. I 1 r ; i -. 1 - it ' 1 I . 1' . -'I f . - v, Iff fa) :($ 1 . . ... x ill 3a J ffj r "- - if; - !i -rl .GJppckett u f If W 1 -ft ! ( J. " II t II r ' ? V. "tfs ""v-V IV i I JI I I I II ffoil t -!;ll 11 -II I! II i! -Ml 1 I I k 1 " 1 - " " N.tM P II -I 1LL Pott Cfflc Notlot. j'- HAH. CLQS18. IWWBailroalkt 9:30 i M. m iiToe county at ecuu jt, ju- Trdts Keith, South and "West vi jJlirQai rcenyillt, TPaskingtdn and BTd eouaiT 7:U0 Mi ' fe" i S Frooii WiUitoatoitjria jLijL' Bail ffl f ony;' piiier Jlegltejred tet ettteirtent,:fcom 8:00 A. 1L, 1 ' H" lfi Mailing Xpariixro xT9iomw ', A. mv 8:oo;4fif2a ? l0ffise open con'stanlly bet'vwon v Ikesa hours excett .when, maus..ar " biA2 distributed 3r: sent. '"' j Open on Sunday froBal 8:30 to 9:30 JL VL and troin 6:30 toi 7:30. P. M- W. P, pnj4Aiiflo, P. M. -i i -i iKlfS'UINtL CARPS. . ti.t -jav' Second door from Messrs. GilHam -AtJon.- -.. I nov8 1883 Special attention of tbe eye and ear.' 1 '' 4.- - Jas. STorfleet, Attorne X,wr-fc0'0 3ST- Office for the present Jn 'office of Then. H. BaUle. WU1 practice in all Courts, State and Federal. j 83 J , ! hot 8 lj D R.H. T. BASS I Offer fa is professional eerrices to , th eiti- mmt vt Tarbore and riciuity i , OflicaU T. A. McNair's drnk rtoro on Main treat. 1 i k-.--- pRAlJK NASH, 1 I 1 j jk.XXOXSTZ''-A.T-ZA.W, . TARBORO, M-C. , rractiaea in all the Court, State and fed eral. '.. ,.;-, - .- i una i. . i ". M. A. OnxiAJi. Denrsu. Ohxiax CILLIAJ1 A SON, ... Uatorm.37-i a1 . TABBURO', H. C t L . "O' WTQ practror ta the Counties of Edgecombe, ffialifaz and Pitt, and in the Courts of the ' Vtarat JndicUl Diatrict, and in the Circuit and nre Courts at Jialeigh. i j janl8-ly. .OSSiT BATTLE, :. ! .': AtUrncy at Law i KOCKT JIOUNT, N. C.; Practiota in tbe ;Qoarts of Nasb, Edge ' Mabi, Wilson and Halifax btoaf&igjhi la tbe Federal aud Supreme Court. tW Collections a! spedaHy. . 4 He will keep au jpffice in, Xarboiei-?--' tin,. i. 1001. f t .. ..1 Li. T7ALTER Pj WILLIAMSON n ATfQRNEJ-Af-LA Wt : Office in Poet Office Building.) , t-. TABBOBO', V.'ICt " I trPractieee In Stated and Federal Courts. j . f QBORGE BOWA.RD, j Attorney and Counselor at j Law, TARBORC; 5F. C. jrrrrac.icwin in the Cliurts; ul and federal. .. ti ' ' $ . t' J' JNO LmiGEESI&M Attorn ey s-aI-arps ;": TALRBOR6'):Ni;:S!; Fractice in all (Courts, r Pr.iinpt' attention to. uineaa. , ; '-i 1 .V ml5lT .. D R 1 N. CARR, 7 i: 8iirsre6n T)nt!st, Office hodta, irom 9 a. m. ?till 1 p. m. and rom 'i to 0 p. m. f ; - : ' : ." - fNext door to Tarboro House, oyer Lanier A Rojater'a, v; tfvgjgr? fltorncy di -Law V : TAfeS&RO, ISl C SZSu Office next to.Ptuiipe 6c Staton's Lavtffice. WiU practice ii j . ral and State Courti. Refers by exptcM permission to Judge Rat la. ef tbe Supreme'Court ; ! Citizens National tank, ef Raleirh; Battie, Bxua fc Co., Nor folk.; no. Arrfatgtoo & 8on, Petersburg. . - ai-a . ; J ; - r .--;rt--"t -?ft . - . Cocky iJounUlills ARB in fail and successful operation, and are prepared to fill all (orders- for Sheet 1 rngt, Tarns and Cotton Rope, at lowest prices, rders addressed to Rockr Mount Mills, Rocky Mount, N. C, will be promptly attend ed to. 5 ! J JAMES 8. BATTLE, . 'i'.' st Sec.'r4Tioo8urer. ' April 11. 1878-tf. ! , - ' addressing GEO, P. ROW ELL A CO., 10 SpraM'Stroea. 'Mtw Tork, can learn the .exact cost of any Proposed line of ADVERTISING in American or orapapers. J"1Q0 page-page pamphlet S5c TEE EESt I THE WORLD ,f , FOB TABLE MEALI - , fa4pl tf uilSati AijJSsanov CAZIKA V1LUT8U CI. t -. Ckarlette, X. CL 4ea 53 5-TOII CT7 3 0 HmnltMl Srtnf. r JCSU IT IIRSXAMT8I. Money fiiaimers ! ! -, Havihg purchased' from B. A F. J. Weatb erbee county rights" for. Edgecombe, Mash and Pitt counties, we offert to thei people of the Ho BTCMrmtlM adt iM Ben tor iark. fnr uy fakne. npalartoraccora- UTtWi orkmliMB. EceciTcd Can. UnnlalMCDAX JMrtoaaaw KiUWifhrtOO yeas. Sold br U Draf listsuUoneri Kewi Aft's. rHKiuir.. 1 1 1 bahv aWssOfewaw t I I'- HiJiM Lutber ShoKpn; oiiuiiw. sAsnipoons, du PAmTaj QTLordiikrX: Aid BcQdteai JUterM of Brefy eeeriau rosi tiD vafecrr tvaK !" f5 m. irf . . .-I Roeiati188;l,l-iv i Iff .1 1 f jf; I s 4 Main St.jf just afct0 Pamlioo BaiikiitR Go. HAS OH HAND NIW, TUSB ITOCK OF which he offers at moderate) prioea. '- C0FFIVH. C1SIBIS AUD I DERT1IIS8 filimUT. Patroaage oolicitad. B. 0. CABTTJiE. ' Tarboro, Pb. 26,1882: '.; - t wet T.H. s. 31 Man's felling r end 1 shsdes,Latest Figured Lawns, Wlxie Goods, Hosiery, La ces, Embroideries Corse s, Dress Bu- tonsr and Trim- ?m- ming Sains. . S A tllCE LI1IE OP 2EIGLEB SH0E e loves, .