mm I n n ffl II II .1 VOL. ! - t NO. JiAUL JONES, v tb'y arid Coiuicelor at law TAR EO, N. C, vVv a EDWARDS- sign "and I souse paintee, . . Papjr hanging a- specialty. 40lf. ' : tarb6ro,n.c. rOHN L. BtflDGElCi 'i. & dON, 4 Atlorneys-at-Law, rARBQRO, U It- 11. A. Gilliam. ','ULIiIAM DOSKXIX GILLIAM & SON Attorneys-at-La wf - , TARJJORO', N. C. ii j practice iu the 'yonnties of Edgecombe, Halifax and Pitt, and in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and in the Circuit and r RHYS1L1AN & SURGEOiV, Tartoorolff. o :'oa ard. :e next door to Hotel How 30 Jy PO THE PUBLIC. ,' - Jh r' : V!-.. (. .; ; I am Prepared to do alt work in the ' - I . Undertaker's. Business, : at the shortest nctiee: t H naotei with my shop the repairing nan nave rrompt attention. ; PRICES IttiDEUATE, Also a urst-class HEARSE for hire Thanking my friends for their former patronage, ;I hope o merit the same, shoulithey n&d anything u me j i . Undertaking ,-; -; f Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt' Street Throe Lcors frc.5tre Cornet of Main, t E. ,1 . Simmoiiei. J. I. Fasnionabie t ''. i it' Taller ;pu"t st one door Below L. HWIdell & ( i Fine Full Drees and Evening Tail or MaiTe Suits. The term well dressed ex :ewU f roin' the necV to llje.foot of the subject. . ; "Cutting, repairing mdicleaning ; ne at short notice.; ! . 4 , J. . THE NEW YORK f WEEKLY HERALD -3F"ox 1894- 'Will BE without AMERICA'S QUESTION Leading Family) Paper iTh9 rtpuiation that the Weekly Herald i Ls enjoyed for man year of being the best home newspaper in the1 bird will be materially added to during t ho ear of 1894 No p in8 or expense will be spared to make it in every department the . "most : reliable, interesting and instructive of all r weekly newspaper publications. ! It will be improved in many ways, i . A number of new features and departs ments w ill be added. The litest develoD . ment in all fields of contemporaneous hu m interest will be ably discussed from week to week by accomDlisbed writers THE XEWS OF TUE WORLD 1 Ul be given iu a concise but" complete irm.- l!.7efy important' r interesting : sfoui, runer. at hqme ort abroad, will be ; dily described in the coljumns cf the veeniy Herald. .: t la "politics ha Ierald Hs absolutely in aepenaent and sound. It tlls the rights buj niiujs or hii sui:8 without rear. -V Frinera and st -ck raisersicanr.ot flvrrt ' to be with ut the Weekly Herald "during ,uc -j"uiuK year, n win c .ntain a regular department each week devoied exclusive- -y in 8 I'-j-cs of tim l interest to them v and giving- many "valuable suggesti..ns and ilie women and children; of the land , win uod tn the Week'y Herald a welcome ' Visitor. , The household ; and childien'g . .pages will beb th mstructiye nd en'er ,tainirjg. Thev ill abound Ha hints and receipts wu-ch imen go touch value. " A. brilliant array .f ravels and shori stories Dy t!ie bet writers inj Ameiica and England has been Beciire"d, o that fiction 'will be one of the mast attralj'ive (eitureg id the Weekly Herald- during 1894 la fact, the Weekly Herald will bo a magazine of the h'ghest Order, combined with a complete newspaper.i " ' ' - , f : NOW. IS niE TlilE TO SUBSCRIBE. Only $lT00skear ' Hksd foe Sample C6t. - ' Addrees . i THE WEEKLY HERALD, Hebald Square, , " ' NE W TOEK. FREE. v m r i'MK WlutehallSt. ' i-.ot: "ANAKRsis Kjw3 instan Iflief I. !;l,l tare for price'jl. By i" vr man. sumples free. Address'U x A KKSIS." Box 8410. New York 5iWt VZVJI BlSSlfl U H ittiain.Bookornitr. Ti tJ iZJf 1 t'Oalnrssent 25 CENTS. 'Proves the efficacy of Since a cake Off CUTICURA Soap costing 2? 