- a ...... a nil lI ii it II x ii -.it r I I II. v-v v -x ii if - i - -Ow .a ... . .. i . t . z - 1 1 i 1 VOL. 72i ,N(). P20?23S!CSAi 0A3BS. I lAUL JONES, ! ... 5 :. . . tt 'y and Councelor at Law : . ' - . : ! t.. TAfiBOaO, N C, T J UlfiTTW i' S AxroBNEt Air Law, Practices iu thd Courts cf Tjombe,.Martiu avdPitt Office rear of Doo lie vV l G. EDWARDS. - SIGN fiOUSS iPAINTBS,- Papr hanging" sKcia!ty-" ton. TARBORO.Nia A t iorneys-at-La w ; - . , -V. 7. 14 lv H. A. UlCLIAM. HILLIA31 & SON A.ttorn6ysTal--Law1 1AKJJOKO', a. - iViu practice la the Coo&Sea of IUnn,h. SiV!Fi.ad Jt Uc-rte of the o " V - i.rici, anq in t&e (Jircult aud Bunrerne Conrta at Ralio-h . ,o V. WYW I). If- PHYSICIAN i:SURGE0 Office ard. I next door to Hotel How 3Q Jyx O THE PUBLIO.! I am Prepared toj do alt work in r.ho - i i I i i Undertaker's; Business at the shortest ncticei 'Having con neeted with mv shoti the bosiness. ; All wor Left at my shop a hall l- T . ' i . . . y uavv x-romps attention. PRICKS Koi)EUATE, Also a firstHjlass HEARSE for hire m. u.uuS my inenrta tor their iormer patronage, I hope .o merif the same, should they n anything Undertaking i I -:! or 1'h I " Repairing Business My Place is on Pitt Street Three "c- j. ire corner of Main :i .1 . Simmons. J. L WALLS Ha- Pitt St , one door below Li'W.-ldell &.& Tartooi-bvlff O.: Fine Pull Dress andV Evening Made Suits. The terni: well drei Tailor- ' dressed ex u. iruin tne necu to the foot ot the subject. ! . ! j-- -.r f Cutting, repairing and cleaninir at short notice. , ne : THE NEW YORif WEEKLY I1KBALD -OX- 1894- W1L.L, BE WITHOUT QUESTION AMERICA'S . Paper- -' Th9 reDUiatinn that fru1.. ii'.. ,'.' uas enjoyeq ror mail years of teing the neat KYmA a.. . - P -v uCW5ppet itnne lacd will be 1831. No p ilas or expense will be spared .. . " ererjr nepariment the most rename, inierertiD? and instructive of all weekly newspaper publications. It will be improved in; many ways." numDer of new features anH ,ian. ments w ill be artdej. The latest develop ment mall fields of contemporaneous hu- - maa lntffrPKl mill ho .W . . ... avij u rocussta irom Week tO week bv'acmmn i'aKorf . rasnionabie Tailcr Leading1 Family - THE SEWS OF THE WORLD ' will b given iu a concise but complete fsijr impuiiani far ' interesting event, either at home or abroad,'! will be w " . ,Df? J0 the; columns of the ucaiy tieraia. -i", jit . . Ia pontics the Herald; Is absolutely in dependent and sound.! It tells the rTehts and wr mga of all sides without fear . olwia uu ei(K. raisers cannot afford . to be without the Weekly Herald during . j " wui.iu a regular department evrh week devoted exclusive ;. yto81t,j8 of timtlyj interest to them - and giving maav valuable suggestions and new ideis. ! ! . - - V omen and children of the land will flod ln the Weekly Herald a welcome J J?om and . children's f. ' muna mairuciiye nd emer taining. They will abound in hints ant receipts which w men so much value. A brUliant array .novels and short ' Tnfa tbCv.ben wr,e'8 in Amcica and England has been secured, so that fiction ' Ihve teature. vi 3eiiiy ueraicii auriug iijg4 1 Ia ft. the Weeklyj Herald will be a magartn? of the highest order, combined 7 '" wmpieie newspaper. NOW IS fUE TIME; TO .SUBSCRIBE. Only $l.QO a Year -aJj ' L ' "wd fob Sample Copt. ' Address:' THE WEEKLY ; HERALD, QEBALd iQTJABE. , NEVV YORK. and flnintn tr.uiM - "HI PBIB.UOOIT nfnar. ticuiftntupnt rnf d itWhitehiliifc - i "-;"xuienaiiist. SS5? f-MESK nr.. .. ' " an. a" i.Tif: ii'ViaiuLis faauuV II. iriaalA u La so . H 13. TETTER FOR 15 YEARS