r Vv ' V- , . - f M C - K . r- - ww w&mmi jwsftw-. ,'i(SwTOmBjM,, : 'BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett. ViL. 62. Attorneys i- at li,vr TARR()Rf) N: r!..i THURSDAY, JANUARY, 3), 1884. r r. n. T. BASS III - h mTuTtri rUro and Tirinit: v i r OAoe U T. A. Muiiair't 4ng tiara on rala Street. PRANK NASH, i TARBORO M. C j ftmrtlcea.' i all the Conrt 8tte nd Ted- Jl. A. Catiui. ; -'j . ,,; v DoxJxi, Gnuv - - v tilLltl.Clil A son, T i TARBOpO, Jt. CS -i , "1 prat-tic in thACountles of Edgecombe, i iax aod Pitt, ud ia the Courts ofith rfst Judicial plstrict, and in thj Circuit nd P. WILLIAilSDN Cfflc in Pwt Office BaHding.) , ! . 1 y Practices in State and Fedferal EtRUEJHOWARD; . Attorney and CoQftsalor t .&w :4 f in ill tls Cart. SUtr kJ BRIDGERS & SHARP " ' Atlorneys-?tt-Iiav. Practic id all Coorta, Prompt kttention Ifb QUiiKt ,Tho. H.'Battul Battle B. J. KEECH. w.b. Seech. Ii. .?. KEEfH 0V. arb0ro' Sontlerner. Thcrsdat. ...Jahuaby.31, 1884. w G 00 d s I Attorney a ;atlrtit7 It 6- "B arid claims o -if Loans Dgottoted 1 ted. . .1- I) WHEY BATII.R,- "v-.- AttorBcy at Law ii.f con oe I i .b f tial fK o nut e Algo!j tiu K- ral a d Jnj oar. it. b . 1 Ne Sqaall Profits for Ca sh , is the Greatest 'Boon for a Country. THIS B DO!! It prevents Debt and makes a Country Pros- p r. COME I 1 ; B. J. Keech & Sod. .The Bad and 'Worthless are never imitated or cocirreikpBiTED This is ii eeperiallT true of a famUy mtxlicine, and it is piwitire proof that the remedy imitated i of the highest Tuiae. k noon as it had been tested and proved by tbe whole World that Hop Bitters was the purest, beet and most val uable family inedic'nn ou earth, many imita tions sprang up and began to steal the notices which the press and the people" of the country had express the merits of .11. B.. and in ev ery way trying to induce goffering invalids to use their stuff instead, expectht" to make money on the credit and good name of H. H. Many other starud n (Strains put up in similar ftyle toll. B., with variously devised,rsame8 in which the word Iloi"or "Hods" wcc used in a wav to indnce people to believe they were the smie as Hop BltK-r All such preteoded remedies, or eures, ao matter Vhat their style or name is. and specially those with tlie word "Hop" or .'Hn in th- ir name or in any way con nectet whh them or their haine. are Imitations or i terfeits. Beware of theiu. Tonch none of til - . Use nothing but urnint Hop Bit ters with a bunch tr cluster -of green Hop on the white label. Trust uothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in ro tations or counterfeit. ; , apri!51883 ' 1 . -" ' !!ceks Po- ous Planter ; urt Where other Planters Fail J even to Believe. - 'Take no other or von will lMtdisatDointeL ; iBwtoa naviug - .-- - - -i Woman' Greatest Beauty. A prize wat offered 1 Home days since by the New York Journal for the best short poems on woman's greutest beauty. : The following is a part of the day's haul: HKB DIMPLED CHIN. There is a thing which -will awas winy '' 'lis the pretty dimple of a fair girl s chin. ' . ' . O. A. W.. HER WINNISO 8M1LK. i A roundel chin md dimpled cheeks ., j it MM ft beguuiag?' Her beiuty I do most a imire When I Lei. old her smiling. - ... Jam Kg Bice. ' " Let HKR TTLI8H CLOTHES. humpbtcked, freckled Sirgcon .1 ist, 80,!N.C. . oifle bw.nis ron-9 a. m. till l'p. m. and mm a to 8 p. m : '. If Lj; wNext door: to Tarboro Honae, over l.Aoier . Royster's. " ' . j j . 1 - : ' i ' ii - Lather Shcldoit URALSK 1I SASHES, DOORS, BUNilS BUILDERS' HARDWARE, f PAINTS, OILS, S GEASS, And Building Materia of eery description f W W. KIDE KARRT PQOARK A. : 49 ROlNOAKaV AVE4 NORFOLK Mweroneriasat 18.1-y. I VA. F.IOIiEY TO 'LOflJi "- Persons desiring torrow monev can W: accomodated by applying to me, ad grivingH . the rennlred security J will also buy Bonds .tt:ks.-Kotes, Ac. ; 11. L. ST AXON, R. MCCIIDS' SilKINl Liquid Relresnments! OF ALIj !iiTL,K8 TO 8 HIT anV TASTI D'lll.'.r'rl Dnnl BEST MADE END0KK1 I'.Y YjiJNAUJ AND 8CI1AFFER. 'ft 1 Bl VA LYKS A L W A Yii'ON; H S D-T H 1 BE -T LYSNH AV8 TRY MY? IG vltS U.JtAVlT,r hn 8JJjr1QlES - I'UVf for M E . It ur 1, V I lav-- Iwe'i imir g AX.LG -cm Pokob I tA- rsR8 fH a nan ber 01 ye'H and always w th : marked bem fit I hav be- u tench t oubid . i:h Mnscn'ar Kbeum .t-m: Lave been treaud " y five of n best. phy-;e;an; with out r ce vn2 any t.liff wiat-ver. I then ned Aixoock 8 I labesk on ih p rts affrc- tel nd i ct. Buryo4thepai l.aalm.