j STJ-EHDSy OtT- '-AlBE EI(3iHin -VTHLEN GO AHBAD.-D Crockett. f.-'i .; ; ; ,. . jri V ' . HAIL CIL0818. HNf 5," a j - w , i For North, South and West tja I For Gireene.'asfixtnom an HydMfi FoT'vti fiiamafZ 77 Hyde county7:00 P. l j From TOBif8M$ti AjlfcyRail road at 15 AllXB O i In Money Ordr and Bgutrd Abetter 1 to 4 p..Mlv.Atfi.i4,vH''L-.'."L k. E i ; i : ' . I li if It :I : . - Office f oVjjrifttftAnfiyl between I these honrn- except "whan 'mails Ar I being distributed or Meat. ) .' ; : Open On Sunday from 8: I'tbfeSO W. P. WttUAMSOK, P. BM "Ft 1 1 i users nu proiet imim jmh of Tarboro and vteinit' OBtoelaT.Ai: Practice 1m ell the Cforts,. State and eral. ! . . XaUfax ud Pttt. in the Court Tint VetOufrtot, utUtaeCUottif and Uttat4; 1 UTT0JfSlCJ7it2.WL OOcmlmT l.ttoraty andCeBOMlorat Lair. ; .auwai JnotAJT- If JXO L BRDQEBS k Mi iiA a aiafw ' t - Auorneys-at-i-aw, - W . THRBOtROV JSJQI lL-i-1J A. kadaca Vkl attau o tiAtfT rota lSctuS j3a5ai " It. Attorney rat Offlc fiittsTUiM MaUn'a otic. WU1 prikAic U ' ral and BtaU CourU. . J. a a KHABPS Oirfti'fiSfrarpe.' 4 rracilMiaVa Coarta. Stataui FadaraL txn Ti in hffrrfaiTTMifif hiamn ft. Tn - AyrfuOiTari'' ifTTIfr"" aa !iwtg-OE0tRrHOW U I LiiU VSSk pw (teiew vaw i otic, ea mw a tiiw-wn or anj I waeaaad Ua f AD YEBHSINQ ia Amazloaa t . jiewwapTy - ..-jhajagaipagaptmnniwanrt, i -Fi : rr ' 1 ! ' - i- AOS l A WM1I mjf mmm niirpt Vf h ( tba bart aad'aaeapeat achoalaia flia iJmioa, lor lb Higher itancmuon i wosaen. CUmata renowned for lta - heUhfabiea. j Fun faeelty af experienced .aacher.IjMrotif h : laatraetioa. Firm dlacipliae." HosUAepeci. y. apply ef laatniBieata ample, tacluding atipa eaaMW opeaa ana ireaneiaayi a aeo- Baat-AamMoiaoa la Uteru.dtaMcUl lab, land' fr-cataloeBeK addreaa iRaw j. aa. AtsjuVVA- ?raident.- .tuael-eept31 -3 lAWj-nafci i'liffHlSSir a? Baa swi ai Arniasav : pt oom vttioU.-' w a r . , i in ir i i , n n n i i u i - i i -ri r ; v mm i m m - w i n-"-: .r --t" .. ii Li. xv nu i l..w ir r Aiii r. ir. ei i i tse: ?-vyir i of iha Refara by expusaa npnniaaioo teadre Kaf a, af the 8f pre Gofertf atieoriiWioaat anb ! Raielffhs Bkttle. Boon b CoJ. Nor- fr-t yrraiAXii I (I L r..- Mvf a iaw iTi2LiSrThSiT!Kv7?M BiMrr Har t.. ium wu rKKK. UMka with VALHA.SL& IlliTIii ... I ItM immI aemiat rwHMUMHtv I u k : am tefAiygLfawij .. isata fhCl-- , . DKALIB IN DS T" BUILD KRa HARDWARE, ' ?ftTTTTfl. hTTA ftLAPH. pfoanr - wrrBroz - FABttT square V BUAKUAKC A VW At I ! JUU1 MMM,: above ied'Bafikine Co. Mii'l. Milt4 Jt iA ; XU CIVETS A1U Ul- 1A8 JIM r rt -. t fl -$3QJ In all lr 4-vFe. j s . Vv f tuvnawiiy aMvww Tffifia'llawhi: White ftcei3iEmbcpideriss; AJAlAll LI: . i I I thaO-'. - rM imt'M4 rui.(ji. iL-m - n . I i in i i iiimihii i twMiwatii i a it ii . i iimiirnii ninr iiihi n m nrinjiirnnir ? t ; . - i mini ar iporteming satins; G.ftt :j NICE LINE OR SHOES, i AND r STAPLE DRY GOODS. All boasbt thia Sprioc and. will ba Tavlmrn Jan. 1L-lv f'"' - - Ta vgt 1 1 j 1 1 Saddles, Bridles. Robes Whips t :5rFPOsiTwiffWiW5Tw TAEBOKO", H. C. !-. '- i r - t Hiring hoi aC Ju Ibser. the man i will ha Tiiader. hla afactnrtnei and charge. -Amy eueMtaotiag' a flae lMBdMde rarnen wui do weu to give me a cau. i. INGLE HASNSS...tl5aAdnn. DOUBLE; HigNXSgl .i U 4.4 1.5 aadra.: f 04achlllamee. a aB ffleeaj j f jaally i rf Halbjt pnrehaaed from. B, fc.F. J.. Weathj enfaee oaints rirhta f or Ediraeamhe. Maah and The (HieapetfTarm Gab: eVar laVented;, 'Not ihi to ret Ant ol ofcr.