! ! j , -v... . v v. ; - - ' ''" "' : . ' ' ''' ' . J.i ".:.. - - - - - - "- ' " i" v - r- . . . . . " ' . I s- . . e a. 4 i I .'J I.I , J c 1 M r. i ' II Ml v ill : A B I t k. m a i EIGHT ; Ts55bT!GO 'BCBAJD.'rj3-CJrott.. -lEHIGE FrV'E-CETTS ill V II -,l j, i III i I '.J! I .ll I'll I - II IMI r 111 1 II 1 II f Ti 1 III I I " ' I II i I V a t i " : i , -. t 1 : L ; - 47. . ... .. ..i.i 1 . I.. 1 ' i BE STJBE YQ li We have orders' for ramTEEN THOUSAND BALES OP CbWON vvW ay the higliest market jtaSi. We are adding-to bur" stock aoine of Dry "tfoodsOlotlilng and Shoes, and will sell thorn at grbcbiy proflts. D ' ' ' " ' 111 - Uf 1EU III . A . I WB U VULUif UI Kl&B "V On IMUI LU1 I I III . mI Arista ljv"imj;(?wming-?K-wo.U U. off ers nu ,. of Tw'ro and ricisltj olBc, on Main Street near Coker'a corner hNTl3TRY a, Full Gradate rf ltittT. uJla BJ services to the'peopli i tii- Uffl to Austin Building, iWulhai fotT Iharen't kiued tohI H aM tbatW bt Wii gi nnrm I lL'over mnA (!nn DOM, TC kUAfc UUt OX i rooms 5T36. ; I0HN L. tonaor Y.V.G.! j. i.BiirrLi: .Gone. ' F?oniwtxd hiiB--iJ wis tr BP " B i"SOM, - . M ttorneys T.iRBORO J cat dow wid fflag !'Pi,Ul4W'?e. ja wy. its diaaDDewanca ere-ir . - .""""J "8 owhw th- Mult H. DON WILLIAMS, J i DKKTIST, hoara. It is .not cleur who cat ill .vemocnts ar it. bat' none. here or in o mawi anjuang aooai it. , Qf .ooorfe th lioase cm the Katom firm, when he lived since, he rn. off, he remark td to a man that th aeoasdJbl who had bern botherirg him would trouble him do more. - It was eeoeraliy onJecitooJ lhat W.iltina .waa to oomplete hi , lob ro I 'PfFf'"1--1680 elhng some cause he did not, and to had ao ,0 iy Tabbobo, N. U. . 4 pCEaaTIUw DiscoTerj forooi- money. Cupidity and rrrmp are & SON mimption. Ur.mxuTt New Life Pills. beUeved to have been the mumi nf Bm kTen'a Amioa Salxe and Electric the kflline. . i Bitterm, &rd hare nerer handled reoi- The boy Wilcox who.haa no44ta rirf iP vieli, or. that hare I Biuce he let EoiioLt itu WP ivea'eaeh nmrersal satisfaction. yekiks ia bel eve l to have len a da do net hesitate to enarantee them I cot. . . . i - . . K 1.GIU.UM. puLiAii AUorneys-at- evei jt time and. .we stand rady to emnrftctiee in the Comities of aUcecombe, I refund the Vorohaae Dinoe. i f fiat l HaiiiuMdm Md ia ..?LlcUdry.Tcsnits do not follow tbir rrt Judicial District, and la the Cucaitaadr . fewmecoaruat Ralelrh. 1aal8-U. J ntw remeaiee nave won umix ih popuuMy purwy on wieir mor tts siaton & Zoeller Druggists. raj 2 - - SlikCfer Saeel. i u eMvrfcv-li 4Vs.OT3-rgine arreas rnl 3IL1A1T X AUnUbUn, bringing here of State Election Beg antl Tarboro KT Office ard. next door to Hotel How- I SO ly -1- - t Bware tf Oiataeits tar Catarrh tVat eat ula Xemry, - as mercury will surely cwtroy the sense of smell, and compleUl j da- range the whni aysiaai when enter ing it through the muooaa wrUcca. ouch artiolea. should neyer bw -&aod except on preaccintlona from repoU' 