y- : , . ' "- - ' . - .- : - - ::. v:.; J" ;- : : . : ' '.- ..-.A' ' i :NvVs--v - : - ' :.- -J- -- - I.--,: - . -.v. : 'U : - . . . ' i ' it V ' ,m0mmmmmmt-ra-trVTntM-it-ri i t aaanpaaia.s,jiaia n whi V- - '- - i ' ' """ -k--m. - ... M U-M " I riuiti' .ar" lit -wfa. ji. joil r i mi iUmi iiimii ii . j .. " f II' .'- H k - " 'ii Wa - f.iinnm m win ,km n. i !, , i- i i i . -- , .. M fTi fr,-il iLRVrQSITAcr ffTnJSf - 1 . . :p - t;! . ,j A y .r . . - - - . 1 i i - VOL. 63, BE SURE YOU AEE RIGHT;; TBEN 0O AJ3,--I;tJrobkett. 9 '. TAHBORO', N. C,, THURSDAY;, MAX,: 28 1885. R.ILT. BA8S ; , s f D offr his nrotea. U seryicM tO e is o( Tarboro and vicinity j i ( OiHee in T. A. McNair'a drug stor ritreet Uie citt. AnMaln IJRANK, POWELL, -1 vr 7 TiBBOBO, f: TARBOSO HMOi !'rclic- lb" ejl CoopU,;BUfe to4 Ted go see uofPAao,-: Attorney and Cawloftt .Lw. ta&borc H.sc:f? ' : t7PrmcicM in U the CvarU; Bute nd federtl. : -e; -46.1y. A NDBEW JOXHEB, .L t j, GRKENVILLBN.'O. fi In "future Irijl regulwly ttn4-th uprior ou rti of Ed;eombe. - Offiec in Tarbor Houa.. G M. T. FOUNTAIN, ' i... : i I- i ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL! JOE AT LAW. Tarbora,' N. C. 4 . Oflioe over Insarance Office of Captk Orrea (VilUama. ; - . 1 t febat-6ui ALTER P. WnIJAMfiQN 4 Atlorney-ataw Offica in Post Oflie Bidldiag.) - S j TARBOKO', N. C. i ! 1 . Practices in State and Federal Court. ' 1 : . IMi t -.. . . U. A. GILLIAM. ; .-.; !; . " UonaSli 6LUAJt QILLIAM & SON ; Attornfeys-at-J-aw, , . TARBORO, N. C. j Will practice ia the Coonttea of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and tin Abe Ceartr ot tae iiin Jadicial District, and ia tM Circuit and itpreme ijotuts at Kaieun. , ..jaauny J AS. NORFLEET, AttorneyatLaw CIRCUIT EdKecomb. Nasb and'.Wa eon. Loans negotiated on reasonable lerair. j. L. BRIDGER A BON, Attorneys-at-i;aw; 14 lry V-.j. .D OgSr BATTLE, i 1 Attoraer at Law - , ' TARBOROV N. C. rRattln Wart RivkV Vnnnt M hit LKniv tui "vj v.,j Practice in uIb eomt of Na&h. Edeecombe, Wilson and Halifax couiies. Also In the Federal and Supreme Courts. Tarboro office, up-et&irs over new Howard tnildiagj Main ttreet, opp. Bank trnt room. , t i aor 1 84 J- AX R.LK.CAKS, D 8urg eon StfLZt uemm. TARBORO, N. C. m. and Office bdis. trom 9 a. m. UU 1 rom 2 to 6 d. m. ! " IS?" Next door to Tarber Heuae, oyer Kojster A Nash. ; , . ir -i i A. " D K. R. W. JOTTffiR. r ' SURGEON DENTIST ' 4, -. Has permanently ideated in Wil F"n, N. C All operations will pe neatly and carefulT petloimBd-Jand on terms as reaeorpu JaaiposfiWe. Teeth extracted without pain. I Office on Tarboro street, next door to Postt Uniee. ; , Jan-1 6tn K : .J : ' - I rf?r7, Sae, Exchange, and Feed Stables! j ' Stableg are the largest in the Staief . ue acPftclty of boldtiw ten cer-Joadf XNG8. a "OK VTHI8KXT 'i'- - WalSKEY HABITS enned;t -aifl withont pain. - Book of Tarttetlar ut Free. 8; M. WOOLEY, MCfilAtnte ; v tx ' ra-.. . "' I - .ft t- .1 ; I t-AtHERS, Make 70 lo 150 aer nonfh BKiJinj; our 8taudard Bnnkn A Diblea. steiuly work for Bprina and'mamer. t Ad- ;x'M a. v. Mccpray & Co., PuilspelphiA, ra. it " : :f '.'' otttljerntir. to . : a tB St The DlWailac Vary.t .warrta Tatotjaair fcr HUNTING; THE CONDOR HOVEL WAR DECLARED BY Li'' J J CHILIAK1 . . 4i- w,a"l iMifra a Btwii lor the Heads of the Voltaren A ' ! -fr -i-Li CVldnfal Bird. 1 -J Mt8S 1 in For the Souther her.f A poem than hast asked me to write thee, i As if I was Bttop or Mo are: Shoa d the Biases decline aid and alight me.' I'll the gro'es of Parnassus ignore. , . , Rut Tll t..l .K .fx. V. . . a voddess. I herns, to uroToktt' JtiT' There is on staodiB? now near that fonn- tain- Sad Ltaftjtf tofcguelo ! Fair, kind rnddaea of Poesv! lUten! I crave thr sweet aid for a time: Refuse me, and my eyelids will I sten With tear drops, for want of a rhyme.1 "For a fair one on ea-th hiving asked ma t o write her a someuung so nice: So, please help me to do wuat she's tasked me, . . . And I'll ever seek thee for advice." i ' "WfaMt'a tlu uiUi ahM kin tW.U ttr ijk i What roiasnre of alf efic'tf prSferV 1 a ! 8h eaid nawht of uetMrt but 1 mlg&t, on Wis Ana m rAAtkia' antr ftisae-" . ' Or W aoythlDg elsel should think fit, : . Which rives a wide scene to rav oea . Provided thou 'It permit nie to ink it, . By f vor ol thine, now and then. ' ' "The subject I have already chosen; TU of a bewilderlas Fay, J ; " - v Who wes drowned in a liter, I doidnf .- "So, please9 help me to teil the quaint -story; And what Stan I nameit, I pray?" Til assist thee, but for my own glory, , And name it, ; The Prawning; Fay ? While the roddew Is srailinK, 1 ha4eu i. : : My unsteady pen ever the task: When completed I beg thee to chasten, f orget men wno wrote u, i asa: - THE DROWSING FAT. was sitting near the river's side, Wtchinz the fomisir. heaving tide; - The waters aeted mad, aa they r J swept on their course, 'mid the wild wind a play. I w e Btpginga long a song to myself; Not thinking of fairy, sprite, nor elf A song ot the sweets the loved earth has, Aud the sweetest thing thu ever was. ' The most of my song I made as I sung. Which the winds caught up and hurried a'.oag To fairyland, and brought tbere from . A fay that could hear and was not d umb (I sang) .... t , y t- They tell me that,' of sweet on tartb, ' Fox when it bads and blooms, thenidiea; , Its perfume' wafted to the skies. -."Whois it tells thee that, I"pray?U ' Asked -a go den-haired, b igbt-eyed lay. And dwa she dropped la USs foaajlug aoray, Which made me quickly stop my lay. , , , I aosweed oot? bnt a hraash I iw h '. " From rtxt. sad inUie wmtera ttrjWKj ' The end I held in my hand was small. Twat then I soke to the fairy talL 'Stand then apoaihis boofrh, and try . - To keep thy eyctSrom hlijn mh dry! ' For fsiriea all, whether short or till, - Or whether they ..re large or small, ( Sq long as they their eyebrows keep From getting wet thoagh in the deep, - - Will never drown- so says their code Made, and revised, as queen Mad rodo ! Upon a rose leaf to the moon, On errand tor a love-etruek loon." , The fairy cooked at me and tengued. As on the end of the branch she sat, - 1 Which oft