1 . , ... .-. . . : 1 " ".: . ' " . ' i , - : : - f ' i . : , :.: .... iL;MK MiMi isotIM V '11 U Ml 'WAV AV J! IV NJ A ! , it TJI i-J' i' J Tt ' 4. :. vyv i V A.' -J- u II - VOL. 70. NO. Advice to Womeu If you would protect yourself from Painftfl, rrtfaser.Seanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men-j struation you must use t TAKBOIKV;;N"0. THnRSDAX, Maia3lXDB 81, J8D9. 1 eaaraaeaaai a. . 1 . 1 ' l i-- m BRADFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR CAR1-IKSTTLI.K, April 86, 1888. Tils will certify that two members ot toy lcmediaus family, after SiVIn? ftnffered for Tear from lUonU'n.l lrrtaljurtty, being treated without benefit hy phvaietana, 1 were at longtii cnrar'tely r&wd by on bottl of Bradtield' Keutal.i itr??alatr. Its effect U truly wondertuL J. "VV. SxBJUraa. . Book to " WOMAN -malt 4 rTU.K,-MWt eObMlsa ; valuable liiformailou rti all female illieaaoa. ... . BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ' ATLANTA, ''OA. - D R. H. A Dislocated Shoulder. , ?Will Oook, loloria,. truer $$Q. W.5i Jeffreys Ox,, ? Tbarstay w injured, by the bow 4 be! was Hh hit&ing fy&svsgDv H1ed fast led the horse from between the shafts when he wee throwo-down and teatnpled upon. Big- shoulder wee dislocated. The prostration after the God is eutirelv overcome by Hood's Serea parilla. Tt ' really does make the weak strong.-: - The cool winds chill the heart of the ice cart driver, and he now aits shivering' on his box, a bine . nosed victim of despair;' die striking words "uBe Dr. Bali's Ooueh Syrup" stare him in 'the face. s ' Wc-Ah its weight in1 gold, Salta tion OiL 25 cts.: he m breery, sociable, fall of -food, -AOselSfeeek. stones, always good 'naioreds be w . , frUvTwfth ttirs acmrflowrwith . na &Urtn 1J0OO mile tickeu, he knows all the ta wugreaaie th-li debHe'wM best rooms at the hotels, he Mrayt i ifZSZXZYl CoBff MD his a key for the car seats, and tarns . ifeJSTJ a teeat for himself and riendr'with. i1 4b.0 f" IWioaal oat troobilng the brtktttoo, bqt ; he i nor" ?,'U,tr will ride on the wood-box o st.nd foaaideratloo of thia-sim vliU, be- ottside'to aommodates Wv tnd 'DaT-TJ -notae, mL30 he-will gin up his set - to old V man. f know him pretty welt For . prrU toAh A axieut a. toreo. - : ik. i .jl,jm - 'i . - - a - w A -vraii 'x r- MBMS ear, but IliTeT3tn'orhoIIy ab- 10 inj'DDQflrTy -wca most fouow this eises f lerktloa Kat 'I have orfoltew swrfblle aeabttadsf the mrasvre.' with him, add Iibvreseevtke rors- ntb'e. and iU Tbee numerous.' sea I know th best Ut .ottwelsht. fff oru ?Jlm?tt'ai'af1 the worst. I could berdly et .-Jom IPWJ l lt present shne- without ttim, l am 6lad he is o-i TT31 rv MpnBt wwuuvaa. a. us ut , a sto ;utu ID met tho tss&e,iKrtr baa ttls Hlore as, happy to ojrroi4 - a cpsrsliio- tbawith exYMrwnee and a fallacy Kth thevrermstinz truth. -' M t alooy is to the eomoiefee-aBd (he -TaeTatMea. . . . ' The VatitTtD.thtfaacUtJ. if t&e r'opi . Hssne, ts &m Otters " asional services tc tbeciti itiis of Tarboro and vicinity. :., 0:1; oe ou Main Street near Cker's corner. pENTISTRY. A Full Graduate of Dentdstiy, . services to the people ot taU V- ttAad of a Akiiinn rvrswiAsalT w woria . laiaooi .ens. -toe got oanK of tue Jiber, ea Pom Esstptattle. . L. L. Polk said to the National the Yatieanua, because the LsilnaJ I AeuiOjprac, witn empbaais and teeling: I iormerry woratuppeo vauetnium, 'Vine St. ijouu Uonyentiun was a w oraeuuarleiiy, u was "j tapes Third party movement; the platform Ehuotly wbeirtheuildjsrTwasiiois.; aJup- d was-a Third party -dee!ara meneed no one ksows, - ChatTC iey U u not weal La, eut s drawn from the wealth I offer my cinitv. Uifice in Antln Bnilding, A rooms. 50t2t5. J, former T. X. C. BATTLE. JOHN L; BRTDQKK3 & Attorney s-at-Law, r.