4V ITf& 4- i r ii I ii 8 1 .III! it ii i i . 1 1 1 hi I 1.1 12 1 1 I Ml iii lit in ii . VOL. 69. no. :;. Staiidarl &rmiiilateil Sugar 5 cents a pound. (Rood JFainily Flour as cucajK ' Wholesale Swindling. Mr. A, Frnnk : RichardsoD, of NrW rork, in his iec nt address in St. Pant, Miun , before the National Editori-tl Association, called a teutioo to the fajt that druggi8t all over ihe country are conliuually defrauding tbeir customers by offering them imi tations or substitute for various Patent Medieimsj thus nlao swii dhng thepronrietots of such medicines who have created the - demand by extensive adverti sing. This pWi tice of substitu tion b ie druggists has grown lo tujh an extent that Mr liich ardsou invokes tha aid of the newspapers in its exposure and defeat. But no oLesqould allow themselves to be thus swindled, especially io the purchase of Simmons Liver Regulator, the ' reat lemedy for indigestion jnd all Liver ti oublec The gen uine ai tide is s'.amped -with a large red Z on the face of the package. Take no other. Any submit ute for this is a fraud upon the purchaser who invaria bly pays the penalty in not secu ring the relict, to be had from ta king the genuine article. ' D &. II. T. BAS8 Offers his professional services t the citi i-ns of Tarboro and vicinity. , Office on Main Street near Coker'e co: ner. TOHN L. BRIDGER3 & SON, Attorneys-at-Law, TrtRBORO-, - ,Y. a U lyr i OJFiCK OF - GEO S. LLOYD, M. D., Limited to Diseases of the EYE EAR, NOSE. AND THROAT. Office Next Dooi to Bank. OFFICE IIOUI13, 8 TO 12 AND 1 TO 6. TAKBORO. N. C. K. DON WILLIAMS, Je., DENTIST, Graduate Baltimore College Dental Surgery,), Offlcs, Formsrly Occupied by DR. LN. CARR. iO ly Tabbobo, N. C. H. A. Gilliam. Uomrbix Gilliam QILLIAM & SON Mtorneys-at-i-aw, cTARBORO', N. C. iu practikein the Counties of Edgecombe, . Halifax and H& and in the Courts of the First Judicial pistrict, and in the Circuit and eapreme CourW at Kaleivh. i&nia-iv ohn D. Couper. MABBLE AND GRANITE M0SUME5TS, GBAVEBT0SE3, ETC., ETC., Ill, 113 & 115 Bank St. Norfolk, Va. 0 the public: I am Prepared to do all work in the i - . Undertaker's Business, at the shortest notice. Having con nected with my Bhop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop shall have Prompt attention. PRICES MODERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friends for their former patronage, I hope to merit the same, should they need anything n the Undertaking OR Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcors from the Corner of Main p E. JT. SSimmotiw. rp P. WYiX. M. I). PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office ard. . next door to Uotel How ;30 ly MUSIC SCHOOL J. M. Staton, TARBORO N.C. 0 w A Happy Ocaalon. Wednesday Aug. 5, at the beautiful Shiloh farm a picnic coniDlimantarv to Miss Mamie Meyers was eriven by Jno.i W. Charles. A dozan well- matched couples graced the occseien. Boat and buggy riding were molts of enjoyment Voices from many a shady nook might tell of o her lippy sweets bu' some things '.hat hanDen at picnics ar j 1st "a lit ie too sweet" I to talfc about. . Busy Days fertile Sluipsou. While Jerry Simpson is whettius his trenchant blade for the scalp of John Sherman, whom he pronounces tne "arch enemy of the human race. ' Mrs. Simpson, a modest industrious littlrt woman, who is greatly esteemed by all her neighbors, is cooking for a gang oi tnrasners who are cleaning up a 600 acre tract of wheat which her husbaud owns' near Medicine Lodge, Khu Kansas City Times. Combine Agalnat Combine. Chattanooga, Tenn.: A-ieust 5. The millers of this place have formed a league lo purchase wheat from the West. They eav this id d-.nc in self defense against the farmers of Mid dle Tennessee, who, backed by the Alliance, are holding their wheat for a higher price, with the result that