BE STJB.E YOU AEE BIGHT ; THEN" G-O AHEAD.-D Crockett. TARBOROY N; C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6,. 1883. . PostkOScV NatiCBr. J MAH. CLOSES.; : For Nprth, South and. "West via W. & Railroad at 9:30uL M. ; f. For Greenville-Washington and Hyde countyjit 8:00. P. M. .-" For Williams ton and points on A. & K. Railroad, at Jli30 Pj3L,, , MAIL AKBIVES.' " Prom North, South and "West via W. & Wo Railroad at 6:30 P. M. fj ' Froaa, Greenville, Washington and Kyde county, 7-00 P.- M.' ' la Money Order'tcwl? Registered Laker Department from 8:W&? M. 31 A. A i - to iP . ' la Majiin Densjxtment' frora 7:30 VM. to 8:0, O5oe open" cortstanflbejtween these hours" eceptwhen niaiis are - biiiig dLsLributed Wsent. Jjsj ' Open on Sunday from 8:3' to 9:30 L 31. aril from; 6.30 'ioJ-M.T. M.t oAniuii nmmi) Vfiirri wter Uii0ftCM limine wtu rt n Vth . (io ta oy the ;Oiowii:g chedute: . rvEsiw.jl- y W0BSIX3 a i arlio o, leav-M 6 00-. : Tarf-or!; urr-re y.OJ" .i&rrel 8 . -iH ff Ifi , ! H rrcIIV V ''a -en's, I C -'S War.n'o, - -v ;. t.Ja "Creek, C 3 V U Iittle Credk. ; '-t el. ' G '0 1. He hel. . U: llo?f r-onville, 1 7 15 ' j; RobersonyJIe f I i;v'wu's, j 7 3 Ket. ttVt - 7 30 v -l ininstn rr 8 05 ! OlFtnBt'a l"v . ; f-'.ag Stat ons. Sfop'oa Mnal ouly The 7 00 m, tra n torn Wnramst -wiH : TT"ve in Tarboro' a 9 05 a tS tdlQvrir-? "t a-u-na-ers i conatct wrh fb- 10 m '!i on the VV. A iv. i R Jr d t tt-y t . ' ho 6 p ; ny tmi!r':fir.iB"Tarbor' co-neiti w-fc-the bottt-nMV WaHto('t--' Nor- Ik. i - Norfolk SwKlwsrs-f aiLoa-1 and imer ni!ite voii also avJ.fucJD with t jauieKY-lla & i Jjiagon Railroad fr . ; 11 fr !eliv: This taWa loayTbercha: fcd t a y timefas wosity t iwnn$ tie iuej r quie, , H J. H PKTTY, Uen S! DR'WrDrPENDER, . : OrFICB :: . St. JaMKS STEEETj ' - ' Sc-?id dasir frCrm if east.- HKw & Son: ' noy 8 1883 Special attention paid to diseases of the eye and ear... Jas. ; Norfleet, Attorney-at Xaaw Tartooro,'N, O-T" " Office for the present, in office of Thos. II Battlc Will practice in &H.Cwul6,"&tte and D IS. II. T. BASS O lora his.profesi6aar gcrtlcCS 1 tC" thtrntt ej ns of Tarijoro and vicinity. . 0:!iHa K A. JlcNair'g drug tirc on Main dtriit. - fv-iwgr.i, vyawn. "' pOANK NASH, j : ATTORNET-Al-LAW, . TARBORO, f. Cj Practices in all the Courts. State and Fed eral. 8f83 II. A. Gilliam. '. . Doksbu. Uxlxiam Attornoya-at-Xjaw, TAKflOKO; CL- -I.-t- : Will practice in Ut&X!nmtW Edgecombe, Halifax a;id 1'itt, and In oart-i -the First Jadicial District, and na tt Ucunit aud upreme Courts ai JaolS-ty., f ! .ttorncy at Law i PractiB'in t-'ie. Courts a-Ii, Edge combe ttiK' n in.1 Half is, c tuit ef. Also in the Kiral a d "U( renio onriit. , I CO-.I--I tunii a s. fccia.'ty i lie will eep a . ulHo n 'i'rboro Ueo. 15, 1881. r -.r-J:,' YrALTEtt P. WIIiLTjUTSON Office in Post OfficffBundTi'ig.) ; Sr Practices la State "anf tJwrtfc s Attorney ani C6unselor"at"Lawr' TAKB0RC -N. JC ryPrac.ics in alttiie CaaVtarSUO aiul yednral. ; y : . -.. DQT.6-ly. . JS3,LBRDGERS&S05 - : Attorn eys-at-Law, ;. , TARBOROr." It V."" "T ce in all Qonrts. . Prompt attention to Lather Sheldon, i DEALPX IN iarbaro' Barxihttntx. iv )l uuuuui UU1U T , ; BUILDKR' ?iardware; ' PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, And Buildine Materi il ottrwy description VOa. 16 W. SIDE MARKET BQD ARE A t Li I ROANOiK AVE . PracQce R.I,N D Surgeon OAK Dontist, r TAii l&Oi N. C. Office t.iie, )rjflraT!Su?ltrlp7jSMd rooi"3 to 6 p. i ' : ! i' BTl-NexL doo twTa'DorpJ-ewe,-Ter. inlcf Koyster's: -? . --- La,i ; J ' " ' nl r THOSaCBATTCE, TA'RE0'5n Office aeit to Pbtiqw 0tetv'Jwefflee. Will practice lu v - -ral and State Courts. Refers hy ex)ioverBUS8ia toudga Rof