' . - - - I"-""" -Tir--i - .ii,iim!1t,tll- . - - ' '.v;fesK v if"-.-- " .- . .-VSr" ! ' - - ; i ,; - I j " . - --.V"' . .. -"'"" . ,-, , . .-r Vftfjltff' - i - .i - -ii A - V . . f - - - - - ' 5 : ' : ''j ' : V;:m ;:; : ' BE SURE YOXZAJEITZ RIGHT J jTSlSlSl" G0 LHIG A.P -P Crockett. ; ;::r; ; "V'- - . ; l; j'K'lC & . . ' m--' .i-" f--' . i' i - r . ii i if x t . ni of - i r - 'i t a -1 1 Uk Off i-rs hif prote U erTic to Vk atj' tens or OtBee " iu I. a. Street , McNair'a dnur tkore om iUdm : nRiXK, POWELL, ; J ; J T TO EXE YA T LA W t Tabbobo, M Jf. pRlNK NASH, v-i r-K, - ATTORNS?. A.kS Frictict in. all the Court. Stote and Ve&- i r SORGB HQ Attorfer aM Coanielor at Ilr. TABBDRC K. C. ; (PrtCkJcaB hi til ih Comrta, Htktlaff fdgrl. - - ;l ; ; r. . ; f i.noTjjyt r ANDREW JOTNER, I xriAia . - - -! h -1 ; . greenvxlu, . j? J p- i- la future will regularly attend the Superior oBrtu of Edgecombe. Otfiee hi Tarboro House. G. M. T. FOUNT AINr ATTORNEY AND COUNSKUjOB AT ijLW, Tarboro, N. C, I Offlot over Insurance Offiee of Capt. Orren William., t et3l-iB . 7 ALTER P. WILLIAMS01 Attorney-at-Liaw,! Office in Poet Office BntldiBff.) 7 . TARBOKO'. N. C. : 1 i , f& Practices in; Stat vA Federal OoiurtaJ H. A. GiixiAit. Uoimi Onix&v QILLIAM A SON ;' 1 Attornbys-at-I-awl TABBOBO', K. C.- Will practice 1a the Couttea of tOgteomtf, Halifax and Pitt, and la the Cowta of tk first Judicial District, aad lm the Circuit a4 ; upreme Courta at Raleigh. Janl8-Ay. J AS. NORFLEET, I Attopney-at-J-aw, CIRCUIT . Edgecombe, Nash an 'WO- aon. Loaoa pegotiated on reaeooaote iertn. J. L. BRIDGERS & SON, Attorney s-at-Iawi TARBORO, I - D08SJCY BATTLK. s I Attorney t Ltw -? i i TARBORO, U. . fBattle ft Hart. Roekr Mount'. 5T. tJf Practice in the court -of Nash. Edgecombe. Wilson and Halifax Tcbuniiee. " Also i' the Federal and Supreme Cevrta.; Tarboro efflc, op-stairs over new Howard building, Maiu itreet,-opp. B&rJt front room. ' apr J 84 rK. I. N. CARB, j TA.EBORO, H". C. f Office Quits )r6m B a, 1L 'till 1 p. m.nd rom 2 to 0 p. m. ' . .. e?-.eii door to Tarboro aonae, jw Royster & Naeh. . ' f ; . i 1 When the shadow on the do VBtep "rKeDi as the twilight diev V Aodth earth grows phill aadoiemoi T iti aest each lone bird fliea-i- Wbe theale trambbn 'UooMtep,'11 Of tiJerUWnia rest A " '' Tkgrjjelurnittieplthe ketU ' j ,o another nest i. , ptain.' Mid he. tnn tiw vn v S-rjrf J" waBted for breakin' and enterin trrthe doIica. von t ni 58t ka SOOn as thin nhin trnr. tnfnOkn IV..! I ' "rjiof F all be taken off, but shiver QUELLING A MUTINY BY H. H. BALLARD. Has permanently located in "Wil- iaf- ,Z:L , . son, N. C. All operatfdnr,wfflDr neatly and caref ally ierf orined indr u terms as reaaooablfc .as possible Teeth extracted without cain. ' Office oniTarboro street, next door UyYiAl' IVue. Jan.! tSnET - L. SWAGE, Sale, -.Exchange and FeeL S(ttte$: - tarboro!. n. n. . rh k "? Stableiarethe lareeet ia the State. L.TZTT capacity xT bolulnrtaa eaioftOt i-j'-s. Uive him a calL- i. fanlSf tl'PILM 4 WHI8KKT HABITS vJtiOtUe Withnnt rain Konlr nt nsrtionlaM B. M. WOOLET, M. D.f AUanta, ' Frec Ua. TEACHERS, Make fM to $150 per 'month BeiUner mr HfxiwJarA RnnW A' Bibles. steady work for SDrinr and Summer. Ad-r' J- C- JfctnaiF.A Co.. PhUapelphla,:;Ta. jJX'THER SHELDON, DEAXB IN ; SMI TV mm BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINTS," OIL'S," i f. i 5 " Aud Buildinit Material of every description -18. 16 W. BIDE VaBKET SQUARE 49 ROANOAKE AVE NORFOLK, VA- fovemberl882. lM-y. ,Capt. Morrison, who told me the story aet rammer, asy a srwe. sitUag hy the seaside, shalHeyeat fi e WtaVlt own' Wknrda, I had asked him whether he had ever encountered a mutiny ra his expe rienee as captain of a whaler. He said No.w Then, after a pause, he added, ".Yes, come to think of it, I did have a little trouble once, up In the Arctic. "We "Wk Jn8t boT IJehring'a Straits. The ship Van lying at anchor. There was a Wg field o' ice a' Bttle norf of na,' 'and Kteat btevea of lee biegano break 'off, 'and come erashlMg down on u.' rf Pd had the skip beaded towards the floating- tee, these pieces would glanced affths prow, and, done no damage, but as it was, they causa down so hard amidships that no ship cauW .'a stooa-tt lohg. I saw that we ' must get jnt o; that at" once, and as we were pretty full of oil, anywayjl decided to heave anchor, and return to San Fran cisco right off. : So J -ordered the mate to go forward and tell the men to get out the boat and take up the anchors. In about a minute he came back, looking pretty flustered, and "says he, 'The men refuse, to go.' What's thatf says' I, bringing lay foot down hard on the deck. ' The idea refuse to obey orders,' says he. 1 !" Then I went forward myself. -'What does hJs mean? said I.: J , A j "The mutineers were led by a burly Englishman, who had been sort o' sullen for several days. They had all gone be low, leaving their posts. 'They lad taken all the provisiobs. with them.-and H was ainthey were ready-,for a laag fight. i answer to my question, the big, Eng lishman stepped to the foot of the Thatch way ",' and began a parley, i 'We haint got nothln' against jouv'sars hs. ; Thinks I, I guess it don't make any difference whether you have or not, that, anchor's got to come up If you wiH lasAl us at the Sandwich Islands,' continued he, - In stead o' San Francisco, we'll go right to work.' ' I'll give you just ten minutes to start f ok ahat anchor, said L and turning oa my heel, I walked back aft. . I knew they meant fight, so says' I to the steward, who had remained faithful, Go down to the cabinVarrd f etch me kbout two pounds o powder; a half potfmr o them big nails, half a potrod 6' brimstone, ahd an the red pepper we can Spare from the cooking. ' "He was gone about a minute. I took the powder and pepper- and brimstone, and mixed rem all "tap with'a little-water, Just enough to kind 'o dampen 'em, same's yoq've seen beys wet a fire-cracker, so's 't wont crhek, but kind b' 'sissle.' Then I made It tip into two baDa, sharpened at one end like a pine-apple cheese. - I gave one to the mate, and taking some matches; walked with t'other back to the hatch way. I'd ought to 'a, said that ! buckled Oil a belt with a couple o' pistols in it, and slipped on a pair "V ObrassV knuckles. 