1 mm 1 mm i , t t i " ft' m i F i im i i in r I I J I I . - " - . BE SURE YOU AEE KIGHT ; THEN GO AFtKAJj.-D Crockett. VOL. 69. NO. 38. TARBORQ N. 0. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 18!) I. PRICE FIVE CENT EL Q. W E L L & E F.S Y Standard granulated Sugar 5 cents a pound. (Grood Family Flour at $5.5dD per bbl. CJL Other goods equally . r , . . -: . . . .. ! 1 '1 How's Your Liver? I Is the Oriental salutation, t . knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow- ; els are sluggish and con- i 1 stipated, the food lies in the tor?'I undi gested, p o i b . ii i n g the - blood; frequent headache ensues; a leel'mg of lassi- tude, despondency and nervouness indicate how the whole system id de- f ranged. Simmons Liver : . Regulator has bjuen . the means of restoring moro people to health and . happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any , agency known on earth. r- It ntsV with extraor :::i::rv 'K'Wer-and ethcacv. : Cii"! CiSAPrOINTEn', ' finiiVy Tt'incdy fur dj-ancp.-ia, ". ' - ."!-t! j:i!''m, etc.. I harrtly ever , . . ui 1 Vutvc aev r h.on d:s t''..1' '''.-( ir-ihired; it sc?ra to .. : -W fi n-1' ,t nil 0.!.eiS'-s of t.o ""- "! "toy. Mrinvii. D R. H. T. 3 ASS . Offers his professional services to the citi . ns of Tarboro and vicinity. Office on Main Street near Coker's corner. JOHN L. BRIDGER3 & SON, Attorneys-at-Law, T.-iRBORO. - - X C Hlyr pR. DON WILLIAMS, Jr., DENTIST, (Jradmte Baltimore College. Dental Surgery.) Offoa, Fprrisrly - Occupisd hy Peanut Mill BjrriDg utitowaid fottuue Tarbo ro will have a peanut mi! I ready for ckamrg with tbe new cr'op- I be foundation is being laid- and already several car - loads of lum ber have armed aud the work will be pushed. Captured at Last. The Ti-u'i an? r ptivating batch- elor, Heurj Oay Turnags of Fields boro, who disports more personal pulchritude, all wool and aysrd wide than any gallant m a hundred, hat at last, fallen a victim to Cupid's darts aod at Hymens alter U'.coodi. tionally surrendered Wednesday, Sep tember 9th, to Miss Alice Jefferson, of Pitt county, 'Squire Frauk Dapri-e omciating. Oa the same day Mr?, Turnage took him Notth on a bridal tour. The Southfrseb s best wishes accompany the uebial whole s juled victim and his beautiful and merci . ful captor, A Dea4 Shot - right at the (eat of dirhculty, is ac complished by the sure and eteady aim of Dr. Sages's Catarrh Remrdy Don't fool around with a popgun nor a "Flint-lock," when tLi rliable "Vloche8ler'' is within reacid Dr, Sacre'a treatment of catarrh 13 fur superior to the ordinary, and vhen directions are reasonably well fol lowed, results in a permanent cure Don t longer be indifferent to the verified claims of this m failing rfci edy. $500 is offered, in go d faith, for an incuracle case of Catarrh in the Head, by its propiietors, the .World's Dispensary Medical AtaOv-ia- tion, Buffalo, N. I. At all OruggitH. he would r commeod the brmg'ng of the mail from itocky Mount by the shoo fly tram m the morning. Mr. Martin ha replied recommending the sarvicc. In his letter -he cites p frovingly the advantages enuuiera- ed in the Daily Soutberhee. With the favorable report tf the postmaster, who consulted not Lia own ess0 and toivenieioi bi.t the wislioi a 1 ir.torpst cf the pitr. cs i;f the cilice, it i very probable that very soon the New York mad wi l be delivered here at C 30 a, in., instead of the little which comes by Norfolk at 1 p. m., aud that via Rocky Mount at 2.17 aud later