v urn I3E SURE YOTJ RE m TOT ; THEN GO AHEAD -D Orockott. VOL. 69. NO. 32. TARBORQV N. 0. THURSDAY, AUGUST G 1891. JM. 0 i i v I H M . asVe f PRICE FIVE CENT & EFF E T.S, Standard (brramilated Sugar 5 cents a pound. (Rood Family Flour at $5.5 peivbul. as clieap. Other goods equally i i . r t " 1 ly mPTOHs om urra DisxAgai Iee of appetite; bad breath; bad taato la the month: tongue coated; pain under ta. shoulder-blade ; In the back or aide often mistaken for rheumatism: eour atomaefc with flatulency and water-brash ; Indices, tlon; bowela lax and ooatlTe by turns; headache, with doll, heavy esnsesioa; restlessness, with sensation of harias left something undone which ought to aava been done; fullness after eatlnc: m temper; bines; tired feeling-; yellow' pearanoe of akin and area: diastases, el Not all, bat always some of these Indl eale want of action" of tbe Liver, fee A Safe, Beliable Remedy that can do no harm and baa never been known to fall to do good Tils Siosssi Utit IspIitsTv. ax sj i wri vxx, , WKvina vo Malaria, Bowel ComrJarata, . : Headaehe, Dyspepsia. oaatlpatfen, BUi Kidney .affection, . Mental Pepraaalon, Ja BasWsWaWaw)swl A FHYSICIAJTS OPEttOW. M I have bssa pmcticiaf asHlcisa for i run and hare never been able to put asa vegsse bis compound that would, like SiiWiat Liver Rtfulstor, pteaiptly and . effoctually stars sse Lhrsr to action, and at the tame time aid (laatead of weakening) the digestive aad aseiaulasi powai of the system." -L. U. HnrroK, m.d., Wiikiagtea.'eSem OKX.T GBarcimi Has our Z Stamp ia red on front ef iaf f mi J.H.Zeffin & Co., rUladilplvU,?, Boms. Friend Isham Gay of West Tar- boro sends the Southern kh probably the largest radieh of the year. It is twenty six inches long and seven teen inches in circumference., Mr. Gay says be intended to save this particular riphanus for seed but it giew so rap dly that h blossoms were shaken off. On the same spot w We this radish grew Mr. Gay raised a pig which at fourteen months weignea 01 a pounds. J, M. Edw a-ds sold the sewi, Specimen Cases S. H. Clifford, New Causel, , Wis , wad troncibd wun JNeuraleria and Rheauaatism, his Stomach was disor dered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he Was terribly reduced ia flenh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured Liai. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a ranning sore on his leg of eight years, standing. Used thret bottles of Elee rie Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Stive, and his leg is sound and wdL John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, d ctors said he was incurable. Oue bottle E ec trio Bitters and one box Buckliu's Arnica Salve cured biiO entirely, sold ! by Staton & Zoeller. J UiUUUUUVIVll ment of new plants, ind establish- maDUiacturna and indaBtries. Situated in the midst of tbe cot ton belt of the State, the County of Edgecombe has been nominated the the banuer cotton county of North Carolina. A plan fir t e rection of a cotton f ctc-y is already beiug put into execution. JL suitable a U convenient ute nas been set ano for that purpose, and whoa th eon- dition-i are ln-it. operations will be immediately commenced A Trader. Se:itor A- V. Gonnio of Mary and 1) R. fl. T. 3A88 Assigned. - Offers Ms professional services to the citl tens of Tarboro and vicinity. Office on Main 8treet near Colter's corner. JOHN L. BRIDGEU3 & SON, Attorney s-at-Law TARBORO, Hlyr oincs of 1 GEO. S. LLOYD, M. D., Limited to Diseases ef the EYE. EAR, NOSE: AND THROAT. Office Next Dooi to Bank. OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 12 AND 1 TO 6. TARBORO. N. C. D B. DON WILLIAMS, Jn., DENTIST, Graduate Baltimore College Dental Bargery,) Office, Formerly Occupied by DR. LN. CARR. 10 lv Tabbobo, N. C. H. A. OrLLiAM. . DoHaaix Gilliam QILLIAM & SON - Attorneys-at-Law, TARBORO', N. C. Win practice in the Counties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Supreme Courts at Raleifh. 