" -"'V. - J' - - ''' t;--i- N '-'. 1 l "l ' ' fc ..' ,-,...- - - - -"mil. .1 ii - iMi,r.m n i ,n hi ai aai mM hi i Mi 1 1 T Tiir""-""-i T - l W T 1 " r -------- - 1, . . V . - -y. - ! . tj iZi Ji 1 - I I I 1 1 11 1 - ni 1 1 1 I 1 - - - - - - BE8UBE YOTI ABB. RICtBtT ; THBN-!GO'AHEA,K-toTdroSkett , . rT r,i., M I - i ( Tjl r ? . NOa 32 For GrroijM5ftiSS3& Hyde county t tZ&f. tttv& O": For WiDkipsita uxd poufitt&dtX From 9p3ib4 rtflFNtt H - From OrwrfZMngtJWI rvau h out at a, r -.? onnn&:'j . In Moner Order1 and BegisUred to 4 r. -JLlLtoftOOYltL' r A. 11 iad fromfO toTO. P. M. nL- - .- MBS m. w miim ii '' we ih?Qsbu&& r ;-r Will Hallfu Fint Jadictel IsproM Cnrr tinlema. 'j i attiy. Maaa. Iltt, Wlaoa asd JialUaz coaatiea Atlatae radarartn4 Sapteatf Coarlf, t y c 'IHnOaad rp3ahy. j : JOrnea, for tk preU.ia fcwrt room ai aadM Howard's laii-a. a4a$'aort ewiitora ol 8. S. Naa Can a Haia li. 1. J. TJmin a lac-Giljr- 'r'Jii Attorneys-at-J-aw,. . Fractica la ml C8W PSr0,littt5jt QS.LK.CAKm. Suigeon TPcfc .... - .....' . :i: ' ' : Sea lUm, iromf a.amrnol 1 . 'm. aad T i .hV, 0oa-a 4ita Bcfanb: y arpiam parmTarioa to iv I RaJ fRot- a, of thaBnproma Court; Ctir,i 81 lank, of Raleigh: E Uiaign; Batue, umntXM., No oa f alk; Jno. Arrtnftoa A Sou, Pctarabnra;. Ui-at ncc!iT;CIcchlnillfi A KELlp fall and aoecoMfnl operation, A aR iwoaredto flU all order' for' 8! tnra. lu aaocaWSbpef atlrtwMt uHce. Onkara addiwaed, to ocky Moant Mllla. T JlaohJi 5, CwUl.ba pr- aataadi-. am tav,J jxaixs a.' unu, , uac'r anauwaforer. rTi 'T "t flf GEO . ROW LN, i. , , V.T.ACO lOBpracefctroot, Kaw Tork. e caa thai ruiaiiad lto of ? 'XRTli.JiA Nawapapacf a MWpagfvppalet IafaBK aaat&M, i mle eaW"- for It !.rlTT I i n 'tlfTf Alii . L . - j . 1 m mi hi a, IT Till i I ' liT . ii.W W Oaalilata,P TgaagPafe it xiiad. 'arbara, loaras 00 ttamlT, is trrrapj: ts Utala Creak,' x4 ka , aUat, 6o EobanaarQa, 1 i KTaratfa, fli WiiitanMDarr o Tarm,afzWtS StaaVTtwl Xaatatfa. H 3 lima WBPaPrfVTVi 04wtartfaeir lltlta)oaiiraaloar. I v m fa w.k taa boat aaCSaniat-SUe BOTIol aWaSaltfM'fil aJ L,iir- sasoms pnHal, 'amaarlLs ; ) wjtaoar at acy ...-, , y i . T may raaalMn aT.'Tf a, f. Mf-.i t At W. Jl W. Kallmaat fXaLii t W. ya Vfk railavYi n- p rrrmvta l V'irj 1 mix J VCJ u. oa fi .'aarart."-ia.r yva tin . i i H mUAAlU m. AXIL. - ti -. . ;B:CrCkrlile,5 FaioM(BdJikiiigGo. BAB ON HASP HW, FRESH STOCK Of ? ? f ?i mhich h offer at moderate prices. i l-lt cl ill lii teeln Patrooaire oUettd. 1 a. THff 14 ; biguredXawnaJWniti Goods, 'Hosiery, rl-a r ces, Embroideries, GOTselsiDress Bu tons, aad Trim ' . Imingas;; .. SEIGLER'S SHOES. AUD ?AFLt s DRY -: CCOD. OU TCrjloay. TO GatUa laba.J4y A. MANUFACTURER OF Fine Hand 1 j-tZlAik U.XD SCAUB IK ' ifruiics, tiooes, Whips, Halters. Jslankas, Jtc. Tt t it n r ... r an .t Arttur ffl bDnhUf1 . ilAnyl aaina; altofSraninada LdOUBLBHARNKSS,..,..., $3!Uadaa. 1 ll III .XV BKV, ........ " t" Machine Harness at all prices. lanrry Ai.i. ') XV. T?wWkkM t 4lawmr. imMMuiJ Imm R. A1 AF.JJSWeall trsbee-aocnt intrrights for Edgecombe, llasbafif aba,Hajaf people of the hf sMd tyei , we oner to the p a A3 Tbs Cheapest Tana Uate aver lnven' Tnia tn t oat of order, fosaeinr- Invented. Kot - r roers to otners will have tkam Oiled by ai. TXKLssKDia, - 1 -i n jir m ft n rtvr Tvfi W a Jin Ml ' IHl 111 J Lk 1U ,U illHPil WlLUAnSOH V rTaVfJ fT ..Hn,l .nar.atal.i I 1 1 f 1 w Tbra e sell aur smms tUI o W AUkCXntSllfi far rnor.tiB your Wall aa