rhiiuiail will necessitate tie ope-. nmg 01 thi efhee earlier wit boot aty coritp- nding earner closing. lhe bocTHtRxia conritulitts the lion. J. J. Martin upon hi accom aiodaling disposition. frvak tf If try. Great uen are always ecctxic nd men who want the world to hicik ttor axe gre. begin the i igcle- ry rceatricity exr'y ia lite aod e-p it u;v The genuine ganiat bat a great deal of troiMe w'nh bit rue-n- orr. I lUnry Clay ouldu't repeat a tirse of any r0 ' Heecul lo'i repeat the old loni: rat-tie kxoIor, Traise O hJ froa. whom all Wlest'ngs flaw," but he never forgot an argument, a name, or a uce. Lore's Yoanx Dream. T 1 amoves young dream wai a very bright one, and its fulfillment will be bright, too, if the bride will remem ber that bhe is a woman, and liable to all the ills peculiar to Ler rex. We remind those "hr are ufferngfiora any of these, that Dr, Pierce Favo rite Prescription will renew the hue of youth in pale and fallow t-heekp. correct iiritating uteribe d:S4asji, airekt and cure u'ceratisu and in flammation, and infuse new vitality into a wasting b dy. '-Favorite pre cripiion' is tbe otdy uirdicioe for women, sold by druggist, under positive guarantee frum tbe manu factuters, that it will give sattafic tiou in every cse, or mocey will be lefanded. This guarantee haa been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for utauy yea'?. nnUl hsrefosed to eranl the riaiai.l Hoa. A loo 2 oScial conetDon letce Tne Vfaaofclafe Rcor J of S- followed. Prominent man in S.ml. Umbe 12tli ayt Carolina told the Ooeroo that Lai The raced ad rear. U cUtoo. aJ had not teen treat. 1 wlh wom irnctf lit U'-l craia omcui coojKiy Dy the UoTamor -.J l"ul y jwa, utt n4 iar- . . . - 1 a a . North UroIioa. The retail u eumtteera tae pUmo of that tbe Siih Carolina C jvemoc. S latli w al bvaicfai td fiata. accompanied by a lag ay J l04 m,tuf l' wjlli; i4t rndi toi aUTirr, j-n:nevd tyl 7 iaj ?a. sta; to lu:etgb, U e cap;Ul of North Catolioa, for a coofrrete wih tbe Governor aboat the aa alter of I to fauUrity ! taAtWi re Sf aJ laal I pa cm atUalicwa c to tie fiaKy cf ike a- r5 MtUy adoca by lh Cta. wrrp4ial ia la4 I i it . : 1 , r- Dr. Leyden, the iuUujUe fi'end of "P. S r Waller Scott, could repat act of Parliament after hearing ao i:s The teodtfocy of cap Id acelia . rrs;meot tsuat loeviUUr be th ward, f jc bo other rotlrj otae such woftJrrfal reaoafc, vj ao bre i m are the pomiimUs cf party of dUUcguUbed fiieada, toe! IprofilaUe dcvelapoent eoprfeaiaia; L. a i m. m. . J S 1. r .mt I 1 ha lrtsa m imneiaifA a II a C a a? a. ? . Tax a I LU UUTVffUW Ul OJUkU Uni I HA I - - v mmm e-e W urstreaoiDg. 11 11 an o.u story ina . ,rekmt ... , . Soath'a txln IraU al ik- J. Mdton could repeat Homer. .... e,mrrtnr.m ; -r.C Tt I tioo of Jktheto ootU a. the f Itara iv. - J 1. 1 - . I netli vf IK Vi U n!n.irml.t t. iruiauea viaucna. ucioic ina 00 i of the Tisit was stated tbe eat re pars MXfc.OOO boabel elcrstor n4 Ne ft J - l 1 lltUantMUM I'll 1111 hx.l.'a - . t ... . . 1 it ajk u jwd 10 an iiujiiia ninorr. - t- -s-L ! r - .! 