- - . , 3r- -A:- 7 '1-.- - -s ; VOL. 67. NO. 25. ELI HOWBLX,. ; , o :. -xxr; A. HART. o o o "llW, g-353FX3FEhg73. We offer We are the Sole Agents for s To -nf wUtwwi the medietas mu l more than parKativ. Xo per manrat, It Buai contain Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tatt's Pills pMCM theoe m nail ties la u eaMMt decree, mad Speedily Restore Ik tb bwelfl tnclr aatnal perintaltla uitioa, M sseatial ta ree"nlarltjr. Sold Everywhere. 46t1yr PRUFBSSIONiiL. CARDS. DR. LOUIS H. REID, WlLLIAMSTON, N.' C, Respectftilly tenders h'm Professional Service to the Public aad to hU Bro. Physicians in Martin and Burroundinj counties. Office in S. K. Biggs' Drug Store. 23tf Geo. Howard. JJJOWARD & MAKTIN. J. J. Martin. Attorney! and Counselors at Law. T RBORO N. O. ;jT Practices In all the Oonrt-, State and Federal. no.5-ly. H. A. Uiixiaii. G WILLIAM & SON J Attorneys-at-X-aw, TAKBORO. N. C. , Vlll practice in the Counties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Court of the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Supreme Courts at Kaleleh. janl8-ly. fOHN L. BRITK3ER9 & SON, AUorneys-at-Law, TARBORO, lt.lyr D R. B. T. BA83 Offers hU protebeional services to the ciU e-c of Tarboro and vicinity. Office on Main Street near Coker's corner. 1) R. G. S. LLOYD. EYE EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Recently having taker special courses In the above, offers his eervicei to the people of L" 1 v. .. .navAiinilillff (fnTltinil Otlice in old Bryan House, near bank, j .TARBORO, N. V. I I) If. DON "WILLIAMS, Jr., DENTIST, (Graduate Baltimore College Dental Surgery.) Offise, Old Bryant House, Main St., 20-1 v: Tabbobo, N. C. How IfYonWaiit TheEarm 1 cau't K've il to vou' bnt RttythinB usually kept iq a KlltST-CLA&S DRY GOOlH BTOKK YOU CAN GET and SO CHEAP Tbat you wilt not miss even trie small chang' out of jour poofcet. A few of Umfe gooils I ha.l lefore, but most of em 1 have JUST PURCHASED IN THE NORTHERN MARKETS. I jvish to cajl special attention to my stock of Ladies' DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, LINEN & CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. There la no need to particularize. You just think of anything you want and i COME HERE Ad. 1 get it, for I've got it, UK AND NEW. GOOD, R. 0. BROWN, -lam In the Cotton Market and will pay the KHT market prioes. Will take cotton wrapped laiythinK '""wood. H. O. 33- iti3 TARBORO N. C. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS SZS CB08S SUX0K3 S2AXS. OrfcrUal, kMt, Mly gmto and rvtwote roil mr Hie. never iul Ask tor Okteauter' KngiUki Y:- J T J i- i .... boa. At Itracyfeta. A crept mm ftkr. Ail DiLU im kuu. uUtie bxe. aealctl wiui blue rib. board boa, ptok wrappers, are a 4ccr mmm ewiaraterfcftt Bead 4e. (atamp) for frttenara and KeItcf for Ladlea," ' tcfar. kr Miara aaail. 1S.IMM ttL. (raa LAtltl wbaaara ad Ibw XaaMiaprr. ' ihiclrMtor UtMtical Co4Mf4lMa rkilaPay Mm aaaalaU this WEEK, If rr3 LISTER'S PURE LINK.'.Bf .'.LINK ! A Thrilling Talejof the Franco Prussian War. 'BY MA XJRICt: LELAND. CHAPTER XIL IN THE LION 3 MOUTH. Most women's weak resolves, like re eJa. will ny. Snake wltn eacn breath! and' bend wltl every 8itrn: Mine, like an oak whose firm roots deep descend, rior ureatn oi love can snake, nor sign can Dena. Six days passed "With the seven sought her again. tenth her tormertor! His long absence had relieved her. She thought he would neither seek nor molest ber mote. Had she known "more of life, she would have known also, that strong er than the sweetness and endur ance of love returned, is the pitiless pursuit of a love scorned. She had besought and prayed her father to leave this place, but he sternly refused. She withheld her self from his nightly assemblies, and kept strictly to i her own small dreary room, but she coold not es cape her foe when he chose that she should again see him. It was noon when he called, and ber father susamoned her to his presence. Then, ere she could leave the room, or utter remonstrance, he locked the door and she found herself trapped and snared ere she was