OeHlmcs. Itlt rapidly npenedlng til otter JTnUh. For dnimJblJ ity. buty -and eoonemy, it teirlthont a a qpal, andabe aptdiad )' anyone. U'vOt for aale tnyocr neirtbolMJoa: ed to MKK 1.T BBOSm taSnrUnc SUp, New Tork. Dr. Stronq's Pills I swnriM Btmadiai. , StraB SMuaive Pills far ibe Ut r- A peerfy core for Liver Cotntteiiit, alatiiix the bowelB, pnrifrliui; the blood. ainc from malarial taint- A perfect cure fat ffpaj.voBaHpaBoav ana uipaBW. StMmTB PelnaiPflBmlwr appetite, rooaasnraofcMtfmvnT ot toe bow nre rem ear ro f vena ana mwimittum. toaa powv to delicate fern alee. Boothiasr jgor andtwaltalB vrary fibre of the body.' , amK am -Berraas tmem. ' ana emu? r roe atreauara ana almanacs, witt full par- wiuaua. warai ixa oouf ncrw iotk uuy. Addr.: r. CO. C. From mornlD! m morning to mornisff and from vek-to THBTSOft iairtoTaWtoryjf afk-UroeBa2i& tromea, -a4 lMr. waak daada, plaaavlPiw,- taata. aaV atory Jaftoof laarafiiia; -m-tvay " wtnaiKft thasaraaw IMrgiwcriptioa, D.-; ( pagV by "mil, 85. a awat or W yaar; limiayftpatXftp ar Wotk- Noirrorkat-'K;T. ncrrslrrjuiYECCTAaiFius JSttif all Dlllous Comnlflltif-i larom tasAOeinr pwaiTTeretaWa! aoaxfw Tha Wonderful EfTiove 3??i$OHEKGei :.:tIsPlLLS;:':'. t?ufc ana siH.fauliiMuy uji. t$ !. 4' lia.4aanajr c-MaHhtartviitawe(thslrf a.'. -S atfJofai.1aitgnBL, .Uuscl: i .cot vaaauftUtfe aaraaa.and aaady.- bo( tf Marvr isr. as Inma.tlni I aa utta asnat for sjreataadaraataf rtwaaiil r. I:KfalheaiSBbB4iaFllkeoiiaiaaoBia tiT. and yet thor act vita vaodarfal effect -aa toty 1 1 1 - "f iwn wi ataarapa tni J" aaaaya. Tr. tjef- 'Hy y aaWta ;ssjalata-aaa: At. una, at aaat KM aa-aa BURN HAMS wmmm PAMPHLET FREE BY BURNHAM BR0S,Y0RK,PA. Invalid's -Hotel, jaw cjFtjac ETery home omfort and privacy, OdaeU can eonsnlt any New Tork physician. For circulars, address. Dn, Rakdolth W. Hnx, 87 W. Ui Street, New York. ., flAaaaalyiJai hanaarmft i !0 loalT absolute core lor deamess Kn taaatMf l atataaiiad fiuiu paaaflar Vw&M Ut aaaan Wmta- Ckmay ewan mlS' TaHow Baa, knaWB at'aaaaarifliiii Bonaeietn. aTr- art vorneae nsoennaa Kaows u. - ia as a restorative of hearing ware dio'redty Or Buddhist Priest about the -year 1410. Its csrres weresxiamBBeroaa and . many so aatia ase years no deafness has existed thaChV nese peopia. cetu, cnarces address at 01 per bottle. to:ai If Mr; Xfhit thft R?Af.P-Y! . It has peafarmad a miracle la my case. VT! I have no unearthly noises in my head aad I J hear much better. ,- I haye been srreaflv benefitted. My- deafness heipeoV a Kreat deal tnmk Iramother bottle will core me. W a rw . . . . ' .ma. ' -iw virtues are unroewojzaie ana as ca- aatiye cnaracter aooiate. as the writer can aartonally testify, both from experience and ocservauon. write a once tp .tayioca oc Jenbey, 7 Dey Street, WewXTork, eaclQsins; ft,inaMl yon will receive by return a remedy n&bie yon to bear uxeanTbodf else. enrative effect will; be BernMtnfeDt. never reeret aotnir o. " .Editor ol Menraotlle Review. . ' . . -'10 Ta avoid loss in the mails, please swad moaey oy nvensterea letter. Only Imported by HATLOCK & JENITBT, (Late Havlock A Co.) Sold MaU for America. 