1 wlc llini r r mi fi mm. WW ''XT - . i Mr'A f A SA. A I -A AA 1 1 i ii 1 1 i i ti .41 v it n- - nvh u i n i, ii i n iji ! i ii i ii r. n v 11 i i i n .1.11 - i n . i i 1 ' " " '. , Z , j , T. r : , .j .- - . ; : : 1 BE SURE 7TOJJ AEJ5 EICjT ; THEN GO ABEBAD.-D Crockett. VOL. 63. NO. 6 FKOFESSIOHAI4 CARDS." D R.K.T.BA88 ., Offer, his profco services to :the citi- lens of Tarboro and vicinity. I f Office ia T . McNair'. drag Btoro on Main Strest " .t - mboxQ Bonttttin4 PRANK POWELL, f .-i TTORXEY-A TLA T Takbor --' - I N. C F RANK NASH, TARBORO. N. C. 'Practice ia all the Courts, State and Toi- Attorney i&d CoiiseTar it Ixw, iAeOera in all tb Cooria, Bute and NDREW JOINER, i ATTORRET-AT-LA. JFt ; ; CBEENVILLE, .N. 0. ; iS fti iare wiil regalarJy attend tha Superior curt f Kiigecurab.. OMoein Tarboro Bouse. M. T. FOUNTAIN, .'.'- - Ai iUltNEY AND COUNSEL! jOR AT LAW, . Tarboro, N. C.. Office over Iiuarance Office of Capt, Orren Williams. fetiSt-6m r ALTER P. WILLIAMSON ' Attomey-at-T-aw, ' Orce in Post Office Building.) i TARBQKO', N,. C. Practices in Bute and Federal Courts. IH. A. Gn.T.im. Domixu. GrJLUAM ILLIAM & SON, Attornfcys-at-Law, hussdat. . , . . .February 5. 1885. The '1 wi ANONYMOUS. : A . . . a Deffffar stood at the rich rnan's dpor "I m homeless and friendless, and faint and poor," baid the beggar boy, as the tear drop -rolled Ijon his thin cheek, blanched -with ;r want and cold.: i ti-e-':.x j ' Ob, gir roe a catr iivta. our - board to-day, f 2 ! -To help the heggar boy o bis'vrayf J'Not a croat, n A a, craat,'! 1 ;Hch ,4?"fiiaa:SBidir: 'iV. !IJe ofl and" wort for tout daily bread." . , . . - . . The rich man went to the' parish trod the His face grew grave as he 1 . corch.- - - . ' Alid the thronging poor, an untroght i mass, ' lew back to let th rich man riass. The service beeran. the choral h vmn Arose and swelled: through the Ions t - aisles dim: "" . Then the rich man knelt, an J the f. . ) words he said ere, "Give ns this' day our dilv bread!" OF J Missionary lloacbes. ' MUEDEBEB 8 CUBIODS UTILIZATION ' PBISOH CKT.T. PK9TS. The Philadelphia News of recnt we is respohsille for the following extraordinary story, j The story of Baron Trenck who succeeded, by almost incredible in- TSOfl. H. B ATT LB, Baekf Uonnt. JAS. NORFLEET, larooro.. TARBORO, N. C. Wl practice in the Counties of Kdsrecombe. 1 : j nu 1 i .l. . . rirst dlcial District, and in the Circuit and fenuit7 n whilmg away the honra .wuiuuiw .lauio-ij. OI a Uietime OI imDriHonmnf. with eomparative content are more than ) iralleled by the remarkabla ingenu ity and curious inventive genius of tr. Albert G. F. Goersen, the wife prisoner and murderer, now in solita ry confinement at Moyamensing waiting the fulfillment of tbe law. he story is almost bevpnd belief, nd certainly nothing so remarkable Ihas'ever been known in the unwrit ten history of prison life in America, j Prior to hia ; trul Qoersn waa a "gATTLE & NORFLEET, AUorneys-rat-Law, TARBORO & ROCKY MT. If. C. HTRnnTT FifiMmmh. Kaak mrA Urn. on. Loans negotiated on reasooabta terms. ,3. L, Uk. 'QEKS. B. C. SHASPE. SHARPE, i attorn eys-at-Iiawf trvztXce in all Courts. Prompt attentjoH to D OSSET BATTLE, 1 man o aHipatd E&lilts, &nl oix tUat reeceaone oi ioe strongest, pieaa 01 the defense,, that the murder was ir responsible. Since his incarceration, however, and under the abstemious diet and regulations of prison life he has again developed the peculiar re ligioos fervor he once possessed, and u-6tairs over new Howard baudingt MaiuJ : . ij :"j.u t itreWopp. Bank-front room. . j . Ipr 1 '8j 18 now warmly interested m the fut ure fate of his fellow prisoners. With Attorney at Law TARBORO, N. C. BatUe & Hart, Rocky Mount, N. C., : Practice in the court of Nash, Edgecombe, Wilson and Halifax cona'ies. Ateo in the Federal and Supreme Court. Tarboro office, jj-R. I N.CARS, ; f f' ISurgeon ; rjjg Deirtisfc, TAEBORO, N. Ci j I ' ;- 4- . J"' ; . 'Oflce houie, irom 9 a. m. 'till 1 p. na. an romJ to 6 p. m. f - jiext . floor to Tarboro. House, over ttoyster & Nash. ! sr. I Send 6 cents for postage. and receive free, .si costly ! which will help all, of either sex to more mott 1 r right awaj than anything else in this world. jFqfrtune await the workers absolutely sure. At once 'address Vitus & w.r- Augusta, aie. APRIZE.