1anl8-lv. Biggs & Davenport of Williameton have assigned their property for the benefit of their creditors. Their financial condition is a sur prise to nearly- every one. Both members of the firm are gentlemen of most excellent standing and re-, spected and esteemed wherever known. No country prodncea many better men than John Dawson Big s On the very day of the assignment a friend learning of his financial dim. culties insisted that he should make no assignment bnt draw ou him for what ever he owed. Kind wasn't it? Butthenvne of Biggs in Martin and Edgecombe and Halifax La been a synonym for probity and J. D. Biggs did not propose to lower the standard. What he had he conveyed to' Wheeler Martin as trustee for the benefit of those whom ha owed. The liabilities are estimated at $28,000 and assets nearly enough to cover them. The general opinion ia that the creditors will loose but very little-if anything. - xne causes wnicn iea to tms are are not assigned. Farm ana Ilome Transcript ' Tbe count of tbe faon and home I transcripts made in accordance with f . . ..a ttie mortgage collective clause ot tne census act has been completed by the Census Office. Tha figure-t are subject to slight modifications. There were returned by the enumer ators 'z,sdl,yM farms and nomes oe cupiei by owners which are incum bered by mortgages. Tbi number includes some farms and homea about whiWh the enumerators made no report, and which belonged partly to the class of hired and partly to the class of owned and incumVr-d ; Until this unk'.own qatntity, due to the failure of enumerator, is el iminated it may be regarded as ap proximately true urn two and a quarter million tauiilit s of the twelve and onehalf million fami'ie of the United States occupy and own in cambered farms and homes, and that ten and a quarter million families oc cupy farms and homes that are either hired or owned free. Tbe proportion ot hired and o ned free humee and farms will b-j kuown when the population division com pietes tbe count of the returns por taining to them. The preliminary reeulta indicate that the debt for farm in Iowa is $1,238; home, $719; average for farm and home. $1,140. If these averages hold good for the Union, the incumberance on the farms and homea of the United States occupied by owners is about $2,565,000,000. The suooees of this investigation, Superintendent Porter says, has bsen far beyond the antici pauons of the most experienced stas usticians, and the result will be of immense interest and value to the nation. The first volume, relating to recorded indebtedne9Bt will probably I accumulate enormous go to pre this year, incomplete oppressing by their tetu res from several western state indicate that farms and homes are mortgaged for about one-third the value put upon them by the owners. fail" John D. Couper. MABBLE AND OB AH I Til ; MONUMENTS, OBAVX8T0NE8, ETC., ETC., Ill, 113 & 115 Bank St, Norfolk, Va. do all work in I JO THE PUBLIC. I am Prepared to the Undertaker's Business, at the shortest notice. Having con nected with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop shajl have Prompt attention. PR1GES MODERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friends for their former patronage, I hope to merit the. same, should they noed anything n the Undertaking OR Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcors fiom the Corner of Main HL J. jSimiTioiitsi. rp P. WYSlf, M. I). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tarboro K". O Let the World Know Ton are ia It. It seems almost a crime for a man to "hide his light under a bushel." If he has something new, that will I benefit the human race, he should make it known. Old-fogy physicians tread the beaten path of their grand i fathers, denounce advertised reme dies, and never learn anything new. Medical science knows no parallel to Dr. Pierce s Fayonte Prescription, i compounded by a physician of skill and long experience, especially for the maladies which afflict women. It effects a permanent cure of those agonizing disorders which attack her frail organism, and is an anchor of hopes alike to delicate giils and suf fering women: contains no deleter ous drugs. A guarantee on the bottle-wrapper, refunding the price in case of lailure. Of druggists, $1.00. Tbe W. T. L &. I. Co. A Canning Factory. Office ard. next door to Hotel How 30 ly : The West Tarboro Land & Im provement Company has received its prospectus, maps, letter heads, certi ficates of stock &c. The engravings and the printing are exceedingly well done. The town Hall is the center piece in tbe letter heads and stock certificates. . If this company succeeds in de veloping this property the impor tance of it to Tarboro is shown by the map. It is more than half the eize of the town, almost exactly equal to that portion of the town above the commons, In the prospectus there is no froth. In fact while prepared only a few months ago it does not come up to the mark on tobacco, nothing is said of the two tobacco warehouses now going up. Nor did the directors realize the great increase in the acreage in tobacco in this county this year. They knew it had been in creased but they did not know the 700 acres had crown into 2,000 or 2,500 acres. The purposes of tbe company are thus moderately set forth; "The chief object of theCompany will be to lay oft, improve, beautify and dispose of this property. In promotion of that object, it will un dertake to advance and encourage the growth and development of the town of Tarboro on the land of the Company. It will devote its emrgies It must be apparent to the busi ness men of this pi ice that not only is a change in crops and in system of farming for this county impera tive, but is actually taking place. The one crop system and the low price of cotton are by bitter experi ence teaching the farmers a salutary lesson. It now remains lo be seen whether the business men of this place can see this opportunity and at the same time give encouragement to a class that is sorely in need Of it. A canning factory is a vast stride in the direction. The farmers in considerable nu ra cers are beginning to raise vegeta bles for market. As long as these vegetables are scarce oc new they find ready sale but soon the market becomes glutted, the vegetables have either to be almost given away or allowed to decay. It is for this surplus the factory should be established, ihe pnee which the producers will realize will not be fancy bnt sufficiently profita ble to encourage tbe raising. I have taken some trouble to in quire into the emsumption of canned goods in this section and was as ton ished at the quantity. It amounts to many thousands of dollars anau ally, i More than a dosen merchants in this place handle these goods and every one says the sale are large. It is so well settled that the man ufacturing plact should be where the taw product is that it is axiomatic Here is tbe raw product. It can be had in abundance. Here it can be converted into a manufactured pro duct at as little cost as elsewhere with freight charges