DtALIB IX For North, South andfWest via W. & W Railroad at 9:3011. j For Greenville, "Washington and Hyde county at 8:00 P. M , ; . s For Williamston and points qn, 4. k R. Railroad at 5:30 P. f i - UUL"AaiTE3. From North, South and' West via W. AVW. Railroad at 6:301. nL From Greenville, Washington and Hyde county 7:00 P. M. i 1 : . From, liamston via! A-.R. Rail road at ftl5A. lL 1. --',. ! . - om6 HOURS.1. '; In Money Order 5 and Registered Latter Department from 8;j00 4-i M, to 4 P M. . . Ml . i In Mailing Department from 7:30 A. ir.to8:oap, M. , ; i ! : ; OSce .open constantly between the.e hours except, when; mails are being distributed or sent I Opaa on Sunday from ij:30 to 9:30 .V. M. and from 6:30 to 7:30. P. M. , f "VV; P. WnAiaMsoft,5 P M. - 'r ALBEMARLE; L- klALEftiiti RAILROAD On and -after tins' date, train will rnu oa tfr lload by the rol'owmg tschednle j : -V--':. f v ;;' . 'i;- , ? - - j , . art'O o, leaves G 00 "uarrel.'s 6 15 a rea's, 'fait le Creek, f.eit.e', :-; ; KobiT.-onville, hVereU'a, ' W-liui8t'n arr Tarboro', arrives S Of HarreHY 6 25 L Warren's, 6 30 8 50 7 15 7 35 8 05 little Creek, Bethel,? - BoberaonviCe, Everett's,' J mTmafnlVe M0 16 DO 780 0 BUILDER HARDWARE, r FAINTS. OILS, GLASS, Aad Bulldlne Material of every description VOS. 16 W. 8IDR VARKRT SQUARED 49 ROANOAK.lt AVE., NCFFCLKVA ;tl Novemberl882. 18,1-v- 1 I ?-' T 1 at. . . .KoTEKBn 29, 1883 AUQE3 ASSAD I LET TSX PEOPLE , . sswAssr : Unaertalong ! B.C. Carlile; Main St., just above i Panilico Backing Co, HAS ON HAND NEW, FRESH STOCK OF Furniture Flag Stations. Stop on signal only. 1 ' The 7 00 a m, train fiom Winiamstoi will iTTe io Tarboro at 0 05 a m, llowio? ib wnaerB to conseet with Uae 10 a in tiai on the W. i W. RaOread for Bockr Munrt The 6pm train from Tarbord" conneits -.h the boats at "Williamstoa for Norfolk, . vl Norfolk & Southern HaQroad and inter. i-Hiite poii t; also at Jamasville with bt jauieTille Washington JKaOroaii for t ill nr tt below. Tbis table ma; be chat td alary time a irerHity or eirecmatHrort may r-qnre. - J. H.- PKTTT, Gen' But t IOlIFpeiiper, OmCi: 81.. Jamss Stbskt - ' Second door from Messrs Gilliam & Son. - nov 8 1883 Special attention paid to. diseases of the eye and ear. , Jas. Norfleet, Attorney-at IrG7, Tarboro, T. C. ,fi: Office for the present in office of Then. H. Battle. ! Will practice in all CqarU, State and Federal. 83 ' nov81y D R.B.. T.3ASS W theati-l O'T'jrs hii professional services i ns of Tirboro and ricinitr. - : Oillac iT. A. McNair's drug store on Main Street. - t , VRANK NASH, . , ATTORN'BT-A.T'IiAW, I 1 TARBORO H- Cj ? Prsicttces in all the Courts, State and Fed eral. H. A. 8f83 U1LLI.4H k SOW,! . Attonxoys-At-iliftW, ' - TARBORO, N. a ; Will practice ia the Counties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Court of. the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and i upretne Courts at Raleigh. , y- sjanl8-ly. ."4T BATXLI, Edge, i Also V 1 ! Attorney at Law 1 j . KOCKT MOUNT, N. C. i I . Practices in the Courts of Nasb, I combe, Wiltion in Halifax counties, in the Federal and Supreme Courts. ' 1 C6!lections aapeciatty,! j4 ? Ha will keep au office m Tarbqro., i Deo. I5,18bl. : - J ' . I W7 ALTEK P. WILLIAMSON i A TTORNE TtA T-LA W Office in Post Office Bufldingj.3 r -: I h TARBORO', Jl.f: C. ; s?t Practices in State and Federal Courts. The VTilminsrton. and j Weldon xailrpad eompanj Jasi week adopted fbUon'resolutaons:5:-r;: ta ioi il erils which have arown ut of the legislation of acme of the 8tte, Whereby the stoekboldari hare ben prao tfeaUy deprived or th ntuil of their swa roads, and of the angerona asKntton of the same icbject in norm uaronua. . . KaunlvMt Thai all consideration of the abject uf eonatracting a branch road from the WOoiinsfem and Weldoo Road in the direotka of Florence, Sooth Carol. n be for; the pwnent poatpoaed. ' J'f-'j; y . r", Georgia and South GaroliDa have had railroad commissions for sever al years and there has been! a ''dan gerous