Hampshire sub- LEON WILLIAMSON-- -Ki tP. Beamm, of tne uonieaeruiu mquetn.y .f.t"": xT-t, rnoiw a. iw:i ?" r'r-"rv--""-- v titiU'niM. i 'i hfivnuno" 1 Tmiueneiu, ulw,. muujk um -ri-... t if. . . j Vom r,riii 1 . 1 xr TT.nnMri.'ij dwoTii nnlr to see rjoaru, Fui,. a.. T . tftrdfl anrHa tAAriierica and settled V i ote pf the. Zouaves said, f'Smon esWur.'ine donhe son reste.",! said, !' wai firive ybu' the amount 'with - board, P01:"1 Ueple catpeto-Aruerica and. se - "5,?Jil JThe.hUsWd a iycaifiBs;r .Inn 1 PhViiHlIn K'-'aT-i-r" r ketd ind.dietVleavihirtaobly care of . ; line beforeJadwg.i iTbe.. bBCretHry . .. . a.i-wi..wul r circnrii. , . .. w . . Tm'fiw 4raoQDshire Drobtrated by a ! ii m,aa . liaa i-awiAasa rATJAnHO t (TI .. J 4 . .nlr riaOsri I T.x11 f a 11 AatrafrA From Am. jr.ofMe - OI Wie Xttawu V?" 1 StaB088.(i.OO;,tlJfWH i . tw. t""j,'-,"Tr. ir t nrhA 1 nnt.r.prs M Biuo out iutrHs-iD" 1 uuui iijra . i 1 -. . IheiBfier.Eeply td-ths Oaw. fVnm iVi father who disowned ner, b When- Uol. de isaiwzea wa wwuui t-v i v. xrA.oAVAiA riatA rwt yinfinn wno 1 uubicio w.wi. - --r 1 " makes donttVlreated nhr lieinff n ply been ftgtomBmn we nave nenm -ux vwxb of over 30 year's stanainei: seoefaUy - cored I H Ua has nnh hfltlPd 'ft Tflrt OS'UUS f rthe habit of . wearing min whiiki 7 to be Passing ,Ue Zect ior ab-Bgravelyn exi U tbe Russian i Guard, he reeiedot tnttod a.4 cmrcdmom wy ; enunw -; teice, but failing health and anxiety bf a restaurant on one occasiontnto Bn?PW?ZS?i5?I lexammatioD. v if '4'" w Ahild. aflW-ted her mind.-- rti wiWia .treet in broad day fat a f. - i i..6f wbo fe in Friends of the noblemanin New York diBgrAcefnl'siata of mtoxication. -Va-Tarboro young lawyer who ia m I mnic&tedvithhim. should JortWtely for him, the. father of the uta advisn anyone wutuiur a eore v aaareas stiavea on ine utnwr uj. " y tho riAOTfist damrauon." anu - r.hA time and saw; mm. xao r Ah. MesBSSLE. No. 96 John St., N. York itlii rfVhnt. frirf'-aBkedhie I ha, mtn mr5 hn driven; bv DohV n.rrHtd arid brought "up tO the Em " ' " . . a j ,.1,; mAm ;Aft.A th 1 tc nninn from the hieapkce ne Trer. who. after masiuff a few mdig- T.iiilft.TiVft1Tllt. MaSm?a --i- - i L U wAn;rl?AT:liold8 in tawliala-HMM Lant remark informed the Colonel Tyr.r;"T'V o: t . -rnMCuwiuvfw- " J , : l-- . . tha.t h! was determined to make ap SKl ': Sample of him. utyouraelt i .w-- . z . ' . f a n,nh him ' . wa nrtwioa .insi man I . ; KAINIT, LAND FliASTJSK, t ... ANT MARU&apf &CV i . . . . COOD !raWttliER8 i A-NDYBBTftiaaP. ?8eBcttt)E Cftacalar. achooner' leaves behind it a warnrrea 1UUTWV, WWWf , rrye in Tarboro at W05 a irvallowinjr paa amureTa to connect with tbe 14 a as train pn the W. 4 w. Bkilroad for BocSj Kdant The 6 p m train from.TarhOioclnnecll "''h the boat at Williamston M Norfolk, .1- Norfolk A Sonthern Uailroad and inter .nediate points;, also at Jamesiille with tbe jameivilhfA JahiDgtoa, Baflread forau Dts t"V, Tbta ble?inay b chspied st ar.xt-" '. as teeity r iwjWaritfcB may trdnwat ,HflTritnV BP'- I Kn7Tip headacnee. lorpiauTwia. "-"-'-i-r sallili4avs the foundaUoitBrlgat's Disease,ij f whb,1rarrteWtHeiTr part ff , nthwrsi mi navRfi s iu-ui. v. - ,.T(.vro' -i I tw'-v 5 'TTSF S- JUke increasing Jlri5Sil!l. boro', . u. j trarriWJahn8rjrJ v. I'.wi wi ivc4.s-pii JLIaBSw ' " l la! 1.. J found in no other Bible. Sills at sislil. AM I jrgnyafca, AiifWm Km tlbvl WW - . - sure. 1 " . . ! beutsf iaaadjrtopo .to .amputate. the. .. . VSirA round beheld the head "6f the beaat . Tien he said: .'1 looked at him and he looked at mo for what I fancy was a full minute,. but may have been a. ; half minute V or1, less, f and when, I . tdought the comedy had laster quite i lofag enough, briaging iny rifle into a position, I let the' whole twarte-y: (this was hie expreMipu) ; Hnp te?; ; lidn's eye, and jl have no doubt, that; i . one1 second later It would have been , rttodlatei" u f. "! Anyhow, 'we felt curioas sensa-" ti a with this mOnstei1 or neiaeand fi r 1 sdemingly so determined to wai, any.. lebgth of, timeJor; he looked; up af pa .j w - J.I. . 