saved. If some one will take the trouble it is bicrblv probable that the - re quired stock will be subscribed. Re member that the land will cost noth ing, the West Tarboro Land & Improvement Ompany stand ready to give the land for all such entert prises. Now is the time to prepare for op erations next year. e is a te iar . among men, a maiaffcr superb. H manageait-nt of tbe fight agaiaat the Force Bill brought the qqalitiea iuio nVaon J n tic Now i-i tne Mirjlaa-l JKmo- etatic Cnveutiou h h ann em phaaisei th tr::e.i.liu. ability whih he p s-i-soa fwr a leadei. A wetk Rgo ha Mrluid pree was dividtu ovrr iiuuierous caaJi- da?ea the I mKrm.y hal vari tai pref-rooces and "tjrrn times were predicted when the ooovcntiun luel. Nothing ol the kind happened. There was no wrargling. The strongest ticket was pu forth and each can die' ate was nominated by ae clamation, not a ballot beiag taken. The platform is equally satisfactory. The platform declares that the verdict of the people egainst tbe Re publican INatiooal Administration was registered in the Congresional elc-ionsef November J 800; that the a-iminiatreti m has disregarded its pledges as to civil service reform, has wasted the surplus aad has shown a purpose to maintain and create an iD i'i',1 of public iodebtedaess that will make high taxation necessary; that the Republican party created a working sniior.ty in Congress by illegally depriving Democrats of seats by lbs afiency of tbe Speaker, and at tempted to destroy the autonomy of SU.U a by the furco bill and to por petuate u owu power. The at tempt will be renewed if the party is allowed to continue in control of the National Government. Tbe platform expresses thanks lo tbe Seostors and Representative of Mtrjland wh) i ided in defeating the force bill, especially Senator uorman who led the opption. It also drclarea that tbe people ill not tolerate continue! submis sion to war . taxes after twenty-five years of peace. These taxes are not continued to promote the general welfare, but to increase the profits of combinations of particular corporate and indiviJual manufacturers or dealers, j The existing tariff casts unnecessary burdsns upon all en gaged in agiicuitura, labor, the me chamc arts or commerce Tbe sys tem is upheld by monopolies who control the prices of necessities snd wealth, whus combinations the labor which they employ and maintaining their power by the cor rupt use ot money in f ederal elee tions. Tbe only method by which these abuses can be remedied is by the election of a President snd Con gress pledged to a careful and thor ough revision of the tariff system. The power of Congress to coin gold and silver ought not to be so exer cised that gold coin or silver coin will become a eomodity and so dis turb the operations of trade, but the dollar is' gold or the dollar in silver should be of equal exchangeable val ue in all the markets of the United States. I Any attempt to depreciate superior to steal as Hercules was to I tbe earth born Antieos. The first venture to realize tbe vision that has been flattering before lbs ship builders mind since the processes of science have been steadily drawing rortu tms emmpreeeot but evasive metal with greater and greater eaae, wai bmlt st Zurich, for so exhibi tion to be held 10 Frank for', and it I was successful on its trial trip. Such ia tLe report ot our eeie -meU uj trustworthy contemporary, Iaos. I be formula fur com pa tin jr the time when this aluminium creation shall have grows into the fall size of an ocean-going steamer is simpU, MM,Dliantt iw. nn k:. though suswbat vague in i s fao- t irbild d.iawi r tors; but it points lo tbe certainty of euco a