r - :1 - - ;4S . '-'-" vftnfiH 1 r4 77. ,A-T'"0I :V VJf VT 1 kit iq3 t lsiTto ;r KWJ riMvl , 9J i;tif.i4KU fWlli . r - ' , ' , v -. .. ...... m ii in ill f in mii.i.w'iii'i ii w ii iwrii'irnri '"' "" ---: m SMI Oil' II I II II ' If M II HI! 11 I If : 1 . SB h m m m m 1 m m - mm 11 : 11 is ii ivav-a 11 ! f 11 " 1 1- 11 "i 1. 11 L (Sff I I I Bctti. f ,t I E i II II II r f tl II . LI Hill ,1 II It II il I'M' ft 1 i 11 turn s&msmMjminfiL n t i v j i ... . ; : j i i i 'nil i' - r- . m t ( ( , . . )! , 1 . ,1 . .1 .- If it- Il I n it il ' f 5' i; flhi 1 u t . t . i ih Aft S M&X rrttmd srotlei. t ' . 'V;fj&& ; West - 1 3b:Bwlroa4 at 9:30 A. JL " . ; OreeniyiUe,5 "Waahiiigtoii and Hyffe 5onnty.at 8-pP P.,M.V .'j i For Williamston and points on 4pt A R. Railroad at 5:30 P. M. i ..' ' HAIL AJlfilVBS. f from NortWSouth and West via ' f ' From Greenville, "Washington and j -;; Hyde county 7t00P..M- , I - : ' Ui'V From WiUiamston via &. R- Rail , roatihl5 4-i.C i''i V, ' . w. ' oirricfi hotos.W -.. - ' lirMony Older 'and Registered Letter ifertoent from 8:00 A. M. l Jfc ip lang Department froii 7:30 fSrWtaK :oo;?;m. i s iilIUtfM&'J -pen 3 constantly between ;-;,TPa arte fri?3- 4L 1L. 1VR v 5lr.4MKUiiKK SirT-? nor,8, 1883 iitjsJasNorfleet, 'OiOw-fbr tiie present in office of Tho. H. Will practice. m &u ijobixb, dw u 83 nov ly . .lnu;OsMsli4s4fessiiial -senrices to the ciu- ;.;-QflLc14.Tr A TLimfvM storef oa Main . TARBOKOr M- O. : ; 3 i laiWii el M iln -Hi if ttiiHfi-ty r -mwyw - i iTtli s jai iiii'- - - - ;iv at"!.? rCi'llUjjHLA. SOW, jj; r:-jeV2rx-t-XW, ' f Srrrt nrmirtiw is th( Coon ties of Edzeoombe, T'aiifai and Pitt, mmi. in the Court f the ",; fit Jfodieial DUtri and in theXirCuit and -nprweCowrts a Ratelgh. - ' janli8-ly. V -riOSSttY fclATtl-l4- -f':fr;V 'itterieVatLaw ' ' !. . KOCKT HOUNT, " N. C, TracticM in the Courts of Nash, Edge- 1 ''rui Wilnon sni Halifax csunties. Also t the federal a'r4 Supreme Courts. 'iTit j-pDttretfo&saBvecialty.1" ,' twfil, ee'p ai w(oe iu Tarboro. 'I'd- I " ' : J " . i I J Att9rny,'dXaaflor &t 14 w -'fAtB0liVi - C ; .' A rWc.e4tf'nitWe i Crf?irl, Slate n1 w'. si iiov-lv. -a JtAKW&Wv J. C. ; ,1"' " U UM11ftt! ' .: I ;M -OffBlffomftlnettiTe. !hd 'dnH -t4a t. w if t . s? 4 i ' .fjtaraUxiBaoot 1 fsrbry House,' over ' Lanier A Eoratera. ..O t! , i r !' i . umce- next yo ninps ot olbkiu uiw umce. WU1 practice ia ral and State Courts. Xeers t; T xpiee'iiermissioa to juagro nni- li. f the BaDreme Court i Citizens National f ; ; Bank, ef Baleigh; : BatUe, Bonn fc Co., iNor- : " . felkt Jna. Arrington s Sons, fetersburg.i ,.;-d31-am'-S;-.:-i;ti"r -; - ' Bocliy iUoDirt Hills iU in fall and. successful operaUoni and '. rarireparedtauU all orders for Sheet- c i airs. Yarns and Cotton Rope, at lowest prices. 1 1 ' Urderc addressed. ta, Rocky- Mount Mills, t t Rockv Muat. N..C-. wiU be promptly attend- ? hj rn 1. James s. battle, f ' f. . i t j Sec'y and Treasurer. t,rUU. ISTO-tU f I S 1 11 ii -i . 1 '. i-' ; - ''l"rWflfW?95 addressing GEO. P.BOW WUiislftiEXJ, C04, 10 Spruce Street, ' jtfew York, can learn the exact' cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISING In American r e .wajiapera. ,13-100 page-page pamphlet 35c -r . V.'. 11 .1 ,'.,-T- - " ' . - ... Jki:.: lwh .muiii I t ' ,uii.a-;iu ana.iuiuBtocca, t.fF W t ,1-. ,. 