- iapril3 ly. JJONEY TO LOAN. 1 1 le Persons desiring to borrow money lean tearatodated by applying to me, and the wt. fired security 1 will also buy liont 3 .Stocks Kotes Ac li. L. 8TATON. .R J .1 SAVAGE, Tivern. .and Feed Stabled, : khk GBAirvnxs A St. Akdmw Stbkktb this thought in view Goersen applied for permission to read the Bible to inmates of the prison. Tbe request was .naturally refused. Goersen, however, was determined to impart to his companions in durance his knowledge in the Scriptural writings and resorted to a scheme which in all probability has no simile in ci imi- nal annals the world over. Black roache3 were the messengers enlisted by Dr. Goersen to couvev spiritual instruction to the benighted prisoners of Moyamensirg. The county prison is overrun with big English beetles. These insects are. from an inch and a quarter to two inches or more in length, and in fest every cell in the prison. Goer sen, who is of an inventive turn of i-v.int. anrl a f IrtA QQ m A fimA o ro mart. rt 7 ' . 77 - , 7. j.L OUce, JLi&CfUirlgt aDTe penman, saw in the roaches a medium through which it were pos sible to attain the desired object. To utilize the roaches became Lis hobby. Filled with this idea he captured an herculean beetle, and parting the wings, salivated a tiny strip of tissue paper and stuck it, by the aid of paste ingeniously made from scraps of bread, on the insect's, back. On w onniini ' w ' M t Thcsa Stable, are the largest in' the State. f have' aeapaeity of holding' ten carloads e him a calL i ianlSy jyHITAKER S ACADEMY. " WHITAKER'S, IT. C. , ! Speaking of his ; feelings to his keeper -afterward he said his excite ment was intense.- : "My heart stood Btill,K he said; the tears stood in my eyes, and I rr,-3n ' - disappointro'". would kill me. I examined over a dozen roaches and could not discover a sin gle one with any characteristics that would lead me to believe I hjtd seen a' . . n it ueiore. ouaaeniy. j. saw among tbe massees something white gleam- icst on the bank of one ef tha tma. My breath came fas'-,-and fw mchr ment I' hardlj,dajedja iwokf'rhen; plucking courage, I took the -whtle backed roach between and parted the winn. ' J trembled" as 'though "emefcehed with the ague, and could r harclly 'see for exoitement. . I examined the struggling bug I ' knew it--I had seen it before on its-bafik, fast and tight, was still fastened a message I had sent to nly 'unenlightened fellow prisoners."' On the back of the roach, and in scribed on the strip , of paper, were the words: '. ' "B9-not 1 deceived; evil communica tions corrupt good manners." But this was not all. Written transversely across' the paper, in a scrawling and almost illegible hand, were the words: . "I noyui-e'right Sined, 62. . Goersen was delighted, and the phenomenal success of his ruse made him long ' for greater achievements and look foe new, worlds to conquer. After tho return of the first ! mes senger Goersen devoted his attention to insects of the largest dimensions alone. ; ' . ' ' After several ineffective attempts he achieved the remarkable feat of writing iu mflnitessimal characters, on the-back of a twe-inch rottcb, a clear and distinct . transcript of the "Ten Commandment: THB SCHXKS DISCOVERM); ! Yesterday, while one of tbe offici ate ci the prison was waiting IhrwigSt j tracted by a peculiar iooking inscct. It appeared to bavcTa "spasm, and was evidently trying to relieve itself of the incubus of a strip of paper that trailed from its back. . The insect was captured without trouble, and then the astonished official was, confounded with arrreze- rneijt to find on the paper the follow ing text, clearly and distinctly writ ten: "Look not upon the wine when it is rel, for at la3t it biteth like a serpent and-stingeth like an adder." If had been written by Goersen. The darkness that had shadowed his own life through his weakness and dis sipation had suggested a text that, in the execution of bis peculiar ma nia, found expression as a message to his equally shadowed fellow-beings. Heavy Armor. The present year has seen the building and equipment of the fastest, most powerfully armed