-sim All tMocbt this Bprla aoal will aoid Tery low. - j -u - T.D. Gatlln. Tarboro, Jan. 13-ly. STARTLING DISCOVCRYI tOST MANMO KEATORKB. ef Teedkfal snntaM eaoslas; kooe. herlac raawdT4M'lmvresetsMla he will send FBKB ate aiMew. dnu . H. BUTIS. OS ifcfATEB 5 Are tb FinRrt is WOT- Ajo the rinast in nT3I3U. AretliQ Finest la Send for our Catalotfvt teith Mx- octll 4 008 WasUarUMe; 8U BoeUs. Jiivalid'sr Hbteli T?wy home comfort m4 I PriTacy,. ,floi Xlcaa tonsnlt any Kov Yc irk physician. Fo circulars, address Dm. Bax doltk W. fax. STW.wiBuen.new ion . LAND FORs lSALEl! mke folleiwfnr lots are oBn red for tale. J. (1) a S50 acre tract of wo Q timbered land, tvine on both sides of the Jin inch Rallraad a- bout S 1-1 miles from Rocky , Mount, r Land of good quality. () the lot fsvj Tarhoro. of a square, cootafammtr too da -elling house ta which br . Can-now resides. sar M. WoddoU's ii-m house, neat cottatre rosidiM sol outhouses, t av bios, sc. Term Terr m I Die. Thos. H. Battu, TarseweZ C LJSevl FflTfliture DQMaw Carlile nun nnnrifl l Ulf 131 iiMyu Gktlin can riAtuimnm j.o.mo aj oea rtii III ORGAN mw 4 .18, 1883. ' A J2W VCSSI m t?03TS2 TO i Tba eXsTTeandonctin,ihqlast i. warn bus ona of ihw SovTsTJEawxa. by man wntou? S9d9 wie, namt ueh f m It wma, tooti from- tne aource we expected. We are unabl to5srtand why U ! Bern 'Mr. Swlndftll di& notsoosnbai for the trtttbof bis own ennonu We see ho reaapn why heahoold not hare done ao, especially amice in this' com munitr he has made himself the open aAaei ?aistdamcMgi We do no thinlrthAt there was anything in the which a Christian minister, anxious lor a disputed question to be eluci dated, could take offence, i, ' We were careful, that nothing of this nature should-appear ; we gaVe Ui. Swindell saosrpoiitHnity for le gitimate and 'lespoctful discussion, and ha has no4respoi)ded We made no attakM- upoi. a ehriston nunisv ter, our dignauon; was noiarous-' ed: we, wewBsiroiii' Of cafin, 'or dAdy'and rsvactdispuUton of the snbiect. 'What, theretbre; -was the right ?-of Sit Lnx?: to'tihtet us dis- puwi rfuj uues ue,, s ub; swuw us of doing, rval .headUng it print, into a" discussion not begun with him.' and without explanation or a a simple "by your leare." There are little courtesies about a dispute, as well as other things, which, we think, should be -observed ; if they were more regarded, argumentation would not so often degauerate into sarcasm, repartee, and an attempt to say "smart things, to get away" with an opponent. We are satisfied, how erer, .that Sit Lux" meant no dis courtesy, that he thought he had a right to assist his pastor, (we must Msume nexesarily that "Sit Lux" is aUothoidstX that there could be no objection to his so doing. And, in deed,there is none, except the breach of a conventionality,and the tendency to prolong the dispute to infinity, if erery member of the church should sucoessiTely rise up and direct his lance against ' us. But this will not kapDen. for this paper will be the last thai we abaQ contribute to the eontrorersyTIwe didnot begin it, and the last word.: As SitXux's" article is treptiefthemostpart,' of Br. BwxAdeU s sermon, we reier ait Lux" to a re-perusal of that reply in answer, to Swindell's v sermon again put forth. t , V ' ! ' We will now proceed to take up flit Lox's' arguments as they come, , his characterisation of our affort, bis horror at the workings of the "Deril," personated by the Club in artful dis pute, his spleen and tone of writing. He starts out by eulogizing. Mr. Swindell's sermon, and relating its compliments ' by some person. We will not say wnat we neard of it Whether the sermon was excellent or or not decides not the disputed ques tion of dancing.' If Mr. Swindell's sermon was conclusive of the subject, it will stand. We do not object to Mr. Swindell or any other living mor tal preaching against dancing. , We freely allow them their honest con victions about it. 