result. I be aluminium ship offers such advantages that it can be built with profit eve a at aa immense advance in cost oyer one of sUei. So when the price of tbe white metal. which is constantly hurrying down wrd, falls within tbe Limit involved in the vory high figure that may be cosidered admissible for buildinir a great boat of it, the new craft will appear, and it will make fire days across Lbs ocean seem alow. How soon will that bf? Little pioneers like the Zuric'i craft do not eoiae oat nowadays without wiving and immediate and powerful impetus to the movement tbey chance to represent. Improvement is quickar to atart aol then gcs with a more tremendous rush than ever before in the history of the wotkl. Alumini um is so lasting and tbe pressore to obtain the peerless prize of getting it cheaply is so strong and ceeselaas. mat ic w-xud not be too roseate an expectation were ws to see the fall development of aluminium, or of some almost as revolutionary alloy of it, accomplished on the sea before tbe Zurich naptb Lauach roes out of service. N. Y. San. '"'SSBWaSSsBsaeesBaaasBaeBssse II aw I vYss Car! af Se-CIW Caattr. La la ri ox, Oa. Dcaa Sib This is lo certify that I was a sufferer with a place on say under lip for fourteen years, aad was under treatmsot of differ act physi eians, but they done me no good. I had lost all hope of Imng Cured by medical trealmaat. I then went to a doctor living ia Florid a, who treat ed them by art. After going to him it got well, apparently, for a while, bat returned as bad as ever. I thsa concluded to try P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poka Root and Potaasiana,) and after taking five bottles (pint Size) was cured. I also find it to be a good medicine to give a good appe tite and to give proper digestion. Tour truly, L. J. Sraicsiasu Srsetar Stealers a Brwalrag. Senator Stafford, In sprakisg the other day of buree brdiDf, said: "There are 13,000.000, Lots e in its United Stats, according to the ta cent enieaa. Ia.agit what a value we e uld create if we improved mcb oue of this vast autnber of aaiaals so hat th iidividaal was woMb ISO mora U a be is. This is sarely pos sible. I am preaidsat of a stret railroevJ in Saa Francisco, where bare hd hundreds of horses. The at erage life of our animals was 11 raw years. But ote old bor etoxl that turd Lie tone years. Hi a smu- m tec- Iracw him from on sale to atolher back to lbs man and the farm thai reiaed bus. I found his aire was a plgrwd bors; hia dam was of good blood, though not standard. That- erplaios-i the superior oasfalaeaa of the horse to my mind. He bad better bones La subs Lane, form snd Ucgvh, bctUr muscles, better nerve, better heart. lang-a, aad digestive organs, aad was worth $100 more oa thoa account than say other boras we had. Now I ssy that whether wa taias bori for the plow or the track, blood will valaabU thiurjs .L- fae'e-d u to lit tnsana of Improvu. el but HU Las baa acaccnr4thd ia it wj f rjolaticr, lb p-o 'uoiot of t- set, wkfceH i-tVal wuvU lw of itwVrol.bl- salt o h s"ock r ir. That such is u4 issrsctkUc. L a tB already drikoeti rated with otsrca Usesa'irci is it Tharv. prttfraecr ia tb AeJcm. of 3'v, wba bvl list qxn b. lss fsiwahr e.vat Stat, aad na1. eggs after w.rda, U.at with e first Laid g.vs fua:e-, tha law, mile produc: tlit youn bu l Lo t lbs f-taeJe at the tiisi g. of beat, cabwiebeifM m-w frniaeat y ifiaagu bui:, who are sxtaostrd ad do servc Ut: tvt w.rs. how tie i Ullion la c ia tW pc.sal, drop borer co!U rthT Ua fcUpoo lh obMrra.'i:u be Ut eaulad th fol'oaisg law f;r stock raisscK If yoa wish u product fecnaW gif e lbs aals at ths first gn of the Max. tr yo with to wkJum