it has risen in the past week from 821 to 90 cents East lennetiboe grain will run the mills for a time until a Western supply cm be pro cured. Ou, Stauly, On. Ed Stanly, of Rocky Mount, must have intended openimr a geieral merchandise store, for Wm. Thome swears that Le Mole fiom him an overcoat, a hat, a dieja coat, two pairs' of trousers, Beveral shirts and a i comb and brush. J. P. Ti'.lery, of Rocky Mount. beard the evidence and held .Stanly to answer at the Inferior Court this week. Friday morning Capt. R A Wat6on went upland brought him down. Will not some one give Stanly a chance at a pair of shoe? So More Hazing. The class of 1894 at the University have passed the following resolu tions which hat) also been ratified by a masss-meeting of all the students: "1, That the practice ol hazing new students is far beneath the dig nity of university men and contrary to the spirit of a real university. "z. That new students who enter the University hereafter shall not be subjected to blacking cor maltreat ment by this class. "T. B. Lee, 'H. BlXGRAM, "II. W? WHEKDBii "Committee." Pronounced Ilujteleiw Yet Saved. From u letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd ol Groton, S. D. we quote "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, cough pet in and finally terminated in consump tion. Fonr doctors gave me up say ing I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, deter mined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would- meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at Staton & Zoeller s Drugstore, regu lar size 50c and $1.00. Exhibit. Raleigh, N. C, Augast 5.3ov ernor'Holt has decided sgainst the appropriation made by the Legisla ture to the World's Fair and says he has no right to use the direct land tax money. The last legislature being under the impression that the refunded di- aect tax money would not be asked for, and also to prevent turthex tax ation on the people appropriated $25,000 from that fund to pay ex penses of .our State exhibit at the World Fair.. It looks now as if the greater part of the direct tax money will be called for hence the Governor says it can not be used for that pur pose. The only hope for our State exhib it seems to be through individual contributions. It. It. Accommodations, Of course the Norfolk & Carolina and Wilmington & Weldon railroad per pie know. they have no accommo dations at the depot here on the N. oc u. road lor eituer passtngers or baggage. Thursd y some ladies who intend ed to take the train bid lo walk from the warehouse to the N. & C, tracks, quite a distance, in a heavy IS Ij d ) rn-pjur. 11 it tbi was rot tho worst; their trunk, after being checked at the warehouse were car ried to ih trak dumped dowo where the ruins decebded and beat op-m them, taking s'.arch out of 'garments The agent, Mr. Whitehurst, did what I he could to re me ly matter by throw ing some bag over the trunks, but in a few momeuts these were a itu ra the. He hai no tarpaulin. There is no excuse for thi expos ure of passenger and baggage to the element. If Stuffed Marionette Elliott thought ot what v would serve the comfort and health of the patrons of waters and .Newcomer s roids in stead of how he can live eaaieet and boothek his bos sea there would be less complaint and less cause. The attention of the railroad com mission should be called to this mat A Tl . i ter. xiiacnox tnese ladies can rua- tain ai actioa at law again t the soulless, eonsciencelesn cOLcern wdicn speaks through the puppt wun more belly than brains. Ought lo Have them. The number of Tarboren Hiuu leu at mountain or sea is over one hundred. They are iniaseJ loo. i i i . . Tarboro Southerner. auii it may ue saia noi mi oi a i i-i i . -I .a . . h'f doz-n can bo found at anv sum mer resort near thU city. xoi u id me mobt accessible