.'it mi , 4 ; OJloaks'Circulars, Tel vets ' ILadies ; Cloths Flannels - and aobmei?Va, tfee:lsiitofr at PIDLBMONER'S. . .-1. -Vj,. .V-,-- .(J. try, 1 ' The new comet will, it is said be Barbara' llontbtrner; FN Ay KP &VVultt f ' fc ' - . dU r -. - ?, i Li-f ... ' - v v. . ThTJBSDA i i i ii i jyXi EJCRK 13, 1888 ----- - - f Jfs f Entered at the Po?tffice i fyfMfo, .. C, as second class patter. p nothing to the value of the conn they are simply so much debt that is due, and we have that same quantity of money gold and silver, $1,000, OuO.OOO-r-to pay it with. ' i V" The issuing of biuks and treasury I whs a t-ystvin of i iflntion, and cf courne tbe. euvldeii retirement of tbse would cause a financial strin gt. cv, th lesaitf- of whifh ihi rv mrny ;'' ai:ova uiiht be disastrous. Al: iK".k nifouiJ b gndj.uUy Itgie !iit:! ut o -ji-.:.aice," jtin grvtn-c&y'-'Sttolld 'bAgra1 ul "paid? so tfiiJ in n few jejrs wt? should oiy hre aa a Cii Tfii y gold m u il r, or iLeif- equivalents, gold: br bL: certificates., ;VV H'V'1.8! ;.' risible on Wednesday next,' the 12th inst f It will be : found near the milky way and cau be seen by the aid of an opera glass, or, I if it is partiiularly clear night, nsked ye. k. with the of money will not admit of the ab-1 Maebud. Yesterday evening, at sorption of our manufactures byj we the bride a residence, Dy tne xsev. will sayr the amount of thirty per W.'J. Smith, Miss Sarah Hussey, to cent, which we have taken for our Mr: Francis A. Brown, both, of this average. TheBe are not "fine spun town. After the ceremony, the theories," but bald eoonomie facts, guests partook of a supper gotton The introduction of incidents in buy- up iu Mra. , Simmons incomparable ing and selling to illustrate them is manner, in cuiine as well as in tasty not neceesary. They will at once arrangements.' -. " . , , - ' The only, promise or , pledge that W SLL JnSmSSk Carlisle itade.ta get th nomination rienoe of observinir man. The Lwell as han-isome; a list of which for speaker, was that be I would' be t comparison; of wages in America we ire unable to give on account Of trim W the- rtfiiitilft. This ti h oledife with, wasres in EuroDe is one- that coini to press. The waiters were people. This b i pledge with wages in Europe is one- that J going to press. The waiters were that all poaana'mak e only CTiMlS: they wvul i do as well , as , Car lisle encLkeep it; . Christinas Chimes- L tlM Xmi iHoSdaja approach, paopta waufmany gaod thinn. Tbla ia tke time of tim fear for them.: 1m farmtr, merchant, Uborar, lii hare ratted from their labora, ad now (or s brief period they will, as they should, take aome enjoyment. Jhj House' Representatives has Idi Democratic membeis, 110 Re publicans, 4 Independent 2 Green ..... , r v. ..... .. -.v i tots mnnaauMM m tasutt .IWe layulown. this proposition : ked 5 adjusteJs. s ua i.i. v-- vacancies-one from Virginia. -' : Natlcaai-Banks. !. .;' , Thft Rv.tem of.- baukinj? as au thorized by ihe f'erai government, was a war nieasurtldpised tneae a cumncy, to pme on h- fub'ic a cirolatio:; that f44l4- e e,n of monev "ot"ai)rfiji in diu f and don at a t ifllfjve' reevA the finanVW s r Mf-vi ) :r -.. ve ment iLeprtme .t-qnside at on. t - We need 16 baits of itU' , and , we nevt r should bjave had any. We are well aware fhf; we are taking what is 'caded tHeMnpbpiUar side of. a question . 