On Face And Scalp. Physlclana Pre Bcrlptions and RemedlM Fall. Lost All Hppe of Cure. Thought Himself j . DISFIGURED FORUIFE: CHticnra Removed Crusts at Once. 8PjJnT ihw,h th. strata-Edaa-i? - ?lsea8e Entirely Gone In One Month. "Zft Alw"J" Pr- Wow no Trace. ' Bkln Smooth. ? t ' - Htal-J fc.etasas wS'rfSt i-efle vinoSSfmS Zne.'SlS: tuna afHictad. ' t .t nrs.;." -V :-"n. Columbiana, Ai. ItlltK ON SCALP AND HINn tised conoriBA il , "WMr icaiD. Thpvipfr . j I "I - . iP since eiiiNoo. u nraj, w mane vu mmbdies cared her. . ;. s-f iuiAOT.Kuaiton.Teniwi remedtea 'without KUUcvlZZ ' enmely cured JSSl ; K. B.WALKKR,QakUnd,G. , JHE TORTURED, DISFIGURED .. AA ,nmm.., i Bold throe sriiont th t-.. c8Hi;-. .fSraS - sa-"HowtoCnreSkiiiDueiea."muif. 1 nUCUST. WWtert. Cleareat SMa aad Sotti LU I C Hand, produced by cvncLI. J oilUKI BREATH. S rJnflfm?oS . . -"lo Tinirll Wllllllin entir.r. r""- " ruiwr. ; r- 1 I AM DOING A ill BUSINESS as cheap as any. ' I do 10 I in. Iron and promptly. f1! l-opper. ; J.:T.naRD, I j ". Austin Building. ' I man trii Pot ever offered to the public. 13tf Nathan WiUiams, Only aiew doors below Ectel Parrar. JAGKSON i mm Jackson, Tenii., MA1TDTACTUBER8 "OF I School, Church and Office , 1 Furniture. School arid Churches Scaled : In Uie Best Manner. Offlccs Furnished Send for Catalogue. THE COOPER MABBLE fOBKS. 1 v . . 9 111, 113 and 115 Bonk 8treet, NORFOLK, VA. LAHasi STOCK Or FINlSHEp" SlonumsntsI and GraWswtzS Ready forl-nmedlate n.linr March 31, t . 1 AaA A? la tlUTTll 4i . . ' - r - . ai f. . uias j rtMOtpci a( COMMERCIAL COLLEGE of KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY and huar4 PhaanmnhT Vwna ViIk. ..aui faaaorapnT,iyw w n'io( anaekenrapaT uotsL Address, W. B. SMITH, LeximrUm, k,. CCO Agents profits per montbv Will art cle just. oat. A $1.50 sample and terms free. TVv n . riht im a. 00 Bond 8tN, Y. i;iishop. SI ii n - n ' ' I ' r i i r v ii OITII " ' - - ' i I ! CLOTHES-POLE HAN. One of the C&aracterlstloa of the City of New Orleans. 1 , ae,v do to jrrite letter. Orleans and to forget to uryuiff tnem. anrJ -rvcn- v : from thwr.sijfcuiaers 5n t,o . essof some r -Vreu men. we hare uau bu B&ma ona rah i r, . a caa re- BMce '1 can wci.,. uu. wnen he passes alono- a IOr Ore than ifi"," JttJ pretty. " doesn't Seem to hare bMnrTln X- endormirria i t . ft . . io iuu oi ' - i AHw 1 " iuu ui mm v, ouu wnen we first hear ft - LyUUJ wicic mao, ola and Dent With a?M 1 1 - i ... . , and WsrbMdta" of :clothesoles 7er his shoulder. He looks as If 1 , P? Wefea P81"' f himself, and ? as if he and' they and his son!? be- AVflv Aiif Im. At. ; fcUB wooa3 ome- i: rrr. . . '. v . " e Qon t often want to bur cioines-xx)les. sj tb4 ."1 i . . . ' -j s wear out I vpr. foot U.. . . J. "..onoe our cook broke one In poking under the cistern after , wB naa to have a nsw one, and mammave us children' the dime and let us hail the old man and buy a i pole from him, and it was . He came In and sat on the steps, and we Rave him some cold biscuits and : a saucer ; or molasses. and he CUt UP a lot Of RMn tt. ang and danced just a little, and then he told us that if we'd look .'hard enouch At th At - flothes-pole- we .had, bought we wouia see a little tiny ray squirrel .coming out of it, and whUe we were looking at the nfl i- . . - w wuv LAitJ H3 snatched a bier red rand stuck It in his shirt front and ran out of the gate, laughing as loud as be could, and In a minute we heard his soncr amvin j the street. " - ' T.. Maybe some neraflm n a what I mpnn hw- i . . . J ojwg bUO COOK chased a cat "urdr tha .... in a great many places the' cisterns are underground, ' but ' ours are on tOp. . I i. - i. : ,. r . , In New Orleans all m. water is rain, caught on the roofs of inA ... ... 