it ?s, Kmm Tt T XT "I 1 f " ' ' ' rwt a nTkmx. 7- ulL. ' 1" I ' : ' vwl. o. -iw. 1AK15UKU , IN. J. THUKSDAY, JNOVJMBEK 13.1890. PRICE FIVE CENTS WOKEING PEOPLE can take Simmons Liver Regulator without loss of time or dan ger from exposure. It takes the place of a doctor and costly prescriptions and is therefore the medi cine to be kept in the household to be given upon any indication of approach ing sickness. It contains no dangerous ingredients but is purely vegetable, gentle yet thorough in its action, and can be given with safety and the most satisfactory results to any ?erson regardless af age t has no equal. Try it. PROFESSIONAL. CARD. John D louper. MAKBLK AND GKAJJ I TE MOHUMKNT8, GRAY BTONES, ETC., ETC, 111, 113 & 185 Bank St, Norfolk, Va. TARBORO FEMALE ACADEMY This Ii stitJitlon will begin its fan session MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1890 witljufu'l Corps of competent ard experienced 'eachers. K'R CATALOOUK, A tdres. D. G. GILLESPIE, lMriipai. For 3F- ont A S TOaE .n I lo in the town o 1 LaAience, E lg c uile oo.iut.. A GOOD BUSINESS lu a!wab been done at this store wiih good or ops trade will beeicep tionally good Apply at once to 40 t 4 J. B. CAItR. JOUN L. BRIDGE RS & SON, Attorneys-at-La w , TARBORO, - X C 1 lyr pjli. DON WILLIAMS, Jb., DENTIST, Graduate Baltimore College Dental Surgery.) Office, Old Bryant House, Main St., 0 ly Tabbobo, N. C. H. A. UlLUAM. 10HTU, OIUJAM QILTJAM A SON Attorneys-at-i-aw, TARBORO', N. C. Win practice in the Counties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Conrte of the Pint Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Supreme Court at Raleigh. 1anl8-lY. WCTHOttNK Knfleld N C T T THOENK J BatUebr roNC A TTORNE YS AT LAW, Battlibobo, N. C. Will practice in the tuarlj of Nash and Edge Combe ani In Supi iuo and Federal Court ycOLLECriON - -8PECIALTY wtf T. P. WYNN, M D., Tabbobo House, Tarboro, N. C. JR. B. T. 'JAAS OtWrs hU prolelonal service to theciti iis of Tarlioro and vicinity, o iice on Main Street near Coker'i corner. 1) U. G S. LLOYD. EYE EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. )? :( Kecently baring taker special courses fa the above, offers his cervice? to the people of K'ji;' ombe nd surrounding counties. Utnee in old Bryan Honae, near bank, TARBORO. N. C. nnaDwrBmiL NEW YORK I.IK rff AFRICA. V A BMnnwd Tilr We Hot All the Barbarisms f the Not long since I had an Oppo-ttniy of conversing with a gentiemUu named La fayette Sykes, who has traveled a great deal in heiitiuu l&nLi. He wax for a while with Stanley in Africa, lie had also r.. en..! Um w'tds A fvazil ai.d undei-jr,one various vjj-rL-.icd in Aus tralia. He has now settled dojwn to a quiet life in New York. During the coriver. sit t ion i remarked that after a "im h d' 1. en living in the jonias of Africa for a long time upon his re tarn jto civilisation everytliing must seem queer and strange; that for a while at least he must be id a dazed condition. "In what way T" he asked, looking somewhat surprised. "Certainly the manners and custom of the savages and the mode of lift in a wild country are essentially differe-it from 'w hat they are in our large .ties. " "Yes. "lie replied, "life is not precisely the 6auie, but tiie change as you 6e-m to think. " lis not so great "I should thmk that would be very marked. ihe difference For instance, in Africa you were in daily danger of being assaulted by wild savages uttering fierce cries and brandislting their war clubs." "Yes; but I had the same thing happen to me over in Hoboken. "Impossible." "Nothing imposible aboat it. A wild man in a nniform, uttering fierce yells and bramH l ing hit) war club, ruihod nt me in IT bolt a because 1 didn't see ti.e sign, 'Kiep off the grass.'" "Yes, of course; but h was a police man. What I mean is that in Africa you are in danger of being j murdered and robbed by tribes of wild savages. " "That's so; bat I dont think they are as dangerous as the gasgsrof toughs that infest some of our large citie.s. In Chi cago I came very near being mur.lered and robbed by a gang of J wild savages. Some of the hoodlum gangs in San Fran cisco are not as mild as spring Iamb with mint sauce, " remarked the former ex plorer, cynically. j "Yes. I Buppose so; and even in New York there are such things u. gangs; but what I mean is that in a lard civilized city like New York your daily life lacks the element of danger which i-t always present on the Dark