aware of it. Like an eDraged lioness she turned on the man before! her. "Is it at your bi4ding I am treated thus?" she asked, j in a voice tbat rang clear and crld cs the blows of stal on iron. He smiled a cruel mocking 6mile thatlashedher rage to threefold furyt "It is; you will jnot hear me by fair means." J "And so yon use force a manly action, but after the chivalry display ed in warfare by jour countrymen, it does not surprise me that you have none left for women." "You shall not anger me today," he said coolly. "Be as score ful as you please. The hon's claw is pre ferable to the patte de velours some times." j "What do you want with me?" the asked, abruptly. 'Much; but would have you listen to reason in the first place. I fear I offended 1 you on the last occasion we met I have come to entreat your forgiveness." "You are welcome to entreat long as you plcasq."' "Without vour 'granting it?" "Yes." " "You are very truthful, at as a'l lips events." he saidi bitiner his angrily. "That may ba I lave not been be friends with "Listen, and you educated in cities, "But jou must me," he pleaded will see how foolish vou are to brave and defy my power. Do you kaow I could yield your father up to the government of his own country at any moment, and ive him the fate of a deserter and traitor? Oq your head would his blood be." "To do so would be but in keeping with your conduct and character," she answered, calinly as ever, though every vestage of color fled from her face at the terrible threat "And more," he said, slowly and sternly, with his ruthless eyes taking in every sign of emotion in the young white face before him. "I will have yoor husband treated like a dog till he dies ja dog's death, and with his lst breath curses jour name as the givpr of his tortutes! Do you kno what he believes you to be?" ! The gray shadows of despiration fell over her, changiog all her beauty into the chill colored repose of mar ble, j "What vileness have jou told him?" she demanded. He laughed aloud. j: ' Oh, I have touched, jou at last? Well, he .thinks you ...What I have made you rthe sharer . of my wealth the mistress of my heart." A cry of fijtonr thrilled from her verystittl l she Jjeard. these terrible words. ,fYou hajve told bim that," she wailed, lA'bhT.HeivenJ are you a man or a-fitndt'' "I am what mj. love for, yu has made. mo. j She threw htrself at bis feet in a sudden paroxysm of w.eeping that shook ber as a siorin-blast shakes a sapling. ' Oh, for God's sake have mercy," she cried. "Wbat have I done that you should try me thus? But a frw short months ago, I was a glad-hearted, innocent girl, and now ohy nowtears of blood could not wash away tne memory of ..my sufferings! and with a 1 1 am inno cent still. I have r ot done one wrong or shameful thing! and here you have made me inj his eyes so vile, so infamous, that njsyer again will his heart hold of me jone tender memory, one gentle thought. You are a man BE 8URE YOTJ OF THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE OF EDGECOMBE COtJIVTY. AT A VERY SMALL MARGIN FOR CASH, OR PAYABLE OCTOBER 1ST, TO GOOD PARTIES, CORN, HAY, BRAN, MILL FEED, MEAL. ' MEAT Short Ribs, Btnps. MOLASSES atapaco baperlative, whxch Pure Unadulterated BUTTER from Bracebridge (Oarr's) Dairy, SOKE SUPERPHOSPHATES, the best on the D. W JJEFIFIBJElirg & DB.9 you had a mother once tan her memory not plead for me? . "What use would it be if I made myself the thing you wish if for your wealth's sake I bartered my own sole possession? If you bought me as a slave who hates herowner and despises her slavery? For I loved once, but my love is ajtl gone and given for all time, and nc yt r through the furthest stretch of years I live, can I give it again. Oh, Kt me be, and spare him. Can you not sell your pity at my pleading?" "You will not sell your leauty at mine." "Oh God, I cannot " "Even to spare his life? Even to buy his release? At a word from you I will set him free. He may return to his country in eafety. So much I can do for him, at least. Will you not say "the word, Ninette?" "If you would only kill me," she