17 i III., flf ftt,W lifffif Milt w r ' , ' .j. ib, a YOTJ AEEE1GHT; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett. VULT. 69. NO. 39. ESI-.I TARBORO N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 1891. PRICE FIVE CENT HO EL & E. F F Y Standard (brraiiiilatetl Sugar 5 cents a pound.; (Rood Family Flour at $5.5H per bill, as cheap. Other goods equally How's Your Liver? Is the Oriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist -without a! healthy Liver. When the Liver iB torpid the Bow els are sluggish and con stipated, the .food lies" in the ' f torcs- b undi gested, poibi.iiing the blood; frequent headache ensues;' a feeling of lassi- . tude, despondency and nervousness indicate how the whole system is de ranged. Simmons Liver has been the more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than, any agency known on earth. It nets with extraor- power and efficacv. SEEN DISAPPOINTED. , pastor Church Welcome. Rev. J. D. Hufham, D. D of the Missionary Baptist here his moved from Scotland Neck into the parsonage here, and the kindly countenance of this earnest man of Go3 is now a daily cheering eight. Welcome, Doctor. Regulator means of restoring .nr. ' .1 family remedy for dyspepi-i, i-.', CouiipatiuD, etc I haidiy ever f ; bave never teen dis-- ' '.'Sect pr.xiuced; it seems to i ti i-i euro t r all diseases of the" -T. TYTIlkot. Macon. Ua. D R. H. T. BA8S Offers his professional services to the citl i ens of Tarboro and vicinity. Office on Main 8treet near Coker's corner. JOHN L. BRIDGER8 & SON, Good! The hotel Farrar opened in due form last week with Powell be hind the desk and Calvert looking after the cuisine. The guests were a little dilatory arriving waiting to be summoned by the countrified, nerve shattering gong. In the future there will be no bell or gong at the hotel Farrar. Meals will be Berved between certain hoars and the guests will govern themselves accordingly. Politeness Pays. Wilsox, N. C." Sept. 16 Last fall wealthy Northern gentleman visited Rocky Mount. He was very fond of hunting and Mr. (J, 11. Har ris, who for some time last fall was an auctioneer for the Wilson ware- house and is the ex-editor of the Rocky Mount Plain dealer, kindly lent the stranger his dogs and showed him numerous courtesi's. The stranger dropped dead on Mon day and when his will was opened it was found that he had bequethed Mr. Harris one hundred thousand dollars for courtesies and favors shown him, to be paid by his execu tors in United States currency. Mr. Harris left to-day to get the money. prevented four months ago, but now it id too late. Our people in the South have been abused and sneered at by the Democratic bosses and the Democratic press, and we will stand it no longer. The negro denomina tion cry won't prevent a break of the solid Democracy. "We will take care of the negroes and see that they are allowed to vote, They are largely in this movement and will be an im portant tacter in the campaign next year. ' Gevenmst Hslplsg TeiuU U Biy Last. I one cubic inch cf water per second Is It is undoubtedly true that U ample for 1 GO scree la vinse aad European countries eovemmente at- trees, and while using lb pomp it tempt measures of patrrnaliatn that P t men busy handling the would not be thouAt of In the Dni-1 water, for, properly applied, from ted States I The Irish land act, I even to eight acres can be irrigated which places $163,000,003 at the dia- esch day. If alfalfa Is laid oat in posal of Irish tenants for the pur- narrow checks so that the water Crs Fsr SuaasrUt. Draw a loeg breath so as to 2 the langi to Ihetr utmost extent, Di. vide the sentence too wish ta speak Into rjUblea, mar kits ka for each 7 labia by bringing the laitx lzrt aad thumb of the right ka&d tof4b- cnaie oi lana, is ft case lu point. I b"u"J uu " acre a ciy i Sow Kara ia a. The land is arpraised at a moderate a be irrigated ia this tnanoer. Of valaation, and then money is fur- coun. u noooing t pracUced. ecii Dished the