AZ II i S V rr-f. M X rrN V W Z W I HI ID 1 I iMI 16 ll : i fi ll L I E II J 1 r BE 8URB YQTJ ABE RIGHT ; THEN GOBAD.t-D Crockett. PRICE FIVE CENT r.-.-. xrr i " i ..... TARB()K( ) N. C. THURSDt, DECEMBER 25. 1890; I. v'. iuuhuii Ui.ll" U U U UD U -joy J - "" unman "5 . i l, .. iiuuiwiiiiiuuii muiiAniiimiiumi .- r ,SS' VJ ..f" .,...,,,.....,...i.,...w...nrtrrrrrTTT if .. . . -Jo, r - lnTtTiinlliiiiiiiTrfrmiiiniiijni--iiiii-ii'nTir ; - 7 . x. : r ' . -i - - . - ' gTMPTOMS OS LITXB D1SBAM(I Lou of appetite; bd breath; bad taste In the month ; tongue coated; pain under the hooider-blade ; in the back or sido often mistaken for rheumatism: sour stomach with flatulency and water-brash ; Indiges tion: bowels lax and costive by turns; headache, wun auii, neavy ""'j""'"" LYNCHED MIIUGRER nEKTS FATE. HIS nstiisnu. with sensation of having lei something undone which ought to have been done; fullness after eating; bad temper; blues; tired feeling; yellow ap pearance of skin and eyes; disslnees. etc. Not all, but always some of these Indi cate want of action of tle Liver. or A Safe, Reliable Remedy that can do no harm and has never been known to fail to do good Till Simsui Lirer Regulator AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR- Malaria, Bowel Complaints. Dvspepsla, Sick Headache, CometlpaUoB. BUionni, Kidney Affections, Jaundice, Mental Pepreion. - Cells. A FHTSICXAira OPIXIOK. " I have been p recti cing medicine for twenty years and have never keen able to put up a vegeta ble compound that would, like Simmons Live 1 .1 - -.4 rhrt,tsllw move tae AiguHlui, - ; J . . .. . . Liver to action, and at the same time aid (utsteaa of weakening) the digestive .and assimilanva L M. Hnrrow, m.d., Washiagtoa, ONX.Y CKNL1MK Has our Z Stamp in red on front of wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Masked Men Enter the Jail, Overpower Autlioriue . Seeare their Victim and Swing Hire nto Eternity. Keneh Feomar, whc enteretl th honee af Nap Atlios, a jegpf cted at d estteoxd farmer living ntar Auian flr. Bertii' county, and murd- red him 8ud 1 is mn her November, has t laetJ Freem n w caught iM lore since nJ ti-.k' n inipriaiu irie. t, j A e'era n fff reeivd h Frei man w s ly w e1 about 2 o c ot k The Frtv of entt-rt-d he to takej Freeujai. ) utl thwfnUim imrrntu iiiclv ana ex ecuted them ful y ns Ettes. Tb y c-al- d I he j thai t.hev 1-ai - Tr soner The jai er, u sus, d and ouin-i the d' .r atonii-hmei t. li-- wa WANK II A.i l 611 tue 4'D 01 met his fate No folk j to "WiDtn 'or re tl a 111 tna- vim v y - at era y n or n 11 . unknov"1 me 1 w': ' tbe ttle, raiu and tf id liiiu for I'i-p. l.t-n "to ui fr nte ' bv C UJr him; secured visit d Free- will Mm January 1st., To the store occupied formerly by FRED COOPER,, 1X7 mo6t eiquBite e State. rcpai .1 d ad aod b ttom, vLich lurtk s W. S. CURK, Tarboro. N. C about thirty iua ked men.who ru Led to him, ovi-rpowered the kes and foithwi I min's ceil. Th y t-- k t e murderer and hang ed him iu his cell. Calvary Cliurcli Completed. To-day tie p-icts who have been at work 01 tin mteri- r of Cal vary rhurch comp t dj their wotk. Th- church uhs always Deen con sidered out of the ht-hdsomest aid prettiest in ihe Sl.te and since this excellent work ua- been firslied it can be iusflv said that it i-itbe hit d-otDe-t and fiui-hfd e lificein t! The walU have been e borders both top Lave beeu Irescoej, hem beautiful aud a tra tive. Tbe citing has bee'J repainUdiaa 1 ghtr color, wh c 1 gites the churd ijore light an 1 attractiveness, :ju adds to ite a peara ice. The interior appeirance la wonder fully improved. I Services will b held in it o m