' i" k ' . . - .'- -- , , y ' . -. ' i ' ' - , . . f ' - . - "'4i - . - - t - - ' t , " - ,- A " - - - - . , . w . . . t - . ' . .... , - . . L . .1 : - - . Jk . - . i " . - - I - ! - ' V' .A'sK 31 t :.' : ,THEN GO A.ECElD.-t33 Crockett. vTARB()RO:fc..CiHURSpAY.SEPTEMBER, 20,-1883.-, 1 NO. 38 ,1 , , v . ,,-r.t-. - flit ii.tNNW,ri;- I : . . . . i -v , - ' V ! - ' -..- . . ' : . ,.. i:.,--.. . TT7T" ... T j'TIf i ' , ...... r .,); --. . i . - L. ... , . - ... ,,. .i1 ! -. .i - - I I ' . - i i j - - - - 1 1 l t , For North, South and" West na t i W. RaOroad at 9:30 AMI; t , 1 r fFpr jGremmllev "Washington - and i ilLSfAe county at 8:00Mf J or v liuamscuii auu points ui a.- , . "; ' ' ' ; - -MAIL!AMrTE3. if ;8ri? ! ' IVomorth, W. &W. Railroad at 6:3ft P-;M- 71. Froin Greeixville; Washington and BjdK bounty :00 P. 2 '.t?? rbSd a 9:15 ' i;;-f : t office HOUBS.,fl' ,y;:;.J:. v I; la Maney' Order 'and Regiqterea Letter Department, from 8:00 A. - to 4 ;m;0.1'3P:: Y ; H lh ilailin Department:onvT30 '1.: IL jte 8:0(V P; M. !:.' '; ' Vr Office "open " constantly " between - vthepe-hours ! except whei mafls are ..4 being'disinltttd orBenti1 ? J- XI Open on Saaday from 8:30 to .9:30 Ti tlilli and froS :3Q to 7:30; ; PM. til liuMsos, P M. 'PllOrESSIOSl'Jit CAH. .lit . X-t I ':.!!. ,'; - s Olfrt to profteeittal fpe a na of Tarbbro and vicinity. - , . ' Officein TA.fcHair'asdrttotft'on Main Street. , - Practiceff In all.the Coiirte,' State nd Fed- aral,- .i ?'';'' -lr 't .'v H. A. (JlUJAM. DoNSEtX- 3ttl.LAl( GILL.IAM "&,s6Sii&kvi;": . ; TAKBORO', N. C. t .. i ' WlU pritide la the Counties' of Edgecoin)e Halifax and Pitt and in the Court of lh First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and upremeCiourts at Raleigh.- jjjaMft-ly ' D 938ET BATTLE, C'- 1 A.ttorne7 at Law ' 'Ptaetices in tba Courts of .Nash' Edae coia'M, Wilson sni Ualif cc.untiea. ; A'bo U i-in the Fidial and upreno Coom. J, i V, t J2p" Ooilectiana a scialty : j .4 i j' ' ii-' - fit iritt atep.a i?rbop if I YX-ALTE fALTEK P, WILLIAM ON Office hv ToeS 6ffice 'Building.i j J . :W TARBORO', N. C. ; r :0 Sf ractice: iff State an3 Fe& Conirts. KOiVAKfj' - 1 ---- - J ' - -ri - Attorney and Counselor at Law . :J TARBORC N. C.. f lTPrrtC.iM8?n all the Courts lilatVand Attorneys-atf-Iw, .TARBORO', N. TracUce in all Courts. Prompt attention ta fcusineai.. 19 ml51 kR.iN.CAKR, j rnTjLmo o: j . ;. Office o-ai8, Troma. m? 'tilIfX5j m.jand 'roffl 2 to 6 p. m. : : , - - f .- tNext: door to Tarboro llou, over Haaier A Royster'a. " y ,, " !. J, ' : :;-;-,THOSlH.; BATTLE, ;;; Attorney - at -JLawi ; . TARBORO, . C f Office next to Philip &,Staton' f.aw ofllce. Will practice in w ;rai and State Courts. . Refers by expieos permisgion to-JudevRuf-i-(I n of the Snnreme Court : ' Citizens National Bank, of Raleigh; BattleyBunn Co., Nor- I oik) jnev Amngwra oo oous, icicioumg.. B. C gHARPE 4$S Martin ;A.tfpiileyg - jail's Law ' TARBORO, K. C ? (jr urUce in tWe Courts, tat uA Federal Hills - i fiE in full And successful operation, and J. are prepared to fill all orders for Sheet i ns, Yarns and Cotton Rope, at lowest prices. Orders addressed to Rockv Monnt Mills, Rocky Monat, N. C -win be prdmptiy attend- JAMUSS HiTTLF. t - Sec'y and Treasurer; U,1878-tf. lTKTfflT??93 by addressing EO. r. ROW ELL & CO- 13 Spruce Street, New York, can learn the exact cost of any "otoposed line of ADVERTISING In American Newspaper.. yjOO page-page pamphlet 25c. :-;r"t-,.;:COLLECE. i lRAarf the test and cheapest schools In tpie Union, ior we xiiguer murauuu "tL""; riimiU rnuiTnrd for Hfl JiealthfulneeS'- Full facaUr of experienced teachers... Thorough instruction. Firm discipline. Music a specialty. Supply Of instruments ample, including a Pipe Organ. Session opens 2nd Wednesdayi n Sep tember. - Board and tuition ia literary depart : n,.ni f r the Tear. 150 to $170. Discount to .inh ftmd for catalosiies. Address.