I tried to draw ashore, A ndstrave again, onee more, once more; But not a lot did move it that. . ; . I seemed to know e uracil, tbooght she, Taas best to sit and look at me; And sat there 'mid the foaming spray ' While I on suore sang out my lay, ' They teB me that, of sweets bn earth, The sweetest thing is a r se-bud's birth, For when it buds nd blooms, then dies, Its perfume's wafted to the skies. "Who is it tells thee that, I spry?" Asked aga n the brighVeyed fay. . I answered net; has Sung this; - - .' There is no part of mortal olisa, i No sweet on earth, to me so sweet. As face of bar whose love-looks greet " My half-shot eyes, as J reclme s "As ease, 'neath shade. In summertime ,-; . , 1 sang, and turned my lace aWay, or thought pt fairy sitting there. And when I finished thus my ly. v And turned So Jook-t thcaweet fay, - She'd lost her seat and wet hT hair. Then, down she went, and up she rose; No ase the bough was any longer, " And down and upland down, the eose I JO her career was near. . And tirsnger , Wilder, madder, more furious,1 too, ",; Howled the wind, ancLroared the wave ; , 'Round ihe spot where, fr-in my view, - ' 1 The fay sank downward to her grave! Tie water, dosed, and left no mvrk. ' ; Where the fairy sank 'mid the -pray so dark. The howling wind swept 'vr the spot, Where the fairy met with her sad, sad lot! I heaved me a sigh, and turned away; And, for many and many a long, long day, Did I often think of The Drowning Fay.TY " I a . i fuTbe rose has one powerfoT virtue to boaitf si Above all the iewsrs of the field; v- ;i When Its leaves are al dead, and It colors " " aiw? Jofitj i - -i -j A perfuie stfll sweet ifwfll yf ' Id." ii-M t:i-4.!'-.'.)- -i''r :Pi WATli. DOWNliroi in if ia".' I i . XAa-Ms B-eIetlOBU ONET TO LOAN." ' ' j ' j jersoos desiring to borrow, money can U fu-oniodated by applying tome, and eivin r;,eL1u security r wiU also bay- Boot I T"" It. U. 1AXUM.-Jfc i .KKWlmr . ir..ii . "'i"hfk. lArrarsna wn. bin t Yi'I I'V1"! tbn all nfhrt nchool cor I ' "'LKMAN. PA tM3 A CO.. Proprietors. t i ; . UrS1 ?d efflclentv K is ntfcj'.Wil Whersv lMsrUIG BUI . CUUIUCiat . l tifrnt'u 1 . vi . vuuwna C Tnltl8tt( Mothers 1 Favorite t-ngu Medicine for the Infant th childseSi ('nft8',h Wood,P4iore s., .1!.-"1 tliest. Weaa Lnnn RauL, AtWtk,!;?at rf Voice, cWhal Throat 'r ob rS. f .' irrttaajna: d 'ROTTntr mtant 'Art ON TOOTHACHfc., relief for Meoralgia, Toothaehat ! iBc. E. 8. WILLS, Jersty Oty, Jf;., . t J' The Chilian government has declared t:nd is carrying-on a novel warj", faid Cornelius W Kyerswb'of New Yorki wiio arrived home ,fro oths America W cenfly, ,ahd that la a war of extermiha- ts Aaain ,thetigaatij vulture o the Andes, the copdor. ' The uovernoabnt Issued' a prDclaaiAtloH last year- declaring? the birds, to be an snatnv of -the reDublic.1 Slone of the great luoantaUi jchaia .which ia tfier Imbttat that they have become by their foulbabita a, aconrRe ithat Juain-t creaeea the "already safficiently rinwhWe- omicbaraCter ol ah country With tbe' nope or exterminating tnem or prearry deereaSitofe their ntttabers; the government .in It ppooJawAtjon, offered abounty of (4 iot every conaor amea, a inena or mine, who' lives in Chili wrote to. me that he be lieved there was a chance to make a great dealaf money by engaging in tondor hnnt- ng,anaa i naa several years' xpertenoe in r ever tntjugh that li a mountain clfmmng and hufttlng air sort . BUYING 3IRVT ANI) FJSH. 6UQGE8TI0N8 FROM THE BUTCHER. The Favorite Cuts of Beef and Hove 10 sii HeTlea fsresta Points The housekeeper who f ries to mate both ends ra6pt should Jkziojvi a thing or twe about purchasing her edibles how to- get therif cheaply and how to get her money's "vorthI"'Amerlcan housekeeDers have lote to learn in the choice' and rjurchases of meats to the best advantaged : 'Amrt4Maw.iWere, e practical controllers -4 .can tctrjtth erafeci,ves ; are , m some 'laeaSttrw ts blarn Jroni "the' nvay they cut up their meat In England,- where UroMeti ywwajakjM V.-swterB I meats, esiialiy r and ijnntua"m 1H&&t3k&tV w giooaf uian 1H any. nei ..twrwiifj vrwirWK usaoy, f tasks at thsas pfetntwa thiwis sMetaolev Of Hurild beastsand birds both in this aud other countries, J went down there last faQ t sea-w hali thwe might be In this con dor .hunting, WelL J was there five months', and after a 'persistent campaign against tha caudot with guua and, traps I made up my mind that a mau has got to be 100 per cent, smarter than-1 am if he ever gets rich ou condor bounties, and that if the Chilian government expects to rid itself . of its big-winged outlaw it will have to detail every- manf woman and child la the, country to take -up arms against It. . The hunting of .condors has 'been a regular business in the Andes mountains for many 'years; and the natives have made some, money, by it, but Hke all 'the vulture family, the condor grows sus picious aud wary from contact with man kind, and it has grown to know and fear aguu so that it is next to impossible to get within gunsho of one. Snares are now the only means by which condors may be taken with any certainty, and, they have learned, to be on the lookoup for them; These birds have the most wonderful powers of vbiou and flight of any living creature ef the air. Perched on mountain peaks above the clouds, they watch the trails which rhiiles and lamas follow with their, burdens thousands of feet below them,' and if an animal dies and Is left on the plain, these monster . vultures set it, and although, no human sight can. dis cover "the presence of a single bird, frf a few seconds' time they will be seen, dropping down from the cloud like thunderbolts. Formerly the hunter took advantase of thlstiWOopkiB: down upon the-earcussee of -and picking off one or two .eondora (Kfore they could rise out of range. Traps were also set beside dead bodies of muies and other caiuala. Bnt ' this -cam " rarely' bo Kine auweeavfuHy now, so-wary ho the condor become. The same wonderful eyes that keep the trailing caravaa n view or discover the cart-ass left lying for its use. note also the hooter hidiiijr with his gun, or the trapper arranging his snare by the carcass, and the bird remains f n safe ty on its perch, To shoot it on the wins, Unless you are tortnnate enough to lie eecreted near some lofty peak when the bird comes sailing through the clouds to seek it tor a perch, is entirely out of the question; for K flies at altitudes such as no otber b.ril attains.