Illtt im: STXRE OTT ABE RTGHT ; TELE2ST GO AHEAD.-D Orockott. iVOL. 69. NO. 36. TARBORO', N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l 1891. PRICE FIVE CENT w JO LL & J E F FEE Y Standard &rais5ilaicd Sugar 5 cents a pound. (brood Family Flour at $5.5 per bbl. Other jroods cattail v us uiitjuji) D How's Your Liver? In the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health 'cannot - exist without a , healthy Liver. When the Livt-r ia torpid the Bow-; t Is :ire siujrgish and con-,-tipated, the. food lies "in the i.r-vfh undi gested, p o i ( . n i n g the blood; frequent headache ensues; a feeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how thtr- whole pystetn is de rnngfd. Simmons Liver Regulator has been the ,V means of restoring more .:.rle to.'' health and happiness hy giving them . :' healthy I,ivr than any .i.jney known on earth. It ; .'tij ; with extraor-' ' ; rv power and efficacy;. . .1 BEEN DISAPPOINTED. -il f-miMy i.'inffiy fr,drspe,iia, .. . -r. 'niipnriun. tic. i hardly v vt ' i mt have never lxteit - ! 1 iuv'-". 'ik i-ed; it eeiiii1 to . .-.-;t .-.irv for rtiseaiKiMrf tfca . . . i UVf f ' W. J.-rrrfetKov. Macon, tlu . ii. r. bass . May .o Up, A New Yutk talegram s.vs cotton aba ! crop report much 1h favorable t . . . i . rr tbai speculation is expanaing. auis looks a if the price of cotton would i go UP- Lye or L.I f - Li.ltfr u'. jTofessionii! service Jo the citi .ns of Tarboro and vicinity. Office on. Main Street near Coker's corner1. JOHN L. BRIDGERS & SON, Mtorneys-at-Law, TARBORO, - - ' .V. C 14 lyr : TjR. DON "VYILLIAMS, J b., DENTIST, GraJu&te Baltimore College Dental Burgery.) . Cfica, Formerly . Occupiad by DR. I. N. CARR. iO ly Tabboeo, N. C. ft. A. Gilliam. Q1LLIAM & SON, . TARBORO', N. O. H li i Draetice in the Counties ol Edgecombe, Ealifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Supreme-Court at Rleurh. 1anl8-lT. A honiiying leport- i going ti e rounds" fcinars tho lif-foas of No. 3 township. A olorea ; woman Bwd crrev tirei about t,vo or weeks ago of her two year old child and gave it concentrated , lye from the eflecta of which it died. It is Baid that the woman first told of her adriiinistering it, but whea she learned the jeoptrdy she I would be in if this was proven pne denied it. She obtained the lye, two spoons ful, from a neighbor. My informant could not recall the name of the woram. I think he id she lived ou Miss or Mrs CLerry's farm. Not a Miracle. Now. Until recently consumption was considered incurable, but now peo ple are beginning to realize that the disease is not incurable. The core of consumption is not a miracle, no. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medlc-il Discov ery will cure it if taken in time ind given fair trial. 'This world renowned remedy will not make new lnngs, bat it will restore diseased .ones to a healthy state when other mean have failed. Thousands gratefully testify I to this. It is the most potent, or s'trength -restorer, alterative, or blood-cleanser, and nutritive, or rle;.h builder, known to medical scieuce. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, "Liver Complaint- and Dyspepsia, or Iniigebtioe, it is an unequHlei remedy. The Matured Hond. Secretary Foster say 3 the privi lege of continuing 4 per cent bonix at I per cent, under tLe terms 01 toe circular of July 2ud last will not be confined to bonds presented on or before September 2ud next, the dte on which the 4 per f ut. intere-d will cease, but will bs extended io bonds presented subsequent to that date fcr a period of time not yet fixed. He said that he ' mould issue a circular on he 2 J proximo 0a the subject. The amount of per cent to date is $21,595,568, and there are nearly $3,000,000 more bonds in process of continuance. I take it he can. And so far as the Wooten and Cox & Uarreli haogers are concerned the principle-is the same hs the Snow and the tobac (co cured thereon should b aa rood. I do net believe the Oxford buyer ! a ill be abi) to tel'r tie diffeience be- i' tween tobacco cureJ ou one man's wire from that of another. I About the method or wire, tV i farmer nivs the money and takes Lia it is choice. Lxperience must ttll tun tLree which is best. But the market where all kinds of tobacco, cured by what ever proces, Bells highest is Tarbo ro. Oar FuMic Schools Ate the main stay of our republic. In them are being cultivated the mnd3 which are to 'be our future law-makers an 1 leaders in everv walk in life. How essential it is that theie minds should be united to strong, healthy bodies. So many children suffer from imparities and poisoub in the blood th&t it is a won der that thev ever crow up to be men and women. Many parents can not find words strong enough to ex press their rratitude to Hi.od'e Sar- saparilla for its good tff-ct upon their children. Scrofula, salt rheum and other diseases of the b'ood areeffeo- tua'lr and permanently cured by this excellect medicine, and the whole Win e is riven strer -tb t re- s t attacks of disease. IHed. Noar tLii place Friday after a bii- f llluess of two weeks in the bleu sed hope of ressurection, Oerge S. Lloyd M. D. Age 33. A warm betrt has ccised to beat. A good man hai crossed the River. There was nothing brilliint about George Lloyd Iu his profeesion he was earnest and paintaking, rjutting hid whole mind on those specialties which he treated with flattering aao cess. -la private and in . profession al life h wag plain, unassuming, but Hhsiduou, earuont and honest. He has mad- lo great fam for himself but in the hearts of those wLo know him then is an acbiug void a sense of personal los. He bad an admirable, lovable dis position. MateMllle Dlttanler. if John I). Couper. . MAEBLE ASD OBANITE MOSUMES-T9, GKAVESTOXE3, ETC., ETC., ' 111, 113 & 115 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. Very Sensational. rJO THE PUBLIC. I ( the . Undertaker's Business. am Prepared to do all work in Raleigh, N. C, August zC The attempt of President Polk at the Al liance State Convention last week to have a resolution adopted boycotting the News and Observer, of this city, so ancered its editors thatthiy have denounced Polk during.the last week in the most insulting terms. has hPrtn advised bv his friends that the action of the editors has reached a point which he mast fight, and he 'will probably' issue challenge on his return to the city. J. L. itamsey, Polk's assistant edi- z'ai been denounced; it The wrecking of the west bound pa8f nger train two miles from States vi!le on Third creek is the most, ap- palling railroad accident ever oc- currea in tuis otate. Horrible to relate it is believed that it was due to desigu, misplacing the rail. Oil the train were eighty-five per sons. Twenty-two of these were killed and twenty-five wounded. Mrs. Pool, of Williameten, was the Polk ' poly one killed from this section. A mni t h l 1..... F.l A M . t . n W axu'ii LLi u lujuirii lie auuiui Sautiderhn arid a son of Senator Ransom. Mr. Saunderlin is badly wounded, Mr. Ransom only slightly. Tne jury in the Statcsville bridge disaster case have returned the ful- -The jury find from lowiutr verdict. at the shortest nctice. Having con