biMT adT t r . -II I Mr "t- l d-HTotl .ill fi if ' X. I 1 ir I I . - , I II r I I I U I'll 1 W I I i III ti T I III 1 II I II 11 i I fNTv .11 III 1 41 .11 l. I . I LI I ft I .. . I h Xi- 7 M ' V Jil rim' i til UP !k 'kH J 8 1TSLaV fi til Fh H. IS II l,; - i ui v vara i i i ix vv ftv. vu u i i m rp L r i Vi y fa MAIL CLOSES. I Tor North; South gCTst via fT. & W. Railroaf $0 A. L ' C i From! I FromXirfto Hyde j FromiWfl road at ftlft AUS.". . - - r ! - j . . . -j OSTICB HOOBS. ! In Money i to 4 P M. t In Mailinr j A. M. to I Office S these hoi ' beinsr dre tmfSlU ill Li J4U3-r,l AT. HI. BiOXl C? DtAJLIK IN ITJ if V i It sua a I I (j-al wV Tea or 1 I lead ia V lahonta IKfftr "Pjf yfV iHrVr'l "iriV-rX3! f y-V1'--- taamd -x.U'Bf,;i 1o nU iJi SIX Ht OTGBER 41883 - H . - ,- ble pilxr. -wbo woold keeslbe I f repair, V tbrbtUOMrp would ( i p Mr Mim jter iioery Mount. ia l it kick ttetvof enltiTkttflfamad feu Pj 1 1 1 4 oiUiii j ! ill tm "jini It . i ' ijni j iiut i.-i-iju ftft .mrii'ium iki- - .JJiWOI i t n iiii'jiTi.i a I . n. x rui iia in i . - . f i - " 1 1 i i . . - . i - : Ut4.Ui.ISti :fcll I " . T7 astpwpiBwooBe uraa I " Tl -"7-i..-""-lMu..ifUBinjii 1111 IIUI!UI4I1mS .iff W. TXiJt Ph ' . batebewM. It rTT. bwUTDKLC ffwiii rami g fa' r J."'- f legislation faralBh. Ti-TriS wu. uiuuuiuitmuw, .uuuv I , , . , , , . I KSKEB On OiSIlT OCC&BlOng JftmSnt- I t J H m- 3- 1 3 I tC.TsTf' Ttn-hlori-J -TT,;I a i;, i .17 t7 UT.TfTJTB Hi WMaa JUT. t-tWWBI. before. attemDted. Hw..nuinjJan'4fe, taereU tKote. ! 141 iolis&ntly between ; J 2... tfwhen mails, are I Open on Sunday from 8;3,0 to 9:30 . M. and from 6:30 to 7:3(1 z IT ! s OiHclAa "j . Street, y ' Hall ; i Firl , 8n I W-Tt- am. uai n s nrofessional seryll arboro and viciaaj j T. JL McHairt-WB; Ml 4r - . a-i iiMiiif innini if m9 5j 818S f .tnrl Pitii and in ; the Courts jOI Ul HA8 0 HAND NW, TRK8H STOCK OF j. ? Bugh t for CasL lure : kit ' "irn J r"" s z . ... '. 1 1 1 I . .t -.11 T.TLi-wi- I ctKj,B m the. Ccmrta ot I rsan aos i , the Fja Spptri. ti ll T-rbo,b. 26a8S2 O&LQq fa VKt Office BiiildingO i 1 : a." " Mi GEORGE 'Ifo'w A RUT"u-vwy" Attorn and Cnnnielor at iaw rlKHDRf Ni CI Ml I l "Hit . Vi J ' JP n lit li AUorneySf aty Practic ia all Courts J ?r9ff "jVV'ti III B. 1. N. CAKK, D Surg and salt Office 1 rom 2 to 6 p. m. Lanier s . THOR. H. BATTLE. 00 It YelUms w a - Aay of tke abotr4 if wonred 1 I II,. aU PtflS gir xfcm.microacopw infesUga-1 JJ11 Jaeroer,;Ot wie;,zxMeo4rgU I h ffd W and tell me if ! there ia defeat' I guient Maj. Gea PenderV graye . J by a 1 all carp , of itractotsi t CMfltmaa term win berin tHC3DAY BKfT; Utta, 1883, with rtBerfacUltteB ftan ever. Tor Cat. kMrne, l(ena,' tc.addrM the Principal. B f . 1 - '- II If 1 . Mill ' ' ' lUAVAd IB UCLDUU I O 1 , -M . . H I . ' . n - . . . t M . . I . iJ ItdiA ti TtiaftolnlW .Wt tf- marked only by a circle of caTtnon V awrowaat.)