agitation of the question in North GtodiMuW back as 1880 to our certain knowledge. W get it from reliable sources that in Geor gia! the isommisfcion has been of posi tive benefit to the people, prevent ing oppressive and unjust charges nd discriminations - and fair to the radroads as well as to the public. In ' South; Caroliira the same thing has been 1 iaccomplished, altbough there certain railroad interests have been louder in their angry com plaints. . i , The Wilmington and Weldon cor poration at late mt June 24A' of thit yor with a great flourish of trump ets ordered a survey of a route from Wilson to Florence 'and proceeded to procure "rights of way" all along the proposed line. , : That; it was never intended to buAd the "shortcut" is nowTvery apparent, and the question naturally arises : Why all the noise? J3t was a genuine case of in the manger, s . The New York, Norfolk Charleston Railroad project has been for some time assuming, shape and so soon as the Wilmington and Wedon people discovered .that the parties .interested .therein, meant business, they .set a'out to harrass bluff them into an abandonment le enterprise. r , le stockholders were called to- a . getAer. a resolution referring the proposition to build the 'short cut to the board of direo- mi wt sit -"'-il tors with rxwer to act. The durec- IlUn S TClllDg aCaitorresoW tobailda rcl frooi, VI ilaon to Florence and great pub licity as late as last June .was given to their decision.- President Bndg ers and : his " lieutenant, j ; A J. Galloway, visited the people all along the way, a corps of surveyors were tut on and the" route estab- listed, rights of way were obtained, and; financial teircles at r the North were citen to understand that the road was a fixed 5facf ' - 'i ' Rut still the New: York,1 . Norfolk i and; Charleston people persisted in theit :defrmination to build a road, evidently seeing through the W & W game of blufL . a . Of course when railroads 1 are be ing iconstructed,' bonds 'axe placed on tjhe market, and with j the pro- they are made. This is a sweep i down every obstacle in' their way-? to do as they may be pleased, I not only with the railroads, but with the public besides.: The experiment of a railroad, commission' in the two first-named .slates "has been-cminent-ly successful in letting IbVpeopIe lire as well as the railroads, and the; rout roads have determined toitbroW-Off the check. In Georgia, all sorts of means are being resorted to to bull I doze the Legislature into'abolishing the c6mmisaonT In South 3aroUn?, operating one or two little local roads on tbe p'ea Jhat the commission was raining things. - They threaten the politiciacfl jnd serve notice on -can dictates for cmce that the railroad ir -flueuce will be exerted against tbem unless they pledge themselvej against tbe continurnce of tbe commissicn- A TIKE TO D AITO' Ihe Wah-See Club Agaia-Hy Chfdlenga AccsjteS,: asi tSs Cbnrcbes ITamei that Countenanca and Allow lbs . organ in tbis Champions of the f Dance" jnay lack, they make - up, in bold and vigorous language. i- ' They twit me f cr a want of cour- thit-v i have .-me far enough to tot i4esy in- entering this : discussion .1 . . . . .. -- tion or noL State says; "There is not a Baptist church in Whatever, , of , -judgement, v the I cipiina: a member: for dancing.1; , It Our readerswilt renjeraber the, letter j. written Dy o. ju. jioomsoo, - jrreer- Bought for Cash, which he offers at moderate prices.' Tindtin of ill Ihis iepirel - COFFINS. CASKETS DEUTAKIXG GENERALLY. t Patronage solicited. . ; , B. 0. CAEILLR: Tarboro, Fb. 26, 1882: ; --: . without their permi?sion, and speak of f little courtesies" about a dispute which ought to be observed. When a man commits himself in tbe public print, to the discussion of any-subject,' of morals 6r ethics, he1 throws Mown the gage of battle to 'ajpy one competent to discuss it wiih binafit is neiiher nn infringement f rules of courtesy, to attack or review his article; nor nccesar to