i; 1 i i TO MWU moth V 7 ; XT' ' -V7 -Vi N7 ! i: I: :. '. m I'll r- h k ' BE STJUE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett. "VOL. 69J NO. 35. 1 JML -J TARBORO', N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 1891. PRICE FIVE CENT ! t ! EL EPPE i T'S O-EaSTEK,.!!, MERCHANTS Stanciarfit raitiilateel Ssigar 5 cents a pound.! tixood Family Flour at $5.5. per bill. as eueap. Other goods equally LOOK OUT ! ! ! for these imitations and substi tutes, they are poor stuff at the best and increase your misery. Take Simmons Liver Regulator only. You will know it by the large red Z on the face of every package and by.the relief it gives when taken for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Headache, . SIMMONS ITVER REGUIfATOS J. H. Zeilin St Co.; Philad'a, Pa. m. D R. H T. BASS Otters his professional services to the citi of Tarboro and vicinity. Office on Main Street near Coker' corner. Free Ferry, Flies do not alight where the coun ty commissioners are. Capt. .Orren Williams, chiirman of the board, in forms me that when Contractor Hob good Logins repairing the river bridge at laia place the commission era wili run a froe ferry for the con veaitnee cf the public. The First. John R. D.xou, tiain disptcher of this place was the first to buy a lob from the West Taiboro Laui and Iniprov aient Company. It is situ ate on Howard avenue, a street 100 feet wide running through the entire property. - - - Mr. Dixon proposes to build a res idence on it bra long. Revivals. In three places in the county have a series of religions meetings been conducted this week and last. At MildteJ the Missionary Baptist through Rev. Mr. Pace have aroused a deep interest. At Pittman's Store Rev. D,' H. Tuttle is conducting a very success ful revival. Large congregations tit ever niettiEg. greet him and a score have joined the church. At Uid fcparta itev. ri J. Ulcnn carried on a successful meeting. Three lave connected themselves with the church and tbe interest is spreading, A gentleman conversant with both of the last namtd meetinea summed up the situation by saying they were interesting meetings with interested, growing congregations. I ttly ba goaded to death, lne exptn euce of one day offers a case exactly in point: m (The train from Plymouth reached here on time but here much shifting had te be done, bat nothing to com paue with the fall, winter and spring months. For two horm or more passengers had to wait at the W. & W. depot vainly waiting to leave. The Plymouth and Norfolk trains arrived at Rocky Mount within a few minutes of each other. A shifting engine here is a necessi ty and the business men of the town should call the attention of the rail road authorities to it and ask for a rem sit j. II presented ia a proper light the SoTTHXBSxa believes that au-engin i will at once be ordered here. "Two SouIh witk ait a Siatfe Tseigat.' As they sat side by side, they sighed, ' Oh, my idol!" he said, and then idled. "Dear Luke," said she, as she looked, "I will wed thee if thou wilt,'' and he wilted. The hooey moon passed in an excess of joy. Ex ce&s in eating rich food brings A CaaMrrative Lattrr upon a letter , that is untno and which ought to be printed so that all may read it, and iU argumects be weighed. very powerful one, both with toes and nations. This principle hat kept gold and silver as tho bant of the world's currency for ceotoriea. Of coarse this does not make it nece ry always to keep it so: bat the An earnest member of tbe Alliance P1 1 BVe " 11 "S paid a special vUit to an a!!e gontle- wncre wia siopr ai pt ee- man, noted for Lis devotion to the enl.J0 "op wuh eertain interest, of the people and for bis gTultaral proJacU. Yoa sty this championship o! their righta, and w.lU PT UO08l ooy. It may urged bim to come out and write " J. . . W Fans VrtiM. Uoch has been aaal bv aad speak for the AlUan caase, em phsjizing the importance of the Sub- lreuury. Alterwarda this Alliance man wrote a letter to Ms able and el oquent friend and made the appeal in a still more earnest way assuring the gentleman