'cent U Miffi cient to test tie virtues of these great .curatives there is now. no reason why thousands should go through life Tortured Disfigured Humiliated by skin, scalp and blood diva which are speedily and perma nently cured by the. CunojRA Remedies at a trifling cost Cuticura Works Wonders and its cures are the most re markable performed by any blood and skin remedv nf mnJ J -a wwu era times. Bold thmncrhortf ft --. " AU about the Skin, HS n2r2" : .. -c ; uu iuur preserved panned and beautified by CuUca8op. Pain is the cry of a suffering nerve. Cuticura Anti-Pain Piaster Is the first and bnly pain-Hilling plaster. TIN SHOP. I AM DOING A Si, Slats and BUSINESS as c as any. " I do repairing: in Iron J and Copper . . a promptly, J. T. WARD, . Aua'in Building, 1 make the most snnfrinr rwr,,- Fot ever offered to the public." 13tf Nathan Wiliiams, Only afew doors below Hotel Farrar, XAKdORO, n. c. JACKSON 1 Jackson, Tenn., Manufactubers of' School, Church ' - and Office Furniture. School and Churches Seated v in the Best Marnier. Of&ccs Furnished Send for Catalogue. THE CPBR MARBLE WORKS, 1 11, 113 and 115 Bank Street, . NORFOLK; VA. ' , ' LARGE 8TOCK OF FINISHRP Monuments, and Gravestones. Ready fori -ntned la? e Delivery. March SI, I j COMMERCIAL COLLEGE of KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON, M.. ftWft KULD THE MEDAL ANil DIPLOMA Bt the World' CsIdbbIsb EnoalUoa, far hT.trK or jooKKeepa xoniiieo EiHiiitii fir. com to eomptet. a Business Coarse mboal t"JO, ineladiDR tuition, Most tsd board. PtioDoaxmpbT, Ttt Wniiuc mod Tciocrmptay taufht. Address, W. K. SMITH, Iexinaton, Kjr. $525 Agents' DTofits rer month. Will prove it or rav forfeit. . New art cle just oat. A $1.60 sample sod lerms free. Try us. Ohiiester & Son, 28 i?ond8tN, T. ' . . CUTICURA S' " -Writ tttV id Irrr'-tii'J OFFIC FURNITURE CO., A BRAKEMAH'S STOEY An Incident In the Life of j Hard- Ho T1U of m ramlly Onarrrt ! Hew I Snded Coold Sea ilia Own Fault When HU Ufa T Hung- la the Balanoa. It had been a bad week all 'round. The baby had been sick, an' I'd lost such little sleep as I could've got,' an Molly had been res'less an' worried an cross. I had been, too: there's, no use o' thinkin' I hadn't' an when I'd been later n T be at the' train a couple o' mornln's i got hauled over the coals for it, an' that didn't make me feel any better. Then I lost a few dollars through countin my pay in the street Felt so sure I could handle It, when whiff the wind had taken one of my bills 'way out of sight- "Well. V-""1U " uimg aon t always mean catchin'it, an I was out a suit of clothes, or a hew-dress for Molly or the money for the doctor's bilL ' ' "So when I went home, an Molly was tired an impatient," I didn't think of how she'd had to bear some thm. but I just blurted out about my own loss. Mvl but ma m up! 'No use to save a few pennies forme to throw away dollars! No use tryin' to be careful of ten cents, when I could let ten dollars blow away like a puff o' smoke!" " "I didn't answer back much, but got my supper an had a nap, though by this time I was so mad I didn't want even to look at her my Mollyl "When I woke up it was gettin'to train time, an' I went over an looked at the vounctpi- H7fc gettin' on fine by this time. I bent over an Kissed him, an' stood a min- uie an looted at Molly; an then I said "Sly, I s'pose 'Good nightP 1 ' 'It'll be a p-rxvl nio-ht if , , o o ' ; aont spend or w&stA n.n- mo.. money!' she said. y "Jove! The mad I'd felt before was nothm'-to the rarrf, that hold o me! I don't scusemraAlf k I've always had a littl pathy for the -teonla that An rible things fh a mwl M was sort o choked ao -T eai. n'A be a good night if It'd rid me o you On VOUr wacrrrin' Ai,m,l' A t " i-i I "v"f Ail A slammed the door as I went out "We made th trin Tma An v - -1" - vu UIO local then, an the return an' .n was made in abeut two hours an a . e use1 to ?et back about midnight, so I could always derend upon havin' half a nlcht'a alaa 'Lanyhow. Well, my temper hadn't enoll An the return one bit. No. I'd cot a good deal worse. I'd thought of how hard I'd -wnrWI things I'd done to make MrtlWa f comfort'ble, an', the ways I'd tried to help her. - But I didn't think the way she'd worked for me, and tried to help an encour'geme. No, I wasn't on that track iust thnl I thought mnrn 'n' mna v. temper, an' her alwavs i tongue; an' I'd got so far as to think 11 it wasn t lor the young'un it 'd be best to make a missten enmn ntrrht like this in the dark like this. 