'We have said that we were opposed to excesses in dan cingjant maintain that there lis aprop trway of dancing Jm which when so 4pne there is no harm. - We are open to conruiceineirs, and when we, iook inif through the medium of sectarian preiudice,or otherwise,are able to dis- is tmoa TOUDied ana Droxen up from its great deep by indulgence of nh ruga lansasuc, ,um juwb tu ireaTQlts from it than anyother cause, Hesat the purity .of woman, . to whom we nave a cmralrous de vol ion, is Do ing blighted, that he who .dances is sua imp of HelL a minister of the Devil. - inanoeuTeriner to fill the cell of the bottomless pit of pexdnion with Jus own and the scwus oi beau tiful women, we repeat, when, having this awul picture before ns, we can balievo in its truth, we will ayr Be quiet, O, nimble feet "the nxind your guide forbids ;ye would not trip with genue oomraoB uivu mo inP 8it Lux" misrepresents, the ;. con duct oi the Qob" with refertscsto Ur. tgwiadeil's sermon; ; thsywsrB indiraamt, Ihey were even so indig nant, that they openly roclimed npon th streets that they would , "re- nnAitum tnavVa flif Trfv' they were JJemetru aissuacung ine peopl from God, just when his word was: tajwglexraii.xeaxing ; tneir utjivi jrjess ( weak :be stopped, and yro womloV reeoU; tney aitacxea a Christian minister. Now all this juts tht 'members of the 44Clnb' m wronf ; lignt. -r wnea we reaa u there passes tfore our jninds eye a aseno of sun-stained young men, ruled by caraal jdesires,J Baccbarmlw f madly ssidifttsd to pleasure, openly defiant and boistaroof that thwwflr should be quesUohed, ,' falling, bitterly npon Christian minister, and easting the seed of poison about, to oounteiact his godly words, and endenvoring to ItOlef leeisting woman ia bis horrible efface. : The candid reader would tAtt that there is too mack color about thisuid yet it is such a picture as our friends would draw of us. No, there was no proclamation, but a qui et mention that reply would be made, no mdiffnatton, t no waning, no at tftfVjpg and no fearing the consequen ces of Mr. Swindell's sermon.. . All know, what there really was. .; "Sit - j mi. .. MifitlillPVasi . WW vosevs ,.Be-B t ihea wa were mad. and hence "rushed jtan bead ioog into pdst.opposasg. . .TARBOECPKrC, THURSDA,fN()E3tBER, !5,:i883. ded with iWaniiiiniatiotf. "WwiU find on. rsadiag this that m' tehe menee , t was jJJrtimed:., that : he meets a quiet foe. t rra anmhilnfive arty the rebljviv caKe'artfnf' f'abdging' : and raowifc sasnemvanng,- and re-" trarded iQxttJ.t Jht as s .'raccsss. Now, if w crove that we are not gtnV iy ok izi aoaging,", we tmnscney 4riH hat' admitted ' thatA our argu ! ments Weieelicneesful Therefore we aay thai instead of avoiding anything put forward by. Mr., .Swindell, On the contrary openly and .Bquarely. set COTselveS iaihst every pcituMi taie4 by Iiirk ! We are accused of' Cartful, oxxigmg, ' out a not: an instance is pointed out, except one error of ex pression, which ; we will iramediatojy drait and correct " itLux,', after carsfof ''analysis' discovers what at first sight is apparenV one flaw, and speedily exposes it. We said that all acts were capable of performances in! rigut or wrong way. , JTrom this pre mise he says, stealing, an, act esseo tially wrong, may be proved to be right if done m a... certain way ' Of course, there. is. no; right way of do ing a wrong act so as to make the act right' We meant, bat made pur ex presflsion toau general, ' that acts in themselves right or indifferent,' could be done in a, wrong msnner, : that is, could-be hbosed. No one, we think, can deny this. ' ' r " 1 VSit Ijuxv holds that there, can be no indifferent acts. We will endeavor to illustrate. Suppose, through igno rance of the law, a man violates it, and his act is not malum in $e, or contrary to natural law, although positive.law may not excuse him, yet is there any moral guilt upon his con science? Certainly not. Some wri ters even hold that the known in fringement of a merely positive law, as for example, killing partridges within a prescribed 'period, carries with it no moral guilt, if. the penalty be paid. We go not so far as that, but think such a known disobedience, an offence against conscience, if it in volve any degree of private injury or public miechie otherwise where the law positive waa unknown. Mr. Swindell attumed, as does "Sit ; Lux,'! that dancing is either right or wrong. We examined into this di lemma, and found that the di vision of matter was not complete, that a "me dium" not a "meaiiS of escape was efTorded; as it did not embrace indif ferent acts, the posaibtlity of wbioh has jestiJMSA daaoairaAed. ,' Ff cause to test the,accuxacyror "the asv aumed propoaition, we" applied a log ical method, old as the hills, "Sit Lux aocuses"of "dodging;," and calls it a nappy tnoognt, as u an . inven e. . . a tion of our own. . He wants to know what issue we made; none, but to re ply to Mr. Swindell; we dicLso and, as before said, have not heard from him. He affirm edwe denied; we are upon the defence. 