4 V " . . 1 aeal like barrels, but rwithout buW u oroaaer at. the base than the ton. Th . t.u . geuier oy strong Iron hoops. urao isfcerns hold - thousands of sit onbnek foundationa.. rw. TTT . . r ww. y oave two cisterns,, and the little wim uuuer zruam bm. a old empty bottlfta anri ri. , w &w.wou Mjura in o-nA . . . -a"age cats. At -least the TOU. vo tamE they are for that and a?ood manv IrfttAn. v. horn In thpm tn tt- . - She Knows a Lot. The - Teallv Tvmiii.i.' ' .1 ImOWS a lot. Rh lrnl V to gossip about people who have done her favors and wfcn a . . - - "-to way ox doing her f&vnra ma im. ..t. to dress appropriately at alL- times and. never , to, be overdressed. She wows enough hot to wear diamonds, discuss- religion or politics, boast about her ancient Lineage or telllong winded tales. . She knows enough to r siioe ana she knows enomrh. to talk welL - . ! - She knows how, to dan" swim, row, saU a boat; play the-laiio and TKinjOy sing negro melodies ' and col lege songs. She knows enough not to 'give away" all the funny confi dences that the boys give her when in. the blues" or feeling particularly good, and she knows how to cook when they are stranded on an Island, becalmed and without oars or a stick with which -to pole home. She know! just how to catch a fish and then to cook it, and she knows enough not to growl; and whine and complain until they are safely home. Philadelphia Enquirer. ' Of Couras Not VCan'tyou wait upon mef said the impatient r.ustnmpr." tuTA nmo " n I pounds' of liver; I'm In a hurrv" "Sorry,' said the butcher, "but fhrr-0 .t u 1 j' . I -ruvxa ttlicou OX VOU. . Surely you would not have your Boston Tran- Liver out of order! script ' ,; Chearful ViwJ ' The, Pessimist ----Dot. you really think the world will ever be Chris tianized? TTlA Orvrtm;4 'W,,. V. T J T. '."IT. at the atethac heathen, are being' nowadays it won't. be long either. " T Jt - w . . " . . . . I AMuiauapons -journal. -: j ; She, Wanted to See lb "Do you like to look at the hogs?" said Farmer Richland-' to his Little niece irom the city. . aT?8' fa4eed,unw. replied thebrle1s; 1 1 t intelligent "child-- "htran't ?. Mrs. Gumooi I iimnnaa not out yet which pig It Is which gives ' - s i pig It Is which gives', 1 bacon." Pittsburgh . wj y t the boneless Chronicle. xtxuax TARBORQ, N. C. THTTRSnA v if Annp-inn TH MOST POPULAR LETTER il Stum to Be the Mascot, and Am I j pears in Promlnant Nmm ' A Terr nl&in and mv,.- i.4 oonrmon, ererdaT letter S?1?8- Tht this modest letter J is the mascot of the alpha oei U shown by the number of well nown people in vhose names U U. Startlnjf with our presidents. we - uauu, oies juaaison. James K Pollr, James James A. r' nd only president of tha' t . -w . v. wig ' states. Tcff m-. TVia nine presidents whnu with J. Thirteen sneaAra nousA nr rmMainii.tu.; .a . - .vf.mp, atariea uauros wiiu uu popular letter They are J. Trumbull, J. Dayton, J. Varnum, J. Taylor, J. Bell J. mite, J. Polk. J. Orr. J. iSrS, . .Jones, James O. Blaine (three Seifer. Now refer to the plutoorat-lc- element and see how many are found who rank as millionaires' J p. Rockefeller, J. J. Astor, J. GoW J. M. Sears, J. S. Morgan, J. P. Mofan. Ji B. Haggin, J. W. Gar rett, John Wanamaker, J. W. MackayJ. G. Flood, J. Arbuckla, J.i T. Martin, J. .M ConsUble, rep resentinn in all nur). Alia linafv mHltAn J.ii Ask anV intemr.n ..JJ lUAuiuu uuuttri. you fifteen or-twenty of the most o - w iiama prominent men of the last decade. ana amdng them will probably be James G. Blaine. John KhJn? t -vj ay VUU J T. n. "or ?Li.f--J. Cameron, J. Proctor Knott, J. Can non, Sockless" Jerry Simpson, J. K-iMcPherson, John Relsenweber and J. H&wUt VMr-i .n . publicans. J ....w au rani. The most sclentlfla men of tha 'i. 117 a J. Cor- bet VJ. I.' Sullivan, J.