T .... rj SXJRSfOtJ APE BTGHT; TfTltSMCO AREA O. T) Oxtockett, VOL. 66. N 42. TARBORO N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1888. PRICE E1VE CENTS. - - ' . . . i. . -.- . it - - - 1 . ; - --.. w-fc-Mi .--I-:.-,..,.'... , - ......... ,. --V-.1 s . . . I - - - ; - ! 1 'i ; 1 - - i OUT OF SORTS? YES: SICK ALL OVER! , t.Ti'iii, bowels costive, bl xxl sluggish. ,,t.xl sna the, organs mact re, your peroption 1 j an. I stupified, y .ur temper irritable and ' Vvi- v,nl "re UQfi' or business or companion- ' What you need is to ueil many remedies for dyspepsia, lion and Vbilitjr. but never have found nitj lolfnelii me to the extent that 8im- ni'n- l.iver Reiju'ator hi'. I sent from Mmnes iu. ' Upitcw for the remedy and have sent fur ih.r for tioh meJio ae 1 wou'd advise ail who are -iiii ilnrlv stfccti'.i if ive it atrial as It seems xly . v tliiiK that never fa'la tojrelieve." P. M. 'ism. Minneapolis Minn. ;: THA T VOL' GET the genuine, WITH I'UE X.XTAMP IN RED, ON FROST OF WRAPPER, AND ON THE SIDE THE SEAL SIGNTURE OF J. H. Z E I LI N & CO-, Philadelphia, Pa SW4 . ' LOUIS" H. REIdT William8ton, N'. C, Rwpevtfuliy tendershifl Professional Serrices to tie Public and to his Bro. Fhysiciaps In Mirt 1: ami surrounding counties, x UtJ;.-e in K. Big-sjs Drug Store. .S&tf GeT. Howard. J. J. Martin. H OWARD & MARTIN. - fforneys and Connelor at Law. T A ri 1.0 RC N. O. j"Prac.ice8 in 1 the Courts, State snt il. A. (jlULUSI. UONBI L GlXT.TiM HILLIAM & SON It ' i Attorneys-at-X-aw, TARBORO', N..C. Vi!! practice in the Counties of Edgecombe, RUifix aud Pitt, and in the Courts, of the Fir: Judicial Dir-trict, and in the Circuit and Supreme Court at Raleifrh. J&nl8-ly. OHN L. BRIDGERS & SON, Atlorneys-at-Law, URBORO, It lrv .V. a D K. II. T. BASS Oiltsr tiif proteosional services to the citi z u'i of Taris.irto and yicinity. JiEce ouTauTSveet near Coker's co'ner. c. W. JEFFREYS, COTTON BUYER, Tarboro, C. pr.uwiTa pays the Highest Market Prices OUJT pOR RKNT. Dwe.li:iu on Churck Street, lite'.y ovcujiied by Mr. Joseph near Main Morris ; 15 per mouth AISC) The Gh(iOKY HOTEL, at one time called the Brva House. GEO. HOWARD. May 2nd, 1888. estaurant. RUFFIN THORP. -MEALS AT ALL HOUSS -KEUULAR BOADER8 TAKEN A, No. 1, by Plate or Measure. i:E.-JT RICHMOND STEAK. COOKING UNSURPASSED. -r to Tarbortf House. 40tlyr j'O THE PUBLIC. 5 oOrj I the am Prepared to do all work in Undertaker's Business, r &tthe shortest nctice. Having eon necte 1 with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop shall have Prompt attention. PRICES MODERATE, aIbo a Frsl-clasg Hearse for hire ThiUjkmg my friends for thS lortiier Patronage, I hope to merit tbe same, should they need anything Undertaking OR- Repairing Business Place is on Pitt Street Three Door8 from the Corner of Main. J. "13; Simmons. T'N'llON FARMEK8 M! 2IA.!T 77003?S WH?BL FACT02Y Hut, W. manufacturing Cart Wheel ; ! and Riia from Native Tim- .:.; II I wi geU at fr(Jm 3 y5 to f-KfAlR. a discount will be al- Olj, nanv as ten iiairs a re tjbn ho W l4 ' wor" warranted. Special STATE. NEWS; PROM CORRESPONDENTS AND EXCHANGES. The apple crop is reported short. Davidson Uollege has 92 students. The dome of the capitol has been painted white. ' Wilmington has been directly ex porting cotton. Orange Presbytery meets to-morrow at Rocky Mn""t. j Back Kitchin is still larrapiog Dockery aod-Devereuz. A tribe of wild Iadians d at Rocky Monnt Fair. is promis- Around Lexington heavy t Bbip uients of dried frnif are being iriadef In and uround v New Bem are f orty manafactufera ernploying, '500 Lands. ! Mr. Pearson drew laf-ge"crowds in Goldsboro, and shook rip the sinners wonueriaJiy. A woman of lion was" tilled I recently by the lim of a tree falling cn ber head. Miss Minnie. Eone, aged 17, of Wake, has sued W. H ElUa4or $10,- 000 damge. Among the noveltiea at the com iog State Fair will be a live porpoise irom Morehead City. An Ashe countv -boy while out Luntirg accidentally Bhot him: elf through the heart. I Triuty College has 101 students although the preparatory departs ment ba& been abolished. The weather last week was uof- vorable for fairs. Thursday there v as a heavy general rin- , The Warren Guards are the recip ients of a handsome flig which was presented by Miss Mary Jone?. At the Durham Exposition there was a re nnion of Kx-Conff-derate veterans, especially of the