I I' P.: I. 0 i ii VdL. 68.-- NO. 34. . fflJ(IDWE LIL9 BE SXJJRK YOU RIGHT; TTIJCIST GO KTJKAit). 13 Crockett. rARBORO". N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2U 1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS JEFFREYS FT TT TTTT A TTDmT TT nBTTTTT y-rrr.. ,i.,., . lllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllliriili.iliii.il. iiii.. i .1.1.1. i.i.i.i.m.immry 11111,,,...! .Tmilili.ii,.i.i.imil iiiiii.i.niiin.iiiiiiiiliiinTK So - re pimples Itch, salt rhem, ate., "... of ontairious blood diseases. v'lv a dutv to eradicate Word - vstern by the are of B. B B. 'h1 Hiiro), thus enabling the sore i-x . aiu! thereby ramoving all poa- " ,v it members of the familv be- Kt ire afflicted. Send to Blood Balm -1 (i a. , f or book that will convince. Mt OliTe, N C. writes: "I had ,.VlS cn my shoulders and arms. t u p K cured me "entirely. . Beliuont Station, Miss, wrl .. .. Worked or me like a charm. My v s.' covered with sores ana my '-. i r.t H B B healed me quickly : n. Hutehens, Texas, writes, "B .r J ruy wife of a large n'cer on her i:or- and all other medicine cooid Ionian, a prominent merchant of ro. Ga. writes, ' I know of several .xni disease speedily cured by B B ;. ;Ue? cured a lady of ngly scrota- iorev" utxore A Co, Maxey., Ga, writes, ,--nin Mr Koot Ward of blood ,,-tedoae ot the iuut wonderful t v-r cauie under onr knowledge-" oKOfKSSIOJIAl. CAKW. .nr.- S T T THOB5K Ja BaUleboro N C . TTORXEYS W - - - N. C. "c tpc toar's of Sash and Ed:re-S-U:, and Federal Court. wtf , .t:cnoN - - SPECIALTY A CALL TO DOTY. (S-unuel J. THden ) M T. FOUNTAIN, Attorney-at - Xw '.. ' r:t : t sieii on real "curi v :J ti- .' - ti:c. ; WVN'N, M. D., The Democracy advances to fight uew tue battle against and corruption to which led by Ihorans JYfferran tion an 1 by George Clifitou in the Stat of Nt Yo k. Tne quilil riutu uf o.ur litical STStem is in danger of being OYer'iT-wn ai d p. .""espotip a 1 ror rupt centrali-ui stablished. The whole THlae of the arran which our woil j is kept in the so'ar yotem tae tween the oy pos"ng forces. It would matter little to us whic forces thonld be allowed If the centrifugal tendency shruKl dominatp, our planet wrnld sLoo: madly ioto the realms of endless epace, fa- aw..y frr-. the source of teat and li e ui. til tmry 1 vnj; th'ne npon its surface would perisli. If the ceiittipetal tendency should pre vail, the earth would rush with iu conceivable velocity toward the sun, until it would be engulfed in the burning mass. So it is with the ad i centralism t ws Grst in the rsa whole po- n its p aod I alau -e be b of these ko prevail. Takboro Hocse, the -.-lU ! justmect of powers between the State ' r , -t , 1 1 . l " . : tua oaerai vjovcrameuibj; uibuuiuh and centralization are equally fatal j to good Goverrment- Disunion j would generate the centralism of mili tary despotism in th separate States: centralism attempted on area and populations so rast would break the paits asunder, ind fill onr continent, as it has filled every oiher onty 8j stem pcssible to ivoid these opposite evils- They fotmad a ea eral Government to manage our for : .i.'inm n mnintaiii oeace ai.d ClJU ' f j uni y between tUe btates, ana 10 adminisJer a few excptjoi al f uie tioLS of common interest and they left the great iesidary mass of Gov c, Timpnlal oowers to the States. The creed of tne Democratic par two iieas: F.rst i to limit as much as possible all gov- TIFNTIST ernmental power, entering alvray, DIUHTiai, and e7erywhere the domaio of indi- imore College Dental Surgery. )j . , , irwqcrmV,nt and action;' second C:3.0'ii Bryant House, Main St., throw back jg0vernmen- ;ll IV r., regional service to ro and vicinity. tin Str;t rer Cker's co-ner t fi. S LLOYD. AND THROAT. XOSE ivii.g t tker special courses In , ;!er bis rervicel to the people ol ,c ,nd surroanding coantie. M Bryan House, near bank, TARHdRO. N. O. Col. Address The following is the address cf Eliaff Carr at Asheville August 12fth to the State Alliance: To THE OfFICEBS AND DeLEQATES OF THK NOBTH Ca.BOL.INA