-.!--; . - '.if! - ;' i'. i ' : t i t 14 E T- . - "" - J '-''z-'.y-.: Wvf Y II II ' I" Ii 'II I II j llll BE SURE YOU ABB RIGHT ; THEN GQ AzHOE A.D.-D Crockett: 'I 5 ' t III fl I I. . ' . - . - . -m T I II .., , v. . W . 1 .1 . V-'- ii if in i i,i..f .a.,'. . 'iAi in ii ii i ii ii a -ii .ii ii i ii ii ii r . i i - ii .ji ii n i - u i ' . iVWV . iFrS-a VV.V; '. V V VV.V VV . : . . -; ; . , . VOL. 6U Pott Of&M Hotic. ' fma cLosxs. p For North, South and West via W. & W. Railroad at 9:3(m-M. ; ; Fr GreeTiUey Washington and Hjde county at 8:00 Pt Mi . .t For Williamston and points on A. Ik R. Railroad at 5:30 P. M. . - .. j - From North, South and sWest via W. A W. Railroad at 6:30 P. M. . Frbin GreenTille, Washington and Hyde county 7:00 P. M. : . Prom WUliamston via ' Ai R- R&il road at 9:15 A. M.. :V--. j - Li Money Order and Registered .Latter Departments fronj 8:00 to 4 P M. : i In Mailinpr Department from 7:30 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. j, ! Office open constantly j between these hours except when mails are being distributed or sent. Open on Sunday from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. and from 6:30 to" 7:30. P. M. . - ' ! W. P. WlLMAltSOS, P. M. PttorE8SIIAK CARDS. D R. H.T.BASS Offer his profanioMl Berrlee . to th citi- M n of Tarboro nd ricinity. - ; . Office In T. A. McNair'i drug Btore on Main Itreet. ; I pBAlfK NASH, ATTOIi3SrErsr-A.T-fIA.W I TARBORO N. C.! . , ' rtAcm In U Ibo Courts; State and .Fed-' 4raL - . . S j-.: M83 ; OIlUltlAH SOW, l TAKBOBO', N. C. n W1U practice in the Coanties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Court of the tint Judicial District, and in the Circuit and I unreme Courts at Raleigh. janl8-ly.- D Ot3EY BATTLE. I- AttArner at Law .. ! ROCKT MOUNT,. N. C. Practiceeln the Courts of Nash, aoaibe, Wilson and Halifax counties, fas the KedrrW and Supreme Courts. Collections a specialty. : i . Ha will keep aa office in Tarboro. Deo. 15.1881. Edge Also VX7 ALTER P. WILLIAMSON - ATTOBNET-AT-LA Wr Office i Post Office Bunding.) ' . TARBORO', N. C." : C3T Practices in State and Federal Courts. AHKORQE HOWARD, Attorney and Counselor at Law. j- TARBORC N. C.l ry Pracrc8 in all the Courts, State and Fedoral. ' S , uo.-jj. JNO L BRDQEBS :& SON Attorneys-at-Law, TARBORO', N. C. r ' . . Practice In all Courts, usiness. Prompt attention to - .!; miaiv -H. I. N. CARR, j j Surgeon gZ- Dantist, TAii'lRO,.N..C. afflee hudn. irom 9 a. m.'tiU 1 p. m. and . roa 3 to 0 n. m. f SNext door to1 Tarboro House, over Lanier A Royster's. j THOS. H. BATTLE, attorney - at Z,dw9 J TABBOSO, V. C Offlee next to Philips & Staton't Law office, win Brairtira h x , -al and State Courts. Refers bv'exDieM oermissiofa to Judge Rut in, of the SuDreme Court : Citizens National Bank, ef Raleigh; . Battle, Bunn & Co., Nor folk; Jne. Arlington & Hons, fetersourg. Boeliy Uoant .UHls s . RK tn full and suecessful operation, and i are srenared to fill all orders for Sheet- 1 ngs, Yarns and Cotton Roipe, at lowest prices. Orders addressed to Rocky Mount Mills, Rockr Mount. N-C will be promptly attend ed tO. j JAM JUS 8. UAi ILJL, I Bee y;na i reasnrer. tttdl 11. 1878-tf. i IftVV'BiPTQ'P'OQ by addressing OEO P. ROW Ut I MtttMlsWRLL & CO.v 10 i Street, Tnrtr nn learn the exact Ifcoet of anv aroposed line of ADVERT1SLNG 4n American " r I mi - 1 1 i I T ii wi paper.. iw ai: Corn-Hills and Millstones. THE BEST IN THE W0RU) FOR TABLE MEAL I Ssa;ljs of Xel 3sta l-rfict&a. crireattis wuisTw n, A f CJisrUtt, -H. a IK;.. josn tf trsstiM x on. . umssotm, a.y. Money for Fanpers ! ! TT&vk mnh.ul fmni H . V. J. "Weath- ersbee county rijhU for Edgecombe, Mash and Pitt counties, we offer ia the IWOple Of the same, .. j i tcnii Meat li$w Holer. The Cheapest arm Gate ever invented. Mot liable to eei out ef order.' No saslDK or strain on )he postS -wad a perfect safeguard against mischievous stocK. tnose wno nave nereto- fore riven in their orders to others will have them Slled by .. ' J It. Wt.A . 