'Just then the whiatla mm 'down brakes,' an as I leaned me T saw the 'draw' was own' an f. . minute I thought how easy it'd be J ... iu urop ciown an nave it all over in an instan' if it wasn't fnr th hah .w hen we started acain. I rrnt Anum on-tne sten. an leaned i- . ' " w ' " I hn ;t j. . . . . I " uauucuHl. DUI mT Toot slipped, an' there I was eUnrrin' K- tjne hand, an the train gettin along xasier every moment. . ."Then all of a sudden I sae Molly an' the babv left all alnn, I saw Molly wtyh her tired body an' achin heart a-takin' care o' the little one an' always rememb'rln' those last cruel words p' mine, an' a-blam-in' herself for her last words to mel I tell you I , can't I don't dare to think over again all the thoughts I had as I clung there between life the little hope I had on life an' the death so near if I let eo. For there wasnostoppin till we reached the ferry, an' no chance o' bein' discov ered. , "If ever a livin' man can seem to feel as if Heaven was near, I did when the whirr-in' o' the brakes an the clankin' o' the rails showed we was gettin in. Then o' course it was all right. One of the boys got off to . help the passengers just In time to catch me as I dropped. "I didn't know any thin' more till I found myself in the office a-lyin' on the bench, with Molly at that time o'night ! holdin'my hand and cryin. " 'Oh, Jack!' she whispered, 'are you better, dear?" Oh, I thought you'd left me for good! I couldnt rest, an' left the baby next door, an come down to wait for your train. I wanted to say I was sorry. Oh, Jack! forgive' me for my cruel tongue, an' I'll try to mind it more,'. " 'Stop there, my girll I whis pered. I found I was terrible weak,' an the tears came in my eyes. Forgive me, tool' was all I could say. 'But right there' before all the boys an' some of 'em a-grinnin' I drew my wife down to me an' kissed her.M Minnie C. Hale, in Harper's Bazar. Evolution. A Shawnee lad. whn entered t.rta Aiiuian school in Virginia as Tommy "Wild Cat. remains under the dlmW fied name of Thomas W. Catt. Chi cago MaiL TARBORQ', N. O. THURSDAY. FERRTTAPV .7T I U , ascranks. . y w.wm or i nair r aiacaa. The king of Slam, who, aocordlmr 'purfcs, cas naa a palao cqnstructed which he can submerge t mu ituu bo ure under waier wnenever he chooeee, Is not tae oniy monarch who has Indulged la eccentricities of this sort, says Har- pc ivua xeopie. 1 X . . erred the memory of the ice palace "j Russian jaapress Anne, who punished sereral of her dainty courtiers by compelling them to pass the night in. this great chamber of wnera xaey were almost frozen xneiar jfaul, ancestor of the present emperor-of Bussla, con structed a room formed entirely of huge mirrors, where he spent hours aui vo ana jro in roll uniform, a singular taste for the ugliest man la One of the natlre princes of Java cooled ; his, palace by making a stream fall In a cascade orer the gateway, and the Indian despot, Tippo Sahib, placed beside his dL- uer uoie ine ure-size figure of a tiger derourinc an Pntrlich ... . o M the roar of the beast and the shrieks ui victim oeing lmlUted by -bid den machinery. . , VAN AND VQN. The Significant of thata Predu caiaa io uuxen and arm an Namaa. It Is a common mistake of Ameri cans to think that the predicate u wiuro a Allien name surniflea nobility. In the low countries taai is, in -the. kingdoms of the Netherlands and Belgium "ran" has no particular meaning. Names with "van" are to be read on shops. as well as on the doors of the most aristocratic mansions. The humblest persons have it as well as the moat refined, j On the other hand, a great number of the very oldest families are without It In Germany 'Von" means noble, and all persons belong ing to the nobility have "von" be fore their family names without m