1 is .for this reason, knowing that Wevarp righC;thkt we wisbTto warnhe" people that such a" system is wrong! contrary to every principle of politl economy. To show it : No one now cham pions the cause pi ; making green backs take . the ' plaice of the .. circu la'ting medium .. pf this country; only a few are in favor of continuing I the legal tender; qualification that the law has attached to these note?. Yet what is the difference bettveen a bank note and; $ legal I tender or treasureV note? . hat boih are good for the face valu is guaranteed by the government; .that they will be paid in gold or eiver, tl 0 govern ment has made provision. 1 Now we make this point: - If the govern ment is not williogf to use Treasury notes according to the nods of he country, why shopld the government delegate. tLis piowry to lodi s cor porate? There; isnpmore aliie a pauk nor tiian tlff js to -a ury one; b tbi k'eprediCiitiKi ci a and Vltriv! ttseir iljket . ya'i e f.vm the 3.'9prob ia to py. .: Ir.tt-e Vrifd '.of ti; grvew-ui' u' -uf 1 v- it ' :.e rttirod, tbe wealth of the country would ,; be . txct!y tbe . same., his been ioflated onrreuey Vacancies one ,T and the other from MissiwsippL The I adjusters may well be classed jas and - . ... - I m . - :.... I U Ul DlU l DBT UOM UUDIO UlWf which, when made." will not afford l jU. JjaneJcer. Jkiiss sutu neu wita flir.i ,s- u.; mn AMvht tha mv. unt our "protection" contemporaries that 1 Jee uuggvi, ansa Aiouie rfonnson 1 im cuiarea ia rapura. serene cooiiors nicxi caey eeem to i wiui jilt. itiu. wuvr, jiubb auu; o tnfidentlv : anticipate. Jveic Tori Zoelfor with Mr. B. f .: Moore; I'm JTerala. . . SoxnpxBHSB ? extends .. ,it'; heartiest congratulations. ; The present Ctangress will : be asked to pass a national bankrupt . TtiA Kill mmiMmA hv TnfrA A remarkable illustration of what rwali rtf fa0-L,!vntto; nWil, a.ay ua aone wiw wu acres 01 iana BllWdcr ia .mMt thouirht of br - V . Th8 Fosslbllities of Land Culture. Seicntlflc American. . k$D bkhjL only has been furnished by a f uit grower named Dillon, of Woodland, leaditg statesmen. ' yruwH have been corn spojidingly, iu-1 Bep hioh would! make for California. Six yeurs ago, he planted vju, wii.uuul any luviouTO -1 thftf hflrrv Izl ' v. : . 4 i I ito. nuto , nuu iuuKwu kxhksb, ' I uiiliAA ll fl AliAjf MAMA I aci es He has al o planted one acre with uruLes. nectarine, a d eahes. e ropir ea as saccuaiuei to fn I ivim lira: ' iKAnticwiad; valiu' If" e to ' I "1 lHkl 4 u e.--d Umf tUni" vJnfl2?-'!fi.fc'i'iiy'4 tSiir c -a. iliey now nave as iiajkrs ml r tb Xatiou&l Bank act, thiv bding uuder this allowed to issue notes amount- Tn M.irtiu CouatT" Tim bieu to 'm iiiU'4 iiuien, ua- revived; -a d fakh his gross return: last 1 ear were $1,? ut; to 1 ask for bo. reporting t. The 200. : Last ear he pltiuted . Ure e sitot wyi Le unly u-ok W iwes : for fourths or. an aca oljeett, which . w , jU , ; yielded 5 tons, liy che aid ot mese two wetka. We intended no njiiry ' . j . a 5 . - 1 i 1 J iudauitle brandorbb.vrt8liek.pt to our ne.ghbur. . W uiethiy sta.e-i a ot liorses and two owi seven wuat was a fact. We are glad that months, besiues, he sold $30 worth ing to ninety per cent of the bonds J we are able to announce that it will I of beets. One of the cows yields they have to deposit witthe gov- brighten our sanctum again, and to jronyiu to 11 ros. outterper wteK, " iLi 'I JC ;---"Cf , . 1 besides the milk the planters small "Y. , ."V, stiBh it success. 1 familyu.es. By the side of his fen- -v-.w w w4w -wr . 