--' Idojmeak of hybrid Mr, Green-.;-. be wrong, but c11 ftoUungjo antosvotJiiBg I 5 ' A."T "TV f r f m" B?"rM,B Bl I m: S lue regomg irom toe, :"7r,:ri' .. . ... , . , ,1 . , ti 1 fr frt it b-A ho first mm. i noHii rouH ua nuaomnae in irmi iiruuFD rjooTHisMK in mailer 10 hu.wvi!viur.TBars jn r I o-nH wit hrtMtvMiBBavinir ihat vTi,ftVaiinanameiii. x reqmrea.fia to. maKe y""is u uuuB1iu.m mm niuwi. iti w wiowi pnuiv ,rr.r, .rr r? rr:TiyUBiu - a i--- - j n 1 . a-- ai a- a u .u a. . a. 1 jti mi 1 1 1 am yri 1 iri - w mm a .l r " the best fU. i- - kiesi b n1 in u m yssi s th Creator th: 6bieet"'of annreniA I Otnenl ajrauod..-.; . , ... ,..,.,... I portance to-our people. rovernnnA .nrl affHrm Tf TT Im .! Cbli Mercer waa killed in a most 1 terdat we published the vi our maker and benefactor, He ia en-1 gaiianc cnargs at tne Dame or jfiy-ia.uania tiuage i;otwmca n aenn n.-uani in . : .1 ? r-i hiuouii a nm.iLiu. ; rv R a iNDuarkiAX-. competition I ?' 4 i KrA.nrilPS- Hatring beea fond aqnal to any. Aiao X3X.. Style 100; S oetavea; Mlflkfaut ijuatry. .r vLooing at it aa we do I J- gxre oeiow an extract irom a mA Urrhf r.f vrof-v m ..,- I dote of tma battle which anneftred w .treaaon, against the beat 1 J - naer, jba appn, atter izette is jo youpipruM.uuaxe MTTV? ft Tti wditha dabaaementkf this Utot actioa.; ---- Ifjrmm,-mtir:. .uaf. " ?f Dits 't.. r 'f - After fJeliBg their miri iwyeralttionLThe .ISoutUerner says Hrol.I M' "JSSL&jBSWlMSSSBP 1 MMM rktri.; JRAkA ArmnArl t A t uftaftt t.hB riharaAf rir nf tho -PnliW firf.' 1 BnCTiaiceS, aeveiOPB vermilion- mnf. a ' or and powers wttb best qawlity. for f Ntm and aecalafj aawle. ! aoota ffloa t oolymi'OKSimDB0 L STTLE8 at tao. 57. k 972, , u to -wup .aaaap neurger iwaaur annraiea dt wliwiii. Aiao icr easy paycaaami w iiaiacraMa4jt VlifMoraefree. TUCnaaayhav -- - - i 1 w T W atytea Aiaof lity gro'waft of .iSeTSucei mak attack ..upottthadTaneed zetta jtad like publications iTiekiuton -H sideMtadilytsqrU Hyiat II rAvprKW, torlt."! work p.the enemy called ort.War, in th.'d hsgheat degree, caanofc be waj?igfjaajdioUj! POAthird- v f... UFRiaSX 6&A.ND PIANG,tatMdaea i I imi)rotrcnicwai artifcaglto Bowac aad I i i kafloae and durablHty. Will not ir one-m iDSTRATED CIRCULAK8 F&BS. HUH- A HAMLIN UKUAJi AJU I TfS?L be ft-ind equaUy good. aelatry i . il JCitTuiera, i ain ia fearful. ' The jthirdg;, agalnar f rbfaait 1 . nil" . 1 irroraniiy trro l A H i m r-rm JP I and trrAvarAnr yv lUtSDy UbV'M lwaM4144ee-noadatHT tlv. wlh rituated about six huhilred : lKUVb. Tteourtii nxSa atinVe ttb flia tight; nxd in ;adTaUcW "io I V i W.-i-', ulJ - mlioiAna'" 4a1 fUwl tOWD, Olt TeTT OmmaQCUOfir tr-.rk4. .-wU;. r.a lion. Abwni dax kawi Ihci frvaniniot 1 ttodaii h'eayr crcotbttt.oaa4t timaiaa mM9V.SJ9 wofl tprdteCwB.tF1? LTxe5JIr I1 f w iriVi o. ,t-w f-.i-t:t,.K. Inrhak navnoaA. wheiK aU rmttwdf J jo artiUifaom ja portion pi Major , M takmt.iiiote oil thU i raatter.itlw 4 iQe man of newaateAtU i , a . I -X- 1 ' T Ti 'ill . T-;V--" Wti . . - I . . - a !l ill ill . I nnnntnnannn V TI- n 1 -1 1 r AntOAtinn ArtlKM - ship Wat bjarooatfKMnivithoat f iSlHPft. noma cngaae, must pe . waireaanaipa.Tictirna iT.uW.., WMU wu.o L,0nieClI0lienCil . JS3oir.