r .,.-V - - : . - J : fit Wfr m- HI-:' '" . '!- '&:. BE STmE YOTJ ARB RIGBCT TaEnST GO a re m atY ,-t i Crockett: t- - '- , - - ' " ; VOL. 70. NO. ) Adticb to V ohss TARBORO', N. O. THURSDAY, MARCH a, 1892. PRICE FIVE CENTS If you wbuld.protect, yourself, from Painful, Profuse, cantyy Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use 4 BRADFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR -CARTORSTILi.. ArrtlSa.l88S. TXi. will certify that two naembera of my inert at or wsre at length oompieus'y cnretl or on bottle of BraflW fateyie iunUMN it u w t WDM IN' mallarf FRKK. w4lBh valuable tafonnaUun on ail f eaaale aiseeeae. J . Onward an Upward. Getting out the' weekly South ebkxk. prevented my attending the very rare intellectual Vbtertainment given under the auspices of Welcome Lodge No, 4V Knight of Pythias, Wednesday evening of -kt week in the Auditorium. Twas unfortunate, for without ex caption the audience which filled the hall were both charmed and de- lighted. Mis Daisy Gillespie began, the entertainment with a delightful mar on. 'xnen toiiowed. "Oh. How Lovely i Zion," by Mosses LUla Bell Maud Huff. Sallie Brown, Paol Jones aAd Lnrie' Weddell: Music by the Curtis Orchestra: Duet. "He Givsth BRADFICUav REC.uUATpR CO.; ,1 iis Beloved; Bleep,'- by Miss Bell w f itn bt 1X ssrssim. I - : - j - iamas a u n. - j n- A; Hodges with hie lecture Ooward and Upward," a sure direction and i development of Pythianism: lie Bpleaflidly acquitted himself. voice, manner, jesiure, pose, pres- , enoe, ail give tneir sua ta making his i utterances affective. Then again his ideas were clothed in fiuins ivthmic "mgu-g. It ws the complimentary a vi a . . . m . r oik oi me town aiierwarua. The Pythians ae to.be heartily I congratulated and thanked for the entertainment, and reminded that one good turn deserves another, and ; the sooner the people here receive it tae better. Tke New Discovery. , Xou have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. xou may yourself be one of . the1 many who know from personal experience just bow good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it ' you are cne of its staunch friends, because the wonder ful thing about ;t is, that when once giveu atrial, Dr. King New Dis eovery ever alter boide a place in the bouse. ' If you have -never ued it anJ sboulJ be afflicted with a cough,' cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a f air trial. It is guar anteed every time, or money refun ded. Trial bottles Free at Statoa & ZoelL-rs Drug Store. shape, bat the head Is fuller. Its ' ' " Tsira Farty CalL - foliage is thick and the - leaves dark . ,,.,. Itt . . andglossy.' It 'grows rapidly from ,T , .Jg Uxli.of qR. fl. T. HA Offers on . . kaional servlees to the dtf Mst of Tarboro and Ticlnlty. OfBc on Main Street near Coker1 corner. DENTISTRY. A Full Qr&iuata of Deatistrj, : ; I offer my ierr'-ces to the people of thia Tt- CUUtT. , Office in Autin Building, A. rooma.' ' 50136. former T. at . C. J, J. BATTLX. OIIN L. BRIDGSR3 & 80N, Attorneys-atrLaw, - - JT. CA TdRBORO 14 lyr D K. DON WILLIAMS, J a., DENTIST, 0 raJn te Baltlmote College Dental 8urgerjr.) : Offlse. Formrly Occupied by -. DR. L N. CARR. .O ly Tasbobo, N. C. U. A. GCUUAM. 1 1LLIAM DOVXIU 6ILUXII G1 & SON A.ttorneys-at-1-.aw, TARBORO", H. C. t enottgh'to -darken the ' atmosphere. In kddition to these valuable, if not wonderful eharactistics, it is regard- ed as an anu- malarial ' tree because of its' great capacity to absorb water from the sou." "Mr. W. IL Smith, in his report. calls it the American Eucalyptus, but it is classed by the BevV'Dr. Curtis in his book on the natural history of the trees and cnrube ox xiorth Caro lina, published by 'our Legislature, as tae Carolina roplar. The Park Commission of Washington City planted this tree most extensively ta the lower part of the aty, and Est ffiveir thousands of them for taaatfor in those sections Of the 'Potomae flats "Which have been reclaimed. Seven thousand five hundred of these poplars have been planted on the Potomac river opposite and above the White House as a means of ab sorbing the malarial air from those flats which-for- years had rendered that region very unhealthy. : Mr. Editor,1 the season is not too late even how to transplant" &uaa tity of those trees along otfrttreets, if the