L V- 0 - (V sir A f. "3 II en -hi nr. r n n m rv u n m m n n II II ; mi ii hi BE SITBE YOU ABE BI&HT; THEN GO A mn a T.-p Qrockott. VOL. 71. NO. 12. " TARBORO'; N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1893. PRICE FIVE CENTS H. T. Ka.ES Offers nxi. i -!.. aalonal services to the elti cs of Tarboro and vicinity. " Office on Main Street near Coker's corner. tAUL JONES, ?. tt 'y an d Councelor at Law TARiK.RO, N. C, J Q. EDWARDS. AND HOUSE PAINTES, Papr haDging a epecialty. 4 40tf. TARBORO, N. C, JOHN L. BiUDGEIW & SON, At torneys-at-Law, TS. RBORO - - C 14 lv- THEY STOPPED THE BUN, There was a run on the fsanrthfll and District bask. It bad lasted the whole of one day and had shown no signs of abating in the evening. If it lasted another . day I . Old - Mr. Brads haw wiped his brow. It had come at the most awkward time- just after the farmers had got their usual loans, just when securities were hard to realise; In fact, Just at i m. . a . a me moment wnen xne oenx, woe gmt that Dick would be a o? In reality solvent, was emphatically , er rD. ol the Albert medal wnen the roars became deficient fa quantity or quality. "The - money ought to be here hx three hours." said Dick. "Hare ye got the back-door key T ' rhillpplnl reassured him. Then Dick took a wild, runntig leap at the windowj PhilippiaJ stirred ep Atlaa, who roared hatlly. Dick es caped with his Ilia, aad laaded a breathless heap at the mayor feet. The mayor raised him, aad said he should write to her majesty and . a a a a . . Hit tin HAUL Mian lag ef ft Cwmi MABRiaots or rftCAJUL, not In a position to answer a long-1 H. A.. GlLU-M. DOHUXlX QILLUH ULLIAM A SON Attorn6ys-at-l-awf TA.RBORO', N. C. Vn j practice iu the Counties of Edgecombe, riulifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of the .' rst Judicial District, and in the Circuit and iv.irerao Courts at Raleifh. 1al8-lv. p P. WXW. M. D, PHYSICIAN k SURGEOh, Tarboro IN. O Office ard. next door to Hotel How 30 ly MOTHERS ! MOTHERS I! To know that a single applica tion of the Cuticura Remedies will afford Instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy and economical cure of torturing. disfiguring, itching, burning and scaly humors, and not to use them without a moment's delay is to fail in your duty. Cures made in' childhood are speedy, economical and permanent. Bold throughout tba world. Pvmi Pave two Chbh. Corp., sole proprietor, Boston. " All About the Blood, Skin.tJcalp and Hir,MiUad traa. - Facial Blemlshea, falHnff hmlr and sUipla baby raahee prevented by Cattcant 8op. If tired, aching, ajerreva moth. era knew the comfort, strength, and vitality in Cntfeur Plasters, they ' would nerer be without them. In erery way the purest, sweetest and best of plasters. continued demand for payment on the spot. Mr. Bradshaw groaned out all these d istressisg facta to his son Dick. It was, indeed, . ao usq talking to Dick, for he took no in terest in business and had spent the day in a boat with the TUrtington girls; still Mr. Bradshaw was bound to talk to some one. "We 'shall have to put the shutters tip. One day's grace would save us, I believe; we could get the money then. But if they're at us again to morrow morning we can't last two hours." and the vicar (who had no money La I ri. , a . a at a a I ui Dana) inaiguaauy aacea xam crowd if thev could not trust a fam ily waproduced adoaa like' that. Several people cried t 'Hear! "Hearr and told Mr. Bradshaw that they never really meant to withdraw thalr deposlta, Mr. Brad shaw thanked them aad looked at : his watch. was breathless, aad his ahoee dusty from walliag la the country. At once he effected aa entry aakl . a aoeae of great ezcitemeaL A I moment later he aroeered at the Dick sympathized, but had tvoth- . wt. and cHd In a UrrortHrk lng to suggest, except that it would relet: not make matters worse If he carried " j cva'X 'oU 1ml I caat 'old Irnl out his engagement to go to the dr- nj ok out for TOurtetreer lit at - Jl - NOTICE. jO THE PUBLIC. A I am