'Well.' said I, ' are you ready to come up now and get out them boats V ' "They wasn't no, answer to this but a loud laogh, o' scoravsnd a volley ' sweaa words. iTben an old, dirty broom, soaked with the hasty sweepings of the hold comer ffyhtg up ' the ' hatchway,' and" took' me right on my clean shirt-bosom ; and I always was rather particular about my personal appearance. Says I to the mate, Nailher down.' In an instant he had the well, what "you'd call' the' trap-door, nailed down on the mutineers, and for a minute or two he kept a-putting ten penny naOs Into. It as fast as he could drive. The men only jeered at this, say ing,' NaU away,' yon aid down-east laadV fjj lubber. ;;W kin stand it. We've got the ' pervjslona' I'd noticed, as I had come aft n fie nrst time,' that, they was , just putting a. fronh ferJd - o fcoAI on 'the ore it was breliWr odd' weathef Ttp there), and now wis st and lag rteht "bx. ths l0Te-pi pe that eome up throughTthe deck. With a sud den kick 1 sent that stovepipe flying down amongst 'em, and white they were consid ering the taste o' coal gas, i in one o those powder an'-pepper-pills I told you of.1 and chucked it right down, through she pipe-hole. I had told the steward, to stana Dy wiia ine oi.iiex, uu m swu nine had got out o' my band, be had his a-slztling, and c hacked it in lor company. Well, sir, sneezing r J-omy Massy: iou never heard such a wheezing and snorting in your life. They couldn't no living man stand it a minute. In less'n ten seconds, m narcn came living mi. naua auu au. Despecatjobdoai't -care anything i about ten-penny a ails. The Englishman wasn't kmg coming np.' after the hatch, ine de-!! was a-Tooking right oaV orchis eyes.' Tiwrn wasn't room for only one to a time. and I was ready for him. I stood at the a. e- U w anI r na Tni1TlUl nil UWUl frTweftbrbinlkStwean his eyes. Yon 'we seen a tmtcner nae a - - - a S M iL. . that f a1 critter : wen, raa ""v.,. 5 vi t t rMkonca. d. killeiUiinTk I leaned overthri-atCh way. and sarX I, ad dressing thrrieaftesirmftlfrVsn, eayhl Williams, you come up. Ittwapf you eome. you're. Dotn aeaa mru. w wkeezing and a-sneezmg. , jru you fhai. nnt . ' sAvs I. as he sxt even with the deck, 'put 'em right out . The mate eemoed the irons on his Wrists, and I sent boom that was lying along the deck. Then I temJv fJSP same way", arid set em alontfin arow on f ' XiOTTT asin 1, leaning uner mo umtM way. i the rest of yon cofce sip eta the. run,' -.. TurtouM- a , same's if it had been a wnisay owam. j. j "" " listed- anythitojt Hj&f eoROod o thevoy; AMa. T Dot. s-m B.U R1UU1C uu u wu IU therVthey set. gasping, and looWnrw f5lsb as a row & wet chickens. I forgot to say thattwana pnn r rt.Vi n' ' rrrf. tin SatTaayTT TO Taketb. irons on o wem uieu. em,; I can tell yoo. But JLSJ? .-hr ii thMt f wmW afraid of 'em. n,nia in nnAit the irons, and as soon as all the men -weta free f steppe right an close to 'em, and looking 'em right in the eyes, says I, ' Now get into your boats, art tke. ap thU anchor.' ... ruA iliav dn it t" I asked. ! " Dolt r1 said the captain. "Well, sir, een a ftoel vt sheep go - over I 4r.ii That's the way those feuowswent toy timbers, sir, 'd rather be taken up a dozen times than run foul o voa agaih.' " . i . ., ' , " WerethevarrBtMl 'f''Tu1rl -'V - xes,saia the. captain, pipe. The officers can morning, ana took all three of y,env and I wevu noimng or Jem Since. i i f ftfiHT WITHVPEYr'I'fAB'rl ; Tnefofiowrng extract from TheTofl- I ers of the Sea." by Victor HnmV nhriwi the tare descriDtive nowara nf tha fiunnhi ' WOODWARD, with 5 "lAMLR -I- ; Norfolk'VB. '; "Will mail sampea of y- I'KY GOODS WHEN EKQUESTKD, Hi-tiT rT mde 40 order. Correspondence em over the side o' the ship. -T " I never had a bit o' troubte with mm .s- a. eana i navfr . usitbi . vr saaaw .eteri "up toH djsbbjrTwe,we gor within aP fewinllSanFranctaca That evaniat,. K,pu??jri ieaed to be at the wheel. As Iwalksd ,by RirkT Smi ehurkledr .' What Are satd he: if you won't be off endl waa OTUodo vii ' 'What about it f said I. weii. in the EHlnli Kara' Eagage ls Xleloderr Hnntlnc Ab Kxcltlna 1 1 . . Paatlaae. - c:- ! One sport that amnses the Rsqitlmaa Lboys very much would probably be galled m our language , " reindeer hunting. f Having found a long and gentle slope on a MHs Tiill t.hov r.l.00 h. 'i." Jr re-lightin&JUaJ. came aboard- next i ; IT: TTv ir .T""T deer horns, (for yoti boys- must not forget that the antlers of 4 deej are not horn at all, but bon4'r These; i antlers of ' the reindeer- are stuck upright in the snow, singly or In groups," rn srrch a manner that a sled, when well glded. ean.berarb4 twew them without knocking, any? of thefcawa. theatrmber at wn mtictvj PORT IE THE ARCTICt. . louring, a Jarii through, a portion of Call- forma, last nmrnex. .wj at a neat. farm-bouse. wbere there "wis, every cbm- j; tort and luxury 'of a hotnex' Among the meuiuers ot ine unuiyY adangnrer is or 19 years old. In' the morning we were i.- . w ' ' .1 ,t r - l. : uu?v-. : vr. r-- . was WW ne, - v.- . - h.tti. 0 .n i,nt f - MMf was in quie -Vh.t. nold. when you Vr dawn there. Bi MaTT Jut, Such waa tha erHtam la tL t&litt had fallen for some minutes., ; 4 The monster was Uae inhabrtant of thV grotto the Urrible genii of the bbcaXA. kind atsowbrt demon jot the water, r r A AlLUiuJipleudors of the cavern existed- fbr it alone. On the day of the previous month when Gilliatt had first penetrated into the srrot- to, the dark outline, vaguely perceived by him in the ripples of the secret waters. Was this monster. It was here in Its hotne. When, enteringfbrthe" second imW fnto the cavern in pursuit of the crab, he had obsrtvjmiheervlce-ini Which hi sTpposea that lAecrhb-: had-itakea1 rafugV h picuvre was there lying in wait for prey. is it possible to imagine that secret am bush f No bird would brood, no eg? would b nrst to life, no flower would dare to open, no breast to give milk, no heart to love, no spirit to soar, ander the influence of that apparition of evil watching with sinister patience-in the dusk. Gllliatt had thrust his arm deep Into the opening ; the monster had snapped at it. It held him fast, as the spider holds tho fly. : He was in