Publ! be Every Thursday. : ' mm mm. proprietor ATES SUBSCRIPTION Li "... ONI .78 Kortoemcnts amonx cal matter 15 eta, a i;o ..i- acl Insertion to -.vit. advertisers. ltamiAor .tdvertlsemeu in local columns by paries Having no regular advertisements. 15 eta, line a id nono Inserted for loss tlian 50 cents. Advertisements, discontinued before the time contracted lor has expired, will be charged tran sient rata for time actually published. Notices ot Marriages or deaths, not to exceed ten lines, will be Inserted Iron. All additional matter wlU be charged locta., per line. Payment for transient advertisements must be mad tn advance. Regular advertisements wUl ? foil x led promptly at tho ond of every month : , irmi nleatlons containing news or a dlscus bi. r. t iul matters solicited. No communlca ti u will bo published that contains objectionable ..jreonalitlos, that withholds the name ol tltn author, or that will make roore than one column this paper. The editor Is not responsible for views express ed by correspondents. t All ottslness connected with Mi s office, In orde. ip Insure prompt attent' .. should be ldi wi 1 1 Xlie xoin iH.TCNKK. li i BOKO', N. C rod at tha Post-Offlce at Tarborough, N i ond-class Matter. Till. sOA.T.. . August 29. 1889 Tne wretched mail service, caused by ignorant, illiterate appointees, is a most potent and pertinent argument for a strict enforcement of the civil service rules. Stick a pin right berel Santlaj -school teacher Wannamaker Still Sensational- The Gi issom affair is nothing, if not sensational. Oar readers know it culminated in the resignation of Dr. Grissom. TheHtest aud not the least inter esting is his announcement to the Board of Directors that the botmd registers of th asylum have been stolen, Of course the matter will De thoroughly inves tigated. But the last and biggest Grissom -ite sensation is his fierce Philipic, covering two columns of a newspaper, fulminated chiefly against Gov. Fowle and the State "Chronicle". The former catches it hot and heavy while to the latter is administered a somewhat milder dose, and all with out sugar orating. The medical Philipisl, in pasting, pours a bit-adeide of caloric amuni tion into several directors. And all this under the caption "My reasons for resigning." If the torrid doctor will go on and tell by what sort of hocuspocas he retained bis position under so many democratic administrations, it would make mighty fine reading. The true inwardness of that re markable finesse would be refreshing to democrats at large. Tell us. doctor, what kind of sa lire you employed on the legislative caudal. PEKSUNAL INTELLiaEXCE C iptD Pender left Tuesday for North 10 buy fall and winter goods 'or Feuder, Hargrove & Co James nodges J-, returned om a vUit to Ham llton this uiornUg. Lee Ilargrave, a professor at Thomasville Female Collef,, e recent graduate from the Nor mal school t-t Nashville. Tenn, Is visiting bis brothet , W W Hargrave. Mrs K L Bryan, of Durham, nee Mis Emma Parker, Is visiting her parents in thU county. Grey Hargrove, one of the champion farmers, has been quite sick. Mrs D Gilliam and children and Miss Lizzie Bawls left iuesday to visit Mrs C Morrcll 01 Boston, Mr Gilliam accompanying them part of the way. Hoy Moose of Goose Nest, and Capt O W Jef freys, havej returned from an excursion to Wrlghtsville. Adrian Shaw Is still very low with fever. J L Wimberley, who has hemorrhagic fever, is reported no better. Miss Pope Hunter passed through Saturday on a visit to her mother In Enfleid. She neld quit a levee at the depot and attracted at least one swain as far as Rocky Mount. "Joe Morris, of Morris Bros-, left Monday for the northern markets to purchase the Fall and Win ter stock lor the firm. Andrew Joyner of Pitt, was In townJFnday. W. H. Powell, Jr., returned yesterday, ne Is convalescent, but quite thin. J . II. Johnston, of liethei, was in town today. John L. Wimberly is better L Lee Staton has returned Iron a profeslon al visit to La Grange IProf J L FlemminR, of UamiltonMale and Fe male Institute, cheered this sanciom Monday with his handsome presence James Llpscombe of Wilson called on the editor Saturday Grissora goes. Goobye. Mrs. John Sherrod, of Hamilton, is visiting Mrs Jule Bryan of this county. The Editor went up to Battleboro this morning to vlsithis family, who are sojourning at his father's, Capt. W. H.Powell s Miss Lizzie Dortchwho has been visiting Ml3s Mary Phillips, returned to her home in Goldsboro Monday Mrs J Zander and children returned from a somewhat ex ten ted visit to Asheville Friday afternoon Now, the crops are laying by, Farmers with close figures try To meet their debts in view. Midst It all they find the time To heed th' reason of this rhyme And gobble barbecue. Presidential