I " -' . : i ; i . X 1 1 a, ; . BE SURE YOU A BE RIGHT ; TELEICST G-O AH EAD.-D Crobkett. 1M 11 1 , 1 -; i . . . ,,4 K' VOL. 68. NO. 6. TARBORCV, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY fi 1890. i PRICE FIVEENTS " It. It. li. (Botanic Blood B Jill). If you try this remedy you will sayhis irany others bave Bald, that .it is the best blood purifier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, tia., for boo k of cornice ng testi mony J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga., (West End), writes: "I consider that B. B. B. has per men'ly cured me of rheumatism and sciatica ' R. K. Saulter, Athene, Ga , sayf: "B. B. B. cured me of an ulcer that had resisted all other treatment. E- C. Tinsley, Columbiana. Ala , writes: "My mott-er and sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula. B B B. cured them.". Jacob F. Sponcier, Newman Ga., writes: B B B. entirely cured me of iheumatism in my shoulder I used six bottles Chas Rainhardt, No 2u35 Fountain street, Baltimore. Ma., writes- "I suff rel witn bleeding piles too yeers, and am glad :o sa? that one bottle of B B B cured me " 3 J Hardy, Toceoa. Ga, writes. "B h B is a quick cure for catarrh Three b ltl. 8 cared rue, I han been troubled several yea's. " fA Pink. Atlanta Ga. sjys, ' One bottle of B B B completely cured uiy child of eczema W A repper, Predenia. Ala, writes. "B B B cured my mother of ulcerated sore throat" T. P. WYNN, M. D. Taebobo House, Tarboro, N. C. D R. Ii. T. BASS Offers his profebsional services to the -iti na of Tarboro and vicinity. Office on Maiu Street near (Joker's corner. c - D R. G. S. LLOYD. EYE EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. )? :( I Recently having t iker special courses in the above, offers his services to the people of Kdgecombe and surrounding counties. Office in old Bryan House, near bank, TARBORO. N. C. jK. DON WILLIaaIS, Jr., DENTIST, Taduate Baltimore College Dental Surgery.) Office, Old Bryant House, Main St., A)-ly Tabboro, N. C. ieo. Howard. JJOWAGD J. J. Martin. & MARTIN. Attorneys and Counselors &t Law. TARBORO N. C. Uf Practices in all the Cocris, olale aw Federal. tiov.6-ly. H. A. Gilliam". Uohhbll Gilliam QILLIAM & SON Attorneys-at-i-aw, TARBORO', N. C. iVill practice in the Counties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and In the Courts of the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Supreme Court at Raleieh. 1anl8-lv. J OHM L. BRIDGER3 & SON, Attorneys-at-Law , TARBORO, 1 lyr QEf THE BEST. 00, 000 000 LI QUO IIS 000, ooo CIGARS. TO BK FOUND IN TAR 'i JROL'GH. LIQUORS from TWO to EIGHT Years OLD Fancy Groceries FRESH and DAINTY. Aiwas on HAND J. C. ALLEN, Aent. 10tf RESTAURANT. RUT F I THORP. MEALJ 1 ALL HOUES- KliUUI.AR BOADEKH TAKEN Or'olk y-U.T3. A, No.l.l.y I'lie or Measure. BKST 1UCHMOM) blKAK. COOKING UNSUM'ASSF.D. a---xt loor to Tarboro House. lOUyr 'ALESMEN WANTI3D to canvass for the sale-'of Nursery Stock! steady employment guar uteed. G tOiJ pay f r succci fut en. App v at once siati a a e. Mention this paper. A,ttLlfRF ColI1I,'y mm ffldDWIEILILo rowi tbe ZVational Capitol There never was anything more absurd than the recent appearance of a Kansas Congressman before the House Committee on Ways and Means. The honorable gentleman fcoM the c ommittee that it was abso lutely ne':etsary for hi-t constituents to huvo protection for tueir fcilt in- dust. Silk is raised in my district from tin cocoon wi hont any outlay, and iesul'8 ia an adduijn ti ti e iu come of the farmers; an income which seems like finding -so much money. Then the honorable gm tleman wont on to argue in an earn est. iuannr as though he believed it himself, tint it is Lecestary to pro tect the people of his district, by the impositioi of a customs duty oCpne dollar per, yound for the "importa tion of raw silks." Think of that, honest meD, think of tha The little silk worm in Kansus cJits absolutely notfrng for support or attention; and he does not charge the farmer a cent for his services. I Hjia produ.t is all clear profit for his owner; but Still he is in competition with the pauper silk worms of he old world, and he must be protected. It is laughable to think ( f ''Protection to this infant industry." Jit is true there is around 100 per cent, profit on his produc tion3, but the committee on Ways and Means v as gravely asked to give tin' Kunsis worm protection. More over, it is understood that Senator Iugalls iutcntls to talk soon to the Serate committee upon this subject, aud fire off his awful jaw at the pau per worms of the old world. Kansas is doing we'l at both tnds of