tar-ant to pay for iu The a m reaire tM old amount of loan is to be repaid by the pajment d one-foorth cubic feel pet the pins i ox crraTiox. or lony-nine years ot anoui eigaiv i v.ulJ 1Ui iwujui own. lT . ... . per cent, of the present rent Farm Tbt costs of running this pomp How about the pension queetionr ??,.. i.j m . . .r. M. m t tZi .n "The Allianoe has nothing to say kj f .ur.i wM w (or threft loads cf aara hnA al against the pensioning of soldiers tri. rftar.t . about the same eosL ibor mrm moderate valuation for their land dia tngina, S1.G5; IneidenUla, cents; poses the government to selL The 1 1 U1 r ILuQ for. say, seven aad government takes bonds secured oo I one-half acres, or CO cent per acre. the lan! at 2 per cent interest. It i-c engine ot OJleaa tor power is calculated that the grant of money I " ple (or a pump of double the wiu be exhausted In about three I tapaciiy invea aoove ana tfie saxl who fought for the Union. When we were defeated we accepted the results as final and aequiejoed. We shall never raise our voice against the legitimate pensioning of Union sol dier b. It is the result of warfare aud we can shake hands with our Northern brothers who wore the blue and feel that they are receiving enly justice from a government whoa they helped to preserve. Mr. Folk said the People s party would, in his opinion, carry every Southern State next year. The Alli ance was for the Ocala demands and would have nothing else. er. or mxxUcg lime with lb foot. a epeciaeo: "Tee tae tWbcee J. Good taoraiiMa-dajB. how-do-you- Uei-Uos soorakg TLoee syllable taevciMw taasl t practioadfor al Ut ooe taoalh, then a cere aboold be seea(sribe4 if the pai.a&t Las no dUfoemiry of the throat or Urjat, a&i if tbe troal Ueih are sound. There Is Aotaicji e tbaaj lUs euiej it le auapiy to spk U evlUblce for o& taoe lb; a&d Is wiibia lie reacb of everybody as woaea or cbUd-DeUoil Frew Frtaa. By Layia'-ea ef Uaals! years. It will not pro viae for the purchase of all the land, so there is natural strife on the part cf those who wish either to buy or sell to eon elude a bargain while money from the government is available. This measure puts the irun people in a more hopeful condition than they have been for years. Doubtless the excessive emurration which has steadily rvdueed the population of Ireland will be checked, and it will enter on a new era of prosperity. As the proportion of Irish land holders Increase the objections to home rule lor Ireland will fade away, and poli tical troubles will disappear, as so ofun happens with ft return of better times. . ! Attorneys-at-Law, - .- W- C- TAEB0R0, . Islrr . R. DON WILLIAMS, Jb., DENTIST, Qradnate Baltimore College Dental Surgery,) Offlos, Formerly Occupied by DR. L N. CARR iO ly Tabbobo, N. C. H. A. Gilliam. ULLIAM & SON OOBHBIX GlLLIAJf G1 Attorneys-at-i-aw, TARBORO', N. C. Wlii practice In the Counties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of the First Judicial District, aud in the Circuit and Supreme Courts at Raleiirh. 1anl8-lv. John D, Couper. MABBLE AND OBAN I TS MONUMENTS, GBAVESTONES, ETC., ETC., Ill, 113 & 115 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. Resolutions or Respect. Whereas it has pleared Almighty God to remove, by death from us, our esteemed brother, John Wesley Jones, of Tarboro, N.: C, Resolved, 1st. That we bow in humble submission to the will of God. 2nd. That the Hesperian Literary Society has sustained an irreparable lose. 3rd. That we will strive to emu late his example of integrity, self re spect and gentlemanly, bearing. 