'lfwe refute Mr. Swindell, let him make another stand.; " " Just after this inquiry "Sit Lux" asks again in that depreciatory man- ner, common in petty style of argu-1 mentation, do we think by a smatterf ing of ancient history, a few scripture quotations and a little ridicule, which receives the plaudits of the thought less, 'that a great principle is to be laughed down. We 'quoted history pertinent to our purpose, tbe same with regard to scripture, and if there be any ridicule, which is confessed to be "little,? it arose simply from the refutation of Mr. Swindell s posi tions. As for attempting t to laugh down a principle," we were asl serious as Nestor when we wrote; it Was not a moment oi merriment with us, else It would have manifested itself more strongly '"r 1 - v:- ; Can "Sit Lux"- Wl us what the Bible means by a 'time to dance ' We are much desirous to know, and wish it could be explained if we ad mit tnat words so plain, need expbt-l nation.- Tbe text, a "time to dance," is taken, enort oy jtxeDraie derivation to change its meaning made, after which we hear of it no uaow. Let "Lux be npn it. ;'-"' It is repeated that Mr. Swindell closed his sermon by saying he had no, hope 1 of influencing those not (Jnnstians, ttey were not. supposed to be governed by Christ hence ho use to talk to them. : Oh, Christiani. ty, Christianity, to what a "low ebbrJ indeed, art thos. come; how are the mild waters -of thy chaiity dried up, when thy ministers, and professors would exclude from thy saving pow- er the ignorant, the heathen and un- believing, would leave them in origi - nal darknessv would expel them from the : motherly wing of .Jerusalem, would, in their , own aelf excellence attribute unworthy motives to the acts of blind humanity, and with Pharisaical -pity vlook -down- upon them: thou, whose Founder left the blessed domain of Heaven, put on our wearisome fleslLand suffered sor - rows and laDOurs, opposition- ana Boorn. reproaches "and injuries,' vio Jence and stripes and erud death, and beEran meek and humble, solitary nA elnne. in the face of countless at-foxues. the conversion of a corrupt- ed and dying world I " Oh. draw not thvself coldly witnin tnyBeif, but ex - tend s, neiping nana, as tnou oast -.. . . ... I always done, to those ..who are heav iW ladesi and need rerxesnment, and especutliy continue io Benauiy iann - -. t- a - i n . -ii fill mkifiUMiaries to the heathen who knows not of , thee ! Thus alone wilt thmi iwirra the purpose of thy Qodlv Founder! ; ; - . Sit Iiux.w "in nasainir. . notices that it is. admitted that in ancient days dancing was debased to tne - . . - . . ' - ouTDoses of the vicious, but bis pass - rn w.q too aniek to notice also that itscoiCTptiOB was attributed tO nffc and effeminate mnsic We call hie Attention, to iL vAVe did not ar gue, that because that theTBerspeut8 Tiffy-iriigffld wni, JincA together - i in reLgiouf. assembly iJewsioi20Q0JjCleajaiess: ofi your, brain; jon;see!teJ,hetSoutherner'', years before did the same; our intent was 1 td - show1 the -Therapeuts, re markable for seriousness and xnodesr" ;ty, of deportment, saw no 'objection m dancing together.. , J'tjit: Aux - re, members when no respectable woman in community -would waltz . with any male but relativ ef i If evil re sults from waBong.iit.isoi course, as apt Itajpommitted by 'a relative as anyone else. .The relative has, no' privilege in thisyespect;" we should think.