1 . i a r .a Die pnyBiciaBSyt aa sne oaroage iney will do is lea fold to the sood you can possibly derivejriv.then. HalTa Catarrh Care, manufactured -by T. 8UerWaa,-. w -- creatare atecas to be afraid. Tbefet t Aa the wabe whloh my rDidera, I Uo reLnx opa the Join lars . v. . - - - : I i VII.' m . carc4j aaiu.i ir;. uom toj ioeco the Laards Mia . ihamalr iilia mtj racS of my b oJ; tbe . wataf atake glide acrosa taj ahadow waVi oat fear; bead ofaecal aUbUh thaaa deafaeieg orcheatra on a pltaa branch jost above aj h.); a4 a vine oaaatia Uao'.ectlj poM to ray kuae, Sa-l3a aod apartoara not onrj boud IhcLr tmmih on j lAiej and F.'ira, rpua ware aevaral timea broken or mnnlaUd dorbc the year, either by accident or the gaJ ner, we nad plenty of ehancea for seeing how they proceded la making them. - - - t The , lines were . tn ' both eaa sUetchedbelweeq a white ue boah thai cliiard up one aiJa'of lLa( wla. daw and a nurnle elamaik that oo. espied and .iraped the opposite moJ. roor, trot even enlr r ray rt oma with- uon. But Laey and a? A Irre I w ooneexu-oe ivum ca ami tbwJ--tliOsewere. only thelx 1hontiU ceatlntfce eieg fof snarae or traps for pren each U bath room and Ihe wtaMl c4r. tUm,h4ia addilioo a prtraU ho-pa C'o T try eja anifcttat or aparuoeni oi nec own under ahtl-1 wtt. a u terof aroae leaf at acme di-Um prche oa a cedar by ttx UafiUrtwan I. ewof VU ttia-lV3eJrfTtf ,t- Sow Udjana eaa ItttatalElaa ike rrjLcj.lr ataada C3 tfcr UttaTf UridW Poorche rtrer. ta a aorChilo K'tv Ifry nl-vvcz3aCt3trct hh nbW7aidewraS7rXLr s2EtVr fcrti taTrrt-taC-n tdt".S,ra: t&e from the treacherous gocmetrieal Uocture. . . i The house liaelf ouoiiiUd mar alt of a ilkn celL built out from the reaf at) i onneeted - with tba aaare ry a.atool cord of very ao J eaiiatructioo. On lids ootd tha t spi derkept oa, foot I. had avlmoat said one hand encstasUy fixed I She poiaed it lightly, by iu. ctaww. and whenerer ta tnseet rot ecKtj Ud la the web. a sobtk elacUk aaa aage so to speak. Beamed to ran along the line to the eveawaJchJu! earaivore. i la one shori seeoad Luey or Elixa, aa the eaae uUght be, had dacted oat upon her quarry and wa tackimg it might andtaam, aaecvdiag, wiadowtnd,jDaM bar at ct; aaraa watna challengti my . eagd pat to a; eooieat raeoer ao4 alwarra throaxh ihe gallaw air froca the frrtea twi!ight of lb mro&Uia pin ihira pr-la rtmtkt p'emirv,. ce resie(, dalicUnaVCadt tk tayaawah tx No Earipeeadove haeenchfa cry. fie who can br forth fin I time the veo a ta jrtavaWta. wii i oat . fecCfg a . new .s&alioa t Ws heart utlii drr to ciwau ia tMa happy worId. Ataaatie Uoethly.. 1. WaQ a Cetttry Oil. The ejrnr-too of tbe'Wh Houae aa laid v OUeUr IX 17 W, at little tea thn ZOO yvara af)er tk diacoverrof Amanoa bf Co!aabct. particular tray iU aixov'id atrangth I The eomnaaaiooeri had oa tb pre- rendered tren aisi ibocttadnaaola. 