moaned. "Nay, that would bs foolish in deed," he said, with t! e cold, cruel smile she hated. "You are young and beautiful, you have youth and passion, and even your strength will not be always strong. No, I can afford to wait, Ninette." She rose and faced him with a despair terrible as death. "I have told you I cann t love. What more do you seek? ' "To tame you, ma belle. Your are wild now as a young fettered falcon. Well, like the falcon, I would have Jrou tremble, and grow meek, and ove the hand that bas captured you unwillingly. You are reckless proud, defiant all these qualities charm me, I would not hve them changed for worlds. You are fool ish and unreasonable otherwise you would not be a woman. Well, be it so, I am not angered, but I am re solved. Do what I wish, or you sacrifice both father and husband (you see I have learnt iour recret) to your obstinate folly." She looked at him silently, with a loathing and contempt that were el oquent, though worldless, and for once made his face flush and his eyes sink before the haughty chal lenge of her own. "I wonder if God made men," she said, quietly. -I think it must have been the devil." : He laughed aloud; "Men have thought the same of women, my dear, many a time." "I doubt not, when such men as you exist." "We are not verj complimentary, ma belle. Be wise, Ninette, and yi Id ere it is too late. You caunot hold out it ii impos-ible strong as you think yourself. You are heroic, foolish, mad, just now. If your husband loved you I would not wonder at your obstinacy but he does not ke hates and despises you." "Oh, cease!" she wailed. "It hurts you to hear it? Of course. No womin likes to think she loves in vain," pursued the mock ing voice of her tormentor. "Wei', you are innocent, and you suffer fdl the shame and ignominy of guilt. What do you g iin frm constancy. This man believes you fled from the security of your home with a lover; that wearied of that lover you have now come to me! You see you gain notbicg by yonr refusal. He will never believe your life goiltless though" you swore it by every oath that ever bound lips to the truth. Surely you see your folly?" "I see your vileness. II my hatred cculd deepen, your words wou'd sound its lowest depths." "So be it," he said calmly, in no way shamed by her scorn. "I will give yon six days to consider your decision. With the' seventh I am here again. But remember, each day adds fresh tortures to your husband's life; his health .is weak; his privations great. You condemn him to a hard fate, and for what? the chimera of a virtue none believe in he least of all. What do you say?" "What do I say?" she replied slowly, as she. turned her heavy, piteous eyes on bis hard and scof fing face." "I say this. I wonder no longer that women ere now hafe found strength and will for mur der!" And she turned away as if indeed the deed she spoke of had already breathed fts tempting to her soul. He gave the preconcerted signal agreed on between Leon Monprat and himself, and the door opened to allow her of her egress. Like a bird freed from -its prison, she lew from th room' and from the hateful presence of the man who had stolen fr6m her life its last hof e. But in her heart her choice was made. "I wronged bim once," she said, "but never again never again." And threats and persuasions were alike of no avail, because of her great love. To be Continued). AEE RIGHT; TARBORO N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1889. Cuba; Engiisn islands ana rotio mo. has not an equal for malting . ignt cream ureaa; laei, irresiaent and liem market. Commercial Taluc YAKTETlIvS. 