1 j TWlV-TE SST IH THE WORLD em ftwsHsg ubasud roni Bi-Af . J. Weath enseoufift.rightforEdgecpjabe,Kaeaand tmr hTm 1 ' nr. a trnuniMi J (fan pn fr atarfc- ln any fabric. FphUt lor 4ccorS- Iau ten ST rswsrkoiIlMB. tml,rn. tsnsial atDjj, Jt at I KMabUabvdM yesun. sold by all UrartiUsUo4-w Afs. EatabUabvdM: A-Tiatlse-m- tttr speed txjure BEST Ili.li MwwuM&,Q.Bem Utt.ChleacuJll IP : t ww Mo mm mm. m4 . IntBcr SWadonFARHiTOR : REN -' lli""i ; DULIK IN f"ppi,"f' SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS 5 rfATiDtrijiir Aud Botlirie Mrln of eery 'deaeriptioiT. KOS.18 YT. SrDE VARKIT 8QUASK A -vvv ; ;HROAOAKt ATI., ; ; -1 " raFPClKVA 7C Nombrl882. ItiVy. , - UiertaMDg ! BIG: Pamlico HAS OK BAND SIW, rBK89TQCX OF Boiight for Cash, Fornimre Car e mmitum l i ; Firnitm of il MlJlffi rnvVIKV riSVRTS kn in. vuiii,- UKalAaVlnU UliilfittAlililt - nsn ft wr f v n inwnnST wr Patsfoage solicited. - B; 0, GAE1LLE, i Tarboro, iFb, 25, 1882: a . " , O , .... : J in ail Latest styles in Figured Lawns, Whie Goods, Hosiery ces, Embroideries Corse s, Dress Bu-fi tons, and Trim--; ming Sains. :! A NICE LINE OF GLEE'S :. ISrAU Uwrnt lW Sprior 4dlll be old very low. : T. n.: STARTLirJC DISCOVERYI .1 sVWea mnsnvwv wmm i VKUm of Youth rul naufudenee csaslsg i Trit?I, MorroM XJefaCUtr. It Mm- j soon, etc, Unas sua u vma nri bbcotb . rsndiseavrdaaiaipleaalfeun,whlch fce-willcnd FBEB to his MkwaOBrsra, ao erera. JluLKVKB.savasuiamDi a. i mciiEiis YYA StM4T ipuihS afiM M s;mv AlSf J J. C McCUSWT Cu rkUMtSkMk THE GEO. WOODS' Are tha Rnest In T0NE- Are the rinest la CISiaiT. j- Aretha Ti&ost in WORKMANSHIP , Send for our CatalogutmtkJL(u: .r rr? , -s u " i 6cU14 60ft Waahlnrton St, Boston, Maes. Invalid's "rHotel, NSW 70JEUS. i very home comfort and privacy. Guests t any new low pnysietan. - ror rew Da. Randolph W. Hiix. 9th Street, New Xork. i - T "a TT Trr OA TTJI LAND:i :B OR SALE mt,. Mlowta, lot. are eflerel for .ate. rvtne foUowhu lots an effered for tale. I fit a 850 acre tract of well timbered land. I win? no both aides of the Bnoh KaHroad a- I N '7- a 11 Hn.fr. Unim f Anil n gwA quahty: f8) the lot fat Taraoro. Je of a sanare, conwiniiimg mto imiuui rawjii wWch Dr. Carr now resides, sear K. WeddeO's house, neat cottage residence, outhouses,, ssa bTaa. Ac' Terrni very reaaonahle. " Afrrty to t ' (V!- i. i T. H. Gkiliii's. SHOES, mimmm :-"""" 1 ; I iwtUCT I r"raaiB.u .: 4. :s f. 1 1 T.T 1 1TAH 1 ITT. Art fl I lraT 4 ",.-.'! Taos. ILBattl, Tarborc VC 5 ClS4t TA t,T a repoqU)j9 pry, who would -keetvlhe premtiM in repafrMn. Vbglnia.ThoTp: wonl Mat or 1M ker f4rav-Der Rocky M unt. The taod I In Wgn stot:rf ealtlvatior. an its Itne rooms. iMaidaA dlnlnir room and kltcheo? eoavaniaaur jaue&M, water gpoa, , loemuotr beaHJi. 4Mhfaooae amtaUblea ik. f?f!?Ju w I I rclurd large n4 etoet ... To family wishiD: M paworuc UM.rc7 MOUni uraae ocnoo this affords an excellent oDDOrtuntt v., , Also twtMeparaU 6 or 6 hone farms en BUt, Klver,; abont two : mHe tan Sock; Mop$U Good pastures and infficieat houses on groUtjl and In course 'of erection. Any of the above will be eat up Into one-bone farms If desired. D. W, TBOSP, Bocky Mount, N. CsepSO tf iJIJ-i ABiste4-rjrV afull eorpa of Ootapetent fn- Fttnictohrtiftiria9 term wiH begin .' THUBSDAY, BErT. lUt, 1S, ; wltfi greater lacIllUes than eVcr. Fo Cata kMrae, tomi Ac, 'address the Principai 3 Tarboroy SepU-k, '1888-auiL - - i J' i mutr twv tyin a8orimeutl'a'j'wi txi ?. 6 tbe beat jkndib attractive o- ed v.t havfi Tatar dfifered, 1 andaT easy paymenuiterlj5enl ifee. ! THjMA80K.4BAiOJ i PIAKO CO- 1M Trenoat g.4- Boston;! 4& E. 14th NW Tort; 149 Wabash Ay.,Clcgo. to seUiaroopuUr BOTKS TjAflflWMIrt T sa4 tca.ulumxmmM. tem-. B,jJ0OMca.wuaiiu5Ujun7-. orHh Nw york HeraId'W6fle.s, rri bune, tSdentiflceri Harper ABrotu I - t , x, . i -r-, I ana fTanx juesue, uncmnau rinquir- er, Washington Republican, Youths Companion, Philadelphia Times, Wilmington Star, Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic, Tarboro' Southerner, Tarboro' Sentinel, and many other newspapers. I - j EF YOU WA2JT ANY j Paper, -Magazine, i or - . - -Book. i PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES, can tm me at the Post Officej and help a clever young fellow. ,You I CAH SAVE KOKXT BT SO DOING. LEON WILLIAMSON, r " I News-Dealer. ss-t-r MERCHANT MILLS .