STATE FaRM- bbs' Alliance; Our fourth annual meeting is ,t hand and the signs of the time- in dicate a still greater inteiest in the objects and aims ef our order and a unity of feeling among the agricultu ral and laboring classes, cever before witnessed in this country. . It is a source of congratulation and pr. sa ges naught but good. At a bant!' g acre at our .first KockicchaDi, imet ing, we numbered eight coui.ty and one hundred and thirty-two subordi nate Alliances. At our sec or-d meet ing, in Raleigh, ve had fifty-two county and ote thousand ai d tigh teen subordinate Alliances'. At our third-Fayett eville-eighty- nine coun ty and one thousand eight hundred and sixteen subordinate Alliances with an actual membership of tixtv five thousand. To-day we have a to tal of tauety-fjve cjuuty and two thousand one hundred uud forty .-even subordinate Alliances containing an approxiuiue membe'shi; of n ne ty thbusai-d, with every c inn! -. :n the S.ate organized sivc D.ir. . N t -with6tandirg tUs, ap:-Iieatio,iii- i r new char: era ar constantly bin e cfiived aud tho vo-k cots hrav.lv n, with n incrpsiiif deoj:i' d for 1 clu rer aDi rgan z rs. 'J'Le reports 1 the executive comuiittce, seert tary, treasurer, St it 'ecturc-r and bu-iuess agent ill btltr bet fourth the con ditinn Qr the order. To t em I res pectfully refer you, aki- g c- efid consideration ai our hands. Pei haps them-t important :uet ing ever held in this country has been the aasembling cf the Farmer ancestors devised T------ic in ueccmuer insii which w-s foresLadowed by that eminent eta'e-man and jur st, the late Jude David Davi , wl-.en l e said, as long go s 1866: -Tiie rap id crowth if the orponate power and the ;aiiign mflucnce which it ..vori.lm r.ombinatioaou the n!ion- A pockets of these same manufacturers i.o less than nine billions of dollars ? Hence it is that at our city ot Wash ington the protest of a millionaire will over-ride the petitions of mil ions of workicg mr. To what cause eau pftch a terri IVe s'tte of affairs be attributed? It is due to the apathy or the loranc'e of the in asset?. "We mu-t conclude the iattcr and it behooves the order and t! e ttn'e to educate the masses AND TEACH : -IEM TO THINK FOB THEM -SELVES. The tcs cf Congress iu aid of ag riculture for the last twenty-live years r.ave been few indeed compare J with those of our rc manufacturers and the tariff is so manipulated that they the few' thousand reap the entire beDtfita. Wo all know but too well the res jit of this reign of selfish freed. 1 !.e smll land own ers ure bein pus-ied to the wall, th? larger cnes are no lorgrr able to make both ends meei; farntu in the North, South, Eist a d West, and etj.eciallv We.t, that twenty-five years huo. during "th period of gr, itest iutltiou, tiiat pud a lair p -rcentit? o-i a vdii-vtnu of 450 to S40 are m-w t-eir j for. cl sed od nnrt ! jJgcs for lialf tii it amount, and the : former o-in. rf s-eking new fields ot mpl 'Vtiu ut I .r a li e ihod. It is a ra.l vommentiiry on hucaan- u, but nev-rtt eifss true, that with i u unequal distribution of ved'h ! tin re is uuequai distribution of social i iiowi r. The iiitluei.ee of the middle I eUs, th man of moderate means, is no !o-gr lelt in the legislative halls -1 and State leR.slaturt s of the capitoi, .wv. Weal'h rutii-cr n t out of corruptibg wis. and free Ijai.ot, ai dom of the' acts of Jha naticnal meet ing, like katen,' begin. iQMm' the masses of the peop'e, then and not till then shall w have a.peace- ful and happy soluion of all troubles. In conclus-ioa I dire . t'J return my sincere ih .nks i yon, to each county and subordiaAte body and each indi?idttil m:m jr for the universal I indues, courtesy and honors bestowed upon mi May wisdom cron your deliberations. . i a we.i strag- UON WILLIAMS, Jb., BiUir Tabbobo, N. C. ir J. -I. Martin. & MARTIN. tal nowers necessary to fee exercised as much as possible upon the States and the localities, approaching in 1 tho inrtlVldUtllS tO 0 auei: rmnn.tAd cause of alarm i- : ;., i. tlie nftar future b- glC IB I'CllJlufj twren this over-grown rw, r, w.tn , iflvist ramifications all over tte; Union and a bard giip on much of, the political machinery on the one hand," and the p. opla in n u-jorgan ized condition on tho other for the coi.trol of the g.