v -1 . . v. ... - f --'J- .r -, . . .... i, . - ' f aibornminur - nbii -bed Every Thursday. V raF7t:l ' PROFBETOB r. . "TTuBSCRIPTlON , ONh '--11 HX .Miia in th4 United States, for sucn gooaa, or where Buch.goodsj Kave reen lar- chtsedvitb the pxpceeda or avails of sach farm .products in ; foreign countries, V such goods, warea or merchandise shall be imported at the following rates J of daty, to-wit: One half the present duties t on all manof ictures of iroil and steel; forty per cenf. of the present doty on all woolen and cotton of which wool or cotton I component material Inefo' Mi-f insertion to i. advertisers. Tww. rftveroaeme in local columns by nr-laa lumj nc resrular advertisements, is eta . ' ...... tnr ii4 Min KO cents. AdvertlseuientB. dlseoattnucd before tbe time oue balf tho preset eontractoa tor naa expireu. nm Wv o- i enwsre, cuiua. u lentr&U lor time actually pumisneo. wM 'rfMainatte8 or deatba. not to exceed pel tea llnea, wot t inserted Iroe. au addiuonai i oa all maferial, use(l matter wlU De cuarged 10 cts.. per line. - marjufaf.ju . - rf.iT.t oiiwrtiaementa must be I -in tne manuiauu Biadin advance. Regular advertisements win twenty fi.e per cefct.- of tLe present ecol. ...1 promptly at the end of every month bseffine and . i,Hnn. -atih hit news oraaisuus- j j " .irnu. . matters oUclted.f o communica farmers' binding t wine. (1 to will bo published that contains objectionaDie aeraonaUUes. t&at withholds Ue name ol tlw author, or that will make more than one column goods or articles may be the of chief value; duiy on eartb iassw re; tli'tty cent, cf the preseiit rate otdu) f iartilizors or a therroi anu Dr G 8 Lloyd Is sick. -i R A Brown hs returned H K. Nash, Jr, is out again. W L Coffleld was ia town Tuesday. ' Henry Staton left for V M I today. Mrs P Ewoll has returned to Williamson W H Powell, Jr, is back from Bicbmou I. II B Sledge's family is at Panacea Spring. J W Jones, Jr, haa re nrned t Trinity Col lego. Laurie Wcddoll returned Friday from 'ag8 Head. Contrressmao B H Baan was iu town to- i:ondy Miss Etnm fcVea, of Raltigh, hs ro- turned hoiucu John VV B Ha tie has returned and is st! 11 ith .Mayor Clark. J U EeM and family h ive rtturuc 1 from -Sags He .-.d. 39 YiLtERE Stbeet, New Obleaks, Wm. Radam, Esq.. Dear Sir I wish the afiucten nd suffering to know that I positivi ly assert that for twenty-nine t ai I hare constantly suffered intecs-t go- ny with that most terrible rfise ve known as . hemorrhoids or iies, in their very worst, form. I haro tri d every avai'able prescription; Lut lo n - curative etui, i iava takm one iust (.which contained "ita gallon) of Micros- Killer, and it has completr- lv cured tee. It now fpeia like dream that I ever suffered with lhat disease. It also h is cured me r f n inaHtiable thirst which I have had all my life. Go try it, all mankind, and do not let your prepuce mna you affdiDst this world-renowned me ii- cine li x possessen tan meiris jl would crive all the fcffl e'ed ail and t 1 r-n r n n WMOLESALE': i H BEFORE MAKING YOUR PURCHaSES .SJirJfil!"1 COST FOR CASH VW oo. y'tour, all grades; 25 66i. Sugar; 71 Volumes and Syrup: 25 JIb' Vinegar; 50 ZV& -Pwr Z art; 40.0C0 JVne 7)ay (r,ianf , ured specially for dairy usej; 200 ooa;3 Toha t o all grade); 20 bbts. Iiail 'Jioad and Gail &; Ax Snvjfe; J..C00 Sitiokijig Tobacco; 100 ' j aunary aoap; m vanea lye; 100 cTaf 7 .aundry Starch; im,wn fapev Sack au size; Jit aw J a per, dr. fe , 20,000 A'b. 1 Timothy Hay; T,50O HuhJiHh W Aite 2 Jia: Oat; 50 Sack Mice Meal fhc fmeHlfocd far stock that can l.e obtained) OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. WE KEEP A ; AT RETAIL WJIIC1T W- OFFERAT LOWEST MARKET PJ.'cj s L Heilbroner has returned from a visit to I as many jugs as thy need to bring 1 tb Is paper. - Tm; 'jdltor Is not re3trnslble tor views express- by corroaDondents. pr-All business connected wltb ordt. c tnBura prompt atteut' . b office, in 1 should be The ISOUl XliBXEK, r.' BO !, N.C tt o.,a Thd bi nAV, A SLANDEROtS IXGRATE. Dr. Eugene Giisfoib, for many long years aper siiner on the bounty of Democrats and by grace of their eood will, Supenntendf nt of the State Insane AIam, at Rale gh, is now a denizen of Denver, Colorado i That is all riJhfc. He left hie ihe PostOfflee at Tarboroutrh. N J country for hie country's good. He has, however, brought about au in terview with himfeelf and cansed the same to be published in the Den ver Rf publican o August 13th. In tbis he abuses North Carolina, uttering the mo hoods in fact whole statement t-.i in oid-claas MaU.er.1 iepttmbcr 4, 1S90. DEHOGKATIG N Tor Chief Jastics of ib lvpim- Cturi; HON. A. S. MERBIMOX. : extracts. Tw kptn .T f fVa SniifBWH Cffflri i errate fiON. Vi ALTER CLARK, t shameless false and in short the is a tissue of lies, We have only room for one or two Hear the glowing in- Fflr Supwior Court Judges : 1st Distiict Geo. 11. Brown, Jb , .of Beaufort. 2nd District. ; Henht R. Bbtak, of Craven. -r " .4th District Spies Whitak 1 1, of 'Wake.. i 5th District R. W. Winston, of Granville. 6th District . T. Boykut, of 'Sampson. 7th District James D, McTveb, cf Moore. - 8rh District- R. F. Armfield, of - Irednll. 1 10th District - Jsro. Gray Btnum, of Burke. 11th District W. A. Hoke, of XiincblD. , . . For Solicitor : 1st District J. H. BLotnrr, of 'Perquimans. 2nd District J, M. Geizzakd, of Halifax.' ' 3rd District -Jno. E. Woodabd, of Wilson. LEGISLATIVE TICKET. Fob the Sehate RICHARD H. 5th District SPEIGHT. Fob Housr of Resextatives. JAMES T. HOWARD JESSE BRAKE. CCHJaTTY TICKET. Fob- Sheriff. WILLIAM T. KNIGHT. Fob Treasurer. SAMUEL S. NASfJ. For Clkrk SuPEHrort Court. EDWARD PENNINGT(;N. Fob Regis. ier of Deeds JOSEPH J PI F I'M A N. , Fob Coboneb. WILLIAM J. LAWRENCE. For Sdbvetor. LODISS PENDER. "North Carolina is, one of the old original thirteen, colonies It is practically in a state of commercial etagnation, due largely to the politi cal prejudices tnat exist there. The depression is certainly largely at tributable to the conduct of the Democrats there. If a Republican goes there with ho po'itiaal ambition he is treated decently. The moment,! however, he aspires tc political favor an antagonism to I -uself and bis business is at ci c developed. I do not want to wae tLe bloo'y sLirt, but if you detire facts concerning the mode in which jjenrocrais carry on polities in joru r give them to you, b there all my life Northern markets. Jos J Martin and Donnell tillliani are at tending Martin com t. ECfctnzand Jeff Fount via of Falkland, were in town this week. Knrp.ne WMtohead and mothT, of Scotland Neck, are visitine at eW 1 uray 8. Mifges Lizzie and Eelen Porter have re turned from Virginia. Caat John U FoxhiU iefc Thursday to ac ccpt a 6ituation iu Alabama. Jss Pender and wife have returned from a visit near Battlcboro. J. ha : aws n, ith his daughter tel. s visiUcg hi brvtht r, U b Dawson. J R Gaskill and family hava left for a visit to Washington, N J, via JNcrlolk. Mias Venie Holland, living near Kalelsjh, was here Monday en route f jr WiUiamston Eldpj P 6 Lc-ster has been renominated by the Democrats of the ITifia Virginia jjistrioi. itr raav Baltle returned from an exttnl ed triD to tho Northern Mill'nery mark, ts last wees. Wra H L. Staton and little son. Marsha have returned from a visit in the Western part of the State. Miss Nellie Ellis of Saratoga, Jennie Moore - . . i Hi . 