- This lying in wait, however, far above the snow Tine for a thanoe to put a ball through a condor is something that requires more grit and nerve thaa the average hnnter can boast, and consequently there are not many con dors killed ou tbe Wing. These birds hatch their young among the snow-covered crag of the Ajjdes.' sometimes 12,000 feet above tbe at a, aud the bird has been "seen at an altitude of avW feet. Once in a srreat while you may hear of some hun ter bold enough to clamber to the nesting places among these crags in search of con dor nests, as (he capture of the yonng or tbe eggs is as profitable as killing a grown bird, but such exploit are few aud far between. There are always two eggs in a neat, and. as there is nothing t hat ventnres to makes the condor its . prey except the bnnter, when a condor' rnnkerf ts nest it does so with more cerifiiuty that there will be- more of its kind added to the fami ly in the course pf time .thau does any other biro or beast.' Traps, are set as high among these nesting places as tbe hunter can dare to venture, and many' of the birds are captured in that way. There is no luoresutrHing sight thnn from some snowy lock so high in the mountain that the cJouils hide the world from your view to see one of these im mense birds break snddenly through the deUHe vapor below you and sail upward .with. tbebroud sweep of: its ponderous wings into the hauuts where it dwells aloue in the solitude. : It seems "like some .winged demon daring to seek the realms of, temperatuM beyond syhicii human ex istence is impossible, and is at home among the snow y pea ts of jChili and Peru as well as upuu the burning sauds of , Patagonia. -Wikh. a sweep of wing twelve feet la extent the swiftness of a condor's ' flight is such that It Will sail out of sight, notwithstanding its great size, within tbe 1 a pace of a very few minalesi It may with ease eat its vtczuluxo m u uuiluciu Andes, aud T twelve bonra hxter o to roost among the peaks of the southern sea ag.'in ( -'Uiiit Tr if.- vpiv rmurfhla to iret at the nei of the condor mq that its (Mf mtettt la destroved. there might be some chance- that the outlawed bird would in time be xtennieateiviuthe wystematie at-alidg of le neaka to the hight of anywhere from L UIMU U4H,X1 feet above the oeeea for the purpose ol oiru-nuug, cnu v a nyi'i set-likely to eywr come W pasfc. .PoiaQri Ing of theXlrds might be made effectual, ut antessv sortie -poifion catt be made so ueauiy inav i nux uu v w...v over the te&rcsse, it ia deiouring, Jttiat oanm nt extermination cannot be made liractieal.-r-! The banter must proaacerine evidence that he has Killed a conaor oe- fore hs-caii secure the bounty. Thst jsn-:. dence is the bird's head, A poisoned bird weald, arry4hat evidenaa With hiaai wid die with it among inaccessible peaks, lite -poiaoning-yf ondorsliesf been tied- wiu was not satisfactory to the hunters. I aw o. the, opinion tha rtbJal bird 'Aaa: the quality of self-presevation developed too largely te make its annihilation even re- oruoaoie; - -kit lieu- ihio mov u " ... ... . 1 .. n4 mere wm ue .uwu ui towt hi body If' they i The election of Gen. John A. Lbgaa as United 8iatea Senator from Illinois ia only a great personal .triumph 5 for bJi, bat bears rmpatfenf'r'esufU ia a party poit nt wi. I- rives the reDublicans a fair chance to retain control of the Senate tbe two lasUreara of the CMTflajidadralB istration, whereas nao;ua40mRwa.w elected the republican prospects would bale. been quite doubtfuL The Illinois demo crats have shown miserably inefficient man ell aTbnagnTSrttie'U""" OT"a today. Had they taken up Judj monias Ter wbo mightbe naired, it is conceded by iepubil. cwD.tbat thy' onld hay wen the victory. Bat they would not harmonise, and flDaliy wound up their weak campign by permit i ting the republicans to capture one of the - .. . 1.t--l I. - - I.. i - 1 ' istroaMBliOleirj 8j0O&f 1 ponucat 'arm fromtnesi; eyeseam stew 71 . a I OIIVV1 . " . - . . . ' , circle here the republicans are entnusaaslic fc mHn-v&wMiimemnx in expressooa f delh aodvDemoeraB! corraapeacifotiy pfnrajBeu. uaecanaw ww jarty frieti4a.sB lUtobi'hjrwr made "the Inoet'1 cedent prbmiseiaUan tha a Item ct at would ultimately be choaea feut while tb$ election of, Log r glTea Inued conUcJ of the Senate, they have lealiy gotten "no , moreJtbaiTbjJtajsrfie themd the result PPirjf?0 A 3L with Why me ieojiiuraw, auoytw m , w hits vigor for the senatorial suocesslon ia Hcsjb, fB4 yet to elect J A men leaadera nw HeMsule t VwtaMai i.4 srniia-xpt BaeJt. tx eaKlLt, Atr H mtM. tell a good atorr ia the- fwrnltair trade (rf'hov.aoiAh PartvWge rose t for tune aid won the thousands of dollars that jrl v him so conspicuoas a placs In buai wea in; New York JMr. Partridfra-waa, to alliappearaneee, an, nnaophkticated, eayfiiig Yankee with no special ambi tion of purpose in His tOl h' was some WhereweenaO a4 4a years 9I age. i At that ttme the, Hey wards, of Gardner th ch ir business la NewKagland a they ? -he traded ptooeew. Araobg thf rftvtia at Gard.