-verimen". It w 11 be watched by every patriot with in tense anxiety." Never more pro , .i: -.-! from the In s ol rn-m! The people thougi t-low to admit i', had at last been convinced -r-pya and Counselor a-t Law rKi:0RC S. .". ? :'r..-lc.-9in l:the '.'o;-'t.. Sta rov.5-lj- he is being swept is rapidly conceu t:e consequent but two ti Bteb. aref r- niu tun ;oidIy ricn ana the oeg g .r.y poor. VVh-le free to admit that the ini.tuitous trotcUve tariff has i,oEirnf acc present deprsswd 4 st.te of agiww-r-, ATt poor of three lourms oi meir unv ral savings and ooncntrating a msjority of the wta thof the country in th han s of hu infinitessimalljr snwl part of the people, oompoad o manufioturers, trusts, pools and combines, a repeal alone of this un just measure would not relieve the present di-tre:-s. It won d n t lift a single mortgage. The one thing ne dful in the pretent financial co dit on of the people is a debt payifig system of finance. In compaiio , w'nh which all other que&tiona sink ; into utter insignificance. WhiU looking after our National : 2ov.rnmental relations, we must not : lose sight of the education of the , m:.sses. Without this we ' casxot PROSPER AND KEEP PACE IXTFlXEOTtJ iAlLT OR MATEBIALLY WITH OTHER States moee liberal is this matter Robert II. Austin. Why weep y, then for h'm, who having run Ttie bouiul f raauVappoioted years at last; L-f 's blessings Ml enjoyed, life's labor done, Serenely to hi fl al rest has passed. Ti ors lay, July -3 1st, passed awny with out paic, struggle or tremor, with the ea.e of an infant sinking into sleep, Rob ert Henry Austin, born February 21st, 1S10. lie was a native of Taiboro and a bio graphy of hi life would be a fair history of the town and ti e coun'y. The SaCTiiaitsaK in'ended to give an esUBed hiftory of h s life, l.nt the data to bs collected are so scalte.ed that it must be defeired to some other but not very distant lime. S"on after reaching inanud estate he was made a partner in the general uier- handle business of Lis father, fleury Austin, on the corner of Main and St. James stree s, where now Capt- T. H. Uatlin is doing business. For seventy years father and son did business, whining and letaining the es teem of all for probity and integrity Whether the s'yle of the fiim w is Aust n & Bon, R. 11. Austin & Co., or Austin Not fleet & Cb.,-tle high standing re mtined always tn the fore. R bert II. Auatiu' sUrt in life was favorable, but he made excellent use 't the talents given Mm. By his thrift and 'Miaiaega tact, he ccumu!a'.el what here is, considered a fo-tune, anl though a heavy loser fruin the results of the war, he died richer than tver, respected be all, beloved by many. : Lfist week nfa U1 was probaid. He leaves his residence, the greenhouse AUSllU, iOI yo4eri Centra c i, To. the Jaitor oji, T in your Issue of the tth inst , I find un article ender the head AIs be Availab'e." eivine nublicity to certain anoavmous our-) charges against udge Walter Clark,' G v- error ti wie and Judge Wiiraser, wuicii Tthink. d es Judge Whitaker an injas ice in as mucS bs his name Is coupled wtlh olie- of had reputs a s.id article assert. 11 is ;iai c ations and doings should, I tftick, be given in full so that the publ'c general ly may pass upon Irs crime, if any he has ommitied. I must cnfes th tt with (he present lights and modern style of making contracts and dnii.g business, I caonnt perceive any very g'eat departure from i very ly cus'o rt that Governor Fowie or Jade Oiark either has been guilty of in the deal n ferred to in said article. As for Jud.e Wnkaker, we are left vi-houi presuaiptive- e 4dence that sonif-thl g of a much graver na'ure may bang to his skiit. I cannot th'nk that the writer intentionally inten led t make each an impression. Tberefjre, the people will doubtless look f.ir