- Rev C a- ATKUts. JT,; President, f ft 8junel-ept21 ' (rn-jtills and Millstone THE BEST TJf THE W0EL0 PORTABLE MEAL I T gusplM of MmI lBt IpjaestttL HIT! IMOLil MIUSTIK Elf -'j- :ii . BhsrlotU, V. 0. 5-TOH TiKf tr.w. saw iu rKiuif. -JS21S 6F 8IRSHAMT0lt.i r Ih.vea retire mtreiiy fr tbe bnT8 di: 111 J ft w4iiuttikzadoi cFeao. fciia Ktowt. kind ami oi km I taitb i its .ffiewsy, tli.t I wilt send TWO BOTTLK3 ! I ki.E.toEO'UrwUh VALUABLB TRKATISEnn l: jom, sue Ltithcr Sbeldon, (JDS&LtM IN I SASHES, DOORS ; ,f BmtDEVHAR9WiJlE,t f J; And Boildlne Material of eterj description VOS, 16 W. 8IDB O'ARKETJBQO ARE,. & ; T NORFOLK V A ! Main. St., TamliooEaTikiTig Co.- ON HAND NIW, FRSHSTOOi 07 Bought for Casli, which he offers at moderate prices.; - ';lteilw8 of.all glials rEsl COFFIXit CASRlts MDtjS DESTARISG GEXERAILI4 1 Patronai'ii&licileci.- - vV J f ; B. u.' OAE 0 Tarfcerd. Fb25il8S2; -I Nan's-Veiling aiid Buntings rfin shades in lTigured "EaWnsiCVtfhite uooas, nosiery, x-a,-ces, Embroideries' J Corsets, Dress But-1 1 tons; and Trim- J -;ming; atins. fr uA: riiCEiLirjEiOFf? ? ZEIGEER'S " SHOES . . . . . . . . j - . . . f GL0TO itCWlSllIRTi! i AND STAPLlfcDRI; GOOlfS. BA11 bonght thia Sprine and wUl! be sold very low, ; ; ;? Tarhorb'MKiayi -.MANUFACTURER OF ;, I Hand f Its' I ' ' -' I HABNESS :AHD .IfliLIS IS Saddles, Bridles, Rohes,: Whips, t Hn.lt.pTSt. HI.ankP.ts. &e. . ! - -OrPOSITE COUttT-HOr8E.- ;;y TARBORO', C. 1 ITaiinr bone-ht ont Mr. R. A. Sizer. the man- nfurtjii-int? - and reDarinsr will be under fci charge. Any one wanting a fine hand-made- harness will do well to give me aicalL s j STNfiT.E HARNESS............. t.tl5 andtt DOUBLE HARNESS,... ....... .85 and ap. Stachine Harness at all prices. janwy Money for Farmers :r IXaviher nurchaed from BY F. j. Weaw- ersbee county rights for Edgecombe, Mash a Pitt counties, we off er to the people oft same, r ' r y.rf. T:,'f'? - tmSf 1M -Bap iaxSllePi v The Cheapest Farm Gate ever invented. - Not liable to get out of order. No saging or strain on the posts, and a perfect safeguard against mischievous stock. Those who hare hereto fore giveti in their orders to others wUl hare tnem nueu uj us. may 15m nor 1 : Tarboro'. N. C, IsVontittinir Bhwioti i8prue nEAHVOUi Wao t Kood, euarfjettaatjaatscvarr i waera to Mil tubnw tttMmriat fmwUlw MHUm. 1'ba best ta tba arid. 2TS tUwrtraJioas, nil . handsome bindings, an mmwr vaJoaWe TtAtsrea' ftund iif no other HMe. tX'iis si signi. A Is Ridpath's Hlatory of the TJ. B., compjets will lb. present aAmf ntstratlon. If yon want to nab Muwey sand tat ttnn) einrulais, etc. Aarest WAuica a nwx s i w, vocutu st ciitinAn, ai 1IJJU11U ".' i.- i" -I;. - V- W: Vi v V', U Jt:fc I . IB CCarlilej, " at !:.: H Gatlin's: "IP v v r : -- - lflf II I IIM UU ILLIJ4I m Tn?it will visit tncsoutnern stares tnis Tear; C0JUMI Zp. ; AUl ITS OYERSnADOWOG MAG;MTIE ! as superior . to .ny utntr )isnow T.mMfi T.inTit is in n iT.illmn I , Brit)1Three;Tn5 Xo w ,V ,vNb Old" Acts,; Old Featu'restOXfagS, fpld AifHrnalT, You VI ' .-V-xiW.' Have Seen' Hlf&r V W . i EIMORMOU ..... . ,lAll United in One Vast .W" -" m IHWi UIIM ffi f. tne tine ana Unly Admitted (Ireatest snow on the Jb'ace of the Ulobe - - ' ' I Ut. hi.'i , . t i. ..... LXniBlTMG FOR' THE 8 LARGE MENAGERIES COMBlNEr3,fc f ' i 8 HERDS OP ELEMANtS. - " ONE MONSTER TWO-HORNED RHINOCEROS. H THE ONLY LIVING GIRAFFE THAT HAS BEEN SEEN SOUTH FOB. 20 YEARS tONUf LIVING RAJR Ever exhibited is any travelina Menagerie atreiBndoD8 female Hippopotamous ione to-ia-jiat. the Matt6tttfacuiUiric, and really worth a hundred mQe jouinpy to se We have them surerand wiH refund the price of admission to eesy rititor V -ou't introduce ibem loose in the rintr at ererv petfortnsnce. The above rare abimala afe.ih r1?""?".