7 Dey 8t, NewTork )e--iy. DEOiWNED IN BEER CerBlBa; tbia repailai Beer- aznlira nea xpreaot xnau ' Ooinlona. "Tha fact is sir, and you may stick a there, tnat the peopla of this country are 1 lv to he drowned -in a flood ' cflaeer beer.' aWsted an enthusiastic teetotaler the lather I, day pto tka eat of your cornered correspond Aaat. r '-lnatoemaaan drrak has strock nS nAM it Is the second deloee." "Tea. and" the worst of thit beerlrinkmsr taamessts that it rata up kidney troubles as a hiary wind raises the wayes.';. added a- city pnysicl&n. who had a kriOviJoaOtthtfUnfea and a Mnaanry-aa aaiapaor. ' l-neTmannt ltrti- l-.aa lallllll W K WSlrik'nt InrfSA mm Ini 6 "rrrvrngnaa, neaaacnas,,itrpuuvraa, nam f! iia5 atoafomidatioatBrkAt'aWiaa: Thia ;,ajii)laathf the iacrearfnt salt POROUS PLAST1 theaer symptoms. maBaboatlMjBaii Iaj55---a, iifr: ; S"S5 LjatBSpK' 7 . CMa4Was nrimiwKS- lAgjaay ar.iarW: I JJiiallitoaaaaa tafi a 4 fmtkt Fata te itea aodsr aaaantt coativ. oa taa haaa Is trouMad with fata, I wtoaaaiafilataaitluBoniavijaaTiau wMchaasfattofcar. Weaacaa; a Ht.iryc at con or I afaas ikia, &joSur-ara i aner death has shawa aas Xaaar as lively 1 r Urbf .ls Tfla. lytaaatati a oomm n i aaliia acUMLvil avoid , T-kJ f m. W Uatalarla, BUtoos aataaks, IX anii, Hmm- TWp&Tf vm a i' ja I " tAKlma6n sjtadaiMi.iatyaf taisaialar Vauuas, waaaataay of tat aval aaahm: i LhMr-Kanlaair h 4Tu&W . i-I aaaaa' aaaaa a Gaatfia for it, sad waoUsaadajnaaaasA aaa a aiasscias, aad voaki adviss all vao sra Saa as pya it a trial as at aaaaa th aaiy 'L r. at. MaiM..apur.,aBe..T y atactica I hava bsea aad aai tatficd toaas ' aad siaacriba h as a saaaanva sawfirias. . aSalD oaly the flsaailau, which ah-sya ba Wnpaar tha 1 T Trail a Mrni Hiauamiat. f H. rmn oiv 'FOB. SAt ST ALL DRUGGISTS. STOPAT - THEIBRrmtiftOUBE; Tarboro, IV. C, r . i-8AMPLE ROOMS' for! Drnmmera. and OME COMFpRtiajartJlar. April 18 1883fy . $ i - aWt fT A vrjilJii? aa. ' I -!-- xau utla 3 tv arartaa is tha SUt tea ear-loads JanlSy stock. Give him a i Wamf)n from 2. ; 4; A-ter, s R , inscooati,'Ta-iBWDAT. Dmamu: Dr. J. HBaker.; , Geo? Howard. it L.'Von. Jr. , W. jat Pippen, X XI. MOtTIL Dao. l-ly. - ! ' ,- , Are You in HBraldlWorlrt x jam. . JficientiiLo Aaerifin,' ' iitoJwedqi Star, andllei ja Tarbortf; Tarbdrotiin bb ava BaperaSiji 'or PUBLISHED IN I- IMBJXOSD call on m at the Boat Office and help a clerer young jfallqw. Totr CAS 8ATJ atOKIT BT BO DOXNO. " LEON WnXIAMSON, , NewsDeeJer. aadfwar Mlaaiea aiaiJ. TBI fl. v. far ism cairoj ' JBpUptlO Pltav a Am. JLofMe. Dr. Ab.-Mi ele (late of London) who makes aspaetalty of Epilepsy, has without aoopt treaaaa aw corea more eases taaa any ether Uving physician. His snccees has aim- sty peen aetoolahlnr ; we have beard of Of ewer 80 year s standing, BOfmeafan !wS. eared a this iyhim. lisease, tie has pobualM led. a which he sends with a 1 bottle his wonderful oore free to any P.O. address. We advise anyone wishing a cure to adrtraaa c Ab. Mjwaxx, Wo. 06 Joan St. , NI Tork Idme, Kainit PlaaSterj UILDINO LIME, AQRICULTTJRAI 14MJS, CARBONATE OF LJUE, KAINIT, LAND PLASTER. : AND MARL, &L GOOD FERTILIZtmO .AjtdYsbtChxap. BeodforCarcular.'' , - 1 man u.uuyaMaENB estates' V. aa Ha i: r' eaasad ay Oa .tWfiiaC sjaaaaaawiM: a SaeoUicr4iiaV atktakaalbr aatmt k i. niL.W i illni ilaa aailim' Ilk laaa datiaad Wrv. aafi Bakmd41aase4a7anarsoavs,Ma ysmifc wAeaavvar jjstf af tha abora H ' ' ajaifluaaa appear. Faraau TraraHas; Uvar ia Ithv .If Taw sarrej atax . -., kaw ad aVaataaayeraia) heavy's , ... sliaa 1sssaia1g, tahs a acas aadyod wit as isliavad. tlaaa aa PsstsBOls wmihaaaaa fan wksHW ailaaaat awy ha. a anaililr aafi ygaUaa, sJtarattaa aad seanVoa aaaaMsa ' -a i-. iv W y fjttj aarst Hava at asaas llaA ftSljaW aa af tiaiaioas LlaasAsaaaisr. aad