-i RB0R0- - . : X 7. . U Ivr - Jjlt. DON WILLIAMS, J a., DENTIST, 9raJaste Biltiaiore College Dental Surgery.) ' Office, -Tora-aty. Occupiad ' DR I. N. CAftR. iOly Tabbobo, N. C. Ue Oaah . ioo-vedtioa -will nominate a Third party ticket; there can b ho doubt about this. It is inevitable. It cannot be orevented. 1 don't koow who will head the tick er, but I expect to be nominated for the eeoond place. A Northwestern maa wiil be selected . fox the prtgi deutial uomination." Tear Blssd Undoubtedly needs a thorough clean- ring this season to expel impurities, keep up the health-tone and prevent disease. You ahoald take Hood's aarsaparilla, the best blood purifier and system tonic; It is unequalled I lrpoeitiYe mediaDial -merit. H. . UlLUAJI. lONla. GlLMAM QILLIAM & SON Attorneys-at-i-aw, ) TARBOBO, N. C. Win practice in the Coantiea of Kdeooeabe, Hood's Pilla are purely vegetable, perfectly harmlesH, eftective, but do not euan pain or gripe. JJeeure to get Hood's. Plesaty mt Them. An Atheville OiUzen gave an inte ¬ resting account of a oryataliz d haartz coaUii inif a drop of water. A magne ts known to have Inhabited it over a thousand years ago. ' The" present extent cf the building ia t nomomv the nuabtfir fKl room, Ntt tbe Jatoe'compdteUt beim M.I2L Its treastrm of ntarblestatoe a-a I cunt gems, paintings, books, manu scripts, eto , are to Wfcewipared o ry with those in the British llaseuni. The aenceb- of -he sbbs Oamsetn servauve writers say mat tne gou contained in ! the medals, vessels. chains and other objects preeerved in the- Yatldsvn I wduld osuure roore gold 'coinslhan' the who!e 'of the present European circulation. Ash- ton (Eng.) Reporter. Dsa't U Deeelvel. Third Partyits are requested to reedeaxefufiy thetfoUowiog rosn the Roanoke Pa ron: The man who has discovered the necessity of -a Third party in i North Oarolina, rentinds' Us of a carpenter who wants to gat s job. Heroes to -'Mr Jones and finds a. zraat manv faults of his nice resiiemei .llisf tvtiat eles are to the crocer end the a UK fardstsa: m to the mereha t. When nsedaciaovi ratLei sum of tha eooatry aud rendered for the time'beixg itoo productive. Yea do sot measure the weal h vt the mei dhaat by the nmnbert)f yardetieks be owns, but by the goods upon $a coasters - aud ahalrea, i aiid die ' ae- aoants aod quick aaseu under is MontroL It is, however, impoeteaxt lost the yardstick he uses ahcs3 have ihirtv-six inchea in it aaJ X the same bngth all the year mrad,' so that it may meaore aocuraiahy when be boys and wnea h seus. r :The Bland bill will eoatraet-JCad debate our money. Mr. Bland's elaim4bat the sfhis -till tiVl makerqaoBey mere sveeetifal is leedliag traaetaut.c xaUkeftJv zSn: SWra xtoigb.m nTdethat he-had bunihatit i- oMteokinj. ill-shaped, first Judicial District, and in the Circuit and ttaureine uonrts at ttaieun. lania-iy. rp P. WYSS, ?!. !. PHYSILIAN & SURGEON, Tarboro O- Office next ard. door to Hotel Bow 30 ly a remarkably handsome specimen of clear limpid crystal alao containing a drop of water. - R. I Cook, prescrip tion oltrk at HcN air's J3harmacy hs aporyhedral piecof squa'lz of a famt amber hue about an iuch and a half long containing a small drop of water which as the quartz is turned moves up and down a tubular space. It came from JKaDgs Mountain. ; T 0 THE PUBLIC. I the The Pneeker's Cifi Tsek Rre.- Manhiho, la., March 20. The Rev. Boles, the pastor who has been am Prepared to do all work in holding revival services here, met wita a earicraa aeooeDt. a. zormsce usedirTfhe ehurdiTor'hettting water for baptisms suddenly -explodedjni , much good material. tsenev ricaes icarriea u out ie at the shortest notice. - Having con I had the misfortune to be - Wearing nected with my shop the rapairitg J lraloid cufla, which also '.took bre, business. All work Loft at my shop andin an instant his ciothes were on Undertaker's Business. timber retting and mtrj nasafeiin storm; that If he will eouspnt 'to it, he will poll it down and build a"hlce er, more eomfortablevand safer hotue, using