Prepared to the do all work in Undertaker's Business, at the shortest notice. Having con aeoted with my shop the repairing business. All work Left at mj shop shall have Prompt attention. PRICES fiODEBATB,- A.lso a first-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friend a for their former patronage, I hope c morit the same, should they n&ad anything n the Undertaking OR Repairing Business M Plaoe is on Pitt Street Three Dcors ff . tVe Corner of Main J. i. WALLS. Fashionable :-: Tailor, I'iit St , one door below L. NWidell & Tarboro U" O. Fine Full Dreta aiid Evening Tailor Mn.le Suits. The term well dressed ex teudi from the neck 10 the foot ot the subject. "Cutting, repairing and cleaning ne at short notice. ' !' NEW YORK WEEKLY UERALD By virtue of the power and authority contained in a judgment rendered at the Spring Term, 1893, of the Superior Court of Edgecombe county, in the cause enti tled Elizabeth Cherry gaint It O, Dunn and his wife, Ida Dunn and Sally Dunn, the undersigned commissioner will sell at the court bouse door in Tarboro, N. C, on Monday, the 16th day of October, 1893, for cash, a certain piece or puree! of land, lying and being in the county of Edge combe, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Henry Win borne, bailie tv Moore and L S Dunn and others, con taining ninety-six acres, more or less. For a more particular description of said piece of land, reference is made to the pleadings filed in said cause. This 13th day of September, 1893. ' - Hkxkt JornssTOX, 87t4 Commissioner. NOTICE. By virtue of the power and authority contained in - a decree rendered at the Spring Term, 1893, of the Superior Court of Edgecombe county, in the cause enti tled C. J. Austin, executor of R. H. Aus tin, against Battle Bryan and his wife, Sarah F. Bryan, the undersigned commis sioner will sell at the court house door in Tarboro, North Carolina, on Monday, the 16th day of October, 1893, for cash, a cer tain tract or parcel of land, situated lying ana being in the county aioresaid,. on White Oak Swamp, west side, adjoining the lands of Archelus Braswell, John T. Bellamy, Mrs. Dixon, Bennett T. Lyon, Nancy Newsom, Thomas Anderson, Sally Johnson and I. 51. Cutchin, and contain ing 71 0 acres, more or less. For a more particultr decryption of said tract of land, referem e is hereby made to the pleadings, filed in the cause aforesaid. This 13th day of September, 1833. EXKST JOHXSTOJl, . 36t4 Commission. NOTICE. One Dollar a. "Year During 18 93, the Wbkkxt Hkkald will be without question the best and cheapest family journal published in America. It will be profusely illustrated by the best a i tists in the country, and will be a mag agine of literature, art and news absolute ly unrivaled in its excellence. The Presidential inaugural Will be graphically described and artiscal ly pictured, while the great feature of the coming years history, the WORLD'S FAIR, Will be given particular attention. So complete will be the descriptions of every thing connected with the great Exposition, and so true to the reality the many illus trations, that a perusal of the Wzxxxt Herald next summer will be almost as satisfactory as a visit to Chicago. By virtue of the power and authority in a decree i t the Superior (Jowl tt Edge combe county, rendered at Spring Term, 1893, of said couit, in the cause entitled J. W. Lipscomb and E. A. Lipscomb, his wi'e, again. George II o war J. V. H. Johnston in his own right, and W. IL J oh p son and Benjamin Norfleet aa exscu tors of the will of John Norfleji, the un dersigned, commissioners, will sell at the Court House door io Tarboro, North Car olina. on Monday, the 16th day ol Octo- Der, ibikj, ior can, a cerU-n piece or par cel of Innd, situated in the town t Tar- bory, and county aforesaid, numbered in the plot of said town as lot 140, being la the corner i f Pitt and Pnnola streets, aad adj ini'cn lota 88 and 141, being about 255 feet cquve, on which lot are twodwel. ing houses, the one now rccupta) by