rheumatism. Private Secretary nalsey, has Wanamaker wins warm nil miserable mail service. war-like words for Judge Fowle will go down to posterity as the great j unite ting governor, President Carr sounds well to the ear and tastes better to the tongue. Sullivan will slug no more. Lory lowered his record, The united voice of friend and foe Kail at the Federal garrison, And for his great nepotic sins, Blaspheme President Harrison. Mrs OR Sadler left Monday to SDend severe. days with relatives and friends In Rocky Mount- O Williams, Jr, left on Str Myers Tuesday morn ingfora short trip to Washington, N C. Mrs Jno A Davis Is quite Sick. - W A Hart left Tnesday for Lex'.ngton to visit his wife, who is summering there. He expects te return wjtn ner. Jublter Pluvluc, Etxj., stay. pparently, has come to The health of Mrs Maybrick Is not good, though her sentence to be hanged has buen commuted to lite imprisonment. oricriy, wno was mixea up witn mrs uay. brie it In aa unsavoury way, has sailed for Amer ica. Miss Ida Neville has returned to Enfleld, ac companied by her hostess. Miss Annie Williams. K M Lawrence ts in Baltimore. F. L. LeKge'tl" SO convalesce it as to be OJ the streets, A speedy, recovery. 'Squire. Mrs H. 8. Bunn, whose leg was broken by a fall Sunday, la resting well. Jno.Kelley returned Tuesday from Baltimor, where he was caUed to the bedside of hi- fathere who died before his arriva'. ni McNatr. olsadruggist In Philadelphia U u2me "on. i " l WW- family. T - Wretch d Mail Service. The wail of the woful mail service wells up all .over tins broad hind. Every exchange that comes to this of fice sounds the note of distress and, if the railway mail service is not improved and that f peedily.the day of a newspaper's usefulness is past and that class of litera ture, heretofore deemed so essential to pop ular haPP"-"" comfort; and enlighten ment wUl become obsolete. Tak a home case. The Soittiiisener was milled from this offie last 'Thursday morning and it has no, reached Mil dred, only f ,ur miles dittant, up to tins writing. ' . " . The Pattleboro office had not received the SchJxnEBNBB Satr day evening, and as witi these offices, so with many others. In fact the co iplatnt could be multi plied : hdefinitelv. Letters mai'ed from here to Battleboro go (o Baltimore. It required just thirty days for an important letter, lhat requir ed immediate attenlioj, to go from Ral eigh tal Wilmington. This wretched state of affairs not only proves vitally injurious to newspapers, but sadly and seriously hampers bus iness. I However urgent tve business, the writer has no assurance when his matters, however urgent, shall have attention. The cause lies in ihe dense ignoiaut e aud total inefficiency cf the railway pos tal cletks, who were appointed, simply because they cere republicans ;and T7ith no regard whr ever for their qual' ica tioos for the pla e. Wanamaker may be a capital b-eeches maker1 and seller and a phenomin&l suc cess as a campaign boodle contributor, but hej is a colossal failure as a head of the Post Office Department. TtaejSoTTTiiERSSR calls long and loudly on the chief of this division of railway seivice to "help us, Cassins, orweBink." Crcps not so bad after all-Tobac I co- Bolilvcr Bradley, who superintends the farm of Judge Howard adjoining bniioii, took a circuitous survey of the cropa iu the county Friday. anincrnn the west side of the river ns far as Rocky Mount, he crossed and took in a portion of the east side and then turned off ini.o the Whitakera sec ti n and thence back home. He was gone three days and the folio w ingisti's estin te of the crops. All over the nor; V rn half of tl e" co mty the crops are far ahead of those in C -netoe. Geo. Q. Ba lie has abcut fill crop. His cottori. t' o lgh rrther small is well stocked andfmitine well. This was the best cottonj he saw, though all over that part of tl e'eoun y. e. :e- ding to the Halifax line, the crops ext ded his expectations. He thjnks the ooPoo.w not at a'l gloomy at present and u jlss soa ething untoward happens to the c -op a much laiger esti mate may be made than has been ventur ed uplto this time. Mr. iBradley had some rather rich ex- ncnencca un iu the lobacco reeion. I ue good people have been annojed past et durance bv the influx of peiipatetic t bacco Ibuve s who have scou jd the coun try for Ihe purpose of .purchasing the eroDs.1 Tnee fellows have palled on tie nonular palate. When Mr. Bradley called at a farm house! to stav all nieht he would not be recogaized by the good house wife and his request would be met with an arnes- akimhtt, scowling, empnat c reiua?i And tbis was repeated rather too often to be agreeable to a bela'ed traveler with nijrhtfall appro iching. He reDOrts t 'ie PDirits of the tobaf co planters as ela'ed to high water mark and beyond, on their prospects for fine crops anu l etter sales, in tact tney are wnu with jToyfu' anticipations. 