nected with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop shall have Prompt attention. PRICES MODERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE for hire Thankinc my friends for their former patronage, I . hope to merit the same, should they need anything n the Undertaking OR Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcora from the Corner of Main inr- h j o'a-i hft-Tl rlT101inCe(l It 18 .v . . tv . i . . - . said that be will bend a challenge as j evidence and our own personal ex soon as he returns from StateHvil'o. amiration, that the above named, I naming the killed, person came to -j- .u u.. 1 1 1.: f i mete ucaiu iy iud wiucuu); ui train on tne Western JNorth Uaroli- Xi2. J. 5SiiximoTiM. P. WYSX, M I), T. PHYSILIAN'i SURGEON, Tar'fcoro TO"- O . $1,000 Reward Our American chemists are re nowned, fxot only for their enterprise but for .the vigilance. They are prompt to expos frauds wherever t hnv fin d them. Thus far, however they have not earned the rewara or one thousand ( l,000)dollar8 offered by the proprietors of Swifts Specific (S. S. S.) for the discovery, by auaiy- bis, of a particle ol mercury, loaiae nfnntash. Or anv rjoisouous sub- , m. . . stance, in their lamous meaicine. The reason the reward has . not been picked up is becausa there are no mineral or poiBonoua substances in Swift's Specific (S. S, S.) It is a veg etable compound, which has been be- ore the public for bait a century, aod its history is marked by a won derful series of successes. OiSce ard. next door to Hotel How- 30 ly BETHEL CLASSICAL and MHJTUT ACADEMY. S&fcailSKSlOl r. ;ar for BuaineM, UBi. of V.. Wet PoiDt. Catalogue sddtra j.A G. Smith, Bethel Academy, V . 1 eat at COOPER'S I don't. Fred Cooper, The old reliable Cooper'a Restnuraot I bare been Id the restaurant business many years, ard as all my paU on know I always keep tne FINEST OY8TBK8 in the market and can serve Uiera in any etyle. All kinds of fresh meatf eyerT day. Oil! Come Sow! Col. I. A. Sugg of Greenville sends the Southebser a circular mvcigning against Oxford and its tobacco buy ers because tney wn give iurj jw tobacco cured on "bnow . wire. Friend Sugg evidently has a poor opinion of the "Snow" process but a i t i. vi ti:i that is no reason woy ue suuuiu mu into" the OAford buyers lor preter irff it. It doesn't follow that they " . - i will give less lor lODacco ubcuh simply it was cured the old way. It mftv be mat tODacco cureu oy mc "Snow" process is intrinsically worth more. This much in justice to the Oxford buyers who are reputable nriATi. Brother Sugg makes a good point V asks. 'Cdn we not sell to bacco cured upon the "Wooten Wire it..; o-'' ftTirl the "Uox & warren u.f.r " or the old fashioned stick. with rubber or string tie for good prices in Oxford warehouses! na railway bridgQ over third creek, in Iredell county, North Carolina, Thursday morning, August 27tb, 1891, said wrecking of the train be ing eaused by a loose rail, the bolts and f pikes of the same having been taken out by some person or person, unknown to the jury, with tools or implements belonging to said rail- war company, wnicn saia tools or implements were by gross negligence on t'io part of said railway company, left in an open shed, accessible to every passer-by. "W e also find that several : of the crossties at and near the break in said railway track where Baid loose rail was' displayrd were unsound, and should have been replace!, and tht the super-structure oc the idge was io part defective and un gate. "Fuither, that the high rate of speed maintained in running trains