BB;STJREgy)TJ AEE.BIGHT ; GO ,A ETOAD-D, Crockett. y VOL. 70. NO. 12. Advice to Womei TARBORO V N. C. THIJJtSDAY.; MARCH .24, 1892. If youwwl4otecU yourself n J Wednesday night af rarwik,tke bejeficUd on State officer, and Con- w . -WM-,, .. vy u-jj.jr . i i ur, er.i above gresBmen at large. The Democrats Suppressed or Irregular Mow, J the Commons, wsa, bnroeL (caused win bate two out of seven Congiwe- tniatmn van must n i AviAnf1v W- v .L. t-i.. m PRICE. FIVE CENTS BRADE1ELD:S1 FEMALE REGULATOR i Cartbrsviixb, April tt, 1888. : This will certify that two member ot nVy Immediate family, after b living suffered for years from IIntrnl 1 rreje slartty, being treated without beuo2t h? yhyaiciane, were at length complete y c i by one bottle 0 3radfleld'a-i'eu.-lc Ucpcnlator. Its effect is truly wonderf ui. . V, S'tbabok, t Book to " WOMAJ " mnlV-d fREK, whioh nptmiyn . nantly by the crel?88-Uatintrof lmen- i The combination will extend nre therein by the cook. down to the Legislative ' and county .-The fitA. was not rdiooTered till officers, the roof hadJtallan io - Democrat and Alliance leaders The fire department and nearly cJaim that thb will wipe out the Ite- every other soul in the place rushed publican party in Kansas. The tame up there, but to no purpose except Uctics are to be used in Nebraska to prole ct other buildings which u Dskotaa. were not in Terr . trret rianmr nr To offset this ReDnblican Uuipra course there, wa no water in that I ot these. States propose to build a fire part of the town. BftAftFIELD REGULATOR CO- STLANTAl a. D K. fl. T.""MA .Offers a. .- ' beional services to the catl fins of Tarboro and vicinity. -. OiDce on Main 8treet near Coker'i corner. JJENTI8TRY. , A Full Graduate of Dentistry, - my aerylcea, to tb. people of tliia ri-. former T.M.C BATTLE. ; I offer cnitT. , Office in Austin Building, A. rooms. , 50t26- J. S JOHN L. BRIDGER3 & r30N, Boys Y. 31. C. A. Conference. A Conference of CbrUtiaa Boys willje held in G-eensboro, N. C on Sday; ai,rca 26. TJie Y. 1L U. A State OonTection wPl then be in ses sion there and some of its delegate will , conduct the.Conerenee The railroad i will aU tell tickets at re duced i ates and the oeoole of Greens. boro will entertain the delegates. , These may altend: 1. Christian Boys from any place in the State where there is no Y. M. C A. 2. Members (under 17) of associ ations wh ch bare, no Boys Branch. 3. Delegates from erery Boys' French in the State. 4. Grown iolks who love Boja and who like to work for them. Attorneys-at-Law, - - K.C TARBORO, . 141?r TJR. DON WILLIAMS, J b., DENTIST, 9rada&te Baltimore Collect Dental Snrgery.) Ofioo. 5!onaly 0ccupi4"by ? DR I. N. CARR. iO ly Tabbobo, N. C. G William. ILLIAM & L)os wara. Gilliam SON Attorney s-at-J-aw , TARBORO, N. C Watckiag tie Haar-glasa. A a miser counts hia gold, night and day. So I count the minutes told In the glae, . My eye is dim, my hair is thin and gray, .And I know lm' growing old as they paas. When we approach ?the .sere and yellow .leal" ot pur days, we are prone to look back regretfully. A clear conscience and sound i health' will lighten our gloomy reflections. Health, is. the greatest blessing, JPr,Jifir.cfilB Golden Medical Discor eryJheeatest-4&-ricine. It arreBts the pr.g'es of lnng and, ecrofuloua diseases, an l cures consumption, ir Lungsrrnfula, if takea in ti.n. It id the k n; of liver invigoratorn and blood pur fiers, and a powerful touic building up the debilitated patieut to perfect ileal t hi -.Contains no al under the- Democracy of. seTeral Southern . States. They will soon lty before the National Committe the danger to the Republican party of puch a combine and urge that, the Republicans in. the. two Yirgtniaa, Tenaeasee, Georgia, North and Soul h Carolina enter, into a fusion with the new. party, on, electoral, .State, Con gresaionel, , . Legislatite and - county tickets, diriding each equally be tween the two parties. They claim that, with such a combine all the Southern - States named would, be swept out of the Democratic