r iow (Christmas day) as follows: Holy Communion .30. Morning pnyer. Holy Communion aLd se m-jn 11 o'clock, The public is iuvitesd to atteud. Ccttlnff Ready For Christmas Everybody wa3 busy yetterdey buDg gt-ods for Cbristmas and Old Santa Clans was makiDg his vis its to the various ores in t-wn githeii' g together hi splendid l t nf Christmas e- 'ods t make his v sit t ihe liule folks th oughout the country Santa U;aus '8 vtiy Chris' mas and bout all the lu.c' ant-. H with their frxcellfnt lot of g -ods and spoke of the multitucle of little folks he had to visit this year and gladden their I ejr s wi h good things tor Christinas- J In t e "wee BOidl! houis of tbe morn" Old Sant t Claus, with his fleet a d fes'ive reinleeh wnl make bis iait f.iil... khonsands of home-and There bill be many chant s here next year. - - -. "Peace on earth and good will to men. To feel bright aud cheeiftii attend U your stomach. Take Simrnni.a L. v r Kegvu latar. Un not weaken yourself by drastic purgatives. Take Si mm ns L'ver R'gu lator. About fifty families of colored people are reported to have left here yesterday morning for Texa. . - w 1 be healthy people you meet have hethliy livers. Tbey take bimmona ver Kegulaior. The cold wave eienal a dis nlaved eailv vesterdaT and the . ol J arrived on time. My a cuied of malaria by Sim- mns UlVer lteu aior. - w . iiiiu. sou, pastor M. E. Cliurcli, Leigh, He . Hmdy f r traveilert U Bimmons T.iv.-, ni-i7ulatr in DjwX.t. li tan be cariltl 10 thu ti cket. B ickuer Rogers on four 1 oise cr p made sixty-five packed bl of n fto 1 and one hundred barrels of n corn. Christmas is here in earnest ow and tbe strerts were indeei lively scene toJay. The farmers, as soon a the hol idays are over, should lose no time in n akinc Dreoarations fo another O K I crop. 4. The . SouTHSSimt takes holiday for to- morrow and Friday and wish' es a merry Christinas to aU. Our First t.Ovel "what Gold cannot buy" will appear with the woAklv SnnTHEXHa and tbe new year. Xmas comes but onoe a year but ibfe kindlv feelmes which that occa sion touches should last a twelvth month. J h C tten Jr. Is at home for the holl- A. L. O. Wilkinso . i Richmond, li here on a vis t The toDTUafiMKU viehes a merry hri.t- ms to a'L Lee Whitaker, of EnfiUd, wis In town yes terday at em fn. Mrs. J. G. M. Cordon of AUanta is hereon a visit to parents. Mis Nloa Lloyd has retu ned frc jb Browni- viue Tennessee. SnDerlntcndent Falrley eoea to his home In Falettevilie to spena wie u nunjo. Dr. Chas. B. Harrfrov, of Norfolk, Is I spendloK the bolldays with his father la una county. Officers Legion of Honor. The Tirfon of H nor. at their meeting Tuesday night, eltcUtl the following om cera: Dr. Geo. S. L'o.,l, commander; Maj. H. K Nash. vWf-c mmander; Lr. Lt. 1. Bass, recieiary; J. U. Brown, collector; r. B. Llovd. warlrn, P . . wiiKinson, orator, aand D. Peuder, ticas-uier. After trausactioe their regular uusineas they repaired to Cooler's and enjoyed an oyster supper. PKHliMI, ItvXKl.l.lWHtK1 A Bird la Bsao, The knot was tied, the pair were wed. And then the smiling bridegroom said Unto the preacher. "Shall I pay To you the usual fee to-day. Or would you have me wait a year And give you then a hundred clear. If I should find the marriage state As happy as I estimate T' The preacher lost-no time in thought, To his reply no study brought. There were no wrinkles on his brew; Said he, "I'll take 93 now." Itarcbant Traveler. Fiona Highest of all in Leavening Power. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Merry Maskers. About teveDty of tl e young col ored men of th plce will ornate themselves in the roost fantastic vTarbs tomorrow.mr4sk themselves and on teeds of every description they will parade the streets. Situation Wanted.Clerk. A geutleman wishes a position a .Larfc store, with six years x- rwuianre. Drv eoods store preferred. ra erivn trooA recommendation if neceesary. Addres?, K. lj. YVEIKS, -rf Whitakers, N. C. lib-- rl th:s gc eroa ly o 1 . tt3 pay ni- lit.l f 1 espect-t to txskins of the HOLIDAYS T The ftctory Generous Acts. 6tock-ho!de-s of the Rom of h i-retty. as well as use ful ai tides we offer you : GENTS' Silk Handkerchiefs and Muffleie, LADIES' Emb Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Rue' ing and Kid Giovep. T.ibrAr.-. Hall and RocheUr Lambs, Cut and Etched Glassware, including Goblets, Wines and Bowls, Decorated French China, Chamber ctton through their exodilei t su- perint.ndeiit Alex M. Fairley, pre. eed ah of tho opernives in we-t Tarb rd with a b g fa , to .thsorn turkey to adorn their O ristm s din n r tables, gladden jlheir hoar's, and satisfy ihu "tuner man. 'I'. r-iittjn acL-'rt uiui - till VI An ,1 a v Kill ye steadiiy uiuiuuig J . -n ...iJ Ar,;..rr Denntentlant u ainey in "e to'Fiyttfvill'. Tue p pnetor nulls gav - a prize R v. D. H. Tuttle who sac Rev. F. M. Shambareer as Dator of the Methodist church this place, will preach his first ser mon here bun day. The . re-election of Senator VanAA in flHsnred now since he has nromised to follow the instructions of the Legislature in regard to mess urn) of relief for the Durdenei mas ses. It is reported that there is quite a cro vd of negroes at the depot awai'in&r th arriTal of the emigra tion train- Agents are in tbe coun ty now soliciting labor. The weather has turned consid Arahlv colder and severe weather may be expected before Christmas is over. While all of the members of the fami y of Mrs Fields were here Tues day, attending the marriage f Miea Field some one entered tbe boose an 1 stole $160. Yestcsday was asplericlid one for tr4de withtb i mercbantf. Actuary it a8 almost impo sible for a person to walk on tbe sidewalks as tbe streets were so jammed and packed wi'h humanity. A fe of the members of, the board of town commissioners met Tuesday night to consider varioas uia Jers.but there, was not a sufficient numher oreent to do anyJthing. C. H. King asked that he be all wed to bnild a woode w-rehouae i 1 rear of s'ore occup't-d by Frank Hart. .Th.i mnoitxr in searching fo- newa items y- i-trday observed v ry strange c i iis o 1 the p t; t of n roung colored lad. and stopped for a minute to atcditain what, he was do ing and what d yon thirk In fie broad daylight n a epBfptc' ijt f art of, the fctieet.thegentleixanof tfie c 1 ored persuasion tried to kiss his best girl. He finally saceeeaea a" tl ere was er, no nut. Notice. T will remove on Jauury let to t hn i.ffiee formerly occiitie I by Dr. w. n Rftrnes fover S. S. Nash's .ni whAre I can be found at times. I. N.Ctrr. w4t. all The blandest man to bo met with fhauo rlea i the whilom rheuma ic who has trie! Salvation Oi'. Before the das of Dr Bull's Couh Syrup a person troubled with a coneh always consutea ins puypt -cian. rtow 11 is uj ' "v w - j Atttntion is tailed lo the sdve tisement of the New Toik Her id. ik. mnat snwrb of the New York 111 V a--awj w newa tapers. of the knitting dT tn d Urs to 1 he , 1 j r- guiaiiy auu gave nit Vi hnr work. . To the second bet a prze ot nve dol art was given The Purest and Best er-tive who attended uios m ist satjsfac'ton o-i. nL:u..'