ail the old tunbirs, and at a small cost. Ha does . twH tell Mr. Jones about howuucbxd thsutisabar, t-iat istas souaS mhd tgood s vner that will be ruined in tearing down the old building, nor of . that which will not fit in the-new. . O, ne? he is after a job; and if he can only gt the consent of Mr. Jonee to tear down his faeuse, he will thenlbe the boa, and Mr. Jones must "do the Test" foot the bills, Ao. -Don't ke de ceived; parties, like booses, oannot be torn to pieces without loss of is adsUtd lusrtortepcaeflL A1 pteastwee Adt etiaurftae- sU shall have Prompt attention. PRICKS SWDEKATE, Also a firbt-clasa HEARSE for hire Thankinc my frienda for their former patronage, I hope to merit the same, shoull they need anything n the v Undertaking OR- . Repairing Business Mv Place is on Pitt Street Three Dcors frr . t e Corner of Main. Wsstes whs Die Early. Many of our most beautiful and accomplished ladies die .before they have reached the prime of -life. -O. Chose who live tomitlAlerage only e in two nundred is sound; tde er one r hundred atkl lvstyae are sufferers. !'fhf"Ia if? "SfcTf-iwv- Asliifaiitat29 TeansfAge. w The shatterexineaWi an be Uppeb SAwj8KT,Alarch 19. Tbeiw Ustoredthe heme;made happy and died last irbt at Wharton, 4U vei viratb-trvehe viflefendii' into currency, but we are a large producer of gold, and we also draw gold from abroad, seeLai we minted kV t.e yr tadiug Ueoe SO, 1891, Z4,UU0,000ofgoldttd this, added to the $54,000,000 turplied through the Treasury purchse of silver, gave us u aggregate ibcroeae for the year of about 973,u0a,000. &nce 187a we have to 4be tUilein yra minted 's733,0(X))300lia told al..n- or aivw IjtWXl 000 per year. 'Sow, oinlt-r tbe Bland bill this would ceaac and free eois gt would drive out our gold and leave what remained merchandise, as whe4i, con and cotton are. Unluu- ied dtlsavgeof avJld aud aihraf oq the biau 1T6 ier ... of aOfW to 1 of eoilrmrtd driwxmt the rnid, be cause it undervalues it. ! Gold sells in all parts of the world far 22.86 times its weight in silver, and if under free coiusge we on!) give it a vam ox 16, all human experience snows we woulA haws bo tfdld " is dreulatiaa af ierthelBreident signed a free add upbsittttJ sosiaKesnU, This bill is called a free-coinage bilL - It ii not such in any proper sense whatever, and it t is pure cd simple, a bill to compel the people of the United States to buy the en- tu- product or a most prosperous 'teals AVleeUess. I Faith sever goee home feptybeakft. iThe 'worst -Aiod Mf deceptiea. ruh an 4 deceptioa ia v a.-.m i . a- weeiDi". 'lmaae'H a vjetftalrf at.' f peat UbalsYsthU!esWleh,lif .ttr riTe.ri 4aed tMesUear toward oeoecme lew-c tT-pean in 'ths f eat so -reads, platforta ef xQ' farly.HrfH efpwteek it, bwf PanrwV'.Mg'w aht JreyeyW to alt the,? ee 1 he49 vnt Va eg fcb ef trTrWne;stbatJl me werjeed'btwoT'f cry:eqfrfctt. I ipit,io the-same of llxtion. and im the tststestk of tD boeest tnee SiattBw.- I I Ki frVi.1 4snaje' fcal aeea a U. wfcjre ,aee vw m M veo is the o vf Iks twlir. ilf yoer enenai! r &l'a cnemite ; yd ea eou; 1 vta t victory. Tae eat W rastny ' rrcVls joH eyerjisiire,;arxS rorfbe-aletff MM 1 Wfutewji f rt rpv-ryey tatag. - - - '- - - a - rTzirrir.: a maa ro but mociiMiAui - - . England ia T8Tt TttXCSiheVl ber money pssi4i firse aeam(gis),Mad has never eVparted rom it, i al tared Dr. TbocW VTo7. UU)r the 8-e tvolorwi et temm, he t&e4t e tpul saa ly of the Aadcf 4 that eoustry. ttc he saye are Wvtt tMtt e.rw elsv aai froes the fartSrcrrr ftCl'moM . f oex reewK tear Ito . OfllAf S.1iC9 k rths ia sVUad dsng the ImI ttr- e esoetba ef 1121 1UI wo-r.letitiaa IUitarJ deUleU the pCcta?e a l.rchoL t ).. . . vnTtg auj pr er-v, sod re aiejf in re-etv ia 19 I rr et. The Ba&brr ef deib wm e ttifs awe atd V e auare.4 t9rrirs i nvi mtov it miijt tl tbe pi -e. it) mowtiulft tiUuDeek 3rooeHs faefhert wld be caters k:rhf of tOs I i . j a L m cacr reel. her standard or tampered with it. and, as a result, the crtd does its bssinees with the pouad sterliag aa iU''trrSvtxiTl Tasutfre.'rtj txc'tl tae,arfi Lm3aollf ' became ' the capital tt Use Commercial 'world.'' And yet. to-day, whan we need for eign market; when we mat expevad sroommaeoe. (hers tre "thole wbo fetuld,'b3r Ue'riaue 6f tuda a measure as tbe Blatri bill,' cause 'dia trust of American money and ol our I w V i J4 tbe-world. CBverteeOci B poli-l cy rjf llbifitr'mbre than now. Ivsep I ' til !WA1 ake an .UL'f aooerue sue oi tbe ao-A.