3 , YSt -. -J;: W .- t?- V ' 'i i n i it -it im "rasp?" r--,y Ti- ! ' ..." l ' 3 f ' ' 11 i ' Bl SURE YOU AJREft THBIST GhO AHEAD.B Crockett. VOL, 61. TARSQR K;: CtHTmsDA NOVEMBER, 22, 1883. Toil OSot Vettofc For Kdrihf Soath and WfsV ri Hfd county t 8:00 P. 1L Wot Wflliiraaton and points on A. B. Baftroftd at 5:30 P-If. r iun.ABsmts. j - front Korth, Sotti and Wert i V.W5BMlrdfcdai8b80P.lI. from GreenTilI Waahingtoa and Gyd Bty 7:00 P. M. , t ftoi l limstoa Tia LB. 9J roadai:lSAiU.: 1' :- ;- -j emn men. ,j I ' la Money Order and - Bep1 LtUr DapartmenU from 8;00 A. M. In Mafliiff Department from 7:30 A. 1L to 8:0fl P, M. ,f ? Office open constantly ;Jetween VkM 11UUITB " keinf distributed or Bent. ,jr Open on Sunday from &3.P to 9:30 A M. and from &30 to 750. P, M. DR. D. PEBDER, Omci : v 8t. Jamm Stsw, Second door from Messrs Qinuan ASon. ! ' ! noT 8 1883 . Special attention paid to fdiaeases of the ve and ear. j .--.:"t- ' latter Siold BUILDlMVJtAlOWAU, PAZHTB, OIM CULT3, i ad BtUlmt Mstertal fvrerf nORFOLkvA I' ffimri i mn not i k rtory be trn fcr tba rt , -I faoir many of ydtur nadew7Uave Jas. Norfleetl Attox?ncy-at- Law, OfllaA lor IB. prccufc iu wuio "SSl """""" " S -.ioTlilJ. D ,..m. T. BASS j Offwt hit profeMional lenicM ti jkt oti- n i. T. A. McNair'. drug itor Ob Main NASHjr vnettea In Q the CoorU, 8ut UnflertaHng ! BCCarlile, 2SZBZ9 SO DOl A PftUtloal TaralWhioa li Onrrent la . tht tartmrf (3d vitUi ( v7 v 2 iriQ not swear that the story I 'tout atd .that caeli it I wia-noLberWorfi. lo- - it mor4 deGnitiJ t tLan- to bat, it I . - t, r; . tlalgpen, cf EigeoomTae, n Tarming.- Lette j to Farmer and MocSdIc. " Ixxy.teydpm to zion:thi1tmiine9nnn ing forrtWejfet 'of -arieni-J isf I V T I. - XI V T 1 1 . kaoaperoi -a nau'inooB, ionaing' u 1 01 jmt county : will not reach over WKSf beautaful t for ah large resi-1 two-Uurds of an average crop. The denoe and epacioas court any eyes I corn is better, much better, mostly everWield. !. :..JL1 l m the .fields. - But the uea cron is In thai plateau stands jthe Council I almost a complete failure. - Bogs and in good fahjteotalioae log.bailding, weather- J and cattle are plentiful, aaaiS, SJWLW": SS?7 s neceg; S3 uFSPeSS?S ebndca. of the. tribe teJX'J?, ae Md,,eqmposedffe delegate s , "iBliiai orer&nizM tha inoiiMuidiiii chief predes' da HnTflT.fr rffrnfinvnrvi Main SL just Pamlico Banking Co. HAS ON HAND YXWl TKESM STOCK OF prnitMire money enongh, went to"New;,York.' His business m New Tork was to en- oy the glory of being called Colonel, and of drinking other fellows'; good wine in payment for incomparable Tarheel jokes It was in New York that the Colonel made the acquaint tanoe of Dr. Damascus a mysterious man whdtaaSjfia $in3f!te!!mQr tunes, Bwallowmg'lw)rda:and the like. The.Woneloecs2heiniktaated with hiirtatldTT3aid,JuiexpMttea North Carolina. ' r.jV I Dr Damascus "set up shop' at the Colonel's as fortune teller. 'Every- ; Bought for Cash, which he offers at moderate prices. I. - Fcnihrs cf ill Eiiii ErpinL C07FM8. CASim HID II- ST Patronage selidted. . B. 0 CAKTTiLPt. Tarboro, Fb. 2f3,1882: TAHBORO. N. a W i -Wm pneUoe im the Countlo. o4 Edgecombe, Wud m . and , to tte .Co-jof Iff " m lMcnci, is T -Tt rtifut D .SSIT BATTLE, f Attemey at Law " arviXT MOUNT. N. a niam in th Courts of Nah, Xdf mmb: WOaoa and Halifax cenntia. : Alas St SVaFedmal ai 8uprm CoorU. tar OoDeetiona a apacialty. HTvill keep aa office in Tarboco.. f Baa. 1S.1881. j-j ( ' - 117ALTEE P. WTTJiTASON 1 , ; j TTORNE T-X T-ZA JT, Cica la Poat Office Bnilding.) . J -' ; TARBORO", N. C 4'-' ' -tSTTneOem In State and yederal ConrU. tSORGR HOWARD;" Atterney andCotsielorat Law, . tarborC . c3r -.t ; r9PTaeJe in all the 0ourtf Uto sad .TiaL i - .. i ovly.; J HO L BRDGEE3 OT? : Mtorneys-fct-iLJaw, . TARBORO', N. 3- I? Prartic In aU Court. Pronlpt attention to ulieM. - . r'f "" R. UN. CAR n Surgeon Q Daptist, 1 TAiVnlRO K. 0 , Ilea hooia, irom 9 am. tiiri p. ;V" ; ggyNext door to Tarboro jHottae, over banter Koyaiera, ; THOOT. H. lVLTTrLCf fiitorne&rcti TjGZS OfSca next to PhlUp. A