column, and one-hall of the electoral vote given to' the Republicans. If the four Western States named should all ga lot the People's. party, through Democratic help, the : Democrats would, it is claimed, lose enough in the South to make the election of a Republican President certain. It if stated here that President Polk, of the National Alliance, favors such a combine in the South. I T&e Wsaserfol Saecess Ot Hotd'a. , JSaraarjarilla as a . blood purifies &iitfes it to to ox confidence. ISO otuer preparation has such a rec ord of cures of Scrofula' t Kheu-o. Blood Iroisoninc:, or otr?t blood disease". To try it is to I now its merit. Be sure to get H-rxTh ?-u- Kaparilla. : v aad bolster ah is not ;uiU adraaeed M Aab- tona vaysavUMs-A .of. sha-an: aad prl or. Us i good oU-taebioveJ anowy ecuoUrpace aad nlfiy laoa I dried pillow alipe. sabroidarad with her raitiaIa,TiUbthe trtmmq.for that eoueh. whereon she lies down ta innoeans hsppr drsama. ' ix l&ars m any room laft she will llaat Eies In crivtoff this av trior, we do not promise a fortune the first year nor in several years, ; to rrery one who adepts the adTiee. Neither do ve advise any one ' to drop all other crops and tarn his attention exefa- nwy to noe eulture. We do offer it, however, after mature consider tioc and stodv. ask Partial aabctilnra for cotton, which all admit ia a profit. I tioy deak; atack la some odd leos crop at current and prospective I comer, filled; wila.: the vary UUet prices. I enroem sastatimsry. aaa-fined cp I vaa stULBg ra le. cjiee. of a. prrxniseat . aaaofaeiarer of IUa- racmd aol lec Hp-r, wVs a boy about tiiWea eoleV.) w',ta'e drr La Smooth, UU hi ouli Us to rvt aiWaUo te leer ftradev M Bi'ttt rtvf you at was, lbs sr.wr,xtat nt txtrj a vrry bad rsrtcmascdatioo la joar t-wilh, , aal J the ' "I doa't Ouak it tar bra to The principal requirements to be I wiUt.a-rery poesibl ecatxiva&oa ler ' -v r-"-' fulfilled in a crop that propose tolhe wdU cmtaaieooti . Uare ah saf plsnt cotton are two: 1, a market-1 t aad scribble off notes to her able croD at rood figures: and 2. a I huadrsd aad ooe -dsaX cirl f rienda. crop that can be raised upon a larire I here acespi iariUiioea asd hare .... i: O IV . I I lJ I m I J u . uvvviuuvui SOU. ! wpw wwmmwiw, Both these conditions are fulfill in I We hare laii the i boraaa to iha not, wt think, ia measures suSdeot J VV ii there that lo warrant the trial at least. I her Xaaey maa riot aad her ledivid- I. As to the first condition, it Is I ual taste mlea strprtmav- A cover of only necessary to stale that the pro I lace aad hhoa or - draw . work 4a ductiou of rioe ia the United States I scrim, mhroilary; -so54 or . asJy 'Mam eorry to sv, wy ycaApt friend, that I, real' etoLloy iosl , If yoa krave Boy eerh o roks For a general family cshrtic w coafiden'ly- tecommand Hvkk1' P.ila They should, be in every iiume meJi- ema che.-L rviu Dractice in the Counties of Kditecouibe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and Supreme Courts at Kaleieh- .... lanifctr. A PlystaeMaUa Murder. There was a fre -fiirht the other some T. P. WT.1H;;'n. D. PHYSlLIrVN & SURGEON, TX?"l?3a70 vBB"- O Office ard. next dooi; to . Hotel h Sos 30 ly JO THE PUBLIC. I am Prepared 4 do all work I a the Undertaker's Business, at the shortest notice v Having con nected with my shop the rerairing businesB. All work Left at my shop shall hare Prompt attention. PRICES tfiODEBVri!, night JorPlyaiOMth j betwen railxoa4a.p4..Pymook negroes about a ride on. a merrr go round in which the railroad darkeys were worsted and . retreated to their trains. The Plymouth negroes followed and on their wayjmet, acolored nym,.. Will Freeman v. fireman on the A Rv pBsengertreiurf ,who had aotheea ceneernd. ia any way with ...the gbt seen seen it. He was knocked down with a brick and cut deeply in the side and from which wound he died.Thursdy.nightc-The negro wbo did the cutting was arrested, but next morning admitted to baiT in the surn of $200. He baa. since been,rxisted and is in jail awniticg trial. . f