that he would be hel ping in a people ana not injuring himself, in the letter he speke in terms of diareepect,! not of cocUmpt of such men i as v axe a laxd andCaaLisLZ. Tbe gentleman read the letter carefully and made the following reply. Tixt: fcI hold R to ba self-evident all men are created free aod ciul. Dui Sra: Your letter baa been manufacturer have not eooagh and I want to put my iron wruen nas cost me more than I can sell it for in the ware house and draw eighty per cent, of its valae oat until such time as 1 can pars and sooe poblie speakers ia re- jard to tbe susoaet of farm snort. gafra not only ia the newt Hutae of the Northwest, bat ia sooe of the Eea Urn Klites. When thr rive LL sum total of the mortcegr ncordrJ, wiihoal dedaeuoo for env amoata that iuf have been piJ upoa tbea. ue Egarc certaiaJy look appeXUec even auo correeuy gtvro, suihoogh it has been chirped that socae of them have been Lie the cWkbo carried tbe checks to the bank, end added nothing lo H." or cttbr. to the right band of the other tram. sell it for a fair price." What snser T7 " could yoa make to him? You mLzht . ... In him Hi" wnn IM vioK Annnnf, I fcM MIC WHUflaU B4 rich enough and voa can atand iL Rat then his and Curt. ploye woald come op and ela. uw tor n. aiiegiog, ana iraiy too, that if the iron master shots down they mast starve for the reason that they can do nothing else. Upon this plea you would have to yield and so to every other class ia the coootry until the whole bosinee of the coun- vast wareboaae. that JOES L. BRIDGERS & BON, ; Attorney s-at-Law, TARBORO, - ! - X- C OFFICE OF GEO. S. LLOYD, M. D., Limited to Diseases f the EYE ' EAR, NOSE.' AND THROAT. Office Next Doot to Bank. OFFICE UOURS, 8 TO 12 AND 1 TO G. ; TARBOKO, N. C. indi gee t ion, sick headache, sad frequent I duly received and read with a gTeat I try would be one attacks of dizziness. Dr. Pierce's I deal of pleasure. While not arree- What thenl Pleasant Pellets will cure all these I in fir with vou on all points I found Whv simDlv thia: When the far They are tiny, sagar-ooated, and J the persual cf your letter and die-1 mers bare achieved their present de c as r to swallow. No other prepare. I cuaaion of great questions valuable I roands they will disband. I know Iiaii nfnv4raa will, t Vi .m . . . I!... I in ffVlAlt tftn.ta r 1 A , AWAW 1iffi.limtl ttit llftl tvKwA K1a T V ,V . I pilt. They are guaranteed, and one culUes and brings us closer together, it rather vexee yoa to bear it eeid, MIJ1? Wrr ti. j i ren made, are Her evidence of the tov- erty f the farmer or of bis bkeliNood to fail in bis btLuaeeaBovrte morV gaee are evidnc not of adreitty aad bard lime, bat prospentr and sooceae in boaiaee. Whee we see e boainees man mortgaging bis reel re tale to pot tbe money into hie stock ia trade, where be ean tarn it over several tirsee ia a year, we tbiak that u Be U smart enough to tnaejre so bur espiul aod the trade which eatoraUy belonga to it, be wi3 eaake more mooey than be bae d one before. Vbeo the farmer who bat twenty Tse (ml ttrm el fauh. Id 1 dose. D R. DON "WILLIAMS, J a., DENTIST, f raduit Baltimore College Dental 8urgery,) Offlse,. Formerly..- Occupied by DR. I. N. CARR. 10 ly Tabeoro, N. C. Pronounced liojteless let Saved. From letter written by Urs. Ada j E. Hard of Groton, S. D. we quo? e Was taken with a Hd cold, which settled en my Lungs, c&ug'i set in and finally terminated in consump tion. Four uoctors gave me up say ing I could live but a short time. I gave m-fhelf up to my Savior, deier miued ii I C4.ukl not stay with my frieo.ua on earthy I woald meet my absent ones above. My husband was adr.ed to get Dr. King's New J Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and coldd. I gave it a trial, took in all eight botVes; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman.' Trial bottles free at Slaton & Zoeller's" Drugstore, regu lar size 50c and $1.00. Hotel Farrar. A definite , bargain has been made between Geo. B. Wright and H. A, Gilliam. I Don nmvL Gilliam QILLIA1I & SON Attorneys-at-i-aw, TARBORO, N. C. H iu nr irtire in tbe Connties of Edgecombe Halifax and Pin, and in the Courts of tbe j next to Farrar, Gaskiil &. First Judicial Uistnct, ana in ine v-iruiui uia Supreme Courts at Kaleiph. 