mm I PSOPESSIOAL CABDS. I jAUL JONES, t.t'y and Councelor af Law TAEBOr.O, N. C, :' I J. J. MARTIN. Attobxetat Law, Practices in ih Courts f if j Edge combe, Martin and Fttf. Offi.xj rear of D.oodle Pen-Ws Store. TAr'boko, N. C. A'. G. EDWARDS. SISN- AND HOUSE PAINTER, Paptr hinging a specialty. ; 0tf- ; TAUBORO N. O. JOHN L. BtflDQEltt & son, A (orneys-at-lia w uir li. VffLLlAM. DOH S BT.1J GILLIAM '1LLIAM & .SON AUorneys-at-iiaw, Practice in the Counties of idgecombt ha lf:ir and Pitt l .ft- - T" s,VTi:tr:rjr' , . courts or the .- v.011UH, uu in tne varcult and L 1anl8-lv. i PYSIUAN&SURGEOfVi Tarboro Itf . o umce next door to Hotel How Tp-THBUBLIC. y.. I'M--jj 1 amj Prepared to do all Work in Undertaker's Brisiness at the shortest notice .: Ha vine coa wnfl my snop the repairing basiness. - All work Left at my shop .u uave x-rompt attention; PRICES &0DEKA.TE, , Aiso a nrst-class HEARSE for hire 1 banking my. friends for. their .ormer patronaga, I hope ( $ merit wis same, saoul 1 they n&l anything Undertaking L ' OR ' Repairing Business My.Place is on Pitt Street Three r wtorg iir i tre corner of Main. J. I. WALLS it Piit St , one doof below L. Wclll & l.i ; Tortooro. iS :p. Fine Pull Drets and' Evenilig Taiior- " kviui VUCEiPCU CX teudi from the neck to the fool ol the BUDJeCt, -. ' M i ll ' - cuiung, repairing and cleaij , at short notice: i iff? THE NEW YORk WEEKLY HERALD -For WILL UE WirHOUTJ QUESTION AMERICA'S I j ij Leading Family j Paper Th reputation that the Weekly j Herald h9 enjoyed for man years b miog the best home newspaper in the , laud will be materially added to during tlih year ot 1894, No pilos or expense wijl be spared to make it ia every department the most reliable, interestinij and instructive- of all weekly newspaper publicationsl.1 j It will be improved in manyjways. A number of hew features and 'departs ments will be addeJ. The latest dpvelOD taent in jj.ll fields of ; contemporaneous hu- i . lra'' interest will be ably disciisseji from i week to week by accomp 4sbed writers, THE XEWS OF THE lWbRLD will be given in a concise but clm ipleie , lorm. Every1 itnportan event, tHher at hinie Or important I ari' interesting abroad, will be dily described in the columns of Weekjy Herald. " . - a i the la politics thj Herald is absolutely in 'dependent and sound. It tells h4 rights and wrings of all ides without fcir. F armers and stock raisers cannot afford to be w ithout the Weekly Herald during the ceming year. It will conlaio-Ja regular department etich week devoted exclusive y to sitj3cis of timel interest to them and giving "many valuable suggestions and I new ideas, ;'. , j -i : ,. The women and children of the land i will find in the Weekly Herald a welcome v-.sitor.. The household and children's pages will be both- mstrucUve' and enter taining. Thev will abound in hints and receipts which wsmen so much value. A brilliant array of novels and short stories by the beet writers in Atnetica and England has been secured, so that fiction will be one of the most attractive features in 4K TUT t i . wt 13 i i u ireeaiy neraia uunng iy4. . In fact, the Weekly Herald will be a , niagazinj of the highest orders combined with a complete newspaper, 'j NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Only $1.00 a Year Sbnd- foe 8a mpls Copt. - . Address ". -.j : '. : . THE WEEKLY HERALD, Hebald I C QUABE, NEW, YOEK. a fMJuaMiuika r cured at borne wiU r ftnrl rt-rvyVl TrAVre out pain. Book of par- S ST equina1.' ii TM0U1 lAi .bir.n.L.Jii?SL0,,"i', h'Pr heard. Coa. Fashionable Taller adfiiifiimti yiliilUIlL,! What is Eczema? i K an agony of agonies. i I A TnrTnr of It is an itcbitur and biirnintr of skin almost beyond endurance. II IS tnousandS Of pin-hearlvl . - - I .ftft..ft,. TW- ides filled with an arrH fin VI .. lurmmg, ever Dursting, ever flowing upon the raw excoriated skin. No part of the human skin is exempt. . It tortures, disfigures and humil laf es more than aU other skin diseases combined. Tender babies are among its most nurWrpus victims. ! They are often born with it. Sleep and rest are out of the question.' :. y Most remedies and the best phyV sicians generally faU, even to relieve. If GUTICURA did no more than cure Eczema, it would be entitled to the gratitude of mankind. It not only cures but A single application is often suffi cient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure. Cuticura works wonders because it is the most wonderful skin cure of modern times. 