- TL ft aba e4tav4rrajiW4y lt an N aiwasawWlsaelIrtitBWi. bet-aceearweh. . I fle.eMghiUpc4 iroaMy e wi Mtmieau -ocees j honl ae rt Ubai'thabiJisiti(k -any maa DwunuiaiMiaiii urns eooeinff icf n4aey jTAo. L rrbasBsei Mpsuave vie Is to dee tUaaAswtS9f4tee4rTf yeas' M) tbe standard Of onor'mouet the goll deUar and we aid 2rw lie com- of tbe isetfrispberee to oar shores, end aftewLdJthe' trade 6f ibe world Will be measured and 'mil tsoounerclal -Irsnaaeiioss be based tipeo evdoRar, -whleti, . beoaoae ot is decimal character. - Is more ooo ejsment than theXbglUh pound. If wstnsmUm oar Kanaxrd we eaa neverharetbo-much er ' too Tittle money. -Tbe ebb and fiow of the worVf eommerta -will take care of that,-and higher tmertsl wHl bring it bare when eed!, trtHe low rates will expel ttr wbaa wetteedeounaod itiee more and money- less. 'What the West and SOCTQf CoTned i the early and thorough development of the rseoureee, which foBow - the rat tle aod dost pf the railroad trde, asxl yet If we have free indtialiaiittd coinage ef saVr it "will KOp rallroed reset quaeUou U. .iaJlWa U4tte.w tDon t try to do to m.wH. It te sHidthat a maa-eCeaMi is sow Mdhaaded .beeaoae he was dr- mlflej thalhvi wlfs bUaJ laarh 'to set pie with a'TorV , tZtlilfartrtd tmdarlUaM VJi nV ms fled It so. hard to WJW the miea4 ao aary "lo VrUve "the liiotnlng'rW peddler. riiMi PMiMenl U IW lfrw Jeff er .fitaUBessUuef Alreegue tvwrs tbc-OovertaMae adcnXa' tb cnia try free ne-aa! 4lHery, eov-ivwig tst the sa iesisil sryttv eoU take ttrfl fce aaCe,!bat 'weaflrrr T port 'Aa-eeey ea faalKir cffa.lcr " MajUiV -Waatr4 wea A at ;et- braJdiegeoside'lhe'btdWGUaeartaMedk aobaid kjaec Kotbssw 'is Existmg eempesiee-ltave' too ' ttfaTT I iawwaiae v4 lathe .4jaaae t erf i gold obtieatioes "sow OeUrTUfiTEsr- to 1 exee of Dr. Pitrw erP fUa. reo' tDer AOrt;te( mpeeieelTheee act like atugXL.'liosfpalagof would tear tre irtoQtopoa VrxIncinermr., as ts tte baaia, eewYst cepttelror such oaet Ue M-tashieaed pdla. The .-Bothof-hiarm-were burned id charred in w- lrightfoi aflaaserr. aud tbe attending physicians Bay bis injuries are fatal. FOR BRIGHT TOBACCO '; THE BEST . BUY 1 FERTILIZERS. Iu order toeecurce these call on II. K.NASH, M ALSO 1 lilK. RA1HIT, ACID PHOS PHATE AXD COtTOX FER- ia tbe western part of this county, one of the most remarkable-of creatures, an infant," ged 29 years. The child, err youngman, or whatever 'It could be called, was the eon of Austin Bo denand foring all the years of its lif eaves' nethrng more than a mere babe. It developed in no. respect and died in its cradle. It could not walk nor talk nor recognize soy one. Land was helpless when it reached its manhood as the Bay it was born. Doetorivwere completely baffled and could do nothing, and for twenty nine years its death had been ' pa tiently awaited. Around the World UlUjJ)aj. I JDidJL.lff VToe everrthrafc hat his 'imaghiary -Phileas 4 Fogg "-would be eclpsed by an American girl, who once made the e-rcuit m lea a ' tnan seventy-three dayb? But Phileas had -to take-'aecond money Tne fame oi Dr; Pierce's Qofden Medical Discov eryhaa gone Around -the world - lung your life leegtawwed iya at once. "Rose Buds tofre ""been ttsed fof 20 years ia the privet s eeeeWoetef-oate of the most -euuaaut--myat&atne et Tans, md4be rfcerewier "duesmis and thlrstreaeiairiyiapteeae yield io tbem-iike- magic; iUtosrttionCon-. gestion and iFalliijg sof ibe Wesib, Oyarian Tumota, -XUropfy xf 'xhe Womb, Bearmg,i)wwa Pwios.Rjptwrs at Childbirth andTfisesnisgea. Due packagwof "Rtel3ttdJrrwIll Tnakra; ncw-wotnan of yon. (Leu earth e-6T IVbitsa axe gener ally cured by one aprioaknivi-PrieV per package o aieciths traatsMar A, rr - i i ' " . I a ioaj sent oy mail jraes pam securely packed. , Ths Lsvaaam. 