'Tis better to have loved divorced than never have and been loved at all. The United States is like a giant asking to be freed from fetters in or der to overcome the world. "They want the sea" is the com ment of the Woodstock (N. B.) Press on our claims in Alaskan waters. The republican office-seekers in in Tennessee may not be learning to labor, but they are learning to wait. The Republican enthusiasm over civil service reform visibly increases as the number of Republican r in office multiply. It is estimated that some woman carry forty or fifty miles of hair abont on their heads. Forty or fifty miles is a good long switcn without an 'air line. The nuisance of the hotel was in the parlor warbling "Oh, would I were a birJ." "W11, heie's a begin ning for you," said the landlord. And he handed him bis bill. "Where is the vigorous foreign vi;ir nrfimkeil f nm Afr Tilainfi aeked a democratic contemporary. Don't offer any inducement to bring it to the suiface; let it rest - In Austria it is no strange tniug to see drunken boys snd girls enter the school-houses. The Vienna tchool board has invoked the power of the government to prohibit the sale of intoxicants to boys snd girls under 15 years. A Russian physician claims that strychnine injection under the skin is a sure and projopt cure for drunkenness. It is said that the ap petite for strong drink become a pos itive aversion, and the inebriate is completely cured in ten days. While the Indian delegation was loafing around Washington, the President said to Old Man-Alfred-of-the-Rheumatiz: "Why does th6 great chief have eleven wives?" And the grim old warrior answered the 'great father stt-rnly: "To keep his wig warm. A young m irried couple in At-h-tabula cout.ty, Ohio, have been mak ing a gardeu for the first time. When planting onions they were at a loss to tell which end to put down, so they compromised the matter, he putting them in one way and she the other. Artist: "Here is a very suitable picture, Mr. Gibbs. It represents the Rev. Mr. Gobs, the missionary, in the center of a gronp of canni bals. ' Mr. Gibbs: "I see the can nibals, Mr. Tutps, but where is the mis9ionarj?" Artist: "Didn't I just tell you hewsB in the center of the cannibals?" Col. Forsyth, one of the leading ' TjLn producers of the United State, ha just returned to runs irom a c reful in pection of all the raisin growing districts of the continent, and says that American laisins, in ad 1 tion to supplying: tin Americtn m rket, are destined so m to take a lar,'o ehare of the Lond n business J.idge Biriows entered the Kick er office th-othr day in bis usuil qui t and dignified minner and laid tor- e cucumbers on our table and wi hdr.-.w. They are of his raising, and f superior breed and finit-h We thank the judge frourthe bottom of our heart. Such things prove to the editor that he i not forgotten. We shall publish a two column sketch of the judge next week.-s-ArLjona Kick- Parson: "Yon are a total abstainer, I believe, Mr. Flint." Farmer Skin flint: "Y' S. sir, I be. I -never taat ed liquor but once, and tbat was to the county fair twenty-three years ago. Hez Hawbuck treated me three time-i that day, end I got jest dizzy eiiorgh to let some scamp pass a lead nick e on me.' When 1 found that out, I says to myself, 'You've bad enong'i.' aa' I ain't techeda drop 8euce, nil ain't a going ter!'' According to the New York Trib une, Calif or ia prunes are now being received m that market which are equal in eve y way to the best import ed article, In point of quality they are thought to rank first. The prunes are picked ii French styles, in I alf a quarter cae , :a ulso in fancy glass jars and cans f various size. They are graded i t ten grades, accord ing to the size of the fruit. There are iii Aiteiic over 4,000, 000 farms, laige and smsill. Tbey cover near 300.( 00, 000 aciej of hn p oved lsnd, nd thif total value is som.thng Ike $10,000,000,000. These figures a c : of course, com piebeiiri k. Tty .imply convey the id a f vas i e sol arett, and equal vastne s of im rta - J hi esti mated v.iiue of tl e yetuly produce f hes J I k s is lv ween $2,000,000, 000 and $3,000,000,000. THBNO .AFl ; okjkx&sv uranuiatea, aoa tne at the Seaboard, $24.00 per (General Merchandise, i&fQse MW$ffin.fifai N. D. Tlte Marriage of the China. Emperor f The marriage of the Emperor of China took place at Pekin, February 25. The ceremonies enjoined by pre cedent appear to have been strickly followed. ;On the 25th the marriage proccession started from the palace at two o'clock in the afternoon, and wound its way by circuitous