-flATia tX)BNTT,"N.C, 4 mulss FJBOJa sobipoIk; va. TU"Viiaaol4?iopejrtyji- embracint water- -connoT asm, I wlittoe-eotsTelMsmao-sr torp byerf 0n- third- fewsurvotsne tb suit nvenier.k r or r be organised into ajotn stocK company tftkft manafcentWn approved ;bn- man. who can invest t5.KXh no oba with ea ks than 5t 000 need apply - t Woodland would be accepted at. a fair ivalu- aaoa as cash in part payment. 4j ', " XALDWiXL HARDY. . t Ailcoek Pnrom Piaster -ure Where) bter-'lhtrst Fall ; - t Relieve. -- t Take no other or yon will be disappointed. insist on having PaiLA., 808 Noara Tniito Bt., V Frbmary 1, 1883 A ... rl 1t be aaug AiLO-cx" iPobss A H lai TBlVa wssba4 yenrw ad alway jwi(h asara baflt '1 haa- be-'D tMr t-ovOid Bvftla Mnernlap R Kswnrna tisfrri rtWw bBlk.' out fcetviiiff any relief whatever. I then. asrdJ Axnoeoa'a VtJjmwti, W (h-rts nff' ted:M len'feiAychithejwrn tiauifti etitirrfy reft tn ' : I ffacomyienll . W to avert one at tna'Vit'i-tet'nimdd. hav,t(iei.o(ihrr, kindt btat found t)ietn J t h va. been, leraaify upniled with Beee- . . i ... JUIVWfc t iratiam aod : wek kib4ym 1 wa dv sd,j to try; ALbcoCfs Fossa JfuuSTxas l iiaa nsed two other to called ' Pprns "pjalersv thlchdiain ;ttp04dJJ butpaerW yotrtt lias worked like aermrialKiyrt eoropiet lif, aiwl X , fcae bo been trmblel w itfc Bbeamaasm and Kid&ey votnpiatst since naiaa them, and-oonsfden myaelf cored - , . EDWARD lJtJBNiaAllf., 13th Exhibition Bettertlisiii Ever IT. 8. Benator from Indiana, will deliver the ANNUAL-ADDRESS on THURSDAY NOV. '0. Parses and Stakes LARGER XHAlt VYKK. ittgiPropaiil 4 7J:;BCKlXCBraOALLt FINt 1 1 - .r IT myI 1 s -"wt a-m-" ft'Zl EXRY Pres't. 12 f -Ieldoe, N. OOct. 11th, 1883. - - r -. Judicial Oale of Land. I Punaant to a Judgement of the Suparios Court of Edrecombe county, at Spring Teraa, 188!Lentltlea,. ! : V ' i) - Hm. n. lonnson, giuvaian vi irn Walston, and others, i ; . - against--!: " ! JJ Wm. 8. Battle, Elizabeth, M. Battle, $eo. Howard and Richard H Battle, Trustees 'Ac. I I will sell In front of the Court uonse ! X2?&Q "Hone adlouunslbe land, oi I will sell in front of the Court uonse ooor, of Kovem kttown aa Cromwell and, then.-, contaiuingv.8&0 : acre HWOriW. y 4, ,'-J .-."i--.-V; -.Jiff '-, Terms, ooe-fonriji .cash; bods forreeidue. MTable m Muti lnstalnieiitfl ' one, two and three yean after the first day of January lp84. witb interest at tne rate vi m per cuuw, yci I an ft ' it -nIVW Wt1 n.-MjQt flum Atcaj C.8epf,5,lRS-A. i&13SlOP A TWA t" - 77 ! re CZTHURSDAY, NOVEAIBEH, 8, 1883; icr cabb. - J.ate of Warrentou,N C, j lateof Tarboro,N 0 PARKER a CARR, K" i KT-: " , . Room fcotim-ExeTiaHawri- NtHtPOLK. ta. Cotton: Country- Produce generally, Hide! Ten C tOJd. Lraer io- rnercnanaise imtmr atten dfr t uand 'clalty. ; tues S ,T tSellis'g Liqufirs may lie wrong, buS if you will drink,' a naff the beet. It goes wiiuoiUi(jauis the beist jiidi, ;c that I ba-ve j. It wo ij 'a. ' w T e0r as'J7 isaA'Aj ol ei.tTT Wines, & A I: in.tewn. My stock f Goiifeclioneries, fK.J. T. . gj be fouad cqn&y Rood. - StX CALLi WHS PROVE IT. i JC.cALLEH. Ui-iSarboPoulT 11883.