-" . maai .u - - - ' - - Ajh at. 1 X L mey iQrm out a time oi tne many exizaoroinary features we actmlTy exhibit. Cutthisl advertisement ont,;, cany it with you abd iL.i t . . .i ..n ' , - -J ! m .... s K a if i fv SOME MORE STERLING TEE ONLY 1I0N-SLAYES INiiMEaiCKll ; 1 Ml ltd AHlJ) " ... ,t V THE ONLY NIL GHAU IN AMEBIC A : THE LAEQEST BENGAL TIGER IN AMERICA ! ; a- . .r WA THE ONLY AMERICA1T-B02N CAMELS IN AMEEICAI i THE ONLY EfrEDEN'BEA&INGi DROMEDARIES Ki :fp f - . . . . Ana Jftore 01 Tnemtnan xotmatf Erer Seen Before! '; i The first GENUINE BTTRCHEL ZEBRA ever seen Sooihi -The Larseat HYF.KAR APEii BABOONS, MANDRIL8 TIGER pujaiAo, tijti iiiciHH iitit YjiiUuuA rAinLit apen in many Team besides Is the Best Ton Ever 8aw. - r'ldcluflr Th Wonderful STIRR FAMILY otByelcle Ridftrs . iiiss I0LA; J1IVEBS, the Handsomest & Best Bareback Eaues incline in me uonu. : uKitiii . uullis, inampton Trick uiuer.c u iLiiiEi aiUiiA ioe urear JOCKer jrotir Morse Riders The FRENCH FAMILY A0 J,Uhe Bcsfltrttbats. rrouvjine Jicasoninea school or Dogs. . ponaldson BrotKeisM JemafissiPhenqmeiioiis. r : Herr Drayton, the GermanTnmbkiV- - - vvm Hiv uu-urra, iud jwk a. uuj viols,. t ire vv aiKer: 1 raoezs Ar.ista OyranssU and Goaml Performersrer seen South, and more Of theni ?. , T " ' Newspapers without exception pronouuee son, which said; 'The people of th Sooth Great Show, which ia withonlexcpptionthe 0 v trA d Mr a"OfiniiihA Tfolidar. Be inlTowhTarlv to See the Many Free Sishla. Get flood Flaoes to See the Finest Street Frodession ever Been m Any American uity. i 6 BANDS -OF MUSIC? '43 GREAT SOtO MUSICIANS ON HR ORCHESTRA. s See the TraosceudenUy Beautiful, Rich, Gorgfeouj, Startling, Wonderful Parade,,; A Plume Topped, Tidal Wave-of Splendor, introducing 5 Ban-is of Music, 38 Gold. Covered Cages, 20 Great Gold Chariots. 14 Huse Elephants In Boyal Housings, The Beautiful Allegorical Tableau of Columbia and Her Court of Beauty, introducing the FOUR HANDSOMEST WOMEN IN AMEBICA. . Huge Aquarium- Cars, as large aa houses, drawn through the Streets. Telescope Chariots 20 Feet Higb, carrjing aloft high in mid-air, a Living Ele phant, and upon its back a Beautiful Lad representing Lalfah Rookh departing from Delhi The Princess of India and Her Royal Escort. IKnights in Solid . 8ilver i.rmot, and more-Sensational Features xhidt Eier Seen before. . It is worth a 100 mile journey tp a.. -RrmmioDS on all Railroads at ETsatly reduced rates,-.Prepare for a joyful jubilee. All aveoues of travel; are crowded,' schools SELL'S BROS. BIG SHOWS COMK Pepare to sse the Biigest Show and ths ig eest Crowds you have ever seen in all yonraifeJEihihit,iontth4Janal -onravB in townarly. ,'Brtnth Old folk', bring fthe babies bfingtlMnjiSfCwshM; daughters wives, sweethearts, .boys.and 811. Ii you Bee nothing aa-h arsdA, the tert, and tha immense railroad trains, jou will be paid!for ih journey : Owing to tha enormous ex pense attending so vast an inhibition the admission price wil-bo the.sime o every place which th: Show visitav . ii- -.' f ADIGSSIOIT for tit crer 10 Years cl Aga, . .V. .1 ! : -Tg ft f 1 vr"r.'."" ::"'"" r:; : , m r4 - r "I vat. Wi4 m,i .find the- ailer. enra-ed bv. the treat? our limited space - - PCBtirvELX 0FKaujx Ainuxi'airA-iuaa. - - , iieueaiief; ne grounu, iracsjiring "r'r!. .wt..vJ! w . . , 1",.. taat jverame.nouxn as ait fJnrifllpf x Will 'JSxMhit at with thS wbrld's Wonders. " TJacB -...ii j . j. jpjL-OP pplidtt tion i Trt fi n i t pfy B i j FIRST TIME SOUTH I OF-HIPPOPOTAMI i aav part of tie World. Ki.hwa Us ar moi-t valuable, costly and wooderfftl features 1 A. T-.1 uraMj Dul as rare as tbey are. try and find one single thing here advertised ., ,t .'ii ' --! i.