exception. Persons who do not be long to the nobility cannot put "von" before their names, as they have no right to do so, and would be found out directly if they assumed It, and make themselves ridiculous. But In case of a man being knighted for some reason or othe-he has the right to put "von" before his family name. For instance, when Alex ander Humboldt was knighted he be came Alexander von Humboldt, and alibis descendants, male and female, take the prefix. !the nilometer. A Queer and Ancient Recording In- irumam ror ina Nil Rjyar. During the time of the periodical Inundation of the vallev nf th Ten a queer recording Instrument known as the "nilometer," is hourly and daily consulted by a sluggish Egyp tian officer, who, to Judge from his motions and actions, cares but very IfAAt. IJ il a a iime u me river keeps Its bed or uvwuows iQa wnoie northern half of the African continent But, as It is the only labor he is forced to per- lurm, ana nis Dread and cheese usu ally depend upon proper execution of the duties assigned, the record Is taken with scrupulous accuracy. This queer and ancient "thermome ter of the Nile" (it dates back to W3 AM. 1. 1M Nimauvi It T F . A. A l. . a. v.), is situated at the end of the V "i"1" uvsokubsVi Dinar immense upright octagonal pillar standincr In a well-like c ham her sur rounded on four sides by strong walls provided with arched open ings which allow the rising waters free access to the niUometer- The recording pillar is covered through out its length and on all of Its eight sides with cubits and digits nicely divided, painted with great preci sion, much resembling sections of a gigantic checker-board. There Is a huge staircase leading from above down to the bottom of the els tern In which the nilometer stands, the well-worn steps' attesting to the Im mense number of times the Instru ment has been consulted. . j Gallant Senator BJackburrw Senator. Blackburn is known aa a representative of southern chivalry, and he, is entitled to the distinction. He was a prominent fiirura at a re ception for fashionable "tea" In a house of a Kentucky host and host ess. There was nreaent southern debutante. . She. waa new to Washington. As the senator. passed her a cup a sort of dowager duchess. distinLruished for her larmk figure and intrusive manners. pressed toward the senator. Th lijtle southern girl let the cup falL Smash, it went, and the "contents scattered over the dowager's beet gown. Before the latter could utter a word the senator said: "That's my fault. I'm too clumsv to wait on ladies. Madam (tn the dowager), X am ready to suffer any penary you see .ni to impose upon me." ! Subsequently Blackburn felt Ma arm gently saueezed. It wa tha timid southern beauty, and she said: "Oh, Mr. Blackburn, you're' the nicest man in the world. VA. iSava Just fainted if you hadn't said you dropped that cup." "Well, didn't IT" Queried the sen ator. 'fYou know you didn't, with a grateful look, i 'Well, it's all the same," retorted the gallant sen ator. " ' CURIOUSLY . . itx9 Frediotion of a Noted Bden- u ana a True Prophet Uht Bip tnd TtMlr n.blu sad - wmM. BpMiaa Walek Waa "T Kara Oolj a raw Taara Ac a. When the first Atlantio cable was - iuo uou oi ine ocean, a uumxi acienWSTi nred'otrwl tK.i . i of a kind nnl hirA , . - - -v wagre Known would soo appear and attempt tn ho theeahl- ' the cable. The prediction as verified, and It "UTT "wms mas ine introduction of electrio lights has largely increased uuiuwrs -ti a pug which was very seldom seen In thu - - w wcwrw ugau appeared In ciues. The bugs in question resemblo uca.ui bUaDC. 