streets to the residence of the bride. The months, of the streets and lanes ih the line of the procession were barri caded w.to double rows of high mat ting, the streets had just been re paired, and were covered with yellow earth, and the houses along the route were festooned with red silk. Offi cials and Manchu bannermen, in their robes of office, lined both sides of the streets. The presents to the bride bad previously been sent t i her house. The procession was headed by four horsemen as heralds, followed at a short distance by a large caval cade of horsemen led by the two imperial commissioners appoin ted to escort the bride; then lollowed nine pairs of white ponies wish yellow trappings, two deep, led by men, next two large yellow eaten sedan chairs, with eight bearers. These were followed by a huge crowd of bannermea in large red flowered robes, carrying Unterns with the character 'velioity" painted on them; then came halberdiers with large, round jel ow silk fans or screens and two close silken umbrel las. Last of all came the phenix chair in yellow sa'iu for the bride, carried by sixteen bearers, succeeded by groups of horsemen. . At two o'clock the following morning the proces sion returned to the palace, carrying the bride and the two young concu bines. The Empress is Baid to be twenty-four years of age, the Emper or being only eighteen, and the con cubines, who are two sisters, twelve and fourteen, respectively. The streets were lighted with fixed lamps, and the numerous bearers carried lanterns. There was no music. This is only the third time daring the resent dynasty that the mat rmgd of the Emperor has taken place while be was on the throne. A week later on March the 4, the Empress Dowa ger officially handed over the reins of power to the Emperor. Consumption ot XieB. Assuming the entire railroad sys tem of the United States to be 160, 000 miles, as appears from "Poor's Manual," with addition of the lines in construction during the current year, and taking 2,640 lies per mile of track, we have in use at least 422,, 400,000 ties. This estimate, large though the total appear?, is under the mark, as no railroad uses less than 2,640 ties per mile, and many of the road 8 with heavy traffic bave 2,816 and in a few cases more. The life of these ties varies ac cording to their quality and the cli matic conditions; but in the East, where only the best ties are em ployed, the average life ii found to be about; six years, while in the West, where a poorer quality of timbcb often has to be accepted, and where dry rot and other disadvantages have to b contend d with, the .nver age life i from Mm e to five year.; so that even after allowing for a few exceptional cases in which ties may last ten years, the average life of tiea all over the country cannot, be counted as more tbau five years. ! It follows, therefore, that the an nual consumption must be abont 84,500,-00. which, with steady in crease o railroad building, must soon exceed 100,000,000 a gigautij de mand to be satisfied from our forests each yo r, when we consider- the many other calL- upon them, and the fact that at present virtually nothing ia being done by the government or the people to replenish our source of supply. The certain rise in the price of wooden ties, when these facts come to be fully appreciated by the luin lei men who control so large a p i t of the available timber are , will force the railroads to seek the best solution of the question in the adop tion of a metal tie. Pacific Lumber- man. CoiuiltlitK a Work Begun Under Nero. A work of engineering begun by the Romans under Nero, in the fee ond century, will be finished this year ; that is, it has been in process of construction for over 1,700 years. The work to which we refer is the cutting of a canal through the Isth mus of Corinth. The canal when done, will be only four miles long, and have the depth of eight metres, which vitl 1.II0W the passage of the largest vessels used in Greek traffic. It is not so great a matter from an international view as the Suez and Nicaragua projects, but it will do much to fattier the rapid progress made by modern Greece in the art of civilization and, commerce. KAD.