Isrboro Borxtttviti AT. .Jan. 5, 1888. Fat Macaerel at F. Hart's. It. Best beer, champagne, at D. Cam mlngs'. -f "49 " 'Read Mrs. Doeaey'a ad. "Backet Store." ; Bead Mrs. EKfrsey Battle's "Racket Store." "ad" tf. For sale Taxboro ply to J as. Pender. Ice Factory, ap- lt4. ' The finance committee will meet to day to settle with the Sheriff. . Nash's "A No. 1" Floor at $8-00 a barrel, beats anything in the market. 41tf Try the celebrated Manhatta an Pert cizars. at J. R. Potts' news and cigar stand. 48tf i ; ' - Reasoned lumber and cypress shin gles for sale cheap. 6. T. Dawson Conetoe. N. C " 6tf. Though, to-day, Old Christmas Is not observed Thk Socthsbksb wishes every one a merry one. i The New Year began in a most anti- f&.i'Z'n Tlr style. Exceedingly heavy ' showers fell frequently Sunday. ;-4A happy New Year to one and all and may you break not one of the good in tentions with which you begin 1888. 0 Pender & Gotten offer ladies' wool Hreaa roods. Ham barer trimmings and men's clothine at invoice cost for cash. It2 Dr. S. P. Hilliard, dental surgeon. as permanently located at Rocky Mount, And can be found at his office at all times. 7tf Remember I shall still continue to run pool and billiards. I have . new tables. Free checks on every game, at D. Cum- m'ne's, ! 50tf Levy Thigpen, so well and favorably known as the keeper of the jail for several years has been replaced by Auguatin Sharp an old jailor.' Fine Hams, Boneless Shoulders, Cottage Hams, Fpesb Cheese, Buckwheat, Fresh Grits, Large Homily &c, just re ceived at F. Hart's. It Wages for farm hands will remain aNut. the same, though the tendency is upward if anything. Nine dollars per month will be about the average. Mr. Eaton King has been appointed deputy sheriff in the place of James T. Dupree. Deponent sayeth not ' whether the former, is a king of eatin. lie abutment to the Princeville side of the river bridge is so steep as to serious ly interfere with traffic. It takes a very strong team to pull moderately loaded vehicle up it. . The number of hors s and mules now offered for sale by the dealers is no indication of hard times. There is enough corn petit ion, though to make this market very cheap one. The directors of the Shiloh Oil Mills met Tuesday and elected Elia Carr Jr., superintendent. Bids for furnishing the material for the bnilings were ordared to to be advertised. Messrs. H. B. Sledge & Co. have moved their tinware and stove store and repair Shop to the building on St. James street, next door to Mr. W. H. John ston's law office. i Ari intelligent person when hurt will at once procure a bottle of Salvation OiL It is the best thing to cure swellings, burns, or wounds. All druggists sell it at twenty-five cents a bottle. 1 1. Another tournament and ball is on the tapis at Mildred for ihe 13th. By the way, this town is glowing. Besides the new store, which Mr. John O. Worsely recently erectedMr. David E Cobb has built a very neat one into which he has just moved. The County Commissioners Monday disposed of all the business before theul which was mostly routine. They tem porarily allowed the Sheriff one thousand insolvent polls. They also decided to raise the side-walk in front of the court house even with the culvert recently built. Monday, Mr. Jas. Hodges made a deed Of trust to Mr. H. L. Staton to se cure his creditors and sureties for E. B. Hodges & Co. He conveys all his land without any homestead exemption. The sympathy of the entire communi ty goes out to Mr. Hodges in his financial troubles By steady industry he accumulated an es tate worth $30,000 or $30,000, every dime of which represented a drop of sweat. " In the Opera House "Wednesday night of last week a good cro wd assem bled t hear the cantata by the little girls given for the benefit of the Thompson Orphanage the proceeds of which amount ed to til. 00. After the mute and sing ing, which made a merry evening, a beau tiful Christmas tree was disclosed, the presiding genius of which was S. S. Nash Esq., disguised as Santa Claus, bewhisk ere.l, befurrel and weighing about four hundred poun is With the aid of his assistants the gifts" were distributed to the children. Tax Sale See list of persons and land -.1 1 9 .1. thia wulr'a Sooth brndb f r taxes under this heading. Joseph Cobb, Sheriff. IscssDiAhY Bibk. Monday night be twecn 6 and 7 o'clock in Township No. 9, a three-room, untainted dwelling from which Levi Harrell had just removed was burned Mr, Harrell had sold it to J. W. Bridgers. A few articles of personal property ,left by Mr. Harrell were con sumed with the house. Ixss $200; no insurance. Tax Coixkotob From Wat Back. W. S. Cummin gs, deputy tax collector for Sheriff Cobb, sweeps off all the persim mons, leaves and skins the bark. He sent a negro boy three miles away to get his banjo to pick him a June and after the tune had been picked seized the banjo tr poll tax. Lightning will strike him before the year ends. Feom the "Sewing Machine Advance.', "The Helpmate Machine" has kept up the average it started out with the first of the season in the matter of securing' prizes in all competition entered into at this j Fall's fairs. It has, there fore, secured 100 out of a possible 100. It is decidedly far in advance of any other machine in improvement, in merit, and fine finish. Call and see it. For al by Bftt, the Jeweler. 