IMIM ' . , ' f if AT. . July 9, 1885. BATES CE 8nBO8RIPTI0H ... 00 'emeuta amon local matter 15 cU. each insertion to regular adver- aline and .. Ihe I'r !u'- ,... Hvirtlsement8 30 cU, ; Trail"1-u- . ; i. .. .1, IJH mntii jii'11 1 n:,,,.,,npnu : tliscontinned before the f; AJ ; n,Vactcd for has expired, will be i meSLT transieat irate lor Ume. actually j . . c c;. iiradley-Grocepes. j lTarker bandage. & Welson K. ivilm'oatou t -11. Co. 1; 1 ; 4 . Hot '-' ' ;. .. C'otton yU i out of thegrass. I' 1 ,Who will be Post master,' . i ivst offl.'C'fight waxes fiercer. Will th J P 0 be a Paul bearer? I T!,e July fly drone his laxy lay! Wi!ltheP.e,efectiorBafB.! . Will there be by-in-'ein for Fostmasier. 1 1 The torrid mortal stews in bis owl swe&C ilineral Water at AllenVjree. . t ,. "iii.?? S(1- - -': - If" ! : "I ii For Lumber call on N. B. Dasok. i ' ' ! $7 tf ' Democratic fights like cats make more jjefflOfrats. - S I j , I Ciisipg out sale for 30 days, at Whit-J, looks. ' f; . ? .: The suet-Ulent June sppbs getteiji in Its Utile wort, - j S It V ' Gioiihams from the word go, at Heil broncr s. r. ir ; Mr. O. C. Farrar anl D. Gillianj,1 Esu., i lit fur Wesiihagtou Gity on Tnesday. j ' . ' A new lotorAlapaca Uoats Tpr Men ! ami 15..V3 at Whitlccks. fl 23 tf j Jtims S. Battle of Nasb will make his Nash's loss: will be i Wholeoale ; homo in arrenicm. Warroaton's gain. ..- P. LichtenStein & Co. . A.-'ts. for iiievator Wliiakey. a 14 27L i Saturday Justice Spr agios bound oyer to the Inferior Cou' t Scott Jones for drh?ng oyer ; a ne:ro girh The girl was knocked Jdown by tiic hoi-se and severely wounded on the head : t lie skull just above the eye was broken. Corn, hay, oats, sh;pstuff and meal fat sale at P.- Lichtenstein & Co., : -f-S7 3f -4 will conUnae to sell at reduced rates, Jou't fail to call - for Bargains in Clothing tWbitlock'e. ! j 23 tf ?ei vices at Baptist Chorcb. Sunday Tuonimg and night, freaewngi by the Pastor, Jler. J. A. Leslie. 1 ,. Major Robert Bingham, - on of the ifirst educators in the State and tbcjhead of the celebrated Bingham sch ool, (Sailed on - Tuesday. I I ' k'- This world is but a flectine show ; For man's: illusions given, ' - ii 1 x i : . I Aiew nmumiHui wouiau a Is all he knows of heaven. ' I .Washington Hatchet. I If a few mad Sips from woman's lips Will send a man to heaven, v j tilow will it do to take a few j ; -og as a little leaven? ' ' ? ' .-.V '.. .'! . i U ' w ice at JOKers at o cents, Bharp cash hnndred pounds. No charge foi drayage pr barrelB if they are returned.. 1 20 tf For laces, trimmings, stylish! hats for livlies and children, lambrequins, f curtains 1 I . - . - s kad a thousand other pretty novelties tha eo to adorn the home, including fine oil paintings call at Milllinery Store jpf, .- i Main St. opposit Bank Notice to Mebcitaistr Tr uua ann merenanu and other dealerr are reqciredby law to bat tieir Bueha f. the part six months on or before the loth day. of, July. Those not lictlng before tow tune wul be reported as delinquents wum m ue ! bdio jor double- tax. 4C2U B. Bryan, Clerk ' inviUMT OF Till ELECTION. W. H. Johnston Esq., Attorney at law, a gentleman of extensive business relations with the peo ple hereabout, and well known, took a great Interest In the election of last Monday. , Mr. Johnston has been for a long time an inde pendent and when he presented himself the other day at what was called the "people's box," he was asked if he was a democrat. He thus replied : Gentfemen I did not vote at last election, but had I done so I would not have voted for Mr. Cleveland. But Mr. Cleveland has given such unequivocal evidence of an Intention to do rght that 1 think all fair minded men ought to give him support. If he continues to do as well as he has, and is again a candidate for the Presidency I shall vote for him." Mr. Johnston was declared qualified to vote on the question of postmastership. and he cast his ballot. Bass Ball. A.t Goldsboro on Saturday the following was the score: Goldsboro 17; Southerner 19. At Wilson, Monday motcing Souther ners 11; Wilson 5. Yesterday the Jarvis club of Greenville played the Southerners of thU-dmca. The game was a most one sided aflair Indeed, aa one can readily see from the score by innings. Southerners, 