-jMSit Lut" surely must obstTve that respectable women at present do waits, t ti .fT i , -, They do not waltz with envfcxfy, however; people" only of' their knbw- ledge. J As to tne suipnurous , and offensive pun on the word "formai" We ; hate cothinsr to say. f -We will allow it . to smoke; let its noisome fumes ascend tbe nostrils of its per petrator, and disgust him with its smell. Pursuing his disagreeable strain,' -"Sit( Lux" quotes lengthily from aOf outrageous poem pf Byron ; he does ot care how much the mod esty of people is shocked, the dance must go, the blushing veil must be laid aside' for the nonce . r Could not "Sit Lux' find choicer language to express his idea There is a right and wrong, a proper and improper, a delicate and indelicate manner of treatiue a subject " Let him try to reform the vehicles of his thought. , - He advised the ' '.'Wauree Club'' to select their best reader and open each dance with a recitation of the "Apostrophic Hymn" ' of Byron. By doing so we would greatly con tribute to any evil that might arise out of any excesses in dancing. Be sides it is not the proper place for reading; there is a "time to read." If ait Lux'' will have this "Hymn" read, we suggest that it be done at the literary circle with musiu,.' which he advocates. But we would strong ly Sdviee that uuch eelections be rig idly excluded, otherwise the "literary circle with music" would soon col lapse for want of attendance. Citations from many eminent men of I different churches are made to pr Jve the assertion we have before argued against,; that the sentiment of the best people- in ' the world is op posed to dancing. He says, quo ting: , The Bxman Catholio church 8ay8f We consider it our duty to warn our people" agsinst the fathieua hie dances, &cin" Now,' the Catholio church says no such things In sev eral jdioceStfg, oa account of excesses siuo fKOpnet ILe church, - exeroisisg their t episcopal aiscr'etion, Lave prohibited fashiona ble' dances, as the-waltz and german, They were right ia so doiog. This is all; we have no information that the church herself, through her , official kead, has pronounced upon it. If "Sit Lax' had confined his opposition to waltzing, - and not extended it to dancing generally, he. would receive more support from the .'Catholic church. r The Presbyterians, in General As sembly object to promiscuous dan- cini.'i What does that mean? Not all dancing, else: it would have been so expressed.. It would seem to be a warning against all Borts of people that may be encountered at public balls n large places, people that we have not known before, of whom we have no means 'of judging.'. If this is hot the proper construct ion, we would like to have it explained. We would so iutef pret it from the short quotation from the minutes. . The testimony of Dr. Huffham is given for the Baptist Church., j Have th 'Baptists pronounced upon the question ic general convention, Or does Dr. Huffham give his individual opinion? Does' he speak for a par ticular division Of Baptists,' or for the Whole variety of them? several JSpt&corxu antuonties are I quoted from. -Have they ever passed upon tms question u Ueneral Assem J bl? We understand not. We have I no doubt, we enow, tnat many euu- I nent clergymen of that denomination I are opposed to waltzing, but the I ctiurca as a body has not placed itself in active opposition to either waltzing or dancing generally, but allo ws its I members this indulgence, l : Tbe challenge of - "&it JLux is ac oepted: we have named the churches that permit dancing, and we think that- these churches are not faithless to their Lord, and it U not for "Sit I Lux" to say -so, j We are deeply aggrieved that the J conclusion of our reply should be called "reUgious gush." It is th lan 1 guage of ona o( the most eloquent r dmsefl of this codntry; language, I which, when we read, seems as n the I pnre light of heaven, and expands the I soul and -lifts up the heart to an I all-good Maker in gratitude- for his love, and his beautiful creations. We I sa'v that it is shameful r tnat such I words words should be called "gush 1 An' opportunity is here ' , presented to i stnee dack a neavy mow, out we re- I frain. - We have been greatly pro 1 voted throagbout the article of "Sit I Lux." but have kept composed. We I will not stoop to quarrel, but by quiet J demeanor and moderation will onaea I vor to teach him a lesson of magnan 1 lmlty to an opponent, . notwitnstana 1 . . t I 1 - . J A 1 . i ing tnat ne was bo mceuseu - 1 "Dancing Club" should attempt to l teacn reusion, ana Demeans we saa I . i - a 1 etate we novo bihtbu , uuimK nuu I distressful voice to the watchman on I the walls of Zion to beware, for tne 1 Devil in" reliirious garb is about to Istorm thsatadeL I ' Sit Lux," be not so imaginative m I your alarm; let the Bteady flame of .w J 1 1 1 I reflection, oispei tne pnaniasmagona 1 that flit about strangely in the oncer I