-No sastaeorBtrala n the nosta. and a perfect f&fesruard acalnat nixhieona stock. Thoae who hate bereto- tfare glwa ta thgji ' arai to ottew wflhAW, r ! . .f . . S. . P. Wade s ii ni ii I -.ii ii t t-wtri vKAiM. nr ; " 1 1 - A. That will Vl8t !& ObirthiriHOtatetWf Year. ctoLte 0 LI! Zfjtuperior ;to rtnp Other 'Sho&tliat Ever Came South aan Electric Light is i6ccrJTdllow Qandlet WUh ExMUtt atii fMllflfM II1T EBlil ' I I AJUAI AJMJJAA A UAiA A AJAUJLI ijl r . AM.ua uwnAagaa,iJtoeii'itfofm, & Palace Bleeping XJara. In V'i n i j r i.. . i V H M a 4 1 m nMMM i, -ST H I U LI LI U U 1 mil II I l 11 II M I, .' I sL ,. "illir f I 3 llil Z LARGE MENAGERIES COMBINED, TM ONLY LIYIXQ GIRAFFE THAT HAS ! ONLY UVING PAIR and Halli worth a hundred mQe journy to pnoa lAomnsjon to atery rmtor ir wa doutlnWrfnea tbeat IoomJo the rins at arerr ...rWthttoikad ohlamnolSairfQran (aUbasDMT&ai sto m toeyiui. tUft oo o' Uia asaay axfnordUrje features wa actaalfy riobit. Cni tbia edTCtfaarmantoat, cany it with you and try anc find 0o iiagle thfoi; bere adrartisl that fa not acsnsB axbibitacL ; 1 1 , , - rearernsaa ' 801CS1K0BS 8TE&LIKA krati ritFnwR u . . Ana a.or a Taenmuaouiie7er Seen Mori - . " The Brkif GENUINE BURCBEL ZEBRA rn -k. w APE8, BABOONS MANDRIL&-TIOR, LIONS, LEOPARSfflJ WAB&b6 KDBHAS and .ha fir OENOIE-yiRGIKIA PAKTBlS I taSn 'iwn&eS'fflai a MuJtid. of Animal, not her aatipae4i ,i . T gM ft thaSaatToa Kt Saw . dad 5 "if "S.5!iWr ni-JL1; iW?pttIP' '.ii-wcniywtii 'tire viLLT . v.w-i m. poe ir.pfOT, me uen mibM. Wire Walker, Trapeze Ar UU arwUUi and GearalPaformen arar Ma 8..ntJand mort fUem. . T ' . laite. bieh aid: .'The txi. t1 of th KnnM, flKowj mTAmVrieti" w u Preiare for a Qenaioe Holiday. Be lb MxTTIacea to Hee toe Fineat treet vYocesnou re BeWllriMir Atgerhafl "Cats, c, . -.. - Topped, Tidal Ware of Splendor, introducing MnLl 111 Okai!ialAUU ItaiCrMta In Xsbleap of Oohunbia aaft HarOottrt of Beeirtft inlraaaC?!r WAMIV TN 1 UtntfU. ,:Hiliteinlilitn (!Mliiouliiin. ii).... StxeaiS Tekseope ChatfottQ FeetHishaAtoinir hloU J38h,ia midir IJvinr: Ela- t hanil. and upon iUbeek a BeaatiM.Iv lelb4 The Plincaaa of India and Her Royal m. . . . wa . -wn AH aretiaea af trarel ire erAWded7aohooU Bui t BKV5anPn.UWy iaatyrpwd yog bate awraeeirfaattyoaVfr aaa mora araswionai reacarea inan Arer, mc- oeiara. n ja.worta a auu mue jaqroey to Va. Xxooniona on all Railroads at erf ally redflced raUCLlllPaza fv aloyful jabilaa. Id town early. Brine tbao'd rVWhatl;bflriff fhrannti. eooaina. dansbtan wivaa. awaethearta. boyg and att. If yon aea InuneaM Tsiboad trains, jroaill Jba sM4AJnnisj?f, OwintoTha aadraona exV attandinc sa Yast as sxtiiDiftott ue aQHa-ion pnaa an u tuassma io arfcrr nlaca raich ttts Bhww w?? r,"lF far aH orer 10 Tar TWmQ N. C,t, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 13, 1883. 1 5 i -r 8 HERDS Of ELEPHANIS BEN SEEK SOUTH F)R 20 TEARS. m-HIPPOPflTAMl se. WlTa.ihaBiaBi1 aad wiU rafnadtha A! oihwfifrf-timahrfaeaii ta tl,RrtT. JwArar lour Horn kiiwiAi..,u fji?: H7. ""rS aBuraDirwnaqcted and the yery brat Town arfr V5JaftdhaSaiyJreelsoe I 11 .-.. 4 6 Banfte afjifttrfitkad&ad T?.t " m -f. ... . . i rereeeitinff Lalli&Soethd nartiowf mm Eacorti &n&M$M&, t.iai Aiawrl' b m . t w ty m - ctpse work' eaageada aA sala- dy wbetr ft see uax Kjgest a0 An Itaa DOthina oat h partd; ibae a. Ddlbe Age, . KS$ V -4 ax. 