and most heavily armored war" ship that has yet been constructed. . This year has also Been the "beginning of the end1' of armore 1 ships. Ericsson's torpe do boat trials have demonstated many things, among others 'the fact that a vessel may be sent to the bot tom with1 a celerity and dispatch which make Ker armor only valuable as a sinker. High authorities abroad have expressed the opinion recently that, in tha future, it would not be worth while to attempt to keep out The Spring Session, and 13th term Of this School will oDen. the Lord willing, on the 2nd aiocaay, lath day 01 wan. Doara can the paper, written m minute cnarac be obtained from W to 10 per month. -Tui tion irom io to xM per- session, one nau la advance, the balance in ten weeks. Wife wQl (0ve .lnetruction in music. . f or further par ticulars inquire 01 v i. ' X. , T If A. DJ..!..t ! T0CKY MOUNT MILLS -t ARE in "full and successful operation.' aid are prepared to fill all orders for Sheet- larns-ana Uotton Rope, at lowest prices. Orders addressed to Rocky Mount, MiUs, yum,, n. win be promptly atteral . ed to. JAMJ58 S. BATTLE, T it c'y ai Treasurerj i. v" Ctiqaette orWhtrt. .j i-.'i Thete are certain auggestioot'ad notes relative tathe manner f play ing the modern scientific game of whist, which we do not find in- the dry rule laid down by oar best rWri- Wbile thy tell as the mechan ical operations o - piSyiui., to make the most of the cards ; held they do not tell us what small talk should be inserted- between hands; in order to lighten the' sombre- routine of "play. : For instance, sbonld , fho Jeaf spfli cards i oa the floor whfle trf0S to shuffle tfiem, many 'j would no know' what to say in order to re lieve him of his i embarassment. ; c You should at tbat timet ass; him if you -; had not ' better - procure a bushel lasket for him to shuffla in. This will at onc produce soars. -.oi laughter, and the game will : proceed smoothly. Mr. . Pole, 'has i-omitted such suggestions as these,! and taken the responsibility of naming a few. ;i ' : Should you wish to gain the es teem and admiration of your partner and other lovers of whiatoccaaiooal ly ask "WhatY trump! and yawn, so that the players may admire the filling in your wisdom teeth. This show your intense interest in the game and gives your partner perfect faith and childlike confidence in your ply. tTha game may be greatly enhanced by the hesitation of player when a new suit is introduced, and hia bright crisp and original remark that hell be banged if he remembers whether the ace of that has been ployed or not . This will show every one that an All wise Providence, seeing that you wouldn't know what to do with an intellect if you had it, saw fit to give yours to a cow. If your adversaries gain the rub ber and one of them does the scoring make tbe remark that it ia half in counting, and suggest that you will keep. the books yourself hereafter. This joke is still, in good repair and ear da and counters of any first class LdaalesTb game of whist is very much 'brightened up by these' re marks, and I would no more think of getting whist cards, et?., without se curing the jokes that go with the pack; than I would go into the min is trel business without "Noah's Joke Book" and' Adam's great work enti tled "Mirth Without a Master; or, every Man His Own DamphooL" Should your partner trump a trick which is already your own, show your superior knowledge of tbe game by abusing her if she be a lady. This will convince her tbat you are a gen tleman, and that you know more about the game of whist than you do about common decency. The blood of but one human being is upon my hands. It is the blood of a man who played whist against me one evening and scolded his partner till the tears came in her beautiful eye. He claimed that he had a right to do so because she was his wife, but that that didn't make any difference with the coroner's jury, i - She makes mighty fine looking widow, and I do not regret the part I took in the tragedy f There" are two kinds of brute ver tebrates. One wears hair and has the decency to stay out of den; the other wears clothes and makes money and insists on coming indoors and playing whist and abusing his- part ner. One hangs