-st ei.tirlv left me. I can ieouimeni them t every one s tha bst pLister madr. I have tried other md- bnt foon 1 them rthlexo. - . , B. F. 0 LL AGIIER. ' "WEAK KIDNEYS CURED. Coxtooco;k, N. H., I March, 3rd 1880 , f I have been g ea ly troubled w.th Rheu matism and we k indey-.. 1 wa advised t tr Allouck s Porcs Flastkbs I had used tw.i other so called poru planters, whieti did me no good j, butone'o' yours has worked like a cha.-m, gwn complf f ie li"f, and I. have ot been tr ablet with Rheumatism and Kidney Complaint sitee using -tneni, hi d con-ider mjali cured. EDWARD D PUENHAM. a woman be aid bi d With war s nil over lie,- n; D ess hr in s-fltk.n. v lvet an i silk, An I her beauty all 1 e in her cl hss. A. W. H. j. J HtB LOVI FOB THE LACXOKT. . j What i woman's ar-atest beauty? j T da with pleasure er ry luij; ' t And ben she'd leiscre hour beguile, T. ckle 1 he as .tub ith a unile. J Fsasklix. i, HKB BOB? MOUTH. Whatever other baid-i may sit g Co-K-eri ing.w: man's loveline, Th-re is a' la-tore 0 Thi. thing Tha: -y ry. nan ag-e- s 10 U is: A p'etty m.a ti firnt the to," Th'Higti i.th r cl.aran be uiiv.ing; A 1 ttle Hueet ne, just you k o, Oiie ttiat jou'd feel lite kn-si g. '' '- .XlAOCRE. HBB 8WET 8TMPATHT. I deem t xx a ? st beau y Of w man - ind to 1 In s. othing r ubi d, we.iry ou s; . tt.i g' 1 ttten i8 8 f - - Hi-r love so p ire, h tru- so kind In ii it lei:i.ty re. "Tiist Leavei and arth both look with Joy On beauty t tat'- so f i.v L. M. N. HSR 0B4CB OF MIS D. ' Of woms ly beauiy f'.ey ask me 10 choote h choicest and 'aires 'f kind; fbis much i ca tay with n aid f the mn : ''listf-e beauty and gr c of ihe mind. - " 8 M O. Mrs . Astor'B Great Ball. The great ball of Mrs; William Astor whih has baen the tbeme of gossrp and. speculation in upper ten dom for nionths past, canoe off to night. Ovfr "one thousand invita tiens bad been sent oat and a throng of richly clid ladiea and gentlemen crowded the ample roouas of the A8tor mansion. Flowers hang in profusion every wLere, and the most lavish . elegance was observable in every particular. Mrs. Astor was assisted in receiving her guests by M:si 'Astir and Mrs. Roosevelt and several other ladies The toiletss of these ladies were marvels of the dressmaker's art Mrs.' Astor wore a magnificent toilet of white satin. lv embroidered ina dT3ifnof violets of floss and silver. ! H r omameuts were diamonds, "t Miss Ator ap peared in green tulle - ver satin, and wore pearl ornaments. 51r- Roose velt wore wbi'e tulle witb green velvet: atid silver made vi h lung triio, with diamond and ptarl jevls. The German, began immediately after' the supper, and the favors were exceptionally lianusome Thope fr the ladies included bracelets of silver in a -variety of designs; some in .antique styie; with pendant tuf dal lious; some representing chains of bright diver beuds and plain bands, and long; silver pins for the. hair; some in design of a sword with crown set wit Rhiue stones near the hilt, I and others like miniature shepherd's crooks. Tbere were Jace ..ins, too,1 of tbe same metal and in a great variety of f jrm, some beinij in antique ityle. For tbe gentb-uaen, among other things', there j were Marf-piLS of oxi iized silver lepre s BtLu a claw and boidiug black pearls, i . Aiuotg tbe preseut fyere several members of JPrei-iderii Arthur's CtOiii' t. itnum ber f for ign inini-.ter aiul otb r notables,'! und.uli :hat i ,rc':iiiiierjt in' Ihe spiiety of ibis u-etropolis-. It -is geiiniaUv concL-d.d i bat this tlidliuguiaed "ueats Political Pointf. Mr. Payne will not be the Demo cratic candidae of President.: He ca'iaot construct a dinner table long enough to accommodate the whole TJmf ed States. .CharJeston News and .Courier, Dem. Saoator Vest, writing to the1 Se dali Democrat, declares: "For more than twenty -five years I have been a member of the Democratic house hold, voting in every instance for Democratic nominees, and am too old now to learn the- roa i to j any other poUcical home or how tj vote, any other ticket" Senator Edmunds has never; de pendej upon wire pulling to secure nis aavancement, nor is it his chief made with long train" nd elaborate-! fift m public life to act" as a dis- peuser oi patronage, it will be for tunate" ior the country if Edmunds shll be presented to the voters as an alternate