'a-a -a avfce...ea4 a a i JJ Wlasl : . r Gowrnor Blaekbnrn, of Kentucky, keeps right on turning the rascals out-M)f the penileniaaiy. Editor Watterson pronounces the story of the reconciliation between TildenandEelly "the worst of boah. ObY-Holden may 'not return to the editorial harness, but the pcoba bfliticfl ire that he will do aomeeii tenklTe contributing. .Queen Victoria has an income of orer 2,000,00a The Cxar's income it about $10,000,00a Our income ie-well, nearer mind. Tlie ahot-gfun.atm seema to take tlhej fancy of ex-Qorernor Spragae. ln tune its object, however, was B0t E. C, . bat ? less noble game in tie shape of a receiver. lithe New York "World" says that Efcacoe uonklikg will no be nomi- natea tor iremdentc: He will remain iHia profesaoiL 'sad: is as . certain become the head of the American bax as hi was for nearly fifteen years at tpe head of thft Benaia. KxConprreiBman MaLana. ofMrr. laniL !ia4 the Democrats of thai State wm-Bend a Bayard deleeration to the National Cenrention; also, tthaf Bobert IJncoln is the only Re- (S?"TI . : xwmocraiis ww tt afraid of -next year. , i Mr. Vanderbflt is alleged by the Naw York World to have quietly gtren away $3,000,000 during the ptsfc two years. This would seem to a5brd some explanation for the large aafount'of mutilated coin in cireula- Very sensible remarks these, and we- wish that the saloon humora would reaiize the great erils that the Souths xkxb speaks of in allowinir ids to Is trained up-to pool play ing 11 their saloons. We do not uow to whom the 'Sottisxbwzb'i re qkars apply, but we hope they may be needed in erery necessary ease. fScotlaud Neck Commoo wealth.') Some of President Arthur's friends indignantly deny that he is speckled witb mosquito and flea bites,' baked aZCFm Atari 4 ffwiflnJly ntwd rni lul -I'lL- M ii Ji-A-lf- -I auuie oi tiie iruutier. aupaccnes rep resent him to be. They say he is as fresh as a daisy, and a boss excur sionists - "! I i 91en in the regular- army are des erting aTery day. Their argument is that they did not enlist to use; the shorreL' hod, carry water and do farm' drudgery. If there is any army in the world where the soldier in the ranks ia cuffed about and treated likff a dog, it is in the U. S. Army. Hie wonder is that more don't desert It is said that in his statements before the senate committee in New Yorki the other day, Dr. Green, president of the-Western Union Tel egraph Company, declared that that corporation expected to monopolize tne teiegrapn ouaineaa of tne United States. It is high time for Uncle Sam. io put a quietus upon that lit tle amr by establishing a postal talg?aph. . k" '.s Frank Jamesmay hare reason to repent of his confidence in throwing tnmself into the arms of GoT-rnor CSrittenden and the people of Mis souri, r Hiar prospect of resuming his piace in society ana becoming an honored 'citizen of the State is grow ing less and less as the evidence of his bloody crimes accumulate around him: One of the Kansas postmasters is more than pleased with the new offi eial order. He says when the wife of one of the second-class postmas ters officially requests him. i to beat the carpet, or weed the onion bed, or whitewash the back fence, he can draw out and read Postmaster-Gen cral Gresham's order forbidding first or second-class postmasters from ab senting themselves from then office. Then he can go out from the shelter' mg roof of his domicile absorbed in the beautiful thought that "there is no cloud without a silver lining.' f The Rocky Mount "Reporter" ad vocates the claims of Hon. Joseph