fln, tf tWs Supreme Court; -Citiaens National' Bant of Raleigh Battle, Bunn & Co., Nor folk; Jno. Arrington 4 Bons, Petersburg. d21m ' 5 MAIITIN. i , B. G. SHiKPE Wartirir& Sharped Attornoy;at .Xa-w,' . TAUUOltb, If.U. ' " - f r icdce ia the Court. State at,d & i lit eo-i-82 ly t MONEY TO LOfiNT Persona desiring to borrow money can be accomodated by applying to me, aud giving the required security I wijl also bay Bonds atocks, Notes, &c IX. 6TATON, R; ..' - t - - - " - i 'v - J . - xB. C. Cariile, tUH! - ' ": ' ' Main St., just ab6ye rPamlico Backing Co. , j.J-i. i s 5.,.:;;: . i. ! i r-. . -1 ; has on hand new, fresh stock of :,n. roiiure Bought for Cash, Which- bf fftrt at uiotlerat- price. COFFUS. CASKETS AS!) UX J DE8IARISG ESALLY. Patronage 'solicited. TarboroFb. 26, 1882: . . ; :- Ana T. H? Gallin's. Nan's" Veiling and Bantings in all s, Latest in Figured Lawris, Whie Goods; Hosiery,' Ia ces, Embroideries Corse s, Dress B u -' tons, and Trim ming Sa ns. . A NICE LIME OF ZEIGLER'S GLCWEsSlliM)!1 SHOES, MIRTS;V AX0 STAPLE DHY, GOOffS. 6Sa5All Ixwaht this Spring abd ill Ie sol i veiy low. Tarboro, Jan. 13-ly. (iatlin. Sellicfr Liquors may i be wronff, but if you will drink, qiiaffj the bt-st. It goe3 without gainsaying that 1 have the best: THrjasDAy,..,v.:DacEaiBEB .6, IS83. 1 Whiskies, . 1 Brandies. Wines, &c, in town. My stock of Confectioneries, will be found equally good. ) rt- " v. , . !. - - ., . r A CALL WILL PROVE IT. J,;C. ALLEF. Sfij. tfpFW I Divorces. r Apropos of society, the curious statement is made, that some of the ornamental members have decided to prolong their stay at Newport in or dtr to avail, themselves of Rnode Is lands easy divorce laws. Names are even given of two or three well known iadt-s who intend to seek release by aitTottbe Rnvde 1' Island taws from ancbmfortabld matrimonial yokes. One is the daughter in law of a ttiil lionaire, whose name ia familiar in all part's of the counlryl Thtreis no doubt that the rnaiiimooiftl ; yoke is ofttn as irkeoaie in the uppr circ'eB as in ihe lowr bne, tbongb release frotniit by divorce, ia hot so often re sorted lo. The only i rtasoi of this w tbat the goesip altecdiag a divorce sui. may work injury in a social way, especially to the wcoian. As a rale, the man does not suffer bo much by ir, but the woman even if entirely in -noceuJ, is sure to bo smirched to some tatt-st in her social c : :cl'. co'tiWvier it safe to fay, that if every society woman who Las retoa to ap ply for divorce, on the singlegrcurd allowed by th? law of Nw Ycrk, did su 4plj," thVi co'.uts wou'd . be fiiirlj cl g't-d with fal'i-ta1l- divorce ca ss. The etatf ment. bs ben mru m-.-re than 'nco: that aometuiufr cear ly akin to MormoniHm is as jtrr-ai a moral New. York as rekl Mur monism is in .TJtah, and it is perfectly true. Of jourao it will not do to speak too loudly of such things, but the amouLt of whisperhig tthat is done is enormous. A rich man wih only one wife is almost an exception. Probably cone have more than two tt a time, but the second may b so often changed that the represents three or four. Iu scores of instan ces the lawful wife knowj how foully she is managed, but for the Hake at her chi'dicu or her relatives ebe en- -LdureH ar-d is eilnt. knowinjr tbat arty attempt 10 rigDi nerseti wooia oribg scandal This is one of the evils which preachers do cot like to touch, but it is a very serious one in New York, and it , grows more serious every year. Hartford Times, j Kcsey Ai an Element in Love. How is a young and handsome heiress to find put whether a wooer's love is for her money or herself ? A, daughter of one of our wealthiest families i a maid of foty, on ac count of