-D OrocketlL leilow wrades. TO-BAUUO of all are tne brands of A4Uf MAW, tne at 35 Cents TRY ton. Csawsy ia the Carrlbbesn. : Nine shipwrecked sailors lived for three weeks, in April last, on a des ert island only thirty miles from the southeastern corner of Jamaica. They were entirely naked, for, in their terrible struggle to get ashore after their bark had foundered on a coral rsef, they lost all their clothing. For two days they were without driok but they finally obtained, by digging,, a, small supply of brackish water. They had no means of kindling a fire, and were compelled to eat their; food raw. They found a few cocoanuts, jaugbt a few birds and a number of sea crabs, and eked out their very meagre diet with some little roots like the common white radish. Their story is all the more interesting be cause the adventure occurred in the West Indies, within a short distance of the large town of Kingston, Jamai ca, where it wonld hardly be believed that shipwrecked sailors could suffer so long without succor. In faot, re lief did not come until after two of the crew had reached Jamaica on a rBft. The bark Gettysburg of Aberdeen ws on her way from Montevideo to Pensacola when, oh a dark and stormy night, she struck on a reef outside the Morant Keys, snd in a. few min utes sank in deep water. Sevan of the crew were drowned, but Capt. Stewart aad eight men, afier clinging to the wreckage until daylight., .sue I ceededin getting ashore. Half t,trved terrible blistered, and burned by the hot sun, and some of them so weak ened by their struggles in the sea as to be almost helpless, they were from first to last in a pitiable co lition. There is no telling how long their sufferings would have continued if they had not at last succeeding- in making a frail raft that bore two of the men safely to Jamaica. Oat of an old piece of bogging, some bits of blanket, and a mattress that had washed ashore :bey con trived to rig some sails for their raft. It was just three weeks after they landed on the island that Jones and Allan, two s dlors, started from Jamaica, The provisions they car ried were all the cocoanuts that were left on the island, a piece of pork tbat had washed up on tbe beach, and nine pints of water in old bot'lesj tbey hid found on the island. The raft sank eighteen inches below the water in the centre, but at the end it was slightly elevated above the surface. The men were too weak to stand, and during the forty eight hours required to sailj thirty milea to Jamaca they were constantly in water op to their waists. Landing near Morant Bay, thev were picked up nearly dead from exhaustion and taken to Kingston, where they were kindly cared for. Relief was promptly sent to the'r comrades, and the whole party were landed in England a few weeks ago. The Pacific has of late years been the most prolific scene of castaway stories; but the thrilling adventures of the crew of the Gettysburg1; show that tailors along our eastern shores may also meet with experianees now and then of the Robinson Crusoe order. Heath by Electricity Hart. Doesn't In view of the fact., that the ap proaching execution by electricity of Kemmler, the Buffalo murderer, is si' theme of general interest, both among humanitarians and tbe great public, who await with inter st-the result of this untried innovation, the expe rience of an electric lght employee in Virginia City, Nev., cannot fail to be interesting. Henry ;Fauli received a shock form which he remained uncon scious for fifteen rninntes, during which time his heart showed no signs of pulsation. The palm-was burned where he had held the wire. The cur rent passed down the right side of his body, leaving no mrk save where it left the foot, the toes of, which were scorched black. Faull gives the fol lowing account of his sensation: . After grasping the wire he was im mediately drawn up by irresistible force and endeavored to shout for aid but although another workman was but three feet distant his voice was' not