the water up to his belt:. Its' naked feet clutching the slippery rooudrjl ucm vi me uuge stones at ine bottom: ; his right arm bound and rendered! power less by the flat coils of tfieTong tentacles of the creature, and his body almost hidden." under the folds and crossfolds Sof -thla horrible bandage. ; Of the eigiit arins of tlie devil-fish, three adhered to the rock, while five encircled. uuuaic in in is way, clinging to the graulie on the one hand, and on the other to his human prey, it enchained him te ! the rock. Two hundred and fifty suckers ! were upon hlni; Tormentfaj? nlmT with agony and Ulathing. He was grasped l)y gigantic nanus, the lingers of which were each neasly a yard long, and furnished In- alde with1 Bvtag blisters eating into tho flesh." u ' - ; - vi As we have said, it is impossible to tear one's self from the folds of the devil-fish. The attempt ends only in a firmer grasp. The monster clings with more determined force. Its effort increases with that of its victim ; every struggle produces a tighten ing of hta ligatures. OUliatt aad but one resource, his knife. Hia left hand only was free, bnt the reader knows with what power he could' use it. It might have been said that ho aad two right hands. His open knife was in hlCTiaud. The antenna of the devil-fish cannot be out ; it is a leathery substance, impossible to divide with the knife ; it slips under the edge : its position in attack also is such, that to cut it would be to wound the vic tim's own flesh. The creature is formidable, but there is way of resisting it The fishermen of Hark know this, as does any one who has seen tbem execute certain abrnpt move ments ia the sea. The porpoise know it also; they have a way of biting the cuttle- nsn wmcn uecapitates it. Hence the fre emen t si eh t on tile sea of sen fish, nonlna and cuttlefish without heads. The cephaloptera, In fact, is only vul nerable through the head. - Billiatt was not iiDorentof this fact. He had; never seen a devil-fish of this site. 'His first encounter was with one of the larger species. Another would have been powerless with terror. With the devil-rish. as with a furious Mil, there is a certain moment in the con flict which muft be seized. It is the in stant when the bull lowers the heck ; it is the Instant when Ihe devil-fish advances its bead.' The ' movement is rapid. He who lor es that moment Is destroyed. ' The tbiaiis we have described ocenpied enlv. a few moments. Gilliatt," however. felt the increasing power of its Innumer able stickers. The monster is cunning : it tries nrst to stupefy its prey. It seizes, ' and then pauses awhile. 1 Gilliatt grasped bis knife; the sucking Increased. He looked ait the -monster, which seemed to look at him. Suddenly it loosened from the rock its sixth ahfennSjand, darting it at him, seized B1JII 7 wre nrii arm. At the" same moment it advanced Its head with a violent movemeut In one second more its month would have fastened on his breast. Bleeding in the sides, and kb his fwo arms entangled, he would have been a dead man. But Gilliatt was watchful He avoided the antenna; and at the moment when the monster darted forward to fasten' on bis breast, he struck it with the knife clenched in his left hand. ' There were two convulsions m opposite dfrections--that Of the devu-nsn and tnat 01 its prey, ine movement was rapid as a double flash 01 lightaing.' .':. .".,':. tie naa ptungea ure niaae or nis anue into the flat! slimy substance, and by a rapid meveroent, like the flourish ' of a whip in the air, described a circle round the two eyes, k wrenched the head off as a man would draw a tooth. ' The struggle wa ended. "Too roias re laxed. The monster dropped away; like the stew detaching of hands. The fonr nutadred auckers. deprived of their sus taining power, dropped at once from the man and the rock. The mass sank to the bottom of the Water. : - - Breathless with toe struggle, uiuisro could perceive nnon the stones at his feet two shapeless, slimy heaps, the head on one side, the remainder of the monster on the other, .. Fearing, nevertheless,, some convulsive return of his agony, he recoiled to avoid the reach of the dreaded tentacles. But the monster was quite deaa. Gilliatt closed bis knife. , A Besaarkahle Caaary. A Milwaukee watchmoker has a com mon canary tnat sings.--we wou i go home till morning." Every note, writes one who- heard the flute-like tones, is as true and -prompt as a French music ' box. Despite the animated appearance of the songster, it Is so uncommon to near ine roystering melody given by an ordinary- Innkinr yellow bird.' that listeners Won det and' look around "doubtlngly, as if k amind ntmi from a music box. 'The owner bred the bird, the parent being chosen for their voice and quality. As soon as it was bom the education was begun with the aid of a mouth-organ. The graduated in ehrnt months. The ... riniT the one tune faultlessly. but that is the extent of its accomplish . Wa nnt m home till morn- fetag." was pteyed three Ltirr A dayin the Dlra s Bearing ior eiyu 'A. not snrpristng that it -know ' o jtune. The owner refused 45 for the bird. A telegram was received here this week from New Boston, Texas, announcing the death of Mr. Kenneth Tarboro. Later in telligence says that he Was shot by a justice of the Peace by the name of Wood, 00 Sat urday night and instantly killed No other paticu'ars. Franklin Times. -Mrs. High, (Bell Boyd, the noted Confed erate spy), ia in wast at Little Rock, Ark. invited to see ' 60011 in which the young lady wis osagsged:: We found 'a complete an snecessfulfowl rising -establishment...- X numDer of 'small Jncioe ares; wtth a eapaeiiy of M foWUi eachaao! been made, Thera wa- little. honsej.itt .serve me ceuwrr pi eacn cnciosura. Tno whole costof'.'fho incfosnrei' and houses 'co'uTd1 not have been more than $20a I With this investment she, was raising 1,000 chickens, and perfect' sWkrm dt duds aiidtfrkeys, Wi pef oStlSalOr:ifeifi jra J -r 1 fafewWhj, off ttoifof Cm choice chicks to oe reared, for which this yenbg Yady was'receivell.So apiece; or . JK. - WiOiout 'any: unionsoeJ betwVen tne gTojrMbemtrefdareb'atleas the iramber of sleds. -4Tae quantity of reindeer, antlers they -aa .. thus arrange Will Si aAHM AmtrmmmmA nn tUl. .k.b suceew j the Autumn before in reindeer K Went this HttJe estaWiehment would net . . If BVa.. .