over this bridge' deserves and has the condemnation of this Jury." iBprvte Weatorr Sertlr. . In an official noiificttion cf the transfer, addressed to the dirictort of the North Carolina Sttte weather ervioo a liberal po'acj of tVe reof organized weathrr Bare a out'.ined as follows: j The cbirf of the weather Hureau instructs me to say that it u his de sire notonlv to oontinaa lb a eration ft this burou with the vari ous local weather set vices but to pat forth every possible effort toiocrexae their usefulness to their respective States aod to the country, and it is his special work to extend those branches of weather Bureau work which are designed to f arnisU to the fanning interests i throughout the country thst olass of current raeteo rological infonuttion which i most nsful to thtm, by ;a broader dis semination in agricultural regions of the daily forecast of this bureau and of weekly bulletin, showing the effects of current weather conditions upon growing crops. He therefore inyites direct o-s or assistant direc a mm m . tors in c ii ree 01 local weather ser vices, whose territory embraces farm ing uistricis, to arrange lor increas ing their list of weithcr signal dis play mea receiving daily forecasts by telegraph at the eijne of this bu reau; and for ecb co-operating local weather service he will authorize the establishment cf riiiv such display stations in add.tion to the r present number. To fat ihtate this work the State service directors are requested to 5'cure reliable ditclavmen at poiats where the fonciats and aro ing are'desired and thcu to forward to this ofhee the n&rnes of such per ons nd places in full, and request that telegrams be authorized aent them." J Public atUntion is called to the foregoing extract and the Director of the North Carolina State Weather Service at Raieigh invites correspon dence to the end that the public may receive the largest possible benefit to be dei ire 1 from tie d stemioation of tLe daily forecasts of the national weather Bnreau. I Although bnt ft month has passed since tLe trans fer of the weather bureau to the de partment of agriculture, local fore cast officials have Wn aj pointed, at r.muy large cities, hith authority to make forecasts for their t tati jns and vicinity for the 2t, hours from mid night succeeding the e p. m , obser vation upon which the predictions are bed. aud fof two days wh?n it can be done wit a some decree of safety. These officials were alo di rected to study the question of ex tending the field covered by them, not only as to territory, but as to their sphere of usefulness in other directions, such as the study of the relations of the wea Ler to the crops cultivated io lhir du'ricla. The I duty of giving the great. at publicity to forecasts has been ignored 00 lo cal Forecasts official, the issne of milleograph maps at statioos hat been largely iccreesed, and io addi tion to the thoitoacds aho already receive the forecasts by ttlegrapb, telephone etc., at lie expanse of the national service, titty additional points in each State are to, be tee- graphed the forecasts at the cost of the service, and the uceery dis p:ay ags wi I be lornishea in many if not all caset. Mate weather ter vices are a'so being ealablished in State not heretofore having such organizations. Other improvement will be made in due tune aa the ne coMsity for them appear, and as hmi ted appropriations adtait. resenutivw on Jolj 11. at $1.