give Urn at tba tod of IU hrak AcalabraUd SUs Hock art of the Prwaidcat f lb) S Agriru toral Society, Caat a rttr. J.I tell, aad is worth saoosy. ISectioaecr I Vend, in publish a 4 lus arwricnc) ia . esVa.A AAA I an " . MiBea s Jju.yw a year lor to bw eaasa be was a good horse. Ths old street ear horse earned thrwa Limes as much for ns as his fallows becsoaa he was a good boras. Each ia his plaoe proved a great truth, and ills time we all knew it," Yhat Your Hair mi retain Its youthful color. fullnest, and beauty, dret It dally wwlth Aycrfs Hair Vigor It cleanses th scalp. cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair Dr. J. Ce Ayer & Co Lowell, Mass.! XI M kauu rwv4 li I M asSL. X pf ae at re ftxe) cni. Tfjal r H tmm $ aa easxa. ' M hia-f a. a. I'jkmm7 t. aVvrtoa av-aa aott. a Arafi laUv. Taa Cast lew u --J fc Oat tULSVrsm. U crra. S-H Haaa. Trrtr twaav. Tast0rTJ lU&a, CU sa, thraa, as4 alt 4. la;Cta, au4 j tieaiy rr V an ,y ites-t. 1 a rw-.re4 U ie r-it ftt utm. mmf f:ead. ItwXA or( fwt Wa. rat j hf rcai-a jt I- PUM I Vk aa v ska Vn1iaK avAman . ftKvnnr either ol tbess metals by legislation 0( hsalthful exercise and a pica- Pi ominent Railroad Boperintend ent, living in Savannah, one suffering for j ears from Malaria and General Debility, says, on having recovered his health by the nse of P. P. P., thinks that he will live forever, if be can always get P. P. P. (Pnckley Aub, Poke Root and Potassium.) This party's name will be giyen on application. Kraals f synea! DsTdspacsU Our Chicago weekly con tern por ary, Arorriea, makes this obaervation: "It is gsoerauy conesded thai ths American woman Is more intellvrtaal is condemned. The Australian bal ot system is endorsed. Tbe hurry ing into exile of so Urge a body of unoffending men, women aad chu dren in ztussia is deplored and eoa demned. A resolution was adopted, thank ing senator uorman for his services as chosen leader of the Demoeratio Senators ia their successful straggle against the force but, and nomina ting hisa for re-election to tbe Senate. fresieary sf Tsssder Stems, A German periodical gives statii tics concerning the frequency of thunder storras ia various regions of the world. Java has thunder storms on the average 87 dsys tn the year; Sumatra, 86; Hindostan, 56; Borneo, 54; the Gold Coast, 62: Rio de Jan ro, 51; Italy, 38; West Indie, 36; South Guinea, 32; Baenos Ay res, Canada, and Austria, 23; Baden, Wurtemberg, and Hungary, 21; Silesia, Bavaria, and Belgium, 22: Holland, IS; Saxony and Branden burg, 17; France. Austria and South Russia, 16; Spain and FortusraL 15; Sweden and Finland, 8; England and the high Swiss mountains, 7; Nor wsy, 4; Cairo, 3. In East Turks stao, as well as in ths extreme north. there are almost no thunder storms The northern limits of Lbs thunder storms ar Cpe Ogle northern part ot Xiortn Amen a, Iceland, Novaja, seueliaand tbwocaat of tbe bibs run loe sea. Tss sWrtt sf Bit Waoha. A millionaire said "tbe sscrai of m v 1lK,,U in IKs , X 1 Vt. and lbs secret of my besum Is La tb word S-AGE. By Ibis last b meant Dr. Saga, whos Catarrh Rca edy cored hua of oca of the worst eases of Catarr. aad thereby saved him from much suffering and pracoa Lura daaUh, soaLLog bun to make his rnilliosa, and so joy Ufa. - Tbe cures made by Ibis radictna are simply wonderful. rnrlical Riiiaa. uivtng op sinioi pracijesMi or plasvsoras even qneatiocabU otes is not.eoouwn. oco necauva re ligion will not last loci or avail moca. Genuine piety la a poatuvs thisgj it is dung right, it Is kcptn2 Crit s eorarnavndmenta. Pullieg op wards dose not make a garden ia tba brirbl May-daya. Mellowtng the earth, drocptBg tba swede, and ting out the young