8rscirio Co 339 WashingtcmTTflt, u Bos ton, Mass. TltitrieUtrtlur. In "Howe'r, PoUborManuaT for 1892 -these ceihU .jam itiiitima'r'MeA, after 'irwnce -void :-tJterttfaiaittrt ratios. HrUtoes seem to do beet is and flourishing inter est,'smsll in the number of its members, but very rich in dollars and cents, at a price which gives them on the cost ol pro duction, if slated in the Uaruage of ordinary '.protection, a protective tans or a bounty 01 over lao ; per ceat J Met content with 'this ewo tuiMabaeden-whieh tbe -bill 'places ea tne over W,UUO,UUO or our . peo ple in no way is teres led as owners of silver mines, it proposes to make us the vrrtsal purchasers all ths silver pTodoced ur the erorte, sm at 129 cents per ounce, wtule much of it coats not over 37 ceats eer ounce. tad a great deal of it, alter deduct ihg the profits on the frati 'products. hot over -6 to- JU cents per eonce I isubowtshat aa 'squally mad proposition sever secured the assent of any legislative body in the world, ad if it passes this lieose, uow tbat tts previsions' are laid bare, ft will be a tecord which will come beca 'end shame .its saetnbers -down - to ths hoar when they shall drop into tbeix coffins. If we are to' have coinage and tree coinage e meat follow i sad trreoedent. most aim to do 1 as this country has alesys dene be- Itxc, and as every other country - Las done, and that is to raaxs th i coio- age ratio in close accord with mar- copM sieweAbeeeered epoebosda, the rie)paj ir 1 latereet trf which wooWW payable txpreaely fa gold, ths ettoel sad oely suodar l of valoe among -civ is -d popfe. Net ouly would old roads "bencaoie to txteod but maay of them would be 'ruf.ad. all or nearly all of their boadt- ad otrwr obligations being pejable la gold, ah Ue tkeer -incoms "betttSiet would be ia silvrr. A steplowerdV silver standard would be a provl.noa- tiou to tae'teCttoos of the couctry .a- aa . a - itat ned teem mot th t ao more railroad bei1 be boili ainoeglhee and that, to enrich a bandf al of ail- vr ptodocers aod schemer, the ea tire South and West are to be et bask a geoeratioo or two faecetsrear aaturU and -ri ;ain fortunes. relief thlt!fy.loW rJe&b?r -the ae- tkm rrriaie iA UrTUfvla-ttoood; Ikt'tmpolae . lived to the dorouet vfvars el tbe tffOat taUriry id. tti iskrwdi aesrJrVeavJ Vy the d isarpaaraeeel all 14 4oe eye) eereee. Side taediclaeMsbd wertbe sauxkcs. paai tXruah nss tlg, ride -aad sheftldshlsie, od 'yellewsne ef Aheskaeaad H4TfeJbi urn r?t&Jj rsiaedteu y roe feee. X " ei eoei ve s evxaaaAV, eaTTjnsawNyX LVtU:.tf iMa a,uru if eeaswe. Caxlrr, Mev. J.awa of its rvewyards end fer spl.tatngow tke Uwe iae sow eailed lVackport ret fer of the gmveyenteand hrm 4Uae , rkl -loa CSSWeeitew ' eWX -luW 1-cberto tWl aasry o eUaaed. irroc waxt .KT; J K W E L II Y heeerar. ee tt has 'rreryi tLaiia avire lavM aeaatwy oM. aj ecblaias IU azofkad aaoa44 m tiealci ba.'4e e A Itraaxi eyQpsJ CatHe larvae Lai Uod etiiek. iSinaT moa, fortuaat. on-, too. qlcUocd barabxxT, iu mf peoe gd,Ha K i titw vrwjwavw k i hftfcwtertlvt feat w BrMt erODt bin and small obu irl W..uW k :4rUlkMi.Lt as aprecioU8 ' boon so- ayery-nnatioBJ 1 la tbe frfcOM world ormedtcine, nom TILIZERS; Marce 9, 1892, and vbeokt be-tHrroearhry wvtexi a good drpth though not deeper mg equals it for the cure of scrofula H U frZZSSll of tSiuugs (which i Consumption). f t'if 0Md' t-KouTd be ughs and bronchial troubles sue- " prerenofc toyard manure, wUcb eutothla.remadobe blood TtS ispurified-by iVotil aU uneighUy 'ItJLTlri .vL Wof L-ir wav. Don't do ntthfiorSTid pexhsxtttal k! fitaitl lMr medicine is truer- beesuee of ttwstrength. 