'i . -Hi! r ' i, i :-!.!.! A i m 11 il II II Ml I II II ;w BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO .AJEUG A.TD.T) Crockett. VOL. 68. NO. 43. TARBORCT, N. 0. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS PROFESSIONAL CiHlW. WCTUOtlNE TTTHORNE Ja Battlebro N C ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Battxebobo, - - N. C. Will practice In the Courts of Nash and Edge combe and in Supi mo and Federal Courts. f-comccnoNA - a - specialty . wtf Q M. T. FOUNTAIN, Attorney-at - Law. Loans negotiatea uu real security at reasonable rates. p P. WYNN, M. D., Tabbobo House, Tarboro, N. C. R. H. T. BASS Offers his professional services to tbe citi jns of Tarboro and vicinity. Office ou Wain Street near Coker's corner. D R. G. S. LLOYD. EYE EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Recently having taker special courses in the above, offers his services to the people of Edgecombe and surrounding counties. Office in old Bryan House, near bank, TARBORO. N. C. QR. DON WILLIAMS, Jb., DENTIST, Graduate Baltimore College Dental Surgery,) Office, Old Bryant House, Main St., i0 ly Tabbobo, N. C. Seo. Howard. JOWARD & MARTIN. J. J. Martin. Attorney! and Counselors at Law. TAEBOEC. N. C. Practices In all the Courts, State and Federal. nov.6-ly. H. A. Gilliam. Doxmx Gilliam Q.ILLIAM & SON Attorneys-at-i-aw, TARBORO , C. Win practice in the Counties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Supreme Courts at Raleigh. 1anl8-lv. JOHN L. BRIDQEB3 & SON, Attorneys-at-Law, r.-iRBORO, - - x a It lyr Consolidation of Polling Races. Notice is hereby tiven that po'liog or elec tion place in No Eleven Township, heretofore opeued and held at Poor or Alms House, is dicoutiuud and aboiinbed, and nly one polling or el ction place is estab ia'ned for saiJ t wDsuip, to-wit: at Nobles' Mill. 1 Le registra tion aud poll books for the late Poor or Alms Houe (i strict will e turned over t-j the regUtrar who may be appointed for said township aud by him transcribed on the rusfistration book for precinct cow known as precinct No- one oi said township J J P1TTMAN, (lerk. July l 1890. 34t3. IF YOU WANT IE WE LR Y You can get tbe latest and most unique designs of DIAMONDS, ENGAGEMENT RINGS and WEDDING PRESENTS. We have a great variety, and we'make a Bpecialty. jCOME AND EXAMINE OUR Sewing Machines. THE DOME8TIC, HOUSEHOLD, AMD AMERICAN. Oxidized Silver Goods are the "latest thing out," just selected in a recent visit 738m North. Very fashionable.; "MUSICALJ INSTRUMENTS. I-atest inventions for testing eyes for glasses with Cy lender and Sphere corrections. " you want any of these goods and woo d get them cheaper than elsewhere, ;bring the cash to CHAMBERLAIN & RAWLS f A long experience In repairiog and timing watcnes puts us at the head in this re f K-et, and we do this for railroad men where filiation has to be done to a nicity. "'Jt36 (j. A R. 1o full blooded Jersey Bull Calves, ll'rte and five months old, exceedingly well grown. Apply to JNO. L. BKIDGJERS, FRANK POWELL. dwmlil JBatf lelioro Oudget. Rer, Mr. Cunningham, the Pre siding Elder of the Varrenton dis trict, is here assisting Rev. G. T. Simmons in conducting a protracted meeting at the M. EJ chnrch. That considerable interest dicated by the large attendance, and tho surpassing eloquence find fervor of tLe di-tmguisLe.i conducing the meol divine who is Miss Helen Gorhah. left last week for Fair Bluli N. C, vugage in teaching. Dr. H. B. Marriot where she will and wife, Jas. Hobtrood, J. C. Braswell and others attended the State Fitir last week. Miss Lula Brooks ja most charm ing young lady is here on a visit to the Misses Mariott. Miss Hate Johnston, of Virginia, spent last week in town, the guest of Misses Mamie Johnston and Mol lie Wheeless. I Our post offico changed hands last week. The accommodating and very efficient "W, 1. Davisj was turned out in order to make room for theCheet hamappointee, just what meant the recent addition has not yet appeared, but the comprehensive smiles of chairman Battle and his htnehmen show how highly the appriciate an act of kindness to a needy brother without being anything in the broth er's favor. Our friends at Rocky Mount ure still pushing ahead in preparations for the Fair. The