- i 1 s BE SURE YOU AEE RIGKBCT ; TELBIST 0p !AAD.lM 1 tsw- TARBOROV N; C;, THUTEtSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1883. NO. 34 " ! 1 t 1 8-' f ' i; For GreenTffle, xWqntto -jfid Hyde county at 8:00 W1. 1 For Williamston n4 pwnU 09 A. R Railroad at 5:30 P. M. 1 x rom ortn,Soth utd-WMt n W. & W. Railroaiftlt .ftCPI FronAJi'eWLifiMtoii and 7.AA T w'flnn Hi . I From'Wuiiajiistoii'jria A. &i Sail In Money Order and Begiatarcd Letter Department, from 8:00 AM. :io4P. M;.;-.;; I In Mailing Depaitment-fpxnTiSK) I Office open contCUjntjireen ' these houra except when mails ire beine disfadbfited or or ant,m t if rjr to 7:MPilfi l.' i Open onjaiW JL M. and from &30 W. P. WttX4AM8QJlf,P. r8. H. T. BASS Offer Ua pro u us of Taxboro - Office in T. A. Street. . 1 Prmctiee in all the C&lft.ttui Ba 'Mu4 i H. A. GnxuM- Will pnctlee lm tite CountJa of Cdrooomb. ; Halifax aonttnd'IntherCoMS of a ' First Judicial District, anSClhCbcnit sad : Supreme Oarta at RaleiicljE ja8-lj. . Practice. U VMrii hi "XigttdnU Nash, xltg .MwbMI 4HalUax MMtU ! A.lM i tha Ttanl and Kiimduo fVkavta.i- i JOfhob, for tie pretat,tav, fron reoaiot audr Ueward'a law ofOee, next door t w atore at 8. 8. Nafth A om JCaia St- f Dee, 1881. i 'j. flic. i. tf 0 Bjai.s;tivm;iV. Fracttoa fat Btota aA gedoCayrta. Practlc In all CoorU. Prompt attantlon to . J. J. W v. J, . a-r hrrr? ni rr- ii rC' 4f ; r. SuigeonrCZJ antis TAiart&i&O. flee lee hwat a "em 9 a. at 'UH 1 p. m. aad rom KSTMext "floor To laaier A BoyaMr'. Tar bora Hoaae, over -'Ik THO0,H.3AmPrl ' Oflloa next to RiUicw A Staton'a taw officer Kefm bpatnMrtryikmjto nd?Kuf la, of the Snrene Gonri; JCttUen National laak. f Raleigh; . $aUl, Bonn A Co., Kor f elk; Jno. Anurton A .Seas, Peteraborg. A RE In r are prepared to fill all order for gtyaTM L agt, Tarn and Cotton Rope, at lowestyncemj-I uraer aaareMea to mukmj jtonnt mua, - Becky If east. N. C. wUl be promptly attend i to. ; I 7AKXSBw RATTIJt, , " y-j See aad Treaanrer.' 1 i IWFIfTCTl! byaddnuincaEO F.ROW UYUii&klsu. A CO., WSprnoStooaV ; New York, eab "learn Ue exact eot of any proposed line of AQVERTISNO fat American Wapaper. 3F)Q0f-SMWmVV!P PER MOJITH, &d BOARD (oc1 tnret yonng men or ladle la each eoanty . Addreu f. "W. Zeigler s Company, Philadelphia, Pa. .. , aa; 9m 9To Parentl bd Gtrf tjp' ys-.-t ; -li t rr "i - J land of OMS akT," ASH! la one of the best and cheapest school km the Union, for the Higher Education of Wjmbi cumate naowaea lor uh prauumiingna.. v fartnit of ernririraiced teacber. TBOrVnel iustrnction. Firm diacipHne. Xnate specialty. ogartoSSjSa. tember. Board and tnftiflfi M litaTtrrorp went for the year, tlSd to IT0. DUopaJoi as. Atkihi, .. President. . 2unel-ept31 w awaaatanamvja , I n 5. ton Jr.ata.eiaol laaa. m aaffaaa vr alto v,..' Itf '111' ". DOSSST BATTLih T ' : 1-. j;. AttorirritLaw ? ; Rofilif'nc'antfllills faUWmccesffal eten&iU. knaX. AGENTS Waif - - 'l,iliaaa.JtrviTai1,l ilii BUlLDkkASDWARt. 7 i : - - UilJ 0 , -. nortFOLri va i VeVemberlSsa. 18a-i. w li 0 1 .(XI Q -t i . iBIaflile, Liam ou, j i lusb'H&iHive HAS QN HAND KJEWfKESH STOCK OF r fTTT 3? ir-a wi Bro. CAR Fieured Lawns. luns, ana, 1 riui- ffiitoing Satins, i mm r A NICE LINE OF KEIGLEE'S SHOES, , GL0YES. t iippP-SlalllTS, i J2TA11 booght this Spring and -Ollrb aold ety kW, U J " '"i- TI Di flatlin: TwrUorei, Jan.' O-ly. 1 V lii C5 IT MANUTACTUREK OF Hand if" J FinHll UriAUs Robes. Whins, Wli&alt(rs, JBlanJtcts, c. ;a . .aaaaiaaakaB. af. naatmeltvuirTit antWR. A. Sizer af actaxia .and repariug1 will, be a1nrgJiny ooewrmating a Ana darJiineJness it janlTy Farmers ! ! t f -J TTavlhr nnrcnaaod from B. AT. J. Weath ers be county rights for Edgecombe, Mash and Pitt coqjttjc, e Her . to the people of tn :Farm Gate brer Invented. Not of order. nosagiDgorstraid --i. . . , , tVia-n- Tarboro', N. C. Vaataoa,anaiaaaiaaswTwy. uMeriuiig 4 rrtirTO WHite uarwM vv iLLinnsoii r .tbtmab- I barne-wlU do well to friie me mglL h kf "ffl.i: H Jt SN KScC 2.f.. i i. .i . f. l ana up. ( - ,vfa - iatvx. 