six'h-regi- ment- l The" shipments of fish over the A. & N. C. R. are so large as to ne cessitate the running of an additi6n- h1 fiah car. I Aaold man of Alamance countv 80 years old was recentlv shot and killed l;y his eon who was under the i influence of liquor. Republicans are full-of trlk about Detnocratic inventions to cheat The anthoritips et the penitentiary will soon be accused of dishonesty by the larceny convicts. I The joint discussion between the Congreetional aspirants of the first district has ended, and the friend f T m Ssinner are complacent over the manner in which he handled E. A. Whit-. i I Sam King, colored, while walking c n a nut cr on Ireigbt train JNo. 7, ar. Midwsy, 118 miles from Wilmington, fell off between the cars ami was ia staDtly killed, the cars passing over his breast. j Inspector. General Cameron says that he has inspected yearly all the companies in tne btate tiaard fortbe current year. The average per cent age of strength present at inspec tions this year is thus far 90. Some percentages run as high as 98 of strength- I C. E. Cross late President of the late State National Bank of Raleigh has sworn out a warrant before a TJ. Sr Commissioners against E. R Stamrand W. S. Primrose. The former being charged . with making false entries on discount paper, the latter for making false statements about 'he condition of the bank., Charlotte Chronicle: "Vance's great speech of an hour and a 'half to-day fully justified his selection, as was app-went tJ all who heard it and who may read it.) Wiien he be gan at 3 o'clock to-day every Demo cratic Senator in the city wan ir his seat, and a fair number of republi cans listened- attentively. Justice Lamar was an attentive listener. Quaker Senator Chase, of Rhode Is-; land, himsc If a great manufacturer, took a seat on the Democratic side and hard every word. Near hiiii eat Jeff Davis and Postmaster Gen eral Reagan of Texas. At the con elusion of his speech' he was warmly congratulated by the Democrats. Senator Brown, of Georgia, . said it was one of the ablest .speeches he ever heard on that question. COMSUItlPTIOH CURED. An old physicia'ij having retired! from practice, naving had placed in his hands by an Nast India mission ary tee formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman ent cure of Consumption. Bronchi tis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive add radical cure for Nervous Com plaints, after , having ttsw-pdrful curative powers, in . tnousands of . ca ses, has felt it his duty to" make it known to his fellows. Actuated by by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I, will jsend jree of charge, to all wno desire it, this re cipe, in GermanFrench or EuglJeh, with full directions for preparing and UTiDgr. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming1 tBis paper. W A Noyes, 149 Power's Block, Roches ter, N. Y; J 4itoeow ECZEMA, ITCH Y, SCALY, SKIN TOBTUBEB I TV... olmnl annlii-JLtian fkf BwlTlt'8 OlTMBMT without any Internal medicine, will cure any case Of tetter, salt rneum. nugwuim, mite Swallowing Vonnr i Aate, on at least four occasions, stood by and witnessed a family of youngnakes disappeared down the UlTOat Of b mOtOer Stie Out UOt swallow raps lsv ' r . strains wisn upa,uio9tu . apa ; auowea ? in 8 and allowed youngsters to go down her gulbt with wonderful rapidity. On such occasions the mother snake evinces the fearlessness and tenacity of most wild things when trying to save their young. ' She will remain quiet at the risk of her life until the iut little wriggler has been taka H,-atltlj!o-- te; beat toea-J ctpe. ami u aiwai s : seuias : io oo fctise thtt atsuoji finjes she hap pen to lie mighty handy to 'a 'good hiding place, such as a ledge of jocks, a hole among old roots, or if a water snake where Bhe can nop into the water, irx ao. JUiaian t Premising that I wsi taught from my earliest recollection to regard serpents as not only harmless and useful, but beautiful as welt (all ea vet be rattler), I will briefly' narrate the incidents above alluded tOw - : . 