choice for tbe Presiden cyBoston Herald, Ind. Rep. j The protectionisms say if they are not permits d to dictate tbe policy of the . Democratic party ti.ey will dfeat,it. . All right, gentlemen;: sail on to your utter destruction, ' if you are fools enough. One thing is cer tain, you cannot bu'ldoze the revenue reform. Democrats any longer. Louisville (Ky.) Democrat, Dem. j . Kelly alwayt feels and knows that he is nearer to the Republican (a sup tsed apposition in politics) than he i to that pat ty under the name of whn-h he tradt-s. With Republican he can b ugaiu on better terms than he can with Democ uts, and therefore he alwtyvn throws the Damocrajy when it stands in way of his bargains New Yors Herald, Ind. Winter in ths Mountains The 1 e -eiit 'Void snuo" with its snow a id ice hat been a very favora ble lime fur se.iog tbe Appalachians iu heir wiuter costume. There is 110 m r- b aatiful sight in all nature tLa 1 ' h t 'f souiK great mouti;: ain rnge lik th? Back or tb Bal-am, covered with snow, and tha sunset , Itinneiota Xaantrt . The new chief clerk of tbe Senate. who bails from Minnesota, has brought some free Western ways with him which are rather unpalata ble in the atmosphere of t enatorial dignity. During one of the recent discussions in the eicntive session of the Senate on the Mexican treaty this official became rather weary of listening to the speech of a Senator who had taken two or three hours in expressing bis views. 'He - there fore pulled out of his pocket one of the great dailies of his State,pUced a chair in the area fronting the Presi dent of the Senate, planted himself in it, with his back to the Senators, tilted it up on the hind legs, and l resting nis leet on tne edge of tbe desk where the journal cleric was keeping the minutes, vroceeded coollywto read of the wonderful de velopment of Minnessota . and the remarkable intelligence, : politeness and ' good manners of the people. Hal Charles Sumner been in the Senate he wou'd have fainted dead away at such a spectacle. Had Mr. Edmunds been in the 'chair, to which be had a few moments before called another Senator, prloi to leaving the Senate chamber, he would certaiuly have sent for the Sergeant at-Arms. As it was Sena tors looked aghast and in hopeless be wildermen t, until, at a pointed suggestion from one of the other officers of the Seuate, the chief clerk retreated from his novel and conspicuous position. New Advertisements . - i llffl EMM,! u0 MORE WEAK EYES I MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE A Certain. Safe and Effective Remedy for - 'Shoe, Weal and Inflamed Eyes Producing Lons-Stehtedness and Restoring the 8ight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Gran- aiatlon, Btye Tnmore, Ked Eyes, Matted Eye lashes, ana producing quick relief and jperma nenteure. Also, eqnally efflcacions when used ia other maladies, such as Ulcers. Fever Sores,' Tumors, Salt Rheum. Burns, Piles, or wher ever inflamation exists, Mitchell's Salveniay be used to advantage. Sold by all Druasrists . 25 cec Post Offlos Notloa. . V -l r. 1 1 ps jT .W i,itf:ui,f For Dyspepsia. L4I.VJ..ral."LA Cos tire n.ss. all eurukssed riven, that lVCentlyii,.' aJirW Jsnificflnt. Nor given by yanderltlt, . t ie 1 GboAy itlraetlon. hat A 8 ibject for a pjinti ig or poem the ; p. i i lht r of C. the wrecked Columbus tilt burning yes terday, tWifly after s many unguished.'' Boston Transci ipt. I AVer a ths Death of rps- Aeold w I nioiid o telrj . The total number of children of ''sci'Ool age," which varies in each SU1; from four to sixteen, is esti mate ! nt 16,052,283; the school rolls for 1882 show a membership of 9, 781,521, however, and a daily aver age attendance of 5,705,342. Lawrence T. FelL inspector of child labor in. New Jersey, in his firt-t annual repcrt, declares that he fund evervwbere that the child labor system hnd left indelible traces of mental and physical degeneration in tne careworn dwarfed bodies. children with -INQUIRE FOB THE iu' "I - IDG ECOMdE PALACE SALOO .9 N i - . . f Next '. ' k ' . ! - I 1 OPPENHEIMEIi, PBbi oOpe-a House. dec20 4m! AVINQ BOUGHT THE INTEREST Mr. C. L. oker in the firm of II Coker kBro. all claims due or aeainst the late firm will be presented to me ior sa tlement. Parties indebted to the late firm must settle at fiee. : . - H T. COKER.fi. Tavboro, H. U. Jan. iwh ' . , ; j k t-BTOP AT- THE DRYAN HOUSE, Tai-boro, iV