Not enough .evidence this wri ting had been obtained to secure the arrest of any of the persons concerned. m the 6 to the ittiidn el bashful JUfiemi . , here's to tjae.widow fif fortyl" . : hare each reached a period! in "ierft' And They Also a hrst-elass LLtSAiC)J!i xpr. hire Lnle when most ; females needr assia-" Thanking my .friendsr for i their Ltanee in tiding them over the shoals former patronage,-1-hope to merit I which so often completely wreek- the eame, shouTi they need anything I their after lires. In producing reg' n the Undertaking Repairing Business ; Mv Place ia on Pitt Street Three Dcors fr- t e Corner of Main. ularity and healthy action of the fe male organs, Dr Pierce's Favor te Prescription; stands without a peer. Atjajime when nature gives them increased burdens, o many young girls have thtir health for life . phat- tered.? ' If you wish your daughter tQ fpiss those, t perjodical, ?fgppizing backaches, aed ;djzzj hedachevJan guid and tired feelings, accompanied with rough, pimply skin and dull, heavy eyes, get her a bottle of Dr. lereb 8 Fa vorite jrrf script ion. 1 1 you j Keep AceoaaU The f trmer who carries a pn-il and small memorauduiu book with bim, to put dowu e.'tr ium ol ex pense, including mechaotcs' various charges for extra work, will save himself from, much trouble and ren der it ne dleea t o lad bis mem-ry with tempocary things. It i worth tometuing to any iam l bar a reputation Joi CQrrerJn-e8. as . ell . as tor. integrity ; je pugu.itoi to re annoyed with false charge. I hired a carpenter, wboee bill Kb $15. He died soon sfter wards, and a lawyer had his svcconnttk to settle, and tu sent me the $15 bilL He wanted the proof that 1 had paid it. 1 showed him the entry cn the eaib book, and in my eighteen years of buainebs fcad, nevr had a single ,.ic count of mine on book' disputed, and bis had been admitted as good proof on other occasions. But I Lad the, additional proof of the bank check given the carpenter in pay ment, with his indorsement on the back.; If, however, this was not enough, there wa the bill of the wprk, with the carpenter's receipt. It has been many Jena since I hum had- a paid account .ujspa ted, muC a title extra carewhich soon bft-Odea a habit, in, reqpid ng every tairg, whether with neighbors or wiu fields aud crops, may prerent annor ance and trouble. Ourr. Country Gentleuinn. The Rial of Life t Wirtk Uviiff. A life of mere money-getting is always a failure, because you ul nerer get as much as you want. . xne poorest people in tb J country are the millionaire-', and next to them ihnw hn hv $500,000. There ia have, reached the later period of dan-1 Dot a pciasors grinder in Nw York arer aua wtaxntss. rou wm hipub i or Drooaiyn so anxious w mae FOR BRIGHT TOBACCO BUY THE BEST t bottle, too. See wrapper on bottle for minted guarantee. Satisfaction given in eyery case or money re turned. mmimi i r A Prlgnt Future, Maror-Fountin takes a hopeful In order to becurce. these call on IU.i!ASH,Jll -.ALSO UUK, HaUIT, ACID PHUS PHATE AXD COITUS FER TILIZERS. Marce 9, 1892. 9ml - - - ' i fan be ma le by ueiog the Celebaned ITavassa Guano,1 8p ci .1 mixture we have made for COTTON I TOBACCO. - A. few tons SHELL LIME on hand. 1 KOUK LIME in any buantity. JU1ES R, (i ASK ILL. view of Tarboro's future Much de pend?, he said, upon a good crop this year, but if the crops promise well this Summer, be has no doubt that much money, will , be put into manufacturing enterprises. In May ihprft. will be a- full - meeting -of the stockholders of the - Veat, Tarboro Tiand and Improvemens Corop0! hi thiVi rtliAe. and while he could not FDeak.for the stt'okholders or the company he was confident in his own mind that if .the crop prospects were cheering here thefts-there would be n earnest effort backed by sufficient money to d,4op. hd buud up that property, ' His Honor also :. expects a . great enlargement of ihe tobacco interests. He wouldn t say bo in so many words but I am confident that he is anticw oatmer the location here of one ot more tobacco