-1 ; j tniucHTS Indian Vecetaele Pills c And all BiliouS.Complaints being purtry vegetable;,Bogtjp -t Bale to takOfbetng purtry vegetable; ,'bo gtjp uiK. vxnc a twit au ifrugisus. X : WORTH SENDING FOR! Dr. J. H. 8CHENCK. hatast published a book on nSEASn OF-THE LUNGS r , ii, .iinui ta runr tueu' jrtucb Is offered FJtfcK, potpaid,to an appttcanta, "it Contains valuable information for all who sapposo Brtfesrfres anlMed with, or liable to any cusraee of 4U4bostor fctnga - Mention tbls paper. Address 1 ( .V n. (iCIlKMCK t'kl larlpk In, JPa. ft , ASxxtif fom mrtflMw Birnia Jwfc) 177 M in I. i1 ryjuini ana noer wua re4 r W'r'4r biRAttftf remittent, th ItoBfarfa Slomach Bit- ft avsitm fcEau yoicni aKHinat ii wua , linn -suasntsurc, which is J.,3TnWniWt . 1arema.jiBdyfor Hyer fm- reiutciy . lor live tioedrtpepsfo, debili $ urtWt'twiioedyl!pepsf, debiU- WvwiwuinniisiH,-tKiaiiew UOUDiea j anu .KigueF uouDiea j ai IOtBet aaatfntarJV, llf wi-' T.,Kof ,sle hriflrafs:Ists,and Dealers Joilrs afilhcntat.V. .l V a a CSETC&AKTICLI-S.-- tokuwot f UKU. Chromo Urls,' t-lw Sili sad an lUaatratcd Book, to Kll wko end Uo S. atampn for potasc and afclag. MflSnathl. paper. t. mriiura.ctTMiiEw tor. DEAD A:.rf OI nEPRESENTINQ r A VERT RELLV ABLE Car and" ExUmiv-. Varble i and" Extenslvsc Marble and Granite Work. the undersigned is prepared to fill orders for f Monuments;,' -Headstones tTOsfBa.. and all MFJIORIAL Work for Cem on giv ?ts s&JJCW oioi"! H Vtfl 11 CAarelf tet s' rtfc -lit '''vt . ;J; EH a :rsih r w :' k -wcsi r 3 . 4 r ux , b. f'.ir.-.Wk lm Jk I ..-i ; ii jrf - "-'- i i tfiTWhn gsm 1 inassi isnEse HtUiUK assai . etory wse in a prompt? am ssvtisraetory- man- neriWauanessesMrn ana prices. ' ' i bn .i..d-wfaff IS. 'LEWIS, p toji.ri fti i ..i.taia. iMu A.iine.ruft j.K) b(. Ciaarai sacst btadu. aaA iilorUma. iliK.T; VASTER- S75 to SIM er AAaiith.- : ' - New Orleans, August 1, 1883. TO THE PUBLIC I INVESTIGATE FOR Y0UR0ELVES Postmaster Grenham having published a wilful and malicious falrehood in recardto the character of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, the following fact are given to the pubife to prove Ms statement that we are en gaged in a fradouleot bnsiness, to befeJeeaad untrue: ' Amount of prizes 'paid by the 'Louisiana State Lottery Compaup from January 1, 1879, to present date t - ' ' ; ; l ' : . , -. ' Paid to 8outaera "Express Co., 'New Orleans, T. M. Wescot, Manager, $1,306,800 raid to .Louisiana National iSarjfc, 403,900 12o;100 88,550 rFaid tO' Ijouiiiaoa Nvnal Bank, S. H. Kennedy. President. Paid ' to New Orleans National nauk, a. uaiawin, rresment, Paid ;o Union National Bank, S. 64,450 1 Cliarlarou. Cashier. : Paid to Citizens' Bank,, E. Car rie re. President. ' 57,000 3 Paid to' Gennanla National Bank. Jules Canprd. Preaident. Paid to H'bernia National Bank. Chas. Palfrev. Cashier. Paid to Canal Bauk, Edward Toby, Cashier. 13 Pa d to Mutual Natioual &ank. Jos. Mitchell, Cashier, - 9 " , f2,253,650 Total paid as above. Paid in sums of UBder $1,000 at the various omces of toe tympany throughout the United States, " 5S, 037,410 I Total paid by all; 64,881,000 For the truth of the above facts we refer the public to 'he officers of the above named corporations, and for our legality and stand ing 10 me Mayor ana umce s ol the. (Jity I Nww Orleans, to to the State -anthnritim nt Louisiaaa and also to the U. S. Officials of Louisiana. We claim to be legal, honest and correct in all our transaction, u murh b n any ousinessin tne country. Onr standing is I .... i stock has for years been sold at our Board of I brokers, and owned by ms kno-n and respected citizens Rrokera. and owned by ananv of our best 1 M. A. DAUPHIN, rraidmt. 