audible. Although suspended b his hands, with his toes resting on the) boiler plate floor for scarcely a second. Faull saya it appeared to him that he : was in that position several minutes. He felt no pain whatever. ' This is the last he remembers until restored lo consciousness. A Sweeping leeisiou. Dispatches from Chicago state that the decision of Judge Thayer, of the United States District Court at Hanniba', Mo., in which he holds rbat it is illegal to eharga more from Hannibal to Hepler, in same State, local y than is charged a connecting line on through bill of lading for cn tignment or giuating on another ro t d is creating consternation.' The of ect of this decision u to make illegal" gradea. FLQTJR Powell & Co.'s, ereatjniller of St Louis. IT; hrougft rates all over the country,, or, the doctrine here laid down as law as that' through rates must in every instance be the sum of locals. The decision not only reverse seve ral rulings of the inter-State Commis sion, but makes , very freight agent in tbe country a violator of the law, and liable to line and imprisonment Judge Beckwitfa, Solicitor tor the Al ton Railroad, says : Judge Thayer's decision is good bur, and that rates will have to be reconstructed. Vice President McMuilen. fays if the doc trine of; Jndge Tbnyer's -decision should be " enforced it would bank rupt half the roads in the country. At Hannibal an indictment was found against tbe agent of the road quot ing the rates referrf d to. A Weirtf Iefxendt ot the Potpmae. mi ' ai i " v ? '., mere are inrec Dig rocicB in tne Potomac just 'above Georgetown called the Three Sisters, alter three mythicals maidens who, perished there in some romatio . way centuries . ago, Strangely enough, they mark i he Sad dest part of the beniful stretch of river, for it is at the point that boats usually upset and swimmers usually drown. Bat, strangest of all is at the fact that on the night before such a death the people living; on the shore bear tbe Three Sisters softly mourn ing a aonnd , - distinguished - from every tstber,nta2 -?tr4ieard sajeon such an occasions. Wednesday night" r or example, just as tnev(ieorgetovn College clock s track 12, the t mourn ing sound cams floating ashore from the Three Sisters, and oc Thursday noon a shell c psixed as it passed them, and its owners were drowned. Embraced aad The Stabbed He: . I hav sat by the hour in El Pro vo, the ' fashionab.e thoroughfare of Madrid, Spain, and watched the dark eyed beauties of that celebrated city in all their loveliness,- bnt they were associated in my mind with treachery and deceit. , While thus ' sitting one beautiful evening, the thoroughfare thronged with its usual gayety, I saw two splendidly . dressed ladie meet and embrace with great enthusiasm, when, with x chill ,of horror, I eaw one of them stealthily dtaw a stiletto an.l plunge it deep into tbe back of the other. A shriek, a fall, a sudden rustling of dresses as the mprdereda quickly mingled with the er wd, and alt was over, i ; Dreary Times on the Isthmus. Panama, June 5, Tbe canal colUTpse continues the topic on the isthmus. Ih all upward of 9,0Q0 Jamaicans have been sent back to Jamaica. Matters are, of course, as dull as they can be, and the city of Panama has resumed the quiet, appearance it woro.'Over twenty- years gV when only one or two steamers visited the po t in a week. Tbe suppression of trains on tbe Panama. Railroad, '.and the cutting out of two o?.. three of the interme diate stations, has dad bo perceptible effect on receipts,, and . as the line of canal work is npw a scene of com plete desolation, and few occupants are to be' seen, the traffic is io considerable- ' The number of sales by auc tion of household furniture, even in the city of Panama, is unprecedented, and all merchandise., i disposed of for much below its value. One- of the canal dredges which cost 200,000 francs, reccntjy nk in a creek near Xavjernxilla, on the Cha gres river j No attempt will be made to raise it u Mif the "next'dry, season. j Ml Rcsseix Mybtcx, of the , firm of liyriok & Henderson, Fort Smith, Ark., says he wishes to add hia'teeti mony to the thousands which haveal leady been givn as to Stiffs Spicfio. He says he -derived tbe most ' sign ii benefit from its use to cure painful boilri and sores resulting from fmpuie blood. ;..'