wit-- ' & - v. k - A 0 'n2Bdis , : .1 .... - i BE STIEE 30Er: LKnB EIGHT ;HEN QO; AHEAB.-D Crockett. -5 , ; TARBORPA ,N; C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER , 25, 1883. VOL: ol. v i .in . imm li ; w-' - I "I. I f 1 I II r " ; " I 11 I II 'till . I II 1 1 U,JI I II ' 1 1 II I I I II I 11 I; II , II I 11 ,'JI It : 1 1 ! xi II ! 1,-11 II Jl II l-.l ... V U :MI I Mi l . U W t-y 11 HUH, U HI i ll. -iiili U : 11,1 , W 11 I V V U A 7A NL-iAV NJ-J AV 7T AV Ui S AV 71 i CkiVU.' T AV UTAV TVv M I AV AV -71 ll If AV AV xx I'. l-I For North, Sou W. & W. Railroad afBO 3 For GhreeaTiUe, : Wffiagtop. and Hyde county aVSOPA 1 4 Vi" For Williarfistcd rnd oiuW eX fft M 11 V 1 11 rig 1 j ryp '-.laid Ifaldtaf !M"ri3 Jf nry dwcrtptjon. JTrom Wortlx, Sonihaad WiBBt Tia From-GrpenvilJasliingtoivaiid Hyde county 7:W 3?44 if:.- From Wmiani8tofl!Viaf A.13. U&u In Money Order "and Registered jftter Department; from' 8:0$ A. M. In Mailing Department from 7;SC A. M. to 8:00 P.jlC? y!?MH ' ' Office open constantly : between these hours except when "jniils are4 being distributed or sent. : -: i . Open1 on Sunday from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. and from 6:30 to 7:30. B. M. : ,' ' : " ; W. P.." WnxiAKsos, PM. i Offers hii profemonl serrlee" tt U citi un8 of Tvbaro and Ticiaity. . f ?' Offlce in X- A- StcNtr! drag itort on Main Street . . "i '.-i J - 4 PRANK-NASHI-, ATTORNBT-AT-IiAW, f I TAHEUJRO li C.!- Practicet'in ail be CourtesWJBd Fed- raL t 5 - K. A. GDU.IAM DoNITELL GlLLIXM , TABfiDB.-N.C.v Will practice in Coupties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and In ; the Coarta of tbu First Jadieial District, and in toe Circuit and Supreme Court at Raleigh." :: Janl8-ly. ryOSSEX BATTLE, ' j j Attorney at Law . , , , EOCKMOUMT,!N. C. j 1 Practice in, the Courts ( Nashj, 'fdgol iviiim. Wilson and Halifax counties. Also , la the Ifofrral and Supreme Courta."; "I ' Collectiona a Bpeoialty. t ; He will leep aj office in Tarbo; i 1 Deo. 15, 1881. . ' ' v, YALTER . PILIIAMSON ATTORNE T-ATLA W, OfflM PofiKpfflcBuUdiO .Jul: 1 , TABBOBO', Nf C. . K9"PracUcea in State and Federal; Courts. G1 ivrtsav. nnwiRn I .t Attorney 'and Counselor at Law. t TARBOBC N, C. i tPracifcw lb all the Courts; Stat and federal, : uo.6-ly. Attorneys-at,-Law, j TABBOBO' Nt C Practice tn all Courts, onaincaa.., tM'--... Prompt attention to 5 : j' ml5Iv j-H. I. N. CABB, Surgeon Dentist', mini 1 TAJo.- 1RO, N. Cir . OSlcehodiB, irom 9 a. m-711 l p. m. and roiu 2 to 6 p.m.a - b f f if j"Next door to Tarbofp House, oyer Lanier A Boyster's. ' . V fr 1 - - i ' . " "it i 'r - THOS.H.BA attorney -at ' l TARBORO, IT. tC i t Offica next to Philips 8tatdn's Law office. Will practice bk --ral and State Courts. Refers by expiees permission to Judge Buf l. rttutftnnina Court: Ciflaens rNational (nt nf Raleisrh: Battle. Ruiitf & Co., Nor folk Jno. ArrEigton & Sons, Petersburg. : d214m .-. .;! . - i: Rocky l.Ioun; pills 1 ARE In full and uccesnu ipperauon, auu are prepared to fill all orders for Sheet inirs Tarns and Cotton Bope; at lowest prices. V.6.' .jjI n Bnokw IVnnnt Mills. uraeis uiiw . w .wv-m. j . -J Rwb Vnnnt. N. C. will be promptly attend ed to. i JAMES S.'sBATTLE, . i DWJ mint- t- April U. 1878-tf. V ' -. i'H . f- "" .: t 1 1 rreasurer.. I mwm mm IM by: addressing GEO, P. ROW &1) I WiIMeLL & CO.; 10 Spruce Street, i Tn,ir pan learn the exacs icost of any: nnuri line of ADVERTISING in American Newspapers. 43-100page-pageamphlet25cJ Corn-2UUs And Millstones, . TEE BEST TS THE WORLD FOR TABLE MEALt tmUm of Mad Sea) ea AjipSestfear 1UTI CAI0UM HIUITDM B i Chsrlets, V. I Havihg purchased from & Weai ersbee county rights for Edeeoombe; Mash and- Pitt counties, we offer to the ptople oft same. -.. -:s i y-s m M -I 'I i mm r" -'"t : - B; -1 .!! v-v- 1 The Cheapest Farm Gate ever invented. Hot liable to set out of order. No sarins: or strain on the posts, and a perfect safeguard agalujrt 1 miscmeyows.nocK. inose wnoitave nereto- fore. giveYl In their Orders to othetB will have them fiUedyuHX t: r may i amnov iiarDorp, pi. v. . . d m mm ' m ? . m 'Life on the Mississippi." 