-a -L ' S -aVO-wA -L ' SM AaA O " amntingTbat thMsBaaearlc always enough antlers to gisaAWo or tkrecapd sometimes five or six, to ..each fearless young coaster. , ,Tha bovs, .with their sleds, no labeling from. four to rfx tn fair-sized Tillagegaihei on the tap of the, hill, each boy having with him two or4 three spears, or a bow with as many ar- -bows. .They start, together, each boy's .-object Defng to knock down as many an tlers as possiKle knd: not be the first to reach the bottrm of the hilL You can See that id iicb esse the slpwef tney r; when the are passing, Uf. ahtie), the: better. They must knock over the ant lers with their spears or arrows only, as those thrown down by the sled or with thehowor spear ia"i the hand, do not count. 'They begin to shoot their arrows: and throw their spears as soon as theye can get within effective shooting distance; and even after they have passed between the rpws of antlers, .the more active bovs wiB turn around on their flying sleds and hurl back a spear or arrow with sufficients force to bring down an antler. When all have reached the bottom of the hill thev ; return to thf rows of antlers, where each; boy picks out those he has rightfully captured and jlaces them in a pile by themselves. Then those arrtidentallv I knocked over by the' sledges are again pucvpanu ine Doye return for another umuuuwiiuiimu, uiiiu au ine antlers is bat one antler left, and when there ara T five or six contesting sleds the rsee , be comes very exciting, for then speed counts in reaching the antler first, wlien all are down the boys count their winnings, and the victor is, of course, the one who has obtained the greatest number of antlers. Lieut Frederick Hchwatka, in St. Nicholas, its braVe bwnerfrorh I$tMltolJ'ti,rjo6 lat reason.. - Thia La ieter than roraoetlnd with a Chinaman in a hot .kitchen over Iwrniiiur baeojtandeaM0LJ H ! better than to AtrnggtoiWlthUie needle .for a fttshiofn Abie living- irf a-ffpfd. alre&dt oter- fnU,and it athousand nm&ftmtfk raleness In shabby gentility. What this. id of others can do, A beginning can.be made in a small way, and additions can be made to the buildings andiacjosures.as fhc profits will pay for them." Here Is a Pleasant riJ jjrotlUbles bctfinees. for hanN ire rts of idle people who are wishing for something, to o: I A littia energr," tntei' prise, andcourHge ia the principal capitM required for a starf.1 'Withlndnstryvsuc cess w Ul-foUow. Mat-ya-irt Re (Cat) -Ap. ptof. THE nrCOKEOI BOTAXtX' 1 rtaat taie qacca orBglanof and tier L KeJatle Iteelve-lBieUlotaA. Expeaaeo, Etc, The London correspondent oa liew Ybrk paper writes about the forthcoming marriage of Queen Victoria's younges daughter, Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodora, and Prmee Battenberg of Germanr-1 Be refers to the fact taal much has been writ ten about the match. in. the newspapers, 1 and sayr he bverheara a cockney off- If Be-attvL lovea Batty, and e loves 'or, 1 should"like td'knQW why they cawnt wed without halt this to-do bin the - pa. wrafl-fi ,. ?f; f.- ts-t.t ti.-m? " So should I." continues the correspond ent and therefore I propsa04aly to refer to the delicate sabjeoVJa. its yeiatiof. to tocraaatba iTincess a aowry 01 5,uuo. r y ? rs It seems that it is customary for Parlia naat to, make a grant of this kind every time a son or daughter of her Majesty has Wedded. 1 '- - s..i. While, the Princess deserves- the. un stinted praise she gets hi alt quarters and theaktiqaBo to apeak, wishes her all fojtape happiness, it is, nevertheless, true that there Is 4 certain element Opposed bn prb cirjtoall these money grants to rojalty. . persons Who hold that view support 1t by declaring that the Queen "has an In come ten or twenty times as great as ever : she can spend and that instead of going to Parliament for grants. She ought teaet np her own family in life out of her own am ple funds. ' ' ' How much is the Queen's income f j ' Kvery yaar aha ia allowwl ahniit. $3,000, 000 which may be roughly divided as fol- CUSTIE'SCOHFIDIZATE FBIIRD. la I net dent In Ike Lift ot tbt.Gen eral ae Heeorded by his Widow la " Boots aad Saddles." - The Seventh Cavalry were sent to guard the engineers of the ' Northern Pacific while they surveyed the route to the Yel lowstone. This party of citizens joined the command a few days out from Fort Rice. Gen. Custer wrote me that he was lying on the buffalo robe- in his tent, resting after his march, when he heard a voice outside asking the sentinel " which was Gen. Custer's tent" The General called out: "Halloo, old fellow ! I have'nt heard that voice for 13 yean, but I know it Come in and welcome 1 " Gen. Rosser walked in and such a reunion as was had 1 These two had beear chtaeuiates and warm friends at West Point, and parted with sorrow when Gen. Kosser went into the Southern army. Afterward they had fought each - other in the Shenandoah Valley time and time again. Both of them lay on the robe for hours talking over the campaign in Virginia. JLn .1 he varying fortunes of war sometimes one hud got possession of the wagon train belonging to the other. I knew of several occasions when they had tantnred each other's beadauarters Wagon, with their private Jnggage. If one drove the other back iu retreat, oerore ne went w'o ramp ne wrote a note addressing - the other as ' Dear friend," and saying. "You may have made me take a few steps this way to-day, but I'll te even wftK you to-mor- this little gift." These notes and presents were leit attne nouee. ot some' roiunern woman as they retreated out of the village. 