wish- as gars is a fI1iasa--4taMes aa&aaraeak ath Farmer II II II Jl w I a . V) 1883 r-paa ar I : miv7.iafiyCTia.ir ' ljkiaa. oth-Oaioni:& o eoiintry! iaa blessg ed! T7 Jaiab, wejbad room 4pr 4- krrwrtang letters 'Ga.'' Cox writes to ibe 9$ftwaObsfflrrer,,V from Etirop, ThegrVserv tcavtion in book Anthony ara tnArried w,9B29th.T- !sLatop t The J ax both IodLalts ad AnprgWre hiibridfppy and :OoL Bndgejri l tuithorUy far th 4atka4workm tb iUroftd fiillK tm F7liei ix FJof fence trill be eoavaaenoed this week. jM&trthihjde to btyui ibe do aord Tfw DaWat to ner boor old mother the:; territory she teooped in lt winter? ;Kot a week pftssea thai car loads of fine Georgia melons- do not pass OTer the W. A W. Roedroad te the North. Stick' pin her,, farmers of Eastern North Carolina. Some inis7eant threw, a stone through the window of ( the car in whic xVaaent j Ayiir f w ing to Looja-pale,. vaampg, his head Tlittle- v The loiyr . aony. ia over in New Hampshire. Rollins, Chandler and others got left. Austin Pike, who has seryed jw?eli..fr jyeguusaurckanq in lAwgreais wuu me Suaalorprj pn Aug ,2nd. i Tha "BnVtor" ioina. hands fcqr U& inTestigation of Capt. Darling's, riamutratipn of the. Tar; rirer appror fpriation. Will pieasft go , further rand ask Maj. Latham to cemmuni- fftte wiLhiha fiakratary IXtiaA A. traveler in Mississippi writes that tt looks now as if that State wrould riral sone t Duma 1 ye hear,- men 4 of Edge- Ex-Senator Dorsey's exposures of has oreaid a siir.in poBtieal wdea. "When all the inside facts come out. itjwiH$e diaikrwred ihat vhftiMf- bxeda base doae isome talt lying about Rpcoe Ctankljng, the stalwar ZaLv Yance, Jt. sad Zeb; Cronv. weUhidadwpjute iaattfidxeom, atj AsheTiIlia. liaii&rJoatda, on the street UrjomwelJ, : gaya? young . .Vance a numbtic; ftt iaa0BaeB and stabs. OTjB the ICharlotte papers say. T&t U&we. TibteTi the presence ol JELf J.j- BuBe-,F4i; M Wilson, last wteet; Ja,,jOT) he saw the cotton fa)eioz7abeax9!Q 89 mnchimpresB- ed with jtt that he wiU start the moTe ment forciie in Tarbtro. His means are large enough j a enterprise of this kind. - . ' ' " i Tbe following States hold elections this ytarj geptaokyj Ang 6 ; Texas, Aoguat 14 rOhio. and Iowa, October 9; Coimeeficatv Permsylvania, Vir- giniajajaAdX 8isippii 3ttlaalew-Jawa New dicate w Va-& ?. It, t( t. a. CaroliBa, s usuaL under the new ar rangement, will keep! on paying : tri bute to other; .people, ' The skip of land between two States! - llrthowifaof arlchNerYork r cornered her fthless hTisba&d at Coney Island -with another' man's Having aeow4dde wrtb her, sh? "lit into, the pairliko fury. It was in a erowdsd djj.prcoiPW Mind EL Cmtiavo ncaaawabono, avaarta. 522! aieanWipi'if it eaa run tbrotJhe year.; : Who can Mlhimt Our bro4 t?b fWftshjngtcu able tpdo aa TmTatuSp: is soon to wed a rich (ieorg-ia widow, lftjltai VoiM$60(04o aid Oaptv Aaa Bogerg, brother of Mai Henry J. Rogers, has received the RjtiatoiioininAia Uie Feters- 'SftaiMI i.ipeowai3LvTery pogalgiv and the only way4o beat jlfii- Aamocrats. to get up an jsqys. pn, election day: and carroffjlOpO 5eadjufteri From ' an article in the Durham "Tobacco la' yemlude that there is nd doubt tTffirJulian S. rinTmnttriAn Tv-?aww vaa . m k a mav whiyneejf4io-8ttathatJin S. Carr, President; Rer. C. CJlfd aan, .Treasurer ; and Ber. N. Jour ney, Sec'y, are the onteera ofan as4 aCKiation to tofldamonumeiit to the late Dr. Craven, at TrhutyCoUege. Let them