- McAuliffe. J. C. Henan and J m. J most Porjular artAi .t- - ia vur ajwi- papers must ConcAria that T... rt .. . .WIC V. uennett. Josonh n..iu... t.l Cockerillana tOni-" t. tt j . wv uunarM am among the foremost and most note worthy In the world- , Two a,.. can poets, ranked high la the ad miration and esteem of all, are James Russell Lowell and James X. Whit- ji A Heroic Middy. - v.. uuiivuTO, 01 gallant souls aboard the Ul-fated Victoria when she sank off the coast of Syria on tha 9fM t 1 . - ao. uuc, out none braver than voun o TTot-k xt. v . r jon, .who went down with the ship rather than lo v.t... admiral, Sir George Tryon. - " was oniy seventeen years of age; He iolnM tVia TS4tannt. - - . uui JU 1890, was soon afterward successive ly appointed to the Aurora and the Narcissus, and on the 2d of October, 1892, was transferred to the Vic toria, in the Mediterranean squad ron.. . Only a few weeks before the ter rible disaster, Capt. . Bourke had -made him his ' aide-de-camp. After his vessel was rammed the admiral, seeing the midshipman still at his post oh the- bridge, said to him: 'Don't stop there,-youngster. Goto a boat," But the lad paid no heed to his or ders aad. lost his life; with the other noble men and j true who were over whelmed" In the waves.. N. Y.: Journal. "tTl.t!1 by a Moonshlrvr. Whet Jack Roper was called fa the wuiacvi otaee-: coirv ha rra anrl ..yr.uiK man iiucit custiUery is nothingf but. a misdemeanor, while ' operating a'dfstnw t. i - felony. - r : -7 Rorr imwvi. . j v.. : Plea to working in thlhtSery: which was accepted. , the 'judge -wh'en th w v ava-aral M LM for sentence-. , "Oh, "bout a week, I reckon." ! "Whose distillery was It?" ' "My own." -The iubVe look-Ad j . " r- inw he could do was to give him a two illicit distillerv.Atlajita Jn.iJ I A Numerical Curiosity. There may be more ways of reach- bur a similar end. hut T or two plans of .arranging the nine numerals so that the sum total will equal 100, using each 'figure but y- . u" taoie given u the fiscoveryi of a Rochester CN. ; Y.) ri j w mathematical prodigy, a New HamosbJra ho nml 1 - , . , . 7 : J J - m uiq vaua- eri pian: - i i 15 36 47 93 2 1 ! - I ! : -r 100 p'jThe boy's solution of the problem la; ! Nine times 8 plus 7 plus 6 plus .. A. rtliia ". nine 9 nl... O -.1 . i f p... iua & njug 4 equals 100. Stj Louis Republic. : Marriage Would Cur Him. 0 aaaMS ;Mr. Gumpps That boy will never be cood for Mr-! Gumpps No. He's go Pleaded Ktoln, m, r'lettieMs that card.- ; fairs U'due to neglect of thedlg itdtm 0rtbgm Sth thv With a mns.p4v.-.v andtarikd-lt over. ' 1 fact dsmonstrated "by the sUtement J?to:.S.J i? tofthe girls who enterto ttti,s ,r,7 . .?n . the back of ft! . ,- ,. 1 mestlo service from tba Ta r - w- Mr- G"mPJ7;No- He's got to I et P61" 1118 habit of banglDg around t I 1 af , V a . sawjaw"w - i 4 aaajsaw , iSEN GO AmiAn-n Orc-okrJtt.' I A BAD BREAK. I A. Huslmnd "Write Home and Thersby Banffs This Tala. B Ha4: th AAsVvm M KM Mi a ' , A pretty woman and a fine-look ing man were seated together U th Central sUtion the other afternoon.: ' ZrH tad nas ITTIUI fW tfMv ! saM a a HuffaL ,r Z! f1 tt v-ri ius tram and be rose to go. . "t Jua," abaiamid.