ask bis perrtissioa to. do so . s Uen an" attack . is made upon an victual, u in ttnat ..attack pnnci- Baptiets to put themselves on record n taken advantage of by tbe cbamp ions of the dance, "to claim them as allowing tbis indulgence." -1 do not know wbetbtr the Baptists have pro nounced against it in general conven- ;Their TVTT7 IVV GOODS AT T. H. Gatlih's; Dnntings in all shades, Latest -styles ln;J Figured I-awns, Whie Goods, Hosiery, I-a-ces, Embroideries, Corse s,DressBu tons, and Trim ming Sains. . A NICE LINE OF ZEIGLER'S SHOES, GLOVES, HOOP-SKIRTS, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. and of tl 5 deDt of tbe1ine from Baltimore to PortsmouQi, to Weldorf Rateagh, to Augusta, to tbetffect that be would withhold all aid to'Sontb Carolina enterprises because of their commis sion, his principal complaint being that the commission kept the rail roads' fromfdjseriminatf rig in feight and passenger 'tariffs V? 1 r; V So in North Carolina our rea'lei s will remember wht a howl went up from railroad f circles when Senator Vance blocked the way of the Rich mond & Danville syndicate in their purpose to dodge certain obligations they were under to tbe State of North Carolina in consequence of their buy-, ing the Best contract. ' Also it will not be forgotten that in 1881 after the House of Representatives had passed a bill creating a railroad commission, the agents of the Associated Railways of Virginia "and the - Carolinss ftdpk charge of the Senate . lobby and de feated a eommi8sion in North Caroli na. ; It ;wa8 lAbaadal at the tifeie and the, memory of it is a scanoaL The boast was made that no North Carolina Senate wonkl eousent to' a bill creating a commission. We have some facts In reference to the ianiir in which' tbe Senate of 1881 . and of 1883 'was manipulated, .that we pro pose to expose to the public gaze at was passed nother.time; VVJiaree Club (Episcopalians ,r . , j hurt.' r , r 1 CatholicswUo thought i'they1? the; dog . and custom. It is proverbial that capi tal is very timid. Knowing this, the XtT A- WlnrrintiATTianfi'er last T. II. G atliUe resolution we quote to give the fatal stab to tne New York, Norfolk and Charleston project. This corporation ; tells through this resolution j northern I"A1I bought tbis 8priog add will sold very low. j Tarboro, Jan. 13-ly G1 i SORGE HOWARD, Attorney and Counselor at Law. i . -M . TARB0RC ff. Vi i rPrao.ices in all the Court, Slate and f. d ral. ?noT.6-ly. I 1 JN3 L BRDGERS & SON . Attorneys-at-Law, r TARBORO", N. C, , Prompt attention to REFRESHING ':':.;.-: x::-S';s'--r "l,:; '-::':: Selling liquors may be wrong, bat if vou will drink, quaff the best. . It goes without gainsaying that I have the best ' Whiskies, j PracUco in all Courts.: easiness. j-'rtL N.tJA.S 8i irgeorr Dontist, 1 1 TAA.-iRO, O. Brandies, Wines m. and ) OiQ'je' bii, irom 9 a. m. Jtill 1 p. 1 roiu ' to o p. m. " t' i "NedHr -to T'boro vjlonse, over Lnier fc Roy iter's. 1 . L ; j - i " i. - i THOS. H. BATTLE, TAUBOBpO," n. c in town.- My stock of . Confectioneries, will.be Jound equally good. r :u A" CALL WILL PR0VC-Xi - tr;c. ALLErr: HarUn&Sharae, A ttcirney s -at-Law, IHUWUK IHt UtAU ! RKPRE8ENTINO "a" YSRT RELIABIJE AnA RTtAiuive Marble and Granite Works the undersigned Is prepared to nil orders for nonumenls, Headstones i Oics nost to Pbni a Staton's Law office. I Will practice iu t-- ral aad State Conrts. 1 Refer by expieas permission to J ddge Ruf 9 n. of the Supreme Court; Citizens National Mzn'i, of Raleigh; Battle, Bonn A Co., Nor f oik ; J no. Arringtoa A Sons, Petersburg, , diil-5ui -' ' 1 . J. KABTTK. B, C. SHABFK ' i TAKnono, W. V. ' ' . t rcce in tLe Court, BUtear.d lfioe .-0-82 ly ,- t K10IIEY TO LOAN. Persons desiring: borrow money ean be . aecomodated by applying to me, and giving i the required security. 