9J. a I . mav 1 5m nov 1. Tarhpro'. N C. Life oa the MissiSsipp Is nrovinr the GRANDEST SUCCESS of the Twa:n series. A genuije bonanza to BOOK AGENTS. For term? and territory, address Dooolas BBoa..53 N 7tht Philadelphia, Pa- OPIUM nwKrvsB Tru , . I their Vv -A IT FREE. Da., jsaa:wi ha 1 iftbHin JsrnS k&mS3s2 IF is i r I m If I n.MM w n arwl y-fc n ill fl k H I n 1 I IV A I J v v mniui .1 nniu uook LAND : FOK? isalmi i i Luther Sheldon, " -t . ;.' , ' DBALEB IN - " SASHES, DOORS, BUNDS BUILDERS' HARDWARE, ' ' PAINTS OILS, OLA8Sp j And Building Material of every description VOS. 16 W. SIDE VARKKT BQUARB 49 ROANOAKi AVK r CFFCLK VA NoTemberl88a.18.l-y. . ' -r ; : i ! B. C. Garlile, Main St., just above Pamlico Banking Co. HAS ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF Bought for which he offers at moderate prices. hniita of ill EMs fiepiirsd. COFFINS. CASKETS AM) O- DERTAKIXG GEXERALLY. t& Patronage solicited. B. 0. CAEILLE. Tarboro, Fb. 26, 1882: T. H. Gatlin's. Nan's Veiling and Bantings in all shades, Latest styles in "a Figured Lawns, Whie (iooas, Jtiosiery, i-a-ces, Embroideries, Corse s,Dress Bu tonSj and Trim ming Sains. A NICE LINE OF ZEIGLER'S SHOES, GLOVES, HOOP-SKIRTS, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. l&'All bought tbia Spriog and will be sold very low. T. II. Gatlin. Tarboro, Jan. lWy. STARTL1WC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. m victim of youthful iapradenee eswslng Preaistare Dseay, Nsrvens Debility, Lost Hsa bood, etc, having Med in vain every known ramsdyias ataeovsrad a simple self cure,which he will send FREE to bis fellow-suffermy sd dross J.H. BEEVES. A3Chsthnn SUW. T CAN r.lAKEJ21o 'Ouiu ibo Fill aad Winter, tor nrtialan. Kite Are the Finest in TONE Are the Finest in EESI31T, Are tne Finest in WOEEilAITSHIP Send for our Catalogue with Mu sic free. ' mm m . r " M a octll 4 - 60S Washington St., Boston, Mass J JtI T tlCl I I OTft 1 . X1T . 1 wwmm wtmwwM WW - wmm ' wmmm - 1 Trvery home comion anu privacy, uunw circulars, addrestf-Da. Randolph 1 MB S3HBD1I UIT AC" lull uuisuihi. .- VI. Hni, 1 87 W. Vtb Street, aew iota. ltlnz on both sides of the, Branch RallrDad a- hAtit x i -A miipa Tram nucfti jauuuk. , iiim v rrvwi nnalitv. C2l the lot In 1 arboro. v ei a aqaare, coniarBuung Airh hr Vatt bow resides, near M. Wed dell s -V . .1 A lit t.A..U ( house, neat cottage residence; outhouses, star bles, Ac.- Terms very reasonable. Apply to Twf. H. Battlx. Tarboro. N.C Oct 18 at Fratnre DnQertalong Furniture nii nnoos j m rw fiiiiin iiLill It llll I I? I II fl IT llill. II llll If i ' I B llll V -J W WW w--.- mm MB i " rrtbe foUowing loU are offered for sale. x, "Hope Lodgej" MJMutng lanaB o. u-1- rIT,..m.l ,o tlmhered land. I CromweU and others, eontaintag 850 acres i -.. FARI.I FOR RENT! ;" i .S'f j To a reeponsinle parif1wno would keep tie premises in repair, Mrs. Virginia Thorp would rent er lease her farm near Rocky M mnt. The land is b a hin state of eultfvatlor,, and has about a tbjom rop,pen pwlorage, good and ample dwelling-nonae, containing' eight laree rooms, besidesdtemc room and kitchen. eonTenlently attacbed, water good, location healthy, outhouses and stables la good repair, orchard large and select- To a family wishing to pateonis the Bucky Mount uraaea ucnooi, this affords an exeeDent opportunfty. ' 'H' Also, two separate 6 or norse fannton Tar River,' abeat two miles from Rocky Mount. Good pasture and sufficient houses on grounds and in coarse of erection- Any of the -above will be cut up into one-horse fann if desired; D. W. THORP. Rocky Mount, N. C. sepSO tf ' - ' - .. ' I - "it - ' ? The Pender School; (FOR CIRL8.) MRS. GENERAL PENDER,1 PfflUPAL Assisted by a full 'corps of Competent In strnctors. Chrintmas term win befn i th greater faclliUes than eyerr For Cata- terms, 4ec, aoaresa tne rrinapiu. - o, (Sept. du, lisswsm. h,..-.....; ; tyflH ' ' ill " IwLSliS New fllostrated Catalogue (40 pp: 4to) for Beaaon of 1883-84, including many new styles; the best assortment of the best and most attractive or- cans we . ban " erer offered, '- and at lowest prioea$22o $600, for cash, easy payments or isoted , fjent free. THE MASON HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO., IMTremont St., - Boston; 46 E, 14th St., New York; 140 Wabash Ave., Chicago. fi a niTcn reliable WniMi hy AGENTS to stUsarpnpaUr BOOKS im UtRLES In mrr Knni CoBRtr. USKHAb xeswb. ' t SPiSaS icOwlSMMaiaSU llklual.Ts. Are You in . I am Agent far the New York Herald, World, Times, Sun, Tribune, Scientific American, Harper ABros., and Frank Leslie, Cincinnati Enquir er, Washington Republican, Youths' Companion, Ruladelphia iTiines, Wilmington Star, Baleigh Farmer and Mechanic, Tarboro' Southerner, Tarboro Sentinel, and many other newspapers. - . . " . f IP YOTJ WANT ANY ' Paper, Magazine: or ' Book, I ; PUBLISHED IN THE XHSTTED X' .. : , .' STATES, ' " i : .call 'on ne at the Post Office, and help a clever young fellow. You CAS SAVE MONET BY SO DOINQ. LEON WILLIAMSON, . News-Dealer - MERCHANT MILLS GATE8 OOUNTy, N.a ; 46'SII.ES FROM NORFOI.K VA - This valuable property, embracing water- power, flour, cora, ana saw- nuiis. county More, oooongin, subs wm jmpnuw iuui. wnibe sola cneap to a prouipi uuyct-, m thlrd orh, balance io suit convenleno ; or may be organised into a Joint stock company under the management of n approved Dun nes man, who can invest $5,000; no one with Im than t5.000 need apply. Good land would be acceptea at a iair vain- i anon as cash in part payment. . CALUWKLL UAKUX. Aug, 154m. Norfolk, Va. Aileoek's Porous Planter :ure Where other Planters Fail even to Relieve. , . Take no other or you will be disappointed. Insist on having : ALLtOCK'S Phila., 808 Nohth Third St., February 1. 1883. f I bave been using Axlooci Pobxjb Plas rars far a number of years and always with marked benefit: I have beD uocb troubled with Muscular Bbeumatism; .. bave been treated by five of onr. beat physician with oat reeeivina any relief whatever. I then naed Aixoocx'a Plabebb on the psrts affec ted sod I ean aeowe yon the pain has almost ntirvlv left me. - resn rescommend ' them to everv one as thr beat plaster- made. have tried other kinds but found them monklaaa. B. T. GALLAGHER. WEAK KIDNEYS CURED. CosToocoex, N. ) March, 8rd 1880, I have been greatly troubled with Bheu mati8m and weak kindey. 1 vd advised lo try Aixoocx's Poaus Pistxsb I had used two other so called Porn plasters, which did me no good, but one of yours has worked like a charm, given. complete re lief, and I lave not been troubled' with Rheumatism and Kidney Uomptaint . since oaiae them, and consider myself cored EDWARD D- BUENU AM Better than Ever! Hon. DatVI W. Voorhees, U. 8. Seuator from Indiana; will deliver the ANNUAL ADDRESS on THURSDAY NOV. 8. Dnreo i nniV Sf nlr as LARGER THAN EVER, f r , WI7L TJKIXCIPTIONAIXT. FINE r. L. M. LONG, Sec v. T. L. EMRY, Prts't. 1 ; Weldon, N. C, Oct Uth, 1883. Judicial Oole of Land. Pursuant to a Judgement of the Snpei Ireeombe county, at Spring Te dor Court of Edgeeoml 1a ntltliJI erm. Wm. H. Johnson, guardian of Carrie L. Walston, .and others. - . - against . - Wm. 8. Battle, Elizabeth ML Battle, Geo. Howard aad Richard H Battle,- Trustees, Ao. T will anil in front ol the uonrt uouse uour. IMM UP W. -iTenni, one-fonrUi cash; nowu ior resiuue. pay able la equal Instalments, ouev two' and three years after the first day of January 1884, with interest at the rate of S per cent., per an num from January 1st, 1884- PASCAL P! N0R7LEET, CoaVr.t TaVboroll.a8ept.23,l8836t . WANT? I IS tit Exhibition lUD vfDUUuiv rniiL. TleRic BE , .... .. , ... ,: v '.i. TARBORO', N. CJ, THUSDAT, NOVEMBEE, Tl. - - i . . . ' i! 'y .' ' . - n ! : i T : 1 t ' : 1 - r : : : : - - ; -PARKERS CARrU Gottoa FactorsaM Geiitir 1 Beom 9, Cotton Exchange,'; .; NORFQLr'.Ta. , Cotton. Country Produce general;,! Hides. Staves, fec, sold. Orders for merchandise promptly attend' d to. Guano a specialty, j, j .-Special attention given to Edgecombe business. ; . v Jan6 8Wy H felling Liquors may be wrong, but if you will drink quaff, the best. It troes without eraaiBaTiDg that I have the best' ''ivr.'v-- "k Whiskies; Brandies. Ftii. - - 'jr ' VV 1DGS. OCC, j in town. My stock of Confectioneries, will be. found equally good. A CflX WLL PRbiE IT. J. C. ALLEN. Tarboro, July 19, 1883.-ly. VTeicht s Indian vegetable Pills FOB THB EJDVER And all Bilious Complaints Sals to take.beiDK purely reset able: no grip- to take.beiDK purely tag. tries SB cw. u in CO w I M i Ui VJ0RTH SENDING FOR! Dr. t. H. SCHXNCE. hm torn vblimtei book eo DISEASES OF THE LUNGS m HOW TO CURE THEM whlefa is offered FSEE. postpaid. to an appUoaotH. tfaemaelvee afflicted irlth. or habtoto any piwann of the throat or lmwa. Mention this paper. Addraa ; 1 1 cuiiwunii watMaot mimiiiow iutuwdo sup r.J. H. SCHEKOK A Phllsddphta. 1 Itioiifrti snaKen in every joint ana noer wita fever awl ague, or bilious remittent, the system ' may yet be freed, from the malig nant virus with Hestettev's Stomach Bit 4ers, ' protect the f8tem seuinst 'it : with' this beneflcent anti-spasmoaie, which Is . fothermore a supreme, remedy for. liver complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debUi- . Ity, rheumatism, ., kidney troubles i and t. ether ailments, i . For sale by all Drunists and Sealers ; Kerally. . ... .