4ngm i-i ti fi-tato.,. fi-wtlr all tkf Kio. f rtnfl9a . luggage and found iu it a 1 new irinifo(m'. coat of Confederate gray. He wrote af humorous letter that night thanking Gen. Rosser for set tin ji lum up 111 so many new things, but audaciously asking him if he "would direct his tailor to niatce the coat tails of bis next uniform a little shorter," as there was a difference in the height of the two men. Gen. Custer captured his herd of cattle at one time, bnt he wa so hotly pursued by Gen. Kosser that he bad dismounted, cut a whip, and drove them himself unti. they were secureo. . Neglected UeaotV: - There is scarcely. a shrub or plant aboa the yard, says a writex,'in the, Journal of Agriculture, so little" tf&ittteVr' ra'pTf; Ijortioblto its feaTbeoufi a'a-owlen ! lieuuty and fragrsnce are at a premlninv r.s the lilac A few 'showeVS will TrTnir , Uiein but and cover the whole1 bush With 1 leaves and bloorn piakinf a hqger bootteti in me corner Qt ine vara or along the walk, from which each Mn'tle brsW will' waft sweet pfrfumeall py ,f thi grbundai Yet the bush requires but little -.attention and gets still less. We' art apV1 to value' thinscs by what they cost us aad this is one reason whv, the lilac is not more high ly appreciated. - . Another Inst a ace 'of"' neglected" beauty is the hollyhock, grewtog up a corn stulk and filled with Large blooms all over its spiral form, ft can be seen -from "all parts of the grortndi? ltr"tecaus so easily obtained, and so easily obseiTe, scarcely any one gives'lfa aecond glance. ' With all the neglect, hawevW. ii has been much improved since ohr-firBt'acjauaint-snce with it: very niceV doubled and a great variety of m shsden aad colors. "The Sweet William, Lark, Spur and, the old. fashioned Hnk. ire.hot-aprttedfCat their full valpe either .as a gejnraiul4J though a few1, from" measanfTrcollecttoris of "ye olden timel: contbiBa-to. admire them, and give them a prominent place; in the flower garden land IC w-ftl bo' many years before (they are entirely, banishea. . any or tne newer Kinds ornowers are or A Bteaaon For Klale Attire MyUrin boots wore out in jt fewdays" I forgot to hold up my dress, and covered my petticoat- with mnd. My lonnets were spoiled one after another by the rain.' I generally returned from the expeditions I took dirty, weary, and cold. Whereas my young men ' acquaintances some of whom had been .the .companions of my childhood in Berri had none of these in conveniences to submit to. I therefore had a long gray cloth .made, with a waist coat and trowsers to match. When this costume was completed by a gray felt hat and a loose w 06 leu cravat, no one coukl have guessed that I was not a ; young stu dent in my first year. My boots were my particular aengnt. 1 snonia nice 10 nave gone to bed with them. On- their little iron heels I wandered from -one end of Paris to the other : no one took any no tice of me or suspected my disguise. Hi ioire de ma vie George Sand. , . . What la the Bible Like ? It is like a large beautiful tree, which bears sweet fruit for those who are hun gry, and affords shelter and shade for pil grims on the-way to the Kingdom of Heaven. .. " r; . It is like a - cabinet of jewels" aad "pre cious stones, which Are not - only to- be looked at aad' admired, bnt used and worn. r- " ' ix- It is like a telescope, that brings distant objects and fat-off things of the world OI inear Deauty-aau, importance. , t- -It is like a treasure house, for all sorts of valuable and useful things which ase- to i be had without money and without price. It is like a deep, broad, calm, flowing river, the banks of which are green and 1' flowery, where birds sing, lambs play, and 4- dear little Chiinren are loving and happy. Farm and Fireside , - - :: ; r. 9IraIa or the 19th Centnry,' There was a time when that degraded man was as guiltless as a girl ; he began by learning vice from the exampl-of his companions, just as he learned hoW to smoke. Had his education been more severe, had thr earliest inclinations oeeq checked by the fear of ruin and - disgrace, he would- not have- aoqalred the most dangerous of all habits. That man should be subjected "to the same discipline as woman is, therefore, to be wished lor ; and although the day is far distant, there can be no doubt that it will come ; and tho future historian of morals will record With surprise that, in the nineteenth' century, society countenanced views in man which it punished in woman with banishment for life. Reude' Martyrdom of Men. Mi rare -beamy and: ; delicacy, but, others , of l. . 1 . . . . ... : i t-. 11 1 Ult ifi v ..,. P.ll . IVKUUIPn 1111 K U V WW DO spared, and tho care now bestowed upon them be better remunerated if given to those now partially neglected. -a Clrla In the Dairy. Miss Carrie S. Straight is a plucky Min nesota girl, who, whea her father became involved,. assumed control of his several, creameries, and is, now .operating th'em with excellent success? The dairy business is bringing some of our Western farm girls to the front in a way that, is reflecting honor and" profit" to themselves, and the communities and States in which they live. , . , Miss Fannie Morely, of Baraboo, Wis.. Miss'C'offln, of Fort Dodge,' 'Iowa,' and' Miss Straight, of Minnesota, are worth ' to the country ten thousand dawdling miss es, whose only accomplishment' is to tread on the tail of a piano, evoking most heart rending expressions 6f agony, while " mother' does the only woman's part in the household. 4 T . One of the grand results' ef dalrvlmr ia that it elevates the work of woman ,on the uiiiu n(ju,c tfU-o iniiv Di UUU1JJJUU I-IXLIU ery and gives kef: sohshbtg Jss do that will bring her sul stantial jespect .and honor in the community.-" An accomplish- ea oairy woman is a, messing .,to tne -puorie at large, and a benedict ioir or -peace smd. prosperity to him whose home-she honora as wife. Give' us more 'of them.Jt.JeJFer wm County V.nlon.