Statoft Law offlca. WU1 ractice la rl and State Court. Rafan by ezpiea permiMion to Jndn&of- . . BnnMa fWirt PitJunia Hational laak. ef Saldxh; Battle, Bonn A Co., Nor- UC; 4B. Arlington Dona, tnraiuiuj. Ijui-ia OceliT LToant Hills A XI i, fmil and raeeeeafnl operation; and are nrepared to fiU all ordere for Sbeet I mga, Tama and Cotton Rope, at lowert price - va tUlfST autuih Mannt. N. C. will be promptly attend- . a. . J AMIS B. BATTLK, i , sec j ana irwin- larll 11, liTS-tf . j j . i i i, Ooru-itilia tad JtillUae, iTKS?sxsv or rami .fOB TAaUS MiALi ; - fcmjte afMd aat nafittaSai UTTi lutiiiA ttunm M. krwtt;ava i;4 If; 1 Money for Farmers! ! HMttf pnrchased from B. AT. J. WX&. 'lty rigbU for Edgecombe, Huh and rlK -eaantlea, we oJfer to Um s people of tbe ' fed. l'filidiB, . JPP1? Gat eTW lnted. Not Uaalato get ant of order, f Noaarlng oratrala aUe poata, and a perfect aalaard aralnit STlftnaovl TblrH.'c, nG gqsds ior a quarter. . lne negroes ; came i4 .flocks to his mysterious:' quar- tars, and soon became convinced that the magician knew everything. v Any number of pieces of jewelry and oth er such things were suddenly return ed to owneis who had forgotten their less. For why should a thief hoDe or escape when Omnipresence was in the neighborhood f Well, the election came off. : Eat on the day beforeit was held, Jake Eyans, the colored brother, suddenly died. Colonel McDade attended the funeral, and was the next day elec ted to the Legislature, the Republi can aspirant for Jake's place baying had just ' time - to put two- or -three eonwting tickets in the field; J ; Death; therefore i had) 'given . the WHHmius,suvuyut vus lusut uuii I - --do ana afterward' the CalotaaL th mn. sell arid to keep, while he who makes gieiaa. and a neighbor or , two L werit I unproitahfcjrisi8 iin graaideur will DOBBnm- hnatiiur. r Just when the 1 in ther end Jieithef natefh6rses to T. H. Gatlin's. DimtlDgsiD!iiU shades, Latest styles in Figured LawnBjWhie Goods, Hosiery, La ces, -Embroideries H Corse s.Dress Bu-9 tons, and Trim ming Sains. A F1ICE LIF1E 0F ZEIGLER'S SHOES; 6L0YO, ncor-siiETs, AID STAPH X3TCC3C1 t3Ali bbt thla BpdM sol4 yery low. i . will be T. n.-GatllD. Tarbora, Jan. lS-lyJ ITTARTLinQ I300V0HYI LOST BARMS)) RUTOnt. m. TMm. af raaM a4Haaa agaa,ata. bavlag Had fee aa iiatr bnawa raaTju.arraMf waafi .vka aawiUawralltaalaiilia laSiinaaa. . a. auYaa. a tBuT" o.MtOMraa. rnuati,n, B ! B-.b. MPK I m -Are4k Itact la rrv 'Aivthf Tilsit ia-t: IX" -ArtthlTlBtstinV Send for our Cafaloguevrith Mu- stcjret. i 'v. 10. TTCJ Ca, ectll 4 68 WatblayVm SA Boataa, Mate. Invalid's r Hotel, 3PQT3bbJBT j Bas3XlrLljEsBBa Every home comfort and privacy, Gaaata can eonralt any New Tork pbyalciaa. Far cireniara, aaareaa urn. rvurvoxra w, ST W. Btb Street, New Terr. - Mux, JiAND FOR . SALE! ! rrthe foUowlnr lota aWattfef fOrlale. L Q) a 850 acre tract of welMSabered land, lyinr on both aides of the Branch tUllroad a- bont 1 1-3 milea from Rocky Meanfct Land of coodqnaUty. (3) the lot toJaabm a. of a aqnare. contaiBialag the -aWallwj aonae 4a which Dr. Carr sow raaldaaaar iu WaddaU'a honae, neatoottage Mndence. ontheoaaa, ita blea, Ac Tenne very reaaoaable. iV ie Taoa. H. Jattu, Tarbaro, H. C. U. I t Baeawba wall, U bav-lriaflif i a OokiBel,(?! jdd not laeefhat he served in the War but ibat he is l Oolonel anyhow, you knoW 1 1 don't know. " Well, in a Bepublican county the Colonel rari for 'the Legislature on the Democratic ticket, and his op ponent was a gentleman:. of color. ot a great while before the elec- UVRU fJWieV Vila wUQ UUlUUt M UO IIH" I a T . V uaHy didonoa s year when he had ecrapings, ditch breaksege- ashes, -marl, or lime,.- cotton seed. havlng ike draina Jlthe so3. & Be sure not to plant ant land that is an rtnnr atfri navr.Vi a rtnnt 6f eTiltiyati1': 4 V 3. ? Plow all the tubsoiTjkslay land deep and -have it well 'pulverized for the reception-of the seed. - , . 