- aOTJ8ErXXAETlCLES."4 Beautiful Floral Cmroho m, eiae tit, and aa Illustrated BMh. u aU aai jw4 fte. alama frr ; poatac al puiVInc- Mentlaa tfckf iwr. . B. riO08T & C3N l t CSt . REFRESHllll ffi Kv L H -i.S3 I 111 ,(',, file (; ..: I T . 111 H U CD H . aasi . . , , - . fM rjl 1 1 T VP i "tl ,"V ' My Mmim r-iEPEESlNTTNO j A VERY HEUABLK IV arid Shctensive Marble and Gi the underBignedJS prepared pa fill order Mohumenli -Headsloh TOVRaanAaU MEMORIAL Work etcrt -usee in a prompt nd satisfactory ll&ll and see destsnut and nricei. ' v . . Ii. tE .VIS V!.S0YpwBsl,2,f :1883i 1 ' W I .. c A TIKE 10 J5AlTCLfi ':pZy. m cTiimTiioTis ef tna if ofli The.Wairea era Banca Their' Beply -Their Beply to a Sermon Preached hy Bev T. D. Swindell on ths Ko&ern Baaee, &o-; 1 1 Some weeks . aso the- BeV. P. D' Swindell preached a aermoh in the Methodist Church, on the subject of tfae "modern dance." .His text was! "A Time to Dance.'- The sermon was clear, logical and practical; at least it was so pronounced, by some of the most intellectual people of the town; both among professed Uhnsuans, and those, who are members of no church1 meu and women In fact, many gentlemen who I heard speak of it, said it was the truth, put in good shape, especially needed at this time; and, that .they admired a preacher; who had the boldness to openly . de nounce an evil, which was sapping the foundation of society, and blight ing the purity of womanhoods One distinguished gentleman, known well ia the community,' and the State, not a member of any-church, said : "Tod much could hot be' said, against the mucn couia not oe saia, againsc me modern dance and the modern dress-i ing of the day, tnat it was a tempta- tion to lust, and an invasion upon the innate modesty and purity of woman, which had a tendency to lower and degrade her in the eyes of the world." The sermon of the Eev. Mr. Swin-1 dell seema to have stirred, ud the righteous indignation of the Wahree j Club," a club known and designated m tne community as tne Amncmg Club," of which Mr; B, a Sharp is president, and Mr. 1 nomas 11. ijattle is secretary and treasurer . fco indig nant were they, that they openly j Droclaimed. upon the streets, that a reply would be made to the sermon. inerefore, this "Wanree tJiuD, con stitute themselvea the champions of the "Modern Dance, and rush bead- long into print in an official communi cation, "a reply to tne aioresaia ser moo. Whether it was officially read I and approved, in regular meeung, ot- whether they selected a special cham pion for the occasion, x cannot tea ; suffice it to say, they give their official sanction and endorsement, by signing the name of the dhb to the article, and thev thns oubliclv ' place themselves before the community, the church and the world, as the. champions of the. "Modern. Dance." They remind me very mueh of an- incident in the life of St Paul. ; On' one occasion while he was preaching .at Epbesua, aUU LUt) WUIUU1 UWU nan ""J& ""'"1 I n I rrinVfir of RllVfeT StirmeS. 1 ,.ii. Kk P-ni hi ? KnB; nf irrr "r.Jl mon nf it craft, and iLAde common I - - : - , I cause agoiitoi wo giomiivo - a great harangue about the Goddess Diana, until tnev cnea oui in tueir wrath, "Grt-at is Diana ol the Jiipna- Binn no tnose enammuua ui uio "Modern Dmce," the Wrhree Club, seeing their peculiar pleasure attacked, and fearing, that woman in her mod est v. nuritv and chasUty, will talte alarm and recoil from their onered ml AT - embrace, call together their friends of like occupation, and with' odo con sent, make common; cause against a Christian minister. ; As to the article in question, so far as what might be called "artful dodg ing' and "adroit manouvermg, is concerned, 1 consider it a success, well worthy of the learned champions. But it has been asked, what issues ao they niake? Po.they thmk Aby, a smalttnntr of ancient history, a few ecriptui e qaotations and a little ridi cule, which receives thel plaudits of the thouk-btUss, that a great principle ia to he laughed down t Nay, verily 1 Let ua take a view of the sermon. After an announcement of the text, MA Time to Dance," I the preacher said, the . Methodist Church was ac pnspd of beinff ascetic, because of oooosition to certain amusements, especially the dance. Is she right or wronci 11 right; then otner cnurcnes ouffht to ioin hands with her. As there in not a positive, thus saith the Lod, we must rely on its, character