matter is taken in Band it once.' These trees can befodm abundance in the low grotfwfi'da the left hand side of the rc43 Toit beyond BraswelTs bridge whlen crosses Swift creek above tbiTmul. which was once called WilhammifL Whoever plants these trees should hSTe the holes dug for them 'and the ground prepared with' some sub-soil before they send to dig up IDe trees, so they may be ready to bsfttlisted out as soon as poaofble. Thex1 mistake of tree planting is, that most persons send and set the trees first, let them lay oat of tbe- grounf wbiU the hole is being prepared, to BrTtfc e l tender roots itr the wind and iWor to freeze lor the cold, an 1 then they get what they planted; tuey pwt but trees already killed by neglect, and they have a recompense of dead trees which are only fit to be dog np and cast away. " !-.- 1 JOS. B. CHESBlaS. Ta the People of the United iKelcs t The Netioael Committee of the a eoreu, wmen otnexwise. oa maar farms, is almost wholly wasted.' Oats when cut for hey ehocU be f arthtr sdvaoeed than rye. The beet time time is when the heads have begun to i arm, me strsw last tailor on e Peopls's Party of the United States, I yellow tinge. Bye cannot be UTt so i ? r . a . I U.m V . . L . uksbk sua straw pecon more woolly than oat sirs as it sp- uroaecas the period of ripeniag, and so u less dlgaaUble and a lees valua ble feed. Another advantage in growing these for this' porpoee ' is that the land may be cleared in time for good second erop 6t something else. -' i - The dairyman Is the"- one farmer among us all who has do excuse for letting his Und grow poorer. He can buy grain and other concentra ted foods, and rtt bis pay back again. st the least, In the xniik end butter prooaoeu, ana net e, i addition, a targe amount of rich fertilizer to sp ply to the land. That Is a very dif ferent matter from baying phosphate and the like with hard-earned cash. The dairy interest has grows vast-1 acting m conjunction with the fol lowing: Q IL Van Wyek, Nebraska; CL W. Uacune, of Texas: IL J. Branch, of Georgia; J. IL Powers, of Nebraska; R. M. Hamphery, ef Tex- L. D. Laurent, of Loaiaianat Marion Cannon, of California; T. IL Ms-ruire, ef New York: J. H-WiU liams, of Kansas; L. L. Polk, of North Carolina; Pierce Usckett, of Missouri; au'Tt. aanett, .c. Hlmoii-srolin S&tM, of OhWf Mary E. je-ssc,- of Harass; Anna 1. IXggs, District ef Oolumbi Aj' Atna Debbe,' of -TeiA, Al r. rarxsen, ex jrionaa, ana zwa Ter rell, of Texas, representatives -of a certain meeting of members' of" lbs various organizations of thiaeoantry held in the city of St. Louia, -Mo, on the 24th day of February; '1832, respectfully submit to the 'peopt of Will practice in the Constiea of Kdnoombe. Hullf ax and Pitt, and in the Court of the Flrtt Judicial District, and ia the Circuit and Supreme CoarU at RaMr!. " T, P. WYSS, M. 0. PHYS1L1AN& SURGEON, Office ard. next door to Hotel How 30 ly Horses ani Ms. ; - - : . ":! Horses and Mules, good, bad .'and in different, which I will ' SELL CHEAP. . .... ... .. , ( r . .' . - Call Early and Get Your " Pick QEO. B. WEIGHT. TARBORO. N. a From Sir, Douglass Parents. The parents of the late S. J. Dong- 1anl8-lT. I lass hti& written- Mayor Foantain V ' II ' ' Al f.. AA. - retjuesung mm to ta&ua: uie people of farboro for their sympathy and kind efforts. No words of another can so well express taoir feeling as the letter" itself which is' herewith given: V ."' ' Riceyillx, Va Feb. 22, 1892. Hon. ??. E. Fountain- ' ' "Dkak Sib: Overwhelmed as we have been- with' affliction, we have been very tardy in answering and atf. knowledgiiQf your kind letter of Jan uary 23rd. -1,4 1 We desire to greatfolly and earn estly thank jou for jour gre it kind ness snd for- jo'ur kind letter; 'and hope it may be in our power to fully and heartily testify in some" way our appreciation and" lively gratitude to your noble people for their kind ef- forts to recover the body qf our dead son and their and liberality. Please for us and in the name of us, his sorrowing and heat-broken parents, present our heart felt thanks and gratitude to one and 1L With warmest expressions of grats ltf. TO THE PUBLIC, I am Prepared to do alt work in me Undertaker's Business I AsAwfd Tragetjl Thousands of lives have been S ve rificed, thousands of 'homes made desolate by the