J. W. Lipc mb. the other bv TV. D. Frown. For a more particular description of said premises, teterence la hereby made to the pleadiDcs filed in the above entitled c-tusfj. This 13lh day of September, 1893. Gxo. Howard, Jr., Hsjtbt Johnston, 37t4 CotnmissiOtiera. NOTICE. By virtue' of decrees the Superior Court of Edgecombe ceunty, rendered by the clerk of said court in the cause entitled W. IL Johnston, executor of the will of I Norfleet Cutchin against Margaret A Cutchin and others, devisees of the late norneci vutcmn, the undersigned, com missioner, will sell at the court bouse door Prizes Each Week S32E&!!fi3 "Will be awarded for the best original arti cles on argicultural subjects. Each issue will contain a page devoted to practical ami scientific farming. The Woman's Department will be unex elled in practical suggestions to make the uome more attractive. Every week there will be a number of special articles on all topies of human in terest. Among the novelists who will write stortes for the Weekly Herald are Jerome K. Jerome, Stepniak, Mrs. Grim- wooa, r.Qwin Arnold, John Strange Win- land, situated in said county tcr, juane Uorelli, Helen Mathers, Flor- adjoining the lands of W T. ence naraen, uume Nisbet and Hamilton aide. SEND FOR PREMIUM LIST. Address J A.MES GORDON BENNETT, New York Herald, New York. SUBSCRIBE NOW. PARKER'S Hair balsam Cleanses and bcaut&ea the halt. Promote a luxuiiaat Growth. r ran. 19 riMtor unyi T WO IXS THfHMI 1 .WIP. land, situated in the county of Edgecombe, btate ol xsorth Carolina, adjoining the lands' of J. W. Sherrod and Brother, awl others, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, and known aa the Drew Gunter place, being the indentical tract of land, devised in the last will and testament of the said Norfleet Cutchin to his wife for life, and to his daughter Mat- tie Lee Bobbitt for life after the death of his wife, all of which will more fully ap pear by reference to said last will and testament; and also a certain other piece of and State. Mayo and others, containing one hundred and seven ty-seven acres, more or less, known a the Nathan Pippen place, being the saase devised in said will to the children ot R. N. Cutchin. Terms of sale, one half of the purdaase money, cash, the other half by bonupay. able twelve months after the day of sale. with 8 per cent, interest from the day of sale. This 13th day of September; 1803. Hksbt Jcscranm, 37t4 - ContrahwioncT. DEAF nebs wt! itrm ms re. laaBU nHUIlia WSHtMl. W-p BaaM. Co cus with the Flirtinirton irU. ! "Oh, co to the devil with the Flirtington girls, if you like,' groaned Mr. Bradshaw. j So Dick, went to the circus (the other expedition, as he obeerred, would keep) and enjoyed the per formance very much, eepedally the lion-taming, which was magnificent and so impressed Dick that he de serted his companions, went behind the scenes and insisted on standing Slg. Philippini several glasses. "Is that big; chap quite safer he asked, admiringly. "I can do anythlnk with " Im, said the signor (whose English was naturally defective); but with any one helse e's a roarer, 'e is, and : no mistake." ; 1 I i I After the perform an oe Dick took the Flirtington girls home; then. with a thoughtful look on his face, he went and had some talk with hie . father, and came away, carefully i placing a roll of notes in his breast pocket. Then he sought Sig. Philip- -pini's society once more. And that's '. all that's really known about It if, .that is, we discard the obviously fanciful statement ot Fanny Flirting ton that, as she was gazing at the moon about two o'clock a. m., she saw a heavy wagon, drawn by two horses and driven by Sig. Philip pini, pass along the street la the di rection of the bank. She must have been wrong, for Philippini, by the evidence of his signora (whose name, notwithstanding that Philippine morals were perfectly correct, was Mrs. Buggins), went to bed at half past eleven and snored like a pig all night. However these things may be, this is