J. P&ria, for Governor. A purer, more npright man does not lire than "hon est Joe" Davisll of Franklin. The Goldsboro i,Messtngern would cheer ''support him for any position of the peopWbut we . . t a '. !' r- hare) his. name associated. - in v our mini id, as the man, above1 all others, who should, succeed honest old Dr. Worth fasw State Treasurer. We learn that Dr. Worth will . decline re-eleoUoxu4' Gen. A. M. Scales is our first choice for Governor, and Judge John: A. - Gilmer our next With either Scales or Gilmer to head the ticket, and Davis for -Treasurer, we can sweep the State by. 15,000 ma jority.- , Mamnni Earrings for a Bog. - f -'XL very . handsorao young, lady, whbae name is A. W, Bich, from California, and on her wedding tour, has created quite a sensation at Sar atoga. She is stopping at the Grand Union and is to be seen walking up and down the piazza of the hotel for hears at a time in company with a beautiful little black and tan dog. She seems to be wonderfully fond of this pet The little creature was made aweddincr Dresent and cost tAOO tThe lady ordered for the dog earrings ana a goia coiiar 01 special pattern. The earrings are worth $2,000, and the collar, which is studded with emeralds and pearls, is worth $3,000. This lady and her pet arenot only the talk of the town,but have created the greatest sensation known here for yterm; " . Teitiag ramaa1! Tata naive System. A good deal has been said in our columns lately about the intensive system of 'farming pursued by Mr. Farish Furman, pi Georgia, and in a trip to Cabarrus county the first part of this week, this writer saw a practical demonstration of its won derful results. Mr Erwin Harris, a young farmer of Poplar Tent became interested in the accounts of IJur man s intensive system and concluded to try it He bclected an acre of ground which he planted in cotton after Furman's plan. He put on this acre of ground 1,200 pounds of com. post. The early season was bad aud tbeootton did not get a good stand, but this fact to the contrary not withstanding, he will make fully three balsa from this one acre. The cotton is neck high to a man and there are from SO to 75 boils to the stslk Mr. Harris never hoed the eottoo, but ran ' a plough throafih it once or twice. It required little or no labor to cultivate it He ia ri) well pleased with the result that next Year he will, he sava. cultivate as much land as bis means will allow under this intensive bvr tern. Is ieveimpiy wonderful and witn tnese practical results before their eyes, it wfllnot be long until all our farmers are parsnin&r Furman'ameth. od -Charlotte Journal-Observer. A Sleh Captomasiaa. Mrs. Caroline G. Davis, of Albanv. who was arrested at the Foley Hons. in Saratoga, on Friday last for a tempting, by forcrery. to obtain a valuable dress from James McCreerjr & Co., dry goods merchants at No. 801 Broadway, New York, was taken to the tombs Monday afternoon. Mrs. Davis entered the room calmly and sat quietly in an arm-chair near the iSf$&kd8k without appearing to tare mbuu iBoresh u Wu ing on around her. She is short and slender and her face looks thin and delicate. She wore a handsome black silk dress and a white chip bat with trimmings of crushed strawberries and an oetrioh plume. A heavy veil covered her face. In answer to the justices question, Mrs. Davis said that she was twenty nine years old, and that she was born and had always lived in Albany. Jus tice Herman granted