-1 I'orter oenstoa bids fair to cost twic as much Oen. Walker's. Eight tnilh on dollars for a Lu-'h se gregation of pretended statistic which nobody accepts as truo, a dis honestly contrived scheme tf miaten- resentation, a scandalous and worth less achievement of pariUan onscru- puloasness snd personal malice! it is too much. The Eleventh j ! census is nor oniy a coioeaai it, ti is also a ktopeodous stead. N. Y. San. The Third rrfr. WAKsrysscKA Mo. Asgust 27- Missouri is to have the Third party. That was settled ylrrdj who IS Farmers Auiaoe Sute cooteotioo depicd U. 8. Hall frota ta ri- dcocy ami eWUd I sterol Locar J . - ... ....... r oor4Mor. rretideoi ull tpr- eoto tLe eoosrvaliv elmnt of the A baiM. which rppocd the Third party, lb Oca la platform m d subtrary achema. LooAxd rei rMots the ra.lcl cUment of Ibe Al- liaaca, which favors tb Third party movemebl ard the sub trvaaary scnsme. Tr-a Sooth v f llOai &i tosllj ly rtsuMol fr and io iber ars arnaiU rop wlo eo l-ad lLt the lASiH it a -un.Urv Coaii JratKKi ia Aaoatwaa c-jCitirm. lit the Wardol P.Cci do'l know a rood Itiee Ua thv. it and UU it A Waster warier. Frstev's Elci CIay. . Saioojf, July 2a Travelers in the far Bast who pass Cochin-Cfciua without stopping there a ftw days do not know that the French Republic is rapidly building prominent phvsioaca, and ud tkeu up one of the richest colonics in tLi treatment until be was not abl to part of the globe. The city of Sai- Kel r,un , T7 pronaoLCtd hit iron afTnr.t. v1 ..i.t- 1 -,. CooStptlO and ifCUT' o . t M a ratios, fact that the t! Joapb iMlnxy r, oa ti iL faro bvvii btri whoa Jc4a WU; scl to Atuenea ia ITCJ, nd b tUrtad ltcll JlrtKc-'it Ctcrb it N. ItVct '!. ahirb h.faa :UlJ n CvB'ecbLai, Ivo'uuia a cborrk aa UilI tla), txeaaa aa Ktttrop! la Uter ytar. Afur lb Mr V,.v ir.,rr m irr. aaa was eri -- a ' b a wiawK wwni I r'fc i .a a v ; iw, vuni vaww iuat sf bad bwn under tb car of two guing on. Twenty-five years SfO it was a miasaiatio and slmocl dad!y marsh, with a few wrsUhsd hats sod hovels scattered hers and th. re imoog iu pools. To dsy it is a fice yonog city, wU arranged anl laid out with parks and boulevard sufTi cient to sccommodata a population of 300,000 soul. Nine-tentht of it is well drsined aod sewered; it has an inexhaustible sapply cf pura sweet water; all the budding' within the fire limits are substantial and al most fire proof structures The roads are as level aod smooth as a door; the aidewalk almost worthy of Paris snd the public building band- somtrthaa tboa of Singapore and Hong-Kong. Like these two cities. it is no longer unhealth?; sanitary engineering, sciaetioe drainage, efu cient street cleaning and tnorjogb dihio lection whenever snd whtrevtr necessary have reduced the death and dieserata lo about the normal of Marsei'les add Nap'e. The ptogre s of Saigon is wonder ful ccougb, but that of the new cities in the interior, Cho Loo eg aod Mytho, borders tn the marvelous Thesa. when the French eoiqucrd the country, were sm4ll agricultural villages; they are cow tu-y manu facturing etltee, the f o iur poeaess inga popula'ioa of neaily "200,000 and th latter one almoat if not qntta as large. The policy of tie admin istration strongly favors immigra tion. The result is a steady stream of Adamite. Simese, iiurme and Chinese from Yaonan and Tun-Qi in by lend a (id Macao, lloo-Korg and Cantoa ly waUr. The to new cities are esveotially Moogoliaa in the nation a'a ly cf their ribxane, but they are French to the ccr ia their neatne, cleanliness ana maciapa excellence. Busy is no word for them. Ilw materials cojie io from evtry direction and nisnufactured good pour out. The railroads and the Saigon ttver carry tens of thou sands of tons of freight annually. The