1anl8-lv. Calvert and Powell for the hotel i Farrar and the hotel will be fitted up and arranged in a manner ' far surpassing what it was when first opeued. As already announced the gas works bave been put in complete or der. Tiie ofiice is to be moved to. Main street. The front of the store Co. being John D. Couper. MAEELE AXI QEAHITE MOSUSlENTS, GRAVESTONES, ETC., ETC., Ill, 113 & 115 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. A Dinner. One of the most elegant spreads was enjoyed at N. J. Mayo's Barlow place Thursday I don't recollect any dinner since the war lo approrch it. There was the usual scorched pig and, besides, chicken, vegetables, fruits, cakes, ice cream and two varieties of native wines. About twenty eat down to the feast. By the way, in Mr. Mayo's yard is the finest elm tree I have seen. A bout eighteen feet from the ground it branches out in every direction while a central stem continues to ran up bending out branches. It allords a circle of dense shade between ninety and a hundred feet in diameter. Mr. Mayo's crop is as fine as bis dinner. Unless the indications are badly wrong on 450 acres in cotton he will get a bale to the acre. Tbe Cemetery Again, Cannot one more effort to secure a public cemetery for this town or tawnsbip be made? One is greatly needed. The EgU copal church yard will not last very much longer even for members of Calvary church. The publio ceme tery or square in town is already over run. So with the exception of a femall burial ground of the Mis sionary Baptists thefois no place to bury one. In a few years these pla ces will be more than filled up. Do the people intend to wait tilL thev are forced to buy ground or dump the remains of their loyed ones Truth is a very coy mistress and will not yield herself for the first asking. She ntut be industriously courted. I say this in order that bat it is a fact nevertbelesa. Large numbers of the people scattered over a vast territory may be brought to gether and kept together for a short you may reflect for a moment on the time under the preesare of adrersity impropriety 'OI assuminc; that voa and lor a specific end definite nor. are necessarily right and that all the poee, bat when that speciSe porpoee ways ox the world have been wrong is achieved or when a temporary until the Alliance discovered the I prosperity comes they go tn piece right I know full well that old be-1 inevitably and certainly. Wba this lie fa are not neoesaarily right, but time cornea, as come it wilt, the fa- there is a presuniptioa in their favor, I voted claeaee (who always keep corn' founded on tbe belief that our lath- bined, being fewer sod bavin: soch ers were not looia. This presump- immense r wards may be rebuted, but the burden is them) will bave tbe on him who would rebut it- A pru-1 the DrinciDle of class Iwriahuion bv dent man takes up with no new the farmers of the country and they idea until the reasonableness of that I will forever bold to that principle to idea is demonstrated either logically I their still further enrichment sa J to or by events. The way in which you I our farther enslavement. attempt to rebut tbe old l ItiA is by I These are brief. y some of my views belittling our former teachers. This J given lo you privately ia reply to I submit u i rtber a conleasion of your letter. Do eot misanJarsiand weakness than of strength. What me. X have not firmly made op my possible profit is it to speak of Vance mind aboa' these matters aad what and Carlisle and others as mummies! 