fatal mistakbtHhe V.d-schoonpbytician, stuTperafa ted in by some, notwithstanding the light ' thrown lupon the subject - by modern research, 'that Consumption is inourabWIt is-noi. Consum po tion is a scrofulous' disease "of the lungs, and any remedy which trik right at the seat of the compliant must and will cure it. Such V rem edy is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is a certain spedne-for all . scrofulous". compUinta. never known to fail if' given 'a trial, and that is whv the man of acta' rers sell it under a positive guaran tee that if it does not benefit er cure the money paid for it will be refutK ded. The only laog remedy poe ssssed of "each 1 remarkable curative bmOOerties as to wsurrnt its makers generous symptthy I In teUingir on triall v AttHe BreaUu. ; , An occasional visit to the tobacco warehouses la sufficient to Voctvince aivohe that 1 Tarbor- is nof'.oaly steaday ad- the United States the followio pre-1 h i extent daring recent years, and m . m m . m I a a a. a we Km oaarjmea . nave 1 generally louua more proas m toe ousnese than formerly. There Is jst, how. ever, room for vast improvement in this latter particular. 'The first thing needed ia order to accomplish a ts to hate - better cows. This is the initial point for profit la dairy ing. The fact ts so plain; and te way oat so easy, that we can ' enly wonder that any man will continue along in the old ruts. Bat we are sarry to say many do scvNow 1st us reason awhile together. Ton are feeding your milch eows all the tarns rauoos, are you now And some are giving you oa this same feed eight quarts of milk per day, while others give sixteen, quarts, do they - not? Then oae, upon the asms outlay for keep, gives you twice as much income as the other. One barely pejs her way eten if she does that while the other rives a rood profit, What if the one does eost a tew dollars more than the other at the atartt noes not tne diTZerenee in tne pro duct more than pay the interest oa are, tea, fifteen, ys, fifty dollars dif ference in the cost? You sty that she will die some day, or must event uelty be turned into beef, and tkn this extra money invested la bar will U lost, Not at alL If she is well bred and iot merely an accidental example of individual excellence, her ealves will perpetrate her value. That is where you get the benefit of a losg strain of irood breeding. : If it were not that tue value is thus per peluated ia the pregeny no oae could afford to pay t-e prises for pore- bred animals, for the pedigree ta it self is of do intricate yalse. There is lib question bat that blood tells in the dairy. The best Uveatmeet you can make is to pat a pure ball at the te-d ef your hariw New York Observer. .- amble and platform of the eonicr- ence of said labor organixakions of oar nation, held on the 22d, 23d,' and 24th days of February,-189 in'' the eityof 8L LouU Here follows the preamble and platform previously published: We urge that all eitlxens who sup port these demands shall meet on the last Saturday in March next in their reepeetive towns ' and villages aud hold public meeting and' ratify these oeinanda, nod take steps to or ganize preparatory to electing dels gsUi to a National Contention, and we call upon all duly qualified voters of tae United States who are in favor of these principles snd of nomina- tinjj eandilatea for President and Vice- Pre ideal of the a bore platforn to send deleg dee to a cooTcntioo of the People's Party to be held in Omaha, Nfb, July 4th, 180'i; at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. The Executive Oommitteee of the People's Party in each State is charged with the duty of promulga ting this call and of fixing the time, place and method by which the siid d?lgatee thtll be choeea. The basis of representation ah all be four dele gate from each Congressional Dis trict and eiht delegates from eaeh State at large, making the tstal num ber seventeen hundred and seventy six. l ' "( 1 -i . . i'?" : - "We call npon all cilixsns of the United States to help os to make our principles triumph int. We be lieve that if the voters neglect their duty this year it may be impossible in any future canvass to protect the rights of the people and save the free institutions of our country. The voters must protect themselves; they can expect no oae ele to defend them. 1 In the name of the rights of the people, the homes of land and the welfare of all future generations, we call upon all honest men to same to our support in liie great eon teetr- - IL E. Tacbzxxcx, Chairman. Bous&r Scbiluko, Secy. Nat. Com. People's Party. . For the committee appointed by tne mass convention: Brs Tsxazix, - IL M. Loccxs, Texas. South Dakota. Tae lirrattsa ef Ss.alrrl. 