3 In the jlrst .case J. waa called Jby a seeible mother who .dmired . rather than feared serpents "to come and seethe little snakes bide." I hurried to the spot, and this is what I saw: A large, garter-anake stretched to its f uU length, and a lot cf tiny nakes tapidly disappearing down her throat. My motbw "meantime had united her upron, and, as the last little nuhke disappeared, the quickly grabbed the old snake and enveloped it in the apron. It was taken to the do use and placed in an old lumber chest, where it was foundthe next day with twenty odd little cnes around it, undagam tLey to.k refuge in the mother's stomach. At our curiosity was satisfied, the old snake was turned out iu the garden to catch l'Ugd.: Take note, that: the gaiter snake ia oviparous. Although snakes were very numer ous in the region woerq my boyhood was spent, and though most of my leisure time was spent in outing by flood and field, it was long before I paw a second incident of the kind, and this time the actors were water- t-naKes, suppose j to d viviparous (I say supposed, for I am by no means certain of it) The mother enake was about the largest I ever saw, and I came upon her suddenly as I was fishing down a trout stream very cautiously, of course. It was evidently a aurprisj but she straight ened hrself, gave a short, low Lisa, and lay btill with or en mouth. Iu much kss time than it takes to tell it, a lot of little sn&keliugs were rushing into her mouth and disap pearing with marvellous quickness. At that time I &i accustomed to handling serpents even rattlers, without fear, and, with acme vague dea that she would be a prize, I make a dish to capture her alive. It was rather n failure Instead of 1 attempting to dart overboard as I expected, she faced me savagely, jtnd, as I grabbed her. with one hand aroui.d the body, she wbiaked her tail about my arm, turned, and gave me a vicious bite on the back of the haiidT Although I knew the bite was perfectly harmless, it somewhat looked ko wicked and dangerous that J lost my grip and allowed her to escape. It may be worthy of mention that the slight wound did not swell or become inflamed, and healed qmckiy. Forest and Stream, It i difficult to name a trvtt that ha no been protected by the republican tariff bill. The Mill bill make clothing cheaper; the Senate bill raises the auty on woolen goods jrom per cent to 64. Modern Ancient Costume. When ladies were less careful of their morals and the bright-eyed ones of the Court of France gained the Jroyal Louis' approval, he was veryapfc to bestow upon them a gir dle of gold. iNow, some among tue commoner people were old-fashioned enough to think that virtue was of value to women, and so there arose the proverb, "A good name is better thin a gold. belt." Just shut your eyes and imagine yourself back in those old days. It is easy to do it, tor every style of gown that prevail ed during the time of these iair but frail ladies is again in vogue. 1 he full, soft sleeve that gave the round ed, dimpled rm-freedom of move ment7wurpleated backs that showed the .figure with the half-revealing, half concealing charms; the artistic ally draped skirts' that, made of soft stuffo, lend themselves to each sen suous curve, drape the women of to-day. Some tude man says it s the age of the demi-mondaine, that tfla fashions are .those of the cocotte, but'he errs in this; the demi mon daine, the cocotte, are vulgarized editions of these ladies of long ago, aud the modes they liked in gowns and ribbons, in shoes and girdles, were perhaps coquettish, but they were always feminine. Tne poultice wnicn draws out a .a . 1 1 man s virtues is tne sod tnat covers his grave. If you don't want all your virtues . known too soon, reg ulate your regulator" with Wamtrs Log Cabin Sarsaparilla. It makes pure blood which gives souud health. Largest bottle in market 120 dosss for $1. Druggists keep it. 42tl Bucklen'a Amies Salve. The Best Sahve in The world 'for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rbeu m, Fever Sores, Tetter, trapped Hands,. Chilblains, Corns, ana an ham JSroptlona, and post lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money rerunaea. race 3a , cents pe; box. a r Sit Preservation ot Poultry manure. Poultry droppings very quickly j iose their;u5f not tref 6lly iMfl served, says a writer in the "Rural New VnrWer." Tf f"h nnnirwrA 1 cleaned dailv. instead Of nnwnm..ii. the gam in t value of th manure would compensate for so doing-, as the droppings contain, a large,pro- poruon oi vaiuaDie maceruias reaa Uy escapes than many suppose. It has been recommended to compost the droppings with dry earth; jbut dry earth, though