25iTr 'l'f V.oiaTV a ' aa"lTliar" Jafl to 4m ALABASTIHIS tor renoTallns Oh onaL and oan be aimaed tT anyone. .' if not for sale In your neighborhood, a LYBBO., Barling Slip, lesdtosKis New York, DrJ Strorid's in Th:i tillr VsITrlsaonatrfal, Seylts Stromx Sauttre Pill for the r- Derfect Sid Headaeae, Constipation, and Dlspeptia. Soldbv leadiiurdromrists. - - S; fi (ttMsisraetoMl PUIS insure hearty appetite, good sttfesttoti, etttlarity of the bow els. (I mini mi iU fill' Oililif ami Kbriinistlsiii A precidna boon to dsUeate females, soothing aoa onsno use lemw ayBten, ana ritu Tiror and heattk in erery fibre of the body; r JTorctrcnlars and almanaws with full par- tiealara addreas Box 060, Mew Tork.CltT. UtoeywUfjq,fnnw-'ifj?wt ot From tn aorntnfir to tnbrainir andfcoin-weak to week THE X & US' print a continatd -atary tt the lires of real men and .women,, and. eliheic. deeds, plans, loves, hates, and tronbla. i.TfcJs- nory ia more interesting tnan any romance that was erer derised. Babecription t Daily, (4 pages), by mail, 55c. a rsoothy or t6.50-a year; mnaay tpagea,sji,wpeTyjar waea. ly, (8 pages), JPy,rZ' : " " LW. ENGLAND, Plibnher. V' .t ; New York City, nt:C3TS IKDIAM YECETAXLE PlLLS roaTHX And all Bilious Complaints; .'beta; poraty rentable: no rrli- ! The Wonderful EffJeaey of 5 ? Dt?. SCHEClt'S .aaWaaWaa- t " Eaa bcea aa (ra lAuCr aod aaBarantarfl BewMBI tht it. anuu almdat anpardooa to ear aaytntB; rr aotasrtetr fiwc. , Tbe lmraenawaad aoaatatt I J aa wfaM damafgr them, both ta Utieandfaaaara asia xoiay m to uaiua iKace u ucjpaasar tnaa aor ctla r eathartU aa dierao. fchr demand Is BotaaaatnMBa.ltt asnM.ead tSadK.St hta of tytWTaatordaj.ttJaaalniaaaailiiatbi rtcaJ3y rraator fortlia Saw tlih I J rearm. What tjyaaatajB3othiaieil aiiilsmaliiSihaaaiiST .Scantrh Msjadrak PUIacantaiti no mar. .-a aci at. tbar act with wonderful effect aeon QStgratBna; matter, watok. If aUowed to nanatn. a nmaaepiai liina, ana tiruari on anianm,uuuapa uiyaTi(iBuyotoar atsatses, xney gw iina rfatrantofbe aimare nrwas Tbararaate lJJWetoaDd ravwor to th whole ayaaaau Thay rajiria, as fbey prepate vb ays. ec Bissasa ox erBry t SPHaAaafe-a -9IaafrmJka Iffa areaoldby aB dmararta at 23avjar bos. or aant ba-liaia iiratiial . Dr. fbirej'a-iTt tee eiawaaaI'trTa . w twaaaaiaai at Onaiaii.aa aant free to alL Inilraa DavJ.lt. SCBKNCK c HON. BURN HAMS i PAMPKLET FREE BY BUTWHAM BRO SYORK, PA. Invalid's Hotel, XJyery home comfort and priTacy Xlican eonsnlt any New York phvi Guests physician. For cirenlars, address Db. Rakdoxph , W. S7 If. Street, New .York, , Foa Tfla :"r -kiuviT.. t .:- no. lib JAnH fcT.'i M ' . ( abstracted from reninar specta- otsmalj. 9)TWt6harkv eeogbt . ta tfae.TeIlo Kas. arrwJLrai aa 1nr4iavorrrm Rondeletai . Ev ery CbinM-fUArmaa knows it Its virtuce aa arestorauvc 01 nearnnr were uuteoTorou v a Baddhlst Priest about the year 1410. Ib eaxe were so numerous and many so seen. ly asmtcnlons, tasty the remedy was ofn proclaimed over tbe entire empire la J 1 ; became so universal . that for over 806, year no deafness has existed among, the Chi- nese people. Bent, charges prepaid, to any address at 81- per bottle. Hear 1 What the Deaf Say ! It bAftterfbrmrd a miracle inmyefise. I have no nneartbly noisea in my head and hear much better. A have been greatly benefitted. My deafness helped a great deal think another bottle will cure me. ;. V"It rirtaes are. nnqueBtionable and Its cn- lut personally testKr, both frola experience sad observation.. Write at once to Bayloek ds Jenney, 7 Day Street, New Jork enctosing 81. and von wUl receive by return1 a remedy that wm enable yon to hear like anybody elae, and whose enratiye effects win be permanent. Yon will never regret doing s'fr-fiditox of Mercantile ueview. - , . sST Jo avoid loss in the malls, pleaae send niniiaiat hm Reiriiitered Tetter. A Only Imported by HAYLOCK A JENNET, , A ' ( Late Havlock A Co.1 8ole agent for America. 