4. liaise all the- compost you pos sibly can, uy hauling-swamp muck; stable manure, any and all trash that may "be found about the" Tardy-"- 6T" Art)lv 500 to 1.000 JraahelsKoi this to the bcre ia' potton, aSd BOO to 600 bushels to the acre of corn. """ ' : ,.Seed with care and cultivate soj rs not vto .Uow ;theweed nd grass t$ fiijure Jthelcrop. tjt, 7.' On that portion, wUch l gess to be onhalf of the-eultivated lands in Pender county, as . well as the bal ance of the 'State, which 'does not pay tne cost -of cultivation, raise body could now look into the future toraelMes, cattle, hogs ,an4 t i mu : I sheen. - i Ld J i - d. sneep.- - . fW?. W- & ' 8. Be certain to .raise all seed oats, hay, butter and the like? 4 t''-, 9. Jhia will, make labor abundant, and more Valuable. f W'J? 'i j 10.' Let" the farmers see to it that the next 'Legislature abolishes the fence law in all these sections Where horses, mules, bacon, beef, hay, but ter, etc., are imported, for it is evi dent to continue in .existence, this tax On farmers and -destruction to the best of the forests is not in ac cordance with progress. . .11. Tell the young men there if no necessity in buying so many plea Sure horses and fine buggies, cxt-gut whips and lap robes. And indoctrin ate them with the truth (hat he who ploughs and cultivates on the pian above , suggested will have corn to aa It la filled np-insidewith back- leas benches; common' rostrum and oyer ita'deno- Colonel was approaching the climax of a marvelous story, the crowd came near' the -colored , churchl Seeinga dim light bl the grave yard,: the Ool onel halted,' put out ; the torch and with whisper and fears erepe txttie fence of tW graye yard..' It was at Jake Evan's grave! And a man was gSfingtberelori'JO DnO I CBrwhple-tTOWd,- was- shocked and Burprised tbeyond measure. JJJfio dul one! did not.aMm-anxioua to go far ther, but evBrybody - else insisted on an mveetigataon t Tne three men ciept cautiOunly to the- brink of the grave. There wara negro in it, dig ging aa ' if forhis' life. He had now wached the Coffin. ; They btopped a memeat He began to take out the screws. . Now he lifted the lid. Up he jumped withr a yell., ,"Goniv- gooa Aiora xargiye oib poor soui. i Who'sdarr x: Then' the negro recognized the Doctor. i f - "Shoot me, Doctor. Iknowedyou know'd it, Doctor. So I thought I'd fetch it back.. It was Jake's, Doctor: I was gwine to 'turn it? ; i s He had a watch in his handJ which is was now plain, he had stolen from the dead darkey, and feeling sure the Doctor would know of the theft, he had eoma to bury it with its dead owner. - ' - I "Bat a?n't nothin' darl" , : . Sure enough, On examination, the coffin contained only a few clothes. drive nor bread" to eat, except they have a sufficient income. to justify it 12. Let us work in the way com mon sense dictates " to be safe, and not continue in a system that will not pay,-but must render: a large number of our sons and' daughters fit sub jects for the Potter field after death. We'll unite, infuture, morein detail m the f $SB mexnocr! or - zarming. "PenderayaY $-.L9We I "The noise over the exposition of North Carolina products at Boston is pleasant enough. . to our-people, but how this outlay of ten thousand dollars of the public fund ' is to pay the State back in benefits to come, it is not so self evident as yet, under the general prevalence of discontent and want; of the farming classes and laborihg meru" - ' I am quite sure the North Carolina exhibit at Boston, directed by the Board of Agriculture, will be produc tive of more good 'to the State than all the acts the last Legislature passed combined. &; .i . ; : . "Why is it that North Carolina has 35,000 u children in other States! Simply because they lived in' a' ' StaU of ignorance, so far as., our material greatness' is concerned.' .They read and heard that other States possessed greater advantages; ' - The exhibit at Atlanta and Boston tells all this nation' and a part if not all of Europe that this State cannot be excelled from the seashore to the mountains (a distance of 400 miles,) seeon 'Tfear-taNe a coaatitatk much akin to that of Nor Carolina. The business of the council is