1 he crop is beice cured more successfully than ever befo'e- Crops and Ci&vor. Fditor Southerner. The present ou" look with continued rains is anything but encouraging to the farmer with possibly only hall a crop in sight. I wt uld like :q know where the money is corning from meal, many crop, o pay for tlat meat, corn, hay, fertilizers &c. advanced to a great Ithis jear, when, with au average it putsahtavy straio upon th i pockets I consider it no excuse for any o buy h'B long foratie for his farmer stock If he would only in the fall, abo.i the 20Ui of September, prepare him a few EC-es pf lard for clover, first by makirg i rich 'th stable manure and 100 pounds agriciil u ral lime to aa pcre. Break your land tole-aily deep after broadcasli&s jour rnauure, so yyourlime, then rebrcik shallow whicL 'urns the manure near the ! 6urfate. Latrow then sow twen'v pounds c f clover seed to the acre at,d brushjin. By sowing in the fall, urn wdl get a igood cutting about the middle of June,J the ver-' time you would othcrwWe be buying hay at $1.25 per hundred thereby saving many a dollar.. Clojver I fiod answers to a great extent for com also. A great many farmers con tend hat it gives cotton the rusr. Well, I tbink if more c tton. was given the rust by clover, their farms would bebe'ter off. The rust can be prevented by planting few rows of anything. The second cutting generally salivates, n the green state, but by thoroughly curing before fed it will not. Now for someming earlier. Before the cjover come? off, I would suggost a few acres iu : ye. Plant about the same time,begin to cut just lefore it heads and feed green, for stock do not like it when it cures. Th-m plir the land in gronud peas-j-or field peas, if in rows you will have la splendid pasture for your hogs aadcjitile. Should you desire to save for market, they sold this year for fl.25to $1,001 per boshel. By taking the twocrops together, tuey always pays better than cotton, not considering the land is richer in nitrogenous matter for the next years: crop. These little sugges'.ions I throw out to those; who have never tried it, that they may uo so ana pront Dy my own expen erce. W. 8. 15. Tarboro, 27. h, Aug., 1889. It Kotch Him Ardea Cherry, the coon hunter, is noth ing, 1 noi g otesque. He stands forth sublimely unique it hi3 own simple oHgiralilyf. The reporter accosted ihm yesterdav "Why, Arden, O, why that cloud upon yourieoon Drowr" " Vell, yer see. morgau as I does VutC T ,1 x. uuue gin gr eb'ry year, ana; dis weather is bad on morgan foJfcsj" "Oan't you j; t . mortgage?" "Not well. boss. giving a yer ieeis iiKe ver's gw ne to make et big crop, ef yer could omy gn someDocJy to run yer. Den yer gives er morgan an it runs yer, an runs ver , T I ' uul uimeDy shore thing, bass, it kotches yer fur er fac" 'Is lhat arways the case5" "Sfpose lis. I had er nabor las' year ar f.meEinrgaVn' heT an' dat morgan raz l y6ar- 1 watched 'em and thouiht he'a come out er head o' de mor gan. Bin heredey vent, up and down rounj an' roun,' beel 'an toa fore afi' but gosh, boss, a'ter er wh V Ht , gan Mm. It fach h:m in debt n e's m debt yit an' be.ll die rit t specks" Andrhen the lugubrious coonist turn, ed oft muttering something ab ut "E man 'ithout mojev. an' wirl - ' had bet er be er dog, er yaller, po dog an be shot fer kilhV sheep." 8 THE COUNTY ALLIANCE1 o - Transacts, Important li I Business,. . Mj Q AND SECONDS THE BOTTTHEENER's NOMI NATION OF CAEB FOE PEE8IDENT OF THE A. AND M. COLLEGE. The County Alliance met in Masonic Hall Tuesday with President: Elias Oarr presid'n? atid Dr. II T. Bas, secre tarv, at his desk. The at'endance was full and enthusias. tic, every chair ia the hall being occupied and every stab all:ance ia the county rep resented. The secretary having leen culled in the country, professiorally, precludes so full a report as was intended. A stern determinat:on to stand togeth er in the grand fight against the Jute Bagging Trust was evinced. A resolution was adopted calling on sub-alliances in the county, to meet prior to the fifh of Sept. and make their re ports to the Coun'y Alliance on .the sixth of Sept . After tiansacting much other import ant business the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : WnEiWAB A county paper, The Tarboro SorTHKBNttit, has nominated a highly re spected county man, who is also tie worthy head of Edgecombe county and the State Alliance, Elias Carr, for Presi dent of the State Agricultural and Me chauical College and the same has been endorsed by at least one subordinate Al liance: Therefore Reso ved that the Edgecombe