0c. ; Soap, 2oc. ; Rbsoltmt, 1. Edtteb Pa attKaairand'Bi ont Ux pain and Blood nulled free. VHH. UOR1-., Bole PrOD... Bttm. i ll TIN SHOP. I AM DOING A BUSINESS as cheaD aa nnv " j T . a uu repainntr in lm, Iron and popper M t 1 promptly. J. T. WARD, Aus'in Bnilding. v 1 make the I rot er offered to the pnblic 13tf , - - - v-iiee :AT4-U.. txt. i , . "atUttU Williams, , Only a few doors below Hotel Parrar. m A TT-T-k JACKSON I Jackson, Tenn., - f- Manufactubers of OlJl Vii- i OUUUU1, JllUrCni and Office Tn x J? UrilltUre. - - . School and Churches Seated V1 in, the Best manner. Offices Furnished Send for Catalogue. THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS, 111, 113 and 115 Bank Street, . NORFOLK, VA.; lahgjc stock OF TINI8HIP Monuments, and Qravestnnfis Ready for I-nmedla!e Delivery at i. o :.. nana oit i 2'rof.J!.. n . amm, frtiMripai of the I commercial college f Kentucky university I if XINOTON, aWMDJDTH Z I mktiai. anh DiPi.nMa i if BMkKmi aaa BaciacM ElMatlM, ate. cm I . t MBhu BuiBW UMia im aw. iDiaic i.ia... ...ft. i . . ua boar. PkaacmsfcT. Ttw WriUu u Triacraaaj taaikft. BfrpfcT,TTp wrtuoso Tifrk7trtt. I ddreat, C C O C Agents' profits per month. Will WjLU prove it or pay forfeit. New an cie just oat. a si.&u sample and terms free. Try us. Cbidester to Son, 28 a ft aa 'W.T xjona di,, r, i. It a ii fc' CZrIh 7Hi OFFICE I nsi 15 JERRY'S FERTILE WIT '. i . How He Rid the town of IU Bad aan witn a Bl B. Th Tarror f th Town FluaUr Mad. t. LiTr Cm of Very Powerful Marnei. . You can take this story for what a me uiuoman declines to go sponsor for it. He had It from a-.uuuu xjiu last , summer, bat CoL voay aiso declines to vouch for it. as is a tolerably steep yarn, but creditable to Buffalo Bill if heoon- sirucied it, says the Chicago MaiL. rive years ago there was a Bad man, with an pper case B, In a place called . Bloody Gulch, in Mon- mo name oi tne Bad man in Col. Cody's tale was Wi kins Si Wilkins. People out there said he had seventeen notches on the han dle of his gun and that each of them meant a man. Mnrmr v :ly power seemed to be able to brinir .nlTn ty TT!i r,. . vi i J J "1 tea states mar shals in scores wont, mi r 1 i and returned perforated In various uua im iceir ana torn v. Posqas upon nun once a month or so, but , " .iwai PVUIU etui iouna mm awav fmm where thev thnurhf k was certain ne hari frian, . .ouxnoDody ever lit upon the soot ..x.uua at uuurt. wnere the leakage occurred. How ever it was. Si alwavs trn. i "would be most haH, vii. 1; , -V,UJ W LUaW llo ltw Tl. i .. . - .v,. iUea wnen tne vigilants i"1 to their homes In Bloody Gulch, and the righteous in dignation of the people had been ap- ft wuuiu come cavortinc through the town an "7 7l a wnie pane of glass in Main iuatters final I V oama . !: j ww avium. dist church of Bloody Gulch for the "t"ulc oi. ine price of resi uence lots began to sink, and It seemed as though SI was golne to "' kuc "iww vruicn ooom single .handed. The territorial government .became Interested in the affair and , v.. pi JU ol S bead. That snm vna ij bci a one-i.nnuKA.nrt-irtiia, . " w yam .to tne man who rantm-o vim f MUAA VtCaift Aloncr about that. tim. k :. o t.uicuxuk- iUl'ln. T T 3 1 . ... V AUMJ I 111 111 V Ah A In I- 1 f scrawny gawk called Jeroboam J. vvoinerspoon. He came from the east ana handed around bits of pasteboard to evervbnrlv ha rriaf i .v.. .uvu niui- ma name-ann ain a mention of the fact that he was in tke empioy or a prtyatedetectlre agency. D? pastaad3 worried the best cuuens of Bloody Gulch just as much as did Jeroboam's Insistence upon wearing collars and low shoes, and his obvious resent ment at oeing addressed by the name of "Jerry." They endeavored tio induce the stranger to leave town by every Innocent means in their power, such as tar and fMM t wM,aa tt 1 1 ti wuuidj. xjui ne aecuned to sro. and when the Rlrwtv brand denounced him ha nit editor. After that he became a re spected member of the community. When the reward notify rolatinrr to Si were posted in the town Jeroboam J. W otherspoon wanted to Irin rTwr nil nV..A li rrva . . . - """" owui. it. iney told Mm the state of affairs, and said he wanted that one thousand uouars tney smiled and glanced in the direction nf tK i,ni i t ground, known in Bloodv Onlh aa '.'the target," because there were so ii. . many Duueta n inio ' i Jeroboam J . said nothing, but when no-vf CI J m . . - I wuj vruicn a chromograph it was -noticed that he was the only man on the strt xrhi U1U 6uue unaer tne board slde- w aiic. bi needed a keg of shot that day and went into a hardware store tO hold UP the DTOOrietor. inrnWrn A w ! T -vll.J tl . t m. iUUUBCU U11I1 OTI TimU DTI1 mnn -"I- Wil, made incautions hv that m.i,t4 crawled out nf ihlr- vitn ni. - W follow developments. They peeped ,uo Bbure wmaow. and saw Si place shots deftly in the nhelf on aUVaw nti. A. ' . a. buo i ine proprietor s bead. Jeroboam J' front im KnVi.i vi and with a deft movement shoved a Powenui magnet Into his pocket. SI turned to see what had happened, but before he understood any thin s a ntmitUt. IT va . - - Muauuijr vl uaiia nan roosted pn nls """""- mut bu. ices oi stovepipe Was climbincr down fmm rha Knl, . "Here, what the h 1' he began, but he . ftpver mm nlotiwl il... - w..wu.v. uc DCU tence. for the stnrA was going for him. He barely had S w ' n 1M4IJU " - A k viujo w empiy ms gun into the storekeeper a&d ft nut nf tVn door. The entire stock Was on hia track to the last shingle nail. . He LOrft down tha itraaf VI- It. with the hardware hot on his heels. Two squares of boiler Iron led the ; ft - vu UiC wav with a bundle of hnv forta a nor wuua uunuie OI nav rorlra anrl a kitchen ran cm nvIr nn1 nu.b did before In his life. The whole ' population, attracted by the Infern- ! ocvhjuu piace. v oi ran as he never : ame out of their - homes pen-mouthed, paiino- at i. the weird race. Lamp-posts on the S vow uu ,uq i street took up the pursuit and the i fitrAttt. far- tw.r.V l I t .. V X - "' ; car tracks were in it tn a. man i blocks from the store, a chilled steel plow toolc a flying leap over Oil. 1 " i a m iv uu 01 o eaouiaers. xexxing mm to tne grouna. inen tne wnoie mass piled nn jx ff Vtim oriri when 4n.w ai rvj va. aa U1 W aA m-mAJ Jl lected him they found It Impossible to sort him from the tin tacks. TARBfrRO JtCo. THORSDAYTABnw FRAUDS IN DRIED 'FISH. "Wy th Eastarn Market for the Cod nu uecilnad. Years act) Wnpn siw A a t ers and great-grandmothers went to morlut l 1 i . . - . they bought a fish .v.. ouu inev unrvr that k....ti. n . skinwas the good meat thatW . , , . , . "kwuum ta ble with corned hf Ko j wau Mm aai sage, says the New York Sun. They rnA whaf w . . 7 ' uc -were getting and iuey WOUld an annn K... . u. S! ??.a wUhout a Wa- Now- ia ainerent. The servant . " . - uiateaa oi ins nouCAttwMM l . .... wuu 170 rrt tna.kAl I i - - . r rr r coanah and ar urnianeawitn umall boxes packed riVi lo ... . ... 1 "" oi oit or white meat. They are told that this is the latest product of the art of packing and often called. Often It Is v.uK UBU. I Nln a I AC! wvrtH.k 1 A I article, but there Is a trick In th. uue mans easily explained. A quintal-of iwl i hundred and twlv . worth from six tr aAVAn -4n . quintal of husk U worth from tr to three dollars. The husk Is a fish resemblincr th rvi i ihe striking Hlftarrs. - split taiL The meat looks oulu, nv. that of the cod. ihniiM. it,t il . crisp flavor that a cod properly pre pared should have. Nevertheless, the husk is cut u M,wi i.