niagnificient floral hall is'nearly completed and every effort is being put forth to keep the fair up to the high reputation it has already attained. P. G. Rev. J. William Lec, This big-brained, big-hearted, en ergetic andsnthusiaaitic Evangelist, who ha been laboring zealously in this part of the Lordls Vineyard for about three .weeks, his cause for stlf gratulaticn over the success with which God has blessed his efforts. About twenty persons were re ceived into the Methodist church last Sunday and twelve or fifteen more have given in their names to the PaBtor for membership, The work has not yet concluded will close the aa the Evangelist meetings with services in the Meth- odist church to-nigqt. The interest in ihe profoundly persuasive, eloquent! and forceful preaching oi iiev. MrJ Lee has struck deep into the hearts of residents of West Tarboro, as well as . in this place and every meetjing there wit nesses many mourners and profes sions. Several of his concerts will con nect themselves with pther churches. The Evangelist will begin a series of meetings with the Methodist church in Fremont or Sunday, leav ing here Friday for that, place, bnt a glorious halo will clu f er and lhoger about the giandeur of the good work he accomplished here. A revisitation from, him will be as delightful as the memory of his pres ent visit will remain green and sweet. ! Stole' ;SllO8, Jim Moore, an aged colored man went tutoMayor Clark s store yester day and to purchase a pair of shoes David Pender toon him into the shoe department to Ehow them to LiiO. David showed him two pair and went behind the counter to get another, but when hd returned one pair was gone. He told the old man that a pair of the shoes .was ' missing, but the old man, who had a bag in his hand, said he had only one pair therein and those he bought of Mr. Zander. Davirl rramihod I iVia httor mr? found the shoee. Moore was ar-l raigned before 'Squire Bradley who bound him oyer toj court, under $100 bond to answer at next term. From Hamilton. Married at the' residence of the bride's father last Thursday at 11 o clock a. m. near Greanvme, Pitt county, Elder M. T Lawrence of this place with Miss by her father, Elder No cards. Naomi House David Hoase. The republicans he their county convention on the loth and nomma ted tho following ticket: For Legis lator, Charles Colerairi, Probate judge Lafayette Moore; Register of Deeds, J. B. Hooker; Treasurer Mr. Fibher; Cororner, Perry Ellisiu, (col.) Senator M. W. Ransomis to ad dress the people on tbe issues of the day, here next Saturday Mr. Fin Hoard is quite low, do not think he can survive many days longer. Miss Rob'-rson, of Salisbury, Brother J. Maryland, is visiting per D. Roberson of this place. We have had some! froat for 3 ' the last two nights. S Catarrh indicates impure blood, and to c are it, take Hood g Sarsaparilla, which purifies the bicjod. Sold by all crajgisis Edgecombe Tobacco Ahead, IT TAKES FIRST PBEMIUM AT STATE FAIR. The Southerner tips its hat to Frank D. FoxhalL Mr. Foxhall exibited ten pounds of his finest grade of tobacco culti vated and cured by his own hands and walks away with first premium of $20 offered for the best quality of bright yellow'tolbacco at the State Fair- A lot of this tobacco was sent to G. B. Elam, of Henderson, who se lected therefrom the best quality for exhibition and now Mr. Foxhall, one of Edgecombe's most industrious and energetic young farmers, has the high honor of receiving above all competitors the first premium. Mr. Foxhall has been the most successful tobacco grower in the counly this year, his prices averag. ing as high as forty-one oents. Does this not encourage those who are engaged in its culture to work more dilligently and quit plant ing so much cotton? From one acre Mr. Foxhall re ceived $461.09, all being clear profit save $100 dollars to del ray expen ses. Can any farmer in Edgecombe county make on one acre so hand Bonie a profit by cultivating cotton T Edgecombe is emerging from its dormant state and in a few years it will take rank with the beat as one of the finest tobacco grow ing sections in North Carolina. Wbitakers Notes. Our little town begins to look like old times again. The merchants are very busy, and tb6re is good