- ll auppoVted pyeabVi'-Vuiina of thia ,&e literature are mostly boys Iwa8. tHWfc.-ttie ttoi aowwW:.!? - ,rx The fiftAeeta forth iirtai8fduto4W J, i.ft; Ljarenta from ehiWrejL wHarei iaikhe PP Fh Fort- Mercer, of the -wbppe mmds t in town. My stock of r.Al.-.l; jf j j i AREfjl : I ate A 8cientine j .TSmea, S, Trihyne, r & Bros.-, Taiboro, July 19, 1883.-1;" ThesTiniuriea aretTidad-jntaoffen- f t1?1 pkd Brta Leslie, Cciimati i,tur-.r-rrrt ,J" '-. :' ' ,J :- ws I againat iiievilshaslityrohaTietar l:mmdtelT . CombaiLifc'ImIadelpBMi fJXimea, I HKtTOTnTm iV SlirPPOnS t U&.iiaciauxder-f4rclaaatafcyr "e Wilnjllln at,::Jeiarn "-T"'T Vf-Tterr- fa Icbaracterr .falae-witBBBa or I nd ITftfAiMtif., Tatbiao?! Soatherner. tertintrioyo,' i,;i'laodei?''gprePjrjty, vtbeftwhkhlrjHPibxayer, a.aielrfer i young fellow, -i ilYow fruaiL siTi-MkMiTT wr so poiHa: IER CHANT " MILLS MD BKR j GATES COCKTT, lllhttlt DUULl l TbiwTalaabla pfaMai ti jpabi mr. eqra, and erlavi feoaoActa.attd D km cnaamja aiwiwi balaaetf to salt faiaa powi tore. wiU third cf n. may bp orgaaiaad lawtau ,0W need apply, t uooau aawHUmivCoaa3ry a well iaQrOTe;4vn,s coatemence; or a Joint stock compan mL am approTed (tiui iaTa-aMwBO one with I T: liiiVe I I I .a laad wobtt e accented at a lalt Tahj- T lalwAa' MCTTfv 1 laTIV V. J Atafa v-vaaa ws&w s j f T P1 ' a. CromwelL and Mi A. Ki ela of land tHhedtvwlM of- the land 01 4 ;'."i4 M Office next to PbUiSb 4&:8tatoto' Law office. Will practice u f ,Tajatd 8ta Court. .Ill', to d WZ? uj,- ip, efe lk: Jd d21-6nT Kefera btr exp an, 01 tae Sank. t nsnnauw A are prepared to fill alToraers for .Sheet. famaana WW Pill's. Orders i atldrefeefl fx Insfg, Tarnaand Cptoi LINE OF Li Jim 9 a I? IFF a BE in fufi and snceSMSSratiAAa , WwtftT Xv t jporAU Doagni vaim n prior am wui wm nMw lata r. JT ?rrmfifi Jififi nunu.. fi ItMnnden! .ottctawtari j : !.! ir v m .'i'lil ,s 'rv4 Wat not ir wood her laawadjoiafBf jmaaa cromweu. aadLthe two parcel! of land s; w r.i i. ' 1 1? " U L il in! t I ilil i 1 1 , H' I.' ...t - - . ' a a a it a ww p ww AttnA IJanaf!aA -W W? W uL UJ lUOUy UWM mi a Ih AknlllalHa lh I ' " l-(i . . w j bj.. - - f,..' hookihna-t w rjaatfi aarAbontnapr ai,J rBwr Wiii nave a auDPL'? PX.xucK in season. ; ,hi read) ; aem-TwBee tor axaouaauon oeioro paynisnt, oa eruence" of jgood faith: .Notaold by deawca. ii iwif eatnn tow, aft-page eatalogva New TorkftarliWeTrWcMlfdl 4h Jho. B. Axdkh. Publisher, l8YeaeT Bt. cork. jmy ii-w ll..i . , i . ! .. li. Vwai'Wauatiatoad, hooeat VTaUh att iiWiit.prioe. AtOKaa & 0. Gkadt, Hal -ks ibatvtfltaaaiiWH' irdict of ad 1 cros8 pe fetnaler Bilmotf 'Irout ta " refereiica 1 ! the maiabtk4roat ad thutf tan- . u t.; hid - iri the' orroirier mriiarrafiri.-'Tidacaia hybrid. Then waicroaadhfl. 