-Jr' was. Jeslah lar-l r 1 Conhtrle,"tbe mt5d ontting up- a very umcicm, irum our way. . i neir prime CWH 'are 01 prime, to the exclusion' of fiijy i. Jerlbr attachments;' and for4 such ; the nigdesCprices cau'.be demaJSdedr'with a clearcojiscieu,ce, Then comes-the eitts, ranking'uext in quality and price ; and so on-all down -the scale to the cheapest and meat, inferior parts, ap bat boh seilep and buyer can know Just exactly What is being disposed pf and the just equivalent, HOW ver! thuugh that la a-miahtT fair way. ItCTrulduH-'be- made to work ' 4n this country. ' 'American butchers ere obliged in self-defense, to somewhat combine the excellent and poorer parts in their eutsj especially lu thpi matter 9f beef, to, meef the requirements of ' housekeepers ha, Wiferitbi M&$m(ibiKia9 ftowtQ cook the poorer parts alone in as pajxvtabl? a manner : as ' housekeepers of otliei countries, where meat is far acareef find dearer than here, aud must 'conseqtently be made to go further and more as a gen uine treat than Iu this country. However, our own consumers may be taught to con siderably improve their chances of out-lining their ful money's wovth'by observing a few simple rules, la the general selec tion of beef, for instance, the housekeeper, will do well to remember that. If young, it will have a fine, smooth, open grain, a good, wholesome redness of color, and will feel tender, while the fat should be .white rather " than ' yellow the whiter and' flrrnep ;thV ' bet. ter. . Jnaeea, wnen tne tat or Deer is ot a , ueep or auu cotor tne meat is seldom good, ana should he systematically ; avoided, ,When fed with oil cakes the fat of beef will be usually of this color, and the flesh flabby. In the selection of any cut of hettf whatever, a strict l)servgnc of lhe sim ple rules will suffice to Insure- evn the most inexperienced buyer against imposi tion?. Then again, if beef is verfresh, the fact will make itself apparent by the smell, which will be suggestive: of exces sive bloodiness, quite as readily as in the ..case of. overkept or tainted beef, whose ouor ib Bic.omi4g. i ia, prucaukiou will apply to every other kind of meat as well as to beef. ' ' ' 'In the way of Btaksthere is one'sort, and a moderately priced one, that has not its superior for Juiciness, nutriment, gen eral flavor,, and- economy. This is tbe flank Bteak. 1 1 is torn out pf a bulk of pure fat, in wbeh it la thoroughly im. bedded as are the kidneys themselves, la boneless as a matter of course, and. after being deprived of a thin tliray skin and rwr 1. 1 ArArrpd - with : -tit kalie. togethJr-with' some pounding, 'if S somewhat old, can't be beat either for -boUiagj vory frying. Ja some cities the-ftanlr steak commands the highest Erice, not even xceping tbe porterhouse, ut it as yet comparatively unknown, aud consequently cheap, retailing between fourteen and sixteen cents a pound. .Economical housewives would do well to 'ccfer-St'whMeit-rerAains cheapi In selecting vpal. but one gefcrfal rule is neeesfary. '1 he whitest is the most juicy, and therefore preferable. Mutton should be judged by its fine grain, good color, and white fat, and lamb will speak for itseif on much the same princi ples. If the bitter has a greenish or yel lowish cast it is stale and unfit 10 eat. A hint or two about mutton stews- The best, ns well as (.lie cheapest, for t jiis pur pose, is the breast This part can be bought for four or live cents a pound, and a breast weighing three pounds would make an ample stew or main dinner dish for three or four grown persons with lively appetites. T ' If the rind of pork is tough and thick, then it's old ; if it's thin and springy, then it's yonng. aud young pork is most desirable. When pork is fresh the meat will be smooth and cool ;. if clammy, i is tainted, aud shouldn't be toncheu with a forty-foot po'e-exeeptf. nmy-.-be.', for sausages. In choosing 1 aeon, see that the rind is thin, the fat liini and of a reddish tinge, and the kan of a good color and -sticking pretty fast to the4o,ne.- it is then uixU Mid not eld. If-6u're farticular aL-out a ham, just stick a sharp knife under the bone. If it comes out with a clean, pleasant smell, it is good. - If the knife 'ts , daubed, and Aa tt suspicious scent, 'don't buy if. ' r The old way of testing a fowl's tender ness or toughness by yanking it 'at the wing to see whether,the skin directly un derneath tear lor fioW don ' amont tq much, and iiuir)vt sppils the prsjjKisscs sion ot the bird for the next investigator hi case you don't want to buy, uerreral. appearances are better to judge by. If a turkey, for instance, is yonng, the legs will be black and smooth, the eyes livelyf and thefeiit.rJeaible.i If old the eyes will be sunken and-the feet dry. In jchoosing I bens aee :Tbat thh- legs and Comb are J limber, wbjch-ineaos that they are young. I if toe tegs ami com ns are rougti .Huastiif, they areId,htft ntaf be good.etiough for a pie or soap. A sonhg goose w ill have m veuow bill aid Bmbef feet- An old goose Will kavehoih bill- 'and feet red and dry. Suoks. If eea&.'Wtlr be limber-footed ;i if fi and married, His- wages amonuted ms sibly to aa winch; aa a round dollar s. Theehangeia tola. Wt cataa. about- m sudden, not to say a very fanny, soctiof a way. He had been barking a lot of legs in the factory yard at.tiardaer all through , aa Intensely hot,. July juoraiag.; , Aloo about noon he threw dowu Ala-m4ze leisurely perehpd hlraaelf lfl the sfcadejoi-a frieudly elm oloae beaide theapea f UU labor, There, bathed ia a wiUa of aatts Taetlon, he was dlsoevered by one o hta employers, lo it may have beta the heat that made, hun. unoatorally lngvta ous of speech fiercely began tQ prfaflk upen the contempt Ibleiqeaqneas of eya serviee. . " What dq you suppose wei are doing, paving you for - loafing. Josta x-arkrHiKvr - waa am pecuiaaa : .teman(L "Man and boys' tetped ', PaniM: "I've worked fqy- ; Mp, Hfy wafd, and if passion iur resiiqg day, as this. whv. not 'around." Day after day passed jaad siiu josiau faririuge put in no tap pearance at , the Gardnetr stop. He had -set himself down .nd reasflneq out the secret pfjanawatrUe ii saoasafu chaipmakjiig, When he llxa uponihia uuh up unietjj io wi naua aua drew out his saving, just '.oft, After that be was wfB m mon ttt Gardner. One year later some of the firms that had. been struggling1 - in competition 'with ,tbe wealthy Heywada began, to rec(ve jlet, fHKFB f4M fsitM-Uy: md it yo et Into nu$ iqg a bit on gnch a bla lug it, you'll doit waeail'm enaaa,.- fr - 3 -t tTiw ff 1 rt-fat, hardaod tftK -on theiowey pat "jV? the boay.