7 7 3 10 5 9 1 4 4 50 Jarvis. "S 0 3 - 1 0 1-07 Bradly pitch of the home team was not in good form. Five men were given bases because struck with the ball. The game made by the visitors was owing largely to passed balls and for which the pitch was much more to blame than the catch. The visitors are a clever set of gentlemen, ' but as base ballists they require much practice. Jurors lor Interior Court. C- H. Jenkins, S. M. Pender, D. B. Gay, M. S. Johnston, W. 8. Battle, W, H. Edwurds, John Lewis, (c), F. G. Andrews, W. T. Gray, Stanley Matthewson. (c), Memory Purvis, (c) Ruffin Dew, (c); J. H. Edwards, D H. DogeO, J. J Thome, Robert VarnellA. Sorg, J. A. Thomas, Jacob Proctor, John Webb, E. M. Bryan, A. M.Turner, J.J. brake, J. EL Moore, B, T. Skelton. H. E. Odum, D. W Cobb, Law rence Fount i in. F. A, Howell and Joenna House, jr. Consult The -Record. The "Town King" claims thai Bynum received 89 democratic town votes st the ballot Monday that there are ICR register ed democratic vote is of the town showing thatBjnam, baa a majority of the town votes. Now the fact is that Paul receifed 75 rotes of the democrats of the town. This can be verified by examination of the polls now in the clerk's office certified to by bet ter men than the"men composing the ring. Every body admits that as many as thirty democrats of the town failed to vote. S here is fraud or a mistake in the count. It can be put upon tbe right party if an ear nest investigation be made . Facts and fig urea are stubborn things. Let the interest ed countrymen make tbe inquiry. A COCXTR YMAX . I June 4, 'S5.-tf ' The New pavis and Royal SM John Sc-wiug Machines have more desirable im provements than any other. No basting of work necessary. Sews from lace to leather, going over heaviest seama without apertance from the operator (morf than to tun the machine) no stopping to wise the presserfoot nor 'pulling of goods,! making very stitch perfect. Sews equally well backward and forward. Have self Setting needles, and are self threading, 'needle eye leing only hole to threafl. flafe j fewer working parts, thereby less complication i and very light running. Five years guar antee given with each Machine. jfJall and see the wonderful Machines at Bells Jewel 1 : 1 Store. '.Cheap. for cash. :' 1 tf Wlllimmstan Item. Crops are looking fine. Farmers are taking advantage of the good weather to harvest their o&ta and other small grain. Trade is dulL v Tho brick-work ;ot.,?e4vjk Watt's store is complete. - Fify thousand bricks for buildibg the Court House has been delivered , Prof. O. Hightower is attending the Normal School at Washington. Mr. Theodore Poole returned from Washington City Saturday night. A large audience attended the lec ture of Mr. Charles J. Soon, Monday night. Though the school session haB closed; Yet the Literary Society con tinues to meet, and transact its busi ness, ana otner auues. Fourth of July passed and the far mers had no cotton blossoms. They regard it as a bad omen. Chas. Lasses. June Sweetnln. Boddie Sherrod. OaeJune ICth, 1885 at the residence of E. P. Hyman E?q , in Halifax county, by Rev. J. W, Hepinstall, Dr. Needham P. Boddie and Miss Lela L. Bherrod, all of Halifax county. -Should a Boddie meet a Sherrod Comin' through the Rye. Should a Sherrod like a tkxiaie. Why should they not tie ? Batcbelor Batchelor. At the res'dence of the brides father in Coopers Township, NiU En.-Johnnie, the six year son of Nash county, on the 21st, of June, by E. Cockrell Esq., Mr. Geo. W. Batchelor, 4- icj MihhiEu. At the residence f Uie ''riJts father ou the 7th, inst. Mr. f , jG; Ed , wards aod Miss Columbia Sorg. ReV.r Mr. Ltslty officiating.? W'e extend our bfejt wishes. I .uiio 11. drei u. livin? near Whitakersi - while playing at the siri with some companions who were turuiD;' the lof er, was crushed toj death j in the cogs on;Monday, -t i A rtTEE a Alfred Speer pf Pas :-afc, N. J., haning noted the want of a Jtrictly purj and firstclass wine, has for the &-t 25 years devoted his time and capita1 to raising tfee Oporto Grape. He has been f eminently successful, the endorsements wbich his Porf, Grape wine has received will Clark, and Joseph W, test fy. For sale by D. IAchtensteul Co. - m mm ' ' . i Pensions. The following