- 'Wwia be sure to wriU to m thamlaote -yon get there, won't you?-. : JCertainly," aaid Jmv. :Bo 8ur,; bow," she1 said again,' as he was about to pass out IntS the train -ahed. "1 shall be bo ' until I hear that you t 7 vi-.6!. . . nen.l expect .W .. Pang of ful In dZZ Tr ' the hands of his frl,. . uau udi ana ntit him.Ti i ' At the end of th A,. nJ ' turned home. He weiite thetora I and left Ki. v i e. wu HiCH Iia WBt . - wue net aim at th Dta t him at the door. Hello," said Jim. , Doe said nothing. MtlT.1l M . J"? . 1. I oraraoa -vauu aa am ioqk omit rerooat. "this iaa't o. - vi ' reetlnffl eUngl tvneeUA-" ttui his wife said nothing, "What ematUrr Inquired Jim. kTU,.i. . 1 I T71. i . '. .. Miarni at nun. 1 thought anuinf H wnu to SM ases 1 vnu mt a TV. you got to Detroit!" " " " m " V AB III "Why," Jim replied. 1 ad writ. to you. Iaentyoa a nioe long mes- entvoa a UU - sage on Cet it?- postal card, uidnt yon . "Nice long message, was ftF 'Certainly: I wrote you just a little while after I got there. Didn't any oome7' . 4,Oh, yes,": and there was a dangerous glitter la the wife's eyes 1 got the postal card all right." Jim felt relieved. "Then what are you kicking about?- he asked. His wife took a card out of her pocket and held tt toward him, ad dress side out "Was this the cardr she asked. ' Jim looked at tha wnitn t . a little straggly for Mm, but he reo-4 r" aea, ne asserted, "that's the card. m?mmra "What did yov say?" Inquired hi. wife, still, clutching the postal card. Jim settled back la bis chair and thought bard. 1 said I. had- ar rived au right," he finally began. and that I had me t some of the boys and was having a good time and that I was coming home to-day aad that you should take good oars of your self and the babies." i,"5?ld his wife, Lsa 00I4, hard voice. 1 - wm. xouva ma1 vrwaiy fc xikt You've got the card andcan.-read It there, can't) ,ucl' . r" ' ' She lookedhardTLt ths tacfi of ths card. 1 don't see -'anything it for a mjraenL' 1 ; i v 'Quftyour' iakhw'ttritS 'tnm '" ' Jimv who was- baMnaW to nf'a-Mt. v . 1 I iaA7Z luck.'rAaid Jbx- VhealaT.- tall- lngaftolititi' I'T went toDetrblt andUvedrmeap Twis oaiat'aa dHV 1 vv iwkui au thlojttnf tHe-bactt of if.f wIim. wa - . . vT: lettdiBwand-rgetihe worsofit att hnmfl .arvl ..n. 1 . a m KSsw..'U-..SIBMI ata-r-a-' tkOOdOO--' gama I dont want a-eeht . T ctnv- . . .. 1 Bt 1 i A 6aW Maris Ctfpworth.' ' jwhen-they sat down to dinner on vLLTZilZ L . J'aJgntof their arrival the nncls 1 Jfplsntlfta5 asked the groom- to aavirrace. tartS uchrna7helulai . w TO, A ht,?nd Anpa Ir.w.:- "IT-.7m " r waw A-a, aaa l - . wucu iiui vi ii i nrr w-'C-i .Mrr. T?: fOUfiff. W.Zr." Ti-a-T. zTTT - ' ' gandLsrdaaestlo . vlrluev and da . her.tales i.toha loaBAl a fallhfid 1 o - . muma-mm . lUMia,' aou .ui her stales' Is to Jb found a falthfuidVi scriptkm- tmiddle-claas " Spanish ' homes and manners as they are to- 1 9 CA a. uay. one had a Urge public, not one had a larrm ruhii ant only In th. 6panl.hH.peakm7 sZto' ASZL wuuv ouwusn autnors readers than In old Spain hook, published six moni wnorv ppanisa authors find mors a- a a . . wSpanlsh author, find mors readers than In old Spain. Her last Sw a a a at. months ago, was " ME PAHQ OFCORrA. A American Lawr Highly Hnorw " 'fan lung. -.Jl r oo gaseuea postmaster gfoeral - "-"cr uiano Which haa va post oOce and wear carred jade be ktb is an oneatai dmmot "feace and pagan dlsUnctioa hich few Americaas hare ever had "uwmpwuiem, says theSaarra: piscoChronlcle. The friends of ClarsI enos R. Greathouso, formerly aa aU trrtV-w In 14 111 . . , .. "vi wui oepieasea to learathathenasOMhctX) i . J fi thetnselTe. VrtSlf If Ptau. I a a . vw wiwi a mi sgVI n as la the past, his vaultlc ambi tlrtn tmb mm. A . i . .... position which win- MtTlU Mn. wear a rtng' of carred lade ia his- e wr. ureathouse Is tne lumps of Jade that he has risen to the xalL .t.ft . . . v. ;.?r u the job which en- . j es r. oreathouse to wear the 'XI 1 .v -V"1 . "ne affairs of a post offloa . Mr4i ' ' tv i ' 77 . 7 ..T r , , T " waruocni in she kinoiiom rt rv. 1 . . . of He Pang, whaterer that Is. was an joiaoe within ' the" vi- - . . 1 t' ex-American eori- ;am ; general got It When the post omos will be. established k a matter of Little or no con. cem. Gorea even lacks a boar la Which to boUd a post ofioa, but . . . . " wc" carvea fade be- av I nl Kla J a. -a I iT..l. J. ..Tl V. o"".ya..rV lw ----wiinnismrtJO, the Thetada rMTnM Ko uma anything else, and has dragons and snakes and things carved on It In addition to the catwed jade the Be Pang of Beotd wars a hat which looks like a joint of stovepipe. The height of the hit denotes the rank of the wearer. The one worn by Mr. Greathouse Is near VHa.. .1 ... . ly three feet tall, and it Is said that no one m a kingdom dare ask him Wri t.. f . . . . . ... u Kvt it. rv nen parading In rvooj, van nat ana carved jade the little pagans fall on the sidewalk to let the Be Pang ' A Tooth lass Nation. unless some cataclysm occur to arrest the progress of clvUlxaUon uowuuuu wui oe as toothiess aa 4r5umtifAlMii. f described by thS historian Pliny as reduced to masticate his food with a structure 01 solid bone' In lieu of teeth. This, at any rate, .Is the In ference deducted by the New York Tribune from the statistics recently published by order of the . British parliament demonstrating the alarm- lnrl. t. . uK'j auia aumocr ox cases of any waj sound dentition amomr tha -a wmi wduhod imonr trv ; ngUb people, Of 4,000 childrea awntung the iondon public schools there were only 707 who had sound teeth; while during a period of three by the medical department of the armV for nurelv danta! vwus.. . . ! Of course part of this ststa cJ af, CU UV mestio service from the London mib- w auiuuta iaa jer nvs-sixths bad never heard ' of such a thing as a tooth-brush an assertion: that has led the educational authorities to In stitute In many of the metropolitan schools what b now known as "tooh-brush drilL" Decay of teeth OursuoeriorclvlllzatUn I rs I "" n I The: Blasalnr Waa rwrn ." I Of hai-a . - . a 'r- " ew 1 !arPf It were spent with an uncle! of I hers, very deaf and v customed to ofaclatina in this wit qt to be excused. Whereuoon situ huiin. .z.. t: ! ttBw.mi ups SU tllbpr- B sbvvi tai SI A in t wa w hk k . - aaa u . onorous "Amenr in re- .e - . " krdly necessary, to Ma nat the bleaaing for that meal west unsaid . . 1 1 - weat l "I Appraciathra. think I did a trood lob when-1 not (vua i ..n m-j .ZT p ' wiose strawoemes. said hWhpr! Urtes a third time. " - - .. " .. " ....... . i mJr, . a Z VTTe7 CkTplr RtUlk Oiroeikao-TeleTmph. - '..' Hlgnert oT afl la Iyening Pow-LAtt tj. s Gov't Report. :v';:.-. "AiiXr'tfteLY FsyRB i nArm utr 1 1 mi I ' a A&tt m. Bva -m aaasilS ri aa T . i ... . L paUaaaja T will llj i xKBa Asoax Anstralia. B a Tatt l-nilim 1 nit M . I. A 1 .. ... m. . 1 m l 1 r. t r.. .... . . whaIafFMunicw) im . . 