city of Saigou is a p.eaant spectarle from the decks of the steamer. The publia buildioga. beat and effectite: ih Louies of tb people and the roads embowered lo the tiee and g entry j tb streets of i kh red clay to vivid contrast with the unite rail ind ioteoa trrera of vegetable I'fe; tha citueus of diffcex enr races io gajly Colored coatumea; th activity of trada and commerce; the soldiery snd eooatf&uiary io bright ncif. rm; all eombiaa to make a brihUnt. baautifal and ir.tcn etine picture. in oounuy between iOo and Mytho i the same dcita formation a Ulow tbeuty, but th groutKi is higher and dry r. It u a great plain broken by pool, mirth us and water tours s Wbeo it is cultivated, it ild fruit and vegetables io tha greatest pro,uaion. Onlj a twen tieth, however, is urdoc the plow. At some past period it mutt bav tMrsaadad to trv Dr. King Nw Ih-eory f. r Cooaap tioa, Coogh sad Colds a.d al that time was oot ab'a to walk arroas th street without resting, ii found before ha bad used half of a dollar botua, that be was much belUr; be continoed to o it aod ia to day en- joying rood health. If Too Lava any Throat, Lug or Cheat Trouble try iL Wa guarantee) saliafactieo. Tri al bottles fr al St atoo A ZlUr Drug Store. I w- afUtaitJ reao-elta Abif.a (axv rxi) are, n ar Il:o.iaaj, s4 Laa i-a md to tMritcevrrs furiLer t.n town. Ia ITS? Iter vera X'Ji t gro ccccmenkatt of th Cri cburrhca to tb t uy. as,l -in Mr. 14- moor. lArut Cbeic. lea toetbUe." a tha record aar. For Bolls, Pfmpfcs carbuncles, scrofulous sores, ociema, and all other blood diseases, tako Aycr'sSarsapariHa !tvM relievo and euro djspepsla, nenrou debility, and that tired feeling. Has Cured Others 0 III cur you. IIHMI UiiUiU The Opestlac Itrrak. Alias Tar boro wdl mil brr debut Wednesday September 23rd ia paint. leather and other paraphernalia aad regaha to show that she ia a full fladed tobaccos uL Tha opening break al the I'totecr warehosss baa been sppoiatsj for that day, aod tha CU', w ill peob- tblj bae its Qrat oo th am dj. Meaer. McDowell A DmcU begin tha preparatory work la-day lor this falefal v&L They ar seoJioK rut circular o J aolieiiiag ooss'gemecU of tobacco frota tha farmers at mio rata, talkiag weed with Ueatb-takiac ttaeacy. xoura lor liight pnc. bn that lime come lhta will be boyers bar from every tobarco markt io tbi Slata and trgiaia. Ther i but ot way la local them her. It is a rant simple oo too. Let Ibeca sea the tobacco this aetkxi prod oc aad th qaaatily. This is all, Thar Is bo &Umat in th tobacco busiaaaa. Mae do not rro to towns for the f oa or the plaeaure. They go to make moey at . it louaeco to qoaiiiy aaa qainiuy t hare the boycr i.l ba fwol tct also. -Whara tb earcaaa." Ac Tha Sorraiuita has den i much cf its part, it now brcomea tha daty of tha farmer to taks a band. Ha must bring bis totaro that . a a . . mass outer may era oi ua coo- vtecaa. Suocaea io a rrvat meaaare depends opoo them. If after tha break aar barer U doubting Thomas theo ha not ba takes ia hand by tha Tobeoo Aes -eiatioo aa J aho wo th field and wd which has Tarboro for its bra-ei aod natural market. IKjo'I forgat tha day sod data. The maaegvrs of Panacea Spriag PropertT have determined lo ml I'aoacaa wmler a booo to th aSe tad of North Carolina . It ebell U ahoroa lnLtutoo to Uin leali aad happioeaa to oor repla first The prioe ttow aked put it in reach of masy of oor paopK IlittKQ ted por ahaShsvoit at tba lowst poaaibla prica. Pan area Springs A Hotel Co.. Osford, .V.C1 Farther iofoematioo raardiaa: th water ein ba obtained frota W. IL MacNair, Sola Ajtsat