- '-i o v . . Have a' PnrpoeeiB ttvfng.""'' Miss Phelps : writes ' in 'St.; n'olas "You will: never realizellt till you havw tried it what au immense power oyer tho life Is the 'power of VossessTng''dls(nct" aims. The voice, thedress tlie Took, tbe very motions of a person define and alter when he or the begins to ilve frl- a ruana I fancy that h can select tb k-eroWUed ' street ine imsy, oiessea women Who, sup- L port themselres." They tarry themselvef with en air ' of coflscjous seU-resppctl and-self-content' which a shabby klpaca cant not hide adr a silk hoanefc enhancet 'nor' even sickness nor exhaustion Quite drag A prett'y!Wchaft,WB can ne made or a apaoew panisbz? by mverv ing it, half opened, in a corner, and tack ing one side to the wall : or, if It is to go under a desk."hy fitfing the head 'nrmly into a square block, and, cutting, off tho handle: The hsif-oneu 'poSftfon "can Hbo maintained by fasterring a bonnet wire.to the edge. A ftox-plafted euging pT narrow1 ribbon be a few bows..of wider riboOB form tiAPAiiuiiPr eiri-rl i f-irnTi v 1p Tor Putty. " A very ceaiptet;finhiirfor---pe In f oors may 1 e. inade .by; tborooghly soaking newspapers, in paste made- of 1 A A..a UanMLf! . OOJcciB lau peu-wi. uiiiu-ga ui muv irviiu yvuiiu ui nuui, -i-usru ui naici, null m very near, so that we can see something T tablespoonfol of alum," tjuisagaiy boiled ana mixea. make tne nnai mixture aoaus as thick, as putty, and it will harden like pa pier nmeAC - -- - A Clear aod Stekdy Bye. ' Children should be taught to Icwk peo ple in thef ace, square In the eyewhen' I talking to them. We somehow hv snV' fcpictons -of persenS Who can't took thto other people's eyes while con versmg with f them. The iutegrtty of the' sbn may al ways be seen la the bottom of the- eye. Farm Journal. : , J " . . ."' .a"'TD.' ' ' -' , 00,000 181,300 17S.500 1309 . 8,040 Privy parse Household salaries ....... Household expenses Royal bounty, ate.. Unappropriated : . . l!Potsl . ; .'. ; '.X3w,ot6 ' This is far from being' the Quem's ohly source erf. revenue;. but it would "Require too much research to go into .exact details of her private fortune and other resources. It is pertinent, however, to add the follow ing fable Of annuities' allowed to members of the royal family. ... 40,008 .. lo.ooe ... . 8,009 . 25.0OB . . ., 6.1)00 ... -,000 ... ,25,000 6,000 . . . a,( ... -12,0011 ... .00M ... ' 8,000 Prince of Wales FWneess of Wales ........ Crown Princess of Prussia. . . . . Duke of Edinbrrnrh .SI Princess Christian , ... PrinoesS -Tjonise1. . . . . . Duke of Connaught .......... Duchess of Cambridge . Duchess of MecktanbnrK-trelit?. . Dnke of Cambridge Ducheaa of. Teak Dncbesa or'Albairy'. t Total . . .' 153.000 Kven this is by no means' nit' The Pirrhi cess of .Wales is not only granted 10000 per antfnin but also 30,000 if she survives the Prince, who- himself, in addition to the 40.000 per annum, has the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall, making an ag gregate 01 100,000 per annum. Bleh 9f en Who Have Bfed' A New York.; correspondent calls attention to. that striking roll of immor tality which includes the "names' of so' many of our ' distinguished capitalists. Look at a partial list, dating back only a few years : ClamTnnilnFaVanifnrnlU- raflmed klnor ' .-...,. j ...... ,.,.o.uiu . "Wra. B. Astor, real estate king 0. 000.000 jt.X.stewart,ary gotw autocrat, t.. iSMMuaw i'eter Uoelet and Kooert Uoeiet. real loras B,uuu.uua 6,000,000, 2.000490 9,500.000 7,000,000 2,000,000 k It wQl surprise a farmer who baa never seen the results, - to cross the merino sheep with a buck of the mutton varieties. Country Heme says i We have made such axossef, Using in'one instance a Cotewold olrev and-in other instances,, a pure-bred leicester and a Southdown. This yea we have made a cross with the Oxford- down. The 'Merino neculiarities ore al l-most Icat, except) that the fleeces are more, compact, ana. ine onaies are out aown q n mure ineujiim size, 'oucu trosa-urw sheep ara hardy and shear large fleeces. v nen a pure-Dred sire is used again, -ci the same breed as before, ; the offspring will be three-fourtbs of the same blood as the site: and the next- cross will be seven- ghths.! Me aet-;fifteen sixteenths. j A sheen seven-eighths pure-bred, will be es- entully, the-saSie as the pnre-bredi form. wool, and general peculiarities, it -Kill Jack one impoi tamt raality, a herefM-" taiaeiH pww wiici) w urosn ujr . uiw. au-. mixture of the one part Merino, to perpetu-1 ate its own kind in taorough-bred -foml. This does not make much difference 4o a1 practical sense, where sheep art kewt fc wool and mutton,, and not for breeders. -:;iJtoltrvate the Wtnd.'J '": This is true I' -fA ; brigas- -young maa o our.aoquaintaaoe. says Good Cheer, was a' market gardener, who owned a. farm, or some1 acres d was' doing-well thereon.' Bat ha rented his place, and although now' still engaged in agricultaral work, is eoj situated that he is better enabled to study1 farming and Dresden his knowledge of ag-i rictilture. In response tu our inquiry as' to hismoya,As, j?eiaarked,thot he found! that by his incessant manual labor, ne' narrowing "down his brain work; neglecting to improve, his mind as he: ought It was the hard, daily toO that! caused-this. '.He waa not well enough off1 to employ all the help he- desired, and workUf.BQ and think, more. -. aohe ehanceo-1 his Position to one more congenial to bis trmXf. fa not thia tho verv thing' that st! retards our agrioultural . progress ? . Do UUI MLUH1B UV, UM bUCU UI.Uia IW UlUbll. and their brains too little r, - We feat they" do. We cannot bid tooJiigu for infelli- oent farmers thinkers : and the; asrtcul- tural press cannot too stronely impress! upon their readers the great 'necessity of enlarged, thought ' and studious applica tion to me auxies 01 tne iarm. Alexander Stuart, sugar refiner Petor GUeev, real estate lord... Win. C. Rhlnelander. real estate lord ' James Brown, banker. . : 1 Conrtland Palmer, capitalist John W. Chanler. brother-in-law ot ' Win K Aatnr 1 Snfl ! Charles Morgaa, shipping merchant. ID.OOO.OOOf J. U. Jones, Ubemical Hank President z.aw.oyu Col. Vsa Buren. real estate lord . - David Leavitt, banker and financier. . ; Bea).JVintarop, retired wealth...... David Jones, brewer Jaaaes.'. Lenox, philanthropist and capitalist George Law, contractor i Webster Wagner, railroad king Peter Cooper, mechanic, . YV, (J. Klngsley, buuder Brooklyn 1.0(I),oas st.inrvnm 1,000,00a' 5.000,000 1-., JX.000 e.ooo.ecu' 2.000.000 6,000.000 . .. ysw Obxsaits. LaJaBttU," , ! The Jndres on Printing and Printing Mater ial of the World' Industrial ExpoaiUon .bVB awarded the only two tret -premiums -from medals) for printing praases to Maaarm. U. 3. Cottrell a Sons, of Naw York. One or tbeae preminms was qn their new Front Deli Two Kevoltttien, and the other Spring country .frees. , A HEROIC ' DEEff. Bridge..i::.i...i..i...J.:.w........ 8.000.000 G. W. Burnham,' manufacturer 8,000,000 K. D. Honnn. merchant. . .'. 