4Stf. Wholesaui jHAKOwAEEv-To merchants who are in the -market for spring hard ware,'; fanning ' implements &c., we' will say that we aave now a large stock of shovels, trace jihaina, bames, cotton rope, axes, &c, bought direct from the factories placing us in position to compete with Northern houses and we will duplicate any bill you; hare bought. Call and examine our Crescent Steel Shovel guar anteed equal to any shovel manufactured. Iff. I Nash, Pobtkb & Co. Bckolars Caught. The pantry attach ed to residence of A. H Ricks, Esq., liv ing in Nash conunty, about four miles from Battleboro and Whltakerj, had. been burglarized on several occasions. Last Monday night Mr. Ricks was absent in Baltimore: . Chas. Exum and Mr, Moore were standing guard. At 10 o'clock they were rewarded by capturing a negro who had effected an entrance, shooting another who had run off and placing both injalL Stux Improving. The Fertiliser Fac tory is in operation again. Its capacity has been very much enlarged. Fif ty tons a day is now what it can do. An eleva tor has been erected to take up the crude materials which come by river in barges owned by the Company. It is an inter esting sight to Bee the huge iron buckets carrying up 50 or 60 feet, nearly a half ton of kainit, ground bone and the like. The fertilizers made at this factory rank with the best made any where. A Large Pubohasb. The Shiloh Stock Farm begins the new year with a numerous and I valuable addition to its number of cowsl It has just purchased, and yesterday was shipped, a herd of eighteen registerea cows, some uoisteins, some Jersey and some Devons. The number of cows on the farm when these arrive, which will probably be Saturday, will be just one hundred. A happy new year to Messers. Staton & Jeffreys, may their stock be healthy and prolific and give enough milk to sup ply the market at five cents a quart Jurors. The following are the jurorg drawn for the Inferior Court which con venes on 3rd Monday. Jos. Hearoe, J. B. Porter, Geo. Bulluck, W. J. Harrell, Frank Gorham, M. H. Weathersbee, O. Williams, Jr , Jerry RuUege, (co1.)l. H. Johnson, T. W. Robertson, J. W. Powell, Frank Denton, W. H. Andrews, B. B. Guion, Amos M. Wooten, W. 8; Little, Laurie Weddell, W. T. Gardner,1 J. M Johnson, Thos. M. Edmondson, 8. B. A. Baker, W. Bradley, H. C. Bourne, Arch. Braswell, Jno. A. Robinson, W. P. Council, L L. Thigpen, A. E. j Wooten, W. H. Powell, J. D. Webb, Luther Lee Staton, , J. B. Edwards, J. 8. Quinly, Newsom Worsley, Henry Winborne, S. P Stallings Revenged. Mr. J. G. Nettles had a happy new year and merry Christmas , too. The South ebnbs readers will re member that several months ago it was in these columns chronicled that a cow stolen from a gentleman in Rocky Mount was sold to Mr. Nettles, and that his search for the vender proved unavailing. Well, on 27th of last month another ne gro, lienry 1 ice, and it turned out he was a partmer of the other "coon", aware that Mr. Nettles was still enthusiastic over stock raising brought a cow to be sold. Mr. N. was a nettle this time, he recognized the I cow as belonging to a neighbor. After jewing the negro down to half price for the cow, he summoned assistance and di spite a spirited resistance tied the dealer in cows, and then sent for a magistrate and had a warrant issued for him. Before Squire Rillebrew arrived Tice confessed the theft. He is now board ing at the Hotel Cobb. Hamilton Railroad. Captain Hay wood Clark informs us that his road only charges three cents a mile for first-class passenger fare. jThis is decidedly the cheapest railroad fare in the State and our people will appreciate it fully. The distance to Hamilton is 18 miles and yet a ruund trip only costs one dollar. We have no doubt this accommodating rate will enable people" on the other end to come to Tarboro Jo do their trading and return the same day. We advise our merchants to strike out in that direc tion. By seeking; they may find a bonanza in this trade. j The road has' bow a good equipment, fiat and box cars and a very handsome first-class passenger coach. A platform will soon be erected bet ween the railroad and the river bridge, connecting with the bridge, so that' vehicles can be driven from the bridge to the platform, for the convenience of loading and unloading freight. Deoemtkb Weather. The following was the state of the weather for December, kindly furnished us by Mr. E. V, Zoeller : Highest temperature, 97.0 degrees on the 4th. J - Lowest temperature, 16.9 deg. on 30th. Mean temperature, 43. 