9ml an teed to every -purchaser. only pay for the good you get. .Yqu Biriett aa the Dreamer. "He looks over my shoulder as I register -af ttr him, and -hands . me a ard xtith Sj eboufc- of reoogattion; he iwtig over" the register agam and watches -the clerk i assign tne to rrfnAtv-three. Ninety . nothine! lie Lahouts. "VV hea in ntteeni eletk savs - he is savin cr fifteen -"for Judge .Dryasdust. 'Well, btflbe Mowed, ' said my. cnery inc a. Give him the attio and put t us gen tlemn in fifteen.' And, it the clerk heritates, he seizes-the peu and gives i me fifteen himself, and tnen ne cans 1 the porter aLd-erdeia. -him to carry - i J l . fi m cotton: 3 TOBACCO. I 'What tune wiu you oe ouw w muy- rr Mr- BurdetteT' JLnd he watts for me, and seeing that I am a stran ger in the town, he sees - that . I am cared lor; that tne waibcra uu neglect me; be tells . me -about the March 9, 1892. 9li wn, tne peopic aoiu mo A Big Tolacco Cii t'an be niale by using tue Crfeberled Havassa Guano, sp.cial mixture we have made for A. few tons SHELL LIME on hand. HOCK LIME In any buaotity. J IME8 R, (JASklLL, Ifwt using a elanter. opea sow fertdizec; then follOwwith enlti vator closed upas narrow .aavesaU ble, before dropping seed. Plant as early as the season .will permit, jast as soon as the soil dried off sufficiently to - work well without packing. Before the pi get up and while they are fully half inch faonxlhe. sorfaoe, go 4ver the field erith a wocder. u .Tou aurve The I one, and the best sebeiilue itjoix cannot Either a heavy bttxh ''er. a very hghtsmooihing'harrow wiH46 very welL - RepeaUU.epenUonMal ter plants are rally up, one to i two inches high, and agaia once or twine as circumstances require, until plants are eight or ten inches tlL Cuiu rate them, 1 throwing a little loose soil up around the plants with winged teeth, then hand-hoe only M necessary to ketfpdown few stray weeds that have escapM! the previous processes, f 111Uweedwhile-tbey are very smslland . keep .Xhe . piece clean till disgurgtisre and tbat 'final work on ingly eas. We are isxsi aacwastf ' p srVtol A Wly k- tit QpraXtestaklsg. -Tm going to. quit smokbg clca- retUs, said a youog man, win led acre -thaa -oae Oersaea. "It isn't bKioM it a vile habtt that 1s going to carry me down to aa e-arl grave, or anything of that sort.- On pUced me, or rather a young lady,' ia it vsty embu-rseetng .poeiuoo. There is a deruia ebaraing rirasg lady on St. Anlheny Hill whom l should lika very much to make xtfy wife, so I knew sue feels aa I a But I am-eot able to upport-e so i have never said a word to tna young lady's pexeata. WetL- the other eremag she aod 1 took raVoiLi It wa abort keJl-past abe art ad we retorredta wouse, so I did not go in, We etood chatting a . few rersntalhd I ligkud sstea.A When she westicio the 4ifroet I o( eour., kiaelfhergood sagha.' ' Well. without gulag U e thought, abe weet in, bade bar toother. goed-fhVsn4 kinaed her also. The hS ladf iaaw ditery.deteted the odour -of the rig uette ea betd arhtese Lpeand etsalet ty aXtam. The fwo'soaeled wAoootf 'Jarfrs A Pitahar, which ewsk MTthe ceeet bf Cepe'lley Iniec on rVe Jarwy craUt; lorty aiee yeare ago aed settled into the qUerodavtjsa tjeeu f ewd.-s eie sraltVer-Ue lire leeee tftonli blek asve eeeei rbt coatft 'ihae- Alareh L' V!lma 'the Plsbf -a-sr owe ebe ' est Ued W lbs t ot eee 1 ike tsaAa'itorasetaib.e rfbofsxhs saodL 3Vs kV 1 tUUe eraJ hvy ewifnrtewwaynhw tw&d. and -we Ths beach was formerly covered oely al las eioaev uses Ike emter M now tan stlbhiMrto dvah. TaisMeave tbe FVker wexirsTy eiaarwf fk aaoJ; b4 sks tt aov be ict MekteneU snd wUthj a -was k will be tVawet. -st tbe time ef tbe dw aAOaWcemed r earge ' et eora. Capaww Itotrewa,- -Wbe cosamaeded Ler.adeviral Cf 'Ike efrw 'were froaaw ear3aeih.