trade every day. The farmers are better pleased now than they were some weeks ago, the crops are coming in far better than they anticipated. A. & Greene Co,, say they have near ly collected all for supplies furnished to to their time customers. This is speaking well for the farmers. Several of our citizens attended the Raleigh fair last week and were highly pleased with it. , Mr. Editor, of all the fuss that you ever heard of or read off, we had it here last Saturday among the ne gro candidates. George Loyd, col, wanted one box and Frans Battle another, each speaking at the same time. We had lots of fun. G. A. White, made a very good talk to his voters. Charles Cutchin died last Sunday at the home of his father, B. E, Cutchin, after an illness of two months of typhoid fever. J. A. Cutchin and B. D. Mann have been called on to go over a part of their work again, as censue enumrators. Miss Tempy Battle, of Nash coun ty, is here on a visit. T. J. Jackson, of Chicago, is here visiting friends. The members of the M. I, church of this place are having the church furnished, we are glad to see this work going on. Ruff, Commissioners Meeting, 1'he regular meeting of the town commissioners was fceld Tuesday night with alL present save commis sioner Gant. Committee on street reported work progressing. It was movd by S. S. Nash that Donnell Gilliam be requested to write Mr Cox and propose to close with him on his orriginal proposition in regard to an electrict light plant, viz: To contract for 60 lights at $15 and light for town hall at reasonable figures, provided they can agree up on details after a personal conference. The motion was adopted. C. B. Mehegan appeared before the Board in behalf of the Wah-Ree Club and asked permission to use town hall during Fair week. It was decided to be inexpedient to rent the ball for dancing and the application was refused. S. S. Nash made a motion which was adopted that the building com mittee be empowered to buy the curtain and scenery for the hall Misses Alice and 4Hattie Howard asked permission to have a tennis court on the West side of the com., mons and npon motion of O. C Farrar same was granted. After allowing a few accounts th e meeting adjourned. Marsha at the Fair. The following is a partial list of the marshals at the Fair next week: Will James, R. D. Bo, Cherry, C. B Mehegan, Austin Williams, John Wimberly, John Mc DowelL GapL G. J, Studdert, J, K. Grannis, J. H. Baker Jr., J. J. Martin Jr-, W. L. Hargrove; vv. M. Pip pen, W. A. "Bro jks, Black Creek, J. L. Arring- iou; o. xj. yjuuiu, . jj. topicio ouu H. IJ. Brewer Rocky Mount, W. H. Taylor and M. W. Deans Aulander. Frank Hodges. dlialct & IKKSIUIL IM'TKI.I.IORniC-K. h. T. Latham is sick. Jugge Philips is at home. Miss Carrie Jouea la improving. O. W. Dall is at home f. r a while. Frank Hitch, of Hami toa was in town to day, Miss M attie Russell has returned to Wash ington. Miss Lucy Garrett is t' si ting Miss Kate Cheshire. E. J. Hardin, cf Raleigh, is visiting Dr. J. H Baker. Wyatt L. Brown oi Greenyille. was in town Monday. Mrs. P. Kwell, of WilliamstDn is visiting her parents here. Miss Sallie Parker isvisiting her cousin, Miss Mary Philips. Mrs. EL Zoeller has returned from a visit to relatives in New Jerey Mrs. H. K. Keehtc, of Winston, is on a visit to her mother, Charlie Jenkins, J-. his recovered suffi ciently to be out again, Almon Hart, Geo. Howard Jr., and J. H, Edwards have returned from the Raleigh fair. Judges James E. Phepperd, H. G. Connor and G, H, Brown passed through town yester day, P. B, Cox. who recently went to New York for treatment, has returned home much im proved. Capt. Haywood CI k delighted hU many friends with his genial presence last week, lie attended court, Misses Llna Battle, Helen Fowle, Belle Bagley, Emmie McVea, of Raleieh Ags ness Gotten, Coteudale, Miry Bingham, Mebauesville, Millie Dowd, St. Mary's Raleigh, Mary Bunn Rocky Mount, An na Lewis Goldeboro, and Messrs James M. Walker, High Point, Jas. 8. Worth, Wilmington, Walter E. Curtis, Greens boro Sam. S. Jackson, Pitteboro, W. R. Tucker Raleigh, Haywood Parker, Bmg ham's school and Walter E. Philips, Bits tleboro were here to attend the marriage of H. W. Jackson with Miss Annie Philips to-night- The