an absorbent, d es not wholly preserve thetn. Nor will piaster answer fullv - for that purpose The best dry absurtwnt is kainit, and, as it is of itself an excel lent fertilizer, the cost need not be considered. It is well known that water absorbs many times its volume of tyrnmotiia, aud that it quickly causes all, sab- stances in the- shape of manure to decompose and change their forms and condition. If, then, instead of keeping thr- droppings perfectly dry, we, keep them moist with soap-suis, we not only, cause them to decom pose (which is really desirable), but the water absorbs and arrests the ammonia and prevents its escape. The soap-suds combine, also, with a manure, first forming fat acids, which in turn react on the insoluble matter of the manure, and .render mpre available as plant food. It is not suggested to keep the droppings wet, but only moist They rosy be mixed with dry earth, if preferred, with a small quantity of kainit ad ded, tl e whole to be saturated with soap-suds, and kept moist after Wtirdp, using additional tuds as the heap increases. For this purpose a large bin or box shoii'rt bs provided, or barrels may be used, but under cover, as a protection against rain aud tun. Poultry manure and night soil, though very rich in nitrogen, lose by exposure, anl when allowed to become dry the loss i quite an item. Analysis shows this to he the cae with night s i, which seldom c m pares favorably with animal manure, although it is known to be pre daeed from food that is realiy mi r nutritious than that fed to ani mals.. If it could be preserved daily in a fresh condition, to as to absorb aid retain the liquids and volatile matter, it would give better leeulta. The same applies to poultry drop pings. If allowed to become dry under, the root-t they decrease in value, but if preserved in a fresh condition much, of the nutriokma matter will he saved. If those who desire, to pave the droppings ill try Uia method suggested, keeping them moist with strong soap-sud, the amruoniacal odor which will greet their olfactories whn about to ap ply the manure to laud will be eou viucing. L. P. Morton, rad-nigger candidate for Vice- President want twenty million of dollar and several ytars interett thereon from the tax payer of North Carolina. , THE SAVAGE WAY. How tne InUian TreaU an Injury Old Time 91etliola. The savag is emphatically the child of nature, his only education is g ined in nature s school. When tbe Indian receives an in jury, he does pot sees a cure in mineral poisons, bat binds on tne simple leaf, administers the herbal tea, and, with nature's aid, cornea natural recoverv. Our rugged aucestors, who pierced the wilderness, built their uncouth but comfortable Lg Cabins and atai ted the clearings in the wools, which in time became tbe broad, fertile fields of the modern farmer, found in roots and;. herbs .that . lay close at hand nature's patent reme dies for all their common ailment. It was only in very serious cosps th y sent for old "saddle bags with hi physic, who quite as often killed as cured. Litter day society has wandere I too faraway from nature, in every way, for its own good. Our grand fathers and grand mothers lived wholesomer, purer, better, healthier, more natural lives than w do. Their minds were nob hlled w;tb noxioua lsujK,.uor tneir DOdies naturaied wnn poisonous drugs. Is it not time; to make a change, to return to the simple vegetable preparations of Our grandmothers, which contained tne power and po tency of nature as remedial agents, and in all the ordinary- ailment's were efficacious, at least harmless I The proprietors of Warner's Log Cabm Remedies -have thought so, and have put on the market a uom ber of tnese pure vegetable prep arations, made iron formulas, se- Leured after patient searching into the want them need not be without th:m. Among these Log Cabin remedies will be found "Log Cabin Sarsap arilla," for the blood; "Log Cabin hops and buchu remedy," a tonic and stomach remedy; "Log Cabin cough and consumption remedy, Xog Cabin Hair Tonic," for strengthening and renewing the hair; "Log Cabin extract," for both external and internal application "Log Cabin rose cream, an old but effective . tmedy lor catarrh, an "Log Caoi'i plasters." All the.? remedits .are carefully prepared. from receips which were (found, after long investigation, to have been those nioet buccebsfnlly used by our giaao toother of "ye olden ,11-tmie, They are tL simple, vege-i table, efficacioua remedies of Log - i - PrevHarlnx Bees lor Winter. A. pee Keeper or large experience Mve the following advice throngb Hie columns of Gleanirrgn ff Bee Culture: Years ago, when I first be gan to keep been, I thought there was little whieh needed doing with tbe bees daring themoaths of Sep tember nd vetober, thinking . tuai the month-of November - tvas -early enpugh to prepare 3eee for- winter, and many a time'.