1 I vtoue 14 lh of March advartnad ljr f jr irV!Lrl alt tS- tM U accjaa aa4 tie psz tc (acdod ajaiae tk 1 dr.4-Jsj i-'a acCrl.aaa oorr rvttilt Uaa cia aaocia ef lV ia4 Vt. IXm nVj. mj tta av'rtd aMrald, U onu4 l.aa, Ua crV t&Ul aua4ir U r-Mlai -a aaj. t ovMaaal cmU kcaat aid Kr --aaM av are all aija4.'Ut viva af aw t taiag caVatd IV a,rialH !. e poaasJaj- exnec of aay aahl x w -va-cwaa vk of tatara. . JS' 1 . The towar la a rrUt enfa-arj al mon4Taena aj ixav wuca riara to a. laJU of. Ln-iaUa ifca:jiw ifca ii44aiai .... . Ai the baaale hare-akH leaa.aWlft Wl 'iV " MVt .t k i .a. fv.viaSitUl ara UL C ULEavjOaiarcal-aba rola k. caeruui aoada LLraw act Urocavi start ak UJaeaal -raaa avhroa aa tolLe top . aaa awfaaav (a afTaaaary, It4a adfoca ia baVa Uai forty avlca avay. . I How dd it wt VaJ. SawH4 I tsadJ? . Oaa. aaa -W a aa Mk praecat afa, atUiaWM W aaf tioaa.Ol talH.aalaiad t$ added to Ur.dtr.e. 4 TO THE PUBLIC, j 1 : , . i i I am Prepared to do all work in the: 1 J - t . - i- Ondertaker's Bn'8ffiBss;. utrar .B.jQ. ; Eeid Jby . A. W. Shaffer, United State Supervisor of Elec tion, haa proved oiie of the greideet J. QitjDey.Ox, Tofto. Xkco- af'uawiicns prina campaign at xemos i aios no merearjud tarsnlet pruo owifce-icauquarfcera. xo-rugqi uaiiy, anog airapyy upqo ine oioon news was received that Reid had and muoooa nrfaosa oktho. syatera. brough snit againet Shaffer for $10, In byying kJUHT paarr!a Cure be 000 195 faiaey arrest. Summons for sure ;yoi get the genquaf ,Jt Hsta Bhaffer has ' been issut-d. Suit is ken internally ud jpaadai t Toledo, based upon the opinion by. the State Ohio, bjwF. J. Cheney A Co. Tea Attwney-tieneral that neither Sbal-1 tirooniau free. & T 1 M 1' ... U - - I. . , xa yaaiuojc ioir wn-, mm ia nmay other -amall potn-, &tj and liaa showed from th Ural to inconaUl ar able pcraooal differences. - . . ) Locr began- hers by rplnnicg a tag line from her pmareia and lt tuui tB,wiad eairy it wLcvm it woulit white Eitxa; more ' rehr ectural ia oharaeter,- prefemd take . her hoee peraoaally fee nut Jbis .aupervisora, have a aw f i w .powur tn ma a ike arrests auy and that his at Dctice! HaygeiDn ction was entirely aiegsL myahoptthe rejfxring, ; . UlworktffitVlop '. OeasrtlftilMarrli ESTSold by per t-ottle. Drnggista, price 75& i' he ghorte bl-i ' with bdeiuebs. Ail work'Lef shall have Prompt a ttSntiSlu PBlCES fiofinKATt, aisuTlage. - Theiewan a lree gathering at Down ln,X?af , , To the Editor f tha &outSfrners 1 r Please publiah a3w UaeajQtyonr for tbpnent oi paper lor vte qprjent . oi moee 10 whom it may concern. J -receive lots 01 communioauouY-Irogl -Q jooa .1 1 1 . c. itdidcv trL d pyjujv. wo.. xxeDPara-,x , a i twos for another year, ui7 uib.1". 