G?. 08 AMPLE EOOM3 for Drummers. HOME COMFORTS in every particular. April IflKHv 1 - f I it Consumption Cured. An old physician retired from practice, hav ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent v-ure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asth ma, and all throat and Lnng Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility asd all Nervous Complaints, after having test ed its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has fe'.t it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows Actuated by this mo tive and a desire to relieve tinman suffering. I will send free of charges to all who desire it, this recijie, iu Gennan,French,or English, with fall directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W A Notes, 149 Power's Block. Roches er. N Y nov 1 83 ly ALBEMARLE i HAIiElOIMlAILROAl) On and after this date, trains will mi. ..ii Ui s Ro id by the 10I owing j-'chedn - Tixne-Tatoio. larbo-o, leaves 6 00 I Tariior v, air ie narrel 's 6 15 H ' ' ' '.e.'i's, " 6 25 War-'j-'-s f Id Little Creek, . C Little Creek.- : 35 ftwhei, 6 60j Be hel, ,:, Rober.-onville, 7 15 Kobereonville. : Co Kverrtfg, 7 Evertt i 80 Williamst'n arr 8 05 illi'mst'n I v e ' Fiag Stations. Stop on final only. Tbe 7 00 a m, Ira n f om Williamst i wilt Jjre in Tarboro' ai 9 05 a m, alio win' , h neis to connect with ib 10 a hi trai on a W. & W. Railroad rtir Rocky M junt ' sThe 6pm trabi T"ni Tarboro' c jie. tx h the boat at W lliamton f x Nor oil . Norfolk & Southern Kailroad and inter point ; also at James vile w tb the ameville &, Washington Railroad fr -iU r.nti below. This table tibay be chstssd 'ar.y time as neoe--tiity or circtims lancru mthfquire J. H PfcTTY, Gen t- '.'A CARD. . . ri . To oil whin are Buffering from the errors and indiscretion of youib, nervous weaknese arly decay, loss of manhood, Ac , I will ard a receipt that will core you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discov ered by a missionary m 8outh America. Send a self-addr-Bsed envelope to Bit. Jo bkph T. Ihxab, StatiTn D., New Tort City. dac-7 82 -ly ; ' -. . ". ' : . A Grand street pfe York) has placed the following lines the desk in his shop: I am deing to live, An living r-n dye; 1 he longer I live - ' : The bcftier I dye; The mor.-1 dye ; . The better I live. dyer over X I If m 1 Tha Tm Story Ed -ar A. Po Oct btr 4, 184V a lived in Bdtia t .ok th tram t ade phia; wa- f tor. i t .the bx and at HnVro Li eroiir back vt Isa:timorelT is supposed to hava errivi the earlt upon and wts ttkeu to the WasaR TJnitvrsity Ilospit-ki, , BaK, where be died about midnigutsvco- ber 7th, 1849, and wmb mel on the 9th in Westtninster burying Ground. This is the true story, as vouche I for by the late Neildon Poa. Pth lppoej 10 nava erriv evening t f the 6th ; vl v on tlje m Tuing of tbe- n a bench mi Liht etreelf-, m . f a M ym It is said that the railroad lobbies have given up all hopes of influence iug legislation io the lower house and have turned their attention to the Senate where they hope to do more work. The Hou"?e has instruct ed it committee to report a bill de claring that lands granted to States and corporations on conditions that have not been fulfilled 6hall be for feited and restored to the public domain. '. One of tbe most astonishing sui cides ever known has recently agi taded Paris. An unknown but well ,dre8sed.ma'i went after dark to the Blois de Boulogue and placed about bis necfe an iron flexible tube filled with explosive matt r. vHe theo set fire to it, and was literally blown to piece?. A leg and an arm were pro jected to a great distance, and shreds of flesh were found hanging on ranches of trees. The methoJ was thoroughly PHrisan. DlG LIME, AGRICULTURAL ; CARBONATE OF MJ5, ! LAND PLASTER,- rl: &C, AC I TILIZER3 d for Circular J ; a irparsti(V pn for mtti- Ooi ar for dtco--.i-n. -Berrivvd Ci. fAMslMdl. an.8oldbvll rswsasi s 1 1 r WO THIRTY DAY'S TBIAfJ The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshal, Mich.i will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances oil trial for thir ty days to men (young or old") who are afflicted with Nervous Debility, Lost Vitatlty and Man hood, and kindred troubles, guaranteeing n speedy and complete restoration of health oer manly vigor. Address above. .fcd. llwthid IK . IlwvsaporitiTeraiMdrforthoxbffv mo luowintu er Haetoiuew Mj (tjutdinf h ir