1 Aecoaats ty sr!y writer etn that squirrels hhi kxmtU a been seMnegly nam res Osdmo says that the gray o it was a faifsl eerte to eolowul ftiar, and t-s reonsylvaals pUd 5.000 been tiea.for ta-ir sealpe derinr 1743 aloea This taw as I tie oWruUt of 640,000 w-HbU a oMapratvly small district, lath ear de of Wsetero -(tUineot resiar heats were orir0'Sd bj the iefcebtawa, who woo Id ranje the wla ia twa companits froa m -teivg ILTI nUh. vying as tu wkiev had saeuld brg home. the greater bomber of. Lro piert aha quantifies (bus , kilwl are almoet insredible now.- - ' Oat of ihese exceeslfe tatU todxs grew those eu'teW "km ' serMly aimless ealgtaUona cb f.a-rb; boats of squwrwe wtacb i astir exri- tJ wonder half a eenlary . ae Thomatnde apon ahooasada, of this pertee aa:iy, woatd eodJerly ap pear ia a locality, moving steadily re cos direct fm. rhce"custioc oe eurrid only in warm Weather, and at tatervaJ of about fire years, and all lltak ihava been able to fiad aotee epvo were headed east ward. Noth ing stopped the eoteean,' wtueh woeld press fore ar.1 thrtwi forests, prair- as. and rarm &su. oyer moua'.a-t snd aeroee btoad nrers, suah eva as the Niagara, Uadseo, and Missis sippi.' . This little creaUire bales the wewrnniaea eWatteif aiMtan ayia-t Ann Km ft ifn4a in wrvr navcA MavTl es' mnA aantMl. ' I . . rxw i TtmoiDg them; OCDUi.UWD Jomr W. Dodoiass, N. V. Douglass, -Father and Mother. : ' Wtsei who Die Early. ' Many of our most beautiful and at the shortest notice. Having con accomplished ladies die before .they neoted with my shop the repairing have reached the prime of life. O. business, r All work Left at my shop those who live' to middle age only shall have Prompt attention. j I one in .two ' hundred is sound; the otner one nun urea anu mneiy-n-ne are sufferers. Why is it? Sclf-neg- HM V W t l sian - c..f .u vrtp. a T? RH! fnr hrr lect. lnesnaiierea neaun canoe aaaj v ca aas ov-viaoD a msswsj e.w, i . . , Js i Than Vine m friends for theii I restored; the home made happy, and former patronage. I hope to meril PRICES H0DEEATE, J. K. Newton'a, of Falkland, are simply fair samples, $8, $10, $13, $19.75, $25, $26. ' - " Miss Zilphia Eagles sent some to. bacco here to be sold for the benefit of the Missionary Baptist Church at Eaglesville. The "boys" whooped prices up, each trving to gain aseo tion by beings the most cheersul giver. The pile was finslly knocked of? at a dollar a pound. the same, should they need anything .11- ' . m- r-'.f -Ci i U ndertakliig a .-. i Repairing Business Mv Place is on Pitt Street Three) Poors frc tre Comer of Main. your life lengthened if you commanoe at once. ; "Bose Buds have been used for u jwn in bua pnTj wwitw ui uiio i exam or a OI tne most eminent pujuicuuia oi Paris, and the following diseases and their distressing symptoms yield to them like magic; Ulceration, Con-' gestion and Falling of the Womb, Ovarian' Tumors. Dropsy of the ,W. B. Oreen says that Tarboi o, will certainly" have a stemmery beta when the next tobacco season opens unless every person in 1 arbor o is a mole; The Soxrrnzsonas nicotine narator can inform Mr. "Billy B-'Ii thst every one here is not a crustacean' or talpan. , Bsw I Was CarW af 8e-sHe4 Caaear. ' . - LTjo Qa. Dear Sir Thia is to certify that I was a sufferer with a place on my un der Up for fourteen years, and was under treatment of different pbyai cunt, bot they done me no good. I bad lost hope of being eared by med ical treatment. I then went to a doctor tiving-in Florida, who treat ed them by art After going to him it got welt, apparently, for awhile, but returned as bad as ever. I then concluded 'to try P. P. P. (Prickly Ash,' Poke Root and Potassium), and after takm five bottles (pint sise) was cured. I also find It a good med icine to give a good appetite, and to giye proper digestion. Yurs most truly, L. J. STRICKLAND. Ff lats ftr Famer. , Vj We wonder if it has occurred to