County Alliauce r fficially en dorses the said nomination and earnestly recommends to the Board of Directors of Ihe C dlege the election of Elis Carr for its President, recr goizing in lhat gentle man all the qualifications essential lor the success of the iustitntion II. T. Bass. Secretary. -O her Alliance notes wefe gleaned. W. O. Bulluck is President of Alliance Na. 1080. The WhiUkers alii mce, no 483, of which J. C. Bellamy is secretary, meets monllilv on first, instead of third Thursdays, as published. Didn't Complain. Wo d Winborne, one of the best, br.i vest and most discreet policeman in the state, had thre3 complaints made to him last ntrht by a certain class of colored women with regard to attempted assaults of coloreu men uikmi them. Knowing the chsract r of comp'ain ants the policeman leferrtd them to the mayor, or a justice. About e'evin o'clock he h ardiwom m's scream emanating from Iet ween Granni's stables and the coach shop. Hurrying thither lie mot. a cob icd girl, named Ba be New to, coming out laughing. Not far a ay was l!aiip Banks, a half wilted colored fellow. Babe mtde no charge but afterwards old the policeman Hnmp had choked her. Hamp said the girl owed her and refused to pay him B- & H- Directors Meeting The Di ectors of the B .ilding and Home Association met Tuesdy, Pies ident S. S. Nasb, presiding and nine di rector? present all except Judge How ard and J. J. Whitehurst, huh of whom ate absent from the city. Secretary and Treasuier, T. E. Lewis, tendered his resignation on ateount t-t the sm-.llness of the salary. $100. Tbis was accepted. The salary of the Secretary and Tre us urer was then raised to 8200. t election was then hcl'J to till tbe va cancy. This lesuHed ia the election of N. M. Lawreace, after two bsllots, bya majori. tv of cne vo;e over T. E. Lewis. Three bad ts were then taken for cor poral' n attorney, which iesuHed in the choice of D. Gilliam, over H. L. S aton by one vote. The uumber of sbarts for first scries was fixed at GOO and t.e President was authorized to appoint a coinmituetif three from fie shareholders tu solicit tharca for se :ond series. The bond of tt Secretary and Treaa" urer was fixed st $2,500 to be increased in the cV-sciction rf the Board of D: rec tors. Tht'e Ijeiog no otlier bus:ness before the B..ard, they adjourned. Crops Damaged Dr. L. L. Staton returned Tuesday from a professional visit to Pdlinyra, af ter the heavy iain-,"all. He reports great additional damage by the rain and that, with the otlier .mjuri- ou-ex genets to which they have been subjected, he considers, has knocked off at least thjee-ftuiths of the crops. Tough is a mi tt .obicction to cxnress the wav I they appeared to him from the road. Hold Your Tobacco. I be faurTiiKTsssa tenders this to Edge- cemhe and .Nash tobacco cuhivators for what it is worth. A lobaccq drummer said to a merchant in town, that the wise farmer would hold his fobacco and not trample over his own toes in neaaiong haste to rush it into market. lie claims to have traversed the ent're western portion of mis stte, ahere tobac- y-u ia miseu anu mat not moie than one tweoty-teveDth of -a crop will be madCj while in this section much more than an average crop will be saved. T . !. year ne says one-SLXtieth of a crop was made iu Virginia nod North Carolina. City Improvements. Mrs. Jos. J. Porter ha3 commenced tho erection of a dwelling on Trade street op-1 positetue residence occupied by W. D. Keech. misses lizzie and Helen Porter have given out the contract for a dwelling c.n unurcn street between Trade and Main Thad Ilussey will soon begin the re uiuueiin?, repairing and repainting of xi s resiaence on the corner o' Trade and vrranvme streets. vf m. Moore has the contract for these improvements. Broke up In a Row. a. tuiurcu mau reports tins moraine ft,n I 11-11,,. & i.uu.1. iiic ciuorea tiase Dan club from this piace, lhat went lo Wilson night before last, did Dot succeed in getting ud a came n"u t li-sou ciud yesteraay. He says, however, that Tarboro and Wilson combined to play the Wilming- v,.uu ,muu Wii9 expectea to come on an excursion train to Halifax. Seeing the yaliant Tarboroites th WHmi1 thought discretion the better part of valor auu ncubuu iu nuuiax. It seems to have been their mnM play Halifax club, but before engaging in the spherical congest a robust. fnll-r,ii ed row sprang up aud a general. frP go-as-you plee, hit-who-can fight ensued' us a result of which several belligerents wwc jugged to cool off and "r.hpw tv. cud of sweet and bitter fancies." The reporter's colored informant was not personally cognizant of a'l th;s but heard it reported in Wilson, where it was the Btreet talk. A Sad Occident- Judge of the Inferior court, Henry S, Bunn, and his wife were sitting