by his tail to a for est tree and be aaves himself; the Clrlwi4!"iVl!ae)U Mr. Randall xatorned to Washing ton Friday.: He had veryr Jittle j to Ixeaentative men of-the Carolina, in- &y about the interview ..with ; Mr. Cleveland rt It was well understood no hop or wish or fear expressed as tQaAhift-Tisjt did not xeUte - tcuthe Cabinet, JjoCfather, to . the general policy bl the Admi wstration. .The -5ai anted: to go.io ftdbranoe of Mr. byiaany to mean that his views are .The Crliaaa. In the free mingling with the rep eluding white and black, I have heard anything except tbe bails from ma chine guns. When merchant stea-1 other haoga by his purse-string to de mers can make from twentv-ohe to I cent society and makes himself ob- H. L.8TATON, Or.,.. W.8. CLARK, M. WEDDRLii, ...... fRESIDBNT. Prbsidrht. . ... .Cashier. 'Hie F&ilico hsiums Mhte 4 (BANKING DEPARTMENT. " j 3m open from 9 A. M. to S P. M. insoount Day, Thubsdat. i DlBEOTOKB : ' .'ueo. Howard, H. L. Staton, Jr., W. 8. Clark, j. uuiuju, nun. ilea, rnuips. JLliai varr, ua joun it. Bnagers, Jr. iDec. 18-lv. WILLIAMSON, Manufacturer of .Fine HaM-Me Harness, Opposite Coubt Housiy .X. ters and with the skill for which Goerson was so' much noted, were the word?, small but legible: "Although thy fins be as scarlet. they shall be as white as snow." . The insect was then' released ant scurried through a crack in the floor. The follo'wing day the doctor eaptured fifteen or twenty of the largest roach . it. i l :i i tu: es OUt OI me lUBeuwriai uauuuuuB that entered bis cell 'and concealed them in an ingenious made box. Hid ing the box under his bed, he pre- paied a dozen slips similar to the first, and inscribing on each micro scopic selections from the scriptures, attached them to the tacks of the captive roaches. . After keeping the insects confined lorig enough to see that the paper slips would stick the roaches were released and they, like their prede cessors, quickly escaped through the cracks and crevicea in the . floor and walls of the cell The result of his experiment Goersen awaited with feverish anxiety. The lid of a pan filled with scraps was placed on the floor as a bait. Three days after Goersen found near ly a score of roaches in the lid. Carefully he picked them up, one 7. 1 by one, and examined them. twenty-two miles per hour, the ves sels of war must pot have a less rate of speed if any prizes are to be taken. If the armor - is useles, equal weight iu tbe engine-room ' would be a far better , investment. If torpe does or topedo boats are to be gen erally used, the ship of the future must carry her armor over her -whole hull if she is to b9 protected. . It is even doubtfal if the 'Esmeraldo's" 21 inches of armor ' would keep out one of the torpedoes used by Ericsson on his boat last summer. If- these would not carry explosive enough to sink a ship, i t is an eaey matter to sink a ship, it is an easy matter to enlarge their cpacity until they will do so.- Enterprise. Civil JSebvick Reform. One of the duties of Judson Macumber, an intelligent colored man, employed in the Austin postoffice, is to cut a daily supply of kindling wood for the stoves in the building. A few days ago, the supply was short. 4 Why don't you chop up two or three days' supply of kindling; wood, so we can always have some on hand,'r asked Col. DeGress, the post master. ' - "No sab, I don't cut up no kindlin' wood for de day ahead. We am li able to hab our heads chopped off ed in connection with it, but none of his friends here believe that ha would take it His health in the first place wculd stand in the way. Then he is a poor man and has1 no means out side of his official salary. The pres ent indications are that Ohio will be passed by. If Peniltoa is recog nized at all in the Cabinet make up it will be on account of his poasess ing moreqnal i fications for the office of Secretary of 8 tate than ahnoat any man who is available. The opposition decideJL It is now understood ihat the Payne influence has been direct ed against him. Mr. Whitney, ; who has been mentioned so often in con nection with the Cabinet, has neer been pnt in the right place. A friend of his said to-day that Mr, . Whitney, prefered the Interior Department