1 r ra-J Ibeeeis no drug store here or efee-i Myhjid with the1 biouir ti'ouL, 1 which in I wHera a poisou"7arorB-TaterlaJlinman e1YeH 'wanw woMt,lwt - i i farua i yuetaiumxi. tHuerui baton- aor i"" r"'j"'8v ,m;yut,ioi1 ip, , if thfi J centJ i!Nprth Jaroiina r oqmmunitiea Ie fl.anie. The ssibmtlBS of . ' pdst-tahoMo be by. aTeaarblddeir I aeye)9Pnaiirm "'tJieihworia -Naife "l"'.J Densities: The morafs f aad we are apidfyaertainiifr? ' : eignieen years oi age, i wp tt uwaBvne , , u are ifr theVer kate f preaeace of one. of the few investigd- ' arA.najulir : rnflAAnmnri h i wrti Wna TrOtH 8 TOn aM lifs-lftny ' i -m 1.1 m. . mt- imi I vlii llfvrfyitt immmtniiino i Hnlr when thav iKniMawn nT.EISrr?,OT :nr "1 ,AriAW-lw4wUAa M-ZI ioafar to assert .that numbers I world. Xet the reader-jknaaine ' a ,:''-: onfefs thus exposed, are ruined 1 erl'while-'thosho eMbe hft'er te' b7 a bead strdngly resmblkiflr. tecUoSfc-foEbiddinfl miB:tototberB.ftDnek-; yar8,woeia-r uetrecei.ea iixum. are moraiiy ui!nmu ior j me. 1 1"" "'''SiUJBWA, witfiitiu. wiMi, a. mi J : j- i ce . I firm f itnm t ha TTnrt in hi a rpur. , H n 1 With nn nthAi rtnmnsta hhnjl.Tnr tiatu 1 ."WIP 8 tarbiro' Sentinel, and ;,TBany; other "Thepracacal advantage of thia' school -v embraces all fuiina uf dishuueBtflin. omoef m, all 0respecte Jias i sacnacea enects are ail we nAWBriAnA" - , fe i r. "l . .rauw-w; V?"? ?T Allr.f thar .rtatrtaAHrt fru,lJfllS lire r i uataraitaaiui Monianat wniun-i nufuuiiu. j - . v - - r JJ 5WAHT'ANr an of rMe behtothiaaehoolPhyaiolws-teDsiaei byj a cprnmaad ,.blddilg ToVTQr TTfa nr fcvery1 im IVw'X, ! I lir,t 1 Im!.,. M-l o e-rj uiuucui. nV''J "ir f ' ' - '!, .t2 T fiTi rr U OflB, Uewi. W AwejOfc. uqna uruueii PnrtrJSrTt'irLtW'meSTnm.TSJ HwiuniwinumnifcBtinp.wiiii.wi i Mere; "liar J ; ,iT21i i," . i'f" I fl 3 i ITi I 7 f -"" rt "IT 5t' 4 cKAnnnimr Im 'inolrcit. 1 -.100 WTtter liBlU unY.xjearfl. ana luxuriant crrv , camd to a right about cial,gainrr.gepeni!bgi4?tk9 LP? I W. v5?e,?a. the ther of fish .,, . . he rear 6f the Fort: In saloopsfc barber ah'opi'iltM;- arpictur bfeitttjfn' alt was kflled' instantly bt I supply' of 'this Vile and. corrupt' liter- the tepetlier coiUd not help Wmarking 4 'i . .mora akillfnl .or better 1 one-of mnioleakl onlr. the! ruinous N -."If! yoJjrAad .aean .merlaafe wiataff.,r:. .n. aauie. i Jlke Police j fpripg, . ybing man, yQR might .,','. feis life since the war'began., He was J Gazette :, is the ; icruitiag;.1officera.of W hoght. dlffeMotIy, said the a claafctbate' 4 at-Weat !4poinK,',aiid-an I the brothel and eVry place of nameless IT era. ' ,'1U - u-1 Siiffii alt Bllfou.Cbmptftiht.1" proper desire toward s(thf. we iuuuwa umii imiu) ouu jm cuuoi, uumus it xxuvv mau : Y"."v , . a ."D. flf pur neigUbor, rk .alm ail me miscnrei to wnicn i to as ou, trwtL fctness was ?a iI f fs lijbiAorllup i4U 1 foufl? enieanr to all men, but I, History iaaye that; i.wheq, JJatakne U nfl was 'uBtaiaslijte'1 iioanan." - , i soagnt w pyf riArow wenjoerM n i irjiynp-enwn mxaxiaaaim-bM fall. t.. . rof'-mia article was' in f Rome, he began "by corrupting'-W I lo 'aea-KhaikiB4.i 4ab .ahem Jtad in.