this uncertainty -in all of the courtship through which she has passed. She has had a great "deal of sentimental opportunity, too. and is still good looking enough to show tht at twenty 6he mist have been highly attractive, aside of her money. She has numerous offers of marriage, and she say that undoubtedly she would long ago have become a more or less happy wife, but for a fortune. But when a very rich won; an gets p ist her sixtieth year, and a penni less young fellow wislies to marry; her, she has no reason to hesitate in ascribing to him a mercenary mo tive. Tite widow of the late Hubert L Stuart, has millions of dollars and is a lady f refinement and benevo lence. She contributes liberally to charitable a"d religious enterprises, and among these is a seminary for the education of clergymen.' One of ihe young divinity students saw her in the course of her benefactions, and f his soleoin assertion is that be loves her. This stat'.-me it of his condi tion of heart is set foith, with ardor and elaboration, in a - letter which she has received from, him, aod in which he proposes marriage. But his argument does not convince Mrs. Stuart that her money has no jart in his calculation, ' and he is there fore a rejected suitor. Albany N. Y. Journal. What So the-Old. Scliiare Say f The Confederate soldiers of many States and counties have formed and are forming themselves into orsrani zations similar to those of toe Grand Army of the Republic 'poet Why cannot Edgecombe'B veterans do like wise Of i those - who championed the Lost Cause none were truer than these, and no county furnished alar; ger quota than this, i Shall old ac quaintance . be forgot, or mu stfc the deeds of oar heroes of the living and dead be unsung . We hope not. We have 3Msnrares frora maay tLnl tipiy are ready and willing and ai xious to have ' such an organization. - We suggest that Gen. W. G. Lewis, as rankiDg officer, call a meeting of the vetcrau3"sonia time in January. We are snre that there viU be a hearty response' ' rrom all side?.' ' All ftho sire willing to furm an ex- Confederate Post can send their J Dsines to us and if they are not pre sent at the time of organization, we will have their names entered on the roll of memtwrs. : , " Soldiers, your causa was lost, "but by no fault of your own. - Can you not'Bbow' the woild that you are not ashamed 'of tie part yua . took in thee yftirs of stiife? - ' Too Sack Land. . One of 'h.ziiot coinuion mi-taiieti :n faxm ng is the attempt to caiti v.tio too maoU land. To? muca is m 6iu and tot- little' dore. One umn aud oae asitttunt for three oi f3ur months; of the year will. under iake to crop eighty acres. TLe laud is imperfdcily prepared and puoily 6aeded. The whole work is rnrbed and taunh the laior is performed iate and j early, the work is nevt r ovVrlaken. There is always more to do than 'can be done with so few haqda.' The- result is a year's Wurk witu no profit, with somtimes the ;oaclusion that, 'furmiug does not pay.'!:-: :-: f mM " - ;' K- A TZ2KXSLS SAXTLX. . - : TEE TTOHAHf HT BTJ3JHES3.-' :- i)r. ' Hammond's 'estimate of. the moraL perception v and moral cour age of woman fin?3 a striking contra diction in the caseof the wife of the bookkeeper ' of - the Northwastt rn Nt'ional Bank, who wont to the President and confe?sed her. hus bands'. Crime as & on as she discov ered it. Although hundreds of wo men held positions of financial trust in Chicago and elsewhere, we have yet to hear of one of them bi-ing pvi'Htii of embezz'emeixt or , defalca tion Perhaps it is that the do not have the temptations to which men in similar positions are exposed The gambling houses and saloons cf the city are vclosi