and would probably get it if he goes into the Cabinet. There is not; a single Democrat in Washington who attaches any importance to the story that Frank Jones, of New Hampshire is "going into the Cabinet This isa story which started from Republican souroes. World. to . reactionary Bkovement in those Btates;- - - To.asRimej thai ftey have forgotten; their love for their, lost cantey their veneration for lis heroes. -. their reverence for its SillSaat &9Tgreatef BetsThpse jrhn; fiaqr ijbod. MiMSM trifle say that : the : Speaker sboaid nve been invited before tiie ex-Spe-ker.Sj A letter Received &bef.etO;.dax from agTOUemaa oft piininence: in Albany, says that the.oidy.snre thing about the. Cabinet ia the selection of he feels yerjj test U inere.T specnLstion, .and. Jhat Mr. CJereland himself has not made up his. mind, and io cases whee he is drifting towards an opioion, he may be -obliged - to shift position Garfield made his Cabinet , oyer and over, again and even . changed about at the very last moment , Tbe most serious question to, solve liei ia the-selection of a Secretary of 8tatr. . If Mr. Ba ard stands out because he cannot afford to take4hje place, then who shall be selected is embarrassing because there i-are so few Democrats who have the wide social acquaintance the knowledge of public affairs and the wealth-re quired for. the filling of this place. Mr. Lamar's name has been mentioa- 1-before attained in her history. ; She dead would. e to more or laeathaaluimani they are thoroughly assimilated f-. the new duties jthat newoccasions hare .prescribed,) and are m sincere and hearty accord with -ths .new achievements which now invite them, icthe honest troth. - ' It is atsxtling to compare ihe growth of Virginia with the Carolinas since the war. Ik is Jtrue lhat Virginia: bore more than her share of the brunt of the battle, as her territory is erqwded with biBtoricelda of sanguinary con flict and much, of -htr : lands were laid waste; hut her loss by war was not more than the loss of South Carolina, and not Bo much consider ing the value of emancipated slaves. Virginia never drank tbe bitter dregs of carpet bag inle and her credit was never, wasted by the profligacy of poUtical adventurers. ; " North : Carolina is bow single from the . other reconstructed States in having attained, solely by the effects of her. own people, higher degree of general prosperity than was ever noxigus. . ' nv j.. Should your mind wander while playing the game of whist so that you foolishly throw away : a trick, third hand , take back your card and substitute another, laughing merrily all the time. Your remarks win look much better when arranged for the tomb if you die with a smile : .on your face.v If yon wish to be loved by all who know you,: and if .you wish to secure an early immortality, insist on throwing away kicks in third hand, yawn till the top of your head settles out of sight, and occa sionally ask, "What's trumps!" - . ; Lots of people of that kind have died suddenly during the past five years, and many1 thought their deaths were caused by some secret society, but they were not. It's getting so now th tt if a man, plays whist that. way, the life insurance companies, will not insure him, and I don't blame them I'd as soon insure the man who goas around with his coat tail pockets full of Czar bursting bombs. . . fiiix Nte. -"- - - It is said that the - originator tue Concord grape bas : raised over 20,000 set diings in the ' past: thirty- anv minute, ana xaon t naouo jtiuu-1 t. . - . , , v - . . ...I nvtrut ' onrt nnlv IfffTir.vlnA nitri Haa lin wood in de cellar ior ae- iemo-i e- - j, j -rr--r cratic niggah what gits my place." : j sirable qualities. ; ; , XIae Democrats and the . Offlsers. Department officials have made a stndy of their chances for keeping their offices, and the conclusion they have generally reached is that Mr. Cleveland's letter to Mr. Curtis will not be permited to become the rule of his administration, and that they will have to go. j'-v , f The reason for this ; is that ten thousand will be stronger than one man, even though he be the Presi dent. It it not . the .Bourbon cry, but the demand ef working Demo crats in thi North and West." There is greater unanimity -in favor of giv ing tbe offices tq the party that car ried the election than- has been represented.