to leg islate just as our SUiTjegislatiire does, only as.a general rule With more consideration. The .bills passed by the council are not laws until' signed by the chief, "whdJ has a yeto power fust as the "National Executive, and is subject; to- the; same majority de feat -.r -.J - . r .. . v . A TOlJlIt KA1T3 PES1L, . : ; j " Thejrwere to see a lawyer yester day Sfary Ann,' and 'her mother. Mary Ann was a little embarrassed, out the old lady was calm. "When aba spoke about a breach of promise base, the lawyer asked: ,W( , I '"What evidence have you got 1" 1 ! "Mary Ann produce' the letters," .commanded the.mother, and the girl took the cover off a willow basket, and remarked that she thought 927 letters would do to begin on. The other 651 would be produced as soon as the case was fairly , before the court. j , . ,. ' " . :. "And outside of these letters 1 queried the lawyer. ' ' ' "Mary Ann, produce your diary,' said the mother.! "Now turn to the heading of Promises," and tell how many times this marriage business has b 'en talked over." "The footing is 214 times, answer ed the girl. "Now turn to the heading of "Dar ling," and give .j us the number of times he has applied that term to you." j If I have figured right, the total is 9,254 times." jj I guess you counted pretty straight, for you are good on arith metic Now turn to the heading of Woodbine Cottage,' and tell us how . a .it n m many times ne nts lautea oi sucn a home for you after after marriage." "ihd footing is tanxee." "Very well - This lawyer wants to be sure that we've got a case. ; How many times has Charles Henry said hf would die fur your' "Three hundred and fifty, answer ed the girl, as she turned over a leaf. "How many times has he called you an angel!" ! . "Oyer ix,uuu mamma.' MHow about squeezing hands!" "Over 384,000 squeezes." . ."And kisses!" "Nearly 417,000." "There 8 our case," said the moth er, as she deposited the basket and diary on the lawyer s table. "Look over the documents,' and ll von want anything - rurtner a can bring in a dozen neighbors to swear ta facta. We sue for $10,000 dama ges, and we don't settle for lesB than some indica tions of thrift' and improvement in mOet sections, evidenced by buildings farm-rettaira and the mulaphaty of steam ; engines With few excentiona the people seemed cheerful and hap- . j 1 1 , i ... , i , py ana, aiuuoagn, wim less pusn ana energy than the citizens of Wilson, tatorseondiuon in the mun, is better, as , they are more economical and con i tented. " : -.: .. : ' SIS ABITSXETIO SAVES 'BIS... Last year the cotton crop in this county along the W. & W. Bailroad, owing to the: wet Spring, was very poor indeed. Late in the season, a colored man, making his way from Norfolk to Wilmington got strapped at "Whitakera, and had : to leave the train there to recruit his earthly pos sessionS. He went into Edgecombe a few miles from 'Whitakera and soon struck a big plantation and proposed te pick out cotton. Next day he re turned very milch disgusted. .. Didn t you get no offers to pick cotton!" asked a sympathizing friend. "xes, aich as dev was. A white man offered ma one-fourth of what I picked. I jess took a look at de field and I saw for myself dat when it was icked, hit wouldn't amount to one ourth, so I lef for here." "Yer was ib luck not ter git fooled "You bet I was. My 'refmetic was all dat saved me. I tells yer, send yer chillun ter school." Dave Taylor vouches for this item. The news rapidly spread all over uv climate, fish, timber, agricultural the county, and many were the ex-1 products, fruits, minerals, of all de scriptions, to be found in the world, and water enough and to spare to run the machinery of all continents. J. R. Thiqpeh. North Carolina Indians- ( r Mr. A. M. Fry, in the Statesrille Landmark. - Charleston, Swain Co., N. c rr rt n r a Ociober A'L 1883. S planation8 offered of the grave rob bery. : Certainly there was foul play somewhere. By degrees suspicion fastened on CjL McDde Whojit was reoaueo, naa snown . u a usual grief when Jake died. ,: Surely, too, he was the only person Who-had been bene fitted by, his death. The Doctor's residence at the Colonel's house was construed in an evil way. Murder fowl' play at least and now it wasl, Nex(;ho rflonbfA'or' leaders out l ,,.. . , L ; twomd like amecouhtNOf thalodiaoB. Preparations Were made, therefore, Thay.