4 degrees. Mean humidity, 83 per cent. Highest daily temperature, 61 8 deg. Lowest daily temperature, 26.4 deg Frosts on 13th,! 14th, 16th, 18th, 19th, and 27th. j Prevailing direction of wind Norther- Rainfall, 3 82 inches. The average December rainfall at this place is 4 18 inches.. j The average character of the weather for the month has . been four clear, eleven fair, ten cloudy, six rainy days. The U. 8. Signal Service Indica ions were verified at this point, as follows : weather," 85 percent; temperature, 59 per cent. I The Leslie Medal. Lieut. Frank B. Lloyd, who a few months since won the Leslie Medal for the best drilled non-commissioned officetj or private, in the Edge combe Guards, has surrendered it to the Company to be again drilled for. Friday evening; 20th at 8 o'clock it will again be competed for. The drill will be held in the old Armory Fireman's HalL and on same evening will be presented by Mr. Don Gilliamj . The old hall has been selected because It can be heated better, i In the name of the. C impany the Sopth ebssk has been eq jested to invite the public and especially the ladies, who have always shown taemael vesatan ch an d true friends of the Guards. It is believed that if the ladies Will lend their presence it will have a st' dialatlng sod happy f. feet upon every member of the Company. (It would be'passtng strange if it did not.) So, come, ladies, encourage the boys' and hear an eloquent martial speech from Mr. Gilliam. - Tu 8ooiAX.Cutcu. 'The . recent holi days In a social way were probably not quite so gay as they have been "known hese before, yet there , was- no one of a sorrowful coonte nance, and whether the holidays were dull or not. the reader can judge from the following brief mention of parties receptions fcc which does not include all : December SO Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Roy ter gave a large party complimentary to Miss Hattie Howard. Monday quite number of new year call ers were out; among the young ladies who received were: Misses Alice Howard and Maggie Williams at Judge Howard's; Misses Xoesie MacNair, Kate Pippen and Mittie Dowd at Mrs. MacNair's; Miss Annie Philips at Judge Philips'; Miss Eliza Pitttnan, at Dr. Pittman'st Miss Lillie Brown, at Capt. Brown's. At each of these places delectable collations were spread and callers and hostesses were ra diant with happiness . . On the same evening Miss Gretchen Parr gave an old maids card party. None of Chose who attended including th e charm ing hostess were over twenty so playing at old maid furnished much fun. Mrs. J.- M. Baker Monday evening gave a party to a few young ladies and gentle men. " Tarboro Female Academy. The Christ mas entainment .at Tarboro Female Acad emy was on time as usual. The difficult stu dies in music were ex ecuted with skill. The recitations were well rendered and appropriate. The Entrance March and Christmas Chorus elicited praise. The Words of We lcome by little Lossie Barnes were delivered with much ease and grace. Donizette's Lucia by Miss Daisy Gilles pie was well performed for so . small a child. Martha was rendered by MisaDanieL Waltz Etude was executed by Miss Bell. " Miss Annie Williams executed Cujus Animam. The vocal duet was applauded. Miss Pippen played a difficult solo. Misses Williamson' and Frail gave a duet Miss Pitt came next with a German recitation. The school -Drama contained a good moral, and wa well acted. Miss Long as Fruit Girl was compli mented. The Holidty Convention was well re cited, and represented our four holidays in a pleasing manner. Miss. Pitt closed the concert with Whis pering Winds. For this enjoyable evening we are in debted to the teacliers of the Tarboro Female Academy. Shivering Chtvalby. Notwithstand ing the mercury stood a dozen degrees be low the freezing point last Thursday nine Knights entered the lists at Mildred, where quite a number of people ventured to brave the boreal breezes to witness the tournay and not for a moment regretted it. The riding was good and the time, but the score apparently nothing to boast of. The Knights, though it dampened not their ardour, were almost unanimous in as scribing the cause to the wind which forced so much water from the lachrymal ducts into their eyes that they were not able to see distinctly. Be this as it