factories. ' As to mpuey facilities, he aaya prospective mvestors need .not gtre that anr concern, that as it is needed it will he forth com in?: i- e. will ezs Dand with the demendVr : It will do the drones good to drop in and hare a chat with the Mayor, Eczema, scalp covered with erup tions, doctors proren raluless. P. P. P. was tried and the hair - Degan to grow again, not a pimple can be seen, and P. P.. P. again ; proved iU self a wonderful skin curt. money as those men who bare pill. 1 up fortunes for jear. ihe disease of accumulation has rat en into them. Tbat is not a life v.ortb living. There are too many earthquakes l . it, too .many , shpsraoks, too many p. rditiont. , .Tney. build .'heir cas ties and open totir. ptctu,- fallen and jnaka. every inn net men- I or hap piness ta come, bu nhc wi i nrL" So ioa his to at cni oy strives for worldly . approval is failure. The two most . unforturc men in! the Poited States Jor tie next fix months, will be the two Frasiden'ial nominees. Two frreat --s-:rvtira ol malediction have been kia-oally n!I- in up, aud about midc'i .nior th j will be primming full, d a hose will be sttached to them aad tLy i 1 begin to play on tr. oonines. is fax below the requiremeoU of the people for consurpptioo. Till fact should insure a radv market ,apd a good price. Thai dear xiQea does bear a good, price,, needs no .proof with farmers who buy the article for table use. Thsy know that every peck they baj at the stores costs them from 80 to 100 cents. -As good rice turns out half in the beating, this means that they are paying at the rata of two dollars per bushel to rough rice; and when it is under stood tht the yield varies from,- fif teen to serenlr-Qve bushelai Par acre, it u not hard to see tbat there is a considerable margin for profit. after paying for the beating and marketing. ; It should be stated, however, la this connection, that the higher yield referred lo above. Is rarely if ever .eib" d open oplerAl.-, and th o ly when toil, cultivation and -Mon nr in eotijanrtioa. Id thie set tiou ol the State, where, bo atun-. tio9 u ifivm to fertUiaatioo and the ctV i limited t wet soils that have been pb tiled iu rice for a long lime. the yield is at oat tw nty bulel8 11. Can ro be crowu npoo a coa- aider.tble poitit of tbe ara now devoted to cotton culture? This is a more difficult question to answer, so not lo mt!e.l nj oe. Our convictiou is that it cu b so grown. We have obterveil volunteer hills of rice v ry irt-qientiy in our cotton and corn fi ilds, and they have io variably made fc-od, heavy haaJa. A i 'ghbor fiLl that has been ruo in cntt n xc'u.iclj f-r a long time, so i U t is uroteover disiibC-ly high land, well adpte-l to cotton, was ucceesful.'jr cultivated in rioe long ago iide-xl, w bave. frequently heard of the wondetfoi lioe made on that field. These observations lead us to cocclude tbat rice may be suc cessful y grown upon a very Luge portion of tb lands of tbe State beretcfore ruo j in cotton. At any rat we were sufficiently impressed with tbe probability of success to set apart for tbat purpcte, some time .?c, a portion ol tbe area originally inteuded for cotton this year. As to tbe time and method of plantit g. Select the land, giving pre'erence to low-lying lands and bot.ocns. Prepare it as if for cotton. Tux plaotm" hruld begin a out the hims time as corn or a little later. Hayioz selected the seed carefully, cti.n the bed with an old bull-tongue or tbe p.ow loot. Tbea drop thi to six grains of rice at intervals of fiften to eighteen ineheei Brush over lightly with a board fastened to plow. Be careful not to cover too dc e;; and if packing .rains com J it miv w neeeeaary to run a light bar row or liht rake over the beds wben tbe plants begin to come up. There is more dacger cf having too many stalks luan too few in the hill. Subsequent culture is very similar lo that of cotton. Seltctions from Edi torial "Oottoo Plant." Orangeburgb We ere informed tbat. the range etched, all thrae cea inta . pky. for the scarf and ran taw A pea-mp, daia ty eaahkP btiasTlagjsilia, bowa'Iaad lace, SaWeLua hoUiea AUad woh pa furaee and loQetf valeric -ria-.tray. man ico ra aeV bruabee, txnba aad. mirror la silver or rrory.aad a lolls tf4rr. W hf-ve w-rt'r as j" . - Crtaasa Devar. 