of them all Nearest to reach and the easiest to leave at any tiu-o. lo Wiightsville, the Ilammocks and Ocean Yiew there are many trips of the Sea Coast railway train i evry uay.and until a Ute hour at mht. io Carolina Beach Iha Wilmiujr ton makes several trips every day. j.uere are no loiter u-jacnes on the Atlantic coast than here an t these peoplu ate homeogenoos. lvauroaa raies to W ilmington are as cheap as the lowest to other r- sorts. People from Rocky Mount. Battle t TTTl a 1 - - . . ooro, nniutKera ana vicinity com here, why not the people of Tarboro? I5y lMviug rarboro at 12.30 p. m., one can reach this city by 5.39 a m and can remain over or go to either oi tne resorta directly. It an intelligent, well directed ef fort was made, Wilmington would reap the advantages of all these sum mer visitors. umingtOQ Messen ger. Rhyme With Reasoi. To guess the number who would dare toT Of all the ills that flesh is heir to. To hear the half yon could not be r; Aud loyely woman has her share, loo; She'd have some less if she'd repair lo Ar. i-ierce.s f avorite rrescnption. bor "run down," debilitated and overworked women, it is the best of all restorative tonics. A potent spe cific tor an tnoee chronic weaknesses 1 3" - a auu aiseases peculiar to wpmen; a powerful, geuera', as well as uterine, tonic and nervine- Ii imparts vigor and strength to the whole systhm. It promptly cures weakness of the stern ach, nausea, indigestion, bleating de bility snd sleeplessness, in either sex. It is carefully compounded by an ex-1 perienced physician and adapted to wpman a delicate organisation. Pure- the dining halL Next came the con ly vegetable and perfectly harmless tributors. Tbcrs stil being enough in any condition of the system. The and to spare the uninvited were al only medicine for women sold by lowed to come in and gorge t hem druggists, under a positive guaran- selvea and still there were 100 tee of satisfaction in every esse, or or more poands of excellent barb- price ($.00) refunded. Baakrspt Rssaia. I think the financial condition of Russia to be a mos' precarious one. Undoubtedly she has great resources; so his Turkey, but natural treasures are of no avail without the human tiarwl t turn 41. An. n Vi a ft...fift .f the nation. As the French finance " u ..no iuout vi minister. KAron Tanuia n'u hm oollesffuea. "Give me a trood iolicv - S mr-mmm W mmt and I will will eive you eood finano cea." Russia must reform her cor-1 rupt administration and her preposNi terous fiscal policy; she must aban- den her ageressive external policy which constantly thrtatens peace, if she wants to inspire ! confidence in European creditors. Until she does so, I would warn every capitalist against investing his money in loans wmcu oiicr no re ai ana lasting ae curity and are mainly calculated to form a fund against the interests of peace and civilization. August rum. Fo VYkat Dees It Xeaa? '100 looses une tKiiar" means 6imply that Ilood's earsapamia is the most economical medicine to buy bee iuse it giyes more for the money than auy other preparation. Each bottle contains 100 doses and will average to last a month, while other preparations, taken according; to directions, are gone in a week Therefore, bd sore to get Hoods Sarssparills, the best blood purifier, TAttBORQ N. C. THURSDAY. AUGUST 13 185) iT L Wfnte. Despite the UUnen of tho eroDS. lbe K Q1 curing tobacco 25, or - -. Ai j; .i . o t federary found themselves as embled at Runaymede Park Thursday at 11 W ith lhi.se wire the K eooab. Guard, 100 coalnbut. rs to th din ner and an equal number of hangers oo, present of their own invitation or that of some one else of equal an thenty. So tn all there were about 500 there, uwuu viuw avua jo.tiiy . DOlWlLQ standi og the rain prevailed, and ev er j thing, as one oi the mansget s ex pressed it, ptssel off well anl pleas- aniiy.