1 nt Vmivitlte or WiUiamston, ana Aiary wiwciu ui are visiting Miss Placide IhlgDen Miss Lottie Dancy leftFriJay for Etatesville whera she has ac-epteu a posiuju iu Female College. W SVHarerave has inst returned fro a Ad dison. West Vinrinia. where he has been to nav a thirtv thousand dollar cl ilm in t he vv asnington Xilie insurance vjmpnuy Mia Marv Brown, of New Berne, a srradn- ate vt the Nashville Normal School, and Miss Hunter Sonthgate, of Durhiin. a.-e assisung abrnt. a cure. This testimonial ouht to show the Microbe Killers efficacv. I consider the Microbe . Killer paramcunt. I reniun, most lefpectiu.iy, Mbs. E. E. D Walaon. For sate by C H. Jenkins, & Co. IH1E' LE WAREHOUSE Iix Ttie Advice to tlie Aged Uer ana torpid liver. iEVLfL. uiduevs and blad LEii ms nave a peirie erreei on l"""""7 stimnlatins- tne bowels, Jfiviu s;rlfiogr, ana IMPARTING VIGOR Li,inTL bladder and liven Tney are adapted to old or young-. SOLD EVEEYWHEItE. has bcenan as-istant for several teesiocs. healthy place would not be consideration.' Be it known tht of North Caro- Carohna, I can cause I have livjed and am posted. Agvn, speaking lini : "I would advise alt wide awake men not to live in that c suntry, par- ticulary R publicans, it is n; t a for thm ai'd ihej treated witii kindlv Tine Hucfcleberrr Girl. Vou may talk of your "love ia a cottage," And bowers of trellis'd vine; But. oh, give me the Huckleberry maid With the soft, sweet, swampy whin. Her haunt is the darksome, sequestered Ehade, Where the bull froz has his lair; And she smiies at you. with nut-brown teeth. Under saddle-coured uair. four '.'love in a cottags grows hungry, lour vine is a nest for nief , But the swamp angel, srruin, turns up With th' stuffing for toothsome pies. No milliner's bonnet caps her head, For a quill "puke" ntles there - "Will you buy berri- s ?" comes through nut- brown teeth. Under sad!e-colorcd hair. hi communes with nature in her wild- It's no cultivated park; tier bosom's brown as th fest vs tick, Her shoe, a tide-water mark. i tae's a sorrel-eyed and shy ycunj thing, And blushes at any stare The while she skins her nut-brown teeth Cuder saddle-colored hair. 1osse Battle. August 28, 1890 never as-criai he was kept Dr. linssorij L s iv i tea au nis, so 10 cr as fa' office by i a-iy Democ atic legislatures. Djt.b;lts he w mid still be Super intndeni. o: the State L-njatic Asylnm had t o' charges been preferred fcg.vinet hiu f r gross inx'moraHty, conurlio'.i peculation finrt beartlecs cruel v t s patients, tie r eor ut fortunat t 'stricken of'hpaven." Th fe chare- I at length and patient !y directors, Dr. Grip- som being reptes- nted by able ccun tel. two cf whom weie Colonel A Waddell and ex Governor T J. vere considered, how- ben 'proven aod Dr. reed to abdicate. An Offensive Hreatli is m.6t distressing, not only to the person r.ffl c!ed if he have any pride, Lut to those with whim he comes in ci ntacl. It is r. delicate matter t speak of, but it has parted not only frier ds b it 1"Vts. Bad breath and catarrh are inseparable. Dr. S ige's Catarrh R medy cures the worst cases as thousands wi 1 testify. es were heard l y the board t M, Jarvis, ever, to have Grissom was ft They IBIS WOULD HELP. With no hope of its being adopted but, to instruct the country in the evils and unfairness of the tariff benatpr" Vance has introduced the following amendment to the Mc Kinley billV Whereas, From n--arly perj in uihlo.y uuties upon r. reifju iai- ' "ports have be t I rel i !i h avo.ved purpose of p-.