' ' . . v k . . . . , - ; ... j. t v J 33E STJUE YOTT ARE TtlGHT ; THEN GO AJKCIfi AD.-D Orookottv n-OL. C!). NO. 42. - ;TABBOUQ N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 1831. PKICE F1VE ff5 exJx'-i3D,,w,'E3xJiiJ. o ' .('' " - 1 - O. " W. JXLIX 'JLXE'Sr Q : HOW E L L &. Ji E F F 11 S, ; Standard Uraia!iiatcB Sugar 5 cents a pound. Good Family Flour . at 5.50 per bill. as ciieap. Other goods equally i BTMTTOMS OS LIVER mgCASwf Loss of appetite; bod breath; bad taste tak the mouih ; tongna coated; pais ojtdartha rtosMar-fclads : la Jka te.aaf me aiaa aafc. mai for rnetmatiaa; saar stemasta. wi'Ji aatuiency ana water-trtan ; indiges tion;, bowels lax and costive by tarns; headache, with dull, heavy ssnsaUon; restlessness, with sensation of havinf left aomething undone which ought to nava been done; fullness after aaUng; d temper: blues; tired feeling; yellow ap pearance of akin and eyes ; dlzxlneas, etc Not all, but always some of these indi cate want of action of Uw Liver. For A Safe, Reliable Bemedy that ran do no harm and has never seeA kpown to fall to do good Ttke Simmons Iher Regulator AX EFFECTTJAI. gPEC'UlO FOR Malaria. Bowel Complaints, Dyspepsia, . Sick Headuha, Constipation, Biliouiraasa, - Kidney Affections, - Jaaaadiaa, Mental Depression. Coils- . A PHYSICIAN'S OPXNIOK. " I hare been practicing medicine for twenty reus and have never been able to pat np a asla tl compound that would, like Simmoas Livv Rceulaior, promptly and effectually more as l.vcr to action, and at toe same time aid (u of weakening) tne a:gesuvc aaa sAircn ef the sTstem." L. M. Hixtok, u.d., Wasaiagtea. i Has our Z Stamp in red on front of eiapsi. TO THE PUBLIC. 1 I am tie ' - -' Undertaker's Business, it the shortest notice. Having con nected with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at my shop shall have Prompt attention. Reduced Hates on Tobacco. The SouTHEENEa U iufoimed that the Tar River Transportation Com pany have rednced tee rare on tobac co from the different landings ou the river to Tarboro to ten cents per hundred pounds. The lecttt ' iain lave put enough w.itcr in the river to permit th sicMiieta of tLt :3mpany 10 mach tnib pl .-e. Tnis lifers an op portuity wiac t t,houiu not be ne leted iy the -Pitt c inoiy growers. one that Bhould be taken advanut 'o of at once while the weed is bring ing sucn nattering prices-. Prepared to do all work in Whltakerg Social. rernapi do comjaauity tins ei jojed more social gatherings, Bruns wick stews sna scorched pi? than No. 6 township, Edgecombe oouaty. . Al most every year in b ilmy Spring tln young people have u grand j. ionic tit Whitakeis, and all, - old and young, come out by special iavitntion ui have a htippy day greetiugiach oth er. uhilri tnis yrar tbtre L-as txot been the annual picnics with such im mense congregation ln-reto'ore, yet many small ami social atueiir ( have taken place. On t bis, 7th of October, we ire having ih n'jvei 02 currence or two social gatherings m the same tuwn; our Masonic frien U give a nice dinner, barbecue, &c, o invited bre:hren and our tonsma M. W. Edmonds, having arrived at the age of 33 years, gives a birtnday dinner to a goodly number of neighbors and friends, who, afcer partaking of the bounteous pre id, spake many words of g )od . wiBhes and cheer for 4Mon," and his vood wife. C .red to see, tLe tobacco break", tha knitting mills and factories cottou and other fields I believe tby enjoyed Iheir visil. Between 4 and 5 o'clock next af ternoon they boarded the A. & U. train for the junction thence to New- Lerne, via ureaviila and Kins ton. They expect q go as far as Cha-les- t tv ' - The road vvll b a ' i.i ar an