1 -th MiM jr,:. WMrd. and Frank T. ..v- t n...r uatiuuago - -i t- T l.TV. with M u I urru HnTTI 1 1 rv I -1,4 -i 1 i iv;.' z.j mJ . - wuuu wmuiiw ww w i - 1 &1bo Tbankihg ' (ormer the fam, n tha Undertaking Calvary Chun h last evening to wit ness the' ? mart tage of Miss Jane E aL-fks toBWoore, both of this people of Edgecombe aouaty, re piMjo, xus mwuuuj wm jrai'uuu iqueaiiDg my auv in aocuringaiMiaa and nom some To andetv latter seperately ach of my time, Hehegan nd B. E. L. Cook aed and besides I have not .the time to habere, and didiciu admirable atylei I iq nin around and Jock, jb After the ctretnomee at the church nW T wish to aaT to one and all. llhe invited tzneet rcnairca to tne res- (inili did. come and work rour wav Repairing DUSineSS Idencetof GUP. Clayton, wherejuror upu No one need expect to come to ,. , . r,; : j -r l-cepUOQ-jwaa neia unui a iave uoux u Texas and get the beat salaries ior Hv Place is diTPitt Street Three Ithrnurht.. The table waa heavily L.m ril h. Ia well tried. laden with every immaginable dehca- croree up all rieht and a good maa- CT that the. appetite, ot, man .could I d ibor. Good labor is in srood cravo,in.d the fragrance pi the, be w demand always f ov . white, people as fui flowers, mingled with the fair sex, I weti M for afirroea. and worth from made everything lovely. , I S18 to 429 or month. - . . . - .t . - . . I p'T- and ftira, Aioore were me reap ienlaoljf nttDoW ' of ' beautiful and . - I l . l 1 .7- - . prove it or pay foxjejt. c ilen uaeXut preaentav j V limits juBt out. A 8.00 sample aeni i Tha tQTjiExaxxa pronern aiua wishea" ot .thai- f stare happiness through liWa. - - - Dcors f:c - tbe Corner ofllain 12- J t plana for a riraideet's houae, and oa the 1ft of JlrihaTavaUaBiailir.g ta Qeorgttdwa and riamiuad th plana that bad been- aabaaUtaadw- ' , As it i pari oi toaal h mi lory doW, they accerUd the paa of J IXoban. a Dabua arehdect who hat made dealgaa few the home, rxacead, tt te tald, -ww th modal d the aioa of the Duke tf Ldnttaf ai Da- Iron point to point, end hetealf I bUn, the palace of ro rally La Ireland, to their proper faateniogj . . I I Tbe stone was ra part qoLrned al la either m.v however, the nraA I Aqu'a Creek and .brought to anew thing done aa to atietoh inne eight I wharf, boilt for the purpose, i or ta ateot thrcda ra place , to I foot of Sevenueota atreci, not uba pUee jow. the oetide of tbe latere I atbate Dvid Barna, at Waahiagloa web, to act aa point ,d"appui for the I eallad hica, refaied to ajlo-w the wf? rcoiainder of tbe atraotnra. i I one to paaa over hie ground a aurji To these oolef threads, which the log the :oo to the cti of the Whn4 spiders stranirtkeaed so aa to bee a I Hour a.-Ha sbuaed VIx. r H abas conaidaraMe ftrain by doubliog and I roundly, and if tha Cttr lia3 had trebling them, other thmwrt aingielbeea buiU, and preeeet Wgal faaha thxeadawera then carried radially a I ions than prevailed, be wooKl ho regulae dlstAnoevhke tha.. spoke of gotten out aa Lsjonctius, bat fell a wheel from poms ta tha-. osoU I douh! fal if thtre was thao a lzz what ibey ware all made laat and aeartr. lb . TJpif Marlboro or An leoncvted aotether. v 1 1 napolu; so daaprte Uoras cypoeiiioa As soon awthis radiaKoa frame-t the