-uoi f iiikniBu hi uLfjiicuMj in mtiiaci i; ; s, and drawbacks or rebates have be u .iven of the duties on rawmatena u.'e 1 in the manufacture of all artilfs exported for the same purpose; and, Whereas, Por the encouragement of the production of spirits and to- b icco all internal taxei ere refunded . . ,i i - i ,. , upuu uube articles wnicn are ex ported abroad; and, Whereas, bounties have long been granted jtorO$fishermen by a d aw- back of duties upon the the salt used In l .. 1 3 1 i itx u iu uubuicbb, tuu euDsiiiep sre propped- 8AdJn4ha building and saahigf MpB- ni; (:-" Whereas,-. Agrieiilturej .being the greatest and most imnottant of all o?rJtntwtrsKa qot "been" and in f i&ri50 t-ppose having for most part proved fhbllylun avaihSgVanV - r'fYTTVVf I - Wxrereas,' It is uesirable to do im and- to .give no xne an. advantage ov (the -. Ojthjers, . and inasmuch as thrilgno' oief way : by which ftgi iculture can be compensated for its contributions to ' the suppoit of manufactures; Therefore Be it enacted, 'etc., that in all caseVwhere it can be shown by satis factory .proof to the Secretary of the Treasury tht any good, wares or merchandise imported into tbis conntryMiavA,een purchased abroad by any citizen of the TJuTfe Statp o If Democrats are go re'entless and implacable in their- bitterness, why wa he, an open and avowed Repub lican, retained for so long a series of terms in omcebJXerSbcx ats His career drives the livintr lie to his words. Every one welcome is nw residents State ' than His politics into. It is sons Jo some rascality t gTee, ieial .ri A e does . e of 1L jj or sever knows, no beanie- p. accorded anywhere, to Sucking a home iu h au Worth Carol i. are nver inquired only wL. u I e i- ' Woman's Yfork; , Thf r. is no tr.il to the asks w ir-b daily ;onirout the good imiacuie lo be a -U('CBsiul housekeeper, the first requisite is goon neaita. n w can a oroan con 4end against the trials and worries .f housekeeping if she be suffering from those distressing irregularities, ailments, and weaknesses peculiar to ber sex? Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is a specific ior tbese aisorders. Ihe only remedy, sold by druggists, under a positive eaar antee from the manufacturers. Satisfac tion guaranteed in every case, or money reiunded. nee printed guarantee on bot tie wrapper. poli icl iUtll t!l5 at liii pet'i , is se re i. d ujo.iu mental a f-truction of thf iSt pulnican, an'5 iv- D today it can State by a -.e it was P.t- if 'a f-ir ct tint M'as would be a Repub i i;u r ui;ijo:i r. i Here are 800,000 wfcites and 650,000 ne groes in the Sdate at presen-. Y'. ry tw negroes vote t he Democratic ticket. In 187Q the Democracy ai ed the State by a series of outrages on rrlit i.l .rvK4-t. A . i i . uguw, pv. ijbi,uaiea ny an order known is the Invincible Em- piie. The reiult of this political ex citement was to intimidate the ne groes by shot jun r ots. Latt r the present mod of carrying elections wag adopted and violence was dis carded. Even now. the VOt.A in iror LI v.v .w T cioe ana it piny where near a fair count was oivin th st-.ie would be permanent 'y P. tor, black ht a ungrateful G lbbOU. k ; i nyifcl", o shander ti e mothtr tbat sb bountifully, liberal. and honorably you remained now, she wou nourished yon while rue to your'ti 1 ! Ev n q draw the mmLe cf charity over ybur misdeed-, but you will not Ush the great spacific for."rtnM head? and oitarrh Dr Safe's Ca tarrh Remedy. Merit winajrae' the marvelous sue C6 as of HoOrl'ltSaVsar.. 