-TI ! i- FE ATUiffiS 'WE-ExAlRTr , K U iU I ! LIONS LBOP ARBS, WARTHOO HEM- for the first time ever seen iu the South. this Show to beth .Bet ever seen " The hare anontortnnitv of viRitino-Sniia Rmf.ii- most honorably conducted and tbevery best I W VIA O .VV 1UUD JVUI UDJ Prenare for a ioyful iabilee close work suspends and a gala dsy when Thuhs pat; ; . :. .vSeptimbeb 20, 1883.1 EDITORIAL N0TE3. tjA xauroaduwax .xn the JNortn is iJorth thoUgiit to' be imminent. It will be )twrnAine8.:j:.l,14j i fjdreaftx and wif e 'Say ,r efkumed safaly frora tbeur trip across the dark ekin..s The oyBter may now cOme ' forth ita political retirement and place itself 4a the hands of its friends. : : Aladagascar with the exception of a few years) tas Tjeeil ruled by oinen Mnce 1628. X' ll The thdadelphia .' Hint , pays 86J cents a piece for trade dollars, which is the value of the ailyer in them.' '"' A Southern editor expects to make! a fortune shortly- Capt, C. J Wright, of the YickBbnrg MHerald,has invent- d a cotton harvester. 4 ' It cost John ' 'Kenned v.Tof tNew Torky $400 to kwaV a girL ' Thi .j is f or ouig the market value of,, th4 Iraw material beyond all reason: ri.Thft State of. Texas holds in her treasury in money and securities ta ..a. grand total of $10,914,000. j J ? AVestern dispatcTit coea today repi re- fent.th:?iK2tcrop a8,Yir!fcuftJly- sjfe-t- 2,200000,QOO bnshels .".K i Jefferson Davis is etilj pn-JiMS'jhav- ing been released after his eaptoff I At. . i-.t. : . it1.. ' ' . " :' -y ' , . tue eiose oi wie war upon giving good An t aufficient sureties, and the -bend '."A venturesome" Enefislihian iaf' just crossed be English" Channel on an apparatus which, he can use as a t tricicle on the land and a boat fti ibe sea, . ' ' f I I t -liobert JUijoe, yonnges son ot the4 ; iate ;nieaerate general,! nas f i the Legislature of Virginia, eay I that heiias no tate for pqJitac&:2 ng j ii.-i .The. best .society ef ..Xieadvilie - i"ghtyrprpjttd - j It eveu tuTus .upiitHd h6 gud, ifter ho IcttldifiSldal nose at exSejiaior Tabor. No wan bxs any show do'n there who lias j not f prtgtit a.Yduef or diop ped his man.-' . , n inere is to be a great 'mass-meet mi a ing pfohe i anti-mpnopolists in' New ( York tonight. , It is thought . that its deliberations willThaVe J ho little influence on the next State election. ! TTbe Tarboro Southeknee says: We want more mills and fewer distille ries,' We second the motion;, .but 1,,, tA. nnmmionor Kvi: " ' ZT ' , T I moonshine ' whiskey will be madet m North Carolina and Tennessee as long as there are mountains in both'States. He' says he does not think . illicit dis tilling can ever be fully stopped; in those mountain . regions.r-Bihlical Recorder. The young man Rowland, who was running away to marry a negro wo man while drunk, an account of jvhich Oi a prommena lawyer luiiiuyrfcou. They are trying to find but his where abouts so as to put a - stop to his de sire to bring a negro into the family. , ' JA "man and his ' wife . living . near Black Mountain, N. CI, went out one evening a few days ago, : to pick ber ries, The man stretched out on the gi'pond andLwent to sleep. 'The wo man found a mica mine from which oho V,aa raftlirnrl $2ft 000.1 wkila r I , -, j.,,. , . rm I Lege lord was taking his ease. . This I demonstrates the truth of the propo- sition thing .that ; "women are into every- Mrs. Jackson, Widow v of Stone wall" Jackson, is iq Boston, where aheand her daughter 'are the guests ot pen jtjutierj Juxcnangaj, ,i Twetity yeare ago Btttler issued an loiamous ordGr.tnat jgrosslyjnsmted evecy "Southern woman, for which hei was outlawed,-, by Gen. Lee, and m consequence of which he has since been kaowh as Beast. AVho would hate thought that Stonewall Jack son's Wife and .-daughter would "ever become the guests of. such a man? Edgecombe raises one bale and a sixteenth of cotton to everyman, wb- man, child, white and black, in the county.. How many cotton factories in Edgecombe- I Greensboro Pif trios- vfc V. , ' , ; Alas 1 not one. - ; J V-EISI EZSSL7 SENSATIONAL. ,Thef crowing has appeared in sev - rai Tstate papers: f-f.