4 lt. UittSUZri taya. La tie Rtral N TocIm'. tU( .neo aaea itaitisea said ia" favor oT crlmaoa feicwav wrtAwol Uaa rasamU paHa tkiaMUisciaialacfy wbaee the wnurs axe f and r,roL& spay ge oa ,coo tin baIj aaL L.iha fUn I&mj berooe Wga enough b U U ee- vv, untnoo ciovrr toay pe cl mn whie tLe greW rin rtcu'a? is titer, but aowtirra eUa. Uaeaa a A . wx a . a powoar-ao oi naa Areeaeo .acoaa, i UTV tfanr aC iie d.. tor a aaadla.v. Wok ZS.ZTlz "r 7I" with a hole roea so mass irLoas ihars eeaoe .bi Ui ls room for books ia the:erowdd toom, - Yet they are there, and good Oeea, too, showing a tasWHaa has not been perverted by a course of trashy luetsXnro. The night dress tag haiigs irora a 1 1 .t v " . , utue cIoiX-TiiTAsej b. sarnaiutEl, baa brea totrtyf jeJ for trial wi JkUe Uaa thaf. "rU be pur vompoa, ,rsv cac t Jt-xprv Beptart azwatj , vaura 14 the rt akrrsr. , Jolt po ltr aj 0w .iters aj,ajaia ail i i a i i ii cinn ima & i . . ... . - . . stand on wHchVal, a p. WS- lamp and a weu-woru ikbl fare a peep Into the side of tha girls, life thai ia not altogether JrIvoioca..,Jji it any wonder ifa girt porsssssa a little snuggery ol bar owe Ukf,ttas that ehe carries sway pUasa aaaxa oriea of it when, ihe goaw away.' froea bocae, and sfitie'ipates thtimw.hea the oa once again cuddle dou be fore the open fixe, and '. with soma chosen friends talk it all over. wwBMaanaBffiiWaaBaaiawBMMMwaB TM Seals (Jrystal ralaee. Onee it bappeoed that oaa oi the polar tet bergs was so , ingesiuoaly shsped by tbe warm . wares that, wben it auspped la tha .raaJdlar sad fell over oa ua aklacgaaw-xiortioa of it rue with tbe boxiajoorabed .part toward tbe waur, "thos making the Iceberg aa tea palaoa .fiilad with many a orystal grotto waich, . risisg story upoo stcrj, stage spoo stige. tsw taiUia. . m Tka only safe aM rrUahla trai: taara (pt rety.c. .MttiLaras tairirT Mchglaaijutedaoe aba. wait I a4 searturrxa-nX taUrvaa ia- l pb4 v i uncer-Le.v a av vtiokUeip. oatlreaUsg Ue sbaal Saak IW err. wtch aa4 be fraa. lew twraraL dTS La etrear vtarr. TV the aba, s last vae cVe rg Vxkt e ai tile rrauy very a(X Osyeli'L'r rare as re3Qjr4 tai prees Uerfr UtatWb4Uk VTto' lawb tki tl H :? falX cf la Water Ui MH staadL Tie alaS will ahawb ih We sad t s win i a era araia, saJaUr U boe watas? te peered cf yoa tav. tba rartows reeUe'a o aa tf the exes su ba aekd UatX t wh wil b: a mil patxW to ttm v ds r't I aedervUad bow it Is dh " CETTCTFO, II - i VfCtDtlfUU mm .en 00c. Itte aos Uavf bat frl4lii HaodTs rkrespe aaasaa tva wwat vtroag. A fr trial wi3 awaiviaca yw ef lbs ssrrit, " " iaBeBfBBaeBSBSsaiaBuuauauaaBS Tins rw'rl Oi sa ParuUass. . Xa raaaci laurs Darwrajn haa rw emtrd socsdt Kl-vt ah tie a ed.WeouaXM4 la ds tra. Bat U buaai crtbaxeaa e4 Ue pUoastr rtoraaaor ' Vtrcaaw. ia lis ailreaa de&ivaratl el lLa Tieaaa Aatarcookcai eacact U azu wared by aiaaar. Froiaawcr Ttsaaw aeA SiJwa tW XarViaaa t&eery ef Ua crigia cf euss taadr iu trtft Tvsteri. aaa task Iwrsty yaara'ajra, w have elegit fr. Hi" lx-Lu sUg wca were sappoerj be eoa- caotsaaawah lha araelka twOa a, ue pra aaiaropca, s awe yet d-ieowrrl. . For aathropaiog-al aciervw the pro aathropoe U ewa stjact of cLacaaaioa At lUt is uxtyrotM vaa provyeci waa. a r. UU Ua aacrae e? das aae s pa ia aa rti d ta ta- bsUortrd aJ at oares t ktv aaof evta rroa li- dsa ct cf Ua - - - - - iK0PJiUir.Esss3 , cxL Vr-arw Si aad ba4ei ture bytcnas at the ajoet . eti itneni tiena4 ax Jtorypa la ta private practice .rior iff learal wiU th? taoal gaU;j rg x2a. Ur.IiavrVMkiaavSa UaicalVk Doatoo, wriu: ,Fropi tha 'see oi ta LtU? Oferviy Puis ray wegkt has beta rsJaaadia poaada ia lU weckaead jay greeraA hmi-ib as rvry urutit irPad t The, prvoj,W cl J0a Uaeaaovsre iuj, a&sJefsad Lj ronvextedthe trsnalaecui ncaaiaia LffJ tnt.i teftwit g;Tya u jva lotoafloaliag