d to '.hem, and' their self respet protects them, from the vices to wh'ch men are ; addicted. General Spinner, who firt " intro duced ladies into tie United States Treasury as clerks and accountants, left cmi record a striking "testimonial to the efficiency and itgrity of the sex. He :. testified 'that th'y- count more acoui ately and rapidly ihu men, and that they were without ex ception honest. -Although th-re are sev?ral thous md women employ, d by the Government as ciks, ac countants, postnii- tresSiS and in other capacities, net one ha3 ever pf'ovlid uafaittfu' to. her tr.;st. Many have been d-scharg d f r in-conpettnt-y - a d for Various o her reasons, but t ever one for d sho;-es-ty. I kes points ar worth the co ; sid' ration of merchmts and bankers, particularly now, when there saeras. to be au ei)idemic of embezzlement. . Baranai'e Cariealtlii "xut Locse.' A car which was f Jixl with aoi mdls bt-looging to Barcim's Circtm. was overturned at Bndgpporf, Ct , ytsterday, ami its inmates, including a panther, embraced the opijoriumty to explore the country. The ' pan tber waa hunttd by bfn and blood hounds ; it was found at "Holland Heights lastened upou the neck of a horse which the infuriated beast bad !C A dispaJtcIitOiexrV; ele-tj0t killed. - The UoaJn sp'ra&R uo aph Compahy, d. tedlM.5o; ' ihe pTnther. Although - much powdet SQd ahcu; was usd, the pan ther Lad killed -fijpr of the honndj b'for he was liKel Tarboro July 19, 1883.-ily HOfiORiJihE DEAD ! REPRESENTINO A VERT RELIABLE and Extensive Marble and Granite Works the andersigned la prepared: to fill orders tor Moniynerils; Headstones TOMBS, ana all MEMORIAL Work for Cem etery nses io a prompt and eatlgfactory man ner. . cauaaaseeaetiffns ana prices. , , f. 14, JUUW IBI, '. Eidiculous Blae Laws. Here are some of the" restrictions formerly "placed upou the inhabitants of the dominion of New Haven on the Sabbath day : i ' 1. No one shall cross, a river on a Sabbath ' day but an authorized clergyman. ; - ;--, II No one shall run on the Sab bath day, or walk in his ga den or elsewhere, except to and from meet ing reverently. IH. No one shall travel, cook ; vie tuals, make beds, sweep house, cut hair or shave, on, the Sabbath day. : TV. No woman shall kiss her chiL dren on Sabbath or fasting days. V. The Sabbath shall begin at sun set on Saturday. - i . " v " The former penalty for hunting on the lands of another after adver tisement forbidding it was a $10 fine. Now the words are- added :": (?r ! im- prisoned Hot exceeding "ten dayt. See New Code. ' - Says a Lon Ion dispatch, of Nov. 22; grap this morning, says, the army of Ere It Pasha, has been destroyed by ihe forces of El klehdi, the false proph et. Intelligence of th disaster was brought, to Khartoum by a Co tic official. The: fighting is sail to have continued frcm the 3d to the" 5t i':t, and to have result-d in the complete annihilation of the Egyptian troops. . It is stated that a European artist was the only person who es-c-.ped.r The forces of El Mehdi com prised, it "if estimated, 30,000 men, and included dervishes, bedouins, mulattoes and regulars. The battle was fought near El Obeli. El Meh di first sent forward the dervishes, dc'-aring th'-y would vanquish the enemy by divine aid- Subsequei-tly the regulars: joined in the attack and the engagement becam general The army of Hicks PasLa, which early in the battle was divided into two bodies, iwt subsequently r.