3' Jo 1 l ' ' 'i I . - I -v,vfin.rrab.lKIWf .11. TNI (X WW jctiwatm, -.ww mn AiAO ixm Annuo M nov- fr Farmers !. Is proving -tbe GRANDEST SUCCESS of the which Dr. Carr now resides, near M. WeddeU's Twain series. . A genulje bonanaa to BOOK I house, neat cottage residence, outhouses, -1 ta AGENTS. For terms and territory, address I Mm. Ac Terms very reasonable. Apply to Douglas Baos., 63 N 7thst Philadelphia, Pa a: ir t iri uiiuu iiiiiiLrv in iiiiiv j oiionmo, uuimo, dlwws FAINTS,- OIM; GLASS, SOS. WW. SIDE VARKKT 8QUAKS A V KCRFJ01 j)oveinberl88a. 18,ly. i B:C.Carlile, Main St., just above Pamlico Ba.nkiTig Co. HAS OS HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF Bought for Cash, which he offers at moderate prices. f .hmta of aU r Siiida . lUpdred. C0FFHS. CASKETS AND DERTAKING GENERALLY. S& Patronage solicited. B. G. CAEILLE. Tarboro, Fb. 26, 1882: T. H. Gatlin's. Nan's Veiling and Huntings in all V'sliades, Latest -styles in Figured Lawns, Whi e Goods, Hosiery, I-a-ces, Embroideries, Corse s.Dress Bu- tons, and Trim ming Sa ins. A NICE LINE OF ZEIGLEE'S SHOES, GLOVES, H00P-SHIIT8 AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. ZAll bought this Spring and will t sold very low. T. H. Gatlio. Tarboro, Jan. lWyl . TARTLINOV DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. : ' nctim of youthful impradeaee s ilc , Pranliirs Zmcmj, Ktws Pebfllty. lost Msa aood, sto, baviag tried In vain eyary known nmedTjssdiaerTWdasiiBplealfeora,whkk . hs will send TKES to bis fellow-mrirerM, a , 4reM J. g.BEEVE8. 43 Chatham SUM-Y fumdu' an FAKuar aH mm$m water- DI1II nillR MAIIII I A I'iiirwtter-proof autBiud mamblafiB.iutbn'.untM r rnofontcid walU of buUdimr, and a P'o A-tht Finest in TONE- " - XfAre'tanIlaestln WOESMANSHIP ud for pur Catalogue with Mu sic free". V I ' ioctlla 608 Washington St., Boston, Mass. valid's Hotel; T??eTT home comfort and privacy, Guests JJJcsn emsult any New York physic!) For circuit rJ, address Da. Kandolfk W. 57 W. W Street. New York. EMD FOR SALEtl ffhe following lota are offered for sale. 1(1 (V a 850 acre tract of well timbered land. lying on both sides of the Branch Railroad a- I HWI ' uiuw lima mvvbi rT;aT - Thos. H. Battlb, Tarboro. N. G. r Oet 18 Finite 17 MM UMUM I A If VLA 11 -THE GEO. WOODS' 1 rent or lease her farm nsaiBoeky MjuokTh laud lain ahigatate, otcMJvati,' anda abut a three-horse crop, apefeyasNMga&oad and ample dwelling tQtft;i con tain uyr sight lanre room, besides dining room and kltcaaae healthr.outhouses and stables lm mod xenair. ana stmDies wtuo orenara oarge ana seiecw x o a lauuiy wismng to patsontzf the Roc? Moqut AxG4d Achdca, aaords anxeeem ffpppctnnivy m i so. two sesaraU 5 or 6 feorse farms oaaTaa abont two jnUea turn RoekYi Konakvl juooa pastures ana samcienc nouses on groan as ana, im eoaqse oi erection. xy, onsae mv will b out up into oneorsa farms if desired. pTw:T30BP, Bocliy MouBt,JC. . aepSOtf 4 ThriPenderSclieol, .,r!)i (FOR CIRL8.) MBS, WML:Mm; 1MCIPAL ' Assisted by a full corps of Competent In structors, unnmmaa term wui Degiu ; THUB8DAT, 8KPT. ISth, 1883, with greater facilities than ever.i For Cata lorue, terms, &c, address the Principal. Tarboro, Sept 6th, 18iS-2m. -; New illustrated CaakgtierpV 4to) for eaaonr of 1883-'84, including many new styleej the best assortment of the best . and most attraetire or gans we have ever offered and at lowest prices, $22 to $600, for caeb, easy payments or rented.,' Sent free. THE MASON 4s HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO., 154 Tremont 8W Boston; 46 E. 14th St., New York; 149 Wabash Aye.,qhfamro. n ACENT3 to SiUonrpopaUf BOOK9 aito BIBLES 10 WT StnrasiHl Cohnty. UBGBAL TEKSM. .y. JOHSSOM ACOlttUMjLinatMichmonil.Ta. Are You in Want? I am Agent for the ! New York Herald, World? Times, Sun, Tribune, Scientific American, Harper &Bros., and Frank Leslie, Cincinnati, Enquir er, Washington Republican, -Youths' Companion, Philadelphia Times, . Wilmington Star, Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic, Tarboro' Southerner, Tarboro' Sentinel,' and many other newspapers. , " w"r""M y" " XI lOD WANT ANY' r Paper, Magazine, . or ,;:2i:Bcx)kivs-r;';;- PUBUSHED IN THE "UNITED call on me at the Post Office, and help a clever young fellow. Yon OUT SATS MONSY BY SO DOTHO. LEON WILLIAMSON, News-Doaler MERCHANT M ILLS GATES COUNTY, N. C 4 MILES FBOH NORFOLK, TA; This rmluable property, embracing water- power, Hour, cora, and saw mills, country store, cotton gin, ana a wu uuprovea iarui, alii be sold cheap to a prompt buyer; one third -each. balaace to sulk; couvenieae; or may be organized into a jouti swck company under the management of n approved oust- neat man. who can invest 95,000: no one with le than S5.000 need apply. : -' Good land would be. accepted at a fair valu ation as cash In part payment. . , CALDWELL HABUT. Aug, l&m. Norfolk, Ya. Ailcoc Porous Plaster Sure Where ether Planter .Fail .van In BmIIavm. Take no other or yon will be disappointed. Insist on having . . ' ALLCOi'K'8 Pbiul, 808 Nohth Tbikd St., i February 1, 18S3. I l.ave been usiue Aiiooox Poarfs Pxas- tkrs f or a number of yeaig and always with marked benefit. I have be-u mnob troubled whh Muabular Bbeumatiaaa; . have ,ben treated by fivo of our beat physicians with out receiTtnf any teuml whatevar. v i wen used Aixooox s PLaCBXit on lh parts affec ted sad I ea assure yo the paio ban almost entirrlr left me. I can rescommend them to eyerr one as tn dtk piaster maae. have tried other kinds , but ; found tbem orihless. . .1-. . v.. ;-.-i.- : . D. F GLALLAGIIER. WEAK KIDNEYS CUBED. ' 1 CoiToboooK, 'IT. HV "'. . 1 March, 8rd l88tt ,. I hay beu greatly troubled with. Kheu- matism ana weak UBlryn. , l was aavara to try Allcoci's Poava Pibikbs fl bad used two otber M calhd Pprus starters wbicb did ma no good, but eue of "yours has worked like a charm, given cpuipleir ie-lU-f, and I rave cot been . ir. uble l with Rheumatism and Kidney CotiipUitit since' uaine them, Vd eonxider myself nr -d., ' ' IDWAUU lr'JcUltjNn AM. lath Exh bitian THE WELDOH FAIR; Better tliai Sw! Hon. Dan'I - W, YoorheeSi U. 8. Senator from Indiana, will deliver the ANNUAL ADDBIS8 on THURSDAY NOT. 8. Parses and Stales. J will be : unsjcceptIonalit FINE! u XV&W T. L. EMfiJ. PfefL fi ' L Weldon,N,&,,Oct,ft4883. ,U2&. Judicial Caleof Land. -:os- Pursuant trt a Judgement' of thri Sotrior Court of Edrecomoa eouutv. at Spriag Term.' ! 1883, entitled, t Wm. U. Johnson, (ruaraian or uame ju Walston, na ethoraiii u f-.-f- i -f.- v Wm. 8. Battle. Elliabeth M. Battle, Geo. Howard and Richard H Battle, Trugteos, Ac. I wlu sell iu front of the (Jourt uoose uoor, tn Tarboro, on Monday the sta day ol govern. ber 1883; a certain tract of land known as "Hope Lodge," adjoining the lands of Elisha Cromwell and others, containing; 850 acres more or less. - ' f -.I.",'-" Terms, one-fourth cashr bonds for residue, payable In equal instalments, one, two and three years after the first day of January 1884, with Interest at the rate of 8 per cent., per an num from January 1st, 1884. rAevAu r. jMUKjrijujri, wa r. I Tarboro, N. C. Sept. 25, 18S30t W. . fUXnVABKKUV ! ii 5 Ki'Wi.K. CASE,?; Late-oftWarrenton.HC; ateofTarborogtr C ColteFaclOKMiGBiEMl NOBTOtEtlfa Cotton. Country Produce cenerallv. Hides. Staves, r fee sold. Orders -for merchandise promuur atvenaeata uuano aepeoititT. Wpeeial attention giren, to. Edgecomb iiuub Selling Liauors m&i be wroner.but if ywr will drink, quaff the best. It goes without gainsaying that I have the best Whiskies, Brandies. . i t i i - nm wines, ft . frW i J s w. in lown.j. Slystock of iCbnfectioneries, will be found equally good. A CALL WILL PROVE IT. , J. C. ALLEN. Tarboro, July 19,1883,-ly. vtuchtsimdianYegetablePills , FOB THC '-LIVER And qjtjpflllous Complaints Sale to take,belngpiffely vegetable; no grip ing, x rice za cts. jm uruggisis. U 03 I O b H Pi CM O CO WORTH SEtlDIIIG FOR! Dr.i.-B.aOHXMOKhw BstpabUshaiaD()okaa ; , DISEASES, OF THE LUNGS 1152 HOW TO CURE THEM , whxA 1m offred FKKK. Ilrii 1 toP ' JteaatMiuMmalibUtniiimmiiiim forallwaowipposa ' tbemselvafUetwim,orUabeloanydiBeMa(' the throat or luuxa Mention this paper. Addicss Jw J. H. BCHHCS m MX, PUm4dlila. Pa. ; : a cnronio dyspepsia ana liver complaint, and m cnronio constipation and other ob- . .tin iHnmiwn Hoetatter's Stomach Blt- ni.tm la beyond all comDarison the best ranadv that can be taken. As a means of t restorlnir the strength and Vital euerry of ' Mranna who ara sinkins under the debili tating effects of painful disorders,!