plants is the only substantial way to da it, Wbsa the soil is busy growing vrgetablss and flowers, there is lilt spao left I or wesda. Aaaa than hall your rs b'gion depends on Lba thoa shall oola." Christ did not say to Mai a. S m aasa a . insw, ' a coa snajt stay nee at lh toll-booth, and try Lo kewp oot of cheatiog and othar avil practicra of poMinans, lie aaad ioilow n. and then Matthew goes at ones into a sew lite of eoodocl and a ew hfa. Begin st once and de whatever IBOff . : - a - as -a. isoo, aaya, iasr.a.usf oi LLe accu racy of this law. 'In the firU Use. oa n saecssjeure vaAJans I dcs.rsd to bats beiferv Uy rows wtra of avrl a . a - ixowin dccsu. aui ny tmU a por ioraam. I aacsrdrd fa :Lct Hat is hour hi a roora Dor. baa cow, it ti wry iti-ortanl fos cae to bars a new bull to aaprxls a. at , ktlsi nna i w a. i vw-aaMt- . e - w i rrwilhootUatji tochancalU StlM fUV SOFffFlP oo(au.ia. SolfoSowed . a-, pvodoctioa tbe dirvctioo of Profesacsr TWy. aad thasoeewss ba roved oaca mort thesacotascf He law. I have. rb taiaad from ary Durham Lei ait aora oui.s tanut Iurtasa cowt) for ald work, aad, baris cow of th) same rolor and Leihu I hart obtainsxt rvfect tsatcbes of own. My herd amoattsd to 40 cow, of every n s-Sort, I bad made in ! aJ 23 esperimaau of Lba w tlh- ... w, aoa ia svsry oae i ruotacvJad ta hal I was locAiac foratasCs or U mal, I had aoi ooa sier'e fal'arw. AS tbe ssprt Itbseis Lave btsa mad a by layvelf, withwat axy pnoi s ior vsatacv; conasM-KaUy. I do UecUrv thai I coevi irr as real aad ewriaieJy r-arfert. Lba'raUod cf VrxJrag Tbory." Mar it a ms, as tba saarvslos sae- ecssof UooVa Sxian!lasbowa. Ill pomeAM lrn tacdsnaal mutt. Sold by a3 drcgglatt. -Whal woold I ir.- ad Ckax'a LrAab, Xj call my .laar taoibew Lsack to earth tx a ain.-t- day. to aik bar j pardo open my l-s for all LLas astsbywtuch 1 aticved bavr raUa . "a pmc- cencs CHILLS AND FfiYER. NO QUININE, Mercury or ,rjfnV. NO CURE NO PAY. TA IWO RO IIEIXIIEXCE Rav, Mr. ItabUrl. Mas lies PtUsxxi&Ulti, Jaiacs 21. L'ojd. For sU ai McNairs druatorav If ToU raXT J E W 15 L 11 Y I caa rt V lXrH al iwa ef tlUstON. t5UAUr.wCXT m.HUS w a tifol stock of nervous disorders pre-1 your Master corn man is Brgia to vent her from being so perfect physi cally as i bar English sialcr. It seems to na that, in these times at laat, Amsrican women can hardly be charged with aegUcliag lo take healthful sxercisc Are wa not con stantly hearing of their ealiathenio and athisue performanca, their physical caltore, sodsties, dancing part tea, walking and rowing match. playful gambols, outdoor games. snd muscle-developing sports of maoy kinds Is not physical Ireiainir a prominsnt feature of lbs edocatioaal system st these sommsr schools for adults that abound all over the coun try, aad at which Lens of thousands of women are to be found We believe that as much altcntioa is now gif so to bsallbfal exsreise by tbe young women of this eisntry as by those of any other country in the world. And wa need not say that the Lnfiueoee ol it, snd ths ad rant ace of it, are visible to all observers. At a cahitbeeie festival recently held in this neLrhborbood toaojr women rxrfotinsd feats d powsr and agility ia a way that was far mora graceful than that in which Lke faeta ware performed by the sthletsa el tbe other sex. New York Sun. practice rahgvoa. A child never would learn Lo walk by a auadrsd talks about the law of fravtf ation: it meat use its own fed, aveo at ths risk of many a larobla. Wait not Irr more fcaiiag or mora puegaet victiona, or for asy thing yoa read of in other paople a ssDamaeaa. Theas are all snaraa aad lndraacsM. If lasy keep yoa from doing si ones Lbs very