may, artic blasts dimmed not the eyes of the ladies who watched the tilting till the judges announced the succesful ones. The following were the Knights and their scores : W. S. Cummings, Knight of Golden Belt, 7; W. R. Edmondson, Knight of Last Week, 5; E. C. King, Knight of Pitt Co. 6; W. H. Warren, Knight of Conetoe, 4; J. Corbett, Knight of Falkland, 8; C. B. Hargrave, Knight of University, 2; Cad Harrell, Knight of Lost Hope, 2; Henry Harrell, Knight of Mildred, 1; Richard Felton, Knight of Cold Wave, 1. The tilt for the tie for honor of crown ing first and second Maids of Honor be tween E. C. King, and W. R. Ed mondson, resulted in favor of the latter thanks to W. 8. Cummingawho rode for him. The four first named Knights, were very happy in the selection of the Queen of Love and Beau.y, Miss Maggie Lane, and her Maids of Honor, viz: Miss Ella Cobb, Miss Jacksie Daniel, and Miss Addie Har rell. In the evening over Worsley's store which was beautifully decorated with evergreens, the coron ation and ball took place where from 8 o'clock when the crowns were presented by the editor of The Southerner until after three next morning all paid their devotions to Terpsichore with Rarest that .betokened complete enjoyment. DIED. In Salisbury, December 26th, 1887, Mrs. Eixxn II. Summseeix, mother of Rev. J. N. H. Summerell, of this place, in the 64th year of ber age. In the Carol na "Watchman' it is said of her : She has not lived in vain. Like the virtuous woman described by Solomon, Pro v. 81, 28 : Her children arise up and call her blessed ; her husband also, and he praiseth her. She was per mitted to realize one of the dearest wishes of her heart, and the answer of many prayers, in seeing a son, whom she trained for God, fall into the long line of her ancestors as. a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through him es pecially, as well as through others, the will continue to exert a gracious influence upon generations to come. JAND SALES 1 11 As asslnee of the bondsmen of J. R. Staton, late Sheriff of Edgecombe County, on Monday, Februaiy 6t , beginning at 12 m., I shall sell as i the CourrHonse door, FOR CASH, th following pieces and parcels vf land to satisfy and pay the taxes due and unpaid thereon ; to wit : TOWNSHIP NO. 1. H A Weber one fourth of lot 90; 143 of lot 38, both ia town of Tarboro. Tax for 1883, 118 S Bnsan Foot one fourth of town lof Ho US. Tax for vs. SIM Alex Tetter one eighth aere of land tn Dmaey field adjoining tbe land of Prinee Howard and others. Tax for "SS. So eenta. - . Jmo f Ward, At tor ehfldren. Tdwn lot Jfo f7 1 the tows efjUrboro adjctiBrtg the Una of - : - u 4 - t'- A Sbfg aatTotttsH. Tm tat S3-S and '85, SlS.65 Edith WHHanls one aere lo town "of Prineevule' Ta for .85, !.$. t rr - - j; , ' Jacob HatehinMMOM half aor Bogesttr track adjoioinx the iaadrof Wm Kocaater ami ethers. Tax for 98 mU. - -. Priaeilla atcalraa fiaarth of towm lot No, U7 In iha toy of Tarfooio adjoining th lands of the laM Clem , Kemper an ethers.. Tax nt 'S, SX.6S - i ' NB Dawson, Art. for .Ir C Terrell one half of town lot No- IIS in town of Tarboro adlointag lands of K H Aoatia and etbera. Tax for'St IFnb IAvmniw ana- fourth aere of land on Liberty Hill iPrinefcrflle adjoining tbe lands Of DrOB Lloyd and othersTax for1 84. . !. TOWNSHIP NO.". - C H Jenkins, 270 acres or tand adjoining- the lands Of Janaes It Thigpen and others. - Taxlor3iJ$VU Virginia Jones, aeo acres of land adjouilng- ' the lands of B JKeech and taaod Jones. . ; . Tax84,7J. Henry seasons. 79 acres of land adjotaingthe lands of Mrs Tom Harrell. -Tax ,iS Mayo Worsley . ISO acres of land adjoining- the lands of UUtebenny Worsley. Tax s4& Harriott Pippen, one town lot tn Penny Hui Tax tors, 14 D H Barlow, 825 acres of land. Sessom place, adjoining the lands of R C Brown and Hanoe Bnmonson. Tax lor "88. i.aa. William Brown, X acres home plane, adjoining the lands of Porter Bros and William Harrell Taxes '83-4. S2.19- Miss T E Cobb . Ti acres of land adiotnlnar the lands of BH Mayo and otne-s. Tax 3, SiOJti. ' T J Horn. 83 acres Home place, adjoining- the lands of Mamie Sessoms and K CromweU. Tax -83. S6.17. J C Little, for Sheiton heirs. 188 acres of land adjoining tbe lands ot Karsellus Knight and others. Tax 83, S4.0. Ijouesa Mayo, SO acres of land: adjoining the lands of K-t-Tomwell and others. Tax "84, $1.83. Wesley Arnold, 144 acres Borne place, adjoining the lands of Claud Jones and others. Tax tor K13.43. for 4, $9.93. Fifty-nine and a half acres of land. Brown place, adjoining the lands ot Dr. Jones and-O L Brown. . Tax lc.S&; $M- Arnold Worsley. guardian tor Johff BnaHiifr' llSacres of land adjoining the land of W T Bunt ' lug's estate. Tax for '83, S3.84.1 L B Worsley, 90S acres home place adjoining- the lands of N B Dawson and James Worsley Tax '83. $14.80, fit, taSO. Joseph cobb,5 acres of land. ' Tax-a. B F Crisp. 