ContipenU " My friend s-eemed to be very amused at wliat It aid; but after he got through uniting he replied: "Excuse me;" but wheq you speak of the element of danger riot existig in New York my 4re affected. I don't quite i u !; r-tand Iww you make that re n. uric heriouaiy that it, if you ever try to Bro.i iway during the busy part of the di. y, not to iiak of subway explosions, street car accidents, falling safes, and oilier elements of dan ger. " ! It occurred to me that I was not get ting ahead very much on jtliat tack, so I turned the conversation a, little. "When you were in Africa you suf fered a great deal fr m . hunger. At times what little you got was not fit to at, and "That's so, " interrupted Sykes, you can get all that, aad even less, Boston boarding house, Where I "bwt in a nearer starvuur to cteasb tnan 1 in Africa. Next time I put up at s boarding house 111 that there isji restaurant in the immediate vicinity. " "I suppose so," I replied peevishly, perceiving that I was not getting the best of the argument; "what I meant te say was that that in Africa, you know there is there are na society gentle men. " I "If you mean dudes, perhaps, strictly speaking, yon are correct. However, the difference between eertain types of the monkey and the modern dude is not so great after alL I visited a swell dob house after my return I from Africa, where you hear and see the monkeys babbering all the time, and I I could not see any great difference. " "But you must miss the lions, titers, and elephants. I understand that Africa is very fertile in that class of animals, " I rejoined, feeling that Sykea wee get ting away with me in the discussion. "For that matter we are not alto gether devoid of the elephant aad the tiger right here in New York, so I asm told. Both of the noble animals can be viewed. It costs, butj they can be viewed, and they are qmits as large as and even more dangerous) than in A-frioa. A friend of mine who saw the tiger very distinctly and had a! simultaneous glimpse of the elephant told me that once or twice is as often as he cared to inspect the animaL It is a fact thai it is very hot in Africa, but so it is here during an election. Moreover, (if a man feels chilly let him do something he should not do and the press will make it hot enough for him. In Africa a maa is robbed by the negroes, but none of them are as expert in robbing and begging a the sleeping car porter er the colored waiter at a summer resort. " "Yes, I suppose so I-J-I didnt mean that. What I meant to say is what t said to mean no what I mean to sayls is that you can not deny that is tads country the proprieties in regard to mar riage, for instance, are much better ob served than in Africa. " j "In Africa wives are bought at auction. Here tliey are purchased at private sale, " replied Sykes, gTWalng like a country poorhouae idiot. "Well, how about the proprieties in re gard to dress?" "It is a fact, " replied Sykes, "tons fee people in this country wear mora eieth ing than is worn under the equate. I admit that en my return from Afxiaa I was shocked at seeing people wearing a BE SURE YOTT tamed had I baoupsife (be tight drapery CCtral Xfxic7 - I though. aa wqpha to "I have been to Ooney Island a time or so." "You should c to Long Branch or Newport, as I did, where I could not see any great difl eranoe between the style of hatliing dress worn there and that which prevails in the Sandwich Islands. " " Well, there is esse advantage we have in this country over Africa. We have no such barbarous mamw for places. When Stanley wen . to the rescue of Smin Pasha the papers mentioned the most outlandish nimcs of places. " "Yes, I know Stanley passed through Ujijijijiji, on the banks of the Kneigh keeneedezeb Biver, and traversed the Xylmbcujidqzi Desert alter fighting his way through the Jihimini tribe, who be longed to the Xylzdfjhiji " "For heaven's sake, hold up!" "But how about the names in this country ? Lst summer I spent several weeks in Maine as the Sha wgam atn n k House, and this year I am going to sum mer at Lake MoosegsJ ucmahuckgunda chopaquoddy. If there is any place in Africa that has a harder name than that I don't know where it is. Speaking of names, let me read you a little piece of poetry. There are only fifteen verses: Of aaouBtain, lake aad river clear. From ChoBkamnnk to Po&kapaog, rv heard of nsmai that seemed absurd. Bat never yet. a pan say word. One hall so queer as this on here : ChsJTPafjfogrnaarhansoKOgamaosh. Alex E. Sweet THE BR A TEST ARB THE TEN D BREST. A Story of Gallantry aad Good Bamari- tanism Shows sy a Seethern Soldier. "It was the dosing day at Fredericks burg, " said General Kershaw to the At lanta Constitution, " when a man by the name of John Kirklan came rushing into headquarters and said: "General, I can't stand it any longer.' Referring to the wounded Federals lying in front of our breastworks, he said: Those poor fellows yonder are crying for water they are perishing for water and I came here to ask your permission to go out there and carry them some.' "Said I. 