- layers and sold for codfish. Haddock and hake are likewise treated, and " -"ci'tt a earned out by soak ing these fifih In A nrnartU. and acids to nrwnt th v. i trom turninc bmam Thus It happens that . the epicure ! -"v uciicate navor and tells the head waiter that codfish are not iulb me coansQ that grew when h was a bor. A a u uroppea on until the demand In s not a marker to the maraei oi a few years aco. Out west the ooonla genuine article," and getting it cheaper. beoann KA tWv. .i ing andcuringflsh at San Franclsoo wva vkurr rarrinr rvnct caeaper. Perhaps, in the course of a few years, as civilisation advances ' v v UO 19 ..mTU in people of thatrwrfon wui pe treated to the same decep- T TCiuitsa Hew tuners. A Lon In Patriotism. "In a railroad car th nth. . V wuv . V.M T , c iraveier. i eat h.i. gather and son, the son a smllino. pretty boy of eight. They laughed and chatted along together In the ""7 ifieuoiy way. some of the things the fathor cnM v: . v couldn t help, hearing, but I forgot mem n iasi as i neard them, all ex cept one itung that fixed itself in my mind in spite of me.' The father seemea to do teaching hia boy some lines of poetry. When he came to that he stopped laughing. His face was loving and gentle, but as he tnea to.nx (the lines In the boy's uuna nis manner was serious. I ! wuevoer ne spoke a numDer or verses which all had the same ending or whether he repeated the same verse, but certainly the vuK nM aiways tne same, though I heard only part of. that: east or west, I love my native land the oest. lie said this always- verr "ton j. VI course I couldn t know just what it was that moved him, but it seemed to me slmplv " wre iur nis son he was trying thus early In his life to In- (4111 1 tl. owu iuwms-nean a lesson In na- tAi at The Japan Current . In many respects the North Pacific rvifian .1 . . ... "VMuicBcmunja voe ronn Atlantic A great warm current, much like the Gulf stream and of equal mairai- vwc, vmcu me xiacif stream or Ja pan current, 'runs northwai i - w . . " AA A V. flMVU vuBOMwiuBHurew Asia. Close to the east coast of Japan It flows through a marine valley which holds the deepest water in the world. It was soundedat a depth of five and a quarter miles bv the United the eastern shore of Asia. Close to uv UU4UCU OV4Ve9 Steamer TusrJirnra in lfiT - eying ior a projected cable route be- - y w usifi BUftT xne neavv sounding -v. .-cti. - n ww more than an hour to sink to the bot- Am T.. . : t . iniu was made of a Chasm Vet morn rtmfmm -V - il. AAjAA.AAAt nunc mo lean din not f.tnk i -4 -11 .v.u ,1, up a bu. it is meumyuepiDoi ocean that yet re- uiaiua uuiainomeu. The Chinese In America. The Chinese Six Comoanl ea rrrw- tuc oio. uisincis near Canton, mna, irom which almost all the Im migrants come to this country. The companies bring the Immigrants here, paying their passage, support ing them until they get work, bury- lnr 4lu-M. -1 a 1 In them when they die and taking wuca uuc ia LniiiL rnr all I6013 ,rom time to time as occasion ' arlse3 - 'Ihe highbinders are simply uuu uiacamau their inb. i 100 aSeut f the companies in black- 1 mailing or in removing Chinamen wbo refuse to be blackmailed or are ftfhAftr ea t a . Acs. Classified. inuiu bua k a goat chewed up a flQOblU which was left In the pocket of a coat that had jatchewed up a 100bUl which n ft Ul tha Docket of amat l,.tL.J Deen carelessly thrown down. That animal seems to have been'a very billy goat, indeed. Chicago Dis patch. - wura uacit xo China. For ail . . " wt wm odm ; w , . a thls they exact enormous rates of ; asked In the poet's presence which 1 foe Sale CKup. interest., nnd Klo.Lm.ll t-.i . i Of Burns' Work. h Itlrw1 : tK. Ka 1 ArnIn. . -j THE RISK WK JtUN. Xntereetlaar Tlure Oleaaed trom OOTernment XUport.' Thmm tt JUy XI t 1a.,tj, m 4 a Vmlallty Oer . Ml. Ir. I j If a man takes a ride of the aver- aare lenrrth hh i- .i-.. . " . foVmuVlarrway tra ntiu country, what chance if tin KledT tfll!lt limes. According tr, th. . In report