7 -Ci After dinner wine wa. serve I. and F. U!e lh rr.U IraUal Naf. w wv t a a k aa vauM a aej aw 1 a Uaailea James t ox once paid a Gircura. He was relating an inri lent that oc curred thero but could not think of Una grew engr), aad rUiog to bis repeat1 ,0 ly DR. L N.'CARR. Tab boko, N. C. H. A. GnjJAM. Uoiniu Giij.iam QILLIAM & SON . ; Mtorneys-at-Law, TARBORO', N. C. m wit 1 nractice In the Counties ot Editecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of the Firat Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Supreme Courts at KaleiP-n. lauia-iv Wlien to Expect Front. - A tobacco mn bore the othr dy said there would be fr st 6u 29.h f this month. It might nut be a kilK ing one, but thre . certainly wtuld be frost. Of ourte his ht-ari ra be aides Le:u2 incieduloas were curious to kcuw Why he was o sure ab ut the d de In D 1 villa where he ivtd t-a:d there was a cld or e Jul snap in August aud thnt one mouth trcm th.it time Irost nevtr laiitu 10 put in an appearance. Tbe section being Irtntr soum bis rule inay not apply here, and if there is ai thing in his observations, September should be the month to calculate from. This would give frost here Oct, lOih, a date earlier than the average. fra Yiue Maasrls;- John l). Couper. MARBLE ASD OKAS 1 TE MOSUMEST3, GKAVESTOSES, ETC., ETC., . Ill, 113 &115 Bank St, Norfolk, Va. rrO THE PUBLIC. I am Prepared to do all work in the Undertaker's Business at the shortest ncice. Kavirg con n'ected with ms shoij the rouainng business. ; All work Left at :u ebop 3hali have .Prompt attention PKIiiES KUliSHATE, Als . a firat.loli.oh HEARSE for hu-i-TLauking my fiiend.- for th-ir ..farmer patrouagf,- I hope to lurir the sruu , Bhoul l they n-nd anything n tu Undertaking OR ' Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Thre Dccrs from the Corner of Main JT. Simmons. ;T. PHYSIUrVN & SURGEON, Tartooro N". O Rebate on Jute. Washington, D. C, Sept. 8 -TLe 1 re'sury D.partmett has modified all former regu'auons issueu cou cerning the drawback to be allowed on exported jute bagging and has di rected that Collectors of Customs ala lowadrawtack of two cents per bale oh cotton of laat year's crop covered with jute bagging. Tbe farmer when be bought his bagging paid this two cents. Now that the government under the Mo Kibley bill pays the duty back on all shipp d ebroad thvmmey go-s into the pockets of he lat wh held it -n tbisountry. ' Some people wou'd insist that the tariff whs a mibor m tt r if ha t t e j p-p ilatio!. were blaving. ! 11c-ill Win ! I We d-sire to y 'o our citizens,! that for years we have been s liing D . King's New Diecovery t -r C"u Bump'ion, Dr. K.uy' New Life Pi U, BuckWs Arnu-a Sdve an I Eleclne Bitlevs, and bnvi uever handled lew dies tha: eell as well, or l aw civen such univual sa fiic'iou We do not ueeiiate iu k41"" them tveiy time, and we siana rt-ady to refund the purchase price, ?f aa.isfactorv resu'.t do not follow their me. These rouieaiea nave won thr trrat noDulanty purely on their merits. For tale at STATON & ZOELLER S drug store. I1" the pl's of wheit on wbic'a pea vinw iuanuring haa be-n i'.lni'riitd at tl.o Experiment Farm we have a Una c al statement to mtke which is wot h looking a Wo find that I r I'l.zers coung an uvi rae oi ntf lore taised the vicld of when s; til bdrhe's ir acre. With wh at w;i'h per ushel it ia eai-y to ae what we lose on fertihxer. i e cow pea vines cost work on laud and say $1 per bushel fr two baeiiels per acre Ur first seidintr. We can collect seei after once start iog the work before plowing in the crop, because it is bett not to sour tin land by plowing . iav vinea "re en. Hence sow eaily enough to mature before ground is nee led aud pick off pods enoogh (or seed Ptrhape a fair estimate on this will be found iu tbe fol.owing: Mao an J iem plo winir enn iUy on one acre, Man and t"ni bar-o win one-Uiif day oa one acre r- t ushels seeds at SI givirg curving