1 will also bay Bonds BlocksNotes, &c U. L. BTATON, iB, TOMB8, and all MEMORIAL work for Cem etery uses In a prompt aad satisfactory man ner. cau ana see aeawna ana w capitalists that it is unsafe to invest money- in soathern; railroad enter prises because railroad commissions, which 'exist in several states, take away the management of the. roads from' those who own them! As; we have remarked, it was be lieved that such a resolution would settle the project of a railroad be tween the points 'we have named. Whether the W&W will be disap pointJed or not, remains to be seen. Again: the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley road which is being so rapid ly pushed to completion, promises to be a competitor of the W & W and W. U dCATXOaaav- 4 AJUB ruati vrui pernaps wisn iu unu&ai sumo ui vo bonds. I So the resolution will tend to depreciate their bonds also. - - - And the Albemarle and Raleigh road (completed and being now op erated from WflHamfikm to Tarboro) is a torn in the side of the W W. Btrenhous efforts have been made to extend this road to Raleigh. To do so, thpse bonds will have to be placed on th'a tNew-ToTk market f This resolution tells' Wall "Street not to touch! them as the people of the southern states deal after the man ner of a bighway" robber with money invested by northern people in their midst in raDroad enterprises 1 There is littleoubt that the cor porations in Georgia, South Carolina, and North CaroKba have determined to carry things with a high hand and ! There is danger ahead.'.. Tuero are indications that soon .fre are to be brought face to face with the great question . whether the -monopolifita shall govern ' North Carolina." -The ''Associated Railways of Virginia acd tbe Carolinas,'- have pooled their is sues and tbey are deteiminedto bull doze the legitjujturcs of Georgia and South Carolina .into abolishing their commissions and the Legislature of North XJarolina into putting an end to the "dangerous agitation of tbe question in tbis State," by legislatkn thai will for a long time - place tbe people beyond ithis much needed safe-guard. Tbet people' of .Wilson, Battleboro, Rocky Mount, Enfield, WhitakerB know what we mean when we say tbat a railroad commission is a much neoded safe-guard in North Carolina from experience with the W. & W. Railroad; ; Itwas cot long go when they, were compelled - to haul, on wagons, cotton twenty miles-over winter roads, tia reach a competing transportation line; and they would le doing to now but for tbe i "dangerous agitation of tbis question in Nor.h Carolina." , Feilow-citizene, your great son, Zfbulox B. Vahcb, sees this thing coming. He has the courage at the first ' approach f of danger to plant himself firmly on your side. Do you recollect his ; speech at the Rocky Mount Fair t He has ever since rail roads threatened good government in North Carolina,- been with ' you. The monopolists in and out of the State kto v this and they want his political head in a charger. ; - ' Shall tbey have it? j If not, keep railroad " agents and railroad attorneys at Lome not in the legiblatui-e I We have warned yon time and s gain; we shall continue to sound the alarm against the rule of monopolists ; be -wise, and preserve good govern- ment m .Kortn tjaroiina. ; Retumes from fifty-nine . counties in tbe State shows an increase in the valuation" 6f the property in . these countiea of $31,860,513 over the as sessment of 1882, an; , advance of cearly 33 J per cent. : A new kind of cotton resembling wool is reported at Tuskegee,. .la.. which" brings 30 cents a pound. It is said to be quite prolific. , i -s ; u Texas, now leads all the Southern States i The ' assessed valuation of her property is $ 520,000,000.' 