1 fiiiifT a 1 1 fin it n. ri Mr t i h.ii s.i vo. s. tional Bank' notes than there .would The Supreme Court of the United uut Ueeit whicil borne fruit for be for the Government to issue more states Has amroiea tne aicisiou 01 two years, trom the wood cut from 0 1 I ... : . . - 1 11 . . x . greenbacks. Either is an inflation the Uourt below in tne coniestea inese trees inis year in uie snmmiiiga O it. r I nH oaea nt StJIlllBn KArAT rWIlfl. At I " wuvw vwvw v ana are uiereiuru 1 - r- , . j T 4. col'ateral heirs of Sarah Ann ,r Dorsey vs. Jeffarson Davis,; to secure inches in diametor. will make when WW . 1 MA.. . . ... - I i i I ... . . . W ona S WUbbOn iiipoation. i possession 01 certain real ana per cut into wooa irom one-iourtn to one- i -Admledoa. 75c.; reeerved aeata, U now The board of managers of the sonal property left to the latter by half a cord per tree. In the condi- on aale at Battle, Cordon 4: Co.'e drog ttore. World'. Iodustrial and CJotton Cen- Mrs. Dorsey at her death. The Si" enter rSn ower tennel exposition adopted the design judgement of the court below in f a- & Bcale6?!! ?e aS proposed by G. M. JorgeAson, arch- vor of Mr. Davis is afarmed. matfc a faing for himsfclf and family itect.; of Meriaian, JMissl, for the Some of the radical organs Morlb and lay by from $800 to 1,000 an- of the currency, wronff.' Lot thelNational Banks go. I al- WilliS' Opera House, 0NE,NIGHT 0N1Y, Wednetday, December 19th,1 ' - i- . . , ' AMERICJLN'8 FAVORITE CbMXDIAK. ' ' ' a B. BISHOP, Bapported by the Charmliu; .Actrew,' MISS EMMA. PD3BCE, AND A SPZCIALLT SXLECTXD O01CKST COKPAJIT. Will appear la A. C Ouater'e Malo-Dramatle Comedy. . ; "Strictly Business." GROCERIES, FAKCT AND STAPLE FOB GOURMAND OB EPICURE, ran ot Ua rarpaaaed for excellence anywhere. Taey ore CHEAP and worth more than the & CO.. PENDER CAN AND WILL SAVE lOU IG MONEY ON if Bum mm, BIBimSCHOOL BOORs v. USES, IIAD -MADEInkoK" APS, HARVESS, Si)$ BED MEDICATKD riV T HIGHLY KEC0IE.ll)t) lA YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL. Ooniep'of ttin'ft; St James StgeeV raoueT Mked lor tbum. 1 With wUUm for yoara:to' bay -from, a Kerry lau, I wm T. E. Lewis. miraoRiAM. Shoald loTed oaee be fonrotton, and their narked; then erect main buildiag of the world's exp si J will now be accusing the tion. The buildiug will be X,50U1 being sectional feet long and 900 feet widej with 1,000,393 square feet of "floor space, PfOiuCtion Prices VTagCS. including a music hill in the centre j With regard to the ripeness of fed with a seating caoaaitv for 12.000 ral polit ca lor tho introduction of reruns. The design also provides 'be question tariff reform as their for main o&ces, telegraph offices, fbe prC8ant rtbtion of newp tper departments, fire depart- J duotin cd wagts. uieht. t-lice ho.suitaL waiting rooms I "Whatever may be the! force of court of I nually. His family consists of him self, wife and one child. It is en dent that Mr. Dillon, of Woodland, California, will not allow any thing within ha reach to lie idle or .una tilized. us consider prices, pro- f er's. 6-. V ? h - ,i if- k i i u- .If ,. fEctjl; ,u.JJ;:i. bit &i Vo ti e ot in s t, ir only r ;.c,e . , ;.a .i.?. : - ie- ver-j estwil ud upon th- id-thai tit d. bt i f the TJni'l S at y. a'Ll b per petn r a' ! : t-.. iiV' V This is not thMn'y- t!e N tt oi-.n lioaod, and have l.ei." cijacr: Vh ul 1 b ,.t id nd life8nvi ig apparatus, were' offered t-'d tbrt-e Ten nlanH 1 ''over-production" in causing wide ly I ' A? 1 .1 ' . ? . 