!' j When taken for a few da a, pot- ash mixtures impair the digestion, taJTe away the 'appetite, and drj up the gaslrio; juices, .which should -assist in digesting and ssssunilating the food. wiftVSpioi8oi hm 'fust the i o pposi ieffect; iUmpro vef diges tion,, brings--appetitfr, "and build up the general health. . ,- Mr. J. R. Gbtkstbad, Senora, Ky., says : My childreo ' have",' sometime had bfls arid - other .aigr a, of bio xl impur;fies,tsriiV hsfjippctUe, eto., at which ' time I b.ave. fouDd Swift's Specific a.j most saeeessfol mcly, in no in ance failing ' to 'effect a apt edy and ptrmaent cure. "Swift's 5wciic is great to hu manity," ays Mr. P. E. Gordon, of f725 BUoad street, Nashvifle, Tenn., for it cured me ot rhaumjtiflin.;Of a t .-i1"-! ;u l.:lv X UA fVeiy U-'O.ype, Willi wui i ixau anr-u troubled for three or four year. - & S. S. cured me after I had exhausted everything else. PRICE ! FIVE GENTS. Sugar-Cured Jlara., Shouldera ami Alliance, and JVIinnpsota; Gr brill Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity, strength and wholesomenesa. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in eompetion with Uio m atti tude of low test, short weight alum or phos phate powders. Bold only in canr. Koyal Baiting Powder Co.. lOfl Wall St., N.Y tfltf. A Few Facts A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD i ij""i of orn BUY GUINNESS' PORTER. Binke's Bottling, Imported. BUY OLAUSEN'C PORTER r j For the Best Domestic. -I A FINK LINK OF From 10 cents a bottle upward. . MY LINK OF CANIED GOODS, AtJO cents per can, lias no equal. FINE BREAKFAST HOMINY, , ' - f Asd SUPERIOR 'HEAD RICE. New IVIacIierel t ! THY OCR FINK ' I SARDINES, With a key to every box. i -WE RETAIL NONE BUT STRICTLY PURE LEAF LARD ! GUARANTEED. " 100 kegs Old Dominion Nails. Hay, Corn, Oa Meal and Bran a speclnlty. . ; ': u l"j ' ..-! D..LICHTEN STEIN. 1 . j i .i. A list of inWnewspapers d'vl ied Into STATES and SUCTIONS will be se.it ou' application To those wpo want fneb advertising: to pay, we can offer better mcaium for thorough and effective work- than the various sections of our Selected Local List. KO. P. nowKLL CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 61U ; io Hrruce atreeCNew York T HE TARBORO OUAUKO 8CHO !.. This. School comes to U e front with THOROUGH COMPETED i' AND EXfK EiEtiOED COKPS OF TK 'JHERS, a band some new baildhur, the laf t Improved lur sitnre and apparatus. ai 1 offers superior adyantages in every respect to th-se wibli tig to obtain a good pratlccal sdncation.' Those who anticipate teaching are offered Special Opportunities by Prof, fcliirnsly, tliu Principal. whJ Is a graduate of the Normal College University, of Nashville, T-iiPHe, and has had much experience in UraUed Schools. Institute and Normol wot k. - Thotu who complete the coarse wi'l be graduated and receive a diploma as evidence of tire fact . For farther information apply to, , , . N. M. IiA WHENCE, y H. Mobeis, I v . Com. W. Ix Bablow. ) saw. - t- A LIBERAL OFFER. An artistic twelve page Ca .u mr, LcautI ally decorated with highly finished water colored ptctares representing tlie four teas ons Winter, Spring, Satnmet aid Fall will be sent FREE to any person who sends six cents for a sample copy of tl New York Ledger, Address Robert Bonner's Sons, Publishers, j 175 Wautu Stbbbt, j Vew YoikOity HO MORE EYE-GLASSES VEAI I23EE EYES. WITCKHLU'C naai.tai fa a 11 it Iffthi ii a Ttum ailr tlnr i SORE, WEAK, a INFLAMED EYES, i m i -1 - a - m i i j m p..i.. ..j. - - v3 th Sight of tho Old. ' 2 1 CawTarDroni,Crantrtatlona,Sry I - Issjors, Red Eyes, Matted Eyt Lashes. ut rwBrcnc acirx tuta ia rEuum cess. , A1m, xi nally nVdaa when jnaM in th malaVlioa. .neb aa l lcera. Fwr SrM. Taaaari). Hal BWaai, Daraa, Piles, or Whv' ViaflamiDMlon ax lata. J J tCJmZXS SeU st aU PrMdt at fti CsS3:S-3 Genuine Ertnch Brandy : C3 ! V 4 e-