is a list of appli- MtU for pensions from the countyj Mary (.'tiiiiiuin-js, Lacy Ann Taylor, J. M. Perktns, 1'e'pl.ii Brown, Charlotte Felton, Mallissa Joi:.:, LaviDia Jones, Jno, I. Lewiri, Grey ; '"nes, C. J. H. Standi, Amanda Well, Vicey i W'bb, Caroline Everett, Wm. arowni aUy A i. ii (irey.Cyfeh Ed war-Is, JamesvL.D. Davis, T. Jones, Sallie Bullock and James Denton H. and Miss Mary Batchelor, daughter ot Richard Batchelor Esq. When a Batchelor loves a Batchelor, Tia seldom that they wejJ They generally run a stag ranch Sharing board 'lis said. At tbe residence of the bride's mother in Hdifax county, June 24, Miss Alice Jiu dora, daughter of the late Gen. David Nicholson,, Esq. The ceremony' was performed by Rev. J. 8. Nelson, presiding elder of the M. E. church South. No cards. Miss Alice Eudora Who would not adore her! Of her sex the paragon. When Nicholson did spark Tbe daughter of Gen. Clark Qf dual they became one. Oru Half Shbkt Matter for the fqur pages of the Bocthbbnbb was put in type. but at the last hour the paper had not ar- fiwwl ' nrA a I.otta Kami VaI . it Qtltl V ATlfi L , a i i.-f-w Many hands left this section to work on the reL'rettingly compelled to issue a half sheet. 1 OAiU1 uu "As onlv the I "inside" editorial and lo Conetoe Conning, From our esteemed Conetoe correspons dent. Bill Grub by name, we gather some news notes. ' Times are hard and money is scarce leal pages willreacb our readers, they will I tjiret the freshest matter. ! .:ur present arrangements wiu not per oiit this to ocdur again. I . : railroad. Mr. Lam Cherry induced tnem to leav- We were bdly in the grass, but Lave about got out, Many colored people flock here on Sat urdays and Sundays. 'v.4i.n..irfnn Tlill t M ftST tbA 111AlinP& I 'I. AITUlfllAil. w.u. w - U ' . , . iio.infti, Jnti-mmfthfiPeacefortheconntv A large bear track was on iue uu iir.,,ino . v,ioot wuinn of th WiRlfttnre I iMt n-pck arul the neome want 10 eat uia lb U1C ino ""'v. v. o - ' ' . l k i having exdjed before any of them qualified, I gteak. .. . ...... . . i Governor has re-appolnteu wem viz. rtrfirfrtf ul Pie Nie and coDious scorch m' II' r .r Ttr . f TT7r- - T rrrY I O x t r 'V K'Zhi ed pig were enjoyed at Mr Sam Howards. No. 2. W. G. Turner, No. 3. Lonis B. Knight r ' .- No. 4. Ilenrv S Rnnn. No.: fi. Frank H i -uu-hen. No -6. Dnvlil H Barlow. No 7. ' W T KniKbt No 8. AM Wooten No 9. Win Uield Rnflin No 10 DavM MBritt. No 11: C i I Killebrew No 12: P H Edge No 13 and W E Ics.- I am prepared to furnish Ice! Icell in any quarty. I will furnisheo ito resru- ar customers at the following orices: 10 lbs mid upward, 1 cent per pound,- under 10 s i j to l cents. These are cash puces, "r when bill is presented. Commence at! the beginning of this season, as: regular The Conetoe B."B. C. played the second nine last Saturday, resulting IV lor me first, to 17 for tbe second. The club will play "the Tarbcro boys 'soon. TMido Huda Dawson has returned from school. if r Walter Dawson is visiting his broth eir. u. rr Rnllock will start for Baltimore next week. We can boast ten dogs taone. sheep in We OUKBt to nave a law t-UHlomeis and thua'save l ot n cent a DOllnrl T nm At tVin Qttmo Qta TViart Hie public for nast fav.jrs I solicit a contin to kill dogs and let sheep UV6. nance of the Bame. 14 ' . j . 1 we ousht to raise more corn and less . H.ST. COKKB. cotton. Th Postuutstcrsnip Controversy. . AN KXP0SIT10K OF TBI MBKTINQ HELD IN TAEBORO ON THB NIGHT OF JULY 2ND. i.ast Thursday a petition , circulated among certain of our citizens, addressed to 1 aa .. . ! ue mayor requesting him to call a town meeting to consider whether an attempt by election should be made to determine the people's choice in the matter of the Post mastership. Tne 545 jg aB f0now8. July 2nd, 1885 To the Mayor of Tarboro, Greeting : We the undersigned citizens of Tarb iro do m rcBpociiuuy request you to call a meeting of tbe Democratic voters of the town as the Court Bouse lo night at 8J o'clock to discuss the propriety of holding an election to ascertain th-j people's choice for Post master. Signed by J. H. Ball, J. M, Sprains. V. B. Sharp, F. n. Pender, J. E. Simmons Whitney & Lloyd, A. Williamson, W. D. Bryan, F. S. Riyster, J. Y. Paris, R. U. Rowe, R. A. Sizsr.E.D. McNir, F. Nash, B. C. Carlisle, Istac