f-iture developments. In same issue reference is made to Judge McRae'a action in withdrawins:, which I rsgard as highly h nonlV, p.s he ff3, no doubt, without :.u older contract th in tmt of Judge Clark, ai.d ac-ordingly withdruw with muc-j honor to himself and justice to his oppii ent and f lien i to await, a future biddiu -boulrt his services tie desuvd. I approve of the rxsition taken by your correspondent, J. M. (J , is 'o Sentt r Vance's c mnection with the 'Mu' -treas urv bid" and leel sure that a f .lthiul con stituency will not be satisfied shott of an explanation at his hands, which. I think, he will not be si w to give. We must not, however, forget that pressing re his duties where our central interest lies and that he whose voi ;e has so often been heard defending the oppressed and cheer ing the weary, wdi n -t, at this late day, allow his colors to trail in the dutf. "B." There was not attack on Judge Whit aker. He has very p-operly n t notice 1 the communication. Why Fowle and Mud Cut Clark did can only be explained i n the ground that the truth hurt. Editor tower Price. xi-yy .- . v - receipt liratiy were cott nf as against - 262 Jasfc year. at a4 --Airfcnft-ta Bali L oo. nil ti " "i.n n. iiiiiiii mi., t T be la terior receipts for the week were ab uj 1,200, agaiost 432 tn 1883.-and the sgs-re" gate of the pot movem'nt for th-. w-ek is 3,728, against 1,393. The average excels of ihe fi.-.nie over tast year is alxut 200 per cent., and they are c immencin? to ave tlieir legiiim i'e effect upon the large pre mums existi g for the near positions. Special Premiums The fair directois expect -t-i l ave i he' finest display of tobneco ever ir.a-li- in the stat-. Besides liberal jvemiunn oITeied by the association many sf-ecial ones by warehousemen are expected The firit to come forward in ibis i- E. G Barnes of Coopci's watehou-e Hender son . Mr. Raines offers five d llars for ihe 6 est d splay of tobacco. Look out for others and get exh hits of all knds in readiness for the fair October 28, 29, 30 and 31st. "..."U4 Elaeixle Bitter -: .; :- Thia remedy la beeomJcz so well known foAm- p ipular as towed no. f peciaf met- not exist and it ia guaranteed to d all that is ctniin'-d. Klectric Hitlers wtl! cure all disease a otihe liver and kidneys, will re move pimptee. bollg. Balt rbenm and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the stem and prevent as well as cur ad ma'arial feveia. Fur cure of headache, constipation and Indi gettioi , try Electric B lteis. Entire satis fact in guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c and $1 per bottle at Btatons Tobacco Itlectiugs. A gtindeman of the county has asked the S icthbknku to call a meeting of the toriacco growers i-t theeountv, t the S-iUthernrr office every Tuesday. He hopes that these meetings id taUe the place f Ihe Suiid-ty c .nventi mis held all over the county. '.Vhcrever two or three or gathered together there the 'weed" is discussed. The Southerner fferes free eeats ud unlimited discussion. The churchee, iu place of Sunday gatherings, throws wide open the doors and invi'e all to a con sideration of eternal welfare. I.f anil ttuaA k: ! - in fM h irivea ihe lour Dnca stores i n , Main sueet, and the post offloe and build ing ad joiomg. To his grand cluldten, llus Jeaatelte Austin nd Uobeit Williams, he be queathea in fee all his property en the Methodist Church square three-fourths of the square. Tne balance of Ids prop erty to be equally divided b tweeu hi son and the child, en of his daaghter, the late Mrs David L. Williams. Ilis est ite is valued at rr.m $85,000 o 1100,000. His son, C. J. Aussin, and W. H. Jahnslon aie ma e executors laat. 34 stad-nU the J r.r 1 1.1, 1 A 1 )otl.I.4lI.U A SON Attorneys-at-i-aw, TARBOBO'. N. C. n Alu TjltrMmb. Practice in.we Tr lje 1anl8-lv it and fitt, 'ana w-v. ladicial Diatriet, and In the CUcuw? a :ine Courts at Kaieva. BRIPGERS & BON, J Attorney s-at-Law , r.i rborOj 14 lyr dGRBEHSBOROi- FEMALE eOLLEGE. GREENSBOBO, N. C. 1 1 K Bit VENT Y-V i R 8 T BE88ION Of This , well known Institution will Deginqn the 27th day of August 1f'. i , addition to thorough achon iuthe Literary Ooor-iJ .