that hsns will S. S-.Nash haa; Teased the Central warehouse' for the' next easoo. w HarDei's IVfesaziiie. ILLUSTRATED. new woman of 3 on. : (Leucorrhea or" Whites are gener ally cured by one application.) Price per package (one months treatment) 31.00 sent by mail post paid securely packed. ' Thx LsviRxtTX SpKirio Co., 339 Washington St., Boston, Mass. . ' Carolina Poplar. . To the Editor of the Sodtbxbsxb As the Town Commissioners seem to be striving to improve "the beau ties of the town by setting out shade trees, I would draw their attention to one of our native tresa which has heAn heretofore wholly overlooked. laid, MUs Woolaon, and othar popular writera. I I . v y. : ia nn f the' mOat heanti. Among tne literary I acures win do rereenw i uw5 - t UiminiBcences t Nathaniel Hawthorne, toy h I fi - nA nnef ul trees that can be found for that purpose. I copy an ex tract from the ' report of the Park Commissioners which was appointed gome years ago by the National Oov many of oar senders eat ensilage, and that it furnishes an easy way of providing thetn with the green and sutxfalent food that they aboali bre at. aU-leasebSL winter a ; : : ," sretTar-iainiser. -4X ewaeTe not r 1' 1 ' . I IV will tstevi rWMtirvMl i m.A K mp aeaww wui avrwaM9 va-wu eea aww a V v Utile" will be left when they are throorh. r-r- . t"" " The Magazine will celebrate the fourth Cei teaary of the Discovery of America by ita re disvl corery, through arUcles giinj a more thorough exposition Utau has hitherto been made of the Peceat Unprecedented Deveiopment of our Gonntry, and rapeelallr In the Greet West . Pan ticolar attention wi'latao be given to Dramatic Episode of American History. ' - ' The Field of the next European War will be described In S Series of Papers on the Danube "From the Black rorest to tne buck Bon, oy Poultney Bigelow and S, at. Ultlet. iusstrated by Mr. MiUet and Alfred Parson. . ArOeleaalso wUl be given on the German. Austrian, aad Italian Armien, lllutried byT. d Thulstrnp. f Mr. W. D. Ilwells win contribute a sew novel, A Worla oi Chance," cbaraeteristieaUy AmerV can. EspecUl prominence 1U be given to Shoitt Htoriea, which will be contributed MTU Al rich, R. H. Davis. A. Co nan Doyle, lUrgaret De- collfce class.mate and iife-lone frtCDd, Homito Bridge, and a Personal Memoir Of tne Brownings uy Anne lHacKeray iUtctue. ted here will rive employment . to several hundred people with tiwek ly payroll of about a thousand dol lars. If the retail grocers do bot go into ezstacies ovel this they'arenow making twice the money I think they txe . .i j i 'i.i ti 1 In the way of breaks the Pioneer is doing remarkable well in fact very much better than it has heretofore done. J. W.J Wimberly, & Co. axe hustlers from Get There. - HARPER'S PERIODICALS, , - FEB TEAS. " ' HARPER'S MAGAZINE. .$4 CD " ; WEEKLY 4 CO " BAZAR.. 4 00 YOUNQ PEOPLE.... 2 Cp Postage Free to all aubaotibers an the United Mates, Canada and Mexic. firnment for ornamenting the streets of Washincrton' City. Mr. W. R. Smith; the principal member of this Commission and Superintendent of the Botanic Gardens in the city I Here is an average from Couetoe, the section not adapted to tobac co,' a W. Mayo, $6 75, S8, 7.75, $17.50, 29., $2. $4.20, tfi.Wf. 111.6a Ki'iie. I'-Ufiu. $9.25 and $6." -Thesw" were no little Rj v- .: .. . . . . i piles, dui in an wrigueu not fvuuus and sold lor iou so a cent, no a I low average. . : - Rye, eut and cured when in bloom. makes a hay of good feeding value, worth, in lad, more' than ' timothy. Farmers who do not have a good timothy meadow, Uiight make np the deficiency by sowing rye especially for this purpose:'' If there Is . not a good market for rip4 ryextraw, it Is cuite probable that more can be got out of the strsw in (his way than' by merely growing it for the grain. As compared with timothy, the ' digesti ble nutrients In tye hsy, cut when in blossom, era as follows - Albuminoids! CarboJiydratea. FaU 4.70 41 80 1.40 llmottiy, 3.90 44.30 1.10 If we figure the value of the fats The Deaerratie Cases. The result of ths Deoiocalie oau eu its Wasuingtcn ia- a disappoint ment. Tue Iree-MinAe man aem to be iUrnuaed to force their measure to t'ie front. Th-y were unwilling to coo far unless the anli-frec-eoioage man. would agree to abide by the Jxision of the m jor ty. They