100 acres of land adjoining -the lands of V M Lee and W L. tee Tax for 86, S&88. J C Harrell, 69 acres of land, Cobb tract, ad joining the lands of B C Brown. J B Warren and others - Tax "85, $4.89, for 83. $L98 Mayo, Agt, for IC E Belcher, 100 acres of land adjoining the land of James Lawrence's estate Tax for "85, $12.72 Tomsey Harrell, 100 acres of land adjoining the lands of U W Harris and others Tax "88 Edward Dawson, H acre of land Tax for "83. TOWNSHIP NO. 5. W L Bryan. 06 acrds of land . Tax'88. , - Tom Price 108 acres of land adjoining the lands of John Vick and others. Tax for 84, $.99 1 L Coker, 83 acres of land. Taxes for 83 ,84-'85 li50 Alfred Evans, 7 acres of land. m Tax for '83, 2.64 TOWNSHIP NO. ft. : M J Battle, 1832 acres of land on Fishing Creek - Tax for Coffleld Fountain. S8 acres of land. Cherrr X Roads, adjoining the lands of J K Pippen and others. Tax for '83, $3,80, $2,84. t&. $4.31. Albert Harris. 30 acres of land. Cherrr X Beads. adjoining the lands ot Pippen and others . Tax for -Sri, $3,91 W B Harper, 227 acres of land. Lyon's place, adjoining the lands of J 8 Dtckerson and others Tax for '85, $ Isaac Haywood. 48 acres of land. Pine wood ' Tax for '83, $5,09 T F Johnson. 198 acres of land on Swift Creek, belonging to W T Mayo. Tax , $9,00. 85, $976 Mrs S 8 Knight, 87 acres of land. Temple plaee, adjoining the lands ot M J Battle Tax "85, $4,34 B F Lyon's estate, 708 acres of land, Lyon place, adjoining the lands of Susan H Daughtry Tax for 3S. $43,40 Joseph Ford, 1 town lot In Whltaken Tax for 84, 9 cts Mrs Kate Philips, SO acres of land ; Tax for '84. 63 cts - J H Price, 25 acres of "land, adjoining the lands of Joe Anderson 'and otht-rs -L Tax for "84, 3.28 J W T-ylor, 230 acres of land adjoining lands of A BrasweU and others: Tax H4, 47 Jos Kxxxbbbxw, Assignee.; Wells, 36? acres of laad ! Taxes for '83-4, 9.45 TOWN8HIP NO. 8. Eppiritn Edwards, iS3 acres of land ad joining the lands of B. 'F.agles and others Taxes for -86, '84, '88, . I Lawrence Moore 6 acres of land near Sparta. Trx s 83 '84 and '86, f 9.17. Mrs Betlie Mills, 4 acres of land on and Wilson mads. Taxes '85, '84 and '83, $1.00. Edward Sudlinss 100 term of land ad joining the lnds of TYm Beit. Taxes 85, '84, a id '83. Simon Norfieet, 1-2 acre of land in Sparta Taxes for '85. '84, and '83. s . Thos P BrasweU, 233 acres of land on Town Creek adjoining the lan-i of Jim Stnllw. bein and others. Txes for '85 $15 37, '84, $5 07, '83, $8,71. Walter J Garrett. 83 acres of land near Wigging's X Roads, adjoidiog the lands of J K Harper and others. Taxes for 85 aud '84 $4.24. Mr Julia Hill, 100 acre of land on Sparta and Reeky Mount ioa1, adjoining tbe lands of Tom Best and otbrrs. Taxes for '85, '84, $6.36 Prpston ostioe and DEH, "81 acres of lant on Jerrys Creek, adjoining the lands of Calvin G.tlin and others. Taxes for '85, $t 24, '84, $3.62. O L Vines 487 acres of land on Tar Rire. adjoining the lands of FJias Carr and others Taxes f tt '85, '84, f 43.43. Wash Fetter, 10 acres of land on Tarboro and Wilson road, adjoining the lands of Prank Dnnn and others T.x's for '85, '84 $30.00 83. Lawrence Bulluck, 133 1 8 acres o' land adjoiniati the lands of John Davis and J T Onpr e Taxes for '84, $7.59. J W Garrett, 83 acres of land adjoining the lands of f K Harper. Taxes '85, $4.24, '84, '88. L Little Estate, two town lots adjoining! the lands of M B Peters an I ot eri, valued; t$95C.o0. Taxes for '85, 84, '83. $6.56. Jno H Davit, 400 acras of land adjoining tbe lands of Qro Drake ana others. Taxes for 85, '84, tl5.78. JnoADavi, guardian if J D Worsley. Taxes '84, $8.76. Joel D Oardner, 311 acres of land ad joioing the lands of Peter Bridgers and others. Taxes for 85, '84, $6.20, '83, $10 41. E L Moore, 428 1-2 acres of lard a 1 joioing the landB of James Kemey and othrrs. Taxes for '85, '84, $25.22, 83. S R Moore 261 acos of land adjoining the lands of T Bynam. Taxes '85, '84 10 78 '83 TOWNSHIP NO. 9. T W Owen lis acres of land "Berry Branch, adjoining the lands of Wiley Webb and others Tax for '83, $13,42. , Miles Reade 60 acres of land adjoining the lands of Johnson Joneaand others. Tax for 83 $23. Aognslos Reads, So acres of land adjoining '.he lands of Bennett Harrell and others. Taxes for '83 and 'S4 $lo46. James B Kaaoa 140 acres of land "Otter's Creek," adibining the lands of Bedden Lewis and others. Tax ferro, 14.o4 Levi Harrell 190 aeres of land "Berry Branch" adjoining the lands of J W Owens and others . Taxeifor '83 and 85, eighteen dollars. ., Harrell Johnsen 130 aeres of land 'Stum Island." adjoining