1 , Let Congress fix an equitable ba sis of redemption for the trade' dol lar, making the discount correspond to the actual . deficiency : in intrinsic value of the coin,"and then let the nation be rid of the nuisance by the use of the melting pot ... ' s pies are discussed,' aff eting the in terest cf mankind for good or .evil, there may be a review;of the a;ticle, without any discourtesy whatever. If the attacx is entirely personal, thea it would be' the very bight of discourtesy for another to. enter the dispute; except "by your leave"4 . The Wahree Club disclaim a i er sonil : attack ; upon Sir. 5 Swindell. Why then do they manifest such spleen, because he fairs to notice them? -Are they after truth? What difference then does "it make who discusses the question? Ha Mr, Swindell made au attack upoiiHhe "Whareo Club"?" Has not tba sub ject of . dancing been jdisijussed by eminent ministers of .. every church? Whyf tuen ,is . thei epithtt of "cru sader against dancing," applied per' sonally to JlrSwindtril! . Where is the comUy to him, or, respect for his sacred cfiice, ehuwn by the-e danc ing championf:, these f high toned gentlemen? The attempt to involve Mr.' Swindell in a newspaper contro ve ay with ' them,8 is au attack ' upon the ,"puli.iit" Hliscouitesy and' disre spect in the, highest degree, Mr. Swindell has met the discourtesy to say. the least of it, .in the test and most, christian way -by dignified suenca. xiiej assume tnat v a Methodist come to the assistance of my Pastor. Be it so. I assume that the writers of these TWharee) are the - "Christian'' winar of f the and a right to make" tbis defence, of tie teachings of tbeir respective church es; which, they boldly avow, "allow this indulgence". The respectful and courteous way to have met Sir, Swindell would have been through tlien iTiest or Rectorj he would not have shrunk ' from a discussicn of this question with his peers. Aney ass wnat tne Uiole means by a "time to dance", i An opportu nity is here presented for me to strike a heay blow the temptation 13 great but folio ing the magna nimity of my opponents, I refrain Tbe whole book of Jacclesiastea is satire. upon the vanities and frivoli ties of life. -'As well blight he 'mur derer,1 .chained m. his "dungt on, ask, what the Bible me im by a time to k3i? ; Yet the one text is equally aa plain as the other, as much inspired and ' enjoyed. I thank the champi ons for; calling my attention to the omission: of the "music'', in speaking of the corruptions :of the dance- I have heard great commendation be stowed' upou the "Wahree Clubr, for the sweet and elegant music ihey have secured, .for the dancts Of the seamen. I have no doubt it - is as much a factor in the corruptiotL3 of the dance now as it was in the ol den time. ; . : I , - . I ' Their modesty is much shocked at my quotation 'froin an outrageous poem of Byrum". I think they are modest Over. much, j Is not "Byron" one of tbe; standard poetical works? Is it not found in the parlors and on the centre tables of the elite and po'ishcd? Is it not Open and accessi ble to tha 'Wives and daughters of our land? - Why then' should ;it be more indecent and outrageous in the columns of a respectable newspaper, than in the elegant bound voiumne, in the parlor jofa christian, gvntle man? :TT notice ho .v ever,, tbey do not ; question tne -trutu, oi tne ae acriptiqn If therefore re-pectf ully ask if d!ccrij)tibi4 o thel "Modern Dance. 'cFoLed itil vthe best ; words the English! language arford and the subject allows, by.aman of 'genius aud i culture, is so indelicate i ns to make even tBe ."ChamjNons . of the Dance", blush with ihame, what must be the actual performance itself in the publicT ball-room AY ill our fair young readers and hirj parents mako appoint heet T r '- c I recognize- ihe- abinty, erudition and ecclesiastical knowledge of my learned opponents. . They strike a heavy blow at what I thought . was my; strongest evidence. ' With; one stroke ,' of the pen, -as it were, , they strike out the testimony of my prin cipal witnesses, j- They accept my challenge aud ' name the ' churches which countenance" and' allow'- the dance "without protest and warning." Late of WarrentoiuN C w. K. CAKa. f.ate of Tarboro, N . PARKER S CARR, businegs.: Saddles f urther says, "that some Baptists may vdince, but they Oo it on the sly. . ; ; They cannot, therefore, claim either of these two churches as their