be start If d hia goeate by ca I ng t -Gicum, Ucwcuoa. Tbe name of the town bad l ist occurred to him. ! S)d. ey Soiit:. pretended to despise memory, lie said be saw no more sense to reruemb-rit a 1 be bad read tlan the di oners that had luade bim faL The story baa Ueu toll for 100 yeis tU.t Cyrua knew tbe names of all bis soldiers. Emperor Hadrian could repeat 2,100 words in the order he hard them. Angels had all of It i said tl at Pascal knew the Bible ,! ' by teat t Leibnitz cou'd ceaily tbe who e of VirgiL Lor don rerxrter took no note, ai d yet, whn an nnexpected debate sp-a- e up. and be was left alone, be could wnte it out verbatim. When l.steiing Le closed b called it being held up rrnr. lavton boastetl -aaavai a aa sva vi aa-v w tha wbo!et f it with ihfxc-pticn ol a few vere. Lord MTcaa:av made fie inie htmst about "Pdjrriaj'a Progies" a.d "Paad.s Il will bo, rctmmbeicJ that none of tbe works named were lost, o that tUe gentlemen ere never put to the lr ti lt is fact, however, that Macawliy .a4 . h. m y a. F..I Ma V. k... a 1 " W ,ihH- f.tW t r.ll "Waal Jojoaeajr c...?..i r i v... r: . i time between dnoks. Youoff Macaulay read it mod when be reached home be repeated it. after wine cane brandy tbe apple. jack for which tie old North Slate La famous. After many rounds f dritks tbe decanters and a-lassee were removed. aod Governor of i&uih Carolina atatadthe obi act of bs iL lie demanded tbe surrender of tbe fori- o W teaws.ahip wbd Uva criminal. The Governor of 1 day a ao ofo.k Jk. We.Ura ta.1 folk baa devaloped o rapid y taat tbe elevator there bas Iwea snatu to handle th baauws', aod a elief aUvabor has been aecu al ftoa New York, aad even on t-f the bf coa pisro i Ujo bjc i bJpf to Iraou.r the loacaaaM ULc frota tbe U VU Urr tVa lLa tai Nor. tS(t.. frtmUaral rutUt M lr a tU J naabatiya ttat tr ft ale rif!!y j rrinaj aad m Ur &UrC" It. anmll be tbe tte of Wpartr l- a IlMaaai araiv. ajtssu g towarJ tt " tUIkai as4 CottUaa'ia .pa. i Al TeticVaZfar ici ami . itSktUa,t, wSa, btt yaa tlei svt ar At Valki-e a4 KuU fire rV4aa' k-sj i.y a n', ia OJ.im i te wt I..J Iberr. Al llr rrs a arrived aboei a sacatk aew ae.1 al Jalpech rmaforvwea-vts f a,a Oo4j-J aea ht x. aUj ta.! poai ug ax u aaxa ra satt ciUt tvsfre TV p'aceare f !s. ooeeciitwaa., arl frco Hair ats tsoa, U as araay t4 V wm14 stazaraJy anataetrvc. I TVc eoT(oodal cnexldea IVtl Rois at s JmUi aa: s to rr--aa I bo DaU fe CosaUMito auj! lUtLar rrrpti!va flow ti tbs) tiea anrvaa o Lave a &tm af-3 towal to oeea ad btaWla. FOR SCROFULA crofulout humor In the blood, ulcers, catarrh, and consumption, UM Aycr'sSarsaparilla The most economical, safe, speedy, and effective of alt blood'puriflera. Has Cured Others will ctire you. w 4rii;r. Lit da l at Sk.i. 4 S va ' vacm f44 w ima., i t cn.. j, h sal vti- f t S.f a. . . OPIUM North CaxoUna refaaed. Tb. o foU 1 nearly OUU rraia IwnJcU ra to lb lowed a loec and bested diwaaioo, Not folk- This rspU cwb in which tha Attorney Gaaarala of Of the eipot bounea of I be Jtb. the two 8ttta took ao acUte part. dd4 lo tb laJastnal darspaenl I to, Finally tbe Governor of Sooth Caro- that bis lets gwng on for the Uat I - TV ta-'s aLreeea, A. wruo.tUraionulv:eiL Sctiog ad ly (vorevrclv boa tailec by 4aabu e tow lo ta.ke few yiars, will iaUy ebeAC tba I -T caofKg Jrwaa saul to prosperity of I a Is who! seetoo. I uo easaaaef ae.aaoa ta.a.avtary t riir, you have refosel my jul J.l New IndusUiU entarpfiaee ar da-ly tnUU lo tbe kts tattoo vf tbei maoJ aoJ Otlended tho digatly Oil woI crirao.se, w as u ta bw a my ofc acd my SUta. UaUs voa specuUiive rervl, lb.y roa.l all be at onca surrender lhe crioner I will Of a acUd rbstacUr. Awe Ike return to my capital, call oat tbe Boaber rpoelod io thie week'e leae mililatT the StaLe. an.I rrlnrtiaif w o wuiscibtws iecoru are iae WWte tratsSalir, Tea "Ws f.l rJ e Ova Bmi mm few a. W'rt, fre T- ! f .:. t V n.ia, Ov-ta, a 1st au4 twaw tf !." I Sf tj. t srv'Jl., e t-"rt ettatertato, a-at 'rtWl. ! M muni a. . s v a x. :. !aoa. a&4 a a.elxal aa:boUv bat! ptowSy win a Setbr eotrta.e . a CiV" CAt?iMPti1 Uua coa.aoaJ.Uao af tbe e-ot-a., OTILLbON "OrEl IFR rr an, aau arjjia us aeose lieaat ta U0 4 lUvav ... it- with ray army I will take tbe fugitive porebaae of 1 acrve of UoJ a. at K.7?l". JL" by force of arms. Ojytroor, what BasrC Oiy, a as a loalkw f. l u k doy3assf poadcr aod eartrvf te arorka. to ens. lT? . A Al. eyrs wtre turna 1 to tho Coyx 7. it ia aal i, LOO baeda; 11. orfao. ernor of N-nb Caraioa, and LU an- wot. a f IXJ,OOJ boepoaUrooa- swer was availed aith breatbleaa la- Por u nan. too; a l,tMi,ww l terest. TLe HoTarno' rose atowlv piovrtrl aad deekpoal cooia tobifeetan.l cerkoned toaatrvant J .t Hmiih, A. I ; a tU.UO! wbjitooleied.stan4awsy. His loarrjin coQ.pny aod beckonio was firm ind 'digm Med as loaber com pi ay ia Virg-oU; a tiO.. bec me his noition lie was slow 000 br.ck company aol 5afJ3 ctal alout aoaerirg. and aca n 11m Oov- eosspaay ia Kcmocay, a flOOODO eraor of Soatn Carolina demanded. ITrU taaouUrtOf i r ewap say aod a I a A.A . " L'h.i An won umotT oocopaoy ia rwaos- MI aay, Governor, tbat il'e a long nde, a $73,000 cot'ooteed oU to U to (Dellaa, T; 1 75,00 cotsroflj Thertply restored tool Luraor. 5 rp,B frt n m ko froos DccnUra and glaaees were troogU fU'rida to lie honbt a 11.000 lots " I . i k.t. t.. .:.:. . cer rotararv la Weal rtrlniii a . m i uua aa lia. bi:ii. h luiai avaaas w ibium a v - - -vp w lhe most remarkable leal ol I f , , .. i . I f Slooo Bxnntior'.A mniatr and I . usiuru, u ot vuc atkcui.rvi w- l - - m f y I aas ler to the diplomat id objed ol tfce K wfefcoo tiiit he araa ml ahr.rt be tha rtmill 1 i"MBiwa miot einx-viee ve that it a as a I or? lime telveeo I m:;' mtilode bate beeo rrjoct drinks. ads ofleo k aaov lar I ro d II iya tbat. allboatf b sxat kaeUs raottf s easiet We- a a a a aoe rexove oraaaisat. lew ao tail ibe Uaciti saor loaa dowb'el l k.a aaotbac at asat ala. A bet ir way to S;tl a Uiust alb taso poo lev a o- quaioo la Us t.lv tbo of eoo. too c Ibte b ta. ia as rojb veief aa oill ta.ke a pte e aol to enat waVLOot ewar U I re goaeg to bed. Ia Um asurvie 0e ivaut, attest aIf si Loai tf j-a UaaktaU USe Xm jsscas if ieasoo ta a taaatlee ol mJamj aodo aster. Ctw-sj lletaal. CHILLS MD FEYER. NO tjflNiM; Alrrc'iru or .Irr;uc. NO CURE NO PAY. T tal cost of poa vine crop IfiCreesed yitld of wheat on 2 00 81.00 2,00 lo.OO plat ten bushels per acre, at 1 par bush el, gives $10, or a net inc me of $5 peracre, where the extra handling can be i;txt to nothing in cost We Lave a i l ito'hiog of the in crease in fertility -r vi!ue t-f aHaw, which is wo l woith coidring, - V. E. Kinrry, Auricuiifist, N. C Et v rsiueiit !ia"irn. Office ard. next door to Hotel How 30 ly FOR SALE One 8 Horse Power engine and boiler 60 SAW GIN, AND G0LDSB0R0 PRESS All in Good Working Order. APPLY TO S, S. NASH, 35t8 Tarboro, N. C. BETHEL CLASSICAL and HHJTiRT ACADEMY. $95 tallSKSlOS Prepare! for Biuioeu, Univ. of V .aj.A..a.8MiTai(Bthol