-1 Soon af Ur 1 1 o'clock S. S. Nash in the absence of President Van B. ooarp caiieu tne asemDiage to or C 1. H as a der and "Made a few inrroori it a re routr, weiccmifg th eterana and , - . . . Ti-utora. II bad a irco l word for the Ldgecombe Guards and thn he announred as the speiker for the day juj:e A'iaps. The Jadze was warmly receited and when he concluded was loudly auu numerouiy urged to r roceed. a lie speech was not a leoftbv one. it recite! the deeds of the Confeder ate soldier, his sacrifice and hi bravery, all leVifn d to at Unasia. vjoiiyaourg, . x rcd-iricctoarg soda "!! a a, t . a hundred other bloovly battlefields. Ex eohliers were congratulated first on vtiir arneivrants in war aoa then tnnu--u h i ine CTtacr Tictoiies tu-y uau wgu in peace Whi-u he canc!udkl Mr. Nash again spoke up for the Edgecombe Uaatus atkivg tb Veterans to en courago the youn-e men to become members. II Called attention to the attendance of the country and town memoers up n the drill, citing one occasion when only three from town were present. Several were called for speeches auriugthe brief interlude before dm Acr. So one arose when his name was called except Assemblyman Jesse Brake, who always says something gooa. vuieuy out with a twinkle in nrseye he advanced, to the edce of the stand snd said: "Fellow citiiens! For three years an J nine months I obeyed commands but during all that time I never was comma .dad Lo fire tj I had been ordered to load." With this hint .to notify him the next time a speech was wanted from him he retired. At 12.30 diuner was aunoanctfd. Vith arush aDd a scramble the crowd could bare been fa J at two tables, but Sheriff Knight and Lis assistants, Theo. Pitt. Turner Felton. is. 12. Speight, had not put that 1,000 pouada of well cleaned pig on - the sticks to hsve it treated to that man- ner. Nor had J. lempav Brown ith J. J. Stalling and bis o'her ss listen ta worked so faithfully to have a grab game. There were 140 plates and 140 men were let in by count to eat. When theae had finished ciesn piaies ware set acd i4'j more t . 1 a . . . . were admitted. The Veterans st first, next the Edgecombe Gaard. who did efficient service during the dsy as cnard to cue left It was after 3 o'clock when th last one bad eaten. It was intended to hold a busineaa meeting in the alter noon but when dinner was over it was time for many to prepare lor home, bo the pres- tnt officers are continued and the next meeting will be held next Aa- I . . n,i . ., . wn iae n"1 nursusy inereor " r,,B 9 ! O Unqaeslionably considered of in cculD'e consequence in correctirg constitutional coataminstions, is UT 1 rc UoMen Medic-I Dtecoy- ery. Can conscientiously commend it to careful consideration confident of its competency in all controllable chrome complaints. The "Golden Medical Discovery is tho result of much reaeanh and wide experience, by a practical phys ician of wor!d.rtnovu its fo. inula embraces ih rcot potent rector a I t'vs ' l' hole vegetable kingdom. it u s; ecii!v r commetd.d for all blood d sordt-ra -djspeuaia, liver and kidney complaints, scrofula, salt rheum, catarrh aud consumption in its early hUe i-.aunng ic.i and cure in ll cancr! Usw Pretertias W trks is Ksla. The profits of tl e p oLibiiWe poli cy g to the Ruiau nui.ufa ;t ureir, who realize n muuu yaiL, but who, prottc ed ai ihey o against foreign cumpiuiou. i.gi cti all progress t in pro .uewn. Mororer. it i ruii- 'ous to observe that the greater park E F of the manufacturers ere forri goers. tne cost oi this sytiem is entirely borne by the dornvstie eonsumera; whan, for insUoee, some year ago foreign coal was heavily taxed, the Russian prod a cere isised their trices enormously without making provision tor a loacieoi supply of eoad. Coal was thus sold at fancy