-PJ1 advantages are offered in tne dopartments of Instrumen ts aLd Vocal Music, . Elocution, Art, Ph) sical 1 raixilttS' o( For-Gaiah.ru every case ted. I nn..,. lAaaa .loijinate over Democratic party, and fidd in it their best representative. The opposite : .1. 1 n.rAnvth nfT !idas, to meame wuu i properly belonging to tlie iodivido, jand to centralize all fJovernmei tal i I r,nnit-U nf the powers, express me - Republican party. Under this inspiration the Federa OoverLment is rapi Hy seizing upon t i I a. all the powers of humari society, h t a. lolo ibfl HUH bas asanmea w - rage and threatens to take control of all elections. 1 I oppose centralism 1ecause k ' incompatible with civil iberty-i I oppcae centra ism bceause it -tes au irre8ponsib' power, and v.i rr 1 alwavs cor- an irreponsiu t- - - ruct. A government tnling all the t iLividaals and localities "1.; AnantictothdPaciac, from iruiu i.. . l, . vr- the great lakes to be pan - : K the m s mcampetent ICO, wou. , .1 ih for what " T . -on?ir the most 'of-- aA the moss cwrruv- e ment of which history a example and three million., oiai The couutry districts are more de- their rerresentat.vcs there to fo m Ihe co y an alliance against this moj.n Yhe towns and cities; bet ce in-quity. The nmmtn.tj wt h wh c Urn a efipeGi8lly interested in the demands set for th by that Ik i , J'. educatiJnal faotbt.e- were adopted and the universa. - - Carolina enly doisement by all the States and 1 - pay hcra instrction for A-.,.. tn tnatMl "It IU11T i rtU-ries ei.er - - - . , - woman and ch-ld, wnue in of our , the Southern Sta-es th, figu.e. run The Progxessiv e Farmer quotes .nnrovirgly from an exchange that rr ntose ttie Sub-Treas- peopi " it i aj.fily to presWent r consistent, must op- ury pi" , , i , . .1.. nsf;nnal bank l pose io" uv. i imr..' and wmv ' ! rary is rignu tion is raised I wbo opposes the bank law ana me our contempo- But if tbe propwbi- to be conoisiB"- national banks ana e tte delibetati n I J: .rrt. r .Ifll.lll U X Ufciic, aou yifi,ur.., , mr.vinceour leRibl-toiB Lou-sty of purpose and deter... i a tion to accomplish our ends. 1 h me tiu, Nation .1 i.. character as . uame,wasa magn fke a sncce k. obliterating the o:u lines lism a matter devoutly io ue w-u ed and of first importance in st cu ring the necessary nation ! legtaia ion While some of the demands pel honn o-ramed. the most -- r . -i important, lie re.ieroi me nu o distret b oi m - ' - ignored. The lahor or ;,a-.pr- e ... ..nni.t in . imtihsn as notning irw r this end. Ihis government tor the last thirty years bas-oeen ron m " - . - i r .... rurtr interest ol a vici.oriuua n --.j-The war feeliDg baa predominate I in vrv national election. J he men who did the ngniinn in the govetnarent. who are i.w men in power to-day? Tbote that were enriched by the war and Us con eequent legation. The ill-gotten millions of these legislators bas been the p wer behind the throne The evidence of this is founder, the -rm-torv of the lawa, the history of ihe lOT?j 111 bitorv of the national banks'and the history r of the demon, tization of silver. Bu t a evidence yet ia r r- a he WOlld ever, i" t peaceable TAT GAIXIKO AS if Vrtu Mave in riB, ya will fl Sob lreasarj I 5 Ms Ms ihtromadvvoa . . Hn til tu ak mtovamcb "fferra u..ti Sr p b y 1 fjVT'JwJmr ew' 1- . - - -R,Pd and bis nencumcu w VMit the ule ol tne ma- piate uauy f Tiit forcet joni-y- that if the ma- would be Prce- IZTvoi "S notbi.Gr.ua They forg iden Ttrwof mpans these labor orgai-JZ- .5 " Tv.;ahat the people see t-y 1 1 n 1 1 U I 1 1-1 10 - - . . live nn tn iiirht,vnine "F . J .A.,..inr, leas words, we spena io. Vuu---tt,an one hali tbe average of other Southern States. Now, in view of the fact THAT WITHOUT EDUCATIpX . W CANNOT PEESEBVE OCR CIVIL OR TML10I OOS L.I BEKTIES, OR l"kEI. OB APPaBCIAlTi THE MEANrSO Or THAT PRECIOUS VBHItnOM AND BKALIZIHO i AO Af to Kn SLAV EST 80 THE f LA VERY DUE TO IGNOKAICC I KEAB- rr T