the Cap ita! t Ti e Ion men in Washington are n. t happy. True, Iowa ha3 lots of fat offict s, and is willing to have mort ; but cbe situation beyond the Mississippi River does not delight their souls. One of their leaders sas: ''When the Democratic party begins carrying elections in Iowa, it ieixi;nis me of the camel who wanted to put hii bjeadin the traveler's tnt. 1 here wasnft much room for the traveler after the performance was eouclu.led." That means, that the Democraticparty has spread itself over the state and grown b great that a republican nomination is no louyer a mor tgage on an office The time was not long, since, when Iowa was considered as safely republican as Ne w Jersey is considered safely Democratic but, the public abuses of official trusts, the private pecula tion of trua'ed individuals of that party, and the corrupting influences of corpcratibn robbere, so disinte grated the party, and so encouraged the parly of n form, that the very name of republican has almost be come a reproach in the former strong hold of, that 'party. "I cannot (express an opinion upon that subject' said ex-Speaker Carlisle when asked concerning the probable nomination of Cleveland in '92. "A great many cLanges may occur in two j ears, for or against a man in politics or business. When 1892 comes, it will be time enough to dis cuss nominations." It is a w. 11 known fact, however, that at present Mr. Carlisle is a staunch friend of the ex-President, and would be very glad to see him re-nominated and re elected Indeed, it seems to be the general sentiment of Democrats in Congresp, that, after all their fuult findings and disappointments, Qrover Cleveland gkve a very credilaJble democratic administration. lie is more popular now in Washington, while in the White BUTLER, tnan he was House. STATE-MENTS. Throo men are to be baDged on 7th. Oxford LedgenThe exodus fever has reached Cranville and many of the colored pewple have left, for the lbouth. Wii ston Daily: Winston's three tobat o warehjouf es sold for the six months endirj g November 1,'89,5, s of leaf tobacco. 599,537 poun,; ilming'on General Jolru not one-U'ird Review; Surgeon B. Hamilton says that nf our population of a military ape can eas the eramiation of a recruit. Th Governor has accepted a military company at Burlington, E. C. Holt, captain. This and the one at,W;loi willjbe the only ones the S afe can armjthis year. Danbury Reporter and Post: Another big fiAd of iron ore (magnet ic) is re-ported!on the south side of Din river, nea- the Piedmont springs This is on the lime lead that extends so fsr along the north side of the river. Ke Berne Journal: "The' man who is aggressive without being ds agreeable, stands the best chance of succeeding in business. But in the aits, sciences and professions, assur ance unbacked by -brains, knowledge, experience ana genius is not a cur rent coin." Cor.N jsbviUe Argonaut: Another card for Nash! Mr. T. r. -Braswel has discovered gold in large qaanti ties on nis island farm situated in Nash county, about 15 miles above Battieboro, and near the renowned "Man-Arrington." We saw a piece of rock or quartz last week from his recent "find" containg the glitter ing metal in apparently great quan titles. Wilmington Messenger : Some of our State exchanges bave been giv ing their opinions of the merits of the State press. One of these days ahead we may give our views. If so we will try to write with that candor and fairness that becomes aoy man who essays to be a public teacher, and we will t-trive to be as fair to wards those not friendly as to those who have teen kind. No man can write unfairly without dishonoring himself to some extent and even lowering his own se'.f respect Wilmington Messenger : Virgil Liarkms, an old colored man, well known in this city, has been missing from some apparently myeterions cause since Wednesday night of last week. He has been living in the southeastern part of the city, near what is known as Factory Hill, and left his home on the night in ques tion to attend a nieetii g at Christian Chapel, corner of Seventh and Church streets: Since then nothing ba been heard of him, although his relatives have made dilligent inquiry among bis acquaintances with whom be has been in tbe habit of spending a portion of his leisure time. Goldsboro Headlight : Monday night about 8:30 o'c'ock, fire was discovered in the store of Mr. L. Edwards, but for the timely action of the proprietor and neighbors was quickly subdued, thereby preventing a conflagration. The storeuwas open at the time and Mr. Edwards with several gentlemen- were in the