cotton market is a little off now, The purses lor the races week are worth competing for. next With continued good weather there will be large crowds here next week. Rev. Mr. Hebbard will hold ser vices at St Mary's Chapel on Sun day afternoon at 3.30 p. m, People in the entire eastern sec tion of the State seem exuberant with delight over their crop prosi pect. With cheap excursion rates on all roads a large crowd is expected to be in attendance npon the Tar boro Fair. The river is on a sufficieit boom for the boats to make the trip up here. The steamer Greenville came np last night. John Purvis siys that he has a potato that will measure four feet in length and he will exhibit it at the Fair. It will be a curiosity. From reports Mr. Lee is conduct ing quite a saccessfull meeting in West Tarboro. There are about twenty who have professed religion. D. Lichtenstein expects to hear to-night or to-morrow from the troupe that will be here during Fair week. He is endeavoring to get the best troupe that can be found. More cheap houses for rent are badly needed in this place. For per sons working on a salary, to rent a large residence, would be more than they could afford, therefore it be hooves property owners to engage in the erection of small dwellings to accommodate such classes. 'The town authorities should have the holes in the commons filled to prevent serious accidents to par ties passing through in buggies. A lady and gentleman came near have ing a sorioua accident yesterday. Tbe horse stepped in a hole and the dog cart was overturned and both parties ware thrown to the ground. - Edgecombe tobacco compares fa vorably with any cultivated in the finest tobacco sections and the fact that a few pounds of it was pur chased to be exhibited at the Atlan ta Exposition is qnite a big advert isement for the first attempt. Ex pert tobacco men say that tobacco grown in this county is as good as any. The cotton receipts for last week were about eight hundred bales. Saturday two hundred and fifty bales were brought into market, this being tbe largest number brought in this season. All of the cotton is now being shipped via Hamilton, and tbe Hamilton railroad employees are kept quite busy. Some day two trips are made. - Died. Early this morning at his home in no 5 township Lafayette Leggett of heart disease. Aged about 58 years. For a number of years Mr. Leg -gett was closely connected with the affairs of the county and always manifested the deepest interest there in and often rendered tbe most valu able service. His death is not only a severe loss to his family and the community, but the entire county. A colored man who brought the sad intelli gence of his death here remarked, that the best man in that township had passed away. Mr, Leggett's death was not unexpected. He told a friend a few days since that he did not expeet to live long. The luneral will take place this afternoon and the Alliance will attend in a body. Last evening John W. Gant. aged about 55. For several terms he has been a com missioner of this town, "The things we know are neither rich nor rare," but marked by au un common ingredient of common sense. One of them is that one 25 cts bottle of Salvation Or will relieve pain. try it As true as steel, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup 25 cts. On the 30th instant the people of Kinston will celebrate the com pletion of their railroad from Green ville to that place. Happy Ilooslres. Wm. Timmons, postmaster of Ida ville, Ind., writes: "Electrio Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liv er troable." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of the same place says: "I find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man.'' J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, of same town, says: "Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down aDd don't care whether he lives or dies;'' he found new strength good appetite and felt jugt ' like he had a new lease on life. "Only 50c. per bottle. STATON & ZQELLER. The meeting of the Literary and Philharmonic Society is postponed 'till Friday night. Hood's Sarsaparilla ia in tavor with all classes because it combines economy and strength. 