been cared. ludead. iwjn ra in emoxj, taut 1 vn t send 1 FHBB, togctbw with a VALUA liLB i vjb i. buuw n. wri ldBdOCi. " .' iBtrotiewr O BOTTI.I- ' HEAT18H f. I iP.C. rYork. James Nutt Discharged. The concluding scene in the gre.it Nutt trial took place' in the criminal court this jruorning, After a number of physicians had test fied to Nutt's preseut sanity the judge interrupted futher proceediugs by saying: "I 'o not thiuk m ne testimony neces sary. It was shown on the trial that he was of aound mind, both previous and since the deed was committed, and while I fully concur w.tU tbe evi Jenca as to his sanity, I must pro ceed accordiug to law." He then read the- law governing the case, at tbe conclusion of which Judge StOwe ordered Nutt to s'aud up, and beaming upon him in a f.tth erly manuer said ; r'James, you can go." ! ' 1 :- He at once was overwhelmed with profuse cong alulations, and in com pany witb Mayor Brown procaeded tothelatt r s Diivate office, where mother, sister and fri-nd awaited to we.coni him, iafter whiuh the happy family went to tha residence of Mr. Brown, where a bouDtiful spread was nieDared and awaiting A them. Krs. Mackev's Emeralds. I recently had the pleasure of, ex amini g im of th-t finest cl.ection of j'eli v ou'sidolo' a royal treasu ry that exists in Europe, and which be.loi g to aiX iu erican ia ty, Mrs. J. AY. Mackev. Slany of the stores iuued season"- of e thermometer e ice iormt- trea ns, as are beautiful Wild !Ol gt unty, ' fon ntw oi ly ft ttelow rrei Jdck to the , frozen sta- r ; l . i ' HIU taufciH- m 4 very bonld- th)rhododen low the falls ia vuu. vri4t r w1 v i along tne wucij'ior, wiiere ;un- broken cliffs ft thou ami feet high ovrtrhang the river, t!ie flo ding ice is caught by tbe rap' Js and piled up into immense drifts and tiny si reams trickle down from the be.gi.t and festoon the granite .cliffs witb gar lands of ice. Over the beetling precipice of Sb or toff mountain a tiny stream trickles down to lose itself in spray in the rays f the summer suu and in the winter to form great icicles tbat weigh hu idre Is of toua. We recollect hearing Mr. Alexander, who lived on the bank of the Ian ville and almost under the shadow of the great cliff tell of the effects of a "thaw," when these great icicles would lose their hold on the rocks and come thundering down through the spruce pines. A gentle oian who live in that neighborhood told us ooce that in passing undsr these cliffs once during a "fr. t ze" he found a stag that bai Jost its footing and slipped from the top of the cliffs a thousand feet ahove, ev ry bone be ng broken by the fall. A El Hotel ia London London will soon rival New Yoik in the number a id magaifici nee of its hotels. Yesterday auother sump tuous caravanseray, not inferior in siz and luxuriousness to the largest of the Ame ictn establishments, was OpeneJ. Where all the guests -,ire to come from who are exported to fill the thre hundred badr ouis of the Fir-t Avouu Hotl might puz zlr oue if it were not remembered tba" in this metropolis there are f lumbering every night fifty thous and sojourners who were not here tw nty-tour hours henc. The pop-, u! at ion of a large town is daily pour- at I ed into this city and has to find lodg- l g -lor itself eomew.rc. iiut tbe First Avenue Hotel do -s not expect to find its account in casual visitors a'oue. It is suppose I that many people, tin dtof housekeeping, with all its attendant troubles, will, take Tt"ief r".bodr-pe-aa smhr twtneat h. the roof 4 of the vast building in Holborn. The pystem, well estab- listiea in America nas already gain ed a hold in this Country. But if it is to ba successful, the ways of the British hotel-keeper and some of his changes especially in the mat ter of eating and drinking will have to be altered a good deal. Ameri csn hosts do not expect to pay the entire expenses of their business out of the wine which is "consumed on the premises.". St. James1 Ga zet Sick Headache, Chronic Diar rhcaa, Jaundice, Impurity of the Blood, Fever and Ague, Malaria, and an Diseases caused by De rangement of Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. SYMPTOMS OF A PISEASKD I.IVEK. . Bad Breath ; Pain in th Side, sometimes the pain is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for Vheamitwin ; general loss of appetite: Bowels generally costive, sometimes alternating- with lax; the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy, with onsidarablc loss ef memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to haves been done: a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often mistaken for consumption; the patient complains ef weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled; feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene . ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to - try It in tact, distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the Liver to have been extensively dcranped. : It should bo nscd by all persons, old and young, whenever any of the abevd symptoms appear. MAIL CLOSES. For North, South and West vrii W. & W. Kailroad at 9:30 A.M. For Greenville, Washington $nd Hyde county at 8:00 P. M. 1 . . For Williaroston and point on.A & It. Railroad at 5:30 P. M. MAIL ARRIVES. From North, South and West Via W. & W. Railroad at 6:30 P. M. . From Greenville, "Washington and Hyde county 7:00 P. M. . f From liamston via JL B. Baal road at 9:X5 A, M. b' :' OFFICE HOVBS.'' "' ') -In Monev Order and 'Ru?isrfcrd Letter Department, from 8:00 5VL"' to 4 P AI. - t - ' In Mailing Department-from 7:30 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. i Office Open constantly between these hours except when mails are being distributed or sent. , Open on Sunday from 8:30 to 9:30 M. and from 6:30 to T:30 P. M. W. P. Wnxuiisos, P. M.' if Linn or Living in lin es, oy taking a dose occasion- setbB. Persons Ti-aveUi healthy Localities, ally to keep the Liverin heahhy action, -will avoid all Malaria, Hilioiis attacks, Dizziness, Nau sea, Drowsiness,. Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, bat is no in toxicating beverage, If Ton have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. Time and. Doctors Bills will be saved by always keeping the Begulator In the Hoase t . For, whatever the ailment may eC-, a thoroughly safe purgative, alterative and tonic can never dc out of place. The remedy is harmless aad does mot interfere with basinexr or pleasure. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, : And has all the power and effidty of Calomel or u.wm wumui amy i loc uijurivu-. aucr cun.u. A Governor's Testimony. Simmons Livv Regulator has been in use in my fjtmiiy fbrsonm time, and I ant. satistied' it it. valuable addltioa to the medical science. J. Gill Shorter, Governor of Ala. Bon. Alexander II. Stephens, of Ga., says: Have derived some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a Surthcr trial. . "The only Thing that never fails to ' Relieve." I hare used many remedies for Dvs- Liver Affection and Debility, but never Had anvthin? to ljeneAt tne to th rvtr-n- Sisunont Liver Regulator has. l sent from Min nesota to Geonzia for it. and would tuaid further frir such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim- Saiiv aaected to etve it a trial ssk seems the onlv thing that never fails to relieve. . I ' r. M. Jannet, Minneapolis, Minn. Err. T. W. Mason savs: From actual ex perience in the rise of Simmons liver Regulator in say practice I have been and am satisfied to use aad prescribe it as a purgative medicine. JfafTake only the. Genuine, which always ass on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. II. ZEILEN & CO. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Thos. H. Battll. J. G. M. Jab. Norflbit Cordon. J J0, BATTLE, CORDON-& CO, (successors to) LAWRENCE & CO., Pharmacists, TARBORO, N. C. The PrescriDtion counter nnder the snoerin- tendence of Mr. J. G. M. tlordon, will receive especial attention. Will be found at the oUI stand, and will keep always on band a fnU liae of Drills, IMiuls; FANCY ARTICLES, Cigars Totacco, &c. AGEXTS FOR finest Grades of Oils. Both Wholesalfiagd 'fa Frtiire ! UndertakiEg The Spot B. C. Csrlile, 1 j Main St., just above Pamlico Banking Co. HAS OJi HAND NKW, FRESH STOCK OF -TO GET Just Like Her Father . A Somerville yonng man, who is employed in a Boston retail dry gooils store, was accosted the ether day by a friend who asked how times were. "Pretty fair," was th response "Getting ahead any V "Well, I've been promoted to floor walker?" "Indeed!" . "Yts ; we've got a new baby ia oar home." , "Don't yon think she's pretty!" said the fond motbej to the father, as she stroked the baby's silken hair. The father was in a sullen mood, something had disagreed with him, and he