Ac4aMiy,V-4S. Mi am av. Here's Your Paper Money. - A dispstch from Odessa says: The ATtraordinarv flactations in roubles tho r4sf. ten days have almost au mv brought international commerce tu dstill. Business contrac'.s a impossible. There is but ntlie aouoi that the oerun Danaers are mcr a ainister influence on Russian exchange, and it is felt that the Au tumn will bring a serious crisis. This rouble is paper money, issied by tke Russian Government and is . . . . ii j made by law a legai ieuuer, Those who imagine that a govern; mintrAn make money are requeiteJ to explin why it is tbat the Cz ir'a rouble is not what its face pur ports. If is were at par it would be worth in iour money 75 cents, as it is it is not worth 50 cents. Co-oueratlou Willi The Turin em. A p a of e -oprration with farm ers of tho Stat has been 1 .t-t-iuud y w!:icti th bencuts of iLe Nort Caio'.ii Agricultural Experiment Station arc brought more dir.--t!y I before their altetitiou. A 1 the sao Alli.ucts in Nv-rth Carolina (nuinU r- in ueaily 2,300). have beeu ieqita ted to form ' Experimental Commit j tecs," thd dinirmu of which is to be in constant communication" with ibe Station Press Balletins, as well as regular and special bul'tti' S in l reports of progress of tbe btation are sent to these cemm'ttees, and the matters contained in them are dis cussed. A queetiorivbox is also mod in which any member can deposit any question. After disoust-ioo by tbe meeting, headed by the Expert mental Comnvttee, the questicns, if desired, can be submitted to the Ex periment Station for answer. These questions may be embraced under any division of agriculture. Every Grange in the State his also been asked to adept tbe pier. From the number of Experimental Committees which are being form d, and the in teres! being expressed, the plan will doubtless prove an unbounded suc cess. It is gratifyiug to note the re cent meeting of the N. C, Farmers' State Alliance at Moreh a 1 passed a resolution endorsing the ateva plan of Experimental Committees forum lated by tbe N. C. Experiment Sta tlll. memory on record was tbat ol an itinerant actor of England. Wilhara Lyon) He won a bet of a crown bowl of punch that be coull repeat the whole of an issue of the Lond o Daily Advertiser after hearing it read. This was the more remark abli texture, as readers of newspa pers kbow, there is no a irt if coi- nectioo between advtrtiaeinenta aud tbe variety ia endless. Jedediah Buxton was ill. tcrate. He could trauip over a ti act if grouud and tell its contents in square bet or inches with exactne a Chicago Dai ly lrbune. f Lei-tare 0a Feels. A4aut Oae. A iz r t'e i en who lectured ou foci? priii-cd l.ii tick eta as above. Sog-pe-live, t-Tilrly, aid cv-o arc..sn.v Whd f u'ti't i: cv who suffer tie inn ad . I iHea 1 en they n-igh i e cund. D.-. Pie ce's Go den Med- i--l utN vey a pom un-ier a p-:-tircj uarn iti e -f i- bnefiting ejrig in every tte of Liter, IU ol and Luug d rra e or ioney pa d for it ui i if l.e. rf rtfuudeL Id all bl"Otl 'a 1 1 and '.mpur tics of whatcvir iii mu or iia'uie, it ia mt p. 54.ve iu it. rutative effcts. Pim pU-H, Uli-cLe-, Eruptioni aod ah bkia nd sc-tlp diteaes aie radically cured by lb s wonderful medicine Scrofulous disease may affect Ibe gland, caasing swellings or tumors; the bone, causing "Feer aarea. Wliite Swellinga," ;Hip-joint Dia eas"; or the tiaeuee of ihe lone. causing Pulmonary Consumption. Whatever its manifestations maybe "Golden Medical Djojyery" curt sit. .77. . . " - lA i - a. j-it wMa aaaar t tLosiMiDguovarnor - w U eesJ lo t- la Itot ta S t TW TVtH rarty. Ptideot Itjicr, of ib rkato JLl rave tr f-st-r eVt a Spaacaal late VitW feyaedteg ls wTtiJ Kr sa.Ue'. die ewd. 