6,000,009 William E. Dodge, merchant 2,500,000 K. U Btnart, sugar refiner S.000,000 Gardner A. Sage, merchant.. 2.000.000 Here we have the former proprietors of millions eliminated from the ' social Tanks and there are few of the Bomber who would hot have! given all they pos eessed for ajnew lease ot life 1 They left their money, -However, benina them, ana hence bat few of them have been m fWe thus teara that it is not so much capi talists 'that" are needecfas men who are able and willing-, to . use capital for the cenent osBociety. ! -1? H i , ' .fT. Heart..-- -r , J Whileon. the one hand, the , pulsations j pf the neart vife not in themselves evi dence of life, on the other hand their ces sation is-no evidence of death, but only bne among' the many signs of death. When death toTJows on a long and painful ness, thanmtaDlllty Orthe neart van- hes almost wilhhe yanishirig "breath ; ut if the decease be sudden, the heart will ontlnue beating for some time afterwards. aness onserrea'iT oeatrng intneooay or decapitated muraerer an hour after the ! execution. Margo found the right auricle f bearmg two hours' and i half after execu- tioa, althobgb-not a trace orrrritabinty could be detected in- other-parts of thai heart" Dietrich, Geriach, andHerz found 1 that both; yenUiples contracted ifone wi ir irniatea, ipny mmuiesanerneain. , rten- , Sac observed tae rymmtp oontaon m the hearts of birds and animate tsa days areeroeatn ; ana cm. rcoussean mentions Eat axeman's heart had theso rythmio ovements seven-and-twenty hours after ihe kadi been guillotined!. His not always indeed, that the . pulsations, cease even : When the death has been gradual ''Vesa- , Sua had a terrible experience r of thisVT 'That great anatomist, who had , nobly braved so, much odium because ha would not, as his predecessors had done, content himself wftk the dissection of animals, but, suffered sis scalpel. So traverse the complexities ' of the human frame;' one day opened the body of a young aobietnan, whose medical attendant he had been, to ascertain it'xpisible,i tho -eaos of his death. Imagine ( the horror, , which ran. through ; all present,' at the- eight of the heart stU, equably . beating I Vesaliua was nccused of having ' dittsecteA a live, inurn; nor waa. tho accusation en reasonable ' in those days. . He had Jto appear before the, inquisition, ' and narrowly escaped With bis life. , A pilgrimage to the. Holy T.otcA vaa Wtitmt vTtTvoiK vyvovit: PTvf.' Via Vintroi1 vriptiihofa irwnvaavitem jf?7vi'-wvW,a Mri vuuniv wyuiivuvvi avuvHwuvw oa 'uwy arin. - 1 -)- i . t n - rertUlty orBoJtoCaHSetl. '- ! " You have a very rfch soil hero,", re marked a tenderfoot tea Dakota farmer. Pattlag Away Cletbfag. ' N Great care 'nvast r'erttsW rrtfhir away winter clothes: featf'aeack or old cotton m-fteeii ' ttoasosrrtr,b to hold thenf. prOVinln there aWfio'TioleS In theml Take' the garments-1 that aA'tal it sprouted.''. be laid away, outdoors on a summer day: I Sprouted 1 'Welt let them hang on a line for several hoar. J and bloesgmeO.. too. oriiBU ana oeai ail me oust om, voea puv into the bags ; tie them up sothat noaiotk can get jin. and lay them on dean, dry Shelvea. or hang them, up. Irvin Parker, a carpenter about 60 years old and now lying in Randolph county, bag up to this date mied 95 times daring Lis life. He has a family. Landmark." i How much mosi has he gathered ?.JRoTinr Stone would be a good aame for him.--' Small farms Well cultivated and divers 7 Mr. Bobert QrUt&'o old and depressed la Spirit; madcr en- wni saecessfui attempt -tof eoeikiit soSeule, Monday,' by 'taking iaudnum.' '' . A citisen of t(reenboro, whese same the Workman does not, give, ' sprang from a second story window, in a fit rv4' dettriam fied wou'd pot the South speedily on ihe' '' tremens, Tuesday night, fractured Ms fnfgB tpward of path progress, and otherwise injured himself. " Rich ! Well, I should say bo. Two yearn, ago a yotsng man "from Vthe'' East carae out here. He carried a snakewoed cane. ' He stuck it In the ground and left It hre.!.r i ,-ler fa . -i.l T a-nrTwaa V&mai4rn 4-Yiaa vjwkrliSfVs4 i a oujAajyj a aaacaa acu aajv vcimacs i wwa wttha smilej " yoa'meaa to tell me that a . , f should 'say ft did. Why. ..last, year I killed ten bOfinels of blacksnakea on that 'patch bjLkrduudJ and each onS wae var- msnea ana naa , , tvammerea suver head,' -J-Ar. Y. Graphic. " ' - , :,.' f " " .. ' A car'transf er apparatus has been paten ted bV ttrfBtte'L. Davis, of Moorcsvule, V. tt ' E Thia tnventioa 'eovers v peculiar construction of the truck or platform with two' sections of rails, whereby the main, track is never feft open, in combuatien with peculiar meaos for shiftiDg th truck or platform,", with recessed, road bed and smWfig trucvand 'covers" 'fof preyenting tbp recetseil tnadtdd' or truck ps frcen being uncovered or exposed. Scientific American. 1 Snrpaaalng Even the Deede "of Prow, esa or Etwr-Dtr Ulr- A few months ago the country was thrilled with the account of a girl who, at the risk of her life, when the" whirling flood of the swollen rivers was wresting great bridges ,from- their foundations. skipped along the ties of a" western rail way; lantern in hand, and ' saved' a train from certain destruction.. The Stat., of Iowa awarded, her a suitable medal ,for aer-bravery. Inthis instance if was a Child who sated the llves.ot many adults but as a rule, the life ot the child is in the hands of older persons. In November. 