the lands of N J Pitt man aa '1 others. Tax for '83, foar dollars and eighty. F S Langley SBo aeres of land Blaek Swamp adjoining the lands of W S Crisp and others. Tax for 83, 1543 Columbus Wooten 158 acres of land. Otter's Creek, adjoining the lands of Henry Brown and others. :' Tax for "SB, loJO B F Weaver, 88 acres of land, Beavei Dam, ad oining the lands of B P Eagle and others. j Tax for 'S3, 6.79 Aspalina Harrell, 76 aeres of land. Berry Braaeh aojomiag ine laaag oi uiuea weoo aaa otners t-.j - j jr Taxes for 83-S,ai8 B B Basoa, 60 aeres of land adjofwing the lands Of Henry UorbeU and others, , TaxfovS.! adjoining he lands of Wiley Webb and Peter Lala Biarrell, T acrss of tafxT Berry BVaaeb, djeinuur the lands of .AsBaUna Harrell ami than. ,-. r - Tax tot ea, SA Jesae Mean SB mm adkanlnsr t.ha Sand erf SS acres i m. estate ai Whit Williams, estate and AJboerlBroron and others., Taxfor'8a4. sa, Nefl Bobbin. acres adjoining tbe tand ot 17. J. Bullock end Abner BrasweU. tax tor -8844, Ss. JR- a TUterf', ton k adjoining the tends of C. Dankle,and JT Weok Taato? -834. 4JML tc J Worsley. acres adjoining the JP Bradley, and JS Warssey. Tax 0O884, L .IT Webb, town M adlnlng the lands ot BH Borne and W W Parker estate. Tax for 1884, 7.Q0. J I Killebrew, 240 acres adjoining the land of W. . Bradley end Mack Harper., Tax for 1883. Gnardiao for Proctor heirs 427 acres land adjoining tbe land of W. B. Bradley and Joshua Bollock Tax for 1883, 1884 ana 1885. G. W. Ltteaster, 49 acrvs, Br ts well tract, adjoining tbe land of tbe widow Sallie Lancas-er and othets. Tax for '83-'84 2 64. MB Wffliford, 185 acres 'adjoining the land of Z H Weaver. Tax for '88 9.73 W G Williams and ife, 60 acres ad j lining the land of Joliu Davis and tLe widow Calhoun and others. Tax for 83-'84-'85, 4 88 Wm Srdden, Jr., 1 town lot la Rocky Mount. Tax for '83-'84 86, 20.00. TOWNSHIP NO. 7. Mrs KjkteBatUe 185 acrea oakdale. Tax tor, 1885,18 72 Dr Jas P Battle heirs 868 acres Tar River ad Joining the land J J Battle. Tax for i860, 85.84. ; Cote hen, 187 acres, Mngwood. adjoining the lands of H WQorham, Tax fur 1885, 18 40. Charles Hill, 40 acres, adjoining the lands ofHenry Gorham and W M Poweu. Tax for 1885, 488. ' J Kfayo. 50 acres, Marirsvine, adjoining the land of Henry Gorham and W H-Poweu. Tax tor 1885, S 71. - J. B Vick, town lot adjoining tbe land Henry Gorham and W H Powell Tax for 1885, 1.58 ltrB. A Johnson. 83 acres, Plney Wood. Tax m woo. m ss, Robert Braswefl. town lot adjoining the land of Henry Johnson and others. Tax tor 1884 .45. P W Maaon. 93 acres. Tax tor 1888 5 98 h w uornam a7 acres adjoining the lands of n xj nuKD uu uuuera. xax tor 1H83, 0 ao. MrsK A Johnson, 88 acres. Tax for 1884. its. Coffleld Mason, its acres adjoinlnjr the land Bob BrasweU and others. Taxfor 18& 7 oa. lCaaon Guard Coffleld. i town lot adjoining uie nuta ok unraa aaxua ana outers. x& 1884 .70 Tax for 188$ 8 85. Purvis Price, heirs 88 aeres Plney Woody Tax wrjeovao. j Mrs T B Wells, town lot adjoining tbe land of t. i. nrasweu and otners. Tax for 1884 S vs. ' John W York, town lot the land of B B tiulon and others. Tax for s w. TOWNSHIP NO 8. Mrs J- Jaayo acres. Tax for 1885 5852. Mrs Oliver Flttman 7is acres Strawberry place adjoin lanls of Wesley Plttnaan. ax for 1885 s 71. Hestkab Tanner 58 acres. Cherry X Roads adjoining tbe landss of W T Mayo and others. Tax for8-85 8 70 890 890. - W P Howerton. 41 acres Hill place, adjoining lands of J M Mayo Henry Weaver and others. Tax for "84 i3 T5 0 86. J. M. Mayo, 180 acres HUI place TAX 500 : J M Mayo 40 acres Wbitakera, Tax tor 1885 15 88 B p Pittman tor children tract aeo acres Maple Swamp. Tax for 1885 16 35. Mrs Penny Denton 91 acres Hebron place ad Joining the land Tax for 188$ 3 00. J T Taylor Ms acres near Whltakers adjoining the land of Hilliard Carlisle. Tax 18801000. Voffleld Masom, AdnVri town lot Tax 1888 8 50. Laura BlUlps 88 acres adjoining the land of Henry Cutcben and others l ax for 18S4., Cohen s. Newman 99 acres Hill place adjoining the land of M J Battle Tax tor VfrM 0 50. J O Hyman. town lot adjoining the store V W Lamb TAX for 1884 . Mra U K Porter 100 acres of land TAX 83-845 Wm Woomack 100 acres adjoining the land of Weatry Pittman TAX for . TOWNeHlPKO. 13. 8 P Bulluck, 196 acres. Tax for 1883, 1189. Med Bullock 860 acres. Tax for 1883 aud 1884, 9 60 and 5 60. Mule Sam Horne, ltl acres. Tax for 83-'84--1885, 2 62, 1 38 and 1 32. W .V Parker, 85 acres. Tax fur 1883 1885, 3 98 and 7 63. David Armstrong 60 acres. Tax for 1885 3 65. Mrs Amanda Barron, 809 acres of land Tax for '83-'84-'86, 60.21, 83.50, 100.52 Delpba Brown, 15 acres. Tax for 1886 38. B ti Brown, 131 acres. 5 69. G - J Bro-vo, 19 acres. 