sioas cjo-tad ' thrvch tii work or scaffolding waa finished, hke place and the) While H-waa rwaa.' 5 the' woof 90 m lOCfiK iha JadueUtoni mamorial of the ceremsaul of nylet crafUwomaa slaried to the middle I the ecrnertooe baabeeedseeovwred and began the Uak of putuof ta th4 lit Is oarUIn that the Tlrrtma rra croeaptecea of weft, which were MlUaaena. who had la 1791 laid oa ooeuplete and bind tofrethec the cir-1 eoruar-ratose of the EH trie I ef . Col oular pattern, I lombia. andfwtioaa IT4 aaatatau .ta Thee aha wove round jaad round I laviasr the eorsn-looe or tawvarn in a continooua Spiral, aauicgoal atitol, dd act participate fa laying tha the centre aad keeping on ta ever- corner oce of the ttbueuocse. it widening circlets, tiH she arrived at waa probably laid by Maryland last at the exUrior or foundalioo klaanea. , lurr-ala, 1 1 i a l.lil .14 I The baildifW hwan Id rt. t hCU How he fastened theee at cee-t ever, atd fa : A t C 0 C Agents' profit.-.per month. 1 j lf ail. W si St., N. Y H. Chidester & Son, 518 1 1 Ahv man, or bor that Is ablend willinjr to work cannot fail to gat a job at some kind of wort, and stake good money. It ia here as in North Carolina what you- get .you. most work A or it, and , work -hard too. There are no . flowery beds of eaao f3sti1arrfir: localr Tint Con- here for a poor man, to my wdric Is, attlntlonal. I aJl thai ax not williixa 4oio(k- had oevatic (uuaiu mums Jl zv- Droarreasire . epantrT.Ra Boel a 4iJKJlet'X arwrwia, , 1 h4nfcrci.li ef ik. rt Is ly il axf it I VC'UrwNt 1 1 lxU J kaiS LraH4U Saris a aVraaked nr;Ul u aa iv tf m ttlp tafy t&laaad If t U e? two la ITe La " ef carfT.Uas U di-"y ta;arc" "WVa fjr wod tkiah tkat !4l f aaT CS -is tta larvr -;oiii si.;. aaU1 f ra aca p t of ir , aaJ acaweiyf to Latyla a"! fas-. arr ifirtvt STO S ti. aadaaaa. am9rt-ULrJ Mi-ia-S era.V HaVad aad haww-ilawaiae atrO-v Vid4 va as cd -tea, up. lew as aaw I aat ? (he aaww-thligajaJoeeaa sie- arad al tie 26UM aa iLai Udavi The aqolft af aa4Ui reke di boa break ta cmch U lara a beta, bet fraea a a Laccrtaaa woeid say, aa tkc bolettkwai aaadi The alow owuL4c ff the ra. 1 s aJ kawa cd ilM Eary 1 awry. jwraty Uaira lor aaaay tocx yrara, aadaisv waa lot the partjcla ta art at aires fa tl ks4-arTWLaVlAJ4 rortlaad Orfwoetanv - - f TO BE SOU) JOHiisoira fevSb CHILL TOMG laOaf a rr4l Hat an w-r rsrw-atf tl" mS. rwd, ticrffwa4i a I lifwaaU A I 4 e d a waa raftaf w-M.ai eeaaa. . La. tt ID IV Hi a C3L IT TA2LSOLO,Xa Get m Beit, AJvrye tokw tew4 1 rv a mTm I . a m aoaai el wvwla toa. Iff t ra e ti M cav h-? k aaoat tfaia I ikak tvara eroawAry aawww edear) V M awwartaajOLa' tnew wJ-- teek waa lata. eJUA( U tat wmUUkhVaaaaermn dcaa giaaiaffy ftty kyw raai Of lie a to A aw. 4 A LLENfS - ) ' m:iii:iii::'nm 1 Wkwaw'ileieCnCltta, . te t wYr43da lie &mtkM.4mTrr txtt tea WW awmrkja aS Aayit C4 aswm ci WaawWctSga aa-dNayytftaiaaee:-' TaC Cm the e21 laarz ts-rTy V-s wo facrtr rU aooad aV Uars to