. p;.tn RnnVs far I Arfiz-ipc known to iDf dical sc ence octs, vu.iutu - - ' " 77 2. -:L tta Ha,... UTate and ' a 10 PrPBI fg,." - pets, Smyrna, Rugs, Bric-a-brac. Walnut Chamber Suits. Ward r b -, Bed LoungOM, Par lor and Extension Tables. Bible", Hymnals, and Testaments. ,;n., . Kerv ineiedient is careiui , ly Btl-cteil, peisouany, -uu only the Dest reiaaueu. iuo mcw cine is pr p re l urtdrr the supervi- aion of thtrouetiw competent pii- m'cis'e, and eveiya'ep in tha pro cess of manufacture is carffolly watch d with a viiiw to eeeuriog in Hood's Sarsaparil a the best possi ble result. Married. T. Duuean of Norfolk was mar V. j Ma i .11 la itArn w . riAQ W1IU lyxi- o t Pender & MarSTOVe.'Bethelin this place to-day His Lordshin There's no dodging t. wnn know, but one does miss the influ ence of a leisure class over nere. She But we have a leisure olass. His Lordship (suspiciously) I haven't met them. Who are they i She Our plumbers and messenger boys. Life. ' , Judge Are you guilty or not guilty? Prisoner Not guilty. . Judge (to wit ness) HoW much was the stolen watch worth? Witness Your honor, it was -worth $150. Prisoner (taking the watch from his Docket) That shows that he can't be believed. Do you think that watch, is worth 150? A Preliminary Trial ef the Slippers. Mrs. Spankwell (to shoe dealer) May I try .these slippers before I take them? Shoe Dealer Why, ' certainly, ma'am. Mrs. 8pankwell (catching her hopeful over, her knee) .Yell kinder easy, Johnny. Tain't as if we was nice and cozy at home, you know. Miss CLapp (Boston) Do you turn thfc naronian philosophy specifically applied has any materialistic effect upon the terrestrial inconsistencies that clog and warp the esoterie development of our inner being ? Hiss Foote (Chicago) tepever gave the subject much thought. t snrnis always Mflfla flaxseed. ' Good Cow Big Liar. A Vermont editor boasts that he has stub tailed one horned cow with no pedigree, which not only furnished the milk for his family of ten persons last The salary of the infant king of Spain Is $1,250,000 a year. Ex-Governor Foraker is said to have gone into the railroad business. Sam Jones cleared $2,000 by a week's work in Aberdeen, Miss. Francis Parknuuv the historian, gives two hours a day to cultivating his flower garden. Ex-Governor and ex-Consul to London Thomas Waller has purchased a brick yard on Long Island for $200,000. Dr. Gatling, the inventor of the gun that bears his name, is an active old man of 86 years, whose home is in Hartford. It appears that there is a movement on foot in London to have Eobert Louis Stevenson made British consul at Samoa. John Ruskin feels buoyant and elastic on a bright clear day, but on a dull wet day he is moody and misanthropic. He is his own weather bureau. Senator Culloni is said to wear his hair and beard exactly as Lincoln did. He is supposed to do this to intensify his strik ing resemblance to tne martyr x-retu.- dent. Mrs. Maxwell Scott, owner of Abbots- ford, has a revenue of about $2,000 per year from the fees paid by tourists who wish to see Sir Walter Scott's books, curiosities, and personal relics. One of the iolliest of the members of the United States Senate is Senator Wol cott, of Colorado. He is short, thick set, and broad of beam. His fund of humor is well niglf lnexliaustaoie. Prince RunDrecht, of Bavaria, has be gun his studies at the University of Ber lin, the first prince of a reigning house to outer t!:at institution. The great window for the hall of Mr. Jefferson's house at Buzzards my is now to be seen in Boston. It shows a Southern swamp scene, drawn by Mr. Jefferson himself, and executed in mo- , 1 ft Kr 1 tot saic ine wmaow iufoiucs j.u u - Dr. Schliemann is working with a will Ut his task of laying Dare an inas uio ages have left of