3,CAP1TAL PRIZE, 7S,00O' Tickets only 5. Snare in pronorilon "We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangreuuiiitsfor allthe Month! v andSemi- Annual Drawinirs of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselvev and that the same are conducted with honerty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we au thorize the Compiny to use this certificate, with fac-gimilcs of our signatures attached, iu its advertisements." " . CoininisBlaners. Incorporated in 18(58 tor 25 years by the Leijislature for (Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise wks made a part ot the present 8tate Consti tution adopted December 2nd. A. 1).. 1879. The onltt lottery ever voted oh and endcrud by the people of any State. IT NEVER scT.F.fi Off posTPnwKH Its Grand Single Number Draw ings take place Monthly. A SuleMii OpiM? ta Win a Fortune ELEVENTH GRAND ANNUAL DRAWINO, lJLAi3S LauVt u e I deai f'NOYEMBEB 13 151ST MONTHLY DBA WING, : Capital Prize $75,000 i uu,uvu i icfccis at $o Eacn. Fractions in Fifths in proportion x.rsT or prizes. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of 75,000 . . , 1 do do of 35.000.. l da do of 10,000.. 2 LAROE PRIZES of 6,0004 75,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 . 10.000 , 20.000 . 30.000 25.000 . 2-000 a.ooo. 10 PRIZES OF 30 do 10i do 800 do 500 do 1000 do 1.000... 500... 300... 100... 50... 25... APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Approximate Prizes of $750. do do 500. ; do do 250, ..6,750 . . 4,600 ,. 2,500 1067 Prizes, amounting to. .... . .$265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the offlco ot the Company iu New Orleans. , For further information write clearly, giving full address. . Make P. O. Money Orders pay able and address Ri-gistered Letters to NfiW OKI,t;A!M NATIONAL BANK, Ketv Orleana, Ki. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters mail or express (alt sums $5 aud upwards Express at our expense) to Kt. A. UAllPHISi, ReW Orleans, LA. ' or J?f. A. II At'I'If liV, 607 seventh., W.tshi zifrtdu, D. C 3 Never . Snag, i it versi n n ? "How dors fa ometbing like tbi. isn'i it 1 Tt ere are who touch, the mgic striDg, Aud i y iani' ii proud to win them; Alio! for Uioe who nevfr .--inj, lii't iiie with ail their music in them.' " 'Ycf, that's beautiful, j-thetic and tiue,r n'tl join repH'sentauvo. "Tlie poet aMude to .eopl- c-ho'are tomehow suppr ssed and never get tlieir full allowance of joy and air. which reminds the of ft le ter shown me ttir othorday bv ili-cox A Co., of New York, signed by E C Williams, of Chapman, 8ny- ' r Co, Fa, a p oiusent l usiueis man of tha' place He wiit sj 1 L&ve.suifered wit'u a-thma for ovr for ty veais. aud I had a temblo attack in De cember and January, 1882 I hardly know what nrommed me to take Parker's Tonic I did to, and the first day I look four doses The eflect aitdnished me.. Ttat night I slept as if no'.h.n was the matter with me and have ever since- I have had cold tiuce but no asthma. My brrathing is now as perfect ts if I bad never known tbat disease. It you know any' one who has asthma tell. him in my name that Paiters Tonic will cure it even after forty years."; 1 here was a man who escape d too fate cf those whom the poet laments. : I 1 ; " ' i Thi preparation, which has hereto'ore been krown as Parker's Ginger Tonus, will. Iiamaflap hi. orfvMtiufl fin1 uil nnd., Ih. name of Parker's Tonic Inasmnch as gm ItoH MO RM.V.MV. OTU eer is really an nnunportant ingredient, and ucpriocipled deale'B are constantly deceiving their customers by substituting mfenoi preparations under the name of ginger,- we drop the misleading word. There is no change, hpwever in the prep- aration itself, and all bottles remaining in the hands ot dealers, wrapped under te name, of Parker'. Ginger tonic contain the genuine medicine it the foe-simile signature of Hiacox fc Co. is at the bottom of the out side wrapper. ' sep20-4t. BlThisBiit Silver, A yim'd rii ;nnn, tmt win I bruur Ton In Ithlxuralae