1 npv hair lli claws, glossy wings, a body like a 7C"o suu rainer large eyes. JJirectly between the eyes they "vi nuit IS calico A ervar TVJ their onlv wp.nvm n At 1 about three-eighths of an inch lone I. m ..T1 . a u. j uu- trown Dur Their stinor is verv mvmf.,1 k u i . , ii i w w noi poisonous. They never furht uui3 luucrierea with. Electric burnt An ITkiM-A uarm. , Aney eat up the smaller In seexs, and Us a novel wav thev KawM A M x t . . . - ' o M1CJ had to fly after Insects to catch uarc. iuu. m caicninv them ir mem, they would never canture "jr. They lie Unon thefr Knt-a V. , .. . "nu meir six liny claws In the air. Then they move them slowlv tnanrt fr and thus - attract the attn;nn f - -rf aa m their prey. As soon aa an inaw. alights upon one of the claws it is promptly seized and devoured. ' The buirs make their Tr m soon as me warm vMihurutoin They ore rather amall at u tees man a month they attain their at--It m iuxi growxn. Some of them measure nrn thr-a inches In length, and are nearly an utu wiue. iney lay their emrs In the bottom of the rivers. It is esti mated that one female Kurr will i. three thousand eggs in three months J . a . uurmg ner lueiime. a he eggs remain In the mud dur nff the winter, and are htrhvl K v a " z uo ma worm wave. ao warn the end of the .nmmw wnen insects become nrv tv,. Dugs kill small fish and eat them. A swarm of the bun will m . .w. .V, .UV dujou usn ana siaa it doaf k ritt. ineir spears. Thev then catW th - n.M. carcass of the fish to the bottom of the river, and It lasts them for food many days. These bugs can propel themselves im th- i:r. . Li"uuKu me water faster than a kaU...'a- 11 . nsn. risnes fear them nttv,,rk they are never attacked by them - , .UWUAa Khen Insects are to' be caught. These bugs have been known to kill ome gooa-6izcd nnny specimens. -The first COol Wave thai drives the bugs to the river, where A t . aa . . uey remain until the Trost kills mem. nen mey die they are eaten by the fishes, as a sort of poet ical retribution, no doubt. I If the bugs remain away from the ss. X Aim a .. water uniu aaynght they cannot find tbelr wa, back to the riTers untU in win. DajlIght me same effect on them as electric lights, only they fly high in the air Instead of in circles Or arrainst famrs globes, and consequently do not die irum exnausuon. uoiuen Days. AN ENGLISH CRUSADE. An Act of Self Denial That Should Be Followed In America, In England there is a, crusade, headed by the duchess .of Portland, against the wearing of aigrettes in kat. i . a,. uia ana oonneis. it means a genuine act of self-denial to give up these charming accessories of mil- uaerj, i or mere does not seer to be anything else which can oiva tn costume iust that finishing tnivh wi Krace ana eiecranoe that inrira in the delicate waving aigrette. But iew women or tender feelings, hav lni? once realized the wst nf fine feathers, will care ever again to Ktvb me rein to Tanity in that ""wwou. ai may not be . iren. erauv xnown mat It !a nnl . . rs- j a . . . J uuxiujf me pairing and nest ing time that the "aigrette" ap t?earson tHS haolrnf thao. egret, andrthat for every one that adorns a hat or bonnet a mothe; bird has been ruthlessly shot down . .3 1 II. At - uu nw AlbUa lamilV nf neatHnr left to starve to death. A ment which suggests such painful associations ceases to be an orna ment and becomes a reproach. . But, some fair reader will a now that the deed Is done and the prize secured, why not wear it with out qualms of conscience? That might be well enough If there was to be an end of the slaughter of these poor birds; but for. every aigrette that is sold a new stimulus is given to the trade, and the life of another mother is doomed. Think of it, girls, and forswear the indulgence for which the price is so much cru elty. Once a Week. - Long on Number Tan. The number 10 Is very noticeable in the life of A. Northup, of Ray county, Ma He was born on July 10. He haa a brother who ta 10 aM older, also born on July 10. His wife Is 10 years younger, also born on July 10. Northup enlisted July 10 and was discharrred Jul. in tt fought on bland No. 10. He has al so au children und wears No. 10 ahoea. Vh.lUMIhll I . ""aaaaaaaa I I . .