on his pbrch Sunday afternoon, in no 6 town ship, wheD, for some purpose, Alts Bunn took her child and walked mto her Dea room. Judge Bunn, after some time, went into the room suspecting nothing. There he found Mrs. Bunn-lying unconscious on the floor. Greatly a'armed, he rang (he farm bell and when assistance arrived Mrs. Bunn was lifted from the floor and placed on the bed. It was then discovered tbat both bones of ore of her legs had b:en broken. It is thought that Mrs Bunn had been attacked with vertigo, or a sudden faint ing, fit and in falling had received her painlul injury. Not serious Wat son BraBwell, the colored Shiloh milk wagon driver, who was knocked down yesterday by Flowers, the superin teadent of the farm, is now considered cut of danger. Braswell was drunk, quartlsome 8nd flourished a pitchfork, accompanied with threats, dangerously near Flowers when he was stricken. Tailoring Establishment- II. Morris & Bros, will on first day of September add a geneial merchant tailor ing cstablishmenl to their business, un the 8une-vision anl mnatiement of II. T. Bryan. They will employ a corps of tailors, and every garment wilt be fitted and made here. They will keep o i hand a full assort ment of cloths, cafsimcs and suiting of the latest desigus. Thank you, Messrs Moiris, you an ever progressive. The Soi-tiibhxbr wish es you abundant success. Yf s'erday a special mcetum of the town commissioners was held. O. C. Faryar was authorized to sell the town bonds and receive I lie monty. The prem urns which may be paid for these bonds will not 'be as larce as some expecttd. So far the commissioners have receiveil two bids. In a week or .so the Falj of tnsm to some one will bceffccled. . II. Morris &, Bri s. made replication to to retail liquors in their gro ery store The sune will be granted It em Brick Williams, Tarboro with MUs Sallie Brown. He wore a broul clo h oquice witn ove-sui is or ie nun. ne was considered the most beautiful mini in the parlor. Almon Hart, Tarboro, with Miss Mamie Merriam. A gold ring, lia:r a-'n-porru-p:ne; best nalurpd mun the hcu'e. Wi'l Pippen, Tarboro, wilh Mis ( I nk. Mr I'ippcn was fir cefully nttired in a handsome cravat, wilh. collar uttacht-ci: rubies. He chewed pum. Waslrrifrlon Gazette. Priacevilla Particularized The Mayor reports much sickness - mostly continued fever, t'bar.cs R ss, Sarah Moore and Mrs. Cook a:e st'iken down . James Morgan was jugued Sunday for fil'.inc: up and running over wirh but; juice. Tre tune to which he danced was one dollar and cost. Died. Sunday in Hamilton of consumption, Mrs. R. H. Salsbury, aged about 35 years Mb. J. R. Grinstead, Senora, Ky., pave: My children have sometimes hid boils and other siorns of blood impurities, wun loss ot aopettte, etc.. at which time 1 have fiund Sw'ft'R Specific a most successful remedy, in no instance failing to effect a spef dy and permanent cure. "Swift's Specific is a great bless ing to humanity," says Mr. P. E. Gordon, cf 725 Bread street, Nash ville, Tenn., "for it cured me of rheumatism of a very bad type, with which I bad been troubled for three or four yeai s. S. S. S. cured n e after I had exbaused everything elsp. Mb. Ru8sell Myrick of tbe firm Mvrick & Henderson, Fort Smith Ark., Bays he wishes to add his testi mony to thet housinds which have al ready be. n given as to Swift's Spe cific. He says he derived the most signal benefit, from its use to cute the most painful boils and scotes re sulting from impure b!ood. When taken for a few das potash mixtures impair (he digestion, take away tbe appetite, and dry up the gastric jaicee which should assist in digesting and assimilating tie food. Swift's Specfio, has jnst tbe opposir effjet; it improves digestion, btingf appetite, and builcU up tLc general health COMMISSIONER'S LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior court of Kdgebombe county, in an action therein pending: wbereiu Sallie Webb et til.are plain tiffs and J VV. Hiokes aud wile are defeudants 1 wi'l on Monday the 7tU day of Oct ..ber 1S89, sell at the Courthouse door in Tarboro N, U, for partition to the highest bidder, the follow ing land to-wit: One tract of land wh ch wbb assigned to Polly G ay- as hor dower i n the ianos oi her deceased husband, Uenrieey liaj and on which the residrd at death, adioinins: the lands of Hardy Edwards' heirs. Robert Pitt and others, containing 175 acres more or less and about 12 miles from Tarboro. Terms of sale: one -third cash, one third on note bearing 8 per cent. Interest, payable in 12 months, one third on note bearing 8 pei cent. Interest paya ble In 24 months. Title reserved until fully tonid ior. jn inmiiauci are iwo resiuences wnn neces sary out houses In good c -million, and good water ti. v. gay. 35-4t C'omraisstoner GRADED S( II0DL The second aqnual session of the Tarboro Graded Bechool will begin Beptembor 2nd, All white children between the ages of 6 and 2 Hiving In district No. 1, will be admitted free of charge. Upon application to the c im mlttce non-resident pupils w 11 be admitted at reasonable rates course systematic, thorough and complete. 