sriccee byffl"rnians. Carey, the infamous mformer, who swore away the Hfes of the Irishnxen c)iarge4 with the Tmnrderof Lord Frederick CaTendish, was shot through tha head, by Mr. O'Donnell, at Cape Town, last week. Carey was being carried from Ireland by the English government to a.plaoej i CI 1.1. i "' n til DuawawuBj wnere nv snougnc epnjd enjoy in peaoe the! blood I.!PwlJus by the enemies of A true Hero 1 During the present trike one of Jay Gould's managers Of the 'Wejterat fjjhioTeUjh Comry aBbedthe pperf tor at Col peTtiya-bo is .', good operator but poorly paid, to come to "vfash iogton at $90 a month and a guaran tee of five years. The answer came back as quick as lightning : Jndaa Iscariot died 1800 years ago," That man has io bim the staff of which heroes are made. , Senator Edmunds i to in trod u nexi fcessioD a bill for tte construe toor. of. a Felerat postal Jtelegraph 4ysfMD. Siator Sherman esnmate. f that the government might dhplieaf all the wires and all tha means ul transportation by electricity, in th oouutry for about $25,000,000. Sen ator Pratt 'says : "The telegraph to day is the rich man's mail. : The time is coming and it ia hastening rapid ly when the people -- shall demand Ujat, itahaU.,be no longer) the rich man s " maiL bat ; that ? it'aball be brought" within the .reach ot every, iadi vidua! in the land." ' ' ' ' ..' Gov. Jarvia . has , respited ,: Henry Jonee,.wh0 was to haye beei public- iy hangtbi vfeekaji Raleigh, and in giving his reasons therefor, says e county-coramifewpnerarwill-have r&-9V2tF&I1it'IiPt Mconsidringi.th jojrdnjqade iJJ-hangpdpnl licly.. .TMGoyofJHunJrJ pabhe execution, has a bad eiTect, and many agree with him heartily. We noticed that the Raleigh' press condemned the oommissionerft for-ordenng the execution of the convict to be made public. : Lucky , Durham ! The tobacco town continues to boom. A son of, Jhdge RufjSna..gho .has ajxmt several yfars in NeEnffJanntak.him seumaAter ot rum;main8s, a lew daiaQJaV Durhamites about a tn Jqtpry A prominent gpnUeman aronce sub- abed, $10,00, : A. suficient num ber J9wjecl,- N Atonam wul naye a larje.cojJmill and she wilLTDw yearjaftar jear iLe, frkpjl Raleigh I look out AorJxtrboT6rfihe is in a comahosa condition fori trie subiect of manaffttoipg enUrprises.- Will Alasl wfteat.noi' The gallant editor of the splendid. " Index-Appeal " newspaper, of , Pe tersburg, thus speaks of Vf . C. Elam, nis political antagonist, who was wounded in the duel 'with Mr. Birne " We are sincerely glad that Mr. W. C. Elam, editor of the 'Richmond "Whig," has recovered so far f com recent injuries ias 'tb be able .to re aume . hi WQrk-4hough we may frankly say that we are not so very glad that be hM resumed it, for ob vious reasons Mr. Elam is one of I the ablest, if not the ablest political 4ariter' in ' this country, and he is a yjwer of atr-ngn to any c.iuse he espouses. While w cannot subscribe to all of his ' doctrines and opinions, still ,w admire his genius 'as a writer and Hunker, . and bis indomitable plttcfe as a man." WjarJ9leaaed to, learn from, the GrejJlV rfleclor ' that i Mr. Herber A. Latham has left -Chapel 1 1 Hfl with gr4M'liBfmction. ISIa- Ttnwhoan'e know to be a very "taleptedydorlg gentleman,' is ' wise enough taare eiermined t4 make teaclhWhity VofeVnion21rofield JtZ-t'Q7ii A'liT" . t,- Malay mj wou. uuui whumwi mtfjujo i doubties.akStfi North Cwaaa seedf, nay, men of. (x L'a capaajty, He is a son of