what happened the next morning: When the first of the depositors ar rived at seven a. m., they found one of the windows of the bank smashed to pieces and the shutter hanging loose. A cry went up that there ' had been a robbery, and one or two men began to climb in. loey cua not get far before a fearful roar pro ceeded from the neighborhood of the counter. They looked at one another and said it would be more regular to wait for the ofSclaU. The roars continued. They sent for Mr. Bradshaw. Hardly had he arrived (accompanied by Dick, breathless and in shirt sleeves) before the back most rows of the now considerable crowd became agitated with a new sensation. The news spread rapid ly. Frantlo soea ran to aad fro; several ladies fainted; the circus proprietor was sent for. A lion had escaped from the menagerie and was supposed to be at large in the town! "Send for Phllhrplnir cried the proprietor. They did so. Philip pini had started early for a picnic In the country and would s4 return tUl just before the performance la the evening. The proprietor was ks despair. "Where's the beast gene to? cried. A roar from tb bank answered his question. "WelL rm Uowed If he's not la the bank!" exclaimed the proprietor. It certainly appeared to be the fact that Atlas (that was the lion's name) had taken refuge in the bank and wa in full posseeeioa of the premises and assets. Under these circiBSBBTtances there was, Mr. Brad shaw esrxaalned. a dUSculty la re- cash payments; but if nw cheeks would be accepted the crowd roared almost as loud as AUas at such an idea. Something must be done. They sent for the mayor; he repudiated liability. They sent for the fire brigade and the lifeboat crews; neither would come. Tbcy got runs and peppered the furniture; Atlas retired behind the Crrproof safe and roared worse tbaa ever. Meanwhile the precious beers were passing. Mr. BradshaV money was also on its way fnsalVmdon. At last Dick took a noble resolution, 1 will go In at any cost." he cried, and In spite of Fanny Flirtiagtoa'a tears he scaled the window and dis appeared from view. The crewd waited to hear Atlaa crunching, bt he only roared. When Dick was la- side he paused and. asseu m au-w Tolce: "Is he chained?" "Yes." answered Sig. PhClppUd from behind; the safe. "Is the Ant Roll hmlnMt over?" and he csxm and he leaped from the window. The crowd Ced la all directions, and two boys were all but run over by a cart which was being drfvsa rapidly from the railway station to the bank. . "All right," said Dfek to the signer; ''bring up the wagon.1 Aad then, with great dlSculty aad con summate courage, the signer aad Dick brought aa Iron cage ? to the window and drove Atlas ta The operation took more than an hour, because they had to feed Atlas and drink a bottle ef champagne them selves before they set about It, So that It was six o'clock before Atlas was out and the money was la and the Sandhill and District bank opened Its doors for business. "We gained fust the time we need ed," said Mr. Bradshaw. "It was dirt cheap at t50 r - And Dick, although he did act get the Albert medal, was taken Into partnership and married Fansy Flirtington. It was the only way of preventing her seeing things she was not meant to see out of the win dow at two a. m., and chattering about them m publle. Aathony Hope, In N. Y. World. About everrbodf la the n-wrrv jer reeding world knows ,,Gii, but It Is doubtful If saore than a fe people know the signucanoe ef the taoss da plume. Prof. Roth, ha vies .la eharre the Cathode edacaUoaai exhibit of Philadelphia at the Co lrrmWan expeaiUon, has let the eat out ef the bag. The feline escape was saade a few days ego during the time the coa- gqras of fibrariaaa were holalaj? see- Oeorre Alfred Towxsetid has daughter who Is touch lateresUd la educational matters, aad she was here la attendance at the tasaUsrt, and was, ef co-tree, taking la the fair. Ameer a lot ef other prp! she was one day Introduced to Prci. Both. "Glad to know m." said the genial old