losieted that BaasbcTS should go era. - The silver quest io a U not to be settled by party dteipune. it ts a question of prmcipL cooeraia2 which there is a . wide diS roace of opin'ioa emoog mawbers of both per lies. , As s nslioual organisation the Democratic party has not spoken oa the sobjeec Therefore the free comage men hate no right to de mand nor their wpp meats ! eooieoi to an agreement wbtca would com mit the party to tne tree- coinage side of this issae. Tue pexly I the riirbt to speak for itaelr. and Cbtigresamea eUcted oa other usjee bare so right to settle it one way or the other, . - The freeooicage men ought to recognise the fact that . their oppo- ne .ts hare offered to met then in a spirit of concession. -They are not osly opposed to free coinage bat are id favor of repealing ' the Sherman act. The Democrats of New York have twioe aanooaeed themselves la favor of a rape it' The aoti-free- coinage men, however, are wiLiag to yield their desire for e&rmaiive teg- uUuoa lor the ake of referring tae silver iasoete-the people, and the free-coinage taeaV should nte them to the same print and consent to a postponement of a ooutroverry that, If persisUd ia at this tuae, will eo danger Democritie saoeeas ia' the coming Presidential campaign watec and u a bfd .Svacr, cad dheg eiJstsuy aUngwith hU twtc4 body ail Uil suVmergrd. A lare part, Jherv fore, would be t drowsed, eod thoee which .caenajeA to rtaca the oppos ie shore were sa .veery thai maaj coal J be eeugtl by nana Of course every fiaeiisg object vmQ be seued'epao by the doprate swimmers, and thus aiose the pretiy rable tost the enamel irrri4 thetn, selves over by linnet. taj and embuk eg cpoa chips, raising It sir faia as saWs f arlhetr.uoy ralu., , ... Thi motive whxh ia:re4 the little migrants to 'gather io grral eompaaice frna a wvle srra, . ao4 then in a vast contract army to. be gin a movement,, and euUaae it steedJy .ia one directtoo for taoir4 of caile, is LixJ to discover. It d J sot seen to be lack of food, f thv were Always fat. The taigrstwo was letiarsly performed, too cTr ia luQ great a harry to prsveetfeastic opoo any fisIJs of com or eosaeUisWs of unppe grain thst same ia Vu way Sacb a viailAlioa, .theraf ore, was Lke a Cbt ol devouring tocutta, . oce chronicler allying that the" euad they made la the uvaixe ia stripping off the hut La to rt at the saccoie .t kernels was equal to that of a fUU tall oi men narveeung. ltee t ao difScaliy. moreover, to .saving cf the effect Such, taigratiaes oali have in reatorisg aqaUibnaxa ia ede rioe ppalalioa, since, of the earpias wtnch stexled. lsw aurned kjor. atJ the rsm-ial st. ll faded awsj aniocv the AlstftlsaMS or ia some other distant luca.ity without seem ing to iocreaae the aamber.ol squir rels thsra Hapat's Msgsxtnc for AlAlCn- uvaty of ihm obr great globte ""if our tystsm mast, like ev gloca, ab- fwtj aMBllf rv.t. .1 a IV.. ,t " mm - . trnwrn -mrw m Mmm U.T 4 rhance lo eaeo4ie ia thesr oaaa'i uigm. . im srswr aaeiecra ' - . 1 I V A I A. . " ft PT WW VC Cm aoa btlse greet the Lvrar aad morevaaaaive be tb gtobe. sad tWs for a dooUe rea. fa the- ftret ptscaxhe d.fTreasatVia of Ue aef. tksl the globe ciUa I to rsUaa LLe is its ors wi3, 'of eocre. lacvtase with. Us esse, bet la addi'to, I- e&ove vefce meat f4 b its auxactioa aad It greater wdl be the ns saber ef lb eWc that aredrawa lata lla.ea t- aaive iataeepeere. : , .. . i . .Of.ecKirse iha teaeoo will sfplt i, aepwiAl degr thaaaaw .We sVs4 probaV ly ta cawTsci U aha aee saalioa lUati-r evwav oseccade epoa laa eanb oae tUltoa sneterra ill ilissip 1 rp oa Jbe sea. As these cbfeclst4eei theer wsy IkroagS the saa'a el was. rucje. uCMc Sa4saeal wtia .ssa. Oaf T cour.eavolvsal It baa beca y- t lectarrdlhal the frlcuoaosVlaa aeea eore that are taeeesaaUy jmaiag Use tbesaa.ssey prodaet LxU-aad 4au ta euCeieal saeues.MsaA.iav Uej PUJt050r KiewtaaAee ct. ui am a eipeaaiiare. At a aeaa avea poeea i&a Us AfoaaUly af eaer.-y thus geersU4 cnay evppry aU thai is wauied to striata the emaordij ry ere vmstaacw that' frees- age te awr vsatKe . Haeliae ksa ukea cUee ia taatsUaaiiy . as IhaVsaUer ' ' a ftr Mere acsja is a qoestioa that we mast eab&ll To.Cayaiatoa. We ksve tst to drtersbia the M ttau eouli be ffeerated by a bJy a, 14 as ay, e peeas ta em gU faO-sg tala the sua alter btaT eUracted U-Jhaw from aa tadeSahs y grvaA Jjelanee. A&e rsea:t la net a LtUe tUrtj it eHowt u thst seek a body, la the course of its . f rietioa three the ana's atmoepbeee, ssfht QsaTrale sa tauch teat as eoeld be po,a4by the cctabosUoa ef taser tiiaee & owe vrvigkt cf eoal eoaavtaed trsdev K tMul f. . --m Words. . . Aroarmrg J IA PILES. 