TtMOMMEND THIS BOUI XU . -t , n srnn8AQKlBT I A BI- VISION OF THE PRESENT. PUBLIC OMOOi. tend, d facjltties for common educa tion.. I fartherf rtccanraend the ap point meet ol legislative, corointtl. whose duty it shall be to look-after .u. :Craf. nf the order. -Likewise liUo u-ii.c . . . . - . that some .adequate prono made for the nauonai per ont, . and that the State Seere- J ' . -di-oi-iaticjan: tarv be made Bfaue viv? -- .i, ,.nntr Secretary tne ouuuy j - a fr;QfiiiTi and tho 6UD-OtW9 i nb Statistician with adequae ofttion for their services; m . i a i;ni v in view or tne ia were numerically w.ak at the forma- l. rA nntinn of our constitution a: d, since the order has wondeiful.y Btrtnirth and members, and the duties deyolviog upon us be iofinitelv more onerous, I reo ni- of the constitution to a pecial committee, if it meet the app:oval ot ttus Dooy. T have dwelt 'ongir upon ntioua affairs', btliexicg that there, in the Capitol Ht Wadiington, nave tru nted the farmers wo s and fr-in'tha and that we I'sefkiland Ornamental. Turhoro is evideatlv n t a grown tow a, though she is making rapid strides io that dnection. She will not he till tneas nav been erected at every corner nno in iron of ve;y store. Of the corner shea, oniy turee uavc gone up; one on uranvuie atrtei, o o Pitt street, ana one on oi. jamc- If the Sidthkrner can induce the pro gresive, miblic Fprited citizens to erect others, it " feels that the impetus in the direction of c jmp'ete growth is a healthy ....i .n.lnniKr one to tue end. Captain Jeffreys should have erected shed on the eid of his sto-t8tore me-it keroKi-ne and m..lrt!('!. Malle;t & Me: e.-a i Mi:ould have one n the shie of their est bi.shmenl i or the t.oraT. and piling up of their he v gro- cer.es auJ empty barrels. Cap.ain Gatlm needs one on the sou'.ti t-rn sid-; o his si re to keep his hhing es, nv at an-! pi ws out of the wet. Ti,n ominr number f Pender & tiar- otovp savs h'S firm wid require a shell er on the aide to shelter their wod whic'o h nmnose to l-een on I add for pa e A wood yaid and sh Me' at Pend r'i corner will be of great convenience to the ood buying denizens. The chips and sawdu-t will soon pave ihe stree sin th-t vieln ty The couveu.ence whic-i these sheds of course ibey must be of wood to say ttCUiiu. ot il.o 3nii.uiasrienl lliey win offer for aesthetic arcnitecture. uoui . m. v ih town auth r.ties aoioiu e.y lind to the-provision of Ihe charter i r bidding buildings or -ouier """ roofs o- Main at ee ana iuc fH""" f rnnlinfr nn Main Street. "'o . -- - ...,-. .11 If thee sheds art ereci-u ia ir mt. ntaceaof business, the succeettm vwn . ... - . . k n ........ t. ctinn will re.r amiv Iiinne ou umbrella plant, requiring a 1 crossings i he ah. dded over. Taiboro has mde great improv mem in s'ed legtsl tion. At one time wooiirfn ah, iU were taxed ten dolta'S a ye r. iiu !i nfnl and ornamental strucrmes nve the fri-edom of the c'Uv. and the buUO -r and owners the gratitude -t an apprecia tive populace. K4ie la sftut-dacfci do e Battleboro Kotets. Proft-ssor Wilaicsrm'8 school openedon V edn3 ; "g IK. ronage of this excellent schMT, ahaTns ent indications sho Ti v highly they ap preciate the ' mvala ib e service? or the preECut instructor. Battleboro has g e on a bo m 1 itely in manufactuiiug tob .co hogshead. J. M. Neal, the enterprNiog owner of the est .blishment is now shipping them fr- tn this place in lare qnantitics. A eteat deal of typhoid fever ia pre vailing through thi3 vicinity just now. A. J. Ilobgood. who has been confined to his bed with a severe attact, 's sdJ to be greatly improved. W. H. Powell Jr. was here oq Inst Sat urday on a visit to bis parents. Several of our fa mers are netrly tobacco. 