replied somewhat enrtly ; - "Oh, all babies are about alike. They look Uke little monkeys." Jnt then a neighbor entered, and taking the baby ou her lap said : "Mercy on us, how like its father that child Is rV-Someeville Journal. Tf) sauii m taalfbtMwi ; "2 Miss Ciata Morris' receipts for seven performances in rtt. Louis were $8,559. - Mine Modieska drew $7, 841 for eight preforinances. are . un que, aud jthe ornaments in ; general are - characterized a much by the artistic beauty of their woik- J mauship as! by tbe bpL ndor of the gemB. Foieuiost in tbe collection! shows reppleudent tbe famous set of sapplii";- which attracted much at ttntidn when exhibited by thi jowel ler Bucheron at the Parisian Uuiver eal Exhibition of 1878 It is valued at $3iJt),00 and comprises the dia dem, bracelets, ring," ear-rings and neekhce, with a large peudant. Tbe necklace is i double, the nppar row being a baudof : large, square dia moiids. aad sapphires, fitting the throat rdosely, while the lower row, a wide, arabesque of the same stone?, supports the pendant. , Tais last is composed of one enormous sapphire, peerless in Color and in water, aud 6et in large! diamonds. This stone i nf tVin tizifi of ft i tiifireon's effir. cut transversely, a perfect oval m scape, and is valued at 30,000. I have never heard the value of ihe contents of this chest estimated, yet it cannot be far from $1,000,000, and yet, withal,: there is probably scarcely another wealthy lady . in Paris who does not wear more jew elfy at ball or dinner parties or the opera than1 does Mrs. Mackey. Paris Cor. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Sleep fThe question; pi sleep is an impor tant one. I aia.a. stiong believer in .1 1 1 . . i- ' ti tne necessujiOi sieep, tnuugu uui a great sleeper myself. I think brain workers - esneciallv youni? ones requires eight hours 1 ut f twentv four. Sevtn houre aie all that I re tiuit-e. tliLubolJt. tvlise ajie ex ceeded ninety ye.trs, and who was on2 of tae most powerful brain "workers of his lim slept only four I hours. .Nap leon alsJ allowea nim-t-vif only four hours of sleep during bis campaigns- If he had slept twenty four, the worfd would not have been the worse for it. President Garfield toid me that, in his stu lent days, he could study twenty hours j Out of twenty-four, for weeks aid months. But he bad an exceptionally vigor ous constitution.. Judge Foote; who lied at the age of euhty-vigut, wrote me that he formed the opinion: in his youth, that people spent too much time in sleep, and he illowed himself but six hours, and found it sufficient. Six hours, or t veu four hours: of quiet, restful sleep, are of more val ue than eigbt bout s of restless, dis turbed slumber. One should be able, upon retirin, to throw off every care and tliought 'Tbe bow con stantly bent-io.-es its elasticity. The hraioalwava on the strain loses! its power to gr s ideas. For this Rea son, one i-hould form the habit of throwing off the bnrdens ot tnougnt wi.h the clt-tbing that is worn daring the day. j It cau be done easily witn a utue The "White lady." A few nights ago tbe famous "Weisse Dame," or White Lady, the spiritus familiaris of the Hohenzoll- ern family, is reported to have been seen by the sentinels before the Alte Schloss. The legend of this appari tion is well known. ' An ancestress of tbe Hohenzollerns, Countess Or- lamnnde, is said to leave her grave and walk, in solemn and measured 1 step, the con idorsbf the Alte Schloss j PreSll&L Canned GOOdS, in Berlin whenever- anv -member 2SW'&i Crackers, Sugars, -w.r, Piim,mratiiistrwigjj Molasses, Candy, Po- enoutrb. atul be'ieve the atnrv nf the I r " White Lady. The capital is quite tatoes, Sweet & Irish, excitedover the pretended apparition. . . f o11 v ?ri ,c jrfrp-o. A toil vA ati jviiiwj "O O Furaitiipe f', A saere remark : "A little more of the dressing please." . All are talking about it and wonder ing what member of the dynasty is next destined to die. The White Lady is a ghost who has frequently been Been in different castles and places' belonging to the royal family of irus-ia. ' She is sup pose I to forebode the death of some of the royal family, especially one of tne, children. Her last appearance was in 1879, just, prior to the deuth of Prince Waldemar. A soldier on guard at the old castle was witness of the apparition, and in his fright fl- d to the guardroom, where