-ane sapaerjaje appues wwua, 'aucitswnose ieei. inoercn are reu, cesiaea einr smalleaihawithose of tame dtacka.i Uaine ready - have thejpport unity.1 f;fl- rlflcesl for instance, if voung. will . have ' hlaefcillp- and," yellow legs jjf ild white ,bttle andfeluejega. , 1 - Freshness counts -more withflsBTthefl any other sort of food, because they're out 4 01 tneir rrawe element wnea -exposea ror sale; A-good etltble cod -will have very red gjUs, the body thick at the neck, the flesh white and firm and something of bright; ness remainiifg in the eyes, when flahby', the cod aiu't to be hankered after leasfpf all bPShtT " A 1 fine salrnon'g newness ,(s attested . by the fine redness of - the tlttti and Darticularlv of the trills, the briuht- ness of the- scales, -and the stiffness of the- . 1 1 ot J ia , 11. 1 k enure uuuy. onau, 11 gooa, are wnue aqq thick, gills red, eyeshright, body stiff And firm. Much the same requirement should 'be looked for' in the mackerel, and with extra care, for - the mackerel is so tender that he does'nt carry or keep so well un salted as other fish'. .In choosing striDed. tf bass, (t 'the ayes are sunken and th gills pule, iney uavc uccu iaw ivi uuv ol ; mc water, : j-, - - -, .- - y.i;' Wl.. St. A AMn.-'7. " Shelba B vojee like a' Sjreq, and wheh tltUog su . ,':1-i " f Mid play sure and pal aces, though' heant, a I - Rome, ' Be It averre, oh wum bull there, snow play sly auow a ,Knf tf eTawttsn a-dry eye in the tabcrnaciei. hnt. if the T)ro&Tam.hadn't said iu char. unmistakable print that she was go iig td sing " Sweet Home," a man. mif,ht! have to4,t.,-t.i& taeth - loose' without ever v:. An iweeatiste geniua is aaid t- have- pro duced a cushion, containing a spiral spring to be worn by ska'ers who nave tbe habit of.alttiBgdowiintiexrjeotedly A, Philadel phTa'inan it reported to have sat down so bard upon one of these articles that the re bound, which should have simply brought him to an erect position, tumbled him vid lently over npon bis nose, whereupon h has commenced suit aalast tbe lnvcntof (or $10,000. . Th by all iflie Mfe Ipsnranea BaMaew, 1 ' remfums received 'add losses paid surance companies doing buai- .AKii ... i w 1 . . . . oix ja. iaa yenc ioa were iq i?ii ado or. it&.'h repcciiveiy. r Illineis - 4,a55,874 -auSL .ViS-,. Jersey, 4,lll,50a. Sand Klf:' ,,' Sal ta rsi S7R und si S2i03u 'ana, l,KiXI,-. i a 'a n?i rT Hcr;TKj.43 ana $184,587, respectively? ' Thegrea? between the ratio of premiums rv . 1 . 1 .1 a i. : f 1 ' uiu iwac9 uam, .auu luc uuUiuiii two I fias margin, left tpe companies are the .4 reputation ing flcures. " . . . M t' I Kiccmoca aeaicat- s a 1 ome 10 uisaqitu ters from away UP in tha V.ru.ont woods, These invaiv-- stated i effset thatithe expense of floating rafts of logs down to the 2-assaehuaetts factories, as was than the Universal custom, with the.tM-paing off of the bark, drying and sawiug gn3 planing, etcauigbt be dqna nWay w4th, and that oqe Joetah Farlrrfilge could send 4lewA frames ail ready for Untahlng, guaranteeing t hat in one oar heeould pile up "more of theif frame than a ifver full of big log'4uld ever be turned into" after their ndioiis and costly voyage te the Bay State. Trials were mart. Josiah's offers accepted, and before the. Heystauds bad their -eyes fairly npeaed rival flrma aUmt tlMu were turuiug out good at prices that were ama.lng. Theu theytteo .tnrueu lowaru rue roresta so sec up saw mills, bnt Josiah Partridge had his grra well fixed by thki time, and that puttry AM0 whicha couple of jeapi tefasaRa4 represeuie i aoouy aq nut Weattnvin aae Sotid ha4 developed tuto Uia peeortiena. e wx no lack of capital now; rich met, captured by his originality and ale piack, Wautea to joiu, him. lie comblaed.; !U company -wenS-roto manufwta mar cl oat and out. aud the .fortune crew. came-tjkKew i'prk, and to look at the old f euVTt UOW yon WOt.hlnerer lima that he was getting hai t-much fun eat r . f "MHWUtu u Jl pruiuujijr eo out or mu iu .t mhiu tun was wo euuuemy nn- teirupted that July day. so loag go.N. 1". Ttuit-y. -. A IS'pMifcU aaa, 1 The sn'e of the water-colors and draw ings left by Gustave Core, took place in Paris uot long ago. The . prices reached were by uo means highy The iUostratiens of London life fetched sums ranging from 170f . to 'JOOf. Two large- drawings of - Ep som races and a water-color drawiaftsf a v"b'tcbapel beggar girt attajned the last pamed Rgure. The sketches of tncldeirts of the siege of Paris were more eagerly bid for than the London subjects, bnt the best prices were obtained for the views of Swiss and Pyrenean scenery. A number of designs Intended for the illustration j of " AiacDetn," very roughly sketched, trot, Immensely vigorous aud clever, went for less t han 300f. apiece, ' -. " " gens fACTi worth mwurfj,t A candidate fatliaa at a Civil Service examination cannot be a candidate at the ei exammatjon. The parent mint is in Philadelphia : branch minta., are- to wperaUoa in San .Taiicisco, cai., virgtuia ,dty Nevada and New Orleans. ' - , At one tfme during the Revt.luilonarv war the currency of tha. eoturtryiaad eq far depreciated that a barrel of te i'i worth M,a7. aan qaa A)W MM es,( lor. a suit pri cqtnegjanp, a ,,, , t. r iPecpratiou ,Daj thiughout Ihe Nerth came to be on May 30. from that .date ha-viag been first nasaedi tatt lrestdeBttat procUmation. Tbere waJ .t. first great atversity pf -dates, but'-gr-WTiaily. all the N orthern (states came so adept May ?. It' appears that the death tentence 4a ICausas docs ..bos toy any-means doowtta murderer to deal b. The warrant, must pe signed Dy ine uovernor, ana as .yet So Kurshs Governor has ever signed a death mrrant . As a -eeoseqDeuce, there are now iniriv oeum seniencea prisonera q tne peniieuunry. let -s -.1 4t u ' ' f A. Berlin bookseller. in eoittadsraUom bf the ncar.signttMtness so prevalent-. among tbe race, itt pnuttn his books in dark ul. letters ou ptde green paper. If nthes pub- ltsners win go, ano uo uewiae n eou- cna be Inst as easily selectedrif yoal ' f "If .. ' j K " T L" " - . . JI . 