a-cro KslrtVr. " try. try fU. c'itV yaa-w3 w-aJUefil atewtrtSaf wtjeaTTrViraS'eAJ a-xlt Dersrtl Cr?wxWjA r etrX aal tawi ejLay-a tw e?e aad taaUa are t e rtwTt V?ig. Taery areea 1 1 fw-aJ?y, 57Te)i 7Tl t'tfcc tadtribrtt trra. Bstfkae Isltaoia feUylkM o aaawh a ratine eaergy aad ruiarak aeoald 4 waa lad la proriiag fcrv easts of lk4 eacUaaat waihr brwedd to4 tenlaxtv froaa Waahiaaw wt awry koq-t oUar eaao r4 atkia 4at-H -i e tt- wvaa eexa a - kf alaW ev tier awe prac-La fa- tk "V ... a iSaeeA fr.th; , ia ,Wa -1!!? Z??. v m m a . , , a wm " av - 4 a a wrTaw v 1 JUtMta .iVaa ad. th arm! lr ' "TTT w .TT . rTlTH.TrT?T' --r raimnKteee-i.ri a;.vrf . ' Vs MyJ7.w t. ti Tbaea arttyrtatiaa4 at erc$ Itt. .7 ' T r-rn wdf n tu. r a.nr a3 -ss ta . . " t-aw m ta a t et ef coa -4 Biavi wa and Uaj to wxeehj rairaahiAg LLaa aiTX raaaanllr logatke awaatjToay gtawaa.-w If thwy! aaaka 1 wliaw eavwoia)Jel ikaoa'WaraaUUUlUwr. dec of iU day. tftowU their eatae Ine aovemat r Vwrfovsa wuk llalaty itLtiaalia Hihieavi wi3 be the wcdW. i awjir. ukty re - M. L. IJUSSEr, w Cmtizizi.iai: . D VUsDBRt TAJaftaXXC ftaa aai a i r aaa t laia UwiraXrU elowty wo n. rti Tona rha Atainani "V "r .".- rL ' -w- fa a very . progreasiTe , eponur s Umphyaician, m a mane artl I pUoe f aaJ they, are ax. ys: -AW-X". rW at any price,, y one worth 1T all medley uaa .yi m would do Jrell lo invest m It is not a disease of the man s nosei Jt u fnbt now in it fa a dteeaae of tha man, uo,, of the Slate all th- wsy itself id the no.e- Local rxhibiUon txtf.dollars 4r acre. . r a rvinatitntional trouble. There- . . : . .i fota,1hr: rKoes, the nse 01 snun an i h0fi t leeat 2& oipef local appUcation- is wrong,ana - the nn?w lb, while they seem w give "- kowl aQd arBT worm.. Corn is above relief, they really o more th, erftg6 .ng for 25 oenU per x)d, Other leading author ities agree. , ..T . with Dr. Lewis. Hence, tne oniy PoUtio(J -ia Kortb Carol i. s proper method of cure for catarrh 1. . . . imBddla , t hope the a."aa.Aaaa I VAtYind V I " ..a a .a by taking a conswwuu.... ... . North suta pan througnaii iike Hood's Saraaparilla, wnicn, , Cleveland. I am ciecea to tbe rav-llne I could never for oceopaarv. The decauoat. c quit make out, though I often fol Maryland, tliOOO, aad of Tirgi&la, lowed the work eioeeiy from tnatoe I alXXUJU, aaauua 10 pay lot u, aaa IhrouKh lb pane of gUas - with a April, 1810, foa ooaihacr waah- plaiyaoopto lens; for, strange to say, teg loo a daaih, Mcpm trprcpna the spidata a ore not fa. the least dia lad $15,000 to pay lor lis furniture lurbad by being watched at -their Thencef orwaad it rcm the chiaf work, and oevar took th eagbUet mantioa in' the oalioo Si. Loo is notio olanythtog thai, went oa at Qiotw Democrat. the other side of the window. 11 j impreaaion," ia, , howvfr that she euin-ued them tocelhtr.letUeg them hat denial? ooe aa th. y dried, for the eight je.r.