100 Doses One Dollar. Subscribe. The people generally should not be unappreciative now that Messrp. Nasb, Farrar and Jeffreys hive taken s eps to prevent the removal of th Hamilton railroad The subscription lit should be immediately filed and all who can sLould do their utmoct to have the dt sired ahares taken up. It would be detrimental to every business interest if this road should be removed and the men of means should not fail to embrace the oppor tunity to render assistance. Every one should appreciate the situation and make diligent and zealous efforts to accomplish the purpose desired. PRIVILEGES FOR SALE. THE RESTAURANT, BAR and STALL privileges at the Fair, to bo held October 28-3 1st, are for sale. No reservations will be made. The first to come will be the first served. If you would get your pick of STALLS, the sooner the better for you to see. FRANK POWELL, d&wtf. Secretary. Sales of Land, By vtrtue of a decree of the Suuperior Court of Edgecombe county, In an action therein pend ing wherein Banle Webb et al are plalutiffs and J . W. Stokes and wife are defendants I vlll, on Monday the 2rd day of November, 1890, sell at the Courthouse door in Tarbono, N. C,, for partition, to the highest bidder, the fo.low ing land to-wit: One tract of land which was assigned to Pv-lly Ga? as her dower In the land of her deceasad husband, Dempay Gay, and on which she resided &t death, adjoining the lands of Hardy Edward' heirs. Robt. Pitt and others, containing 175 acres, more or less, and about 18 miles fram Tarboro, Terms of a)e one-tnird cash, oue-third on note, bearing 8 per cent int rest pavable in 13 months, one-third on note, bearing 8 per cent, interest, payable in 24 months. Title reserved until ful y paid for, Ou th's land are two residences with necessar out-houses in good cond tion and god water G. W, GAY, Commisiioner of Court ANOTHER SALE, At the same time and place, I will seilthe O'Neal tract of land, being a part of he land belonging to the heirs of Itampsey Gy, deceased, J.nJ, MARTIN, Commr, t da jheipie A Bomb Shell for Competitors. BUT A BLESSING FOR THE PEOPLE ! Our Prices May Startle, but They Will Vex the Careful Buyer. Is the lowest prices any object to you ? Are the finest qualities any inducement ? IF SO, COME IN AND SEE OUR SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF Men's and Boys' Clothing, HATS, CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. The Banner Assortment of the Season So great in assortment. So pleasing in style. So honest in quality. So reasonable in price. Also an immense stock of DRY GOODS, consisting of the LATEST STYLES of DRESS GOODS, in every new shade, with trimmings to match. Everything in this department full and complete. Ladies', : Misses' : and : Children's : Cloaks Of every new shape and style. Also PLUSH CLOAKS, CHILDREN'S REEFERS and JACKETS. itliSl 8 liMKfipf h TiT-frwr - - ? y n-TirTfrm irQThllTiiva m f 'sa Is now full and complete. Every variety for Ladies', Misses' and children wear. Also Zeigler's Shoes; a full line in every style. No Hostilities to Competitors, BIT CHOICE GOODS For CUSTOMERS. FOll COURT WEEK; 44 Black Cheviot Suits. 85 Business Suits; 38 Tailor-Made Dress Knits, 150 Boys aud Children's Suits. 100 Over coats. Gent's Furnishing Goods and The Celebrated If you w.-nt perfection In fit, with freedom from Corns and all tiitcomfort, yon will never wear : anything except The Hurt 6 Packard. Shoe All styles for Gents, Boys and Youths. Don't permit any substitute for the " Korrect Shape," as we have arranged to supply any one in the United States who cannot get these goods of our agents, and prepay all delivery charges, thus bringing them to your door without extra cost. The B UKT 4b PACKA.HI "Korrect Shape" Shoee are made in four grades, viz., Band-madet MXand-welt, Bnrttttelt and Machine Sewed. You will do well to call and examine them, L. HEILBRONER, MANAGER FOR S. S. NASH. A Brilliant and Beautiful Ger man. At the armory Tuesday night there was a Bplendid assembly of the elite of the town to enjoy a swell german given under the auspices of the Wah-Ree Club, It was one of the Club's most de lightful germans and there was quite a bevy of beautiful young ladies from other towns to enjoy the occa- sion. Seldom is sach feminine loveli ness concentrated as there was last night. The fair ones, becomingly attired, looked most lovely and at tractive. Many of tbe ladies and gentlemen of the place were observed as spec tators. Profs. 