he was at once arrested for deserting his post. Twice she had . been heard to speak. In December, .1628, she ap peared in the palace at Berlin and OUUilU AJnUUU JL ... W wlnVB it1 JUUgtUOUII Acain at the castle' of ' Neuhaus, in Bohemia, when she said to the Prin cess, in German, "It is ten o'clock"' and the lady addressed died in a few weeks. There are two white ladies ia fact one the Countess Agnes of Orla munae, who 13 reterrea to by our Berlin oorrispondent, and the , other the Princess Beraha von Rosenberg, who lived in the fifteenth century. Tbe former waa buried auve in a vault in the palace. She was the mistress of a Margrave tof Brand- enbnrgh, by whom a be bad two sons. vVhn the Prince became a widower, Agt.es thought he would marry her, but he made the sons , an objection, and she poisoned . them, for which : t t,l. j -l: A.ii, iiuuo buq .us uuiuni uivi auutuet Chickens, &c, is at Bought -for-Gash, he offer at moderate price itirs of ill Ifcli L7i' COFFINS. CASkETS A5D UH- DF.RTAKIK6 GENERA LIT. Patronage aolicited. Marti B. C. CABTTJiR.' Tarboro. Fb. 26, 1882; f A Blessing In DIslss 48 Adelthi St, Bboouts M T, I "S. j Mmc- 20, 1891, 7 f Pobocs Px.ASTXJiS their nealing .owit tSf wonderful and their efficacy for ceaebhut - ai d; lasting. ; Foryetrapastlhaviseeaiad known them to cure And xenwva.tbe aost ob-tinate and distressing ess nf rhnnmav tisra, Kiaoey complaint, bronchi lia, eoral- gia, lumbago, inflammation of the longs aad tbroat, paralysis asthma, spinat weakneaw, and! coughs and eelds. - Iq toy otrn caw tbey cave anorded ne almost inataatas'l permanent relief. M j friends consider then , an invaluable and speedr remedv few all - kind of sol.es and paini. Theyara a Wew. an caq therefore supply families for J should be without them tf she values hr tbdtable with anytning desbred. j P6 ad com foil aid freedom from dt s No one SELLS LOVVJ5K than W IS Vu? "uu" " wferwiunww.. am a ronKibeiiinx piaswr, mn ior nan: aiim and; weaknesses, ifcey have no equal. I W r nevtr yet lonna a piaster so etnoacioui aad sUmnlatio to or to give so winch general M. - istattion ustd m connection with BtAia Our Goods are Bought to b- Sold, and to do this only a small advance on cost is asked. , e keep a First-Class Grocery, do.1 No one sells BETTER GOODS. We are strictly business all the lime. MalleU& Hart. tea ijllt 1 ALL. fKKSUJNS AKE llf.Ki.lJi 1TUKBII den to harbor, shelter or hire my son, Emmet Washington, heth's universal hfe gtv jag and lifs-hffU ins Pills, so one need deepair of a syaedy resioralion to eood oond heoltb. - j MRS- E. TQMPgTjffc-. to Mil onr pnpulnr BOOKS vfclrX,F In evssr Towa ami County. EJ Beat A A. I Wk .. JUUSSOM CQ..lUalSI .nap"ta. f st ed to make the best tune on a race- conrse, n 1 no reasonable person can think for jnoiritbata brain cerebrate wiaryvS smooT.ui so a tj$c' grasp.' an"" 15' nrncti. No one exiiects a iaded ' Tersion is that she fell in love with . ... . . . ' I A Via' in f9 f . wn. n et S m . . n a na. with hfr two daughters, who were an obstacle to her marriage, for which crime she was doomed to "walk the t arth as an apparition. The Piincess Bertba is troubled iot eend S vigor because an annual gift which th.o left Mids letter than . to the poor has been discontinued V Dio ; Lewis's She appears dressed in white and t . i - I carrying at4rer ude a bunch pi keys. J a negro boy, about 18 years of age, 5 ft. 2 or S I Inches hitrh. llffht co.n lexioD. and weiirhs about 130 lbs. Ran awy fpm me on MonJay J gift ToUBg'l P. P. GlaSM I k ST IySit " GEO. WAtHI JtOTON, Col January I5Ui, 18&4 4t '.., -. M'ptl y;-whert itis v,knt ' cat more taftdultone, v J. T. YOUNG & BEO. , - - - h ' , "OwsJersila ' . . , Fine Walohes, Diimonds. ueweiry, aiivcrvtU-c, Manufautureti of all kinds ,f GPiU.Vi A fiPIITftAksoverOWat. AA llf IM I XhondnBd per cent m immi wprofltaelliiig Um Reilectinff Safety limn Can be mU in mrmrr fa.iw cr-!l "-htibanthrerdiMryUmna. PI AIN ) D .IPWCI DV ' 0(M f?? "!. W ha v. other I .The best ClOaata aad .11. AmericV-n Watches at the lowest prices rZiA saver .p.Kms, forks, 4c, cheapirthan Zr Tour orders are soilt ited. and wll berr.mf ly attended to by - " 1 ""Prompt. hutueeoid aniclaa. Circulars lici. FOKSHEE HACKlM. CindnaaU.0 1 n-uiiwe un m-ir spMly cure KENT ritcf. ,HOFFKA!V,P.O.BolS.('lli(.. lit -EATiNl REE. Da. J.C Jac30 I 7

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