1 1V" E D.'T lOHUB UlUfll K -CTno' or o mr ass uiv '"" u f"1" I -i 1 1 l -W rfo. Ko t l .A .StTbe or on I ayuipostaiw Is derived from tnMree, ana signirwe a wia party or drinkiug bout, which took Dlace after tie 'meal, and to thich -other guests besides those who partook of the repast were fre quently iuvitsd to come, and Join the eqq vivial part of the ewevtarfimeqf, ijano, lug and .singing g!r4 amusst Ue'youug men ot u recce at tnese parues. T Thesreal Soudaites sereba- ia adely tne Arans ot mtmoso . Drosa, tne prickly branches poiutinir entward to jidd to the efficiency of thedefeaicev forehe Arabsand Diucas, wno nat wita a aoKej demofc ase to torow tneir naKea ooaies against tnem. In or warfare tlieJeni" rail breaatwotk Dears the aearest reetnbceto aawceba. I' - ft is said that the Ottstom' Hatlss books or tiporto snewett hat Ju eae- year tere were but 150 nines aud tweatl honheads of wmia exported. The. books, of the Gaecnsey Custom House- for the same year, however, showed an itnaertatiou, ef 2,M6 pipes and iWt hogsheads f Operto- wiie tor Lioqaoa eoneumpnen aione. The huntino-" aMv which. baHsed to Coloel-James -liowte,i and which h4s served , aa the paltemof aJlMiahajsqneat bowie kaives, has been, aeatt-fer axjatb I tionrto w Orleans.- It ia a formidable double-erteed weaoon. with a born handle and a curved blade fifteen incises Wing sod an inch and a onarter wide .at the hilt. I -Like Dr. Guiltotfn Coloaei Bowie unwlt- irmtingil gave uis waine set tu iurwiui him ConfesFsoIolesI'l Wifl JHerrhiCaroli na establish one before all , her disabled Confedera'es aire detd? , !! .- 1 Tbe PrmterV Bible"; Usu'ed before 1702, contained and absmd misstatement in whkh I fbevPsanlIsta-patheieaUyTmade lo say the "printers persecuted nun aunoup cauBe,1' Instead of prince t. Balne has a regular spy system' rtth'jsls are In all of the Departaoenti and ' IaUm l.1 , 1 .1 they rvr" v"" ; frj,. fMnny man of the New Tork says thai cge one text ,in the revision ki th rrTesUtteot hM ruined 7.000 per u -.id a r . a S ,'ta tne 010- text Begins ik uraKBates. the farmer tips back ht aJM old baked 'ehatn ' f,HJsanA-ea Ua heao, aad.i-M4 00 the- Aai he areata of the days when hft preapecta ; were tattv 4 k . j - And h wwked aU day in a arocerr, eeoL , How lewmiirri eat smear tor Mary aa Boas, Ana VhmrtUm aever eaee teok with theill : Whea he wore aatejit laetfcaat Uiafratead hla HJe. When heei)e en Jraiima, yostever thehUV f t-.i-5 ml '..itlni I-I4.I.I .... Ber taluks et. the, derawheu Uey roamed ,fhoglf the gTade," T SMJuwaw thertem aeSaaef th gay whin WhOtheeaedef a meat KUl. ett ia the hnon-n hMartng Jast ever the rfft.1 And Jendma he sees ht a vision of .bUaa. Just the same as she hwcid In the days wheat " 1 ; he IaaaS . - 1 , , Thevwieket across far the tra4Ja klaa. fie tbiake of ha rw1 that ha'a worked' ever- With shove, rake, harrow, plew, beaa-pple ! and host - . P reaietMbt the night to propose that he And, oh, how he wished she'd only say. Not For then might bis In hs of idleness f all. cqqlA loaf through the day-time eun - ahiiry aqd hricbt. And not have to larrup an ol4 hrtndie bull, And Jerk ap the turnips from morning till uhjW,. Pwt what hvthe. ese of his hah and" hie "pish," . And what la the use of his sadness and wee. And whet is the eeeef his empty old wish That he'd courted girts wbo could only say NoT ' Parmi Garden aai ITekne. ' :Tweotwyearsage tlie nVeraae weight of beef cattle waa SO pouuds; now it Is 1400 poirmls. Fifty years ago the 'ordinary weight and value' of work-hones was greater than at present, Stouea may be made very useful hy. ptaernjf them around plants and trees as a molcki Thus used under trees, eepocialiy evergreens, they are very valuable. One advantage over ordinary mulch in using stones is that weeds are not so likely to spring wp amqpg them. - Ar :A farmer says that after ' twenty-five years' experience in raisiag pears for market be has come to the conclusion at if he were about to plant an orchard and could get dwarf peace for nothing. Whf!e at the same time be 'had taim' WOO a thousand, for ataiMhtrds, be would. K A Urmm Straw herry KxhiMUeau It is proposed to hold the coming June, in New York, a Strawberry Exhibition, andee the auspices of the, American. lasti tnte F&rmer'a Club. The rapid progresa In Strawberry culture, and the many new varie4 IntNMraeed mitUu tbe past few years, make such an. exhibitiou especially- desirable. . It will continne two days, and durtog it pri3 meetings wUl be held 1 or ut aiscusaion px uis merirs of the various varieties an exhibition, and eh the Stfawbewy cait are in general. It is ex pected that all the extensive Strawberry growers witbra convenient reach of New York will exhibit, and co-operate with the undertaking, eo as to make the exhibition as well aa the meetings tbe largest and most interesting ever held 1q the eity. It ia yet too agon te decide npon the most suitable date, but as soon as the arraage aaeatts have -been eemaleted, circulars and prise ltets will be issued and mailed to anyone desirous te receive them who will address the secretary, . D, K, Garden, American Institute, New kork. (little atees ptetrthaUeta sr Seeds. -' The seed department ef the Agricultural Bureau, is a busy place these days. Con-4 gress votes $100,000 annually for seeds. Two thirds ef this aom go. bach in seeds to the etW Seators and trepreaantattyea, and the CfertutkhMiane of Agriculture distributes the rest through- other ehanuels. Each Congressman ia allotted t.osa papers of vegetable seeds and ICO papers of flower seeds to begin with. In addition the members froai tobacco, districts have re ceived ia tbe past year 500 papers of im ported tobacco seed each ; the cotton belt members have each had 800 quarts of cot ton seed ; the wiater wheat men 200 quarts apiece uf Jjieir Jtapie grain, and the spring wheat and corn Kepresentativea nave been eqemily taveawd. Turnip seed, grass seea, aorgnum auu sugar beet seeds are also aiatrtoutea among f avorabie districts. Farntera who desire seeds from tha de qartment should apply through their rep resentatives In Congress, . . . ' - r SVeetety Aneerteaa Flerfsta, At a preliminary meeting held recently in Pittsburg, it was decided: to held the first general meeting of the society at Cia- etnnsAl next August. The program contemplates so exhibition of plants, both old varieties and new, of out flowers, of florists' supplies and heating apparatus, green-house . structures and appUancea, besides an exhibition of any and all in ventions - connected with the florists1 trade.. Each day there will be three sessions, at which one or more original fand practical papers will be read and discussed. The te-eaeratie ef the most prominent and, sxiiui soneuituruts of. the country has already been promised, "so that the sue- ceaa of thecaeeUag as well as the society is tutty ass area. - - - -. t mi -...j .. A Ba4 Ceaaaaeattary. " - FaTBi Maiden.