11 i fet, rue meJicinil mfrif. BabyOncSoIid Sore. -fried Krerytlimjj witbout Relief Wo Best Wight or Har- 4 'urea by I'utlrura Remedies. My baby, when two months old, had a breaking ouiwi.hwhat the doetjr called oczema. Her head, arms, feet and bands were each oce solid sore. I ta-ied everything-, but neither the doctors nor any thine else did her any kooO. We could Ket no rest day or night with her, In my ex tremity I tried the Cutlcura Remedies, but I con fet I ' no faith In them, lor I had never tried .o.i. lo iny great surprise, In one week's time Uer begming to nse the Outlcura Remedies, the dores were well, but I continued to use the Re solvent lor a Utile while, and new she Is as fat a baby as you wjsh to see, and as sound as a dollar I believe my t aby would have been dead if- I had not tried Cutlcura Remedies. I write thfs so mat evert mother with a babj like mine and irriOTiiuucuiuflitriere wa medicine tnat will cure the worst eczema, and that medicine is tue Mrs. BETTIEI DTKKNKR. ixKikhart, 'iexas. Cuticura Resolvent, The new "Blood and kin Purifier nd vure-t .Mil 1,4b, r.f Ulimk TJ n, .1 . H - . . . "' " " " v. uuiuv, akujcuob, juujrntiuy, aau 'Jutleura, the great Skin Oure, Cutcura Soap an exqult-lte Skin Beaulifler. externally have cared thousands of enses where the shedding of scales measured a quart daily, the skin cracked, bleed ing burning and itching almont beyond human endurance, hair Utelesa orall gone, suffering- ter rible What ot ler remedies have made dikIi cures? Sold Everywhere Price, Quticura, 50c; Soap, 25c rM' -lvent, $1. Prepared by the POT I KK DEUU A CHEMICAL CORiOK A'HOIt Boston KSuSen.t for "How to Cure Skin Diseases 64 paes, 50 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials PLES, black-heads, red rough, chap ped, and oily skin prevented by Cutl cura Soap. Bv virtue of an execution placed in mv hands against Battle Bryan and Joshua Killebrew and iu favor of A. T. Brr se & Co I " ill sell at public silo f r cash before the Court Housed or in laibirnon tionaay OL 13th 1890. at 12 m the follow. Mrs Hughes' with her school. Miss Southgate jnp. described property, to wit : Oac, bouse end l-t ui tne town oi Tarl oro, the present reeidet ce of the said Battle Bryan and known a part of lots No 15 find 26 in the plot of paid town, it being the prp-Hy of U.e said Bat! le Bryan. O ie tia t of land in township No. I. Edgecombe -ounfy, sdjoiring the lanis cf W. T. G'ay and ot'r con taining 662 acreo more or less a id known as the HatcLet swamp far;:i, it being the property of the arid Battle Bryan. One tract of land iu.Townehip N . 