In f Ui One Monili fcian nT wolnteOartaintT. Kitlicr fa capital M. Vanason Uraaswlob V wfc AbtNTS Wanted 5r. ADThui Brtiim ma rk, ! IS i 1 i .1:: IMii THCBSDATv.i ; jffOTEMBi' 8, .1 feir''i'.'iUiiii Ctlliren, of , Tliree Yearly. Pfomid W i-.f t On the day of her marriage ahVs 21 put into a palanquin, shut- tip tibt, f Hitherto she has. been, .the spoiled pet of her mother; now - she is to be tQe little slave of her mother-ln-aw, upon wnom we is to. wait, wngse commands she' is implicitly tq obey, and who teach' a her what she; is to do to please her, hnsband-Mwhat. dishes he likes best and how toicook them. If the mother-in-law isi kind nother-m-law lai kind T-Lagnt iniantry to transmit j , girlrgohemf iojtfiefofidwfir p1 K she will .let" the sionallv to visit her mother, ?Of her huBbaad aae bj iUttlel or notning. bue m , ol no motto ao-, I wuui iu huo mau a niue rat uf uug would' be. - There m sttdoru any leve t between' iihen; .and -Miliriatter; bow lieni; .and ipplATtetterj eruelly she may be treated, she can never.icompMnctOliersinaad of anything feis rno$ej may Ao iptiH would never,rak h&wife'sarti Hen has band reead WWi daily the pteaJ . . . i . . lion oriooaTnasiSIi -i rTTT frrii? " S preparga fihe oabtf her nasoana s j:oom ile he wishes,'aQd hen the platL-r sent "back, with what is left f or ti Brill hf-r 1inTren TVinw ait frvfrbl on the ground and eat the remainder' l . i t . uuving neituer KBives,iora8 or sppuot! V hile 6he is young ebei ia never, ajl-, lowed to go auywhere-i,,.; juti j ;H' Lue nttie girls are, married young as tnree years ox age ana snoalf tne boy to whom such a child ii married die thti nxh da.T. fth isi caIIWI a 4rAl off, and U from henceforth . oooied to perpetual widtpwhood--sbe never marry again. As a. widoii sbftl must never wear, any tewelry, lievef dress her hair, never sleep dh h ! bed, nothing but a piece of taattieron a hard brick . floor, - and soinetLmeajm t fact, not even that bflween.j Mn aniect tne com dhcks; ana . no .rnaxKer n oat cold the night maty be, ahia m'nnt lhay'e no other covering tlan the thiei J ment sue naa worn in tne oay. f cj hue mu&t eat put, one i&eal a rtay-4 and that of the coarsest kfedalfood; an'dMiatwowMlititt;mtti! twenty-WlwTben-aetia bat of food, nor drop of water or medi- cine, mU8t pass her lips, she were dying. She must I 1 - A-L - I aown nor speait, in me p iff tier motner-iu law, unless . tney mand her so to do. Her jiood must kG vava.vs uuva , mAa ot'suw azaa wuo other women, a , bhe is woman. She may. jiever on at any of the marnaie cerememes ui u Biivaio. j. wvutu mp ; o ji omen lor .uer m uo ee oueiiuay have oeen a high .caste Bianmmel woman; uui uu uer uecutumg ti ow, any, even the lowest servant, may order her to do what they do not like to do. 1 1 No. womaq in 'the bouse must ever steak one word of love or pity to ber, lor it ib suppose!, mat, u a woman shows the iigh test cxinimis - - eration to a widow. L she ".will immer - ' i 1 t ..- uiaieiy uecuuiB uuu mm. t It i estimated that, there. are SdT-. 000 widows in luna under six yafs of age. Couiuiei cial Travellers Mag ' uziue Th Police Gajtett- " 1 - ' fit ' ii.i -O y . A prominent) lawyer". Beiajgrrinv neighboring town Writes ub's tha'fafcr lowing letter , ' ! ' I note with plea8ur6'joujf uoppoa iug the circalation among piir pepple of that most pernicious aud depo iral izing shteLT the PoUceGette,,';and r all kindred breeders ot1 vitiated and y impure tastes.' If the content iyjd uiastrauons oi one single, issue oi such obscene, journals were, ..bound and offered for sale in Dookiorm not one of our better 'class of ' readeti who at present think nothing of pur- chasing the newspaper,;, would; touch