Irishman, hearUly. "I am particularly glad, to kaowyou, as 1 know your father so wad. 1 have known hint far a loeg tlaav I aa dellf hted to make the arualat anos of his daughter.1 la the geaerel ta.k the emetic of how Mr. Towed ensae toehooee the title of Oath arose. The daughter being appealed to declared she had no Idea how aer falter decided cpoa such a aom de plume. "Why, It Is simple enowyh, et ehtleaed Prof. Both, looking at the Journalist's dseghUr with a quiet chuckle. There Is a 0,' rua see; that stands for 'George. TVea there 1 'A' for 'Alfred, and the T Is tor "Tewmeend. ef eourse.' "But the IT, sail the group la a e boras, as the professor aeelleUd; what Is the TTforr "Why that represents where he Is going for the lUe he has told," said the prc4icc. Chicago MaS. Was TWf Mrf fe TWf ae Prcrf Hseer Do tai vr.i freak i as a rale txaiS ry hsrCyf" Mr4 a PhCadi-Lla Vves can ef a t'srwrtr el freeis. ; 1 rasaist say. Wkre ee ass torsi rurkelty t&arrVe amihsr 1 be iirre they da, as a They hare bcea la the Vwt laes !r a4 they Trtow what to stpMrl. TWe Is ao stS4T rUooer er tla! altreo tksa la tt t-r thea; It la Keta a. prrhapa, with a pal daal cf hcsvst seeltsnt tslis4 a? with K bt they gv marrUd w.u tletr "Co ef the sac rravarsaUe liar rwr etfUljrals4 ta Ilia try was that ef Pat CTCrUs, the Irish glaat, aad a fscaale giar.tnee at XntUbcrrh la l fX It was a Ug afsir and ammU ef tt grephtd all owr the wertd. CcL iMcrve O. Burr, who Is see TUr tuta A Baby's tl haa4 tlal saaa, rerlard th Elarr was c&saartsg lUrrU at the UrsA, aad the glsaU inflates a2 U lvtr TcrwIutt U.SCi t7i-L Jbm . 'mS 10 11 TT 1 1 OlVfiSP- Le4 tOe Lftc e fa. It Is ee ef the rrU r ssar Wr.e.rls k ue U U7 trvm crt e W aa4 esSuIt tt to the sJrtvf t'j. v, TUl 1 1M is a leal tZm a3 tr;tt ethlhiUi at that Wm. OTUVa I who Ue rear mt yware ttf was irUh, h3 U Uile was a Cw ! earuUIy ae Isw. Wa Ujs rlri ttflih were over sewst tm m nwi U ! wry Sttie wvrft 1 A Uttie Too MwcK. Two Detroit women met the other morning oa the street and, with a common Impulse, they began to talk about hired help. "Hare you got a girl yet?" asked one. "No; have your followed the other. 'Tve had about a dosen la the last month, and they are no good. The capsheaf was laid on, though, yesterday." "How was that" came the eager ly curious mterruptlon. "Well, a very stylish girl of about thirty called at noon to see about a place. I liked her looks, though she was dressed better than I was. but I thought as she was particular about her clothes ' she'd be nice every ether way. UI course, s was haughty and proud, but lots of untidy ones were that way, so I overlooked that too and I had prac tically engaged her when what do you think she wanted? "Bix nlgbte off and two arter noons for matinees?" suggested the other one. "No, not that. Would you be lieve it? She wanted aa extra room for her maid to occupy. Now what do you think of thatr and the other one dropped her power of thinking. Detroit Free Press. ta hicht. The wAilxr tack tee ta the there ekwrk, foe the gtrl was ef flat dMenlaeUo. aa4 wWll as agrtw to be t-urrWt ta the raikirl as her sAsaced Jlri. TWrwsIt ef that marrUge wee vty haj-ry. Both were aarrslly atuid w. i their tbotae. Thy wet to t-4rw, aad whUe U rvH.a Mrs- CIvUs dWL That wme foror five years ago. and OTirWa has a-rvr n-car rUd, aad, whet Is sacra, says that "As aaotWr rtaste ef frveha Bt tag hsj-pCy rthe. U tm rtrr yoa to Mr. a&4 . Mrs Ts Thst&a. ror rartre liae a qwrUf ef aetry thry Qvtl ta h aiaaowt fiity. 