an adjournment per appearance. The dress which Mrs. Davis tried to secure was valued at $100, Stephen H. Parsone, one of the prisoner's brother's-in-la w, said to a reporter that there could be no motive for Mrs. Davis to resort to such methods of wearing apparel, as she bad plenty of property in her own right The estate of ' her father, amounting to $2,000,000, was still intact and on her mother's death she will get her share of About 'two years ago jure. Aavis.was il lor a long time, and was given morphine ar v- m in large doses by her pbyaic:ans. She has continued to use the d'ap since her recovery, and often acted erratic ally when under its influence. 1 A CHAHCB AcWAnriAN GK Bow a Waakaesjfor Aristocracy Brought aoams aaa wonrnnon An interesting story is coiner the rounds here of how a fashtonable lady and her two, if possible, more fashionable daughters, in traveling from New York to New Port on the Fall River Line, only a short time ago, were very, much taken up with a stylishly dressed and athletic young Englishman. He treated the party with the most studied politeness, and extended the ordinary courtesies of a well-bred traveller in such an accom plished manner that the ladies were quite fascinated with him. They casually inquired if he knew .Lord "Blank," earl "Ditto," and Duke "So and-So, of .England, and were told by the stranger that he enjoyed the honor of the distinguished noblemen's acquaintance, and be furthermore proved it quite conclusively by rela ting several anecdotes of each which were satisfactory to the ladies' mind a Both at once at once jumped to the conclusion that they had discov ered some distinguished gentleman of noble family traveling "incog and invited him to call upon them ' at their cottage. ' The oung fellow thanked them for their courtesy, and in tne landing at Newport they los sight of him. A few days later while out for a drive with a young friend, the parry saw the stranger and bowed to mm. Their escort was amazed and inquired : "Do you know who you are recognizing !" The ladies con fessed that they did not nd imagine tueir surprise wnen told that , the handsome Englishman was no more nor loss than Charles : Mitchell, the prize fighter. . A short time after Mr. MUchell called at the 4 cottage and explained who and what he was, saying, ,f I am a gentleman, but I am not in? what you call society.. My father! ia an English clergyman, in good standing; and his name is af itch- all- I am a prize-fighter." The re mainder of the interview was 'neces- sarily of short duration, but the scan dal consequent to the episode has ex tended even as far as the fashionable circles- of Washington,- where the la dies all more in the very best society during their, winter sojourn. Wash ington letter, j A Little True Love Story. unarioue Journal-Observer. J Yesterday, as trade had quieted down, a clerk in one of the dry goods stareB BtenDed back to t.hA wafor- bucket and as as he did so, : he ob served, a couple stowed awav in. a corner having a sweet little -time all to themselves. She wore f a light pink dress and a "r ed hat while the young man was rigged in j his best Sunday black, and the apple in his tnroat was bidden behind an agoniz ingly high paper collar. It took the clerk a long time to - drink a glass of water, but he finally went back to the" counters, and it was noticed that everyxlerk in he. house; ! began to get thirsty. The head r of; the firm finally went back