'Kirklan, you know it would be almost certain death.' ' " ' Yes,' said he; ' but I will risk it for humanity's sake.' i " I don't think I ought to give you per- with his heroum that I let him go. He gathered some canteens, filled them with water, and went over the breastworks. He got a few steps, and came running back. I thought his courage had failed him; but he came to ae and asked if he might put up a white handkerchief. Said I: 'No, Kirklan; we don't propose to use any flag of truce on this occasion.' "He got his canteen, and went over to the breastworks again, and went about from man to man giving the wounded water. At first the enemy fired at him; but as soon as they saw his purpose, of course they stopped, and he remained out there until he had given water to every one of those poor fellows. " A Glimpse of TaaaaaTtte. He looks like a blonde SalvinL His motions and style and the savagery of his tragic and passionate expression are exactly those of the great aotor. He if a good natured, jolly, happy hearted fel low, who looks his audience in the eyes, accepts their homage as the greatest pleasure, responds with enthusiasm and grace, hugs the great bouquets that are thrown him, drags back his companions in song with every recall, as though he could well afford to be generous, and is more like a great happy blonde school boy than a $8,000-a-night singer. Ha looks more like a German than an Italian; would seem so quiet, indeed, save for the eyes being placed closer together, indi cating the ideality of his nation, and the slight point to his beard suggesting the finesse. In singing he has a way of fling ing his gestures and his tones into the audience, and he has a way of flirting with his voice in the higher passages that thrills one through and through and keeps a lump in one's throat the whole time, Pittsburg Press. A Tenaer a as eolation. At his lecture en "Ministers and Preaching, " Dr. Andrews told some SBlsV'gig stories of ministers of the past. One about Dr. Jeter was especially geod. Dr. Jeter, when he became worked up in preaching and was the moat eloquent, had a habit of putting a whine into "his voice which as near resembled tears in the voice as possible. Once when the tears were especially strong during a sermon the good eld doctor noticed a lady weeping in the audience. As soon as the services were over he hastened to overtake the lady and ask her what part of the divine word touched her to tears. "Twasn't that, " said the lady. "Hare you had some deep affliction in losing family friends?" said the doctor. "twasn't that neither, " said the lady. "Well, what wasit?" asked the doctor. "Well, doctor, we had a mule, and it was a good one, too. We all liked that mule, and he died; and while yon were preaching your voice sounded so much like that mule's that I couldn't help ory- Ing aUa Ahusas liillllil Fes. Dixter 1 sent my tromsers erer to the tailor's yesterday to ae riMsrsri -fXT..I T mAmA wWI dlAnt SI Maori durin tW Wf a etsaWjT you on the stoat yirtthlsr A Fm AR"B BIG HT ; FTP i -i-Damp, dieary weather. The tnrkey gobbler will soon gobbl no longer. Star? -i.toqrisof. Thny will build up the low. . To cotton factory directors held a meeting ye-feidav. WurlUri rr irlla will " In hard again in this place next wiek. Th Mae . n a oni'iT7i il on niyafr supper at Cooper's Tuesday nigbt. It seems that those faces in the town hall will keep the clock fiom ever being put up An examination of the registers at the hotels in this place will show that there is much trav ling in this section. Remember the Guild meeling this evening and don't fail to at tend. An entertaining programme is promised. We l.ave just received 2,000 pounds fresh, plnin and French candies direct from the manufacturers which we offer at prices raaaiog from 10 to 60 cents per pound. Mailed & Meuegan, 74 d&wtf Silverware he styles of our goods ia this line, fire graceful and modern and so complete that every pocketbook can be suited, at, Bells A lady wishes several table boarders, situated conveniently to the business portion , of the town Terms reasonable. Apply at this office. tf. The farmers, e-pecially ut this season of the year, when they come to town, should always bring some of the products of the farm with which. to make their purcbaees. t- nr.. ..