old Troy. He has zou men at work, and he has laid down a small railway, so he is making rapid progress to the attainment of his object. Mr. Kichard Vaux seals all lua letters in the old way, with wax, impressing it with a seal ring which he wears on his forefinger for the purpose, and, like Lord Chesterfield, he thinks the modern prac tice of usm? saliva for fastening en velopes an uelean one. Thp visitof the Persian bnan stavorrce wife to Vienna has done her much good. The two surgeons who treated her have javed her sight, and, incidentally, tne heads of the astrolo-eis who advised tho trip, lhey are saiu w get o,wv joint fee. Mrs. Wanamaber has introduced a new fad iu Washington, and' has a class of young women meet at her residence twice a week, where a professor of physi cal grace from abroad teaches them how to walk, to go up and down stairs, to bow, to smile, to dis)ose of the hands. mm 11 aim Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE gate to neaven and he wiii die a million aire. A politician is not considered a strong man until he can pack a caucus. It "was a deaf mute who "said nothing, but sawed wood. " Fourteen thousand and forty-nine books were published in France last year, but only a few were fit for trans lation into American. A Congressman is all ayes, noes, and mouth. Some professional jokemakers have no cents of humor. The silent partner in a firm usually has co-ordinate powers with the active partners. Votes are worth what they wui Dring to a candidate. - Women's hearts break more easily than men's, bat Uka fracture knits more rapidly. ( He Was Smith. Are you Mr. Smith?" the girl asked, as he nervously stood at the door, "be cause if you are Mr. Jones, or Mr. Brown, or Mr. White, or Mr. Ureen, or any oi the other gentlemen, she's not at home; but if you're Mr. Smith she is at home. " "lam Mr. Smith,! he answered, and his face, could have given the sun a thou sand points and beaten it for brightness. "To think," he said to himself, as he waited in the paid or, "that she has chosen me out of so many devoted admirers. How she must love me. " And that night she told her mother in confidence that the many lovers racket had worked beautifully, and that Augus tus had proposed. Philadelphia limes. KDUC A TIONAL. in Maine, ine proieasor ruwio ou moment; the benches are partially filled. The lecture opens from brief notes. The students take notes of the lecture, more or less ample, according to industry. If tbe professor exceeds his time by a minute the students shuffle and their noise warns him. He picks up his hat and leavea There is free intercourse between professor and Btudents In the polytechnic, in the midst of A lecture on geometry, one student smoked, .without protest from anybody. There are no recitations, no control of the student He is free to enter the university, pay his fees and be a member of it without attending lectures ai alL The students who seek degrees must work, because the examinations are rigid. Berlin Cor respondence Boston Transcript. BCKAPS. Klectric Biltrra. This icmt'dy is br coming so well known " and ar p. ular as to med no pcia) men tion. A'l ho bare usdit ai i g ihe same rie of p.'ftis--. A f.niT mwlicilie " Jo 8 ni tt-x'el at tl t is gtinriti.ifi il t (I Hlltuat" ic c.miiiu if. rilt c'nc- lii uih wii. cure' all d:n a- S t Mil- li vtr ai.d k duej s, will it ru vt p n pi. f. t o!', ta1t i hi um nrd 'oil er ff cirv e cau d 1 y impute i lo Will ' fh;v tii-ila ficns ihe sjsit iu at d re vent ts will is cur - a',1 mn'arial ftveic. Fur cu e o! htad-.clip, cii)tati n and lndU mi;o , tr E itric B.Ueip. Entire aatii-, fie i mur i tiitt 1 or money refunded. Piict 50c ;.nd 81 per boule a' Stat-ns 1891. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. 'Ihe important, petles of pnpprs on South Amerit-a, by Theodore Child, wtil be continued ih IhirperV Magazine during l he Kiei.ter pnrt of y the year 1891. : lie Article, on Boiil hcrn Cli n rnia. by CUrle i Mid ley Wa-ner. will uleo be i-on'inueJ. Amon other nntewmhy at tract ions be a novel by C.'hnrlis Egbert t'randr cl ; a c.-lleciion ol origin"! drawing!, by W, M.TiiBCke r.ty, nv pub.lnhed for the Mrnl lime:arovel riueu and illubtraU-d lv George Du 11 Hurler; l novelette l-y Willimii Dean Howellx; nnd a sc ries f papers on London by Walter Bean nr. . . In Hie on - ber andarieiy of illiiHt rated papers, and other ar' tele-on t-ubj-iM of timely luteres. ' a- well as in the uorivlled Cllaracier of Its ahort -toriei, po iu, te.. Harper's Magazine will cor, ittitie io mil ini u thnl Htandard t enpi-ll- nee for wliiCii it hH-;iieen ho lon? dimlnguliihed. APHOllISMS. Youthful rashness skips like a hare over the meshes of good counsel. Shakespeare. In writing, as well as speaking, one great secret of effective eloquence is to sav what is proper and stop when you have done. Colton. j The future destiny of the child is ai ! ways the work of the mother. Bona j parte. Wit loses its respect with the good ' when seem in company with malice, and to smile at the jest which plants a thorn I in another's breast is to become a prin- cipal in the mischief. Sheridan. ! There is not a man in the world but I desires to be, or to be thought to be, a wise man; and yet, if he considered now little he c ntributes Wmself thereunto, he might wonder to find himself in any tolerable degree of understanding. Clarendon. The hatred of the vicious will do you less harm than their conversation. .tr f Pronounced Hopeless Yet Saved. From v. letter written by Jlrs. Ada E. Hard ot Groton, i. j v we quo-ci "Wastken with ra fbadj cold, whico settled on my Langs, cough set in and finally terminal d in ' consump tion. Four doc ors gave me up Bay ing I could live but a short .tircec I gave myself np to my Savior, de'er't mined if I c uld r ot stay with my friends rn earth, I w ttid meet.oiy absent ones abve. My bu lvnd was advised to get Dr., . King's. ' Discovery for -Ckniaumptieu, Cdgh. and cold-. 1 1- ave it a trial, tofik in .11 oio-hthntt es: it has curVd tue aud (hank Oorl I m now well and hearty woman.' Tia bottUie free i t St-ton & Zoeller Drogatore, regu lar siae 50c and $1 00 " " A h use and lot on Pitt street, garden twe out houses all in good repair. Apply at SorjTHBBHsa office. 30 tf. fBeutley. Have a time and place for everything, nrl do everything in its time and place, . . m v. ,v;i, ha aolil to i nrtll rr nnlv nyrarmnlish more. ycjlF DUb flW WOTWS n"" " . auu juu " ""--J r " hia neighbors, a wiu - from this that Vie ow is eiww - one or fee' editor reasonawj ia liar. ,. ; i ; i . , . ' ' it Dtda't 8Ise Tham D. Practical Joker (to clerk in musio Store) Have you note paper? Clerk We keep omy anee muoio. ?;p.j.Wen, isn't sheet musio note P??V :n ioVo ? (jlera now mucu www p. J. One sheet ClerkCan't acoommodate you. We sell it only in chotr lota. Detroit Jour nal. ' A MlfktUr Baa. ' Willie Papa, fa that the President of the United States at tne head of the pro ' Papa (in an awe atracr wnmper; Hush, Wfiliet BeWhearyou. He8thr rum majort JA raflroad nun, Who i an agent f or an Eastern road do Mg nusines3 with all the Western, Southwestern, and North western trunk lin -a, says that 70 per cent of the emigrant travel goes to the Northwest. , but have far more leisure than those whc