-u ni'd and formed into a square, hich the forces of the false proph et bro'fce after three day's ds(erate fighting.; A council of the ministers has ?eeu held and it has been decid ed to concentrate at Khartoum the Egyptian troops . that remain at Duem, Goba, juid other places in 3 uuau. " Ihe force under Hicks Pasha comprised 25:000 men. He had with him tea British VSctrs; Mi O'Docovan, of th;? London "Dai-' ly News", and an artist connweted with a Geruian illustrated paper, also accompanied his r.rmy. It U under stood that" Sir Eselyu Baring has advised the Egyptian government to abandon Soudan and establish a strong frontier line from Khartoum in the North Sennaar proviuce, to Suakin on the Red Sea. It is re ported that the recent orders for the evacuation of Egypt by the British troops have been countermanded. ; - A Successful Toreigner. ' 5 One of the most successful bust ness men of Braver, our lively little neighbor down on the) Carolina Central "Road, is an Italian named R. Pony, who came to this State a -few years ago without a cent, but who is n w the owner of a residence, store, steam saw-milk grist-mill and cotton gin in the ' town of '- Beaver Dam When he first came to North Carolina he worked as an ordinary day laborer on a gravel train, but by shrewd ness, economy and energy has work hid way to wealth and high social standing in the community. He is what ia called a .self-made inar, Peony's rise has certainly been- rapid and remarkable. Charlotte Obterver. TEX LES TAEILT. JA tjb'ative of General Lee writes to the Philade'pbia Times: "In your issue of a recent date is the follow ing article, copied from the Kansas City ,TW : "In the first murder case ever-tried in Clark County a brother of the great General Robert EV L'6 was the defeudant. , He was tried fur t!ie murder of a man named jrd, who was the grandfather of tSe notorious Ford boys, who killed Jessie James. .Lee was acquitted a ad was himself killed in a fight in ; Lynchburg, Va. The killing of Ford by Lee took place on the Lee tract of land, north of Luray." In refuta tion of this I would -simply state that General Harry. Lee of the Revo lution, "Light-Horse Harry," bad blit four sons Harry Lee, who died many years .ago in France, and who wnk the author of the "Life of Napo leou" and 'liee's Re uarkd on Jeffer son;" Carter Le;, wao died shortly after th war at his h me in' Powha tan County, Va.; Captain S- S. Lee (the father of Generi iitz Lee), sihoj a- ac officer in the United States Navy rendere distinguished services' in the M exican war, a d Geuerai R. E. Lee. I pimot Lea ia' almost as atennon m-VIrgina as io.4me partis' of the .NcSry nianyt 5 thif name are but distanly related , to the great Confederate General and others not at all. - ; Pair Kyrtle'i Sweetheart. 7 'lilyrtleP-- "Reginald!" . ;The gir!, a tall, stately beauty with a lissome form and a glorious coronal of ha;r that fell in a golden shower over her Grecian, neck, threw herself passionately into his arms; : ' yiV.,r . "Y b, my precious one,? said Ragi nalj stooping to kns the-' ruby-red I lips that , were; uplifted to his . and pressing her still more closely to his starboard ribs, "we shall . both be very happy in the future very,' very happy" , . v , '"Are you sure of tais,' sue" asks, "perfectly sure?" "So sure,'' be answer her, "that I would stake hiy whole existence on what I fcave told you," , ' Iu the gathering shadows shiooks up into hi3 iace, and the yearning eloquence of his eyes 6 lira her heart with a', strange- tenderness t It was not such ' lave as - she felt for her father ; it was no feeliii tha. bad ever touched her iieart before. When soe stood before him there wai' a someih n;T of awe that held her Silent, a eoavicswa that this ni-ui was of a sublimtr, grander mold than uny who had evai' crossed hfr path." "And why aiiall we uever kuow sor row or pain ?" -'he aikd, j er pure youug fa,sa lighted up - -ith a s-vt-et, t.ustttd smih'. . ,. , .. , . . - . '. , -15-e s-v" h ' fi.tys i om. m .'Io v tones, "ili-Tv n-id-nl toi. tO -'-t tii r. d " C--'i;;.go Tihunr 'J : Oas Woaafl' .