of tha lnt... tterce commission It U one chance m 1.491.810. it TC. should de ermin. tn " " ",T. :V without .7nTln,,Ue w,iy, juied by his sweetheart kiUed In . UilVZtd' might do It. CrtUl .tvT I do it If he were to ton a train mUes an hour- udSlffil every hour of every day and ever aav in tna rnr ir v k.j - . - i " aTeraira xuclt he would . cease from thl 7-' Fll PMator' orari mni.. i . i for, according to' IheTe "523 fitiures, one pasaenrer U V? nl! for every 35,642.282 mile. that! a passencer U . . " ing to. the hr'r whereoldae- Injured in some way eltt and three quarters times, or eioht dm.. . Ka 4 Ti . once chance In thrVrVT 1! wm mic it is a utile bttM thH come to an untimely grave In cona. A 1 1AVIAA aa Alltt . . .. . wus? - --j u moK quenoe of a collision, but If he pre w "Te me train run off the track to kill him he would have efd one chance In nin U.Is possible journey would have taken him around tha .- paa the place where she went to housekeeping with the other fellow A, times and would have cost him. at the rate of thr . n. . j , ., - NU lpln berth. tlMTQMLU t ' " uu a nau a night for a mis melancholy atat nf t.4 v- wouion i care how his iW t . .. 1 uc blacked and the porter needa't dl turbhisirrief inr m. in.... tt. would be la his one hundred and thirty-fifth year by the time hi desperate purpose was achieved, and he would probablv have mmMi. sense than he started with. ODD CONCEITS ABOUT rwn Empress Eur nls Always Refused te Wear Ooala. auiancyior naving one's birth - monUi stone introduced as a mascot in all possible designs has led to fr . some Quaint and nrtt n. i- . . -j -- , ius wcupauons oi f i Ju "P0008' nlch Uve had . the house cannot be thrownover for set in the handles in unique and ef-! the pleasure of a conversation with fective fashion the stones assigned ! Mend who may find another oc by superstition, to . tK. ....''miImi(a.mVi... .... . - w - ihivh month, says the Gmtf Divide, Thus January haa tK. i 1 j kc ua- bedded among fanciful tracery of U-1 has the blood stone,- April the dia- fTrv Xf aw V. m - a a vai aaa i w liut ainpi n wsi w fan .fMk A AmA A ' ' a - . A uij uw ruoy, August the sardonyx. September the chrysolite, -uiy me ruDy, August the i - . . . . . wooer the opal. NovahWV,. tflTUlt iTllI n.iH I tl A ' M t while .tlM nttMmM.iMiA..,..i ? tachedto tho moonstone make it a favorite at all tlmst Ttia au . famous actress that she never ar pears upon the stage that some-' where about her perSn UnotTte ' found one of these Indian ms When the birth atn. k.. A- i." secondary gem it U put in a aeaL ' and. mounted w4th tv- TZ crest of the owner, exercises Its oc-! ...ii t . ciu inuuence over the letters sent out from my lady's boudoir. 1 it is said that Queen Victoria ha. tried to set at d.f thVi stitlon about the orI. th.tVv. " has given many opals a present. v8lory bout far while of the unlortunate ress ' en0,Ub'. , he. "Eicuse me, Eugenie it writSrthlS'E t0Mr- alwavs refused t . i children aU harTthe usual num- neoid legend tetta a storr f oplV& which was coveted byMarc Antony 1 Jet rather than pertrith Tit the record say- that mVeenltor went Into yohV. ..7 rfL.T? Theold legend teUe a story of an' part with his country rather than ! lose his gem. , The modern prejudice 1 auiBi. uu peairurui stone seems MlN.i'ill. ft ... . . T . Prvauea among the an-1 believed that It strength-, enr sight, made Its wearer lovable, dissipated mrdAArfw-.1y an .1 ' oh to nave preTalied among the an- ... . . ' . . the approach of poUon. ihat B r. Walter Scott shared the reiudlos r 'mAAa,!- tlnu.u.i - - mwuah tne-OnaJ iafSMda JiiiVmUJI. 1 of Gelersteltj." , Aohe'l grandfather. a iarr, ao the tale reads, With a .-. rv. v- a ' -'a. VM ma ua j m, mm . . au UDOQ Deing Of christening 'their child the opal !d be disposed of the matter gum firat glowed them paled, and shortly narfly and gave sentence. So far after the wife -and- husband both r known a new trial has never " i been granted upon the plea of Bum' 8Hiv - f Judicial somnolence. Philadelphia It IS Said ' thaw, hav aa arm , , t , tkinr thought with himself a .J,U?A h? dec!red that he likedthe V. -" "V,M " kun w ,v Jr " Maray Mghf' by far tne .beat, althoagh he added: 'It IPv ma grti crJ wba mJ rther LMaXlfl tTI A Mtvl It a m ..lAl.