the book with a forty foot pole, Bat in its oresent f6rmlhev bav nd read such sheets without pausing to consider what vile stuff they. are giv - ins their sanction and encourage - ment to. Only tha other day - young iudv was alone on a . steamer witn nothing to read., r The captain, was very kind, and commiserating ,er t-1 the &ajsax?rprepaioaAd nui, brought her a copy of -tbe.PortHe'dful' ' " "r ' iice Gazetteto entertain herself with She took tbe.ps.eagerJj,. tnpM dreaming of its cbaracter,.Xhe . cap1 J tain was a gentleman. , ana bad ; uo thought of offering a gTOSS lOSIllib tO ar ' -.1.1' - iJ one under his charge, a pure and in- nocent lady. ? Ha4 itf bee in book i vsi aaa . Aio nvuiu AAA 1 0 tva 9t , iWa lock and key, and shown it to men onryon uibit, .?, jj,.; -rt 1 , The rehgious and. Becular press all cood people indeed-r-owe it t 'to themselves, to the rising generation, to decency and morality, to aid yfJu in your most laudable drWiq.snp press these "obscene Idisgnsting I r J T-. U puoucauons, uoa speea you i yot - i efforts, dear SouTHXBXEB. the pioneer champion of North .(fcrofina V M I , - , - - .' - 'rn- good reform. - ' Senator Vance has been invited to i 1 deliver an address at the Barnwell, South Carolina, Fair, November 27. Exchange.;-"'-.-'"""' ,m ..-"4, ' As it is out of the State, he'will tri all probability acceptli Bat he xuld not 'fihd the time to come"' a aistance of 18 inilespRockylIdt,,to Tsir boro) to deliver an address; to aid in ' building a monument to the memory of an iUri&trioua Ck)BfedeTste OenersX whovss buried in b native soil a06VlNorf1 . ..lHis.r t nH - . 's ;5 - il M "li t Challenged! . awj irvT ,--i-i -j. if ul 1 VtilVIUlaMl, ixiy-w jt inunnsy j&mmw wasvgs) i-; . ; . .i i .'i r,.,i f 4.!! ikiii) .'.M on .-Not. Deini? satuned "with the 'Ctfghf lnfantrvnd elieviht I that the award Wa ctrir to the jpia-i many omcers ana men oijo conrpaAiTarid 'rviriU now that : thte-is Che ratter -iUled ffWW t! lghttantry ,trW.m sjT KtrraAi. gro; eot1 coAtoami Tarboro iJTSSm purse of Four , ($4 eacH 6om 'Tw'ldltsi'D; iytreUIgbejapm4e W ttMlAittd 15th 18S3. t 3;tilWtfMrrarrtL tB d bW edrnMsttoiied fnceSJ and sucni' octcer:BBair na?eiisua uieu: aruiaimtilfailia &Mtr lL the -Jat. of ltuhiA mAnkamb -t I A11 r?"TH "i.wwwv .1.1 im i sbalL tota J3ea, j-ellarlii eatsl me4hdiB1gWiajjJi eaf Washington Xiffht Lifantrjon '-tWKAV i'IW jl a'tettUsWifil loafi i Jo as oeuur eaay. ui avooeu. w wu dVefi-dS-atrl-xW lril atd guHiUfcrUldig Weajbieiv powrKny. ..It rahaJL.becfxp addition Utt amfJiP drill wit 6 ;SlaWSa 8th. WfnlieSi'inlJlWnU njiliai ASswatevtiiajl t ,fnrjftnVTaV iTTO ifta jjne fifaiA 1 t 'bencbos tvdl jipfriijty juoge'Ulbi fort, or EdgmbaooniaritseaiJ lUl Umpire. o1eo spoaf a "bfi-i two judges, and to be an office. ttia state Guard, and a ncm-ideat eiteV;'eiAtr. rmepe f ivldffes oo; i r H.hhT drill to. i rfttbTh drill to take fh'fl ilnnmlidiils Ilia tn.i Ifusis fmii f fli- -1 oi tne "ocnooi oi. t J duding jbayonet'tSt J Df the acceptance i 6r rejection I cnauerrge Dy-rsow. eusj I, would aArwarxtfiaafaent, i ground, that. Cap t. BtyrOn, tatioa 'OdjiHH ifaitofliorl' companiee teandfiemOreaaiW free of. charge an4.llf W Mlmf i tion. wb j tnt davit not nxedw tune A win oe Duay a 1 tiAi-j-.-t Uil WUi D. I t lk. n.BLlJJJl. Captaia W.ilA Lifantryow-; -iCt )! o)T e'SdLJiiJit JVii ifl. tiiJij Uid oj .