EJder Joeepbna Laibam, of Pitt, and a nephw olllrgr J. A, WiEiiunson, of.tti-layja1v4-ri '.;t siQinrAZJ,JAczsGirsii2ri2.i. A eoo&ciliticja With trlSylag'iSn Bxvkbxy, W. Va- Jaly JThe death of Jonathan ?Arool(T, of1 ffiu county, the wealthiest 'ami ' one 'of the most distinguished tmeli tola State, which ,took Ipttlsfavaek; hsa brought to hgban 4ntejreotjg and mosf singular et..TwnctpdiDg with tBe Healing bitteath otaS estrangement that' iriadredlor twenty, years. Arnold aame? this county,; frpm; Fay4e64&tyf v application jo basine&s .accnmrdatal a-snug-fortane.' Vukt 'pHWthV war he invested largely m wild laridtv owning, hundreda of ; thdiisaitd4 'ot acres in this and ocftgfipas eQun tiaW the subsequent appiation ff which ran his foJtuhe up into' the 'miltfonaV His third wife, who 'sdrvives hiio,isJ a sistezf 6f Gen. StoftewalT Jackson, and pMises.marry of those traiteorf a cnaracter so strongly markedu hex illustrious brother. t t . ' In the second year of the war Ar ncJd made preparations to visit hiiT sister in an adjoining county, whieaV' gave; rise tq a report among ttia Fedd fortune wiia.iiaQ tapuay bitdarwrri keot htfottn ta mwttha hhv 'nympr-ana ."ar. r " - . . i ,w-ea ectioBS iollowxl:haueraiS and whei 1 w,ba-cl own he waaf arxestecL y ordefcio Rafter mknthaS. VaAsauaeai' im - aal ae6ertedl.ue canforrYiuc brother ronr nhT'ont nia KfeL spoosew the cause of t!he 'nrth.4 main ing m- firm friend W ih&'4itiBSt throughoat tlie-atruggle. ;Tmatwjt known to hej: husband; and ppoaa hia release from prison he rehinied home and bitterly upbraided her, accusiiig her of having' been the cause of. ids' arresk She denied the charge, bat he remained inflexible, and. then' her pride being aroused, she refused ,ur her to defiaidheie. A! separation t8 arnuiyexLAnd for- tweati jeart neither man uoi? wife saw the fao ol Jbober. f .. ' " j' Mrs. Arnold retaiHed thn fauiilv louie in this county till the 'clr;' the war, when sb removed ' to OHio- Friends interested themaelve in aT-t ranging a reconciliation,; 'but fafr-d utterly; both were obdurate " and Mrs. Arnold never revealed her mo tives ' in forsaking 'the cause of her father and brother . Teh' yarij 'go the wife entered a suit !oT"im6ny and the hoaband nled a roas bill for divorce, A long and, tedious -litigation followed, in the course of which much feeling' was engendered, and the breach widened.' ' The court gave Jhi - t - .a At nmiiiLt: wudhiiuuvvioi vi 9 VC aui num, but refused to grant thei'peVi. Uon of Arnold fpr adivoroe. At the conclusion; , of the ( suit Mrs. Arnold took refuge in a retreat ' for the' su-k in umo, woue ner nusoana returnee. to the famUy mamaioa. " ! Three weeks ago Mr. Arnold, then a. decrepit old . man, was strieken uuwii uy ; a, iuu uinesa- 0119718 came to his bedside, and 'through two weeks" of deiinum war an Qntir-inglatcher-and'- nurse.e had never forgiven her, and . in his qeur ium uttered upbraiding words which fell upon the ear of the siiant.rateh- er -near him: Tha opining of death cleared his mind, and pita eveniog he awoke, to conscicusneea: anhisievis' alighted opon the wife he hadthrnat from him. It was a monrent ofiar rible suspense to the. few, persona in the room. ' The old' man. in a feeble, voice desired to be 'left' alone' with her. Then in the chkmberafiea darkened by the - approactf of -io-lutipn a reconciliation fooieayawiri the excluded, watnera.) buMlftog from tha room" and entered to fin lunuaiui avuu auo wvaou ut Jl aatak and forgtvior 'embrace; fftm which f Mr- Arnold :wa . rsltnvaidrtily aga , - Mr.t Arnold waa a Drcditnuriaadalibav Ut, and died as b had lived. nHt . . .' 