tain lieht ! you have thrown around you; to. your excited fancy evil beings 1 trace the shadowy pains seen tnrongn - 1 it: a deadly eiaaourroverBpreaos; tue 1 806116 see8 strangely, iascinawja; , a. I fatal though t-miaama obscurest the tugh"VgWa'dWldy.X the; pore ugnt of day snine nppn yon and chase away, these phantoms. . , . t i Sd4AixjK let there be: light: iSO J6 .Xiet.there.Jbelightj lef it;be the light of truth bright as' the sun;' as ths ht elex5triCwh3ireTeal8 every flaw with the .glare of it pierer ing raysj but shine not upon us witji me uncetaux nicxor of a tiiMwcan- dle, which gleuns bu. , to confnse;K . . -,c ; 't'- ;--We -heard," ridseVenJaev. Ms Carter's aoeoUBt of wa excursion, he - recently made- along--with three hundred -Baptist preachers as L far down ir Mexico as Monterey. c -It was entertaining, -And we recall ' two or tnree amusing mcidents which he re lated. Dr;; Hatch,' of Grace Street cburch, Biehmond, :was arrested, charged with the larceny of a basket At seems, ne bad purchased - from a market-man-a curious Mexican bas ket, but the wife of the dealer not seeing him pay the money and not stopping to enquire, ran after him after he had got some' distance away and calling to' a policeman had him arrested. Not being able to speak Spanish and no 1 interpreter being near, he was taken back to the place where he purchased the article, when the husband of course explained mat ters and tne good doctor was release ed. The accompanying brethren had many a joke , at his expense on the return trip, i Mr. Carter told of an amusing ren contre with a custom house officer. At the first large town they reached, the baggage of all hands was over hauled. Tbe preachers had been traveling several days and being warm weather, much soiled linen had accumulated. After the officer had oue through some half dozed trunks he told the traiu m-n to proceed, but to tell the remaining 294 Baptist preachers that they ought to practice a little more of the immersion they ta ked about so much. At the Hotel National, at Monte rey, a distinguished preacher, when about to retire for the night made certain motions to the Spanish ser vant in attendance trying to oommu- meats to nun the idea that be would like for some of the covering; to be removed from the bed. The servant rushed out and in few minufc S brought back a" glass of brandy I That same preacher a few days be fore at Waco, in the General Conven tion, had made' a strongs temperance speech. h -. ' - - , We think Mr. Carter detracted much from his lecture at its close by the tirade against the Catholic church. Wby Christian ministers of. one denomination are continually whacking at those of another, is one of those things a person outside tbe Christian churchy can never under stand. This habit does" as much to retard the progress of God's kingf dom as an j thing we know. The world is ' amused at it and remarks the absence of that harmony, good will and charity which the Christian religion professes to teach. Some times you will hear a Missionary Bap tist blazing away at Presbytenanism, then a Presbyterian after the -Episcopalians, then a Primitive Baptist rub-' brag it into John VYeslev, then .tne Catholio scorching the heretic, first one, then another, after the balance. Suppose all tbe churches that, be lieve in Jesus Christ . would stop fighting among then: Selves and spend their energies in antagonizing the DeviL how much "more good . would come of it ? And they need all their strength to fight the Devil. Anus far in the contest, be has tbe largest following according to oar observa tion. "United we stand, divided we all.". ,,.1 n-.v,$y-..rt ,Y f A Kllllonalre Bride The marriage in Boston, Thursday, of John P Andrew, son of tlie war governor, and Alias Harriet Thayer, daughter of tne late JNatliani -1 lhayer was ths social event of the season Trinity church was thronged at noon when.the,ceremony took place. Within the great auditorium was made the most magnificent floral display ever seen in Boston.. The chancel was buried in flowers, and over-spanning ! all was an immense arch of rare exotics, twenty feet high. The keystone was a 'monogram of immortelles, the initial of the family name of the bride being in red and that of the groom in white. The whole display cost thousands of dol lars. The company present was brilliant and fashionable. ; The cere mony was