1 he excellent texture of the weed, with ht fine opportunities f r curing, will en able them with but a few exceptions to d'spose of their cop so far' with entire sat iafrttiOD. Some discussion is g"ing on now on tbe Nish side as to whe her or not the recent nominees of the Republican convention at MahvlllH will accent or not. Marh bourne opposed Sharpe in the raropa gn of '86. and Uocaereu once acquirea wraic no orietv as snerlff or the county, uemg el ivted on the Independent ticket. The legislative nominee baes his claim on uie sane ion of ihe Farmer's Alliance. Bj this as it may, there is no doubt of Mr. Philips triumphant re-election, as the Al liance and the people of Nnsh have long since realized that he is a man f uncom mon purity of motive, m:el lgence ana me svnomen or n-nir. i . v. Tbe Winner. The pr:ze8 offered by 'lie S uTHKitKK t the pers n who would guess nearest the popul ition of Tarb-m- was won by Miss Eva Thomas, of this place; who ..esed 2,028, the population as shown by the census being 1,920. Miss Thomas will receive ts pr ze-i i ur handsome and valuable engravings- The Critic," Bonhtur an Palais," " 1 he First Born" and "The Soldiei'a lie urn." There were verv many guse-i. a -me rantrta; as hi ;h as three ihonsani I am Prepared to do all worki the O THE FUBIiKJ. Undertaker's Business, at the shortest nctice. Having con nected with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at my she p shall have Prompt attention. PRICES MODERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friends for th ti former patronage, I hope to merit the same, should they need anything in the Undertaking " Uraiam if ihA UtA R R. Bndeers is c ignizah , of mundane things and Knows the W. & W. road is now carrying out tue poncy ue ureed many yea-a there U joy in bis b. art ' Mr. Bridgers urgea infi.mrwwn road to build feedeis which woulctdeve'.op tie Sta'e and give the easrein section ku outlet for her products. The Greenville b anch is a itp in tnav direction. The P ymoutn exie. sio i ano her, and the road soon l De ouut i Washington will lie anotuer At Plym mt a large g. ain eieva:or ns wci. built. To this place rrom ityue anu iu corn producing counties Ihe g'ain wrl he brought and transponed to market by rail. As tl e years g . by tht thi will be 8 en a d th Bridgers become apparent. importance f wisdom of Mr, Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcors fiom the Corner of Main. ATTENTION, PARKERS! USE FLOYD'S HOG GHOLERA CURE, A SURE REMEDY FOR ALL Fcrsale only by TjI H-MacriCLir Ituekleii'ft Aru cm (Salve. The Beat Sa Ive in the world for Cut Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet terChapped Hands, Chilblains, Corni, and all Skin Eruptions, and poe ively cures Piles, or no pay required. I a guarantied to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 Cents per f r .are y dtaton A Zoeller. Help The Guards Guards' Meeiing. Town Hall. The painttng of the town hallisoni- pleted. Lattice work the cucuiar wio dows, dials lor tne cioca, cuniu indows and seats for the gallery and auditorium are te be put in an 1 then the town commissioners can take a io e breath ana -ay, " Uone I ' i nat is mi but the c'ock, which, it is understood, iU v-ijvriewhat late in net Oft purcuaa- ed. T Tee fire bell is up, but5 promised electric alarm setna. to -fctfwfoogiM ever. - -- - . . .The aorner this and me-iwn c oca r put in the better. Tfiey are neeaea. he remedy. t-: a one can iue comuoa.." - . ol.nmp,lt TTndera purer sysiem ui g"'--"--U opera i u j oriranizatioi.a forty year-- -- " uo e. w.re unknown any i" ,f 9,u.rce ai, De cm come Asitv or them, out. w i B continue t insist uron onr frent! Every brancb ot Ma. - m.i Concre giving ns this been compelled to organiae xo . e - .-Hi-trj teaches itself from absolute w;th(S with whicU th, rich is it to be wondet e,! , a i l h br fc(n Qo1 by Cometolearnth.it toe pr sen t ( . b -v. ly revo utu-n. qaitous tar.ff 1wf, the pa t i , , uetQod of which was Paro"""' " liliVt1 10 . o.er urn f.aul nd orruption in tfte Pp'e '" :' - tJ- ' P1 We havo jitte eech Tlie Pony Ieft Him. Tt J W Hundiev. has been conductii-a a scri.-s of meeting at Mil dred. wa-4 left down there by O. C. Far rar'a ixiv F iday i ight..Wheu Mr. Hand low atarind i. et the oonv Vy telurn tinmo no nonv was to bS !OlOd- FuTtU natelv he a cured a seat in the bngey Ql nn r.f ihi irm.tlHni.n v ho attetidtsd tbft' services. I l.e pony, without dam irrg the huirtrv. had come as far as Priuc.