-according td- Cant.,? 'Hester's to gather Col McDade in the clutch-1 roll, are 3,000 iu nunabi r,itive jaihe es of the law; r"' -r r -LT : I nor.tLfa3t portion of this couuty, What was the sumrise. " therefore: I with a few scattering whites cMining one ' day at: his appearance j at the ladiap' bloe'dj fo their; portioiJ of the county seat, with, a new hat; a lively above named ' $3000,001), i imig in mik end a vktorious air.'mvitirii? all Georgia and .Teunesseeu. JThey uave bis friends to take supper? with' him I a reservatieh otaboui9(J,000 acres of that ed"i duct, arrested) perhaps that very night, . I river bottom ana cove. About . one- cjonstucuouslv amonc ma eruests I nintb.ot tne oaua is in. cultivation. were all r the .leading -itopubhcanalxtratr their mode ot tuiisg only jpro- Tbis put the wonder of all the people duoes! the shadow' cS yjcfoLhey one peg nigner. " xne uoionei was in i are, muoieut anu uuiieraie. x ouu oi night at the hotel. People tale j land giveu them by the ' government ailgfauljr about his strange con inthe treaty of 1835. Them land is when it was'- sure he would tel fertile and valuable, much of it being the jollieflt of jolly humors, ;Supper went: merrily. The . wine began to. flow., i The Colonel and? the 'Lloctar told their best fakes. Indeed every- faocT articles; thef spend every spare dime for a square of red calico or othetf valueless trinket.- True to the instincts of barbarity', they love whis thiiurwas lovely 'and the goose hung I key and frolic, and vote en matei for higb.c - ' I ' Just : before they had all become too drunk to know a darkey from a a donkey, the Colonel arose with "dig nitj . end - proceeded to propose a eesVoi ' k - ,., .: . f' tl i , ; Gentlemen,'' said be, in his sua' vest manner, "it is not often that w drink to- the dead, i Here il to the health of the late Jacob Eyans.' Ja cob; arise!" v l ' Jske arose, as if out of the floor, grinning frem ear to ear; and, while the crowd was dumb with wonder, proceeded to explain that' he still lived. , ' " . Ji was plain eg .' daylight. been bribed ta die! ' He had the man who. exhibits most of their inborn traits daring a political can' Capt Joseph G. Hester ef Wash ington City, the government enroll ing agent, -estimates that each Indian in the, InJbe' is worth in eai estate, asid9 1 fjrom their ij3,O00Q0 ? claim iLi' J t . .J-O A ft . TM agauiDL.iue guv or u men b, ,ow, so, the average Uherokee squaw is worth more clear cash than ye famous Yellow Hill, the Indian eapitaL an elevated plateau surrotmded by beautiful river bottom, v? The .eleva tion breaks suddenly off at a distance ol fifty yards from the .Ocona Lufta river, at the ' -nearest- point in : the Oil Statiitiea Ed. Southerner : . "Take a railroad from the eat th to the sun,'' sai l a learned professor, "with a train running forty 1111166 an ttoar, with stops, and it would occupy about 265 years, or 96,725 days to complete, the journey 5 the fareV. two ent a ' mil would b $1,860,000." I wut somi oue to gi' u- eiiijuat of the cosi to uuii.l tue ranroad. Egyptian peasants w- $50,000,000 to usurers, with mtt-rest running from 39 to 65 per cent.. . Professor Newton ys tnat toe earth receives about 3,000,000,0o0 meteors every 3 ear, but the orily in crease the eize of the earth out inch in 100,000,000 yearn, 1 The Bun is 15,000,000 years old, aud will last 15,000,000 years longer Russia must be the Modern Bat:el. Her people spek forty different lan guages. U, OF UOKXTOE. Are you in -Want ? 