a.r ins u vircuuisttnce will admiu f hey are enthusiast c over the r a aud talk eiaiou&ly of having trains running over it in 1893 It is a clever set of gentlemen, es corted by one of the cleverest and uotit charming of men. I belie e every member of the party willagrte with me-tu tt Dorsey 1 euder h a ue- gtitful ch tperon. D Hectrie Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have nsed Hiectno Ui tiers smg the same song of praise. sA purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that 19 claimed. Electric Bit tor wi'l cure all diseases of the Liver acd Kidneys, will remove Pimple?, Boil Salt Rhenm arid other affections Repairing BuSineSS (caused by impure b!ood.-Yill drive Malaria trom the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers For cure of h sdache, Constipat on and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaraLteed, or money refunded.vPrice sOcts ,aud $1.00 per bottle at Staton & Zoellcr's Drugstore. PRICES MODERATE, Also a first-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friends for their former patronage, I hope to merit the same, should they need anything n the : Undertaking My Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcors from the Corner of Mais. 112. J. SimmoMH, I chesr, I help. I strengthen. I aid gladden the heart cf man and mai l, I set constipation's cap'.ive free, And ali are better for taking me lhus tpoke oue of Dr. Ptaicaa Pleasant Pellets. (They are pills tbat speilc for themselves.) Very xuiall, very nice to take, produce co uausra ornping, yt a-e ruo.t 1Tk; tu d in all caes uf cos ipatiun, bil iou-t cr sick headache, or dar ged liver. Only 25 cents a yial. at druZ' ila A ri rf mo t v.ot t. L t rr il 1 . ciu. At All llazzards. a. H. T. BASS Offers his-professional services to theciti lens of Tarboro and vicinity. OSce on Maia Btrtet near Coker's corner. J0"5 L. BRIDGER3 & SON, Attorney s-at-Law, TARBORO, JjH. BON "WILLIAMS, J a., DENTIST, i" Graduate BaJtimoie College Dental Surgery,) C2.:9, Fomsrly Oocupisd "by - DR. L N. CARR. 40 ly Tabbobo, N. C. iH. A. Gilliam. Q.ILLIAM At the Guild. Odd Fellows Hall was comfortably filled Thursday evening by membere of the Guild and many others attia t ed by the musical programme prom ised by Mr. Curtis. . Unfortunately Miss Ewell could not appear on account of a sore throat. The audience was greatly disappointed bnt there were com pensation-: iiaaks Ldpscomb a cla rionet solo was very good; Miss Lilla Bell's (-election from Gaul's Holy City, "Eye hath not seen" was sanjj in as rich and awe-t soanding a contralto as any one -ever heard. But the entire programme of the Guild may get out of order or be non est, and still there will be abundant entertainment if the president, S. S. Nash, is present. That evening he welcomed very gracefully the North ern capitalists down here in the in terest of the Norfolk, Wilmington & Char'eiton railroad and elicited a happy response from D. C. Jeremy of Wilkenbarre Pa. Every one who attended was am dIv repaid and the hat : which treas urer Lewis handed around had its crown well covered. - Our Visitors. Escorted by W. Dossey PeDder nineteen men from Pennsylvania,Nor folk, and Chicago arrived here Thurs day evening from Norfolk to travel over the country through which the Norfolk, Wilmington & Charleston railroad will run. They are interest ed in the load in one way or anoth er. Most of them are making only a tour of observation, some - are on to the camps to begin work. Among these is A. S. Dandridge, of Afintahnrc YV. VS., an engineer ot a man renute. Four, G. A. Wil kinson, special correspon lent of the Associated Press; J. a. xiuji, a. Kramer and W. W. Win