Tarboro, N. C. TV itea'Ji's Sa!4 teaeleeajeal beea Oa. Tba Ma&ufarturrra' Ilexrd of Aura 23 tart: Tba immense rap with whkh tha hot eoantry lt lu llnc j aa-l taa heavy forevn .Ucaao J fr gra.o ruwal lAtnUlt hr tta i?kI i4 greatly timu! io all of our tu MM iolrrnfttt tiki rta.linff a iru.l i - r t of morb proeparity. Itat U ixya" 1 i b remembered tb l tha crv taoaX first be gaiherad ad thao 4l be. tVrc the farmers ran trap tha balt, aad thro frota thm fauxr ttemocet will ratora to cii cirroltKra aad tu4bv aUl profr. Tb t prov eutnt wdl ba graoaL aad its f -l ef fects wid protw'Jy sot ba felt fe om bvU-a. Ia the meettim the South, to'.wi'.hetaod.o; lt d:lea ooally Mva jast hfo eotloo ba Sio to mva frac'r, is r-r;n; fur. ward ia ibe cuJ Ieioe;at of ti loJuaUaal Uta-t. l rUl-'v ha tucet Muporuat atUrftiea tetov'.rsl for maty weak tha ac&ot;a.-3tt scIuMvcly (a lo day's Uaaalactortf' Krccrd lLat balio Ig!b rflal lets retat4 i lt cwetrv 1 tba Jartte-Coalim . UiXiriA Ar Troel Cv, have parviaaaa a trolltag iart in royeJL 3 CL, tha Btuie ia tba devtiatal of that ret lt'' aad Wreura ia2aeaos aalUv fwhaKad Ter Ji eal CuSBpaay : anansm lal the Soatb le lo bare another cnat depw!r poet Tb lead-e-cy c4 tha foriv trad 4 lb rowtij I lo seek oallia lrotb S.albera yemit. valaa i vrit3r. LttDi. l kiaUR ! ia te Ma f an aa Um iMva. Tnal ! tfera I - aa am, lr-e taw- a. a t""--Mt t hm ,e ac. MetaUi a rw wala. T lketavi IU ;! f. i"it 04re.Se. L'ir. Uiti,. rovr Tt tla-. I S, iVwaa, 4 a. I -ta. tUaravws . . tirriy ran n y W. 1 Crate4 fait m mt mt; e.wt nrit. fVal tvaot rr t. a,i H A 3"v Stillso.v.s Specific, ceres CHILLS AND FEYER. .no guiNisi; Memtrt nr ,r. NO CURE NO PAY. TAiiuono iiEiiinuxcF.v atd this will pra of gveal Her Mr. IfcUUrd, fi'iaoatui, da Toe aa!aa 34 Lftix MfN'aif droJ'-fw- irint TAX r .1 E W K I. It Y lie Thereby liases a Tale. 'And 6o, from hour to hour we ripe and ripe, And then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot. And thereby h-tngs a tale.n And truly, "'tis a taleof woe,' of one who had Catarrh in the head, for many years, and who really had bet n rotting." from hour to hoar, until Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy came to his notice. lie used it at first with slight signs of relief, but he persisted until a permanent cure was effected, and the world was again pleasant to live in. From his awful suffering he was set free by the ex renditere of a few dollars in that in comparable remedy. BSBt X2tis furs Lie- Up to the first day of Jaly the agajreate or expenditure upon Kobtrt F. TorUr Eleventh census, as reported by Mr. Porter to tha Secretary rf th Interior, was 6. M - w - m. m. - m. a 044.U94 12-. I At soma past ierioa it mutt bav .worn-a pears sra ncusuai.T These are figures that may be de- had a swarming population. Korue- plcotifal this eaasoa. aad wbila smaU- pended upon, j Unlike the other sta- times for miles tne locomotive thun- tbaa ifcey ueJ to ba, tbey are aJ- listi al intormalton procceJmc from I tiers tnrousn ao inieriutoaii erva-l wrer. aoa eecres oi ice cxacjx Mr. lrtAr'e eatablisiiment the atatr. hard. S .mtLmes it rush last I lte io tha fad that Cohuctua frart roent ia shecked bv the accounts of I rains and hilla whera ooca eiood I growers hat Lcovxsl that Irriga- the Treasury Department a-id by the great Cambodian cr bod in two may ue ovcrUooe. it was ooca computations of auditors outside of cities. Who inhabited the place I ths coatom to keep th orchards w3 his Dt.wre of intlaenc4. n unknown. TOO arcDlteClora Ol I uru-awsi up a ioc nrcnme uuc .Mr. Tortcr infonts the Si cretarv what is left seems a mean betweeo of the Iuttilir that iu his opinion an I the Assyrian and the Hindoo. Some- additiiinel trxiend tuit c( $1,000,000 times tt is stnktogiy to will be reeled t 'tim.'