- 9t This statement seemed to impress ao a B . t . . Burns, for. presently he said to the lad: "WeeL mv- fw u made me greet, too, more than once ' when I f v . m. a ItaU. - ' "7 . I Do you enjoy good healthT- "Of course. Did you ever know anyone who. didn't -enjojv .ood . health?-. Yes the doetffiV-Good Hearth.- -D Orockett -NOT AT HOME. Wn a CaJUr In 8i VruUrtt, by TblA .UtU!v tbotn " wie conventional sense. . ifflrj7 mean, that one Is not atUb J to receive her friend or ac quaintance.. It doe not mean tv.t ' " MdSiklSS 11 U 001 ; T 100(1 b7 people aocustomd ' rTarf ' ft ! 55 f !. jfer and cannot come down, the caller, unless she la a very sensible U I to feel that she has had a rebuff. TU not take "9 lroubIe to go to her house again , Ter7 oob," .he thinks, andrblbli l Pointed, y 7,k 1 tK T , P0?160" to ease 7" 7'"?! 5' . . - kwd vea mere i . lw " avaiimiri u ba a ,tu. ... I' "u " 1 m a con- a " w kwi osi ami certain day w. J ouTfrieni. iffi1 .k 1 IZ L04" IU - . - lbeir iT. i r 7. too formal to be cm their way to or from the market or the POSt Office an1 .V. v- m t very Insistent. nt:r . m ot Ter7 Insistent. Bllt In tnm 4V l. .... - - - o se- ' "".7 WW th lU n3Uform and 1 preaimg enrajrementa. a. home Is almost a necessity to those v rnends, and tm have time left for anything else. """"i u porase "not at i w aa iiruiiajv wavA " flehood by the utterer in1 fa. a a riL: n woo hears It, It lowers the moral tone of both. Bat thU la not what Is Intended when it Is used. TKw 0nt.M..- . - . . ; ,"'",m U Jtood Imply . . , P v -iu woo IS I . v ? borD" I onderstood simply : JlO be TlOt at homa to lriml urae She has thrown ,,n . 4!. -j, wn Uii tlou for the day around the poem she M writing or the picture she Is paint ,nr. the child she U nursing, the gown she U making, or the dessert she is concocting. "Mrs. will hot be at. home until after three or uur or seven p. m.,7 is merely a variation of the form, signifying at . aaa.a s. wui oe Giaen- gj?d.- The onlv reallv nfi vi i , MLuiar in I T Pl . t . 4 t. . . v , aaa-. a M nave everyoody un- nrt(ln1 mil - 4 . , . . . derstand and adopt, what a few have adopted and found convenient nd courteous, a eonTtloRo v.. ' tn lruw-. v. w. f ' -iwuuki miuucude fit over-wearied women, interrupted irr,fl i . . . v vua pursuil oecotne lm- possible, and nerves and health urim v nniaw tai. i . a i a .A ocepted as coin current, would a 1 w-a m ' A Frtanrf at K. r.ii Mr. Arthur GUman, of CbridJ H"1 tn foUowlnir storrt Ila i . L 1 tvuuwuiff SVOry: IOU I tL wm picture of Mr. fPellow s chUdren that was arm. t rood whkh taken la i.t.rZ. . 1 nM of n o "tUe M not w. And t 7V hhmt ood eal that ,he had eo arms. One day Mr 1 w. Mr" Lonf eUow house and near him 717 X WOmen M,n' lha U- una rki ttm i . i . v z pAunnguiing WAa others,- and, after pointing -, .uc ui: iou Know one ' WelW. children had no k.rm Mr f1 thought tUt J,X W - "neu on nim S5lf .f them M S?' .J11' ' . a frjend of J.' "-Bo, ton Transcript. The Jstdf Took a Nsp. Most Of tha PhHarfalnhla a araAa4Bf ujyr have their own peculiarities. They eu a story of one well-known judge of the common pleas,' who likes aa occasional afternoon np . that after an lw,r. v. a . . k bk oecu argued for several hours by leWhwr counsel wltI ireat eloquence, -the -attorney for tha atatn t.. i ..a j . --- . wftjucvi uu Lirwiuea hla honor .