85-at t. A. G KIMSLE VjPrsncipal, -O-O-O-O-O-O O member o O O o o -0 o - o- o o That although I mane a specialty of viiua ana Glassware. 1 havs tint GIVEN UP My Life and Fire Insurance business I am always readv ami wiii 1 Tt T tn tohn nil rres r , '""x vuij nrsi-ciass companies 1 also am a cent for nn nr iu Yards in taw countiv. nli .wir r-r nrhioh a guaranteed. If yOU WaDt a monument Ar r, T, a amrWa. r Vw . , ! unit a Dim LLs tau- .v """vw.u uae you iove, cau on me TEOS-E-LEWIS, I08d&w2m Tarboro, N. C. Land Posted. doe Or Kan. Or to fish in anv r tbe lands Owned bv th n),rnQH n uJL township. jj. J. BK8T, JANE C. BARNES. W, T. KNIGHT, V. V.M.ERCEB. iSELECTNie- jl; BOARDRTO & DAY SGHGOL AKD HILLSBOEO' N- C The. Misses Xash and Miss Kollock will open the sixty-first !orm ' f t upir ech'xtl WITH PRICKi? HPTJUCE!) Tt) SU1THHE T1MK8 on We ncsfluy ' ejjt, 4th, li9, Situattcl 5u tbe t-irlii of Hillsboro' famed for V healthful climate rnt niltivateri society.. Cirsat i.dvan a ges are t flr red to parents in having special attention paid to t'ie health, uiiud, morals and manners f the'r children. By the kird permission of thes a g. ntlumeu we wou'd refer you to Hun. George Ho aid Mersra 8 S Nash and H K Nash jr. Circulars furniahed on appiieatioi:, 35-t4 TABBWL0 MALE ACADEMY, HM!OTAlR!rAHo ' o rjHf" 03nd session unor ,tg p:efctit frinc'-M- pal, will opjn Wednesday A uir.:ot 28th, 1889. A thorough C'-.iirs .. rjH ion io i n glieh. class cal aun nidtueuiati-jiil siudic. Sn cludirg ) h mentary Science and Book-koep-ing. r'u'i Is irepar d f "r business, o- f r ou trauce in'.x any of the clistcs of our college. Board from $8 to ?1 1 per m -nth. Tor fuih-r Information apply to F. ts. '.-ILKiNSO, Slt5 Friueipul. KaTHE Tarko hmli hiliy, o-o o- o--o fi--o - - o-o c o oo--o Faculty: I). G. UilWp'f. . Mrs. I). G. Gillef-pie La M-rs. Julia !. St it. n. . . . Ii- Miss C:;rr:c Ji".i- V. im ipal. y Piincipal, 'iiunen'al icc Yoefcl M usic. '.. A 1 . !'r mary ! p'l. (a i . term Miss Annie 0';.-tov This iDst itiit ion w '!! b,'i;in M Yonnp UiQi-.s fr -m nl-ro:i( ar ifqiiOf-K'd f' board aitbi" ActiU t: .v. A iiii'- v ii' ini.t'n i;i, trimmed viih sl'v-r braid i-v-". n. T!,!s niay le made by nb-r after entering be fhool. Thi -'-. -!' my i" situated ii. a bountiful groVf, bavmg amj.u- Krounds, a ho; 1 n-jin'on, piu mo ii u .-i it. lying hall and w.-li vein i!:iteu ioi im toi it-s. Tin- ;raiuin of the yoiinsr bidtns u ill i. careful anil thoroueli, the ain: ! il.e li.icl.ei I - ini; not on-y to ma'-eaociU Jite --! l;ii- . b'l' ! deve'ofi sili-li ijuiilit ien of lie:,c- il M!betn t r the bi;n-r Uhm -.- i-!'iite Unnui .s i a. 1 v.n uniew in Mi.- . .' 1 1 -'.'-ry , 1 1 ; -tei atme und An, TIlOT'OIlf h !l:M"'ii tion rti:: f-r- ii-l; :u :!. -hipbv.-r rnailieiHulic". niKik !; - s 11 and liie :n giiaees. Mrs. Julia M. HtSton liip iiki . Piucic-:-. sjip; ialty for (ievera! v e;ii i ri ei v ilia liie itt reoi iniii L dations irom Mis-9 Trail. For the past yenr - he bap l,t-i. in New Yo-k (Mty perfecting ber? iu the Miiuy ol ela--si-a( mtisii. paying parcieu'ur at-eritii-n to techni-jne or modern toiieti anl theory: 'rceivinn tine ie.-;i-moni-itf" from Mr Ke'soof Cliickenntr Hull and Mr. 1'atton of t'nioo riij'iare, i.eth Sj ei ialii-ts. Miss Cai i ie Juwu-, edacatcii at .he 1 ai" 'oiouh Femalfj Arad-my and al Staumon, Va., has d' voted several y-ar to the Miiiiy oi Art under lb-: instructioni oi' I is Uar'ine . For tha past ye.,r filie has fiudied from cast an t from He und. r Mis? Lillv l.ogau of ftichmoiid, Va., who wl o pursued lier Art studies in Rome, Italy for sev en years. She also.-tudieu under Mr. John Elder, the bat tle painter of Virginia who was educated in Ger mrny. Mjss Annie l!apir . i former pupri of th Acaiiemy, ha- UiUK'' 1 s"'veral year.- with mm ii ueees!. Bend for O.V nVutin Tarboro Fpmsile Academy. HEW GOODS ) ! -AT- GATLIN'S. to; FALL STOCK! -iass DRESS GOODS. HENRIETTA CLOTHS, L ADIES' CLOTHS, FLANNEL. TRICOT, AUSTRALIAN CREPE, CASHMERES, r In-all sbadea. trimmings to ;n.Veh. oOo CARPETS. BRUSSELS, THREE PLY INGRAIN & CARPETS. ZEIGLEH'S FIXE SHOES. Vases, Lamps and all Styles of CROCKERY. Intferware for Ladies and Gents. White Godds and Hosiery in Great Variety. ALL BOUGHT FOE CASH AND WILL BE SOLD -GIVE ME A CALL T. H. GATLI2T, mm Mrs. AL Hughes's ! AND i ! ID AT SCIEKUXDILi j I FOR ! 