N. Carr, W. H. Mc Nair, Morris Jacobs, Gas Zihders, II Morris, Jos. Morris, L. Kres'.owski, J. Zandeis, Sol. Woolard, WB. Cibb, R IT, Parker, Mtllett, Hart &co., John W; Cot ton, Jas. Feldenheimw, A. Hebronr, D. G. Gillespie, D. Llcliteastein aad S. P. Beatty. In all thirty-one names of individ ua'a, and twi ntma of fir m. It is welt - kuowa that . ttie t o ' m at prominent applictnts for the Post "HaeVt this place are Mrs Gen. Fka-iie Fender, and Mr.. E, T. Bynum, and the friends ot each have supported their respective choices with ardor, yea, with bitterness even. Paper after paper has been seat to Washington. Of the merits of the two applicants, it is unnecessary to speak. All fair-minded peo pie, men and women, will award to each bis or -.her measure of 'praise, discarding the medium of prejudice; all candid men will not only be just to any lady, but gen- tou8 also. Such conduct marks the man it may occur to the indifferent reader to ask why should an election be held about tnis matter He may ask alo who "sug gested the idea in this instance. Let us apply ourselves to tbe questions, and to the last one first. If the names of the pet i: ion ers be examined by those acquainted inti mately with the will be seen that twenyeven are Bynum men.three in different, and three friends ct Mrs. Pender. It is a fair presumption indeed, it w mid seem to be no presumption at all, that the idea sprang from the Bynum side, the open i leaders of which are Messrs V. B Sharpe, W. H. Knight and O. C. Farrar. But if it be a presumption, it will be made conclu sive when we come to the proceedings of the meeting For what pjrp s.'.the'j, wis the meeting? We will allow the proceed ings to shed its light up n this queston also . It came to order. Mayor Farrar tx plained its object and Mr. W. S. Clark was ca'lttd to the chair and Mr. Jas. Norfleet was made secretary All was quiet for awhile, though gentlemen weie Invited to discus the matter. Mr. Donnell Gilliam arose and said that no reason had been assigned for the meet ing which was an unprecedented one, and that no action ought to be taken until some reason was given. Mr. Jas. Norfleet agreed with Mr. Gilliam and asked why should the meeting have been called. Dr. J. H. Baker stated it bad been assert ed thai 98per cenrpf people ijftfQeirtrf were in favor of a certain applicant. He wished an election to determine tt. Mr. Jas. Norfleet stated a few reasons why an election should not be held. He objected to an attempt to throws non elective office into a sort of election, unauthorized by law, to become the subject of maneuver ing and intriguing politiciaus. He called attention to the phraseology of tbe petition wherein it appeared that the citi zens of Tarboro wished to determine tbe people's choice, and contended that all tbe patrons of the c trice whether residents in the c uitry or Iowa should have a say, if election should be held. Mr.Jai. Whitehurst thought that the right to have elections was the very essence of dem cracy. We think, that the right to vote at elections authorized by law is the essence of dc mocracy, and no temperate man cm com plain that we d mot have a sufficiency of elections. Dr. J. H. Baker offered a mo tion to refer the question to all the patrons of the office. . Dr. Baker holds his own opinions about tbe matter and, we belie7e, represented himself only. II 3 was, in a manner, by accident, the spokesman of the Bynum side, wherever be agreed with it. If he happened not to be completely in accord with their views a suggestion by motion was made. For instsnce C 1. Knight moved to amend Dr. Baker's, motioa by confiding tbe election to the town- Mr. Gilliam opposed the amendment with vehe mence saying a'l the patrens of the office should be allowed to vote. Mr. Whitehurst wanted the election to be confined to the township, as he believed the law rendered ineligible to the office, non residents of the township. Mr. Gilliam, asked Mr. White hurst's authority for his opinon and stated he understood the law was otherwise. One might be postmaster though not a resident of tbe county, if a patron of the office. Mr. Gilliam spoke at length and revealed the intentions of the Bynum men. The question was