1 am Agent for the New York Herald, World, Times, Sum'Tribune, Scientific American, Harper & Bros., and Frank Leslie, Cincinnati Enquir er, Washington Republican, Youths' Companion, . Philadelphia Times, Wilmington Star Raleigh Farmer and' Mechanic," Tarboro' Southerner, Tarboro Sentinel, and many other newspapers. v " IF YOU WANT ANY Paper- Magazine, or ' v Book, PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES, call on me at the Post Office, and help a clever young fellow. You CAH SAVE MONEY BT SO DOIUG. LEON WILLIAMSON, News-Dealer FARM FOR RENT I To a responsible party, who would keep the remises in repair. Mrs. Virginia Thoro would rent or lease her farm near Rocky M rant. Tbe W. 0. T. PABKIR. Late of Warren ton. N C K. CARS. Lateof TarboroJT C PARKER & CARR, Coii FactorsitfGoieral COUIIISSIOX IIRCD ANTS. Reom 9, Cotton Exchange, KOKFOLK, Va. Cotton, Country Produce generally. Hide, Staves, &c, sld. Orders tor mercbandlae promptly attemtedto. - Guano a specialty - - 9"Spacial attention given to Edgecombe basiaegs. ' ' Jang KSl-ly- land is in a higo state of culuvatior , and has about a three-horse crop, open pasturage, good and ample dwelling house, containing eight large rooms, besides dining room and kitchen, conveniently attached,' water good, location healthy, outhouses and stables in good repair, orchard large and select To a family wishing u paieomze tne K. CKy Mount uraaea ocnool, this affords an excellent opportunity. Also, two separate 5 or 0 horse farms on Tar River, about two miles from Rocky Mount. Good pastures and sufficient houses on grounds and in course of erection. Any of the above will be cut up into one-horse farms if desired. D. W. THORP, Rocky Mount, N. C. aep20 tf The Pender School, (FOR CIRLS.) MRS. GENERAL PENDfiR. PRINCIPAL Assisted by a full corps of Competent In structors. Chrirttma-t term will begin THURSDAY. SEPT. 13th, 1883, with greater facilities than ever. For Cata logue, terms, &c, address the Principal. Tarboro, Sept 6th, 1883-2m. N-w iliustrntd C t al.ju. (40 pp ) f..,- b.---h.i. . f lS83-'84. i. eluding imnv .isnw sty' .t.' i-t-s: if-ti?Ttiiji!'? 1 t.'jv D. Nt an i !!!i.t v.nrn- uv ot auK e iiAYe ever offered, Hii-l.it .o'ft iii;t', ui $iuu, 101 fast, -asv lavmiits m r-r(t-u. e-it fif. TnE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO.. 154 Treiuont St., Boston; 4 E. 14th St., New York; 149 Wabash Aye., Chicago. Latting Elm Sown. Fred Cooper keeps a nice restaur ant on Pitt street. Thursday night after tbe entertainment at the Opera House was over, tke following con versation was heard by the South a&incB man between a a - couple who live not very far from the Albemarle and Raleigh depot: ' fOh; Mamie," he said, "how I have longed for this happy hour, when we should sun togetner aionei MERCHANT MILLS GATES COUNTY. N. C. 40 MILES FROM NORFOLK, VA This valuable property, embracing water- power, ll'iur. cora, a a saw- mins, counijy i store, cotton enn, ana a w'-u improved rarm. ill be sold cheap to a prompt bnyer; one- third cvh. balance to suit convenient : or mar be organized into a joint stock company under the management of n approved busi ness man, who can invest $5,000; no one with les than 5.000 need apply Good land woula be accepted at a iair valu ation as cash in part payment. CALDWELL HARDY. Aug, 16-3m. Norfolk, Va. two should sup an- eighty-acre farm, , with buildings Haven't you also longed, Mamie t" ill gUUU inUU. liou usu agoui We'll call a day or so good day, sir !" ,1 A DUBLIN ICS-AXS. Mb. Editob: The following scrap from the history of the Franco Prussian "war, may prove of interest o jour many readers : 1 - i . : "Few balloon voyages can compare or excitiner and. perilous incidents, wih one winch was'performed at the time of the siege" 01 Jfans, ry the well-known M.! Nadar That gentle man lcfTours fo Paris, with rov- ernment 'Idisnatches.1 at 6 a. m. At 11 he was within view 01 tne capital, and while float in& about 3,000 metres aboie Fort Charrenton, a second bal loon was observed on the horizon. M. Nadar ; at once displayed the Freach flag, and the other balloon responded by exhibiting . the same colors. , iiraduauy; tne two oauoons approached one another, being drawn in the same direction by the same current of airj When tney were sep arated by