'Antonio and Girard Bel lezza discoursed the music for the occasion and 'twas most entrancing. The following couples attended: S. S. Jackson, Pittsboro, Miss Mit tie Dowd; R, D. Bo. Cherry Miss Lizzie Rawls; H. D. Bourne, Miss Genie Williams; Leon Williams, Miss Highest of all in Leavening Power. AESGUUTELY F2JBB 4CKARD.I Send for Illustrated s Circular. , Packard 3fFiELD.! BrocKtoivMass. Kate Powell; Faison Calvert, Miss Annie Williams; Job Cobb, Miss Helen Fowle; George Howard Jr., Miss Agnes Cotten; Doc Brown, Miss Sallie Howard; Dr. D. Wil liams Jr., Miss Lizzie Bridgers; H. A. Gilliam Jr., Miss Graham; John Jenkins, Miss Athey Cotten. The german was led by Lee L. Staton. There were many gentle men who participated in the ger man, as "stags. 'N AXl'JN I.TSTS." 0 star-built bridge, brotvi milky way! 0 Rtar-lit, stately. Bplendid span ! If but one star hould ceaso to stay And prop its shoulder to tliis plant The man who lives for self, I say. Lives for the smallest, meanest man. 1 count the columned waves at war With titan elements; and they In martial splendor storm the l.ar And shake the world, t!ic?e bits of spray! Each trivet to each, and like the star tiets back its gift in ten-fold pay. To g.-t and tsive and (rive amain 'l i e rivers run and oceans roll. O generous and hisjh-born rain Wlien reiKiiin as a splendi 1 ivlmle: That ma:i wln lives for Self. aai:i 1 say, ha neither aense iir ul ' .'J'iaiiiin. Miller. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. IRwsder Batons Electric Ilittera. This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used it sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine Joes not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Klectric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will re move pimples, bolls, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and lndi geetiorj, try Electric Bitters. Entire satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50c and 81 per bottle at titatons 1 X THE FUBLIC. I am Prepared to do all work I the Undertaker's Business, at the shortest nctice. Having con nected with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop shall have Prompt attention. PRICES MODERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friends for theri former patronage, I hope to merit the same, should they need anything in the Undertaking OR Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcors from the Corner of Main. T. 33. Ji 111. 1110 tim. ATTENTION, FARMERS ! USE FLOYD'S HOG CHOLERA CURE, A SURE REMEDY FOB ALL. DISEASES OF THE UOG For sale only by TP. JLMaCJldir Ituckleii's Am ca Salve. Thb Best Sa lve in the world for Cut Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt KLeum, Fever Soies, Tet terChapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos tively cures Piles, or no pay required. I is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, r money refunded. Price 25 cents per OCX. For sale by Staton & Zoeller. Help The Guards By law, active and contribute. nj me nhers TI1K EDGECOMBE GUARDS ai'c -emit from jury duty of f Vcrv d-ri-lic . J'o aviiil one's self of this aud at tho -aiiu .Inic'enci-urage tua Guards, EX 1 EN DOI.LAK8 U iho nndet&igucd cd get a certificate o membership, which, shown to the Bher fl 1 lie Judge. ALWAYS GETS YOITOFF. jIoHN ji. jOXHALL, jAPTAIN 13tly TARBOKO, N. C. 1 ET THE BEST. LIQU0RS and CIGARS. TO BK FOUND IN TAKBOKOU'GH. LIQUOKSfrom TWO to EIGHT Years OLD Fancy Groceries FREBfland DAINTY. Always on HANT J. C. ALLEN, Agent. 10tf UMMER OFFERS PIANOi ORGAN) BUT in Anffot, September, or October and par when craps are sold. Mpot Caah Prleee. The Lowest known. Just little eaah down, balance December Utn. No Interest. Oor entire stock any make price or stylo. BEST Man, mer offer we ever nt4ti . Write for Circular SUMMER OFFER I8&O LUDDEN & BATES. SAVANNAH, CA. KQUMMER MALE It ison o o Part's J having Cattle From 1 to 5 years old, Can find purchasers byjapplying to FARRAR, CASKILL & CO. , . OB PANOLA: FARM. ' 1 p" i U a r J It ' ' 1 1 i I' i? I" i - I' i