-yj -. Rockt MoosivJ- C, 8ept. 10. Rush HalL a youog man living near here, on Wednesday last parted from Hiss Annie Hopkins, a beautiful girL The engagement W, ... .. . , v - iWasprokBa lor some" .trivial Jpause. ayounnwV jouug ""r,?1t Ms;it:i tney were seen oy naii,rwno crazea bv iealousv. filnnk out of sn?ht into the woods. He cut a heavv club and followed the, couple. -When they ar - i vfid nt . Miaa Honkins honsa. th a vounff man left her near the eate. 1 a7 O O 1 ... . . . j. asm ISA vcrnva enmrtdA1 anH innltrnonrtil I her skull and otherwise injuring her. She begged piteonaly f or.bf ev but her appeals seemed only to infuriate him and he only ceased to .beat her;wher she was j unable to cry any t longer. She cannot live. ,. Hall has fled; . ; ; 7 We have inveatigatectthe; . matter and f cfund there is no- f oandatiobj for it It has been:exten8ivelypublisied! We "saw jt firstfinW lticti&bnd W nd aftewarda.jui ift yLd- vance, "atar,'( ffydrXcaa.. And ptn er N. (X papers. If sttoh a; things pehed at atl, ;it mnst fiaW bee; ' . .: Elopement at &ooky Ksuai .Oar quiet xitus (own .wafc-tarewrrf into' right much excitement wi Wed nesday evening on the) receptionof , news .from Bocky Mount, 'to the ef fect that Mr . J. H.. Barnes and Miss Winnie Taylor, the pretty and fascial naung daugnter oi j. A- 4-ayior, Jaq , ojE Rocky Moupt,. were, on, their, jway to this place, where . they, were ,to be joineu 19 , weuiocK. xueyieiii iav&j Mount between .seven' and. ;Wht o'clock, r each " in . company . with - 'i friend',; They,. drojve .. through, J the country and arrived at, tUr.; j ,vfc Barnes', father of the groom,' a 1Mb artermne o clock,, wnere tney were made man and wife by thejRev;I.ES.; Nelson.;;; A large crowd, had gathred to Be this popular young codplei married. 'After the' marriage and ton,. eratulationar had been 1 ettehd( ooontifuL sopped was spreXd1 them and' theirs friends.' ui3 wishes are .extended to the ijjrenng coople for a long life of uninterrupted " ATFf&olii AlrnptlyAwalcnd. "' iParis ipeclaltte5 dtspatcHB' tha TNe:?ck .eflBg - Telegram savsV As the f JiDcess J5eatnce was 4retri-nih!?the other frttml'Au4es- reaihs 'ai.66VXf?k come ox, ; wniou was' nouung mop than a momentary . alarms and inconr which was' nothing nwrJpt raakiDg bbeir i ownmeat asmanv T- oha fi'ttia-ioTirtiHU b'f-liani jbf therpy4 "carriage, fpok firAat 3 TTs- 7 Tki rWwttT,officiaia. rrpcJ Varecters of : personl. the" roval teav- eh rs were ordered without the Blight est ceremeny to ''Xiescenaes de 1toi- nA-V lftin ic. a .. The Wincesa . Was jSSund w aslebp, ty,.wexe. herup f , one implored a few momenta-delay too aoconnt of bei. inj "en toilette da IjgtrJW1 Highness soon, stepped out iOB.; the platform enveloped in a, warm tartan cloak; Alter twenty minutes delay in a voiture she arrived in this city, smfoi!fcaWJjA& 0f Wight and'Jpaimpraif fr.U tO i us mi Edgecombe Schcor-Fui Apportioned, TOWN8HI SaOOEOWEp.! 1 307 29 . 721.46 , 5713 .; v '91 61 s 159 66T 3 259 74 ! 279 98 t a f V .:- 7137 S3 53 ' . i I . -H J v h. i - ! ". 281 $4 6 129 58 34138 a'K7 37 7. i 8 9 : 10 n 12,: 13 14.' . .103 18. 105 63 130 18 i 76 78 - 47 92 ? 76 15 , 133 87 r189 74 119 13 60 81 102 51 KS08t . 1S1'7fi 1rO Q. tThinks to elevef James- YexMe! debutv Reeister "bl, Deeds, for , the- - i above. statement. The apportionment for colored achopla is respectfully' re f erred to the prayerful' consideration of Patrick H. Winston, Jrcj et id otntu ge'nut.y, 4- ' 1 .? I sjfaih.' ..." J Castalia, Sep. 81883. w Knrron. Koitthxrhxb : -lhe crops west and, northwest of' here i to the - j il. i. u- u-i ne&aUU laws wwsuiiw ubm ,7 . , maae.m some ipcaiines, .wnue in in soutneaatern portion oi tne counyyivKf. .