to see ' what iV ' all meant and reached the water bucket just in time to see "George"' with draw his arm. from around his sweets heart's, waist; while he, picked i.aissl .w. Vi . i 1 i i i i uuui luo luuusHKiie wim, nis tongiue. She had been 'sticking1 him! '.with' ia pin and after seeing him squirm and wriggle to hen heart's contemV she gave him the pin-with , thia "remarka ITick me, Georee. tick. me.', t. ; -,"Hucuck-err( Peggie,'"' replied her George," ""I love you too : nrach" to stick you.' A njust 'at ; this" 1 fundr ture the cold-heartfid'mflrpii A-nt BAir pe4 np'jbqrjsubmit hi&i esfcinjataiforsa wedding outfit to theBnw GeoMa took hisJ iove by the hand and saun tered but.'-' TJiey went into a. furm: ture store ' anfd got away - back' wTiere they reinained until the heat bf the day, was -over, When they im paired to Esquire Maxwell's office and George paia ior a license. JVo doubt at some" dear ' little 'country home last nigt George and- PiggStlrtbdd'u'p' before, Bptue;.Squire and the Golden- knot was tied.. Sweet, j be .their honBmoon and happy jthiir days in J ; Governor Jarvis t at Bostoni Forfolx Vlrdnlan.1 " "1 BbsTon, September 5 The open ing exercises of the American' exhibi tion of the Manufacturers' f and Me-' cbanies' Institute took plade to-day;' The exercises were held-at lithe north end bf the building," in ith. presence of a large number of invited enests. It was 12:15 o'dock beforbe OoV- ernor entered noon thei ulatform. 'allowed by bis staff,' and ' euests of the occasion. Among the party wet-e tnr 'handJerJLieiitenftllt-Goy-ernor Ames, ana IrpTCBeiirauVes 01 foreign governments. The exercises began with prayer by Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D. D. ' Mrl John M. Little, in a few words, presented as presiding officer his excellency Gov ernor UUtler,- rho - dehvered "The opening address. This was follow ed by speeches from Secretary Chan dler, Judge Symmesof Denver, Gov- ernor Jarvis of North Carolina, Julia Ward Howe and others, and by Geru- iT&ncis A. Walker. I Governor, Jarvis, in responding for the South to Governor Butler's wel come, said: .."He came not to 'shake hands over the bloody chasm,' but to clasp hands with New England over tne growing prosperity of a united people, -i The differences Iwhich led to the war had been settled. When the Southern people came back into the Union they come pledged to loy-, alty, but under the ' reconstruction policy adopted byj Congress, they found their State and county gov ernments in tne nands oi persons who did not serve the interests of the sections in which they lived. This was what made the South solid, not hatred of the government, but a desire for wise laws justly adminis tered. 1 The development of the South had been confined mostly to the past ten years. In North Caro- Tina over twenty new, coi ton r facto ries had been arected, ani1 the facr tones in wobd and iron were im-? proving, and all over North Carolina to-day there was a spirit of content ment. Our business and fpublic in terests, he saioV require that th'ere shall be no more harsh speak ingxn one section by the other. I bid you to join me in this , sentiment : ''Our United Country to theef we cling." Mayor Palmer was the last speak er, and at tne close: of his remarks, the Governor formally declared the exposition open. The exhibits are far from being perfect. ' Much space on the main - floor is still vacant, and . 1 it. 1 .... 