1 Edgecombe county adjoinitg thf Hatchet swamp farm and other land and containing 256 acres more or less and known as the Shiiley p'ac. it biug the property of the said Hit tie Bryan. One lot of lai d in the tow!! ;f P'inceviile coutair i; g acres m re or less ilso the projerty f the 'id Battle Bryan. One tract of Lnd iu tuvvi ship Nc 6, Edgecombe county adj iijing th lands of Thoa. Anderfon nd ot b( r containing 7)0 acres more or less known as the Johnston farm, also the property of the paid Bat'le Bry an. Orio tract of land :n townsliip No. 1V idjoining the landi of Baid Josh ua Jiii.obrew, D. I. Britt and othpr and known as the Garrett land c n taining 685 acres more or less, the property of the said Joshu iKdlebrtw One tract of land in township No. 11 adjoining the lands of Mary Edge A. B. Nobles and c hers -known as the Johnston place containing 165 acres more or less, the property of the said Johua Killebrew. One tract of land in township No. II. adjoining the lands of Repsy Pe 1, Jno L Wiggins and others con taining acres more or less the property of said Joshua Kiilebtew. One taact- of land in township N). 11, adjoining the Gtrret land Repsy j Peel, W, M. Pippen. O C. Farrar ! and others whereon the paid Joshua Killebrew now res:d r, con'ainincr 359 acros more or les- the property of SHid Joshua Iv 1 ewew. One tract of lmd in township No 12, adjoining the Javids of Dr. C. L Ji.iiiebrew and others and knon as the Bulloek pace a'ntuniia 500 acies more or 'es, the pr p' rty of the said Jestiu; Ki'lebrr-'-. . W. T. KNIGHT, HLerifT Edyeconi'o?- C 'mi v Tor .vo' N.C. JuW 5: , 1890. I m t M o COOPERS MAMMOTH ill BRICK WAREHOUSE, 1 Upward determine I iti.d ouwkrd has beeu its honorable career for the past eevenfcean years, ml it enters upon another new crop year better prepared a d than ever to protect the farmers' every interest and contribute t the co.ufort. convenience and rreneral well lifting nf nil nimr - -. . . . .. ,. - . o r vu. nenuers-ii toaay nas more buyers ana 01 a better class, representing a gteir nnmber of the largest dealers and manufacti Stat s rd Onala. and controls more money than at any previous period of its history as a tobacco market, and there is trreate and more patror urers in the United er demand nn 1 ron- seqnentiy more active competition for all grades of ths leaf sold here. The conditio a of the market was never better or its future brighter than now and our b yers are determined that Henderson shall continue to be what it is now, . 0 THS LEADING BRIGHT TOBACCO MARKET I NORTH MOLINA. Our local nan if c. ;iing inter;. a hvo been jrea'.ly increased, while Ihe demand from abroad is al.;o greater th in ever before. While an abunlanca of o-nind for all grades of tobacco, it djes not require any labored effort to nd to those who know anything of Henderson we need not say the best - T . 1 .1 . , - . -I rf.TH .401e c-p ini at taa uyors cin-,.nitru and ai ctV9 ana ever mcrr -.tno; how why it i to the larunrs' a kin!a ;e to eli ia ttie Haneron im kef, place to sell is at the "OLD RELIAl?f.F' use ! It is tho largest and bsst lighted, the in 8L cmva i -Ij nd comf irtably a -ranged, and EVERY PILE OF TOBACCO SOLD ON ITS FLOOR lo MADE TO BRING ITS FULL VALUE. It ia centrally located and is fitted ; ia the b?st possible manner for Hhowinjr to good advantage all tobacco put upon its floors. The accommodations for farmers and their teams is -surpassed by-no warehouse in the South, and nothing is left undone th.it will ad I t the comfort or satisfaction of it patrons. - . . . . D. T. COOPER gives his strict parsoui! att'-nt -a to the selling of all'fc .1 a -c, the smallest pile that ia brought ia bv the rorest fanner whi drives 1 1 1 . , 3 -i 1 - . . . - - ;iu ui tjaiu rt-uwiviug me aauio lane vuu coiisiat'iHu n as n e oipgtbi ioaa arasn oy iour norses nitcrjed to a covered wagon The idea with us always is to SATISFY OUR PATRONS, and we can be.t do tht by TREATING ALL ALIKE AND GETTING THE BIGGEST PRICE