- It.ie the feeling in . Ohio as well as Georgia, in Indiana as well asAlabama and tbeJState east pf the AUeghanies ? respond to the Pacific slope iu urging ..that to the faitbiot bel-mg the, fruits ,.of riciory. Mn the quietof tbe last few weeks, during which lime Mr.:. Clevelaod is supposed to have been engaged in makiog up iiin Cabinet, , writing his inaugural addreis, and jet'ling on the line of action, : this feeling has been solidifying ; and, - though de mands of . this descriptiQii will be presented to; Mr. Cleveland with a soft hand at first, it will, harden and become as iron if , to; the demand a deaf.ear is turned Those who,. with , interested vigil ance.and exceptional intelligence, have pursued the . . .investigation of the question, have reached ..the con clusion that Mr. . Cleveland .. will ( bo forced to abandon the sentiments of tbe Curtis letter and permit the old-fashioned- doctrines to - have, their wayl ; It is on (bis account that the patriots ; in - the ..ppartinents . are making ready for : the summons to go. Their only hope is in a Demo- cratic quarrpl.' . j -'f ' V:! vf- A Qaiet Atfiair. . , Cincinnati Lady I was surprised to tearn oi your uuurriajre. . a saw no mention of it in the newspapers. uncinnati isnde it was a very uiet affair-half a dozen kegs of la has a more3 prosperous and thrifty people to-day. than at any period of the past, and there is more capital employed, and less debt. State and individual, , than at any time in i the last half century. Texas . has sur passed the Old North State because of her -large influx, of, immigration and wealth; ..but North Carolina has fewer foreigners and al more eom- plete, homogeneous popolatkm than any othee State of the Union. Since the resoue of the State Irom the tern- after, the war under the Ilden got' ernmenW the taxes have steadily di miqished until they : are only ;"nomi nal, and the schools have , increased until they: profer education to every child in the Commonwealth, regard less of color. Her legitimate debt is steadily reduced; her : treasury has a large surplus; her humane institu tions, conducted with equal care and outlay for both races, are monuments of credit; her public improvements have . kept pace with the" growing wants of her people; her authority I reflects the pride of the State'in . its stainless integrity, and thrift and content are the common blessings of her people. For this exceptional record there are many able and true men to whom North Carolina is indebted; but it is no injustice to any . to say that to no one is she so much indebted as to Thoe. J, Jaryis, the retiring JGover nor. His term of six months, ended only by the mandate of the Consti tution, has brought the State to the largest measure of prosperity ever known in all her past, and there .is not a Bon of North Carolina who does not share in the general pride of a more than rehabilitratted Common wealth. When it is considered that North Carolina has every important mineral within her . .borders, from gold to iron; that she has every var iety of sod for eyiBry variety of crops, from wheat to cotton; that she has every variety, oi jelimate, frpm . tbe sunny Southern eoast to the chills, of the highest peak of the , Appalachian range; that she has water A FaKJaer. J04sietlBi4si Fostace, The new Poet OfSce Appropria tion bill has been finished , by Mr. Randall's . committee, and it now goes before the.' House.. , Toe bill makes two important changes in the present ratts of postage. It is preposed to charge two cents an ounce, or fraction of an ounce, for carrying first-class matter; that is to "say; letters and sealed Tmrceu in wLJepeopIeowpaypoVuge at ratVaf two,centaf oraarti hstf csmest. I Cln lAiAi-a Hnn!i4mr a amo-la WnttaM ' '- -J..will of course, be no reduction, i LetterT 'whfift,-laa for four cents" will go for two;7 on all heavier parcels belonging this class of mail matter-the postage will be reduced one-half. ' This reduction directly concerns almost every one in the United States. If adopted by Congress, it will be the second great step toward the