1 ... -.. , fl' la' Bcepecuim was a cuuunuai, sourcn ui grief to Tiiflwe. wtoitrtoo mother'a atron raQglatU eonvottofc. -.Wew. Jtorit Xnbtma. y . Xocldag a XilUdsaln. ! ' -!, HOW MACKAT, THX BONANZA XAK, EIBED A KINO TO PAKCI AT $1,000 AN HOTJB. 1 The round of amusements, which Mr.-Mackay is' providing for ' the American colony since tus return to Paris, froni; the great fete at Mos cow, are the all eclipsing topie.of the hour. ' At the ball, given, last Sat;af- aay, as our special caDie correspon dent repofta, -bit; uack-J hired' the King of - S weden odance with? the American ladieaf ' paying 'Mm $1,000 an hour,, for the: work; About mid nighl" he!, struck for hiier wages, and MrMackay stood thejdwwith trae' American tang frnd.' -'By ' fbur o'clock the king wasmplefely6wii out with his scKnexoTclses; iad had to ba taken from theroomin a. faitnV mgconoiuon. 4 : iUACyoneracTfty alT his ;fttneral Expense which' generous'- ctfe 'kad hlm a greatmany friends among'ttie SwecTei 'ThePrlntoilSada foi an invitation ,toJWlbIrf tha American millionaire remarkjwg Wales Cohlidatoct was aiSroods! dArJinsIaVr iajrm'air? mimtM nis littla iawlaaaafatlaaCl the morning journajatfcacaifigrft SSW3K5SSK hfltl I ii n ; aan-a-ta I aaail raA- Uaa.aaaaaaaaam who alitenipte'cfimb m the win dows f thr baJl-roomT we1 Urown ' i IV. 1 J' a V li ic ? ww iisjui ub xvunaur urxur. Mackay jaihft tan?a laret i fejat m his socio?,. iu.i lle4 l.oi-g Maekay danoX untfl daVjight; w& went off shiff at 56,dc he"whlpped Gen.1! Mr'5 .atw- van P.-fier& BaaiiMm'; BVa.aa. and I two aditoni f the.. Royalist faction before brkffn.;pu mcorrect. deiaMlftn of some of the dresses worn iatstheblowout. When the bodies, of thetd5tors were borne away in an ambulance the Hospital daw Invalid tthw crxjwd applauded fegW trettawiv aI i c! toiib t aleotfrWafanu and. hfai -V at e&ea'taken to his-'gar-$f!& t P?J WWering in the af ternaon, fiH CfW .of Russia, at an advance of .60 ner cent, i The "Journal of Finance Applauds this iwainl ai Is at ut M i int.. wy mvHW UUNUQHi JLX1WU1J dent that .narredthe harmony of arrand ball waa when tha atrlsai f dauter of toCount de .Chambord fell mto;tme of the tanks of cham- paffA ; wHctt tSd csxelesrfyfeiTeft ftte tuSMamt wai XrZkZP jlnetank held J,'00a gaonk and: the wjtiras not aiscoverea ; until tne dor manatrers had drank the, tank- "JIJJ I 1 1 '' Ui. " it 1 .1 flan.; Grant, in sjieakSig !of the ox aaunseu and Gelt Lee, latter came to arramrw the of WjaTeader, said; that thay handa aa oM eomradea . faf tha vP'.W Ove? West wit experiences and those of their patty'??- it the : same stations else riSexav' in ihMtoiMouiaa wat.! as Mfe?J Most again onder orduiary dltumsjtanfieji. .Then, when Gen, Lee laid to nimt "Gen. Grant, we come iere, each representing our own coun try? ttf treat with each other.