FOR THEIR TOBACCO. Special attention to all shipments from a distance with the prom ?e that V pro; PIM FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. In one minute theCuticur a Antt Paio plaster reUeves rheumatic. sciatic, hip, kidney, chest and mus cular pains and weaknesses; The first and only instantaneous pain Killing; plaster, Yea too CONSUMPTION COUGH OR COLD BRONCHITIS Threat Afectlcn SCROFULA "Wasting cf Flesh, Or mny Dlson uJinr thm TTirxmt and Zm r Xnfl, Xach f BtmatX r iTm yo can relieved and Cured fry 4 MMTARY BOARDING SCHOuLtSS-?,0: LocMUa ruaonfor Boat r sad Hralth. ' Full raum ol uidjrpr prpraam for fclghnl rtmrnMof CoHwe. u Unlmillia OoantnCWI KwiMerise. Umpku Com. ET1 owrw-" ymU Co"e In Trtwpfcjr Vraoanatorr J'pl OoftCo. to Art mlliue. OuHCinM . """" ' - w neKvser. wtui nail nnn. COL. A. C DAVtS, W1IISTI..0. J at at COOPER'S I don't Frerf Cooper, The old reliable Cooper's K Riaurant I have been In the restaurant business many year?, d :is all my pan ot, know T always kip thfi HIV KST OYSTERS in the m:uket an 1 can serve them in any style. All kinds of fresh .meats every day. If r-V -B. mm .1! PURE COD LIVER OIL. ATr "VVlth, Hypophosplilteg. PALATABLE AS MILK. nbmtltnte. Sold bj all XruggUta. - FOR RENT. o:o:.-c:o:o:o:o:0:0 TLe corner Store, formerly known as the Woolard Stai.d More re cently Mallept's Corner and the large ware house siz? about 40x40 ft. lo the rear of store is for rent. iThis ia a good stand perhaps the best m tarboeo for a retail, or wholesale and retail Grocery Store. Apply to R C. Brown of Tarboro, or the under signed at Hamilton, Martin Co. N.O J. W. SHERROD & BRO: July 26-90 d5w4 -Sale. Two full blooled Jersey Bull Calve, three and five months old, exceedingly well grown. Apply to JNO. L, BKI0GEES, 0 git lhK PO WELU No Hoosc or-JIarbet Shall Sell For Iliglicr Prices Than i Do! QUICK SALES, HIGHEST PRIf.XS AND PROMPT REMITTANCES in every instance. Determined that COOPER'S WAREHOUSE shall in the future as in the past maintain its proud distinction (won after long years of t.ttient and industrious labor in behalf of the farmers') as THR LKADFR IN POUNDS SOLD, BIGGEST PRICES AND HIGHEST AVERAGES PAID FOR ALL TOBACCO SOLD ON ITS FLOOR, I Lk a continence of the brne liberal pntroLaga tha- has been accord ol me hsr. tofore, promisi-g my best personal endeavors in behalf of my patrons at all times. Hogsheads Furuisfoetl Free - Tobacco &raa,e&ubu,Careful and JExperieneeil Hamls. Very Trnly, the lobacco Farmer's Friend. t . li ' 1 - mm FOR Whyn I re' urn Twill tell y -li what I bought. In the meantime; of o o Tobacco II am prepared to supply the fbIlowiV.& Standard Brands veiy c! se prices: Uarlr Morkse, True Hluc, Old Rip. Old Si, ip Top arid Gravely. : ' ' . -ALSO ' WILL BE GIVEN AT OUR' O E to CA" CLOSE OUT AS MJCH OF THE S TOCK ON IIA.D A i"S"You wiil d ) well to aviil you; self of this opportunity. ' Respectfully, . L. HEILBRoSeR, Manaqer. My Koyal Gem I EST FLOUR ON and Only ask a iPATENT Claim to be THE THI3 MARKET Trial. o - A. LARGE STOCK OF SUGAR. COFFEE MOLASSES, ' SALT. HAY KM MEAT. NEW GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND AND DAILY ARRIVING. -ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF WLich will be sold low; -The public' are invited to call at my store goods in almost any line'and 00 jj pare price?. I am prepared to meet ompetiiionand will take pleasure in showing goods an I quoting yr t, cxchM.p of ta-- U 1 6k)-J vfSTaB&S: tOOTTABOWNK.Chmft.N.V ... 1 . . . - r- X