rear, when all at oaca they found two front tables with their contents to be on fiie, which was caused a few seconds before by the overturning of a lamp of the front chandilier. The goods ion tbe two tables, were mostly consomed,.and a lot of piece goods and clothing were badly dam aged. Mr. Edwards estimates his loss and damage at about $900, which is covered by insurance. The fire department started but were ordered back asheir services was not re quired. Elizabeth City Economist: Mr. J. H. P. Iie:eh, now in charge o. the Academy at Hertford, Perquimans county, has brought suit iu Perqui mans against Mr. William X. Coley, editor of the Mocksville Times for alleged libel ia saying in Irs paper that: "Prof. J. P. H. Leigh, Principal of Cana High School, was too fond of bis lady pupils, and as he was a married man, this could not be al lowed by the good people of Cana, so his place is now vacant." Mr. Ijeigh may be innocent of the insinuation of the Times, and he may be well iortified in tbe proofs of his innocence, but he ventures on dan gerous "and uncertain ground when he institutes suit against a news paper that publishes an item of news without a malicious purpose. The public sentiment of the country and the leaning of the courts is to a large allowance for the freedom of the press, and the same public senti ment will not suffer newspapers to ventilate! their malic 3 against private character. 1 j Wilmington Messenger: HarrisoD is persuaded that the negro must no longer be ignored in the distribution of office.! Soto prove how seiious and holiest he is the says he will appoint iBlanche Bruce to a good place. ' But Brace is a bright urn latto a colored person in fact and no negro! at all.' The Charleston News and Courier says: "Mr. Blance is decidedly more Blance than black, and is, ia fact, whiter tbjan many white, mm- Per bapa this eenapieiea -factcaoatttOis, however, far: rlbe : iPieaidejM,1 . par tialitj fo4 buv aau:tut .rcpweUtive of tbe xifsro .erBmat.,--J:t ia a prof anatiOTt tot awiidjijMnotHit bank like) JUsk,4ake virpon his poisoned ips ibi3wae.iilsp,v good, so pure atnd o great aaaaa, as Jef ferson Davis. .iSotrWJnMtiid bon- est is the revreoee-o-th South kr its ill uatri9 kite Pr aident that ewn vitriolic Ingalla - ia- attracted. Hear him admitiBg: "He honored . them : for their con st a ty to I that heroic man. Id-as could never be annihilated. No man IHlAYIETr was ever converted by being over powered. Davis had not "Crooked t'-.e pregnant hinges of the knee That thrift might follow fawning.'' He hal remained to the end the immorable type, exponent and rt- presentative of those idas for which he had staked all, and lost all. True, Oh mm of g ill. The Sta'esville Landmark says: A sheriff in one of the counties of western North Carolina was recently on his tax rounds, and, talking to one of his constituents, made some reference to the death of Jeff. Davis. The man asked if Davis was still in prison when he died. Another man came up and joined in the conversa tion, and asked if Gen. Lee was dead yet. While the throe were talking a fourth joined them and tendered a Mecklenburg bank bill in payment of his Taxes. These would be called' by a poker-player, ''three of a kind.' Greensboro North State: Governor Fowle has appointed Thomas B. Womack, of Chatham, to fill the vacancy of Judge U-ilmer. Judge Gilmer's course on the bench his reflected great credit upon him. He retires full of honors and with the respect and admiration of the bar. there is much speculation as to his plans for tbe future. Some think he will settle down to a quiet home practic, and many believe he has simply put himself on the track for either Congress or te governorship. He is probablv the only one who knows "for sure."' GENERAL NEWS. Cincinnati Enqairer: Even tho Chesapeake shad have grown . wild eyed over the weather, and have come up the bay to be caught nearly two months ahead of time. Atlanta Constitution: If Mr, Harrison want to test the race feel ing at the .North, let him appoint a dozen netrro postmasters in New England. As fiae granite as is found on earth, is in JNorth Carolina. Johnston & Ellietof Charlotte own a quirry one mile from Mooresville, of exception' ally fine granite. It is very hard, and the "fibre or "grain is almost as close as marble, far finer or cl ser than that of tbe far-famed New Eng and erranite. It is susceptible of he highest polish, and it takes;im equal to marble. United Presbyterian: We have earned a good deal when we knOw how to employ our time and faculties. Many of us waste them in idleness and miedirection; some