'Tl Is who a tawca frvak tar riee sce&e oee ostte ef the rvrp slee, some t-srts&-ksator er lovw skk sea t!m tall U that trrJUe rostxre. Ildowsa'l take locg far the tafatua'Joa to war c. aad thMi come hteserUgs ed rvcritlaatkies and taaHy arjAralkeu "A kuaWf cf years sc I laew a gtrt who travtl with a jrvttv Ug Show as "Kl KX, the CaaalSal iria es.' She was a realty tltfht esvUl to that 1 tki4 srp la U;ua Ilr hair was lci:a4 to t alralht, aad tkat h.'ftl the dcwpttoa, toct'CUr with a few false Uttoe marts aad a c cellars cf human Wth hkh I had bought freea a eVatlst- 'We rot to a pUf ea!U4 Ccw- tvavl!l, suMrwnre la th reke re ts the srla.il attW ef tV tZr er rety MMy tBBtarrl o is AsMrna Mm CU are dt ditas r a . C Car nViioa itmKUl. A eu: gr It a itui! tt Is Srwa Uat tuta j tt Vti u-. re sWS ae 4?:x wv: a sx2t4 trwX EU-y Va-e ! as tat! ly w NTee!Zx a tKr If; VM awBscrai rT r TWw ae vrte reaei.ae Itw Uk.it Ve cu vm save 5 V. ta i-m u tul f atk lAisewy wt"t trv- we f fajay ae r$wl"l la Mm 5 Is taTrw5 t.rt ef the pmA aa4 hT7 areaA, lus atem atsf to weey i swrUU4 I wlm tJU ri tf. tt lh ttasft the sew arrival eta eVwee frs4 SA4 tm srw , SBwaAar tU twv Tlal avsey a Tai a. ttMU- tve ef CW ef sae tea esluUU4 to is Is I sraCMi ft a fast 3 laww-a to mt ao4 e. pertoarwl aarawa, bat St ta as-saw y UaLr paaJry to hm? mj r strUUcss s tais snrt as a, to sw rw Sm.U4 try taaJ f-trtasle. lt rli nw he nnai 1 frtea a s'iey to Ve iUn to aayWfy tl ha Ua mm e4 u ras , he rava 7e s ae ta to tar tto Um ree V i es ! Wa4 fceta- rwr sa4 avaa y U tl Ce U4 taey A writer, la speaking ef the6oard of lady t&ansarers of the wcrLTs fair, while that body was ta session la Chicago, has the following to say of the president of the board: A more graceful, gracious aad ahls rrealdlng officer than Mrs. Pot Ur Palmer can hardly be Imagined. Beautiful and always taulUeeely dressed ta pretty rammer gowwt which fit her charming little figure to perfection, Mrs. Palmer stands at the long table ta the board-room of the lady managers of the world's fair, wielding her little .mallet with hsfgrneat and tact. AU aorta of unpleasant elements are to be last la the little company. Oee state thinks itself slighted la the general distribution of yerore of award; anotner eomyalns taat ber I -i rran.jUaxla, where eywesg schemes are not followwd: a third as- I T.:v.w .Vo aaw theraa&lbal rrtACwee . . .. . . - Cf. wVtsm ft msi i sis fta UU M as to swk jrrerlf . ai U Crisua Uxt, that -fV.a Is mO VuaiM tSs Is tsr. Chs Xm,, tsui U-e fee utig Jfrtsres f C fee a s!r--4 harfa StftMi ta Ue erttwe af ei tUa txstCf esree tlal tt a aa4 l-er-a t ef Wwg n4 aaSal-s trLtnaiA. ssww-Mh-e aw as to r ery rre a! aa-t rfus U fWaat t "l it tvel a tWe taheftria. It ts ertee to aa m srspe a saaay grc4 rmU toe rue ate ehSJ to a:.io aS tt eC fee saaeaer J tWiKlttUUiM lr vrws harw tawrh Wat taay Va ta a rWtTy I eu& a Vrnrl e-re-vt '.t--. teaZtay sraccrs tae crtus "It cr4-- f Tuawse ml a Sbasgevt h gvs1 HWir-Bei avj m akrrtW a C-t- Vat tM rryUaaa. It la ee satare tmtM to t7 a t i A Mjla a td a rawlmi - tuaa a turr-. t ta Urar es uA ru-re tU I CU Nrrs-i-:x to e"-n a .:f wlS:t to lmVr ciaw 4 oVAtii there la Ctte vSuwitfW ef toetg aeeaiuS tue l.aee Msraiy a Swcgeatio. ''Where Is old Dawson this lng? asked the railway president, noticing the sbeenoa of the vrtorea bookkeeper. "Home; sick," said the vice- president. 'Toot old fe3ov! I don't believe hell ever get over this attack." 'That's too bad," sighed the tree Ident. "He has been a very serts that she has been mallrtoualy treated, and a fourth wishes panes for her family to the third aad fourth area era Uosv. But Mrs. Palm er's mental endowmeat Is fuSy equal to her physical gifts, aad she keenlr fores i se aad averts contro versy. She told a belligerent kmks ber who lately Insisted on examin ing the secretary's snlaetae that "no business wUl be transacted un til members are seated." aad thus she Ingeniously guides her troubled bark sway from shoals and quick sands. It Is a fineieseoo ta perUe meatary law to speed aa hour ta studying her methods. The man who sits by, aad who Is said to have been her teacher la these matters. Is rarely consul ted now. serf ef a Seller's Oeae. The usual story of 'the taker's dossm" Is that aa unnamed law of aglaad competed bakers to give thirteen loans to persons who bought a dosen loaves, but it does act aeata to be wholly correct. Laws against Cght-waigTt loaves were reacted ta England verr severe npon the bah ere and to avoid the pees! tire