ton are from srftnfon. Pa.: D.C.Jeiemy, Geo. n,-.rY.aa l ). Ytae-er and W. Waatrz engine and boiler, from Wilkes Barre; James McKenna, U. JC 0?lr, o- 1 avB. ... & SON Attorneys-at-i-aw, TARBORO', N. C. ' 'Vlu pra .tiee in the Counties of Edgecombe, Halifax antf Pitt, and in the Courts of the first Judicial District, and in the Circuit and 8weme Court at Ka'.eiP-h- 1anl8-lv. lne Uenou lopio cootan a re port of an interview which Dr. R. L. Beall, who is widely kuowu ia Pied mont iNorti vjarouud, ana wno is a prominent Allunceman, hid with ! K Mr. Butler. Dr. Bea'd id that the tone of Mr. Butler's speech was c .1- oulated to injure the Democratic party, and asked Mr. Butler if any member of Congress from this state had voted with the Republicans 10 bring about the present condition of affairs The reply wf: "Why cr ta:nly; Matt Ransom did, you are behind the times and ought to read up." Dr. Basil asked: "Do yon in tend to stand by the sub-treasury plan even if it disrupts the Denio caatic part)?" To this pointed ques tion Mr. Butler replied: "Yea we intend to stand by it if it splits the Democratic party. But we inteud to go into the Democratic conven tion and offer our platfotm." Do you inteiid to try to make the sub treasury plan a ptrt of the Democrat ic platform! wai tne next in quiry. Pie ident Butler replied "Yes. if we have the majority we in tend to stand by our demands, 1 the coo sequences be as they may.1 Dr. Beall asked u Mr, Butler was willing to have this interview pub hshed, and Mr. Butler replied: 'Yea' and I want joi to understand that do not speak for myself alone, bat as an officer of the Alliance." One question Dr. Beal didn't put. Ue should have asked will the Alli ance abid the result of the Dem ocratic Convention? Many people believe with the Soothebjceb thaUhe sub-Treasury plan is un-Democratict against its principles aud traditions, but. if the Alliance will make its fight in the Democratic party, all well and good. The conventi-n is the place where opinions are t be con sidered and wliere the opinions of a party man should be heard. If Mr. Butler means that the Alliance will tu bruit its platform to the arbitra ment of the Democratic conventions the Southerseb can do naught save commend hirn. Bat if he means that Lis order will attempt to eugrr.ft the Oriiiaality. Emeraoa eaya ! that "FLato Las made Laroo with our otig'.nilitj.'' But before Pla'ottaJt, So'.ooioa declared, there is nothing new un der thu .anr' ! N--v here is aa array to duut the 'x)lde-t Who - dare ticu when 8uc! aut'i.oritics declare it naeles-! If everything b l-u t I. what is rtitKet Uft to ajf ) Elrlj m.M.e y oi In lfepry vuea discovered a .few great ttuU. And they found out that mankind beiog always and everywhere the same, thete would be no more to discover. And when these truths had bee a preached and sang and tanght awhile, ih lintereri, who could not under, stand them, got tired and turned, aa the Athenians did, to hear and to tell some new things. Yet the Albnuta never heard or tel 1 a new truth. It was all as old as the foundations of the world. Ti e few who Lav declared these tru'tu in words which caonot die have at the same time declared them old. The names stand out like grat towers in the laid. We who lis' en and understand and long to grtsp tu-ra, e nced that the wcrds of wisdom have all beeu spoken, that the cf to-day car tell u noth ing ino-e, aud that the list liviog p'itloophor can but give his testimo ny to what han been air ady said. "Bat originality! f It d ed long U f re the wisest man was born." . To each wind that strives to see clearly, truth, although ever the same truth, presents itself ia