of ns put he m to overs' rain. We have only arrived at the possession of real wis dom when we know how to work and rest, giving to eich its proper proportion of care. Wilmington Star: We take it for granted that these inquiries are, as far as practicable, promplly answerd. But Fome additional effort should be made to place North Carolina and her . resources more prominently before the world, for there are few States which can show up better, if as well. One of the most prrtticil methods ot doing this, iu part at least would be a grand State exposition which would show at a glance North Carolina in miniature and give some idea of what she has to off-. r the settler, and the varied resources which invite iudustry and the invest ment of capital. Poor Politics, Mr. Recti. It is nearly two mon'hs since Con gress met- and the House has uo rules yet. Is not that rather bad politics, Mr. Speaker r Mr. Reed is too big a mm to al low his love of mere teasing to get and keep the upper hand. A parli amentary I ody, to work in a syste matic and orderly way, must work under rules To go on perversely without rules ia to set a very bad precedent, and a very troublesome one for the future. The House is at best an unruly bvdy. The Speaker himself needs the guidance and the protection of a body of rules. Mr. Reed cannot afford to set a precedent which will, as the House becomes more numerous, distinctly tend to make it a mob. Mr. Reed is a vigor ous partisan, but we think him to be also g statesmen, and he would not like to go into history as a mere party tool. The democrats have so far d -ne well. Their patience and good order have done them credit. Oppose the consideration of contested elec tin cafei until rules are adopted. That, we believe, Wi.uld be a nietake. It is the first and most immediately important duty of the House to settle who, in cases of contest, are enti led to seats. They ought to pur no ob stacle in the way of that settlement, which can be concluded under gen- " " - - - eral parliamentary law? No doubt the republicans will vote to seat their men. That is the common and bad, but long continued, practice of tne Mouse. Thad. btevens, frank cynic aa he was, showed his opinion of the practice when, eomiog to vote on a, contest, he asked "Which is ou d i rascal. N. Y. Herald. A IVotuble Woman. At times x encounter a woman who, thought almost unknown to the general public, has probably done more f r the poor and suffering chil dren of New York than any other member of her sex. This is Mrs Alexander, a rieorew lady of great wealth, who has devoted her life to the little schools, asylums and hos pitals with wh:ch the East side is dotted and which minister to thou ands of children, Jew and Gentile alike. She is about 40 years of age. stout, well preserved, with a face that ia both masculine and merry Some of her work is deserving of special notice. Three or four of the institutions which she started, and of whioh she is the mainspring, receive little children whose parents are com pelled to go out every day and work. Here they are educated in the kin dergarten system the girls taught to sew, kuit, keep house and cook tbe bos educated in some trade where skill or Bpecial knowledge is a condition of success, and kept unti eveuing, wheu their parents call for inem ana tase tnem. nome Tbe othe: Jav I made a flying visit to oue of thesu institutions, which in their own neighborhood are known as minders of mindries. They re ceived this c mical name on account of the popuUr belief that the little folks are "minded during the time they nre committed to the care of their managers. The school is on East Broadway, and contains aoout forty httle girls nd seventy boys. lhey were all neat, clean and appa rently strong and healthy. When was introduced to them the girls in their classes arose, courteously and almost simultaneously s?i 1: "God morning, sir, we are glad to see you The boys in their turn did the same thing excepting tha-, they bowed, while their sisters courtesied. I was treated to a series of decla mations by the more promising echo! ars. One delivered a declamation in Hebrew, a second in Russian, a third a familiar poem from Schiller m Germ id, aad the fourth Marc An tony's oration from "Julius Caesar. All four spoke well, and what wae more, the little aocs boyB and girls alike seemed as much delighted at the performance as I did. Afterward I was shown the needle work of the girls, the cirpeting, metalwork and sboemakmg of the boys. Every Si.ec- luaen-wai creditable, in iacr, tne soling aud heeling by three liMle ur chinf, was so good that