-" Fa the vi have to tell you that I have accepted Mr. Ignoramus, and that we are to be married In the .apringu Now I would Hke you te- give, your consent,'.' . ,) r. r -irate rawer" uive my consent to yon marrying stteh an idiot ns be T 1 No, never! Why, he hasn't bralDS enough; toaaaka sufficient money to buy suspender bet- oaa.r ' Fair Maiden" Bnt father, in his. pro. resskm redoes not require any brakia. I ' , . Irate FatherrWhat ht ai; ptefteafaa?" isur xnaiucfi Aiej tm m lueuiucr ui tuo StRte i4naiJUure."riJt!pw Vdil, hler3ata. : A Loadetrpaper makes mentSoB of a oat which; WKJuWiwaognisa haajaaster'a feet, steps after a three months' abeence,aSd come eat to meet him In tnev halt, with saUrectv audanfring ail peer aa if faihe very veige of bursting. Another one comes up every motatiag- between etx had the bed, ami -very- gently feels arst oae eyeua auu tneu. tae -otner with few, 'When an eye' opcna,"lut not till then, tai cat set up a lottd parr, rik th prayer pf a nre-worsntpper mi VU (VMWfvu. x v.;. VsJtiaUl CeiFes.Trei;! & To take up a yoaug focestvaavb aveoriwa ; sondent of the N. Y. Tribune, first .wind a wet sack aro.ind the stem, close to the -rAecoruinir tothe statement of Dr, Vi geuroox, who recommenda the remedy, a glass of not lemonade, every half host ox lees, acoordinat to the severity of the ease, wul care diarrhiea. It is claimed to be eReetual, is certainly pleasant to taheUnd being easily wlthiu reach, presents itself to the consideration of farmers. To' measure the height of a tree set a stake ;er pole any . convenient' distance trom the tree and draw a line from top of stake to a point on the ground, so that the line will poiat exactly to top octree. Then compute height of tree (which is the per peadtonlaroi the large triangle, hy com paring with tbe small triangle all the othe parts which are-known. It'matters not whether the gsoundis level or not. Green rye grows more rapidly in the cold weather of early Spring than either cats ex- barley , and will be headed out in condition to cut a full week earlier, and it may be ten days or more ahead. If oats and barley are sowed the same day the oats will appear to be earlier when rouog. especially if the weather is nnite cold, but later the barley may -catch up, or evesi get aneaxi. xnere are so many va rieties of oats and barley ripening earlv and late, that one could not calculate closely as to the time of blooming with out an acquaintance ritte -the particular varieties sown. There is little variation in tbe ripening of rye procured from different sources, .tuwign, different . varieties are claimed, some being" larger or whiter in berry than others, though the character of the land has much to do in determining the quality ef this crop. Haw te Test Seeds. ' 'Mr. "E. Williams mentions in the Chat ham Courier the clearest and simplest plan be knows of for testing seeds : "Take a piece of cast-off clothing, or an old bag, or towel, we It-,- put samples of your corn (or other seeds) on one end, roll up tight and keep warm near kitchen stove. If likely to get too dry, wet it ; keep It moist, and in a week you can tell what per cent. Will grow." . AYE a Is -a highly eeaeentEated r street of Sarsaperilla and other il-f uriQ iu eowbtaeU with Jedi4eif .tfVtas- aiuia and Iron, aud is the saf et jnor( reli able, and most economical bloou-poriaer that ean be used. It in cariably expels all lood poisons from the system, enriches and reaaws the blood, and retlore iu titalixiag power. iilt is the bast know. renMMiy St ftarariOa , sad aU Srfuloes CeiHeUUatA. SSryidt Bcsema, Klagworot. PJutvhea, ttetiar and fui4iae , BACHEL0E8 AND BABIES. It is easy enough to amuse a healthy lufant if one applies himself heartily to the delightful occupation. Recently a farmer, who was left to tend the baby halted- : box on the beam of his plough. placed the youngster iu It and proceeded with his work greatly to the delight of the infant. . Every philanthropic bachelor whofeTinie hangs heavily pn bis hands should at once secure a show-plow and proceed to amuse . the babies whose mothers are too busy to tend them. The experience might prove useful some day. Pedestrian O'Leary's .Opinion. ;: In a reoent, interview. Dan O'Leary said: "Of all the trampers ilvlng the only one that ts wealthy is Kowell, and he is prob ably .worth f8,00u. He handles it very carefully and never speculates. Six yearn ago I bad 150,060. I Tegitn to dabble in stocks, snd aaa result dropped my bundle, but I never played a card for money in my life or Bucked the tiger, i f have walked since July 14, 184, 75,000 miles in matches ana exhibitions m this conn try, England. Ireland and Australia. I have grossed the Atlantic each way sixteen times since 'To, aud intend to return to-Australia next De cember. . There are no people on the face of the earth as good athletes as the Aus tralians. They pay a great deal of attention-to football, oat racing, coursing. and cricketing, aud there are lew- people that tan beat them." ,., vl-r,,,- .. . V- '' Prayers tar the Kdltor saf Shte Dell, v, People who are prune. to sneer when pa ay ci 3 iui taiu vf iw Ticiunvnre uuereu tip In -church should tutii-ttieiT Httention to .the 4tev,oha. 4iunter, of 11 uik says London Truth. This worthy ecclesiastic evidently eonslrlers that the litanv' ia not coiuibuslve enough, and so be has Just Issued a revised version of hie. own. In tats ay prays not only for tbe royal family and biahoDs. -priests, and deacons, but. twitK a solicitude which ts almost touching .Scotch. Hmeenhiter! wbo dosed tbe litany with a " And noolet us pray for the puir -dell, fW-tMKlxe prvyi for liltn." . , - . . : f . - - , , H .