-J -rb. "waiting your verdict. "Ah,' aia me judge, opening his eye. "what o... I. I.V- -J ?. , . V i aimes. Acoordin- A . a .! . I aaMB I rontaf '.ClrCl. rcriUK:n,rn?l I . - t-.ft.x4 ii, wuo AJmaiha vjoverameni mA v ,, 7 Gazette, published In Copenhagen, '? m 1UU curl,.! two bl volcanoe. are for le. T?ey Se s!al TdCr at are situated In Iceland and are thV dootil mIn be had principal attractions of the Island! ' KthT ,um W e The owner ask. for theta.the sumof ' 0!,rv TunU' four hundred dollar, apiece-n? an url TJ qU!CkeV, l excessive charge fwsenyone who may ' , IV, "W "511 P have use for them. no may column eLrht feet long In three . l; I wouldn't Uke a prize In the ApartrnMt.Heiise. ror him." Aent-The jaUTor will supply ' ulfji a"ke,U h'r lu' you with coal .1 rd.itor' curiously. . Mr. FUthouse-Jumpini Jupiter! Delhbor an aJ. elhaeSw' t'tSc tor.-N. Y. HerSd. KX.: ' i Amm Highest of all la Leavenine Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE trayd by JapaaeM wr4wa aaa toLa. I .adio Hearn. In hi. pepcr. .Y. f Feminine,- In the i .. - w mi I Avianue. thua rfr n. many different htn od fiction of J.r 7Z,J. western nationa I must touch upon one feature of western literature never to be recon ciled with Japanese Ideas and cus toms. Let the reader reflect for a moment how large a place the sub ject of kisses and caresses and em brace occupies in our poetry and in our prose fiction; and then let him consider the fact that la Japanese literature these have no existence Whatever. For kisses and embraces are simply unknown in Japan as tokens of affection. If we except the solitary fact thallr.r,. .v like mothers aU over the world. Ud nil li.. it it.. - mr uiue one betimes. After babyhood there is no more ring or Kissing. Such actions ex cept In the case of Infant are held to be highly immodest. Never do girls kiss one another; never do parent kis or embrace their children i. : w muin to wa.K. And this rule holds good of all classes of 0 . aW a ft a irom iaa highest nobility to Uie humblest peasantry. Neither have we the least Indication through out Japanese literature of any time wy of ue race when af fection was more demonstrative than It I to-day. . PrKtM v. i reader wCl find It hard even to Im- ine a literature In the whole wwse ot wtucn is no mention of klas i . . " emrracinir. eta of pressing - uwuj lor nanaiaspingis an attn . , - lurcign to Japanese uwiok. in on usese topic even the native aon nr k. country-folk, even 'the old ballad mo people aoout unhappy lovers, are quite a silent a the exauUlte verses of the Court poet. Suppose vjw iVa 4T- -. . wr a example tne ancient oaiiaa ot fchuntokumara, which his given origin to various proverbs, and household words throughout western Japan. Here we have the story of two betrothed lovers wng separated by a cruel misfortune wandering in search of each other aU over the empire and at last suddenly mttn frm . P1 y the favor of BtXll. WmiM no ... a V., .,v -v. .yan rushing of the two la to each other's irmi wltk VI..-- . - . ay" v a awi. a i u a. iac ra sm maat i aa ah avoa cnes or lover uui now aoes the old Japanese bal Ud describe It? In brief, the twain only sit down together n,i aMi-. - B . vftivac " mwe. row, even this reerved form of caress U an ex emely rare IndalgeDce of emotion. You may imi aiatn . n . and sons, husbands and wives, moth ers and daughters, meeting after vT -"., ye, you wm prob ably never see the approach to a careas between them. I They will kneel down and salute each other and smile, and perhaps 7 a little for joy. but they will neither rush Intn ..k - " wux-f a rmi aor utUr extraordinary phrases of affection. Indeed, such terms of af fection as "my dear," "my darling - ;.. , , . w. inT W .wtt7. d! ' W. , V?JtSl?x f? ! 411 uI my love, mv life " ' ' af ' 9 Japanese, nor any vaJt f a.,. .oomi wioms. Japanese affection is not uttered in words; It scarcely ap pears even In the tone of voice; It la chie3y shown in act of exquisite cmrtosy and kindness. .1 m!ght add that the opposite emotion Is under equally perfect control, but to illus trate this remarkable fact would re quire a separate essay. - . I. ,, nw Am AHthmetkal Saaki 1: An Englishman had one day told an editor several snake stories which made the newspaperman lauh, and then be said a a wind-up: "I can't, call any more to mind Just at present. My wife knows a tot of snake stories