-.M,,., cpnyarsHiios :kq jni jrenaerin i nainaa ot its young men. ana iirere ib i me ewe, ana fitnay toejr batata-and , Tim Tfioldht,aattvbiirirliefcih-aVliMtjamr UkTanl aVL:V wesball find Uiafe.tb.8e;qomKanda'l ' U4 4ktT .irAaaAl fh 'ruuii44'my. VQe4 that, most fampu 4 artil-1 line, so deeply 5 -kid Bci; poskiTeryJiVerrblst 18rnV, afirf whetf I 'bkrie 'h6me " ' ' ' satotp WJJ.TSffL!PaillT V -. iZ;r.C L leirBfira of the second day. by which tendiner to corrupt and destroy our Lreaazed Hoi KVaati&ht'iMai4 ' .ina.i rwceaseia.) If IWflWSHWWW .hrh-w-- r rT I vTi ' i iTjL j h, i .iii i ,.:l ,.ir.. "7J . . - m .1 I I J, J 1II1LIN1I1KI LH1 IIHII IT HUI1H1 IHHb U1T UlUSb I 1 W 11 LI tllCTli. aiHtJl Wim. MBUJMmB . V I lll.t3 1. U I . TIUI T Pll. J IT UV Wmnnimi J . . . T creathrK the other forbids coyeting jalojdJwfifw: '"Not fiye minutes had foundations of our t iiHife,: w;the were;te5rAbjft J, , achingvj thatthich is anpth .,.41 Uli j?sfd Wthe tima-of our conyar, scheme tf, whick the;. oice. Gafto painsjnrmy hea4 hmbs andar&und ,.he vecand1aad0eieath' afa4- aatioi to the receptwn, of theortal ;is the organ and exponent. ; my hack- My appetite was w&foly ; ' . dtaed to the'iiDabktg9n' em. XS9WWW rJ nol . fiSlfSPW Iminlri fram imareiaa, imworahin: IlHe was, alsp present and . Gh. Pttigrw, ioi aaii bad ffSh lieard. described ,but . ,t iKauiB.L.ThA rrdATniAti. Je. ort hiiTPlli Where the -gallant Mer tieman of this uifcvitt fdrm: rftiaen; &B haaephadapwtiaebf.ii 1 any rthil RtlVf fri&Mttftfct tongue: on frdjngiIf"? M'i ' " , 'if. 1 Edgeeombe gwe, W?f !2 Mn-BlOlKMWn .bapeefttli mtithentic fact connected with Gen: U WeiH) be.awi taraawa.l tlierfttti-l I I I'O.'taMMjjsM'i af. MAtlMldl a WW w-ljTr ""nrr; . t-j- rj- r. .if j?l -Ml . r-Ti, tT737 iTZ fu"T- llkUV-.LJ ..' .. . . . other our speaking.j falsely VPouf BWW" iuar u. jfeUigrew. , (jOL'Kobert n. i5n0gers T"BJ.T'"j TV "Dro0rTT V' " KSbttf. ifntheiSurtHdififthia storms and uMeat'. -. and Gei. HiHete ria&g:toj$tL vfkrhbim. t W 11 haXir is set about theife.wais, c in.the wax wheHtJen'Pktigre pa&? 866,308 hftfdIy P8Mble- How agaUtaoi jlea.aore ipn of atiirViTi-onije; .i fa,, . ed'tKexfciif3aidi''Gett,rHilJ tol.fiPvelt ad -leopwo' Go4 day and agtuafkbiasakipgiiway, -a 1 1 V'oT J?1 'g0,ela! :Jnanraio-owht.;jbj either iEiSH-? sn:-,w ,t' ,tt Ir -f 1 1 ' frbmlthle-talllt.QajaniD la inab btornenL MtE. fMy brotherwbo-e. n,f OrUyi The sixth is for' thaitamper 1 ., ' mr,, - -T - , Haia a manrf such great abiKtieaV 'tad By a severe kidney troaUIa aocf 1 ndlaoe.p mt wuu oot. wuwwjvimtn rwiKuir I avawl ftaV.. A VtvCaVtaw. ! S.J?t KM K HreKli l rliJ IftrHN H.hih.Mr.hn6tn3Lmm aaa Guaiidi ProposlB takWJ thtf initiatita r Gbyarnmant oi -ahe.andv aAnaha tailwhi I 'ad' ffreat awuavimu AUikUh. 1 um m-d U B. M. M . aT w I w " w y - w-j - - aw ,r-w- -a w , I . . I . . . ' , , .-w - jpomaaMaanmwJMfttay , . s -aet L.m ', . . -ef:j forbidden to appropriate tftjrfnjelyei fin, J moTement to erect a soitaua baa the..bne$? hp theMi ,;ffhei;a i.lAajrMowifted' tht'-'aame remfedy fof ' . My T WB"SfB-M JLlfeftr'! The .Trtt'di&'SjtWCfd wbScfe ManQth:' iJW aonamentto iende.4 that Vas nothing impjiedr ; layd ,10 mdi- my ipaiariiUaBclato sep'W" c-VS f.f v?iiinrrr? r L'!qllflhll8hlrllnL.i.ItllM Anua-jw aiiaw 4JViafWFWWawaaAta-j . 