1 Dey St, New York DEOWNED m B EEB CemeeratBir. ttits revrailavr Bevel avge tw Meat EipreMThelf . -' i ftiilalnna - ' 'The fact iei,T aaMbym aMV atlfik a 1tn there, tliat the reorieflf this eountry annas ly to be drowned in a flood i of lager beer," ahonted an Buthaniaatle teetotaler the ! other day Into the ear of yonr cornered correspond-l "rnat irarmaa oxutxas struc. para i -tttsahe "res, -tad e worst of this beer-arlnkinf; bosiness is that it seta np kidney trouble as -a , I-..1 t . .V. .wM AAaA ' Mhi I pbysiclsiU who had. a. taMyadsde of the time I and a tendency to metaphor. "Tb midnigbt I ,achoooer leave behind tt a was f iurreq i tonrnes, headaches, torpid nycrs, nausea, ana lav the fonndatioa of Bright Disease. h Tijaelejich.oly JUct accbtmts.m part for the fncTTine lfBN80N'8 CiPCINE vn&OTJS PLASTERS, which at once mtti gates these symptom Jfic., JT Vbjv Ician abost It, Bayaygaaia, SI00Q -y iiMnaaaaj 1 1 2V TT.'''4t' Wcr;. - IB SB Bate to take, VI K . EARS i-roetest Poyj a t a"rTFsa C.stlT.aess. Stek Cbroi oaosed by Da of Uvesy Bowels) sad Kidneys. Of A. 1HBKA8KD Bed Bnta; Pais in th Sid, sosm. ttw fia is fek under the ShouMM3, ssw fat . Kkouutini; gsnul kns Ot-sjysdtHi liSPiSJ -mmUy ootiTe, irmirtiniM llWnfh witA few; . ; ana is mwuca wim pais, at anu aaa tt cWitfcapaiafiilaeaBMiaaf l ) wiuchsught to hart kceadoac; a alifht, dry iaahtdfcoi auttaliaa tor oonBtnaatkut the patient ccaiplaiae f worinen sod dobditT; ,aatty atuoaei oat caid or burmnc, kicm ef bs slda enMrspirii is asfickhr nntini i aoaAyat ea cam aaidlyi i an fartitada to ' Vljlaala Scaa' butSnrf dMateaiatad, jnt ih kaa ikan Am tAwmm a aart Baca astalMlj aaway a. . It ahotdd be atHbyaj person, aJd mad 'i ywang, wheaerer any ei ttMabora TravraJlaa; ar XMaar , tat cadoaeeca r sctiaa. will avoid i ' Tl Mm. a- nrowaiacia, Pipimiim el Spnir etc. ft u Tm hTa eatem asaradseK knad ad ismst, or feel homy after null, ar le at Mgju. take a dose sad yoinl W sriktvad. . ' i v ..... . . , aad Doctor Bin win be aaTed by always kveeptac the Begntetev -' -f la tbe Homaei r, wkatrrer the ailaiemt but he. a thamwMw .X. li 7 IV wgmlT, aJteratiTe and toad u aerar ha oat af place. The teaaedy harmlaa aad dea t laterftare wtth baaiaeaa j It TB PtBXY TKOETABLK, i Aad has B tW pewcr.aad eficacy o Caloial ab Qdaia, wkhoot any of the lojurMa after afacta. 1 A Oefnaart TeatimarnT. Siauspa Lhrar Regaiatar haa beaa in as hi ,iil.br,'?me ad 1 am nlaM it is a valoabi addiHoa to the BKdicml acieaes. j J., J. Git Ssoataa, Geraraer efAIa. aacaa. aiazBaaer a.- Hare derived toaw beaebl fraa A te of oat Liver Reeulatar. mail wih m u m further trial. r" ;aahaT."Lam .b marfix 3 fepate Livar Afcdiom aad Debility, but ivraarj ST n; eaeat to the fcxai? - 'j"" awuBer aas. 1 seat nate atiaat aaaota to Georgia for it, and would Mad fcrtheTfc? fBa Mdiohia, and would adriee all afmreabak' flair aaected to rr it a trial a it secant the oar, thing that arrer &3t to rejiere. M. Mawar. WaaeapoE,, Oan, Dr. T.: W. aTaana un im aii acrienc ia the dm of Siaanons Uyer Regulator la Bty practice I har beaa and am aatkacd to aaa fciibekiaaporgatiTaBwaiciae. HyTk only e Oenniaas which ahray has ea die Wrapper the red Z Traaaxk , and fNgMaaww of J. H. mxrjr dt CO. - TOR SALE BY AIXDRUGGBTsI STOP AT i. 'H rarborp, fIV. G4 V sAicf1tir ROOM8 for Drnniniert;' and HOME COMTt)RT3.ineTery jicalr.5 AA1 J -Om 1. :IaCVaiai i tt - , s aBf fr J1 fi ;Apriliai8831y,: Ja j lata Cwon GaurrmJi ds fit: Ann 8tsaiYt, I aajsnwatv, xs. ej. These BtatJeeare tbe lars-es in the Stain. tad hara a ckpicity of holding ten ear-loads of stock. 1 Give him a calL . J laaUr- Sees Howard Praat. . M. Piyaaa, Tie Fras wasaiart,-. -r j ; v. .it V is?.