- this standard vegetable invigorant is confess dly unequaled. Sox sale by all Druggists and Dealers - Senera aujr. . a a rBErn. akticles BtAUTtfUL rLORW. CHAOMO CaM Im ftza,a4aaaiMtnte4 ok, U all wka wi twa ) packtar- Haatlra tkt. mvck l a. matesT ca., sew ti. mim THE DEAD ! R" PRESENTING - A VERT" RELIABLE . and Ettenrivc Marble and Granite Works the undersigned Is prepared to fill orders for Mbaumiantsj Headstones of g s 5? Infills TOMBS, and all MEMORIAL Work for Cem- Bides was great, and that something JS, and aU MEMORIAL Wort for Ct uaea ia a prompt, and satisfactory m all and see deshrna and prices. ..'...."".i-j;.' . . A1 JK. liByVUSf etery naes la a prompt, and satisf actory man- Kne 0 cussing was ! indulged ner. oittIerner. Thuksdat. . . . : Octobkb .25, ,1883. imiOSIAT. WQTE3. ' ' r, ; hTTT'-t 1 A Nash county farmer will have at Rocky Mount Fair next week 125 tur keys all raised in his yard... ,4 . '' 1 . ; . , , , j I - t i - t ' 3 c 1 1 x. xiriugerH y w ,ia pronunenii 1 as a civil engineer. as a civil engineer tie, ia ; with the I Shenandoah Valley road, of Virginia Dr.Frank Hughes, of Newborn, and Miss Carrie Winder, of Baleigh, both well known here, were married on Wednesday of last wtek. Dr. C. F- Deems of the Church of Strangers, N. Y., in a ministry of 44 years has been detained by. sickness from the pulpit only seven Sabbaths; and in the last 20 years has lost only one. " -' - The Rev. Dr. John Ball of New York, says that Protestantism can hardly be counted a failure when it started with nobody in 1500 and con trols populations to extent of 408, 090,000 to-day. Ashevill has society-fOr'preven- rtion of cruelty to animas. Let one be formed in Tarbora A merciful man is merciful to his animal Others should be made to be. The law is favorable. "" A Treasury official is of opinion that at least fifteen million trade dol lars are in the New York banks and if Congress will legalize the coin there is a profit of at least $2,500,000 in the scheme. Two of Bamiim's circus riders have been killed within n few days. Mile Celistia died from the effects of. a fall and a xnale rider was thrown and in stantly killed at Steyenspomt, Minn., on the 3rd. : The North Carolina' Confederate dead have been ' removed from Ar lington and were reburied with im posing civic and military ceremonies at Raleigh last week. : At peace now on their native toil. 1 We would like to know the opinion of the circuit judges as to whether the law passed by the Legislature in 1881, allowing -defendants in criminal actions to testify in their own behalf is a wise one. .'r At the time it was coniectured that ft would occasion wholesale perjury. '. The Richmond Whig" publishes a challenge to the Virginia Democ racy. $30,000 are offered as a bet that tbe Readjusters will carry Vir- ginia . win it oe "covered 1 xninga -m r . 3 an nrvv are getting red-hot over the ' border. The Supreme court of the United States has declared the civil rights legislation unconstitutional so far as the States are concerned. One by one tha reconstruction roses fall Now what will the emotional politi dan at the North do about itt A telegram from . B. 15unn an nounces that Ransom, Jams, Cox, Roberts and Holt will escort Senator Vanoe to the Rocky Mount Fair on Thursday each one perhaps will "speak a speech," anl arousing time may be expected. .-. A Nebraska thief devotes his time entirely to the larceny of hogs. -and with great success. H goes forth by night armed with a lon stick, to i which a SDonge is fastened, and, a A.W .. .i bottle of chloroform. The porcine victim, is lulled to rest by the anes- I thelio and then borne silently away. Gen. Grant, Bpeaking of the pub lished reporTtn'aT he w'aTworth $1, 0)0,000, said : "I have ixteea chii dren and grandc'.uldreu (counting the babiesV more xr less. " Orautin thit each ut e worth $50,000, 1 might safe ly say that there is $1,000000 in the family. I am a poor man cotnpara- tively." ; The story is told of the Senator that soon after his second Hiarnage i he said to Mis. Vance: "My. dear, I am a stubborn fallow, and you msy anticipate troubln. Now, i in the begiumng, while I am siib missive, I wish to give'you one pic i of advice. If you follow it, 'well get on mighty well; 'Make me do just as Irdarned pleae.'