and its effects to determine its moral aualitv. I assume that it is either right or wrOog. It cannot be a mere matter of social ethics, and indiffer ent per. ee as ao act! It is a matter of divine ethics, Gods law embraces all relatious civil and social, as wt;il as iLidividuaL Thediviue law admits (iuo nemrahty. ; Every indi vidual ' act-- m fcitL-ef arteablb 'to that Jaw, or a sin against it-,.. This quebtion oetlled bv the 4Ie. above, gives itd morel characler aud fffecta. ; The crit'.ci6m of these lea ned ch&m uious on tbis point, i, what I denouii r.atn. -'-riful dodLrinLrJ :Tbey state nly part of the proposition, and riificnss it. witnout reierence io is aa whole. They artfully dodge tne rl issue, and afford themselves "a means of escaped . Jtiappy tnougnt The preacher proceeded to show from his BtaudDOint. tnat aancin? couiu not be foi" Christ, because of its evil tendency: therefore, must be against Him. The champions ' assers u ia an Indifferent act, . and v lay Annn the nrinciDle. . that all acts are capable of performance, in a right nr wroflff wav. ' J3V this logic we can prove evezy sin, "under the sun, to be no-bt. if tioneina cenaraway. jlv ud nnalvze this proposition. ' All acts r-Rnahla of bein? done in a right or -k wronff way. - Staliug Ja- an act. for therefore. iatealinff may' be done in a right or wrong way. L Right if prop- erir done, wrong if improperly done, fo Cem- The reasoning is against them. They man-1 gay a'particular 4 game oi ';?ase DaU ia t i X 7.t..H L'nnit iTlllft 2, 1883. and ih ito'qiBMJiS toward I prolariW,! tb 1 &i . I tendency is to' eviL Thepreaoher bee scriptural then proceedea to notice scnptaral arenimeirts for. secular arirnmentffior; bndrtaBt tWathea argument agaiDBt daiioing waW stro thV' bthe 'weak. It h i i i TTT.'..TrTi.. TTTTfP .;.liu.- -lS.i. TUtss JWsttox. i He said, "that in the Bible two I one an act of worship, the other I v . nv.w - bwsw. v- I 1 bociai amusemenc. ..as a reugioae l eiOTciBe, the sexes danced fsepar- I ately. Those who ' danced' socially, spoken of in Job, - as a sinful "people wno said, depart from us, for we de- sire not a knowledge of thy ways. As it is not deemed to be a religions act, it must be regarded as a social amuse- ment. Argued in layor oi it, tnat it develops, gracefulness, and ' ease' of manner. Grant that it does, that will not justify it, if evil grow out of it; for the principle is laid down by St. iraul, that we are not to da -evil, .even I i g?oa iouow,t wsiaes, graceiuuiess i and ease can be. and are cultivated, I m otner ways. Autre are as grape-j ful people, who doirotceiastherel are who dor and ballTOom ease doe not necessarily give drawing rooni manners. Awkwardness often grows i. : j i uun ux iguumuw Miu.uivuguH v elf. Time spent in dancing could, more pronutniy apent m gaining culture, Ag&t J9 ve amuserhehSout does it fol 1 will have low that it must be sinful, v literary circle, with1 tonsia would be better.) Dancing leas jnofai . than plays and idle talk;' but one sin does" not justify another. I can see no harm in it. Tbat does not prove it so. lllustra- won oi ine xncuaa given- ASGUXENT AOAIKSI. First, expensive ; and second, fas cination. Illustrated by young lady who chose the f danc& uhird Its tendency to destroy religious influ ence, illustration,, dance; m cnurcn. Fourth Churches "oppose it Quo-; tations from Catholic, Presbyterian and Episcopal. The great Christian heart cannot be bo far wrong. : Ke ligion tends to quicken, and not per vert conscience. Filth Its tenden cies ana efiects. to . destroy -rurta. Examples , given. . Closed by saying to. those .who- are no - Uhnsuans, A have but little . to' say.- I ' have not rnuh hope pi ihlLoenclng them; ibey are not supposed to be governed, toy Christ; or striving for heaveo. ' Their highest good is .herei. in fact . their only good. Death ends. ' their pleas ure, and we cannot expect them to refuse, what is fascinating and pleas ing to. them. -'l!0 i. it The length ox this article- prevents ihe at the preeent Chie from speaking, , , : t. 7 .i oi tne anuamty. oi. ine..aance; orine "-v- J anciems. I -just notice in passing, tnai me learnea , imam pioan aumu that in ancient days, dancing was .-.,..