1 pjemuimh nprea 1 destruction What Decs It Miaa. Senator Wilon, of Iowa, proposes an amendment to the constitution which he puts in theie words: by glutting tbe I ieeWiaon to protmt cltizraa of the Coited awarde i. The boiiding will targe ti - I iiarket, causing SUes at a loss, dis- Stutee in the exercie and enjoyment of their be the i,,.:, I.Kot &p it is rrrtam that riSht9 Privilege and Immunities, and to aa- piacn.g iaDor, c is certain mat gure 0 protection of ue lawa. . exposuion building ever I Ialty distributioa has farl more to er-'ct d exie.it t'e ne in" iLohdon ir. 1862. Tiatsplantia ' tr .- . re to b ia i iron! tioie e tpej'a: id y fcxcavatii 'e vvhir tb" tiee in t xreiss. ? removed r ' - ir. lo with it. (Jarlvle wrote. narir . ' ""r' half a ce. tnrv affo. "Cb.t .h cloth is wnai loe8.,l:.r!05 mewi ? iD.e Pre- IrWdvtwor;nc Hyard lW. an i aptio t is that it is intended to vet r-ar backs ere never bo nnm- iMt reetinc place anmar! taoiew to taetr memory. i CALL ON T. E. LEWIS, whoieprapared to SIiaB order promoUy and Mtiefactorily, both la quality and price. Ael3f T. 4.LKWI8. AHHODHCEIIENT. 1 1I1IJS! And all Kinds cf i ! I WORK Hew Firm. LEATt Eepaired at Short Notice. J. H. BROWN 5 LyXtTZ Rear Court House. .L. .W- I ft..! I I form the publit that tb baaiaeas will-be car ried oa at ' the old stand, with improved fadUtiaa. ' i , - I We ahaB endeavor to rive entire eatiafac- tion to all. ThepreacripUon coonter, in the ' aaaaa oi mx. laraon, aasutea by nr. McNair.wiUhave especial attention. ProfBisinf to keep on hand a full Una of Bratrclaaa goo&M, we respectfully invite the patrouc oi tne public. oeu-u ' Octt 5 6m WWWSWIIIIi'llMH THE BEST IN THE MARKET! Stisfswith BATTLE, CORDON A CO. d I'ti. u a d. ep trenc!- CO soiiif litile t- u k. Then wfieu distii ce the Btau i. .d around it fr m tie iHrt'i amo'iusr us. i It m the la-t, hat tiry goois 'jd plothmg are t iiiy at tLe r. ch-;apett ik all th; A i eii au a-aiket aud wherein hre the laixuin?' ciasaes benefited by ecooouiic not pro- Lhis? Ucder a proper ivcttm tuis conntry could duoe moTA tban could b 'Duruhase 1 t . i . . gronnj is I oy the people inhabiting it aud di empower Congres to secure to c)l- ord citiz-xts the civil lights which I tLe Supreme Court rec intly h?ld to do ojjo'lc tne rea n ot tQc tn ay liun tug language of the a mendment is ao general and indefinite that ii may oiotLe Congress with powrr to I do pretty muc anything and every thing. The Supreme Court judges have Ai a larlforaBt Baetericr'a Steauek Btttara hae reearfcd the meet poaittva oa- nscsCTiai from hnt yhysUlsM, aa4 haa lose oaeapied far anet nak tauaf , aaaadara pmriaiary i mi.; Ik prep. erUeaaaaaaueraUra af diaaidarad oeadl tioaa ox ttte ateaaaeh, irrec i a pmeativ. of salarkU : lese mowaad. aad have anurias! In mnffaaslonsl lacioiaawaflelli Tec aato by DtaajciaU aad Psalira, la -rai pAT UP. avmc thia dav aold our entire stock of Dran. Ae . to Mesars. Thoa. H. Battle. J. O.I M. Cordon and JemeeHoraeet, we reqaeat rail pert la maaaiea to sa to coma forward aad make settlement with lb. J. 6. M. Cor- doa before Jan. V UN. i AV claim afaiaat os win oa preseuaa to mi. uoraon, wna : wui settle. - j!!