-parries Aactier ' VVauputu, Wis-usiiJjhaHi a ss-usation. One woman' his man iod a :.n! her. Here ih the s'ory aa tI-gs apbed to th- w York T. - -! f - "Lat spriag a young woman' nam i G rtrude Fuller became the brile of -"a youag toan dr ja. "person sup pAsed to be a youugj man culling himself Fraak Dubois, and to - ah outward app ranoed they havo eiuee lived happily together. They have gained a livelihood by painting an J 1 ottier odd bits of wrkj and not even thtir most iatimate friends have tver thought of thetn except as paaainga I 4moi, nappy: uoneymnoa at tueir modest little home. List night S. J. Hudson, of Belvidere. Iil., a tJc iaet resident of Fond du Lie, Wis.. presented, hiojseli at the door and claimed Gertrude Dubois's whiiom huohin J hi his wife, wiio had desert ed him aud his children.: The gos sips are greatly exercised over the tcatter." - W. C. T. PARKER, No. ta-Z f., i LateofW arre'iton.NC lAte of Tarboro rAHfttn & CflRR, Factors,, ana iiral i coflaissios SEBlnim Room 9, Cotton Exchange, NORFOLK, Va. Cotton, Country Produce generally. HidesT Btaves, &ol, -Id. Orders for merchandise promptly attensiidtoj Gaano aspecialty. "Special attention- giTen to Edeeeombe bnsinees. ' "'r' .-" Japg t881,4y Battle, JBuhn;;& Co., COTTOfJ FAbTORS NORFOLK, V A. - I- ; - - ; ; - - i '- We make the sale Gl Cotton a specialty, and promise always to obtain the highest Marke Prices. Bagging aqd Ties at lowest marke raes. free of commission. Very liberal ed v&dccs made on cotton to be held. uugli ly Sale cf TADT17 T AM! UAUWi Mil Karrled at Itidnight ! There was t-a Bomwhat romantic marriage at the Depot last Thursday night, laud it was no hair pin . affair either. Waiesboro Tie. J 1 The gentleman; ilr. Robert Doug lass, one of . the most substantial businea3 men of Marlboro county, f. C.j caaie up from Cheraw on tfi is o'clock train. At 1 1:43 o'clock. Misa Lizzie Geogheigan, of Ky , came from Charlotte, to meet air. Doug lass. A messenger was at dis patched for Rev. H. W. Battle, who was aroused from balmy slumber, aod requested to, hasten with ah speed to the depotj where bis fnead, and a member of his former church in Bennetts ville, anxiously awahed his c uing, to peiform the ceremony. Mr. Battle went of course, aud ma la the impaieut coupl man and wire." S )uie tiaie the yvdglaij w.s e iga;J by Ms. D. tglnas a a gOr erae af o-vl;hi rea he . nun,i a wi wvrtnU f jrlorn aaVorrowiagr S 3e jstort4 so : hig&lr accbm pste- Mr. Irving's receipts in New York were as follows : First week, $15,772; second week, $18,714 ? third week, $18,880- fourth 'week." $22,321.50 ; total $75,687.50. 1 -.,7 - i'V " After Eleven Years. :Lt ' Some sixty years si ncv a " Bauk of England 5 note was paid in to . a Liverpool tnerchaat'a ofilce :. in the ordinary course of basin oss, On holding it Vip ttf tlightf to tesi - its geuuiajfiscss, the 7 cashier tnw aom. famtjrVarks uptflt. Exaaiiuiog them chiSfily, iie traced eoujelia!f effachedOTdsbetween xthe printed lmes andupon the margin of the nbtvCfrrittenJ apparently ia - blood After along and minute scrutiny, he made jut the ijrerda : "If this- ote abould fall intp? theaSieS of John Dean,' of Lohgh'id, rfcar Crlialef he will leru hereby thaVhis brOtLer ia languishing prijier in Algiers. ' The natrt immediately comrnoni caUdwwi Mr. Dean, and he lout o time in bringing the matter to jthe attention Of the Government. - -Iitqairies wure set on foot and the unfortunate manwas discovered and ransoied.He had been a- slave to the D&y ofAlgiersior eleven years, when . the message: he :ha 1 traced with a spauter of-.wood dipped in bis own blood Treacu9d 'the Liverpool counting house.Panama'' fftstiild. ' " mgr.ihs 'orMirt'5luTuei;her-Ken..!