they are em ployed by the manager of the school to repnir the footgear of their little associates. N. Y. Star. Nome Sew Hats. The early tpring styles are neat and sbapeiy, with no prominent changes. In derbys the proportions are small, with, clowns running from full to medium round. Iu curls, al most everything has b6en tried, with a prepouderance in favor of an opar, round curl. Some Stanley curies are shown with flat set ani others full set. When properly rounded and set the Stanley curl is yery neat and suitable for spring wear. Just at trn ti ue soft hats are having a boom, particularly iu tourist shapes, wh:ch under different fanciful names have been put upon the market in very attractive style. Pocket hats and crushers are also in very active demand. A novelty ia a tourifet is is shown with full, stiff brim and soft crown, which mskes a very execel lent hat It is s ated by fashionable authorities that the fashionable color iu men's clothing will be green, and already ;rlera bave been given by fashionable tailors for solid invisible green in; diagonals and wori-te i. In mix uies, also, green is the predomi nant collar. Should this pr ve to be a popular fad there will be undoubt edly a call for green hatf , b th in sol id colors and mixtures aad be ready when the time comes. A "ve Willi In a Jliue. Sam Tyack, t he enterprisiog lessee of the Syndicate, broke into a natural care. in tbe mine a few days ago about 2oo f et from the surface, and discovered many things of interest to the student of archaeology. The l- miners were putting in a hole, when the drill suddenly disappeared, much to their astonishment. A couple of holes of less depth were then drilled and fired, which made an aperture through which the men entered a chamber about forty feet square and quite as high, the sides and roof of which were chalcedony bulged out in all sorts of grotesque and fantastic shape. I Sammy entered first and, swinging his candle around, caugnt sight of a ecore of objects that startled Kim. ''Come in, boys," he exclairned; "here's a bloody anatomical museum." They crawled in and participated in bam s astonishment, for which there was ample cause, as the int rior of cave flashed with with the iridescence of million colored gems. It seemed, so Sam saytt, as if all the glittering sfars in the firmament had Come down to hold high carnival and flash themselves through lenses of varie gated hues. Exploring farther ' they found still more cause for wonder. Petrifactions of animals, birds and reptiles abounded. There were great owls and monstrous bate and several snakes as hideous as if endowed with life, as they were many, many ages ago, before Bodie bluff was created and when the present site of Moup's metropolis was cloeely dotted wLh the vents of thermal epring?, from the accretion of wbih millions 'of dollars in bullion have been given to the commercial world. Mr. Tyack has removed several pf these petrifactions in perfect lorrn, intending to forward them to Pro fessor Irelan, Chief of the State Mining Bureau, who will highly ap preciate them. The few who have been permitted to view this interest ting chamber of antiquities were a'mcst benumbed with astonishment Hank Blauchard remarked that ft recalled the time when God was moulding the earth to its pre-eot spherical form, cycles of ages before Cam belted tbe stuffing out of Abel with a base ball club. As this -is Hank's second time on earth he his a right to refer to such things. Cat, Index. 5 A coi respondent of the Wimington Star, writing fjori Lumberton, ib reference to the killing of Sim Low rey by J. D. McQueen, town marshal of Maxton, la9t Saturday, says Mc Queen shot Lowrey in self-defence; that the latter was drunk end was cutting at McQueen with a knife when the town mart-hal shot him. Another report is that Lowrey had threatened te kill McQueen. Mcf Queen is now in jail at Lumbertonj, and will probably be tried at the present term of the S perior Coui bim was the son of Steve Lowrey! the last one killed of the Lowrey gang of outlaws. The correspondent adds that there are 32 prisoners in: the county jail at Lumberton, among them four capital cases awaiting trial. Piano fill) New: Plauo has act extremely model man, in fact, we preaume it has many, but there is one in particular that comes under; our observation, which we think is': worthy of mention, The gentleman in question never drank a drop of cider, beef, (or whiskey for-a bever age); a cigar or piece of tobacco never? found its way to h s mouth. Pro fanity and gosip, he never indulges;! in; and yet he is not a "Crank , but a