7 , passik)D8 and pWMcWenK! a nouct wxai. uo fl0 exwnsiveiy mjormea mt.teiiowijf VldWwPftJW 1 at . ti.l...J.i. 24. I UiaWrJ tinnAffta tViir' iHki imliafiva I iln.T,mAT,l . i. V 4L.arjkanri T nin nrroof onnfiiTiinnii T jrrr- " - ti -v" ( wijuuvijwii a. meata; t stl broad i ogbi.uAetf l oiijie tuna. jyen m Balance px uj n tfle neia; put tnat ne naa sacn vuu imeiiigrjoi.ijuejja ijaie.H- IWfSrjrtyafW l.'d'ta" Ktato'TB tlie premiseswe 1 acqnrements aiidcajpa one of , ayery. alation,f hvThay,tpixhl ajaera'plaasura teeo-perate iathe Lment to aid Ge,Le witb1hJsdetdead,'I see it enfsenjytbwXJnited t tivi iKa BAn'nhArv oi; Jiul movement.)., In, the sprinsr of 1862 I rhi knowled7e and abitTii1Wltatea'me to iTowa. ACKifV I w i ' I wor cause; a sprmt vaa;ojtjdpiaidl iHMW'mwAf1W- rl at Uneaten ,py Ido libtagive the ilangttagebTitif oqjaeaaAhA kit di y erjr de A4 f ftft;ltJ-W yT4gI'it atU aarpopuUr B0lKS an ?tf" " ' "joi wsl co muT aioau. ta. t Wrng, aadboiftg wil waSa ;yj't PANACEA- THE- i POWER 1JH ' 011 a. c muw liuiiji ' - - x ,., v,,y,-5 . i jIjW.'' Wehad fialaaiiar aaj we eaaghk; it-'WiL fptiAdtion, has written JQMter yt 3 H TU H mm &t jS 1 ftV ' S ' .. ) r t 1 M A ya ivtM Ua a1 jjv W " W 6 f.iii-ri lrnt. i-i i an . rata i m nnrMd i nais met oi. xeuuw, wuw, uu uu i ntar. zjiQ(T.i i .rw i: t,r;i r- iwiwiuuie wjj T fjjau. I 11 "Tl . , i. i ' r- ' J . J : - - . I 1 - " - --.-'-IT T I . . . . , - i . V ..H.AjAfc.l.i4ii Wijjhrfiaft Miaj,al l.r- : , , r1 i . . I ur i 1 id, -Dieeaing at cBNrappr ,p; j ItJH"" w ""S1""" , . i' . i.,'jm m aa iiui ..; ; j are ... . ... i i. k.. k:. .;niiLaun.Ji .: : . . ! 1 -Tki m.tne Rnitunc?a)i ODurwmMu4ma.t ucuuun ii. i , -" tut. tat huh. or jishctt t.xu jtzL- o janeriv: ii w i a. a . i - . i ana id,:, mat capaiatj, h mjuiku 1 1 j M.if ALato naad 1 lbl;aojtipwiffTW.w .pexltlfsofYk'eep'ikm:1 -' BadrafAewnife, thoii'aii'd ,,,,! ... i t--w -a .-i;- W-t,j. j'Awu s..!iii L-.LijIt--Kr--;, X Tf. i I hioKAnkulifciaaof eameat 'manhood. I ! ij .l1,!f-J!Sfft"a-.JFa Kite, Idtuhesitaie, fif Vecobimeiid"it .t! " p lasid io irsiw foictm ism lo aaJ v.t 'm&m0iktch Ufm Many t'. . leydividedT .. ianFisi,, i needr-r-the taend wio d TonengowT-t ga payi uiq opiapuwciu ui uv. de.ed-. That tpey do hotkeetr sneiieiue is the aafient exceT. Iknca "of Befi6nV Capcine Porous Plastcr- The plasters ot Other uay-wnncr poronaor-wthj.i1-alH "Wait until to-taorrow; we tab prtowiiae -notbiDg oomaepur oiane wao-i ii Ml IN h Y 1 l nebV -But pain ,nnrelieved ato Hope defer, llisiia I M koakaU tbe.heart evek,; Bauson! plastera He wa ', . in I.. ,"Hqw did yon,ayc,deaw toideyLtP1 LtWHto'3TW'V I ttualwamel'!;' 4 , i a'o Lef,iiiSif . i - I 1 Uik.iJ J wP-X k.Alt .ajal I - ' aVT 1 af I- . . k IVID I I hovrf nnn a nrhiAh .ot .1 iu iki hirtrw.riiiftiiyi iflYOiD?riiicODun- since i was farce, ueuiifHi iC .xtxci uu iwiiu. .; r. . . j . ... 