- tuokyhomp, where she ia Highly con nected, b"uttlt"wjk j returned, ail alon.s to this placfi lor the purpose of making Mr. Dlajjass happy. Sh was a brave girl indeed to travel so far, alone, on such a mission, and if th gallant Carolinian is not now happy completely .happy then be ought to be. ) ' . - ' T Talk about iuiimidation, the i-e groes have gotten it down to a fite noiut. - At a church meeting in Ply mouth on Sunday before the election ceitaiu members denounced several negroes who intended voting for Skinner. The; advised the negroes to desert them and not. associate with ' them The women abused them and declared they would ' have nothing to do with auy Democratic liler. -Washington Qcaette. . Eninence seems to be well paid in Njbw York both in journalism aud on the stage. It js.' only four years ago . that Chester ir. Lord was a reporter on the New York Sun. 'Then he ' was made night editor,' getting a salary of $10 a week. About : six months afterward he was given $10J a week. Now he is editorial manager cf tb6 paper at $10,000 a year.- When Mr. Dana retires, which must ba soon, 1 he wiU succeed to $15,000 a year. . By virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed to as by W" 8. Battt.-, on Friday the 16th day of No vein ber, 1883. at noon, we thall offer to the highest hldder attb Hammond Houe, near the Rocky Mount depot,-if not disposed of at private sale, some of the finest lauds in Edge combe county, cooKirtins- of the well-known plantations. Springfield California and Steam Mill place, lying about 3 to 4 miles from ttocfcy Monnt. oa Tar River. - toerether with othr lauds amounting to fn all 3.&X) aores. Tracts of vario-5$ i-izes to suit purchasers. Terms verv it.. ..i .i . i i . . - in i at, Hittuc kuu n on uay oi faie. ' G so. Howard. 1 -Oct 15 'is3 5t , Rj IL Battlk. Trustees. T A WiiLiaiwSog, : -MAXUvicTUEER OF - . Fine Hand Made it m mm . :ani pralkj:. ins . . Saddles, Bridles, Robes, Whips, , .tiaiicrs, JSiankas, sc. TARBaO', K, Q. " . , ' i " ' 1 '. '. ; ' " ' Ilavin? bomrht out Mr. R. A. Sizeii the man ufacturing and reparing will ba under biB charge. Any one wanting a fine hand-made harness will do well io give me a call. ' ' SINGLE HARNESS..-....; ..$15 and up. DOUBLE HARNkV,. ...,...$25 and up. Jiactune iiarueas at all prices. Januy Jo. Howard fia. i Win. M. iPpn, Vies fr-s '-'4 Ji, WeffJoll. 0sl!ier. - ! (BACiaiiMljj lvl aKTJa tdS I .) .: j 3ajik open from . i . . . .9 A. M. tc 3 P. 31. Iiscouat Day, Thubsdat. ;: : v, . - DlBECTOP.8 : "fKr)J"U Capital Trizer$150,000 "We no hereby' certify thai wa saperrlse the arran-rwnenUi for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of Tbe Louisiana 8ute Lot tery Company, and In person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we au thorize the Company to uoe this cert it cat witn rae-aimues of our signatures attached. us luwrummiin. ' ;''cmaaiaiMN. Unprecedented Attraction Louisiana State Lottery ? Incorporated In 186S' tor '2ii rears hr the Legislature frr Educational and Charitatle purposes with which a reserve buen added. - caDttali of S1.000.00Oto which a reserve fund of over 1 550.000 has ilnce By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise . was made a part of the present State Consti tution adopted December Slid, A. D., 1879. IF XKVBB SCAZSS OR J-OSTPOyMS. , lt Crnd Btngla Number Draw ings tk0 plaov Monthly. Look at the following Distribution: 1 62nd Grand Monthly end the Extraordina ry 3 em I-Annua! Drawing at : TOESBAY DECEMBER 18,1383. .. - TJnd -r the rrRonaI supervision of Gen. G. -T. Beauregard, of LJuii ana, and Geni Jubal A. Early, of Virginia. j'1- '"v"'?