1 1 write is by way of provoking They axe certainly men of ability, I thought asd not to air any fixed opin they are without doubt boneet men, I ion of mine. they have given their whole study of i I think it the daty of any Con the science of government, while I trees man now rspreaentiog the peo with you and me tbe study of politic pie to support the Sab-TreasorybilL has been a summer day e past time, because I believe a majority of them T 0 THE PUBLIC. be a barber shop and bath rooms Electric btlls will be ; put in every room. Tbe dining room will be a handsome affair with new paint, f res oomg and candelabra. In furnishing and arrangements it will be equal to any hotel in the State. taken f rlhat purpose. In the same store and in the rear of the office will J on the ground set apart for the cir- llun Amuck. ! casBes of dead horses and hogs. By commencing now the cemetery when it has to be generally used will be a beautiful spot. A fit habita tion for tbe departed, pleasing to the eye and heart of those who re main. Let one more effort to have a cem etery be made. How comes it then that we should suddenly hit upon such a deep and full knowledge of political matters that it enables us to speak with scorn of their attainments! I respectfully submit that this plan of assuming that you already know all about what ia beet for the country and that our former teachers are groping in darkness has no tendency to reach thoughtful people and that ia one of the troubles which the Alliance has in reaching the young men of abil hy. ! For myself, I am perfectly willing to be taught, but my teacher must are for it, and believinir that it is constitutional, I think the representa tive ought to do what bis people wants. I am out of politics, and I repeat this but I am anxious that the peo pie should think and find out that the Sub-Treasury is a good thing before forcing their representative to vote for it.w This ia a strong letter. Whether yoa agree with the writer cr sol, it marks a thoughtful, an independent and fiuseeeiog statesman. If I wire to give bis name, which I in not per milted to da, everybody who kdows - o f a in the first place have my respect I biro woald recognize in him a patriot I am Prepared to do all work in the Undertaker's Business, at the shortest notice. Having con nected with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop sliall have Prompt attention. PRICES &C3ERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE for hire TLankine my friends for their former patronage, I- hope to merit the same, should they need anything n the Undertaking , OR Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three icors from the Corner of Main. E. JT. Simmons. V P. WYXX j Alfred Clark, colored, was on the war or whiskey path on the 19;h in Princeville, but now is boarding at the hotel Knight where Turner Red mond is head waitor. For a while he ran amuck with a loaded pistol which he fired in sev eral portions of the town terrifying the inhabitants, actually compelling places of business to close He deliberately fired at Sam Clark and attempted to do the eame for , Alex. Turner, a colored boy who clerks for Sam Lawrence. He had the pistol in Turner's face but for tunately it snapped. Some time asro Clark was before the authorities charged with drawing his gun on a colored woman of tbat town. .This seemed to prey upon his mind this time and he -went to her house and attempted to shoot her declaring he would have re venge, - " AYnh much dimcuity he was nnaiiy arrested and is now enjoying a sea son of qaier where the wicked cease to trouble and the weary are at rest. Smiling Selections. has fe PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tartooro N. O Office arl. next door to Hotel How 30 ly .BETHEL CLASSICAL anil MIUUIT AtADEHY. $95 nail session i. iruTe,.fr,B"ne". CniT.of V., ml' tePo,n, Ctloiu tddrew The crusty old bachelor crumbs of comfort, It does no good to take a stand and then run off with it. Most of the things longed for by men have no existence. The grass widow is just now in the hay-day of her suooess at watering pUces. The world isn't so wicked as the applause of a pokr joke at the the atre would indicate. At the close of a prizs-fight one pugliet bears a striking resemblance to another. The girl who has had a faithles lover should be sharper next time; she is a cutlass. "Another good man gone wrong," said the farmer lad as be misdirected