-r, -rf v 7"". v,o .v. ;.:flM - BrHalJ varied Jesoujra of .tiie State an that n i lhA ati, m vast tin Aw.rl rt WftArMA TAiJ Tinnofnl and trwnnrAcnii nvfir --trrti rft - O , ! Bults of their - year s Jabora. " jia Honor,-Judge 'PhilirjB, who has been holding court in this county, made a 1 fineimpMssioj oo-ihe goosL people p ipitcountyt.arid jwou fiejsn laurels not only to bis own name, but to the Judicial ermine- of . North Carolina. He highly complimented our eppU), ana saia manor uie nrst urns tunca : 1 ' II a. r A. 1 AT A A 1 . he had been on the Bench1 that all 6 the Grand Jarors had paid their tax es, unly one convict was sent up to the penitentiary from 'u thia term,; of the court which also speaks 'well for the law abiding : citkens of 'good eld Nash, while it is admitted by all that no J udge ever gave more general eat isf action ' than did " Judge Philips Tarboro has just cause to honor and feel proud of him and-his increasing nsef uloes8 and populariij, . Andp. mre than that, Nash: seeln d bestepass-: 1 ink any "of her lieiTjbrs in the way of material , progress, c. and has, jost buata-bricbjaaHth steel eelta costing about raw, , ana tne ?awff,tT fy-r-r-- -r - te (Wft Tar River at the Falls, which .will stand a whole century, to reflect cred- i it upon the 1 county as well as its fjommissioners.'' And besides all tnax have liberal! t- Toted an aDDrooriation of $55,000 to the Raleigh and 'Alb i marie Railroad, "which proposes 'to 1 traverse par fertile phtisAadalr. F Lrioua territory, iberebv il6VIoping her resources of wealth . and attract- people of Nash are' glad to' wefcome back to Ma old home in Rocky Mount again, Dofisey Battle-, -Esq.; at yonr town, who is wetAand and farorably kndwji as the wittiest jpurnalii in' the jgate, njnd there 'is nq place ( like home, and returns to his native heathy mrs;' vy. vrvoppeage,' who- lias been visiting helf-father in Wen tworth; Jf. fcaa returned, kmianied by ih'er lovelv and attractive sisters.. Misses Wellieand Faiie,.Rtcliff; I f am sncb; able,' soujd 'and 'sensible 'edito rials tq tte-SoVraiBirKB of late' which are no doubt having telling .effects. Uoag may 8he liveis thewiahes of, j. Lutcyrreeiiuuea wui y lease, ex-. cuse tne non appear an j of his letter in last issue, A pressure of adver- tising crowded it out along with, oth er. valpable matter. Send narfle nest Aensil:le Xanvj Faveti&rillObsprer.'ViJ! it.J t-J KThother dayas we crossed -Mar- rket KquaTe .we met ,rfn old. Irietid frqm sjn-? adioinag, (CquntTfc jani we stopped to snake hands. , Oar.friend had 156 or 200. pounds of hams and ddWitt -his cart; and few cBance qoeatien onour-part brought irth replieac tht gave ), ua smaterial ifcr thoughtHa, generally .. needed ua little money aC this time of the" .year and depended on he "BaTe bf par of Ws snrplua'mGat tar6cure it wasaoi prepaied'lousnyr thanVthere was mupq prpht jinTwsing. , hpga and curing bacon under loose ad waste ful inankeement iielJouMeiwhether iff wottld4ipay;; hei waS Tfery Certain that hiffowtf meat wet I-cared for the year eoond, l.andi, f4adiciduslj' on corn oi nis jown. raising ana every ounce of alop abd scrapa that cpWd be saved, cost .him les3 than that bought .' froS? Cincinnati. Farmers, towevei were not m'uoh' to blame for isripppaor'tJbeiiavB among h6gs by. theft Jtofi-TSlfea was wry. greai. He made front ajrv. e,us :oe cpttqn every .year, nis oesciana in lievecTthe?e w'monev" id BheepVei afwtys bA&goo& mutton; and in -fact hfS lamrly.ftte i two pounda :! fresh l meat aid poultry where they.ate one I 1 111. I .H' T.rL1" Jfi j wt,-f i,- HriannT,ai-v ',iv,t:n Uio! legislature' does ; somethiDg td protect t frem.tUe ravages ,ofc- dogs.' Jle always gleans , cnaieiajjle, yex nue i.from sources that dp not gcer-i anyenteririto'tho calcjolations of the farmer; and his wife procured all' the nancy fixings1; of 'the- family by the sale.bl .dried; hujj honey, : .buttexj ,v '1 .:,4 ,i ! .t,t i s We were "takme notes'' with each word that-fell from bur''friend's lips' as he ; will perceive when he! rca Is this article),""and we; believe tat we have, reported ihioii pprrectly, ;-We efthim with, the ..feehpg. that while he'may'nevef grov? rich; on farming, he will never have tdf leave' the' hotce- 's'ead "en-account of 'debt1 aad mort- gage-t-and, best of - all, his old age will not be embittered by - the panga of dyspepsia,! for he eats , boiled unit"? ton and chicken stew,! and " has cast off the horrible fetters of the frtiiig- pan.'