piic, ao that tnaay facloriea bad to be shut up, notwithaUnding the protection afforded to their manofacturts. The premium accorded for exported s gar increased the produce sixty-eight fold, but by far the Larger part went to foreign markets, which sr flood ed with chesp sugar. England snd Tersia pay for Russian sugar 350 per cent less than the Roasian consum er; so that Russian sugar, which has been grow.ng inaceeetibte te the poorer cltsses, is now raugg'ed from Persia into Rusaia. Bat it is ariculture hich fare worst with this system. With the enormoas datiss on agricultural ie plemenls and mschines, the few Rus sian manufseiurers were enable to meet the demand; they could, for in sUnca, f orcish only 40 threshing machines of the 400 which wtre wanted, the real bad lo be imported from Germany and Eogtand and V 000,000 roubles in custom daliae had to be paid for thsm August Fo- 1U1U. . Bmsia rat Mar. Tne breeding of Maad S. tsan event important enough lo recall whit the other cpeens of the totf hsve done after being retard to the stud. Lsdy SofTjlk. the first to IB. tcr the 2 30 list and the most won derful campaigner of her day, was bred to Vermont Black HavV, bnt died without Proffenv. IIiphlaa.1 Mary, 2.27, the u it to reduce the record, wa bred to Ethan Allen, Z.'Zi, and muter faal was ever de veloped. Flora Temple, 2Ll0j, was another oa in tee sensational ranks. sue was bred to Leamuirton. tu.orirtigr.bred), to Ittsdyk and to Milium Me'ch. Neither of the three foals ever te rformed in poblie. DUttneioai by Wrlch, which was ca-'IeJ Prince Impel itJ, trotted uia rorltobert Itooner fattv t'.aa the record of hij toother. UoUamith Maid, 2.11, was the next famous one. She was bred three Ume to General Washington, nunc of baara ere in ins lil, one hariog Ue.n killed as a co'.t and the other two beicg UH undevelopetL LadyThorne, 218, had two foals, but neither ever did anrthlor. Adelaide, 2 19J. bis leo in the list, snd Liolle Uoldda.t, 2.1GJ, has produced two great pet former io Sprsne Golddu(L 2 19 anil La ciile s Baby, 2.201, and others of b.r f 1. a m - ioaia are suii so be last. Hoe 11 about the only one of th ut mares that Lai yet become famous through her prog ny. Maad S, may nver be a diaiinguiibed mother. It has been said that the union of Ansel, 22 J, and Msud Si, 2.8 , roeabt the fastest average speed ever placed in combination, bat htembou, 2.11 anlTrtnket,214 is jail bit ahead of it Ways Are Dssvre. Tbesb are those wh are morb d!y anxious sbDnt thur health, wstching every symptom and dosing tbemaelvea on tne suUtet provocates. Ttere are others who never give the matter a thought, but permit re d symptoms to lapse into Ihe certainUee of dis ease. Between these to extreme the wise man steers nrver unduly snxious, and yet not permitti- g gen uine symptoms to develop, lie knows that delays are tlancerons. and ne sonws, mxeivrr, that tie medicine mosl likely to be effective . - - is that which he goee streight to the seats cfdises, at.d tones up the digestive organ, itrcngUrs th srs'em and pnrifie the blood. II take a few doses of 21 S. S and soon fisds that all the symptoms have.' disappeared, and that he is in lUt ter cond.t on tbsn aver. The great vegetable remedy has no nvit rrsfaaity Beiskse. m a An oid man and ayonng mi were riding in a ata; -coach. The old man was grave but sprightlr, short of stature, spsxe, with a ' amooth forehead, a freah cornplxtn, and bright and picrring eyv The young man swore a grel dca", until, at length, when they atrppe t te change horses, the old man said to him: perceive by the registry books that jou and t aie g 4bg i travvl Ug-b er a long dittanc in thie coach. have a favor to aak you. I am get ling lo be a Id man, a-d it should io forget wself as to tii yoa will oolij; turn if you wid ca Hon me aooat u. ite younir mm instantly