the rue- torn grew wp of bakers CiriT ta extra loaf, known as the R eread," or veatags loaf," er. la Scotland, the too bread." Thlrtoea was also called the "devfi s daeen," becec of the n repute of the neater, aad U has been suggested that ta the daTS when bakers were moat uepep- eler their samee may have substituted for that cf the cevfi. fa ta krre withhr. lis f&Swwl the show fjr two we, saUl w gut down la to Ohio, aad the he married the gfsL She was Ussst enough not to dWv hla; she toll him that she was a txv prtaes and that hrr hme was la Ir-falo. But tl d'-la't make asy d:5erve to fie ccat coca try )y, aad b ejaxrUd her. What was tive reevll? Jest as som at the rUmour cf the hoary mom were c? he t-va to driak and his 1-a.l to ft erp ftm. Turn I took ahaad la the Walaes aad tohl the rrie- that walex the prince eccaort kryt out ef the tent X wouM not only fire klm but her also. The trpahot was that the wean aa left the show aad I was euteheat two hundred dollars oa priatLsg. 1 heard cf her about three? years a- she' was rtmaieg a la4ry jswt ta Chicago aad her hwahaad had daa a-ee-e arxsoai aa u ua, rentes tUeCf raos to We fed, w!, C tre Is ao nra tar t-ig LJcri-i tt wC3 as aaTy drr? re? amr? a Tlle hahit avav U rewv a4 ibe cSulf taay a-ee hsr-e U (are U Uls to chasj-e tVs pns-tlaa wQUut wafteaiaa? If- TV saay i ty very eaMlxaa'y drawtag U UaakeS whkh tt a-rpa agCy Wrearl mm side ef the rvX taeta faetag gwatTy with oee head Us the W Is ae4 oa the ba&y's atuesl. la this way tt say be trs4 trpxaa Ihe ctkar sde w,thsst rocialag tt. AfW awhe It wQ get SrtasVwed to Utag taraed, wtsew tt w3 awvaTy laSeArs ta est very leagrawa treata aa4 eetCe dvwa as raatewt tGf so pnsailZe to Ca2ah tU S-a Chl'!rvw of a3 a- stoats anu: thrr wake 4 Ueir eord. etttr leeakfaet sw aay ihisg alee U as tspertoat to IVm as to el? e4 five. Ifeeehaaaey rarValty to tT the frfarUnal wr lag tt Ills Irt hiss try a few 2at to ito ereUag e'Js a ft'l tUt has Jat baw i..t trsa tie sCi bera. A teacew w sas arai &. re-3Jsrua-Te ereatre cm eaj g- alseg eray tofivL rr-wa tafvary to a aW? ts a tBrwt terul rwrv ef TJt. aad tf awe atun'.i.-w were g"vw te tWt, We ao.5 hew tWt W.J Ut frr tsvaTkla, fewer tf te-o;ea. aal tswre brill I rj e, la wart t trras aad tleaaaat taewa t. T. Ledger, tZf gre-wn rUrfWs Tssg 1"W ta. TW trvivt g'-t't tm CW h4f tiMAa raaMnl a to ti are-rKn-r. tlU ent ItcX tul. a r'a5 to sxw r -TTfty, jr.es taurVo, aaif cte ywsvg t&eva. 1 Iki'tiif M ftf tuad fu gTUeta a3 a-nl sua I turf ya ee-. eral tart VU .ut fii rsheeeaS tarn ly w'.th tM sAf-a tt fw- IM IT" wt.:rtS Vim rvt T-w strajrt TWe awt t'-e Ifta y :ur a He 7t" tu axwrw. "jit aaflie as 1 am t.:-e ' iff I I !5ue ',iv, M yf Met! Ufte He, out to tie waTk to wtai was waatod. "Whal s ags wrrthr How tcasy have yo-s g-H?" "T-vra dceeta TMsg 'raUsain ." The farmer tsraed erosa4 est Vli seat sad lAed the wvf b rw, j Mi iire vn aiis: bt a feridX w Wh aeeC4 awasg. Tlrtxr 'sen la. ceUawe4 Ue Tera The WUre the statoaf Terk. s;tiU at ATiaav. sn'tol law la A?W tryi, fwr ihe grt4asl ahrftlta ef slavery w'.Uia It da saalaa. TWtae wV were sUea at e. . a - a "TUyt hyr he ceSed ta froat ef r. "aa auraaa i-ver smaf r7 Um a.W ito TmA as J- A Cierm wvni w we e-vw I . .v . r , -r Uto Birwt4 aal2 Uy wwretwwaty. U rears ? s- a4 lem'ao tatl thT were Ivtalrt The SReruuis ee el owe Uraa4toa. 33ter a fmcMHtTJ I'ea'aleint, ISO ssee -pna Veas IM eaves ;s a,t.ms a tree aft Peraoas eeSdag la Vto etoto salAt tarttg aUaeew w.U Uetas wVasa toy 14 tnel a year imW. .w a UVi Ta4 u. s Xt ai,9w s. "TaatfHii.g ;T" IThal ' la wUtor ? "Tfcml alaraf$l S Is Stosw yrs lat t a.ittite.tal, ! awtoS to rri?ct-e S tr er eaw yw la af tnKw value-1 bis man to us, Tawson has. He's been with ta twenty years, aad X don't believe he's missed a day." "That s so, said the vW-preai- dsal. "Hs has literally worn him self out la our service. If he dies, I think the road ought to do some thin g for his wide w." "So do V said the president. "What would you suggest?" 