- .is: Hi At Boston.- , : Boton JLd vertistH. i -. it if i'i5 Vf A But the chief, leature. ,of , th-..exhi 0f bition is the .contiibuupn from North Carolina,5 and 'bcauHe the State bs sent stf mucB itovre rason :whj'Gdv.-' Jtrvis was called :pn to respond-for t'ia 7fhi i . Thia TJrrf.h P.arlina ex hibit occupies ,4:he cliitjf place in tlie main floor. As one enteis and eets a-yiew. oi thelarga hasJ, ttx promitieut feature is the booth of ripened eaiii whichlsundsbefori .him, It isi a sort oi aroor moae.oi tne suu . straw . - : .V . n . o'f '" oaa. Batev., whaaL. and. so on. bodnd. down into a tatef ol shape, Quantities' bf tirejhed An4:,win- w. auu ntvu wjyuLwu Jjm I .n-f v. me cotatoes. corn ana outer Droaucis 'A, Af'.i'Wi1" t - 1 nf iiie Old North State.. Tjnnor cub, s - i. - rjir - - - i - - '.-vrl7rT:r 7 Ti it lino t.A fpw vrorr-An- chrnna ndft --'fra ' V s '-- ""- .i' i""uo; y"-, hv auor thow-what thd! State can do in thnt.resp'ecti j!vt any , po,und ' , oi, . t baccoJeaf in.the .bundle will, testify to "BcientificJ. anicnlture in ; favor of lovers of iha'weed 1 A hue. still, iU lustrates the prpcess of liquor, distil hnz ..Prpmment ini thei collectiQn ib Ions array, of-polished sramBles of woods" siirmountiDC? , the .massive trunki of trees sawed so as. to show corn, ne vv the quality ,'of , the timber. "Mosofl presidents of the new nickel-plated these are . varieties of r pine. ; ; Nor tb 1 liouisville, New Albany , Chicago Carolina seems to.bave,: bad the am - bitipn- pf .rivaling California in the nroduction of bitf trees., Here is thel West from Louisville, pther portion of 4 what seems to be venerable cnesnut tree, wweu, tnougn not. arge kenpugh. tb receive a coach lis very prosperous: and a sight, of and four.', vet . would , permit a eoodl 'the' great grain fields would do a Bized.bOY to' stand itpnght .jn its di ameier, UU ine cuueciiuu is a map of the xnineral -nature of tne istate. Other ieaturea Pt l interest will be V - . ' -, i . , , i t - i ti T WW infioiiecon, an .u. - Lff0'?1 p ufV,W( , ' i . a lit,' '..Ti-rT- : three prisoners-escaped Cfrom, the McDpwell jfotnty jail, and on leaving ilev. the- iailer'a wife aside,, lniunngl made, to get the finest music! : The lev. the iailere wife aside,, miming her alightly jiThe ;.fngitivs v were 7th. .N."Yi Regiment band is etarploy captured the "same .morning and re- ed at,, ; the , Tate, of $15,000 for fifty turned to the jaiL. About 10 o'clock days and the organist : fot the same- I repeated .shots ati.h jail, attracted tn,af fenuon. Of a numoer 91 .citizens, ment of his wife and inflamed by whiskey, shooting one of the' lately eseaoed'' stood in a cage, chained and hand- cvuiea. x our painmi wounds were, inflicted hone of which' are danger- oua. No ohe justifies'or xousea the inhunian conduot of. ths jailer,!! i .'WiixucJaatweek ihatDr. f osph U. Baker, of this place, had returned fepr Madison, TVia,; whith er Jie, wept to represent Nqrtli Carp iinajin.' thp Supreme Council of the Americar4 Region of ,Hon6r, 3The octoj is one ;of the best inf prmed men in, the State and on Wednesday t last we talked ' with him about what he saw. Going West over tha W. a. u. itauroad, ne was struck with the great advantkffef Western ttarn. Una has' in its ' beautiful Jscenerv. - L whieffc Jio says is surpassed nowhere east oi the Alississippi..a'hQ verdict of all is that neither, that of, the Bair timore Ohio; the;' Chesapeake; OhifT, the Norfolk & Western," or the Pennsylvania Railroads is grander. tn advantage to our i State is the great quantity of ; money whichjvisi tors froin, other , States leave in Our mountaWwujiby, Ihs . hotels' and boarding-houstfs . have - been full J to pverflowmg,! and not " oajy ' d'o these soi ourher leave , . monev. f or,. their j entertainment but Seeing the, future pyssiwiuwes me . seeuon, invest largely in4 lands. and 'i''rnin.