4th. That we extend our sympa thy to the bereaved family and com mend them to Him who doeth all things well. 5th. That a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the bereaved family, also that a copy be sent to the Are ebive, the Raleigh Advocat: and the Tarboro Southernxr with a request to publish, and that they be spread on the minutes of the Hesperian Lit erary Society of Trinity College. D. N. Cavtkiss,') R. A. Miaicx, v Committee. E. W. Fox, ) Woman restored to perfect health! Just faith and confidence enough re quired to lay hold of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, administer it with a little paiieno and ft little per severance and complete restoration to health and vitality is insured. re manv of tha wonderful enriMflf i se uaajvr Mjiai. lost womanhood it has effected. W hen nature raises the flag of dis There are few cases, indeed, within tres i the shape of sores ulcers, the requirements of sick and suffer- boils, pimples and blotches, the sign ing woman, outside or beyond its n bould be promptly heeded. As helrjfal influence. So confident are cuies mreaieuca wim ouseasw are the makers of Dr. Pierces' Favorite disinfected, so should the human syv Prescription of it power to heal all m be treated. No more powerful or female diseasea. that thev warrant more suocoaelui disinfectant and pu Hatisfiction in ever instance, or r- rifier than a a S. has eter been dir- fund money; Large bottle n $1,00 (6 for $5.00); at druggists. Rassiaa Cavalry That the Russians claim to hare the finest cavalry in the world read this description of a co&aack drill ta ken from the Chicago Herald: We saw horses bounding like pan thers and men jumping like monkeys We saw cavalrymen booted with their carbine across their backs and their sabers in their hands, charging while standing upright upon their saddles. Others would pass at full speed beside Cossacks stretched upon the ground, pick them up like pocket handkerchiefs, and carry them of! across the croupe of their covered. It has accomplished won derful results, and there are thou sands of people in this country to day who regard the proprietor of 8. S. S. as benefactors. V hat it has al ready accomplished it will continue to accomplish. It is already estab lished as staple family medlcjne. The fact seems to be forcing itself upon our English brothers that American workmen are cot only their equals, but in some respect their su periors. A correspondent of the English ; Mechanio acknowledges this in the folowing paragraph: 'English foundries do very well on such plain everyday work as engine beds, planers and shapen but we . cannot get a satisfactory casting ot ft "-1 -.1 . i . pomp only costs f 100 more original. 'J. m 100,009 ft Tear This U the rate at which Ootacnis- aioner Raum U3 u ore moved boasts that be is increasing the list of pension era. In a letter to aa Ohio Cocgrs man, for campaign use with the pro fessional pessioa hunUr, lUom, asys that there are before him a grand toUl ot pending claims." And he has 'set lh o&co the task ot issuing 330,000 ccrtifisaUe doting the present fiscal year, which will be an increase of 100,000 over the work ot the last fiscal yaftr, and the work of the fisoal year jost closed (Jane 80th) showed aa lacreaee of nearly ooe hundred thousand oartiS eatee oyer any previous year." Is not this ft beautiful outlook for the Treasury and the Urpaytxsl More than ft quarter of ft ceotary after the doae of the war, and fit leea years after Grant and Garfield said the list of pensioners bad reached its maiuaam, there are nearly ft taillio claims pending 351,482 more than the total Dumber ot pensioners la 18301 And Raum is rushing them through at the rate ot 850,000 a yvar. As 535,000 pensioners cost last year 1121,500.000, a simple sm will show ths trustworthioeee of. Ream's oampeign assurance that the addition of 330,000 more names will not in crease the coat above the $133,173,' CO 3 appropriated. SrfJtttHlal MmL do all work in rJO THE PUBLIC. I am Prepared to the Undertaker's Business, at the shortest nctice. Having con nected with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop shall have Prompt attention. PRICES MODERATE, Sidewalks. The town commissioners with com mendable promptitude enacted an ordinance requiring the sidewalks on main street below the commons to be paved, and then with a considers . r i j l a- n: 4.1 lion corn Oi SUiiatr uisuuuuqqi tuey agreed not to enforce the same till autumn when money was more plentiful. Well autumn is here, the crops are being housed and marketed and the enforcement oi the ordinance nas not been commanded. 