original forms and in endlea combination. i new to whoever perceives it newly. As the morning, whiiu il always breaking i ince the first room ing broke, eemf dewy and guttering, and freshly desctnded from heaven to lust-opened tyt, so to the mind awakened to perceive truth, it come as ttrong and pore aa ever it came to the first nrnd that gladly opened to receive it. Nature is not old. She is forever new. 1 Truth is not old. Itia Lorn to-day ia every yoooc will not be reached I ill GnmrClv land is again President of these Uni te! States. ''Will he be reaomioateJT As sorely as I am talking to you this moment. Nothing can , hioder it The voice of the people ia the voice of Deity, and that says in claaroat tonei tbat Cleveland is the only man to lead the party to vicio'y in the November ties a year lo ooiiie. Who will We traconi oa tkkelT av. Campbell, certainly, if Le rar aieaOhio, aa I believe Le milL The expenditure cf vast same of money by protected interests is all that e-ui beat him." The Convention of Democratic Clubs at Pittsburg Pennsylvania, last Wednesday, UlustraUs the en thusiasm felt all along the Drtnocrst ic line. The masses of the party, at well as the leade-re, realize that not only is victo y ia eight, but that the issues to be fought appeal strongly to all honest, thinking citixons. No party which makrs an energet ic battle for the true interests of the masses and which shows a deer mined effort to root oat fraud and corruption will long retoain in tbe minority. Repoblicaa fraud and the indifference of many thooaanda uf voters are what has long kept tbe State of Pennsylvania in the repab licaa column. But the people ovw realize wta. theia iodifference has cost tlera. They feel the bao'ful effects of republican role, and thoaw who for years have neglected their duty as citizens are now forefsoet in the must be Drukfas Dhweae. Ia a little Iowa ia lUiooia ealWd Dwiht, oa the Chicago a ad AJtoo railroad, there In Lvfd and ptae ticed his profession for taoty-fiv year a pst a certain Dr. Keley. The world at large has beard little of biro until reeeetly, bat daring a3 bu prof, aam al carver be has et joted the rep:t and confidet.c of bis neighbor , and baa tw.e a mmtr io good standing of tbe eoootj al State societie which determine thJe ethical ques'iooa which sppeax lo te of more tignificaoce to maVltcal taa ibaa to'thoee la other teemed t r fasaions. He baa long beca eaagd apon iavestigati ti a to the cere ef druokeneia, and, it is aid. thee ladies have been tot a eootu.ea'ion of those made by bis father atvl grandfather ia the same iUrercwa. r or several y sera past tne a wt pa pers in tbe Deigbbothood of Dr. Keeley'e home have coolaiaed mere or leas full ascoonts of bU bavicr cured by I he ate of doable ehlorioe of cold men who had toe? beea re garded aa bopelest drunkards. Something like a ytar ego Mr. Joeeph MeJi l. the vtoerabU editor of tbe CbicagJ Tn ban, bed tt at-1 teatioe attracted to this b aetboi m . e sa . . a. ox treat maot, and ne sad aa exaai natioa md t-f it. TVbal be learted inllaeoeed him to tntke a raaeoeaj teal of tbe alleged coras. Ue tbate fore select ad set era! tnea ia Chicago who were looked a do a aa hot e'eaal addicted to tLe Labit of driakiac every d.y at lUiad bori Le xa- at fall m lioe with tba oJim rl.ni. nth barvd srm and re.lts a tn. dartuic ir.j'ctivo of a rtdc n iK- aatore of which Dr. ICaerr b tA aaaoaaced to I be wuUL bat Uh be e i plain a ia Lis oalrtta is del ae a jtC. aa J m.'ma La lata th effecU of lL Lc1!clLU tf ROld- I lis met tod of fpixv L:s go!d mittorc be also teUiie at a Jtl Jco. Guavr Spew, ia Uar pat a ricaalr. datrmifiati6n.A!ist i.notat Iwooc