--- ' Mr. Swindell claimed , it does, now. They mistake him, in sayiag that tbe dance was a religions exercise only; when he distinctly stated, there were two kmds of dancing. Mr. Swindell said, that in , the religious dances spoken of in the. Bible 1 the danced separately, f 'They answer this by saying, that the Therapeuts, ihe first' Jewish converts to Chris tiajHty, 11 en in Egypt, danced, men aad WOm together. Suppose they did, does that affaoti tha aaaertion that rth kaes mentioned itt"the'Brblet?ere conduct ed differently I They argue,- that because ' imaU. body of the Jews, ; . in ' the :. vear ' M , " the world, 4070 ddanced, th sexes to gether; therefore,1 the JewSj- m'the vear of the , world 07-jdanoed' 16- " at TT gether an raugioua. aasemwy, .. a. can remember 'when, id 'our comrounity, no jespectable woman: would. twalt2 with any male, except . near mauve; now; they wilts vrith armoal anybody, uoes juho. iauh WU1 WWT uw. mt UUir, orove that they always did sol- ; But neither the' anuquity, or tne tne anuquity, oi me . a , a . I dance, nor the custom of any nation, has anything, to do with, this -que to do with, this ues- tian civilization,-which ought to as WOn HOW. US WO UUUSl JOIV Uiiiio - a ,l ii. v nmsr. im -i m i v n inn. wuibuiu aja. T;r -r r. .r. worship idols; as the ; pirrtuai religion oi me AL. PosDeL is above the types ana shad- ... . - A m m ows of the Jefsi ' r f Jl i f detiU A a th learned ehainnions the remainder -of their article de to the illustrations of the sermon. ' and various' expression of ; the ;preacherK which Ideuominat-''aroit man oeuv eiing' I shahnet follow trsa connec tion,: but use iheit points aV; aha4 best suit my purpose. . 1 he lsaoe cua t'mctiy"mdry.w, that the leirdeocy oi tha MiAiaaxVmt wt-to-' evil, 1 and therefore,' it -ie A sin; ' Tha object of the serinoir was td Siio vvf that this is1 its tendeucy, and thut a professing Chria tian could nu"CousiBtently engage in iU 'rner." tnWfoniioaa aeiena it. irrsre lpnuuipai mvuivwj. jjoi the subject DeTTnprougnly discussed I expect to show by the authority of the best men, and the worst, that it is only evil andihat tontiiiuj,'he or on Kara ta matvi; u so bbsushii course by1 a drink of 3wme; perhaps, at his lather s ta&ie, or, a socuu gvass with a friend, it may be a lady friend then follows the debauch, then mama potu then thedrunkardagjaye- The eDitaphi is written W inspiration, LNo aranura Boati. lwtns uw fcULTteU WlUMllUfj l MVlilg-auw vr.t - ing still, but never to xeees: i- lh6 one was stAxfe. the otbeak. One had prudence, and judgment enoughl to be tnodeSMei Xne Qtner-gava wy; toBisSiptveTite? and petlshed. Marry a trostitutia started on-her down ward course, first in, tbt dancinf wdftoL thin in the soaJ daBceilnin in the ball room, then .the "house of ill f Anae.itharwnta a crave of shame. The ejrutaplis SrVittetf by the J same divine band.- --nd tnere ' snail ano g wise enter into it, anytlung tnat de 2 fileth, neither- whatsoever worketh i j m- , . s-v v-j ifc w- am t I 4.. mg. still: a thousand men may haw embraced &r in th dibotlhe one -nt m fcJ made then, that i made now, by onr lCttlurVA . UUIUli U1U140 T b MUU I wayward, if not in that Vayby -soma I other way, she would sooner or'later I most nrobablv bate fallen." Heart ; I strings break, but the dance eoea on. They say, "the position of waltzing is merely formal.' Oh yes, very I i Porm-all; tbat is they take in all the form they can. "Customary, like that Mtketv by lady aad gentleman walk- P01 ing arm, in arm.? Verily we are pro gressing;. let I cannot see why it-is more wrong, to embrace a lady in the public streets, or in ber 'fathers par- lot, than in . a public ball room an-1 less a Ia4j'9 person is less sacred in a ball room. .Is there a lady, however intense her admiration of the "Mod- irn Dance,' would permit such an j indignity' elsewhere? I But a lady may . take a gentleman a aim any where. I At the expression, "a hug and a hirl,'' th 7"ii'gtin of the champions reaches! the climax, and in lofty disdain,, , they say: "This is an extravagant aallv: . it ia the Tansmae'e of fancy, eolored by deep prejudice, 1 quote the foUowinst i ' e ' "Yet is there one, the most delightful kind, A lofty jumping, and a kapiog round. When arm in arm the dancers are entwined And whirl them selves with strict embrace- (meati round, i , TKAVMTr fnvtK tK.t fw t n inteaity of embrace deroted by hug- ging, which is not allowed in waltz- I a arion m.Ana nt KK, iA-.A k i,;.i.