about to be put when Mr. II. L. Staton arose, and began an im pasioned address. Mr. Staton is;an earnest friend of Mrs Pender. He said he w as astonished, ashamed of the people of Tar boro. He spoke in eulogy of General Pender who was killed in the war, and several times elicited applause. He denoun ced tbe methods employed to defeat his widow who had applied for office. He spoke of the arrogance of the citizens of Tarboro attempting to determine the peo pie's choice, enquiring "what meat hath Caesar fed upon that be bath grown so great." Mr. Staton was interrupted by Dr. Baker, who objected, as he said, to a speech of Mr. Staton's style being made at the meet ing. It was not to praise candidates; that should be reserved for thee anvass. Considerable crosffiring followed be twecn Dr. Biker and Mr. Staton. Excitement ' became greater. Mr. S. S. Nash thought the meeting would result in positive harm to the Democracy nt the rvMintv: he sDoke in the interest of peace, and moved to lay the motion on the table. Dr. Baker arose but gave away to Mr. Gilliam who gave-away to Dr. Bass, who moved to adjourn. Dr. Bass's motion receied a second and was put, but defeat ed, overwhelmingly. On the vote it became evident that the Bynum men out numbered greatly in the meeting. The motion to have an election and confine it to the towB was out and carried. The I vote stood 89 against about 8. Tbe analysis of tbe names of tbe petitioners may now be referred to with instruction. The meeting was decidedly Bynum, In another column we print the "N.C. Sentinel's" account of the meeting. Tbe Sentinel is a negro paper. It will be seen how the Sentinel, presuma bly indifferent, was impressed. . . ". Mr. G. M. T; Fountain-stated that be hud voted in the affirmative, but moved to reconsider because he thought the conn try p?op!e should be al lowed Ito vote in the matter. The motion was overwhelmingly defeated. While tbe meeting was dividing itself on the vote, Capf . V. B. Sharpe could be heard to sty "come over tb'3 way, boys; come over this way" Mon lay the 6th of July was fixed upon for the day cf' election. Whila the house was in the confuuon of breiking up Dr. Julian Biker otrerred a resolution inviting the country people to h id elections. No actio'; was tik-n upon it. Themeeting dispersed. Thb Election. On Monday the 6tb the election was held. There were two voting p'aces.'s were opened by thosj who at the meeting last Thursday wen1 hi f-tvr f t ie cidatry peo ple expressing their choice for Postmaster and the country people were especially ad vised of the extension of right to them. A sreat many country people were in town, representative men of ihe county, it being ihe day of Couuly Commissioners' uwseting ' ai d a ieesion -of the board of educitioo. ' . :" " . " - ll ' . The" action taken on Thursday night provoked considerable adverse criticismf rom estimable c unry people and much feeling was manifested. They voted at the box provided for their aecommodatioa,and cast tor the uanst part, few instances otherwise, for Jlr. Jas. S. Paul!. That any feeling was aroused tending to a breach among our people is unquestionably regretted, but it seamed almast natural for it to occur under the circumstances. We trust that time will set the matter right, will assist to abate the strength 6 our countrymen's displeasure the slight they regard themselves as having suffered. Let all be willing to believe that tbe mistake made by certain of our fellow citizens was an error of judgment rather than of the heart. They felt on the day ! of election whileholding the polls, opened j under tbe order of the meeting Thursday night, that a mistake had been made. In fact we believe they wouldi be willing to concede that thejwhole thing was a mistake. Let charity abound among us ad, and the bitterness which this occasion originated will be turned to sweetness; Its gall trans muted into the milk of kindness. The : election will teach a lesson. Its significance is clear. He who runs may read. Faction jsm has received a .blow.: When the votes were counted, the result was found to be as follows: In the box provided for all the people, for Jas. S Paid 140; E. T. Bynum U. H. C. Bourne 15: scaitering 2 In the box for town ! people E, T. &yuum 89, Jas. S. Paull. I Total for Mr. Paul HI, Mr. Bynun 103. Total number of votes cast 201. The num ber of town votes for Mr. Paul 75. It is but just to say in behalf of Messrs Bourne, ColHeld and Spragius that their men were not - brought out and canvass ed for. .. !J The numerous friends of Mrs Pender ob jecting to ber name being before the pub tic in this manner, cast their votes for Mr PiulT ' -' - -I . v-.