1 really djo't know " sali the rice-prtsideat, unless perhaps--- er Wen? Goon. Whatr "We m'.jht give her a pass over our road to the world's fair." An AmerksM to ftU Dr. T. Hay ward Hayes, surgeon areneral cf the Siamese army, Is a Ballmorven who want to Slam sev eral years ago as a medical Presby terian missionary. Its mst wita such woederful success in cwrtag dl i stirs that the king considered his services builrpensahle aad made hha surgeon gvoeral cf the array, with power to establish hospitals and medical Institutions Ameri can models. Dr. Hsyse raostves a saXary of seven thousand dollars a year, part of which he turns over to the mission board, lie Is sU3 a working missionary. S2ver, tails relative eoesj&ercUl value to guU, has raried greatly at 1 treat Caves since the two metals were first tseed tor sotas. la the dsys of Abraham the patriarch tl was to 1: a a 1000 It was U to 1 a C. &00 13 to t, aad at the Wgia alar ef the Christian era, about I to L la the year WJ A. Pl JI was II tol la 11 Wit was I to I, aad ftt the time of the Lseovwry ef Amerwo only ? to t ' rwae OefS Pirate cssniheasrs are eaasisg ron Uraatlon among the "bus rUers cf Lca4oo- The jaraUeloek ysstLke the regular octalia. A yaaaenger goes ta, txpectisg to jay a fare cf twopence or lireepeaoe. aad c ax aw ft ret ot nat3 he has rail a shHg. there Is s-tarea-' ao Irffal rsrree tca-jM ve cUk. Jrvy to Jexkaaal Inl I halal got a t " 1 ear tizUlsi4 the larmer. Hlere Pve driv ai taieaj to sCl Vr ra dcaoa ai aad the a's sVaJ SteCSs -rorrH "ess, ehr Thais what I d41 Ilaxawr rht 'eea ewt to the bare e4 ait ca the tsAslir sa. Cy tarjrs ttaasr. ls-ea so tvat la SM I) S-e t t., mswAx, The tBefwsy ef kAg ra aal tju&r ftats r te c; inmAm ax IVo&e4v. ft ta'ui ta ;aOa .! tl. the mUt t-S sU2 ftAa ns sea aruut mmUm to ewy rural CelrVa Trr fta srlet ref um, Vm.. ta4 1U4 esvt ew4 avr lr je-ufU f Ua aai m at let a avnst tVje i is eri Cwa CUVs t SUMtCf to X WW aarto ef A.Wna. tt-r tUm f- il aiairtos ty sfcwftetra r&m. sw ftig evS a havr" t ei4 as- Mrto ef Jf ro M ftalfS ra. TM JBfTlie kaw tet V)m ftrvwa U-w evw Stato seat sfreaal.et aliens. ea4 See t3ury wwet to etaeaaf to Vtotr ews at- e. iati r Wj uiuai wj. aa arrw - i 9Ulf tCsra, TVf wwal a U lry w-as ta us vari e- i lor the ret:r -i pirate carry lsa-U f t's 'A ahTTsg any filstaacw," ae t &W. thrr Haatl Shtrvvr ftrwedauaa to bs2a with, a4 she's law4 as evrry day ee. VaUUWst hre lhy hslat, a4 13 us a U tchoaksr a4 f t t aad y" l-s.--Utr5l rtw rrae aee,srs Ct CeeMk, prealUnt rxu ef Kt Is a hard wxrr aad ha a h&cy i eaerv trr trrsiM cf a3 stfe a4 sr-nt. Its Is a TfravJ tsii.- sov-g routrarted a3 O Hs-alure la l-o t-cea with tss-Stsat ef hi rwa tsks, aad t has fwrftt-y tnwawa MVtnVed saaey tax --naeaia, " I tla&ag a awwfaa'- laMaae f l:rfe tw the af a4 a la ef he4 rjrw. TVey are a sftewa Uat tho aMU Ve ef aata-ew leeiBS t af awmxaurtwl IteMWi swHitattS ef SUV4v SeW esyesrl tU I"" r-e t to I mm beftre Mttg X T. SICK-HEADACHE Vila lie taoerU - - XZ a.lnt'di are a s-i-- t' vji mtSft- -4 S - fss'syLa1 tsi ttvtt f cm to The Colc-rs Bcevd Toa are aware, sir, that my priasJpal aevrf lake waUrT TVs rla Ur.s f5coS Sir. U vQ haveto-Utheaoa. aawehwve the choice cf weraa. Whvee - w cided on U?.z4 at ton paces Puck. usr twsA. tnrW the -- tu-s Cm twey-- Ct XM I ttft-W ly IVa, Verti I'waW ef axAaaAer vw e ea ;eVef Vf Va-ty j" r;V .- ex i Saav . l.i t. . i fuUi:,.".';i .irf J" J rsiUe tri:v j.nHeutt t : :. ""' ! a .." 4 5fcu' Lia4 ae lin 'S Tto r.rf v i--! aw-a t-xumi . y . a Jsnhlas ITrw are r" r ak-stg w'.'.h yen tt-rary w? a r ktt a afrj y Cry 1 have al e ha cv-e to la as r-l suas aIaulU lUe ef CU , , I a4 a. av. to Oo TieV Tto "m em.Wr ef a--- UJ'':'''-- aeV-dkt 1 Wt SO A t WW A"ee rTa- mZJZ i1..e - UJaaNlr tr a--s- Vew I e satrs srv ties J mn wn V isuf hf red leaf- Oo -e 1 w. .. - 1 ev. avaJ e out with a long- I his hand. used .the pole to. stir P9qy. renM vaDtmv and IMdr falunC akar-m.l i.wa. ui utnr irafc a.

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