eicaenvtii, aed ebo a'eo ap punished and tbe rartT r. I to be wrecked by this loeg. .. . ... a i a : i a . . -n - John l). Couper. MARBLE AND GBA5ITE MONUMENTS, GEAVESTOSES, ETC., ETC., Ill, 113 & 115 Bank St., Norfolk, Va. PHYSICIAN l SURGEON,' Tarboro 10". O h- a't. To find an original thought would bo a vain hope indeed- Yet the wcrds of the weakest noed not be silenced for that reas)d. For, with sages and philosophers, they may bear wi'neas in whatever way is given them ta te-tifv. Only expres sion cm bt new. The tratrt itself is eternal the Uera laeery. Shows that all epidemic, endemic, and contageous diseases are produ ced Py minute intectinsc gerois or micr -bes, peculiar to each disee which enUr the system. It being a well rettlad fct that any remedy which would kill the germ or microbe-would destroy the life of tbe patie.it, it has teen found that to force oat thece germs is tbe only safe relief from tueir ravages. In this way Swift's Specific has for CO yars been cunnOloo-l and akm dia eaea. it forces out ine uicroocs through the pores of the skin, and soon sriids ouftbe pii-on which tbey m-iv have left. la this way tie dis ese it cared, arid the geueral health of the patient is built up. Treatise ou Blood and hkta Dis eases mailed Tree. swirr SPECIFIC Co., At- Uinta Q. I Live Washington Tapirs. Nothing but its own blunders ran tcat tiio ! icinocraiio parry in 92,' id SenattT Voorhees at the Ebl itt yistordy. "It doesn't lie io the otprition to comi a a our de- a " pontable for it rebuked. The De-1 mocracy sunda between the p.ople and corrupt government, and this make it invincible. No decisions U be announced by the United Siatea Supreme Coort 'when it convenes on Monday next, and after the motiona to admit at torneys to practice are heard. 4.C.. the court will adjourn to pay its re spect to the Prei ct, in coo for mi. ty with ita usual cuttoto. The nail day, Taea lay, th coort will begio the regular rail of casea ou the dock et, of which tne e are 1,395, ihe largest nnnib-r ever oa the d jc. e. at the tegtnaiog of a term. There are roa-iy iiaj -runt caea that wdl come before the c urt for argauViOt daricg tbe present term, and a namber of them were advanced and set doa lor argument on Monday, Octobac 19, when they will be taken op ia tbe order io wLtcb they were ad vanced. When Orov.r Ceveland Wft the White House the malls of the Tieas nry latriy bulged witu tne nation millions, bat under three years of tho Herriaoa admiaistration her vault have been emptied, and the govtrntneut forced on tbe market aa a borrower. Thre seems to be a boom in Cleveland stock. There's notbicg like a new baby ia the house. continued ioUrepermnce. These be sent to Deitht, atxl aogagel to pay their eipceaae wbda adegoutg treat me oL The retail was eo aatia- factory lo bim thai be en4orai the methoala rmployad by Dr. Kte'.ay ia aa editor tal arttcle ia bts re par. Natorslfy eoooa, tbie eadorteroeal. a mo: Uvuaaal trueg (rem a repar of the dais of the &iesg Tnbuae, attracted very Rnrl attcslioo, atd aooo afurwarda lLr waa a tide of patiaata torcel towards tee hltJe village of DvgLt. whither LopWt meu iravH4 ia srch of acta -thine which before htl acaoiej bejoad their reecb. Arrive! at Dvubt,t-e rtbriasi found a tLrajrcHos vulira. with tsaddy or dotty strati, areorJitg lo the prevalence of raia or uaabtse. and there waa only one thing t9 make it team deferent fro a any otter Western village ia whieo terelve handred persons bad thair baata. This di flare nee was noted alsaost at once. There wtr wei:-dretad aad well appearing tneo on lte ttrrets la eonaiderabtc numbers wLo eridaexj bad never Uua any active part ia village Lfc, and