-vi.le on the way ome. Traffic Arrangements. President Frank Hitch, of Ihe Haml ton road, has made ttafflc a-rangeirenu hh the Norfolk and Unrolina road, by hlHi thfcv are to carry all lreieht for his road and he to carry Norfolk and Carolina freight to all points. On its line ne Roanoke boats which hve been rannina in connecti n with .he Ltannlton rairjroKl. will be oifconlinued, and the ft eight brought ovlt the Norfolk and Car -Hna to Hobgood, from whence it will carried on the Qre-uville branch to Goose Nast, when the Hamilton load will take it. The freight rates will be th sime vu ei'hexijou'e to N 'io k or tt-u;im-re, ami time In transit will he ai out the same. The montly meetng of th j Edgecombe Guards was held Fdd iy, wi h a toler al.lv fair attenda .ee. The collection of fl ies, dues, &c-, was .!.. m..a! imoortant liusiness b frethe company. The committee appoint d to lhank the to n nd c mnty c mrnieBiont-r- rep rtd t i.,t they Mppe-i red he'ore .tli" uoaras aao thanked them for their lib.-r-l donaiiona and tor the inteiest they had exhibited in the welfare of tbe organization. There w-re no member added, but e gretfullv it i9 stated that there was one resignation t-a of Capt. John H. Fix hall. Tt was with much ie"ucraiic-i that t'i Guards arcepted the resigna ion of such a worthy and deserving eaptatn. wi.o ia endeart-d b-'aiself to every member of tha company by bis k'ndness, gen!ality, faith fulness and efficiency. At the late encampment, ,thoub the youagest captain in attendaui-e, he was by no means the least efficient. He ranked first among the fo emost in the First regiment and tece'ved many en comiums. His manner of commanding the eom- -ry baa been entitely satlafactoiy - to ; tapt. FCxhatl, tetidn?, tj anked the membe'sJof their obeai nces iu ui- n ,11 nnl ,M. He id hlS S8 " . ...-! I. social ions with the meaaDers oi tne bad beeo moet pleasmt and oa nopeu k successor woa'd strenuously endeavor, a be had -done, to pro no e the efficiency and eevate the standard of lh eon- pany. -' . A cmmitltee consisting or ieieau James li. Lloyd, W. F. Hargrove and Ueuien nt W. J. Bar ett, w s apoom. to draft Teso'uli and tender the C iptaia as a toke i ot (heir hig i esteem and re gard for hi-n. iv.l John W. C rtc, liein- ire. midesom strikingly pertinent rema k to the members, eu-leavo-in to awaken greater iut rest am nz them -n the wel f ,re of t ie company By law, active and contributing meinbe r THK EDGECOMBE GUARDS are exempt from jury duty of cverv d.rip tioi . To avail one's self of this and at the same time encourage tht Guards, SEND 1EN DOLLARS t . the nndersigned nd get a certificate o membership, which, shown to the 8ner ft the Judge. ALWAYS GETS YOU OrF. jloHN ji. 13tly JOXHALL, jAPTAIN TAKBOKO, N. C, QET THE BEST. CLIQU0RS u4 TO BE FOUND IN TAB9DSOUGH. UQUOKSfrom TWO to EIGHT Years OLD Fancy Groceries, I r4IU. i H1NI1 raGAHu" ulrlrtKC. . V TUTI Aatwja. Btmbmr. IALE 1890 a par ' BC Caah Price. Thatawsrtkaoro. JwklittlaaMaai Tl.i miiI 11th N n hIiIim ttamk mnwt m 9tfW. HIST I tfv we mi i iittmt. STfthest of all in Leavening Powers-U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. L Wrttafw ctwalar 8TJA1MBIK OFFEBt 181HO LUDDEH & BATES. SAVANNAH, OA Organize. Cin-u&r It tte is nre lining printed which will be mailed to all Democr tic clubs tnrouhout hrt Sia e c ncetning their re-, ..r.rmi :.ii n :.nd tlie formntion f o h rar ZL,. ant .I s 1 . r of the Mat" luhrW'. Association is tak ng a liv.l iwb re-tdnSJt -,f iTie matter, and when the nunl meetmg I of the State Ass"ciat.ou takes place every 1 ciiy, town -n I v. tit 4 jecinct should iie -presente-l. S ate cJhiicl-. I 1 O v:Vw. I 1 . I AB&aWtBVt PUBS !':. ' 6 hain; Cittle From 1 1 1 Sv .ra b" J, Cia '. a poiM-uaatr. r a;-plyTnglO FARRAR. CASKILL & CQ., PANOLA FARM. in i i i. if in A " . 1 t 11 5 i -.1 I i i i a 1 n 4 r At rt lltt rruiu them. - - soi n EVBRYWBEBI father : - i

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