-f .. 1 stock of finger rings, plain, chased and with settings, bo desirable and low in price that w ennnot tail to suit you. Belle the jeweler. Everything ia very quiet in po lice circles now. The police officers seldom have an oppoif unity of flour ishing their shi lalies. This ebow; that the people ire law-abiding, Some of ihe young men of the place have beuu to wnge war on paitridgen. 'Ihev are said to be quite nnmerou this season and fur nish some good" sport for them. In ladies jewelry, we aim to car ry the newest designs in eartsringo, broaches, lacepius, chains, rings &c. A moderate outlay of money, will secure a rare and pretty present, from Bell, the jeweler. The Sotjthebneb returns thanks to Capt, Henry Thorp, of the Rocky Mount Light Infantry, for an invita tion to attend a barbacue to be giv en Thursday to the Wilson Ligbt Infantry, Tf vmi want to eniov something very fine Iry our fresh gritp, large hominy, buck wriest, Jersey nutter ana newc-mea heef. ail of which are of the finest Quality at prices to suit the times. We invite you to call and examine mem. Maiieu is Mebegan. 74 d&wtf. -A gentleman. ner Roeky Mount, says that prices for tobacco had ad vanced neaily fifty per cent, during the last few days. He says the Rocky Mount market is on a boom and that the prices paid are very sat idfactor. Salt, salt, ealt. We oner 500 sack; ground alum abd 20,000 lbs fine pulverized daiiy salt very low. The pulverized dairy we guarantee equal in purity, strength and fine ness to theGenisee and Can save you 85c per rack on it, Mallttt & Mebe gan, wll-12 tf. Now that the town authorities have taken steps toward securing a good system of water works and electric lights thej should also give the town a good sewer.ige system. It is badly needed and would pre vent much sickness.; Th(y should give tbis matter immediate consider ation. The Governor's Guard at a recent meeting elected St irk Batche lor as tbeir captain to succeed Cap tain J. J. Bernard, who resigned on account of pressure of buf-iness. Capt. Bernard is highly esteemed in the State Guard for his cleverness and efficiency and his resignation will be reretted. Health demands t healthy liver. Take Simmons Liver Regular for dyppepsia and iDd gf-stlon. Spring-time stirs np the Li e. Sim mons Lives Regu ator removes it. Summer-time b iugs colic and atoms acb ache. 5 rninou Liv.r Regulator cures it, Autumn produces chills nnd fever and malaria 8 mmons Liyer Regulator pre vents tuem. Simmons Liver Regulator is a most excefent anpeuzincr ionic Saml. H. Pentz, Chap, to Bishop of N rth Carolina. TEtlElSr GO AH ; v o Rocky Mount Notes. Belated. Rev. Mr. Love, the new Baptist minister, preached his first sermon here on Sunday morning, Nov 2 He is a man of commanding iippear anc, iefind acd elrqueot. TLe Nashville Argonaut lias been removed irom that place to Rocky Mouiit The paper has been en larged to eight pages. We wish it much success in its new home. Messrs. Campbell and Lyon, Dr. T. T. Ross, Jno. T. Morgan and R. A. P. Cooley, of Nashville, were in town week before last. Minnie Seward and her. troupe were in town last Saturday night. week. Their performance at the opera house wes largely attended. The play was said to have been a marked success. Ed lie Yaughn, bank collector, was injured week before last by the ex plosion of gas. P. G Cataarrh is not a kcttl but a constitu tional HiaoiiGn ftn1 rpnnirpft A OAnatitil.. tional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla to effect a cure. Enjoyable Meeting. The Literary and Philharmonic Society held one of its most enjoya- able meetings Tuesday atthe resi dence of Capt. R. C. Brown. The programme was rendered in the most satisfactory manner mur.h to the enjoyment of alL The following was the programme: 1. Vocal duet, 4 hand accompani ment, Misses Porter and Bell, Brown and Lawrence. 2. Address by president. 3 Recitation, Miss Lilla Bell. 4. "Vocal solo, Miss Porter. 