- "Not K ;nmrysaid Gen. Grant: we do iot rapreflenttwo countries, but one." afi saia iaa more tnan once, wnen Gen. Lee 'used the same form of ex pression he mtorrupted him insist mg that but one nation was represent ed by both of them; His whole idea aa understood by the auditors, was ' Lto convey to. Gen. Lee the' impression that it was not two foreign nations that had warred against each other, but a paternal government,' which, having Buficiehtly chastised a naugh ty child, waa willing to forgive and receive the child again as a child on conciliatory terms. - : ' i Gen Giant' 'said that he sat down at :-the "table in the memorable McClean' farmUouse, and wrote out . the terms of tae-aiirrender, and that . when Gem,, Lee aaw them, and . he Gen. Grant), said to him : "Let your meerii and men keep their horses : we ' 'don't want them and they will need 'them, for it will soon be time for them to begin their farming, and they ( will ,waat., the. horaea' to help them,; ,1 want.aU of you to take your nbrses home with you." 0 j Gen-'Lee's eyes filled with tears, and -he said more than once, as he read ttbe terma of surrender, "This wplhave a splendid effect at the South." Gen. Grant further said to hhif :' NoW, Ihis war should all be etervTou, with your influence at the anould see to it that not other gun ia fired, not another life L After this, a life lost in any fight would be murder, and you can prevent it" ' W n fit J --f 11 uemijeeanswerea: w eu, l wen peak to Mr. Davis about it" Gen. Gnntrtn'tellmg the story, added: Ii thai had been Joe John ston instead of Lee. he would never have said that He would himself hiive' J assumed' the , responsibil-tt-6f declaring that the war should ovdr on bis aide, as I did on mine, bit VIvee did not like, to take the re sponsibility of making that pledge to stop'the fighting at once until he had ' ' BwtllaTa Exposition. Q'Gratd'.Scmthern Exnoaition bf 1883 was opened Aug. 1st, by ' Attnur. me day was a holiday, and no business done E,:itfUvUia fnraa awm. vt jnt crpwcu of people commenc- jnng mto tne city rrom every 'of "the 1 compass. " The trains donbled no. By 9 o'clock tha streets were so lull that it waa dimcnlt to pass along the walks. " the " President rested , well and was ready by 11! o'clock to take his part m the exerciaes of the day. Tbe-PMsidential party left the Gait House in .carriages, escorted by a body of police and military organiza tions, and moved by the most direct . route to the Exposition. Their way was a perfect ovation the entire dis tanioaj thousaada of people eheering M tk diatmguubed . Viaitors passed i hem. The great main building, ca pable of holdings 20,000 peoplay was fiBsVl eompletely and. aba erowd was too, thick for copifort. PresideDt Dupettt, of the Etposation, welcomed UePresidlt Preaideat - Arthur grarTlIyreBpcmdad and coooladed by ktanms the , raat machinery and pftjoouncmg the Exppaition open. TfiW fera waVild mm enthosiam. TrfPteaidenUaJ' party leaves for Chicawo tfVni-rht- The rnaoaffers of I toe Trjyaion . were most agreeably i aurpnaeu aa wuuuasu sv wnu va aw aaa.aja avaj aaasi i&Ti;4'jR--lw doea tSX he can to encpurage woman workers. Wnioevthavean give clerical work ftc-ys The ' invariably doea so, tad )para bar veil for it) too. Pabid p4nioA. the omnipotent Mwata tnanVstoern grow- ihg to ar itifatntfttif jf the Jury yateuv' r 'Xt apOmitMxa ia so s a raauiKity wadict J; decisive. -f New Jers6y Mf;iey ejicted iot nine of twelve Stars a-Treeinc: on a verdict. U 'ahsiT' ataodT aai thar verdict of jahm'sraKdft ' 1" A ann of this kind in the lortli Carols- law will be eon' aidered before long. :x peTmpjCarsoj When the tnajia rsaf fehook naanaSBS Sy IV.' i v- vunwrei '11 1m I -i"f nam i- "A- V'V 'p.-''-,;- '' . - ''-.it..-.' :, ',i -s s t ' . . ,.ir i I .1 iJ-.-l " . X ' . '..1. y . .: t M--I: ., - . .

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