first set thai will plsaae ChrisU lUv. T. L. Cujlsr. assssi MsMSsasaaa) sa asaasssssssa m s "Jaat as Caws, Sav soma daiWi who try toaella substilate preparation whan a ecsto mer calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not allow any each falsa siaU maotsaa this tndooe yoa lo boy what yoa do not want, Rcmeeabwr that the only reason for making It is thai a fsw cents more profit will be mads on ths sababtata. Insist epoa having tba baal rnliciae Hood's Sersspar Jla, It is Peculiar Lo Itself. fsrs Tsar fsras ly Cig. Abbot's Kit Icdaa Com paint tct Uorna, Uui-ibs an I i arts, it ul gTfSL a t$c-j aa4 a as A mu aaay go L brave wiihoL health, wiiUoal rirhwt, wiihooi hoa- ort, withoa; Usrn.oy. wahxii trials bet be c-aa nave? gl thare wvtboot Canst. Dyar. Thelarmsr who powaI wkd a was dry ttot Lba fall brot of US rsin wbaa it aaxaaw So Lba saJy workar for Chriai aulr? Lba rich sL harvaat wbsa lba liav cf rifrtah- Injr ahaS evx&e from the ervexnre af tba Lord. The Piaster ef Ike fstsre Skis. J ha vesat 1 cf alumibiaai, UiC next great rev luliotiizer f eotumarce, cf wbioh we bad thou r hi we were as yat but dreaming, his come. It is small ia its first form, being twny feet lv"g, witu a tvaoi of five feet. It is ai-ived by a nij-tha motor of two bcri fower; but bull, inichicety sndrcitw tMte boait male from that almost magical metal cf tne fniore," which in strength and ligbtntss is as Tks Xavsr Fslllsg Raaasy. Those who omtioo to suffer with contagious bluod disease, after bayisg gone through th-t or oil coaraa of traalmaut, bav one consalalkm: They etn fall back on ths nsvrfii ing specific, S. S. S. Sometimes lhy suffer from tbe dtaeaae itsatf, sayl sometimes from the sffscis of lb Uealmokt ilae'f, aepocjally if mercury and other mineral Oisoo have bern a uj ploy ad In eitber eiaa tbey fra find an iofallibU rsmedy ia S. H. el It would be belter to tike advantage cf the remedy Ufvite Bodsrgoing other trtatmeot, a thoaaands havs done std srs doirg, but it Is aot svsry body's fostght thai Is as good as bis hindsight, Ssiss sf Aslaals si WIX The fallowing article pabUabad soma years sto, ia Pcaloa s Bciao lifie Farmer seamed so faWhla Ithai a oaabar of.pcozminani larsners la Seala Cara eoohty irved the expert meet. Aftar bauag vjoakivalr sure ot Lbs eoedilioas ol taw faaeals ihey were soaoassfal ia evwry Instaaee: "Allhoegb slock brswdisg baa long tea a elevmssd to a seUnea, aad easy ItlXRANO HXAXl.NEOUt Sowing Machines. TU a buM ijrTlC. Uot, SXliotlt. OlVlsSmS Jt. Q,m U ( tUs( (,- )st awa sa fwnrM M ; S"Wk. rt taa.se siist, MCi:CAL UisTROttXTA Laws mi&m tr lsNir T Cee sal swna.w a4 ? LEMON ELIXIR. riaaaaarv. BAssaawv, Staxisa.. tm ititnawi a4 aiss.a.t ;, If yaw erwaa ae f tase f-t a4 i rm Laos tai" oa urn 1 mt uu iu a ae CHAMOCIILAtM 4V RAWLt' 7" A bs e-t.-xstaw sa rmttUe e4 Qisa'eif al j T a4 Xm Im4 is tXjs te i4iU m esirissa saw at W iistwi -.. CSL t rarsfwaisa aU aaWVa,tsa S-tiJr. rev sliiili n mi in i asq ffA, L ii a auaw. fsal asaa-k, lA s Wales, to t n' llsa e4 la ksssr, te r-ST sslsT' i'Wsa av4 sasssa SaaT. foe ad sac a4 aat t ess t.tf. La"!. Sss atswal 4 ta iaiar a a attsar. Us I i l ar C a-issS I fsS S4 Str, wa ase trasa aawana. HIsiii e sstssj assly ay Or. a. SLeaxaf. AUa, wa. Vk. a4 !1lsUiMancru, LEMON HOT DKOP3 TUB comm e Building and Loan ASSOCIATION OP KKOXVIUX. TXNN. it. ss Dr. U SsmM drectMe rr-srn assty 6 a. ttSAwt aU S si's i isf ,, vwy Ki raOrw. wa f ttghcst es aQ U Leavmrag rowtt U. S CoA Rrpcrt, As 4 17, iW w rsAj OPEN ITO.. ALL. Authorized Capital.! $25,000,000, 11 oue orncs. Mae. UstlU Isir lUi4. UCALliillt. TAUDOUO. X. C W. W. UU6E0YE,

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