- UVINQ LANTERNS. How the Deep 8a Is Ughted by lu i rinny innaottants. Away down in th a. j .v. the ocean there are Uving lanterns XQAt are hnrn K.. . n v darkness. A queer fish. rJli 4 v. Tnidshipmiteu" rarH k-i. and most strikW .n v . . . mvw aea - r;v --back, under it and at tie base of IU fins there am small dlaka that v v XLr. Klow "v-wnUke rows of shining buttons On the VOtmr tnMW. form. In this' wavlt Mta u. Tr' - mtj are oiten called. These disks are exactly like mall Duus-eye lanterns, with regular cUca uu reuectors. The lenses gather the rays and the reflectors throw them out again. There la a layer of phosohorernt mil k- tween the two, and the entire effect u penect aa ir mi. k . .Ltn. . ... . w avuio uiuui opucian. . ine nsh is so constructed that woen 11 IS Irtohten. a. vourlngsea monster It can close Its lenses and hide Itself ! thaa.u Can turn its lantern nff an4 A .4 . . . vu ab will, and then It fa alw.. mn , , . j " iuku ss ,-1. t i , T. . s a luminous bulb that hM t i.. V! , : " chin, and thus throwa k !?v v- i . . - - - w v. . , , -wiixa t Dlelurnt from the rti. v . i,th.erS. con- ruVoUwSiU0USOtht runs down their aidea fmm tv. . , . . . 'i'1 otant light vubu. am. x. ANews. wOuti' J fnr Pit.. M.i.t.1 a i oca vou are tint tAitomi - - - nviuauuKU MJ the baudlin'r of them mM . a nuisance. Thev ant u - v- . . , . f m uusMiaea ivr coins rf hn aa smaller dennm nt Un. v-, w lug impoverishment of the Individual who makes the blunder. I still retain vividly painful recol lections Of an OCrastnn I. T don I paid a cabman a sovereign un- cr me impression that it was a snuung. That cabman had a con- rraci to artve me a certain disuse every night, but I never clar,! eyes on him again. He evidently Vlln't IT. - .... J . . , . .-. miu4 wuat ae had made out of the con tract and was willing to give some vtucr i.nuiua k c nance. I have no dOUbt that iturinn V- v . , . . - ui brief period recently h X. - . . - v waur thr . .tSi . less persons let ir8,Pir80na let. ld "P through their Sneers- under the i-j that it was silver or nl! One instance came under my ob- tP Amta it&. a . . oc' personally. A frienrl ya just received his week's pay In five- viuiw gwa pieces, and I improved (hA us.asU..-Ii a . a aa . Flrvuaiiy io ieu him my ex at which be lauirhed heai-n tv . .... . being something of a cigarette fiend. ue Bougns. me nearest cigar store for the means of Indulgence in his irwueTice. lie thrust nhanrl in to one of bis pockets; tossed what be tboucht VdWcTi . and fujout of tt sho TsbS al WaVB mitrmn!.. V-a. t . . I - . . ft ucoi 77 . a chance. It didn t take him five Zl.a .a wa-aa, M " ciue mat he preferred a nickel with a clear , conscience to five Wiar without it. Mv TAm .Vsr. v.j been trained in ajdifferent school. a.- x. iieraii ' The GantJeBIoodhowiid. There is a mistaken famreaattn u icicaru to ma nature r.r t. noun a. Most peonla imtirln. tht. specits of canine to ba verv fr . . W W aaAV9 clous, when, on the contrary, the uusa mr ma uocue as most any other breed known. I have raised a trreat many 01 me nnest strains of blood. hounds and have found them aa a mestio and eentle as a doer V Tm H a a wo. nue mey are very keen of scent, nowhere In their emintnV,M they made a record for ferocitv. The Pointer inherita Ma ne fv awV UVUI the bloodhound and his other ouali- At a aa a, ies irom me Duiidocr. I An nn K. ueve that a vicious dog should bo al lowed to live an hour. I can see ao use for him. A good, sensible dog will never bite or attack a human Delng unless there Is reason for him to do SO. A doer that nnnn( AIa- criminate between a. child and a burglar has no excuse for existing. Zola's Mha. asanas,.,- a Zola doesn't know much Entrliah . .. .. 