-.. . TLe worthy gentleman who received the majority of the votes Is the book keeper of Mo. R. C. Brown. " Uecame to - this town from Scotlaud Neck near five years aco. He is verging towards towards thirty live years. Handsome, affable, straight tor ward, unassuming and attentive to busi ness, he has won the confidence of our peo pie. He did cot seek tbe Post office. It is a case of the people turning their eye to the man, and not the man, turning his eye to tbe people and caressing' tbem with glances. Should the department at Wash ington find its?!f in a dilemma . Mr. Paull would be an excellent compromise man, and a tceptable to the body of our people. Tbe following certificate will" attest the colored people's adm iration of Mr. Paull. They could not endure to see voting going on, without their participating; so they opened polls. Editor SournsKXEK: We the poll hoK ders at Dugsjan's store beg leave to report the result "and hereby certi'y to correct ness of sane, July 6th 1885, that Jas. S, Fauli received 72 votes anu E. T. Bynum received one vote for Postmaster of Tar bcro N. C. Total 73. Signed Joe Lew".s, Register. Geo. Lloyd, N. Boyd. Judges of Elec tion. . Turning Xiglit Into Day. Why is the sun like people of fashion? It turns night into day the time people catch cold which if not atttended to in time, will induce consumption. Take in time Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein : ; 26 4t. An Avaricious Man. Why is au avaricious man like one with a short memory? Ho is always for-getting. So is the wise parent for-evef getting Taylor's Cherokee Reemedy of Sweet Gum and Mul lein, the croup preventative, and cough and consumption cure. 2f5 4t. STATON & ZOELLER, JSueeessots to Weddell Co KSmSraM STATIONERS' UtlMiWEDDELL BOOKSTORE. And "adjouiing '.the Post Office. We shall add to our present stock, a com plete and varfrd assortment of SCHOOL BOOK add SUPPLIES, STATIONERY and all of such other, articles as are usually asso ciated with the business. Our prices shall be moderate. . and a Low as the lowest. We will not be undersold. Announcements of tbe arrival of New Goods will be made from time to. thue. J" Any article which we may not bare in ttock. vill be prompt v or. a cred and obtainei as spj'edity a poible. . 15 tf. . ' . : - 20 IATlES. -. :000: ..- ; Th neurit.-1 point wit'uiu twenty mib s for .SODA 'WATER served in the best style by poli e a! tendance, is at , VST- H. dCoTNro.lx"s all who want. 'freshing druks.nfe hot SLltrv.frnmraer lime wll be welc -f All. COM E HABOOLATE CREAM SODA. PER- SIAN MEED. GINGER ALE, BEST DEEP ROCK. You will enjoy these cooling, thir t. slack ing beverages. 20 tf XT BEING TILE CHLLDKEU gPIUNG 1885! v' WHITNEY Sr LLOYD. ! ' We are now receiving a fir.t class Stock of Fancy and Staple Groceries.daily. Which we will sell as low as the lowest, in quali ties to suit the Purchaser. 'onand an.! SatAisaop joj susig 9,Apoqon Adoo spotttajv: ssamsng s.Apoqoji 9t!iraii a Anl therefore hire mo time to studv the wants of our customers, and tf the Public and see that they ee'. bottoir nrices on alt goods in our line, and also have the advantage of all ' Market Fluctua. ons. We keep on hi FLOUR, Mola-ses, rtUGAR, . CANNED GOODS, COFFEE, FISH MEAT, CONFECTION ERIES. TIN WARE. COFFEE, VINrGAR, WOOD WARE, Ac, A call is solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed jDTJCATIONAL. ; Bv authority of County Board of Education an lnstitnte for the white teachers of Edge combe well open Monday June SJ1b4 at 9 a. m For the colored teachers Monday June 29th a. m Teachers of common f-choois are re quired by the law to attend, F G. Wilkersos. County Superintendent, THE NEW CORSET. Ask for it otricora relief; !5ZaHftT'B elastic ilda sections to adapts ttseltl tea various positions of the Dear in Btooplcg-, sitting & rec Un til sr. It affords