crvatal fhtt frithi UaasparexU walk. : It would aavcben, a pixjr M aaeh a gorgeous plsoe . aJ , paasad. awaj, with aevrx au iahabiuat to profit by its ttisttaca, aad so it w.s lottonaU tbat it was disoovered bj a troop of seal BagreUcg aouihward. ; The aaalr anJwbt just ax wall ava ivuD dotst ih oouioe oi the ios- teig, si ibey Vat oaea dooa M prr; vious cases; but possibly they recg. nixed tbe advaU:c of hariair a ix over thtir bead a. aud oueaequeai y dived down and came, np .inside ct the crystal palace. Amb w, what ever their taaoons, thai ts what . ibey did. By hundiil and by thooands they clambered op the Lrrrgalar la ser wails, oooaiqiog tbe grvwtuae sad ledg-a tiu tt peJsoe wee crowd ed to iu full capacity with the aeUy active creatoiea. percusriea o aaaj 2eelf e ta do so. , Prioe 13.00 par prkfvar, thaa packaf as for fihlBr rrcWtared maoL AH orders ;fcppV afreet iroQ oor cZiC. . . Tie Lrvxarrra ra-tnc Co., Jji WMbiegvia St., Boanoe, afaaa. M.arau acaby aLeorptKti. IV T , . " T7 'J.Thi. eaxa ie ioaadaA apoa Url11 ,! .a IF TOC WAST J E W L It Y 1acawafto Wmmi'j ai mmm utiatosr Tjcututaicrr mgsjx aa4 ttiX&lXtXl Veawvwa arms wv. aaJ a a ecwsua. trau AJfO IXa JLLXI OCt m sxn umc srau ia aki eii4 4 rtM f ii sva "Aim AW atrnriL, itaji r 4 tt&C JXAJAleCat A W 11 1 1 I mA ScktLlf laaaaea. 1 An Utarrarjcg hacaapada. ausodawrVy d.pae o tvataral Qmrtwvwa exMaUjaarply ! ralshifigag-eaa or a g-U 'a4 plaoiag La tbe laiarior a LuxV aawt eiea salt aad water. ." Ia a day or(to a'altcht aniat wul h aean or tha raaav Wfcich hourly wdlJocraaea, aa Id ia a rerf abort tua tha gUas wai t rtaeat a rbssbfal ataraaoa, be lei f alacgeatlo Iwioa tt tbackaasa ai-d oavarwd with taastiiaisalirrvr UTa, packal foe apoa aaotbev, Lte SocLa rreaUar fosgus or satrsal icrawtb. A haa eoaM - b- p sod aa Sicrtecae was asy srr V lA-a a.e Ilea we are. At tils J aaauda aw a au rnra i&aa sw is e4 Soa arCl aay sba:eey aekaffw raV of caa The leaa' kaowa el all tte profit of tbe oetral avoaaU a ous d.Uct i lie UaUy rnaaU. bit thrwiae laow (be pp!etf rrrraaai rorg as w.j aa ta Caqaissaat, ,Cik,r IVTeweiae a4 Lappa, , Nay. we kaow saawa of tear I Utee races thaa we do tf kwriaje aturopeaa tnb-; X aeeJ oe-'y fiftsioa the ASa&ja- s. Every Imr rica Is stta btraat ao tiaa eae 1m fi baaalovad thas wasaadxra,'t aafstaaiaa or qeanisMsiea ,1 aa whw ii carlaia pbsaooraa sp p -ax wtxw are characWiKjcJf ap,s a. t- raea lr a I ae jcj tkrts f the eta3 la er'tala ra stu! wc raAaoi say that laae are S( L. Of eocrae, Darei&MSs rslm t ai tbe sbas&ra of troof m4 aer Uttr. ttecry. BL ti, a er so aaay yaot' t wjr'J- w4e reenTch. no if ,.iafa t-ae yatbawa fooavi tLa4w rss d' ,:tl ae ai-Btaa (aa-Tk.) w qs a."taa" tla tteorr csaat UU i very arry HI1 th eCit or t'.s wa edrora! It Not fTOva a i cats bad not acadeot come to their, re lief. The warm air from their tod ies and their warm breath roea to the top of t'e iceberg, and fortuaalc ly ftMiod Uaa spots in tbe reol melted boles, sj that pueasoleecapa far tbe bad air e r made. I Of cnuiaa this a.r. benir warn, no eoooer reached the coldar alxuot'. phetvoutaide than it couexarJ 'ii steain and lOSv, a white cvlucnj above tbe palacw, lucking vary . na&t' like auvke. Indeed, a sailing v easel,, paaaiajf of "upland" rioe ta 20 tA V itiuaheia I that way tboobt it was smoke,, aed J v..! ' k..-l T.t. . ; W .11!. - yvt kic auit tmi usaiu iu citrp- i toe ULiuia cutur mm vmtvm au s aearer the ieabarg. aopiog ta save the live of some ahipwrecked eailorw. who he supposed had built a fire oa the berg. . : Fancy your own .. astorushmrBt st coming upon a crystal palace ia mid- oceaa, ithU:cd by ihoosaode of seals, and yoa may tbea uadrulaad how : be captain and bis crew tela wben, looking' through the ci ax walls of the stately .structure, they saw the eoiaueee..axu male ia aooa scious security pUjinj or alee oi eg lo tbe firy like eaaoibcrsw Tbe eptaia bewsiWd tiS lot tbat tbere mere taanlv tbwotand dolUra havV beard id tijual instances of 50 and 60 bush el, Dan Talmaee's Sons, New York. i A fiirla