are always hurrying, as if in vain at tempting to overtake time that had been lost. Edwards. Surmise is the gossamer that malice blows on fair reputations; the corroding dew that destroys the choice blossom. Surmise is primarily the squint of sus picion, and suspicion is established be-i fore it is confirmed. Zimmerman. Spirit is now a very fashionable word; to act with spirit, to speak with spirit, means only to act rashly and to talk in discreetly. An able man shows his spirit by gentle words ana resoiuw - ... timid. tions; ne is neimw Chesterfield. Stab Ends of Thought. Kest is the molasses on the bread of labor. , , . One never walks on the rough road -when he can keep on the smooth Bide walk. The fragrance of the flowers can not be stolen; their color may. War furnishes red ink for writing; his tory with. ghqwa man a million, dollars and.the Kan Jv5 has 81 women who are efficient superintendents of public schools. The contributions to American colleges during 1889 amounted to about V4,0,'0;00' . The German University at Pi .igue h:ts an atei.danceof 1,543, an increase of 108 over the previous term. The overseers for Harvard have con cluded to continue the use of Latin in stead of English in their diplomas. It is generally acknowledged in Eng land that the instruction in civil'engi- nwrinrr in the United States far sur passes that in the mother country. At the election of school boards in Sweden at the close of 1889, the first oc- ... i i . i casion on whicn women were eiigiuto for election, seven women were returned. Berlin is full of students in music. One meets many children bearing violins. Everybody can read music. There is a musical public, as there is an intellectual nublie. as keen for a false note as for a false tense. There were 22,760 white and 13,004 colored . children enrolled in the public schools in the city of Washington for the v.-ai- 1889. ihere were 235 colored and 458 white teachers, and the total cost of instruction was $487,455.52. Mr.-. E. W. Lord, assistant principal of the ladies' department at Oberlin, has given $10,000 toward the erection of a bu ilding to be known as Lord Hall, which is intended to furnish board and rooms ,or the children of missionaries. 'here ;re now 10 Hindoo ana .rarsee Indies taking courses of higher study in England, and numbers of young girls at school in the motner lsiaiiu. Doubtless many of these girls will live to see the last "child widow" in India. The opinion of many eminent educators concerning Chautauqua have been gath ered by the New York 3fat7 and Express. They agree in saying that it is a most valuable ally of the colleges, and a stim ulus to the people to fill them; that it liao promoted good habits of reading and ih nkinsr in many thousand homes, and ti at Bishop Vincent, by originating the plan, deserves to be regarded as one of the great benefactors oi tms generauuu. In Paris there are five professional schools for girls. These have a course of instruction embracing modern languages, domestic ecomony, industrial designing, cutting aud fitting garments, and ao xiunts. Each school is equipped with a kitchen and workshops for making cor sets, feathers, and other staple articles Df trade. Girls are admitted at 14 years of age, and remain three or four years. Dr. Atticus G. Haygood, the agent of the Peabody fund, in a recent article, says the following sums from Northern churches have been expended for the ed ucation of the Southern negroes: Society (Methodist. ......... $2, 225, 0 " The foreign born population of New Vork is computed at 675,000. It is said one building at the Chicago fair will be entirely devoted