.',.M,v.i--r -'. Sell's circua, yf as j advertised to show in Asheville on Saturday last, and a great crowd had gathered to see it, but aUerrdoomed to disap pointment. The circus j started for Asheville, but it was found that the tunnels on the Western North Caro lina Railroad would not admit of the cars tassing through. It is said that the ; disappointment : on both in. - - Judge Darid Davis was once mak ing a deposit in a Washington bank, and stood, counting .; a large pile - of money at a desk. A well dressed joung man stepped up and said: dure enougn, there lay a dean, crisp, I genuine a;-biil at the depositor's I feek Iblirik yon," gladly answered ! - , . . ... - IT tne joaone, placing nis ponderous I , 7? r w .... . . - IWi H-vI JLir:- iuul uuuu UYiir ma inn nn inH nnnrj ..y - . r 7 - 1 "" """ xoBuuuug iu ..counung. 1 xne snarper tasen aDacjc Dy tne cool- j ness of the OTo5eedino:, disappeared. ... f . - v I ana tne Judge was two dollars, ahead by the transaction. , Wendell Philips predicts that as the South grows stronger and strong- j er the wealth, culture and power of the country will be centered there until she will become not alone the mistress of America, but the central empire of the world. He says : "The coal and iron in the South are easily gotten at and inexhaustible in the J.iPi. an ' . amounted the iron mills, the f oun- ries and , machine shops can go to them better than they can be carried to the shops. The cotton and wool en mills must go there for tbe raw materials are, and are to be, produc ed there most cheaply, uniformly and J better. Then look at the extra hours of daylight in a year's run. This of itself is no small matter." Bloody Work. At Statesville, Sells' circus drew a vast cro-vd, and several fights. Fi nally a negro named Campbell killed a man named Redmond, and wouod ed a bystander named Ball That night a band of men took Campbell from the jail and hanged him. (They did their work so ' quietly that the occurrence was not known generally until the body was found dangling to a tree about daylight. When a Northern lady tells one of our ladies that she does all her own work, the question comes quickly : "Why how can you have strength to get wood, water, milk, etc., without a servant?"1 To which the Northern housewife answers : "Ob, you know we have an easy pump right at the door: we have a milk-trough right below the pump; and as for wood, it is cut and stored under the shed, not ten feet from the stove.'1 And then the Southern-farmer's wife sighs. to think of the inconveniences which take her time, and sap her strength, I and make her look old at thirty. Postmasters. New Berne Journal. There are about 50,000 postoffices in the United States. Two thousand two hundred of these are presiden tial appointments. The others are indirectly appointed by tbe . Post master General. Forty-seven post masters receive one dollar . a year as salary; eleven receive 'twenty-five cents a year; one receives 9 cents a year; one receives 6 cents, and one 5 cents a year, i'ostmaster blaane, of Perilla, White county, Tennessee, is the 5 cent man. aa enjoys the distinction of receiving the smallest sa'ary of any of Uncle Sam's civil servants. There is some difference between President Arthur's $50,000 and Postmaster Sloane's five cents In all we pay the postmasters about ten millions a year, of this three mil lion seven hundred and fifty thousand go to the presidential postmasters, EigFigurst The Raleigh "Visitor" says there is a county in this State whose entire real and personal property is return ed for taxation at $539,000, and we have it from good authority tha five million dollars in cash or nearly ten times the listed value of all tbe prop erty in tbe -county has been