-.tdr 2u daZm fadJi -wet fa- cay b aaaaaed.jBt,to Jka-w T VM IhreKl'itaelf1 fa alwsjs semiliaaid when firat exuded Logmaa s iUg- axwe. ' AM SOW OTLilSQ j : . AND '-- Winter reaching cvex part oi the ooaj xised.that the gaodULUia through the wooovaoes o""" DamocraU ot Edgecombe- and tne be led airay. uw wheel in line solidly on for Cleve- i. . . J. U. i'xarDtx. this ie the practical result is proven 1 rJZerti Robertson Co, Texas. thnnaajlda OI POOP1B wuu taewawa-wa- . impurities and make the whole man ould i..5nfc;A Tt Mmorci the cause of IS' i uhuuhii - - 11 i eug wui wucwt the troubi; and restores we (he 8th day of November ,umbrane to proper condition. That J c Pl hv . -a t.k been cured 01 oawau Hood Sarsaparilla. by have taking i WHICH WILL BE SOLD ' CC You are cordially; invited to W. Rj SICKS i'euier & Cotton's Old Stand. A Falketie Cxste. An instructive and peAhetirrcsivm alill obfaita in Munich, r Ivaria. doibeel stnel Murdered. Erery destitute child lound-1 tn the streets is arreete' ana cetowu The ontMne given ol tta ond m w ic.titution,OA. Mi of a colored man on gV" ? arriv.l he 1 holographed -duU rage near Whiuke waa corrert except V1 tefojniainedaS that the victim did not f 8"" Suited, when be quae ibe.t, IWUiuia 1 nn tft Demi maMili.uafcaw named Haley WUfans camer. Enfirld, wbo had, been Wwdtoa j Whitakers. - 8J aW Vuecro tion U-t be wiU keep it as acnindar "aboo fly" for ESen of the wretched slate trohiche KVamed Tom Wdoox. The same w kiotWa ahowu. Veningtwo WJSXawak SdAf ha. reoeived many ' gift. Mm.JUamlU rUimed waifs. LaioAil IUarada an nlcl da- mhJ towaUa0aarJav wdka thus cf hia'own garden and some of iia inhabitabla: . .... .... "Those antique garden walla, high I Ciona beana he r. . a r t w- moa-ed below thair ruinad coping oz tilea, seem to ahut out even tha nt mur.ol- the eit e bie. There no sounds bo, the vices of birds, the shrilling of sewu, or, aa loeg, Ury In terval, the so'i'ary plAh oi a diviag frog. Nay, those waJra siode me from rood 1 njfue .than cily . traala. Oatai le them-huriM the-ehacgad Ja pan of ttlegrapbs. and new, pa para, and scavapiiK.iih4u uweu tae aii repoa ng peace ofi a'ute and tha dreams of 4h afxiecn'h eatory. Here. U a- chai m -f qoaibUi aa ta the vrrv airt a faint aenawoc eocse . . . . 1 tntfa ABiarJttxL ... . Whea e marriad womaa poraae cp bar hpa it is a sore a 40 . tha al is aboal to aak hobby for rnocay. Lo wU Couriaf. 4TXa barrlar i doesn't care aaytUrg about telcg throafh yont koewav die aeeaWaaed with the asnU-Elsire Uaaaiu The jar aaxle aaeialaat in the bow liag-l?a Batasaawasivy. pem Is always paling op his j-fll Ring hsmlfffl Leader. 'Anaarka wtU-wrrwr b srxgwd o Cobmbla. TStokbfaa crator vjj ics: "I am a Colombian ciliaao." VIesptua Appaei. He la Uia the ftrst licve yo ever bea la love, darUel SL thouQilewaly lea bat U'e eo see that I hrp it woo' b the bvatl I -Ttw ichchoy wbw-tt $iv) -wa inch axd takes aa elldcaatvwa a birch rod Pica jruue. , M Clothae arc by aoae aoeoiogttta BaUt'a Sa rrwehtrg- ka4-- tV. IL a vOem "Vk. doctor. I n 0r wa bcoaakawv tjaa ta ch era, aad - aa A .1 ga iht eawar, " ks taxkrr Dst IL (aad kwJk B aa, yoaaH Toer ttxtTK aa a Uawad kr this ntiysiafc- ' ikaM m &aW. "VTkalt navwaa.lhwa t, too, aaa loaL Dr. IITam4JWeU.