'iia nun Ehiir tiiaji uriatr r ' aad was ready lo return borne escoiUd to the Slate lue Governor of Kotth Cstolico, they parted tbe bet of ft tends. The fugitive was never sorrea- dered. S:. lxais bur. b waa I being Ofanixod. by tbe t a m o no r.r.i cr. raocaowalaa, J l'ar as U Liu n L'd. al Vlt.Vst d a ira. in-fatnr Another .Mall, Chas. Vickery, ot Richmond, Supu of RaiU-y Mail Service has writtin Postmaster Martin asking whether Coras, Warts - ail Banioas Removed quickly aud surely by nsiug AbjitV East Indiau Corn Paint. Disreverv By Tke reeale, Mmy of the Inventors aoJ vandors ot tie various nostrums thai are of fared to the public toHaj, ooly to dvpposr aod be suecotled by eoae ihu g olao lonu-rtow, make tbe moal s eeping and absnr-i claims far thesa. Tby ara beralde I a euro alls aad it ia n-a wonder Ihtt tbe pobl-o has bscame e-i-incioj. The tuat re mrkab:c fast iu li. bi-ry of 8. b S. (for, oohke ra at otLer pruptielary medicines, it hsi a hist ry) is Ibaa; I bat a cieat many of its virtues bate Uen discovered by ibe people b re a. Ivor. It naa never bceo ad Vt-tlucil aa a ipoctia fv ski a cancer. ii-I 3 el tu-ie are m nv lestirorniais ciig tshiw ihis S. wiicure ha; d O'U u teaao I be te.ltrno nia'aaieof Surb a character teat tte.e ia no ;oirg bebiod tbe return-." "A Ua Tiate Cetaeea Driaks.M re:y man in ILe Umtrd States is sjpjoi-d to know .what the MGov- eruor of Nrih Camhi a said to tie G verncr of Smtb Caroli . bot Imis b'.v a ui d j uot know when and nnd-r wli i riicuLi-tar.c a the famous reiuuk was madi Nearly a century ao a mau p onui.e it in political a. f 'r Noriu Ctn.hu i in iv- d across tb U rder wild s- ul -d iu South Caro- Iiuh. Ho bid b ei t iT only au at tiujc wrteu be co umit:e l some null criaie o.- luisdeaieaLor, f. wt.icu I f wa '.ndio e.1. I o eavap arret he reiurnrnl o h "d bo no in NcrUi Ca'olit a. In dao ruu s of U ue t.i G tcriicrof S-iih Ca Una tau -tl.i r qiiui.ion m tb Gov e n r i N 'ib D.rolma f r tbe fo u-UVii u ;iu.ui ' I e lugdive ba I r-b aVl indu-j names in Ma-tlaal ent a' fnenda in hie oti- Sta r, and grave this prt-fit. Ctvrxxvrs I have suffered for f ears with a kind of Teller, or break, og out all over my tody, aod al timts three small pimp voold Ur- taiaalo to boil, WfciU Uavtueg ta tbe Scuth last year I bad occaasoa to try a bottle of V. P. P- obWb waa rrcomtueodrd to too by a f WbJ, aad to toy surprise itbslpodav ao much that I gv4 nt bo'.Uet tactv, aod aflrr taklag the fo'd'ewotecU. I fell better tbaa 1 b.d aiaoa tbe br!a- aing of toy IrooM. aod while X have oo ay at pi ocas of tbedisaaa rWus tog, X ara al U Csiaf tbe woodctfol blood toojioae al itUttsJ, aod aca fuly satisfied l bat X wl be et'iry cured of a duesee thai for fifiota years baa tiocbled ao I caoool ex prvsa roy iralUode lo yoa fe so oo dcrf al a bvafct. r as y&ur P. P. P (Prickly Ash, poke Riot aod Potao ioraV. I aa yoare Is atv. JACATPEtERH, Travslnje Saleaavaa. 