only a short distance, sev era! explosions were heard. The Strange aeronaut continued to shoot at Mi Nadar's balloon, the "Intrep- ide," which bejran to descend rapid ly. The French flag had by this time baen taken in by the other balloon, and the Prussian colors exhibited. Those who were watching the affair from below, and who-now saw the character and object 01 tne pursurer cried out that Nadar was lost. But thev were mistaken. He had scram bled from the car, up the net work ' - . J " ' .V a m of the balloon on the nrst snot rrom the enemy, apparently to stop a hole "Yes, very much "And why, -darling, have you long ed? Do you really think bo much "Oh, yes, Henry, I do think every thing of " j "You do?" "Every thine in the world of these" 'These happy, blissful moments 1 s,No, thpse oysters. They are the first I've had a chance to bite into since last Fell." ! ' .: KOMtOUlSat AT oua DOOB. Norfolk' YlTjnfaa. I "We were somewhat surprised yes terday, in glancing at an article in the Tarboro," (NJC.) SouTHaufEB, on Mormonism, to find this sentence : "It hv almost secured a foothold in lower Edgecombe and upper Pitt. It will be well to act before the di sease gets too much headway here at our doors. The 'shot-gun policy, in this instance would be admirable and effective." i . We are are not an advocate in our own State of "the shot-gun policy, and iu the true spirit of Democracy. (non-intervention) leave our neigh bors to decide that Question for themselves; but it is almost incredi ble that Mormonism, with its plural ity of wives, infatuation and sin, has adherents in the sturdy, orthodox. good Old North State." Sale of Thoronghhreda. There was a sale of thoroughbred in the tissue ; and then he descended I yearlings, brood mares and stallions, - x.. 1 n jlUt-A it-lf a-t,3 avn I n Van, Vwlr n fhnrsfav from tVia as LilO UlUluUU xigiiirovc WW) buu, a quantity of 1 ballast being thrown out, rose hich into tne air. Shots were then fired in rapid sac- cession from -tne -intrepiae," into the Prussian balloon, which sudden ly sank to the earth with , headlong rapidity. - i. On reaching the ground a detachment ol Uhlans, wno naa watched the combat from the plain. pickedthe aaronaut up, and rode off in New York on Thursday from the stables of Pierre Lorillard, James R. Keene. Wm. Astor and others. Thir teen yearlinprs by Mr. Lorillard'i stallion Mortimer brought f 9,960, an average of 4765. - The four yearlings bv Falsetto brought 4 zo, an aver uge of $681, and the three yearlings bv Duke of Magenta sold for $1,425. an average of $474. In all there were thirty-one bead in the Bancocns REFRESHING Selling Liquors may be wrong, but if you will drink, quaff the best It goes without gainsaying that I have the best Whiskies, , ',. Brandies, j Wines, v&c, . in town. My stock of . -' v . i Confectioneries, will be found equally good. A CALL WILL PROVE IT. J. C. ALLEH. Tarbo o. J,,h 19, l883.-lv. VfucHT S Indian Vegetable Pills rOBTHI LIVER And all Bilious Complaints Bate to take, being purely vegetable ; no ertp . tag. Price 25 cts. All Drugicists. Ailcock's Porous Plaster Fall cure Where other Planters AW A rk in HRI AHH. Take no other or you will be disappointed. insist on naving ALLtOCK'S Phila., 308 Nohth Thikd Bt., February 1, 1883. ( I have been usine AiiLCooa' Pobus Plas- trr8 for a number o yeas and alwaya with marked benefit. I have beu much troubled with Muscular Rheumatism; bave been treated by five of oar beat physician with-r out receiving any relief whatever. I then used Alloock b 1 laseih on tne parta snec- ted and I can assure you the paio baa almost entirely left me. I can raccommend them ...... w to every one a a tna best plaster made. 1 have tried other kmds but found tnem wnrthlesi. B. F. GALLAGHEn. WEAK KIDNEYS CURED. Cohtoocook, N. H , ) Marcb. 