1 here is no exs AIbo a first-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friends for their former patronage. I hope to merit the same, should they need anything j pavementBbut they desirejuniformity. " uo i i inn rna.n in anxious to lav a D&ve cuse for waiting longer. T Many are only waiting for the order to be is sued in order to begin work Others would have already put down their ing of steel, and little dies. Other 8 again would pivot upon their saddles and play all the antics of circus downs. One horse, tripping upon some obstacle, apparently rolled over the rider. We thought he was killed upon the spot, but he jumped up, laughing heartily while he rearranged his damaged trousers. When the maneuver was finished the defile began. Thrioe the squad rons defiled before their colonel, first at a walk, then at a trot, and lastly at a charge. The charge was some thing terrific The cosacks armed and equipped in such a manner that at a distance it is impossible either to see or to hear them. The uniforms are somber, the scabbards are of leather, and their weapons are dark' ened. There is no flashing or clash" or no sound. Undertaking My ment in front of the property he has in charge, but doubts his legal right And vet the whole troop of men and horses pass noiselessly by at full speed, like a living squall. The col onel scrutinized the appearance of milling machine frame. As for real complicated castings for typesetters. typewriters and similar antcmatio machines, we gave op trying to get them here loo ago, and order them from Mastachusetts. The English excel at heavy work; but at present neither their methods of molding, their sand nor their quality ot iron are fit for fine work. Hollow ware is scarcely to be called fine work, but we have had to import American molders for that work," This from an englishman, and yet we are told that our workmen are not euusl to the Mfine skilled workmen" of other countries! Isn't it about t:mi this prating about the superiority cf foreign goods a&d foreign workmen ceased, and a little credit be given the American skilled laborers, who are in many ways proving their su periority. Hair all gone, scalp covered with eruptions, and pains in all of his limhe, a dreadful case ot disease, yel P. P. 1 remained master of this sit uation, a cure was affected, and the patient, the marshal of Monticelio, FhL, says bis hair has grown out, snd that he is ft well man. This cure spread far an 1 wide, and now the drug stores of MooliceUo bay P. P. P. in large qaanUtiea. Rfsnssirin cr Ruelnoee I to make the expenditure unless or each squadron, and satisfied with the ung than another, it is to aa vtt -nW mr7Rt;tutftA an-1 oerformance. shouted: 'KaracDo!" poor workman attempt to Plftf A U An Pitt Ktraat TTifaa i,f,on T SniTTmtvTO man the ("Verv Bood!' to which the double hne piece of mechanism. Dcors from the Corner of Main IS J. NilxllXlOllH. other day he said he would begin work as soon as the commissioners would notify him. Just as soon as Mayor Fountain recovers from his indisposition a spe cial meeting should be called and the Viof nf TinlinA and clerk instructed PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, to enforce the sidewalk ordinance. Y HQ me ii cw era iwuuw duuiuu row ot uoesacKS replied: itauy staratza, vasche ryesokoblagorodie!" (MWe will do atiU better yet, your lordship!") And the squall passes off. Tartooro O have new sidewalks. Office ard. next door to Hotel How-1 30 ly FOR SALE. Certain hard words, made into pills, Simply to swell the doctor bills," are not what constitute Dt. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They are tiny, surgar-coated, purely vege- o II Awcin DmirAii I tab'.e pills, as pleasant as confection VllC O 11 Ul aC X V IT vl ery to the taste, and acting upon the engine and boiler Saadsy Selections. The virtue of ft man ough't to be measured, not by extraordinary ex ertions. but by his every-dsy con duct. Pascal. Nn nlacA ran dpnrive a man of his hmninoiia nnlwia h nfoasas. no more tema of water C0UTM8 than of his virtue snd prudence. Plutarch. AU our removes in this world Barry Hslr. Wm. Tim m one. Postmaster of Ids ville, Ind., writes: Electrio Dittert has done more for me than all ether medicines combined, for that bad feelicg arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, save: 44 Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made roe feel bke a new snao, J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, sitae town, says: Electric letters is just me thing for ft man wno is all ran down and don't care whether be lives or dies; be foand new strength, good appetite and flt just like be bad new lease on Lfe. Only 60c ft bottle st Staton & Zoellar'e Drug Store. t " tz : rr Aststtauc fcaAUr, Kile. The c fleers and soldiers st the Fort Sheridan range witoseeed the testing of aa automatic repeating rifie the 11th insL that bids fair to revolutionise both naval aad land warfare. The gun is the invention of Dr. H. A. Pitcher, of XcOlsvttle, Wis. It becomes autoAatie by the utilization of the gas prod need by the combustion of she first cartridge f! rl. Thm rii Mfra IbLa rhm. IrriiUsasy Steasi Uf. Iter and acts on a rktoo that is set Where years ago it rnizht not I ajrainst ft spiral spring, the recod of have been, it is now possible to ir- which propels the piston bacc rigate many fair and productive Isgainst a rod that sets the mechanism acres cy pumping, and thereby be I of the gun in motion, the empty independent of all the present eye- j cartridge beiog removed and replaced The big j&att was half droat, aad when be Wered at the yoaag wac&jaa ahe tried to pass tua oa te extree outer edge of the sidewalk. He stepped la front of bar sad she tried to pass to the other sde cf him, lie was ia fiotl of bar ftfsia and exclaimed: Doet hurry, my pretty. She was ebowt to torn and raa when another man eoerged from the shadow of ft buJJinc -HoU ca bere." be said- -WUl s the matter! "None of yoor boaiae, retorted the first man. WelweH see,- said the seccai. "You've been annoyis this lady." "Msbbe she's your wife," soerrcd the first. -WclL she Ua'L" Or your aUter." Or your sweetheart.' "Nrvrr saw ber before." "Ohyoe're tryisg to make a see. loo, are youi Poghsts would have called tbe blow "beauUf aT oce, but ths kick thai followed it would certai&lj have been declared ft "tool. Oh, eUr cried the yousg when the staoke ot bet Us cleared wsy. I Oo on botacT exslaioked Let chaapioo. "Bat, air, you have " Oo oa borne, X UfJ yoo, and doat be chasing around cixh'.s ajraia, be tateruplAL "Hut your noble action," she be- gaa again, "Noble ocihirrl" be bUrrupied gain. Tve beea watching tor that man for six weeks, and it's the first time I've found him so drunk that I could smash him without retUcjr the worst of it, Go oo borne! This was business, not romance-. lie beat me out ef tLoO," lie lit cijrar aad eaaatered down the street with the air of ft tnaa bo bad settled aa ouUte&dieg adcoctt. CLkago Sunday Tnbona. proSL la the evs&l of the dUseajs. item of the coespaey, its beeel are te retala Ike property la Um 1 rxfrds sl4 arUItr rsewa aisr be traaaf erred to eseae C4bsw Jewish I UatUtiosi with aiauUjr ebiseta. &ac ra bri Is tie rrU eatis rriee to whack this ric aa.1 tTtt oo IsraeUe devotes larft elere cl tie eo&esal lortase. It - . w rrartacaJ. beaiaese-l-ke rrtKtx. t4 efoUrpecac alias' let 4 te'svs ae poor aad aaXjiUaue te eeUlLd sAecaerivwi ta t&e woru aa4 ta fct i&ecseejvve beyoe4 Ue r4 c4 eo laye an4 ewKstr4eeeive a sywirss rasst rre grwat slaiaUtrtrve skul for Us secersaial eetablaSM&l a4 Operaikye. Ttae se prpauwfy IM m poseiseJ U a rwcertaUs dsree by lUroe ILrscA tlmmj aad te oerfrree4 ttULUl sseoer aled wua kusv. so tkat vttt taixU aader other otrresisteecwe sreeer ae seer dreass al aa tatrvKOeaJUe pbHaatbrocUt as eow reras4 w.lk all the aathonry cl setae el tie esfTW3ee e4 saoat eoorwaefd saea Ct esir ta te world. TLm tact, ia e.lL'jea to the laaeteity d the rsai this drroted to ksaaalJV. t&ake Caroa Ursch't trw aewxelisa the oast Ulrreeii&f espertoeet Is or. rnis4 cLanry tkat saodera Ure save ta CONSTIPATION and other bowel complaints curd and pra-rwntod by tha prompt UM Of Ayer's Cathartic Pills They ragutato tho tlvar, clesnsa tho stomach, and greatly assist cJlgaatlon. Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. Lowell, Mass. OFDM StlM w ot:r, uiu" Wt U tms m a. sv (y s M. f-mm l m umvm.. etXW Ml X CIVw H'r a a, ttw-iniiMi'-y t aa. Zi Stillsots Specific, If there is one thing more exasper- have a construot a lie is sure to botch the job, and exhaust the patience ot the inventor. And still there are few men who can do a real ly good piece of experimental work without an endless amount of watch ing and waste of time. are 60 SAW GIN, AND G0LDSB0R0 PRESS All in Good Working Order. ' APPLY TO S. S. NASH, 3518 Tarboro, N. C. BETEL tiUSSiCAL 22u WM Prepares for r!uinem, Uoiv.of V., nd West Point. Catalogue ,i2dr aj.A.wBiTnltiwi AHoWft a stomach and liver gently but effectu- from one wilderness to another.-M. allv. and as naturally fts isature hei Henry. Belt, ror sick neauacue, muigtDuuu, biliousness, constipation, and all the resulting diseases, no laxative equal to them has ever been: discovered. Polktan Politics. CoL Polk, at Topeka, Kan., 13.1 "Will the Alliance coference at i Washington in February declare for a. ihir Dartv?" i , . ... ;n l I l "I cannot say; out were wiu ce a jamujs Those are the best christians who are more careful to reform them selves than to censure others. Ful ler. "Let them," says' a good Dutch Reformed minister "let the schol ars and critics die and analyze the Scriptures to their hearts' content. The more they dig, the more truth thsywill turn up, The more they the more righteousness 'third party. It might have been they will find." Interior. and changes. A gentleman who has a Byron Jack son centnf agsl pump upon bis place, says the Eakersueld Californian, has made a careful ob rvitJon as to cost and capacity of this kind of work. .The plant will cost as fol low: 'F-ngine. $900: pump. $200: freight, 1200; average well, say 300, or $1,500 tor pi nL With thirty feet lift, the pump has a capacity ot one cubic foot per second, and with ten or twelve fet IJt, two cubic feel per second. The water should be used d rcct from the pump, ae, if a storage reservoir is used, there is additional t ipenie, and ius of water from seepage and evaporation. With small ditches and attention. Barra Etrwa's 6ml tWarss. The history of ptrioea philanthro py coo tains noihisf more taagYia. cent tbta Deroo llirseb's gTwU scbexae tot the beoeit of tLe poor aad peraeouled oi Lis race, embodied la tbe Jewiab fjr4nertaloa lion, whose orgsxixatloa has Joat beea formally aoaoaaced in Lnoloc II is ia torn cl a limited UahOrty eorspeny with a eapital of two cui Uoa pounds sterling divided ta twrsiy thcKJwaad shares ot X10O eech, el which Saroa Tlirach bJsir sob acribee 19,9. the troi.aiaicg tea shirrs being sHoOed to as saaay rrtreeeauUve Hcbrrw " rtnlleoea te EcgUad. France and the Ceiled BUtee, who are to make op the di rectory of the aseoc'aUoa. This axBoeate ia efeei lo a wrA el tea millions ot dollars, the wkole of which, with the Income derived trua it, is consecrated eolaly to the ob ject! of the aaeorUtioa, to assist the ctaigTalioaot Jews froa eoames where they are subject to specUl (LaaUhliee and to eeUbf ieb Jewish ooloeiee ia North aad Souta Axaeri eafor emruHural and coemcroaJ Dumoees. The coo rex T aasumee aU rishts to rcrehaee Roperty aad to earrr oo trade, cocamrrec. aaj ta- d as trial ooeratiooa la rrocaotsoa ef iu purpose, but not more tbaa ball Dy a icaued ooe. aivo cocimg ice gun. MllZ x mt This is done with so moch rsptdJy I . . ,v-!i; , ........ - IWt I I i . . that oy rapping egtonsi ue inggar -nirranU. and no rrt ef iU toads can rvwr be reclaimed try the sab- aae Arm eeSMUv, Tea fW ri m-'4 f j oa tTwwa, mos tLurctt,. Trt rws Tst l04;.j UmX Ct-.U. Ifcss-e. ss.eusl "f ak . Teopersterw: TVs saoethly tseaal rwi r t-im stJai.e. temreraiere for tlse AXe for Asrat " it ji was 7J.7 drsee, ika fce ft de- r t, x. WW CMITK-M ISV l&e (141 twraty yeera. The kuteet rotiLly trx&srerare for Asvrsat roxred ta 1ITS (eveaa Tt.7 iWreee) aa a a a. e c . . e m uswvsaniuj isaeaa .M CUHE3 -raV TV mM 1 La I W ' -SiVitZt71 UWLL3 AHU MM. The aicest teeperatere obesrved vr nr-vvrvv is ?7 4r CXaI oa the u taMM; 9 A, at DoctUea end boaeca TtsM Mcrcurv Or irxenif-. oatbelCfca- aal at llarraaloa oal thtlllhjUkwentaspratso6 NO CURE NO PAY oa the Silh. The aixbeet tcc&ters- tare before rtoord! lor Arsst was IOJ derreea U 1US at WeUoa, He lowest 41 Ultll at HVlaeda. Tbe greeiset racaUJy race was 47 Se creeeat rrasklie; tbe West II at llaxteraee aad KiUy Ilawk. Mesa PMiraga tMBperatare tat the Stale It!, seaa taitiausa CT.ft. Bala fall Averax-e for the Stafe frAtjrsst, ICO laches, which Is L91 laches above the tern si br the past adaeteeayars. Tbe wsUset JL 04-34 was ta 1 m tbe svrv rs. faH Vncg 9-37 laches; the driest was la IMI, averse 1.18 t9cte OrrtJ rst aaoeat ILi Aegtt 15Jt3 bclee atarr.USs3tseat aaooat, 250 at rrsahha. The matrat asnocat prrncnwy reroJtvl was 1U at Asbrvilk ia A 8 ast, t K37. VVttvi: lYrvftaZag dectioa. soch sad eottthwwrt; avtrse boarly vVoe ityS.7 t&Zea. Ftvtv-Lz dvewa dedoced froea ceay year's cbrrvs. lion, soathweat; average hooray ee Vxity, 6. 9 saJre. MeersjUaeoosr Tb&isrtors occurred at vasioca cewe la tbr but ea U.C f oDowirr daiee. 1 1 1 4 6 7 8 19 11 12 IS IS 14 17 19 13 S) 5tlS 15 375V Usaenm4 ca the 13 ih. Oeacral lUsakat The 1m text cl ths boalh was wares eaoiU for thr jrowvh cl crtTe, bat tie lat ter part wis too euc4, wtta very keavy raiee,castaf ls coeL.:ae oi trope, eepeciaSy cottoa, te deUri oral rspwliy. U. &. Urns nt, IX, Xjwrtor 7XVX0U0 EtrfXILVCE Ev. Mr. llsUerl, If t LLt rslaaooiU, J scs a 13L r or ftale at VfcNars JLrU. IFtOU WJLXT J E W 12 L 11 Y 1 rae gt ti4 ati Catfi et . a4 WDlOU niftMX fiUrii ra r.-r. ! isai e scecusy. VOXZ JtX3 EXtltLM ora Sowing Machines. 1st txiatrnc. trot jtu. sj9 aattxia Wttmmi scr bwa i MiAHa cuoc Xm v tniMlmtM. the the gun wul discharge the nice cartridges that are require! to fill its magazine ia two seconds. The best rvcord was eight shots ia five seconds. lieutenant Irger sol is, however eothuslastia to bis commend ati 00 of the mechanism of the gun, and is satis&ed that it will do all that is claimed for iU It is intended to apply the priori pie to heavy guns, for use iu naval warfare, lo'propeUisg torpedoes and as a ma chine gun. The Army Board will la. vestigate the merits of the gua st their meeting at New York next month. tcribers or taken for tadivilsal m-Vk Wa.fcaV 4 rjtew ma'uia. U fm MMKftlDMa raaafc avn, J p AMiaaA aa CHAMBCftUUMIst RAWLl' ll is wortty et aew la wUa the StaienUe rsilroej tverror that La Car.laria, y aa act peini I but eseron, txala wreckis said Lrva robbery ars capiial cgsooae, paaib. tut waa deata or laproaaaat Ij Ufa, at the oecioa of IVe ry trrt&c the oaea. Ttt crire art erUJ of fi&e evta If so tsrir b dswe. or eveaiftbe aOecrtle &&j9Ctweail The lav says that say ptesoa who ptaeee dymaaiie or aav ocelrsrUoa oa any railroad la the Bunt, or &cm aaythisg wuh the LattoUoa ct wreaks lag say paeaw&rer, freikt cr oter tma, or aUestpts to rob a traia, shad ! a- M slat. Get The Best, Alr sys to be X T A L L II ! ? S. be rsilry of felony dee in. pctishaUe With The levkaiioes to the gertaaa ty fkr WahJUe Cab at the rpsia oi the tibereo czarket here are wJ rUa sm AavOAg the cwseiaeate- ia a goUwa tobeoao ttax. 02. cr::ii.o3 ce 22;ui;ia!;n;::i I Hubert ot all la Txavtaax Fowtr TJ. SL Govt JUport, Asf. 17, itd IS tf m.l. iiuss:r9 C.1RMU.U3E BUILDER, . i i t 1 1 1! 4 4

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