-hare J" eqittlrz -d the stores in the hive "by frost," sf I used to term k, .thinking that I oouW get along wfth the matte eafieis and quicker wlfL tbe qaeej ,wtre tbickly packed away ffl -tholry mat r -quar ters, than I could possibly do when warn) weather compelled me to '. use smoke , to drive the. bees ou t. f , the wayr and keeptbeir tern per do -i n so I could handle them- Well, if this were all there watKjo it I should still prefer to equaiizeihe stores af ter cold, nights had . compelled , the bees te contract off the bevy combe otbonflyif, but, after,, losing", heavily several .timee' when , . pr eparations were t)ius delayed,' for the reason that the disturbing of bees late in" the faU seems to ba very.ioiurioua concluded to take the advoe- el an old oeeKeeper, ,wno xaiajait Wjaririe month, of September was thejprpper tirre to fix the bees for winter.' 'Af ter working on this plan for a num ber of years, I find that he was quite right about it; and in order that, the readers of Gleanings rmy be remind ed ebat winter is soon to be upon u, and that they should not delay get ting the bees ready for it longer than till the last of this month, I will tell them a little of how I work along tLi-s line. The point which seems to have tbe greatest bearing on successful winterii-g of the winter store.- near and around the cluster- of begs iu time fpr them to settle down, into that quiescent state so conducive to ood wintiTint-, prior to November first. T ) arrange these stores and properly sealfchem require warm weather; hence, it i clear . 1 tbmc, to all, whv w should not put off carirg lor tnem till cold weatuer ar rives. - To be sure that all have the desired am uut of hour y, there in only ope certain way to do, and is to open the hives and take each frame and weigh .it, after having shaken the bees oi from it. Next . weigh a frame. of empty. comb, or several of them, so as get tits' mverago . weight. whicu,when deducted from tbe weight of: those ia tk hive, -will give the weight of honey. If it is found that there are 25 pouads of honey, I call that colony all right for winter. If leas it must be fed to make up the leficiency; if more, it can spare some to help another colony which is short. Ip this way I go over the whole yard, equalizing and feeding, if it is requir.- d 25 pounds. ; Where feeding is required, 1 man- tge differently from what I usd to, in that I now fed from three to fave pounds a Jar, while formerly I used t fed all the colony required, at one feeding. To be sure, there is less work where the wliolt is fed at ... M . J 1 1 J 1 once; but to onset tins, we nave tne stores scattered all through the hive which, in my opinion, is a very un desirable shape to have them in. Where it is neccesary to feed I al wava. select the number of combs that think the colonywilr require, taking those which have the most honey in tfyw and by; aeas of this same division -board feeder, shut the bees, 90 that many combs, wnicn (combs) of course get all the feed, thus securing t, ,ip just the shapa needed.,. I cin count - off comts of of honey so as to rarely vary one pound on the whole hive, and jet do it as rapidly as I an handle the combs; and when the api ry is thus gone over, there is a certainty abo it it which crives the apiarist a great advantage over any other mode ot procedure. In guessing at tbe amount of stores, or even weighing tne hives, one is quite apt to mis tken, as I used to find out to . my sorrow, by having some my c houihs starve; and that I wan not differ nt from others, tbe reports of coknies starving which are given nearly every spring tfo to show. As I go over the hiva in this way. Icarefull note the quinfctv of beea age,, -of queen amount of pollen in the combs, etc , which is jotted down on a piece of hoi.ey Fection, this piece beiug left or. ton rf the