allies or supporters. , . -.. V' - As for the Catholic and Episcopal churched I suppose they 1 epeUk ex eaihdiii. ' I thought, in my ignorance, that the eminent and holy men I quo ted - from in the Episcopal church would be taken as unquestioned au tbcrjty, I supposed that tbey were placed i in the h'gh positions which tney hela. on account of their piety, earning and peculiar fitness to ex pound the doctrines, polity and usages of the church. . But their testimony is Bft aside es irrelevant, l am con- fronied tiy the cLampions with tbe anaou i .cement that uih Church, which churns to be .the pillar and ground of tha truth, allows this indulgence " I ahiiOht felt indignation ugaiufit thebe fatjli CUurca dignitaj iep, whom I ba t quoted, for assuming fuch authority upon .this qaeuon. ihev went so iv sis to call the dance, rJasciVious, MiU pli 'b s eroncilable to ; lie gotpsl of Ctnt,r ..incongruous with ttnet CCristian tobrktyi and trinciples." B.si.op Coxe goes furUer aDd wjirns the e dancing Christians t 'presume not to coui'i to the ho-y table." I caunot see ho? these holy and godly iaeu could take 6uch a position, snd condemn m such unmistakable terms that which the Church "permits and allows." What right has a Cath olic bishop to prohibit tbat which the Pope has not : pronounced upoa "as wrong. ; ; Do these ; churches, each claiming such high and holy antece-1 dents "permit and allow' things that i are wroug? . t . . :. . J3y what procees of reasoning ia an actyiight at its commencement, wrong (sic) whta it reaches a certain -devel opment?" Cia wrong (mb), legiti mately come from right acta? I state the issue made m my former arueie: lhat tbe tendeufy of I the t-Mo3er Dance" ii to evil, therefore ?t is sin; aud that a profetsing chris tian cannot 'consistently dance. ; l h'i "euanipions .ay they make no laKue Simply answer Mr. owuid'iu s sermon. Well they have written. They make no issuer and meet none. They dodge the question, whether artfully or hot, I leave the reader to determine. They are deeply aggriev ed that the cocclusion of their artfcle should be cilled r religious kus'u. When Satan tempted Christ Le quo ted Scripture pertinent to his pur pose," for the accomplishment of bis object. In Satan's mouth . it was blasphfrny. So when a dancing club quotes the languages 1 of an eloquent divine, to impress the religion dance upon the world,, even though the language be as , "beautiful aa the pure light of Heaven,'"religion gush'' is a mild term to use. :: . . ( v Finally, the champions of tbe dance, the members of the: Wah Ree (dan cing) Club, assume to Le the expon ent, of the teachings of their, jfrepec tivo . cburcbes. ; They - bojdjy claim that theae churcbes "countehace and allow" that which - their holiest and best men prcnounced, - "revolting to every feeliug of delicacy," ."disgrace ful t the age," j "not consisteut with the covenant of j baptism, &c., &c" If what these eminent and holy m-n teach is true;", dancing is-a tin. It comes, however, in conflict with the teachings of the Vah-Ree Club. Which is the true exponent ,i the teachings ef these churches,' these eminent men, or the Club? ' Is dancing a holy or a sitiful amuse- mtnt? Ia it elevating or debasing in k tendencies ? In our own cotumu- mty, wnere the same excesses may nut.be commuted as elsewhere, I ask the thoughtful and reflecting peo ple whether it has tended to make tne young people better sons and daagbters better Christians? Is it among the things "lawful but not ex pedient, that a christum can do, who vows before trod, and men and angels to "renounce tbe devil and 'all his works, the vain pomp and glory of the world, with all covetous desires of the same, and the '.carnal desires of tbe flesh," so that they will not follow or i9 led. by them. ? Is tbe dancelef t out , To some extent, men and wo men are deeply interested in this con troversy those who iadulge in and Jove the dance,, whose consciences Late been, somewhat aroused, " are lookicg anxiously to their champions to put it ia Buch a light,"' that they can dance fl. , They Applaud and en courage tueiu. Tne Catholic and Episcopal eLurches are; claimed on their side. In tbis light' it becomes a profoundly grave and serious ques tiotR ! 