-y to-kiaa yoar wife aTVav t wt a, asd to ta rt f T?tt,Liitrr oay -laaT ti li b4itacir o I watMa kfary tL g;aacai ia ita. Ux. til te tart toad JLawU, ea a! by tk arua aaa airay 4 ta l w '. y asr;aaa ajbe a aduagcM w la . t t oV wi, wd l aa-ada el (km eciaf kaiw.y4 t Baal -aw tie! li kfy alilwre aaaaiU-. TLat ks arwady beaw aaw wawd a re- 1 pard to'U dAaaars U "t a arW v rs'tUtnn "Wlllinras 4T FATS TO www ae4aa wxx awdWlaJaw tw aaaa. naawl.laawi li7 wUehl ) oartawoaAaa ta asdwkJt w-aU ta fs aa m IV. ' i-CTJIiJlM-: Baakvr. -Ta. tel t tSU Dr. IL Ta Lens wwarve aa, Thao L too, aa feea-d'en rgarw. a Hoew txTTwaaaei iaaaa aaa wn3 Vk scCrodarUcwi ai aafwaaa al ram?& la Sriawl a w i via aarrwrwU IW th vWi U roads aewccadw aa U eair 4 C baia. aka they U be fweavkry 'nuad wkawe Uy at aweat ccwaTr Krvw-to ti ar rr ea tamer a l to aad w hare kbry vi ( awYVawd lOUAl 4 fO-iw eawawny.. a ear ewww U K-Tlaea vj la t l3JtH aw reddcw saaxy parte cf dvf evwaur stnawr i 1y- thioaWjovl audi vt ajl aboot I regarded as th iodex or oistto oeertrbac the ientWj haantiog cf land enUora. Ia other wJa, w . . - I aa.aa..aat 1 dead laJiet, who lookKl lite th la-1 owe a gorx deal 10 in aiKW. rnu die rf th-i:d .tiet-ira bopiL. aqd I delphia.Time . w" T - a - A CaxwUf tut Xkaat 6m4 A It Is a east ei falr lact, liat Via a mc4 cwswBoev Ui. f " Astir er4od fa t' a Trm TtaoadUe erwat Tta USarvutUfll9it(4Uftsy Mi('a&JU Uaikaf U o!ttaU ;w3taaictv iia rav nr ; a i tic wtlh awdnarv avharacaT wilkAsd r. away t-e awliaar 1U Ii t tLti&rsr1:la tie teller Tk " 5 ISSAt t Wiea5al W4k - . a. v .1 -a. .a 'u.i..tU W auJk i rauy, aa aawtaiaa aai, , w sw J " '- pore eisttSca, laletuxw . lowad Ur puiafw iw hit j teak.' TL "'tat . - 4 inchest o a U Ixavraiag rowrr Lant U. S CoVt RrporT. a-w. aaae a Jmm we i a. . jar "a Ml s. earn eaaawa a RW W) AFam'u '"'W a C TajJa.4 hi ' Kw I3rtar CU fafta' AKwt3HartaCU a. abalavrdtcte vabea ail this wraa new. Even m I Ik- an .-r light t0C log ihe'irrax. s'janr aie of . tte thal'iw thxdUaiUlh- f a ir- I lb 10U4 lofvd tiCtS U the leudaiUrS ef a phantom, earu a.. Tims are the gaidena f- thf-paat. Tb future will kwo uta only aj draama. ert au. hji of a L . I rt. boa charm no u oma tat; rprwdMi. "B-W a-HeRo iHo, eahet ere y gemg to do with thaa ag c4 : poera dert J gjr I a ircg t try to blow mteed away iroa a pwroes pUatar that's oa ay back. Lao pooa a - a . It may be thai they always Sfwak ol a aaa aa tollowieg the race - Lw he never gat aSead of tbaea. "Of the homaa tenants her ao . Buffalo gxtriea, -3 VT . 1 -4 . ' 1 IW a aiaa I VI f a? 1 aae.Vtt.. y i ' hi" 4 . - s k. 1 .fofy v a w aw- rfa a tw -Ja ta. . -JT Tarboro, OcC 20th. 42tf 'at the roaa cToaBe;iw w