(Mmt eioan 5 . a . Hi :i.; Tarboiir. OlNosri!. Cii?hiAi'WkBai;tJ ..i-Co'dUgnt'riifjCttry, 'Daks SrionV fav'oI'ttrelS st .eactosum iJlalerii5J vifc&hmrtQtr; Jiifiht Jjilaotrr iA, Edgeoombe, tuardfcttp ij. 1 purse df $400. Ac. has been, rec I' " We tefet that At present we I cenUy bsWn uiiiformed ataia o j $900 three but4r4foib WBbr5s; had to .borrow Jrom uabanAVi I H Ihis !debt has l not see trar waT dear 6 1 that belongs first to a credrWrV 1 sides.: the .company. is iMawpee the main of young farmers and darks i who' cd nor spare tnaximinie I narticalhlr jEsdaeon ItamUtsiti xor I i Dauing-tsweoinirijSpiiOf; uaXiin we shall be pleased to aoebm, i ayf if, ilif fcvi rMX lyout, I, Wkh it .wishes CSt company which it U,yoar ftpner to P '!'" "i.t''C"ia il fcumani,iIllm,K' J w" 1 in 1 . Car, I a I'Mi veCTTOsTOeerraT-. ' I Xoer OVtfiaryaaJb I Tfrtm -gi5lK lis j hi, fin '81 v i J fii I T - ,,., T aa nnnnar an nwrar nnnar ina stssit hmB IVtTL: -i!sT?kJiij xuraan the toW"bee aievViaetter this than for iiiimiil imiUllMl ibis tef&7 to tha, KmOnk tkk; tary au whom; town. MndB cises. . and bhall ninn ncivr uie euuxi oounu wi una TransneaV: JV.ll tbetwo v aa earlier 3 that 3 . He is HnoVa sbsvlJata rormaea nen't re IMfiaaJ J skSninTnans t WpL WiH Nk t'l - T II n. hm ii iti'.UH 'aa-' J .1? 'l'Mi -ittwr 'lytw y , u - kopea that their leaf ocbe&& rail W4i i aoout leffqaav 'j ninaars made a Mrrey neaff acre, but total that it would take aboot aavtn rsilaa SWMs anouer survty - au ;or,C?a rfaulea btts?inwtrnllmi WF'ti'advIre.a' Bill be a gale day, and w fibpaWaea Itnany of oltr Xaewnttl fckbttefent It will be, pfthapt, the flrat -9 that a taasi.iphiptttCTrfiwwr obtaiad io: taottCeiucil(l t.7hetsei aia fc-St -tl't'Jv. to their oadeaaf moakt J . tU GoldUo- A7tonriM. ISkd bt4 o!W5tl Fridav. ilia tnaitrtitliaVtelatZl Ha erifV vax lowrwan ana xsiaiar Of Laaob, iiierrieowo Coetleok, r?4rctt?a t Tt of Na. iatilamrt atSm tm&ifetB urn expeeted ia etuc Iowa aatt (CSariat. ryuur rul be as , pidebue io Haaut- fWarijrat rwaa4il1y iaabd isayraw npipBifinanP(BV tttat's Ieaf)mfl TtTwbeaer rMIMW-ggff a'-- - fera freqaefittYv Wka lTtakr FrjaDj,Ca.iWii of jorvmee all mu uvea, -. be erAUaed, i"wbi w t'jeaasaf raiat laas rttl7BaA, live auer- tkJ Brel4wW'iM fetieVal TuIm," wtitVWnizlrjt lo aa- taUish nch hjIbbv- tmt ajwaja find them tauleadintr. All Uwrera eon MM3riai Vii tu Velura a I true verdict - om4-ifW hold taat AU3slnsaai laBr1iaMrisaeir oatiiuniflcieht aaliftaeakva af i ( aee .si at v. I ftrxduiff Wm n6tijrbnaer it $ mom utfif o jro a friaoaer jgnuty taaaKiiassj -pfcattf sira.i ftoafidown jarytaaa, who tMVeeJhaA stialxlaee to laieieifa ajpftwt'pJus owa - MOa to eassesaiTimtqsaflM.aepBii ia aiaxttsy, simply tarf swaaev&msef fnvOUlar iaaaal ViSeai sot aucpigTarBc woo 1Triynt11iWrfffTril 4 aJr Vsla. jail nS,l.Ji. -frr way T UkJfmKkiliU But that eoaatwij ! plL'tl liU ' -btoodr : yu-xt - a73tibaf SrS baUsmati it it. I !! I J' ' ' . - - ar$a,csaieaagt lea- -i'i t.. dicaitv noraibor' 1 iHl-r:- . Jr-'RrortMTttT arf2tbiai Ahe.nW of m,W0,0(X) peop ItJoa aba ' Chineee natka wMf r5atstSj ia now within five yearsW LuLulority. He is knelt to by AclLidants, tare os state aafi otaera v.Arw andieaee, at ,Arf iat tnoraing, jU&ZW:ZJLi to fjo on foot to the ftLHSri5ace, seat or air . ,i 1' u a in so ssa a usce a 4faKrCtwC.'-ta aba . a V i : t 4j. Jl i.fisff.j -::.,'Ai un nan HiuKwwa 1 m si mm . . . e SBM 42 flW.ayCg" .argM I a mrmancw w aw .aobjsm .saw- in -w ,a - .. Golds: I eaueet Khool aumbeirr; xari v 100 ' of TciuCm, of tp, Aaduv,., - Arbor Day, at which time trees b1 MlY to4Wf icaiemr WW luwa fMTBSM SV WUVU1 cf ja-T..-r "a lriM i : aadar a tticic 'iaja ror tii the .a Bauroed, abwiru miles ; .AN. SSfi&f, town lV. - TTtti at.. 1r,i!fJ?Ju,,J for veaf rdav morn ataa when fotTswarin a aaiaawtt baaJaafKmral : onso aconjurdoolot," t :tMaa-fu4Uat aa A ajaa rils!iai tan 7! t i t ,7 L ' . 1' i r i I f 1 it1..w .m .-y. - . : ------ --- .-. - jt-i;H-,.- - -

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