hive, so that the. nxt spiing lean telli.uaL,.what was in each hive the fall before,, so that in v,n(-e of loss I can form some idea of what occasioned it. This little piece of section also helps me in, deciding what queens to supersede daring tbe next season, for ou it I keep qui e a record ot when the colony swarmed, how much honey is made, etc. Af ter having the bees prepared as above as to honey for winter, tbey are to be snugly -tucket! up in their chaff and sawdust cushions at any time before the first of November. when most convenient, where tuey are left undiBinrbed till spring, un less a chance, to fly is given by the appeaarnce of a warm' day in mid winter, 05. ujl curiosity ao overcomes me that I must peep in and see them Tn this wav mv loss in winter is much less than it formerly was. Loo Cabins do not appeal strongly to mod- u notions 01 social life; they have had their day. But' Warner's 1 . e . f Log Cabin Sarsiparilh aod ' Tipp. canoeY are as effective to-day as when the rugged health of the hardy I pioneers was maintained by oij'fcraarser -vr A Cooklnc Cloelc. The latest achievement in portable doub e-action furniture is tbe cook ing clock, now on exhibition h' re. It i made of wiite WOQd,atnid cherry, and is constructed after the style of the old-fashioned grand father's clock. Here the reeemblanoa ceases, however, for before one j through inspecting its muitiform surprises one wonders whether some bright lilll j automation will - qot spring out 01 a o ncesjea urawer or secret receptacle and j Offer yo'i a diamond ring and a chromo. this . mighty engine : of domeatio economy coeAs a gasoline stove which, wbeain use, is. pulled out like a drawer from its resting' plaee. Below the stove is a receptacle for kitchenwate, while above it it a china cl )set c intainmg.fbuBahahres. Above all this ia perched SjCalendar clock, back of which is attached a gasoline vapor tank, which is con nected with the atpve by a pipe co . cealed behind the ciae. 1 ,Y-u might suppose that this col lection would have satisfied its en terprising inventor but no. To the left, and fitted securely Ito .one aide of the case, is an argand burner, sup plied with gas generated by the gas oline vapor tank above mentioned. When . cooking is in progress the woodwork of the stove clock is pro tected by a sheet , oi asbestos paper. which is place! "back of the stove ' When the stove, china, closet, etc, are not in use they are pushed back into the case, the front of which is decorated with a handsome m'rror. Besides this multiplicity of useful coinbinal ioiis the ingenious inveator has found room within the magical case for a writing desk und drawer for wri'inu mat, inly. Wnat more in the way of con densed comfort can one ask for in one article of furniture ? With one of these stove clocks aud a folding bed in a roo-Ji, tiii occupant h.s a kitchen, bedroon,and parlor all in ont'. Jeweller's Weekly. There U something in a name. The name of the rad-nigger candidate for Congress should be spelled as it is pronounced, Cheat 'em. - ! The Ci. O. l' Sollloqu I feel thitl'm deooiu posing ;very 'ast., :I wonder if I'm giving any olfactory notice to that effect. It looks like it from the wiy soidh of 'em are puling oat . The Old Re- lables are pulling out, a- ifttbev- beard things- cracking and f ariug the platform, floor and all might tumble at any time into the cellar. Tbe G. O P. is a wreck about. 1 daren't tell the psa ngerdso. T ih d hang me. But there's p!anks tc iiug off tbe hull and coin in to tbe surtaoo all the time. I see one now marke I "Protection t Atherifan Industries," and another tin irked ''Collapse of America! Indastri -s,'' arid boti are covered w.th buruaclea, a id so old and rotten you can poke your finger through them. Who's captain of the U. U. r. now ? What ? Man f . om Iodifti.a Don't remembi r his namo 1 S nd a boat ashore and find out. Who'o- pilotin' the G. O. P. ? BUiurt ? Jes so ! oame old wild .steenu . kxjiu for the same oil rocks w, rao t-n'O, in -. wen, uwisrt ,m -a"iDa . -., r ,r 1.1-.. T cook, it a a ina-. ter 01 opinipia iii u y.. G. B. is iudt the pilot we want-.- The- G. 0. P. ha? g. t to go to the bottom r. on the rc-ck-, and J. G. B. ia the man tha can do either job. tLoA.