(JjEast Tennessee was found not so .broken as- Wdst CarolihaV ih'a "highf state of cultivation, the grasa and stock'bu's ines being fast rivalling Kenotcky. J Dx B-Was; interested,, in, .some coal ixuu..; w ucu. principally uy Col: Heck, of "Raleigh that are very valuable'.; Bituniihous'coal.is deliv ered, from' there to some- North Car olina point , as cheap as(.$4. 75 per jfoih. Neithej; eastern Tehnessee nor western North Carolina is yet ahead of thej30untry least .pi RaleigV' but the rapidity with which their great Natural rfgfirje being develop ed, will tloI1 , Tt&kiijtbP -so-Sinless j" &dft5t a diferent4sytenite'. y;Hijid get. more m.anufaptiVrincr in- . terests here," ';. . 'i ' f! The Doctor' Ws iJeliglited1 with thd liOuiaville Exposition-'-f' He has not been to Boston, and unless that II- 1?..J - . n l.T1 Vy enpennuu juxposi- in WCa t iwAt? - exhibits are remarkable and c-f great interest His attentioil was' princi- pally arrested; by : .puiLzA rt gallery, He thinM ifc ,th finest collectipttthat will be witnessed for many years. "It igHiairily 'compoised' of paintings from the private galleries of wealthy'and Itiultured people ia New York, Phila- delphia, Cincinnati, and other, large I cities. UMr. Tildetf haa , n I liberal. . Gen. Grant's is of much in-' terest, especially the trophies cath- ered by: him ' and presented to him I by downed heads in Europe and Asia. -.This .exhibit ia -far ahnaA of 1 the Centennia. - Some of, the pictures J are worth the enormous sum. $100 - enormous sum. $100.- 000, and 1 some are' insured at a val uation of $40,-000. j Speaking of pict tores, and llouisville. reminded the Doctor of the unfortunate homicide which occurred there not long ego in which T)t.' "Willis Barnes killed his . brothei'-in-law, Clarence Boyd.' A numbe f of prominent Louisville' peo- ' -' " - wiabUfTiliU aiUUU ID C.UU. Hill justified DrBaMiea',;iItiwas believ- ed, as found by the courts,- to be a case o self defence,," The killed, man was fast'getting mto 'prominence as an artisi ana some oi , nis pictures are how on exhibition- in ' theiArt Building.,, p:;;,1Ji:;..)i:f.;. The Doctor was disappointed that - NPrth Carolina had nothing on ex hibition worth talking about' except a 2 small - buifdje 'i of5' bright . tobacco from Madison county, that ' was "ac mired-by-all who are--judges of th I weed., fit was the .best therft He thinks, however, that it may.be that Boston, and if ourj means vferC'hot our Boston Where ouf splendid 'resources could attract 'the attention bf the rich New England-capitalists who are armous to make good: investments. North Curolma has one ubiquitous citizen that person is ; CoL Wdl F. - 1, Beaslcy. " Should a Tar H eel turn up laud want to meet a clever and inter- festing companion in Lbuisville. 'or Melbourne, Australia, the first band - 1 to shake is that .of Bill Beasleyv. He is seems to ; Know everyooay ancLpar- I ticularly the railroad men. The Dr. I was indebted to him for an introduce I tiqn to Col. K B. Stahlman;, vice 1 Iwuiroad, the- best , equipped and I most direct route to the'great north- a j -The ; country from Louisville' to i to nicago, iuuwauxee ana-iuaaison - 1 world of good to our oM-eolton laxta.- i cro.-'. tt lsuuuoixi ia a una oiavs iuiu J full oiiafees. . iroirr tne state.' eapi- 1 tal at Aladison tire lakes are m view. I rri -,i . l . v . , . ... , vto ..ywjrj f vr ri"'1 rrrT rr.V: " j me vtranci .oomicii. -. au irom vjov- erner down are members. t i I The Doctor's route -home was1 the j same thaHie, went. In speaking of pi the Jbouisville Exposition, we for I made. to get- 1 time gets $5,000. , The ; exhibit " im- 1 proves every uaj-. m ; gawereu other interesting iacts, out regret. cuts na short.-.' . - f -1 1 a T r -

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