apolug ted, and there a no more awratiog heart from him dur.cg IK journey. The old man was John YV ly. Anooymoue. - F R at $5.5 per '" 9s4jj .Wua. Uo boor et eroti v. one taonKt with ae Lord, will make aa ntttrly forgsl a Ue litte's decl. Us n. H. Bonar. It U noi so easy U reta him iii wlont the presence) of Chrin's tsnd ye lingers in Ibe fe!m. SburU house. It will not Ut loer. Yoor d.v "X world" Jay. Ue day of opportunity, the day ot grace, th day of salvation, all days, axe seifi- ly passing awajt and the f;ii dar. the last day, wdl surely snd stcdi!y come. Vho has a create r cotaWl tba Le thatlaborrth to overcome bis;p Thisoobtto be our endrst&r. to cofujoer ooreelvee and dairy ms troogsr, and lo mue a farther Cwth io bc4ina. Tbocaas A. rupU. The man who cannot find th ground anl rearoa or failh in tin lf will never prove strong or Le.'n- iai as as a teacher cf truth lo others. lie who cooUnaaTr roes onlcil of kimstlf to ineasore coo iciion an J jodgment by other men!e opinions will change his status wili everv ally. Rich men nottb of Moi anl Dix jn'e Lane know bow to gi gool gifts for the pnbUe good. The cot fcgee of the North arc fail Iwcooloir the richest n the world. When will the itch men of the Hoath learn th fine an? When w.ll the mh men of Georgia learn it? Wealeyan Advocate. X Ma'is 1W, m4 thai the wanacers tf some of our acricolsnial fair lata fa2 would rsfuac t-fetoiaas to ani. mail that have been made ateotoUly worth'essf.for any pre4kdprpoc Thi wi'J apply parUcuWty to stal lions that are Ace mad? heg fat for ihtbttioa purpotrs, and tho tslen about the country for frervke la the ssme ronditioo. The prcge nycf ovt r-f t taIIiots is art to grow np wak!y, liable u botae n sound, sod at th tt aaaafy nsie very iiwliffrtnt hdM. Wba bredny. hon, should le krr I in fair cooduion only, worked frnly w Irottel rauly a fw rode, a4 so kept sound and heallby. Frotn such w tusy expect ealuaU t4 Pring. . CmsIU freer SS IsieeUe. Df. Lerdnrr, writing of the steeta engine, said; To sooetrratc it preecnl effrcts would be to cual al most every comfort ao4 very latery of Id. It has iecreated th sum cf human hsppn, net cw!y by c, new plsesurte Into etiateoc. bat by : wiunwnj i or soot eciajiarcie as to render thm altainal by tboe ho bf or ronLI never have bocd toshsietbsm. TLarfacecf lie iana ana toe isceo' me waters are a a a a .. traversed with einal facility by ita DOr. and bv Lhaa atimoUtifi i Uoiitaung the tnicreoorse of nalioo with nation, snd the toamta of peep" with peo;-, it Las knit to gether rrmote cone trie by boc! of acntlv noi Lkely to be broksn. Streams of knowled and inform s- tio ai kept Sowing between dittsnt centers of population, thew mere a ! vanced d.au-cj ciTiIiislioa and iar provcnent araocf those thai ar mors back card. Th pra VMif, to which snankind oe in Urge a degr, the rapidity of its improve- meslmmodeta Umee, has 14 its powr and Infiaeaee iecrveeed in a manifold ra to by it naioej with the steam engine. It b thns that Ultra ture is rheapeeed, and, by being cheapened, diffused; il is thus that reavoo baa Uksa the place of farce and the pen has superseded the swot di it is thus that ar hea almost ceased upoei the earth, and thai lb ouiersace wlucn tnertUbly aru be tween people and people ax for lb moel perl adjoslel by paecefol te gotianoo." Tie tarirast sf rreiktiea. The prmripel probleca which th new w aether Iwreea wUl try and sotv will be the bsproveoneet of the prWictions. If thi can be done, lh financial loss do to taiacalcolaiioe rerardieg froat, rsinfall, dreght. and greet storms will be moch Uee Highest of all la Ltivt&iai rower. AESQLUTELY PURE . BY bbl, t flier goods equally ewd as reltlrd to rtrUntL I ne. and coeastral iaii. lrfror Hamerow U tvif te forereits cf (oral ral eia te im i rrol by grly t'.aad it aaxUr tf kl attuacs. iwl