'If it comes under the head of vmmmm mekciiaxts, Reoni 9, Cotton Exchange, . jNORFOEK, Va. Cotton, Country Produce generally,' Hides, Staves, &e.,' sld. Orders tor merchandise promptly attemlc- d to. Gnano a specialty. -- rapecial attention given to Edgecombe JanB 188Wy & Co., 2 COTTON FACTORS ! . NORFOLK,' VA. '. ., We make the sole of Cotton a specialty, and promise always' to obtain th Highest Marke Prices. ':f- Bagging and Ties at lowest marke rates, free, of jcomniUfiioa. j Very li'eral ad yanees made, on cotton to be held.' angll ly Capitai::Piizt50,000f 1 "We do' hereby certify that we tapervisa -.i,, the arraiigementa for all the Monthly and 8emi-' Annaal Drawings of The Louisiana 8tate LoU tery Company, and in person manage and con-. , trol the Brawlnga themselve, ,and, tka tba-il h same arexnducted with honesty, falrnsss, aad- in good faith towards parties, and we aa-f i i thoriae the Company to use this cerencate. . j ' wiui mc-simues oi oar signatures anacnea. ib - iu aucruJKUH)Diiu: ? ' - ( ' CBBBsiaatoBn. - ) " " Unprecedented Attraction 'a tTerMi&KsirMdl gxrQmf Sale of Lottery : Bv virtue of a Deed of Tmst, executed to us by VV 8. Battl on Friday the 16th day of No vember, 1833, ' at noon, "tfe shall offer to the highest bidder at the Hammond Hou e, near the Kocky Mount depot, if not disposed of at private sale, some of the finest lands in Edge combe county, conBtBtias of the well-known plantations, Springfield California and 8team Mill place, lvina: about 3 to 4 miles from Rocky ut, on Tar River, together with other l&fcds amounting to in all 3.300 acres. Tracts of various sizes to suit purchasers. Terms very lib, rsrt, aiado known ou day of sale. I . " Geo. Howard, I Oct 15 '83 5t R. H. Batti.k. ) Trustees., t i i t i i s nnnn I " MANUFACTURER OF Fine Hand Made H1003kANT.L' . 7 Incorporated In 1S6H tot 25 vears bv the . Legislature for Edaimtional and Charitable'.' xui . T. L - . . . A. AAA tSS . jjurpiwes wiui cupiuu oi fi,wu,u-ui ' which a reserve fund of over 550,000 has sinee beea added. ; , . . H.- , By an overwhelming popular Vote Its fraachise was made a part of the present State ConstU , . tntioa, adopted Deeember 2nd, A. D., 1879; ; ' IT 'KEVER SCALES OS ?08TP0XX3. 'Its Crnd Single Number Draw i - ings take plaet-Monthlr. j " Look at the following Distribution:' ' 1 62nd Grand: Monthly , and the Extraordlna- 1 ,v" t ry Semi-Anhual 1 $ v Drawing at 1 . NEW; ORLEATNS, . TUESDAY JECMBER18, 1883. ;-. Under the personal supervision of v o Gen. G. T. Beauregard, of Louisi- ana, and QetsJ Jubal A. Early, "of Virginia. ..x-- f rx UAffrirr Bridles, RoUs, Whips; i l Ii alters, Blanfcets &c. '- ?-OFFOM TE COtJKT-HOIJSE,, TARB0EO', ff. C; Having bought ourMr. VL, A. Sizer. the man ufacturing aud" reparing' Will be nader his charge. Any one wantingj a fine hand-made harness will do well to give me a call. SINGLE HARNESS.. ..... I . .. 15 and up. DOUBLE HARNESS, I 25 and up. ... Machine Harness at all prices. Janl7y Geo. Howard Prest, Wa. H, Pippo, Vies Pw v- iv : -t JI, eddaih CaaMer, v ... ; h PaMos fcimaaci & laLnkinj Co. , : (BASKINU DKPARTMENT.) Bakx open from ..... .0 A. M. to 3 P. M, , "Discount Day, TirtTBeD at. - Capital Prize, $150,000 .. s-Notfce; TICKETS 'IRE - ONLY ' TEN . , DOLLARS. HALVES! 5. " FXTTIIS, )3 and TENTHS, tl. . v v .t '-' 1 , ' list of ruizaa. . 1 CAPITAL PRIZE of 150,000..... tlM.OOO 1 do - do i of 50,000.... 150,000 I do - oo -of 80,000,;.,: 2 LARGE FRIZES of 10,000 1 4 do do : 20 PRIZES OF - 50 dO . . : , ,100 do ' . 200, do 000 do 1000 do , arpaoxiif axiom pbizis. 100 Approximate Prizes of $900 100 j do do 100 ! do do 5,000.... 1.000.... 600.... 800..,. 200.:;. 100.... 60.... 