-v- dett-tf LA W KEN CE A CO. -aaaaaamaaaaatM i COOK ST 01S aisftattiiaXaidnMBta. LEADING FEATURES: DonWo Wood-Doors ratent o .ci AdjustaMe Daflawr lit : Intmhauxeable Automatic t- L Broillllff IVlor- fswinslr.fr Kli! TJlMaj;! Baverrible Gas-Burning- Louir Cr. s ' JilCKei panels r eai-y Kimr C Ujterfjl lllumtoated Tue-b'Xvc, iU: ISA U A. tiltli-AliX) tt L'J.. Ba ti: Mead to idt ill Fsnsa. i'a alt tr & 3. HAS? CO.. l' i .. . vera re, Ki T TBS PUBLIC! SHERIFFS SALE. In rctlrlac Irom the drnc basin ess. we desire to thaark the Tmblic for their liberal LDaaronare. aad ask that the same be con- I tiaaed with our eacceasorf , Battle. Cordon A Tha nnderslsned. br virtneof anndrr ex tlor..ugdv dozen, thn tree with the wnbnted abroad for a just return. It e oajiiouu rations to nim directea wui axpoae to pua- ,. , - ' J . Il m,..w. .iWwl rt-i.rtw, the fourteenth amendment. But in I -caale before the Coort House door. taTar- gon : mmp oc e' run aaneiiDg to ius - .. . a boro, at the hour oi u m. oa Munuax, ,c -Lm-wi-a.li.!n,r e .m trade; is hampored and fogged Pn of clearness and flefimteness 7th 6at of JANUARY, lSffl, for Caaa, the ro as. may be removed ai,d set in ?ts fau tPrcallitiono?ur that amendment is a modle af ex- foUowinc Tract of Land situate, lymg and .home w th safety. , ; .a irTfil can equady i e si own that Pesaion i?m, with this one jJffTlSS S3"2. TflStffi?. Co.. who can aad will satisfy all dalMf RENCK & CO. Freel Free! Free! Tbis Season's Kew Diacriptive Catalogue & roee ua ox naya, uramaa, farces, m a s - tr ; : ihe ?.-:i. m n kq -.r-0 iuuth t (iuflii- . ti.-'s . . government, hai' itid truly rtlidi one generation hid i rigiit to iucnr I a debt to be paid by the eecoiid and F third generational If this principle ;: is correct, and we defy anyone to dis k prove it, then ITational Banks , were ' as we said at ther beginning, only a temporary measure and not perma- nent, and therefore; we i want no more notes issued that are predi " cated on government . bonds or the indebtedness of (he country. . All circulating jnedla should have these- three . qualities portability, durability and value.. The first two requisites greenbacks or bank notes have, but they are wanting in the most essential of -these requirements viz.: value. Tjtiey want this pre requisite, and no legislation can give , it to them. The,pusiness or ; affairs of the government should be con ducted just in. the same way that an : . individual manages hia own affairs. 't' Yet any business laan'will eay that he should not issue his notes or due ; bills to people whom he owes. Tba the only " time'! when ; such a thing might be done ia when! he C!nt help hiiaself, aiid fhafc saeh" up' :r- - loroed loana tny are truly hav lor i value only wbatuiay ibeV aliaed ou; ' jof the ps opertyQ&tha: iudividaal. ' " Aga?n, value h hoafde I labbr, i.'e. when a man hasl wbiked a 'wrtain n number of days, say at a dollar per Iday, he has paid 5 expenses and has the value tf his' services of one day '". aheadr He then l;a3 capital or value anvjunting ,to xnfcdUlr -. .Yet if in stad of patying htn one dollar or Soicething trtat iia!iy country will purchase tue va1u of :Otj: do!!a, the ; employer gives hia .note, the 1 lab; rer ' has little Valuej iatid so it is wi)i a ; ; . : treasury or bank;uoie. As long lb u jthe govern uiahti prosperous, tuere v is no trouble j about netting the-e - . noWs paid, bntwhen disaster com s, , it win be 8eett;.n;t nere i. no cer " I tain value to iLe: i " . Is the country! atiy richer. It is - estimated that there i m tbis coun try $1,000,000,000 in go;d and silter? there are also bank notes nominally worth $360,000?000. These are to be paid in gold and jsilyer, but the fact . :of the exisience; op issuing of these notes has added nothing toward the payment of thm.t . :: , ' " ".' . . In other words if the greenbacks and bank notes ' which together anowit to $700,000,000, have added 3b H -i-; s v. O luot t'U to v -U'-g on -.