- -" Capital Prize; $150,000 tsy N oticc. TIC KETS ARE ONLY TEN DOLLARS, HALVES, $5. FIFTHS, tmnd TENTHS, ena - , jilST OV PRtZBS. 1 CAPITAL RIZEof 150,000. . .'. tlSO.OOO J 1 do do of 50,000.... 50,000 1 do . do of 80,000.... 90,000 ' 3 LAROE PRIZES 10,000.... 80,000 T4 -do -do 5,000.... 30,000 20 PRIZES OF;. - - 1.000.... 20.000 50 do 500.... 25.000 100 do' I .300.... 80.000. 500 do . : '300.... 40.000 TOO ' do " ! i ' "; ' 100, . . . (50.000 1000 . do . . 50.... f0.000 ..20,000 ..10,000 ,..7,500 .9533,500 Dr J. H. BakerJ Oeo. Howard. EL L. Staton, Jr , Y. M. PippPr H. Morris. . Deo. 18-ly. j , . ' ' '-'jr. li'sAvAQE;;'' ; ; JS T A. B , . ' Cokxbb GRANvrxLt A St. Akdhew Streets, T88) IlO Sf. C. : ,'y These Stables ar the larsreet in the State, and hare a Capacity of holding teh car-loads of stock. Give hjm a caU. 1anl8r ' Carriages, Flste I now offer to tie citizens of Tarboro and Eorr :tuidug countiiea the largest slouk of -BTJGSIES, FlL&Tblti, DOUBLE 4 SINGLE SPRINb- WAGOjNS, CARRIAGES, &C. which are luanufattured in Lexmpton. Ky., and will -be sold at the lowest possible rates for the next tec daya to cl"-e out. Call early and pecure a bargain. J. H. BURDETT, Salesman for J. . .Dejnia&;Co. nov8tf : Headonarfcirs at Spier's Pirnlturo Store. VINES AND WINES ! Slish Gripe Vins. and 8wee and Dry Scup crnopg wncs for! sale W nov8 3m H J. RIVES St CO. - : - Li -r- -r -STOP AT the mm HOUSE, V . . 1 -C OME COMFORTS iv evtry particnlir. IS April ifl3olT,t ' r W Uan rn- S d ki n S -iss S N B 9 d 5 k SALE OF TOWH LOT; On Monday. December 8nd, jt 13 e'eioefc, I will sell at public auction, at the Court House door In Tarboro,: the town lot Known as THE LEWIS LOT, lately occupied by T. P, Whitney,, now Iry Dr I. N. Carr. It is situated next to Ur. Wed- deirs lot, and contains a seat residence, sta bles, o-TUious.-. &c, beiug a mil town lot. Terms very reasonable nov 8, t d a .. v' i IHOSBaTTJJL 100 Approxlmat'n Frises of 100 kr : l,-,-: An 100 do 1 ' do taoo.: 100. 75. 2279 Frizes, amounting to.... Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the-office of the Company In Mew Orleaus. . T For further information write dearly. Hrln full address. Make P.- O. Money Orders pay able and address Rrgistered Letters to Tttnv ai;A!ii4 njmoni. bank. ,i - ."'.-Hew Orttui, IA. POSTAL NOTES . and ordinary lettess by mail or express (alt soma 5 and upwards by Express at our expense) to . j . J A, BACPRITt - Nw ontaas, La, ' r Bf.-A.. DAriPIIM, j . j.; .-. -COT hcyenltk, Wahl na-tn, kX O --.- ' - : " - ' !' 1 - TiiE VERY BEST OF FEEDS FOB . Horses; Cows ftT $20,00 PER TOn. Corn, Meal Hay, Oats, AT VERT WW PBICE3, BY - ; w c. Norfolk & Baltimore STEAMBOAT CO. ' SI3FS. METEOR & 0N0H0 j Are making REGULAR TRIPS from Xo. - a il'DONVELL'S WTTARF Di MnMni Vd f- tq the ROANOKE RIVER, connecting at - -WMllaBMton,:N. C, with Albemarle 4 RaleiU Railroad for EVERETT8ROBERSONVILLX IlEL'sTARBORP,ir.C.) " ''-.e Company also run Steamer DAILY oetween EDENIQN and. WILLIAMS! ON, Jf. C. O-TO INS JL?EE THROUGH RATES and rIC?ATCH, ehlp all freight Irak Baltimore, " from 15 0'DouneITs WkarL , '. ' I lVC'A ; ;BOBT. TY8OK, Agent, .'V-5 .J .' il. Bal&nora, Xd. : 2 r CARTARPHt, Ag ManiaSlT ;--,irimaiBstoa,K.Ci' ;n all ib Branches. Old Garments Made Now!! Light i Pants Cleaned and i: '.Pressed in 12 Honrs.' Paint arakv of htrSPdTSdisap s ptarrLIKE MAGJ. ' L BLUaIENTHAL & BROTHER, i - Pitt Street, Tarboro, IN. a ' - . i . . . Next door to whltlocL ocU8 li

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