1 -.- .1 it. .. .1 cnMOCiAn' wiiu me ciearcoii jubdiuio o.j;iisuu aa much as to'sayr You just come down, yod cowards,' and let lis ba?a'iJ-' a fair fight we will , soOa aeej ytavjs" wi)l-ifet,tbe best ot it. Aaafae,cau-: .. t , : si;-'- ..3 iit. l ined siowiy warning sruuiju . mjc; i ee, watching us as: if td eBpy; every , ovetneotof ottrsi At lasth march- j I so feldwlyand so nearit.arway '- holding up his proud, majestic head, tiUt I said to my comrades: "VVe i..ve wx good phots.' Te next time hk coues-within my Tadge I shall nfowly take aim , and. fire ; if , I miss ip, do not be rasu, wait your vnauue me of u must kill hiip.' When he hearedP me I took aim ' siowiy and cautiously,' knowing the ; dtnger if 1 laded jne eeoona more I pressed the trigger; the ball went , ' straight in at the. oprper of. hf eye, aid, he fell-. Now' was the .question,, was he dead, Ot did he, as they bften -' dp; pretend and lie motionless f' The1 blood, iowaTer. -nowea rreeiy, ana -he seemed pot to have any life, when ,; finve ybtt' the amoutii r.1eaurfy. but t dd not-wisa" ybri to t-k your' life, ' for a . paltry stun, be- -eiuse, if ie ia notquite dedV you are dead the. moment,, you, t come near, .. .Well, the man inougn ue , uid risk1 it being l ot bpiruon the rttwatfdeadZ He deacended, hia rike under his arm, his finger on the trsgger, but as he;.wita,tba, uubobiv. eiution neared the lion, violent, , epasmodio 'stroke with the tail made 1 ns fear that it' was all1 Over with the irian At this cnUcal moment he- let the whole 'charge in at the lion's ear aad fprtunaUly killed it Then of course we all came down, and now ..,.. - , i . t . iitr... the Araos pegan lnauaing mm : - xuu robber, you thief, yon stole ray sheep; y tu dishonorable brigand, you mur- rli-red rav kmb." &f j Ac,-; I don't. know whether the lion deapUed cal- i v . i a-at: . 'JLiitv-' ' ufniry, put ne repiiea nowung, wmuu ( seems the most -practicable means or aienciBg gossiping1' tongues, nd af- ter ; cutting his , bead on, wnion was. bbrne mvtrmmph. into -the yuiage, this, exciting event was over. . ", t t - W tsaVTa If St - - w sr m. I A . f t I 11 I I I fl aaLxX" firrtDRlSTS aBt! fr.o'i ' American Butbi 'Also I New England women are pow em- Uaadf aaciVith sUverqsutc as . e t r t a i , 1 1 .. i.aM-r ant. ri u vi tilt i ssmivw x . - .. . . . c, toyed in two iiunarea anaguy- aQi a"r"- VeEmperoVrtildTiptaddr A ..'.vij...ii-iiAii;iS -kmnmwi MkiMuA hand to a broad wmPn. r . m onr ainsrent crancnes ot iuuuomj. uUuiWUyM..r - niin-marx'toBuen- a oruie, am ! 1 , : -. . a am a M Ka ar AVW HTU mi I w -7 - . - , . a - 1 , rogress in this line may. i estin "unte T"" " - " . ... . 1 I " 1 ' ,t A f Sor.VooUriA Sett.",, .... .. Laat-summer Mr. ; Solomon. Wool-.. ; atd, of. this place ,was -married .t r blautif ul lady, of aflhinjtoB.i, $h&i ? Tsted SatatogR ob their bridal tour.., , VIsi A poetJLbns gretedjtbevn. ,h tlelocat paper :,, ' - u. U4)"WMfa, .5. x ;-i.i.-r BtAUIIFUL a- - - 1 m m . a, ' a S 1. ' "T O tX A-k M a I 'mm Kff gHf'mSSs r iuiTFrLH. that m the iBjw4ai.ure more WtJuyi-ktiiSL terrlbye. A seventeen year , old New wmmm &S2s$5i'&. mmmm&5Mzi nft AnSSoSBsr.l ladiea lor temVtojmmP blima.inoat after .the 1 ;i "ZfHvkV StSGxeenhoDae. ; - .ws,, Jr amferbiA !TLua, m rad tia.fuiBrers aod-I The ehildru are, supposed lobave I t'WIto(li IbUevtr in corporal p,um8hment.;h: j nMwim afiAhvidAJTi I Withr.nt an Aart-r earn. r-M ' atfei op 'ne "rt , Where ibey can take. A law Wtt mtMi f '- -ComwtlH U hrat ar a glare, i But bow they takwa U ri. j i i. A liitle eoB and bear.!' ft 1 4. OPIUM s nonraiaB CITIWP A Treatise mi thHrtfl I 111 U iMedacurr HKNT i'KEK Ds AC thsrtrntifhrr.; 'Wvr7J9 lWTW! aWey send fur ia, ..-fT,f I '6eTf2:i wr : ..,..1.1:.. ;t:;,,. - v.rU,:-: , .. ; : . . , ,, - : ;j,

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