performed by. the Rev. Dr. rmirpa xtrooxs. xne Driqe nas just come into possession of a fortune of over $8,000,000, which' is'half of the estate of her father, who died a few months ago, leaving $16,000,000 to his two children. , An imposing reception followed the ceremony, the. palatial residence of the lhayera, on Mount Vernon street,' Beacon Hill; being thrown open, j ? ; j l-v-. The U. S..: Government is having the old buoys, both can and spar? re moved from Pamlico river and .put ting in tEeir places beacons that sho w to much better advantage. , The im provements on Tar river are also pro gressing, i Stumps are being pulled and piling put down where necessary. Wash. Gazette. ' 'y . -i ; i Can it be true that CapL Darling has at last consented to apply a por tion of the appropriation for Tar river? Tar river, j-,...; . , - ; .'. ' It is believed that he has squandered a large proportion of the appropria tion and Congress Will be , asked to inveetigale huhv ' Our " readers will recollect the special report of his ad- j ministration' of the fund, published Mm Am Agent for the New York Herald, World, Tunes, gim; Tribune, Sdehtific'Americanl Harrjer AcRri i 1 and Frank LeslieKSneinnati Enquir- erj , nasninonpupiican, JtouAhs; Companion. P' elphiar j TiineB,. Wibninsfton Star'. -Biieiffh . Parmer A r r vand MecbjmicTrbJWi! BoTithemar, Tar bora' Sentinel., and .manv otW f newspapers:" rJ i lii-a 4 k:Uf ( lEi ISlUi WANTi ANT - Eaper,-.Maga2ilie, or ' -Book, r: r'ii4 PUBLISHED IN -THEJ UNITED ..tates,. ; calr on me af'the Post Office arid help' a clever young fellow. Ton CAH SAVS MONET BY 80 DOINgI . -f ' LEON WILLIAMSON, - - " Newsi-Dealer .. FARM FOR RENT I To a responsible party, who would keep the premises In repair, Mrs. Vlrrinia Thorp would rent or lease her farm near Rocky M unfc The land is in a higa state of cultlvatiot , and has about a three-horse crop, open pasturage, good and ample .dwelling house, containing eight large rooms, besides dining room and kitchen, conveniently attaened, water good, location healthy, outhouses and stables m good repair, orchard large and select. 'To a family wishing to pateonlze the R"cky Mount Graded School, uus anorus an excellent opportunity. Also, two separate 5 or 6 horse farms on Tar Rier. about two miles from Rocky Mount. Good pastures and sufficient houses on grounds and in course of erection. Any of the above will be cut up into one-horse farms if desired. D. W. THORP, Rocky Mount, N. C. sep20 tf The Pender School, (FOR GIRLS.) Mi GENERAL PENDER. PRINCIPAL Assisted by a full corps of Competent In structors. Cbrintmai term will begin THURSDAY. SEPT. 13th, 1883, with greater facilities than ever. For Cata logue, terms, &c, address the Principal.! Tarboro, Sept. 6th, 1883-3m.: tad .. Hnlia Orgus. New illustrated Catalogue, (40 pp. 4to) for season of 1883-'84, including many hew styles; the best assortment of the best and most attractive or gans we - have ever offered, and at lowest prices, $22 to $600, for cash, easy payments or rented. Sent free. THE MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO., 154 Tremont St., Boston; 46 E. 14th StNew York; 149 Wabash Are., Chicago. MERCHANT MILLS " GATES COUNTYi N. C. 46 MILES FROM NORflOLK, TA. This valuable property, embracing water- power, flour, cora, and -saw mills, country store, cotton gin, and a wt u lmprovea larm, will be sold cheap to a 'prompt buyer; One third cwh, balance to suit convenient..- or may be organized into a Joint stock company under the management of "n approved busi ness man, who can Invest $5,000; no one with less than tSJDQO need apply. . "... Good land woula be accepted at a fair valu ation as cash in part payment. ' ' ' ! " CALDWELL HARDY. Aug,163m. . , -: . Norfolk, .Vsv -Ailcock'8 Porous Plaster Sure Where other Planters Fail even to Relieve, t . , Take no other or yoU will be disappointed. Insist on having . . . -'j ;.' ' " ALLCOt'K'S - . Phila., 308 NoarH.THiBD Bt., ) February 1, 1883. !3. S 1 have beetr usinff Alloock Pobus Pus- tkks for a number of years aiid alwftys with marked benefit. I have beou much fcoubled wiLh Muscular Rheumatism; have been treated by fire of our best physicjan withr but rcetvinsj any relief' whatever. ' 1 then used Alloook b Plasber oo ih prts sffec ted and I can assure you the pain has almost eDtirely left me. ' I can rscommend . them to every one s th best plaster mr.de. I have tried other. mda but faond them wonkless ; , .