- kw- llilra hsiZ I hrini'g Co, hiaa -L t-. ...ii'. i i.TS d VUSKDR llVASTMSiri) ii 3 Balra editor k- . . . A. II. te S P. HV Viaooaatiaj, TanmoAY. t riBBOTOBa: Dr. J. H. Baterl I Geo. Howard. H. IStatwniffA-s ?, W. M. Prppen. . lo-ly. .. HosUtter's Stomach Bitters. by Inereasint - theDbrsleal .vital power r and - rendering keeps the Vaansil 'xiuney and rhrirnnatle- ailments, -it is ln .'Valuable, .and it affords a- sure ; defence Mgainst malarial feyers, besides removisg. rx uacea vi aucn oiaeaae iron ine aysiem. for. 1 by all Drag-gist and Pealera UiUalOt49i ah Bulbs, y.a' Bolba, rnch buHm. Bulbs, Aha 1 and Window earefcua. HlPJLMSi:iEY&CO. Catalaawn ,r war dt. PfcrsScifsMi eatakl .fa 8?- XS T frfltiJi', Lime, mm BUILDUvO IJMr A3RICtJLlTTtAL : LIME, V'ABBONATJS OF -LIMB, r KAiNrrVIAND PLASTEB," " , AND HABJL, &C. AC. jf i FcirriLizcno I - TsarCattlAP. Bend for Circular. , i. oy ajuai iahtakln : . 1' Tl :il ; II II JhC . II - II- II . . -l ijirft f rtgfi ' i 1 sf'J'iw: -' Set ;t 0T0 latabilahe I82t I 1 v KBOVSIUtVVm&t-.?t Did. Edgecon" atmdan exhibit to the Fruit Fair, now being held in . It is not kw laie k) put in turnip seed. ! It is a raluable, pop- They dd-weh for stoelt In "4 isteirC I No obstacle ean cloaa the kingdom othearen against him -who desirea'to enter t.-(Tenelon3. J" " Z': . Jay Gdoht hail finally msheddown the atSkuTb ntViik fight, bat his millions wenioo much for them. rJ '-."'! V" -! --- .. ....... .... j :":-."' -W . -W ani ai a a a W W no, uro. ainrrui, we oq not tniox Dr. Mary Walker Whiehard, would please a. reZec4iit toind.. Many of pur exchanges insist that the goVemorship is - chawing - 3 udge Fdwle, Suppose he'should 'run so well that it would never overtake him. Eh, Mr. North State t 4 ; : t u..;; . ; ' :' -5; CoL A. H. Belo; formerly of Sa lem, owns the Galveston News, one of the most prominent papers in the Soatbi Our, boys abroad eontinne to sbed lustre on our good old mother. stodge SettletrJadge Seymoor Coi. lector (oper aad Dr. Mott reeenO j met in Asberille. f -The Citizen is sura some politics were discttssed- pipes laid for the great oontest which ia pomiDg in xeoa. We are glad to note that Ber. Dr. Priichard, now pastor of a very large citaidh at LouisYille, Ky has accep ted acall to the Wilmington church. Dr. Pritchard doei hot belong outside of Tar Heeldom. -It is currently reDorted thai the drummers of the United States have risen in their might and t denounced the licenses which they' are!; required to pay in order to solicit trade in cer tain States, counties, and towns. Tba EreaideBt ia eoyiag himself to the top of his bent rod. Be tween fishing, military displaje, In dian matuBuvfes, hardy exercise, good ,.and sublime scenery our Chief XIagistraie is taking in strength by the hing-folL . : ...... . I ..- - Bishop Doggett, at the moment of dissolution, exclaimed : "I claim to Hare uvea above reproacn as a preacher of the . trospel.", ..These words were as true or him as his end was triumphant.' W make our acknowledgements to the press in the State and "out of it ( . tf tlurjty on Saturday, twenty-seven' did f as the compliment to quote . from cor : col umns. Some, hoeT, failed to gire us credit; but then, it may have been an aaddent, ypaiuow H r ; ? The Chr&tiatt Advocate -wants the Sunday .law enforced) "until every mtuwn- iix Ui9 out te u uermeucauy sealed on Sunday." But then would not ambitious iToung Amerifia pro-, videhimseli with a can opener when searching for an eye opener, ' ft??' ' L'iiiV ilraington Post pablisUes ia kih!u$ue. portraits' of pro'uiinent n 61 the Bepuolican , peisttasron. Tht Jastctmtained those of Senator Fry end Judge ? Foraker. We ob serve, by the" Way, that the editorial columns of the Post are now marked witn mucn aouity . . ':i ... j ' : The Sentinel, a paper edited by a young colored man "of respectability and uncommon ability, says that it has