1 Young Ladies ami Little Girls- TFIE Cf h fusion win .pr-ii Sept. 2nd 1889. ii .the new eon.njoditiu.s. and weil ven- tiU cc reboot buiidiUi. . to which additions wj.H h( madtj durintr th suusmer acation. New iTistrtiBfients will b pin' husfc for use in the fi-tiool oi usic, a.ijont; llu-ui a Cn cert 'h j ad for Kur !-. etc. 'I i cciii.r6 of special traiiuug, experience, ana skill, employed u each department. i&iss 0. E. Suiitiigato, of U;e ( in nnuli C r.-:r, ui ny ot Music, will have in charge th School of Music and Elo cution, ar.d will employ apart of her vaca tion in ex i:i.iii Pi' whatever is new in these two de; :ti ; merit s. in the School of Mucic the Modem Method of Technique need :in the C0user atories ot nv.-po ai d America, will betaug .t Ktf'reij(cs af to the advance ment ai. ri i fi.-ieiii y f .Miss Sonthgate's pn pilR. th:.- : front; of tlje School of Muide and i---uti'it d nring tb past year . ! F.r the Priysnry Department and Classes 'i the :! y'-vvfi oi Til Xi Xk(ik&&tt n: .: : id' "Xpi-r.en.'e in the manage : ; u.iis, have been eacured. :'! liniuished oducutbrs of QB.ys of hi r : ' I know few 'mi.-). .- ti!!icd tb! mci.-t ;i? One the .Vc-. lad ie? ? shall ! By a :he ! cdi;cali.-, itlth : a-i- and intereht '-ti s-irry to t'iv-- her up." r ' ' i '-ariy, :t irmited number of j . brain l-mrd in -the family; of tic gu'ls i prin'-ipi, v. ho wil; aivt hern careful person - ai airt;i:uon l.i ii niu'-'-r. Di-i -i dirg all ' ed-catiotial inack .ry and :ie the hect t FiiuniB o; Hie an-, ue c)a;:n u modern f ri-pg i o'- 'mis ttnd p'trttculai . ai-ply t. Mrs. A. W. HUGHES. Takboko, N, C. :lt5 rM!NJfT!ATOK'4 NOI ICE- UhvIiih ijuuiitied as admlni-'tra'or of Hl'CKV It-i'l'I'Li- , late of KiiSfeeonibe county, Miereb'v notify.-..; r4r-oD. having ehitms uiriiniHi theer tate, to present t!ie fame wiihiu "tit! var irohi tl. iiere..f. v,r llr' - h e(llii B..I l-i!.v i,onn Ado. Tno' II. Datti !:. A tmriH v Kix-Ky Moil.;: . .'-,' . :i : -1 1 iir i ot I -iii-ftn- IMtile. 1 v.i.. 18 ), a: tL.- fr: Joshua ' y . V -1 S n Uritl, A i A . i-u'-iuiiiT 2u d. tl u (.'111 .mo' , i:i 1 ii boi o, A :: C il '.ri 'l ev. i lii uiid adjoin. i i . d ! -imu inir lo !-i EdlfCl'ollllM c ;nti- h-- 'i--i -4 .John .1 .! lie r 1 .1 l-'v u-i fXecu .-a-ri ir" . ,.,,H : en W I K ., i t . : r if S!1 i E K 1 ,-rS'. ' ti.i- f:; .I'jM-ua 1 lv. kr; in M l)A l :-..i,l,,tot.. UtU It lion t- (b i.i Mj fi lloio . r. Ik l.i ij.i- -j to ;:i!v 'A'!: .v. h -u :.-, K;;cc tn!v -.u: !:i r-ei tiacf, con!al)iti-K- i'H a- re?, ii-: l ai'ju and .V!r -Sj-rHi, eculion in " cash. 31 tl .10 j t'n- j;,ii(l- of Frah ji !'. VViili my. to s-.iiisfy i t. ex-, ha' 's fin- cI!e- t ,i:i, ! 1 ri:i -v T. K NlWdlT. Mieriff. I he f.ii. .frlber having qualified as errecutor of tne Mill oi jNorneet tmictim, late or hdgtcmbe county, notifles all persons having claims. against saia deceased. . o exnirut tnem to him duly pii ther.ticated, on or before tho -joth day of Austuki, 1890. W. H. JOHNSTON. August l5lh, j S3t6 GO TO J. H BROWN'S i GET YOUR - I HAflXESS, S.IDHLI'S, VVHiPS, COLL A IIS, Vi;ll)LE'.u HOUSE & SADDLE BLAfsEETtS, , .. A I) )NJ?ACT ; i-l: EVERY Till MS FOVND IS A First (Js IHfimrsg Shon. rAf. VV ATCHEk TIIE I. on bp iHUEsr and rBsr .liLECisu TOf K fSTI.V OFLEBUATEii GOLUAIBUS WATCHES EVili EKOUGUT TO TARBOaOj AT : i FIGUHE3 LOWER THAX EVER, j GENTS' WATCH CHAINS. We have on hand a ureal variety of mib ATu PLATJ) iIALS, ANU WILL SELL THEM AT FIGURES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ! WE STILL SELL THE CELEBRATED ! HOUSEHOLD AITS DOMESTIC Sewing Machines. SPECTACLES! EYEGLASSES Adjusting epeetack-s properly, a specialty CHAMBERLAIN & RAWLS A New Enterprise! WITH THE fMPllOVED j TEANSPOSTATION FACILITIES ' Ik.- bb- iu IU tlllOtll'T iU'pprt or m.ii t. CARRIAGE ; MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHENT- : i li 'i hie 1 "cu Th"- '00 '0001)..j).:rt)00'0();i OOO.KHXJOOO! Tarboro Carriage Work's O0O0(K '0 M1. .OO'.-.XKK .UUUUUi..Ali;i. yi has becuu opi-rutioiis It. '-t proposed! to ez laud tbe Irinn- an-i w!l -vberuver GOOD WORK it- a-pprtciated. VVe iniist tart with TAEEOEO AND EDGECOMBE, 'S f- bo we only ask a fair share of patrobege. Encourage us we are here for ithe upbuilding -f tbe community, as wen as ourselves. tarboro p. pS, tv 1 ' ! MACMilFSMAEMACY tttottt- HDRUG Carries a Complete line of Drugs and Toilet articles, Soaps, Perfumery, Flesh everything pertaining to a FIRST CLASS Any article not in stock will be promptly and cheerfully ordered We make a specialty of "N0HTH STATE" FILE OINTMENT, our ion which we guarantee to relieve instantly or money refunded.1 w ET. 18'74. ESTABLISHED -o- STATON & ZOELLER -AND Soos and NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE, The Best Only- 1 nLrnUUNLi lAUrorffltN Atf 33y S3E33Nm.TT ThiBlaa New and Manterly Medical