5. Quotation by each member of the Society. The meeting was then declartd adjourned to meet at the residence of Mrs Porter Tuesday night two weeks. Tue members are becoming enthu siastic and are determined to make it a permanent organization for the place. The meetings are always pleasimt a .d thft m. mber3 look forwai-i to them with much pleasure. t'aiaa h In ibe i ead Is a constitutional Disease, and requires A constitutional remedy Like Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which purines the blood, Makes the weak strong, Restores health. Tiy it now. The Elections, The elections throughout the Union have been favorable to the Democracy. The Democrats will gain United States Senators from New York, Wisconsin and Illinois, possibly from New Hampshire. In- glls, of Kansas, will be defeated and will be,succeeded by an Alliance man if not a Democrat. The ma jority in congress is immense, not less than 141 out of 332. The Legislature in this State is five-sixths Democratic. In neither House will the republicans have enough to demand the ayes and nay?. In this county the Democrats are proud. Sam Nash has already been nominated for congress in '92. The election of Ed Pen nington clerk will cause a vacancy in lb. i clerkship of the Inferior Court as he will have to iesign to be inducted in to the other office. There are al ready several aspirants, James Pen der, C. G. Bradley and - W. L. Bar low are most frequently mention. The Justices are not compelled to elect a successor. If they decline to elect, Mr. Pennington will be 'ex offi cio' clerk, He was at considerable expense during the campaign and will ask the magistrates to let him hold office till his term would expire which will be next September. Indorsed by all, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 25 cts. "Beauty soon grows familiar to the lover, fades in his ye, and piles upon the sen-e." But a Lottie of Salva'ion Oil will 1 ok well as long as pe- pie suffer with beadacLe, rheumatism, and neural gia. Grand Blowers. Yesterday it seemed as though every small boy, white and col- ored, turned out, and began to blow wooden whistles which were given them by a man advertising patent medicines till many of the older folks felt like leaving town. But tbey could not help them selves. They knew that it would be futile to array themselves against the small boy, because tbey would come ont the little end of the horn every time. The p ace was made lively during the entire afternoon and if ever pan. BAD.- D Crockett. JJIBIPIFIEJE.'H' Highest of adl in livening Power. a a va bi ABSOLUTELY PURE demonium was turned loose, this af ternoon was a splendid reproductioi of the sounds that would emanate from such regions. Up and down the btreets the little fellows marched in great crowds and sometimes their forces would be con centrated and then well mortal nev er did hear the like. The din .was unbearable and some of the old lel lows doubtless swore more than one time. Some suggested that the police be called in, and one gray-haired gen tleman thought it advisable to drown all the boys but that wouldn't do What would their mothers have said? The small boys with their whistles held full sway and there is no mis take about it, and all about Hood's Hareapaji la. That Little Tickling. In your throat which makes you cough once in a while and keeps you constantly clearing yonr throat, arises from catarrh is a constitution el disease the ordinary cough medi cines all fail to hit the spot. What you need is a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, M.ny people who have taken this medi cine lor scrofula, dysppia, loss of appetite, and other trouble?, have been surprised that it should cure t is troublesome cough. Bat to know tbe actual Ciuse of the cough is to solve the mystery. Many cases of consumption can be traced back to the negh-ct of some such slight affection as this. Consump tion can be controlled in its early utage, and the effect of Hood's S .rs apanlla ia purifying the blood, buil ding up the general health, and ex pelling the scrofulous jUint which is the cause of catarrh and consump tion, has restored to perfect health many persons on whom this drea ied disease teemed to have a firm hold, Xow, Now. Mis. J. D. Peaice, of this town, sent a beautiful crazy quilt to the Tarboro Fair for exhibition, which we learn took a premium. She failed to get credit for it, however, as the Secretary placed the nume of a Tarboro young lady on the quilt instead of the name of the proper exhibitor. Greenville Reflector. Mrs Pearce sent no quilt to the Secretary, so he must not be blamed for the entry. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlini. ton, Ohio, etaus that he had been under the care of two prominent physicians, and usd ti eir treatment until he was not able to gut around. They prcn n?ced his CrtBe to be Consumption and incu. a ble. He wad persuaded to try Dr. Kit g'a New Discov. ry f r Consump tion, Coughs and Colds a d at that time was not able to walk across the street v. ithout ,res' ir.g. He lound I e.01 e he had used hulf of a dollar bottle, that be was much better; he continued to ue it and is to day en joying good health. If you have any Throat, Lung or Chest Troublo try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Tri al bottle free at Staton & Zoeller's. NORTH CAROLINA, I EDGECOMBE COUJSTT, T , Hll Klca. perioruk FRANK LCCAS J This is an action brought by plain' UT against defendant for divorce from ihe bonds of matri mony and the defendant is required to appear be fore trie Judge of the Superior Court, for said couuty at the court to be held in Tarboro on the ixt hMondiy afier the .first Monday in March, 1891 aDd answer the complaint, which will be deposited in the office of the clerk of said Supe rior Court for said county, within the first three days of the term, or demur:thereto; and 1ft the defendant take notice that If he fail to answer or demur to said complaint; within said term, the plaintiff w 11 apply to the conrt for the relief demanded in the complaint. Oiveu under my hand and seal of said court-, this the 10th day of Novrmber; 1890. Uoseev Battle a. J. KEECH Plaintiff's Atty Clerk of 8. G. wt6. NOTICE, By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Edgecombe county, made in the cause, entitled Robert Walston.admlstrator o' Atex Webb, An nie Atkinson and others, I will sell on the prem ises m Monday, ihe 1st day of December 1890, a certain part or parcel of land, situate t. lying and being In Kdgenomhe county. North Crollns adjoin in,. ii;eluds aMi. Anna Alh iiifi., V. B. Shitrpe, Juo. 1- Li'WiM nntl o:hers an.l contain ing 2"u acrea, more or le?s and known at the "jiyniim Place" Terms o' ml, cash Ov- br 28ih 190. Robert Wa'st.m, Administrator Of Alex Webb H. L. Staton dt - Attorney. O- W. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Staking PERSONALS. Henry Hardison, of Ruber sonville was in town yesterday. C. II Blocker, of Dade City, Florida, is out here on a visit. James Edwin Moore, of Williamston, was in town yesterday. Col- Elias Carr, and Elias Carr Jr., went up to Rocky Mount to-day to take in the fair. Mrs. Frank Hitch and daughter, of Hamilton, passed through town enroute for Suffolk. Mis. R. R. Bridj?ers and two daughter?, Misses Emily and Mary are the guests of David Pender at Hotel Farrar. Ex-Fovernor Thomas J. Jaryis. one of North Carolina's best Governors passed through town tO"-day on his way hme from Durham where he delivered an ad dress on Education at the laying of the corner stone f the main building of Trio ity College, He is an earnest worker and advocate of the cause of education and his eloquent voice is often beard in the interest of it. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular 'as to ned no special mention. All who have used Electric Hitters eing the same soDg of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimplen, Boils Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent ras well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cuie cf headache, Constipat on and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Pries 50ct8,ajpd $1.00 per bottle at Staton & Zoeller's Di ugstore. Sale of PERSONAL Property. On Monday, Dec. 1st, 1890 at 12 o'clock I will sell for cash at the store on Water street in the town of Tarboro, formerly occupied by tbe late Juo. W. Gact, dec ased, the n tire personal property b( longing to the est.ite of said deceased, 0O!iBit ing of household and kitchen fur niture, store and bar fixtures, entire stock of groceries, cigars, tobacco, Bnuff. win-8, liquors, one ito.j S tfe, one barLet's chair und htoo', three stoves one mule and cart, one pair cart whef-ls, all his farming imple ments, a lot of cotton, con.v ot-.e cider press and one bominy mortur, &c Ac. C. B. MEHEGAN Nov. 12 r3t A'iin.n strator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. if .: 1 i a .1 :. :.i n A I iiiiviug