pleasant, companionable gen tleman, who has made a good suc cess of life. These points did not come to us from the model man, but were gleaned them from a reliable source and they are facts. We are proud of him, as a cit'zen of Piano. Can the ladies beat this record? Kuew it Wasn't Vance To soma of the Southeeneb read ers the following may cot be new but it is good enough to be r repeti tion: The New York Tribune's Wash ington correspondent says: Senator Vance, of North Carolina, loet his hat the other day. He came out of the Senate cloak room bare headei, with his overcoat on his arm, paraded the corridors asking every one he met if he had teen a tall bat straying about anywhere. He was asking the question of Captain May, the door keeper at the lobby door, when the page came up with the missing arti cle in his hand. Senator Vance was just saying: "Of course I don't think you bave seen, you know, bnt I was 'just ask ing' like the manjwho once came into my office when I was Governor of North Carolina. , He was a trampish looking man and bis clothing was worn and seedy. He locked care fully around the room and then sa d: "Governor, you ain't seen nothin, of a pair of boots around here, have you? I left 'em in that corner last night, and they ain't trr this marr ing ' 'T answered that I had not seen the boo'p." I kn .r t" at same d theif had stolen them," said the unknown. "Of course I koowed it wasn't you, but I just thought I'd ask." The Mathematics of Webt Teacher (to class in arithmetic) A man borrowed $100 to pay one seventh of his debts. What are his debts ? The Quick Pupil Six hundred dollar?; he owed seven and he's paid one. The Blight Pupil -Seven hundred dollars, for he still owes tte hundred he borrowed. The Youthful Seer. Eight hun dred dollars and ten cents. Teacher How do you obtain that result? The Y. S. He blowed in the hun dred agin the bank tryin' to git hunk with the game, and then the dealer lent him ten cents out'n tbe drawer to git a plate of "bam and" for din ner. Petersburg Progress : Senator In- galls, in his oration in the Senate the other day on tho race issue, de -scribed the Southern people as un reconciled and "reinforcing the cow ardly and degraded elements in the North that sympathized with treas on." By "the cowardly and de graded element i in the North," he meant to designate the Democrats of that section men like Mr. Cleve land, Mr. Thurman, Mr. Phelps and hundreds of thousands of others who are supeiior to the orator in all the) qualities that make a good, honest, self-reliant citizen. The vision that eees in the Democrats of the North only "degraded elements" cannot be trusted, of court e. to see the truth about Southern Demo crats. Tne Pnlptt and the Ntuse Kev. P. M, Shrout, Pastor United Bretuerin Church, Blue Mound. Kan.. says: "I feel if my duty to tell what won ders Lfr. King s JNew Discovery has done forme. My Lungs .were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five battles of Dr. King's New Descovery and am sound and wtll, gaining 26 lbs ia weight." : Arthur Love, Manager Ldves's Funny Folfes Combination writes- "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. -Kiogs New Discovery ror uonsumption, beats 'em all, and cures When everything else fails. The greatest kindness I cau do my many thousands fr:eds is- to urge them to try it.' Free, trial bottles at Staton & Z eller's Drug Store. Kegular s.zes 50c. and $100. FOR LIEN mivi For LOSIorrAlLrN3 MANHOODj eeaml aad HEaVOUS DIBUJTYi Weakness of Body and Iliad, Effects m. Kohl AH HOOD fill It Restore. Hewleeslane sea ox smnoruflMiuii uiaor iu. Btreaataea WasK, USUS'SWJrsu UKUAnsaraKTa vr BOUI. aesolalelr aefsiltar HOBB TBKATURT Beaelti la a J. ea teetlfr Ireai 0 Statu sad rerebiB Coaatrlee. Wrl te these, DeeertBtie Book, nplaaatlea aad aroofe atellea (ls)free. AUrtS? UIBMEOICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. Ve To enre Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti . pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the sale and certain remedy, Use the SWALI. Size (40 little Beans to the bottle). They are the most convenient; Suitable tor nil .ajeei. Price of cither size, 25c. per Bottle. KISSING: AT -I imw panel srr.R. rl-I I "IU panel srr.R. I Uail&d for 4 eu. feopperg or stftrona). J. F. SMITH &CO.M"of"rLEBE.iS,- ST. ICIiiS M0. If VOU Ink COKSUMPTIOMICOUGHorCOLD ! BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA '"Wasting of nosh, Or any Xtseat whara th Throat and Zuno ar Inflamed, Zacfc of Strength or ITerum Fotver, you can be relieved and Cured by I SCOTT'S ifrlULSlim i ! i ' OF " PURE COD LIVER OIL i With, Hypophosphltes. j PALATABLE AS MILK. 