-a uret- cIhss wrecker; he know all lh.o dau gerous rocks by heart, and hfi'a pin tin right for em. On, jest let him alono and he'll laud the G. O. P. in the poorhouse. T ierd is a cyclou cun 1 ea i feel it. The barometer s way do vu to the bottom of the barrel, and there's next to nothm' in the birrel. It's a btranga tse.s aion to feel yourself docouiposb and g jiu to pieces and havin your members iau off one by one, and soe em fall off und n it off and kaov you re htnfciu and goin' to the bottom, and still have jafrt enough life left to take it iu and toddle 'round. That's me. A Kecu Scheme. A uuiqae method of "freezing out" an objectionable stockhol ler and manager of a great co poratioa has been devised by the diiectors of a pork packing establishment in Mich igan. The opponents of the mm and his friands who were to be forced out of tbe concern, having tried in vain to purchase the stock held by them, met the other day declared a dividend of 30 per cent, on tha en tire capital stock of $2,100,000, 5 cent, to be paid in cash and 35 per cent in notes payable in thirty days. The expectation was that, rather than submit to the- loss,: which the borrowing of $500,000 to meet these notes would email, the objectionable parties would sell their stock and gracefully retire. 'They did nothing of the kind, however, but instead secured an injunction restraining the direc- tors from paying tue niviaena or is suing the notes on the: ground f that uot exceed 6 per cent and that fthe .c u..nol nrnritH of tha nusmess ulu dividend should be limited w nat amount. The, Michig.ur. CkuM1- will- cow decide whether this no veL'Treezr ing out"' scheme can' be carried tora k.ucce8-ul isf.ue under the lawsof the State J prLKSIPlLKS! 1TOHJNO PILE9, 9r,rpTOMB--Moi(lttire; lnWfcaejhinp and 8tUi)t- inic; most it njght; worse ay acraieom lowed to continue tumors form, which often eat and ulcerate, becoming very "o- A"I?. OisthsKt stops the itching and Weeding, beals ulceration, and In most cases removes he ta- mar.. AtltrUH IH OI HI ITOI. I"' FUN IN BRIEF. Bresti ri -ta result frui too mucU lof. Tbe well digger makes money lv the holesale. . Masculine breach of protnia cases ill never succeed nntll there are female Ju ries. Whenever you Fee a hib ha- at the t heatre you may be sure tbere'a a woman at the bottom of it-' This Is a poor time for lore-uniting In A'aska. It ia liht enough to re 1 prut from 2 o'clock ii tbe miming ui il It 'clock at night. "VVaat li running f. .?" didu't ku ' w be waa running for anything ' vn, out be ia then. 1 saw bun go to urch last Snndav,.T Mainie What are you writiog ilinnie your will? Minnie No, I'm writi ig hay won't Barcli prop . I lat nig t hnd I totJ him d .faswerjo-day, , j. Waahinijt m glri-Aid so Hiss D s Pink is m inied . Did a'ia in wry rich? , . . Frieo K.J. 4pm . Testis wiJding ur rnclnded a day at Niagara Falls. Cokey Politiciair'Are you goiu' to de Jim-Oon't h'iievji (.FwUU I It ft m nu r at Ur. Paiau)untaia'a to bj flxeJ, an 1 he aaa tn ci t't touc1! it u itii next week. "J -h:jnie, dou'tl" exclaims t e i ; "y u are altoOUcr too much lik) in; A .thra cite Coal Trntt." ; "Think Or my dear?" Ye; tbe nearer , tbe winter season laws n igh the tibUr you squ.ez ." A lady risiti ' Tairtiox.) siya tU ; oly t liag selling Ii re ilove cost ia a postage s'anp. "You 4 t if si.-ne preUy . rauk ibings 6'xueti 't." slid a man H a down town grv : 'it wek. 'V ." replied the grocer mode; ly; "I jus g . fUu firkin of butter tiiere a few .:l"- itL-S ag ." HpT A. SLtNUBK AFTBU ALU ' 1 fan I y the Socthkbsep," to his girl's d id, 'that your dangbtr ig , na p epared to rwcelvu her geullemau friends this even ing." ' ' ity Um South aasak?" bowled the f m h.-r. ; "What right Jhas that paper to ' "1 mean the. curl papers," hastily ex--piained lleury. n4in4pjc his bead toward a oun. lady whose front hair was twisted up in numcroufi smal p eces of paper." "Is my birness in your shop, Mr. Brown?"' "Not a irace of it saidJoel JH- The Alaiaa' Only Snrrltor For several days there has I eeu at the National Hotel . a man with a i is'ory. William Joues Caui.oa is his name. When tha Texas Republic was invoking br struggte for freedom occurred t le nnro-o aeiense wnicu ended iu . tbe maJsiacre of Alamo. 