found Judge Nash "fair, impartial and ; never : allowing his .feelings to prejudice hia rulings, and that "if a Democrat ia to preside over the Infe rior court, he nf the proper man. Hugh Murray, Esq., - proposes - to mil - ' - I" ' a- 'vjl" ! f "Js ' " publish the VSupreiM. Court reports in a condensed jona. - bucn: a wort is much needed,- and- Mr. Murray is thoroughly qualified for the task. He is a genttemanoeorrt as a lawyer and has many Uimry ac quirements. " ' ' - I V . ' " .' "An item is going the roraids to the eflect tnat. over, in Yirginia . some where, a man 'dropped dead as he was going to twos his tax list ! was correct ' In : the Old lXminion, r or right here ia Irdgecxnnbe, lor : tbat matter, it seems as if a man should learn something from the Bible story of Ananias. . , ; 7' Z j, . ii.! J. ' W i'i Y John Chinaman. takes to certain phases of oar civilization like a baby to a rattle or a duckto its, native ele I ment. He has already; learned tbf Of the strike rraes- tton, and like 4 1 tittle; man. ; JSvlien hf Utiyi the secrets of bank cashiering be will wear a plug ha and'bin tha .Young Men's Cbriilsaf AssociaUon, ' We would respeotfiuly uforn . our brother of the Rocky Mount Be'port r" that he has no right to be dis turbed about v Heavenly" babies, or 453? fetter sort, until he is able to say, f?SSa daddy.: Then perhaps r he wnrsee wnere tne iun comes in. Don't do like Sam' BandaU.; - Qet married. '. ' " ' ... Mr. T. B. Kingsbury has accepted an invitation to-deverr a-lectare- in Tarboro, N? CL, in the interest of St ton. Star, and will acquit himself as he does in every Jleld billddiogicMh laurels to his already, well-earned I Ma-afiAt AS SI -ViaflraWaabw9 4VMVaar-a I vrawMvu aw ssi dvuvuu caaava fciiaiimeji i Norfolk Virfriiuanp .K & A ffOOd bOTi desires a pOtUtlOn as 1 apprentice in some first class . ma ae ' sa s . chine shop.: Address ; Times, Oon- cordVN.0.-: . .; - - tv !? at a ti i . i ' xoe jis uie nrst ooy we nave neara of in a . lone time : time! : wantin? to learn a trade and we advertise him gratis in nope he may get a good place and grew to be a good and tue uww ful man.rilrckorv Carounianl Sir Henry Thompson, the eels ted London surgeon, scouts ' the idea that fish-eating increases the 'brain yweri Bro.'Creecy, of the' Bliia- bethCity Economist, has contended. we think, that herrings are the best 0906 1 afcod extant t Now let spme phi- Ihrppi8t who has 'tried salt"hei rtogilor about forty yearsy give his rieDce to .Dr. unssom. - Tnea I 1 Sir Henry and Dr. Grisaoui might haie a lilt that would throw into the I shade ' the Hammond controversy. I The Tar Heel fish interests "must be protected against foreign interfer ence I We ' prayerfully advised the peo ple of this cotton section to keep their eyes open, - Up to a month or so ago, persons interested in our sta ple by, reporis of heavy crops were induced to sell at comparatively low prices for future delivery, and.: now that speculators have got -hold uf ftT.Ta ,4a in . . M ... . . . . 1 rrom tne soutnern states tnat tne t . . . . . . s crops will not be more than an aver age, and stiff prices may be expected., This is the same dodge that is re peated year after year, and " will be continued as long as there ' are so many who can be gulled. . 5Ir. Jay Gould was compelled to give up his trip around the world on account of the strike: For this reaP son we cannot conacieAtioTislv sym pathize with the strikers.- Think of it, he was to have been gone two yeanL-i-fTimesJ.' 1 ' - . 