-'ti4 she steward 1re drooawd ivaa aexaorpi to reath Ut a bora. Tbsehosjerttta -a twdMariubfe WvUnny .HnperiV "hreJ ffcyttU c tot ta tr;7 mhtis of savage, f it givre ' te srahlirf-' tnrt. T salrsgee tHa are e4 epoe ft lave Uat I - it AMMMf aJ L.s tiset tare. Taey are kaowa lo tVa p-ep)e ef the lake oe'y ae "Yale. Uae.wl Ibtvt LTaYd taairy sa(Iora deaeevbe -the -woetVret oers they tsvewueeeeeri I woeidV'tve tr jourary eat tharc La see oee. tevetoid.tae tha lby bav Dslufb wbea thai 'were 16i aesy Troxa H-ep 5e tJowa 'asd -la te sky, eot aUeaevctiy laxah. Oae satlor said that at oe broad raeo. day b suddenly Stw a betsUfal pas tura, replete with aa app-e-ir4 an a I re-rail bee,' aciak g grvra "aad eooJ before aim, sppareeUy ciose al haod. The effect Ue aiaar ear pro: daree by spferetiUy SM&dyteg oe Jets seea epoa tL take te t eacs a toeiahing. To iHniUate hal 1 aoean, Ut rat Mt batberprd the ery lakt time I w ttm hut. v I was ua a Ug-beeV aad f ee' sraaisg cat cf tbe cabta 1 aw UmJ of .se a treaaredoos white ynwcgaf, ato ahtp 'The boats wr aprroaeing oae eaotber at rljlt sra- aVi ttu teweoeeer tseetert vp ke aleria than ateong vias ila, tagger thee Ol oer sew aavel era aw a. hib bova ttewaUr ee a h;e avoid 1 ok. I railed atuetioa to tt, aad a roai penile, fraJeaUar with the take, r -piled, IweedaeehatboeiUieaU's a boptcg U one, raal abT ' Sooethirg LaU acted av ait to loe. ted five mmttes aTterward, Le X looked at tbe - sj-fraecan g vwaeal aaMa, ebd ktard paaae -e the caya t-rWs poJitai vtcaehewas avoet vaegtvateJ io a--parat was aad tad beootoe aa uedta rily Wit lat aaJBr. uatl&sl w eo4 e .d of the trick. UiH UU0?tIa. C5U&-JC-4CXT Wlif t4 wtooLa rREsfjcra. WtrMteriatVaivr, ut tia a atftalry. WA.n CZlM15C0Oa ISwlag Machines; rut ro err:- t orui o u, a a-Mt an Bpbakas Uyee tetter . C ifmm H reyVl4 tmmt wvarn yM Math tU U efxrs we a- Umm tm r. rai I e ae ae im aa tm a mMf. est, 'Get The Best, Alesys tot totri AT ALLEiN'S. fai2e iir:.3 m ami Mtitiiwivinii 4 8cwUy4 If rowag eeaelf.aAiS tr te aaa. a eta u ifceejcae- aoe tcaee idreoea. Ia tltae th laUe b-vii bad bro& a vry taal peaeefer ptOpi'er( aod 'I foeed avjWS wooXansg wbeabter abe woell be daaearaUe at 4 Vy Ike Oai w re abreast of her. Bat at that ih otacal trolkfl eeaaadL a. aae-3 re i.aser ot the thir 1 claa'i abereoved to'eProes to ISe rUa," by JUa Ralfk, av's JkUgamne lor ArU wae h.fl 'fr ee' ''tVcebev'hf . iV. Is. H U8SEY 7JLR&ORO. St. C a - -a ' v H - a siaU wTTweemertichj-Httn eews -e tAjt- f-. J war tXtmWg-am ee te? ruswaUbo ee, eatrtel 'JetbtSff tof tbe ervw are sadt (a uoatd: ' Tbe dce, al IxneaUaral Ssaaa, Aa aulhotiiy says that Ue coe Vaild aoi be aalted ptodatial y ones or twice a week bet' be gil free eeeaeeto H et a J t sae. , Aecoriiag to the report cf Ue Depart a ot at Wst ilrgtoe aere ke b.-era e r&cre m ew tontf m .mIUkuos of tLe peieMie tit V Ms:. itxtUtxn WlllifaTnsa Saeabee ae gad 1 teed , mAh fTxrwe- TImY rWee lia Sa-t axl i wsa4 tea, Iruna f"Cr oa etpe thuosra vuraea wice, TvaeMve ' tee 'ws.e, raTrt tj r xr-aiev ehspetbe aeroal, eo 1 Is dretTkiyeC AietTaM tctiW fee f- poeisg-'eraisr iwe aeaowererta water ytaelnghoga. sidHrhL- Ts racaarwur trate ef Ureat crop here and small ones abroa 1 give s Ueewee', portaaity l correct our mis tax as of the past. St-p silver purchases, restore oon- fideneeieHrrfa aTope)-'wM -geRI wiu uow Decs nere in a sueam. We would, but for this Bland bill diao ussiest be rem king In frtan Eurspe pnuuexjuowf ao.uuu,uoo ot gold a asoatb; instead of this, alarmed and i a ww i ... eccKeo, juurppe oe aesaing baoa our stocks, bQdds.