- i,rti,. I is none." ' I quote from Lrod Byton on the "WaltE," to show the correct ness of their definition, so far as the 'intensity is concerned : , . j 'Endearing wallz 1 to thy more melting tune-. Bow Irish jig and ancient regadoon. Scotch reeis, a vaunt I and country dance, .forego , s ; Your future claims to each fantastic toe I Waltz! Waltz alone th legs and arms demands. .. , ' " Liberal of. feet, .andjavisu ;df hexhands; Hands which may freely range, in punnc snrnv' Wbere ne'er i before bat pray 'put out j out the,hgbt. Hetblnks tbe glare of yonder chandelier Shines much too far or 1 am much too v . nearjj j. . , - ... j ir 'Mv eliDDerv stens are safest iq the dark, 'i " But here the Muse with due decocumhalta, And lendB her longest petticoat to Waliz. Th ball begins Tbe honors of tbeihousi First duly;dooeby dkugnier or; oy spouse. rirstqutyonepyaaugnier w; iu, w.m&n . . " , :., Borne potentate fr royal or serene I Leads torth tbe.ireadjr dance, nise rffing flash :".- ' .; . .Vt tit til once bave ben lnisiakeu fur a blush. From where the gurij just leaves tne ixisoin That spot whtre bear Is were Once supp 8?d to be , . : i Roubd all the coufloes of tbe yield d waist, 'The strau'gers hand may wauder undispla ced; !". : - "' ".".' :-;y .' -' " fbe ladv's ia reiorn may grasp as much As Drincelv D-uiclws offti ty.her t-.ueli. Pleased round the chalby 0l'r now ,,e they trip XV:z. aEI' Ooehand reposing on the l.oyal hip; . ? I Ascehdiog wl'h aff.ctioo truly loyalt rbe other on the sLouIder no less nyai Thus , front t) front jib pari nhrs move or athnd, . , . . ' i- , 1. ', -. T 'The foot may re8t,1Jbui nitfae witharaw hs Thus all aud each,, in movements swift er '"'"alow, ' '- ' ' ' " " ' "" .. Te genial contact gently hndefgo, ' rrut aotqaiargbVmar..,'itlibe .modajsl ft iitr.ing fcnls:arl tbrS palrrdng W'ofVif " True, hottest MirzaJ--you may rort my rhyme s ..'t.,.- Something da follow, ot a filter lluott The breast thus publicly resned to mad Lit prhrate,may retist Idmirf os't I ' softest the Wah-Ree club select thftr list reader, and let the entire i r - .-, . OTUn5no. ot their l-T MT r4,rv. kfeA,rfw f ?esJ" i7aS f Wlftnaw 2" T l - . ... , T, ..Ji. -tAoatrr IhriO WLUU1WU V W W ami A. - W " L ' - t I i uftDB wno may uicoum, i.r the following commiinlon oc I I li t IHll.lJ LllfJ aVlV n awav r-- . v w witfc iflore 'uetmtT and sabct- 9 flOCinn IXrVI.Tl IIIIfIB fc. - itv. T recommend trie rf-aamg or inis pjeco tbitllmotbers, before they con !lro.i,fB' in their mivirv 1 r: "I"? .w,mi.a anrl innocence, to the promiscuous r;WTT."Xr"fl3w mav have emoraoe ui y-TTt j 7Z. some idea of whatr ookdowu anu uu- aentiOnable .possibilities are before Snm I submib theabove quotation, from one of the most rprpmgave men tit his aire, as a 'proof sf tbe isvU Uade; vizr ee td evil lcaaeirk - . ' I nan attempt to prova mat- tna aantiuiel.tof tbejbest ppop.le itithe world is agaiust daucinaiid to Drove their dictum, wmcn saya it is i frtsmHost or ae cATSorJc curraoa ! ' The: Roman Cathcdiq Church says t hye !consider it to be our - duty E W Warn our people against tha aiiibaa U done,, wiich are reyolttag tA,eya-, f lintr f delicacy and fraueht - - - - with the srreatess aangWiA A. Priest says; That. more crime, was revealed to hiroiin.the Qqnfessional, as the result of: j;daoeing,i than. from sag ether a.usoi,. f::i .;-,' C 1 . -. finpossibthb question, as thfrth f Canada. ;It is certaihly an saionish .v,J inmda. tho rd table 1 infi statement flia'mmade -Iff the and b dVmce, canWa doabtfulor I young woman! nJn Uus-f otrankry ;an-: -debateaUs qrieetwn. f Assembrrin J869, aoUrhnly -njom8l would doubtless ei noggea ningeix. . .. .. , i ... iwiBWfuiwn b 1 r - .-: -ST71. - which it names lprmiecuou aanemf. HeA Minutes 1869. page 39L . . 4-. - - . mmmmwmMMtmmWMwWwmwmmmmmmmmmm I jnariKox.Qirsx prnaxcmaaca- , t u WVJl i SSVlli TltUI II VUfUBBlIIBB? ed Baptistmipiatef la this state. Dr. pThulgfflS ir..t.v..