Owi Furtxa- Iua large bouse the general sit tii-if room, where all tbe member a of lht family c gregate, is delightfully , clKArfal and r leaaaot wben yoa don t partivUiariT are .. aoout ex- changing U-tie confidences or lulling ; abrnt iu a loose tea gown, with hair dovn .n.l feet ! encare 1 in comfort- git ing wore Ltd slippers. ,In tbe ftiuilr m'-etii'g roou there is too great s mixture of taste aad ideas the cirl of bl 'mum intat it the laisanooa, tne ranwv. tne her taretQm aaoctorum and sur and they ill bave to stai d end take , hc famjlj turns her foi any individal and char acbrri alio I worth of leaUkins idt jht, but out dw oration oo the part of any one I of reach! Thus it is that pe s n. Kraaxv O- They might eaaUx htvi ,.hea na-1 waais k .MM. ..i comf or table in their splendid raises j 'ojrst. .-.The oolpr cltbscrjtta! tBsy4 be haagtl r.lhaim lo.'t avaj 1 water acme rorcmoa red Itk ,cf .a rl PTW ,dV, CIS1 Wl M more sfaiejpaiUN ,oi pr LaiE jr.xcsie.,or beautifal or- amci cu w ixasg-ieaj, eta y BSicg differeet hepes cl." isaee . aftd esadVs aa ecdUae variety ot baaaii fat forcus can be peudacd. Tie Sass shoal 1 be ptaeed ebera there plenty f warmth aa saalight. ' Anothar seimtili :ctperua-et woioa pay ictrrrai aooa er ue cior at wielle- th ,yoaa4:r ' rrtnbre I tha faisUy syay va (nadf Vj sa-ped ia fr4 Isacctliaai a tarvad wnah ht pre TMuaJr beel s.jskel. Ia vary slt wau ad the 4tiaU To lh' Cuten a Igtt ring. ad aa t.Oica thai joa are aoct ta. baza lb thread jru Bjoat (aA)ag the naa? UU The thread 0 bar, it is sro. b-ii )U salsa it loett are eora poaad U try alais of rail, sod Uelr rbasoai te rrt" evor to sh lai'a the kgbt jraht U uaag a4 Inched to b thread. Aaotter fvrat f the asu aiperi motls to m ke a Luis hmaioek f sauslla U be id-peeded by f cr threads, sad after .ha viag aoaiad tHit ia aaiiad waUr aad dried it aa I LaXre dic!ad, ta place ia it aa ..GeLThe.Best Aleas to be loaa.1 AT ALLEK'S. T02. UZIH UD tr.iv. ::i;ii:;xki::'i jiii IS A 8t-Wai;4 M. L.JIUSSEY, IIViJLDniZ. TARSOXa. St c. KMaarU af Craat la I raaju The battle tf ibe Nwr as f 0.1. 1 Asrcatl 1783, belervea ike Jh aai lrbah fiets Sir Hafalte N aleoa wsa ia nwaasrl af thateiur. aad aa the ea t .vm, bo to taJ, te escvwiax, kcicry cr Vrjrsffaltare A!tay" Atd Vrftocj Hum. rl atrs wvMi 1A.U Beara.'Mv-ki w.r frVegatr4crta leerwfocgbi aadfA Jc. 'v unm m u - rv-.V A f . ?fana le'ITi. FeUc Ue Ott. wa-fT Xs -r led h;s amy, bad eorraJ boraee (V? r-T . t- . ' ry aider atsa. ew4 earlrasg kg al Co, 'i'P J .. I t 1 - Ha 9w w or aoBf w ja smm - ai- tar a rrtUf a X the ceovfet, k-r rrtDarit Ttoe prcp e syeas Cj poaed o lte t&e etee." Ad araeu proved tbe uath cf the rcV The. taave ae sa ecsUras M aalhsrv ty aad aea a oar Ocrraa, as. wed March 9, 1892. 9t4 Fusions West and South. TorxxA. Kans., March 12. It has 1 been practically decided by the lead J verom. the niUD. ana tner win ne rolled over in it and choked with it. The tame thing is ten on a smaller scale in the etrife for social position. Good morals and intelli gence are not neeesiaryi out weaitn. or the show of wealth, is abaoluttly indispensable. It don't make any difference how you get your wealth, 10 Anla S PaKarta .rat ia.juh 6c t. AoiuaB jw pejuon in n sou it by faiLng lour or hve times xtu i CJU 07ni most rapid way oi accumulation in this country.. If a man fails one be is not ao very wli off; but if be fi!s twice he is comfortable, nd by the time be tails three times be is afflu ent. But if yoa really lose your a at ? j. e i r muuT uuw uu ', " r a It Ue labia with tbe china lea est High social Iif la t-orststitly in a i 5tauda oe.r btr and from mhich change in-ecurity dominant, wretch-1 lL, Cil, i , ltrft mlt i x Ut tfU edn sa dominant ar.ii a lire not worm j,. wbt)B r he dji nol fej wil Uving -A'r. laimaKc. lo , ,. Bp to breakfast. , - 1 bo curtairs will be draped with Gov. J. N. Irwin bas written for pr tly bow of ribbou in some soft rounds herself w;th all the pretty, na less trifles so dear to the ferni nine bart. Whether tbe room be lare or small