-fc- :M it i i , n ' i Si .. iu J - .. . , .In a Xew York letter. West, appears the -'news that Edison has lost a lot of money lu Wall streets-home putting it as high as shrwvk rwA A aVtani Aruv -vT-i .3 a x i . L .ronnd.ea thrhtht fhatiteaanotallai th. , ixooouy out tiAUSon a m 1 wJ - T"tft,muto frionila IV take a timber hitch with a, etnaU ahle chain, cut off a few roots on thei side, pp- poaif tne. steaoy team, ab yow wm get nearly every fool whole, and, .plenty of solk' I lookup roe Hock' Maples inthla way last spemg aftee I had laarae4,to wind the sack properly, without damage to the treea..Iathhtwy two slavish a team will take up mo trees in an hour ihaa they could without a team fn' half a da3r'h , ' '' 'r , ee gysfKBesns reeisstef fcaita-aW, Me, E. S., Carmaa,, editor of tha Rural j Sew JTorker, whose olleetions of ;orna-, mental trees are very large and' ciiofce, says that if he met asked what three ev ergreena hr would., rwcamniand above ail others for the lawn, he .would name first., the Blowejprace.'Wc, or, according to the new nomenclature, JPitxti yumyciu ; second, -the Oriental Spruce, Able "orient taU, had, third. .Alceek'a Spruce, Mea Alcockiana These are extremely bafdy, Ad wydiatlnpt and desirable fit every we . ; . ... , , - now how. amusingly absurd each yarn Is. Edison never has "a lot of mouey, because hs4oean'tcare about saving mouey. and knows: that money r -good ' for nothing except to spend. ; He probably would uot go to Wall street tf he knew he could Juake SIOO.OUU, but tThe 'hadrHhat amount he. would lie awitoeiigmweealrrtvhig how to spend it in developing some invention He keeps three large establishments running with full sets. of hnnds for tbe purpose o tnak mg expenmeuta. jm. i. norui. ' h" Is this ODonovan Kossa f "'""''' --YesyBlr-that'ame.'"' :-- v p i cauo.e. see you comld -olow up something for me." - ... ,sWell, 1 am in (fcngo for the purpose of lecturing, but I don't mind blowing up a building or two in an incidental way. What is -it rvratrt- iblown nn. tn orphan asylum or the home for decrepit wpmesft' - u jj- -'J ' -. ;- "Neither; It's a balloon. ChicaooA'stpa. Tbe doaunkm of tbe Cur of all tbe Rus Tbe population of tbe Stat of . Nevada sias ComprUet on seventh part of the land has dwindled "do wa to 12,000, in am sarfaeeof the earch, or one twentieth part ;t qnence of tbe collapse of tbe m:nng ii ter-' of Its Whole area. '- Moss than one hondvtd est, and there are Vcarceiy enough, inhabN sni!aon. people call the Car father, and I Untsleft to msia a'n a Stste government, are urder his aba4ule ft)Wrrnmeut.-ri6,A T.lesaltre bfds however, rnay indices child ia born in Russia "on an average ev'frerh immigration and ad f lo te potu'a - vt. .j,- ijt Mnbw au - mimttt aaagaaeiMiattiia ia Mr' ami : tMm l na aenoatia am wmr raw mr t R-na ft UN WW - B ' . - J " O " B " J I a T J ' " gClfrirn,e,'s'T,B .J '"spwaia'D, etc, a noeaui wwn array eet'est artsaiue.r . saateB iev. wwauig. iwieg i" rne Tieinny f ijt otuu mu a'ruuuant water close at band. m rmnrl lbs clerical -drone to Bake to tpoiaUoo will doable to about s.tty years " a rich farming country, rteaUww"6 .vfi5ilMlitf nppjyof wood and w fWliUBalt t. by a this and Iwanverlahea er etrki4Hl, , enndit ion el ths blood, im. M ItlwiaaHjaa, Mearaltrla, ItlisiaHs 3at, aat-aj lability, end Scrofuloos Catarrh. Wizxitori R&nsS:a Cartl " A vis's SABaASAarua has eeree evs of the Inoammatory Bhenaaatism, with which I hate suffsrsd for ninny rt-:ir. . W. 1.. .v.kt." Durham, Ia., loareh 2, 1S82. PaSPAKED BV Dr. J. C.Ayer & CpLohveU,Mats. Sold by all Draggbts; SI, sis boutettor VS. A NEW AND VAtATJBLE ' DE -tl. VICE. V, -. -a Hit Water Closet Seat FOB THK- CURE OF HEMORRHOIDS, Commonly.Callod PUea. INTERNAL OR EXTEBNAL PEO LAP SUS AI. NO MEDECINE OR SURGICAL TION NICESaAEy, .... OPERA Bcoeaapany each I have invented a 8IXPLK WATER CL08ET SEAT, for the cure of th above troalribsotne and painful malady, which I confidently place before the public as s ecu Rklis ano Cues It hae received the endorsement of-tbe leading physicians in this conHnanltji and wherever tried, has given entire latisf actios, and whi re it falls to relieve the- money win be willingly returned. These Beats will be furnished at the follow ing prices : . Walnut ...$6.00) Cherry .... 5.00 V Disc ouni to Pfalsiciaa Poplar ..5.00 1 Directions tor using will Seat. We trouh.e you with no certificates Wa leave the Seat to be its advertiser. Address, LEWIS CHAMBERLAIN, ' i Patentee Tarboro, Edgecombe Co.. N. C. J8e-ly JUTHER SHELDON, ' DEALER IN SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS i . t'- ST : ts '- I - . i. L BUILDERS' HARDWARE,' . i : -..' :.-'.' ' ' .-1 - t " -A PAINTS, OILS, QLAS3, ' - ' -. : t- 'M Aud Balldlug MaterHI of every deaertptU n S08. 1 VT. SIDE yARKST SQUAKJt a ' 49ROANOAKK AVE. ' ' NORFOtaKr VaV 1 Novemberl882. lV-y. ' " . WOODWARD, - ,. Witta r: E, B. B LAM IB - , s Noafelk, Va. , j WUI saaH aamafaref w- DRY &HJVB WOEH REQUJCSTRI, T, 1. D reuse made to order, licited. v Catalogue of Paakeras' Snai u B3- - taaay saareta, 1 Correapeedance ce- nea t-rt iai A-i-am ".a.iafc!aJ ' Am4 mttt aAot tkiai Stest U UaM caaaa. Tha bit r SeA r,i.lr mill JP I Kaavptot VVM. H. MAULE. us & m Frnt St., rhraatitMa. - " ' '"""TSmiL'" V " ' VC. JJ I Wln pwHfrfhs sn,oflt-rr' v c ii ana irzHToaa thi naao.xja. - ii ;J - .. a, m and VIOOSV mt TOOTH. appetita ttr , Bones. naMftetaf aaa - pepsia. WaatorAppe UlKeailOH. laCI aa B aTld Vvstlac aaaatHtat: atMmita, LADIES i aerrss maeura mum rasea. annvens tn anna aae supplies Kr),FaweT. DnfferliiKfroni eoaiplalMS W mrattarto tlieir ax wlU Sod la DA. XtASTEnWIBOW TOSTIO aaia aai apt-edy care. Otea a eteav, aestlilnr coal p lax Ion. Frviaent attempts at coiinlerfritlur only adS t ihcpopaiarltyotth artelaal. luaaA eapari-mc-ut retllie Okioimal and ttitsv. fSand low addraaatoTna O- HartarISa,C,V. fl Stlwb, Wo, foe oar M&X1AK BOOnv'-f Vlfot atraoaaaaaaaafnllaliiisiilliai.liaay Th is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter, taj(fj? Magnolia Balm is the cWrtivri er that almost cheats th lool(jng-glass. 1 1

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