1 , many 01 ue exniDits are incomplete. North Carolina makes the largest exhibit of any single State outside of Massachusetts -j.. . - ! Gov. Holden's Last Shot ifews-Observer ' Raixioh, Aug. SI, 1883. I published not long since a card in the "News-Obseryer"that I was no longer a Republican, and that I was. not a member of the ' Liberal party'. I had a right to do j thisJ A - ruarrm this country may do this las often as he changes his shoes or his hat aod no one can question him therefor. But what I expected has come to pass that is, J am roundly abused for this act and the fact that I am old man is used,; ckivcdrnuly to give point to thia abuse, ? .j. . J..t- ?,:..'' IU It is also : assumed . that I have joined the Democrats, and that I wui edit a Democratio newspaper.- I have a right to join thtfp'Delnocirars"irT choose, and I have a right to edit a Democratic paperjf I choose j . Jtut I am not a Democrat, and I m have no idea of 'editing a paper1, j ough $ think I would i know how to." edit a Democratie paper. K i ? ? ; I im a Democrat forty years ago, when it was a great ahd glorious thing to be a Democrat and I have always had a great respect for that patty. ; I agree with that party in fayoring a tariff ? for revenue only, and I approved. Gov- Vance's speech" in the Senate in which he labored to reduce the present tariff' which is so-' oppressive to the Southern people; aftd if I had publicly said this in a lit tle' card, I would have been' denoun- ced as a renegade from the Republi, r can party for, so doing. ! , The Rational government has beem sectional since' I860, and it in now; fectionaL in , that it does everything for the: North and by ( comparison,, scarcely anvthinsr'for th'e Smith Tf. it pays out one hundred rnillions of, " aouarsper annum in pensions to the' conquerers, and doles out td North '8 Carolina a few hundred j dollars nowtn i and then for - imprdvemehts, - and all ! the while it, drains us by a high tariff and by an internal revenue tax.j of ., several millions peraimum. ! Of cpuraa I would pay tne pensions,1' but I wohld allow six y millions instead bf Wbundred. Icould not Vas a 'Be: puplican have aoaaoionaienalt now toe issue, Det ween the two Darr - tfts f6r fcbeyfir'8iime'Binceithear ;iIt i- uot too mttohi'ifbrnEDe'te say thai I founded the RtpubliotneUyliI' iritis State, eud dial but forPavid S ' Re(dl and m jbfetf therelJtaonkl haW r bna.tpsjnpbVSratkjpak it ji to Nor tli Carolina. ,1 edited tha t.nijfeeTihyMcBJW' fo'' fcOQ.Vttcta7 uTil ' . I . ........ f urnppapprj' . xmave' no laew of ' at 'aipiinti itiiiiwr. iftifc traejuiaiateiaaWi Lbjl Oouje of tbepuperB, tUat.1 1'vuted M pdUwBaitlitor Opsgretaviatithe' Mjtielection-j. top feeble1, to- fto f- ;a fo the ; polls aud conseo5atly,1did v 4 not jvote at all' : "".! Ijam perhaps i the most, indepen . w. alld not Kirn 'iaBV beel fdr'sll'the V,f.w9!i-Partieaeidd.lrSBtwi. "Kr C0W tbe .gooppini, M of jbsfe fend respectable men. but I r t amj fibi'' ftttifdate f of-' the "sweet 1 'sweet vcife8'5V)f .the'chffin'g;and ihoueht' f : leqajtrmUitude.. In all my puUkvluV '4 ihestriventp 6a,smj4y as Lun-. h! d'ers;to6a it, and though I know J am (i" . frail abd 'weakl'yet ' T ehall always ' ' mtain'a'inaniy'.frbiiV attd'hever ab5'1 :,;;r jectly apologize Wot"'' my past t aets:-1 Med are always prone more, to have others repenfrban-to rcpent"them selvWt "!-.- i.