'j : A pleasant story is told ' concern ing the forthcominff book ofvMr. Blaine. The book is to be profusely illustrated, portraits -being' MveJTot the notable men who served in Gonr! gress durmg , the time Mr- Blaine was tiiere. The publishers, :it aeems, expressed their regret that the great! State of New York did not furnish a I suitable conerresemanto be thus hort-1 qred. 1 Mr: Blaine insisted on Mr. ConkEng, saying that Conkling had been the brains of the State, for twelve years. fJLndex-ApeaT, Notwithstanding ' the fact. r that during : Beconstruction, ' ; Senator Conkling made himself obnoxious to , the ; South, -his pre-eminent ability and sterlmar integrity has caused many to consider him the greatest living American.'"7 " Rev. G. W.; Manly,: formerly pas tor of the. Aiken, S. C- Baptist cbnych, bas -written a letter to In-, tendent W. Huitman Davis, of Aiken, dated Leipsic, , Germany, July 23, askink for papers . to establish . his identity, so that he can prove to the police that he is not a dynamite con- spirator, vMAIanly is prosecuting nis .queues at u omyersity wj c ana us mucn annoyea. Dy tne Eno-lish detectives: who nave snotted , . g m a .r . dyn blea who propose to blow England into the ocean. 8tar.- -"-- Mr. Manly is a near relative , of Mrs. Dr. Baker, of Tarboro, and of the JIanleys at Raleigh and New Berne. He is also a nephew of Mrs. s ... .... - Geo. W. Wimberly, of this county. Such conduct ' onsthe " part of Glad- stone's government towards all Irish- men,andtheir.ympathkersinGreat Bsjtain and out of it deserves the contempt of the dvilised world. It shows in a slight way the oppression which Ireland undergoes. ' ' ' Senator ufler seems to be the latest vkiim-M the telegraph strike. . . . . . , " . . njuooc K! auivtujj the introduction , of German immi- grants into South Carolina as a sub- stitute for the 300,000, negroes, whom . h'?vfa;iet telegraphed to f- the - . New -' York "rimes." Bnt the 'efficient' opera- I tors who xKrw run the Western Un ion wires.transformed .'German' im migrants, into Mormon- immigrants, and our.worthy Senate mjde to fMlTfJfff' efes and are icanaK eicamirf V. They want the 'Senator to 4 rise and explain.-3ifts.'New' andCotiner. Barnabas' Guild. JiirLre r Phfl nn. U I3.a"I t-ljAP. f -aiaorave. Cant John S. DancV. JttK i P?53T I Pt-M to'i autu utuer prumuieiib citizens iQinea l f m- r riin ' f r vr I ' T- Every farmer that keeps ; stock should sow rye during this or next month for winter and spring pasture, I T -A 1 5 ZIrL a-l' uauu uibj uv wpccuuij prwpaa, ar if may be sown among- the eon t the last plowihgc ; . It will furnish ceuent pastore for cows, sheen JAd horses faring the winttv aearirj spring, or may be cut.for souln. Itl wiu also prove t)ftat value in tn ventiaof laaduframc! vMUahmg""da ine nearyramaoii aUl.nalWIIMIl Wim w a a a HTISMNIIIV J " some'hsavy green eropr in this war ll . a . . r - r T - . . . . . ." uie HTIXiJIOB 40U JM MlWVJlAcl SOS tW? by toB-elems which tha croti dv -yra.1 Jn waofairVlaV 'rnaf r i WATT eral and" vegetable, mattera which. were brought up- by it from the JTttb soil 1 The best plants adapted foxM greeri manuring are those which derive their support pxinmpally from: wxe air, wmcn grow rapidly, wmcn cover) tJie ground well and I whose i roots , penetrate deep and rannry'ex- tensively tnroughope ItCUSlVtuy UirUUglKnai-ULS sou. M"j ' 1 ftta,gTtw.' 'I .JJ ik "i a . t -"T" believethai fiftlr :Csm1i?fW;''B genuine ced in: the: ltte wftf two inwi writtea-Pettigrew - and Pender That thai work lias not been under- fattfinl Wrrra rtsvfrira iniau' r SAiaVrvf our best literary pens Woulf b 'ux& prising if we did not rehii taesej soldiers- were rNortb (Mm . -TyV, 7 " v"3 SWT. T. SVaF ITt TnOTlKAAIal limMyrlAa! aatwtl 1k u pyMe; that all men should d lio-ht to honor. Tkfev wers both twsa. tical Christians and were members of the Episcopal Church.HyviL Star; ICaaure. , A farmer says that in his own ex perience and observation ho has found that the sooner manure is in corporated in the soil, the greater uiu tievber tue crop uiimt umtciT iui- lowing such appbfSttiarrHenM has Some to Tthe tcontfriaiahAthat much pf the value of barn .manure may be lost by beinff exposel,t6 the sun. air and rams: and that ITIbV MaatnA o.:-Ofr. " 4- A SMf aktaaSh TjM 4M lTifr m a riTaa ftf-sTTwa. . r na BtiTri nil at w-nA a ro "t." ; . 