who were not now cf it. Thtae were the tnVr.me, tbese the petieora, who tad goce to wbsther the bichloride o( gvld lreai meat coald qaench the try ihlrtL Tbe impulse wbiea ec'a new la titat bribgt with him, it is said 1 is to conceal bis ideetiiyt bat aa in re are men from all patte ef the eoaeUy there and tbte ia bat a very small world, afttr all as evary tain who has traveled away from homo Las foot 4 out this cone! ma at la all tml impossible, and tne creel ma jority are toon ooelent to settle If you ate s'wk ailh aT c4 id a or4frae of Dyipi.' I' v a era a iLxbuzg Tbocaa aa totteaf. ocaey of tnlnerai wa'afa wnU atd Ut ottevl)Ow caaUSaataa frota kiai ofibetnoat caviacal ttvasaara in North Carolina. The? aod etw r. acaai Waur ae bjl f.w samara! wa. tersia the world areeadcrted. SeoJ year ordac wil f I for tree. . Panacea Spnere Jk llol Co Osfard, N C Furthar iafoataitaon trr.ii tbe watc eaa be oUaaaed frtxa W. fL MacNalr, SoU JLgtil Tart or o. ?i. CJL TVe thiHj, TbeaSurtof the Srrtav of iLe rreaaory to task U Gorn9v.nt ioroaoe apfear to rutrxl atd eurp.aa tu oetare e eery riataU, tlf Lot 4 ing baack apprvvi-tjes a-1 by tat tiog av.ry olsUacye aa the w.y t4 tha peyaawol of U t cIe4Ri. of th rra.1 -tors of tt tlocrfel Mr. Foster aae taate it apaar tail b retpi foSptrobaeaareaJ h a etpaawi. taree by I10,mJ. ni iku toeraJy aiaowt to all wbo vta4 lie a lira asanas of it LUdoo Dallar CoiTe Uat be la act rr-g tv carrer.t daesaadt rm the Traaa try. A aaca amootMtntf to bet as 1 13 - 0CH.OX) aod $iO.fJ0.D0a deetW as I be brat quarts? of tbe flaeal yw ta beea wttbeii iaordr io .t&ale Ue Goveratecat. books baiaccc. fa Oibatr enrJa, the esp-ed-lar were raeJJy aojt llH.0CJL0UO. UU Ik recaapU wars actually SJ.W7,75 - a oatoart-ry for the quarter tf s'mbi ti3.0Oa.0a. iedau& a ,kr.y tor tVe year of f in.OJr3.0Ol. Tbe prdxtoti (wade by tbe Wer'.l Bare than a Jrr fo i timj ateralar eari&alka. Oa JsJy '21 L 180, Tie Word prcJci4 a d.S cieacy of SSI.OXI.0OJ. eaeaaieg tte corriaeee of ibe eatitoale of the frtaaals bf lh Me Kiel r LvL wto aUlsd it at thai laceaare vaowhJ ra doce Ua reveoee. ICajalOxi Tte prl ladaoaiao i. that ihe redee- wul rracn S S0On.OXl. an-i iu dJ- frrteew S3j,0C0,CMJ, eddld to the IM.0O0.OX woeJ aaake a kc.acy M I lly.tJAUOvX -N. 1. WOfd. For Bolls, Pimples carbuncles, scrofulous torca, ecxems. and all other blood dlscaaar tako Aycr'sSarsaparilla It will relievo and euro dyspepsia, nervous debility, snd that tired feeling. Has Cured Others velll curs you. OPIUM v atnivr, Lrta VM U' w a I it Hf ta aa Ww rta. TJ ii4 Tt BaJ mg a a. v-m i .n aca l Maaiai'a 4ra aalsTT Tat fUat IU iw -W4 f r Cit 3nt-a. a. -. C, t U im Tmt Ta t vrt Its,!, f a Cwaa. a4 a:i li ts p. 'f ?m r. . v f anwHt a aa-awy raf f aaa ta r- t twi s,t- l"W H ;mt ft r -"i-r Stillso.vs Specific, CUK1I." CHILLS AUD FYR. NO qCININi; Mercury or .rsinic. NO CURE NO PAY. TAUUOIU) UCfniltlNCtv Iter Mr. ItaUTu M aa Lrttt Paaooab Jart U, L ;dL For aaV at VJVaif s d -t sub-Treaeury plan in the Democratic fear. Two .treat chaaces of blaade'r platform and tailing this will split hug are preseatf-d the ut-xt Ilouse tbe Democratic party. The corse-1 may not act wUe'y and a mistake qaences will be most disastrous to I may be made u choosbg the bead "Office ard. next door to Hotel How 30 ly FuR SALE. One 8 Horse Power 60 SAW GIN, AND G0LDSB0R0 PRESS All in Good Working Order. APPLY TO S. S. NASH, Tarboro, N. C. BETEEL aASSICAL and ULffaUf ACADEMY. $95 lalllKSiBa i't-rirei for ltuaineaa. Uni.of Vs.. i. '""t,'0''t. Catalogue addrcs o Trnnr ftSMiatant editor oi tne Bryn Maur News, from Pniladel v5o r W. Albriehr, fom Potts :n' Ta Wm. Burtis. from New vt'ti. J : E. D