butl forgot Vm. By the wav. though t.. .a-a vurtuuaity uova on place. : One day ray eldest boy rittlnfloa the back step dolnir lip I . . n mv waa hU tJl ak -M a ' ne couiun t iret 'em ri-h'.. lit. "felt - somethlnir .Ib..k;. PRICE FIVE CENTS 9 Fawder . FORQEO POSTAGE STAMPS. A Room In London Thai la Paps4 with Them. In a certain cAI-faahW,ed h-mao In London, there U a room about twelve fvt iuar.N the wsJU of which are complotely papcrvd with postal stamp. It U rstimatj by Mr. Pilm-r, who U the Urjt stamp dealer in tU w.rIJ. ,ut those stamp wouM Us worth Cre mia.ion d.llari but f r !, unfetu oate circumsUneo tUt tly &re not gvnulrx. ; Mr. rmcr extrx-J fur-geru-s from coll.x tious which ho has bought from tim t. i'. . rulo, he aays tho p!,. fmm . bom he boui.'ht them did not know tLey cre fon.'eri. ---- - wi.aJT.ii u unuor i.iA at-ru'.inr. This craxr ratrh.vnri- specimen rf every known stamp la the world. There are ser.Mitv thouaand statnp. on the walls of the room, and it Uk ajt thirty rars to onllei t them. To make wall rsrr , vs v J4TH kept four pair of baivls buiy ft nree months. They art, pasted pon canvas, so t!t it will not 1 necessary to remove the bui'din ia order to remove the .tamr. lte notnun, was u0, Uuv ,,-ura disolors sump. Hating Urn fastened to the ranra. tlw. stamps were treated to a ccat of x.Wc and thed varnhvlMxl. While tln re can: t l-e much artis tic beauty in a mem i-ml la tils' J. it iitt,vt an ij.-a f.r t!,o-4 discoura-,.l slarrp cr.IUtors wb., started with th- Intv-nlUcf sevur bag a million, but tt last a!an doned the Idea after pt5cUj- vJi. ln ofT and tying up several sand erf the small bits of paper, gathered by their own Industry and through the cnntriKt.l .ft. Af.w . : . '- . ...... 1 IT. ing frienda. . Hats In the House of Commons. The first thlnir tht ttriv ,v. , . - - - . ft . ftiiftj visitor to Hia hot. A.t - --ft xiujwioi II that here a!o It is exertional amon the legislatures of the world the bouse of CYimmon a Iftnrnil. la- members to retain thi iz hat. durin wic.ming. indeetl, it is the ru!.. t wear and the the hat. Mr. , t ....cin irr winn hi hat nor did Mr. Smith, the Lite re- pwriea i easier in the Lou of moos On the conerralirA I.t... did Duraeii; nor d-a Mr. iLJfour por Sir ChariesnuolL A member, however, can keen h'u ut i ben he Is In Lis bni in...-:' . - - - a-a tO SPealC." b of IVrirul.l-ff li. hat; If be rises to leave Lis seat and gO OUt Of the houe. ho haa ,1... Off hi hat: SO lor - na .,t ' ..ft I ( IIUUUI Stand in 17 la tnr mrl.iil.l. be Las to keep off !,U haL -Harrwr s Magaxioe. ' Epensiv Traveling. Tho vurnev of th nn.n ..f Germany coat him a grvat deal of money. Aornrdici? to an artlrl m. cenlly pub:is!wl In aCruLan paprr over eight hundred tho&and marks. nr two nunureu ibouxand UV,IIani, ) were spent on the trim u. Ita! Austria, undertaieo smm after he ascended the thnn. . A heavy trunk. In chanra t.f . r.H r nun. dllor on that occasion containoLi elehtv' diamond H nf nno titin dred and fJt V decoratlona. many of them iew!i- ff- m- - ..: . J - , a.aaj AAA A J 'HI ft, thirty necklace, with diamond pend ants: aix h--n(! largo photograph of the emperor and hi. family, framed In gold; thir ty gold watches and one hundred gftjld cigar holders, with diamond or naments. The emperor tcts his own expenses when traveling on A" uerman railways. The Old Friend Ani the best frienJ, that never fails you, is Simmons Livtr Tzu lAtor. (the Ei Z aat wlt yoa hear at tha taentloa of this exceUeiit Liver neJicine, and people shoall cot te jereaadei that anjthin? eUe will &x ' It i3 the King cf jjTcr jrj. cina; Is letter than fill-, anl Ukca the place of QaTnino ami CalomeL It acta llrectly on the Liver, Kidneys aa-1 Ilowfls and gives new life to th; wLolo sys tem. This is 11a nicJicino yoa want Soil hv a-'l Dmr-U in . LiquiJ, or in Tow Jer to be taica dry or maJe into a tea. M-Kvatmr Picxtcrt Saaa lk a a lt M aaa J.U.U1U1 a ia,rwaMaia,iC;

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