7 j " uewpapers ne j mo matter out or your hands and could during his late English visit ; settle it See? Only one paltry He was , specially , moved over the " dollar a month insures perfect lib distress of the striking coal miners, erty to you. Do you not think it to whom he aent tarn twurn. mA wn.iMK. ..f . ! vt- i . ' this letter: "I send my most pitl- ful sympathy to the poor women and children who are suffering la consequence of the dispute of the men and, the economio misunder- (lnflana 4J T. on the spot sufferings such as these, and I have wept for them. Let peace be made in the name of the little children an the mothers." I ! jTWe Enough foe Two. Thekmrsrfailrdlniaft- j ' cTHaTbut anTT SZTtt ,,if. nA?.klL7' 0t. Wna tT " a Gep i Highest of all la Lcavenin? t AESfllJLrrELY pure WOMEN SMOKE? Thla la ha Quttf.or. Agiuting WmirU au nuencan wrunan A t " UJ 1:7- '"i"" wnwu-w ioe rew kork Herald on the subject of the iau.nn smoKing among women as iuuuwi; ao smoke or not tn tmni- v seems the question now most talked about In feminine circles. The Oc tober number of one of the English """w oa iwo very Interesting articles on the luhWi fV" en4 aATalnst, the writers belni? Lady rv?, iZ v,m I 4v t . i . -v. ifvuu aaTOcaied tne uoe m.. Ij. , . ... . i wci ui a way mat ia mrvat -." uiv: uepneuce nowomanlt and dreads ( i. ureaas uui'n. wiinoui ezpressioc I .n i-t -t. f""", i vmuivu civaw way. i cannot wuiuma laing ior women in this I . , . .. .. " th thU year the consumptionor bM Creased UW?oJr m.. t. m. . ' . i , iuis on account ox its demand by the ladies? "The firmt time nr -t-: a 11.1 a a a m . - to me rart that - - 'vuku ,cni beginning to smoke was at a dinner IJriJ a very smart' bouse, .There were half a dozen beautiful Train rw wuoiru present, ail married. When me party were iiuumM t. . - - .H UiO urawing-room coffee and cigarettes were passed around. I wa t h. person who refused the latter, and I wM erioenuy consUered a Goth. I must confess that as T run . each pretty mouth puffing out smoke aa the owner lolled hwV n v.- -v,t. in a regular smoker's attitude I did noi mm. u added to ber attractions in my eyes. And surelv the imn -. v. m MMO Smoke. Odious in a man w jess so in a woman. The husbands. on rejoining us. aeeml tn li- me scene as a matter r,f t ondered if this hahit before marrlaA?e. or was It adopted i wmjc- mj lue nerves imta h. . . . . 1 . v Jw.loer 10 lDe serves Irritated i j oe munra state? 4,1 tare often wondered why men T? " uch discomfort as they have to do at first t a,?r. a liiVII 1. 1 . habit Which SOme dortsira U a pernicious one some Indeed go ""u w say that smoking is the cause of cancer of themrmth k., now that women persevere in over. comW the .terrible attends a Urst smoke' I cannot "help lions Worth havin rr Tt m mAA that respecUble-looking girls may be seen com ins? out nf iwKfuws with lighted cigarettes In their mouths. Also at the i ... . "O""" the ImperW 'tSSZ '" exhibition, and even at the Imperial OF NO USE TO HIM. RtpraaenUthraoftKa Enracamant In. urarvc Comnarty Waa T 1 ... The man with, an InrnnHint .t. took the seat next tn th. .;,v.?. looking man and smiled. "Vacation trip, I s'pose," ven tured the important ml tv. nodded. "Ever hear nf t r. . Insurance commnt"tirs v. of importance, "You know in sum mer bow very Impressionable men are. " WelL I renreaetxt a ak.m. that is simply creat. A man m a " HmtJ oecome enraired ta a rMtifi -i during his vacation and upon his re turn to town.totallv formt th ft owing to pressure of business, hard work and so on. But the girl may remember, and then there is likely to be trouble. Now vou taVe nt a policy In you axrainst further wm-o ts.. thermore " 1 "But," mtereosed the amfahT man, "1 am not" 1 That may be." other, "You do not seem tthethat klad; but there's no telling what may happen. . Now, for one dollar a month you become a member of our company, and If you should be en fraged and afteward suffer with lack I utrtaorj ana a D reach of promise i w. k ux out a poucvr The amiable man ahook his head 'sadly. ' ' I "No," he' anTwered. "it U tod late. I have been married several years." N. Y. Herald. 