the itinerant preacher. Ask Year Friesds Ore Lies! Epitapby is a demoralizing kind of taffy. It appears en the tombstone, (rmt evlrv hvTi Jw eulogizes the dead almost to the pledgee for greater efforts in the t fant did hi ,,SvS ?er sUrm- Biual method of be- tare? Neither Idle capital or Idle i,) but did be undertake to -cnn!n im. ..ir,. i: -Ji... : V B ite wi I and be in turn must have some bttle respect for the "ancient landmarks." But who is trying to teach us? I heard Col. Polk with a great deal of pleasure not long ago. I listened earnestly to him. I sought instruc tion. What did he say? He was very eloquent in portraying the evils of the times, knows them, show bow this plan these evils? If so I failed to catch it. It is true he told us that there was a scarcity of taoney in the United States (and this is true) and be told us that if money was plentiful like it was after the war cotton, would sell for what it did then, (and this is not true). In the first place cotton was very scarce after the war.' There was no unmanufactured cotton and the. supply of, manufactured goods was very scarce, cotton waa as a consequence bign. Now there is an enormous supply of cotton and of cotton goods, i Again OoL Po'.k left us under the impression thai the quantity of money in the United States is what controls the price of cotton The truth ia, of course, tfcat tbe pi ice is affected by the quantity of money in the world rather than by what n in our coon try. Tbe price of cotton it fixed in who baa always been found with the people. He is with them and of them. X. Y. Z. in State Chronicle. a farm that will eastain them, deeidse thztbeea make more money by keeping thoroughbred stock worth 1300 ceeb, be nods Llmeelf 15,000 or 16,000 abort of the required rash. and he matt borrow iL Is be poor er tor so doiec? lie may doable the amount and increase tbe rr ice of tbe batter be bae to sell, and ba the vsioe of his eajvee Un told. He wants t boy bis tools, bis rertuiaera, las aeede end tus grain for cash and at wholes tie rate, to k - ' I l 1 I ... always before :ZrSt S" wooiaaa rov max, ana ne mass py five or six per cent, a year for tbt money, bat be rets tbe goods ten per ceoL lower end ran psy the money sooner or later than be woald at tbe store, as suits hi eonvsnware, if his security Is soScteeU The Kansas tsrtoer or hi remote neighbor upon tbe reeftc coast, baring takeo op hi section el government land and perfected bis uUe while be earns! hi brier at work for a richer neighbor, i waste to pat in a crop. It take mooey to boy team and tools and seed, and be nest mortgage bis land to raise tbe needful faads. or be mast remain a day labor sr and bis capital in tbe shape of laud, mast re- rxuunblle. no, too, the young man in any btate who desire to keve the pa rental roof, and to start Into farminf for himself upon oae of the dooed or .about to be abaadooed farms so much talked of, ean only do it by allowing a mortgage to remain upon the land, and expending bis capital in stock and tools. Hi only aitersauv would be to become a "recur, and that i deatroctive to energy and ambition and to all pri apieeof good farming. Men will not do much to improve land if they do not own it in la is country. Im provemeote may mesa a hither rent. and are very sore to mean a higher purchase price if they decide to bar and can save the mean wiib which to bay. Are not mort saxes la the) evidences of present pro peril) and sog , " pnning, ta: "wvm swueuj ,liv. fftrtK . frn.rvll. quite astonishing almost enough so to both amose and amsxe the dead of bom they are written. A tra'.hf al epitapby. in many instance, would tec "Here lie one who omitted to take Dr. Piece's Golden Medical Dis- yo Shifting; Engine. Toe shifting engine at this place has been taken' away again. Surely if the ; Superintendent of transportation or whoever it is that has authority in such matters has no conception of the convenience and the necessity for such an. engine here. Every business man is incon venienced to say nothing of the ex tra costs, entailed. - The travelling