-i teeu Wtiii "cuta. C:i J.:ii-i, fhi Mr W. J. Fi zgeral I lias bold the Rocky Mount Report, r toj Mr. Har ris, and will open January Is, a job office jn Wilson. , J t aotne disinbutio oi our mnu- ; facur suffr f - olu tbe aume CHafrt? Jj.rv.doi.ai' of tax iuipv eii -pca a iore:'u ni nuircutre or u wmct raises 'i ki of ' I'O tiomt stic urlic e ! of the ettnie km-. J hx the f-ame Hmotn t. &J-J5 tbe ih'.re of tra'i vor:ati ;h.s, we wiii sv, is he nat.uvd n- dfney in the c-iSe of a healt jiy con dition qf trade and here thaaiUclt B in questioa are of the same quality. But, to offset this, there comes in a . l f r wT'i i pvocu uj jn. nuwu. x mo i Battle coataioiDg tie-enty-Ove (75) area, SuDreme Court should ever be aMe I nun or leas, the property of H. H. Daueb- . . 1 . ' J T -L.1I Outdo Books, Scenery (Paper), Speak- era, Staioptan iirusaa. raiue to sg e !n the jnt rpretaii n of the lat.er, it woald only e U3e its form s so vague and comprehensive as to admi of am meaning what ever. -Ne Yoik Herald. i and pit U hia undivided oue-hau . interest in 180 acres af laud hJd by aaidB. H. Damrbtry and J . r. l?augbtry as tenants. JOiLS &. 8TATOM. de-tt BherilL Valuable Store for leauz ehta. Colored Fire, Fan- torn! a, Burnt Cork, Wica. Beard. Ac.. Ac. Largaot Aaaartmant ia the World. Including .maay noveiueai in tact everyuunt; . for Amateur Theatricala. i SAMUEL TBiyCH A PON. Iel4w -8SE. 14-h at.. Mew York. iVTOTI GE! Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Edge. mbe Cuaty. I will sell vn tbe rrera- a4;i "1 a . "S3 Till .ll on .Tannrv 7th. 1RSA . WW0". UMBAT JAa- - . ,, t I UAax, 188a, a certain Tract or Prcil of Hoirit of com petition, whose effect aof -vt " Aruggwia. lermH iuu cawi. is to lower the price of commodhies mnrfi ovalflPmfiT1 Arra fSSSf 'ii i l : ii i"a i w wj MMaa,waw wvsi I mnij n iwr luwrHHL. inufrtwi imv Thelargestfarmin the world is Z the toners have declared war on & woally. ' JnoT AVBlrDaEKaTja that of Samuel Mackay, of New I ,cjaj : fv; armmmi rt uVi nihnr. and thn Uot .nratrmni 1 Trustee of J. G. M Cordon. . d64t " - . . . WMU. M.MUAWAAW 0V VUV I . O O ' I 2J ..wo, v,v.w,w wwu iturauvu ui auLuuuauuiu, iur lb it 1 resaitea in a victory ior toe tonfera 1 a - size of his homestead. potent to every observer that in AftftP a ATTt ficrnt anth flo IH lflsf. laflsP.leT I Another Oyiter War. Again the placid waters of, Poco- moke Sound have been made thel1"6810 n,)r occnpieaby JLAwrenov I Land, tyin f and being in the county of Edge- comoe. auioiamr uie iana 01 u. a. setts ana others, and containing about 135 acres, mo-e or less, and betas a part of the tract of land whereon tbe late Isaac F. Batt resided at the time of his death. Sale will take place at 13 o dock at. l enne maae known on. day 01 sale. This December 1. 1883. D. B.BATTS. Adm'r of Isaac . Batta. dee6 3t aiusituiu uijuuutvuxcj nuiuiiauuu 1 11 , , m . ... , ... I t.no tftn crrr:T) Hmm rft nTuan rrv - rr ii, m,:- I is tne rule. JNOw. in rmint ' m f anr. I n o "CBluolu VJ"iUOTO LW I - " A "IU " xv7 dwW. an atf nrw1 tn of fh 1; .