1 Halplng the Barber. c . . . . .. . men minr triat it v j draw down their upper lips it helps in shaving the lip. but it doesn't " ald a down-town tonsorial artist 0thfTdV- "O? con- "T& Iopl? we eaaDy offended. ?ou know. are doing their best f h.p alon,"iI PRICE FIVE CENTS Power. - Latest U. S Gov't Report VELOCITY OF ISO MILES AN HOUR A Recent Gal. at th Sjmrnir I Mount Washington. .. Describing a recent gle on Mount Washington, Among the Clouds, printed at its summit, says that the summit was enveloped in clouds, aod thoso who came up by train to not only glad to reach tic hotel, but. U escape from the fury of the wicd which sweptpver the nulroaJ track near the Lizzie Bourne monument The car was almost lifted from the track by the wind, but there was no serious difficulty in tho way cf razk log the ascent . After the arrjral of the train Conductor norne concluded that It was not safe to attempt to make the usual downward trip' at two o'clock, and the paasengcrs and the trainmen remained at tLe sum mit All tho afternoon tl. m-iA continued to Increase, ami f..- fcreatcr part of the tune it must ' have exceeded a veL-tritv r i J UUU- dred miles an hour, while the rain came aown in torrents. What occurred earlv was ooIt a nppliKl t rM aa aSSUa VA Toward nlcht the atMm ..n m s . r.-- v. ... oJ4J w slacken Its great force, and in the eariy evening It shifted Into the northwest It, however, seemed to hare a new hold, and from ten o'clock in the evening it gradually ictreascd untU It became little shsrt of a hur ricane soon after midnight At half past two Friday morning it reached Its height, and from that time until long after, daylight it kept up a pretty steady velocity. Just how high it went is not known, but judg ing from the other severe gales, when the wind was known to have reached a velocity of cce hundred and thirty-Eve miles ao hour, this must have gone up to the vicinity of one hundred and fifty miles. Every building on the summit felt the severity of the gale, and the top of a cbimney of the Summit bouso was blown over, doing, however, ' " little damage, but for a short timo making considerable noise, as the loosened bricks went sliding down the roof to the rocks In the rear of the hotel. Qf course socio of the in mates of the hotel felt that they had been treated to something un usual. , The hotel is Securelv rarOterl nnA even a velocity of one hundred' 'and f 1 a . . aa) eijja.y-six mues m a winter month of several years airo made no imnnxcimt upon it MENENDEZ IN, FLORIDA, Taking; Possession of the Country and Founding St Augustine, ' St Aumistine. Fta wiT t.Ta .t I , . AVWJUCU tyMenendez in 15G5. When that commander gave up the chase of the Frenchmen, under Rih-mlt k tilrned back toward tho FToH.l.a coast entering an estuary in a boat manned by six oarsmen, leaving his large cagship at anchor outside, and accompanied bv his rhanlin t. doza, and followed by other boata CHedwith ireritlemen rA , , o - - miuwr tics, he went ashore, while trumpets souaded, drums beat, cannona .html dcrcd and flars waved. The rharw lam walked before . hrrinn- crossandchantlnirahvmn. fnn. dez followed with Lis train, .ml nr. ried in his hand the tijn.ii a-aaMaU I VI Spain, unfurled. Mendoza, arrayed In rich sacerdotal carm.-mts. kissed the cross, and then planted it in the sand by the side of the staff that up held the roval Standard, and ftr-itnt' which leaned the shiclJ anms of Spain. Then, after all had done homage to the priest Mcnen- dex took formal ro&ses&ion cf the -country, la the came of Philip of Saaln. The Old Friend And the best friend that never fia you, is Simmon Liver Ilera lator, (tie 1U1 Z-that s wLt you hear at tha aentioa of this excellent Liver medicine, and people should not be persuaded that anything else will do. It is the King of Liver ITcdi cines; is letter than pills, tad take the place of Quinine and Calomel It acts directly on tho Liver, Kidneys and Bowels and gives new life to the whole sys tem. This is the medicino you "want. Sold by all Dm exists in Liquid!, or in FowJer to be til en -dry or made into a tea. . - awKTSCKT PtCKAeKtt Baa tlva X a.s.. r4 M V,,---, H5 I7.s v: