Carbotrottthtriur I.- , I ?tbll!tu& Every Thursday. MM POTO-- PROPBIETOB T MBSCRIPTIOW W ?'. '. I. ftiX wo.NsHa i Atvci InementB amony. coi ruawer -U.t-f- 'cl insertion, to v.oji. advertisers. i . . .rtTOrtisemeu, lu local columns by ojsi ..umg no regular advertisements, a cts ., i ,. .nn inserted for loss than 50 centa. i a.,,., .laments, discontinued before the time contracted for has expired, will be charged tran- .i.nt mih for time actually puDiisnea. wAm.vw nt Marri&aes or deaths, not to exceed ten Ui.o. will be inserted troo. All additional tnitMi will bechareed 10 cts.. per line. f Payment for transient advertisements must be - mad i. advance. Reyular advertisements wtu bo f-1. icd promptly at the end of every month t; i .1 .iir.icatlons containing news or adlacus- i. .. . matters solicited. No communica ti . vi li bo DubllsheCk that contains objectionable i insonaUUos. that withholds tho name ol Ur author, or tiat will make more tnan one coiudit: lUla paper. The editor Is not responsible for news expreas- ihI bycorresoondents. trAU nnslness connected with "i sofflco. in nnirt. i- insure attentioL. should be ddrossed ' l The VOTJI IIUBNER, Ti i BORO', N. C vc itPd attheJost-Offlce at Tarborough, N ..a oiid-class Matter. I TtfUKMI'ATf.. ..Febbuabt 13, 1890 TOO) HtNV 1ULGBS. The people of Edgecombe have had the reputation of being bard workers and this reputation is deserved. borne of our people are moet zealous workei h and in times of financial a versity display a courage that com mands admiration. While all this is true is not our ciuse of our ''hard times" , ttribu ta ble to to) many idlers of both races and both sexes ? We think it is. . 6 The Southerner reporters have 1 Interviewed people from all parts o: the county about the probable scar ; city of labor. The (opinion of some i of these have been aire ady given to our readers. With the exception o: Coi. Carr no one thinks there will be I an insufficiency. CoL Carr has gone below the sur I face. He is aware that farmers now , have plenty of labor, but he is also i aware that many huadreds of labor ers have left this county and tha their places 'tave S3 far been supplied : by women and children who hereto : lore nave not woiKea. Tney are not working now for any love of it i but because the husbands and : fathers by their labor cannot make 1 enough to keep the former in the house and send the latter to school As the season advances labor wil I become scarce, and when wages or nve at that point that the hnsband can maintain wife in idleness, save ministering to his wants, back to the honse phe will gr from the held end then there will be a hue and cry. This should not be. but let ns not blame the darkies too much. He is imitative not original. He is only doing as tbc whites do. They have and still do set the example. The white men who will not toi and delve struggle a life time with poverty that their wlfes and daugh ters may play what we call "the laiy' are few and far between. We say it with fear and trembling, but say it we muaf, duty requires it the softer sex perform not work of the right kind enough. ITT 1 we nave too many servan s, we want too much waiting upon. The experience of a family during the Ftrike last fall will explain our meaning 'better and "put it"' milder than we rough man that we are could. The bead of this family is a man of means, intelligent and tnerery per sonified. lEvery servant on his place from his cook down strack. That household was 'put out." Mrs, went to the kitchen and pre' pared the meals. She was not pleased with her occupation ; it was awkward to her. After a day or two a daughter who had been to Bchcol. and taken all the ornamental branches aid cookiDg besides; came to her relief. She turned her mother A J ... ., . out anu uutu tne a t rine w s over gave her family the best cooked meals they had ever had. There was no trouble about it ; no burnt bands aDd Bmutty arms; no con fusion and dvspepaia balls in the shape of biscuits ; nor was ehe all day r.bvut it. She attended to other household duties, and after supper sat in the parlor and entertained her gentlemen ; visit rs with the ease and gracious ! ness of the daintiest of accomplished city belles. The father wan nArfnnflv nrra.A I i away. - His two weakest points hackP been touched, his stomach and his pocket. To ns he avered that he never lived better and that he and his wife kept an accurate account of the cost, and exclusive of wages his expenses were not half wht they bad been. Ik oar me ining cler ? 5 Of course it on can afford it, beyond the example set, there is no objection to how oamy servants he may emploj-. This class is the ex-, cepti n. The great majority can not aford it. Their income whether it be from farming, from salaries, or what, is too sma'.l to indulge in it without ever present poverty and no ooportunity to lay up for the rainy day or old age. Th re are not enough'ladies preaid i t- tLe cook stove. . We would be doing the subject injustice to dismiis it without pay ing our respects Co the men. This county ie affioted with too many of what we call gentlemen, who toil not, neither to they spin. Yet Solomon in all his glory never rode about in auoh fine buggies and came to town bo often. There are od many wasting their ti'"1 e oper seeing one, two and three plows bet ween the plow They sbould be bandies themselves, and the increase from the small farm will not be eaten op' by a fine horse kept sleek and Much of the idleness or want of thrift, or whatever vou want to cai it, is due to ante bellum civilizatio the effects of wnich-are too slowly passing away. To hasten the depart ure of this most retarding f R" t"e well-to-do should set the example. This wiU better than the slow but ' 1 a at xorable compulsion of poverty, POVERTY IJI ABVSDalIV A letter froni a correspondent to the Dramatic Mirror from Oscaloosa Iowa, tells a very significant story Its significaccel is emphasized from ... ... I i . the fact tnat tne correspuuutjui writing about theatrical matters and not politics. j -Onlv fair up to January 1, '90. The average business was $160.83 a performance. For the same time loaf. HMntl IT, WHS B crease of 16 per cent. General com nlaints about business are heard fmm combination manacrers. The dnnression is not confined to threat rical buhinessj it is shared by the mercamiletrade also. It is the opinion here, that the eauses of this depres s&on are hieh tariff and prohibition. Better results jwas expected from the enormous crops in Iowa, but when the farmer takes forty bushels of oats to market and! carries home thirty six pounds of granulated sugar as the gross result, depression is no longer an osigma. There is no nope of any improvement under existing law?, and we have not seen tne aarx est side yet. Do you bear that, ye believers and advocates of a hish tariff? Ia the midst of plenty there is poverty. Is the tariff the cause? Suppose you soy no. There one fact you cannot get around. Sugar ie two cents a pound dearer by reason of the tariff while the price of oats is regulated by Ithe law of supply and demand. A scarcity or sugar woum make the price higher, but high or low that same two cents remains to be paid by the consumer. No tariff can benefit the American farmer, for he raist s more than this country can consume. The price of his crops therefore is dependent upon the world's supply. No need for him to go to Washington and ask the republican Congress to place a tariff or an increased one upon bis productions. Custom duties might cbe piled mountains high on oats corn, cotton and other crops but the price would in no way be effected. The tariff fight is on in Iowa. That hide-bound republican State is be ginning to realize the result of class legislation, ""hey are beginning to see in the language of our great Ueader, Grovei: Clevelnd,thaiit is no longer a theory but a condition that confronts them. Down with 'the tariff. HHEBE THE TROUBLE LIES. The complaint of "B" in a com in u nication elsewhere about the iniquity of our monetary system remind us that many people rather mistake the meaning of the word monetary or tbey would not be so often ascri bing to it so many ills and woes. There is not so much the matter with cur monetury system. The abolition of the national banks would improve it, but taken as a whole it is pretty lair and is a far better one than most of jus could devise. The cause which brings to us uiid our country disaster is not the mon etary system! The love of money and power is the cause and the laws which permit the accumulations of aggregated capital are tbe meant", the agents by which these untoward con ditions are brought about. Capital is exacting, tyrannical it exacts its own to the utmost farth- mg and tne greater it grows tne . .. ... stronger it strives to perpetuate it self. Here is the trouble, good render. The people in their legislative wis dom have never been able to prevent the combination of vast capitals. For some came or other no matter how dangerous aod inordinately rich man is to tne State, the people have never dared to effectually oppose mm. It must be done some day and the sooner the better. Some law must be enacted which will tend to keep capital masses and in the hands of tbe not t- draw in nil into the posse esioii t . i- : e .v 1 .wsj ftt prtseut favor Do not our the few rather than the many ? No e blames a person for making money anq fill he can, but there should be placed to his acquisition at that point! where the individual through his wealth can become dan gerous to thej State. Let the 1 n be drawn. At long as the capital remains on tbe side of the line ell is afe, but over or beyond that, let tbe penalties oe soon as to make it, un profitable. In this way only can th entf rin of capital and power into th haMd" of th few be prevent e l There is no us -htoh t what we areHaying. ' In this county there is no one Wealthy enough to be dangerous to the State, but daily one can see the fe growing richer and the poor of course improving but little. There are not as many land owners in Edgecombe to-day as there were ten years ago. In 1900 there wiu under present system still be fewer. What is true; for this county is true elsewhere. With this difference the nearer the money centres are reached the greater becomes the contrast bet wet n the wealthy few and the masses.! Could we do ;away with the cen tralizing power of capital seeking to perpetuate itself we could Btand our present monetary system .without a murmur, without knowing anything was wrong about it. Abnormal wealth should be taxed till it becomes unprofitable. Deeds and devise? should be so regulated that no person could acquire more than a certain amoant of property By these meau theee vast aggrega tions of capital will be dispersed, not destroyed but scattered abroad, giving new life and vigor. This is not communism. It is the greattst good to the greatest number. E C King of Falkland was in town Tuesday Mrs. R. C. Brown is visiting ielatlv In Ham ton. Mra. H. B. Marriott, of Battleboro, was in town Tuesday . If Iss Lulle Wlmterly is visiting Miss Sallie HowarO Dr. J. S Harmon, Russian optician, is reg tered at Hotel Farrar. MUs Lizzie Palamount n weut down to Hamil ton t-n a visit Monday. Miffs. Annie Dane? who has been visiting in Scotland rieCK nas returned. .1 Kran If Martin left Tuesday for Seattle Washington, to seek bis fortune. Dr. E. D. Barnes has returned from Edentou where be has teen on a professional visu. Rev. Kdward Mack and George A. Sparrow, of Washington.N..C .passed through town lueaaay Tio Franklin " f lmes" says tht Paul Jones has gone to Knoxville. Tenn., on professional Business. Miss Kate Gregory, who ha been on a vuit to Miss Kate Plppen. returred home last 1 uesday accompanied iy Miss Kate Plppen. nnrim tha session of the Convocation Mr. and Mrs. J a. R. Gaskill gave an elegant dinner to the visiting ministers ana a tew menus. H. Merrls and ti Heilbroner left Snndsy for Northern markets.! Just watch tbe Bocthkbnik oolnmnsand see what cheap and elegant goods tbey procure for tbe trade here. . They are live merchants. Oreenviie's Grand Bal! To the Editor of the Soulherner. Wednesday Feh'y 5th being tbe day cht sen by the hoepitable b ys of Green Tille for tbe masquerade bal' eeveral of Tarboro's belles and beaux, bidden by invitations, availed themselves of tbe opportunities to attend that ball- hicb was begun in tbe Opera House at o'clock sad was enjoyed till 11:30, when all weie lequeated to unmask. Faces were then seen that mothers could not before identify. Supper was announced at 12 o'clock and each gentleman escorted his best giq from the Opera House to a hall, well lit and highly decorated, there to partake of an excellent i supper, that could only have been arranged by ihe fair sex o Pitt couDty everything in abundance l he table caused many smi ea to pass from one to another, being the centre of attraction from 12 to the "wee sma' hours. We, being reluctant to leavethe champagne and other delicious wines cast 8 last look at lue table, which was not yet freed ' of these delicacies that please t he inner man. Next, we were expected in Germani Hall tolcompleie the evening's enj yment ihere to take part in the 4most enjoyable of all dances, the geman, led and nihu aged most gracefully Dy that wl.o'e sou ed, clever friend of our, Dick Kin. 1 ne giajy mazes or tbe dance conliu ued till 5:30 a. m., then tbe (-baking hands and parting of frienus was indu'g ed in, everyone wishing for another such a good time X. Y. Z. ; Cassandra To the Editor of the Soulherner. Is it true as some will persist in asserting "that Ihere is plenty of mney?" I wit ne8f(l yesterday the eighth transfer of a C"00 aiaft. It hid Daid $4,000 of indebt edness, thr ugh iit then bore the appear ance of having exhausted itself. Certain ly its back afforded no uuoccupied space. "Why cry peace, peace, when there i9 no peace?" Mis ory asters that Nero fiddled wh le Rome burned. The moneyed lords of this land might profit by a close reading of the 5th chap ter of the book! of Daniel. revelling in "purple and floe linen" "faring sumpt. uously every day," while all over the land nakedness and great famine stalk abroad One of these days iu letters intelligible they will find writlea by the hand (votes of the long suffering suffragans of this land) of their fellowmen in reference to tbe monetary system that fosters these iu iquities. rnene, mene, tekel uphareon Patience, my brothers, console your selves with the thought, "times are in thy hands," the Lord the Creator of the earth la-"test not neither is weary." If need be Ue wilt caue the wrath of man to praise him; the remainder of wrath will b res'rain. B. A Deplorable Representation A colored woman who recently lef this county for Texas writes to her broth" er here giving a most deplorable accoun1 of life in the "Lon. Star" State. She says: "Flour is as hard to get here as a five dollar bill is there, and I aint had no snuff since I've been here, if you please send me some if you can and tome bi cuit. Tell my mother don't come to Texas for fleas are so bad. You are in Tarboro, you had better stay for it is tlne times hotter here thao it is there." All the colored people who contemplate sl.ould read carefully tl,e above le't-r and see how gl rious that country is wi en iru'hfully represented. Doubt let-s m my of the coloied people ! who .eve hee and write back such glowing accounts . f the country of "milk and honey" as it is said to be, are forced j . . . . , ' o do so by their employers. Health sbould be considered paramount when tbey thick f KOirjj? t Texas. When tbe truth is told the sr.called glorious country falls far below the rep tesentation made of it by 'I e i xodua agen'a who have been cons' an ly coming o this state f r labor. Edge-comb HVdical Society. The regu ar meeting of the Edgecombe Medical Society wns held Tuesd.y in the Alrty r's office with T. P. Wynn, M. D. in tho cl a. r. The meetin0 was well attended. Dr. William C. Vines, of Conetoe, ap plied for membership and was admitted. The resignation of Dr. James P. Battle, Secretary, was offered and , accepted. tliereui-on Dr.George S Lloyd was elected Secretary in his stead. Dr. J. M. Baker presented two patients, one a case of Aphasia and the other Moll- ius Ossium in a child five years of age. The thanks of the Society are extended to Mayor Fountain for the use of his office for the meeting. The president, Drs. II. T. Bass atid J. M. Baker were appointed a committee to investigate the construction of the medi cal law, regarding illegal practicing of medicine in this county. Dr. Willum Vines was tlected eesayist for the next meeting which will be held on the 2nd Tuesday in March. Whitakers' Topics- Whitakbes. N. C, Feb. 11, 1890. To Ihe Editor of the Southerner: Great excitement prevails through thi. vicinity on account of emigrant agents, Tbey still come and keep the labor stirred up in such a manner as to lender tta-ir servic8 aim 6t vtorthless. But we have some good colored people here who say 'hey will nrt le dragged around by monev-suckers 6uch as "Pee Leg" Wil liams. F. H. Cutchin returned las week from a yery extended visit through the West He w8 at ote time over tuir.y-three bundr-. n miles from vome, though we are m ie than sorrvto sav while Mr. C. was n ihe Weit he ci nliacted so much ro that he is now confined to his bed with pneumonia. Bus ness in town last Saturday was rather dull. TLe brass band of this place is now in a very pr sperous shape. New members are being added. Capt. Jarrett White, tbe leader, calls the boys together every Monday night and gMrsus lots of good mubic. With mt re than regret I will state thai Dr. D. W. Bullock will leave .Wednesday for Wilmington where he wi 1 make his home. He will leave many frie ds be hind. All wish tLe Doctor much success Master Fletcher Thompson, of Toisnot has been visiting friends in town for the past four or five days. W. C. Taylor leftMonday last for Nor folk Va.v,on business. Tbe farmer' Alliance seems 'ob) grow ing daily through this sec ion. John H. Baker is quite sick with the grippe. Mrs. Annie Griffin of R cky Mount was iu town last week visiting M. J. Can's fnmily. Gen. L. G. Eles family will in a few days leave for Washington D. C, where they will make the r future home. Miss Lu'a Shorte is quite sick. O. li. Manu has purt hue I a 1 t on Nash S ., he will soon build a two story residence which will add much to the appearance of that part of the town. U. (J. Bourne of Tarboro was in town last week, Kcff E XKUUTIoN SALE. Under two executions issued from Edtfecomba oufcuur vuurioii judgments, there aocueiea in mvrirui j. a. loune against j. a. Uutehin, . will sell tor Cash at the CoirnhnnsB rlnor In Tar. bore, on Monday March :tr.l iRon sixth interest in the reversion or remainder In a certain paicel ol land In the town of Whitaker'e, Edgecoinb countylcrmer y owaedbvIaiahOutchln aodcootaining sbout 2 acres, (the whole of said muti oeiooKing to j. a. uutchln for life, remain der to his six children.) W. T. KNIGHT. Sheriff Jan 21, ). of Kdgecou be County. E XECUTION 8ALK. Under two executions issued from Edgecombe Superior Court on Judgements, there dockete l In favor of C. A. Youn? against J. 8. Cutchin, I W'll sell fei Chash. on Mon lav March 3rd 1800 one undivided tlxth Interest in the reversion or remainder in a certain parcel of land, situate io Ihe count of Edgecombe, adjoining the lands of 01. j oaitie anu o ners and coatainlnK 150 to2U0 aures ino iwuoie oi niu ana Deioneinir to ,1. ll Cuich'n for life, remainder to his six children.) W. T. KNIGHT. Sheriff Jan. 21, TW. of Kdgecorabe County. JUDICAL 8 ALE. On Monday. February 24th. 1890. tbe un dersigned Commissioners, will ll before tbe Court House door, tn larbo o, tor cash, to ihebi chest bidder, the interest of J . . CUtcb- en in one Policy of Insurance in tLe Faults the Life Assnrat ce Society, upon the life of J. H ntchen for the amoant of 5.(K0. beta? Po'icy 210.K44. Said ale beine m wit bv vir tue ot a Decree of the Superior Court of jwisjecom oe count v. JACOB BATTLE, ) JNO: L. BRIDGEKB, Commissioners. January 18th, 1-90. 4tds I TP OY THE HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. BY TO B SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION 0NIY- The prospectus and complete outfit for can vassing will bo ready immed ately. Agents wishing Desirable Territory on tbis great wcrk wUl please address, a-; soon as possible, uie publishers. ' BELFORD COMPANY. 18-32 East lth Street, NEW York GO TO J. H. BROWN'S TO GET YOUi: iIAiiESN, SAIMMiES, WHIPS, C0LI.A liS. liHIIiLKN, aM) in fact EVERTTU1KG USUALLY FOUND IN A Ursi Harness Shi p. ! Dtl. Public 3aud Hale. By virtue of a iudxnient of tn sn of Mgecombe County, in tbe civil action en titled Joseph L. Savag against William H. O. f wiii pu'i'i'uy oeiore tbe court house door on Monday, the third day of March 1890, the tract of land d-CrrtK! In the eompXutf tn aald action. KitiiaNt.l In ,.-, . f 'T' Norfolk apd Carolina rairwav. adjoining tSe land of the heirs ct Wim,,.. L. ktway and Others, and containing two hundred and sixty "itwTJ" "ll" or ,les?- The same beini Pottle: Knight to aw. Knlgt rlKStiref on page 804 ofBook 28 1, the office of of Deeds of naid county. be paid In cash, bond for the re kk-nce, payable twelve months after day of -ale, with iniertVt at eight percent from day of sal... n J liEK' li, ci'k Elinor r Court 6t4 ATTENTft' N FARMERS! TXSTS FLOYD'S HOG CHOLERA CURE, A rUi RE.MEOY loi: a IX DISEASES OF THE HOG- TRY ir Ft r sale only by Jf- If- MacnaiV- TO- TRUCKERS o ) ( o . We offer to tbe Truckej? of Eustcrn Caro lina, our 8pecial liiarUGraJc o o MANUfACTUBED EXPRESSLY FOE EARLY Potatoes. Please w'Ua U3 for prices and terms. Old Dominion (iuuno Co. .NORFOLK, VA:- WilSSSS! WilSSSS! THLA.KOItST AND B8T 8BLKCTD! STOCK ortflu JUSTLY CELIBKlTIO GO : 1 , ,! : ' S EVEE BKOUGHT TO TARBORO1, AT FIGURE? LOWER TITAV EVER. GENTS' WATCH CHAINS. Wb bivi 01 hani a. t;reat variety ft GOLD YiATm CH41X 8 AND WILL SEL. TI1SM AT FIGURES TO SUIT THE TIM FS. wb still Sell the cei-fhrated HOUSEHOLD AND DOMESTIC Sewing Machines. SPECTACLES ! EYE GLASSES Adjusting spectacles properly, a specialty CHAMBERLAIN & R AWLS Lumber is Advancing. Sa Hills, Steam Engines. Shingle Mils, Hay Presses. If yoa want a first-ciass SAW MILL, pnnd for ratal -cue to . B. FARQUIIAK 9c CO , rlt8 (Limited) York, Fa NEW SALOON. New Goods, Good Goods, Best Goods. WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIG1RS Nothing but the best, kept, lowest price JO cash buyers. VV. F. THORN E, Nstflo ir to K C. iic r i FEED STABLE For the accommodation of of the publi ha?'; opened in rear of my store on Gran vllle street, a FEED STABLE, where beas veiiiela wiil rerceive careful attention W. F. Tliorne. LIFE AND DEATH -or JEFFERSON DAVIS. The first and only one in the field. It is s complete history of tbe life and death of Mr. Davis, containing 2o6 pages, and s handsomi ly illustrated and contains the funeral services, comments of the press, etc., etc. It will have :i big sale. 50 per cent, discount to live agents. Fnce, .pa per cover, 25 cents; cloth bound, 81.00 Mailed to any address on teceipt of price If you want to he an agent, send 25 cents for Prosectus Book and circulars and go to worn at once, l ou can sell 250 capies in your own town. Address J. S. OUILVIt; Publisher. It4 67 Rose stieet. New York. SALESMEN- RANTED t&nc-- nmn I blf few mod men tnall oar food, by uaple to tfa. wholel SSSJJTJI"0 5" mdrmmxm for wuea, idnnUiii, etc' For full PARKER'S KAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair, I Promoter a luxuriant erowtk. Nver Fails to R otto re Grayl Prevent Pandrnff and hair faJUng nairw ii lonniui i,nior. OUR NEW 85 Molld HFREE wortb S1UO.VO. titiitaS twatcft in the world, fmrfm- Um.ks.por. WuruUd heary'. wm HUUf MM. Both tadioa' ud (.at1, oixn, with work .ad e...i of VootuU Talno. One KSO m eock locality eta Mean one reo. tocothor witk oar lim and vataabt. latofHoaMaald ..Die. Taoo. a&BiBlea.aa well a uie waicn, are me. All tno work yoa Joed do i. to show what w. Mad yoa to thou who call your mead, and neighbors aod thoae about yoa that always result, la valuable trade for as, which hold, foryear. wb.n once startod, and tho. we ar. repaid. We pay all express, freight, tic After yoa kaowall.if yoa would like to ro to work tor mm. you oaa earn from afjaae ta aUUk ww -.4 Ljl ! ttUMS ate Co.. Brailt, Partuwd, MaOaau H.LE0BBIS & BROS LASGES:STOCZ Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Notions, Trimmings, . 4i ( LARGEST STOCK GEMS' FCRiUSIIINti GOODS. NEWEST STYLES. I 0-"-0-':-0-f)-)-0 O-O O -O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O t Best Styles lv ER O FREED IN TARBORO. Special Drive, ! Yard Wide, Double Width C A H MERE. i '. Sells all Over j: For 30 Gents. I! w 3,000 Yards AVE) F IT ALL COLORS, -WHICH WK OEFEK POR O 18 CENTS PER YARD, Come early and secure your dress4 es before it is a 1 si!d out. OTHER BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS from S cents to 90 c nte i:erj yard, J Ur KJliC; l VililJ. Genta', Boys'janci Children'? Clth- ng, and immense Btock just re ceived. J H. Slorris & Bros MADE WITH BOILING WATER EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. C OCO A MADE WITH BOILING MILK. LAGER BEERi ASK YOUR PEALER FOR IT. Bottled erpreosly by Tho Fhosnisj Bottling Company, 888 Second Avenue, N. Y. Fe! by IK I ICHTEVSTEIV. Agent TARBD'O. N. C. Hurhlen'a Ami e SalTe. Thi Best 8a Ivej in the world for Cuti, onuses, aores, U!cers. Salt Rheum. Fever- Sores, Tet terOhapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pr- uveiy cures rues.lor no pay reqnired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per tux, Hie hv -U'toi' Zoeller 9t J 4 1'aitit.s having CatMc Frofu i lo 5 years old,) Can find purchasers i,y upplyingtp -j-OB PANOLA FARM. muraeoMH maw One oftfce BBSTTel la aaaaaale. aaa te latredaee eas aapertocfood. wewDl seaaraza teara nsio. tm e.fh i.n.. i i "fcaaaaabaea. Oaly tboee wha wrtii' S to as a awaa awke sare ec a save aaanea. su yoa kars to do I nkn to ta shoer oar gaoaa t I tfcoa wap call aroar aeMbert IaOass, snails SHiissi -aa ,1 ----- eepa. Tha ftUowia .ad atra. tae appeaiaaM aftt leaai to- 3! boot th. flftieta nart ef Us balk. It to a (Taad, aombl. ete. telo.' siee skow yea aaw 70a tet, fixaa tbe atari, with-, aeoD.a.larraa. i. easr to csrrr. We wtll aaa sAakofroas aVS to9aadar atlaasa. oat experience. Better write at otto.. W. aav all sVldnea. B. HALUTT CO,, Boa i01 DEAF Nisa . ma smart naraw I i-acit'. ihvismije TM0I HULA I (Al COSHIDIIS. Whiapera hwL Com.1 fertakla. Saeeeesfal akere sJ 1 BMealeatall. SaMaj W. SnSCaX, ; MS .Vawar. Saw Xwk. HrUatar aatareSilraU. ; jj l First- j Jf cia8s ! " J'ZX Dealers Uiieai- rS Di?Dk 1 st in j t noo'her U'e and live Market! g long lilt ! ! ! t t f 4 jBBBaBEwYo7Tss? g ! CHAMPA(jNEB ! A. " ru www :.;s to'. Ill H M NAIFS 6sOK:0:o:o:o:oro:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:f : j:o:'i:'":r:o:o:o:o:o:o: 0:0:0:0:0: o: O: WEST M.I1S STREET. ttt ottt tTBCS.OX.i3D KELIjSlBLE toRUG STORED I Carries a complete line of Drugs and Chemicals, Druggist's Sundries, Fancy and Toilet articles, Soaps, Perfumery, Flesh Brushes, Stationary, Coal Oil, Cigars, and Everything pertaining to a I Any article not in stock will be promptly and cheerfully ordered, j We make a specialty of "NORTH STATE" PILE OINTMENT our own prepara I on; which we guarantee to relieve instantly or money refunded. W . EL Vou Always PaY FOB WHAT YOU GUT, BUT DO YOU ALWAYS Get What You Pay For? You don't get what you pay for, if you get Inferior g-iotts at regular prices. Ton don't et wh it you pay for if you pay for a quality you dun t receive Now. whose fault is it if you don't get what you pay foi ? IT IS YOUR OWN FAULT o.o-o o i; -o-o o BECAUSE YOU CANAL WAYS OET YOUR MONEY BACK TO THE LAST CENT B Y TRA DINO WITH US. BECAUSE WE GUAR ANTEE THt BEST FOR 'HIE MONEY. ATTCT71 WE OUARAN TEE THE LOWEST PRICES. Every one of these facts go to show t you ought to tra e with BELL, The Live Jeweler. Remember you can get a square deal for round dollar.' "13 eniember yoa can get a high grade for a Xj low flvnre Rememl er you pay for what jo i g get wbatynu par fr a' BelFs, the City Jeweler, Prompt attention iveu to tbe repairing of witches Clocks o:o:o;o:o:o:o?:o:o:o: :o:o:o:n:o:0:o:o: o JEWt-RY, &C. at UA..K price-. Satisfaction Gnmanteed. Wor. Warr anted Come 2 C Us anJ liave your prize guesa registered. See local column BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! ' BARGAINS ! ! Prices to Suit the Hard t es I will ell for the next 60 d va be It... :i.'VIUf goods at the prices named: HENRIETTA CLOTHS Former Price?, 75 and 50, now sell ing at 20 and 45 cents pr yaiv. TRICOf Former prices 50 au. 4'.'. now selliDg at 25 and 04 centy per yard Former crices 2 2.r 1.50, 1.00 and 75 Now selling at J.50, 1.00, .75 an'l '25 cents. Formr prices 20, 15 and 10, f now selling at 12$, mt nnd so. i"imT8 Former prices 8 arid 7, now selling at 6, h and 4 cents. WJIMKVS SHOES Former prices 1.50, 1.25, and 1.00. now ea ling at 1.00, To, and boo I a i)IES' FiTe SHOES Foroier prices 4.G0, 3 00 and 2.00, now selling at 2 75, 2.00 and 1.50. Men's Hats Former price 3 00, 2.00, 1.00 nn 1 75. now celling at 2.00, 2.50, l.OU and 50 cents. Carpets ! jormcr prioes 75. 05 nnd 50, uow eelling at 55, 45 and 37 cetts. Kid Gloves Fomi r in ices 1.50. 1.25 and 100. a o-v &f-l!in; t 1.00 .75 and 27 It. Will sell Set of PUrfg for 30o, W ill S II a Set of O 1 wis for 30 cents, Wli ffl a B-t of Cup uud Sa"cerH f. i.l5cntn. Fi vf of ihe L. oin Ble . liiri? 81c, A Pair ..f I,.li. ' Mos. I r fr, A D.rn (' ark'r. Sjm! Col ton for 45 cei l s. anp EVERYTHING - ELS IH IfT gT CK T. H CATLIN. PHARMACY MA ( '-1ST AIR. COTTON SEED! THE Tarboro Oil Mills want all the Cotton Seed Iri. y Can Get, And V ill PAY AS MUCH Afc NY ONE ELSE. WE ARE FIGHTING THE TRUST AND WANT IHI To Help t's SOLD ' ) KVERY BUSHEL OF SEED WI WINGT ON MILLS H Ips The Trust. TAnBORO OIL MILLS M tf HOME RAISED Plants and Seeds ARE THE BEST. o Oo n 1 can furnish a limited supply of the loKO.v mg choice varieties: iraiij -Moore's Eirly uud iJtdv, 1 wo ytLti. 25 ptansiifei fer hand. el. $1.50 Mtrawtot-rriets Per handle.'-, tl.00, nsr 1,003 -Z 5.00 Dahlias in variety, 1.80 per-duzen tubers Tub KoHeii uble pearl, 75c-per dz. animolli l ai e Jasmine, 15 to 50 cents. Kslmav Beau Dwarf Hunch, r pk lOe ' - ' New viimin th lus ter ; er peek. 10i T Y. SAVAGK, Scotland IN eel:. Orders may be left with W. II. MrNsir drug-gist. Tarboro a 18 YUL SHALL Bt Sl'lfKii Htm tiitti UIKIiIi J-KITTIJSQ EE1 TTTTTT CLOTHING. Mesers H. Mo rU & Bros, having retired from the Taa 1 ajui nA. And M:il I Llii'ir ltoplement b o me, I shall ontinu? the sa:ne wita an Earnest Endeavor TO mm mm fit m Keen Letter than heretofore. A Varied Kxtenelve and eamnl i Ann n 8ampl alwnya on hard. ' 1 tie t lioriot; lorce has been reoreanised and my fa- Hit i. s for KITTING have been GREATLY AMPLIFIED I am deeply eratefnl to the nubile r. ,r nut patron e and solicit a continuance of the awe. 1 guarantee fits and promptness. Henry T. Bryan. SAME OLD STASD Under Hotel Farrar TARBORO, N. O. .. Liyerv.". Car. lo your HAULING and carry you wiKsrerer you want. tylish, Fine Turnouts, DAY OR ftlGHT, AND AT CHEAPEST RATES. few more HORSES and MULES en hand, which mnat be 4old. J- K. GEANNIS 5SU CONSUMPTIVE Hao y..u c -uth. I ronchltia. A.tJ.m. indi. f es hi? Ue Parker's UlHsrer Ton If t has cored th worst cases and it tbe best remedy for all ills wising from defective uu trltioii. 'I akclu time. OcaadClOO 0 CRAND (7 Summer Safe QjRsnrjs ( fl 1 fl Zl,Af'', 5?d - VNH to ha eloaad out . iV 'J-' hr Oat, L B.varns f all. Besiaat Urm. V. . r'rmmXii.'ii 1 Orj lieuled a Sgscial Sgmmer Offer! Ka !nsta!fe?nts ! all I ...,! fnv. - ".' AH PKICEM. rar-BT ! J . al? Attaa or Soptambar ar-l my Navi-nsbri r. rZ ' fon.tallm-.. - Mouaj aaaod by a Sam- fci-r p-irahasn. Write or ctrnnlta, and be eoavinoext LUDDHN & BATES. MyTHEpysiCrtousE. innn.Vv OUR LITTIsE ONES and tbe NURSERY 96 BROMFIILO ST., oorton, Mass. Tha moat handsome aad baa mmraajna tor aaUdraa arer pubUatwd. Sl-S a year siueria opiaa, is eta. Sent aai trial urea aaoath. for Ido. A aampla eopyand Pramltw tiat rat to any sddraaa om r.raali of two- Tie Stable ll CRAND r. 7

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