1883, o little eight yeaV Old son of Danish parents was suffering With diphtheria. The attack was not se vere, but he did not seem to rally artef the throat appeared perfectly well Nru sea, headache, and low fever sncceecled the sore throat, and two or three days at terwards his limbs began to swell mys teriously. The skin lecame very dry, vomiting was frequent, nose-bleed wits persistent, and nothing would stay in his stomach. " It was evident to oiur minds, says Mrs. Thomas Schmidt, wife of the vice-consul of Denmark, residing' at Neth orwood, N. J., " that some mysterioui malady was working ruin in his system Our physician said he had the-terrible bright's disease To our suggestion that a certain preparation be tried, he made no oojetnou vv e ravt uim bix noses a uay, two tablespoons! ul at a dose, in sweetened water, it remained upon his stomacn. and within a week there w as marked im provement The bout Is tieciuiie regular wtrnout tne use or cathartics, and the nausea diminished, in three wee ks there, was a subsidence of thedronsv. uhd bv the middle of May (the' limbs Were perfectly normal He had a good at-petite, and could take three pints of -milk daily. By the first of May he "was up, and though he had spent six months in let, he J it 1 not . feel pSrticulariy weak. In Jane he was out, feeling pei-Vectly well, and in July he : weignea eigin ponnns' more Tnse' ne eia before he wits taken si( k. To-day there is only a slight unfavorable condition In Ills , system, aud the physicians r- have .every reason to believe the child will be perfectly welt'' . r: s ' ' i Mrs. Schmidt Is certainly to be vongrat u(ated on the good results whieb'foHowed the use of Warnet safa cure. and she says : " We"feel bound to make this truly, wonderful result known.' and 'are peiv fectly willing to hve this letter puh liahed.' iGratifyiiig 4m the reenlt wrought, it is by no means singular, for thossands-or children who seemed. Aveak and puajv have hail t help entire nattrie changed and' theft rutu're assured by a prompt use. of the. same urenaraticnx' Such disorders are transmitted by .inher itance, or arise frdhi children's eh idem ie diseases, the evil effects of whch, often prove fatal iu later life." The secret of the Ll-healtii o .Muuiy children U thai their 'kidneys iunl liver are not performing their natural verlt? ;5r .' n- -h , ; ' f 1 It was a brave feat of the brave girl who crossed t We srolleH etreani on the bridge ito save the hves ot the passengers ; but it is braver deed, and one worthy of wider recognttiba whieh, Seeiag the perUsawauV png childhood, free from prejudice, with a purpose rly to save hy'iay - effective means, preties to us the Jives of our children. i Hi A HOME OK ' TESTimi". 'x$ FupnbniMat aoWWaes waysfist test of tatvri aqt we noiM p-ouly totke ieeS- thitt do other medieSne has won f or rutali' sack paiTerMl approoion la its eeflt eajL state, and country, aad """g n ee-T The following letter from one aauM'a MaeiaeluBtt DrBsgiete-i Sill Skr.rlr a-k were thit! eou!a"hot move from Ihe' bad. or out macli If an; reiiel RHEUMATISM vere thit'l eou!a"hot ares, witbbat aelp.. dies without maclilf AvEa's'ojauajASkuhyehass bottles of which I was completely Have sora urge qu&nUUea almr Saksa- bthtbtit DWod" m&lleei?e3 V!e . nrunesi miheLoweii . warfer over twenty twos before hl renibVal to uwcu utiucted with Salt BMeutn iu wnrrt form. Iu nfceratfons actuaiireoverea41 more than linif the nurfaee-ef- btbtxl and! liinbe. He w:is entirely cttreapy'AYKB'S SAas-u-AJiii-LA. See eituUatSTu Am's Auuanao for4ti83. " .'T 'v, irBniilSBf't "f Dp. J. C. Ayer & Co., LowelliMtfssVi Sold ly afrPi uaalals, 1; MX bOtBeS for S5. : ; , ,; r , A NEW AND YALAUBLE YICB. " 'atent j t . i . . ; . . - - 1-rtMtB Water Closet -Sea .iTOiJk-H-. cure" of Hemorrhoids;1 CommonlyCaiiotlFUes.f - j;:1 INTERNAL OR EiTEBNAL PROLAP- StJS AI. NO MKDECINE no: . J?9. . JURB3B AL OP1RA NNkCESSaBY. - r I have invented a SIMPLE WATER CLOSET SEAT,- for the eufeef the above trtJubleiorhe and gainful malady; which I confidently jhfca before the public as a Sdbb Rcucr aim ftuaaa i.i ,- -j' . K.a.jL unn It has received the endorsement of the leading physicians in this conraiunWyfand -wherever tried, has given entire mtiafsjyijm, ' aea wnere n raus 10 reueve uw money wui be wfllihriyreiarnedJ ! r , r Thes Beau wui be lunusbeq at the fouow- ing prices : " - - " Walnnt...T..r:fl.001 ' " Cherry . 5.00 Disc onat to Phlsieiaa - Poplar... 5.00 1 Directions fbr using will acopmpahy e-rh 8eat. We trouble you with " no toeruneate " We leave the Seat te be Its advertiser. . - Address, LEWIS CHAMBEELAIW,' 45 ' L Fatentee Tarboro, Edgecombe Co.. N. C. jc36-ly HAVE Vol) f C ARDENT YOU HAVE W iC efli haT YOU Witt lrlriCrt L fff flj ' Awi will aiint:4lae Hrat tt tin tnwt wwnsy. 'Thea m? aew Sh1 CatiUoriie will curpriai iia., No BiMtft wuvrn yrm acva' bcea-flnKna -irUl m nmr-r. K if vaileH free to nil, and vmiivlu ft, i,ntf It WM, H. r.r li.J-r.i - i2? & 13! yrent'64 . ;''3Va.l.t. !.-!l.'i- yTjerviw' i yssftTw! mrr AleMHBCeMsW'TeWeMHCSsM ? VleWPttksSkl v- - (iiiaamM ai ijm .tlWTOBe are 5f liuudiiS , eiqtRJO -vood w AinnrcJUD joj panmbouu eiv .vaaami.. Isjaeioo 'Xrsanuo poff OfPmi AOVUI aqi.oi vonwxt.f ptnt jansa jvaia pjons si .Sat . a-enaaj atrrnis soouua 10 BU011: Mji sidepv -aaoiioea aoi! antsjsinnAH J3ll3aVH001lJlm '(JB'viwjwi , ivw mmmm-1 i " mug w Mmf jtaenmea. if yo want eoa wad u. Ton aaaw aad addraM, and ex vex nanoaaA, ues th L, a. y. rasrs asiaa cwxia s7w . ayf ftm Maaa, fSa BERNArtO ST. m m i urn V. PILLS. Veoi VEGETABLE WAaa.wnn . Tke iwal ear tot Urn and i Complaint. CottlTaaefa. Haadi Iluaiaeaa. aeS Djnepaav A a Blood PnrlBar and TLiJui.tZ tbey hara no .. aquai. . K f-r-fhr should aa withoot a to of Um Bt Bernard Vagetabla PiUa ai Caa koaaa, aai at vrugscs,-' er fcy HnnlM mti wnw 1JJ KEUSTADTEB S CO., W Merer Stnat, Naw York. . ,-. , 1 , . in V5tr W Ul perlfjr fhe BtOOO.-rery Tate tlie LIVER ami Kl5MYi' and Wkstokk xiik BKaxxia. nepala.. Want of Appetite, In-.. Return, i,hi,i,mwi a knd Tired reeling aDaoiuieir .weredj. Otuaea, aMiefclaeekia. . T tfrrreiiTeTve uewforeeT"1 bw-SUiUveiii tlietniin ae a" - "li' m '-a. 'a-a" rmrHre rilr'rwm LA D I ESaK IKON XOKiq a rata aae . r.tmpnr. airomnrs at rotinier ho le iinilcit t el the afMiwk Uo.iwt periT t v : fretihe on3i!ri. avd arsT. ' . - nl In DR. HARTKR-B IK ,peeare mivecienr. fir altliT edmntejaton. Frequent attempls at coiinterfi'"hi oiiljr add leppnlcltrepheerifrinMk llojM; fxpertv Vullei Mxaoaa sad aaatal UUofXU,fPr J RESUMED ,1; iw 'i'-. il 1) SS7ii 1a i We take Dleasare in announcirfc la pur esamerous patrons ana friends , that we have now recovered' from.. he olbarranemant to our busiBeBa, caused by die recent .Hi, n4 Laf. how 'res'iirneif at tte below nnjed patiuu, w Lie jo we iruet xu ureob ai par forme efcaWerst f - .'. til : J- :.s imm. ."V1' "mii i - v.i.- 1 1 AND j t ,Tp..WDDiti,L BOOK STOBEi.. Oproen-E tb brtan BotJffic Av' Ali ' JoissiKo th pofrrorncii D 1427 CUMMINGS, it Sella S LB V A T OK WHIBK1 T!