- anUs.jl', -'.'l Iq is also, assumed by some, .of the t,, M ' papers, that I have left the,' Bepubii- , ' can party nsolely on account of the tendency of that JpartytcTigro eiuality. lhTa'Iu only.TonAof my . J reasons 'i!Negrd equality; is a great7 people iave drawn j the line against the white people, and are demanding office because they are colored, and t 111 v irgmia ine coniesc is now going . , forward in' favor of1 Imxed ' schools, : the Democrats sternly- resisting, and'" ij the Republicans prrIiberalaVunder ) 1 uieieaaoi jaaaoney- eontencung'fQr . then. :, Mixed schools is but another , J name fpr equality between the races, j . 1 he Republicans of North Carolina took! ground as one man again st mix ed schools in 1868. Is it possible : that ;there are now in the State white men ;who are -for them T Another reason for niv course is - - that .the President refuses to recom- : u mend and Congress , fails -Jto pass a i,v bill, to refund to the Southern States "' the ta of eighty millions of dollars. imposed on them : or7 their cotton ' ' most'unjustly ftnldcrueiry at'the close'5, of thp war, ,The share of our State. I f in this, sum would be- five or six mil- ' lions, a? 4 ... ;0 :.- . . "H .Tijoi' . Adoiher.reasan and a. gfeat one iai-i.f.t a that the Southern ."State are not-the-n 'A equals of the Northern States iA ihe:tl Union j and never-.will-bo-wfaile tha old 'Abolitionists control the govern- ;.' ' mentj jThe South has no Vce-PresKf - -ident, no seat in t he .cabiiiet . and no f : -. -first-Wass ,"iforeign j urisaion. .rAnd ' 1 1- when any. little, office is obtained byrn Uf Southern . gentlfimen. they, - for .the f.1 most part have to beg .and humble ti.. themselves for. suchj-eaognitioar - , Anpther reasop- is that the Repub- licans of this State desn-H to-put the 4,., counties in the hands of bare major- , ' . ities in the "town-hips'1 by "electing' magistrates by- thea people -"This ' inight do well enQughwest of Greens-: I i bor6 where the whites -prevail, but this 'change could not , fail to be ca-1 , , f 4 lamiious- to niany ftte JJasiem ' ' '' counilesr- It would suDject much of the East to negro rule, and the re- ' suit would be neglect or 5 oppression 1 ' of the whites and serious injury to . the 'financial prosperity of the. coun- ,. ,., -iH-ties.t ' : ... V ' ' ... , I am a "Holden man." The old. people of the State will know what1 " this expressicarmeans.""lfT shall vote at all hereafter, I wilt vote in- ' - dependently for good men and prop er measures.; The Union is safe: We need give ourselves no.- special Con cern about that n I am therefore- for-' North Carolina and her best interests' against all comers. ' I am receiving letters froin friends in all parts of the State approving my course. - u r-u . , Let it be borne in mind I that- this f ,1.. . lis purely apolitical and, hot a per-1 ; T t sonai matter. , 1 have no ul-feeling ... against any one.' I desire ; the well- ' ':1 being hnd happiness "of'everybody. And those who use personalities or -v Titter Unkind words pftimy i aceount will li-e , to regret it I speak from , , experience. . ,. ... ; '1 , ' : W.'W. Holdek. P. J S. I think 5 the rGreensborb "North State" ought ' to copy this card and torreuJre"ita"cIas8icaI" and eloquent oorrespon dents td sign' their names to their conzmunieations. : : ..; 1010 not care what that.paper says -, about me,' but' as its , owner and edi- -tors are decent white'gentlemen they ". certainly ousrht to give me a hearincr. " ' ! "r.fa'i M, -, J.U si. 4 i 1 1 i . I'-V, 1 -