1 pi xroor wanKz ponag 01 ' sarmon af - Lfl I Xltlll Ulii wukuv VA-rrr. a ,f ssjjjrWKWissasii: MtiMill.wiinwulwint Jil tf UOUCLE liAKMiaiS, '"r t. ' r i.ia.uM. , . iLi .?. il.ElMTr, Zraikwfiejn a laallrT 1 r Ft .I K T?TTX5 aLiJinJlJ iJ J J.t 3 14J J 7 T -a , : . . n ti .11 - V t - -.a a. -a. - baaia ..n.nA.wVwa laarwTKl V waTtK'au. pm vbwi IKK K ersbeilShrhU for ZdcombaJ Maah andi IDttitU lirierT. Chrtmis DmuM hv so nurb bpiiifs't that i IWDISCffETI 0lprEXP09 Uffg ft ' ICCUvuai'a aiac muvwfMiM ut vuun Wf war wja vw ihai ibaaMb ' lliir trotioent of ccmrliated srdinu.ja-MtMM J MyuUioa tkiaag 7 Luaejj. , wilhoot nin? iiercurj or Boiiowxu MHiiaa. rmnrnty cured, a rnndM-i zpaje. AT ENT TJJETED L - aa aa . iCuaTrlC fTDV V . miscbleyoui ato ymCJMii In thug of lhlM juU fU r. fy rtJ? Ymto of Kxperiano ia tba aiaftloMaf of r i aimrjjjf hve ajtdatheir kilt MUIy, X . -,- IJ ral aatftAaUatalnat i r j,. . mi Ar" i" J- r vj 3) a i ? I x.uh, DV v Tnuscbleyoui stock. Those who ham heretorj jajat i - !eai wartS8Sro red, biakath tbe.heart evek,; liewson a piaster . .i,. -i - r ' . , ... i . . Ml gr Wi m3L . .1 1. . il ii . 1 1 I is Tl lllfll IKJ U-.JF" i V t - . : c i-J1 . . t ... j - ... . . . - . -. nrr- . , - . ... . . . . ,. . t, ' I : . .Jii w .ii " . - ' - T STiiiBESTairxa w!. vt-e rTlTn'T n " n &""tSidj .thx.yerMt.Qns aa. ra. naoit aaAaCawi W aw aTk e . A- JAlwTtallaTZd t(, XI T - Aar a if klT 8J H d 't lib. 1 aaaw iiumviui- " T . . -A JtPWaftm'Tf?'-! rfiiTAftl OT! teohotast.- Priee2J -Seaby & Johnson, caaxwH', m- u. i ri n I T.F.TS . nLU.TLILf.LSt OCV. HWI'FJ . jnw-iwi. , i i v . .. .. . ' f ami aaa AW - . . - BW- A yfaanTl r BB aT I - ' jiaiing oougni out mfMjL. ciijkii,7,"T: rTitfi .JTd'iifea ToWti?: ' would bbevthtfyoice of God. It "L.iTLIi. . h .iTlaW thafebrii triin hotbaata. It U jtihthe Hfriei ia yiolerpf natesaioa. tVLfTOMSP.Sa0:. aea aiwJ . wixra-1 U8 Bwne I. . ,;i....-x3 , i of l!d-?.iJ.r. L :Brt .li; the watejtiotP j uuu: i ajw u iw vui4i T-t"J'fTl 13 r-T - i ' ' o . i :'f.. r i i , -i I ii.. lli.l fiml 1 n A.iurjr TTin hlnnainrf nnd H ift I inn . . : -.. ,i ., nJioj'. -Tn.nnrfjal nf a!1 hia .actuiDB. His ai .The above rewiirk vias 'adifresiedrtrQdtecrfJkleClobd MVr'rtainb6wsA it . ,. 1T. s.. . ;.;1 Ltr tciiLis, j?' n li it: Kt3 ft ICT SCltOOL, FOR YOlTWi LaD S. SELECT SCrlOOL IES be f w - m - -- .- I pctefttiustroctora. Ta feeiJtbWleol Aeh 0T1 AVPr liatroV. lleVer 'lei social -advantagea arid ha acceasiblUi UCVC. uauijjfiuoKox .tlnwwrfi.kiiown. Tor.DarUaiUW.-aadre TTTTrtr4ZlWptiStbl88ilm AsheTille,N.C, kcanjignore T 3! HdllOfcTHEDEADl Jarp. TtraiTWe have whaTwe ; the8ntennia1pbrifl d'hkppV famfe5onaiafaigJof orosaeaTof dif-i 1 ferttjjdudinfi' Eennebeck sal- jt.i I ou salmon, brook trout, salmou trout , ins laeramBiuasrmenta fWAiieife HM i people, odghttb leam- .Ikiwltli ."WcK) .-rrll,. it' i 1 l !t ab,iilif no ii ruu .i in n i in IJMlV.lJUflxliV 9. 1 : Lift tl oiuMioa, M be uawmtl W MliU fjMMif 1m ! iw. '-f" f;'?i i i..i Titon urfea. A veauilae t tr.'.'t"''J.,?fT DoraLAa Baoa.. 63 N ttbrt PliUaaxpWa, Pa. 3MW a i 1)1 rfSrV rjwwj l , -.-.-.ww-i .a W.118 f VLifebn Uiegtlf5H , waoraaa iit . 