14 1. . . . . itu oui - - UIUHCJ wie oest couectloa of wnaies ta-the world, and, when the Svrrnment has time to attend to Sducatiosal detaila iKa Kvl. - earth will "stand amazed at our wealth, says the Sydney ' The whale far net a fish at all It Is Cm :warnvhlobded, - air-breathing, simple, affectionate animal.' It has descehded from a family which, "Ohee upon a tfme," had four legs and lived upon the land. The law of !t5T 0 TRn U hot sed It brVvoies -sttrophied, tt tJfts aad finally. disappears." If a man uses his . tongue too' much and neUU4 brain . Utter wEl be- k s can see that few working; to-dsy fn New" South , Wales. The whal 6xm4 th life .was too Wd Awepo the mta bers took-lheaea:-1. A-tail was of -mora ttM'Xh than hind !lffs, so the hkxr leg gradelly went out of fashion aad the tail developed enormously.. . Then the forepaws ware - graduaily modified into a monster fin' ...:.. The first tlaaa I-fcvl vi culiarabota whale was offtbe iaoi xeru, a good many years go. We had harrfconed a large sperm whaW that haa a calf with her. and the whole desire- of the mother whale appeared to t to save her babe. WhLf4lra ah. fifteen feet teng: When the tnother aw k xne surtac.- gasptng for air. anc tried to rt tha fiak .,v ' . , . " -"J OCT jrrvx na and -carry her away from lha a a aaa- . . . . BttUlCT,i out the rope at taohed to thtnwi. i.i. Bhe had to rtva t i. pOwtt- of her pursuers, and her fran Uo effbrta on behalf of her babe only hastened her own doom. After she ca covered the sea with blood and foam and lav i- little one came alongside of the dead toother and rubbed its nose against 7,.cu,uu oiacs: irin and whistled .(a,,it . .. . . . j mm 00a mat vni.i . . swer nevermore. WKn . . . - w piantea our fiagon the dead moth - - - - - ttvjui our rpood tt became necessary to kin the little one. a- prtrtest arose from all therrw-. --v v. v. . uuut &na nit iam. r-. togs, with hearts as tender as other SS6'.4 vW wer touched at the v. liwiau; wnaies grief, but we had to submit tn i v . . . AAatr- poooea,. xor iu own sake. It had ostixa "school- of whales now to which iU mother belonged, and It would be starved to rWih . k. iracxima aaa. m i 1 j h . . uuia iau an easy victim to the sword fish, thrash ers, sharks or other trlrat ri toe sea. The'whalM ar attn i ahd live on the animal Ufa of the sea, 00 squid and fish and small Crustacea, and the present dental arrangements iNmwKmAMii.iia ws tor that food than the earlier landborn teeth could possibly have beta. A cow has no tseth In front oa the upper jaw, but a foetal calf often has, and the whale has altered the arrangement just as the cow has done. 1 , UacJe Sam's Oats. - ' Some three hundred and odd cats are maintained by the United Slates government, the cost J their sup port being carried a a regular Item on the account of the post office de- f tributed r mmoas about fiftv nrt cQces and their duty Is to keep rata au Auicv inxa-esuuff and riMrm. mg postal matter aztd farmi m.it TW.wor1r botb utmost portaoco wherever Unre omanti. t...... - . : - -r viac. -a iwo m utre thousand 1 bags of malr matta,.'. J-T,- bars of mall- matter 'ara. stored : away t in - la baaetneat Forw-ly-.grat. damage' was dooe byth ttlslJtraiaift.arblcb chewed wholes Is the. sacks t aad thoughr iwrtkinr of boring clear through ba-ci letters ,a nXgb Troublerof Ul sort nololnW orur 7r-,;.'r7r"CTr J.M 1nII.M M W A 1 .... . . I jcar i err ui seep Or bis leune starr, sending his esUmate for "tat meat"' to Wsahiagtoa at the beginning1'! each quarter. Owe Tewa'e Prow Coast . .. . . . eouege town of GranTine, O., " TirJTJSZ.'Sl woncis lair out of a total nonulatinri . .41 Aa vwa of S' This Is said to be a larger