1 V V S S V V mT - -V ... m -v r t aa mm mr X aaoww XO Z f 4 T-". V NAv mm mmt r"l!EADACIlll 1FT0C WAXT e w e Lay- t wees gvt 'he leam4aB. em aaHee (testgae e4 treeavee-TseA Swrteay. ae4 wv ate a tfsr i y. U0U1AXO IXAXIXX OCR Sowing Uichixics- , .... . tx-i s-j unc, vovtistn-t. ' AW CHAUBlRLAlMUrWAWLt m- t la r. ' J . . " resstaw uuis.n. s us. ae wa ua, W r mim I ear ti i t CAS. latlas. The eUer Dexoa KuWU . Ivad the waOs ef bis beak pUrarued wUk the ixowiag ennoas snaiinae Be prompt ia everythisr. Take tiiae to coeaUar. aad ilea decide quickly. - , i 5 i ; Dare to go Jare-arX ... : Rear trooUes pabe&Uy. Be brsva ia lac strecxW of Lie, Maiataia yo4f hncrtiy ae a saered thing. - . - Never ttU basis see bee. M tke ao useless acqasiaUi haver try to eptxr sci more thia yoa are. fay your debts promptly. Uars hew to rtak soar Ike ngtt toaueet ; 'Shae slrocg Lqaor. : Cxspley yoef Lma wall 1 Do ast reckiarspoa eheeca. Be peiile lOwyerybody. Neva be dMvracd. - Thea work hard exbi. yoa wJl certaia V mysZi , Get The Best,- JUeays to be facad e at"allen:s.. . TH3. uxia id cm iii.iiKjKiinim A 8pr2rj4 U A Vsiee Frsej tasia. Ths allrsn've 'may sty thai lb iMOpW do not know what ttey a lalkieg about or that lhy are nadar thamsttgo isSaeoee of WaiiSest bot the fact that .the - lodea caaaU try oat la -egataoaet. A fbeselch ta the Ijoaoea Ttsaee from Caleutta ataUa Uut aa edlreee presentol to the Governor by .the Bents! Chamber of Comtnetce oa the subject of cxnbaae says it ts tm poaaib'S tor taen.tn boaiaavs Io bare aay coriBdsnce ia the f atore value, x, the rspea. . It adls. that U Is tne bcaef of th members of the Chamber of Corn merce that there is ao eoo,eterea- edy for the filactauoae ta the raise" exchange aseept by other the eat- lithmeat by aa iauraAA.dfiel agrea, meal or a sy aiem of free eotaee of both gold and silver stfixad reies e by tSe adoytio of, a goid sUaviad by India, , , .t JFaAliflg these reevwiiee tbey see nothing ia the f a tare escvl the gee- eral deoioeetuattoa .of silver by otao country etue another, with vtolact aad endues flactaatwas ia the rela tive value of goU eae ailrvr, ' aad a fallUtKe varus cf the nrree to sa Ksv. 4tsa. sCisstel, Pastor afab ftee?trfica caanai of prte. Ja, veXsaUrUyiarrUaa saeegty La tsy t ef JfoixTs tiareepa rtlH. He My:, "h'oihteg ,kaow of -wOS Oemcse tfc, HaJQU stossslaie tWe tivere cleave the vtooevth bke UtS reoy 1 kc-w cf acores aad Sksw sa aba tars been be-' pad caeaewaby a.' M.L.HUSSEY, c-titui.iais Tutocmo. jt, a- ' Sea a, l -is Tktaxsa Ismaf ItiaKsl P. U , r j i x To pUat rrfs arts Ufea oars.eU - .! - la work with poor tools aaJ Peoe ared.-i rr c . . V v - a. . a - a 104JHF4M. m wee vui I wA Hs not :sreUj beoast i sells cAsaqJ iXfttlirttl VniIfimaJ At ae - aa aawe r r A pvar row au aa mean, ae, -..a ., . i To allow bogs sad abeen ta waa dssr st their oweewH -ertt everrhea owa To let the eatue foakW Saw atee fees as a at the bay slaL., It aarvw a .tjlUe lTzT Wa,t a a : . . . mt . . a . .a.-, "v s irw. aaa sr cm iuqt, tci us wans su naaae osef)ooiiT' ;'n 4 nn aai a m .IS I a m " i-mm ur i! ijiaxiM s pa iiafataaastaMSf outsa isa weaUftn ae- t4 Sibeca I r j X ass3aad.aeJa 51LX or LUD. ML CAsgy. KOM as laa B. SIM dlhSAT ar'-'.Vf I pr?Ua. By iMat ml a HtvawaS ts VAe mm .-.'.:' Wiiilat tu Utt Safes iaaerr taS. as 4 the aatile fesidervissvaawsters 1 as tw caert t u- mt s, Sm mt e lwawJaf aetal fttMeeAaaB.faSaa t A - WVeX To fair oiaded people the cocda-l ' tvTttatVjKUt. 11. 11 arat l irreiUble that ihees r-eop!s Tav W ta t .t JsUs awre til r pw,?'1t1Mfr woaM, hot bars psapUrcsd fiteyffv4J ta weailr fX9JmMs ' had not bewa la. nvJ. a - - -4 a!.