Treatise, and indispensable to every YOUNC, VIDDLE ACED, and OLD MAN who la suffering from Weakncae, Languor, Loss of Memory, l!anhfui i,." Depression of Spirits, Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases dependent uikjl Aoddent, Enr-nason, Folly, 'Vice, Ignoranoe, Mervooa Debility, Vital Kxnaustion, and Bound to leather, full gilt. Price, only one dollar, by mall, aealed in plain wrapper, po-tpai. CONFIDENTIAL. Address Hknbt DuMont, M.D., No. 381 Columbus Avenue, or I'.o. 1; i 3462, Boston, Mass. Prefatory Lectnre with numerous testimonials from hitrh soarres, free to ' This is the only ELECTRO-MEDICO PHYSIOLOGY ever published, and is absolutely cvmivk and perfect. It ia invaluable to all afflicted, aa it reaches the very roots and vitals of disease. j Uedico Inin-mary ,No.3Sl Columbus A v., Bos ton, "I HEARD A VOICES IT 1- iff -o -o o .(ga In order to reduce the Bhnce Oar Siirnmor Stoclr, we will Offer the Same for th NEXTTMRTYDAYS AT N. Y. COST XF0R CASHJg- -o- -o- DRY GOODS, ContiBting of all Styles of Dress Goods White Goods . . . . Trim- . . mings Hambury Laces, &c. CLOTHING FOR W! Youths, Boys and Children. HATS AND CAPS. Genfa' Furnishing Good, Shoes, All Included o In This Sale. Our rtL rn Market luiying our Fall Stock, Wt must in ike room i jt ! titter - N w co.i'in": i I n't f .ii t take rdvfjntage of our THf RTT TXV Q 4 T TS - - . vs. j. ivjj. i TT- iVTrkfiu -tr ' I gHRlFF 8 8ALE. - t . I 18S0. at the Comt V M "S. "ill M 1 UH Wflllli V U . l 1 1 " ' isiuuru. IlUfflllir trr.- . .r t . 1 Jfk.1.,. K.IIK.- 'Tr.7-w, . ".u '' :""s""t XO IV. T : t . W il... 1 . . . . 7 -A -lVo. aild Mdi.iinin.f il.u 1.. 1. il rtP Briit Jo-hrja Proctor ai:d t,t -r. n, -.tLf Terms casii. . w. r. KNKiHT. 31t4- 8heriff. 1 RURI'PS ?ALF. 'er Hud j K a 4 ..I , . ' "n-ro, I T-t.... 1. - . . . "6 mij bract art i -jrf-k.i . . ...... - 111 u n . 1 V II 1 1. Ill 1. 11 .wh uj aia noiuc 11 .y 11 u ais noiuc t a.-c '"t 'i hoirif'.(i . t..ti: - I ii .Tiijj 859 aci atl CilC tlOlt hi v. Iirti-a - 1 ;....,t ... Terii.1 cjU. - m . K V14HT For all Diseases of Men, by the distinguished author .YUITIbAJ Hknbt DuMont, M. D., who has DISCOVERED 1 f VII THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE ES- I pi I P-l I SENCE OF MANHOOD, may he consulted in I III L"l U strictest confidence. in person or bv letter, at his Electro. I I I V A EASE BUYERS! 11 STORED Chemicals. DruWist's i..i.. Brushes, Stationary, Coal i , ' I ll tu y 'in:' :in,i! DRUG STORE. l'h-i MAGNA II?, DEALERS IN StatiqinLo, Nc v. io. DmY)lUALUtbtttriAI Uii ' ' jt&S&U' XX7j MONT, 3VX. X. rs Mass. - ' 8AID. 'tCOMI AND 8EE.' " J. . ZANDEB 8E1.LS THE -H.DiOMEsT BABY GARRI 'AGES, ThE NICEST LINE OF Furniture, Spring Gets, And all kinds of Household V urnieliinuUooi'f. also, as pretty and ae etylih 'I uil.,r -.Mailr m - iutA w t v.. As you can find auy where. A full a-eortuien: of hand ana machine-made l.udl Misses' and Children SHOES AND SLIPPERS. ; A larga assortment of &ti?&krs7V Hats For Ladies, Men and Children. Th-- pretties' k line of and greatest asrsortiiK-ut iu all f colors and shades ol . Ever shown in Tarboro, from 10 to is cent peryar.i. The latter are fully woiili cent and cannot be duplicated anvwlrro el VVitht his assertiou l&v.iy coni'itiit.oii, audi: I as.-c 1b for my custrirucr.-i a;ul tl u i t . t . t ; c (jer, erally to inspect the saire, and if not a rq resented money will be refunded. Ttrs goods are undoubtedly the fjreate--t lari;iii offered here this season. 1 have u po a ful and complete lirie of DRY GOODS. And eppecially do I call your attention to th hundsomcsl and most coinilcte u-Frt.iii it o . WHITE GOODS AND TRIMMIKGS ! 1 of which will be off ered not onU cli.-ii' an you can buy them elsewhere, hut 1 fi ' thermore guarantee to save you from lOto 20 per Cent. U XUUK irXRCIIA i it will ne to your own iuteii-nt not to nn this chance, therefore don't forget to cail m The A Livery .".Slal -OF- Can do your HAULING and riyy wherever you want. Stylish, Fine Turuoiils, DAY OR MGHT, AND AT CHEAPEST J! ATI-IS- SA. few more IIORSIW Had which niiifit l MULES on hand, sold. J. K. GRANKIS SPIC.'SPAN J E It AND NEW GROCERIES A new store opened and every sutic't in it new. Not one old. If you want sometLinc frenh OURS IS THE PLACE. Believinc in Tarhoio's future at.'i tlje ir- creasing prosperity of Edgecombe, nave opened a grocery store for the sale and retail trade, and caD oiler i'rrn to farmers that CANNOT BE BEATEN Here or Elsewhere , It will pay any one to erve ns a ( ' ' sl J Try Our Piicc If you dc vcu will TRY OUR GOODS, And thep we shall sureJy make yr " P ltinD mm Tf jf . . Fl 11. iuums a in us., TARBORO, N. C Feb 5th ,'8S. oily 1 - . - ri" Mi ' 1 - 1 1 V '

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