Portion tha. was sent bany other town or dty la the country. " - PRICE FIVE CENTS THE COY G.OCK01X- Ela Baaolaaon to'rieoonjo a Cr-ai Oonjpoaar aad Opara Writer. ' - 1 -m . attwavaaaaaaaw TVS tMW04hi.cM ttmt Rlu. r4 Wvk aaa Way saa Ita DmiimI, BaS taitiaS Pwaaaaa Oat U : . TatS' Vtmims. ' Gounod's death reminds me that they used to tell In Parts a very' Pretty storv cJ K k i , ' ar mm, WVaMU k composer, and, as It went the rounds where It could not hare failed to some to his mm &n.4 tv. . ire uti (voir- oicted it, the Inference Is natural that --GoCBOd'a mnlKr-r- ttkn lm mtj have bcea a very pretty wornan, bsd Intended tS make a nm.-.r. k;-, her ambition was to see him rich. All she could do, however, to wean him from his Impractical passion for m!rw1w inI .v n . , . j vu AiAuks aaa i-ar-monlous colorTwas'ln vain. One day she Lit' epon an Idea. "So VOU are ifanlv.vt - .-ai aw a Wa U your 11 ring lrite a reasonable being, are you?" she exclaimed. "You want to be become a composer and write operas Like Mozart and Rossini and the rest?" . 'Aa. jes, mamma," cried little Charles, "that is exactly what I want" - "Tcrj well,' then, you shall have your wish. Come with me." She led the way to the studio of Rekha, the great harmonist of this day. "Monsieur," said she, "here Is my son, who wants to learn music so that ho can compose operas. A word with you in private, if you please." Relcha, with a bow, threw open a door leading to an Inner chamber, which they entered, leaving the happy, blushing child outside. "I wish to warn you," said Mme. uounod, as soon as they were alone, "that r shall expect you to push my son's education very hard." "So as to bring out his latent talent?" suggested Rcicha. . "Na So as to disgust him with hi foolish fancy for music ani turn his- mind to the commonsense notion of becoming a notary." ; "l-understand." . . Thus the bargain was sealed which may be said to have settled Gounod's fate. Had he been dealt with gchtly it Is possible that bojish laziness might have gotten the upper hand. As it was bis spurring only forced him tO work harrl fkmi-K 1 V , ' . ' --..vmw ktW lAC mentary and tircsomo stages "of his musical education. The more fierce ly the master pushed things the more eafcrlv the rtoriii rnt Mm. -if to his task. Finally Rcicha sent for Mme. Gounod. She came, her face radiant with smiles. "You hava ram V tr-V . V,. .. . - v.. ...... uv : A - claimed. "Be ha vannuUKl wna - r-.l 1 liCicha. outa-in4.! a v J j -aa aas, a B inwardly exulting. "I am at the wa 01 my ingenuity. There is really nothing more I can tear h Kim rt he refuses to be wearr." Kata Field's Washington. . A Good TTm. Gran d da .Ykl Q-i- where have you bees to-day? oaaoj (just back from the na- turn!' histcrv m'jvi;n nr. we've had a fine t We a dead circus. Hartford A Ha-'t CmlltL Womaa Cros-Examlncr-l n a ha. year were you born? . , , TTT. ' Tt.. nwaan iue& ihc same ycw as yourseir. Woman CrW Examiner Wltaesj . an . a i The Old Friend Arid the rrt fnnJ 4V . .. , HUt UCT-X . taxi you, is Simmons liver Regu lator, (the Rod Z that s wat you tear at the mention cf this eicelleEt Liver meJidne, and people should not be persuaded that anything else) will do. It is tha King of liver Medi cines; is better than pills, and takes th place of Quinine and Calomel It act directly on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels aad 5" uc W X1M VO ISO liCiO tern. This is the medicine sys- you W....4 D.111..11 TV. f in Liquid or in fowder toXe taken dry or made into a tea. - l beeu to J.u. sxiixa a to, rSZL