offered for a single piece of land in said coun? ty. .9 The Cberlottt "Observer says the biggest mortgage evr recorded iu th court house in that citv was yes terday recorded by Esquire Maxwell, tbe Register of Deeds.1 It was a mortgage deed for $2,500,000, given by tl.e Southern Telegraph Company to be .Farmers Loan & Trut Com panv, ol Wew xorK. j North Carolina Motes. Tbere'are about 6,500,000 acres of improved land in North Carolina and 16,000,000 of unimproved tand. We make 450.000 bales of cotton, 30,- 000,000 bushels of corn, 30,000,009 poujids of tobacco and export rice, wheat, oats, gronud peas,-etc., do si'i'S. i It ih estimated that in fifteen coun ties alone there are now standing five billions of feet of long leaf pine.' When our debt is all arranged it will amount to less than $3,600,000, bearing 4 per cent interest. There is besides a debt of about $z,75U,vuu, bearing 6 per cent, interest the in terest of which will be met by.divi' dends from the North Carolina Rail road. ' ' The assessment of property m the State in 1873 was $125,000,000; in 1878 it was $142,000,000; in 1882 it was $168,000,000. The valuation in 1883 shows an increase of nearly 20 per cent It will reach nearly $iJ00 000,000. ' Our State and county tax- es combiced run to ' 66 cents on the one bundled dollars. WITTY HEN2Y WAT!tES02T Addrenes a Bankers' Ooaranticn Part i i of EU Speech. 4 t I am told that to-day vou are ; con- 3 : il.i. i , . v , i South, and that you wish me to talk to yOU about the South. The South J T1 8 Ifc 18 110 problem at alL Ihamlr tinU fhof ot mloa nii acvv I 9 -.7 7 , , .7 . . - i with faath it is Bimplv a geographical all wimuuuiKis simi expression. , (&ppiause.j xne wnoie 1 . i mi i . t ., . a r V . 1 . story 01 tne aoutn 1 may be' summed I "She was rich.' and f up in a sentence : one was ncn, ana f lost hee riclies; he was poor and in honr1itoA. ri mit;tti fee' snl'aha I in bondage; she waft sfet fre, and'she rTZrirTZC and she is richer than ever before. The 1 curse of slavery was here. God passed a rod across the land and smote the people. Then; in His I goodness and mercy He waved the wand of enchantment, and lo ! like a flower, His blessings burst forth. Applau8& Indeed may the South say, as in the experience of men, it is rare for any to say with perfect sin cerity, "Sweet are the uses of ad vfr sity." Applause. The South nev er knew ! w kdbw 1 wum uaepenaence meant antil she was taught by subjection to subdue herself, vv e lived from hand to mouth, we had our debts and our "niggers." Under the old system we paid our debts and , walloped our "niggers, but under the new we pay our "niggers and wallop our debts. Laughter and applause. ! We have no longer any slaves, but we have no longer any debts, and can exclaim with the old durkey at camp-meeting who whenever he got happy, went about shouting, '-Bless the Lord, I'm gittin falter." Laughter. The truth is that behind the great 1 ruffle the South wore to its shirt, ; there lay concealed a superb manhood That this manhood was perverted there is I no oouDt; mat it wasted its energies upon trifles is beyond dispute; that it took a pride in cultivating what is called -"the vices of a gentleman" I am afraid must be admitted. But at heart it was sound. From that heart flowed honest Anglo-Sax6n blood, and when it had to lav aside its broadcloth and put on its jeans, it was equal to the emergency, (great applause) and the women of the South took their place by the side of the men of the South, and with the spinning wheel and ploughshare to gether they made a stand against the wolf at the door. That was fifteen years ago, and to-day there is not a reward offered in a single Southern State for wolfskins. The fact is, the very; WolV bay' -4ge -e)med of thmeelves"and Lave gone to work. Laughter and applause. i The future of the South is not a whit less assured than the future of the West. Why should money which is freely loaned to Iowa and Illinois be refused to Alabama and Missis BippiT ion have money to loan. We have a great country to develop. I know that capital ' is proverbial! y timid, but what are you afraid of ? Is it our cotton that, alarms you, or our corn, or our sugar! jPerhaps it! is our coal and iron. Without you, in truth, many of these products must make slow progress, ! while oth ers will continue to be hidden in the bowels of the earth. With you the South will bloom as a garden and sparkle as a gold mine; for whether you tickle her fertile fields with a straw or apply a. more violent tittilla- tion to her fat mountain sides she is ready to laugh a harvest of untold riches. Applause. - Sunday in Parii. In Pari i I was awakened on Sab bath morning by a roar and and rush On the street below. Looking from my window I saw1 long strings of carts loaded with debris from a build ing which- workmen were! busily de molishing. Going on the street I found it crowded with vehicles and a multitude of people, some hurrying to their places of business,' others going forth to make the day's par chases, while others in gay attire are hastening to the railway station for a day's pleasure in the suburbs of the city. ; Later on, when I again went fotth,' the places of trade were open and business going on with its accus tomed Regularity. Restaurants and cafes were thronged with people eat ing and drinking, while 'the chuxches were the most neglected-lookiug in stitutions in all the city. Only a few worshipers were seen io enter, though the streets were ' filled; with people. In the Tulleries Gar.'ens temporary structures . were erected. io which a grand fete was given for the Iviufit of the poor of iraria, and at nignt was fire-works in abundance, y V nat grieved me most was to see tb work men of Pans toiling at their tanks the lifelong day. They looked tired, sp much in need of rest on that day of which it had been said of old by the good Father of o all 'in it thou shalt not do any w ork," Rev. Don ehoo., - . -1 Charlotte Joiirnal-Observer : Pony Horn, the Indiau who I was arrested lor being drunk ' last jSaturday, did not have enough change to pay up hi fine and was sent to the rock pile to 'work it out. He has since been hammering rock like a good Indian. Yesterday a telegrani was received from Rock Hill, S. 0., by Chief of Police Harrison inquiring about Pony Horn. It seems our Captured savage is one of a tribe of Catawba Indians, located at Rock HilL S. G, and the loneliness about his wigwam becom ing painful, his white! frieds stnt a' telegram asking about him- Pony is in good hands here in Charlotte, and as pa works well, he will soon gain his' liberty and be restored to. hi'or rowing paps and squawpoosea. - Un I like Logan, Pony has somebody - to I mourn for mm. ; the Great Eel Catch la the Catewfe. From the Charlotte Jourwd. . rtH , r The eel boom continues and. tljerj were several ' wifronS on 'th'i ufrAAfi' from the Catawba yesterday." The1-" fishermen saTTttat tDTTSOBnTrTp in the fiver swim up the sbeatn m schools, is the cause flf the, remarkable cafcekyy rOtW farmer near RoWs ierrv caught COrt 1. t.i.J.l1.,J :". .1 " wiieo uv ana pus mem in acowost Uk. . iilwwt k... oi tnerewas more at r y ""ft liAinem ,aart manors thap! fiber b.S1a Brlilia iK MiVf rr.nrV Ali t f aoie article. The Catawba is lined with traps, and while nobody. objects' f iY. ,V..... . jau.'A to the fisheManetdu'g the,ala,;N. . complaint is- being made 'that- the ': traps are destroying thousands of ' young shad, and are consequently doing vast harm. The young shad ' lodge on the leaves in the - traps where they: die and are thrown out' i . by the thousand. In the - meantime ' the eel catching is going on with in-t creasing success, and a trap that will -nat catch barrel full'every night is-' not considered worth looking" after.1 . mm t - i I ': ; . '. ' I The Judge and the Law Breakers. . , , , At the present term of Superior"! Court the following judgments4 oh ' the criminal dockett were 'iendered 19 by His Honor, Judge Shepherd.' ' John Walston,a& b, flOand'cbBts.' !l Sol. Spicer, a & b, $1 and costs. u,iKt Win. Battle; resisting dftTderJ - 4 months in jail; county Commissioners'1 to hire him out! ' i i '.