- tva to u .Utr,.ea4 I nininv (V. OALA Eailras4 ta tke Hsly Last. The first railway to Jerusalem will. it is reported, be opened xia the spring of the coming year. It is a short una, running only from Joppa, the nearest port oa the Mediteria nean, and intended to accommodate the growing pssenger end other Uafic between that place and the Holy City. The work of oooa trac tion ia being carried out by a French company, who began laying down the line in April, lo9C It is stated that over eight hundred vessel of various kinds annually land 40,000 MiCeesHs'Beni. I pointed out that wba a shott ing star daahee into our ataor.har'c its coarse is all ended with aa evo.a too of light aad beat ewwg to iu friction through the air. . Wa were thee able to account for the etorn ous quantity oi seat, or wt via . . . . ..' eqaivaiani to neat, llsi suiim ta virtue of the rapid moUoa of ttaee little bodies. Of coarse, we see these meteors only at the sepreme omsot of iboir casoiatioa, waea tbey dash ieto oar ataiowpbera, -"'It is, however, im possible to doubt thai there most be uscoon ted aboels of meteors that aever collide with our earth. ' ' It moat terea airily isppeu eent, it will tntke the rye bay wwrth 58 cents per 100 pounds snd timothy 67 cents. The value of our grain crope, especially rye and cat, for Walter Bridges, 'Athens, Tenn writes: Tor six years I ' bad been afflicted with running sores and an enlargement of the bones in my W. - r a a ma. . ta . .mv u t a -m mr . a -v . a a . z . a av . Waahitifrton. savs: The success or 1 1 uiea everyiuing a neara oi wuuont oae ia wis was ts bos weu under o . . . . - I , a -a a : I - t.a.; --a ... nr. a . . The volumes ort&e Magaainehesina with the one tree used here is a matter oi in- any perasuwut w 1 .o. u . - w.ia u a Number, for June and December of ach year, tresis to all cities, especially where I Blood Balm was recommended to me. I gvneral practice, but of leu a short Wln uotlraeia specified. eubscrlpUon will ba- W818 V. 1 .Jr w. : TwaIILa- - ' T.- f 1 t Soft OOal 18 USed. Ane v8J011D rop- ajk uuuk wv- -. j auj yi-jLmij vm uiyi-9- lar is found to be one of the most healed, and lam now In batter health .rueoled by cutting a portion of the viaereas growers and one of the than I have ever been.' 'I" send this grain snd curing thus. It must be most beautiful in leaf and form. It testimonial unsolititad, because. I kept ia mind that in this way the ia saBaler to the Lombard poplar in want others" to be benefited. full feeding value of the straw is sa ted thai alhuminoirU ml 21 rr,la rxmm I Persons At Joppa whose deSUOatioa pound, and the carbo-hydrates at 1 " Jerusalem, On the eomplelaoa of - - .... .1 AA. : 1 . . M - - T 1 A . A. 1 - I . lus niinnu. tAwiiat w LA4 Jm awta wt bay a raturn ticket from the pott Jerusalem for twenty francs. to K'f With th BlimhA. nnrront . t Ktt tlm ltf Ta. ctipt of order . - - i KemlUances should he made by Poet-ofllse "oiiey Order or Draft to avoid chance or lc SB. . u,..kewi,pao' re are not to eopy this advertlsemeat wthout the express order of HABPBB a BfiOTS KKa. Adurass HARPER A BBOTEEBS, Sew York! The women praise P. P. P-, for Scrofula, Geoeral Wee. knees aad Ner vonsaeas, Andiseetioe, uheueaeliam, and Female Complaints. Iry the met and powerful P. P. P and then recommana st to year . ntga b rs, aad you will know you hate dona a good dead. - a W ler eaa lose Cach allTtnr-' ts coal. - "4 x m -ii u-. , II Is ahitliaes ta. all wveds ta CKapy aay pottaea of tka larsa, av) very sisifiieee toaCow bejkes to. Oe eopy several yards of, groaad aoaj lie U&cs roes.- . To pUtVa Orchard aad the to ajw ratlie to browse the trees; t iaavs vacant pSecee la a -yaaar s cLvi. to afkyw a you?rortkard to recaaia ia g-naee. -,:. - - To wade throe gh saad ta tka bare as 1 oaUoaliags wbea rwod dj raiha co-old easvly be mJLm Ta key he-try doctor's tula Jm wife CaUirea beresse ikor. fst wt through leek of coal Americaa Agrallariss. ; aad f Iigbeat of all ta Ixavmng PowrrtT. SL CoVt JUport, Aag. ry, it5 Trv. . r? - - ESQUTaELY FUE3 V- W. It. rtmmmw as, iZW. i'at'll faaas ss aa. . 1 Sy vwsb ( a hs Ira asl aa aae eayiarvav Caws a S ! i s awaawy te ehe H immt Cages t ta-st m i IW eaftA Say in si ry. leas. I wU mm .ajlif im T- sat ee -eSI sssS aa eaa Shav fsaa aaaW eat, a taCliawa e aa i mm wm t mfmm s SV. eOaA sa a tlsiXTrlalJt' nVaaT f a C aoaaSsg tae aaf at A. ia a, mm SHIS mi U. rTTa- mmm SIlTt, II 1-'f a. Sa,"t. rvHTrTAia. Uav' -- r - - r NOTICE. MaeSsa eUe Sap eSaase af iafi airraaaT m j L', Lssiisis " ar. i f uCTAie. Sssntsiiewi t m a, i.f i a FOR LIEU filiLY! f. . t", H I ' w mimm. S-fc VJmm

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