- . - , . . B. F. GALLAGHER, i WEAK KXDNETS CUBED, JLe - : . , .-j. ' i; CoKtoococK, N. H March, Sri 1880 I have been ''greatly ironb'ed -with BIku. matism (Hid ; weak kindeya. l .wa.t advised to try Allcocx s Porus Plasteks fl , had used rwt other so called Pdru plat-lers which did me no good . but Ode: tf yonrs has worked like a ct.ann. Ci'n eo:Bl 't'Te lkf,'ard I lave not beon Hr. uMe,i 'th Bheumaiism end. Kidney CuiiiDluirt smoe usine them, i'i d cbii.ideK mvs"lt cured - ,. . t DWAKI U- VTJEN'" ' M Judicial ale of Land. Pursuant to a Juduuient of the Superior Court of Edgecombe county, at Spring Tei 1883. entitled. Wm. H. Johnson, guardian of Carrie L. Walston,. and others. asainst . Wm. 8. Battle, ! Elizabeth M. "Rattle, Geo. Howard and Richard 11 Battle, , Trustees. Ac. 1 will sell in Iront ot tne uourt liouse door, in Tarboro, on Monday th- 5th fay of Novem ber 1883. a certain tract of land known as "Hope Lodge," adjoining the lands of Elieha Cromwell and others, vontaining sou acres more or less - Terms, one-fourth cash; bonds for residue. payable In equal instalments, one, two and three years after the first dayof January 1881, with interest a. the rate of 8 per cent, per an num trom January 1st, is. , n-v PASCAL P; NORFLEET, Oou'r, Tarboro. N. C. Sept. 25, i8836t . " . " A fTKm r -MANUFACTURER OF .; .1 Fin Hand Madrj 7 :AKD DSAZXft IK: Saddles, Bridles" Robes, Whips, Halters," Blankets ' OETOrPOSITE CO7IT-HOTJ8B,-e . TABBORfy, v. c. ; - . Haviiur bomrht out Mr.R. A. Siser. the man- ufacturing and reparing .will be ouder.hisk charge. Any one wanting a fine hind-made i barneas will do well te eiwe me a cau. -. i SINGLE HARNESS.. ......SIS andup. DOUBLE HARNESS, .' ..$35 and up, Machine Harness at all prices. Janl7y W. & W; Railroad -Co. jwafasr-wl THE FORTT-ElGHTBi ANNUAL MEET Ing of the Stockholders of the Wilmington A Weldon Rsllroaa Co., wiU be held at the office of said Company, In Wilmington On Tuesday, the sinalnsu-":,.v.-"--. 3 ..-:, .; ,.; w.Tiiostt! W. TH03ttSQNj Bec'y Williamson HAENESS v -- - ' . - .. j- r . , iir- -TH.. Si TJX. CUR, - ll0-' I1eofTarboro,NC rAKKtK.otCARR, 1 'JMHJWaws. raJS1. - CjiIanio, OBILK; Vs. ;: -Cotton. Countrji Produce -u-rslly, Qitle8, SUves, Ac., sold.. Orders Uirmercliandlee promptly attenrtedto.' Gnnno a specialty. 1 ,,.-Sa"Spe(isl attention given- to Edsrecombe buainese.' ' '-.tPV-iV Jan6l881-ly . , Selling Liquors may"berong,but if you will drink, quaff the best. It goes without gainsaying that I have the best Whiskies, Braridies: Wines, &c, in town. My. stock of Confectioneries, will be found equally good. V CALL WILL PROVo IT. J. 'C. ALLEK, Tarboro, July 19, 1883.-ly. 1 IY8IGHTS INDIAN VECETABLE PlLLS '. FOB THB. ' v' And all Bilious Complaints Bate to take, beinsfpuroly vegetable : no erin- WORTH SENDING FOR! Dr. tL SCHEHOK bas Jost pabUsbed a book on DISEASES OF THE LUNGS U2 HOW TO CURE THEM which Is offered FUEE, postpaliLto sD sppUcsnt. It eoBtaineatmU imorwtaHau iorsll wbo sapiWHi (bemadves afflicted with, or UMetoaujdimafeot tbe tturasto lanm. Mention Uiis paper. Addrna Vr. t. II. HCnUNCK ON, Phlladetvkla, Pa. ierTQSACn rnourn snasen m every joint anu noer wit fever ana a&, vr - uitw BmnwDt, iu svstem mav- Tel t ireea.jroroine nmiig- naat virus run nosieuer-a Bwmica Bil- ten. Protect tne system, against it wun this beneficent anti-ipasmodlo, which is ' futheraore a soprcne remedy for liver - complaint, eenstipation, drspepsta, debill rty. rbeumatissn, kidney ,. troubles m snJ ether ailmeata. . .- . - - far eels by au Prnrrltts and Dealers . t .' genersilyf ' aeii'i.i.K.-. ,. BtAUTlfia, f URAL VC-iC . eise'Os S, aaS aa-lilMirut' i Bwk, to all vbi mt.4 tir.. aadtlaa-. MraUaa tbU itm. r. L A HMWT a CO.. KEW VOR . HONOR "THE DEAD ! fjEPRESENTINGr A "TORY RELIABLE AVjmd Extensive KarUe'and Granite Works the andersigncd Is prepared to fill orders for Monumental sHeadstones TOMBS, and jVtEMOBIAL Work for Cem etery uses In a prompt and satisfactory man ner. Call and see designs and prices. .-. v :; , ; ff. E. A.EW1S, fok Practical Lifffr..KA7r?:,V . Clear trw. Saat kla4ia aad UlaatratUaa. aeCNTO WATCa i7 ta eiSO er Mmth. Vac Twat.addnat J. C UURSir f tataatif. Fa mmm .- . r ; . - jit " S 4-o2';.-S'3 0 rrt ,1-(U B W.J 'ft .b ?:i S Hi At P.

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