'Thermopylae had her messenger of defat tha Alauio ihd none," ia the 1 ascription on the battle monument which marks the plue where the gtllant Cuitis,Bowiaa d Crocket lell. Bat there was a survivr, A boy of some , miracle escaped the univer sal slaughter. He was William Cin uou ."the Child of the A'emo.'' Il ia now an old man whith long whii e hair, which falls -arouud a f e re markably like that of the lite S cre tary JjWBrd, though auie , nd rouzhued by a frontier ine. H hs lH. a mot eventful life, which would furnish the foun lation for a dozntlurid dime, novel. . He -ipealf-- llireatjy Spin s', ai.d a d z u Iudiiu lun'tu- HfiliowedC k ints e Mas 4ler r tre.t in o the Sierta Madras. Hj u tters a I road .-sombt t ro of Spanish felt, a preut froia Gi u Bragg, United StaU s Mini . r to Mexico. A . claim of soui- 7,000 acies of valuiuln Tt-x is lauds bring hint to WaSllUU'tulK .WaSliingti n speci tl to Nef prlens X1"-'- protection helped the icorkingm in, half starved heap Italian would not be f jeking to this country. The protective duties in Italy are hi Iter than in any othes o -itiry tn Europe sace Russia Tu watchful orcu .rdist o: f a homo L-ar leu. . . the own r "New Englattd Farmer., - will cut c fl and burn the first evidences of black knt in h plnui. oherry, or quince treni-'., Tmis fug-is, if all wed so get a fjfchold, msv iu a littln h 1- rui ! all thi trees subject to th$ iseaee Wild ttherry trees growing l y tht toad aide are ible to prop -gate black (kno and keep a.whilj ueigh borhoxKl full of apotes leady 10 lake root rj-tbetwij ot the mora valua hla un'Mpf the axdnm. There is no reroetL k iown for black knot except cutti s burning, and-the earlier thrt uiikia betrun the less th-re will be to do. Sttiin; tree js ouly one step, toward getting good fruit. Qwptpmk. ta rhfuloess is the price of satisfaettw rtrus. - Baa't Experiment. l, 9' wh.-n vrNfr lann are in danger, rinnciniMoti n avi seems, at utbi. uu.t v 1.1 111 1 ii .i m-mn ui to im- pose upor. v u ith tome eireap imitation f or Con- rt. lr. Jfln(i oi-iv. Bumptirti, and C Ua, but be sore Because be eaa yOU get - gewu-uo. ' -nr ofli bv' may teu you .fra Bometbin'r jus gvxl, or just the same. Don't deceived, bat insist upon getting Dr. ' New P":aooe y.abicU.ia guar- i ,TrUa iter4w'-ttTfcr L Lanr ---.roiJrai aftiictiona. Trial ht..il.- f .: " . r,V.. nrtwlhi. L..-.n B i StaJon & Z iClJe' UTOg tOI: U ' I Ik. ir r -wmtw. mm Absolutely Pure. This powder never variea. A marvelona ParttTi fctreocth and wholeaomenea. Uom soeoBjlcal than tbe ordinary kinds., and -can net be sold in competion with thetnutU- wa 01 low cesx, snort weignt a mm or phoa- vungpowaen. ooia -only in caar Koyal rwaer uo.. lw wiuet., N. T. -2tf. D YOU WANT A BUGGY t A IjKhtaiyliah 8id-bar Baeirr can be had for only t ' - . . And the same with a Top for only $15 more, $80 & $00. All Made by V M. L. HUSSEY; CARRIAGE BUILDER, TAOOORO, N. C. " SO- Side - Bar Buggies Built od BanVs Horn, ; Storm and Brewster Springs, are a Leading Specialty. j The largest andesi Selected stock ver seen in Tarboro. now on hand. Send for ILLUSTRATE; Cata logue containing styL-s and.pticep. REPAIRING In mV its branches promptly done at lowest possible prices. Office av-1 Sales , room in larg Jonble brioK stores, corner Main & Granville streets. 1 APRII Tth.1887. J ATGHES ! ! If ATCHES ! ! WATCHES 1 1 U ATCHES 11 The I.arKest and Best ee'ccte.l BU.ck of the fnttly Cclebra ed COLUMBUS WATCHES Evi-r Bron;ht to Ta B )ROan.J at unrv GENTS WATCH CHAINS. e t ove,on hand a great rarletf of ULI ASU PLATrl)lJAIS, Ana will sell -them at fignrea toiiit the tlmra. Wa still sell the CKLEBKATED HOUSEHOLD and -DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. SPECTACLES! EYE GLASSES !.' A rj uaTiHd 8 P ECT ACLE3 properly a Specialty. CHAMBERLAIN & RAWLS, 1 m TARBORO, N. C. N FTRES, FIRIvS ' AnnuAX.LT djBtrcy many ?dwt-uinjrs -uua they are canst-d not so oft n l.y incendiary ni ; as inoy are by .sparks fallii.g on a drr 1 wooden roof. Fortalerlv the d'ffrrcnce In the cost of wood and tia wax o trreat that" manv felt that they could n"t ff- r 1 the latter: ' Now this great Inequality docs not exist. ; A TIN ROOF COSTS BUT LITTLE MORE THAN A SHINGLE ONE. (to there la ao excuse for leo-Ins h .b e from sparks failing on th reef. Now la tbe season for QTftrERrXG and TIfi.YIXQ auJuo i tbe.tlMethaty ,!! car fare It dot a VEET CHEAT LT, VivJ H. B. Sledge & Co. tStlyr TR-0t, V. v. i I -pi.. : 1 . :. iu P. RABCOB. Windsor, N. li. jror sale oy enaiou a&oeuerjf isti yr 1 vauui uays. m. them. 42tl BV1TH DVB. u.ipwi.'"-' r , i -Is