2 10 1884 80. Tax for 1885 Tax for 1885 C R n bbins, 18 acres. 2 78 J R Bullock 106 acres. Tax for 1885 Tax for 1885 1709. W innie Bias well 75 acres. Tax far 1885 4 78. Jeff D Jenkins 180 acres. Tax for 1884 and 1885 3 64 11 02 Mary Killebrew, 210 acres. Tax for 1885 1 12. - Mike Bullock, 1 town lot. Tax for 1884 - Dempsey Brown 6 acres. Tax for 1884 .09. Jenkins dge, estate of J. D. Jenkins, 175 acres, Buffln tract. Tax for 1884 L75. Mis Amanda .Parker 450 acres. Tax for 1884 12 07. J L Moore, 629 acres. Tax f r 1884 24 24. J P J nxins, 203 ac es. Tax rjr 1884 7 93. Miss Lucy Lane, 2 acres. Tax for 1884 .70. W. P Meicer, J'., 72 acres. Tax for 1884 12 30. L D Beardsley 64 acres Wilkins tract Tax for 1885 -8.62. Hardy Norville 54 acres Wilkb tract fax f. r 1885 8 52. Miss Etster Wixkfns 54 1885 3 52- Tax for H Wiikins, ' 54 acres Tax for 1885 no. - 3 52, TOWNSHIP NO 14. B F Lancaster, 174 acres adjoinng tbe land of Miles Daws and others. Tax for 1884 6.33. Daniel Moore 145 acres adjoining tbe lands of Joshua Bulluck. Tax tr 1884 4 96 1865 7 43. Warren & Pitt 190 1884 6 02. acres. Tax for L P. Williams 24 acres adj lining tbe land of MB Williford. Tax lor 1884 3 28 Alford . Daatiidge 26 acres. 1884. Tax Cor " I F BrasweU 87 acres. 4 9e. Tax for 1884 Jobu Bines 65 acres adjoininsr the land of Meady Gotten. Tax for '84-'85 4 07 7 01. J I Killebrew Guardian frr Bryoo Pn ctor 106 acres. Tax for 1884 2 67. J I Killebrew, 'gnardiao for O Proctor 100 acres, Tax for 1884 2 67. Dr. Wlnstead heirs of 445 ; acres adjoining tbe land of Joba Daw and others. Tax fir 1884. Ll EG bales 213 acres adj onion the landa of Wiley Edwards. Tax for 1884 18 01. ,.. Winnie Braawell, 80 acres, pine wood adjoining tbe land of Dr. John R Merotr and otbera. Tax for 1888 LM - i-i F BrasweU . 87 acres bora adjoining tbe Vjioa - ot U'Nal - sad Dempsey - Qay boDah Aaa for ;tw o 7 00, ye. , J. T H Boaesnaiv 181- aeres1 adjoining the htndr of H. Ii Proctor and others. Tax toe 1885, 14 83.; V i - .j - ; . , Meadf Cottea 120 acres adjoining te lwdi of If, W. Proctor and T P JJraa- ell. Tax for 83F-,84-85t 6 97, A 88, 6 84, ' Q W Dixon 169 acres) adjoining the hud of Wiley Edward and H C RobUM. Tax tor 83-'84-'85, 8 68, U 18, 9 81. Alfred Daniridge, 24 acres adjoining the land of H B Proctor and otbera. Tax for 98, Jothna Balluck S48 acres. Tax for '83 17 66. Wiley Q Barnes and wife .160 acres, Tax for 85 6 84. Wiley Edwards 188 acres. Tax for '85 ,84-,83 10 74, 5 89, 8 72, Waiaon Hlnes, 297 acres. Tax for 85 1548. Walter JLancasts 2 80. 76 acres. Tax f- '85 Latham A Skittser 444 acres. Tax for 85,1510, W J Lancaster, 76 acres. Tax for '85 6 60. 8 D Moore, 44 acres. Tax 4 85 8 8 Cadimrjs Proctor. 100 acres. Tax for 85 8 96. Baryan Proctor, 117 .acres. : Tax for 85 8 96. Mrs. Bailie Williams 45 acres. Tax lor "80, 8 28. George Williams. 12 acres. Tax for 83. JOSHUA KILLEBREW, rTHE FARMERS- OF EDGE COMBE. t-o-t I beg loave to annonno that for the yesri 1888, I am prepared to FURNISH SUPPLLES AT THE Lowest Liiing Prices, I have in say employ Mi Faisoh Cal test, who was formerly in the empioy- ploysMBt of Capt. T. H. Oattln; and have also ngaed the services of Mb. C. H. Kiaa. format ly with E. B. Hodges7 A Co, GOODS FURBISHED 0 TIME REASONABLY, , AND OHJJAP for GASH. S3f" CALL and see me before yon make erraogemeota for this CROP and I will SAVE Y00 MOrtEY. J. D WALSTON. Store Occupied in 1886 by Farrar, Wright & Co. 41tlyr J. H. BELL, Jeweler & Optician, Dealer In FIE GOLD WATCHES Jesrelry, U JJiamonda, Aings, ,' ! Chains, . Biacele s, Gold Pens, v Thimbles, v' J Charms, Bnttons, Binds, Silverware, U I OCXS. FINE TABLE CUTLEffHm&M Albnms, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Musical Instruments, Strings. Ae. Sewing Machines, Oils, ETC, ETC. THE "HELPHATE" If the most beautify and elegantly flnlsbed 8e iag Machine and is aa durable aa skill and roetat can make It. Has more desirable ImproTemeata than all ether Machines combined. Tic: SWINGING TREADLE MOTION, PATENT SELF LEVELING STAND, SELF LUBHICATING NKEDLE BAR. SELF THBJEADlNG 8HUTTLK, T8N8ION BKLEABKB, i STITCH INDKX PLATE. OBBIN WINDER, no robber used.) DOUBLE Cob Balaaoa Wheel sad Treadle bear. ing. Also, Self Betting Needle, Loose Pulley, Perfect Tension, 8 Lieut Automatic Take up, Doable Feed, no springs. Thread Cutter, Ac Finest finished throughout, of say Machine, made A aeautifdl aet of Ntekle plated attachments, ts a nice relvet lined box, free with ererr Machine, also a warrantror fire yaara. All parts raadfry adjnatabla, therefore, wfll last for genewtioea to come. CALLyou wHl be delighted with the HELPMATE. BELLa The Jeweler. ptSSOLUTION NOTICE. ' The fi rm of Day A Orannla. le thia day dissolved by Sanitation. All persons indebted to said firm, will Pleaae -eotae forward a ad settle ap wita B. t. Daveon, and those bar' icraceowoU will present them for paysasat to the mom. - We thaalc ell for pea larora. Tbey wUlfind J. w. Day aad Jno- R. at tae old etaad. Kjmtoesrr Btablee. win keep hare-s and toeJes for sale and hire. OAT A GXAJTNCS. Tarboro. H 0 Hot, , 1887. . 