Killiam, from uf-. n T. Goetner. of Bryu Maur, and H. T. Campbe'l of Nor The citizens of ihi : place proffered m mv courtebit s and attention Z uiA i, ocrtAnted. They Wcro shown what, ever of . interest . they to tbe State. O! woman, lovel) sutler so, -Why bear such pain and ny or woer Why don't yon seek the remedy he 1 bi a au ue gor woman, why will yon: anguish, and ao- ChrUtiaa aaa Jew. Goo 1 men, bocett at their owa be Het atid to!a"aat of those cf others, otn utl!y find some groond of ympaihy. Alexander Somrrvule, a tutsaionary in the Eas:, one day at Gibraltar had a loog eonvermatioo with a Jew on the tubject of Scrips dOWOf aoa, acknowledgitwr to tbeo lural tradttioa. Of coare, neither ..M that thair iaabnetv ia adcaaa could cumprebend the ctuer a poiot thy M aensible men are try- of viewa but that thit waa no bar to ms ibjr beet to cure, each io bi own mutual respect was proved by lbir personality, aod with wbatever manner of parting. Sya Ihe wis- wtltt that may add to bit wordt tionary: fries lo cnoourage Ihe aew-cotaer. We wtre sunding in the open io eootribule bra beat to the fel atrecr. My f.ieod -as a firmly budt i0w,bip arwl comradsehip of the com man, with broad shudders, and had m0ni y. And, atogolarly eeough, bnahy brown whUkra encrclteg his petieott, ooce diamed as Loue-t face, lie wat poasesaed U cured, never, it it alalmed. cuke any very long aid strong arm.. lUUing tffort io ouaceal the fact that they them so that tbey almost ataumed a bave been treated at Derigtt for threatening aspect, be all t ooce :Bebriety. Tbe idea euoeg tbeta threw them roend my neck, drew me ra, to be that tbie form of diteaee one "AU the go," because it makes the paina go. As an invigorating, reato- era tic iriumpn as at-surea rative tonic, sootning cordial ana bracing nervine, for debilitated and feeble women gsnerally. Dr Pierce t Favorite Prescription bas no eqaal. It; improves digestion, inviporates of the ticket If errors are not made in either of these directions success will j rerch on Democratic banners. I "The tide is running Hrcng in to hit breait, and kissed me oo both our favor. We sha.l be apt to carry I cheka. Iowa. Massichu.etuj, and New York. Certainly this appeared to tse, a In the first and last 1 regard Dumo- Scotchman, and quite unaccoalomed la Ubtolto aucn aemonauauona, tne moat there is a good Cght rg chance for G-tmpbell to win. ilia election woold not surprue me m tne leat. Bat even should he fail the Demo crats are certain of capturing the extraordinary termination to aa ar gument. A wot k elapsed, and Ibe day ar rive 1 for tailing to Malaga. I vat at ao early hour oa my way to tha the system, enricbea the blood, die I legislature. That mean that Mr. I harbor, and jatt t tbe a pot where pels aches and pains, produces re-1 Sherman will no- be return-u to tue I nad previoas-y mei n-m, m e upon freshing sleep, dispels melancholy 1 Unite! Statea Senae, but that Sana-1 my Jewish friend. We exchanged a and nervousness, and bauds up both I tor B. iou will hav a colleague of I friendly grretiog.. the flesh and strength of tnose re- his wn po.itiittl faith. duced below a heal hy standard. I As an exp-jaieat of Dcin K-racy tbe Dou't be put off with some worthless if ou. Tu m..s Jefffrvu Clauie, ex compound, eaBily, but dishonestly, member of the iioat from Sao recommended to be "just as good." Frsnoco, woul i grdd at least IS tht the dealer may make more prof- carats fine. U s faith is of the all wool and a-yard w.de order, a id said I. "I'm boaod it. "Favorite Prescription" is in- a com araDie. In its most comprehensive sens.'