'AtJc for Beott'm EmuJmton. and let no ex planation, or solicitation indue you 1m accept a mtbttitute. "r Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT At BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y mm GRAND Summer Sale inCtn PIANOS and ORCAWfto lUL'U br Ou-t. 1. Barasins for alL Eaawst terms ererifiTcn. rtanoa to M JO ""''" '" S3 VJ Si taa-uhlii. tf Kented until or; Special Summer Offer! Ho Instailnients 1 ?i)T CASH PKJfliM. r-Hny in J""?.. ,V.r Aiii.-ut or September. and r Norinl.cr I. (.,.- JVo ftlall'nwntm. llaaxj BI.Ml l;J a bnm- li ;h.v Write t ciroolara. and lie court! jL.UDDE2M'& BATES, SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE ' SAMMAMt Bj jjjjj Not a Pimple on Baby. Uaby One Year Old-Bad ma-IIalr all Cone Sea 1VIIV ' 11 Gone Seal O Canrnd Hair Splendid aad not a Pimple oa Him. Cured by Cuticura I cannot eiy enouirh In the Dralsaof the Cuticura Kemedleb. My bov. wneu one ve&r ot age, was bo bad with ecrerua that he lost all of Mb bair. His scalp was covered with eruptions, which the doctors said was scaU head, and thut bis hair would never grow oat ' again. Despairing of a cure from, physi cians, I began the use of the Outienra Kernel dies, and, 1 am happy to say,-wiih the most perfect success. His hair Is now splendid, and there is not a pimple on bim. I recom mend the the Cuticura Kemedles to mothers as the meet speedy, economical and sure cure for all skin diseases of Infants and children, and feel that every mother wbeias an af flisted child will thank me fer dolDg so. Mrs M E. W JODaUM, Norway, Me. Fever Sore Eight Years. I must extend to von the thanks of one of my customers, who has bleu cored by ' using the Cat'eura Kemedles, of an old sore, caused by a long epell of sickness or fever eight years ago. lie was bo bad he was fearful he wouia nave to nave nxs leg amputated,, bnt ts happy to say he Is now entirely well sound a a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which is H, H. Cason, Merchant. JOfaN V. MINOK. Drurgist, Galaesboro.Tenn. We have been selling your Cuticura Reme dies foy years, and have the first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of scrofula X ever s tw was cored by them. TAYLOR fc TAYLOR. Frankfort, Kan. fjuticnra Besolyeiit The new Bl od Purifier and purest a d best of Humor Remedies, internally, aad Cnticuca the great Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite Skin Beaatlfler, externally, speedi ly permanently, aud economically care eveiy disease and humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, whether Itching, burning, scaly, pimply, scrofulous, or hered. i ary, when all other remedies fail. Bold everywhere. Price Cuticura, 50o.; Boap, 25.; Resolvent, Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Bos ton, Mass. j ev Bend for "How to Core Skin Disease, 64 pages, SO illustrations, and 100 testlmo? jnials. ... SHraiy toe Acies. Sharp Aches, Dull Pains, Strains, and weaknesses relieves! In minute by the Cuticura Anfl-Pmlu Planter. The first and ond only inataneous pain-killing strengthening plaster. 25 cents. BABY'S Skin and scalp preserved and beautified by Cuticura oip. Absolutely pure. A FewFacts A NECESSITYTFEVERY HOUSEHOLD A BOTTLK OF OUB Genuine French Brandy BUY GUINNESS' PORTER, Binke's Bottling, ImpoiloJ BUY 0 LA US EN' PORTER. . For the Best Domes! ' I HAVE A FINE LINE OF iifllifiS Tiff f-afr? aiicBwuMABar aaw Baw w From 10 cents a bottle upward HT LINK OF CANNED GOODS At 10 cents per can, has no equal.. FIXE BREAKFAST HOMINY, r And 8UPERIOR HEAD RICE. Itfew Mackerel ! TBT OUB FINK ! SARDINES, With a key to every box. WE RETAIL NONE BUT STRICTLY PURE LEAF LARD !- GUARANTEED. 100 kegs Old Dominion Nails. Hay, Corn, Oa's, Meal and Bran a specialty. D. LICHTEHSTEIN ''O THE PUBLIC I am Prepared to do all work. the Undertaker's Business at tbe shortest net ice. Having eon, nected with ray shop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop shall have Prompt attention. PRICES MODERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friends for their former patronage, I hope to merit the same, should they need anything in the Undertaking Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcors fiom the Corner of Main. T. E. Simmous HAIR DAL8AM Promote lnxorf nt arrowttl, ' Mavar rail to neatora way Hair to Ha Yaatkful Color. Onraaanalprllaaassasnil aalrfaUtaa; HINDERCORUG. Hit afiial aiiiiat asirl tiart mm fill fnraa stiii1t--T UtofiaailtxJn. Koanres aomf ort to tbo tee. MerarfaiM

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