public will almost Who have taken Hood's Saraaparilla I the market of tbe whole world, and wuat they think oi it, and the replies wmie l do not doubt that an en will be positive in its favor. One Iargeinent of our currency would in has been cured of indigestion and I some degree raise the price it eei tain- dyspepaia, another finds it indispen ly would not v. ry rntieruuy effect it. sable for sick healache, others report (Again supposing tbat the Sub-Treas- remarkable cures of scrofula, salt I ury ahouid raise tL price of cotton rheum and other blood diseases, still would not this be done by aid of rov others will tell yon that it overcomes ernment, end when the government "that tired feeling," and so on. Truly makaa one man pay more for whst the best advertising which Hood's be buys tban be would bare to pay M a.... .. - sarsaparuia receive is me neany en- wuuuu me intervention ox gover dorsement oi the army ox fxiends it I rneet is not tins e ass legislstioo!' has won by its positive medicinal I Again, I call your attention to the merit. -fact that the principle of inertia iaa land are rrodoctiv of wealth to their owners or lo the world, bat unite them by the tnortgaeree bond and. bke tbe merriare bond, it rite lbea a chance to "mere aad ami tiplr and rtrlsaish tbe earth. It is to be hoped that the uootrwe sect oat by the last census will re eOTcry. If sick aod loff sring, and I suit In proving that the majority of dreading premature death, test the potent remedy. It cure all chrome liver, blood and long .liseesee, a bit iousoe, akin and sealp disease scrofulous sores and swelling, sal'- rheum, tetter, erysipelas, and even scrofula of the lungs (or Consomp lion), if taken in time. I bat few I thscn are The new rauioroia lai procouee I which rssolt from inabOitT of tbe to be permanent and to deepen as hnortearoe tosabeUt upon the le go on. 1U ffcu upon cotue of bis property and makas farm modr.ge, lite the tnortrtgva of the businee men and the bond of the railroads, are only evidenoa of th? good res oil of pest buaaees and tbe hope for tbe f ntara which bave led to a desire for nvore avail able cepiul, and a farther utensioo of the prod active power, and but few el thsoa sra ox Tbe total aeaaber f flxnaa Csth c4c aoesaoakaau la tbe Ua b reioraed by tbereese as CllXOCa Add to these the cUlirea wto bate been baptized la the faith, bet 'f bet jt U rnoob to aaaie tbttr firvt coeuaoaxxv, and ( ioct 1.OX10OJ saore a tW eue Iljcsaa Caiholie popaUijoev. Ths ia a Vofy ef b IWvvrs aboet al to the eo&Ufwd aeabees c the Baptist aad MrtboUls, lbs two coenmaaioee to wbkb are isrfin d4 the vt etvs; wily f tbe lYot ant cbsreb SBetaWrbip. Br lie tdeotit tbe larrt cl tbe dbe IVoteetaat VomJaUi U a3. Tbe great caase of the Ctnva be Keters la lb ccuatry ar d-iVJ ia to CsibolK oo the ev taa 1. muJ and i&lo Estate aed Meibwbeis c. the other, aad the slraccth of h Is In tbe besd it be oa the tUia a4 sunpie people knots espeeialy. aha caseaanoks wtich are snore favorej by the neb aad peosrereoa, tbe critKal. tbe fa4ida.s aad the fahkvtt. are fir lafsnor ia avta. bar lo ear U the three. Te abjtertsas, who are LUalbsd for their wealth, are grei oeJy by alow oVrvsse, The Freoreae. far Isee aaoeroa, are gaiie oore rpd!y, ta the l"x at Uast, aad cbiedy teosoe tbry are sasVis cxo- eertea ez jrt t eoore the itir- tbise ef the prf aed bea4b?. The Coegraoehatt, the last of lbs divisiota tf rrotsftt tellies ta tht coca try, seem U. be latcaf tbstt bold, ev, a ta New K!so.i, the rw Of th4r onarn, lletalteaa the llo. maa Cttbolxcs and tha Csr4is aad MstbodisU are iwosasia cat ta dly than any o(he eoaariMit the erst everywhere, aad the tu ro- tsstaat dmoxai aiioa La ail tri f the latoo exrrp the tar re uura. It Is egmioaat that tbe iwj maaioae whirs iac'ade so en at majority cf tbe rrotratant bebevtrs are tboee wbeb bavebesa least af feeted by the thooIsgVAl itrUu'.i m sow gcaeg for ax d. The faun ui a -e m m m twta in.tMA$ aa Mstho? re- una subetarUtlly naebaegsd. It t the MB now as tl was w ttev reewved their first isapetas Ujm thm early