0 OUAAC8W VI etas; land to be plowed to remain! long, unless in a rainy time or . when the the ground is covered with snow, is a bad , practice, ' as the sun and air will positively draw off its virtues, according to the length-' of time ex- nrtoAd I- . I .Come Around ltxtTasri Two boys met ' in New York; yes terday: Said one : UI have one cent, and if I had four more I could buy an elegant; agar. ' Said the other : Mi nave lour more. - Mere tney are. Buy the cigar and we will have a good smoke." ' ; ; The money was pool ed, and the first speaker bought the cigar, and, lighting it, whiffed away with great , enjoyment trntil j about half the weed- had been .rad9wd to smoke and ashes. "Hold on," said the I eecond, "I put in four, cents and you only one.' - You hate smoked half of the cigar. That amfair. 4 Giveme the rest "Not J much," rearwadsd I No 1, puffing away vigorously. Tinia is, 8 stok company. I am the presi dent and you are only a stock holder. According to Gould and his judges stockholers have no right to vote at the annual meetings. - -Come around next year . this time andit J-hcre is any the cigar left you can vote . me out and smoke it Ta !. Tar-WalI street jewe. - - -" " A Slaiml Playf VJth aCat i Friday morninsr a little threevvear- m. r rt i .--j . . : Kny of Aanys rlh.lry county, was delighted bayOBd toeaa ure, and called halater'aw attention to a' "nice -'UUa boshy-tail kitten V 1 71 rr .T . , - y playing o&iT the; sv wjth the. old cat?i The Bister lookedj t and was surprised to see a squirrel romping nvor 4-Via ww aI wl.sk Kowtt ' jb .4rY . 4 Wat houBe t. They seemed on the best temSf would over toother just 1 two; playful Mttens. Glover's I m , i ' i ianmy looKea on ior a ione time ai the antics . of -the squirrel and cat An older son , of Mr. Glover's then ook a shotgun and killed Uie snuh reJ, whereupon the , cat . became strangely distressed and would not be comforted. She walked around mewingand calling, but - the' ' poor litMa asmAi AXA. -rrA .t 4l uiiuo ouuuin uu uvu av maw vaa Her playmates being dead,;, the cat hid in the barn and kentont of aierhlvl Glover says the squirrel-had- grown ?J?TH t. , ; . . . ' - - The Mountaineer" calls attention to the greatave Iwhich isv in Cedar .Cove on the-'North Fork of the C taWba, M Burkei ettmty, andtwhfcbl is worthy oi frjrtherexplorab I nwe aka aw luvuBu vi .aatv wid ac- pfodri whose eral years ago w wirtn - fro t tnff 1 i wu wujn"oie, wouu- entrance Wa barred by maisiYelcil18 hem Bent bJ her ousband, clas We were inf ornied that ft had wbr P hr ,or Par' vnr.afAfr.a. fKr9 rlT feet but there nrf wrtttJslTJti tion of adveirture or fKsvaovetV. The Wutiful Mkfl - Barrv. whom Werpole iostWheurt niore -.SSWVSSSi Tedto th.ot8 oi T abT- ond: show t to f your sweetheart before popping the question, an Zminani Xawwa wm . v. " ".. w Hi 1 ' I - . tQlSTta. Charles OXlonner, the distin-? Jsew,. xok lawyer, is not ' popular among the peo ucket where he is now mainly because he holds aloof from them, f Neverthe- taU maav eood stories hinv :One day he wished to Y4 by tte barber who carries bs in jjie town. Like most, of his craft; the barber is meml ;U He was vastlv welcome so important a suppoung uut jut. naturally have some the Tsarticular mtui- which the operation of Bhav- la... ould be performed, he thought dent to make a preliminary in- on sne suoject. so ne began : '. u uonner, it's a fine day. sir. job are wen, sir. now would to be shaved, or r ' . l0 04 sdlence, sir P thundered the llfesUr.pf ; the New . York bar, and &e7yiiae barber talked no more, Aa tT&txpeotal ETi&t. g Mr Marshall L. Ifott, of this lacej waa married, Tuesday, in Char jttaJ to Miss j- Mamie Sanches, ; of jingdsta, Ga. ; The intelligence of this event was received here