quu:ucu no auuiimaiiaiui ui j IiVin Bell, debased, all pers na having claims agaiost Irvm Bell ar hereby no;i- lied io pre en the a.n.c V mc or my At torin y ii i r before DccciiiiH r 1st, 1S91, ' or tins notice will be ptd i a of their ! lecovi-i.,. E K. KNIGHT, Jniiies P.'tv'er, Adrn'r. ot Irvin Bell. At oruey. This Nov. 5th, 1890. w4t. GREA r SALE OF FIRST CLASS REAL ESTATE. Unless disposed of before, on Monday tb flrct day of December 1890, I shall sell at public auction , at the conrt house door in Tarb iro tbe followiag traits of land a-d town lots : 1 The main body of Piney Grove farm with 371 acres bought ot J. L Biidgers, adjoining the lands of VV. S, Long, Louis B. Knight, and oiheJi, about 1,200. 2 A piece of Piney Grove farm together with the piece purchased by It C. Brown of Wm. Qaithnr, about 230 acrs- 3 The Rouse Farm, about 200 acrts of the Jno. H. Daniels land subject to a mort gage to Mrs. P P. Clements. 4 38 acres, adjoining No. 3 lying ac o-s the county road, opposite Mrs. It., C. Brown's larm. 5 86 acres adjoining No 3 known as the Hanson land bought of Elizabeth Hanson and others. 6 Stable lot in T' bo. o part of lot 94 in the rear of Da's stable 7 Lot wita store thereon on Jain street, adjoining Iffs Mibry's lot, south of the R. 0. Biown StoTe. ar.d pa t of lot 103 s'ze 24x150. This property i .ild by virtue f an as-, signment of K C. lisown Tne last piece (So 7 i in c nimctiou with J. T. Bruce ! of same wl.o will join in making litlo Terms one-third cah and 1-aHnce 1 and 2 years interest 8 per cent October ?8th, 1890. Go. Howard: t d B Trustee. JEFFREYS Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming bo well known and so popular as to med no rptcial men tion. All who have um-c! it sing the same song of piaisi'. A purer medicine does not exist aod it is guarunteid to d all tbai is cUimed. Kit etne Bitters will cure all diot asts of ihe Jiver and k dnejs, will le ranve pimply, t oils, salt rheum and rtther ' hitjciio - ciiu-n ty impure. Mo d. Will diiv.- mala ia fn ii) tbe ej si tni ai.d prevent ns well as cur ad ma'arial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and Indi gen ot , try Electric Bitteis. Entire satis fac'ion guaranteed or money refunded. Pi ice 60c and 81 per bottle at Staton s 'rO THE PUBLIC. I am Prepared to do all worki the Undertaker's Business at the shortest nctice. Having con nected with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at mv she n shall have Prompt attention. PRICES MODERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friends for thri former patronage, I hope to merit the same, should they need anything in the Undertaking OR Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Th Dcors from the Corner of Main. T. "E. SimmoiiN. ATTENTION, FARMERS! USE FLOYD'S HOG CHOLERA CURB, A SURE REMEDY fOR ALX DISEASES OF THE HOG Fr sale only by f- HMcbCTlCLtr Ituckleu'si Aru ca Salve. Th k Best Salve in the world for Cut Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tet tei Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coins, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos lively cures Piles, or no pay required. I is guaranteed to give perfect satief action, or money refunded. Price 25 cents p?r box. ,iale by Staton & Zoeller Help . The .". Guards By law, active and contribute ngmeir.bers THE EDGECOMBE GUARDS a e uxempt from jury duty of everv dosrip tion. Io avail one's self of this and at the same lime encourage the Guards, BEND 1EN DOLLARS t the Tindei signed nd get a certificate o membership, which, shown to the Bher .ft" the Judge. ALWAYS GETS YOU OFF, jJoHN Ji. JOXHALL, jAPTAIN 13tly TAKBOKO, N. O. PIANO OFFER ( ORGAN BUY fa Anxiu, 8aptnbw. or October and pay whan 8SM Cuk Price. Toe lowest known. Joat little eaab down, balaaoa DaewabarlMh. N inter eat. Our entire stock any make-, prloe or tyla. BEST Ham mer offer we ever maaa Write for Ctrcalar STJAIMKB. OFFER. 1890 LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH, CA. CUMMER DALE 1890 1 ET THE BEST. U JIQIJ0.RS aad CIGARS. TO ' K FOUND IN TARyKOUGH. I' WO to KJGHT Fear OLD Fancy Groceries fKKrili ui1 I ) ! MTV. Ain u y on IMA HI C. ALLEN, Agent. 10tl o o l'ai ti r having Cattle From 1 to 5 years old, Can find purchasers bygupplying to FARRAR, CASKILL & CO. 0B PANOLA FARM. 1 1 I 'it 'A .Mi ml hi ii mi -8 Ik t i 51; i ii! i -i I 1 Hi 'A l i many clolhjog, so & Usher. ' - f

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