- t,;Ql" aJUCI arucw oi lua i c . - r - , . -, , . I same quality as a competing foreign I Tessels with sixteen men on lioard. wuuu j w . ..h.u.. arcie Daa to te sold at the price of The offenders against the majesty uluo,ouw ! r. piuai wie auty ana cost and dimitT of the ovsters were lode- I fit ttat RnnrrATinn rw1 rvn tha atma 0 : . . ... i -. . Iif u a -a i ed in . iail at Crisfield. The next The new code hxes tne lees Mr F"" a iu wwr, The subeeriber harin- qualifled as AimlaU. Li. - ' 1. A ' nr. I K DC SOia at tne same . price a8 tbe 1 vujtjroa Kuwa au war trator of Louisa Borrouehs. dee'd- herabvao- marnagraaiiuree uuu, fomio-n. without tha Antv kt,A ct I Iml aK -f Wl. T,. I tinea all persons havina claims acalaet said I t .1 A i :jt : 1 o ' j . , udukv "" j j - . . .. - u sacnueus paper says suci a turiu f t tion dded be hif, oBgo&.0 Crisfield tSylmMca - :i -. -V chean workmanlhin. in fha . smrnn I run fhw campaign and stay at I A Lot of FINE HORSES or le. YARB0R0 HOUSE I TarborOaK. C. 1 RALEIGH. 'IV. j CJ. aT,s- r.. .- -1 r 1187 Hviett home i himself. "Portsmouth En- cheap workmanship, in the - same ti,a ' miimiT.rrt rn --'Rtai-I .alla tha degree l. e., by the amount of the " """o""" j..T aii.'.-!.- i . I : nm.ra,Mr in rifiw of the m'o-nificRnce uul? BU.U " transporiauon. . . I In A law nr nchnn and rooptimi rVH of the election of Speaker tha un- I Q wasjaW-SO au UV kUl ILUiUUU WA 1UB AUU1Q I a .aa. a--. .... . aa tarrfied." Long may it deserve the strongly tlwa in commerce : and the 1 Seamiy Winston not AltCgeUier title. I consequents of an enhanced pnoe, I . uappy- in tbe one inBtan e, or a depreciated ( From the Winston BenUneL, 'j . -. . . .. 1 ii ii it. i Tfnrh f'nrnlmft has two of t.hfl I viuo iu iut) uiuor, ia u 1 .Tha QA.:n.l V Iarg-rt?iBjara east of the Bocky t thinUpg that Pat Ha l. ck if...i.:.,. .mi., i I i: r ' r . T - J invpr ma Ttoiit.iMU Rnmnrsanlt.. and ouuiaiuB. xuo ampea aa00 110 m tLe jf tne buT6r Tjurchases "ti. v-J-.-Ti -ir- l-lT.- ullu&.w ei, '"-""f ""v kw; w ' mSu ular. As an "humble refnttee he biuo vi uxio dud. If-"- r f', haa Tint hAAll liiioh a nn.rAMnn tna. ' "L"..r J,M. m.u.Bl pur- cees as may be imagined, but "there November, A. D., 1884. W. EL JOHKSTON, Adm'r. Tarboro, October 80 1883-it DMINISTRATRIX'8 NOTICE. HavinaT oualifled aa administratrix of W. S. Weeka, all parties having ' claims agslnst tue estate 01 my utestate, are nocinee to aent them to me or Jos. W. foweiL mv agent, on or before Jan. 1, 1885, or this notice will be plead la bar to their recovery. Debtors to the estate will make Immediate ettlement. del34t If. J. WZXO. - ' ' ' r 1 'I -l a it i On of our exchanges says : -XTZl ? . what strengUi he m.y usasubicriber?' We woldlikto ZJHa TiiTlLV t0 - kbiewS whether, he should' be shipped per cost of lmug. j 4 nnoTiardad mnm-ni itmw eiDress of freight ti: '1 I Of course, in the instance of the stlimWft Patt T v . - . iiauuiiut: vmHBBH watres muBL Dear Speaker - Carlisle once taught some proportionate relation to cost of living, or operatives would starve Inlanetifin Danlai. school. He .will soon learn that I to deitn en matte. Iti is therefore I r , .1. . 1 I ,1 . , I VU jtnbtluSY lilt) UABO Ul 9. vT . go,e7,m? Mra.j Wtajjjthtog .St-Sr SmallwU .t J8 th. Board I compared- swith "keeping gressmen m order. 325 ' acraiTiat fha nrtliakAlinn nf lha the standard of wages and prices. In ii..j. ro: 1 t . .T v a,. . 11 . - . ujoucu ouuuui hu. cams uu anuoro fact, tae purcbasiug power of money I t...s, ei j mi : r . Tobaccotsometimes pays. The iu relation to commodities "protec- 1"" . vTu" ,i 1T t7 t Oxford Torchlight tells of; a farmer ed. ?I r!d"ced ?. H. Wbitehurst. and for tto dtr UiSffiStt n ffiT!1. protecuou and wd tr . Hon. a d JSJ: Avnioas lata eii sSsg"'"-'- ra-Tt- ri I earn iTi 1 fiAi T-T n Xa nn a-r-A.1,. $300,thenetrproceeds of a snle of jfc on y one barn rj-T fi iilr SiMihil sal afTH''. P1.?! 'aaaaT WtaBtaMssaV turn I- !l DrOCeeuS OI a BUB OI 1. . 1 , , . viomnuu jicuicub juaiuj. x ua ut akvanua m of bright leaf iobacc? 3S feSiSf yLn8.? as denied. Plaintiffs ap SLTO rn of bright leaf tobacco. !JJKm fe pealed to the Supreme Court-New, SJLTJS - m11?8 tiIigma.!! 11180 berne JournaL r ; ' Hboro Bulletin I has bten tiurtyt'r cent, and tbis thirty per m. . . . . , , . , . itew xms lffmxst 0100a ior ine acnoot. f l'be tJcJdHboro Uulleun 1 ha? been eolarged J to -a tbrty-two , column paper., . 3. H. Hoilowell has con nected himself with the editorial de partment, r It is a good local paper. cent, we will say, is represented- ont-nalf by his doing without some ntceshity, and the other half by his purchasing an adulterated or other wise inferior article and having to replace it frequently. And, to re- in the T : V7 Ii Tr" sTT. -T . . coimuu axuvies 111 oar marine is at me present time, it is to be observed , Monday", was' ''Bill day" House of Representatives. I Par law givers, if all thj bills introduced te- that they are cheap for two reasons came laws, would make-this great 1. Because they are of inferior, country of ours a paradise or its op- "l040!' though manufactured in a rdteinafewininutes. j- j g't would deceive the elect" f .--...! 2. Because the purchasing power WUI 'lai rui m I ia " r"i'Tsirinsi iinl Tina aaiaiaMiia,yiaBaail ab as aaahiTaly ariurainlaa taaa Sa J. hn' Swim cf . West Jefferson, Daurlaar ilka uata Ohio began life as a lawyer, but soon I iSLmSStf&illilli !eJ Maa anQ I r.ks wane f. 1 t1 1 r abandon the profession and became I -li&ZitZiS bSHtt Safw? . TTo. V. . 1 I gjy? -' TI ggaoiaa tea A ttVJkCa U tUH aVVt OAVJIf AU Js) bed for thirty-five years,' but owns several fine farms, and ifl worth folly $200,000, , ; . : .' - This might be a lesion to young 1 a aavAva - arriA a& '". " mlwttwrtivw weaita. ' : -. - - . v .:, tUriwtaKEt. ,;. Or. Louts, U. tasa(ai, J iaa ai ai a i ! i a S.aiai aataw . atl I'aasai'a 'tWi Tkr'aaa. aaMaat B I Ian mil utim mdM ay j Pbzss ft Clkegt $2 a Day. . U) - v-'," R. D.RANEY. PROP'R Barinr qualified as administrator of the es tate of Amaasa Savage, dee'd., all persons havinc claims against his estate will present them to the undersigned or hia attorney, Doe say Battle, oa or before November 14th, 1884, or uu Bouee win do pieaa in oar of recovery W. J. BURNETT, Adm'r. DOSSST BATTLE, Atty. aov 15 6w Sp & Ms. ! I ahaJl oa tha flmt dav of Jannarr. ISM. ad- vartiae all property oa which taxes are due BBS. J. H. BTATUM. OB a and aupald tor 11 xtovstak aaaaaaiTainla " a I V ILIPORTAriT SALE AI1D PERSOflAL 18 -A T E Ob Tuesday the 18th day of December 1883, we shall sell at public auction at Oalifoiiiia Fann, - 1 - About three miles from Rocky JUouAt, about, ( 15.00 ACRES ? LAUD, in parceU to suit pureuaaers. A large quantl- a of Cora, Cotton-Seed, Fodder, Data, tfce. maUof the . Ilis Horses Cattle Bora, Ac, Ac on the three large farms, Cal ifornia, Bprlngfleid aad Steam Kill fiace. , Terms liberal, made known at sale. GEO. HOWARD) ) r ... R. H. BATTLE, J Trustees. vie" .1

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