. all thinea belong to God. "Ihe earth is the Lords , and the fullness thereof: the world, and they that a -yard w,ie order. aM n j talk it out eloquen y and With ut rebd vc. At, WcK-ker s last nigal air. C.utie si: i ' "The Calif rui a p pw ana p-a-peiitig not u tcco tt of t ia McK n ley bill, ba; iu spite of i. TUeir dwell therjin." Could one live in grand cro'of wh-atar bnginj in tl is thought, divested, of the injari- tbe tea lyjnmey that wi'.t pot the ous distinctions between swcul. and 1 S:ate o.i us ie-, iuitf .'od y religious, a nearer approach to Bible speaking, an J everybody wi.l I c nap Good-by. for MaUgv" I waa not going to allow a ChrU tian to b outdone by a Jew, to aratpiog him firmly by the bad, l crew him toward .me, and thrown eg my arms roaod hit neck, prasaed bin to my heart, and kissed bim oa both caeeka, just as he had done lo tor. I lav often Iboasbl eiocc ti.at u wr, Christians and Jews, cooM ia oar iuterccarse with each other pucerd a little more da thia system, re tboull probably be able to uudtr atand ooa ano'her better, and mora readily Cod oar way to one soother s hearts tbsn is cftea the ease. - may come aa t; pooad fever come, and its cure Is a matter for eoerat clarions without any coeccalmeat whatever. Tbe increaaicg namber of peUe&ts has necessitated the buitdinr of a hotel; but previous to that ihty boarded around at the various house sad cottages ia the Tillage. A m nariant. af Lrr rrrialarin al ibe See 1 1 lty laautole, is gives instructiocs as to the roa tin of treaUaeeL He Is riven aboltk of tbe bichloride of cold mix tore. This he moat lake ooce every two boors, snd four lianas SaaaUy &!rOas. Two Ihiags C r at directs hie die aples to laer( ta-, eseakawa and tow Usees. JL raa's eaealoees t!peda. to a large eiwnt, opon ti fsUrwal p wilb Chr ut," eaye Prof, Ira(aavod la The far fact Liie. The eafred Serif lorre iech n lie Utt way of Mttea, Ib tvebtt aray of seiSaatag. sad the tao-t roar fortebie way ot,dyxg. Tbe chael eod of dlaeipuo ia high perteaal charactar. Character tt Uiamph over teeaptelioo. The araet conserrstive of chaacter ia avrrice. "Caatthy bordea ca the Led." As tbe oU aayie baa it, light bur ilaaa, km b-erta, grw Lray. Thwa nlt keep hua ta pevfart peec whoee tatad is stayed o thr. If you have sa eaeaiy. reek la le reeoccued to him. Act ktsd'y to wards bins, aa 1 casks ktta yar irieo L x - ua aaa rooen ol e pere peace, la taw ewuree; lm tree to God also; for "wbea a taaav ways please the Lori, be eaaketh eraa bt roaaiaaU teat paecewita titn. Proe. 16 t 7. Wherever lobaeeo is there w the pta bookers be gaxbered aad ef course Tarboro is tao sscrptioa te the role. Several are bera aad soar aai Ihea tbay are pie becked. As X waa Uevieg a break oee day I heard a aelUr aa lag that a p. b. bed ataad to give hla eo taees for bat tobeeco, bet thai be didal o?rr to pay Ul af trr the eak aad be would be Uaakad if U took il tbeev. JIrt wea.1 b.J aoU for as ore IU tbe p. b, eT-rwl J E W E Ji 11 Y i wm aae f u Uit a4 avt ae a4 vrrJn.NU -;it-i-VT!v tt'taaaea trl ty. aad a fr43y. WUEAP CXAKINCOUU Sewing Machines. vat txit j nc. u n tr.nva. au AMiJuca eI4 SMT Oall aC lerv taaa,;ifiaa1.a XUJtCAL I.NJTSVJfCVT. tsaafcat !. Uoa.-aa a It ci K .-yteaar aad jta !rrr kuaa If ya ml av tt ia. t-aa cvr CHAM OCR LAI Nik IIAWLS ?1 J la rv-aVf vmit " r aa u- baao.rb M. aa wit e ia m tm.rm. a a Wr rnrsa aa a a 4 to a a- Highcd of aU ia Uavtsug Powttv U. ?3L CeVt airport, Asg. tj, tt standard would be reached. py. Bit trre acme of oir happiness You'h's Companion, I 'ajBS9ar ST X X V X II - ' 1 I r i I t I 1 i ra-aw Get The Best, Alaaje to be f-sad AT ALLEiWS. TUI2. L!,T:i3 Gill sFperi:!y4 IS J. L. IWSSKW itutt.nnn. TARrs3Hr X C. t o. vi.aaiTit.ifetbol Acaoauir . V a.