to pies. A California paper te'.Ls of strawber- ries so lage ui4 uvc kroner, wnug square meaL " A system of electric liomeopathy is Raid to be successful in curing leprosy. It is used in India.. The sum of $2100 was recently found secreted in the bustle of an aged lady who died at Birmingham, Ala. A Philadelphia minister thinks that a fee should be paid clergymen who con duct funeral services, as it takes up their time. A comnanv to place advertisements on the ceilings of barber shops for the pe rusal of men getting shaved has been formed in New York. A Georgia youth, who answered (in closing a quarter) an advertisement of how to make money without work, got in reply a piece of paper inscribed: "Catch suckers, as we da " One hundred boys and girls of Wood land, CaL, whose ages range from 12 to 19 years, have formed a ? Co-operative Fruit Canning and Drying Union. " The cars . on the Jungfrau Railway have movable flaps, which may be ex panded by the guard until they nearly touch the tunnel lining. In this way the car becomes a kind of piston acting in the tunnel as a cylinder, and the air acta as an automatic brake to check the speed of the descending car. On an average 85 more boys than girls are born in New York every week. On She average 55 more males than females die in New York every week. By force of natural increase, therefore, the fe male population grows more rapidly than the male, During the past 10 ... .1 tv. l years, from tms cause aioiie, whs wu population of the city has increased 10.000 more than the male population. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAB. HARPEK'S MAGAZINF $4 00 WEEKLY 4 00 BAZAR 4 00 YOUNG PEOPLE. ... 2 00. I'ltxtace Free to all xubscribers in the United Afafes, Canada and Mexico. T'i V.iluin--s or tii Mauaztne beginx with tha u i.' I i. ud LK'i enitier or eaCli ear. .Vlit-ii - it ii , i-- t-rified i-ubscrlptlon. will br. :hi i ,i 1 i.oimU-i tun on i at the tllni- of re-C- 1 1 -1 til Oi del- 1; i-:dVoln ol HarperV Magazine for three . ..i-4 K . tu-iieat ctotti t.lQutnit. will be sent by ml. po-t paid -rn n e- lpt ol f l. Oil pei Volume, ii i'h-'H lor bl . ding t Cell mi ll-t-J mall i nn id. I nd x to Harper's Magazine AHphnbeiinal Am yi n-al and I lasi-ili-d lor, Volumes 1 toTninClU ,iv riom .Intif, tfiV; to June 1885 one voj, 8vo l-ttn 4 no K-mUiam-e should b ma I- bv It-offlce M nev O oi or lli uftto avoid chance or h as. NewfeUiip- rs ar not to nopy thl- advertisement wl hoittthc eiprcbS order ofUAHPKK & UKOlll KR-i. II A KI'EU JC I5UO I fl KR8, Nrw Vork Jchn I) Louper. 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Fresh Peanats roas-ted every ''ay. 75dtf Ilii'pei'.- Weekly lias never failed to justify it" ldt!e as a "Journal of Civiliza tion," and it.h8 1. me bu ith a constant r. ga-d to enlartnl i os? bilities ofuerul n ss a-ul h'gi r s MU.lrd t,t artistic and . . i. -J j litera y i xct Hence, ll leaves un oucneu . no import-ti.i phase of tbe world's pro. gnss, and pr. set.t? n record, qimlly trus' I w..r hy nd into. e-ting, f the notable j evi nts, erfons, and acbievemen's of our ! 'ime. . Bpeclai Supplements will be continued , in 1891. They will be iterary. scientific, i anisiic, historical, critic il, topographical, r cscriptiv.-, as occasion may demaid, n.l ill continue to deseivc tbe hearty ! -..mnieni1 ition which baa been des'-iwed on pt issues ly the precs and the p tlic. .s a la-" U j -urnal, Harper's Wickly s bcrei fore, be edite l ; a h strict it it t tl f r jhe qnliti that niHUr it a .,u . i d welcome visitor t eye y I on c. HAKPER'S- PERIODICALS. 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