8 ivaaxab, Ga. The Eastern shore of Mart lend has been so lilllo disturbed by im- migraliou tbat tbe region &u sober comparatively few aaroamsa, ao that at vanoos times it baa beoo tve- y to rtsorl to odd but ' vtry an cient devices to distir.gtt ah between men beariag lb earn Dime. Th ojmmoneit device is lb paUooi mic. by which of two men baanog exact ly the lane Chriiuao and family namee.'ooe la distinguish- t irom the other by tbeadlitioo of William. uof Ttumas" or "of Job'," at it ease mar be, lL maoi g of tbe pbraso being M. on of t iilim,Tho a- aa, or jorva. ar.oui-r uevic ooc eommooly employed was to roont wttb the name an a-'ictite to iedi cat so cue pbyieu peeotiarity, aa loog" to Indicate a tall mao, b ack" to indicate a dark roav, or rd lo indict a ruddy man. Owaaioua'ly th ditiuguishii, w-wd l oococo plimentiiy. "iJjVil is lo: aa u .o aatl prfit to lb Christian or tor name of a ruaa having a epuiatioo for vie or-. raVklaaoea. A man I bearing one of tbe t-est-danra earrMKi I las warlike rsfalioa. LosDoX. Setptecabor 1L Tbe ootaber of troop Ciaragad la tbe Reetiaa army esaoosavrea ta IVe povarnments of Kmc. I'oeoiia and Volbynla U aboat lOO.OOa Taey are all drawn from lb iatenor atd there is aodmiaolio cf lb great frontier grrisoo aca t tared alocg lba Aasiro-Rasisa boaadary. Tb saa ooovre ar alUoded by lb ta. ing miliary coomaadars la Earo- Kio ilaaaus, aad pre reposiee lb foreign aad Bativo, ar etdadedL Tbe SL rctaraborg aad aloaoow r wi oarer will b surcu J try too "a e . . lldvCToroot ania eoca l&fortoataAa ss it tboogkt proper to grvc. It U known thai lb maaoovera l&cloue th fcatnrta of dacXUig tbe troop GarvtosL. It jwO go tto Uf evsa try ad talk - godl aoo tl.y w 1 1 tell jo Itel .1 tt is Skaceoaary, ad aotlwag cb- mtU do, Ibry tb tau lb Itord X grsat so. ay ood taca J1 aay lit, Ul it swestly esprase Ite-r 4sar for i- aad lb aweeasity for . rWaC Tay lock lo ta loader Ij esppoev Ttev Uost lb a. Ilallsaess- tloa of tbea Vsds war to asy that lbr aure a9 otber avaaae of f t:f they woold go wab lr aa.1 eca tft to Uua XkU J aiy eauipea. ii daaoieJ Vea4at coa is-a IsisaUaL Tawao p aaa.1 a la avrod of tUl tvirts lbeats la adJ-Ua to tbe ta y asat Lot lo aMaraoc 04 lie ao o Loa Ibey drprod. Ia otarr words, tf taoy wxvo aal dwvavcpo aad get oo tol dy wvek tesur to loosa sXUeeaear av !. Tbe a-wa- aity f-r axb maaiarso aa oo j n aa.1 ttvra lodssrires scIm. If IU l-ver SUrted a wU a Uioislk J osa lo kaow Iww saeay paM. pie woold go toto su Lot to start ii, hAh sidi, tLosc ta aod ttea.i at ol tbe Al-taoor. wowlJ o to .1 E. W Ii L R Y tilAV.iXri, tMJliiLsltJVT tUJ!l a -sniuua.va -liiMB. We a s-awr. aal e a ate a scea-isny. i)vciMimv:cai'n Sewing Machines. i ti a r ua u. not t. -. . aau tattius ill mI -a On m i Uusie Kl;CL . IXfTirjatOT. t nit . V :mt "tm ' f"mm SStSniSr sM fjilMv iwmriMa It fm a.4 sa t I ow r V a4 4 ta wa e a . .a lw ito CHAMIUHIAI Ik RAWU' e" t !f M)eM Vj e.jK,af ymiott ew w t-v tft s I.W w S. a. . 4 to - ummt ae Lit I Lav ao apf cebes4MOi of Ik Taf J rarty ta Jiosta Cart Lao, bra t toe aiaUoo of Uaa party wooU b to retail ocy U bod taaoatsoal tj lb AJaace aad of ao rilrvsn pns- tioo lakra by lb order. X do ax bebev it tU take eosb a poart or tbat tboeo ooUtde of U odW wdj bo sraaeraod by ori urc Soae pereoo claata lLat steTkird pony tnay MlotsaaxI Vr r- ma stt opt oae 1 to Ibo Alaoco as d far,g bt tWy at(bl rail a tfsibt D caocraL party, bet X kav ao t Ira of ay eocb tbisg. T trr al ol aroass parrtoata ia Uvc Sutr, al toe All aoc wwl give ao tatioaal raavo tier aay Sack aoovossoat. Wuag Get The Best, - Al eajs Lo bo fctid AT A L LEX'S. ID2. UTAH 153 ::i;:n:iai:r; li:sy. Highest of a3 ia hutrxung irwtT U. S. CoVl Rrpwt, Ag-1?, ltJ IS i awsaaaw asa .17. L. IWSStir, v.innt.ioi: a . I 1 i i 4 ; I I i t : i I 4 I I j I

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