you will find little bits oftric- a-brao that mark the various bTrlhdajs and Christmas offerings from ber friends. There will be many photogrsphs. Titit jpes of hereeif and tome com summer frolic or winter mirror will be fuQ of little pictures stuck a rou Ld the edge. German favors will . be suspended iroT) gas nxiuree or arranged on a litlb- raiineL 'If posiitle, she will nave in . pen fire and fur rue. A coucL heaped bigh with cnahions and It wa duippoiniifur lgr the eapa tain, t-ut it waa aolarabia cotalortaile for tb. se,!s, who take tno.e inter, st ig L 4AA arc sa r st 1 ties wj uu7a saaaw vavs asm bub than !un h imat bangs make reals of thtm - Join Xlr Gj'.ll, ' U tu VCOU lamwv.ww.j J t - - ... , . , . . ! ine Democrats of Kansas . not to put causes of tbe political change fr?m U.a,Mnnlia PIWmTll IICHL IU kllC MUUUUW1 - v B .wv.w.w 1 eUandupportthe.Feaployrajiy 7 inIow the Aprd rorum a review oi tne lint ana iLe CLair esy ai-d com- lntb!c I he bd, tf .e be rul D a a sa a.. w smw' very ruooern laeas, wiu tisve sotus banging drapery, and a bedspread CaUrrk Cast Be Cared wtthLOOtL APPU 'ATIOSS ss Lfrattiftii Willi sf ey , sui or xa3n, I a a Waa aa, . . r If MM(rl kS .an mt I U ii ua. aWa S tX.a 4j S tTM. mmt 9m e MMt MMr sa la. the' FatUab "'Far icvt aad ttourh U ia tarray t rubol; (t coo-1 u . r i raiaia rtafae-f hot IT w-a ta. t r-4 a as- .1 -r uit LLkad-Uw ii ,CfVkv 4Irae .ta laaaaAa.aaaa w'ta a. dtarree t tUra avd 4ws v 1 1 Tf."?" '1 1 the IWli.cti. t Ta- a.ia i-j U ive j r aW m.-h Me a a, rrgaWrtaos, aa4 'ft -Orariwaaii st-'raasmi xw, ara w saw i Wauuai UU aaw tMs-eA-a uTTL . , . . L . . 4. a .V. oil ui unsuai in m us rw . La wUlbaeo4.'.iiesJ the ase reach the .LttfiJs . wtich bold u arubout the fa-MegJIrora its fea4 Sdppon. T;Lh ajeat care yoa may S ictfT 1 in perlofsihc the expert- . . ..ut w i - - . . . . . n, m .ii ia mm tbey e.onot reach tha aaato, tow di- J tmytj sheU. laaaag the taeaataua, ta'arrh w a Wood ot coaau mmm uj fbara its mrioaalv hard tuUou-1 d.s see, ed io ordr to cure! .v.. ct. i. cp sa it you hve to take Intrrr al travdiaa. om(jn i, CAM fJoraT " Hall's Catatih Cure la :ak- at--! Another ruriooe experisceal le ih.t nally, end act directly oo tl. b Ovd , cr - ao ,gg icW a bot 'e wilh and macou surfaca. Hall a Caarrh I . .. Cure is no .quark, sue lce It waa preset pfd lh beet physi cians urihta eou airy fur ar, ail ia a rr.aac p,ec.iuou. It -a rou Mad ol.t.e peailooic , wn, ioa. tined wit n tbe lest olo uitnar, acting directly oa tbe mu- us rur- trees, . ins jric a.'ouibUM ua the two jnTrd tu- la vUl pv odooas such wondaa-f ad rraulta ia rurii g ra Urrh. Send fot Urimon'als fr-e. F J. CUr-NCT A CO., Fr-pa. To!rdu.O. Sold by druggists, price 7 Sc. prktyf era bo 1 frr La a-4 tis aiiara, and ,'fdcxedTa, vmj I Vat t-aobV" rv aa lb avaewwa camad eat. the Micrt'Va.t Xkd aud f"lai3arCVeJUt3y tflaa:avj, ' , Tha Piasas of Ormrrsodwa J) ts Ultar.ltpova . The .UuU jki Er-e tad Ukra (lac. evl iha Britiah Ca-4. arare OttOmd Tt-m the Cbatavodote swat to Crarra! Haiieoa, rvaad;!br I tha perweet lYtaiJret, hie (a-weaedeepta, W have taetibeaaeaay, ead Ibay e earal Xt was bat a taLW toavrar Lhaa Caara, "X eaave, 1 saw, I eow a ai . . craartd. Aa E- g '- GarraL howefv raade tha record tor btvu WaAaa, afiar he tad ro-qrwi jb If-oj ce of SkiadaU tada, ha seal a Caaa s d4wpAohra tha aa Nd, J yrs-,,, wha, ae oar voweg Li- is K' kto, s aaa "i ka Harper 'a Toaaat I TiWe avaJiiaav. 14 0arM.iAsxLlJri W tl. rr-raw a. ae.A.V. Caaavtf. rewMT aa. ai. taa ire a.a ika k A aa l i aiaa- anaea jtm law a -r-W trm ia A SWaw , li:fcSc of all la ix-rcoiag Fowrr U. & GoVf XLrjiart, Asg. 17, ttA iii TT I S f N iB31iUIEUif PUBS . ISML I as mm 9mf af ana ai aa s a aa A - I isewMas I". av-a "M . ua a hb mt v. aa l 4 la4te a It an I iSTj if e44f oa U- l U C row a4 IIS a-aa, a-wa a a, at. X, tyy vXil. Ilotioe. Siarans SmW af lnl aa Www a Miaa m mn 1 attw a f a c b-aa tai a rai. a a e,.a, i aS I ' il aa-t " !Ui wTaa, ra rar a i a. a. w. t lvt Tal. ii a. d... .... ii" a, Km tia a , at i al j . i i