-h the et,tire character. There ara tomb wbicb woik, imludinz fartus, houses., and re parftct deoapiuted Sptiose. moi lageis and I ha names of veterans Tha similarity goes so far as to have of the wi-r in a'C -rJa ce with the a tablet on the stone breast or in tha original plan at d ia a miLbcr Liubb pews of the fabuloas animal, on wnicn are indecipherable uueripuoni. Some characters have been identified as Chines, aod still others aa Saua- knf. showing that centuries ago there mast have bee a a bMvy com merce bet oen this od an I it eo- loeaal ne chbor to I ha aod West. The Aoaraiies know atxhing of the history of lbre roios. "They wre always ther, Ttsy wet I out by Spirits, devt f, Siameee, IlinUue, Cbinrta or Malai is about tha oaly tba al) bowt's e It buddieg op of s of great eommrcisl eitk akxig Ibe tvevel from Neepott N e aM HtJ, to Tetaa. AbOtVr etartaat aaterrrMa i a vi iota m a ' m-w w g rtl oral rrm tJ mal AjwI litile I lands is West Vi'tr-tU lo VartiU aa-1 No-tbro eaptuleU, tha rrp r 14 pne beieg l,0iX),00a, a4 the SlUol aaIWr Irsrfe SgCtaiig 7.000 act. a ft 1I7S.VOO, fr tearoe. dia' !evopmt.l. Waai Yafcaia e'r?pjrla a ll'W.OO) fapar m4 extopaay aad a ITS.UJ0 ttja sbaa factaft&g eompaay; a S !.0UU.0u coal sad iron coaepaay, leoortaJ a few wreka ara a oraraUd ia Oevar a. ill lti.l a l7.aj r4 oaJ. ojwa mal aalcat al boU cattotfai st MiddbortM-h Ky. flOJ.ouQ of dttettur booda have tease! for oarryi "t tba devsrvsesu ia trocreae ihete. a .f,WJU ta a.i- tag aa4 cBtefeatari6 mmmfmaj avd i0l,O) laaberiaaNMauaisgeoor paay have baaa ibcwroraie4 at C dartove. 'Jat ta Nona taroaa a f 200LUUU l&bawio etaarctcrutf cueapava,y tva bea awaird, la Kee- tockv a fXKJ.tOO cai aad raa aoa- panjt la Ytraia a f cbiaa saaaafaclarUMt avcapaay. Ac After Its crops Kara bee (eibcr! aad karreeUai, xd saoevey Uom tnotf abaadaat U laveabtaral, aa it thea -vall a a wir a&-l Ualv.wr ectivny a4 gvaaJe peruy Ibroabeat tha eoota Ibat aactaoes bsaavrr had. I t m a fs r taJ1 ! aa aa iiUshXik r.MiAi.i:wi.r s:iv. a-mr.n::vi nir.t.h We tvaee fruit, but aow tha water Is shot off when lb pears sra well grown, aad they sre permitted to npaa aod sweeten La tha California son wind aoaidad by ax tidal moitlcra. a a aa Sewing Machines. Ht t'tjrii4 n tt JtU. A it SMUitia nU mS . IM ae U )aJ- t:U at, 'a aiiii-iwwii a fvna 2 XaV. latwlw m;cAr? i.MTaixrjvT. a (.1 anai al f -It araaS a t t IV f V ia a- a ae CHAMOCRa.AlN.a. RAWU navi'.aif aw a J aa a. aU aav a'1 , Cat JTA mmg tfww a Imuaif (itiwi aa U 9r V. av 4 t tM (war'10-' - ba e tbaa Cro-f odder malea a bap fret It It mora prc&tah!a to Ipoad laij-lve real worth of tae ai ioixmcbt la praveauoaj Ua it as to ld a dollar ia enra. crtdttable lo tuc natioo. Of c utB tip future cip-udturel will ia- txrefHl this pieacut cs'.iui.ta. But at itr od tiurr hl Eleventh retaus wd' c st the coun try $7,943,934 12, r in roun 1 mm- ber cKhl trillion tliM. Thn'lenth ren-us wis tie m'-ttl elahvTate a. it esptnsiw Ltr;ufote ly i.y Jvvinru-iit oo the f xce iho erh. Tim totl cost f f.o Tauth rcrsja complex was stated by tL lata information you eao extract from the Samuel S. O a in the House of Itep- native. Highest of all la Leavtxusg rower. U. S. CoVi Report, Aag. ty, lU i)y . a a m. a i TiaaT 1 1 - 1 1 row 2 ABSailJTELV PURE Get The Best, jReai tVi I f -wral AT ALLKX'S. TU2. Ur.'.li UD Kill waiffttftf is M. L. I1USSEY. v.imzi.iui: bum ist nn. t t