the jUrtVr luOH (WU VOUnt? DeOPM t about a month together at rM5 BparkLnfi: Catawba SDrin&rs, there for the first time.3 The tance thus formed ripened ly into loerM6nday BEss with the relatives who had been th her at the springs, started r home in Augusta. Mr. Mott panied'them. Arrived at Char- lotle,a delay occurred, and when the party went to the Southern train, Mr. Mott and. Miss Sanchez separa ted from the others of the company. The train rolled off with her rela tives And she and Mr. Mott repaired to tbe Fpiscopal church where they were Quietly married by Reyv-J. B. Cheshire Wednesday evening they arrived in Statesville. The) bride is a highly attractive young lady. 'Statesville people who met her at Catawba ; were charmed , , v i - . . - . by M pleamaMersand evwient pty, and Mr. Mott ia exceedmg-, J Munste to having ms4e such a TJ"?1 a I . jrwcuiarn Pie of Nanl A " J reading, dtWa-:!3"?"' m 9J7.J nappyone ana - - - . y - LandniarL', ,1 . Small Tanas. We have more than once written on this subject, and there is reason to believe that what has been advanced has not been j altogether without ef fect 1 The tendency toward small farms is beooming a marked feature even of our section. Before the war large plantations were the rule, and still there are far too many of them more at least than are profitable to the owners,- for some men are hard pushed to pay the annual tax on their large estates. The number of small farms, however, is rapidly on the in crease, vtnd is one of the most encouatging i signs of the times a good omen for- tne future oi our country, forj these small farms are owned in the main by men. who live uporr and work them, and whose in terest and .pride it is to improve them to the highest extent iThns we are getting a staple papulation of I landed citizens, substantial, working men. the bone and sinew of the coun try, and it is from these small farms that will come the future strength and glory of the republic It is a great thing to be the free owner of a good little farm. It is a priceless privilege to be permitted to carve out for yourselves and loved ones com fortable homes from the fruitful land Oflvour old mother State. We advocate email farms. Get . a i v- a ii . vimr auin as as ni wnnp rmanni sni rna lf TTi' youog wen oi in? coun.j w setue aroana you, Get you mote neighbors, and there will be better dmea-T-fBural Messenger. A South Carolina Dantiit'i orimt ' A telecrram to tbe New York Sun from Columbia, S. G, August - 15tb, says: A few nights ago as Dr. Is- I aian bimpson, a dentist and a promt- nent church'member of Winnetboro, a n J . : . , i - wo rtsturuuiK utwie irom a 1 prayer meeting, accompanied by his I sistei, he was stopped on the street I by a gang of six masked men. Two of them seized and held tbe lady to prevent her giving the alarm, while the others gagged Dr. Simpson and knocked him down and beat him in I Sri trttrnavynf til mtnntr . T'lio Liw1 i I . . n. . , w tiwaai ua- fn were silent as to the cause of the assault' but it baa since leaked I out A year ago, Dr. Simpson, who Oaroh'na, sixteen years old. ; About a moBth ago Simpson sent her back to North Carolir a in a condition to bf oon w toother. For several weeks Ft to. departure she laid in the jbouse mastateof nervous a r "77--- " . . - - o fstoWBOW from th i outrage. He hie crime to theehnrchand asked forgiveness, bat was summari. lyjsxpelled, ' Aiter this the indigna tion of the peopW was so great that he would neyer go oat from hoae alone,' and tffrrasVed men to carry o&t their designi were compelled to attack bits: while he was with his sis ter.,: ..After the punishment had been administered, they gave him ten days in which to leave the oounty.' " He at once disposed of his property, and .left for parts unknown. ' 0 SB., ar a a av . - .- x t..-'.. ipiiatiTi ut

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