20,000 20,000 20,000 90,000 25,000 80,000 40,000 00,000 eo.ooo 20.000 IOO...L10.000 75. .J. 7,500 V ; " j Dibectokb : ur. o. xl. uaner, H. L. Staton, Jr., IT. Morris, Dec. 18-lyJ Geo. Howard, W. M. Pippen, JT. I. SAVAGE, . T1 B I.EH, , ' CorUeb GaA.irvrLLK & Sr! Ajtdkbw Streets, tsbo bovn; v. " - These Stables are the lartrest in the State, and have a capacity of holding ten car-loads ef stock. Give him a call. - ' f i- 1 M 1anl8y 2279 Prizes, amounting to. ... 1 523. 500 ADDHcatlon for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company, m New Orleans. . ... " H r . Fof further information write clearly, eiving full address. Make P. O. Money Orders pay able and address Registered Letters to hew oul,i:a:v jiationai. bank, POSTAL NOTES and ordinary letters by . mail or express (alt sums 15 aud upwards by Express at our expense) to ; , u 1 M. A. DACPHISf, . . . - .' v New Orleans, Lau r )rt. A. DlVrUlK,.' ' - .-!'( . COT RerenihSt 1VaUtnffto$ D. C mm saile i Carriages, I I now offer to the citizens? of Tarboro and surrounding counties thej largest stock of BUGGIES,' PELETONS, pOUBLE SINGLE SPRINtt WAGONS, CARRIAGES, &C. . which are manufactarcd in Xexingtoa. Ky.t and will be sold at the lowest poseihle rates for the next ten days to close out. Call early and pecure a bargain. 3: a. BUK1KT I , Salesman for J."1. Dennis & Co. i : s. . uov 8 tf , Headquarters at "Spier's Furpiture Store. TOE YEKT BEST OF FEEPS FOB -4- VINES AND WINES 1 Mifih GTape Vines, and Swyct and Dry Scup ernong Wines for sale by i . nov 8 3m i i . P. RIVES & CO., stof'at THE mm HOUSE, Tarboro, IS". C. r?"SAMPLE ROOMS for Drammers, and HOME COMFORTS in every particular. April 12 18S31v '". , I , c . ' ' Horses,' Cows aT $20,00 PERTOH. Corn,; Meal, Hay, pats AT VERY LOW PRICES;. BY - . - J. I& R. B. .HflVEflS,; . Washington, 5 MT. C. '. or22 2m , - , 1 fl t t 1 the expression, "and such like" wbicn the best au thorities agree, includes dancing, tben, dancing must be a sin. How temple and awful does the lan guage of St. Paul become, when he goes on to say, "of which I tell you before as I have told you in time past that they who do such things shal not inherit the kingdom - f God.'' Galatians chap v. v, xix. xx. xxi. ' . - Therefor the young christian' wo- They define my quotation from the J mau -svho takes the hand of a sinful rfisbvterian church as sllowin? the ' t " ' i man w reveirv, . compromises ner christians profession, and only lends her attractions to lead hiui to eternal Presbvterian church as allowing : the dance, but particular as with whom their members dance. ' While 1 his definition may be admissible, it is net correct, as me urenerui Absemoiy nas rm pronouncea against id in ine clearest ! .j aga;n thani the ed:tor fcr th9 n, f .nr nf it "Lranafi thev have nevf r ePa2e earned anj couriers extend pronounced upou the question in gen- leu -x-hwb ray leave.. , , : , eral convention..; The failure of the!"' ' : SrrLnx b- --5 -e,&T fi i fi ' ; 1 A .-a k vJHi i S-'S ''" ' ' ' . . ' , j ROANOKE Norfolk & Baliimbre: STEAMBOAT CO; - Nri'tr- Are niakhi? REGULAR TRIPS from No. iV .VdONNELL'B WHARF; Baltimore.' M& to the ROANOKE.. SUVKR, "cohnecuaif 3 as .VVilUametoa, S. C, with Alemarle& Raleitt Ualiroia for EYERETTS, ROBERSON 7ILI X 2".-UEL and TABBORO N. C. I m Company: also run a Steamer DAILY xfwiu EDENTON and WlXLUMSTO K.ri CV yTO INJURE THROUGH RATES and f:i:?A'rCH, slup all freht from Baltimore, from 15 O'DouneU's Wharf. Jin ''?V. ROBT. TY80N, Ageut, v . ; . -W.IL CARSTARPHEN, Agt, March23lT. - ' . -v: Wllliamstop, N. C. SALE. 0 F IT 0 Vi H LOT. rw. r5. Tnmhr 2nd. Mt llro cioca. i will sell at public auction, at the Court House door ia Tarboro, the town lot known as ( THE LEWIS LOT,-- .v '1 nnnmM hv T.'P. Whitnev.' now by Dr t v Parr . it ik nitnated next to Mr. Wed- dell's lot, aud contains a neat residence, sta bles, outhouses. Ac. j being a fall town io. nov 8. ids - TH08. H. BATTLE. : Light Pants Cleaned! and ' " TlT.TTlVrRTffTTTAT. kr. TtTiflTTTWI? " tk a.s rr.u.. t n' .'-. n4ia it Next door to "Whitlock.