44tf MY S!TOCK IS ALWAYS COMPLETE our .6., '4 i . -WHEN IN rm AotiQn$ Dress Goods, Pant Goods, Hats Caps. ' Boots and Shots Torchan Laces, Laces, Ladies, Misses and Children's Fin Shi,:. Give me a calL OUR OWN SHIRT is hardto Beat. 0MCC0 oikll KJXDS anIGE Try oner of oar tELEDttA t iD OIL And (3AS0LPB CARS With which you mat (fill a Lamp imthout tpilling or wasting a drop. TIX WARE'and CD TlE$Y in Abundance. - f ALL of the Above at HARD TIME PRICES. Tarboro. Sept, 22, 1887, R. 0 BROWN STATON & ZOELLER, detj'g . AND DEALER IN- BOOKS, STATIONERY, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ARTIST ARTIST next Door to April 16, '86 16tf WE HOLD GENERAL I WSURJIIUrCE ACEEICTT. OlOO.OOO.OOOe EZPfilSENTED m THE TOLLOWISQ TtKTJASLB C03tTAOT23: CCmiKBtilAL UNION, HAMBURG AND UNOABH1RK. PHOENIX OF HARTFORD, VIRGINIA VIRGINIA OBOROIA N. O. HOME, GOOD , BISKS SOLICITED OR REN VILLIAF.10 A Stlrr BAKER &HEGRE VNDEB HOTEL FARRAR, ' Ie Haye Screwed Down HIGH OPENED NEW DRTJGr STORE Prescriptions Compounded ci is uniy. ai We solicit Share of the Public glT DATIBTACTIOn. " C4 . kta Hh nil imlA4 lUadas a Prt,"i a5t sal liars mtoii4 ssSsTltacT as ot r IWIHSH lAas4M tasasisas ' fsatnia I mTii I a bmo tota fall s rBtaataaa V) I Basith. I HUfTVSiaO FEHSW9 ry ai have FRU r H Rl fi T A s - a -aa. .v j. aa iia i.x . j Is almost here but the good things for that occasion are already here and line ouruielves and counters. 'A L L. N E W Of the .LATEST DEVICES and DESIGNS, for XMAS PRESENTS - AND FOR SANTA CLAUS, AT ' AU30ST ANY PRICE -FROM , A. . P E N N Y Ours is tbe Chief Headquarters for ALL KINDS OF We have the greatest Variety. Our lections have been as happy aa is oar abundance, and our .prices are as low as tbe lowest, C. 6. Bradley & Go. A TTENTION FARMERS ! t ! XL muiAiT woods FACTOSY 1 ant now ntanafaetariac- Cart Wheel, Hoba. Spokes, and Kims from Native Tun ber whtefi 1 will sell at from S 78 t S SS PER FAIR. A disoount will be si lowed If aa ; many as ten pairs are taken by one party. All work warranted, -gpeclal termato eoachinaktr. Bbipmenta 190. B. at Conlot'a Landing. Roaroke Eircr., - - Address, ' fi.; P. RUJCUaT, - tly - -: Wflndaorv tf. o. i- -Ti AT ATRH SAM PLK TREATMXT FREE We -mall enonrta. to consult -i. . B. 8, LAUDXKBACB . a . po m troad ss. Kcwsra, .' rr iiirsa.c r r r saw " v TOYS! NEED OF- 1 B. C. BUG IPX. 7 1. g?s!t s. ; r ji. SUPPLIES, SUPPLIES, FANCY QOOPS. FANCY GOODS. Jf-,t! . ... Court House. THEE SAFE, BBEMKK, HOME OV rTBW tORK, . HARTFORD VIRK. FIRE AH HOME, FIRE AND MARINE. FIRS ABBOCIATlON. f PAMUOO Ifia BAJiaUNO CO. W XORTH C&B0LMA. OON.. rarborovta. CT - Jr.'!1 TAfiBono. n. c. PRICED A' With a la'ge and I r eU aelecUd -fitoftk of Fine acd Freh.' ':''t'-i-.,';.5;'' Drags aod Medloiaes, Pataot aod Propriatary,. 0fr ' . 8org1cal lostraments ' .-t i , , and Appliances. A Fall aDd Cumplele LtnS of ' 'S. . , j . ' f Toilet Artlolef, V r Cpmbs, Brnsbes, - . ;Powds and 1 ' V - ' PerfumtT'en, XArge Assortment of - Stationery,, Paper to Boxes, i Pads, Ac. Ac, oy Registered Pharma- fioaeraie rnces : Patronage and will do oar beat to 1 . - - PAll - . . OVUJT a all Oiurk h Urn. Oaks a MmShMMMMI ikat OJJ ianrfcrs . wtia ramllMttaats lh talfiiMi 1 1 falls if ainct IftWMf Ham. a'ai lasaus) T liMaivf ivra tMfc.t, sUat AsMttoasaf ths hi ' iiiiisiisisasipiu7iasswssaiais niaiis Trial efowr Aavpuawaoe. T T raE PDBU0- ' V . -4 i.-" I am Prepared to do all work in the nndfirtato'SiRnsinfiss! awawai sa- UMasaaoa, ras nmytmf ut say www. luliin aslinl niim B iini mmt Urn m. a rar aim ar at the shorteai nciee. , Heriog con nected with mj shop the- repairing basinesft. All work Xeft at my shop ;. Bhall have Prompt attenticm. I PRICES M0DBIUT!;K'-. Also a Frst-elass Hearse for-hire. 4 TnE&Etng mj mends for tLii ' former Patronage, I hope to merit Xl , . . . 1 . AX . . i ' . tDB same, anouia tney neca nnj toinjp in the . . . : ' .; r-'.:' - ; . ' Undertaking: - RepalrlnjOuGlncso My Piece is on Pitt Street Three . Doors fiom the Corner of Itsin. j - .T- H3. r3imxxioiici. ; THE PUBMG iHastmr rermaneotJT located ia tola niece.' I offer my services to the pubUe as a First-lass Jeweler, Andbelnc; TO GIVE SATISFACTION ' ' ' t - . BhaU do nay WOK K WELI4 at KE22 Y LOW Bit ICES.. - t .C . i - t - Place of Boainess on Main street, next door tolf. H. T. Fae. . i y '.' : All WORK Vamntcd, GIVE HE A CALL. tarboro, Dca, 1Mb, 87, Kl V f '-v - v - 4"