great relief and comfort to. the many wbo: And ordinary Corsets oppressive, tim-i "TIM CORA" stays uitd Jar btningi are un equaled fori auraouiiy com fortable support, A are absolute! unbreakable, ITk mett Iturobts, Comfortable, mnd toia lor in price. I EU to 1 1 Healthful Coritt Krrv pair warraatci glT-tlfrtlon ernaaty retnrtiJ, 3. O. riTZPATEICK TI Leonard Street, ft CO., Mfra, NEW YORK. fiumMt maiitio -hit iMkMff u anwcuMf. ST. BERNARD VEGETABLE PILLS. Wasrxktkd rrKF.LT Vionuu. Th best cure for Liver and Bilioua Complainu, CoeUrsaeu, Headacha, Diumesa and Djrypsla. Aa a Blood Purifier aad Liver Regnlatot they hare no o,oai. No f&mtlj bould be without a box of the St Bernard Vegetable Pilla in tha house. Price 25 centa at Druggists, or bj mail SUnnlu ..,.. i. r 1 .J .1 P. SEUSTAEDTER ft CO, 83 Merer Street, New York. f AG'S HEAD. - - TO MY IrieiuluniLtlic iMM. :.L. O-0-O Having rented Nag's Head Hotel for the season, I propose to open it for the reception ot guests on or about the 35 of JUNE. To those who hare visited this grand old Resort by the Sea, -evords of praise in its be half are unnecessary. The mild and pare at mosphere, the bathing and fishing and other aimuar advantages are unsurpassed Dy any oth r Watering place ou the Coast. The buildiss will be thoroughly cleansed and re paired and every thing will be so arranged s to satisfy even the most fastidious. Dr Dil lard, Sr., of Eden ton. will spend the season there, and will offer his professional services o those desiring them . ihe Livery Stables will be kpt by a reliable gentleman who will have first class horses and vehicles, and will also have ample accommodations for taking care of all horses of visitors. The Billiard Hall and Bar Room have been rented and will be managed by reliable parties, and no effort will be spued in securing the services of first class Musicians. I hope and expect to secure through that efficient and popular Manager of the N. 8. K. R., M. King, such facilities of transporta tion as will be satisfactory and convenient. Also to secure tbe co-operation of Steamers running from Newberne, Washington and Tyrrell. BOA H D. ! In the new House (well fnrnished), truest will be charged 940 per month, it two or more occupy the same room; main Building, per month. $35; per week, 12; per day, $3. Chil dren under 12 years of age, naif price.i LIB ERAL DEDUCTIONS will be made with large families. ,v And in conclusion, I will say that no.: pains or efforts will be spired to make all the visi tors comfortable and happy. ! J. M- WHEDBEE. June 18 2m pARKER'S HAIR BALSAM- The heil, cleanest and most economical hair dressing Never tails to restore tbe youthful color to gray hair. " this eiegnnt dressing is preferred by those who have used t, to auy similar article, on account! of its Superior cleanliness and purity. It con'ains materials only fiat are beneficial to the sca'p and hair. ! jParker's Tonic A PURE FAMILY MEDICINE THAT, NEV ER INTOXICATES. . - ' HISCOK Sl Co. 85 14 - .163 William Street, Newi York. MEETING OF BOARD OF MED ICAL EXAMINERS. ! ! The Board will meet in Raleigh, August in the 24, and 85. in Asbeville August 25, and 27, to accommodate applicants for license different sections of the State. WILLIAM R. WOOD, M. D. Pres. W. J.H. BELLAMY. M. D.,8ec'v. 26 and 31 jONEY TO LOAN Persons desirinsr to borrow money can t e accomodated by applying tome, and givirg the required securitv I will also buy Jsonf f Stocks Notes &c. will also buv . H. L. STATON. JR R !7t H. PARKER, ; Bells ' i KLKVATOR WHIBKEY' OYSTER & FASH, - - ' - Tarboro, N. C 1 ' ' ; HEADQUABTERS FOR AGRICULTURAL Sieaa Ifriglnv Saw and Grist MIIIS, Cotton icins, Preses, Cotton Seed Crushers Etc. , fv ' S " s ? (A - '-.' ft- - . 64 . ? ' iSm ! m. . ' B.'i r - - h 'i i P r t . 