rrriral. TWy bebeve ta the B.b as the abtotately hUlLbi word of Gad aad a tbe oeJy aoorre of sathoritf ia CLsttsra of faith aad practise. Psrbsp they are bras - pojed than formsr'r to re'y on the terrors ef the Lw as a maa of eo- venief smnets. eecuag the love of Ood tether lha U wrath, bet they dare not etieei the rerWt train of the BdVe. TVry are J.t UactitaJy Ptotevtaat ia spirit aod foes of the Boo a Caibo!Mti3 wbcb doiaiaaUa aa r sJ body cf bevera. The Uocaaa i.lhoe Cberca, of eoerae, maka i o cottpteon with the aeoUie Uedeeri hcb are sober rtieg IrotslaA theclryy t so great aa exlsirt. - It rerards tbcm as the b gkal eoaaeqosaee of throw leg effthe aalhonty of tbe Chat c acid subaMUstieg the pritzle aad la- dividaaJ jaijasit ia talter cf failh. It do aot cba--g iu tbe clofj to catch cbatfrs of pepalar aenumsol, bat eoc leads the cnore coebdenltj fur it sethority a a di vine) eommiesieo for direct. the conatietvcje sad ja!mrnt of eea, aad tit: them froa the ehfpersek of inhdsbly. On oae e, lb serf -, we aal tbe exponent of the tmplet aad least criOcaJ f nib f ProtseUalista, and oa tbe ctbsr tbe aarts Chercb sraiast wbsch tbej rvbeCed. These are the two great rsligiooa foroaa, aad no rvaviy tbsy are aeerly qaX Oolaide of thra the lbolotj ire olatioQof tbts day reoeesdJL bet wuhia their reaks, recruited chief y aaoeg tbe plainer peocie, tbsoViy maaiae at a sbttaci-J aiilibnoa. Thry are be!ertrs aai aot stvpika. aad toffsthtr they cocaprzte tbe grra maa cf the CLritUto of the I tvted Hiatsa. Total! y cppoecd la vry- thief alse, the tee forces. Jloca Calbolire aad BepUite aad hfUo- disla, ere nailed ta Ibsir atsasiitjay lag fa-th la tbe aalhon'y whsrb eeb respextivel holds to be ditine, lb Church aed Ue liOie. N, T.See, For Bilious Attacks Heartburn. ick headache, and all disorders of . tho stomach. Ilrcr, and bowels, Ayer's Cathartic Pills ro tho . safest, surest, and most popular mediclno for family use. Drs J. Cs Ayer Ik Co. Lowell, Mass. OPIUM wrts;r. cttpi. SI S 4lk.ltt f'r '. f m mm ' ) , t U y -m ir I m mmmm , 1H ay. mm-maXm ST W t mvm-fmt t Tss CU(rslia Me t ivi t" 5CI 111- 1 Trt lfWt itw2w t. r..w.A. Ows. a4 U -sre-- s.t.1 Stllf ro I" . t ;t I fwtniirt p t w!ate. m-mmj rtf . :-t, hmn cw re r- y x mJt STILLSON'S Spkcifh CHILLS AND FEYER. NO VIMNi; Mercttry r .Irsenie. NO CURE NO PAY. ta uuo t:o i:r.r..vt: m I-SV lit. lUUmtl, U.m bo rs-sMi.lk.a. Jtrt U L, -)-!. Tor aa2 at UtSt lrsx4 wv tr ir etjsr J E W K I, H Y t i ce ft "a. aMh a--H at Amu- f MAtcuM. tt. n.r.wi3'T t:i5 - huu'ZN'J ii;ir,Nt W, ht. 4a v'r4t. ssl m a ;m jm.xj. i'lKCAM Utilil?u:JtU , Sewing Machtncs. tut rjre:jc, t:i ttv at A,UHt trtVJ m"t A f h UMLnrf ltwC aaKt," YmH mm' m " Wl. t V tatm,mm. the months climate remain t be seeu, but the I possibilities are in terra ting. It will certainly fertilize large desert are now barren for want of ocas tire, and it may easily change the conditions that renuar a part oi lanjornie a "rain lea country. How much this would mean only tboae can, realise who know bow neb tbe adobe desert lands are and how entirely their c ert condition is doe to the lack of water. F. O. Hoffman, editor Times! uocxy axoonr, a. write: -i ami pleased to say thai Botsnie Blood Balsa is tbe best appetizer and tonic for deliieale pbople I ertr aaw It acted Like a charm In my necessary for bia to expend the prinoipaL tor. t it lo -Am. CulUra- Wn ais U v- w mr a' aa c mmt i4 rss tf re .misifilut eil 4-, Zc b as CHAMBERLAIN ii RAW LI r jr a iw( i m ii ' a r Xrmi if if - - -' Sm' H i MW. SSJ Uat tw t mwm mC-im VIS Ut4lta m-Kf, intat .a a. Aa tbe school suae dreeeta near the parral and guards a wiU lock' over the Socrsxassa school dirrrto- ry and saake a esleetsosi wbsre the yooar Idea ea beat be laerhi to Iligbcst of a3 ta Lcavenmg Powrr-U. & CoVt Jbrport, At ty, ttt TRUNKS r , I i.f.rvV! a a. l a w I 1 "X V wsass isae sst "saiaw Tf - SyVrWtTe. FUD3 ton c v e n n ti ii v TV tmUmu4 tULUt Tit At liU. rwtia, Imsas. tsl tmhum 1rm m occur, iub .: i-ir m k. vaticts a o hssoisci y mmi tsV tmt Imvt. ir rt PErtDER & HARGROVE JVj U tea