-smd'seeuriues by tbe Her parch sacs ot aquarter cf a centary pair ejre oommg back by every steamarf evad -taaleed of gold reaoorsg oer sbeTer it pours out and away from us through every chaoneL CoutMsaet thiwihl vrase fvrree sd Ttr; -mrl fair bn pe in Europe 'cext rear mill baikrapt theTJniied States, llfegleot our preavat great opportuai ty ana woo caw toil when It will come epibt Lt ua eounsel and eomptl wise ana prudent action now J to-day, anaiaatly, ad these rwat oomr tfnnrdawiil praueovr aria.'l and Mesv'-eur memories tNkleet this ( portonity aid the hamee 6f ii . tboe Wiiose vote Uateu rum on oar land will rot. 1 might say very much more uu this question, I have takeu all of yojr time which I -dire ask. j 1 beg to be forgtvea.il I have aaid a word that barta tbaJeeliegs ol any memoer of this Houoe. H .bss not been my intentioootrwah'to utter . tt t t tea. we syaiaoic wnicn would graU on any (pi had. either So 4ckaowUd that laiaadMe,er tkashe emoted a tigtrrtte. -VTheO -thw .-yedSg ' laxly told ae about 1WAJU4 oettbe sge toaak her Now yea UhereclaaeetBae aa 1 1 1 will be etreegcee :abe Jutere." -I Ti ledo Blade. . Th repocU e Hm eeodetioa of ths Germ mm Header V heal thy tf not largv!y co. jecjeeat, ee of grave sig- niaeafcee. lA.e-ekraavM vtae-dy, l berutary urieiuv a Awubtadiy aal fideat If aggravated to scect b a miad, ar.d it tay e i'tat tl- iiaanr- ty with which be Is aad to b. break ened id Lay bold cm hiui aowoer ot lati. IIii r.maxkab'e f.ieM ol wji would, of c -one, delay tbemabbsh meat wfsa rs-eacy until the whole Ovrmau Empue ra to d.u.a id aod to a-ufuree it. In fact . it i Jwdl Bleaub e to cxWUivtaat eveveUioos kkmub wbtcb the Eirptte wcuid hate lo pass boLrs setUar P.iaee tlanry opoo tie thtoae duHeff tHs minouty cl .beCtowu Itince, "which woutl eaoiaaaiy aeovwlteejell .tea beeefitttbu might be vtperfel'to result frxn lb rule cf Ue sxci4 son ol rrdeva il-,' Wio aweievily resarbb arniS faUer in d'rpo Xet ail tbie HealeekaHnt 'far for lYUbeWs reerat iJiLtau it I ( likely to have bad a mid as a asters origm. -; kaevvstloa is ascocsud f fcy Tae ftfet that do idg tte enure f irty-uiab yan a t a crarh f air rscte4 ear. A I. Adeviieer. Catarrh Cast Ee fane " withLOClL APPUOATXO as tlary aasoof reaeb the seat of the dle. eaasw Caiarrb as a Uood or eoaall tetidbal diseae, ad lo order to cure u you have to taka louraal ttmeIiea. Uin CaUtQ Curt U I ake lata. l,"&d acls diTeofly oo'the b-ood d macdus surface. HalTs Catarrh Cats' If ho 6uack tuedicAne It was preaoribedior.me by tbe beet pbyaU ejaarts ia this eooatry for jaera, aad is a reaertvtlev tt m roth poed)felc aaaUoaiea 4eowa,oaa bincd !. the beat blood purifier, acting directlr oo tbwtseoul - - f oes. -31e-efe et.ib44 tue two tntrediMts is wkat prodeoae such wooderfal results La currcgra Unh..eeHuUetlaUw seals free. . , P.J. CULiiEIJt Ca.Pr.pa. Tole.l6,0r. Said by dioggiate, pfte- ?6c , liege ee et-ea-flkse cet aref lisriMee eeieewto testes, lb xSejAa'kbe bag b AaVtjaaed at ioL deserved. .!. w epftU a Lao Wvrrse tba iktt of fo'l aod U lUtmJtd eersif :ary. Clre the beef a chaste. H.U.TmLmr. ' - 'ArrfVjrtts cw3tgJjciurtoth fwtVeV thee 'tbe tKeU b b-th twete a few re ate imyem wd io Hew Zlarwl for the pcrpo of ! sTIeog the red clover hate becoee la p!ei a eat Wet peek to ' apaanata, haviag maltiplaad-to soet aa artret tew to deprive the koeey beee stV eaetoieod. Tobeeccy. In its raw U vious to rwUax ee W eewarfol la it. a5aU aa taloly drive vertaie treca eat Tb vjhc4e leevee tborerby -dried ao ae to fe-b"e aaJy, aed eel iataaaete4 Ue ait ttng bes, mm a bale str t -rx Wdh this fraCaklioe abe e ill aoi be driveo'froa br heat by vsvs he f ore the Uave of baichiag a-'tiv.a. Poultry Tard. . A SEARE Of your Tialroaage In ' Imuran co Is asked. ttemr ncirjir as- . Fciritlc tniJ PTODpt Piling Lue. Mirt znjJ lfxiaeai CwDpoalet an An j. (laskiiri: Lewis. Ages a.W T. w. tUas A C, 9tv Hoanmmlt mJ TomUioscs Ieeae taral mo mm mm .-S-3E1L1L ASO ttigrst' ef klV txkUrcssi Txrwrr-U. & Govt Report, Aef. if ia mom H i W si II I J V, k x 11 i ar 3- a'v. AESQ1UTELY FUHS ROCK LIE ash- LAND PLASTER. W taw k WW raa aaaae i ae ye m t to tea aa. Irricn and QtnJliln Murphy, Jenkins t Co f 1 1 !