- Ttwisawub one, aTTWT end dance. - ?ii tzsttmosy or thi xpiscopai cjroacH. ''JKstop'Meade aajK ' IhaJf not jber, for obvious easont. -:. JTormy.' Uiyu "i tTTV BSBigy ' " - mind tbey arcreonoluajve, to snow tnat eocial dancing is not atnongJ the1 neu trw tuings, wmcU, witbin eertaim Um- Its, we may do at pleasure,4 and even' mat it is not among tbe tnutgS, ' law JoJ, but nof eXtdieot,'butthat it is in itself wrong, impror.er1 and Daa enect iiisnop jucxiwtun says: "If the -writer be arked whether in his view, in the pomps and vanities' of the wicked world, whioh are; tenonne i ed in baptism, are included theatrio- u amusements and, dahnfia, he an swers wimout neatauon ; in tne amr mative. ,If he be asked under the Apostles - exhortation - -Be ot, con formed to this world- whether they are mcJuded as matters of . worldly conformity to be forsaken, he answers certainly. ..Bishop Ooxefayar iTbe enormities of theatric, exhibitions, and the- laseivionsneeaef- daecing, tod commonly tolerated in oua timeslare so disgraceful to the age and so ir reconcilable to tha Gospel of Christ, that I feeLit my duty .to the souls of my flocks, to warn those , who- run with the world to 'the same excess of riot' ia these thing that they pre sume-not to come to the holy "table. Classes preparisg for confirmation e lniormeo, tnax a wui not lay informed,"' that I""111?' knowingly, upon any one who " rrr ' , T" . things, with other abominations , of the world, the flenh and the devfl. Let all such choose deliberately whom they will serve; and . if salvation be worth striving for,' let them be per suaded to a sober life, self denial, and the pure and innocent enjoyments which the Bible not only permits, but which it only-ca-ratev'- Bishop Hopkins says: Its incongruity r with strict Christian sobriety and pruici eles, and its' tendency tx'."thV love" of dissipation are so - manifest that no ingenuity can makeitconeistent with the covenant of Baptism. I have ae space enougiLiaJiuotaiarthec. I do not qute froiUfiie Methodist chjnrch Decausener poeiwon m wo weu mown; bnt I have quoted, irom the leading Christian derjom" iat o : 3 of the world, 0 BnoW ttieiz unqualified position on tbisquestloiiS pions have; found : a' church, which conntenancesand 1 allows the danee; through1 whose' oommnnidh a dancing .: chrutian may rtrm' -4o- heaven: and . in the spirit; of true arms arourid her. ladmirethis But I challenge them to name the Church. I do hot hesitate lo say, -that with tueh teftlimony as 1 have -presented, together with the i solemn vows re quired by ihe; varivww churches - of those who join themhat a,ny chvirch, that will aQow her members tp en gage in the j ;3lodern Dahcei with out the moet Bo'emri protest and warn ing, is as "TalttSless ftoifLord, as Judas Iiot who betrayed :Himl j As to. the .rejigious . "gnsb'b: tath which (hey close their article I quota again the closing remarks of Bishop Ooie, for my reply: ?"Let tbem be persuaded to a sober l;fe,' sLf denial and te the pure and inaooent-sBjoy-me'nte, wbicir thsrBiblff DOt' Ooly per mits, bujkwhkh, it plone can7 create." , Verily jwe are coming to a sad payaS; and Christianity to a lpw ebb, whea aa0aricing Club attempts' to teach , u,Jwhai rellgi'olsrwhentt'aoyy ei a of pleasure) mora than lovers rr God," attack, a . (Jhrprtian i mmlsAex xa the public print,, because, elPopeniy) denounces frm.t.'wlnn'ri triA Anmhinftd Christian denominations of the world emphatically and imequivocauy pro- 1 nonnce w-w .n e-vii suu n-f boKvlT aasert that tnere artra irooa people who danoa,. as those who do noU.tto as those' who do nott throwimr it in, i Uie I OI IUO :CllUXLVU,.Wiai BU countenances and aU6ws if.' ' Ohl ye watchmen upofi the walls of Zion,'' the leaders Of God s spiritual hosts, to' whom Wf look ; for guidance and direction, .beware lest; ygw betray,' the trust committed you member, that judgment will l the trust committed - to - you. . JKe- r at the house 6f ; God," and if yOO blow not the trumpet Mad - warnetBf: t ar-JA thZi . Mnrnt will, ba fKT1 rzrV7i.7Zl 7 j w thank , tbe edtor;r the fpaw becubied bv this baper,' .. Ilruat he' w.ll ehsourtge h dis'hssloWvai't'Wa'i subject. I bave much more I Wants to say w hilTwatlt1 Of BlVCSa- l5Teven t S. hi J t1ti(U 4t i itKi lOI 0. Li I ' OanalUntWhita airla'4 Waiyys I IrspM rblislieir ft imri from ft. shop;girl.ine Qmada,; ostbo says that not pnlyjciOf fewT girls Dvefrr there get more t-hau; f 3-ejP bia- week, put they also have to submit td'themortffication'of fihwMpyied bythir empToreTS focreal W? surv- hosed offences, i She declare that;: r a ... . , . . I having: been ehar gcd-witlr-tttg spou- ;. t vAr.if?tvj'-vsii wwsb-- man told her she must v either quit or UW'k w'itpiiik, , Needing work..' she snbmitted to thW pTrnishment: r i tThe! rapbie" asks it' it can be nossihla thai such a cractice- as cor . , . .j mm rws m Yra 'mr-i .if nmru . ?r , l wouio, m. , Canada, r-lochester 9r.i. ftid. I. 1$ If i? : " r.. ' 'I 9 ti ' I! n 8 1 it. in h M T. t.l - 1 1 M: 1 rM X ozU8,CUoacoJU

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