Ht OCerranas Ulr huih in the a. ' Ulrrat)yail U a4van(ct f eathrr erwtxw. He is at few eat eeure wraller rlCM. it b. I lopftcf hie rlis to niWIt rwri lh irvy a&rw cl UeU indtkma. It ka bM d.woyteJi dannj xM jvt. b i e-ntia! forwarvl tte Scrtm t.'iLu 1 the rwdtios at Wuljiita. t i country in (dmvU wee not , al to 11 pctI fe4ctvwa (bale at jc1 ca-elrat. Ti ' shown in the etc2t re:a &tml by Sctat I- U. lu. of , New Yt, a4 J. W. ,w.is. of Ho- Tb sd'eiraLU lor ravlM , mi vt wr. ii. ii. t.aito. of the . . . . . - i BJae Ha OUrrrsior Mr. X. Lewrence RcUh, d rdor nx L.toa, Matsb6artt, aJw ccart. site the imr-xut tJ sUUooa. Wathinxrn is taev!y t" rxecuuve cOc. Tit 9 Tetk and liotow are the tn ttDporta.1 yl ma:iae sv mttnl kdcrae'sl eat Ihe .I.mi ubarbaa tpala:o a5t:d by the k-al ealUr feweaf f oe The ievrtW U lwrJ aU rev t y HtlNear UegU J Mty ri-1 S. riety Trvfrte r wfctts U Dst. drfcctxw fclon hx Lne of sua a fw : U d.l Ul sney ksndred wiVe in l-ch taty t'.l.ry aitaaeofe an im jne etUat ot Utritosy. Itiec ;tr thai w S the Uy IVurtaa ! terrat 1 1 Of local tvw'T cf alSr prehltMa th sppvMc of ri w.l te anaoetvreil m.iit tryh m lot rim- meat m tLe imiUom thai lie re tail wJl be cl gtt k IIarT4rs itvaly. iVvusro ikh ca thi tlx: ten gir I Mmv a hniN wajr le cL to U CMtalr i . U"hHher f ' Ul.af it I steal ","" Irw.wf iu mtth N8M fjK l'rtf. Naf-.is Ijr. ji feyshr Clics; asstoAA, t dead. It Jo tl see Strang a Vjm shceU de. "llMiryi n ir t had-ktr." ail l fjcJ iyr. !! wcei avral 114 m't-Uff far si-ni; e--. It t e rt:reyti rlcc whc5 the koUV nappta re arre?! f e j altt(l.ng to tomlf pCcteret of il, b:bers. Ni-ill r Asciwkb, teaUa l of ej leg 1 te joo jx!o&" to Vto uvrr, e)drwt4 has teuxks to Mr. Harrison. . JtsZT't tnm lie 1UIW. T-c m r taey ta. ci. IV BKrM tu Th evi'i to I li'cS u tAo m to'ti. Giie hal mo y er rktt-l0K4 iff you anl lo, but st Lim too wcrk sxd tutgH U waUh lass. H'ho a man cZn me a br gin, I Cxxec that Ihcres a f 4 ta wVsre. It ry tee l t&A.btl tls meat hkc'y e. , There aire lam mta eioo mA so moUh fee over wbat 1-j do 3 thai Its rsmin.1 rac off aa !pll liy leg loo Sat ro a nrtt cf r;gr. Tlure ar maey good rcy4e Lo crte the WgI ramyval eff pVos off evd reeot U Tkie is I ke U;r. Icw"l sweep doa tU'rWr'i wabb; elscal the t 'ir." Those wbco pt4 w lhare litr lriiir too un that oU. tar kno lime too spar Xa mvtc the sou's eff other, Crvl tMid. IUitiea,N. C, AoraUc The! WiBo rrak Uea dfe:d liiy at WitiUo the Cbiam! AlLUU Cub, cf Vahsg.o ICtkh was r-ief.rc4 by a fsw e-ob)ca raeerwe. Srori Wiot. I2 Vsh iegtoe, X Iahils: im.toa, !; Waaaie-a i. BatUna lfcOaaa asd KJy. Mace and Vayd'O. Wirstot is taJ U beat. 8xha lata dot crl redl to It htale. It there a b;i r taa U tie sutef U. S. CoVl Report, As 17, itXy. li n TT 11 PRTP.R irivu pry-r A A , Ai0 yjldtkv g FOR SCROFULA crofuloua humor In th blood, ulcera, catarrh, and consumption, tio Aycr'sSarsaparilla Tho moat economical, afc, pcc-dy, and cffcctlvo of alt blood'purlflcra. Has Cured Others will euro you. ilShttartMii,! ." L t iwoitw ( ,t rv WBiU) srw tt. TS f I ! ia 11 w-mM f, f-vt ..-a.. tK Ct !!.. rrte S f t uU:t f Ita. fa , Cr- .t4 t, tlrtff rw I rt y ,-i I Still?o.v.s Speoifio, CHILLS AND FYR. NO trixixi; Mcrrttry or mfrsemrm NO CURE NO PAY. TAniiono ui;irj:n::c:;v 1 1 !. XI i Ia Ji' it I W aae a' V.t ai dtc t I H W U Ii R Y !,- IfcW- u auw li m itAiir. i'iu.r.ir a--4 n U.;v n;i.or UVv r4 ' j, al mi m at tuvc Ati tx&NiMiot :: Sewing Machines. lit Wtjrn , !.t J U U t, $ am' aul f , il" wr-;"M It m t ,4 ivm c i J.r" CMAMCTLAIN4 RAVLS' JfX St im rtfkV.Mp iMMunc r un mi tu a t M M 4iv k t "- I ' ta'" i. a iwjii , L StL THE 10TE1UT BnildiDg and Loan ASSOCIATION or KNOX VI MX.Tr.NN J v,',r ty til TZ-k Vtaaw-.; open:to all. Authorized Capital . $25 000.000, iiomk orricc A4a4r3 lVU.4 t-. .a.r. UCJlLMHil', TAnnono. N- c OPIUM A