- Sol Bollock and Jim Hopkins, rock- ?"' ig train; ,7 years in Penitentiary: for ; Bullock; and 5 years fof Ho-ykins'.' ' Geo. Williams, larceny; 6 monthB in jail, to be hired out. " , 1 Mujor Beet, a & b, $25 and costs. -Jesse Morris, larceny of cows, 5 years in Penitentiary: :'' John Armhekl, a & b, 9 months in' jail. uumiw, larceny, o years in the penitentiary at hard' labor. . ' J " Andy Johnson. ' ' ."-! ' In Greenville, as you are aware,uj the late President Andrew Jdhnsoii lived as tailor, alderman, legislator ' f and President; and here he is buried. 'I he shop in which he labored as' tai- i lor now stands in the easterii part of' the town. ; Just over the jBhtran'ce tos the shop, ; which is ' a smalt frame i J"- , building, and in which a colored fam ily is now living, is a pine boajfcl' up-' j on which is written, In letters now almost erased by rain and stor'm,'me f following : ' "A. "Johnson, TaUor; A little out from the western jbordef ! of the town stands the tnnanment of -. r marble which which marks "the rest- t ing place of "Andrew Johnson, Pres- " ident of the United States." Chat-' ; tanooga TiineB. V , V,' . , ; Postal Telegraph. ' y"' The New York f 'Herald" champions v '. the proposed telegraph scheme, but n , . it does so under rotne restrictions', .It , . demands as follows: . ; First the public sentiment : witf'V not tolerate the purchase by ,lji gov-, . ernment f existing lines., , , Second the government must construct its own lines. ; , : -Third ;There' must be no attempt , at a government monopoly of the tel- k egraph. . ' , ' ; Fourth Competition between goy- . , ernment and private lines is possible, and it is necessary to protect the , , public against the abuses of private . . Unes on the one hand and of the gov- ernment lines on the other. ' . . .. Edgeeomie. in Florida." - xurs. jr.: iu. iancj, on iupnuay, rjr t cei7ed a nicely printed invitation to attend the golden wedding of Qolonel and Mrs. F. L. Daucy, at Buena Vista, , Fla., which is" celebrated this ,eye-: r -n n T- H r , . ning.. Col. Dancy left Edgecombe county when quite a young man, and, was married in Florida, on the 17th , day of October, 1833, to Mies F Ioridi F. Reid. ' He has aticumulate4 .nne (,.. property in the "land. Of nowevs. , Col. Dancy has many Trieh'ds in thli '.Z section of Noith Caioliu who wi.h him many more happy and prospor-j, ous years. Green ville Rf flector. , What the Editors Hid for the State,-' - A telegram dated Boston, ' Octj 3, ; contains the gratifying intelligence-5 that "the Atkinson Colonial 'associa .'t- tioh 'was formed to-day for 'the ob--ject of purchasing a large- - tract of land on, the line of one of the rail' roads now under construction in the''1. mountain region of North Carolina - and making it a centre for New Eng land emigrants." 4The matter bn rbeen .under consideration ever sufte our State exhibit was inspected; jHnt tbe timely arrival of' the handoue ' North Carolina editors 'settled the matter, '.iKi.'.t'.lt' We are in?ortn-Hi Wilson Advance : ed that Mr. H. W. Bebt, of Grernie,; ' ' has a field of upland jorn- thai will . make 10 barrels to tbe acreltx:-What" North Carolina most needs odfc-ide of the development of her, natural re , source?, w a dog law and a fence law; or properly -sp-aking, a no vdogliw .t and a no fence Ihw. Thefwelfaieaniil A I prosperity of .- the people demand ifv and sooner or later, they will hnd it out John Hardy: v colored, ?ran awav with the sable - wife of Wiiev Blount, - at which action Wiley ki'' much incensecL: When atked why he ' - i made sucha' f ass about a woman's ,;; -ref hsiug to lire with him, who loved :aI another man, he said i VVQ, it-iub 'V . the woman, so much; she carried off three of my blankets." . 'vi . ' J-': i '' ': . mm '.v .. ...i 2t Macon Telegraph ' . One ol tOnknm '. merchantJs c received. -'the , following t ! ; unique order, a fe w days since: Mr.:,-i ?- 15- . pleas sena me i,wprtn ii r; coffy and $1 worth shoogar, some- i small sales. ' '.My!. wife ; JuA r .baby r last nite, and also two padlocks and . V ' ft monkey renctu I f ,1 J . ,i ' t si 'A - ! A . it S m E 11 t : , fx . '( A .i. it . l.f-4- i. IF

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