1- f 1 1 J ALL PARTIES wlio intend buying J1ACHIAEHV of any kind will do well tu see us before buying. We keep in Stock the best Rubber fJELTIAU, all widths. !Royster & Nasli, January 17, 1S85. YOU. CAN GET :0: REPAIRING- LOSSES. Though damaged greatly by the recent fire, Magnolia Hams, Ferries Pig Hams, ' Boneless Bacon, Smoked Beaf, Mackerel and Codfish, Rye and. Grajham Flour, Tbe Finest Patent Flour, Wilson's Wafers, Sardines in Oil Mustard and Spiced Chow-Chow and Mixed Pickles Family Supplies in great variety, at COUNTRY PRODUCE, Generally bought and eold. 3 Hi : V l: f " I. f, OUR STOCK is being daily REPLENISHED by purchases in New York by our - fffm J. K-WHEELER, THESE GOODS DAILY ?LRRIVING, I And comprise the Greatest Bargains in every branch kept in a strict FIRST-CLASS GENERAL STORE. Many Novelties, not heretofore introduced, will be among the attractions. With a ripe exper ience in Catering to the Wants of this section. i 1 ' OUR STOCK of GOODS cannot fail to please arfy taste and to meet every want, 'j ffi m EXCELSIOR OK STOYES SPRING GOODS FINE READY MADE CLOT HI NO AT WILMINGTON & WELDON 11 RAIL ROAD CO, i Office of the Scretary and Treasurer, Wilmington, U. July 6'85. A Dividend of four pfr cent, on the Capi tal Stock of this Company will be paid to the Stockholders on and after the 15th inst. J. W. THOMPSON? Z9 2t ! '.. " . ' " -' .' . See'y. and Trf as. EIGHTEEN SIZES AND EINES All Purchasers can be Suited Manufactured by - I. A. Sheppard & Co., Baltimore, Md And For Sale By ' s S. S. Nash & Co. I TJirboro - O .14 tl9 WHITLOCK'S WE HAVE A WAYS BEEN FOREMOST IN INTRODUCING FtKST CLASS READY MADE ClOTLUYU To fit every size, Man, Boy and Child. Our mechanical knowledge of how clothing should be made, and over 20 vears exnerience in handling clothing j 1 - - - enables us to anticipate the wants of our customers and the general puonc, so as to provide goods invariably sat isfactory to the purchaser. Our Stock embraces au grades ot clothing for Men and Boys. Surpass- ini? anv stock that has vet Deen shown in this market We invite you to call and be convinced. We consider it no trouole to show goods and will give as much attention to lookers as to buy-j ers. I ;. ; j OUR NON-FADING FLANNEL SUITS, - NOBBY BUSINESS SUITS. In fancy, check and plain cassimeres Dress Suits in. leading shades and faVn"-s mtawavs and sacks are super ior to many that are palmed off for custom made, ana stiouia De seen oy every one that expects to buy a suit this season prices low. We offer several specialties at ro;itive bargains, such as extra pants, trom 75 cents up. 8TYLISH HATS IN STIFF and SOFT FUR. 9 Manilla and Mackinaws for Men and Boys. Our Unlaundred Shirts at 75 cents, reinforced front and back, linen bosoms and cufi; best bargains in this line ever shown. CLOTHING TO ORDER. In this department, we are prepar ed with a lareer stock ol Full Patterns, samples of the finest Imported and Domestic Worsteds and Cassimere suitings and Trouserings. The uni versal satisfaction expressed by our increasing trade, attest that we cannot be eaualled in this branch by any con cern catering for this section. We claim to have NEW STYLISH SEASONABLE OUTFITS For men, boys and children, from Hats to fine Shoes and invite tne at tention of the buying public to the facts. A. WHITLOCK. 41 . LgOK OTJT ; for the big Spring Stock before purchasing. 1 Remember The Place. Two story Brick Store, corner of Main and Granville streets, IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS PORTION OF TOWN. O. C. FARRAR. GOLDSBORO RICE ' PLANING MILLS- V1 4i J. STRUSS & Co. Proprietors. Contractors for Building and Manufacturers of all kinds of . BUILDING MATERIAL, to wit : DOORS, SASH. BLINDS. BRACKETS, MOULD INGS, SCROLL WORK, DOOR and WINDOW " j FRAMES, STAIR WORK, HANDRAILS, TURNED ; BALUSTERS, NEWEL POSTS, MANTLES &c. o WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK o j of various kinds of native Lumber. YELLOW PINE, CYPRESS, ASH & ; OUR DRYLVG KILNS H have a caparity of ."50,000 feet per week. .'Our Factory being Equipped with the best and I-atest Improved wood working j MACHINEEY. All new, and run by SKILLED WORKMEN. We are prepared to mee competition from any quarter for the same class of worV j Correspondence Solicited. . T. B. HYMAN! - April 30 3m BUSINESS MANAGER. If 4 1 gTILL AHEAD! j M. A. PACKARD & CO. $2,50 and$2,99 WARRANTED CALF SHOES Every pair war pair guaranteed any $5 SHOE ALSO our hila SHOE, -Ladies Common Sense BOOTS. ranted, and each to wear qual to Sold iq . Tarboro, del phi 1 Flexible and Miseea $2.50 . . ; rJ KID BUTTON Old Ladies, broad hottDm an I low heel Glove Kid Lace BOOTS. Ladies Misses and Children's KID SLIPPER-5. uue 2.' ' . PENDER & COTTEN. - lr-