3rd 1880, j I have beea greatly troubled with Rheu matism and weak kindeys. I wa advised to try Alloock's Pobvb Pustebs fl had used twJ other no called Porus planters, which did me no good, but one o' youra has worked like a charm, civen coroslet re lief, and I have not been trcuble-l with Rhenmatisra and Kidney Complaint sin using them, at d consider myself cured EDWARIJ V- rUSn H M Judicial Sale of Land. WORTH SEIID1HG FOR! Dr. J. H.SCHNCKhaj Joatpoblkbeda book oa DISEASES OF THE LUNQS SSI HOW TO CURE THEM vhlch ta offerad FREE. postpaid.toD TtKw It oon tains voifmbu umMiua foraQ who rappoa tbemaelvea afiUetad with, or liable to any diMMe of tha throat or luntfm. Mentinn Uua Vf. Addraaa Ow. s. H. bchkjick son, nuadcisaia. em. yiimif ytmwiik Mmghiktr OmmtrnJ 8nperior Term, Pursuant to a Judtrement of the Court of Edgecombe county, at Spring 1883. entitled. wm. a. Jonpson, lmaruian 01 inrae Walston, and others. asrainst Wm. 8. Battle, Elizabeth M. Battle, Geo. Howard and Richard R Battle, Trustees, Ac I will sell iu front of the Court House door. in Tarboro, on Monday th- 5th ay of Novem ber 1883. a certain tract of land known ai "Hope Lodge," adjoining tne lands of Ellsha Cromwell and others, containing 850 acres more or le6s. Terms, one-fourth cash: boids for residue. oavable in eaual instalments, one, two aiid three years after the Bret dayof January 1884, with interest ai the rate of 8 per cent., per an num from January 1st, loo. PASCAL P. NORFLEET, Com'r. Tarboro, W. C. Sept. 35. tsgttt A. Williamson, MANUFACTURER OF Fine Hand Made 1 HARNESS AAA f rnoba-n mucn in every joiiu aaa noe wii fever and arua. or bllioua remittent.- .taw :akd dealii: in: to thettnissian outposts. H. Nadar I catalogue, wbicb brought $21,640, an IS then descended . in safety at Cbaren ton.T. . j ...,,. - 1 vox. -",-;. ; PUT COTOTI. Cor. Tolsnot Home. 1 , 5 Tbe cotton , crops on the , route were well advanced in picking out, and the greatest part bad been car ried to the market and sold the Tjrice ranginar from 9i to cents. "Poor crop,?, was the uniTersal cry j and from the best information ob tained we infer that tbcotton crop average of nearly $700. f Mr. Astor's consignment of six bead brought $1,- 785 ; -Mr ' iJernara s nine, 94,00 ; Mr. Keene's fiv $2,500, and eleven from other establishments brought $2,875. Thus the entire sale realized $33,485. ,,: Ex-Senator Conkling thinks Tilden and Hendricks will be the Democrat ic presidential ticket next year.: The ex-senator prides himself upon his political diagnoses. ' Saddles, Bridles, Roles, Wliips, Halters, Blankets, &c. rorposiTE cotTHT-HousE,-ea TARBORO', N. C. . TTvinir hnnirht ont Mr. R. A. Sizer. the man- uf acturing and reparing will be uader his charge. Any one wanting a fine hand-made htnwM will do well to srive me a calL SINGLE UAKHKSa.. fioaouuy. DOUBLE HARNESS, 135 and up. t Machine Harness at all prices. an!7y j W. & W. Railroad Co. JHeoy's 0BLoo- "1. V.1..1, 1 WnJnsaTOS, N. C, SeEw Nov. 1st 1883. j ffHE FORTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEET 1 ing of the Stockholders of the Wilmington A Weklon Railtoad . Co., will )e held at the office of said Company, la Wilmington on Tuesday, tha aothlnsU : i Nov Jst2t- l J. W. THOMPSON, Sec'y by aUDrunist fenerally. 1 B. if i. M ! system may yet be rreea mm lam niu-. nant virus with Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters. Protect the system sfaiost tti with this beneficent anti-apasmodie, whieh la futhermore a aaprenie remedy fori Uvar complaint, eontiiation, dyspepsia, debill ity, rheumatism, kidney Uou'jles and Wot sale by aUDrunista and Dealers jL-ni'anajUaaMkhM. U 1 im 11 mil La .ami i-..fl i,-a aaciutLi BEAUTIfUL rLQAAL I , aa aa luwraM all mk araa 4v for aaataa aaa Meaflaa taU aaMr. itUT4Ca..BITCIt . HONOR THE DEAD ! RKPRESENTTNQ A VERT RELIABLE . and ETtensive Marble and Granite Works: the ondersigned is prepared to fill orders for Monuments, Headstones TOMBS, and all MEMORIAL Work for CemJ etery uses in a prompt ana sausiacwry wuui- '.all and see derisms and prices. 1 a. B lib mr ev n . c c ra Kaw aa Wm uak rraciicai Lue.ir.iAVcaaa.ri a aa. Clear tyae, fiaeat ktaatas mm IllaatraUaaa. . ml 1 ii. m.wiwiii . 1 4 1 isaac 1 aii aaa aUiaUEaa i. t hcia'sli r

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