2 doors abore Pender 'a Jan. 6th, W eteri naea' m TO etei ner, prompt aad aafisfaetery-wiaa CaodaeedejAras wAdprieeaJo bniii 11,'iris.ttn ' :t- ' . T .in fcU thAtmeboI lsjad-whweoa WUft&all iaatljerabep aow .jeooataJntogabptiV S49 asaa tv iuai nuvm n mu fiwtn. TaUkorQ, and is In. a high stateof .cnlti- and other neceetary biiildln8.' Tm&t eMy.1 1- H.LSTAT01l;Jll,, TVe, 4iila -wisdoic;.fronttU follykni iae -o3 tk.t n-.-'T? .- . a fW&ia-iraponua ih P wplee a figt'- ahat, y a todfrid uala thfey;ilaik to traud" the! ahatpkaaandi apaoaatha &btb;wen jawi oxoivorce ana mane ia txte ma? rift?e bonaVieiixhfiiolaHoi "bf iihe seyeatti epwmandnwirt; wheB 111 over the land official andndividr nil kTOhowAMH ixlil nameMiWaibj! these tyywv reBen,aod shaiaejesai majf wrfn&elxVefenliiTUamnael1 . 7 -I tit vnu el.nnejBjj tsivil-r&idw nota-ievJ iooA uu-if ib. - T rTT .iy: . TT E I. . .' . - . . ' L il. ' v .i'"..V.1. 3 from-4jlfihaiI.axl f6Jf are tnjtee igaaea.,oi adaf enemy ab eremanj gnaraciji wuiii wa? i w p. " " VTT i. t" ""77-,! ai. ok it, evil OTek'. -aiaBd they the v?8;.? HttISatJS -V (AmaeinmPtl afajworaAnaj we fciuaaTdynytiheignt oaicu tory, that no nationutjr community J . .. A.I I 1HJJAT tne jivuiejp-fljr;fHi an- ter dash itajgiypra d6nf, , Jhe fW-tta .say ateo. tftat wa .Jjavej a,, josp- ajicL l enuer i-pniwa!- jaw weiaegg codk An.l' A..Lvijioai' Wam . nrovpr maj f nnt I 'riiann he M)am4L. Erea hen Undi tm UvVfM W1 .UjmUmP -waitid too iaj when.e men.iwera its acomphshiaent.;'4 , Jwtrrti U up U f our,thingg. a Impegation,r-i t lymc qwjxjs anaanA;tjAix:wBii.yw zj.:rVi5 fit- Hltb ballets aod at UaVuMiwoiUd poi stand behind his horse. ' His Bokhara, Jbadj a reliance and eofrdbPee in him '-thai could be mmmMdoMfZbj the I mmnl9,m$9 PW thusmferest. rthinstt a and rjAckapn.T It.lntrejy. . peaaanner.iAhe wpjbvwm llMg, , JjOMf eaw & tJ, o.,fKrmnt.Yir Ihtimila , rnowr rtnax I A AflrAtUl ATLfL ieQLQUa one, UUBlX,lj.mii , t nmniet " H"iffTT.'?ifn' ji -!,.riT i-!.Trn7Tir .ne " .- i '-iTv . f artS f IhA utavM all ntwA L J UA XJV U U tiAAV nutiU CwU V W a ri .1 ij .a a vat aaA niaKin. I l. .iAnoalail ft nil l.nrflHV L ILHI uiw ui a liiku uiil linakhawHaxag,,Xb4t?'gWd bab, MnmmZ P.PW IF fSRfiJl-lftl cent QaUapawpi. i; -ta .e . cerxuaa. ua eTBorhewe raatad v It . iraa a gerineiBge fithar.tU yege,, t)xattlu.3trrouw , tntioutp tUfiiimutaaf-dxaila, table or animal kingdoms prouuca,,ifl inea wiiose . gemuajDrns.yaiue .to .t A a4e Jum ibixro a a commnder a, 4tural,con4ition. ' j the!Wrtd,"Si,d; , ijjooi, ppsitiyg , 0tbiftWYft7?ro ofAe.tniftx necessary, for a" to apaax. xixa i ,he ntue teuows nntu'-iney-pecome r rvarnex s paie fjyf i,ny wu. . j r , , is i .one of jCwrolina a cliietil abJ to oaiXor.Ui i To'hia nieniorT , a 'fifratef nl v T be foreflf tin at TOnyersaAin oorx.fenimend'ea by. ifeMWwt t A.SrSJaJAJ i . ... . i 1 i wja i'xw sw vImJw i j - lT8l , - -:-;.-- ' -..'.'-I';-- .- r-.-r r--ur- j r-:-....if ti'i 1 T-"r '. ' ' ' . : v; iar mo) nvrwyi wi iv"- - 1 ; - . . - - - - a alrVi ul;v...-.v, - T y -, rt T iJT'i Tf .V - ji li 1 tl a . ,. , i . r. -. j I L : j.. r.ixtAcir t i.