uniform rate of the future a cent on an ounce for letters, whether carried across Broadway or across the continent The other change . proposed by the committee's bill affects second class matter! The postage on Lews papers and other periodicals regular ly mailed from a recognized office of publication is now two cents per' lb. The bill reduces the rates to one cent a pound." We spoke favorably jtbe other day of this measure. There are several bills now before Congress abolishing postage altogether so far as second-class matter is concerned. We think that tbe committee's plan is far more judicious and equitableJ Both of these provisions are in tha interest of the public and tbev should be approved by Congress. The.same thing cannot be said of the section which provides fora subsidy to American steamahips carrying the foreign mails. This is not a good time , for subsidy legislation of any sort, ' '. . U NEW AND VALAUBLE DE- TICK. 2?AtoZlt Water. CkiBPSiSeat ,CTJRE0Fv HEMORRHOIDS, , ii - JCommoaly Called rOes. 4 ger and a few skyrocks from the from robust enough iu a single river to spin, aad weave the whole cotton of the South, ani her lands are nearly, as cheap and ber climate better than the West -when these facts are weighed in the scales of intelligence, tne mo mentous meaning of a .New South, with tectional tranquility assured, may be understood in the North as it is now understood in the Caroli nas. And South Carolina is little behind her sister. McClure in Phil adelphia Times. It i said that JSrertt was once in love and : went courting. We won der what his girl thought when Wil ham began to pop the question and, after reeling off a two-hours open ing review of the causes whicn had led to the necessity of a proposition, branched off into a review of the precedents j ratifying the act and then movedjtor an adjournment of the court until a future day, so that he might look up causes to fortify his position and establish his c-wef If she did not shout for the old man t come : downstairs and .club .William off the premisei it must have ' been that she really wanted to see how long his chin could wag without Winding np. ' uiwuuui uk juLiJU&NAir BUS AI. MO MEDECIXE OR SURGICAL OPERA TION NXCESSART, I have invented a 8LMPLX WATER CLOSET SEAT, for the cure of the abor troablesoBM and pafartui malady, which I confidently place batera the public as a. Strma,.Rxu asd . Cna . ' ' ' " It ma reeeived ths endscssflasst of tha leading physicians in this coaunnnlty, -and -wherever tried, has given entire satisfaction, and where it fails to reUeva the -money will be wRlintly retained. r These Seats will be furnished at tha follow ing prices : .Walnut Sfi.00) Cherry... - S.0OV DUc ooa 1 1 Paislclaa Poplar 5.00) Direetioas for using will aeonaapany each 8eat4 We trouble you with no eerttfleates We leave the Beat to be its advertiser. . Address, , j ' LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN, 1 Patentee . : Tarboro, Edrecoaib Co.. N. C. -, je8S-ly ftUT OFF1 People 5cf3l Not Think That I do aot ralix tha shrinkage ia prices. i ao, wnea My Goods wre Bought Th Amerieam-DTMsalte January 26th, says: ' The Irish dynamiters use the Unit ed States not as a factory for their : explosives but as a place in which to ! make their plans and collect money. : Against this" Mr. Edmund's bill will accomplish . osthing. It -will not touch the machinery of collection in thecieasL -There are several Irish newspapers in this country devoted wholly or ' largely (o the , task of preaching the lawfulness of all modes of annoying' or injuring Englishmen. These newspapers openly .call week by week for money to pay the cost of attacks, on life and. property, in England and Ireland, Qd to aid in a, -m a - . toe escape oi aynamuers ana bssbbb-ins. lhey praise assassins in tbe high est terms, knd hold them up as ex amples of .patriotism, and publish frantic rejoicings over such offenses as we re Committed ia London on Saturday. They print also, with the utmost conspicuou8ness, the boasts of persona claiming.to have original ed or participated in suh offenses. These papers circulate by tens, of thousands all over the country. No such publications were ever, before allowed in an civilized nation. .They are a constant stream of moral and political poison for the poorer and more ignorant portion . of tbe Irish population; ia this country, and then enable hardened villains to . obtain from them large sums of woney, of which ia all likelihood not-over one Before this very shriakace had takea ptAce and now A am onenag mam To Edgecombe People at priess lower than has ever ben known before. SUCH CHEAP Groceries & Conleelioneries WILL ASTONISH THE NAT1YKB. COMB AKD BEE MB. Jan-l-)y 4 T. E. LEWIS. rjOWN LOTS FOR SALE. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court f Edgecombe county.. 1 will sell at the court faooM door ht Tarboro, N. O. on Monday Httbrnarr 9th. 1885. aertcln pieces or parcels oriaiuT Irlnir an Main Street hr the town ot . Tafborajopposite K C Brown's: Btore, known as the Hnssey jloc ana aesiznateu as vb nv. 10 fat the dan of said town. - Terms of sale one half-cash balance in one and two rears with interest at S -per cent. fr dav uf sale - ' i ti t. staton, rfr., vomnussioner. Jan.13.it 1 j -ITTI180N COLEOI ATE INSTITUTE W i FOR rOCNQ LADIES. Paicxa to Burr ran Tinas. ; LlteraryTui- Uoo .Washin and Board, incinouis; iaoi Fare, Furnished KToom, rnei, ukuu, ana Fon Fivx Months' Skmiob OkxtSSO, K paid in Advance. The Priaelpai lsaow teach 7d htmaaU.-, Librarr naaH'Baskd. for inj. In Snrth famllnr "Mrt k.w .i: tAik. tiMiniiiimit. Soitaf Sessioa herin Jan. i f?"tT . -i. an? ends Jane i, J88V . For CaU'ogna. ad WDlCa U li, WITKlIiaJiT : AXleMXi; UIV a Anm.- 4 I- : o r rest is,stonv.or spent in debauch ery. U tft''-::: - ':;'.iV-: Bmasisus Petra)leaa Vert as Anaer- ' ' lCe. American petrolenm is threatened with' a. meet lormidable antagonist in the Russian cil .fields. The de velopment : pi these , fields . bas' been most .wonderfully rapid. Hardly the world heurd them as a curiosity ofa remote and in accessible region, before rpe-unes, lail ways and ; lines of steamers .were . in . operation -and the oil was 'in the .market. While thftliverpxial tests and standards are slightly in favor of the American oil, It will ncft probably, be long before rhfa advantage will . disappear and the Amerioan article have to compete on a common ground. While this has been going, on the 'oil fields at home .have been doing, their oestnd the past year . has seen flowing wells opened that have equalled, if they have not exceeded, the production of any wells in the history of the oil regions. Crude oil .has, , as might have been expected, gone down to a very low figure. While .this seei to have very little interest to tbe me chanic or the engineer, H .really is matter of importance, as it redueet the' price of several itema.--Enter- prise." Jan 8-lm ' - rr.. Wilsoa, . C. BlatSISTJlATPR8 NOTICE Haviag fia day aaaUsed naea she stale of the K. Urlop, all parsons aaving ciaunp af(aiu WIS m eat tbem to vdm anoeniciie oaarbefora Jan'r 1st lSSS or this notice wUl aa latae. thaastata pk m bar their raear ' . , - 4 C W, EAGLES, Adm'r. Jan'yt ER801t AL PROPERTT FOE SALE. Horier, hurries and haraew, 1 Twohorse wagon, 1 One horse waron, t;art, rww, l,1Braln cradle, -Plow gear. Cotton Wketa Ac. 600 bashels Cottoa seed, Cora and Kod der, ,l Edjrecotabe Cotton Planter. ; W. O. LEWIS OK 8.E. SPEIGHT. .. This property wui be delivered at my Preh eat risideaee or in Tarborov tbkiu iuus KNOWN on APPLICATION. tf ".-1 - :' W. O. LEWIS, Arent. S' TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA C SornioaCouaT, EDO BOOMS! Co- DelhaF.Teel J. W- Honsa and wife MatUda House, Ben jamm WTeel, Leila TeeL H DTeel, Jr. and Irene Ted by their raaidian W H Joonston, Roland TeeL Perry TeeLJ DOweos, and wife Fraaees E Owens and Thomas Anderson and Wife Patay Ana Anderson- snciAL raocxxDnio roa dowxb. ; TbeendenU Benjamin W and Leila Teel ian . hereby notified that if they fall to apr or before tha Sth day of February IBSS and answer the eomptaiat or SSonT of plalntlft, depoeitoAhi the office oTthe Clerk of tbe tupfOoortof Idra combt eoanty, tha pwnttf wffly to Ua cWtXor the re let demndedttorem. Giv en under my hand and seal. This Jan. ISta 1885. 1 "H. L. STATON :t ' Janiaa Norftaet, C. S.O " ialDt'rs Attorney, Jan Uf

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